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Update on April 30, 2014: If I die, 70% of the proceeds of all my writings must go to Christian missionaries and to Church of Gail, see MY OFFERING TO GOD. After this 70% distribution is made, then the remaining 30% will be treated as my writings according to this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT.

1.0(a) I attest that this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT was composed of my own free will without coercion or extortion from another party and that I am not under the influence of any substances which would hinder my ability to write and/or make decisions regarding my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT.

1.0(a1) For the purposes of this legal document, LEGAL MARRIAGE is defined as the marriage between Gail Schuler and another male party under the laws of a country, and which is a marriage that Gail and that other male party have both willingly and knowingly consented to and will be considered a marriage in this document, even if the two parties have never met physically. As of this 18th day of February, 2006, I believe I am legally married to Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin and Matt McConaughey. If any of these parties withdraws their legal marriage to me, they may do so by filling out legal paperwork (under the jurisdiction of the country that gave them their marriage to me) that annuls the marriage, and when they do so, they will no longer be considered my husband in a LEGAL MARRIAGE.

1.0(a2) For the purposes of this legal document, BIBLICAL MARRIAGE is defined as the LEGAL MARRIAGE between Gail Schuler and another male party under the laws of a country, and which is a marriage where Gail has met the man and where she and the man have (or have had) regular two-way communications (through established and well known communications–such as telephone, face to face, E-mail, mail, etc.), and where she and the man have (or have had) willing and knowing INTIMACY with each other. INTIMACY is defined as willing and knowing sexual relations (body to body contact) or physical contact between Gail and the man (should sexual contact between Gail and the man be impossible or undesirable for whatever reason). RAPE is not considered INTIMACY.

1.0(b) Though I give “authorship rights” to the persons listed below, these “authorship rights” will be revoked or made null and void, if any of these persons becomes an UNWILLING or WILLING AGENT for the Jesuits (see my CONSPIRACY LAWS). For the purposes of this legal document, incapacitation is defined as the inability to make autonomous decisions regarding legal matters which pertain to Silver Skies, which means that if one becomes an UNWILLING AGENT, one is incapacitated, and, therefore, unable to make autonomous decisions (of his/her own free will)An UNWILLING AGENT is, according to this legal document, an incapacitated person.

1.0(c) “Authorship rights” is defined as the right to edit or polish my writings in the event of my death or incapacitation, including the right to hire an author to do the final polishing touches or rewrites to My writings (as long as these rewrites are only to correct grammatical or spelling errors and do not change the plot, tone, voice or style of the writings).

1.0(d) On Oct. 13, 2001 I bequeathed “authorship rights” to Vladimir Putin, Russian President. Vladimir still retains “authorship rights” on this 30th day of April 2014. However, he will share these “authorship rights” with Brent Spiner (Data of Star Trek), so that he and Brent will receive their 25% of the 30% equally divided between them. If one of these two is deceased at the time of the execution of this will, then the one who remains will receive 12.5% not 25% of the novel’s proceeds. This is to discourage Jesuits from murdering one of these men, in order to create the impression that the motive for the murder was to receive more of the novel’s proceeds.

1.0(e) If one of these two is deceased at the time of the execution of this will, then the one who remains will receive 12.5%, not 25% of the novel’s proceeds. This is to discourage Jesuits from murdering one of these two, in order to create the impression that the motive for the murder was to receive more of the novel’s proceeds.

1.0(f) Since, on this 28th day of September, 2005, Silver Skies is now finished, I have decreased the amount I will give for “authorship rights” and will only give the “authorship rights” recipient the amount an author pays a literary agent to represent his/her novel. And when my writings is/are published (whether in part or in whole), the one with “authorship rights” has the right to choose my writings’ publisher(s) and/or how it will be published–for instance, which publishing rights will be accepted or not accepted. This includes the right to determine how my writings will be promoted, and the right to a certain percentage of my writings’ proceeds (see the rest of this legal document).

1.0(g) In the event I begin to receive the proceeds to my writings, these will be placed in a separate bank account and so, therefore, it should be clear how much of the proceeds to my writings are in my possession, and the proceeds I have in my possession can be totalled with my writings’ proceeds in the possession of others (for the purposes of this legal document).

1.0(h) In the event Brent Spiner and/or Vladimir Putin is deceased, unqualified or incapacitated at the time of this will’s execution, I then bequeath “authorship rights” (12.5%) to actor Matthew McConaughey, who is on Gail’s marriage list. If Matthew is deceased, unqualified, or incapacitated, I bequeath “authorship rights” (12.5%) to Scottish actor and psychiatrist, Gerard Butler. If Gerard is deceased, unqualified, or incapacitated at the time of this will’s execution, “authorship rights” (12.5%) are bequeathed to Australian actor Hugh Jackman. If Hugh is deceased, unqualified, or incapacitated at the time of this will’s execution, “authorship rights” (12.5%) are bequeathed to judge Terrance Jenkins, Harvard Law School graduate. In the event of the death, unqualification, or incapacitation of all these mentioned, “authorship rights” (25%) will go to Church of Gail.The wishes of Church of Gail in this matter will be decided by the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.

How my writings’ proceeds will be distributed in the event of my death:

1.0(i) My writings‘ proceeds are all the proceeds from all my writings, including proceeds from Silver Skies and/or any other forms this story may take, such as films, mini-series, websites, YouTube channels, web writings, CDs, etc.

1.0(j) I designate the following beneficiaries to my writings’ proceeds: If Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin have “authorship rights” they will receive 25% of the proceeds evenly split between themselves. If Matthew McConaughey has “authorship rights”, he will receive 12.5% of the proceeds, with the rest of the designated “authorship rights” beneficiaries (Gerard, Hugh, judge Terrance) getting the remainder (the other 12.5%) in equal portions. If Gerard is the 12.5% “authorship rights” recipient, then the remaining recipients (Hugh & judge Terrance) get the other 12.5% in equal portions. If Hugh is the “authorship rights” recipient, then judge Terrance gets the other 12.5%. But if it is only Church of Gail that is the “authorship rights” recipient, Church of Gail will get 25%.

1.0(k) After the “authorship rights” recipients receives their 25% of the 30% percentage, the other regular beneficiaries for 5% of the 30%, are my mother and then my son, with the 5% shared equally between them.

1.0(l) If my mother is deceased at the time of this will’s execution, then my son will receive my mother’s portion.

1.0(m) This gives us 4 beneficiaries for the 30%: Brent and Vladimir, both, with “authorship rights” (25%) and 2 regular beneficiaries (for the remaining 5%), my mother and my son.

1.0(n) In the event there are less than 2 regular beneficiaries at the time of this will’s execution, the sole regular beneficiary will receive the whole 5% of the 30% .

1.0(p) Please use my pen name Gabrielle Chana on the front cover of my writings and give me credit as the author. Contributors can be mentioned on the inside cover or elsewhere.

1.0(q) I would like the following preface to be placed on the inside flap of Silver Skies if it’s published:

1.0(r) Though, in many ways the psychological drama of Silver Skies is an autobiography of my life, the characters and events depicted are fictitious. It was never my primary intent in the writing of this novel to attack the Roman Catholic Church, rather it was my primary intent to write a great love story.

1.0(s) I revise an earlier revision to this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT as follows:

1.0(t) Should a two-way communication be established between Brent Spiner and myself, Brent will retain his “authorship rights” to my writings. A two-way communication with any party will not make any difference as far as “authorship rights” or any other rights to my writings are concerned.

1.0(u) Whoever receives “authorship rights” to my writings also has the right to grant permission to film producers or executives for the right to produce my writings as a feature film, mini-series, movie, etc. I want my pen name Gabrielle Chana listed in the film’s credits as my writings’ author. The Silver Skies film must be true to Silver Skies’ theme and spirit: that if a love is great enough, it conquers all — greatness wins ove treachery: a heroic love story — a story about the greatness of two lovers who are heroic in overcoming catastrophic obstacles to consummate their love.

1.0(v) Whoever has “authorship rights” must hire attorneys to vet the final version of my writings before they are published or produced, in order to prevent frivolous lawsuits against my writings (or their film version) for the purpose of destroying my reputation. I have at least 10 typewritten and footnoted pages of sources in my voluminous notes for Silver Skies. These can be viewed at I also mentioned these sources to Brent Spiner as I spoke to him on my wiretapped phone. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize (at the time) that others besides Brent were also listening. I have used few or no exact quotes (from others) in Silver Skies because it is a work of fiction. Because some of the criminal plots in my work are based on real life incidents, though nothing in my book is true–it is all fiction–but because some of the plot was inspired from real life incidents, I felt it was necessary to footnote my sources.

1.0(w) Should Brent Spiner or Vladimir Putin become my writings’ “authorship rights” recipient and they desire to share their proceeds with Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin, my mother, my son, or anyone else–they are free to share their proceeds from my writings with other people in any way they please or to do whatever they want with the proceeds and can create a legal document outlining how they will handle my writings’ proceeds before my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT (regarding my writings) is/are executed. Brent Spiner, and/or Vladimir Putin have my permission to draft this legal document about how they (as beneficiaries) will share any proceeds from my writings any time now or afterwards and/or to revise this legal document at any time and I will endorse it and consider it legally valid, as if I had signed the document myself in their presence.

1.0(x) The contents of this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT can be disclosed publicly in any medium upon my death or incapacitation or before my death or incapacitation, providing it is read, displayed or made available to the public in its entirety and providing that the person who has “authorship rights” gives written permission (in the presence of 3 witnesses who will co-sign this written permission) to disclose publicly the contents of this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT.

1.0(y) All my property, holdings and possessions (besides my writings) will be given to my BIBLICAL HUSBAND (if I have one), in the event of my death. If my BIBLICAL HUSBAND is dead at the time of the execution of this will, then all my property, holdings and possessions (besides my writings) will be given to my SON, in the event of my death. If my son is dead at the time of the execution of this will, then all my property, holdings and possessions (besides my writings) will be given to my mother (if I have one). If I have no mother, then all my property, holdings and possessions (besides my writings) will be given to my LEGAL HUSBAND(s), if I have one or any, in the event of my death. If I have more than one legal husband, since I may be legally married to a different man in different countries (this, in spite of the fact that I check single on my income tax return), then my other holdings (besides my writings) will be divided evenly between the legal husband(s). If one of my legal husband(s) or the BIBLICAL HUSBAND is deceased at the time of this will’s execution, then the proceeds that would have gone to that deceased husband will go to Church of Gail. If my legal husband(s) or BIBLICAL HUSBAND is/are all dead at the time of the execution of this will, then all my property, holdings and possessions (besides my writings) will be given to Church of Gail, in the event of my death.

1.0(z) This LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT overrides and replaces any previous LAST WILLS AND TESTAMENTS that I have written or composed. Any previous LAST WILLS AND TESTAMENTS that I have written are void and of no effect, if they contradict what I have written in this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT.

1.0(z-1) Vladimir Putin, under my direction (4-7-04 statement), established an annuity (or annuities) for my son, using proceeds from Silver Skies. This annuity (or annuities) is to remain and is not to be tampered with. I want my son to continue to have this annuity (or annuities) and to receive its proceeds on a monthly basis. My son can do with this annuity (or annuities) as he pleases (except that as long as he’s alive he can’t tamper with it and must receive its proceeds on a monthly basis–i.e., he can’t cash it in or turn it into anything else).

1.0(z-1)-a The following section (after the asterisks and before the asterisks) is a copy of my April 7, 2004 statement in which I outlined to Vladimir how to set up an annuity (or annuities) for my son and myself. Vladimir has not set up an annuity for me, but I believe he has for my son, so this LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT outlines what I want done with this annuity (or annuities) that Vladimir set up for my son.


4-7-04 Bemerkungen über 1-18-02 Tatbestand

Vladimir has been trying desperately to give me the proceeds from my novel (and to give me other monies which he has been holding for me).

I suggest he put my money into an annuity or annuities.

I give Vladimir Putin power of attorney to sign any legal contracts he needs to sign in order to place the proceeds from my novel or to place any other of my financial holdings (which he has in his possession) into annuities (or an annuity).

He needs an idea of what kind of annuity I want.

I want him to establish for me or my son an immediate annuity (or annuities)–which are the kind that are funded with a single payment.

The first benefit payment would be one month from the date of purchase of the annuity or annuities. I want him to set up the annuity or annuities with the Installment Refund Option. With the Installment Refund Option, I would have a guaranteed income for life, and if I died before the principal is depleted, I would want my son to receive the remaining funds in the form of continued annuity payments.

I want the annuity or annuities to be a fixed or equity indexed annuity. I want it set up so that I don’t risk losing the principal invested into the annuity.

I was licensed in annuities, so I am familiar with some of the terminology associated with annuities. I believe I have given Vladimir enough information, so that he can establish an annuity (or annuities) for me.

Vladimir can establish an immediate annuity for my son, if he wants. If he does, set it up like he does the annuity with payouts for me, except that if my son dies before the principal is depleted, then I will receive the remainder of the principal in the form of continued annuity payments.

I give Vladimir Putin, Russian President, on this 7th day of April 2004, power of attorney to consult with financial specialists to determine which annuity (or annuities) he wants to establish for me or my son, and (after consulting with the financial specialists)– he has power of attorney, to choose and establish the annuity (or annuities) he wants to establish for me and my son and he can sign any legal documents (as myself or as my son) in order to establish (or set-up) these annuities. My only stipulation when he establishes annuities for me (or my son) is that when he establishes these annuities, he does it according to the guidelines I specify in this statement. This power of attorney (for Vladimir Putin to establish annuities for me or my son) will not expire until I rescind this power of attorney (for Vladimir to establish annuities for myself and my son) in a legal document.

These financial specialists he consults with, should be able to understand what I want in an annuity, when they read this statement.

It is not good for Vladimir to accumulate my money and to not do something with it to legally insure that I will receive my money–the more of my money which piles up in his possession (and which has not been turned over to me), makes him look worse and worse with every passing day. This makes him appear to be only interested in me for my money (which I know is not the case).

That is why I recommend he put my money into an annuity (or annuities) and have these annuities set up so that only I (or my son–if I die before the principal is depleted) can receive the payouts from these annuities.

An annuity is a legal financial instrument and it is established with legal documents and once he puts my money into an annuity (and signs a legal contract that the payouts from that annuity belong to me), he can’t touch that annuity (unless I give him legal permission to do so)–and this will cover him legally –which he needs–because of all my money (which is accumulating greatly) and which he has in his possession. Because if he turns my money into annuities (which are designed to pay out to ME or to my son)– and then if the Jesuits try to kill me and blame it on him, they can’t believably claim that he killed me to get my money (since he won’t have the legal power to access any of this money once he locks my money up in an immediate annuity with payouts legally designated to me or to my son).

When my annuity payout begins, Vladimir can sign (in my name) the paperwork needed to direct deposit the annuity payments into my bank account. I sent him the paperwork he needs to direct deposit the annuity payments into my bank account. Or he can arrange to have the annuity payments mailed or sent to my address (whatever he chooses). Annuities are paid out on a monthly basis.

XXX1/2–G.S. (4-7-04)

AAAAAAA–G.S. (4-7-04)

BBBBBBB–G.S. (4-7-04)

CCCCCCC–G.S. (4-7-04)

Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler

Date: 4-7-04, updated 4-30-14

Place: Melbourne, FL


1.0(z-1)-b But if my son dies, he can treat this annuity (or annuities) as his property and can write a legal document describing what he will do with it after his death as long as this legal document written by my son was not created, modified, etc. when my son was in an UNWILLING AGENT STATE and as long as my son wrote this document about his annuity (or annuities) of his own free will without the influence of any person who was an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit supporter, and without the influence of this UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit supporter in my son’s decisions about this annuity or annuities).

1.0(z-1)-c If my son dies and the annuity (or annuities) has not been decided upon (as decided by my son in a valid legal document), then the proceeds of this annuity (or annuities) will be returned to Gail Schuler, and Gail will decide what to do with the annuity (or annuities).

1.0(z-1)-d Should both my son and I be deceased at the time that decisions need to be made about my son’s annuity (or annuities), then the annuity or annuities (according to the percentages I laid out in my legal document MY OFFERING TO GOD or LAW.MYOFFERINGTOGOD) will go to the support of missionaries to Russia and the former Soviet Union, and to Church of Gail (as I’ve outlined in my legal document MY OFFERING TO GOD).

Electronically Signed: Gail Chord Schuler

Dated: March 15, 2005, updated September 28, 2005, updated February 18, 2006, updated March 17, 2006, updated February 16, 2007, updated April 30, 2014.

Place: Melbourne, FL


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