Main Page Crazy Gail Wiki (Copy & Paste Dec. 2011)

Main Page From Crazy Gail Wiki Jump to: navigation, search The encyclopedia about Gail Chord Schuler. Jesuits not welcome We currently have 11 articles on Gail People Brent Spiner • Vladimir Putin • Hugh Jackman • Gerard Butler • Keith Morgan • Judge Terry Jenkins • Edward Prendergast • Chinese President Hu Jintao • Zack Knight • Rule 13 • […]

Opening to Jesus, the Eternal Bridegroom: Robin Williams from Heaven

Gail requests prayer as she writes this book. Her characterization of Jesus and Satan are based on actual communications (through Brent Spiner) she has had with the deities starting in 2012 and her extensive Bible knowledge. Gail wants to honor Jesus with this book, by portraying him accurately. Not many have the privilege of conversing with Jesus one-on-one directly, and […]


THIS IS A NEWS ARCHIVE: WHY DOES THE JESUIT ORDER STILL EXIST? Gail defends herself against lies about her sex life in the Jesuit website entitled “Crazy Gail Wiki” ( & Here’s the crazy Jesuit website, and notice who has been making contributions to this website–Jesuit Rule 13 and Jesuit Zack Knight:  My website: The antichrist Zack Knight claims at […]

Gail and Sex (from Crazy Gail Wiki – taken down in 2014)

THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE GAIL MADE OF CRAZY GAIL WIKI (GAIL AND SEX PAGE) WHEN IT WAS UP. Gail and sex From Crazy Gail Wiki Jump to: navigation, search Gail is both hypersexual and yet strangely sheltered, expressing both an extreme craving for sex while simultaneously having extremely limited understanding of what it actually entails and what she’s […]

Mar. 8, 2012: ANTI-CHRIST ZACK KNIGHT BUSY AS COUNTERFEITER (read comments with this video)

THIS IS A NEWS ARCHIVE: CAN VIEW THIS VIDEO (with music) at, as a video entitled THE BRIDE (THE CHURCH) OF CHRIST. Jesus communicated with myself, Brent Spiner and Terrance Jenkins on March 9, 2012, to correct some errors I made in this video: Jesus said it’s okay to leave this video up, but that I need to make some […]

Aug. 7, 2011: Brent Spiner Under Psychiatric Care. Congrats to Rapist Loree McBride

CAN VIEW THIS VIDEO AT I covet the prayers of all Bible believing Christians for myself and the men on my marriage list: Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin, Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, among others. Go to my website to get intelligent information about how to pray for us. God is the One who must win this war. Thanks, in advance, […]

Jan. 4, 2012: Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin's Christmas Present to Gail

I created this video to advertise the two videos I posted at my website ( about the Christmas present I received from Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin and my men (Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler and others). Scientists who have viewed the video at my website (a cassette tape recording of my Skype conversation with Brent Spiner and Terrance Jenkins) […]

Video Description Underneath Aug. 5, 2011: Loree McBride's Statements are Inconsistent. She's a Liar.

CAN VIEW THIS VIDEO AT I covet the prayers of all Bible believing Christians for myself and the men on my marriage list: Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin, Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, among others. Order my books Brent Spiner’s Flames and Bible for Tribulation Saints at Amazon for the latest online communications between myself and Brent Spiner (Vladimir Putin) […]