Amy Coney Barrett CLONE at Supreme Court. Gail Declares MARTIAL LAW in All Conspiracy Law Countries!

  The above videos aired on August 12, 2021. While it is true that Chinese Jesuits have been working for Loree McBride, it seems these Chinese Jesuits have been living on Loree’s cum star, and we are working with those in the Chinese government who side with us. China, like the United States, is in the midst of a civil […]

YouTube Suspends My Secretary of State Rand Paul

YouTube has suspended Senator Rand Paul after he posted a video criticizing YouTube censorship. Paul will not have access to his channel for a week after YouTube removed a second video in the space of a week, citing  “COVID misinformation.” In the video, which can be viewed below, Paul cites two scientific studies that prove cloth masks have no effect […]

President Gail Orders Military to Execute Anyone Who Forces ‘Death Shots’ On Troops

I am an unusual President in that I have led in battle many times. Check this out: The following article is taken from Marine Corps General David H. Berger on Monday (Aug. 9th) rebuked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s edict requiring all Armed Forces personnel to submit to Covid-19 vaccinations under threat of court martial or discharge, said a […]

All Elections Done Over (From 2017 Forward). Supreme Conspiracy Law Monarchs Set Up.

This is a Sect. 20 addition to International Military Law (which is part of my Conspiracy Law as U.S. President and world empress). 20.0 We have had a serious problem with election integrity since Loree McBride has come to power as a Jesuit leader in 2017. She has been working with Israel (which she has controlled since 2017) to corrupt […]