Joseph Mercola really presents the case for how the COVID conspiracy is a way for Loree McBride Jesuits to get rich at the expense of those who aren’t her cucks. Though Joseph doesn’t mention Loree, I’ve filled in the blanks. She’s behind all this and is working with the health care industry to pull off the biggest fraud and murder […]

Are These Findings the Death Blow for Vaccine Passports?

Another excellent article from Joseph Mercola’s website. Unfortunately, he removes posts at his website after 48 hours, so his more important ones I like to post at my website to make them permanent. All images open up to a new window when you click on them. Story at-a-glance While governments around the world are going full steam ahead with plans […]

Joseph Mercola CNN Interview That Never Happened (His COVID Vaccine Opinions)

Because I’m very upset over Loree McBride’s death shot (i.e, the COVID vaccine) and have made it death penalty to promote it, I like to sponsor any accurate news stories about it that promote public health and education. Unfortunately, Joseph Mercola takes down his posts after 48 hours and this is another good one that is very informative and necessary […]

Putin Appointed German Chancellor, Hitler President, & Reiner Fuellmich Health Minister

Empress and U.S. President Gail has updated her law to deal with severe Loree McBride corruption in the German government. VLADIMIR PUTIN ASSIGNED CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY, ADOLF HITLER ASSIGNED PRESIDENT, REINER FULLMICH ASSIGNED GERMAN HEALTH MINISTER 23.0 The German government has become totally corrupt and under the control of Loree McBride Jesuits. For this reason, Empress Gail has assigned Vladimir […]

Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

Another very informative post from Joseph Mercola’s website. Because he takes his posts down after 48 hours, I feel the public deserves to know this permanently. Story at-a-glance While public health officials and mainstream media claim the COVID-19 pandemic is now “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,”1 we now know this claim is based on highly misleading statistics. In a July […]

Two Key Senior FDA Officials Resign Over Vaccine Decisions

Another excellent article from Joseph Mercola’s website, that exposes Loree McBride’s criminal COVID vaccine mandates. He deletes articles after 48 hours, so I wanted to publish some of his more informative and important posts here at my website. Story at-a-glance In what one major news source is calling a “major blow to vaccine efforts,” two senior U.S. Food and Drug […]

Massive ‘Horse’ Lies About Nobel Prize Winning Treatment (Ivermectin)

Another excellent article from Joseph Mercola’s website, which, unfortunately only keeps posts up for 48 hours and then takes them down, so I’ve posted this here at my website. All images open up to a new window if you click on them. Story at-a-glance In recent days, another big, fat lie has been allowed to circulate unchecked and unverified in […]