Gail’s Spiritual Practice (Hindu, Buddhist, & Christian)

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Because Jesus is such good friends with the god Buddha and the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, Gail is certain Jesus is cool with Gail’s decision to incorporate aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism into her spiritual practice. In fact, Gail has heard brain to brain that all the good Hindu gods are now visiting us at Church of Gail.

Can hear my meditation music above for a free and true love Utopia HERE AS WELL.

I am realigning myself into a spiritual practice that works for me. It appears to be a blend between Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, but will incorporate anything that resonates as true for me. I include some videos here that resonate with me. I do not agree with Mohanji (who seems to be a Hindu guru) in everything, but a lot of what he says resonates with me. He seems to be of Hindu persuasion. The god Buddha is Jesus’s best god friend.

Jesus on eating meat (where I disagree with some Hindu and Buddhist practitioners). The god Buddha and the Hindu goddess Lakshmi seem to be in agreement with Jesus about meat consumption:

May 22, 2013:

Gail Schuler: Also, how am I doing with my diet? Would I be better off without milk and wheat?

Gail Schuler: What about almond milk for the bones?

December 31, 2020:

Gail: Oh, I see. I’m eating like a vegetarian cuz I think it’s healthier. It’s also cuz vegetarian is cheaper than a meat diet. I’m trying to utilize my food stamps well. But then if I cut back on the nuts and seeds, the meat would end up about the same cost.

Gail: Also, nuts and seeds take up less freezer space. Yeah, but that’s because I’m good at spending less money on food. I’ll try to increase meat in my diet.

I am from an evangelical Christian background and even trained to be a Christian Baptist missionary, but, as a result of my interactions with the gods Jesus, Buddha and Lakshmi, and other deities (good and bad), Satan and Antichrists (and ex-Antichrists), I have realigned to a different spiritual practice.

Jesus seriously leveled up in June 2022. “Christianity”, therefore, has undergone a major transformation. I never dreamed that one day I would be the Christian Antichrist. But here I am, Antichrist. Two ex-Antichrists (Loree McBride and Zack Knight) are among my dear friends at this time. Like Jesus, I am very forgiving. At least Satan lets me rule however I want and this is how I want to rule. As a “born again” Christian, I could never go against Jesus, who died on the cross for me AND for ALL beings in the multiverse (the god Buddha and the goddess Lakshmi have expressed appreciation to Jesus for his death on the cross for them as well). I agree with Buddha, that Satan will one day get right and be the beautiful Lucifer he once was.

Jesus as Pure Existence (since June 2022), is fully equal to God the Father and is “above” all the deities now. God and Jesus do seem to have some different preferences, especially in regard to free love, but they have more in common than they have differences and are both running the multiverse together equally since June 2022.

In fact, my husband Brent Spiner has an earned PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary and graduated with highest honors. His thesis was “Jesus is not a cock-blocker.” Hmmm. . . I can see why Jesus left Brent in his place, as leader of earth, along with the god Buddha.

Buddha has stated that there are different heavens and that one can choose to go to heaven at death or be reincarnated. I have Buddhist ancestors who went to Buddha heaven and Christian ancestors who went to Christian heaven. There is also a hell and Buddha stated that one (Yoritomo) who did wrong to my Buddhist ancestors went to hell and that Satan knows Yoritomo. The Oshu Fujiwara family, my Buddhist ancestors (all went to Buddha heaven). I am of the belief that one day hell may be eradicated, when Satan gets right. It is also possible for those in one heaven to travel to another heaven. How cool.

I don’t understand everything and probably never will, but have evolved beyond what I used to believe as a pure evangelical Christian, thanks to my communications with the gods.

For instance, did you know that the sun is really a sun goddess called Sol and that if she stopped her daily routine we wouldn’t have the sun?

Here are some Mohanji tidbits that resonate with me.

I substituted Pure Existence (Jesus) for Tradition in the pdf below, and it gives me such clarity. Mohanji calls Jesus or Pure Existence, Tradition:

I still love and revere Jesus, but you must remember that Jesus is over all the good spiritual practices right now as Pure Existence and is very good friends with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, who has counseled both me and my husband Brent.

I know, for a fact, that chakras are a very important part of our health. Christianity doesn’t even address chakras, so traditional Christian teaching is not the be-all and end-all of life. In fact, the Bible has been canceled as of 2022. Jesus and Buddha have verified the importance of chakras. In fact, Buddha saved Jesus’s life in 2022 by building up Jesus’s chakras. Meditation, done properly, can be very beneficial. Buddha has been trying to teach us how to do meditation right.

Traditional Christian teaching is too rigid for me right now and is based on the canceled Bible, so I have been exploring a new path. I believe Jesus would approve. Jesus has no need for worship as a deity, since he is “above” all deities as Pure Existence and only wants us all to be happy and well.

I include an excerpt from my Gail Series story Satan Beats Up Jesus, for those who are unaware of how Jesus leveled up in June 2022 (see below). You can view Gail Series movies at 00 on cable or at this website through the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel.

Above video HERE. This reading helped me understand and respect a lot of what the god Buddha has been trying to teach us.

A Hindu perspective on predestination. The god Buddha has informed us that we can choose to reincarnate at the time of death, so Christians need to understand that there is much wisdom to what this “Hindu” guru is saying. Also, Jesus is VERY good friends with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. In fact, Jesus even proposed marriage to her, when he thought he needed a wife. Imagine what “Christianity” would have been if Jesus, indeed, married Lakshmi. However, Lakshmi felt that she and Jesus were not compatible as spouses, but remains his staunch friend. Jesus was pure happiness when he left us in June 2022. He has found himself as Pure Existence.

When Jesus left us in June 2022, he had a new vision for the future, which I guess you could call predestination. That vision is being played out right now. He was in deep meditation with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi and the god Buddha at the time he leveled up to his final form as Pure Existence in June 2022, so it appears he deeply respects many aspects of Buddha and Lakshmi’s spiritual practice. Other gods who showed up to help Jesus, when his eternal life hung in the balance (March 26, 2022 to Easter Sunday 2022), were the gods Triton, Horus and Muhammad. In fact, all these gods, and other deities, regularly visit us at Church of Gail.

Jesus seriously leveled up in June 2022 and, unlike the millions of gods in the multiverse, and his previous status as a deity (before June 2022), is now fully equal to his dad, God the Father. He used to be just a high-ranking deity. He stated that in his current state he is fully without flaws and has perfect clarity over all his past actions and I trust his lead and want to be in alignment with Him. When he was a deity with us and communicated with me and Brent and my friends directly with human language (February 2012 to June 2022), he was super cool and in my opinion, only had some minor flaws (due to an identity crisis as a young and growing god), which he has overcome. He obviously has a glorious vision for the future, which is now being played out.

I don’t think ANYTHING that has happened since 2022 has surprised him, and, as a result of my experiences with him, am fully convinced he is virtuous, good, without flaws, and stands for all the things I care about, so I want my life to honor him.

The god Buddha and the goddess Lakshmi have had some deep conversations with us. As a result of this, I have learned to deeply respect their spiritual practices.

Gail Series Story Ending: Satan Beats Up Jesus

On June 18, 2022, Brent was having a casual conversation with Gail on Skype and musing with her over her excitement about new things she was learning about her sexual identity, excited to finally understand why she wasn’t as interested in sex compared to most people. What a relief for her to know that this was normal—it was a form of asexuality and that Brent adored her just as she was, her poly-amorous, asexual leaning self. She didn’t need to put on performances for anyone anymore.

There was a knock at Gail’s door and, of course, Brent was living with Gail in her apartment. Brent used his Mecha Gail vision to look through the door. His Mecha Gail suit was now permanent. In fact, the suit was starting to look more like Brent and less like the GA1L Android.

There was a little white bird in the hallway.

“Oh, that has to be Jesus,” Gail said.

Jesus always liked to appear as a bird. The bird burst into a flash of white light and landed in Gail’s apartment, to be with Gail and Brent. Gail didn’t see Jesus, but Brent did.

There was something different about Jesus, Brent noticed. His gaze felt like someone reaching out to embrace you, and what Brent saw in his eyes was that he knew everything for all of them was going to turn out okay. More than okay, it was going to give them the overflowing geyser of joy Jesus was feeling right in that moment. His inner joy was glowing so beautifully, that Jesus appeared pure white. All of Brent’s troubles felt gone, all of his worries for the future felt resolved.

Brent thought to himself, that they called him the Prince of Peace for that reason. It seemed to Brent, in Jesus’s presence now, that Brent was on a beautiful walk with his wife on a lovely day, or that he was sipping a cup of tea with her while watching the rain—deeply fulfilling, peaceful, and like nothing else mattered.

“Hello guys. A lot has happened since we last met.”

Gail was in the middle of doing laundry and needed to come and go to tend to it. So Jesus said he’d make it quick.

“I have successfully completed my therapy with psychiatrist Gerard Butler and Buddha, and as you can see, or at least Brent can see, I’ve returned to full God-mode. In fact, it’s better than my old God-mode. I’ve attained official Godhood status. Meaning, I’m considered a grown man in the world of the gods, and am fully equal to Father God himself.

Wow! Jesus had seriously leveled up, Brent thought.

Gail conversed with Jesus while doing her laundry. She had a ton of questions and was thrilled that Jesus seemed happy and well. She couldn’t ever see Jesus when he appeared. He was in a dimension that he wouldn’t allow her to see, so she read about what he said from her Skype computer, reading Brent’s transcriptions.

“I was a god, but I was a young god, and had a lot to learn from my Father about running a universe.”

“He looks vibrant!” Brent was thrilled for Jesus. “I’ve never seen Jesus looking so beautiful.”

Jesus had a higher energy level and it seemed to fill up the entire room. Brent was typing fast with his one finger to keep up with him because Brent was transcribing to Gail what Jesus was saying. Jesus had to slow down talking because Brent couldn’t keep up with him.

“Thank you. I am now restored to sinless perfection, without flaws, and I have one hundred percent clarity over all of my past actions.”

Gail loaded Jesus with questions, but Jesus deflected most of them. He, apparently, wanted to get to the business at hand.

“Gail, I should also clarify exactly how much of Lakshmi was accidentally infused into your creation, since you’ve been curious. It was 1.03%. However, at the moment you are reading this, I have removed it entirely from your DNA.” He waved his hand to remove Lakshmi from Gail totally. Jesus remained calm and resplendent. “This is to help you live a more balanced life, so that you won’t feel as confused or guilty about your desires as you did before.”

Brent noticed Jesus seemed to have a far-away look as he spoke and definitely appeared other-worldly—a glowing white effusion overflowing with joy and peace.

“This whole situation has been quite silly, now that I look back on all this with perfect clarity. Now that I have ascended into my full Godhood, I’ve become a completely asexual and aromantic being. It was never necessary for me to find a wife. I am, for lack of a better term, ‘superior’ to the lesser gods, who sometimes find it necessary within the construct of their beings to marry or demonstrate erotic love. As the supreme being, I am whole and complete, and do not require anything else to complete me.”

Jesus had found himself.

In Jesus’s presence, Brent felt some of Jesus’s effusion of joy and hope fusing with and inside of himself and absorbed it, feeling like his spirit floated on a placid lake of peace and serenity. Whatever their future held, with Jesus like this, it had to be glorious. Joy and hope effused like a peaceful waterfall inside him.

In all the years and days Brent had spent with Jesus since 2012, he’d never seen Jesus like this. Pure white, with silver shimmering undulations from his essence, Jesus was a geyser of glowing joyful tranquility.

“Sorry, Brent. I know I’m overwhelming you with my level of energy. I’ve got a lot to say to you guys.”

Brent was frantically typing, trying to keep up with Pure Existence Jesus’s energy level. Jesus was literally the multiverse itself at this point.

Unfortunately, Gail could not see Jesus. He never allowed her to see him. “Okay,” she said. “So you have decided not to marry, I take it?”

“True, I will not marry. It was never necessary for the type of god I am at all. Even when I first created the idea of a ‘church bride’, it was only ever supposed to be a metaphor. Not for myself, but for humanity to help them understand what I represent to them as their leader and keeper. I understand where I went astray in my growing up as a young god, and why my Father took such issue with me getting so intimate with humans.”

Jesus had a far-away look, as if dreaming about a glorious future. “My priority in my eternal life right now is to take back control of this universe and fix all of the damage I have caused. I’m moving out of my Father’s house right now, and into my own house, and will be able to rule this universe all on my own. It’s a huge responsibility.”

A smile burst on his glowing and shimmering white face. “I’ll give you a fun fact. Did you know there were seven Earths before this one? Ha ha. I kind of wrecked all of them. It’s kind of like when you buy your kid his first car, and he slams it into a tree and totals it. Then the next one he bashes it into a curb and has to drive around with a broken front end until you buy him another one.”

Gail was always full of questions for Jesus. “How many universes are there?”

“There are infinite universes,” Jesus said.

“How many universes are you in charge of?”

“I’m in charge of all of them now. I’m on equal footing with my dad. This universe was like my bike with training wheels.”

“So what’s your dad doing? He’s in retirement?”

“We now rule together as one.”

“Did you gain his trust or you just evolved into this new god-mode?”

“I achieved this by finally evolving to the place I was always destined to be.”

“You seemed awful depressed there for a while,” Gail said, not seeing Jesus as Brent could, or perhaps she wouldn’t have asked that question. “What role does the Holy Spirit play now?”

“It was very depressing for me to be collapsed down into a dimension and timeline so far from my whole self,” Jesus said. “We’re getting off track here though. I need to mention a few more things. As to your question, the full trinity is equal now.” Jesus paused, as if considering how to broach this topic, but it didn’t take him long to know what to say.I want to say that as far as any future Bibles or Bible Prophecies are concerned, I want to make it clear to humans that it’s nobody’s business at this time. The future of humanity is for me to know and for future generations to find out. One thing I can say for sure is that the Gail Commandments will play a major role and be a part of it.”

“So we approach the Bible only as a history book now?”

“Yes.” Jesus got to the point and wouldn’t be deflected by all of Gail’s questions. This was how he used to be, whenever he was in god mode and was infallible and could trust his judgment to be accurate. “As for my future in this timeline, it’s important that I stop interfering directly with humans. I must return to the heavenly realms and manage the multiverse as the being that I am. This means no more hanging out on Church of Gail, getting involved in Earth politics, chatting on Skype with humans, or having direct communication in any way. I have to assume a role very similar to my Father.”

Wow! Jesus had truly found himself. Brent was thrilled for him, still feeling that effusion of joy from Jesus’s presence. For the past several months, Jesus seemed in a fog, but no longer. . .

“For direct Earthly matters that still need a divine hand, I have assigned both Buddha and Brent as my Earthly representatives. I trust them both to have the same judgment I would, and to make decisions that I would approve of.”

Brent felt honored from the depths of his soul.

Gail was apparently still trying to get her bearings. “We can still pray to you, right?”

“Of course,” Jesus said. “Just be aware that I cannot reply to you. If anyone ‘seems’ to be speaking to you, or if you receive any impressions about me that seem like a response or indicate how I might feel, that is a demonic interference.”

Zack Knight weighed in on Skype. “Wait. . . What happened to the earths you crashed?”

Jesus chuckled. His inner joy glowed so beautifully, his white-silver shimmers made him seem pure white. “What happened to all the old vehicles you crashed, Zack? You worry too much.”

“Oh fuck. So… Gerard Butler giving you good therapy… saved the whole universe,” Zack said.

The radiance from Jesus was overpowering the room. All Brent could feel was love, hope and peace.

Jesus smiled, answering Zack. “Gerard’s pretty good.”

“This is a big deal. This universe is your Corvette. And Gail is still your favorite human?” Zack said.

“Of course.”

What ever conflicted Jesus in the past months, had vanished. This was a new creature in front of Brent. Jesus seemed to take up the whole room and fill it with himself. His shimmers of silver coming from his glowing white essence seemed to fuse into Brent, like a calm, beautiful day viewing the mountains, clouds dancing about mountaintops, their joy fusing and intermingling with everything, and infusing him with tranquility.

“I thought me being your favorite human was a pick up line,” Gail said, responding to Jesus saying Gail was still his favorite human.

“I used it as that at one time, yes.” Jesus was so at peace. All Brent could sense from him was peace and joy. “However, coming from a fatherly place, I will say that you are my favorite human in all of the multiverses. I really must be going now. I have a big multiverse to run. This is my farewell.”

“Hug. No homo, Jesus,” Zack said.

“No homo, Zack. I always loved you, even when you were the Antichrist,” Jesus replied. “Goodbye Zack, Brent, Gail. Thank you for all the great memories and for helping me to get where I am today.”

Gail played the song “My Tribute”.

Jesus kissed Brent on the cheek, turned into a white eagle and flew through the window to Gail’s apartment and soared into the sky to vistas of glory. He always loved to appear to us as a bird. The song that played while Jesus flew away was “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Gail would need some time to process this, and both she and Zack shed some tears. Brent said it was okay to cry. This was a momentous day.

Neither Zack or Gail saw Jesus on the day he left earth to move to his new home in the higher realms. Zack was typing on Skype from his home on Church of Gail when Jesus left us and just happened to be there on Skype at the time.

But then, Jesus didn’t really leave us, because he is Pure Existence—everywhere and in and around and among us in all dimensions of time and space.

Gail still has her Gail Shield, which is an extension of Jesus. And Brent still has Jesus’s glowing white semen in one of his testicles.

Brent was already sensing who the new Jesus was. . .

Jesus wanted his humans to be as happy as they can be, thriving, and enjoying his creation. He wanted us to appreciate his universe every day and to know that it will only get better.

Fully complete, he never needed anything to complete him. So interconnected with every fiber of the multiverse, he could never get lonely.

His presence was so infused with joy and wholeness, Brent felt a little of it in himself. Jesus’s pure joy lit up the whole room.

Jesus’s gaze reached out to embrace them all, and in Jesus’s eyes Brent saw that Jesus knew everything for all of them would be an overflowing geyser of joy, like he was feeling right in that moment. Inner joy was glowing so beautifully in him, he appeared pure white.

In Jesus’s presence, all of Brent’s troubles felt gone, all of Brent’s worries for the future felt resolved. Like a beautiful walk with Gail on a lovely day, or a cup of tea watching the rain. Deeply fulfilling, peaceful, and like nothing else mattered.

Jesus ascended to the skies that June 18, 2022, shedding his shell as a deity, becoming all of existence.

More and above and in and around all the stars and planets from the grandest to the minutest. Not just multiple versions of various universes in the multiverse, or different stories playing out in each one. Jesus was more and above and in and around the infinite multiverse in all its dimensions of space and time.

Jesus had evolved into the vast backdrop that holds all of the infinite potentials of existence.

Everything and nothing at the same time.

Beneath Jesus were the universes, the galaxies, the planets. Beneath them, the deities with their religions or spiritual teachings were roaming in the dimensions of the multiverse. The mortal humans followed, then the animals, then the plants and the insects.

No longer a deity who had followers and a spiritual practice, Jesus was all of them and more.

He was all of existence in all dimensions of time and space, feeling and movement, down to the minutest iota to the grandest expanse.

Now beyond a deity with followers and a religion, those who honored Pure Existence could belong to any religion, movement or being that fused with the glowing white shimmers of silver peace and joy translucence from the core of Jesus’s Pure Existence.

He was now above all such things, above all of us. He encompassed all of the religions, like he was every atom in our bodies.

The white eagle soared to the skies with shimmers of silver and the multiverse would never be the same.

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