Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (7-27-2003)
7-27-03 Bemerkungen über 1-18-02 Tatbestand
I have just read today’s Florida Today. 98% of the articles were composed and/or designed in a manner to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’S ethnography (see General 666-Computer Laws, Section 6). Put all people involved (directly or indirectly) with these newspaper articles (designed to draw attention to a significant person’s ethnography) under 666-Computer surveillance, and remove them from the manipulation of unlicensed 666-Computer operators and place these people under the care of PLPs..
I personally think the Jesuit involvement in the general population (using the 666-Computer) is (or has been) close to 100%.
We are dealing with the richest organization in the world.
It would probably be a good idea to require EVERYONE to be put under the care of PLPs. This is quite an undertaking (and it may take time to phase this in), so if some people want to volunteer that they are 666-Computer conspirators (by creating incidents), or want to volunteer (by creating incidents that draw attention to a significant person’s ethnography) that they are hooked up to the manipulation of unlicensed 666-Computer operators, we will accomodate them: PUT THEM ALL UNDER 666-COMPUTER SURVEILLANCE and remove them from the control and manipulation of unlicensed 666-Computer operators. And if, as a result of reading their minds via the 666-Computer, we discover they are 666-CCs, space conspirators, or some other conspirator, they will become suspects or will be guilty of being an conspirator, and the appropriate punishments will be meted out, according to the laws I’ve written.
These conspiracy laws I’ve written are probably the most important legal documents in the world right now–because the Jesuit crime network is the biggest, most well financed and most extensive crime network in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD and affects more people than any other crime network in all of WORLD HISTORY, since world history BEGAN.
That’s why I say it’s important that you allow me to continue my legal work, which is of monumental importance. And this work requires time.
The following sections are from Sections 2.9011 through Sections 2.9015 of my General 666-Computer Laws document. I wrote these sections today. Refer to my CONSPIRACY LAW documents for definitions of legal terms and abbreviations used:
**2.9011 All NEIGHBORS (and those persons and/or animals under their care–see Sect. 2.9016) are invited to come forward and be placed under the care of PLPs, in order to be removed from the manipulation and control of unlicensed 666-Computer practitioners. Those neighbors who do come forward must be warned (see Sect. 2.9012) that if any evidence is found (when they are placed under the care of PLPs and/or are placed under 666-Computer surveillance) which indicates that they are/were WILLING conspirators as a 666-CC, 666-PC, SC, PSC, RPC, RC or that they are WILLINGLY some other conspirator (as defined in my CONSPIRACY LAWS documents), these persons will be punished according to the guidelines in my CONSPIRACY LAWS.
**2.9012 Acknowledgement that this warning (see Sect. 2.9011) was received will be included in the FREEDOM or EXTORTION statement, and all voluntary signers of these freedom or extortion statements will acknowledge that they received this warning when they make their freedom or extortion statements (under lie detection). All freedom and extortion statements [which will include acknowledgement that this warning (see Sect. 2.9011) was received] will be filed with the courts.
**2.9013 Those who voluntarily come forward to be placed under the care of PLPs in order to be removed from the control and manipulation of unlicensed practitioners, will sign a dated statement (or, if they can’t write, make some sort of signed and dated recording which will verify) that they came forward of their own free will, and that they were in no way coerced or extorted to come forward in order to be placed under the care of PLPs and/or removed from the control of unlicensed practitioners. This written and/or recorded FREEDOM STATEMENT must be done in a manner so that (if necessary) it would be admissible in a court of law (if it is needed to prove the FREEDOM STATEMENT signer’s identity). All FREEDOM or EXTORTION STATEMENTs will be filed with the courts. Each person who voluntarily comes forward MUST make this statement (or an EXTORTION STATEMENT), and while this statement (or the EXTORTION STATEMENT) is being made, that person will be monitored via 666-Computer lie detection. If lie detection indicates this person was coerced or extorted into coming forward, he/she will make an EXTORTION STATEMENT instead. No person, who voluntarily comes forward, will be placed under the care of PLPs unless they make either a FREEDOM STATEMENT or an EXTORTION STATEMENT (whichever is applicable).
**2.9014 If lie detection indicates the person was coerced to come forward, then instead of a FREEDOM STATEMENT, that person will submit a signed and dated written EXTORTION STATEMENT in which this person will name those person(s) or the organization(s) who/which coerced or forced him/her to come forward in order to be removed from the control or manipulation of an unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner. The government may not limit itself to a written statement, if extortion is involved, since an investigation may be required. If that person cannot write, then some other recorded method will be used to record an EXTORTION STATEMENT [which will be dated and signed (in some other way) by that person]. This EXTORTION STATEMENT must be admissible proof (in a court of law) that that particular person signed and dated the EXTORTION STATEMENT, in case identification of the extortion statement’s signer is needed in a court of law. The extortion statement must be done in such a way that there will be no confusion about the identity of the EXTORTION STATEMENT’s signer.
**2.9015 A FREEDOM STATEMENT is a dated and signed statement (written or recorded) made by a person who voluntarily comes forward in order to be removed from the control and manipulation of an unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner. It must state clearly that the FREEDOM STATEMENT’s signer came forward of his/her own free will (with no extortion or coercion involved) and it must identify clearly WHO the dated signer of the FREEDOM STATEMENT is, so that there is no confusion about the identity of the FREEDOM STATEMENT’s signer.
**2.9016 Parents, guardians, and animal owners will follow the procedures in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 (above) for their children, person(s) under their care, or their animals. The only exception to the laws in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 for children (not of adult age), persons who cannot make legal decisions on their own and are under the care of a guardian, and for animals–will be that parents, guardians, and/or animal owners will act as legal guardians (who will have power of attorney) to act on behalf of their children, person(s) under their care, or their animals in order to fulfill the procedures in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 and to sign and date the required documents as outlined in these Sections.
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Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 7-27-03
Place: Melbourne, FL