Empress Gail Scores "High Biblical Literacy" on Biola University Test

I trust Biola University to construct a good Bible test. U.S. News & World Report ranks Biola as a first-tier national university and on its selective list of universities with “Best Undergraduate Teaching.” The Princeton Review includes Biola on its list of “Best Western Colleges.” So I took another test for Bible knowledge. That Jesus test I took the other day […]

History of Biblical Dispensationalism & GREAT MUSIC

Found a very informative message about Dispensationalism, which, to me, is the sane and intelligent person’s interpretation of the Bible. The video is embedded below. I love messages from Sugar Land Bible Church in Sugar Land, Texas. This church has some great teachers! Love to hear Dr. Andy Woods and his fellow minister Dr. Jim McGowan. My husband Brent Spiner […]

U.S. President Brent Spiner (Cabinet, Policies, Executive Orders)

May 24, 2024: Gail resigns from Vice President position and the post of Vice President is probably eliminated. Oct. 20, 2023: Please be aware that Antichrist Lizzo has taken over just about all the social media accounts of those in Pres. Brent’s Cabinet and has used clones of some of our Cabinet members to make posts impersonating them. The only […]

Project Pubegate: Brent Spiner Takes out Psychopath Melania

Though Melania Trump is defeated, Loree McBride is still at large, along with her deadly followers. Anyone who wants to help us defeat Loree, contact my men at gailsmen@yahoo.com. We could especially use help from scientists to come up with a way to destroy Loree’s ability to make clones. When Melania Trump threatened to murder her husband Donald on live […]