Loree McBride’s “Idiocracy” Vaccines From Hell

Unfortunately, thanks to Loree McBride’s coronavirus vaccines from hell, she has made the movie Idiocracy a self-fulfilling prophecy. I really feel for the people who have become retards as a result of taking Loree’s vaccines. All I can suggest is to do the Gail Commandments and perhaps Jesus will put medicine in the air to correct the problem. UPDATE on […]

Loree McBride Jesuit Assets, Property & Monies Seized & Turned Over to International Charity Bank

U.S. President Gail has updated her Conspiracy Law (International Military Law) and made a new executive order. Click on image above to go to Gail’s U.S. President page. LOREE MCBRIDE JESUIT ASSETS, BANK ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS, PROPERTY SEIZED AND TURNED OVER TO INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (SECT. 18 UPDATE TO INTERNATIONAL MILITARY LAW) 18.0 Because all Loree McBride Jesuits are to be […]

Vice President Brent Spiner vs. Loree McBride’s Brent Spiner CLONE

TO GET A LARGER VIEW, ALL IMAGES OPEN UP IN A SEPARATE WINDOW OR PAGE, IF YOU CLICK ON THEM. To get the complete ACCURATE history on Brent Spiner’s relationship with me, buy the books (1) The Forbidden Abyss: Part One (Brent Spiner & Vladimir Putin); (2) Jesus, the Eternal Bridegroom; (3) Brent Spiner’s Flames and (4) Bible for Tribulation […]

Donald Trump Appointed Secretary of Veterans Affairs

I originally planned to make Donald Trump my Press Secretary because he really knows how to communicate, but Loree McBride ruined that. As a result of complications caused by Loree McBride’s control over the media and the Internet and her alliance with Satan, I’ve had to reassign some of my Cabinet members to other positions. I cancelled the position of […]