Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (2-20-2004)
2-20-04 Bemerkungen über 1-18-02 Tatbestand
Vladimir Putin (and/or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON) will be placed under public cross-examination and asked some questions. He/she will be under 666-Computer lie-detection (and under 666-Computer emotional analysis) and 666-Computer amnesia detection as he/she answers these questions. Clinical psychologists will interpret the 666-Computer emotional analysis results from this public cross-examination of Vladimir Putin or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
The SIGNIFICANT PERSON could be a Jesuit leader or the head Jesuit.
Any clinical psychologist or any person who analyzes the 666-Computer lie-detection or 666-Computer amnesia-detection or 666-Computer emotional readings of Vladimir Putin (or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON), who deliberately, knowingly or willingly presents any false, misleading or inaccurate results regarding this public cross-examination of Vladimir Putin or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON (on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. It will also be mentioned whether Vladimir (or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON) is answering these cross-examination questions as an AUTHENTIC PERSON or as an UNWILLING AGENT (who is controlled by an IMPOSED PERSON) –[see the legal document CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT for the definitions of AUTHENTIC PERSON, UNWILLING AGENT, and IMPOSED PERSON].
Any person who (directly or indirectly) and who willingly, deliberately and knowingly cooperates in a scheme to present false information on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS regarding Vladimir or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s status as an AUTHENTIC PERSON or as an UNWILLING AGENT will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
The reason for this public cross-examination is to determine if Vladimir or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON is motivated by greed in the way he/she handles the proceeds from Gail’s novel Silver Skies or if this person is greedy, jealous or spiteful in the way this person feels about Gail Schuler and/or her friends.
If he/she is innocent of greed, spite, jealousy (in his/her handling of Silver Skies or Gail Schuler), this public cross-examination will help to establish his/her innocence (in any future murder conspiracies) and may discourage Jesuit conspirators from orchestrating conspiracies [which may be attempts to frame Vladimir or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON (by claiming Vladimir or some other SIGNIFICANT PERSON was behind a murder conspiracy in order to obtain the proceeds from Silver Skies or in order to harm Gail or her friends)]. Here are the questions. Questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 5a, 6a, 8, 8b, and 9 must be answered with “yes”, “no”, or “I don’t care” and then Vladimir (or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON) can qualify any of his/her answers to any of those questions. The cross-examiner can ask other questions besides these, if it is legally advisable to do so or if it is necessary to ask more questions to get to the truth. These questions are just a start:
1) If it was safe for Gail Schuler, would you want Gail to have all the proceeds she’s earned from her novel Silver Skies?
2) Do you feel it’s safe for Gail to have all the proceeds she has earned from her novel Silver Skies? If Vladimir or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s answers “no” to question 2 or 666-Computer lie-detection or emotional analysis confirms that Vladimir or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s answer to question 2 is “no”, then ask question #3:
3) Why isn’t it safe to give Gail all the proceeds she has earned from her novel Silver Skies?
4) Do you love Gail Schuler?
5) Do you want to protect, nurture and care for Gail Schuler?
5a) Do you support a marriage between Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin?
If Vladimir or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON answers “yes” to question 4, 5, or 5a; or 666-Computer lie-detection or emotional analysis confirms that Vladimir or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s answer to question 4, 5, or 5a is “yes” and if this person has romantic interest in Gail, then ask questions 6, 6a and 6b:
6) If you love and care for Gail Schuler, then why is she not with you?
6a) Do you believe that there is/are an organization (or organizations) out there that oppose(s) your love for Gail Schuler? If the answer is determined to be “yes”, have them answer question 6b.
6b) Which organization(s) do you feel oppose(s) your love for Gail Schuler?
7) When, or under what conditions, do you feel it would be safe to allow Gail all the proceeds from her novel Silver Skies?
8) Are you jealous or spiteful of anyone because of the feelings you have for Gail Schuler? If the answer is determined to be “yes”, have them answer question 8a.
8a) Who are you jealous and/or spiteful of, and why? When they answer this question they should state whether the emotion they feel is spite or jealousy or both. They can explain their answer.
8b) Are you part of a group that opposes the marriage of Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin and that opposes Gail Schuler? If their answer is determined to be “yes”, have them answer the questions in 8c.
8c) Can you tell us which group you are a part of, that opposes the marriage of Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin and that opposes Gail Schuler? Do you believe that this group that you are a part of, is associated (directly or indirectly) with the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church? The second question must be answered with “yes”, “no” or “I don’t know”–they can explain their answer. If the answer to the second question is determined to be “yes”, have them answer question 8d.
8d) Why do you feel that this group you are a part of, is associated (directly or indirectly) with the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church? Have them give their reasons, starting with what they believe is their strongest reason and then they can present the reasons that are not as strong.
9) Are you jealous or spiteful of anyone because you feel they have more money, prestige, influence, or power than you have?
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Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 2-20-04
Place: Melbourne, FL