Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (3-22-2004)
3-22-04 Bemerkungen über 1-18-02 Tatbestand
RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS will show to what extent the countries of the world are complying with new laws I’ve written today (see Sect. 13 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). Those countries which do not cooperate with Sect. 13 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the Russian President’s website.
I would recommend that Vladimir Putin, Jesuit leader(s) and some legally relevant world leaders be cross-examined with the new cross-examination questions I’ve added to Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
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Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 3-22-04
Place: Melbourne, FL