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All willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits who harass Trump or try to extort him into war with Putin or with any country for Loree McBride’s Deep State are required to undergo nuclear war games conducted on another planet where they experience a nuclear holocaust. This will be filmed by the Gabrielle Chana FOX News Channel, so everyone can see what a nuclear holocaust is like since Loree McBride loves her nuclear bombs and gets furious when people block her from war. NO ONE IS EXEMPT, INCLUDING PRESIDENT TRUMP HIMSELF, IF HE’S GUILTY. All willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits must participate in nuclear war games and experience a nuclear holocaust. This is the order of American Empress Gail.

All Loree McBride Jesuits who harass Donald Trump for having a civil discussion with Vladimir Putin are ordered into mandatory military service and must participate in war games where they experience the effects of nuclear war. Because Loree has already murdered millions using her nuke bombs, she is worthy of the death penalty. If some of them die as a result of the war games, it serves them right for trying to bring the world into a nuclear holocaust and for pressuring Trump to bring the world into a nuclear holocaust. This is our version of the death penalty for Loree McBride Jesuits who harass Trump over trying to be civil with Vladimir Putin. This is not limited to Twitter people, but anybody, including John Bolton and the Deep State hawks who give Trump lousy advice about war and peace and are trying to use the United States as a means of regime change to help Loree McBride set up a worldwide dictatorship for herself.

They must participate in war games where they experience the effects of nuclear war and must undergo a nuclear holocaust as their punishment for trying to bring the world into a nuclear war. So many bombs have been dropped already and have not been reported on, so we will cover this in Gabrielle Chana FOX News and let the world see what this war they want so badly with Russia will be like. We will give them the war they want so badly with Russia. Russia and the United States are required to participate in war games with each other and those in each country who are Loree McBride Jesuits will be forced to fight each other using nuclear weapons, till they wipe each other out. We can conduct this on another planet so that we don’t pollute earth in the process. We can throw in Loree McBride Jesuits from England and any other country into the mix, to show that we won’t tolerate this s— from ANYBODY, ANYWHERE. We have the technology to do this. If they don’t cooperate, we will just launch nuclear weapons at them and force them to experience a nuclear holocaust as punishment for harassing Trump about peace talks with Putin. We can conduct the warfare possibly on another planet where the war games will be conducted underneath a dome filled with oxygen so they can breathe and have earth-like conditions during the war they are forced to participate in, and we will force them to undergo a nuclear holocaust there as punishment for trying to extort Trump into a nuclear confrontation with Russia. We will film it on Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel and let the whole world see what nuclear war is like, since they love it so much!

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