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How to Write Stories Your Readers Will Remember ow.ly/dK2y30awKul #amwriting

3 Guidelines to Determine if Your Book Has Too Many POVs ow.ly/vGap30aK7TU #amwriting

Inevitability and unexpectedness are the two ingredients necessary in every perfect ending. #writetip

3 Ways to Choose the Right Protagonist ow.ly/ZjEo30aK8BW #amwriting

Good article about alternatives to opioids for pain relief. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/04/15/documentary-chasing-the-dragon-opioid-addiction.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20170415Z1&et_cid=DM140358&et_rid=1970110868

What Does It Mean to Move the Plot? bit.ly/move-plot #amwriting

Creating a Dynamic Character for your Novel or Short Story blog.reedsy.com/dynamic-charac

3 Ways to Test Your Story’s Emotional Stakes bit.ly/emotional-stak #amwriting

13 Things You Should Have Known About Your Characters Beforehand by

ow.ly/3aId30aV1zH #amwriting

The ballast of backstory gives your stories greater depth and meaning and opens up the potential for reader interpretation. #writetip

6 Reasons a Premise Sentence Strengthens Your Story bit.ly/premise-senten #amwriting

I think the reason people connect with backstory is because in day to day life, everything is backstory. The rest is just hopes and fears.

6 Reasons a Premise Sentence Strengthens Your Story ow.ly/tcRS30aV4i9 #amwriting

If you illustrate too much of the backstory, you block the sense that 9/10ths of your story’s iceberg is floating under the water. #writeip

great way to get started writing memoir. https://www.janefriedman.com/write-memoir-lists/?utm_content=buffer51b0f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe made press statements following Russian-Japanese talks bit.ly/2oQ7R4s

How to Write (and Not Write) Expository Dialogue bit.ly/expository-dia #amwriting

An Easy Way to Notch Up Your Scene Conflict ow.ly/WCwA30b8pDb #amwriting

3 Ways to Choose the Right Protagonist ow.ly/FTc830b8q6y #amwriting

Most Common Writing Mistakes, Pt. 58: Too Much Description ow.ly/MoNo30bl1DY #amwriting

How to Use Scene Breaks to Cut Your Story’s Fat ow.ly/NwE630bl12o #amwriting

Test results for me on masculine/feminine test. facebook.com/your.Gabrielle

How to Write in an Authentic Historical Voice ow.ly/v93L30boS4G #amwriting

Great writing advice on creating characters for writers. diymfa.com/podcast/episod fb.me/3aDOmgf0t

How to Benefit From the Biggest Reason for Storytelling ow.ly/Ye7330bK64O #amwriting

How to Find Powerful Motives for Your Characters bit.ly/character-moti #amwriting

Conversations with Jesus (2012 to 2017) by Brent Spiner & Gail Chord Schuler due out soon. plus.google.com/10701499744525

Before You Outline: How to Discover Your Story’s Big Moments ow.ly/mL9t30c8iPy #amwriting

How Much Screen Time Should Your Give Your Antagonist’s POV?bit.ly/antagonist-pov #amwriting

5 Ways to Write a Perfect First Draft (or Nearly) bit.ly/perfect-first- #amwriting

Fight scenes, in themselves, aren’t that interesting. It’s the underlying character development that rivets readers. #writetip

Are You a Writer or a Storyteller? ow.ly/jDdV30c8j0L #amwriting

3 Best Things About Being a Literary Agent by


ow.ly/J0ra30cJ0Jv #amwriting

Dr. Sue Edwards reminds believers to ask God for light for the next step: dts.edu/media/play/one #DTSChapel

5 Steps to Writing Minor Characters That Dazzle bit.ly/minor-characte #amwriting

Your 3-Step Plan for Outlining A Novel buff.ly/2t8WAix #writing #amwriting


Finished the first draft to Bible for Tribulation Saints. Giving myself a HIGH FIVE. Word count is 743,491 words… fb.me/80uDymTG9

A Handy Guide to the Most Common Themes in Literature via @writersatrandom buff.ly/2vlkjfq

Why Your Protagonist Should Have a Past “Wound” by

ow.ly/76D530dCdMM #amwriting

Learn How to Make the Most of the 5 Stages of the Writing Process ow.ly/LWDB30dHjVI #amwriting

How to Write Your Characters’ Actions with Clarity by

ow.ly/fPql30eg2c5 #amwriting

Most Common Writing Mistakes, Pt. 60: Flat Plots ow.ly/DTlb30eg33X #amwriting

Remember when identity was an individual thing, and not something pertaining to a dumb group affiliation?- The Amazing Atheist

Sane Person: I believe everyone has the right to freedom of speech, and that freedom must be preserved.

Retard: OMG UR A NAZI! – The Amazing Atheist

Three Types of Writers Have Trouble Finishing Things. Which One Are You? by

ow.ly/D28b30eJP5e #amwriting

As a young person I was in love with a romantic dream and thought my partner also was. I was very idealistic and… fb.me/86nEzTdoR

Even at Bellaire High School (1967), the real Brent Spiner has tons more Texas manliness than his JEW CLONE who owns Brent’s Twitter now. https://twitter.com/Gabrielle_Chana/status/903022367546511360/photo/1


Why Doubt Is the Key to Flat Character Arcs ow.ly/L6m930eJSk7 #amwriting

Brent Spiner Jew Clone seem awfully big nose and broke for famous celebrity. – Rule 13

Welcome, to one of the hottest women of all time. A lot hotter than

& Angelina Ballerina!

Ohh! Make me blush Gail Chan! (oAo) – Rule 13

This day I official Nazi salute Empress Gail Chan for weaken Hurricane Irma and send it west! Hail Gail Chan!! \(ˆ˚ˆ)/ – Rule 13

I vote Gail Chan for Nobel Prize in Hero and Humanitarianism, for stay behind in FL and fighting Hurricane Irma like a b0$$! >3< – Rule 13

Gail Practices Apple Blossom Time on New Piano. https://www.patreon.com/posts/gail-practices-14426011?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare
Beautiful! Lucky neighbors get free concert! (=°ω°=) – Rule 13

Oh, my God! I’m a female TENOR patreon.com/posts/oh-my-go
Many great women have manliness! Me? I explode every penis until no man say I can’t be military boss, ha ha ha. – Rule 13

Positions for kamikaze drivers open! Also, fat women who like WalMart scooters, ask about Project Walmart Fat Bitch Thanksgiving Blitzkrieg. – Rule 13

Gotta remember this when I get back to novel writing. fb.me/5VZXw4cY6

We are witnessing a moment in history when Christianity is under suspicion and attacked. Read more from Dr. Bailey. https://voice.dts.edu/article/courage-take-stand/

How to Write Character Arcs via

#writerslife bit.ly/2zdTyMQ

Happy Girls Day, feminists! In honor, I host Feminist Linguistics Class! Oh? You say class room looks like gas chamber??? Hmmm… (°○°) – Rule 13

Ha ha! Only magazine cover Loree could be on front of is Gold Digging Baby Trapper Magazine! (°♢°) – Rule 13

6 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Protect Creativity ow.ly/mXhO30g4Wi9 #amwriting

Zacku say it’s okay with animals, only not other men. Fine with me! I have best husband in the world!! ♡ – Rule 13

I will come!!! I can explode penises that try to bother, in secret. I blend in easy, most people think I am only cosplayer! :3 – Rule 13

Engage the Five Senses to Boost Your Writing by


ow.ly/XwU430ge4lt #amwriting

4 Ways to Amplify Your Characters’ Subtext ow.ly/MfRz30ge5Lb #amwriting

Now I kiss the perfect penis every night for real!!! – Rule 13

Secret…at night before true love was okay for Jesuits, I would kiss this picture! Tuck it in next to me as husband. (^_^;;) – Rule 13

Now, I fall soft asleep like little kitty, romantic Jpop in my ears and screams of Jew Clones in my dreams… nyaa… *twitch* – Rule 13

Showing and Telling Particulars by

ow.ly/jq2a30ge4EW #amwriting

Inspiration vs. Determination ow.ly/QbqN30ge6gC #amwriting

When you are so horny you cannot move…you lay there and stare in horny sex coma… (°□°) …gyah… – Rule 13

Thanks for the follow! – Nathaniel Christopher

Wow. So you (Zack Knight) did that to him? He’s (Nathaniel’s) a cool guy, regardless of his sexual preference. Believes in love. I can tell. – Gail replying to Nathaniel and Zack Knight
Thanks @Gabrielle_Chana! I appreciate your kind words. – Nathaniel Christopher

Most Common Writing Mistakes: Purple Prose ow.ly/2lZl30glZqY #amwriting

I’ve messaged @RybiJenkins to let her know that her ban wasn’t correct and that we are working to repair our relationship with our fans that we’ve recently let down. We need to restore focus to the show and entertaining our dedicated fans. – Scotty Kaiser

Brainstorming the Wound in Your Character’s Backstory by

ow.ly/2EiB30gtciB #amwriting

Is it dangerous to be a Trump supporter? Take a look at my #OpeningStatement: https://twitter.com/i/status/929535543502761991

Turn up that volume…b/c we’re doing the same for voters who feel left behind by both political parties. Join us: centristproject.org/membership

Everybody has a favorite food. Mine is cheerios & peanuts. Eat your favorite and work it into a regimen that… fb.me/2B7X4RtVr

A regimen that works, or you’ll quit your weight loss program. You could even eat stuff like Skittles and still lose weight, using myfitnesspal.com.
Raised Japanese, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, I have a “nuts” tooth. Gotta have my nuts or I feel deprived.
I like food that feels crunchy and nutty in my mouth. So I eat it, but make up for it with exercise and be sure to get my veggies, too. – Gail Chord Schuler
I am Japanese woman and crave nut in my mouth all the time too! We are twins! – Rule 13

Even to this day, my Zacku always look straight at my chest when he approach to say hello! So in love!! (´ ω `♡) – Rule 13

Tips for How to Choose the Right Sentences ow.ly/gTdq30gHr56 #amwriting

As a writer & author, I know how overwhelming it can be to find good resources that actually help with writing, publishing and everything we writers really need. Check out my ‘go to’ list kellymartin.co.uk/the-write-path#amwriting #mustread #writingtips

Getting Into Character: Fiction Writing Exercises by

ow.ly/OgUd30gQVR8 #amwriting

Raising the Stakes: Revising to Keep Readers Reading by

ow.ly/xkDS30gQVYG #amwriting

Most Common Writing Mistakes: Purple Prose ow.ly/2eOp30h09n0 #amwriting

What are the Standard Book Sizes in Publishing?

ow.ly/yy1n30h08JP #amwriting

How Not to Be Inspired ow.ly/pnSm30h9AQq #amwriting

Struggling with your bad guy? You’re not alone! This fantastic article by

may be just what you needed to hear. Err, read. How to Plot a Book: Start With the Antagonist helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/how-to-plot-a-

What does it take to break through #writersblock? I asked my fellow writers, and this is what they said: staceybowdii.wordpress.com/2017/12/15/how #amwriting #writerslife

Habits, goals and making writing a priority – top tips from top writing coach


#writingtips #WritingLife #Productivity


How Not to Be Inspired katieganshert.com/katie-ganshert

Gotta remember this as I work on Silver Skies 1996 Version’s ending. https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/is-your-dialogue-pulling-its-weight/

Rough Transcript of Gail Reading Letters to Jesus (Jesus, Brent Spiner, Gail and Terrance Jenkins WEIGH IN) gabriellechana.blog/2017/12/26/rou via

Was a pleasure giving Borgo his Christmas wish from Jesus! Hehehe! =^_~= – Rule 13

Zacku say cuckolding him is okay, as long as it is with an animal or another bald pussy! So, this is twice okay! – Rule 13

BEST FOOD, Travel Experiences, and Favorite Camera Gear in 2017! migrationology.com/best-food-trav #bestof2017 #foodtravel

A Look at Masterful Setting Description by

ow.ly/gmNB30hvaWe #amwriting