Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (7-9-2003)

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See the RRL and RCL:ST documents for the definition of STOP ORDER.

1.0 To INTERFERE is defined as using the 666-Computer in a manner which violates Vladimir Putin’s instructions. All of Vladimir’s instructions to his PRIVILEGED LICENSED practitioners must be recorded, so that Vladimir can prove that this practitioner violated or operated independently of his instructions. Vladimir should consult with Russian lawyers to draft a legal document which he will call GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, since Vladimir cannot stay awake 24 hours to give detailed instructions to his PLP practitioners. These general instructions should delineate principles to be followed by his PLP practitioners, so that if violations occur when Vladimir is not able to communicate with his PLP practitioners, he can prove they violated what HE WOULD HAVE wanted done in a certain situation. AND/OR Vladimir can hire someone to have POWER OF ATTORNEY to give instructions to PLP practitioners IN HIS STEAD. This person who has power of attorney, must follow Vladimir’s guidelines from Vladimir’s general instructions. And if this person (who has power of attorney) violates Vladimir’s instructions in a manner that is clearly not what Vladimir would have wanted, this person will be executed.

1.2 TORTURE is defined as using the 666-Computer in a manner designed to inflict suffering and which is in violation of Vladimir’s instructions.

1.3 To be under SURVEILLANCE means that all communications to and from the practitioner will be monitored, including all 666-Computer communications.

1.4 A PRACTITIONER is defined as one who uses the 666-Computer on a person in order to communicate with that person or to manipulate (in any manner) that person’s brain or body.

1.41 A PRIVILEGED LICENSED PRACTITIONER is a 666-Computer practitioner who is hired by Vladimir Putin to use the 666-Computer on Gail Schuler. A privileged licensed practitioner must have a written license signed by Putin (in the presence of witnesses) which licenses them to use the 666-Computer on Gail Schuler. Only privileged licensed practitioners may use a 666-Computer on Gail Schuler. Any other 666-Computer users on Gail Schuler will be immediately executed.

1.42 VLADIMIR PUTIN is defined as the Russian President.

1.43 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are xxxxx xxxxxx Chord and Misao xxxxx xxxxxx.

1.44 To DISOBEY means the privileged licensed practitioner (PLP) has violated Vladimir Putin’s instructions or has acted independently of Vladimir’s instructions.

1.45 A SUSPENSION NOTICE is a written notice, signed and dated by Vladimir Putin in the presence of witnesses, which states that the indicated PLP practitioner has been forbidden to practice any form of 666-Computer activities for a set time period (which will be indicated on the notice).

1.46 A DISMISSAL NOTICE is a written notice, signed and dated by Vladimir Putin in the presence of witnesses, which states that the indicated PLP practitioner has been forbidden to practice ANY form of 666-Computer activities PERMANENTLY. Also, all professional licenses to practice any form of medicine will be revoked from the dismissed practitioner.

1.45 To be under SUSPENSION or to be SUSPENDED means that a PLP practitioner is forbidden to practice any 666-Computer activities for a set time period. All those PLP practitioners who are suspended will be given a written SUSPENSION NOTICE, signed and dated by Vladimir Putin in the presence of witnesses. Any PLP who violates his/her suspension and uses the 666-Computer during the suspension period will be immediately executed.

1.46 To be DISMISSED, means that the PLP practitioner is forbidden ever again to practice any form of medicine or to use the 666-Computer in any form EVER AGAIN. All professional licenses (for any kind of medical practice) of this dismissed PLP will be revoked. Any dismissed PLP who practices medicine or uses the 666-Computer in violation of his/her dismissal will be immediately executed.

1.5 Any privileged licensed practitioner who interferes with Vladimir Putin’s communication with Gail Schuler or who uses the 666-Computer on Gail in a manner which violates Vladimir’s instructions or who uses the 666-Computer on Gail independent of Vladimir’s instructions, will be given a stop order (which must be recorded with the courts), and will be immediately suspended from ALL 666-Computer activities and will be placed under PERMANENT surveillance as long as that practitioner is alive.

1.6 Only 1 stop order is necessary for any 666-Computer user who uses the 666-Computer on Gail Schuler in an illegal manner.

1.7 After 1 month of surveillance, Vladimir can reinstate a suspended privileged licensed practitioner (who must be on permanent surveillance), but will tolerate no more disobedience from this practitioner. If he/she disobeys one more time after being suspended, he/she will be PERMANENTLY DISMISSED and will be given a DISMISSAL NOTICE.

1.8 Vladimir will tolerate no torture on Gail Schuler from any privileged licensed practitioner.

1.9 Any privileged licensed practitioner who uses near life-threatening or life-threatening torture on Gail Schuler will be immediately executed.

1.91 Any privileged licensed practitioner (PLP) who uses non life-threatening torture on Gail Schuler will be given a stop order (which must be recorded with the courts) and will be placed on permanent surveillance and suspended for a month.

1.92 A non life-threatening PLP torturer may be reinstated (if on permanent surveillance) but no more disobedience will be tolerated. If the torturer disobeys again, that torturer will be given a DISMISSAL NOTICE, and all of that torturers’ professional licenses will be revoked and that practitioner will be forbidden to practice any type of medicine or to use the 666-Computer (in any form) ever again.

XXX–G.S. (7-9-03)

AAAAAAA–G.S. (7-9-03)
BBBBBBB–G.S. (7-9-03)
CCCCCCC–G.S. (7-9-03)

Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 7-9-03
Place: Melbourne, FL