34.0 A special presentation will be made on GCFNC called JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS. Have Steven Spielberg help in making this presentation, since he is already making a movie about Gail Schuler’s family and ancestry and his contributions to this production should be very beneficial. This is a very important news presentation and GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will take as much broadcast time as is necessary to do this topic justice. Because this is such an important topic, it will be revised and updated regularly (as new evidence comes in) and those UNWILLING AGENTS who watch this GCFNC presentation are required to watch the most recent version of it. Because much of the technology used by Jesuits is very complex, it is recommended that heavy use be made of visuals (or of a movie format) in presenting this information, so that the viewer can see the technology in action in a visual and movie form.
34.0(a) Any knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause any UNWILLING AGENT to watch anything other than the most recent version of JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. Because UNWILLING AGENTS often must watch this over and over, it is important to make this as fruitful an experience for them as possible. It is not fruitful for them to watch the same thing over and over 100 times. So if there is an improved and updated version of this GCFNC presentation, that is what they must watch.
34.0(b) Because this presentation is so involved, the UNWILLING AGENT may be required to view the entire presentation in more than one sitting, in order to fulfill his/her requirement of having seen the entire presentation. For those UNWILLING AGENTS used by Jesuits to harass, this would mean that UNWILLING AGENT cannot be allowed to harass the person they had harassed until they watch the ENTIRE presentation and have passed the required test.
34.0(b1) After an UNWILLING AGENT passes the required test, he/she will be monitored for the next week to see if he/she is given amnesia about what he/she learned for the test. During this monitoring period, that UNWILLING AGENT is still banned from contacting or communicating with the person he/she was used to harass. Only after a week has passed and the UNWILLING AGENT has not been given amnesia about what he/she learned for his/her test, can that UNWILLING AGENT contact or communicate with the person he/she was used to harass.
34.0(b2) However, even after the week has passed, if any amnesia is induced on the UNWILLING AGENT to cause him/her to forget what he/she learned for this test or if the UNWILLING AGENT is used to harass for the Jesuits again, this must be reported in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and those who have legal custody of this UNWILLING AGENT must ensure that this UNWILLING AGENT is not used to harass the person he/she harassed, because now this UNWILLING AGENT must pass this test again with a higher score and must go through a longer monitoring period after he/she has taken the test again. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
34.0(b3) Each instance of amnesia induced on any UNWILLING AGENT to cause them to forget what they learned for any test they are required to take, immediately puts them under a ban from communicating with the person they harass. And immediately requires them to retake the test they passed. During any monitoring period or once amnesia is induced on an UNWILLING AGENT to cause them to forget what they learned for the test, the UNWILLING AGENT is forbidden to contact or communicate with the person they harassed.
34.0(b4) This becomes cumulative. Which means that if the amnesia or harassment occurs again, the next monitoring period will be two weeks after the UNWILLING AGENT passes his/her test retake. If the amnesia or harassment occurs again, the next monitoring period will last for 3 weeks after the UNWILLING AGENT passes his/her test retake, etc. This can cause a monitoring period after an UNWILLING AGENT passes a test retake to go on for 100 weeks or longer if necessary, depending on how often the Jesuits induce amnesia on any UNWILLING AGENT or use that UNWILLING AGENT to harass.
34.0(b5) In severe cases, it may be necessary to confine the UNWILLING AGENT or move them to another location.
34.0(b6) Once any amnesia is induced on any UNWILLING AGENT to cause them to forget what they learned for any test they must take, they are banned from communicating with the person (they were used by the Jesuits to harass) until they pass the test again with a higher score and go through the mandatory MONITORING PERIOD. The next time they take the test, they will be placed under a week longer MONITORING PERIOD.
34.0(b7) During any MONITORING PERIOD, the UNWILLING AGENT will STILL BE BANNED FROM ANY COMMUNICATIONS or CONTACT with the person he/she harassed (even if he/she passed the test). Once amnesia is induced on an UNWILLING AGENT to cause them to forget what they learned for the test OR if they are used again to harass, THEY will have to retake the test again and pass it with a higher score.Each test retake will result in a week longer monitoring period. In severe cases, the UNWILLING AGENT may be placed in a MONITORING PERIOD of a year or longer.
34.0(b8) Any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) violations of these Sections 34.0(b) through 34.0(b8)with the intent to violate the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
34.0(c) All UNWILLING AGENTS must view this entire historical educational presentation (made by GCFNC) in which GCFNC (in its prime time broadcasts) will educate the world on GCFNC about how and whenthe Jesuits discovered satellite technology and 666-Computer technology, and what the Jesuits did with these discoveries when they discovered these technologies.
34.0(d) Those that are not UNWILLING AGENTS will be encouraged to watch this GCFNC presentation on GCFNC. It will be heavily promoted and advertised on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The world needs to be educated about this very important history about the use of groundbreaking satellite and computer technology (within the past 30 to 40 years) on people and animals.
34.1 This presentation will be very specific, deep and thorough– with dates, places, persons involved, SIGNIFICANT PERSONs targeted, motives (with thorough character and psychological studies made of the criminals and persons involved), numbers of murders committed through satellite and 666-Computer technology, and times mentioned.
34.1(a) For instance, it will be mentioned when (the date) satellite or 666-Computer technology was first used on a person to manipulate their health or body and which organization knew about this technology first and what they did with the knowledge which they possessed.
34.1(b) It will be emphasized in this GCFNC historical presentation that when the Jesuits discovered or invented these 666-Computer and/or satellite technologies, that the Jesuits used these technologies to SECRETLY and in an underhanded manner manipulate the brains and bodies and health of those persons who could be manipulated by satellite or 666-Computer technology.
34.1(c) It is important to show in this documentary how skilled, clever and experienced the Jesuits are– because they were able to keep this groundbreaking technology a secret from the general public for a very long time (around 30 years). Show evidence that they were able to keep these secrets because of their deep penetration and infiltration into politics, education, science, medicine, law and major institutions of society and government. Names of major organizations (like the A.C.L.U. in the United States) which have heavy Jesuit penetration will be listed out and mentioned, with evidence for the heavy Jesuit penetration into these organizations. It will also be shown that all Jesuits (and all willing and knowing Jesuit sponsors) in these major organizations are now being arrested as P.O.W.s and that the freedom loving governments of the world will not allow anyone who is a Jesuit (or anyone who is a willing and knowing Jesuit supporter) to have a license to practice any type of law or any type of medicine (including medicine on animals) or to have a license to practice in any field which influences any type of law or medicine (including medicine on animals). The reasons for not allowing Jesuits to have any type of medical or law license will be shown through historical evidence. This historical evidence will show how Jesuits have penetrated the fields of law and medicine always (without exception) with the motive to promote their crimes against humanity. Therefore, since evidence that Jesuits are full-fledged war criminals is overwhelming and indisputable–portions of the recent Nuremberg war trials excerpts may be shown)–Jesuits are forbidden to hold any licenses which influence any aspect of law or medicine.
34.1(c2) Evidence will also be presented how and why the Jesuits target certain individuals, organizations or countries and try to destroy these individuals, organizations or countries in every way: by destroying them financially and/or economically, by destroying their health, by destroying their reputation, or by killing them and attempting to blame the murder on innocent parties.
34.1(c3) Special evidence will be presented to show the Jesuits’ expertise and interest in manipulating finances and economics and evidence will be presented how the Jesuits have orchestrated the current gasoline prices in the United States and how Jesuits have manipulated the finances and economies of other nations or SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (such as Gail Schuler). Evidence will be presented about how Jesuits use extortion and death threats (via 666-Computer and other groundbreaking technologies) against Vladimir Putin and/or other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS in order to prevent marriages they don’t like or to destroy individuals that oppose their goals. This will explain why Gail, who has written a blockbuster novel, is working as a cashier at Wal-Mart and why she is (at this time) unable to safely marry Vladimir Putin. Make sure to show that Wal-Mart supports our efforts to destroy the Jesuit Order; and, for this reason, Wal-Mart is an organization which is targeted by the Jesuits.
34.1(c4) A history about Gail Schuler and her accomplishments should be presented. Show evidence that Gail has been awarded an honorary Harvard law degree. Maybe have the Harvard University President make the presentation and have his presentation backed up by someone of influence (like Pres. Bush) to add credence to his presentation. When the Harvard University President makes his presentation, have him explain why Gail was awarded this degree and explain the influence her law has had in fighting Jesuit terrorism, medical problems, catastrophic illnesses, mental illnesses, legal blackmail, etc. and which countries around the world have adopted her laws. Then have the leader from every country which has adopted her laws, make a statement about how they feel about Gail’s law and how important her laws have been in their fight against terrorism and in their fight in dealing with major medical and legal and other problems. Because her laws have been passed in many countries, there could be as many as 100 or more world leaders who will make statements about Gail’s laws. The Pope is considered a world leader. Mention that Gail wrote these laws without formal legal training based on her life experiences in dealing with Jesuits and based on her self education in medicine and law, and show the influence and help Gail’s laws have made in helping mankind’s terrorist induced ailments, and in fighting terrorism. Mention some terrorist induced illnesses like AIDS, cancer, heart attacks, strokes and many major illnesses and how Gail’s law are helping to combat these major medical terrorist induced problems. Show that research organizations have been established (because of Gail’s laws) that have made tremendous strides (as a result of Gail’s laws) in combating catastrophic illnesses like Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart attack, stroke, AIDS, and many other debilitating illnesses. Also, show evidence that the Jesuits have fiercely opposed all efforts we have made to overcome these Jesuit induced illnesses which they have leashed upon mankind, and that is why our progress has been slower than we like. Show that because the Jesuits use these illnesses for political gain, in order to frame their enemies with these horrible medical orchestrations (to destroy their enemies), that they fiercely oppose Gail’s brilliant laws and have launched a trillion dollar campaign (find out the exact dollar amount the Jesuits have spent to undermine Gail and present this as evidence to show just how important Gail’s laws are to the world). And that the Jesuits do this to undermine Gail and to destroy her financially, to destroy her reputation and her health and her marriage and her family. Show evidence for all this. Show evidence that these laws which she has written have also caused her to be awarded the Nobel Prize. Then have the Nobel Prize committee make a statement about the influence Gail’s laws have had over economics, science, medicine, law, terrorism, etc. Next, present evidence that Gail has received no compensation or awards for this outstanding work she has done in law, because the Jesuits have blocked all attempts by anyone to allow Gail to receive compensation or recognition for her work, and show evidence about how the Jesuits have done this. Show how they use 666-Computer terrorism, satellite terrorism, and other means of terrorism to keep Gail from getting the recognition and payment she deserves and the happiness she deserves in love and marriage.. And then after this has been shown, show how Gail has been blocked by the Jesuits from receiving her honorary Harvard law degree and show why the Jesuits would oppose her receiving this law degree–mainly because the law she has written prosecutes and executes Jesuits and severely blocks their goals to set up their empire.
Next show evidence that Gail wrote a novel called Silver Skies, but was unable to write the ending because the Jesuits undermined her health (and show how they did this by using the 666-Computer) and show how the Jesuits caused her ex-husband and family to not support her writing. You can use 666-Computer Historians to search Gail’s brain to obtain history about this to present this in the presentation. Present evidence about how the Jesuits manipulated her ex-husband and mother (via 666-Computer) to not read a word of her brilliant writing. And, in their ignorance, they made fun of her writing and scoffed at her attempts to write. Next, present evidence about how her unfinished novel has been received in Russia, Germany and all places where it has been published. Present the evidence that even though her novel does not have an ending, the writing is so brilliant that it has leaped to best seller lists everywhere it has been released and stays on the list a long time. But then, show how the Jesuits have prevented this information about how well her novel has done to be released to the mainstream public media. That they used murder extortion threats, legal extortion threats, medical extortion threats, etc. to keep established publishers, the established press, and anyone of influence who would dare to give Gail Schuler any respect–HELL. Show that anyone who tries to present Gail to the world as the brilliant writer, person and lawyer that she is –gets severely targeted and has their life, reputation, finances and everything threatened and they become fanatically targeted. Show that legal, economic, medical, financial and all means of terrorist extortion are used to prevent her friends and those who respect and love her from giving her the respect, love and financial security she deserves. Show how the Jesuits have also attempted to undermine Gail’s talents and brain with their 666-Computer technology and expose the many attempts they have made to murder Gail (via 666-Computer, car accidents, etc.) and that they caused Gail to become very ill, as they attempted to destroy her life, her reputation, her finances and that the Jesuits will never be happy unless Gail is totally destroyed. Show that these Jesuit murder attempts on Gail and other means of Jesuit terrorism, have been effective means to prevent Gail from getting the financial security, respect and happy marriage and family life that she deserves.
Show dollar amounts about how well Gail’s novel has sold and show where this money is being kept and where its proceeds are being used and why Gail has received none of these proceeds yet. Present the opinions of famous and respected writers about her writing abilities and about the quality of her writing. Show that Steven Spielberg has bought the movie rights to her novel Silver Skies. Maybe have Steven Spielberg make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) about how he feels about Gail’s writing and why he bought the movie rights to Silver Skies. Have Steven Spielberg discuss the movie he is making about Gail and her family and ancestry and have him explain why he feels a movie should be made about this.
Have respected writing award committees make comments about her writing (under 666-Computer lie detection) and what they feel Gail’s potential is as a writer. Then show how the Jesuits have blocked Gail from receiving any of the money or awards she deserves from any of her writings, and how the Jesuits have blocked Gail from receiving her honorary Harvard law degree and how the Jesuits have undermined and blocked Gail from marrying three men who’ve wanted to marry her: Brent Spiner, Franco Nero, and Vladimir Putin. Show to what fanatical extents (give dollar estimates about the amount of money Jesuits have spent to undermine Gail Schuler and her accomplishments, in order to keep her poor and under the control of Jesuits).
Show to what extents the Jesuits have gone to prevent Gail from marrying Brent Spiner, Franco Nero and Vladimir Putin. And have Brent Spiner make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection that he tried to marry Gail and how the Jesuits messed that up). Next, have Franco Nero make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection that he tried to marry Gail and how the Jesuits messed that up). Next, have Vladimir Putin make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection that he has been trying to marry Gail and how the Jesuits have messed that up). See Section 34.7.
Next, show evidence that other reasons Gail is so severely targeted is because she is descended (or has genetic links) from Kings David and Solomon of Israel, Howard Hughes and other significant persons like Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, Japanese royalty, etc. Show her genetic profile and how close it is to Howard Hughes, King David and some very significant people in history. Therefore, the Jesuits know that Gail has great potential to cause catastrophic harm to their goals of a worldwide dictatorship, because she has the genes of brilliance and greatness in her–and the Jesuits know that Gail will not use her brilliance to help them out, but rather to oppose them.
34.1(d) Show that the AIDS virus was invented by this technology and the consequences of this. Show that the cures to most cancers have been discovered by this technology and how these cures have been KEPT SECRET and the reasons for keeping this cancer cure secret.
34.1(d2) Show how the Jesuits have opposed our attempts to use this technology to cure cancers, terminal illnesses and AIDS–and WHY they have opposed these attempts (namely because of exposure they would suffer for knowing about this technology for about 30 years, not telling the public, and then using it in a criminal manner). Show that Jesuits are more concerned about appearances and reputation than in genuinely doing what is best for humanity.
34.1(e) It is very important to show that the Jesuit mind set is one of obsession with appearances OVER THE TRUTH. The use of Jesuit IMPOSTERS must also be a part of this presentation (see Sect. 34.1[e1]). This can be part of the psychological profile presented about the Jesuits in this presentation. Evidence needs to be presented about how the Jesuits have taken over the news media throughout the world and that most news sources are liars (because the Jesuits manage most news networks). Show evidence that the Jesuits manage most of the news and press networks in the world. Part of this evidence should be to publish or present the news or press guidelines from those news organizations controlled by Jesuits. GCFNC publishes its news guidelines, so these other news organizations should present to the world their news reporting guidelines. Since they won’t do it, GCFNC will do it for them in this GCFNC historical presentation about JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS. The news reporting guidelines of GCFNC will be presented alongside the news reporting guidelines of those news organizations controlled by JESUITS (in this special presentation about JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS. Also, evidence will be presented from history about what happened to those reporters who violated the news reporting guidelines of their news organization(s). In fact, that’s one reason the Jesuits were able to keep secret their criminal satellite and 666-Computer activities for 30 or 40 years–because the news didn’t report the news. Those news networks and outlets that are more honest will be honored by GCFNC and mentioned in this presentation.
34.1(e1) A very thorough presentation must be made to show how AND WHY the Jesuits create IMPOSTERS, and how they use them. This presentation must show the technology used to create IMPOSTERs, including an overview of reproductive laws violated to accomplish the creation of IMPOSTERS. The Gail’s son IMPOSTER must be exposed and explained in this presentation, but done so in a manner which respects who he is (as he is in his GENUINE PERSON state). It is necessary to expose the Gail’s son IMPOSTER, because the Jesuits use him (as an IMPOSTER) to promote their goals. The science and technology used to create the Gail’s son IMPOSTER must be explained in a sensitive manner which honors CONSPIRACY LAW and which will protect the IMPOSTER as well as the genuine Gail’s son. Somehow explain to the viewer (using evidence) how the Gail’s son IMPOSTER was created and why the Jesuits did this. The motive for their doing this can be obtained from 666-Computer analysis of Jesuits’ brains. I am sure that Gail Schuler’s genetic links to Howard Hughes played a large role in why the Jesuits created an IMPOSTER of her son–if so, this must be explained with evidence. Perhaps the Jesuits planned to kill the real Gail’s son and replace him with the IMPOSTER. The Jesuits’ real motives for creating the Gail’s son IMPOSTER must be exposed WITH EVIDENCE in order to protect both the real Gail’s son and his IMPOSTER. ANY OTHER IMPOSTERS OF SIGNIFICANT PERSONs discovered must also be exposed and explained WITH EVIDENCE in this GCFNC presentation.
34.1(f) Show a complete history about how these groundbreaking technologies were discovered, WHO DISCOVERED THEM and what was done about these discoveries.
34.1(f2) It is also important to show what these groundbreaking technologies can do and those who watch this presentation will be shown all the capabilities of groundbreaking satellite and 666-Computer technology–including any important recent discoveries such as REPLICATOR PROGRAMMING–see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.. It should be emphasized in the presentation that it makes sense that the Jesuits have more knowledge about their technologies’ secrets, since they’ve used this technology longer than we have and know more about how to use it. Jesuits rely on public ignorance about the capabilities of groundbreaking satellite and 666-Computer technology to further their secret criminal enterprises.
34.1(f3) Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any person who has legal jurisdiction over an UNWILLING AGENT, to cause that UNWILLING AGENT to not watch a required GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS (as outlined in this Sect. 34–see ** underlined section below), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person who has legal jurisdiction over that UNWILLING AGENT, and who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) allows that UNWILLING AGENT to NOT view the entire required GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS. **The presentation which the UNWILLING AGENT watches, must meet all the guidelines as outlined in this Sect. 34. So, if the UNWILLING AGENT watches a presentation which does not follow the guidelines of this Sect. 34, then that UNWILLING AGENT has not watched the required presentation and has not fulfilled this Sect. 34.1(f3).
34.1(f4) Exceptions to Sect. 34.1(f3) will be if the UNWILLING AGENT does not have the brain functioning or the health necessary to watch the GCFNC presentation. A PLP or RSP will determine if that UNWILLING AGENT should be exempted from watching the required GCFNC presentation and those (such as employers, the government, or those with legal jurisdiction over any UNWILLING AGENT) who have legal jurisdiction over that UNWILLING AGENT, must receive a clear and unambiguously written EXEMPTION SLIP (signed and dated by a PLP or RSP) before they can claim that their UNWILLING AGENT is exempt from watching the required GCFNC presentation.
34.1(f5) Any person who has legal jurisdiction (called a LEGAL GUARDIAN) over an UNWILLING AGENT and who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows that UNWILLING AGENT to be exempted from watching the required GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS (as outlined in this Sect. 34) without obtaining the required EXEMPTION SLIP (as outlined in this Sect. 34.1), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR for his/her deliberate negligence to obtain the required EXEMPTION SLIP before exempting his/her UNWILLING AGENT from watching the entire GCFNC presentation. This EXEMPTION SLIP must be obtained within two weeks after 5-31-04 or within 2 weeks after it is decided by that LEGAL GUARDIAN (over that UNWILLING AGENT), that that UNWILLING AGENT does not have the health or brain functioning needed to watch the GCFNC presentation.
34.1(f6) The EXEMPTION SLIP can be obtained over the internet with an electronic signature from a/an RSP or PLP and the record that the required EXEMPTION SLIP has been obtained will be recorded in computer memory banks by that RSP or PLP who gives out the EXEMPTION SLIP. 666-Computer memory analysis can determine when that LEGAL GUARDIAN decided that his/her UNWILLING AGENT did not have the health or brain functioning needed to watch the GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS [in order to know when that LEGAL GUARDIAN has gone past his/her two week deadline–see Sect. 34.1(f5)]; and in case the computer memory banks maintained by PLPs and RSPs are sabotaged by Jesuits, 666-Computer memory analysis can also be used to determine if a LEGAL GUARDIAN obtained the required EXEMPTION SLIP.
34.1(f6) Any PLP or RSP who willingly and knowingly allows (or gives out an EXEMPTION SLIP or gives out a confusing EXEMPTION SLIP) for any UNWILLING AGENT to be exempted from watching a required GCFNC presentation, when that UNWILLING AGENT has the brain functioning or the health to be able to watch this presentation (as outlined in this Sect. 34.1), that PLP or RSP will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
666-Computer induced amnesia is not considered a strong enough impairment to exempt an UNWILLING AGENT from watching the presentation, because any little bit which that UNWILLING AGENT is able to remember will be helpful. Counterfeit legal documents (including counterfeit EXEMPTION SLIPS) are a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS. A general rule to follow in determining whether or not a PLP or RSP should NOT give out an EXEMPTION SLIP is this: If that UNWILLING AGENT has the ability to walk about and/or to boss or manipulate or deceive people around him/her, then that UNWILLING AGENT has the brain functioning and health needed to watch the required GCFNC presentation.
34.1(f6) Those UNWILLING AGENTS who refuse to watch the required GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS must be kept away from regular society (or be confined) and/or kept away from those they have a history of targeting until they watch the entire required GCFNC presentation. Most definitely, any UNWILLING AGENT, who refuses to watch the required GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS, is forbidden to be in or near the vicinity of Gail Schuler. This would include any maintenance workers (or other workers) at her apartment complex where she resides. And it would include all government service workers who could cause noises or other disruption to Gail or to her services and all those whose vehicles can be heard within the range of Gail’s apartment. UNWILLING AGENTS are not permitted to shop at the Wal-Mart where Gail works or to be within a mile circumference of Gail, until they watch the required GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS and they must pass a test about it with 80% comprehension (and all questions relating to material discussed in Section 34.7 must be answered 100% correctly or the person FAILS THE TEST). The presentation they watch must present Gail’s history (as outlined in Sect. 34.1 of this document) and the UNWILLING AGENT must be tested about Gail’s history to the extent that they understand how important Gail is in the fight against Jesuit terrorism. If any UNWILLING AGENT comes within a mile circumference of Gail, without having watched the GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS and passed the test about it with 80% comprehension (except for questions regarding Sect. 34.7, which must be answered 100% correctly), then they will be placed in jail for a day or longer (where they will be forced to watch the GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS over and over until they pass a test about it with 98% comprehension). And if they fail this test (with less than 98% comprehension), they are forbidden to be near Gail Schuler in any manner and may be placed in jail or confinement permanently until they pass the test with 98% comprehension. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of this Sect. 34.1(f6) or neglect to enforce this Sect. 34.1(f6) by any person will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
34.1(g) Emphasize in this presentation how the Jesuits kept their knowledge of these groundbreaking technologies TOP SECRET and show WHY they kept their knowledge of these technologies TOP SECRET (basically because these technologies were used by Jesuits in a criminal and terrorist manner).
34.1(h) Jesuit attempts (through history and with SIGNIFICANT PERSONs) to cover up their satellite and 666-Computer criminal activities will also be exposed in these GCFNC presentations.
34.1(i) All evidence presented in these GCFNC historical presentations about what the Jesuits have done with satellite and 666-Computer technology, especially in the use of satellite and/or 666-Computer technology to manipulate the health and bodies and brains of those manipulated by satellite (and 666-Computer), must be accurate and backed up with documented evidence.
34.1(j) Also, it will be mentioned which governments or world leaders or SIGNIFICANT PERSONs were deliberately kept in the dark about this TOP SECRET Jesuit-directed satellite and 666-Computer world-wide operation.
34.2 EVIDENCE WILL BE PRESENTED that the Jesuits deliberately tried to keep secret this groundbreaking technology and (how it was used) from certain people or organizations or governments. Also, the evidence for the reasons why the Jesuits did not want to inform CERTAIN governments or world leaders or SIGNIFICANT PERSONs about their TOP SECRET operations will also be presented.
34.2(a) This educational presentation will show WHO knew about these TOP SECRET criminal satellite and 666-Computer operations and WHO DID NOT KNOW about these TOP SECRET criminal satellite and 666-Computer operations and WHEN these various organizations and persons (those who KNEW and did NOT know) discovered these groundbreaking technologies.
34.2(b) EMPHASIS WILL BE PLACED ON HOW THE DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS OR PERSONS reacted to this groundbreaking knowledge when it was presented to them.
34.2(c) Also, emphasis will be placed on those SIGNIFICANT PERSONs that were targeted by Jesuits with this groundbreaking technology and why they were targeted and what they suffered (loss of reputation, loss of health, loss of finances, loss of family members, etc.) as a result of this targeting.
34.2(d) Evidence from direct- or cross-examinations could be used as evidence to establish the motive for targeting certain SIGNIFICANT PERSONs by the Jesuits. Evidence from genetics and family trees may be presented as well. For instance, Gail Schuler was heavily targeted because her brain’s genetic make-up is 90% identical to Howard Hughes. Evidence will be presented about why the Jesuits did not like Howard Hughes and that they murdered Howard Hughes after they made him into a mental case (using satellite and 666-Computer technology).
34.2(e) Royal bloodlines may be brought in as evidence to explain why certain persons were/are highly targeted. Show that Jesuits are fascinated with genetics and genetic backgrounds on people and use this information to determine who they will target. This evidence from genetics could be tied in with evidence presented about the Jesuits’ holocaust and concentration camp atrocities.
34.3 This historical presentation about how the different organizations or persons reacted to this groundbreaking knowledge when it was presented to them, will delve deeply into the motives and modus operandi of those organizations which DID KNOW about these groundbreaking satellite and 666-Computer operations (over the past 30 or 40 years) and reacted in a CRIMINAL and SECRETIVE MANNER.
34.4 Portions of direct- or cross-examinations from GCFNC may also be presented in this educational history as EVIDENCE for motive or time or place or persons involved in this history about groundbreaking satellite and computer technology.
34.5 All UNWILLING AGENTS are required to watch this special GCFNC presentation which will be entitled: JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS.The UNWILLING AGENT will be told in the GCFNC presentation that he/she watches, that this GCFNC presentation is taken from the news broadcasts of GCFNC and that any willing and knowing false information presented on GCFNC is a death penalty violation. If the UNWILLING AGENT is required to take any test because he/she has been used to harass people [see Sections 34.5(a) and 32.2], we want to make it easy for them to pass their tests. This GCFNC presentation (or other presentation –see Sect. 32) must be presented to them in their strongest language (for those UNWILLING AGENTS who speak or know more than one language) and UNWILLING AGENTS must be tested about this GCFNC presentation (or other presentation–see Sect. 32) in their strongest language.
34.5 Any direct or indirect attempt (or action) to cause an UNWILLING AGENT to be tested with a test other than in their strongest language, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a scheme.
34.5(a) To HARASS any person is defined (for the purposes of this Sect. 34 and of CONSPIRACY LAW) as any action (or attempted action) done to any person or group designed to strengthen the appearance that the Jesuit Order is NOT a terrorist organization, especially if that action (or attempted action) is done to any person or group with the direct or indirect intent to frame an innocent party or parties with the crimes of the Jesuits.
34.5(b) Those UNWILLING AGENTS who are used by Jesuits (directly or indirectly–whether singly or as part of a conspiracy) to HARASS (see Sect. 34.5a) any person (especially to HARASS a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) will not only be required to watch this GCFNC presentation, but must pass a test (written in that UNWILLING AGENT’s strongest language) about what they watched. If that UNWILLING AGENT does not pass this test with at least 80% comprehension, they will be confined, or prevented from harassing the person which they targeted (while they were/are used as an UNWILLING AGENT) until they pass the test with 80% comprehension (except for questions about Sect. 34.7 which must be answered 100% correctly). If the harassment is against Gail Schuler, it’s handled more severely–see above Sections. If necessary, and because, after the UNWILLING AGENT has harassed or deceived a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, that UNWILLING AGENT refuses to cooperate and to watch the GCFNC presentation and/or to pass the required test, that very strong measures may need to be taken to ensure that the UNWILLING AGENT is kept away from the person they are manipulated by Jesuits to harass or deceive. For instance, it may be possible that when Gail Schuler visits the Pope, that her mother (who is an UNWILLING AGENT) may have to fly on another jet to see the presentations–that Gail will fly on Air Force One with Pres. Bush and Gail’s mother will fly on another jet--maybe Gail’s mother will fly on a jet with another world leader. And maybe Gail and her mother will not even stay in the same hotels in Europe. Gail’s mother may only be allowed to be near Gail– when Gail is awarded her Nobel Prize, her proceeds from her novel and her honorary Harvard Law degree. And Gail’s mother–even then– may not be allowed to be TOO near Gail during the presentation of the honors. She may have to be in the middle of a huge crowd–just make sure that she sees the presentations.
34.5(b2) If the UNWILLING AGENT continues to HARASS or deceive (directly or indirectly–whether singly or as part of a conspiracy) after passing the test, he/she will be required to view the GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS again and to pass the test about the GCFNC presentation again. However, the next time he/she takes the test, he/she must get a higher score than he/she got the last time he/she took the test and he/she cannot take the same test he/she took before (since there are around 1,000 different versions of the test)–and until he/she gets the higher score, he/she must be kept away from that person which he/she was used by Jesuits to HARASS or deceive. If the last score on the test taken by the UNWILLING AGENT was 100%, then he/she must get 100% the next time he/she takes the test.
34.5(b22) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to violate Sect. 34.5(b2) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
34.5(b3) If the UNWILLING AGENT continues to HARASS or deceive (directly or indirectly–whether singly or as part of a conspiracy), there is no limit to the number of times that the UNWILLING AGENT must watch the GCFNC presentation and the number of times that the UNWILLING AGENT must retake and pass the test over the GCFNC presentation. How many times the UNWILLING AGENT must watch the GCFNC presentation and pass the required test, would depend on how many times the UNWILLING AGENT is used to HARASS (directly or indirectly–whether singly or as part of a conspiracy)–especially if the UNWILLING AGENT is used to HARASS a SIGNIFICANT PERSON(s).
34.5(b4) If necessary, the UNWILLING AGENT, if a worker for an organization, will be paid for the time they spend in watching the GCFNC presentation(s) and in taking the required test(s) about the GCFNC presentation(s). The International government may help organizations that need financial assistance to help to pay for time spent (by UNWILLING AGENTS) during working hours, in order to educate these UNWILLING AGENTS about the criminal use of satellite and computer technology by Jesuits.
34.5(b5) UNWILLING AGENTs used to HARASS SIGNIFICANT PERSONs must also be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 32.
34.5(b6) The tests for the UNWILLING AGENTS will be designed by professional test preparers (from the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTs of the countries involved) and these tests which the test preparers have prepared will not be used until that test preparer certifies (under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) that the test(s) they have prepared is/are fair and tests the most recent GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS, comprehensively and accurately and unambiguously and that it is being administered in an easy-to-understand format. There could be as many as 1,000 different tests used to cover this presentation, but no test will be used until the test preparer passes lie-detection about the above italicized statement. All tests prepared must test over the MOST RECENT VERSION of the GCFNC presentation (see beginning of this Sect. 34), so the tests need to be continually updated.
34.5(b7) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt to create or administer a test which violates Sect. 34.5(b6) or Sect. 34.5(c) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
34.5(c) No cheating will be tolerated on this required test about the GCFNC presentation JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS. All test taking will be monitored to eliminate cheating. If cheating is involved, then another test about the GCFNC presentation called JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESSmust be taken. They can retake this test as many times as they need to take it in order to pass it. The test must be designed so that it clearly indicates that the UNWILLING AGENT has a good comprehension (80%) of the history of how the Jesuits used satellite and 666-Computer technology within the past 30 to 40 years and why they used it the way they did and it must be designed to show that the person understands the importance of Gail Schuler (her accomplishments, her legal writings, her writings, and her influence and genetic background) in this war against Jesuit terrorism.
34.6 This presentation must also show how the Jesuits have used 666-Computer and satellite technology on animals and other living creatures, and WHY they have used animals. Probably because they felt if they used animals, they could cover their criminal behavior, motives and actions better.
34.6(a) Jesuits don’t miss a thing when they want to cover their tracks. This must be shown and emphasized.
34.7 Those who watch this presentation must also be tested to see if they understand the psychology and nature of the Jesuits and how brilliant, brazen, controlling, deceptive, obtrusive, thorough, manipulative and fanatical this organization is. The Jesuits’ use of IMPOSTERS (such as creating a twin to Gail’s son) must also be exposed in this presentation. Evidence for this fanaticism must be illustrated by showing in the GCFNC presentation (JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS) to what extents the Jesuits have gone to undermine Gail’s relationships with Brent Spiner, Franco Nero, and Vladimir Putin–so that the Jesuits used extortion to force Loree McBride on Brent Spiner, in order to destroy Brent’s relationship with Gail and then attempted to use their agent, Loree, to destroy Gail’s relationship with Franco Nero. Evidence must be presented that when Gail became interested in Vladimir Putin in 2001, the Jesuits used the Jesuit controlled press (through USA Today in November 2001) to print a lying article about Vladimir (which claimed that Laura Bush made a statement that Vladimir and his wife, Lyudmila, would be entertained at Bush’s ranch at Crawford). Evidence must be presented in JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS that the article lied– because Vladimir was not married at the time and Laura Bush never made that statement– and evidence must be presented that Vladimir was forced to quickly acquire a “wife” (before his November 2001pioneer visit to the United States), so that the Jesuits would not use this USA Today article as their excuse to charge that the news media (in cooperation with Vladimir Putin and/or Pres. Bush and/or Laura Bush) was in a conspiracy against the Jesuit Order.
Vladimir will make a statement in JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that his real reason for his November 2001 pioneer visit to the United States was to start a relationship with Gail Schuler, but that the Jesuits successfully thwarted this, by using their control over the press to extort him into appearing with a “wife” (during his pioneer November 2001 visit to the United States).
34.7(a) Evidence must be presented that the fact that the Jesuits were so successful in getting this newspaper reporter to lie for them, shows how powerful their influence is over the press and the media. This should be pointed out in GCFNC presentation. In fact, evidence should be presented to show the Jesuits’ strong influence over the press and the media (much of this information can be obtained from Dr. Brent Spiner) since the established press was founded.
34.7(b) Evidence should be presented in the GCFNC presentation, that the fictional name they gave to Vladimir’s “wife”–LYUDMILA–has a lot of L’s and M’s, and this shows that the Jesuits wanted to make a conspiracy out of this name, because this was an attempt by the Jesuits to connect their LOREE MCBRIDE conspiracy with Brent Spiner to Vladimir Putin (by calling Vladimir’s new fictional wife–LYUDMILA). Evidence should be presented to show that the Jesuits wanted to connect their Brent Spiner/Loree McBride conspiracy against Gail Schuler (from 1992 to 2001) to their new Vladimir/Lyudmila Putin conspiracy against Gail Schuler (from 2001 to now).
34.7(c) Evidence should be presented that since the Jesuits caused this lying newspaper article in (November 2001) USA Today to appear (which claimed Vladimir had a wife named Lyudmila), that Vladimir chose to appear in established press presentations with a publicity wife, in order to minimize any possible Jesuit legal charges against Vladimir –that Vladimir and the press are in a conspiracy against the Jesuit Order. Evidence should be presented that, instead of using the established media to expose this Jesuit lie, Vladimir chose to go along with this lie (that he has a wife named Lyudmila) by appearing in established news footage with a “wife”. He did this in the hopes that this would prevent the Jesuits from trying to believably charge Vladimir with being in a conspiracy with the established news media against the Jesuit Order. Evidence should be presented that if the Jesuits were successful in creating a Putin/established press conspiracy against the Jesuit Order, that it could have strengthened them in their terrorist endeavors and would have made it easier for the Jesuits to harm Gail Schuler and her family (including Gail’s son) in a manner that would frame Vladimir Putin with the Jesuit crimes orchestrated against her. Evidence for Vladimir’s motive (to protect Gail) for going along with this Jesuit orchestrated lie (that he has a wife named Lyudmila), needs to be shown and explained (with EVIDENCE) in the GCFNC presentation, or else the Jesuits will claim (to Gail’s UNWILLING AGENT family members) that Vladimir is married; and, therefore, cannot marry Gail without incredible complications.
Perhaps Vladimir should make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) in JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS about why he has chosen (in established news media presentations) to be seen in established press presentations with a publicity wife. He should emphasize any motives he had to do this to protect Gail Schuler or her family. Evidence must be shown in the GCFNC presentation, WHY Vladimir has gone along with this Jesuit hatched lie about having a wife named Lyudmila– which is to prevent the Jesuits from charging that the press and Vladimir are in a conspiracy against the Jesuit Order. EVIDENCE must be shown that if the Jesuits were successful in charging Vladimir with a conspiracy against them (involving the established press), then the Jesuits could have used the established press to create monstrous conspiracies (which could have harmed Gail Schuler or her family) and would have claimed that Vladimir was a part of these conspiracies.
Evidence should also be presented in JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS from polls taken in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 of the Russian people as to whom the Russian people consider to be Vladimir Putin’s real wife (which is the woman he dreamed about and wanted to be intimate with– in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004). Obviously, the Russian people should know who their President’s wife is. Also, evidence should be provided from polling (or other sources) of the Russian people over what influence Vladimir’s engagement/relationship to Gail had in his being reelected as Russian President in 2003. A poll should be taken of the Russians (according to Sect. 8 of this document) to ask them if Vladimir’s relationship with Gail (and his adoption of her laws and policies for Russia and the world) had a significant impact on whether they wanted Vladimir Putin to be reelected as Russian President. This should present overwhelming evidence to the world, that Gail Schuler is the real helpmeet and soul mate of Vladimir Putin and that Vladimir considers himself truly married to Gail (and not to his publicity wife). The results of this polling of the Russian people (about whom the RUSSIANS consider to be Vladimir Putin’s wife), should be test material in all tests made about JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS.
34.7(d) Also, evidence must be presented that if the Jesuits can successfully charge that Vladimir uses the established press to blackmail the Jesuits, this may help the Jesuits to successfully sue Vladimir for billions of dollars for slander and defamation against the Jesuit Order. Therefore, evidence must be presented that Vladimir went along with this lie (through the established press) that he has a wife named Lyudmila, to prevent and discourage the Jesuits from bringing the legal charge against Vladimir that he and the established press are in a conspiracy against (and are trying to use the established press to blackmail the Jesuit Order).
34.7(e) Evidence should be presented in JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS, that already the Jesuits are attempting to sue the established press for such a conspiracy, since FOX News and Bill O’Reilly have been sued (over this alleged Vladimir/press conspiracy against the Jesuits) for millions of dollars, and this case (as of 10-18-04) is currently in the courts.
34.7(f) The evidence that the Jesuits are so eager to create a Vladimir Putin/established press conspiracy against the Jesuits needs to be pointed out in the GCFNC presentation (JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS) or else Jesuits will go to town with this lie (which they hatched) which has caused Vladimir to appear in established press footage with a publicity wife. If this is not explained thoroughly in the GCFNC presentation (JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS), then the Jesuits will go to town with their lie (that Vladimir has a wife named Lyudmila) on Gail’s UNWILLING AGENT mother and sister (and on other of Gail’s family members).
34.7(g) Evidence should also be presented that Vladimir and Gail have created their own news network (to counter the Jesuit controlled worldwide established news media), and that on Vladimir’s own news network, he admits that he and Gail are engaged to be married; and, for this reason, he has adopted Gail’s son, Gail’s son, as his own son. Vladimir’s own admission on GCFNC under 666-Computer lie-detection (about why he has appeared in the established press with a publicity wife) and that he is really engaged to be married to Gail (and has adopted her son), needs to be shown in JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS.
34.7(h) All persons who are tested about JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS must show that they understand why Vladimir has appeared in established press presentations (with a wife named Lyudmila) and they must also be tested to see if they understand that on Vladimir’s own news station (GCFNC), he tells the truth about why he does this and admits that he is really engaged to be married to Gail Schuler and that, for this reason, he has adopted Gail’s son as his own son. They must also be tested to see if they understand how the Jesuits use IMPOSTERS and if they understand how the Jesuits have used a Gail’s son IMPOSTER and any other IMPOSTERS that involve SIGNIFICANT PERSONs. If any person fails any of the questions regarding the above underlined section or regarding the results of the polling of the Russian people (and their opinion about who Vladimir’s wife is) and about the Jesuits’ use of IMPOSTERS of SIGNIFICANT PERSONs, then they must fail the ENTIRE TEST about their knowledge of JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS.
34.7(i) When Gail’s UNWILLING AGENT family members are tested over their knowledge about JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS, they must be tested to see if they understand why Vladimir has appeared in established press presentations with a publicity wife (who is obviously not Gail Schuler). If they fail any of the test questions regarding why Vladimir has appeared in established press presentations with a publicity wife, then they must completely fail the test about their knowledge of JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS and must retake this test until they answer ALL the test questions correctly [about why Vladimir has appeared in established press presentations with a publicity wife (who is obviously not Gail)] and ALL the test questions correctly about the results of polls made of the Russians (about who their President’s wife is) and all questions correctly about the Jesuits’ use of IMPOSTERS (especially the Gail’s son IMPOSTER).
34.7(j) Emphasize that because the Jesuit Order is a master at controlling the press and the media, that is how they escaped blame for their Nazi atrocities, until this year.
34.7(j.1) God has shown me from Gen. 20 that Vladimir is no more to claim that he is married to (or engaged to) anyone but myself. If he does this, he will lose me to another (read what happened to Abraham when he tried to pawn his wife off as his sister in Gen. 20). Any person or organization who directly or indirectly (willingly and knowingly) tries to (or does) portray Vladimir Putin as married to or engaged to any woman other than myself (unless it is true that Vladimir is married to or engaged to another than myself) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and that person or organization’s case will be tried on GCFNC.
34.7(j.2) As of this 9th day of February, 2005–Vladimir is not married and is engaged to Gail Schuler, and has been unofficially engaged to Gail Schuler since about February 2002. If anybody tries to (or does) willingly and knowingly report Vladimir’s marital situation as anything other than the truth, they will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. God almost killed Abimelech when Abimelech took Abraham’s wife, and this occurred because Abraham did not have the courage to admit that Sarah was his wife publicly. So God has warned myself and Vladimir, that we are to report the truth about our engagement and to play no more games in this matter or the result will be like Abraham had with Sarah and Abimelech.
34.7(a1) It is very important to show how thorough and fanatical and deceptive the Jesuits are, since to many people what they will see will appear unbelievable and incredible. Therefore, much evidence should be presented about the character and nature of the Jesuit Order, to show that we are dealing with an organization that has the money to hire the best brains in the world, and it may be wise to show some clips from history (about how the Jesuit Order behaved before they discovered satellite and computer technology’s ability to manipulate people and animals), to show that their current and recent behavior (regarding satellite and computer technology) fits right in with their history.
34.8 We don’t want this presentation to be totally negative or else it could cause those who watch it to feel overwhelmed and devastated. Show the positive side: that is, show that when certain individuals discovered the use of this technology, and that when Gail wrote her brilliant law, it brought out the best in those who were willing to risk their life in order to expose the criminal use of this technology and in order to try to change the way this technology is used– so that LIVES would be SAVED rather than murdered.
34.8(a) Show what’s happening with Gail’s CONSPIRACY LAW and what one should do (and what attitudes one should have and what actions or inactions one should take) to promote the use of this groundbreaking technology as a lifesaver instead of as a killer.
34.8(b) At the end of this presentation, show that with good laws and proper law enforcement, this technology could be the cure to all cancers, heart problems, AIDS, and many other baffling illnesses that have confounded mankind through the centuries. That technology this powerful must be used by those who are humanitarians and not by those who are terrorists. And that our primary purpose for showing this presentation is not to expose the criminals, but to cause this groundbreaking technology to be used for the good of mankind.
34.9 We hope that those UNWILLING AGENTS (who are now under the control of Jesuit terrorists) who watch this presentation will have their brains gradually freed from the control of Jesuits, and that when those portions of their brain begin to be freed from Jesuit control, these UNWILLING AGENTS will have some guidelines (as a result of watching this presentation) about how they can (by their behavior and attitudes) promote the positive use of this groundbreaking technology on themselves and on others.
34.9(a) Show these UNWILLING AGENTS how we are trying to use this groundbreaking technology to free them from Jesuit control, but that we cannot free them immediately–because their brain has become USED TO the illegal programming; and, therefore, we must gradually wean them from Jesuit control over their brain–lest we kill them by putting their brain into shock.
34.9(b) Explain how LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and TRIGGER PROGRAMMING works (in this GCFNC presentation) and that the Jesuits anticipated we might discover their criminal use of this groundbreaking technology, and –as we’ve learned from studying Jesuit history--they always have a back-up plan. Therefore, once we discovered the Jesuits’ use of brain control (via satellite and computer) over people, they designed this LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and TRIGGER PROGRAMMING to make it impossible to wrest this brain control away from them immediately. Explain how they are causing damage to PERSON-PROGRAMs (with their LOOPHOLE and TRIGGER PROGRAMMING) and this much of this damage is designed to help them maintain illegal control over persons by causing shields to malfunction.
34.9(c) The test for each UNWILLING AGENT will be individualized (in a sense), because each UNWILLING AGENT (who is tested) will be given a realistic time frame about how long it may take to totally free his/her brain from Jesuit Control. Those UNWILLING AGENTS who have a long time to wait, should be informed that their brain has been especially targeted by Jesuits and so it may take longer to free their brain from Jesuit control. In the meanwhile, assure them that we are doing all in our power to free their brain and body from Jesuit control as safely and quickly as possible.
34.9(d) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to include any information or evidence in these GCFNC presentations which is inaccurate, deceptive and/or designed to confuse or mislead the public will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates in such a scheme.
34.9(d1) The presentations and the testing of UNWILLING AGENTS in/over JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS must be conducted according to the guidelines of this Section 34. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to neglect, add to or omit any of the guidelines of this Section 34 in the presentations or testing of UNWILLING AGENTS over JESUIT CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THROUGH INTELLECTUAL AND ECONOMIC PROWESS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
The rationale for having Sect. 35 is to negate any Jesuit attempts (or actions) to create the impression that a government which opposes the Jesuit Order (such as Vladimir Putin’s government) secretly (or behind-the-scenes) supports the actions and/or goals of the Jesuit Order.
35.0 Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President, and Gerhard Schroeder, the current German Chancellor make a DECLARATION OF WAR (by the nations of Russia and Germany) against the JESUIT ORDER.
35.1 This is a FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR by the nations of Russia and Germany against the Jesuit Order.
35.1(a) What this means is that the Russian nation and the German nation will use their military forces and their law enforcement to aggressively find Jesuits (and their supporters) and these JESUITS will be dealt with as prisoners of war (when they are captured); and, when applicable, these Jesuit P.O.W.s will be tried in military tribunals.
35.1(b) The military forces of Russia and Germany (and their NEIGHBOR and BRANCH NATIONS) will work with law enforcement (and the legal and political systems of the world), in order to find and arrest Jesuits as P.O.W.s. Top priority will be given to conducting a search through all organizations which work with law or medicine–including medicine on animals (since Jesuits love to influence law and medicine); and all Jesuits and their supporters (including UNWILLING AGENTS) will be removed from all organizations which work with (directly or indirectly) law or medicine or will be made ineffective so that they cannot work with law or medicine–this would include medicine on animals. Those who are removed from influence and WHO ARE JESUITS will be arrested as P.O.W.s and will be stripped of their license(s) to practice in any field which works with (directly or indirectly) law or medicine (including practical nurses, registered nurses, physical therapists, medical technologists, pharmacists, optometrists, legal assistants, paralegals, attorneys, physicians, veterinarians, dentists, etc.). UNWILLING AGENTS may be allowed to retain their licenses, but will be monitored to ensure that they are not used to support the Jesuits’ goals for law or medicine. If an UNWILLING AGENT loses his/her license, it may be reinstated later after that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt (or action) to violate, disregard or make ineffective this Sect. 35.1(b) by any person, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
35.1(c) Those organizations in the world (such as the A.C.L.U. in the United States) that have a very high percentage of Jesuit infiltration will be mentioned on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL: the percentage of Jesuit infiltration into that organization will be presented and what has been done to those Jesuits within that organization will also be mentioned. For instance, with the A.C.L.U., it will be mentioned that all law licenses have been stripped from all Jesuit legal professionals within that organization and that all these Jesuit legal professionals have been arrested as P.O.W.s.
35.1(d) All NEIGHBOR NATIONS (see Sect. 2 and 3 of GENERAL 666-COMPUTER OR SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS) must join with Russia and Germany in Russia and Germany’s formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order. Those NEIGHBOR NATIONS that do not join with Russia and Germany in their formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order, will lose their status as a NEIGHBOR NATION. Also, no nation can be a BRANCH COUNTRY (see Sect. 3 of GENERAL 666-COMPUTER OR SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS), unless that nation joins with Russia and Germany in their formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order. To join with Russia and Germany in their formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order means that that nation will honor and follow the guidelines of this Sect. 35.
35.2 Russia and Germany invite other freedom loving nations to join with them in their war against the Jesuit Order. All nations that have Jesuits or Jesuit supporters are to turn over to the Russian and German governments those Jesuits (and their supporters) who reside in their countries.
35.3 Those nations who do not turn over to the Russian and German governments (and/or to their BRANCH or NEIGHBOR COUNTRIES) those Jesuits who reside in their country, may be considered enemy countries of Russia and Germany and of the International government, and the DECLARATION OF WAR by Russia and Germany and the International government against the Jesuit Order could extend to those nations.
35.3 Those nations that decide to join Russia and Germany in a DECLARATION OF WAR against the Jesuit Order will be listed or broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. This means that all nations on this list will arrest any Jesuits they find as war criminals and these Jesuits will be treated as P.O.W.s when they are captured.
35.3(a) Once a nation declares war against the Jesuit Order, any Jesuit captured by that nation will be denied due process and will be treated as a prisoner of war. Any trial which a Jesuit is granted will be in a military tribunal.
35.4 All military tribunals (involving Jesuits) will be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
35.5 Once a nation makes a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order, the leader of that country must make a speech on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL in which he/she will state that his/her country has made a FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THE JESUIT ORDER. President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany will both makes speeches on GCFNC, in which they will make a formal statement about the DECLARATION OF WAR which the nations of Russia and Germany have made against the Jesuit Order.
35.6 In this DECLARATION OF WAR, each leader will state that all Jesuits in his/her country are under arrest as war criminals; and, if any Jesuit is found, he will be considered a prisoner of war and will only be allowed a trial through a military tribunal. And that leader will state that because their country has made a DECLARATION OF WAR against the Jesuit Order, those Jesuits who are found will be denied due process and will be treated as war criminals (if captured). The leader will also state that all the military forces of his/her country (in cooperation with his/her country’s law enforcement) will be used to launch military aggressions against the Jesuit Order (including Jesuits within his/her own country).
The laws in this Sect. 36 are retroactive and go back to the very first Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) who was executed for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW. This means every Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) who was, has been, or will be executed for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW must be listed on any list which applies to that executed (or future executed) Jesuit (as outlined in this Sect. 36).
36.0 Every Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) who is in jail awaiting execution must be listed on a JESUIT JAIL LIST. This JESUIT JAIL LIST must describe the CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty violation(s) for which this Jesuit is in jail for (along with the evidence for this/these crime[s]); the name or clear identification (including all languages which that Jesuit spoke fluently) of the Jesuit who will be executed; which country’s government is executing the Jesuit; and the anticipated time, date, place and manner of that Jesuit’s execution. This JESUIT JAIL LIST must be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (or on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION) and then the list must be maintained and updated daily on the GCFNC website.
36.1 Every Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) who has been executed for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW must be listed on a JESUIT EXECUTION LIST. This JESUIT EXECUTION LIST must describe the CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty violation(s) for which this Jesuit was executed (along with the evidence for this/these crime[s]); the name or clear identification of the Jesuit who was executed (including all languages which that Jesuit spoke fluently); which country’s government executed the Jesuit; and the time, date, place, and manner of that Jesuit’s execution.
36.1(a) This JESUIT EXECUTION LIST must be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (or on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION) and then the list must be maintained and updated daily on the GCFNC website. Once a Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) has been executed, his/her name must remain permanently on this list (with all the required information as outlined in this
Sect. 36.1) and his/her name can never be removed from the list.
36.2 Those Jesuits (or Jesuit supporters) who have been executed for CONSPIRACY LAW violations (which revolve around SIGNIFICANT PERSONs) must be listed on a JESUIT EXECUTIONS FOR TARGETING SIGNIFICANT PERSONS list. Those Jesuits listed on this list must be listed in a manner which follow the guidelines of Sect. 36.0 and 36.1, and there will be an additional requirement: these Jesuits must be listed under a heading which would be the name of the SIGNIFICANT PERSON they targeted. It is possible that if a Jesuit was executed for violating a CONSPIRACY LAW violation (or incident) which targeted more than one SIGNIFICANT PERSON, that that Jesuit may have his/her name listed more than once for the same incident–because his/her name must be listed under the name of every SIGNIFICANT PERSON he/she targeted with that incident which brought him/her the death penalty. The JESUIT EXECUTIONS FOR TARGETING SIGNIFICANT PERSONS list must be broadcast on GCFNC and then maintained permanently and updated daily on the GCFNC website–as must be all the lists.
36.3 Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to violate the guidelines of Sections 36.0, 36.1 or 36.2; or to cause any of the lists to be false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, incomplete, or confusing; or to omit the name of any Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) who should be on any list; or to put someone’s name on the list (when that person was not or will not be executed) -will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. Each executed (or future executed–see Sect. 36.0) Jesuit’s name and execution information must be broadcast on GCFNC and then, once executed, his/her name must be maintained permanently on the GCFNC website–see Sect. 36.0, 36.1 and 36.2.
36.4 Every Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) who is executed for CONSPIRACY LAW violations must be listed on all lists applicable to that Jesuit as outlined in Sections 36.0 through 36.3, and that Jesuit’s name or clear identification (along with all the required information–as outlined in Sections 36.0 through 36.3) must be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to omit that executed (or future executed–see Sect. 36.0) Jesuit’s name or identification (from those lists which he/she should be listed on–see Sect. 36.0 through 36.3)–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
36.5 The percentage of Jesuits (or Jesuit supporters) executed from every country will be broadcast and presented on GCFNC to show that this is an international civil war. That is– when Jesuits are executed, their citizenship and those languages which they spoke fluently will be mentioned and this information will be presented as percentages. It will also be mentioned on GCFNC what percentage of each country are being executed as Jesuit conspirators. For example: 30% of Jesuits executed are citizens of Spain, 25% citizens of the U.S., 4% citizens of Japan, etc. 24% of Jesuits executed speak fluent Spanish, 50% speak fluent English, etc. 10% of the American population are being executed as Jesuit conspirators, 20% of the Russian population are being executed as Jesuit conspirators, etc.
36.6 Every country’s leader (who has made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order) will make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional detection) on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, in which he/she will state why he/she has declared war on the Jesuit Order and why he/she would be willing to execute those citizens of his/her own country (who are supporters of the Jesuit Order). The statements for each world leader will be prerecorded and the 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis of that world leader’s statement will be made alongside that statement (if that statement is broadcast on GCFNC).
36.6(a) The purpose for these statements by world leaders is to make it plain that those world leaders who have chosen to make a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order have done so of their own free will. If, as a result of the 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion detection, it is determined that a world leader does not truly desire to declare war against the Jesuit Order or that that world leader is an UNWILLING AGENT, that world leader’s statement that his/her country has made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order will not be broadcast on GCFNC. And if that world leader’s country has already made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order, that declaration will be detracted and this detraction will be noted on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
36.6(b) No nation can be a NEIGHBOR COUNTRY if that nation has not made a sincere and formal declaration of war of its own free will against the Jesuit Order. Russia and Germany do not desire to have alliances with countries who support the Jesuit Order–so, if it is determined that a country’s government secretly supports Jesuits because that country’s leader cannot make a sincere statement that his/her country’s government has made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order–see Sect. 36.6(a) of this document and Sect. 3.71(a) of General 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws,– that country will lose its status as a NEIGHBOR COUNTRY. Any country which loses its status as a NEIGHBOR COUNTRY will also have its PLP and RSP network cancelled (if it hasn’t been cancelled already) and the citizens of that country will be placed under the control of another country’s PLP and RSP network. Also, any country which loses its NEIGHBOR STATUS will not be able to manage its own HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT., but will have its HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. managed by another country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (which will be chosen by the International President).
37.0 The International government does not support the use of SNOOPING HOTLINES, since these hotlines are an easy way for Jesuits to orchestrate conspiracies; and also because UNWILLING AGENTS may be used by Jesuits to make phone calls to a SNOOPING HOTLINE, in order to use government to frame or harass innocent parties with alleged crimes. The International government does not want to become BIG BROTHER.
37.1 A SNOOPING HOTLINE is defined as a toll-free or number which people can call to report abuse or neglect of the elderly, children, disabled, etc. to a governmental authority. 911 or emergency lines should be used strictly for true emergencies. To report the abuse, exploitation or neglect of persons is (in most cases) not considered an emergency and should be handled by PLPs or RSPs.
37.2 PLPs and RSPs can do a more professional and effective job of reporting criminal abuse, exploitation or neglect–since they have continual 24-hour round-the-clock monitoring of those DESIGNATED PERSONs under their care and control.
37.3 Therefore, it is the PLP and/or RSP’s responsibility to report any criminal abuse, neglect, or exploitation which is occurring to any of their DESIGNATED PERSONs. This report will be called the ABUSE REPORT.
37.4 The International government will send out guidelines to all PLPs and RSPs which defines what constitutes criminal abuse, neglect or exploitation. These guidelines will help PLPs and RSPs to know when criminal abuse, neglect or exploitation needs to be reported to the law enforcement authority (which has jurisdiction over the area where that victim lives).
37.5 The International government considers criminal abuse, neglect or exploitation to be law enforcement and criminal matters and will only encourage the filing of reports by PLPs or RSPs regarding these crimes– when the criminal abuse, neglect or exploitation is committed in a manner which is a threat to the life, health, or mental health of the victim. In order for health abuse or neglect to be reported, the threat to the victim’s health must be serious enough that it could result in permanent and disabling conditions. In order for mental abuse to be reported, the threat to the victim’s sanity must be such that if there is no interference by law enforcement, that victim (who is not insane or who is not incurable) may become clinically insane or may become more clinically insane or may develop a mental or emotional condition which would cause that person (because of his/her harasser or tormenter) to be permanently disabled.
37.6 The PLP and/or RSP will report any criminal abuse, neglect or exploitation which is occurring to any DESIGNATED PERSONs under their control, by filing an ABUSE REPORT to the law enforcement or police that have jurisdiction over the area where that abused or neglected DESIGNATED PERSON lives. This ABUSE REPORT must unambiguously and clearly detail (with times, dates, places, who is committing the crimes, who is the victim, etc.) what kind of abuse, neglect or exploitation is occurring and why this crime needed to be reported–that is, the ABUSE REPORT must submit evidence that the crime was life-threatening or permanently disabling to the victim.
37.7 Any willing and knowing attempt by any PLP or RSP to submit a false, misleading, confusing ABUSE REPORT to a law enforcement authority with the intent to frame an innocent party with a crime, will bring that PLP or RSP the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
37.8 And, if a PLP or RSP is aware of a/an criminal abuse, neglect or exploitation which needs to be reported and willingly and knowingly neglects to report this abuse, neglect or exploitation within 24 to 48 hours to the proper law enforcement authority–that PLP or RSP will also receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, because he/she knew of the crime and deliberately allowed the victim to die, become insane or become permanently disabled.
37.9 For instance, if an abused American citizen (who lives in Seattle) is under the 666-Computer control of a German PLP, that German PLP must file an ABUSE REPORT to the Seattle law enforcement authority which has jurisdiction over that abused American citizen.
38.0 The PLP or RSP who files an ABUSE REPORT must obtain proof that this report was submitted to the proper law enforcement authority. Each country will decide how his/her government will handle the ABUSE REPORTS from the PLPs and RSPs which come into that governmental authority.
38.1 GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will report on how the different countries are handling the ABUSE REPORTS which they receive and will present statistics for each country to show how each country handles those ABUSE REPORTS which it receives. Those countries whose law enforcement do an outstanding job of handling and following up on ABUSE REPORTS will be commended and mentioned on GCFNC, and those countries whose law enforcement fails in handling and following up on ABUSE REPORTS will be exposed on GCFNC.
38.2 For those SNOOPING HOTLINES which are already in existence, the International government strongly urges all governments to cancel such hotlines, since they are an invitation for Jesuit orchestrated conspiracies and because the callers to these hotlines do not know all the facts surrounding each case of abuse, negligence or exploitation; and these callers may be troublemakers who just want to frame someone they don’t like.
38.3 If a government insists on using such a hotline, that hotline must be wiretapped and the caller must be informed that his/her call is being recorded and that his/her call may be reported to the federal government or to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of his/her country. The caller should also be informed that caller I.D. is being used on his/her call to trace the call’s origin.
38.4 Any violations of CONSPIRACY LAW that revolve around the use of SNOOPING HOTLINES will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs and if the caller is part of a CONSPIRACY LAW violation, he/she risks being exposed on GCFNC.
38.5 All callers to these SNOOPING HOTLINES must be screened to determine whether or not the caller is an UNWILLING AGENT. All UNWILLING AGENTS who call on these hotlines must be immediately investigated (especially if SIGNIFICANT PERSONS are involved) for there is a strong likelihood that there is a JESUIT CONSPIRACY in progress (involving that UNWILLING AGENT), which needs to be dealt with by LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs and needs to be dealt with by that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT and by the International government.
38.6 Any person who mans a SNOOPING HOTLINES, and who neglects to submit the complete and accurate TRACING CALL LIST of all callers to that SNOOPING HOTLINE to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT, so that the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. can determine if any UNWILLING AGENTS have called that number, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Each call made to a SNOOPING HOTLINE must be traced, and all callers will be identified in a TRACING CALL LIST. This TRACING CALL LIST must clearly identify all callers to this SNOOPING HOTLINES, and then all identifications of all callers to this SNOOPING HOTLINE must be submitted to the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. of each country. The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will determine whether or not an UNWILLING AGENT has made any call.
38.7 Any member of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE who does not investigate any UNWILLING AGENTS who call on this SNOOPING HOTLINE, in order to arrest JESUIT CONSPIRATORS behind the use of this UNWILLING AGENT–will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
38.8 No UNWILLING AGENT is to make a call to any SNOOPING HOTLINE, because UNWILLING AGENTS cannot perform any law enforcement or legal functions–they are considered INCOMPETENT PERSONs–see Sect. 11.11 of General 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws. Any person who willingly and knowingly allows or promotes the use of an UNWILLING AGENT to make a call to a SNOOPING HOTLINE, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
38.9 All UNWILLING AGENTS who call on a SNOOPING HOTLINE must be reported to that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. First off, UNWILLING AGENTS are not permitted to represent themselves or another in legal matters, so just the fact that they are calling a SNOOPING HOTLINE is a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW–since this call is a form of legal representation (see Sect. 11.11 of General 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws)–and this CONSPIRACY LAW violation needs to be reported in a CONSPIRACY REPORT. This is why the International government discourages the use of SNOOPING HOTLINES. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
39.0 A special group of satellite practitioners from those countries with active PLP and RSP networks will be assembled, in order to scan for the existence of any terrorist nuclear, biological and/or chemical substances and/or to scan for the existence of any illegal 666-Computers or satellite computers which are not housed in military bases (called TERRORIST SUPPORTs). The network in charge of all the TSS networks throughout the world will be the Israeli TSS Network. The Israeli TSS Network will manage and oversee all the TSS Networks throughout the world. These satellite practitioners will be called TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS. TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS, like all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must be operating 24/7, because Jesuits never rest and work 24/7. TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS will work with those CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs assigned to them by the International government (see Sect. 13 of this document) in locating and destroying illegal 666-Computers and illegal satellite computers.
39.0(a) TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS (or TSSs) will use satellite computers which are programmed by SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS to detect the presence of nuclear, chemical and/or biological substances and/or ILLEGAL COMPUTERS (see Sect. 39.0a1) which reasonably could be (or are being) used by terrorists.
39.0(a-1) A special subdivision of the TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS will be called the SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS. They will rig cars or vehicles or buses or airplanes or transportation vehicles of (or associated with) SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (such as Gail Schuler), so that if any dangerous tampering or activity takes place in or around the vehicle, that an alarm will go off, which will warn the MILITARY POLICE that the transportation vehicle (or area around the transportation vehicle) is dangerous and that people need to stay away from the transportation vehicle (or its vicinity) until the alarm turns off.
39.0(a-2) The alarm system will be tested every day (several times) to ensure that it is in working order. If someone approaches the transportation vehicle when the alarm goes off, police may be waiting near the transportation vehicle (or its vicinity) to escort those persons away from the vehicle, in order to prevent a bombing or explosion or to deactivate a bomb.
39.0(a-3) This alarm may be a silent alarm (which the satellite practitioners who watch over the transportation vehicle would set) and that only the MILITARY POLICE will hear. The SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS will watch the transportation vehicles of (and the vicinity around the transportation vehicles of) SIGNIFICANT PERSONS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will periodically test the alarm system to ensure that it is working (probably every hour or so).
39.0(a-4) When they are testing the alarm they will warn the police, that it is only a test, so that the police will know if they need to respond to the alarm. If it is not a test, they will tell the police that it is not a test. SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS are ideal persons to do the screening and surveillance, since they can use genetic detectors (via satellite technology) to detect the presence of explosives or suspicious materials around or near the transportation vehicle, including suspicious substances in any airplanes that fly above the transportation vehicle or anything that approaches the vicinity of the transportation vehicle.
39.0(a-5) It will be the job of the satellite practitioners who conduct 24 hour surveillance on a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s vehicle, to immediately set the alarm if there are any suspicious behavior or substances which occurs around (or near the vicinity of) this transportation vehicle (even if the transportation vehicle is being driven or is in motion) and if they notice any suspicious behavior or substances, they will set off the alarm (which will alert police to immediately come and investigate the transportation vehicle and/or its area).
39.0(a-6) Or if the transportation vehicle appears to have been tampered in any manner to make it dangerous to enter or to drive, fly, etc.; then the alarm will be set off.
39.0(a-7) The alarm system will be set up, so that MILITARY POLICE will immediately respond to the alarm and will investigate the transportation vehicle and try to deactivate any bombs or any other dangerous devices, malfunctions, chemicals, etc. on (or near) the transportation vehicle and will keep people away from the transportation vehicle when it is perceived to be dangerous.
39.0(a-8) Let’s say a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is driving and a pedestrian walks by his/her car at a red light and has suspicious materials on his/her person. Maybe this person has explosives on their person. The SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS would sound an alarm and the MILITARY POLICE would come immediately to the area and apprehend that person and remove that person and/or his/her explosives from the area to a safer place. The advantage of using satellite technology to screen is that it can screen for suspicious materials inside the intestines or the stomach or underneath a bra or in places that are not obvious.
39.0(a-9) The Israeli SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS will be used on Gail Schuler and on all transportation vehicles associated with her, since, because of her ancestry from King David, she could be a target of a car or bus bomb or other terrorist activities by Jesuits–and the Israelis have extensive experience in this area–so they are the best. The Jesuits are the most anti-Semitic organization on the planet. The Israeli SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS will notify the MILITARY POLICE in Gail’s region, should an incident occur which needs to be dealt with.
39.0(a-10) The goal of the SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS will be to keep a continual surveillance around highly targeted people to constantly survey their surroundings for suspicious activities or substances and these SATELLITE SCREENER CORPS who do this surveillance could sound an alarm at the MILITARY POLICE STATION or in MILITARY POLICE CARS, so that they can respond immediately to the dangerous situation.
39.0(a1) An ILLEGAL COMPUTER is defined as any computer which is used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, including those authorized computers (used by PLPs and RSPs) which are used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. Any computer which is not set up according to CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 60.1 & 59.51 of 666-Computer Laws or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) is an ILLEGAL COMPUTER. Therefore, if a computer (used by a PLP or RSP) does not have all the shields required by CONSPIRACY LAW (such as the LOOPHOLE SHIELD) and/or those shields are not operating in compliance with (or set up according to) CONSPIRACY LAW, that computer is an ILLEGAL COMPUTER and–if this violation is known about–it must be noted by the TSS member (or LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or any other person who knows about this violation) and reported about in a TS REPORT (or CONSPIRACY REPORT) to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.–see Sect. 60.1 & 59.51 of 666-Computer Laws or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. It goes without saying that 666-Computers and/or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers (which are not in military bases) are ILLEGAL COMPUTERS, since all authorized 666-Computers and satellite computers must operate from military bases.
39.0(b) The TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS will comprise a vast network, since they will scan for the presence of any nuclear, chemical and biological substance or illegal computer which could be in existence anywhere (in garbage cans, in bathrooms, in mail rooms, in garbage dumpsters, in cars, inside boxes, in luggage, inside bodies, underground bunkers, contaminated foods and medicines or ingested substances in stores or homes or medical establishments, etc.).
39.1 Every country with an active RSP and PLP network which has its own satellites must use their satellites and/or borrowed satellites from other countries (in combination with satellite programs operated by TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS) to scan for the existence of any TERRORIST SUPPORTs within their own country (and within those countries that will be assigned to that country’s territory). The International government will decide how to divide the territories.
39.1(a) The International government will produce a list of territories and those countries that are considered part of each territory. Each country with an active PLP and RSP network which has satellites will have its own territory and the International government will assign countries to that territory. Only countries with active PLP and RSP-networks can have territories. Obvious territories will be Chinese territory, Japanese territory, American territory, German territory, English territory, French territory, Israeli territory, Polish territory, etc. Each country (like the United States) which has satellites will be assigned a territory and is responsible to assemble a TSS network to scan its own territory (and/or those countries or portions of the earth assigned to that territory).
39.1(b) Every inch of the globe must be scanned by a TSS network from one of a country’s territories and must be scanned for all categories of TERRORIST SUPPORTs : biological, chemical and/or nuclear and/or computers. The different territories’ TSS networks will be rated on GCFNC as outstanding, good, acceptable or unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory TSS networks may be cancelled and replaced by other TSS networks (as has been done with PLP and RSP networks–see International PLP and RSP- Network Conf.). Whenever a PLP and RSP network is cancelled, that also means that that country’s TSS network will also be cancelled.
39.1(c) A TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM will be chosen by the International government and will be composed of computer experts, physicians and/or scientists who specialize in terrorist biological, nuclear, chemical, and computer supports–to help SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS (see Sections 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) to program satellite computers to scan for any and all TERRORIST SUPPORTs (which reasonably could be used by terrorists anywhere in the world) and also will program satellite computers with the ability to alter or change the genetic or molecular composition of those TERRORIST SUPPORTs, so that these supports can be neutralized or terrorists cannot use them.
39.2 Any supports which could be used by terrorists must be programmed as a support to be identified and detected by that satellite’s scanner and there must also be a program to alter or change that support’s chemical or genetic composition should that support need to be neutralized so that a terrorist cannot use it. This TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM will compile a list (called the TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST) of all biological, chemical, nuclear and computer supports which could be used by terrorists. The computer supports list may list components of 666-Computers and satellite computers which can be scanned and detected by our satellites (and which components can be detected even through underground bunkers’ barriers erected by Jesuits to cause their computers to be undetectable by our satellites) and could detect illness causing concentrations of viruses, bacteria, germs in foods, medicines, etc..
39.2(a) Because terrorists are very creative criminals, this TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST will be updated daily by the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM.
39.2(b) For each TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST submitted to the International government, each member of the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM must state under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of his/her knowledge he/she has listed all possible TERRORIST SUPPORTs (and especially those TERRORIST SUPPORTs that are most needful for us to locate in our war against Jesuit terrorism) that could be used by terrorists on this TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST, and has listed them in the most helpful manner for our detection and has not willingly and knowingly omitted any TERRORIST SUPPORTs on this list in order to help out the Jesuits. For instance, the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM will state that they have studied 666-Computers and satellite computers to determine which are the best components of these computers which can be detected easily, so that we can accurately and thoroughly pinpoint the locations of all unregistered 666-Computers and satellite computers (even those computers in underground bunkers with barriers to cause us not to detect these illegal computers). The best computer components to program for detection in a satellite program for our TSS team, would be those components which could only belong to a 666-Computer and/or satellite computer and which are the most detectable (even through Jesuit-erected barriers designed to elude our detective devices).
39.2(c) All computer programs for all TSS members must be programmed by SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS to contain a search and locate feature that will scan in the most effective manner for every item on this TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST in all possible situations. This search and locate feature which is programmed into each satellite program used by TSS members, must be thorough enough to locate TERRORIST SUPPORTs that could be inside garbage cans or inside metal boxes, or under the ocean in a container or inside an airplane in a metal box, or in the intestines of a human being (perhaps a terrorist would blow up a person in a shopping mall whose intestines are gorged with anthrax or a chemical), or in underground bunkers, etc. Satellite technology is detailed, precise (down to genetic codes and molecules) and can penetrate every area, and must be used to its fullest to defeat terrorism.
39.2(d) To help each TSS member submit intelligent and useful TS REPORTS, each TSS member will go through a training program conducted and organized by the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM–perhaps through a video and computer presentation that will be used worldwide. Once a TSS member is assigned to a TSS network (if it is a new network)–he/she has two weeks to complete the initial TSS TRAINING. Before this training is implemented on TSS members, the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM will certify under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of their ability and knowledge they have prepare the most effective training for TSS members as outlined in this Sect. 39. No TSS TRAINING can be implemented until all those members of the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM (who created the TSS TRAINING) can make the above bold and italicized statement and pass 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection while making this statement. If necessary, some people from the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM may have to be removed (and possibly replaced with others) in order to cause the training to go forward.
39.2(e) Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to retain any TSS member who is negligent in completing the required TSS TRAINING (as outlined by the TERRORIST SUPPORTS TEAM) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
39.2(f) The purpose of this TSS training program is to train that TSS on what he/she needs to look for as he conducts his computer scans (via satellite) for the substances and/or supports on this TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST and on the legally, medically and scientifically proper way to use satellite’s genetic and/or molecular altering capabilities–in order to neutralize any TERRORIST SUPPORTS. The purpose of this training will be to educate each TSS member about how to think like a terrorist and how each TERRORIST SUPPORT (which he/she scans for) could be used by terrorists–this way a TSS member can identify suspicious patterns or activities as he/she conducts his/her scans. For instance, if everyone with a deadly flu virus stuffs mucous saturated napkins (full of that virus) into all the garbage cans in poorly ventilated nursing homes’ bathrooms in a certain territory–this should be noticed and reported in a TS REPORT by that TSS, because terrorists are trying to kill the elderly with this deadly flu virus by deliberately spreading the virus in ideal circumstances to spread the germ. This would be considered a form of biological terrorism, even though viruses are not bacteria (see the definition for BIOLOGICAL TERRORISM).
39.2(f1) We already know from experience that, after a Jesuit orchestrated catastrophe has occurred, that Jesuits like to target their victims. JESUITS LIKE TO PICK OFF THEIR VICTIMS and like to kill a sick bird and kick it around, even after it’s limping or dead.
39.2(f2) For instance, after hurricane Jeanne hit Florida, Jesuits went on a rampage to damage and weaken batteries, contaminate water supplies, exacerbate flooding, cause house fires after power was turned on in houses, contaminate foods sold in grocery outlets (through the use of satellite technology to create germs in meats–even though the meats had been kept at proper refrigeration), etc.
39.2(f3) Therefore, the TSS networks need to pay special attention to the victims of disasters, catastrophes, war ravaged areas, etc. to scan for TERRORIST SUPPORTS in these areas, since these already ravaged areas are areas that Jesuits tend to target.
39.2(f4) Any willing and knowing neglect by any TSS networks member to focus on ravage areas (especially ravaged areas associated with SIGNIFICANT PERSONS) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that TSS member. DO NOT NEGLECT RAVAGED AREAS. Remember ravaged areas are vulnerabilities. And JESUITS ALWAYS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ANY VULNERABILITIES. Remember this, as TSS networks decide where to concentrate their efforts!! Remember that Jesuits always take advantage of their victims, in order to weaken their victims even further. Jesuits know that a weakened enemy is a VULNERABLE ENEMY and Jesuits never lose ANY OPPORTUNITY. They are thorough and don’t miss a beat! So, remember this, as we plan TSS strategy about where to concentrate searches for TERRORIST SUPPORTS. Jesuits also like to target SIGNIFICANT PERSONs like Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin, so these are common sense measures to help in deciding where to focus the search for TERRORIST SUPPORTS. Any willing and knowing violations, including deliberate neglect to honor the guidelines of this Sect. 39.2(f), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that TERRORISTS SUPPORTS member.
39.2(g) It may be a good idea to divide up the TSS members according to specialty and assign chemical, biological, nuclear, 666-Computer, and/or satellite computer experts to each territory that is scanned by TSS members–and each expert would scan for those items that fall under his category. For instance, those TSS members who are experts in chemicals, would scan for terrorist chemical activities. Those TSS members who are experts in biologicals, would scan for terrorist biological activities. Those TSS members who are experts in nuclear materials, would scan for terrorist nuclear activities. Those who are expert in 666-Computers, would scan for illegal 666-Computers. Those who are experts in satellite computers, would scan for illegal satellite computers. And each territory that is scanned will be covered by TSS experts in all categories–so that nothing is missed. Because illegal 666-Computers and satellite computers are often housed in underground bunkers which satellite signals often can’t penetrate or can only penetrate poorly –the search and locate feature to find these illegal computers may want to focus on way to overcome this barrier (perhaps by programming computers to find components that would only exist in a 666-Computer or satellite computer and components that can be detected even through the barriers erected by the Jesuits in their underground bunkers–perhaps 666-Computers and satellite computers put emissions in their surrounding airspace which could be detected or perhaps the components of a certain type of shield or barrier used to block satellite signals could raise suspicions that a satellite computer or 666-Computer is housed underneath the protection of that shield or barrier. In this case, the very shield or barrier which is used to hide the crime could be the give-away to help us locate illegal 666-Computers or satellite computers). Perhaps satellite technology could be used by the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM to study the underground computer bunkers, in order to determine how to cause satellite signals to penetrate their barriers (or shields) or in order to determine which components of an illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer can be detected even with these barriers.
39.3 This TERRORIST SUPPORTS LIST will have items like: nuclear materials and components, contagious persons (see Sect. 39.3a1), semen or sperm–a possible form of legal biological terrorism, contaminated medications, detectable components of illegal 666-Computers, detectable components of illegal satellite computers, components of shields or barriers used to hide illegal computers, altered medications (if a drug is supposed to work a certain way and it has been sabotaged–this is a form of chemical terrorism–satellite technology can detect drugs which have been altered), anthrax, botulism, chemicals, pneumonia bacteria, smallpox, AIDS virus, hepatitis virus, yellow fever mosquitoes, malaria mosquitoes, poisonous snakes or spiders (forms of chemical terrorism), poisonous gases and powders, rocky mountain spotted fever ticks (a form of biological terrorism), etc. The use of rocky mountain spotted fever ticks would fall under the category of biological terrorism–since it is the germ in the tick which can make people sick.
39.3 (a1) A CONTAGIOUS PERSON is defined as a person who is contagious with a germ that is of a serious or a semi-serious nature or is used as an UNWILLING AGENT to be part of an illness harassment conspiracy against any SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
39.3(a1.1) All UNWILLING AGENTS (who are CONTAGIOUS with any illness which could be part of an illness harassment conspiracy against any SIGNIFICANT PERSON)–for instance, by exposing a SIGNIFICANT PERSON to all sorts of illnesses (even if not all the illnesses are serious), so that that SIGNIFICANT PERSON must miss more work than others, will be ordered to avoid SIGNIFICANT PERSONs and places where SIGNIFICANT PERSONS could catch that UNWILLING AGENT’s germs (such as Wal-Mart’s bathrooms) and to not spread his/her germs to SIGNIFICANT PERSONS.
Also, all these contagious UNWILLING AGENTS will be ordered to have on their person at all times a walkie-talkie (or equivalent) so that their CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON can contact them at all times to instruct them throughout the day. The only time they don’t need to have this walkie-talkie on is when they are sleeping, since they may need their rest and if they are sleeping there isn’t too much they can do to spread germs. It’s the time they are awake that we are concerned about.
39.3(a1.2) Any UNWILLING AGENT who violates this order to avoid SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (while he/she is in a contagious state) will be placed under the control of JAIL PRACTITIONERS who will monitor and punish that UNWILLING AGENT for violations and, if necessary, will force that UNWILLING AGENT to quarantine himself/herself from the public while he/she is in a contagious state. A prime strategy of Jesuits is to bombard and overwhelm SIGNIFICANT PERSONs with all sorts of illnesses, in order to harass and weaken them. This will not be tolerated and UNWILLING AGENTS must be especially monitored to ensure they are not used by Jesuits to harass SIGNIFICANT PERSONs with illnesses and overwhelming exposure to germs. Any (direct or indirect–see next Section) willing and knowing violation of these Sections 39.3 (a) to encourage Jesuits to overwhelm SIGNIFICANT PERSONs with illnesses or to use UNWILLING AGENTS as part of an illness harassment conspiracy against any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator–with public execution on GCFNC.
39.3(a1.3) One thing that must not be overlooked are indirect attempts to cause SIGNIFICANT PERSONs to become ill. For instance, the Jesuits may cause the family members of Gail’s Wal-Mart co-workers to become ill, so that the illness will spread to the Wal-Mart worker, who will then bring his/her illness to the store where Gail works. Therefore, due diligence must be taken to ensure that not only Gail’s co-workers are not CONTAGIOUS but that the family members and all other contacts made by Wal-Mart workers with persons (UNWILLING AGENTS) throughout their entire day is relatively free of exposure. All of Gail’s co-workers at the Wal-Mart where she works are considered SIGNIFICANT PERSONs and should be treated as SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (according to this Sect. 39.3). Jesuits are very thorough and scientific and don’t miss a thing and we must be just as thorough as they are to stop them.
39.3(a1.3.1) For instance, Gail has a co-worker named XXXXXXXX, who is married to a teacher. All the students in XXXXXX’s husband’s classroom should be considered SIGNIFICANT PERSONs, since if they become ill, they can give their illness to XXXXXXX’s husband, who could give the illness to XXXXXX, who could then give the illness to her Wal-Mart co-workers. So, we have to look at the spread of illness through several layers and not just Gail’s immediate contacts.
39.3(a1.3.2) CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs will also work with satellite practitioners to direct how the air moves around CONTAGIOUS PERSONs and to ensure that germ-laden air is not satellite-directed to just sit and fester around a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s head.
39.3(a10) Any person who could spread a germ which could be deadly or lethal for any person (or which could be part of an illness harassment conspiracy against a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) is a CONTAGIOUS PERSON. If the CONTAGIOUS PERSON is an infant or is a person who is cared for by another (or by others), then that person’s caretaker(s) must be contacted by the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON and this/these caretaker(s) must follow all the instructions given him/her by the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON. These caretakers will be required to have on their person at all times a walkie-talkie while they care for this CONTAGIOUS person, so that the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON can contact them at any time that is necessary in order to instruct them about how to care for this CONTAGIOUS PERSON so that the illness is not spread. Sometimes a person is CONTAGIOUS and unaware of it--in this case it is the responsibility of that person’s PLP or RSP to inform that person that he/she is a CONTAGIOUS PERSON and how that person is to conduct themselves–See Sect. 39.3(a13). All CONTAGIOUS PERSONs (or their caretakers) who are under the jurisdiction of any TSS member, will be identified by that TSS member, and then that TSS member must inform that person’s PLP or RSP (who will then use CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs to inform that CONTAGIOUS person [or his/her caretaker] of precautions he/she needs to take to prevent spreading his/her germs) OR must check to see if that PLP or RSP’s computer is working properly with the red flag to stop that PLP or RSP from work on his/her computer until the CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretakers) is taken care of by a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON.
39.3(a11) If it is necessary for that person to miss work, in order to prevent the spread of his/her germs, and if this person caught this germ through Jesuit biological terrorism (or through deliberate contamination of his/her person via UNWILLING AGENTS or via Jesuit agents)–that person will be paid sick leave (from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK) and will be ordered to stay home and/or to stay away from persons who could catch his/her germ.
39.3(a12) Any CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker) who will not listen or cooperate with his/her CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON regarding how to manage his/her lifestyle to prevent the spread of his/her germs, may have to be forced into quarantine or dealt with according to the laws for UNWILLING AGENTS (see Sect. 32 & 34). Whatever steps are needed (with that CONTAGIOUS PERSON) to prevent him/her from spreading his/her germs, are the steps which that PLP and/or RSP must take with that CONTAGIOUS PERSON. The CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON can write out (directly or indirectly) legal orders (if this is necessary) for his/her CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker), and that CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker) will be required to follow the orders of his/her CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON. To write out indirect legal orders, would be for the PLP and/or RSP to use another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to write out these orders for that CONTAGIOUS PERSON which is under the control of the PLP and/or RSP. But, one way or another, that CONTAGIOUS PERSON must not be allowed to spread his/her germs or to be part of an illness harassment conspiracy against a SIGNIFICANT PERSON. It is the PLP and/or RSP’s responsibility to ensure that a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON is working on that CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) and following up on that CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker) to ensure that that CONTAGIOUS PERSON is not spreading his/her germs! Any willing and knowing neglect by a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON to follow-up on his/her CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker) or to not contact that CONTAGIOUS PERSON or caretaker (in order to prevent him or her from being used by Jesuits to make others–and especially SIGNIFICANT PERSONS– ill) in order to prevent that CONTAGIOUS PERSON from spreading his/her germs (as outlined by this Sect. 39.3a12), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON and he/she will be removed from his/her position as a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON. If the neglect is caused because that PLP or RSP or CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON was given amnesia about the CONTAGIOUS PERSON under his/her 666-Computer control–then this PLP or RSP or CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON has a serious amnesia problem and must be removed from his/her duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and must be replaced by another PLP or RSP or CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON–any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) neglect to replace PLPs or RSP or CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs whose amnesia causes them to overlook CONSPIRACY LAW violations and to replace these incompetent PLPs or RSP or CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs with competent PLPs or RSPs or CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
Any willing and knowing attempt or neglect by any CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON with the intent to cause a SIGNIFICANT PERSON to become ill because of Jesuit targeting, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON.
39.3(a13) Programmers from the PROGRAMMER CORPS of each PLP and RSP network must program 666-Computers, so that CONTAGIOUS PERSONs under the control of that computer are highlighted with a red signal (or alarm) which the PLP or RSP cannot miss. This red signal or alarm will be some sort of message on the computer screen (which the PLP or RSP works on) and the PLP or RSP cannot continue work on this computer until he/she responds to the red signal. This red signal will be a message to that PLP or RSP that one of the persons under his/her 666-Computer control is a CONTAGIOUS PERSON and that CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) needs to be informed of his/her contagious state and informed about how he/she is to behave by his/her PLP or RSP. If a programmer willingly and knowingly programs a computer so that it does not accurately locate and single out all those that are under the control of that computer and that are contagious and does not operate as outlined in this Sect. 39.3(a13), that programmer will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
39.3(a13)-a The PLP or RSP will see the red flag on his/her 666-Computer and will be prompted with 2 questions: Have you used a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON to contact this CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) to give this CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) instructions about how to conduct himself/herself in order to prevent spreading this CONTAGIOUS PERSON’s illness? And if this is a complicated case, have you ensured that the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON knows how to do his/her job properly so that illness will not be spread unnecessarily? The PLP or RSP must answer both questions (under 666-Computer lie-detection) with “Yes” before he/she can proceed with his/her work on the 666-Computer. If he/she fails lie detection and the computer decides that either answer is “no”, then the computer will freeze and will not proceed until the CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) has been dealt with properly. A system should be set up, probably by connecting the 666-Computer to a computer which the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON works with–so that the responsibility for the CONTAGIOUS PERSON can be delegated to a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON within a split second, and if the case is complicated the PLP or RSP must also write out the instructions which he/she gave to the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON regarding the complicated case, before the 666-Computer will let him/her proceed. These instructions from the PLP or RSP to the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON should be in writing in case that CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON does not follow the doctor’s instructions–this way it will be known if the fault lies with the PLP, RSP or the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON.
39.3(a13)-b To assist the PLPs or RSPs with this duty of dealing with CONTAGIOUS PERSONs, each PLP or RSP will have assistants whose sole job will be to educate those persons (or their caretakers) under their control how they are to behave when they (or those they care for) are CONTAGIOUS so as to not spread their illness. These assistants will be called CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONS. A CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON is a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and must meet all the qualifications of any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. A CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON will be a person who has a relationship with that CONTAGIOUS PERSON and who has the authority to influence or direct that CONTAGIOUS PERSON. It could be that person’s boss or their spouse or a significant family member or a landlord or someone who can contact that person and inform them that they are CONTAGIOUS and must conduct themselves in a certain manner.
39.3(a13)-c CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs will be trained in advance for their job and trained how to be efficient and effective CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs. They will be health educators and law enforcement persons and must educate those under their jurisdiction about how germs are spread and how to prevent spreading illness. To make the jobs of CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs more effective, all those under the jurisdiction of a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON will be informed in advance that if they (or those they care for) become contagious, that they will be contacted by this CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON and will be ordered to behave themselves (or care for their person) in a certain manner so as not to spread their illness. Every person under the control of a PLP or RSP must be assigned by his/her PLP or RSP a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON (whose sole job is to educate and legislate to that person of his/her caretaker how to behave when they are ill with something contagious). Any willing and knowing neglect to ensure that all persons under the control of a PLP or RSP are assigned a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PLP or RSP. The illnesses that Jesuits spread through deliberate contamination are a serious matter and cause serious discomfort and are sometimes life threatening–and if this deliberate contamination is allowed to persist, it can cause us to lose this war against Jesuit terrorism. This contamination by the Jesuits is a form of biological terrorism and must be taken seriously!! All those under the jurisdiction of any CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON will be told that if they disobey these orders, they will suffer the consequences of Sect. 39.3(a1.2). The CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON’s job will be to somehow find a way to contact that person (or his/her caretaker) under the control of that PLP or RSP in order to inform him/her of his/her contagious state and to inform that person of their legal rights. PLPs or RSPs will arrange in advance how to contact these CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONS when their computer signals that a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON needs to be contacted, so that this CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON can be contacted as soon as the computer prompts that a person is contagious and needs to be dealt with.
39.3(a13)-d In case that CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON is unavailable, there will be backups for each CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON. That CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) will be informed as soon as safely possible, that he/she (or one he/she cares for) is contagious (by his/her CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON) and capable of spreading his/her illness and that he/she must obey the orders given him/her by his/her CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON. If the person is sleeping, he/she will be informed as soon as he/she wakes up or at least before he goes out the door and spreads his/her germs.
39.3(a13)-e You might ask, “What if that CONTAGIOUS PERSON needs to go out to buy medicine or to see a health care provider?” If this is the case, he/she must follow the orders of his/her CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON and this may mean that he/she will be directed which line he/she gets in at a store or even which pharmacy he/she goes to. For instance, patterns will be studied and all efforts will be made to ensure that CONTAGIOUS PERSONs do not all get in line 20 (where Gail Schuler may be the cashier) and that they are spread out and that they don’t all hit one person all at once with massive exposure to germs. In fact, the CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON may instruct them to avoid regular cashier lines and to buy all their stuff at the pharmacy counter. To help the pharmacy people to maintain their health, the pharmacy counter will be extra ventilated and the CONTAGIOUS PERSON will be instructed to not cough in people’s face or to get too close to others. If a person is contagious with something very serious, another person may be sent to the pharmacy or store to get that person’s medication.
39.3(a13)-f CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs will be paid for their work and those that do outstanding work will be paid BONUSES by the International government. They are very important health educators and very important LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and have the supremely important job of keeping the community healthy. They must not only inform their CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or his/her caretaker) that he/she is contagious, but must follow up on his/her CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker) to see if that CONTAGIOUS PERSON (or caretaker) is following the instructions given to them by that CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON and must ensure that that CONTAGIOUS PERSON is not spreading his/her illness!!.
39.3(a13)-g Any direct or indirect (willing and knowing) attempt or action by any PLP, RSP, CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON, TSS member or any other person to cause the guidelines and principles of this Sect. 39.3(a13) to be violated so that persons (and especially SIGNIFICANT PERSONs) become ill with germs spread through Jesuit conspiracies, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
39.3(a13)-h CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONs will meet every two weeks or at least once a month to see how their strategies are working and will brainstorm to come up with better strategies to deal with the problem of containing the spread of illness in the community. These are very important meetings, since one day we may be dealing with anthrax or other serious contaminations by Jesuits. If these CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONS meet often to come up with better and more efficient ways to deal with this problem, we may be able to nip a deadly plague in the bud. During this meeting each CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON must state under 666-Computer lie-detection that he/she has done his/her best to prevent the spread of illness while conducting his/her duties. If any CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON fails this 666-Computer lie-detection, he/she must be dismissed from his/her position as a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON! The PLPs and RSPs will oversee this meeting to ensure that the guidelines of this Sect. 39.3(a13) are honored and to give advice and suggestions.
These meetings are mandatory and all CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSONS must attend a meeting at least once a month, unless he/she is too ill to attend. If illness prevents one from attending a meeting, he/she must be given a video of the meeting and he/she must state under 666-Computer lie-detection that he/she has done his/her best to prevent the spread of illness while conducting his/her duties and if he/she fails this lie-detection statement, he/she will be dismissed as a CONTAGIOUS CONTACT PERSON and, depending on his/her violation, may suffer more serious penalties or even the death penalty.
39.3(a2) Any TSS member who willingly and knowingly neglects to identify CONTAGIOUS PERSONS and then to follow the guidelines of Sect. 39.3 (a1) in dealing with these CONTAGIOUS PERSONs, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
39.3(a3) All PLPs and/or RSPs, who have been contacted by a TSS member, regarding a CONTAGIOUS person (under their control) who needs to be educated (maybe via a video presentation) and informed of his/her status as a CONTAGIOUS PERSON; and if these PLPs and/or RSPs do not follow the guidelines of Sect. 39.3 (a1) in dealing with that CONTAGIOUS PERSON (under the control of that PLP and/or RSP), that PLP and/or RSP will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. It is very important to deal with CONTAGIOUS PERSONs (especially those CONTAGIOUS PERSONs who may be UNWILLING AGENTS), since the Jesuits are going back to more primitive techniques to spread terror (including the use of CONTAGIOUS PERSONs to deliberately spread germs and, in this manner, to control or sicken those who oppose them).
39.3(a) CHEMICAL TERRORISM is defined as any terrorism which causes pain or suffering or death through the use of chemicals–such as poisonous gases, snake venom, poisonous spider bites, altered or contaminated medications, illegal narcotics, etc.
39.3(b) BIOLOGICAL TERRORISM is defined as any terrorism which causes pain or suffering or death through the use of biological materials–such as germs, or is any use of biological materials that is a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW (such as stolen sperm or semen used in groundbreaking criminal reproductive technologies without the man’s permission in order to impregnate women or animals and/or to create offspring). The TSS member could scan physician’s offices to see if routine gynecological tests (such as a pap smear) have the presence of sperm–this would automatically raise suspicions that violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are occurring in this medical office and that perhaps a routine pap smear is contaminated with sperm in order to impregnate a woman without her knowledge or consent.
39.3(c) NUCLEAR TERRORISM is defined as any terrorism which causes pain or suffering or death through the use of nuclear materials or components of nuclear materials.
39.3(d) For instance, if it is noticed that rocky mountain spotted fever ticks are jumping all over cats in a certain neighborhood, this must be reported immediately in a TS REPORT to that neighborhood and to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which has jurisdiction over that neighborhood. Satellite technology is very precise and meticulous, and can pay attention to great details, even to the point of ferreting out genetic codes and molecules. Therefore, the use of satellite technology to scan for TERRORIST SUPPORTs is probably the most efficient way to detect the presence of any TERRORIST SUPPORTs anywhere (in flying planes, in moving boats, inside cars, in the air, in the ocean, etc.).
39.4 All of the laws which apply to programmers and satellite practitioners and all the laws of Sections 25 & 26 of ICL:ST which apply to satellite computers and their programs will also apply to all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs, programs and computers used (directly or indirectly) by our TSS teams to scan for TERRORIST SUPPORTs. For instance, this means that all satellite signals used to scan for TERRORIST SUPPORTS must be registered (see Sect. 25 & 3.53 of ICL:ST).
39.5 TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS are considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS with all the rights and responsibilities of any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON.
39.6 Each TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNER will be assigned a particular portion of the earth for which he/she will be responsible. Only countries with active PLP and RSP-networks will be assigned territories. Those countries that do not have active PLP and RSP-networks may have to allow their satellites to be used by another country’s TSS network. Any country without an active PLP and RSP-network and any bodies of water near that country, will be monitored and scanned by other countries’ TSS networks. An American TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNER may be responsible for the state of Texas and portions of northern Mexico. Those countries with RSP and PLP networks and that have satellites are responsible to maintain a TSS network to scan their own country’s territory, and they cannot use their TSS members to scan any other territory, other than the one assigned to them. Those countries with RSP and PLP networks that don’t have satellites will borrow satellites from another country (or countries) and will use these satellites as part of their TSS network. No satellite (used in a TSS network) can be used by two TSS networks. Each satellite must be used only by one TSS network. This will make accountability easier, if there are problems with any TSS network. For instance, this means that only a German TSS member can scan German territory and that no other country’s TSS member can scan any portion of German territory and this German can only use those satellites assigned to the German territory’s TSS network.
39.6(a) A country’s territory will be comprised of that country plus any other countries or portions of the earth assigned to that country. Each country with satellites will be responsible for its own country, plus those countries, portions of ocean, ice caps, etc. assigned to it. For instance, the German TSS network may be responsible to scan all of Russia plus the countries of Germany and any other countries assigned to the German TSS network, and maybe the Caspian Sea and portions of the Arctic Ocean and all these countries and portions of the globe would be considered German territory.
39.6(b) Perhaps the American TSS network would be comprised of the United States, Puerto Rico, Greenland, the Caribbean Islands, the Gulf of Mexico, and portions of the Atlantic Ocean, etc.
39.7 TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNERS must submit reports (called the TERRORIST SUPPORTS REPORT) every 15 minutes to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (this submission will probably be done through the computer) and to the International government regarding the existence of any TERRORIST SUPPORTs in that territory assigned to that TSS and of any neutralizing actions (via satellite) against TERRORIST SUPPORTs taken by that TSS member. In situations where action must be immediate, the TSS is required to submit his/her TS REPORT in a timely manner to the person or organization who needs the information (at the same time that he/she submits his/her TS REPORT to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and to the International government)–such as to a store or a nuclear plant or a bridge manager or to an airport.
39.7(a1) Also, if the TSS member (who has detected a TERRORIST SUPPORT) can determine who can do something about this TERRORIST SUPPORT, in order to stop it (or minimize it) from being used as a TERRORIST SUPPORT –he/she is required (in a timely manner) to contact any person (such as a PLP or RSP or Computer-Intel agent or member of a CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE) who has the power to negate the use of this TERRORIST SUPPORT as a means of terror. For instance, maybe a poisonous spider could be stopped in its tracks, by an RSP, who could direct satellite technology to destroy the spider immediately. Or perhaps someone who is about to use nuclear technology to destroy a country, could be knocked out by an RSP (using satellite technology).
39.7(a2) OR, if this TERRORIST SUPPORT is in the hands of criminals (or there is reasonable cause to believe it could be used by criminals) and this substance or support can be altered or destroyed through satellite technology by the TSS member, so that the criminal is (or would be) unable to use that substance as a means to violate CONSPIRACY LAW or as a terrorist weapon, then that TSS member must personally destroy or alter (in a timely manner) that TERRORIST SUPPORT through the use of his/her satellite technology. Before any satellite computers or 666-Computers are destroyed, all computer records from those illegal computers should be obtained (if at all possible) for legal purposes. However, if it is too time consuming to obtain these records and the delay in destroying the computer could result in unnecessary loss of life or health–then the computer should be destroyed (even if records or evidence must be lost).
39.7(a21) Whenever any illegal computer is destroyed by a TSS member, he/she will state under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection in his/her TS REPORT whether he/she was able to obtain evidence or computer records from the destroyed computer in any manner before destroying the computer. If he/she was unable to obtain records or evidence from the destroyed computer, then he/she will state under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection (giving legal, medical or scientific reasons) why he/she was not able to obtain these records or evidence. This statement must be incorporated into every TS REPORT written, in which an illegal computer was destroyed by a TSS member.
39.7(a22) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing neglect (or attempted neglect) to obtain legal records or evidence before destroying any illegal computer (when it would not be a legal, medical or scientific problem to do so), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that TSS member. Many of these computers may contain evidence which could greatly intimidate these terrorists and help in winning legal cases against them. This war against Jesuit terrorism is largely a public relations and legal campaign, and evidence obtained from these computers could help us lose or win the hearts and minds of people. The Jesuits need the support of populations to win their war, they need manpower–and if we have overwhelming evidence against them, we can use this to cause them to lose manpower and support. Our goal is to cause them to lose support within the Muslim ranks–this will greatly weaken them. Some of the evidence from these illegal computers could be broadcast on GCFNC in Muslim countries.
39.7(a3) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing neglect to destroy or alter or neutralize as soon as possible any TERRORIST SUPPORT (which is used by CONSPIRACY LAW violators or if there is reasonable cause to believe it could be used by CONSPIRACY LAW violators) by a TSS member, when that TSS member has the ability (via satellite) to neutralize or destroy or alter that substance so that it cannot be used to violate CONSPIRACY LAW–especially if there is reasonable cause to believe that that TERRORIST SUPPORT could or would be used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW or could or would be used in a manner which harms people, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that TSS member. An example of an indirect neglect to neutralize a TERRORIST SUPPORT , would be to neglect to report that TERRORIST SUPPORT immediately to an RSP or PLP (who may be able to immediately neutralize a germ in a person’s body right after exposure).
39.7(a31) Also, no TSS member can use (directly or indirectly) satellite technology to harm (in any manner) any innocent person or to harm (directly or indirectly) any person who is not reasonably believed to be a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR or to harm (directly or indirectly) any person who is not reasonably believed to be one who willingly and knowingly cooperates with JESUIT CONSPIRATORS. In short, satellite technology is only to be used by TSS members in a manner which honors the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to violate this Sect. 39.7(a31) (or any of the guidelines of this Sect. 39) by any person will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
39.7(a4) Once a TERRORIST SUPPORT has been detected by any TSS member, any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing neglect by that TSS member to contact a person (such as a PLP or RSP) who has the power to prevent or minimize damage from that detected TERRORIST SUPPORT or to destroy as soon as possible that substance or support personally himself/herself (if that substance is –or is reasonably believed could be –in the hands of terrorists), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that TSS member. TSS members need to realize that PLPs and RSPs are authorized to use 666-Computer or satellite technology in an aggressive manner, when the use is done to prevent or minimize a terrorist act or to prevent or minimize a CONSPIRACY LAW violation.
39.7(a5) A TERRORIST ACT is defined as any action (or attempted action) which is done to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order and which is a threat to the life, health, and safety of innocent persons.
39.7(a) Each TERRORIST SUPPORTS REPORT must clearly identify which TERRORIST SUPPORT(s) is/are involved, which person(s) are involved in using directly or indirectly that/those TERRORIST SUPPORT(s) and which person(s) or organizations need to know about this/these TERRORIST SUPPORT ACTIVITY or ACTIVITIES and what actions or contacts have been taken (made) by that TSS member (via satellite or other means) to neutralize (if possible) that TERRORIST SUPPORT. In order to make sure that any person(s) involved with TERRORIST SUPPORTs are handled according to CONSPIRACY LAW, whenever person(s) are identified by TSS members as being involved with a TERRORIST SUPPORT–that TSS member must write his/her TS REPORT with the collaboration of the PLP and RSP who has 666-Computer or satellite computer control over those/that person[s] involved with that TERRORIST SUPPORT or with the collaboration of the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE member who assisted that TSS member in destroying and/or locating an illegal computer. This is why it is essential that only those countries with active PLP and RSP networks are the countries that will have TSS networks. The PLP and/or RSP will contribute any information to the TS REPORT which would be helpful (legally, medically and scientifically) in dealing with the person(s) involved with the TERRORIST SUPPORT, and/or if a CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE member assisted the TSS member, that TS REPORT will mention how that CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE member assisted the TSS member in his/her work. For instance, if the person involved with TERRORIST SUPPORT is an UNWILLING AGENT–this needs to be noted in the TS REPORT (along with the full identification and disclosures of the UNWILLING AGENT and all IMPOSED PERSONs involved in the incident).
39.7(b) A TERRORIST SUPPORTS REPORT will be treated (for legal purposes) like a CONSPIRACY REPORT and it requires an immediate response from the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (see Sect. 11.2 to 11.92 of General 666-Computer or Satellite Computers Laws). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. For instance, if a person from the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. does not follow-up on a TS REPORT in a timely manner, when timely action is required, that person may be executed as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–because (for CONSPIRACY LAW purposes) a TS REPORT is treated legally like any other CONSPIRACY REPORT. Each TS REPORT submitted to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. must be immediately followed up with a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT from the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.
39.7(c) No TS REPORT will be accepted by that TSS’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. until that TSS (and any PLPs or RSPs or CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE members involved in writing the report–see Sect. 39.7a and Sect. 13) passes 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection on GCFNC regarding the accuracy and completeness of that TSS report and all writers of that TS REPORT must state under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that that TS report covers all the territory assigned to that TSS and that that TS Report has been written in compliance with this Sect. 39.
39.7(c1) Any willing and knowing attempt or action (or inaction) to write an inaccurate TS REPORT or to delay a TS REPORT or to (directly or indirectly) write (or not write) any TS REPORT in a manner which supports the goals of the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
39.7(d) Once any TERRORIST SUPPORT is located, it must be reported about (and any actions taken against it by that TSS member) in a TS REPORT as soon as possible to that TSS’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and to the International government and (if defensive action needs to be immediate)–to the area, organization or person[s] targeted.
39.7(e) Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to delay to send a TS REPORT to the authorities designated to receive this report (as outlined in this Sect. 39) as soon as possible, once a TERRORIST SUPPORT is discovered by any TSS, in order to notify those authorities about the existence of any TERRORIST SUPPORT (especially if that substance or support is being used in a manner which indicates terrorist activity as outlined in this Sect. 39), and/or any willing and knowing neglect to write in this report any actions taken by the TSS member about that TERRORIST SUPPORT –will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that TSS. If there is a debate as to whether that TSS submitted his/her report as soon as possible, that TSS member will be questioned under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection on GCFNC as to whether he/she deliberately delayed the submission of the report in any manner and could have submitted it faster than he/she did.
39.7(f) It is not the responsibility of the TSS to completely analyze whether or not it is necessary to report any TERRORIST SUPPORT which is discovered (that is the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT’s job).
39.7(g) Each TSS is required to report any TERRORIST SUPPORT which is located (and to note any SIGNIFICANT CHANGES or suspicious patterns in the use of that TERRORIST SUPPORT ) and to report about any actions he/she has taken to destroy or modify that TERRORIST SUPPORT . For instance, if a nuclear plant falls under the jurisdiction of a TERRORIST SUPPORT SCANNER, then every 15 minutes that nuclear plant would be included in a TS REPORT. However, each TSS will be given general training on what to look for when scanning his/her territory, so that any stand-out anomalies can be acted upon immediately. A study of CONSPIRACY REPORTS submitted worldwide, might be a good education as to how terrorists operate and how they think. Perhaps this should be incorporated into the TSS training program designed by the TERRORIST SUPPORT TEAM See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. .
39.7(h) Perhaps, TSS members in all specialties will be assigned to each territory–a TSS who specializes in chemicals, one who specializes in nuclear materials, one who specializes in biological materials, one who specializes in 666-Computers, and/or one who specializes in satellite computers.
39.7(i) Because each of these areas (biological, chemical, nuclear, 666-Computer, and satellite computer supports) can be quite complex– it might make it easier for a TSS (who is the first-line of defense) to have special knowledge about his/her area of expertise, in order to better know when something needs to be acted upon immediately; and so, dividing TSS members into specialties (biological, chemical, nuclear, 666-Computer, and satellite computer) might help them do a better job of detecting anomalies and suspicious patterns.
39.7(j) For instance, a TSS who is not adequately trained in biologicals, may not know that a deliberate spreading of a pneumonia bacterium could be just as deadly as smallpox or anthrax, if the pneumonia bacterium is not handled properly–and perhaps, this TSS would neglect to report about pneumonia bacteria spread by terrorists in garbage cans or in restrooms, because that TSS is ignorant of how pneumonia bacterium could be used by terrorists.
39.7(k) Jesuit Terrorists are clever and like to disguise their activities with an appearance of normalcy, so one wouldn’t normally consider a pneumonia bacterium as a terrorist weapon–and this may be just the reason the terrorists would choose to use the pneumonia bacterium as their weapon. TSS members need to be trained to think like a terrorist as they conduct their scans.
39.7(l) In another instance, the TSS would look for anomalies or changes in that nuclear plant–perhaps nuclear material is moving in a different direction from its usual direction or the chemical composition of some nuclear material is changing in a dangerous direction. These would need to be reported immediately to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and to the nuclear plant.
39.8 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing use of any TERRORIST SUPPORT (this could include the flu virus, pneumonia bacteria, 666-Computer, satellite computer, or any TERRORIST SUPPORT ) in order to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order and of any of their terrorist enterprises, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
39.8(a) If the TSS network was unable to prevent damage caused by any TERRORIST SUPPORT and any organization, country, location, person(s) suffer damage as a result of the TERRORIST SUPPORT unleashed on that entity–the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK may compensate that entity for its losses. For instance, let’s say that Wal-Mart suffers significant financial losses because satellite technology was used to contaminate all the meats with germs that were sold in Wal-Marts in central Florida. In this case, Wal-Mart may be entitled to compensation from the ICB for these damages caused by this form of biological terrorism. The ICB will evaluate if the losses incurred by Wal-Mart (for example) could cause harm in the war against Jesuit terrorism and may decide that the financial health of Wal-Mart needs to be maintained, in order to promote the defeat of the Jesuit Order; and, for this reason, may decide to compensate Wal-Mart for its losses. No compensation will be given to any entity for its losses (caused by TERRORIST SUPPORTS), if it is determined that that entity’s losses occurred because that entity willingly and knowingly cooperated with Jesuits in their goals for a worldwide dictatorship.
39.9 One reason that TSS networks must be comprised of those countries with active PLP and RSP networks is because TSS members will work with PLPs and RSPs in diagnosing causes of illness, since these satellite programs (which scan for TERRORIST SUPPORTs) can pinpoint exactly which germs or chemicals or poisons are in the intestines, stomach or in any body cavity, and this helps to eliminate the use of expensive tests to detect for these substances.
39.9(a) When any TSS member works in this manner, he/she is working as a DIAGNOSTIC ASSISTANT, and he/she must make a statement under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of his/her knowledge any diagnostic information (about the quality, quantity and what kind of germs or substances are in any body or body part or cavity) which he/she has given to a physician, medical professional, PLP or RSP is accurate and complete.
39.9(b) All treatment which uses satellite technology–including the genetic and molecular modifications of germs and cancers– will be done through RSPs, in order to ensure accountability if there are legal or medical problems with how the treatment was administered. When it comes to the care and management of illnesses and ailments, TSS members can only assist PLPs or RSPs with DIAGNOSIS.
40.0 All buildings, cars and anything that humans inhabit must be protected as soon as possible with a shield (called a PROTECTIVE SHIELD)–along with 49 back-up PROTECTIVE SHIELDS– by our satellite practitioners to make it difficult or impossible for Jesuits to use illegal satellite technology (directly or indirectly) on people. This shield (and the 49 back-up shields) should allow access by our RSPs, TSS Network members (and other LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs) who need to penetrate the shields to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW– to those persons within the dwellings, so the shield(s) should be set up with some sort of password, so that only RSPs (and other LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs) can penetrate the shield(s) and no other practitioners can penetrate the PROTECTIVE SHIELD(s). This will help compensate for those PERSON-PROGRAMS which have been tampered with by Jesuits and which allow Jesuits to break down shields over parts of the body, in order to give the Jesuits opportunities to use criminal satellite activities on people. At least, if the buildings and car and places where people inhabit are shield-protected, it will hinder (or stop) the Jesuits as they try to use satellite technology on people. This shield is also necessary to ensure that Jesuits don’t cause roofs to collapse on people and cause holes in floors or other dangers which could result in life threatening conditions.
40.0(a) If satellite-induced damage has already occurred in a building, the RSP network must use satellite to correct the problem, especially if the problem could turn out to be life threatening; and must ensure that the shields are fixed (and are operating in accordance with CONSPIRACY LAW) to prevent Jesuit satellite penetration into the dwelling.
40.0(b) Also, it must not be overlooked that Jesuits may be “prepping” buildings for a “natural disaster”, so that if they attack a certain locality with a hurricane, targeted portions of certain buildings may fail and cause death or serious injury–perhaps a portion of a concrete roof may cave in or a floor may fall and cause occupants to fall to their death or to serious injury! These weaknesses in buildings, induced by Jesuit satellite treachery, must be corrected by our RSP ENGINEER CORPS (see Sect. 40.0c) as soon as possible. We will not allow Jesuits to “prep” buildings (via satellite manipulation) for disasters!
40.0(c) The RSP networks will have a subdivision called the RSP ENGINEER CORPS whose sole job will be to study Jesuit-induced damage to buildings and how to correct these problems to prevent building weaknesses which could result in serious injury or death. All members of the RSP ENGINEER CORPS are considered full fledged LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS under CONSPIRACY LAW, and must meet all the law which pertain to LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS.
40.1 Anyone who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly interferes with, or does not allow, or tries to hinder the PROTECTIVE SHIELD(s) which is/are placed around any buildings, cars, and places where people inhabit with the intent to cause this/these PROTECTIVE SHIELD(s) to fail to protect (as outlined in this Sect. 40) the persons in the dwelling where they dwell from criminal satellite activities–will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. It is mandatory that this PROTECTIVE SHIELD (and the 49 back-up shields) be placed as soon as possible around any and all dwellings possible, in order to protect persons from the Jesuits’ criminal satellite activities.
40.2 All known places where people inhabit, congregate or dwell must be shield-protected (as outlined in this Sect. 40) as soon as possible with this/these PROTECTIVE SHIELDs. Any satellite practitioner who willingly and knowingly allows any dwelling (where people inhabit) to NOT be shield-protected (as outlined in this Sect. 40) as soon as possible with this/these PROTECTIVE SHIELD(s), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The RSP must not only shield-protect all dwellings listed in the DWELLINGS DOCUMENT, but must protect all dwellings which he/she knows about that are in his/her territory. 666-Computer lie-detection can determine if any RSP has deliberately neglected to protect any dwelling (as outlined in this Sect. 40) as soon as possible (which needs to be protected because humans dwell there). Any willing and knowing violation of the guidelines of this Sect. 40.2 by any satellite practitioner will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that practitioner.
40.3 Each RSP will be assigned territories (by his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.) for which he/she will be responsible to maintain as soon as possible PROTECTIVE SHIELDS over all dwellings. All dwellings in these territories which must be shield-protected (as outlined in this Sect. 40) with this PROTECTIVE SHIELD (and the 49 back-ups) and all these dwellings will be listed IN WRITING (in a document called a DWELLINGS DOCUMENT), and the RSP assigned to this territory will be responsible to shield-protect (as outlined in this Sect. 40) as soon as possible with PROTECTIVE SHIELDS all dwellings listed in this DWELLINGS DOCUMENT.
40.4 Any member of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. who willingly and knowingly neglects to mention any dwelling which should be included in the DWELLINGS DOCUMENT, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Every automobile (or moving vehicle) which is registered or driven by any human being, must be included in the DWELLINGS DOCUMENT. Anything which humans or animals inhabit must be included in the DWELLINGS DOCUMENT.
40.5 Any person responsible to enforce any aspect of this Sect. 40, and who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to enforce that aspect as he/she is outlined to do in this Sect. 40 (and/or who neglects to enforce that aspect as he/she is outlined to do according to CONSPIRACY LAW), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
40.6 Any (direct or indirect) attempt (or action) to place any shield (or shields) around any dwelling in order to prevent our PROTECTIVE SHIELD(s) from being put in place or to prevent our PROTECTIVE SHIELD(s) from operating according to the guidelines of this Sect. 40, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
41.0 The laws of this Section 41 are designed to weaken one of the most potent weapons in the Jesuits’ arsenal: which is their ability to manipulate their enemies financially.
41.1 No UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is allowed to be in any position of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE (including COMMUNICATIONS POSITIONS–see Sect. 41.41a). Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any person to allow any UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to be in a POSITION OF FINANCIAL INFLUENCE will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
41.2 A position of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE is any position (such as a personnel officer of a corporation; a health or life insurance underwriter; a person who conducts employee reviews for a company or organization in order to determine who should be promoted, laid off, or demoted; a person who reviews health or life insurance or food stamp or disability claims in order to determine who is eligible for benefits; any person who has influence over who should be admitted to a university or medical school or law school, stockbroker, etc.). A POSITION OF FINANCIAL INFLUENCE is any position which directly or indirectly can influence another person’s finances.
41.3 For instance, if a clerk is hired to screen health insurance claims, that clerk is indirectly in a position of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE. Because if that clerk is an UNWILLING AGENT, he/she could throw away claims or disorganize computer files and cause persons submitting claims for health insurance benefits to lose benefits through this clerk’s deliberate disorganization of that person’s claims.
41.4 Or, if a company is trying to decide who should be hired for a manager’s position or for a position which is a promotion, those persons in that company who determine who will be hired for the promoted position, can only consult with (or act on the counsel of) those persons who are not UNWILLING AGENTS (or with those who are not JESUITS or are not JESUIT CONSPIRATORs) as this company decides who should get the managerial position (or the promoted position). And if any person of this company who has the power to promote any person within that company, and this person (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly uses the opinions and/or judgments or recommendations of an UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR as a basis for his/her decision as to who to hire for a promotion or for a well-paid position, this is considered a form of JESUIT CRIMINAL DISCRIMINATION and will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
41.41 This would also mean that no UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR can be a bankruptcy attorney, certified public accountant, a creditor or loan officer, be any person who would influence a person’s credit rating, or be any person who would call people to harass them about unpaid bills, or be any person who has the power to prosecute or financially harm anyone for unpaid debts, or be any worker (called a COMMUNICATIONS POSITION) responsible to maintain communications (such as a telephone company worker, postal worker, mail person, computer worker responsible to transmit E-mails, Fed-Ex employee who directly or indirectly helps in communications, etc.) to or from any financial institution or to or from any persons engaged in financial transactions of any kind.
41.41(a) Persons who help (directly or indirectly) in maintaining communications between financial institutions or between persons engaged in financial transactions (these are called COMMUNICATIONS POSITIONS) can influence how these communications take place and could cause misunderstandings, deleted messages and other mis communications to occur in order to sabotage a financial transaction or to change how financial transactions takes place. For this reason, no UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is allowed to be in any position (called a COMMUNICATIONS POSITION) which could influence how communications occur between financial institutions or between persons engaged in financial transactions. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any person to allow any UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to be in any COMMUNICATIONS POSITION which could cause problems in communications between financial institutions or between persons engaged in financial transactions, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. Also any JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR who directly or indirectly (willing and knowingly) allows themselves to be in such a COMMUNICATIONS POSITION (or any position of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE) will bring upon themselves the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Also, any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any person to interfere with (or to cause misleading, false or failed communications) in any manner between financial institutions or between persons engaged in financial transactions, and if this attempt or action is done with the goal to assist the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
41.5 All persons in any company or organization or any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly participates in any JESUIT CRIMINAL DISCRIMINATION (see Sect. 41.4) conspiracy will be considered JESUIT CONSPIRATORs and will receive the death penalty as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS.
41.6 Jesuits manipulate people financially, in order to unfairly control and/or manipulate those they perceive to oppose the worldwide dictatorship goals of the Jesuit Order. We must remove their ability to do this, or we will never win this war against Jesuit terrorism because the Jesuits will be able to weaken those persons (financially) who could be effective leaders in the war against Jesuit terrorism. When a person is strapped financially, they are limited (or completely hindered) in the damage they can do to the Jesuit Order–and the Jesuits know this. If the Jesuits can keep their enemies in poverty or in financial distress, then they can control their enemies and prevent their enemies from having effective leadership against the Jesuit Order. Jesuits desire to be in leadership positions or positions of influence and Jesuits desire to control and eliminate those from leadership positions who would oppose the goals of the Jesuit Order. To allow these Jesuit killers to obtain leadership positions and to allow Jesuits to unfairly eliminate their enemies from obtaining leadership positions must not be tolerated–that is the purpose for the laws of this Sect. 41.
41.7 Those UNWILLING AGENTS who are in positions of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE (including COMMUNICATIONS POSITIONS) and need this job to survive, will be compensated from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (in cooperation with the company they work for, if applicable) until that person is no longer able to be used as an UNWILLING AGENT and can resume his/her former position. Perhaps these UNWILLING AGENTS could be assigned to other positions (which are not positions of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE) and retain the same pay (as they had in their position of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE). Another possibility is that those UNWILLING AGENTs in positions of FINANCIAL INFLUENCE could have their work checked by one who is not an UNWILLING AGENT to ensure that their decisions are sound and are not influenced by Jesuits. All UNWILLING AGENTS in any job which can influence another person’s finances must either be removed from their position or be strictly monitored by those who are not UNWILLING AGENTS to ensure their decisions (which influence another’s finances) are not biased in favor of Jesuit criminal enterprises. Or the UNWILLING AGENT could retain his/her position, but all responsibilities that involve other person’s finances would be removed from that person’s job description. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any person to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to make decisions or be in a position to influence another’s finances will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
42.0 Any person who (directly or indirectly) knowingly and willingly participates in any plot to use death threats (of any type) against any innocent person (as outlined by CONSPIRACY LAW) or who actually carries out such threats against any innocent person, in order to further the goals of the Jesuit Order–including threats to bomb a person or building, to poison a person, to use nuclear materials on a person, or to use torture or any form of biological warfare on a person or to make any harassing or threatening phone calls or communications to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON or to participate in any conspiracies which revolve around violations of Sect. 46 (see Sect. 46), etc.–will bring the death penalty IN A VERY PUBLIC FORM on GCFNC as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. That violator’s execution (and all legal proceedings involved) will be on all primetime GCFNC broadcasts.
42.1 All such death threats will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs. All violators of this Sect. 42, if found guilty, will be publicly executed on GCFNC during GCFNC’S PRIMETIME BROADCAST SCHEDULE.
42.2 This is especially true if a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is a target of these death threats or if a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is a target of Jesuit conspirators who violate Sect. 41, so that a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is forced to endure undue financial hardship (that is, financial hardship which could become [or is] life threatening) imposed upon them by Jesuit conspirators. Not only will those Jesuit conspirators involved, be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs, but a special PRIME-TIME section of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be devoted to cover the death threats (and/or undue financial hardships) made/imposed on this SIGNIFICANT PERSON. This special coverage will be programmed by the GCFNC producers according to the wishes of the International President.
42.3 This coverage about death threats (or attempts) or violations of Sect. 41 which bring undue financial hardship (see above section) against a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, will probably include speeches or statements by world leaders (or other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS) about the threatening or harassing phone calls, death threats and/or undue financial hardships (or attempts or actions actually carried out or imposed) against this SIGNIFICANT PERSON and it will probably involve dragging those Jesuit violators (and all conspirators involved with the violators) onto the primetime GCFNC newscast and forcing them to undergo primetime GCFNC cross-examination, confession statements and public execution during GCFNC’s primetime broadcast schedule. All such death threat violators and phone harassers or mail harassers (and undue financial hardship violators of Sect. 41 against a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) will lose all their privacy rights and will be given MASSIVE EXPOSURE on GCFNC’s PRIMETIME broadcast schedule.
42.4 Unlike most public executions on GCFNC, when these Jesuit conspirators are executed, IT WILL BE SHOWN IN AN IRREFUTABLE MANNER–there will not just be a listing of the times and dates of execution of these death threat violators–THE ACTUAL EXECUTIONS WILL BE FILMED, SHOWN, AND COVERED ON GCFNC’S PRIMETIME BROADCAST. This is to firmly establish that the International President firmly opposes such death threats, phone or mail harassments of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (and/or the actual carrying out of such death threats or harassments by Jesuit criminals) and that the International President firmly opposes the bringing of undue financial hardship or harassments against that SIGNIFICANT PERSON, and that death penalty executions against these Jesuit violators ARE BEING CARRIED OUT.
42.5 For instance, camera coverage will go into the death chamber where the executions of Jesuit conspirators will take place and the death injection or hanging or (or whatever method is used to execute the criminal) will be shown. Probably the only thing that will be omitted will be the close camera coverage of the actual death (though this may be shown with subtitles to warn parents to screen children from the viewing).
42.6 However, long distance camera coverage will show the Jesuit conspirator’s corpse being carried out and disposed of (by those who carried out the execution). THIS IS DONE TO FIRMLY ESTABLISH THAT THE EXECUTIONS AGAINST SUCH DEATH THREAT violators and against those Jesuits who bring UNDUE FINANCIAL HARDSHIP or harassments against SIGNIFICANT PERSONs ARE BEING CARRIED OUT, in order to establish beyond dispute, that the International President adamantly opposes such death threats and harassments and that he/she adamantly opposes undue financial hardships and harassments imposed against a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, and that he/she in no way encourages such Jesuit conspirator’s death threats or harassments (or the carrying out of such death threats or harassments ) or such Jesuit conspirator’s undue financial hardships or harassments imposed against a SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
42.7 The ideas for this Section 42.7 come from Vladimir Putin. If such death threats or harassments or such undue financial hardship violators are guilty of violations of Sect. 42 or Sect. 41 against Gail Schuler, those found guilty will be hung in a public square (with witnesses) and the corpses will hang for days (before they are taken down) and all this will be filmed and shown on GCFNC’s primetime broadcast. Before each hanging, Vladimir will read from Esther 7:8-10 and will state that he will treat those who try to harm his wife (whom he considers to be an Esther) as King Ahasuerus treated those who tried to harm his wife (Esther). No one will be allowed to touch the corpses until they are taken down, and if anyone willingly and knowingly touches (or interferes with) the corpses before Vladimir gives them permission to take the corpses down–they, themselves, will be executed and hung in the public square for days before they, themselves, are taken down (and this will be broadcast on GCFNC’s primetime schedule). Vladimir will supply buzzards to feed on the Jesuit conspirators’ corpses while they hang for days in the public square. The buzzards, as they feed on the corpses, will be filmed and shown on GCFNC’s primetime broadcast schedule, too. Vladimir wants to execute these criminals in the most humiliating manner possible and to show this on primetime GCFNC broadcasts, in order to show how his contempt for those who would harm his wife.
43.0 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to try to bring about any false news presentations in any public medium with the intent to frame an innocent party with a Jesuit conspiracy or with the intent to slander or defame any innocent party with a Jesuit conspiracy, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. All such violators will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Copmputer Laws or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs and these violators will be publicly executed on GCFNC. CONSPIRACY LAW will not tolerate in any manner the use of the news media or press to slander or defame innocent parties with Jesuit conspiracies.
LAWS FOR MAIL WORKERS, FEDERAL EXPRESS WORKERS, UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WORKERS AND ANY WORKER WHO DELIVERS (OR COULD DELIVER) ANY LEGAL DOCUMENTS (OR ANY DOCUMENT WHICH COULD BE PERCEIVED AS A LEGAL DOCUMENT–SUCH AS A COUNTERFEIT LEGAL DOCUMENT). It is very important for mail to be delivered correctly, because mistakes in mail delivery could become life or death matters for some people– such as those who rely on the mail to receive money or payments or medications, etc.
To HANDLE MAIL is defined as to participate in any manner in the handling or delivery of any mail from the time it is mailed (at its origination point) to the time it is delivered to the recipient. This is because any deliberately induced problems in mail handling or delivery, whether at the beginning of the process (where the mail is originated) or in between (as the mail is in transit) or at the end of the process (where the mail is delivered), can cause serious problems and/or legal complications for the recipient or the sender of that mail.
44.0 Satellite technology (through the RSP and PLP networks) must be used to screen all mail for TERRORIST MATERIALS (such as biological, chemical or nuclear materials or counterfeit documents or correspondence that is part of any JESUIT FLIRTATION conspiracy, which could directly or indirectly cause harm or death) and/or to screen for PERSONS (other than the legally designated mail persons) who may tamper with a mailbox and/or its contents or who may tamper with the handling of any mail. A special section of the RSP network for every country will be used to screen all MAIL delivered and/or handled in that country for any TERRORIST MATERIALS and to screen all persons who deliver and/or handle mail for any fake or criminal imposters (who may pose as mail carriers or handlers). This section of the RSP network will be called the MAIL SCREENERS. MAIL SCREENERS are considered a part of the RSP network and must meet all the qualifications of any member of any RSP network. The RSP network can work with the PLP network to use mind-reading 666-Computer technology (on those under their control) to determine when a counterfeit, harassing or illegal document (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW) is in the mail system. A counterfeit, harassing or illegal document is considered a TERRORIST MATERIAL because it can be used to legally terrorize a person.
44.1 It is the MAIL SCREENERS’ responsibility to immediately (as soon as possible) inform any MAIL FACILITY of the existence of any TERRORIST MATERIALS in that MAIL FACILITY and/or to inform the proper law enforcement authorities of any criminals who may illegally tamper with the mail. Any member of the MAIL SCREENERS who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to inform any MAIL FACILITY (which contains or is vulnerable to TERRORIST MATERIALS) of the existence of TERRORIST MATERIALS at that facility (or as part of that facility’s mail system), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Any member of the MAIL SCREENERS who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to inform the proper law enforcement about the activities of any criminal who illegally tampers with mail, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.1(a1) All MAIL SCREENERS who handle Gail Chord Schuler’s mail (whether from FED EX, American Express, regular mail, etc.) must send a certified copy of all mail which Gail receives to Vladimir Putin, the Russian President. If it is not an emergency for Gail to receive the document immediately, Vladimir must receive from Gail’s MAIL SCREENERS, the certified copy of the mailed document at least 24 hours before Gail receives that document (which was mailed to her). In all cases, whether or not Vladimir receives the document before Gail does, he MUST RECEIVE A CERTIFIED COPY OF ALL MAIL WHICH GAIL RECEIVES AT THE SAME TIME THAT IT WAS MAILED TO HER BOX OR THE SAME TIME THAT SHE RECEIVES THE DOCUMENT. Anything in the mail addressed to Gail Chord Schuler at any address where she can receive this mail, is mail that must FIRST GO TO VLADIMIR PUTIN (at least 24 hours in advance of the time that Gail receives it or at least 24 hours in advance of the time it is mailed to her mailbox) so that he can screen her mail before she receives her mail. VLADIMIR MUST ALSO RECEIVE A CERTIFIED COPY OF ALL DOCUMENTS WHICH GAIL MAILS OUT TO ANYBODY, so that he can determine how, when and where her mail goes. He cannot intercept any mail which Gail mails out (or prevent it from reaching its target), unless Gail gives him permission to do so in her legal statements. Gail gives Vladimir full permission to intercept and remove from Gail’s mail and/or to prevent Gail from receiving any document which has been mailed to Gail illegally–whether because the document is a counterfeit or because the document is somehow a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW and, for this reason, Vladimir does not want Gail to receive the illegally mailed document.
44.1(a2) Any MAIL SCREENER who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any mail to reach Gail and who does not send an exact and accurate certified copy of this mail to Vladimir Putin (at least 24 hours before Gail receives it or before it reaches Gail’s mailbox), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The exception will be if the mail MUST BE SENT TO GAIL IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE IT IS AN EMERGENCY FOR HER TO RECEIVE THE MAIL IMMEDIATELY (before Vladimir receives it). That it was an emergency, and so much of an emergency that the document had to be mailed to Gail before Vladimir could screen it at least 24 hours in advance, will have to be proven in a court of law. Because very rarely is any mail this much of an emergency. Vladimir will let all mail organizations know which address they must send these certified copies to. Gail is often very busy and does not have time to immediately check her mail and, it appears, that MAIL SCREENERS (and others) are not following the law and need to be arrested– because Gail is receiving TERRORIST MATERIALs and other harassing illegal materials in her mailbox. It is hoped that if Vladimir receives Gail’s mail right away, he can act on it, even before Gail receives it and may even be able to prevent illegal mail from reaching her mailbox. Also, he can ensure that any mail which Gail needs to receive, she receives.
44.1(a) Also, any member of the MAIL SCREENERS who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly gives a false or confusing or deceptive report about TERRORIST MATERIALS to any mail facility with the intent to cause undue confusion or to cause mistakes to be made in mail handling and/or delivery, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.2 All TERRORIST MATERIALS and counterfeit, harassing and/or illegal documents (which are also considered TERRORIST MATERIALS) must not be delivered to their recipients and must be removed from the MAIL as soon as possible. It is the MAIL SCREENER’S job to inform the MAIL FACILITY of the existence of any TERRORIST MATERIALS at that facility or in that facility’s mail system.
44.2(a) Any person who (directly or indirectly) knowingly and willingly allows, encourages, or participates in the sending or handling of any TERRORIST MATERIALS or in the sending or handling of any counterfeit, harassing or illegal documents–also considered to be TERRORIST MATERIALS (especially any illegal document which is, or could be falsely perceived as a legally valid document by the recipient) through any mail medium (such as the government mail system, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, American Express, etc.) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.3 MAIL is defined as any document or object which could be delivered or handled by any MAIL FACILITY and/or its workers (as they are employed and working for that MAIL FACILITY).
44.4 A MAIL WORKER is defined as any worker in any government mail position, Federal Express position, United Parcel Service position, American Express position, or any position which facilitates the transportation, handling and/or delivery of any document or object which is (or could be or could be perceived as) a legal document or object.
44.5 A MAIL FACILITY is any facility (such as a Post Office, a Federal Express facility, a jet used to transport mail, etc.) which is used (directly or indirectly) to facilitate the transportation, handling and/or delivery of any document or object [which is (or could be or could be perceived as) a legal document or object].
44.6 No UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is allowed to work in any capacity as any type of MAIL WORKER, if in the course of his/her job, he/she could (because of his/her job duties) promote the sending or handling of any counterfeit, harassing or illegal documents; or could cause MAIL not to be delivered as addressed or could cause MAIL to be lost or could cause mail to be unduly delayed or could cause mail mix-ups or could cause mail not to be forwarded as directed by a forwarding order, etc. A MAIL WORKER who is in such a position (as described in this Sect. 44.6) is considered a LEGAL MAIL WORKER.
44.7 Any person in any MAIL FACILITY who has control over how MAIL WORKERS are utilized and who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to be in a LEGAL MAIL WORKER position, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.8 All LEGAL MAIL WORKERS should be screened at least daily (or as often as necessary) by their PLPs and/or RSPs to determine if any LEGAL MAIL WORKER is an UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT, or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. This daily screening report needs to be sent to the person who monitors and manages these LEGAL MAIL WORKERS.
44.9 Any PLP and/or RSP (and especially any MAIL SCREENER) who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to send a report about any UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR who is operating in the capacity of a LEGAL MAIL WORKER to that mail worker’s manager or overseer, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
45.0 Once any LEGAL MAIL WORKER’s manager or overseer becomes aware that any LEGAL MAIL WORKER under his/her jurisdiction or management is an UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, that manager must remove that unqualified LEGAL MAIL WORKER from any job responsibilities which could interfere with proper and legal mail delivery or handling (as defined by these Sections 44 and 45).
45.1 Those persons who are TARGETED PERSONS (see Sect. 23.8) will have all their MAIL handled by a special subsection of the MAIL FACILITY (see Sect. 44.5) called the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT. Every MAIL FACILITY must have a SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT. If this is an undue financial burden, the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will help to finance and create such a SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT for every MAIL FACILITY.
45.2 TARGETED PERSONS will not have any of their mail handled by regular mail delivery, all of their MAIL must be handled by SPECIAL DELIVERY (by workers from the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT).Special delivery does not have to be at the doorstep of the recipient and can be to the recipient’s regular mailbox, though it may be done on another run (besides the run of the regular mail carrier).
45.3 Every MAIL FACILITY will receive at least daily updates (called the TARGETED PERSONS LIST) in their computer banks (from the PLP and/or RSP networks involved) of those persons who are TARGETED persons and whose MAIL must be handled by the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT. Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt or action by any person to cause this TARGETED PERSONS LIST to be inaccurate, incomplete or deficient (in any manner) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. It is essential that MAIL FACILITIES know which persons need to be handled by the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT.
45.4 Any knowing and willing (direct or indirect) attempt or action by any person to allow any worker (other than a worker from the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT) to handle or deliver any MAIL directed to any TARGETED PERSON, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. To HANDLE MAIL is defined as to participate in any manner in the handling or delivery of any mail from the time it is mailed (at its origination point) to the time it is delivered to the recipient. This is because any deliberately induced problems in mail handling or delivery, whether at the beginning of the process (where the mail is originated) or in between (as the mail is in transit) or at the end of the process (where the mail is delivered) can cause serious problems and/or legal complications for the recipient or the sender of that mail.
45.5 SPECIAL DELIVERY workers will be highly screened and no UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR can ever work as a SPECIAL DELIVERY worker (in any manner). Any knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person to allow any UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to work as a SPECIAL DELIVERY worker will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
45.6 Additionally, SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKERS must make a statement after their daily run or shift, in which they will state (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion-detection) that to the best of their knowledge they have delivered and/or handled the MAIL under their care so that this MAIL was delivered and/or handled as accurately, correctly, quickly, and legally as possible (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW, and as defined by the regular laws for mail workers, and as defined by these Sections 44 and 45) and that they have (to the best of their knowledge and ability) honored the guidelines of CONSPIRACY LAW and of these Sections 44 and 45 in the way they have handled and/or delivered their MAIL.
45.6(a) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to target and/or harm any SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.Every SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER will be considered a TARGETED PERSON and will be treated as a TARGETED PERSON (according to CONSPIRACY LAW).
45.7 Any SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER who fails 666-Computer lie-detection and/or emotion-detection when making the italicized statement in Sect. 45.6, must be removed from his/her SPECIAL DELIVERY position and another person (who meets the criteria for a SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW) must replace that unqualified worker.
45.7(a) Additionally, if it is determined that that SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly violated the guidelines of these Sections 44 and 45, so that mail under his/her care was not delivered and/or handled according to the guidelines of these Sections 44 and 45, that SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
45.7(b) Any MAIL WORKER who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly handles or delivers mail in any manner in order to cause mail mix ups, forwarded mail not to be forwarded to the correct address, mail delays, improperly delivered mail, mail to be lost, etc. with the intent to assist the goals of the JESUIT ORDER or to cooperate with (or assist) any member of the JESUIT ORDER, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Motive can be determined by 666-Computer analysis of that person’s thoughts and/or emotions and 666-Computer analysis can be used as evidence in the courtroom.
46.0 Any company that facilitates directly or indirectly any phone communications (such as AT&T, Bell South, Sprint, etc.) must have a CALL SCREENERS UNIT. Any company that facilitates directly or indirectly any phone communications will be called a PHONE COMPANY. Each member of the CALL SCREENERS UNIT will be called a CALL SCREENER.
46.0(a) Every CALL SCREENERS UNIT will have some members of all PLP and/or RSP networks on its board of directors. Each member of the CALL SCREENERS UNIT is considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and is to be treated as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (according to CONSPIRACY LAW). These PLPs and/or RSPs will work as liaisons to coordinate efforts between the phone company’s CALL SCREENERS UNIT and the PLP and RSP networks. All PLP and RSP networks will work with all the CALL SCREENERS UNITS to obtain SCREENER CALLER IDENTIFICATIONS [especially thought/emotion/genetic profile records] for all TARGETED CALLS. RSPs are especially needed to obtain genetic profiles, since genetic profiles can be obtained through satellite technology (through satellite readings via 666-Computer), in order to easily identify any IMPOSTERS who may try to make a call to a recipient.
46.0(b) All PHONE COMPANIES must receive an updated, daily list of all phone numbers which are considered to be TARGETED PERSON’s phone numbers (called the TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LIST).
46.0(c) The TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LIST must be updated at least daily by the CALL SCREENERS UNIT (who will work with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which has jurisdiction over that CALL SCREENERS UNIT’s phone company) and sent every day to the PHONE COMPANIES.
46.1 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action (by the person responsible to do so), to neglect to send a daily and accurate (as defined by this Sect. 46) updated TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LIST to any PHONE COMPANY, will bring to that person the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
46.2 All PHONE COMPANIES will work with the PLP and/or RSP networks (and their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS) to maintain accurate and daily updated TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LISTs.
46.2(a) The CALL SCREENERS UNIT will work with the PLP and/or RSP networks to screen every phone call (of whatever type of call it may be, even FAX calls) that is received from or sent to any TARGETED PERSON’s phone number, in order to obtain thought/emotion/genetic profile records of all TARGETED CALLERS. Any phone call made to or from a TARGETED PERSON’s phone number (as defined by Sect. 46.2) will be called a TARGETED CALL. The callers who make such calls are called TARGETED CALLERS.
46.2(b) In essence, the CALL SCREENERS UNIT will utilize a sophisticated form of CALLER ID for all TARGETED CALLS–called the SCREENER CALLER ID or SCREENER CALLER IDENTIFICATION. In the SCREENER CALLER ID, each targeted caller must be thoroughly identified in a written or computer recorded (record or account) which will detail the name or complete legal identification (including the genetic profile) of the caller; the time and date of the call (including the beginning time and date of the call and the ending time and date of the call); the total recording of every noise or word made on the call; the phone number of the caller’s originating phone; and a written or computer recorded (record or account) of the caller’s thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile while making and carrying out the call (from the time the caller dialed his/her phone to make the call, to the time the caller hung up).
46.2(c) A TARGETED PERSON’s phone number should probably be the phone number(s) of that TARGETED PERSON’s residence and/or FAX lines, as well as the phone number(s) of his/her place(s) of volunteer or paid employment, and the phone number(s) of his/her relatives or friends, and the phone number(s) of his/her church(es) or affiliations (such as Masonic lodges, charities, volunteer work, etc.).
46.3 Phone calls to or from any TARGETED PERSON’s phone number (TARGETED CALLS) will be screened by reading and recording the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profiles (via the PLP and/or RSP network which has control over that caller) of every targeted caller who makes any phone calls to or from a TARGETED PERSON’s phone number. All phone calls must also be screened by determining the genetic profile of the caller (to see if the caller is an IMPOSTER). IMPOSTERS must be treated according to Sect. 46.3(a1).
46.3(a1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to use any IMPOSTER, especially if this IMPOSTER is used to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order and especially if this IMPOSTER is used to manipulate a person into making decisions that they would normally not make (in order to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. If SIGNIFICANT PERSONS are involved in the use of any IMPOSTER, that case will be tried publicly on GCFNC, and those found guilty of this IMPOSTER conspiracy will receive death by hanging with buzzards. If UNWILLING AGENTS are involved in the use of IMPOSTERS, those UNWILLING AGENTS will be treated as UNWILLING AGENTS (according to CONSPIRACY LAW).
46.3(a) The phone calls must be screened to determine if any IMPOSTERS are being used to make a phone call. An IMPOSTER is any person (UNWILLING AGENT or otherwise) who claims to be a person which they are not. Genetic profiles must be done on every caller to determine if that caller is an IMPOSTER. No call from any IMPOSTER must reach its recipient.
46.3(b) If any CALL SCREENER (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows a call from an IMPOSTER to reach its recipient, that CALL SCREENER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
46.3(c) The record of every targeted caller’s thoughts and/or emotions and the genetic profile of each caller) for all TARGETED CALLS must be stored in a computer databank and/or other form, so that, if necessary, the SCREENER CALLER ID of the call could be admitted as evidence in a court of law. This legal record (including records of thoughts and emotions and genetic profile of the caller) will be called the SCREENER CALLER ID.
46.4 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person (including the RSP or PLP who reads and/or records the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile of the caller) to tamper with any SCREENER CALLER ID with the intent to delay, damage, alter, destroy or lose that SCREENER CALLER ID so that it cannot be admitted as evidence in a court of law or so that (if admitted as evidence) it would be considered tampered evidence– will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. Also, all communications to or from Gail Schuler (or designated persons) must be recorded with a SCREENER CALLER ID (as outlined in this Sect. 46) and given to those persons who are authorized to monitor Gail Schuler’s communications (such as Vladimir Putin). Those persons who are authorized to receive complete and unaltered SCREENER CALLER Ids for their designated persons will be called CARETAKERS, and Vladimir Putin is a CARETAKER for Gail Schuler.
46.4(a) All CARETAKERS are to receive any and all communications (at the same time that the communication occurs) to or from their designated person in an unaltered and complete state. Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt or action to tamper with any SCREENER CALLER ID recordings given to a CARETAKER, so that that CARETAKER receives SCREENER CALLER Ids that have been delayed, damaged, altered, destroyed or lost, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to whoever caused this delay, damage, alteration, destruction or loss in the SCREENER CALLER ID received by the CARETAKER.
46.4(b) CARETAKERs need accurate, complete and unaltered transcripts of SCREENER CALLER IDS delivered to the caretaker at the same time that the communication takes place (in essence the SCREENER CALLER ID should be a wiretap of all communications to and from the designated person), in order to effectively monitor and manage communications for their designated person and any attempts to undermine this, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. When Gail Schuler’s communications are willingly and knowingly tampered with, in violation of this Sect. 46 (in a SCREENER CALLER ID for a CARETAKER), this will bring a CL&G Sect. 95 execution to the violator.
46.5 If the CALL SCREENERS UNIT is unable to read the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile of the TARGETED CALLER (i.e., to obtain a SCREENER CALLER ID of the caller), that call will be immediately blocked, terminated or transferred (so that the recipient cannot receive it) and the entire conversation (and noises) of the caller must be recorded and stored (until that caller hangs up), and the caller will be traced and located to determine his/her identity and genetic profile and any possible Jesuit conspiracy connections.
46.5(a) If, while the CALL SCREENER monitors that targeted call, he/she determines that the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile of the caller indicate that the caller is making a call in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW or that the call is a form of phone harassment or deception, that call must be immediately blocked, terminated or transferred. There must be an attempt to block, transfer or terminate the call before the recipient or the recipient’s answering machine can answer the call), so that the caller’s recipient will be unable to receive the call in any manner (all records of that call must be erased from the recipient’s CALLER ID, for example). We do not want to create the impression that we condone any form of phone harassment or deception.
46.5(a1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt, neglect, or action by any CALL SCREENER (or any other person, including a PLP or RSP) to allow or promote any illegal calls (as defined by this Sect. 46 and CONSPIRACY LAW) and/or to allow or promote any illegal harassing or deceptive calls to reach the recipient or to promote or participate in any conspiracies which revolve around violations of this Sect. 46 –such as the Russian airliners which just crashed and/or are missing south of Moscow now at 9 p.m. EST on 8-24-04 which occurred on the same day or within 24 hours of the time that Gail Schuler received a threatening phone call from Columbia (an obvious attempt to connect Gail Schuler’s threatening phone call with the plane crashes)– (when these calls or conspiracies could have been blocked, prevented, terminated or transferred by that PLP or RSP or person), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person (who willingly and knowingly allowed or promoted these illegal calls to reach the recipient or who willingly and knowingly participated in or promoted phone call conspiracies). The executions of these criminals will be by hanging with buzzards (according to the guidelines of Sect. 42 of this document). These Russian airliners are part of a harassing phone conspiracy because they occurred within 24 hours of the day that Gail received the harassing phone call from Columbia (when she played back her messages) around 8:45 p.m.
46.5(a.1) Those guilty persons (when found) behind these Russian airliner crashes will be executed by hanging with buzzards (according to Sect. 42 of this document) and their cross-examinations and executions will be done publicly on GCFNC. Those behind these Russian airliners (which just crashed and/or are missing) are part of a phone harasser or deception conspiracy against Gail Schuler and must be treated (and executed) according to Sect. 46 and 42 of this document.
46.5(a.2) For instance, any member of every PLP or RSP network who works with CALL SCREENERS (in screening calls according to the guidelines of this Sect. 46), and who willingly and knowingly allows or promotes any illegal harassing or deceptive call to reach the recipient (whether it was by an act of commission or omission by that PLP or RSP which allowed this call to reach the recipient) and/or who willingly and knowingly participates in or promotes any conspiracies revolving around the harassing or deceptive calls–such as the Russian airliners which crashed and/or are missing just south of Moscow at 9 p.m. EST on 8-24-04, will bring the death penalty by public hanging WITH BUZZARDS on GCFNC as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PLP or RSP or phone harasser conspirator–see Sect. 42 and Sect. 46.5(a1). Any PLP or RSP (of any PLP or RSP network) who willingly and knowingly promotes violations of this Sect. 46 must be removed from his/her position as a PLP or RSP and will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR with the death penalty by public hanging on GCFNC with buzzards–see Sect. 42.
46.5(a.3) Those PLPs or RSPs or CALL SCREENERS (and those callers or others who collaborate with them) who are found guilty of violations of this Sect. 46 will receive the death penalty by hanging with buzzards. Their cases will be tried on GCFNC. And if a SIGNIFICANT PERSON (especially if it’s Gail Schuler) is a victim of Sect. 46 violations by that criminal, that criminal will be executed according to the guidelines of Sect. 42 of this document. That is, they will hang for days IN PUBLIC (and the hanging corpse –along with the buzzards who eat that corpse as it hangs– will be viewed on GCFNC and the execution will be watched on GCFNC) while buzzards eat them.
46.5(a.4) Any country’s PLP or RSP network which continually allows their PLPs or RSPs to violate the guidelines of this Sect. 46 will have their PLP or RSP network cancelled and that country will be danger of being listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION (according to CONSPIRACY LAW).
46.5(a.5) For instance, a deep, husky Hispanic accented male voice called Gail Schuler’s cell phone and left about a 2 minute message on her phone at 1:18 p.m. on 8-24-04. The tone of voice was harassing and threatening and mocking, and the English was poor and, for the most part, unintelligible. Though the man used the word “Gail” at the beginning of the call, so he knew Gail’s name. The only understood part of the conversation were the words, “The Jesuits are coming”.
46.5(a.6) This caller needs to be treated according to the guidelines of this Sect. 46, with a full SCREENER CALLER ID made of this call. Those PLPs and RSPs who should have notified the CALL SCREENER of this call, so that it would have been blocked before it reached Gail’s phone, need to be investigated and the death penalty (by hanging with buzzards) may need to be meted out (if these PLPs or RSPs are in death penalty violation of this Sect. 46.5) and, obviously, whoever is knowingly and willingly behind this call will also be executed by hanging with buzzards on GCFNC.
46.5(a.7) Vladimir informs me that the call came from Columbia. The Columbian PLP and RSP network needs to be investigated and if violations such as these continue from the Columbian PLP and RSP network, that network may need to be cancelled–with the possibility that Columbia will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website and will be treated as a TERRORIST NATION (according to CONSPIRACY LAW). In fact, Vladimir has informed me now at 9 p.m. on 8-24-04 that he wants to cancel the Columbian PLP and RSP network. So I will go into the Int. PLP and RSP Network Conf. document and cancel that network.
46.5(a2) For instance, the Chrysler Financial CEO should send bulletins to all workers at Chrysler Financial warning them that if they attempt to harass or deceive Gail Schuler in any manner (by phone or other methods) by calling or contacting her to harass or deceive her about car payments, that those persons will face specific consequences (and these consequences should be clearly laid out in the bulletin). This is pre-emptive action on the part of the Chrysler Financial CEO that could help him/her in the courtroom [should Chrysler Financial be sued for complicity with Jesuit terrorists (in their attacks against Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler)]. If the Chrysler Financial CEO neglects to send out this bulletin to all his/her workers, he/she may face criminal prosecution (and possible death penalty) for violating Sect. 46.5(a1).
46.5(a3) This may seem a strong judgment for phone harassment or deception, but it must be understood that Jesuits use phone harassment or deception (in just about all cases) as a prelude to murder. And the Jesuits’ goal is to frame an innocent party with these phone harassment or deception murder conspiracies.
46.5(b) However, after the CALL SCREENER transfers or blocks the call, the CALL SCREENER will allow the caller to continue to talk to the CALL SCREENER (because this talk may need to be used as evidence in the courtroom) and this talk must be recorded and stored as part of that caller’s SCREENER CALLER ID.
46.5(c) Only calls that violate this Sect. 46 can be terminated or blocked or transferred, no other calls are to be terminated or blocked or transferred. Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt (or action) to terminate or block or transfer a legal phone call (as outlined in this Sect. 46), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that CALL SCREENER.
46.5(d) Any phone call which is transferred (because that call violates CONSPIRACY LAW or is considered to be harassment or deception), must be transferred to the CALL SCREENER who is handling the call and who is making the SCREENER CALLER ID.
46.5(d1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to transfer that illegal call to any person (other than to the CALL SCREENER who is monitoring that call), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
46.6 To help CALL SCREENERS in knowing which calls are to be terminated or blocked or transferred, a list of guidelines (called SCREENER GUIDELINES) will be sent to the CALL SCREENERS daily to assist them.
46.6(a) The SCREENER GUIDELINES will be written by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which has jurisdiction over all the phone companies that the CALL SCREENERS work with. The SCREENER GUIDELINES must include guidelines on how to detect if a JESUIT FLIRTATION (see Sect. 50) is in progress, and all attempts must be made to block any calls made by anyone who is promoting any JESUIT FLIRTATION.
46.6(b) These SCREENER GUIDELINES must be updated daily and each CALL SCREENER is required to read the updated SCREENER GUIDELINES before beginning his/her shift. For instance, it may be anticipated in advance which illegal calls may occur, and the SCREENER GUIDELINES should inform that CALL SCREENER how to handle these calls.
46.6(c) The SCREENER GUIDELINES may give permission for the CALL SCREENER to block, and then answer (intercept) the illegally made call and to inform the illegal caller of his/her legal rights and to inform them that the call they made to their recipient is determined to be an illegally made call; and, therefore, it has been blocked by court order, and is being recorded, that if this caller wants to continue to talk to the CALL SCREENER that all of their conversation will continue to be recorded and can be admitted as evidence against them in a court of law. The CALL SCREENER can say something like this: “Your call to this number is determined to be an illegal phone call and has been blocked by court order. Your call is being recorded. If you want to continue to talk, you will be talking to Fred Bartholomew at (333) 345-5667 (the law enforcement officer will give his/her name and phone number), who is a law enforcement officer hired by the courts to block your call. Anything you say during this conversation can be admitted as evidence against you (or others) in a court of law.” The name and phone number which I gave is a fake name and number, but I put it in the quote to serve as an example. The caller can talk to this law enforcement officer to ask questions and get information, if he/she desires. The purpose for having the CALL SCREENER give his/her name and phone number is to make it more difficult for the Jesuits to cause problems with CALL SCREENERS. We want to make sure that the CALL SCREENERS are doing their job properly.
46.6(d) The guidelines in Sect. 46.6(c) may be a good strategy to use to discourage Jesuits from using callers to try to call Gail Schuler (or her mother or Wal-Mart) about Gail’s alleged car payments.
46.6(e) For instance, Gail Schuler is not planning to make her normal Chrysler Financial car payments on 8-28-04, because Vladimir Putin has paid off her car and he has the title to Gail’s car from Chrysler Financial’s CEO.
46.6(f) However, it is anticipated that (after 8-28-04) Jesuits will try to use phone harassers or deceivers to call Gail’s mother at (321) 253-3533 or to call Gail at (321) 591-2848 to harass or deceive Gail about Gail’s alleged car payments. The CALL SCREENERS for Sprint, Bell South and all applicable phone companies need to be notified of this possibility and must immediately block and then record [in the form of a SCREENER CALLER ID (as outlined in Sect. 46)] all calls made to (321) 253-3533 or (321) 591-2848 or to other of Gail Schuler’s phone numbers (see Sect. 46.2c) to harass or deceive Gail over car payments.
46.6(g) The SCREENER CALLER ID for all such calls (as described in Sect. 46.6) must be recorded for all these calls (let the talker continue to talk until he/she realizes his/her call has been blocked and then hangs up), so that these SCREENER CALLER IDENTIFICATIONS can be admitted into a court of law as evidence against the Jesuit Order.
46.6(h) Any CALL SCREENER who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to follow the guidelines of this Sect. 46 in the performance of his/her duties as a CALL SCREENER (with the intent to assist the Jesuit Order) by undermining evidence or by the use of other methods, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
46.7 The reasons for the strong laws against these types of phone calls (as outlined in this Sect. 46) is because Jesuits often use phone callers to harass or deceive people as a prelude to murder or to illegally terrorize people, and these harassments or deceptions are designed to be part of a conspiracy to frame innocent parties (such as Vladimir Putin) with capital crimes. The International government wants to send the strong message that it, in no way, condones the use of such phone harassment or deception.
46.7(a) All death threats made against Gail Schuler at Wal-Mart have been preceded first by death threat phone calls against Gail (which were made to Wal-Mart). Therefore, all Wal-Mart phone numbers are considered to be TARGETED PERSONS’ PHONE NUMBERS and all calls made to any Wal-Mart facility are TARGETED CALLS and must be handled according to the guidelines of this Sect. 46.
46.8 Every phone call which must be terminated or blocked or transferred because that call violated CONSPIRACY LAW or because that call is a form of illegal harassment or deception, must be handled as a CONSPIRACY LAW violation (according to the guidelines of the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which was/were violated). Proper written legal follow up in the form of a SCREENER CALLER ID is required of every call which is terminated or blocked or transferred by the CALL SCREENERS. The SCREENER CALLER ID must also detail why the call was terminated or blocked or transferred (by citing the CONSPIRACY LAW which was violated by that call) or by citing that the call was a form of illegal harassment or deception and explaining why the call was a form of illegal harassment or deception. The SCREENER CALLER ID must be stored permanently as a legal record, so that it can be retrieved as evidence to be used in a courtroom, if it becomes necessary.
46.9 A CALL SCREENER is considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW) and, therefore, no UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR can work (directly or indirectly) with any CALL SCREENER or as a CALL SCREENER.
46.9(a) Phone companies will have to screen their workers and eliminate any workers (who may be UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUIT CONSPIRATORS) and who could interfere with (or cause problems) with the CALL SCREENER’s ability to perform his/her duties in compliance with this Sect. 46 and in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW.
46.9(b) Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any phone company worker or any person to retain a position, in which this person could possibly interfere with the work of a CALL SCREENER because of his/her position, so that the CALL SCREENER may not be able to honor the guidelines of CONSPIRACY LAW or of this Sect. 46 (in the performance of his/her duties as a CALL SCREENER), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
REGARDING ALL PRESS RELEASES, HISTORICAL PRESENTATIONS, BOOKS or PERIODICALS THAT EXPOSE PERSONS, FACTUAL ACCOUNTS, TABLOID RELEASES, NEWS BROADCASTS, NEWSPAPER REPORTING, INTERNET NEWS, ETC. The purpose for the following laws regarding the news media and the non-fiction media, is to make a clear statement that the International President, along with GCFNC, do not in any manner support any news presentations or non-fiction presentations or persons which could further the terrorist goals of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits rely heavily on their control over the news media and all media to further their murderous and terrorist enterprises. It is our hope, that with these new laws, we will weaken one of their strongest and established bastions: the established, international news media and the mass media (in general) and books, magazines, periodicals, etc.
47.0 A FACTUAL ACCOUNT is defined as the reporting of, the broadcasting of, the printing of, the publication of (or the publicity in any form of) any news report, historical presentations, any documentary, or any other form of reporting or presentation which would be deemed by the public to be a factual account of any person or event.
47.1 A NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT is defined as any FACTUAL ACCOUNT which would be (or could be) perceived by the public as a negative factual account of any person. A NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT is also any account (even if true) which should not be presented because by doing so, it would further the terrorist goals of the Jesuit Order. An example of this would to present the life story of “run away bride” Jennifer Wilbanks, for instance.
47.2 All NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNTS of any person must be accompanied by comprehensive bibliographies which state the sources (using 666-Computer HISTORIANS and 666-Computer analysis to determine sources) of that factual account (especially any Jesuit involvement in that factual account). This comprehensive bibliography must be submitted to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, so that it can be presented in the GCFNC main broadcast channels.
47.2(a) Any NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT which becomes public (that is–that makes print, is broadcast or is made public in any manner) and which does not submit its comprehensive bibliography to GCFNC so that GCFNC can let the world know who was behind this factual account and why they did it–it will be assumed that this is a Jesuit orchestrated factual account and those who were willingly and knowingly behind this factual account, will be tried as JESUIT CONSPIRATORs, and if it is discovered that the motive for publicizing this negative factual account was to assist the Jesuit Order in its attempts to set up a worldwide dictatorship, then those willingly and knowingly behind this factual account will get the death penalty IF the factual account was made public and if those behind this factual account willingly and knowingly failed to submit the comprehensive bibliography (as outlined in this Sect. 47) behind the negative factual account to GCFNC.
47.2(b) To clarify how this law works– We are for freedom of the press. However, if someone is going to print or broadcast or publicize a supposed negative factual account of any person (truthful or not), then they should have the courage to admit why they did it and who was really behind it–this has to be included in the comprehensive bibliography which MUST ACCOMPANY EVERY NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT WHICH MAKES PRINT or IS BROADCAST OR PUBLICIZED, AND this COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY MUST BE PUBLISHED or BROADCAST IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC–THAT IS WHY WE REQUIRE THAT IT BE PUBLISHED AND/OR BROADCAST ON GCFNC. THIS COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY MUST BE PUBLISHED AND/OR BROADCAST ON GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
47.2(c) Any NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT which is sponsored, orchestrated or promoted (in any manner) by Jesuits must mention the Jesuit involvement in the following manner in its comprehensive bibliography to GCFNC: it must mention how the Jesuits were involved in the factual account, why the Jesuits were involved in the factual account and when (with beginning and ending dates, if possible) the Jesuits were involved in the factual account. 666-Computer analysis evidence must be used to determine how to write a comprehensive bibliography and what should be included in the bibliography. The most important thing which 666-Computer analysis must determine and which GCFNC news must report about (in regard to NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNTS) is who is behind the NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT (in other words who WANTED THE FACTUAL ACCOUNT TO BE RELEASED) and WHY they were behind this NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT. This information can be discerned through 666-Computer analysis and through public cross-examination on GCFNC, and this is the most important information GCFNC must broadcast about in its news presentation of that NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT’s bibliography.
47.2(d) Whether the negative factual account is truthful or not is irrelevant, our main concern is to expose any person who delights in spreading (directly or indirectly) negative factual accounts about any person. If there is strong evidence that the factual account is untruthful or that the factual account presents a distorted or unbalanced picture of the person in order to promote an agenda, or that the factual account focuses on a specific part of a person’s life to the exclusion of other important parts of that person’s life (in order to promote a Jesuit agenda-such as creating a historical presentation to try to [indirectly] unduly emphasize similarities between Hitler and Stalin and Putin, in order to make Vladimir Putin to appear to be like Hitler and Stalin), that must also be exposed in the bibliography by citing the inaccurate sources or the sources which promoted a Jesuit agenda.
For an example of an indirect attack by Jesuits against Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin, is the historical presentation on the HISTORY CHANNEL about Hitler and Stalin (10-10-04) that unduly seems to emphasize similarities between Hitler and Stalin and Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin. This would be a Jesuit attempt to use propaganda to create the impression (an indirect attack) that Gail and Vladimir are like Hitler and Stalin. This could easily be proven by questioning the Jesuits and asking them on GCFNC why they totally neglected (in the slanted presentation about Hitler and Stalin) to present the evidence which shows the strong Jesuit involvement in the lives and attitudes of Hitler and Stalin. BOTH HITLER AND STALIN WERE TRAINED AND GUIDED BY JESUITS. Why is this not told in historical presentations about Hitler and Stalin?
GCFNC will create a special presentation about Hitler and Stalin to show how the Jesuits trained and guided Hitler and Stalin. To get ideas about how to produce and create this GCFNC presentation (about Jesuit involvement with Hitler and Stalin), watch the HISTORY CHANNEL’s presentation about Hitler and Stalin (aired on 10-10-04 in the U.S.) to counter these obviously Jesuit orchestrated attempts (in the HISTORY CHANNEL) to created slanted presentations about Hitler and Stalin, in order to make Hitler and Stalin appear to be like Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin. Make sure that the GCFNC presentation about Hitler and Stalin presents a more balanced and truthful picture of these two men, which must show how the Jesuits guided and trained Hitler and Stalin and influenced them in their anti-Semitic tendencies and in their lifestyles (including their love lives). We know, from extensive experience in dealing with Jesuits, that Jesuits are fanatics about everyone’s love life, especially the love lives of world leaders or influential persons. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the Jesuits were highly involved in the love lives of Stalin and Hitler. Use 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to determine how the Jesuits were involved in the love lives of Hitler and Stalin and expose this in the GCFNC historical presentation about Hitler and Stalin. Dr. Spiner can help you find the evidence for this, as well as Jack Chick and others. This is a badly needed historical presentation to counter the Jesuits’ attempts to hide their significant involvement with Hitler and Stalin and this is a badly needed historical presentation to counter the Jesuits’ blatant hypocrisy, as they try to create the impression that those who oppose the Jesuits (such as Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin) ARE LIKE THE JESUITS and/or like the Jesuit puppets: Hitler and Stalin.. Actually, Adolph Hitler had many admirable qualities, and if he was not under Jesuit control and influence, may have possibly been a better leader than some American Presidents have been. Why was this not told about Adolph Hitler? I’m not going to say much about Stalin, since he was probably worse than Hitler. However, it should be emphasized in any commentary about Stalin or Hitler, that their anti-Semitic tendencies and their crafty, sly policies and ruthlessness were nourished and fanned by the Jesuit Order.
47.3 The comprehensive bibliographies (as outlined in Sect. 47.2) for all NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNTS must be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and this bibliography must be truthful and accurate (in every manner) or else (whoever willingly and knowingly is behind any distortions or lying in the presentation of the bibliography) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
47.4 Any person (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly behind the research and the 666-Computer analysis for the comprehensive bibliography for any NEGATIVE FACTUAL ACCOUNT who does not mention any Jesuit involvement in that negative factual account (as outlined in Sect. 47.2) in that comprehensive bibliography, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person who willingly and knowingly was involved in that comprehensive bibliography which neglected to mention Jesuit involvement.
47.5 AN UNTRUTHFUL FACTUAL ACCOUNT is any presentation (involving any medium–tabloid, book, periodical, television, cable, satellite, movies, historical presentation, etc.) which directly or indirectly(willingly and knowingly) is done (or carried out) in such a manner that the presentation would cause the public to reach wrong, confusing or inaccurate conclusions about the reported matter. For example, an inaccurate conclusion could be reached that Vladimir Putin is like Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin, after watching the HISTORY CHANNEL’s presentation (10-10-04) about Hitler or Stalin.
47.5(a) A SIGNIFICANT FACTUAL ACCOUNT or SIGNIFICANT MATTER is any news presentation or matter which could (directly or indirectly) influence politics, economics, healthcare or the welfare of any country or which could (directly or indirectly) affect the public’s health or welfare. Also, for every significant untruthful FACTUAL ACCOUNT (through any source) which is broadcast over any medium (including the press and book and magazine publishers), the other mainline news media [or other media outlets (within 72 hours)] or book or magazine publishers who would normally cover that matter, must counter that lie with truthful and balanced presentations of the matter. A NEWS PRESENTATION is any presentation over any news medium (internet, radio, television, cable, etc.) or press medium (such as book or magazine publishers) which can be accessed by the public and which could influence public opinion about significant matters.
47.5(b) After a SIGNIFICANT UNTRUTHFUL NEWS PRESENTATION or FACTUAL ACCOUNT has been broadcast or presented over any medium, other mainline news media outlets or other outlets (who would ordinarily cover this matter) must report (within 72 hours) the truthful version of the untruthful news matter or FACTUAL ACCOUNT which was falsely reported or presented in an unfair, slanted manner. If the untruthful factual account was done through a book, then within two months another book must be presented which counters the untruthful book with a balanced and truthful book to counter the untruthful book. Those other mainline news media (or other media) who willingly and knowingly DO NOT report the truthful version of the false news report or false factual account within 72 hours (in order to counter the lying news report) or who willingly and knowingly DO NOT within two months (if dealing with an untruthful book) turn out a book which presents a more truthful and balanced picture to counter what the untruthful book presented, will be listed on GCFNC as JESUIT CONTROLLED NEWS MEDIA or PUBLISHING OUTLETS.
In the case of a book, several mainline publishers can band together and turn out one book to counter the untruthful book–however, each mainline publisher must present evidence on GCFNC that it contributed somehow to the book which counters the untruthful book or those mainline publishers that neglected to contribute to the truthful and balanced book will be branded as JESUIT CONTROLLED PUBLISHING HOUSES.
This is especially the case in news presentations, since people rely on the news to help them in making important day to day decisions. GCFNC can counter much of the other false or distorted presentations from media besides the regular news media. And the International government must launch an investigation into who at that negligent news organization (or other media) is willingly and knowingly behind this negligence to report the truth about the untruthful news presentation (or other presentation), and if it is discovered that this negligence was willing and knowing, those persons behind this willing and knowing negligence will be tried publicly on GCFNC and, if found guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations, will receive the death penalty as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS. Their executions will be shown on GCFNC. The laws for deliberate OMISSIONS in public presentations or factual accounts must be as strict as the laws for COMMISSIONS (or actions), since the Jesuits use OMISSIONS (or inactions) to promote their terrorist enterprises. So we will crack down on deliberate OMISSIONS as well as deliberate actions which promote Jesuit terrorism.
47.5(c) Also, if it is discovered that these media persons are/were willingly and knowingly part of a news media (or other media) conspiracy to frame an innocent SIGNIFICANT PERSON or to murder an innocent SIGNIFICANT PERSON, their execution will be death by hanging with buzzards and will be shown on GCFNC. Often, Jesuits prepare to assassinate or murder their enemies or opponents, by using the news media (or other media) to assist them (as they attempt to frame innocent parties with their own murder conspiracies). This will not be tolerated at all by the International government.
47.5(d) Also, if there is damage to any innocent person or organization caused by a false news report (or any media presentation) which could (directly or indirectly) bring harm to the public, then that news organization (or other media) which is willingly and knowingly behind the damaging and false news report (or other presentation), will be sued for damages by the International government as a Jesuit controlled news organization or media organization, and will also be tried for criminal charges and for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW (with possible death penalty consequences). If the lawsuit is won, the proceeds of the lawsuit must go to the victim(s) [or the intended victim(s)] of the false news report (or media presentation).
47.5(e) No major news media organization, news broadcaster, internet news broadcaster, radio news broadcaster, newspaper, or news organization (including tabloids or book publishers) or any major media presenter can use any UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuits or Jesuit conspirators in any position (within or without that news organization or media organization) which could in any manner influence the outcome of any news reporting (or media presentation) or book publishing by that news organization or publishing organization (or media organization–like the HISTORY CHANNEL). For instance, it would be a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW to willingly and knowingly use any researcher or any source for a news organization (or media organization) who is an UNWILLING AGENT. Any willing and knowing violations of this Sect. 47.5(e) and/or of any of the Sections of this Sect. 47, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
47.5(f) All violations of this Sect. 47, will be presented as legal cases on GCFNC and the executions for violations of this Sect. 47 will be shown also on GCFNC.
47.5(g) Also, all news or media guidelines for all news or media organizations all over the world must be published on GCFNC and/or its web sites. GCFNC will present a special about the news media (or media) guidelines of all major news and media organizations all over the world and these will be publicly presented on GCFNC. All news and media organizations must give to GCFNC their news and media guidelines (and these must be the actual guidelines which that news or media organization follows in how, why and in what manner they present their news or media presentations). As these news or media guidelines are presented to GCFNC, the presenter (who cannot be an UNWILLING AGENT) of the guidelines must state under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion-detection the following statement: I am the representative of the __________ news or media organization. I am now presenting to GCFNC the actual complete news or media guidelines which my news or media organization (the news or media organization must be clearly identified) follows as it presents its news or presentations. I have not willingly and knowingly omitted any significant news or media guidelines which our news or media organization actually follows as I present these news or media guidelines to GCFNC. I understand that a significant news or media guideline is any news or media guideline which influences actually how or in what manner any news or factual account is presented on our news or media broadcasts.
47.5(g1) If the news or media organization’s presenter fails 666-Computer lie detection while making the above statement of Sect. 47.5 g, then the news or media organization which he/she represents will be investigated as a JESUIT CONTROLLED NEWS OR MEDIA ORGANIZATION, and all persons within (and without) that news or media organization who, in any manner, influence the outcome of news or factual accounts reported or presented from that news or media organization, will be investigated and/or indicted as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW and for violations of this Sect. 47.
47.5(g2) Also, if the news or media organization’s presenter fails 666-Computer lie detection while making the above statement of Sect. 47.5g– GCFNC and/or the International government will hire investigators to found out what are the actual news reporting or media presentation guidelines used by that indicted news or media organization– and when these actual news reporting or media presentation guidelines are discovered, they will be presented on GCFNC by the investigator, who will present these guidelines (under 666-Computer lie-detection) who will make the following statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) as he/she presents these guidelines: I am an investigator of the __________ news or media organization. I am now presenting to GCFNC the actual complete news or media presentation guidelines which this news or media organization (the news or media organization must be clearly identified) follows as it presents its news or presentations. I have not willingly and knowingly omitted any significant news or media presentation guidelines which this news or media organization actually follows as I present this news or media organizations’ guidelines on GCFNC. I understand that a significant news or media presentation guideline is any news or presentation guideline which influences actually how or in what manner any news or factual account is presented on this news or media organization’s broadcasts.
47.5(g3) Any news or media organization which refuses to have a representative from their news or media organization make the statement of 47.5(g) on GCFNC, will cause that news or media organization to immediately be treated as a JESUIT CONTROLLED NEWS or MEDIA ORGANIZATION, and all persons who influence how (or in what manner) the news or presentations (in any manner) is reported from that news or media organization, will be investigated as JESUIT CONSPIRATORs (according to CONSPIRACY LAW and according to the guidelines of this Sect. 47). Also, an investigator will be hired by the International government and/or by GCFNC to present to the world that news or media organization’s actual news or presentation guidelines –see Sect. 47.5(g2)(which would be the news or presentation guidelines which that news or media organization actually follows). And the presentation (exposure) of this news or media organization’s news or presentation guidelines will be carried out according to guidelines of this Sect. 47.5(g) through (g3).
47.5(h) Any person from any news or media organization, who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly, presents any false, deficient, misleading or inaccurate news or presentation guidelines about how (or in what manner) its news or presentations is/are presented on its news or media broadcasts to GCFNC, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. For instance, if it is not mentioned that the news or media organizations’ guidelines allow for misleading video or audio clips to be shown on a news or media network, in order to create a false impression in order to promote an agenda– and this is not mentioned as part of that news organization’s news or presentation guidelines, that willing and knowing omission will be a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW.
47.5(i) Any news or media organization which neglects to give to GCFNC its actual, accurate and complete news or presentation guidelines–in other words, the news or presentation guidelines which that news or media organization actually follows and carries out— (as outlined in this Sect. 47), will be listed as a JESUIT CONTROLLED NEWS or MEDIA ORGANIZATION and all persons at that news or media organization will be investigated as JESUIT CONSPIRATORs (with possible death penalty consequences).
47.5(j) Those news or media organization persons who are guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations (especially of violations of this Sect. 47), but who amend their guidelines and procedures, and cooperate with this Sect. 47, may be spared the death penalty, if there is evidence that genuine reform is taking place at that news or media organization and that no more violations of CONSPIRACY LAW will be tolerated at that news or media organization.
47.5(k) To show that that news or media organization is genuinely repentant and has changed their illegal policies, that news or media organization must allow us to publicly present on GCFNC its former illegal news reporting or presentation guidelines on GCFNC [as outlined in Sect. 47.5(g)and 47.5] and then, right after its previous policies are presented, we will present on GCFNC the reformed and new legal guidelines which that news or media organization now vows to follow in its news or media presentations. If a guilty news or media organization is not willing to admit publicly its past wrongs, we can rightly conclude that that news or media organization has no intent to cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW and has no real desire to reform, and is only trying to trick us– and that news or media organization will be listed as a JESUIT CONTROLLED NEWS ORGANIZATION on GCFNC and persons at that news or media organization will be tried publicly and/or executed on GCFNC for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW.
47.5(l) That guilty news or media organization will be put under strict watch and surveillance by the International government and no more violations of CONSPIRACY LAW will be tolerated, or that news or media organization will be listed as a JESUIT CONTROLLED NEWS or MEDIA ORGANIZATION on GCFNC and persons at that news or media organization will be indicted and tried on GCFNC (with possible death penalty consequences).
47.5(m) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing use of (or promotion of) counterfeit documents or counterfeit persons (IMPOSTERS) by any news or media organization in its news or media presentations with the intent to deceive the public in order to promote a murder conspiracy (or other conspiracy which promotes the goals of the Jesuit Order), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any news or media organization person who is willingly and knowingly behind the use or (or promotion of) any counterfeit document or IMPOSTER in any news or media presentation. All violations of this Sect. 47 will be tried on GCFNC, including the executions of the violators.
47.5(n) All violations of this Sect. 47, which are tried on GCFNC, must expose the motive behind the violation in order to clarify who is the guilty party and why this guilty party created this news media or media presentation conspiracy, which means that the cross- and direct-examination questions directed to the news or presentation violators by the questioner must be presented on GCFNC, since this questioning will expose motive. It is hoped that by exposing motive, this may discourage Jesuits from using news or media organizations to promote their terrorist enterprises. One of the questions which must be asked the indicted violator of any news or media organization is the following question: Is this violation for which you are charged, part of a set-up (involving news media or other media) to kill or incapacitate any innocent person(s)? Tell us which innocent persons you and/or your conspirators are trying to kill or incapacitate, and tell us who is or what organization is (which persons are) behind this conspiracy to murder or incapacitate this/these innocent person(s). All news and media violators (as outlined in this Sect. 47) MUST BE ASKED THE ABOVE BOLD AND ITALICIZED QUESTION. Any willing and knowing neglect (or attempted neglect) by any GCFNC questioner to ask any indicted news or media person (indicted of violations of this Sect. 47), the above bold and italicized question, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that willing and knowing negligent questioner.
47.5(n-1) If an IMPOSTER is used by the news media or press with the motive (by that news media or press) to save innocent lives and/or to weaken any Jesuit murder conspiracies [such as the Jennifer Wilbanks IMPOSTER (April 30, 2005)], this IMPOSTER’s coverage by the press and news media (and any publicity regarding this IMPOSTER –including any films or promotions she/he may want made of herself/himself) must be regulated by the International government.
47.5(n-2) In general, it is probably not a good idea for an IMPOSTER to make a film or movie about the conspiracy (which caused that IMPOSTER to be used by the International government), because this creates the false impression that the International government delights in deception and wants to draw attention to its use of IMPOSTERS.
47.5(n-3) Actually, the use of IMPOSTERs is a sad commentary of the times we live in (where Jesuits create murder conspiracies which revolve around sophisticated deceptions), and it is a real tragedy that we have to go this far to protect innocent lives. We don’t want that IMPOSTER to do anything which promotes the image that the International government delights in the use of IMPOSTERS. Rather we want to send the message that this is something we wish we did not have to do.
47.5(n-4) It is especially important that all activities of that IMPOSTER be monitored by the International government, if this IMPOSTER turns out to be an UNWILLING AGENT. The use of IMPOSTERS (even for good purposes) can backfire, so once an IMPOSTER is used (or promoted) by any news media–how that IMPOSTER conducts his/her publicity campaign (and how she/he is covered by the press) must be regulated by the International government. That IMPOSTER should not be allowed to create publicity (or be covered by the press in a manner) which could harm the International government in its war against Jesuit terrorism or which promotes violations of CONSPIRACY LAW.
47.5(n-5) Before an IMPOSTER is used by the International government (or by news media organizations which honor CONSPIRACY LAW), that IMPOSTER must sign a contract with the International government in which he/she agrees to have his/her public coverage (including any films or publicity made of himself/herself) regulated by the International government as long as that regulation by the International government does not bring any direct/indirect harm to the IMPOSTER.involved.
47.5(n-6) If the IMPOSTER is an UNWILLING AGENT and, therefore, not legally competent to sign a contract, then that IMPOSTER must obey his UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR(s) and his/her UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR(s) will sign the contract in his/her behalf, in which the UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR(s) will agree to counsel and monitor that UNWILLING AGENT IMPOSTER in a manner which prevents violations to CONSPIRACY LAW and which protects that IMPOSTER and other innocents from harm.
47.5(n-7) No extortion can be used on any IMPOSTER by an UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR, even on an UNWILLING AGENT IMPOSTER, to force them to make any decision which he/she in his/her genuine or authentic state may not be happy with. For instance, the Jennifer Wilbanks UNWILLING AGENT IMPOSTER should not be forced to marry the guy (who was to marry the real murdered Jennifer Wilbanks)–because the IMPOSTER was not truly engaged to this man and marriage is a serious decision which affects all of one’s life.
47.5(n-8) However, any UNWILLING AGENT IMPOSTER who is used by the news media to minimize a Jesuit murder conspiracy and who disobeys his/her UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR, will be sent to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY and must abide by the regulations of that city and could even risk jail for disobedience–like any other disobedient UNWILLING AGENT.
47.5(o) If an innocent SIGNIFICANT PERSON is deemed to be a direct or indirect target of the news or media violator, and that news or media violator is found willingly and knowingly guilty of death penalty violations of this Sect. 47 or of CONSPIRACY LAW, that news or media violator will receive public death by hanging with buzzards and his/her execution will be shown on GCFNC.
47.5(p) Questioning of UNWILLING AGENTS is not encouraged on GCFNC, since the UNWILLING AGENT is obviously not a willing participant in his/her activities. When an UNWILLING AGENT is significantly involved in a news or other media conspiracy which violates this Sect. 47, then the IMPOSED PERSONs who controlled that UNWILLING AGENT in the CONSPIRACY LAW violation, must also be questioned alongside that UNWILLING AGENT on GCFNC. If the IMPOSED PERSON(s) involved with that UNWILLING AGENT is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, this must be mentioned before, during or right after the questioning of the UNWILLING AGENT.
47.5(q) Whenever any world leader or terrorist leader or celebrity or anyone of influence makes a statement which is reported on any news network or any public medium (such as the internet)–especially those statements which could arouse emotions and cause unrest–, GCFNC will use a computer program (called the STATEMENT PROGRAM) to do an analysis of that statement. All news media analyze speeches of influential people, but the approach of GCFNC toward this will be different, as follows:
1) First off, it will be determined whether an UNWILLING AGENT made the statement. If this is the case, then it will be broadcast on GCFNC that an UNWILLING AGENT made the statement and the IMPOSED PERSONs involved will be exposed. For instance, let’s say a Chechen leader (or the Iranian President) makes a statement and it is determined that that leader is an UNWILLING AGENT. Our news would report it like this. . .”The statement made by Chechen leader needs an explanation. Evidence has revealed that Chechen leader ______ is actually an UNWILLING AGENT who is controlled by IMPOSED PERSONS who represent the interests of the Jesuit Order. The evidence for this is as follows. . .”
2) Next, it will be determined by the computer program if that world leader or person is a Jesuit supporter. If this is the case, then the evidence for this will be presented on GCFNC. All evidence presented must be backed by solid evidence and the death penalty will be meted out for any willing and knowing false or misleading presentations on GCFNC. “World leader ______ is a Jesuit supporter and his/her statements reflect his/her support for the Jesuit Order. Evidence that World leader _____ is a Jesuit supporter is as follows. . .”
3) All statements by world leaders or persons of influence will be categorized by the computer program according to their alliances. Evidence will be presented as to why we know under which heading to place a person and/or his/her statement. Statements made by persons of influence who support the Jesuit Order will be placed under one heading called STATEMENTS BY JESUIT SUPPORTERS. Next, statements by persons of influence who are UNWILLING AGENTS will be placed under another heading called STATEMENTS BY UNWILLING AGENTS CONTROLLED BY JESUITS. Lastly, statements by persons of influence who are neither Jesuit supporters or UNWILLING AGENTS will be placed under the heading called STATEMENTS BY NON-JESUIT SUPPORTERS. In this manner, we can expose Jesuit involvement in statements made by world leaders or persons of influence over public mediums.
4) Those statements made by NON-JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTERS will be further analyzed by the computer program using 666-Computer analysis in which 666-Computer analysis will be used to determine the sincerity of the statements made and to note any unusual aberrations or lying which occurs while making the statement. These analyses will be presented on GCFNC. If anything said appears to be insincere, then 666-Computer analysis will reveal why it was insincere and all insincere or untruthful statements made by NON-JESUIT SUPPORTERS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS will be exposed on GCFNC. The reasons for the insincerity will be exposed by the computer program and 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS and other law enforcement persons and the computer program (called the STATEMENT PROGRAM) will be used to analyze speeches of celebrities and famous persons to determine, if there are any aberrations (or insincerity) in their speech–i.e., why they said what they did and what they really meant or how they really feel about the speech in which they did not tell how they really feel. If the whole speech was sincere, then this will be verified by 666-Computer analysis of the STATEMENT PROGRAM and mentioned on GCFNC. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing false analysis of a speech by any analyzer will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the analyzer.
48.0 No UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR can work (directly or indirectly) as a maintenance worker or as a landlord or as a service provider (of any kind) at any residence, workplace, or place where a SIGNIFICANT PERSON abides frequently, or works or lives. Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any maintenance worker, service provider, landlord, etc. to do any work which could (in any manner) influence a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s living or working conditions, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
48.1 Because SIGNIFICANT PERSONS are so important in this war against Jesuit terrorism, they need to be protected from the Jesuits’ ability to use UNWILLING AGENTS and/or JESUIT CONSPIRATORS at their residence, living or working places–where these UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS may be used to cause disruption (including sleep disruption), disorder, health problems or even life threatening situations to any SIGNIFICANT PERSON at their workplace or residence or place of abode.
48.2 Therefore, no service providers, utility workers, cable or satellite television workers, etc. can (directly or indirectly) provide services, maintenance, manage the rent or occupancy of any place where a SIGNIFICANT PERSON may live, abide frequently, or work.
48.3 Also, no UNWILLING AGENTS OR JESUIT CONSPIRATORS are permitted to service (directly or indirectly) any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s electricity, phone service, water, sewer services or any of the utilities, cable service or television service to any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s residence or workplace or any place a SIGNIFICANT PERSON frequently abides.
48.4 Also, no UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT SUPPORTER is allowed to service any abode which could influence (directly or indirectly) any place where a SIGNIFICANT PERSON abides, works, lives in or frequents. For example, the Jesuits appear to have used an UNWILLING AGENT to disconnect Gail’s television cable service, by removing the cable amplifier from her next door residence (since this residence’s amplifier is needed for Gail to receive cable services). Anyone who willingly and knowingly allows or uses any UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuits or Jesuit supporters to service (directly or indirectly) any of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s utilities or services to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s residences or place of abode, will bring upon themselves the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All violations of this Sect. 48 are treated according to Sect. 48.5.
48.5 Also, no UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT SUPPORTER can work (in any manner which would influence the quality of service to the public) to restore power, water, sewage, garbage collection or any government supported essential services to the public after any major disaster, such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flood, etc. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to work as a service provider of essential services to the public in a manner which would influence the quality of that service to the public (especially after a major disaster), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
48.5 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violation of this Sect. 48, which results in (or could result in) Jesuit interference with a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s living or working conditions, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. UNWILLING AGENTS involved will be handled according to Sections 32 and 34. The execution and trials for these guilty persons will be conducted on GCFNC and the death will be death by hanging with buzzards. The executions will be broadcast on GCFNC.
SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS (will update these laws more later–but this is an emergency, since flagrant violations of these laws have caused too much sleep loss in Gail Schuler)–GET TOUGH AND CRACK DOWN ON THESE VIOLATORS and enforce the new, tougher laws. It’s ridiculous to hear noisy mufflers at 3 or 4 a.m.!
Because the Jesuits are such fanatics about violating SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, all persons who are violators of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, will lose their driver’s license (or their license to operate any moving vehicle), simply because we cannot trust persons like this to operate a moving vehicle and to behave properly while they do so. These SLEEP DISRUPTION LAW violators will lose their license to operate a moving vehicle, even if their violation of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAW occurred without their direct or indirect use of a moving vehicle.
49.0-1 3-18-06 update: Violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS are a very serious problem and removal of driver’s licenses, fines, etc. or not making a dent. Therefore, since it has been determined that the main reason these laws are not enforced is because the primary violators are UNWILLING AGENTS, the solution to this problem is to address the UNWILLING AGENT problem.
49.0-2 Therefore, our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION will use its PLP and RSP networks to determine which moving vehicles have loud radios, loud mufflers and then will determine which of these vehicles are being operated by UNWILLING AGENTS. Those UNWILLING AGENTS who operate such vehicles or who conduct themselves in a manner to violate SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS or MICROBIOLOGY LAWS, will be called DISRUPTIVE UNWILLING AGENTS.
49.0-3 DISRUPTIVE UNWILLING AGENTS will be the first who must follow the guidelines of the WAL-MART WORKER PROGRAM, which has been extended to the world community, beginning first with the area where Gail Schuler lives (the Melbourne area).
49.0-4 Those UNWILLING AGENTS who also flagrantly violate MICROBIOLOGY LAWS, will also be considered DISRUPTIVE UNWILLING AGENTS.
49.0-5 DISRUPTIVE UNWILLING AGENTS will be given notices by the International government that they are required to undergo mandatory surgery to their brains to remove from the Jesuits their ability to manipulate these persons as UNWILLING AGENTS. They will be educated about why this operation is necessary, though UNWILLING AGENTS often cannot think clearly and we may just have to impose this operation on them as they resist, since the Jesuits will fight us tooth and nail to maintain their control over the world. They will also be educated about how to maintain their own autonomy (such as daily Bible exposure) and the need to avoid OCCULT MEDIA. If the surgery proves unsuccessful because these persons lack the discipline to maintain their brain’s autonomy, they will be ordered to move to UNWILLING AGENT CITIES, where they will be babysat and not allowed to become DISRUPTIVE UNWILLING AGENTS, and we may do more operations on them (like once a month) to prevent their UNWILLING AGENT problem from becoming catastrophic.
Those DISRUPTIVE UNWILLING AGENTs who have serious health problems that prevent us from doing the UNWILLING AGENT OPERATION on them, will have to move to UNWILLING AGENT CITIES where they can be monitored daily.
The costs for all operations to remove the UNWILLING AGENT state from persons will be covered by the International government.
49.0-6 They will be told that if they won’t undergo this surgery, that they must move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY and never leave without permission.
49.0-7 Direct or indirect willing and knowing failure to enforce this Sect. 49.0 by any person responsible to enforce these laws, in order to encourage violations of MICROBIOLOGY LAWS or SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. All LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs are responsible to honor CONSPIRACY LAW, which is the most important law in the world in this war against terrorism. If this law is not enforced, we will lose our war against terrorism, so we don’t take violations lightly. The executions of the violators will be shown on GCFNC.
49.0 All machines, equipment or instruments (including trucks, vans, vehicles, any operating equipment, lawn mowing equipment, edgers, airplanes, buses, ships, hammers, air conditioners, heaters, or anything which directly or indirectly could make noise to awaken, prevent sleep or disrupt sleep, etc.) which could make enough noise (as they/it carry/carries out their activities) to reasonably be expected to keep a person awake or to disrupt a person’s sleep, and if there is reasonable certainty that a person could be sleeping (or in bed) and that person is within thirty to 200 feet (or hearing distance) of that machine or instrument, and if this noise is loud enough or disruptive enough, so that there is reasonable certainty that a person would lose sleep because of the noise, then that machine or instrument is considered a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT. All SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENTS must be programmed as such in the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAMS.
This would include overly sensitive car alarms, like the one that woke me up at around 4:30 a.m. on 7-14-05. Auto alarms must be set so that they aren’t too sensitive and don’t cause a lot of false alarms OR the car must be parked far enough away from sleeping areas that it won’t disturb sleep if false alarms occur. An auto alarm should only go off when someone is tampering with the car and for no other reason. Overly sensitive auto alarms must not be used, and if the car’s alarm continues to disrupt sleep in a neighborhood, the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will deactivate his/her car alarm until a more accurate and less sensitive car alarm is installed in their car (replacement costs will be paid by the government) and if the replacement is not made within 3 days, the car alarm will be destroyed by the programs of the TSS Networks, and the violator will go to jail and be ordered to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. There is to be no testing of car alarms during normal bedtime hours. All testing of car alarms should occur during normal wake-up times (such as before 8 p.m. and after 10 a.m.). Testing of car alarms that could disrupt sleep, will result in the alarm being deactivated by the TSS Networks, and if the problem is not fixed by 3 days, in the destruction of the car alarm. Another option is to park the car in an area far away from sleeping areas, this way if the car alarm goes off, it won’t disturb sleepers.
49.0(a) If the work the machine or instrument does is noisy or disruptive enough to reasonably be expected to awaken a person (who may be trying to rest within thirty to 200 feet or hearing distance of that machine or instrument), then that machine or instrument is considered a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT. If the machine or instrument (or the work it does) is more than 200 feet from a person in bed, but is still loud enough to disturb any residential neighborhood or complex (so that people in that neighborhood or complex may reasonably be expected to lose sleep because of the noise), then that machine or instrument is still considered a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT.
49.1 Any machine or instrument which is a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT, must be constructed in such a manner (or used or manipulated in such a manner) that it is made quiet enough (or it works quietly enough) so that it would not reasonably be expected to disrupt the sleep of anyone within hearing distance of that machine, so that it cannot be used by Jesuits to wear out the Jesuits’ enemies by attacking their ability to find rest and sleep. Those SLEEP DISRUPTION INSTRUMENTS which violate this Sect. 49 must be deactivated by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM and replacements must be given by the government (each situation will be weighed by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM), especially if these are disturbing the rest of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON–willing and knowing failure to do so will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
49.2-1 For instance, all cars and moving vehicles must have mufflers (and volume control knobs which will not allow the radio to blast music) installed at SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTERS, and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will scan all vehicles to ensure that mufflers are working, and the volume control switches do not allow the car to blast loud music. All vehicles that do not have mufflers (and volume control knobs within the legal limit), must be brought in to have the mufflers (and volume control knobs for radios) installed and working in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW, so that sleep cannot be disrupted by the noisy vehicle.
49.2-1-a Anyone who tampers with the work done by the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTERS will be programmed by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM to immediately receive a ticket (police officers must obey this program or they will be dismissed or worse), and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM must program that violator to receive immediate orders to go to jail (and once out of jail), then the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will cause that person to receive immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
49.2-1-b The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM must be set up so that it can detect when a violation of Sect. 49.2-1-a has occurred, so that violators of the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will be dealt with and these laws MUST BE ENFORCED. They are still being violated on this 12-10-05, as I heard loud car radio music from a vehicle at 1 a.m. from my apartment.
Certain SIGNIFICANT PERSONS may be exempt from bringing in their vehicles to the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTERS, if there is evidence that that person has not been used as an UNWILLING AGENT for 10 years.
49.2-2 Those vehicles that do not have mufflers (and volume control knobs) installed by the deadline (by 7 p.m. EST in the U.S. on 11-3-05), will have their vehicle registration revoked and their vehicle will be fixed so that the ignition will not work and that vehicle cannot be operated, until that vehicle comes into compliance. The volume control knobs on all vehicles must be fixed so that the volume cannot be made so loud that the radio (or whatever) could disturb sleepers.
Also, if any tampering has been done to the work of the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTER, so that CONSPIRACY LAW is violated, that driver will get a ticket, go to jail and receive immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
Any apartment dweller or rental dweller who dwells in the same dwelling as a SIGNIFICANT PERSON will be under extra surveillance by the police. Also, just like police hide in corners to give speeders speeding tickets. Police will hide in corners or in unmarked cars to do surveillance near areas where SIGNIFICANT PERSONS live to make arrests and escort loud troublemakers from the area and to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW. Police who do a good job in this area will receive BONUSES. Areas where SIGNIFICANT PERSONs live must have extra law enforcement, because Gail Schuler hears loud music all the time at the dark morning hours and at midnight. CONSPIRACY LAW is not being enforced. If need be, hire police to act as security guards around areas where SIGNIFICANT PERSONs live, to guard the premise and make arrests of violators. Apartment or rental dwellers are responsible for the behavior of their guests and if their guests are unruly, then that apartment dweller will be evicted. If the apartment dweller cannot control his/her guest’s behavior to enforce these SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, that apartment dweller MUST CALL THE POLICE so that the disruption will stop. Failure to do so, will cause that apartment dweller to lose his/her tenancy and to be evicted.
Those who blast their music (and most especially when this occurs during bedtime hours), will be evicted from their apartment or rental unit and if the violations continue, will lose their right to drive and will go to jail and be immediately ordered to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
From now on, all those that live in any rental unit (the same as any SIGNIFICANT PERSON) must be a daily Bible reader (and follow the program for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS) and those who do not have this habit cannot rent in the same rental unit as any SIGNIFICANT PERSON–this is to prevent UNWILLING AGENT deluges into places where SIGNIFICANT PERSONs live. The management of the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s rental unit cannot rent to individuals until that person has been cleared by LAW ENFORCEMENT as a daily Bible reader. Willing and knowing failure to enforce these laws will cause the manager to lose his/her position and to be replaced.
This is not discrimination, because we know that only daily Bible reading prevents one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Race, religion, sexual practices, etc. are irrelevant–what we care about is whether or not this person reads daily the Bible and avoids occult media, so this must be the criteria.
Residents of apartment or rental units will be given warnings by law enforcement persons (who have 666-Computer or satellite control over the apartment dwelling) about the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS and will be evicted immediately when they violate these laws. Failure to obey the law enforcement in these matters will result in the firing of the apartment complex manager and one way or another, the evictions will take place!
ALL THOSE WHO VIOLATE SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS in order to disturb SIGNIFICANT PERSON must receive immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY and be fined. Police who fail to enforce these laws will be fired and those who do will receive BONUSES.
49.2-2(a) Because the Jesuits are such fanatics about violating SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, all persons who are violators of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, will lose their driver’s license (or their license to operate any moving vehicle) along with other losses as outlined in this Sect. 49, simply because we cannot trust persons like this to operate a moving vehicle and to behave properly while they do so. These SLEEP DISRUPTION LAW violators will lose their license to operate a moving vehicle, even if their violation of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAW occurred without their direct or indirect use of a moving vehicle.
However, if the person is asked to violate a SLEEP DISRUPTION LAW by his/her supervisor, then the supervisor will lose his/her driver’s license, but the person who obeyed his/her supervisor will not lose his/her license.
However, if the person under the supervisor reports that supervisor (for CONSPIRACY LAW violations) and refuses to obey that supervisor’s orders (as he reports that supervisor to the International government), that person who reports this supervisor and disobeys this supervisor’s orders, which would be orders that would violate SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS–that subordinate will receive a BONUS from the International government for encouraging the enforcement of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS and will be compensated by the International government for any loss he/she may suffer for disobedience to his/her supervisor (because this subordinate encouraged compliance to SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS).
49.2-3 Any person who drives a vehicle which has not been “fixed” according to Sect. 49.2 (a) or who (directly or indirectly) undoes the work of the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTER on his/her vehicle, will go to jail and will be automatically moved to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, will lose his/her license to drive that vehicle, and will never be allowed to leave that city, unless there is a dire emergency. If this person drives a vehicle without his/her license, he/she will suffer the legal consequences of driving without a license, and this will include mandatory jail time.
49.2-4 All vehicles in the boundaries of the International government, and most especially those that are (or could easily be) within the hearing range of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON must be analyzed by the TSS Networks VEHICLE PROGRAM to determine if that vehicle has any operating parts which make excessive noise. If the vehicle is noisy, then it must be “fixed” so that it cannot be noisy, according to the guidelines of this Sect. 49. Once a vehicle has been “fixed”, any person who “unfixes” that vehicle, so that it is not in compliance with this Sect. 49.2, will receive a ticket, go to jail and receive immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
Any person who (directly or indirectly) undoes the work of the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTER on their vehicle, will go to jail and lose his/her driving privileges for at least a month! If he/she attempts to drive during this time, he/she will spend his whole month in jail.
49.2–5 Willing and knowing failure to program the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM to monitor and fix vehicles to eliminate sleep disruption (as outlined in this Sect. 49), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
49.2(a) All such vehicles will receive notices to have their vehicle repaired so that the vehicle runs in a quiet manner. Those persons who have already received notices to have their vehicles repaired and who have not complied, will have their vehicles towed by the International government, and disabled, and the violators will go to jail and an UNWILLING AGENT CITY (as outlined in Sect. 49.2 above). THE REPAIR WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE AND PAID FOR BY THE GOVERNMENT. Once a vehicle receives a notice that their vehicle is too noisy and needs repair, the only place they can drive that vehicle is to the repair facility authorized to make the repair to fix the noise problem. The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will scan all vehicles to see which ones have not come into compliance (by assessing the noise levels coming from that vehicle), those that are in violation must be immediately towed (if they have already received orders to get their vehicle fixed) as outlined in this Section.
Willing and knowing failure by any VEHICLE PROGRAM to issue a notice to any owner or operator of a vehicle that their vehicle is in violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION laws, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator, and most especially if that violator does so to encourage sleep loss in a SIGNIFICANT PERSON. If, once a person receives a notice that his/her vehicle is in violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS and needs repairs, and he/she dares to drive that vehicle anywhere else but the nearest repair facility, they will be arrested IMMEDIATELY by the VEHICLE PROGRAM, the vehicle will be disabled (via the VEHICLE PROGRAM) and towed, and the violator will be put in jail and ordered to immediately move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
49.2(b) Failure to heed these notices within 3 days of receipt of the notice, will cause the VEHICLE PROGRAM to disable that vehicle so that it cannot start and the vehicle will be towed by law enforcement and brought to a facility where the needed repair will be made. Also, those vehicle owners who fail to heed this notice by the deadline will be given immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. Those that have “undone” the work of the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTER, will receive immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY and will lose their driving privileges for a month (immediately)–this is to keep these noisy vehicles off the road. This is a waste of government money, that these people undo the work of our SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTERS and we will not tolerate this behavior. These people will not drive for at least a month and when they do drive next time, it must be in an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. They will also go to jail and pay a fine to compensate the government for undoing the work of the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTER.
49.2(c) Once any person is given orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, they cannot get near any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, nor can they visit the Wal-Mart where Gail works and if they do so, they will go to jail.
49.2(d) If anyone within thirty to 200 feet (or within hearing distance) of any machine or contraption could reasonably be expected to be awakened by the noise that machine (directly or indirectly) makes, then that machine is a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will issue cause that vehicle to stop operating, until the violation is fixed. This includes horns on cars, etc. Horns are not to be used on cars near sleeping areas, unless it is a dire emergency. Those who use horns on cars (and make this a continual practice) will be given orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. Sect. 49.2(c) above applies to all persons who are given orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
Areas near where SIGNIFICANT PERSONs live, will be under intense law enforcement surveillance, and extra law enforcement must be shipped in to deal with violations of this Sect. 49. Law enforcement will be given the tools they need to enforce this Sect. 49, including a “gun” which can unlock the doors of cars and scan the ignitions of violator cars to immediately disable the vehicle of the sleep disruption violator.
This “gun” will be programmed so that it can determine whether the vehicle has been “undone” and whether the work of the SLEEP DISRUPTION CENTER has been undone. The penalty for this will be quite severe–jail time, and loss of driving privileges for at least a month. Failure to heed this order not to drive, will result in a month in jail.
All those who violate these SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWs, after being given a notice to obey, will lose their license to drive that vehicle and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM must be programmed so that this happens.
49.2(e) If necessary, towers will be brought in to tow that vehicle to the place where the noise problem on any vehicle will be fixed. The vehicle/instrument must not be operational until it would not awaken someone within thirty to 200 feet (or hearing distance) of that machine or instrument, and that instrument/vehicle will not be deactivated until it is fixed (as outlined in this Sect. 49). If someone is driving a noisy motor vehicle near a residential area, that car will be programmed by the VEHICLE PROGRAM to deactivate and be towed to the nearest facility, where the muffler (or noisy section) must be altered and that vehicle (once turned off) will not turn on until the noise problem has been dealt with (according to this Sect. 49).
49.2(a) If satellite technology or 666-Computer technology is (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly used to alter/manipulate/use any machine or instrument or item (such as soundproof windows, walls, or earplugs) with the intent to cause sleep disruption (especially sleep disruption of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON), this will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that alterer or manipulator. Satellite technology will also regularly reinforce the sound barrier protections on windows, walls, etc. and will conduct an OFFENSIVE campaign against Jesuit attacks against sleepers. The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will monitor such windows, walls, earplugs, etc. and will determine the source of the illegal alteration and will deactivate that source and will arrest those behind this alteration and will also regularly reinforce and strengthen the sound protection qualities of the item and will mete out the CONSPIRACY LAW penalties (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW). If soundproof windows, walls, earplugs, etc., have been manipulated by advanced technologies in a manner to allow noise to be heard by the sleeper (or one who tries to sleep), then the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will return that item to a state in which sleep will be maximized, so that the person can sleep, to cause any SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM to neglect to do this (as soon as possible), will bring the death penalty to any person who is aware that he/she has been used to directly or indirectly use/manipulate/alter that item to cause sleep disruptions. If the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM cannot return the item to its sleep-inducing state, then the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will send a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to do it as soon as possible, and to cause any SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM to (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglect to enforce this Sect. 49.2 so will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
49.3 Those who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) use SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENTs (including 666-Computer technology or satellite technology) in violation of this Sect. 49 (or who willingly and knowingly gave the orders to use SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENTS) will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and all such cases will be tried on GCFNC. Bail may also be assessed, so that the willing and knowing sleep disrupter (if he/she is not one who tried to disturb the sleep of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) he/she may be released after he/she pays at least one million dollar bail. The bail will go into the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK, some (or all) of the proceeds of this fine must be used by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM to compensate those who have suffered from the noise made by the perpetrators and proof that the fine has been used to compensate the sufferers will be shown on GCFNC. After a second violation, there will be no bail, BUT THIS WILL BE AN AUTOMATIC DEATH PENALTY. The willing and knowing use of 666-Computer or satellite technology to disrupt sleep will result in the death penalty (as well as a fine). Continual willing and knowing violations of this Sect. 49 will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, because chronic sleep loss can become life threatening, resulting in deadly car accidents and deadly mistakes. The International government’s SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will determine who willingly and knowingly made the decision which caused the sleep disrupting noise to be made (in other words who had the power or influence to cause the noise which was a sleep disrupting noise)–and that person MUST be given the death penalty (and if the violation is not connected to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON may be allowed at least one million-dollar bail). Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 49.3 will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator, including the misuse of any bails charged to the perpetrators and not giving these bails to the ICB.
49.4 Furthermore, if it is determined that the motive for using the SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT was to cause a SIGNIFICANT PERSON to lose sleep (and motive can be determined by 666-Computer analysis), then those persons who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly used that SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT to cause a SIGNIFICANT PERSON to lose sleep (see Sect. 49.4[a]), will receive the death penalty (Sect 95) and will be arrested by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Such cases may be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
49.4(a) The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will be connected to the computer of the PLP and/or RSP (who had control over the person whose sleep was lost) and will automatically computer-send evidence (from the 666-Computer brain readings of the sleep-disrupted person) to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC in California and Russia, that the noise caused by the SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT was the main cause (or one of the main causes) that that person had their sleep disrupted. This evidence will be used to determine guilt in this DEATH PENALTY VIOLATION. Evidence from the 666-Computer readings of the sleep-disrupted person will also be presented to show that this illegal sleep disruption resulted in inadequate sleep for that person, so that as a result of this sleep disruption, this person was tired and suffered fatigue, mental lapses and other symptoms of sleep loss. Other causes of sleep loss (besides the SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT) will not be used to indict or convict a SLEEP DISRUPTER, only sleep loss caused by the SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT on that person, will indict and/or convict a SLEEP DISRUPTER. This evidence, that the SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT was a main cause for inadequate sleep for that sleep-disrupted person, will be presented on GCFNC, when that SLEEP DISRUPTER is convicted and/or executed. This evidence (from the sleep disrupted person’s 666-Computer brain readings) will be used to indict or convict that person responsible for the use of the SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT which caused that person to have disrupted sleep. Any programmer who programs the PLP or RSP’s computer to (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly present false, misleading or inconclusive brain readings (or evidence) regarding disrupted sleep (as outlined in this Sect. 49.4), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
49.5(a) If it is absolutely necessary to use a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT within hearing range of any area where people could be sleeping, then, if at all possible, it must be used between the hours of 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. (which are times that most people are awake). Any willing and knowing attempt to action to use a SLEEP DISRUPTION INSTRUMENT at any other time, when the work could be done between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. (especially if the noise could disrupt the sleep of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) is a death penalty violation. Those UNWILLING AGENTS involved will receive immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, and once anyone has an order to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, and they violate this Sect. 49, they will immediately GO TO JAIL. The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will monitor sleep disrupting instruments to try to ensure that if they must be used, they are used during these hours. But, even during the times between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m., if it is not necessary to make excessive noise within the range of residential areas, then the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM must try to minimize any noises made. For instance, it is not necessary to blast a radio or television at 4 p.m. that is so loud it can be heard for blocks away. The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM must automatically turn off any radios or televisions that are doing this, or will lower their volume. Some people work the 3rd shift and need to rest during these times, and residential areas (in general) should be quieter areas where people can rest and relax and don’t have to be exposed to loud and excessive noises.
49.5(b) In order to use a SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT within hearing range of any area where people could be sleeping –during 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. (or any time), permission must be obtained from the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM of the International government (who will work with the governments that have jurisdiction over the various territories of the world). To use any SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENT (within hearing range of any area where people could be sleeping) without obtaining permission from the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM of the government, will bring a stiff fine to the perpetrator, and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will create the paperwork and legal orders for the fine and will forward the orders (along with the evidence of the crime) to LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies to carry out the order and fine the perpetrator.
49.5(c) All machines, cars, radios, televisions, car horns and VOICES OF PERSONS, along with noise making instrument or gadgets will be scanned by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM and will be tagged for monitoring. All persons, as well as those who own such possible SLEEP DISRUPTING instruments or machines will be forewarned by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM that using themselves or the instrument in a rude or excessively noisy manner will result in orders to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY or the death penalty (and that the evidence for the crime will be the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM [a computer program which measures the noise level of the person or machine and where and how the noise was made]).
49.5(d) Where it is possible, the instrument will be deactivated by the programming of the TSS network, so let’s say a car or person is blasting loud music in a residential neighborhood, the TSS network will then shut down the radio or instrument, and it cannot be turned back on until that person has moved to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, in which his radio or instrument must be altered so that he/she cannot turn the volume knob higher than certain decibels and if he/she does so, the radio or instrument will break. The shield around the vehicle must allow the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM to go through the shield, in order to deactivate the loud instrument.
The shield should be programmed that Bible SIGNALS can penetrate the shield and do the work necessary to cause compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt, neglect or action to violate the goals of this Sect. 49.5, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–this includes faulty shield programming (or other interference) which gives Jesuits the ability to violate CONSPIRACY LAW. If a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is involved in the violation, it will be a Sect. 95 execution.
49.5(e) The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will have geographical areas mapped out in its programming, which shows which portions of its territory are considered residential areas (where people could be resting) and machines which make excessive noise in these areas will be tagged by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM and computer-sent to LAW ENFORCEMENT computers for enforcement. The SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTERS will also be connected to the computers of the PLP and RSP networks, so that not only will the guilty machine or person be tagged, but the CONSPIRACY REPORT (filed by the SLEEP PROGRAM) will also show (with evidence from the PLP or RSP’s computer) which person was responsible for the excessive noise. The PLP or RSP’s computer will use its brain reading capabilities to determine who it was that made the noise or turned on the machine to cause it make noise where it did or how it did (in violation of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS).
49.5(f) Therefore, the CONSPIRACY REPORT which will be computer filed by the SLEEP PROGRAM with the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC, will not only provide evidence about which person or machine or gadget caused the illegal noise, but will provide evidence about which brain was used or turned on or used that gadget to cause it to make the excessive noise–and the brain responsible for this illegal excessive noise will be fined by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM (via its connection to LAW ENFORCEMENT computers).
49.5(g) The TSS networks’ SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTER will be connected to the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTERS of the International government–these SDP COMPUTERS will be connected to all persons or machines and gadgets which are capable of making sleep disrupting noise.
49.5(h) In some cases the noise may be caused by a person alone. In this case, the PLP or RSP’s computer which has 666-Computer control over that noisy person will be programmed to contact the LAW ENFORCEMENT computer (which has jurisdiction over that noisy person) and that noisy person will be given immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, and in severe cases, will go to jail. Once a person is given orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, Sect. 49.2(c) applies.
49.6 SLEEP DISRUPTING INSTRUMENTS can only be used within hearing distance of any area where people could be sleeping or in bed, when a quieter alternative is not available, and when it is determined that the noisy work which this noisy machine must do is absolutely mandatory and must be carried out within hearing range of the sleeping person or residential neighborhood. In all cases, if a quieter machine (or quieter methods) can be used in an area where people could be sleeping or in bed, IT MUST BE USED, unless the use of the quieter machine or methods would bring extreme hardship to the user OR if the noisy work could be done away from areas where people could be sleeping, then it must be done in those areas. Those who violate this Sect. 49.6, must be given immediate orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, Sect. 49.2(c) applies.
The government’s SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM will determine if person’s methods or the noisy work or methods which the noisy machine must do is mandatory for this residential area, and the PROGRAM will determine (in cases where a noisy machine or methods must be used), if a quieter alternative can be used. And the PROGRAM will determine if this noise or work (in this area where people could be sleeping) can be carried out between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. If the noisy work (in this area where people could be sleeping) can be done between the hours of 12 p.m. and 6 p.m., then it must be done during these times. If it doesn’t have to be done at all, then it MUST NOT BE DONE, even if between 12 to 6 p.m.
49.6(a) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to make noise with the intent to disrupt a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s sleep (and this intent will be captured by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTER, which has access to the “brain reads” of all persons, and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTER, will forward a CONSPIRACY REPORT about the death penalty violation to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC in California and Russia), in order to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography or to assist the Jesuits by using this noise as part of a Jesuit conspiracy, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Motive can be determined by 666-Computer analysis. Once this CONSPIRACY REPORT arrives at the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC, the computers at the headquarters will be programmed to set up trials/hearings regarding the violation, and the docket will be set up by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER (at the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS) and the appointed time slot for the hearings/trials will be programmed into the GCFNC channel–since all CONSPIRACY LAW violations are reported about on GCFNC (or its website).
49.6(b) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to make noise (including the illegal use of the 666-Computer to kill people or make them ill, so that too many noisy ambulances and fire trucks have to make runs) with the intent to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography or to give a SIGNIFICANT PERSON insomnia or to draw attention to any lovemaking attempts or actions between SIGNIFICANT PERSONs, in order to orchestrate a conspiracy, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. And this intent will be captured by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTER, which has access to the “brain reads” of all persons, and the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTER, will forward a CONSPIRACY REPORT about the death penalty violation to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC in California and Russia. Once this CONSPIRACY REPORT arrives at the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC, the computers at the headquarters will be programmed to set up trials/hearings regarding the violation, and the docket will be set up by the SLEEP DISRUPTION PROGRAM COMPUTER (at the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS) and the appointed time slot for the hearings/trials will be programmed into the GCFNC channel–since all CONSPIRACY LAW violations are reported about on GCFNC (or its website). All such cases will be tried on GCFNC.
For instance, if people are made sick or killed by the 666-Computer, which results in an excessive number of ambulance runs and the Jesuits did this in order to keep a SIGNIFICANT PERSON awake–this case will be tried on GCFNC and all those directly and indirectly involved in this noise making conspiracy (which involved killing/maiming or hurting people with the 666-Computer just so noise could be made to keep a SIGNIFICANT PERSON awake) will be tried for death penalty violations and the perpetrators will receive death by hanging with buzzards, not only for death penalty violations of 666-Computer laws (violations of death penalty TRIGGER or other PROGRAMMING laws), but also for death penalty violations of this Sect. 49. All death penalty CONSPIRACY LAWS which have been violated (along with all motives for the violations) by the perpetrators must be read on GCFNC. Along with the charges, will be read the motive for each CONSPIRACY LAW violation. In other words, if a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR killed ten people with the 666-Computer, just so ambulances would run in the community to keep a SIGNIFICANT PERSON awake, then before the perpetrator is executed, that sorry motive for killing people will be read and broadcast on GCFNC. The purpose for this is to show just how fanatical, obsessed, sick and disgusting these Jesuits are, that they would stoop low enough to KILL PEOPLE just to give a SIGNIFICANT PERSON insomnia. And then after this sorry motive for horrendous crimes are exposed, that JESUIT CONSPIRATOR will be executed with death by hanging with buzzards. And because the lowness and pettiness of that fanatical and despotic criminal has been exposed, the whole world (except the Jesuits) will cheer as the creep hangs. It’s very possible that perpetrators will be given the death penalty for ten or more death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW and, before the perpetrator is executed, all these violations and laws that were violated by that criminal (along with the motive(s) for the violations–motive can be determined by 666-Computer analysis) will be read aloud on GCFNC,–to show that there was overwhelming cause to execute the perpetrator.
49.6(c) The International government strictly condemns the actions and attempts by Jesuits to manipulate and interfere with romances, marriages and families in order to further the goals of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits have created murder conspiracies revolving around their attempts to control families and marriages (just because they oppose the marriages of certain people) and this arrogance on the part of the Jesuit Order, where they feel they have the right to create marriages, break up relationships and manipulate relationships is an outrage and will be met with the death penalty. All violations of this Sect. 49.6(b) will bring the death penalty upon the violator, with public death by hanging with buzzards on GCFNC.
49.7 Because meting out the death penalty and fining JESUIT CONSPIRATORS has been ineffective in preventing violations of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, the International government will impose other standards (on top of the standards already imposed to violators of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS) to help in enforcing SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS.
49.7(a) A RESIDENTIAL AREA is defined as any area where ten or more persons or families could be sleeping, because that area is the place where those persons return to (day after day) after work and/or where they (day after day) prepare their food and/or shower and/or bathe and/or where they (day after day) rest and where their beds are located.
49.7(b) All RESIDENTIAL AREAS will have ZONING LAWS (managed by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER) which require the homeowners (or owners of any property) within the jurisdiction of those ZONING LAWS to only use equipment, air-conditioning units, machinery, etc. that are quiet enough to ensure that anyone who is sleeping or trying to sleep in that residential area will not have his/her normal rest disturbed. It is understood that some people have sleep disorders that would cause insomnia with perfect quiet. 666-Computer analysis (managed by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER in its connection to the computer programs of the PLP and RSP networks) will be used to determine if the cause for the sleep loss is because of a sleep disorder or because of excessive noise. In cases, where persons lose NORMAL SLEEP because of excessive noise, then the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER will inform that property owner through its connections with LAW ENFORCEMENT computer programs, that the owner is in violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS. NORMAL SLEEP is not defined as a HEAVY or DEEP SLEEPER, since it is not fair to expect everyone to be a heavy or deep sleeper, but NORMAL SLEEP is defined as the type of sleep that most people experience. If it is noisy enough, a normal sleeper could turn into an insomniac. So if the noise made, is loud enough to wake up about 50% of normal sleepers, then the noise is TOO LOUD. This will be especially true if the noise occurs during regular sleep hours, but this rule will apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week–since some people have jobs which require them to work at odd hours.
49.7(c) PLPs and RSP’s computer programs will assist the ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAM of the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER (see Sect. 49.7i) to use 666-Computer analysis of the brains of those residents in that ZONING AREA to determine which machines or equipment or units are making SLEEP DISRUPTING noises that are violations of this Sect. 49.
49.7(d) Those property owners found in violation of this Sect. 49, will receive a NOTICE OF THE ZONING LAWS FOR THEIR AREA from the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER and in this notice will be a clear description of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS which they must honor (to be in compliance with the ZONING LAWS for their area).
49.7(e) Those found in VIOLATION of the new ZONING LAWS by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER will be given a deadline (3 days) to come into compliance with the zoning laws for their area. THE COST TO FIX THE PROBLEM WILL BE FINANCED BY THE GOVERNMENT, MOST ESPECIALLY IF THE VIOLATION AFFECTS THE SLEEP OF A SIGNIFICANT PERSON. This deadline should not be more than 3 days after they receive the NOTICE OF THE ZONING LAWS FOR THEIR AREA. If they do not meet this deadline, the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER (in its connection to the LAW ENFORCEMENT computer programs), they will be fined a steep fine –at least $1,000–(with the legal document for the fine sent out by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER) for violations of zoning laws for their area. All fines collected will be programmed by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER to go to the International Charity Bank.
49.7(e2) Failure to heed the 3-day deadline to come into compliance with ZONING LAWS, will not only result in a steep fine, but will cause the management or owners of that complex to be given orders to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, see Section about UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
49.7(f) We have established these laws because any RESIDENTIAL AREA should be a quiet area that is conducive to rest and relaxation. This is because people need their homes to be a refuge where they can restore their energies and where they receive the rest they need to pursue their work or employment in good health.
49.7(g) This means that all machinery, equipment, air conditioning or heating units, etc. used on property within the area designated by the ZONING LAW, must not make excessive noise that could disrupt a person who is trying to sleep or who is trying to take a nap in that residential area. The SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER will monitor all units that could make noises which disrupt sleep and will file reports about these noisy units to the LAW ENFORCEMENT computer programs (which will make orders for law enforcement to deal with the problem OR will immediately file and mail notices to the violators).
49.7(h) Those air-conditioning units or machinery or equipment that make excessive noise (will be noted by the SLEEP PROGRAM COMPUTER) and the program will write details (in the report it sends to the violator) about what repairs may be necessary or about replacement costs and ways to make adequate replacements with quieter units or machines, or else that homeowner or property owner will lose his/her property and must move elsewhere to an area that is not a RESIDENTIAL AREA. In some instances, where the repair could be costly and it is determined that the property owner wants to comply with the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS (this can be determined by 666-Computer analysis), the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (through its ACCOUNTING PROGRAM) may give that property owner the funds needed to make the necessary repairs or changes to be in compliance with SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, especially if compliance to the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS for that area is essential to the war against Jesuit terrorism. For instance, the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (through its ACCOUNTING PROGRAM) may give money to the Pentagon Apartments (where Gail lives) so that the air-conditioning units can be upgraded to quieter units (that would resist satellite interference by Jesuits).
49.7(i) ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAMS will be a subdivision of the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAMS(see ICL:ST), which will inspect all RESIDENTIAL AREAS to ensure that all property owners are in compliance with the ZONING LAWS for that area.
49.7(j) Those vehicles or TRANSPORTATION MACHINE owners (whose vehicles are determined by satellite or 666-Computer analysis to be in violation of this Sect. 49.7) will be informed by the ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAMS of requirements for their vehicles, which requires their vehicles to operate in a quiet manner if their vehicle travels within hearing range of any residential area. The program will give them a report which states that their vehicles must be tested to ensure that the vehicle passes a NOISE INSPECTION TEST. The program will stipulate that those vehicles known to be noisy must be tested as soon as possible. It will tell them where to go to get this test, and that this test will be free and will be conducted by the International government. The ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAM will follow-up on this person (or organization) to see if he/she has brought in his/her vehicle for the test and will issue citations (and charge penalty fees) to those who do not comply. The ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAM will monitor those that do not pay the required fee and will communicate with the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAMS to issue arrest warrants (possibly to go to UNWILLING AGENT CITIES) to those who do not comply. The ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAM will monitor the testing process and those vehicles that fail the NOISE INSPECTION TEST, will be denied a vehicle registration and cannot operate until that vehicle is determined to be quiet enough not to disturb the normal rest of persons in RESIDENTIAL AREAS.
49.7(k) All vehicle, airplane, bus, boat, helicopter, truck, etc. owners must register their vehicles (via the ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAM) with the International government. Any machine which travels within hearing range of residential areas (such as cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, boats, mopeds, helicopters, airplanes, etc.) will be called TRANSPORTATION MACHINES.
49.7(l) No TRANSPORTATION MACHINE can be registered if it is determined that that TRANSPORTATION MACHINE regularly travels within hearing range (or could regularly travel within hearing range of) RESIDENTIAL AREAS and has the potential to make enough noise to disrupt the sleep of any person who may be resting in a RESIDENTIAL AREA. Once such a TRANSPORTATION MACHINE comes into (or heads toward–and brain reads determine that the operator is headed toward) an illegal area, it will be taken over by SATELLITE PILOT and directed away from that area.
49.7(m) MILITARY POLICE PROGRAMs will monitor all TRANSPORTATION MACHINES which regularly travel (or could regularly travel within hearing range of a RESIDENTIAL AREA) and that need to be constructed (or outfitted) so that they will not disrupt the sleep of any person who may be resting in that RESIDENTIAL AREA.
49.7(n) The MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will send a report about any person caught using or operating any TRANSPORTATION MACHINE in violation of this Sect. 49.7, and will cause that person to have his/her license to operate that TRANSPORTATION MACHINE revoked and that person will be fined and will not be able to register his/her TRANSPORTATION MACHINE (until the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM determines that that machine has come into compliance with this Sect. 49.7). All fines collected by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will be deposited into the ACCOUNTING PROGRAM of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK.
49.7(o) The MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will be programmed so that any person who operates any TRANSPORTATION MACHINE in willing and knowing violation of this Sect. 49.7, must have his/her license to operate that machine revoked for at least a year, and must have his vehicle registration revoked for at least a year. It is especially important to remove that person’s driver’s license (or license to operate that vehicle). Driving a motor vehicle is a privilege and should be denied to persons who use their vehicles to disturb the rights of others. If that person drives, in spite of not being licensed, he/she will suffer the consequences of driving without a license AND WILL GO TO JAIL for at least a month FOR CONTEMPT OF CONSPIRACY LAW. A repeat offender (who drives without a license because of violations of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS) will spend one year in jail or will be moved to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY where he/she will be monitored as if he/she was in jail for at least a YEAR.
Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS who do not enforce this Sect. 49.7(o), will be removed from their positions and can no longer operate as LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS.
49.7(p) If, after a person’s license or registration has been revoked (because he/she was in violation of this Sect. 49.7), and that person operates any TRANSPORTATION MACHINE, the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will be programmed to have that person arrested and sent to jail for at least a month or to suffer a fine or both. These instances must not be overlooked and violators must be punished. All fines collected by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will go to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK’s ACCOUNTING PROGRAM. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any person by the programmers of the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM or the ZONING INSPECTOR PROGRAM to escape punishment (for violations of this Sect. 49.7) will be investigated by the programs of the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC, and if the motive for this violation was to assist the Jesuit Order in their goals for a worldwide dictatorship, that violator will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
49.8(a) When it is determined that there is a NOISE CONSPIRACY by the LEGAL programs of the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC, this conspiracy not only will be handled according to the previous guidelines of this Sect. 49, but additional measures will be taken.
49.8(b) A NOISE CONSPIRACY is defined as the use of two or more people (within a 24-hour period) to make noise with the intent to disturb a particular person in bed during that 24-hour period (especially a SIGNIFICANT PERSON).
49.8(b1) If the violator of this Sect. 49 is determined by the ISC’s LEGAL PROGRAMS to be part of a NOISE CONSPIRACY, he/she and all his/her conspirators will be arrested by the ISC’s LEGAL PROGRAMS and brought before a CONSPIRACY LAW JUDGE. The LEGAL PROGRAMS will be programmed so that all the conspirators must appear before the judge together and at the same time. If this results in lost work time or the missing of appointments, that will be too bad, because the International government does not condone conspiracies of any kind which support the deadly Jesuit terrorists.
49.8(c) If the ISC’s LEGAL PROGRAM determines that the NOISE CONSPIRATORS did not willingly and knowingly participate in this conspiracy, but were used as UNWILLING AGENTS, they will be given a warning by the LEGAL PROGRAM that if they are part of a NOISE CONSPIRACY again, that the next time they are part of a NOISE CONSPIRACY (whether willingly or not), they will be arrested by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM to spend the night in jail and will have to listen to the cumulative effective of all the noise made by all of their fellow conspirators for 3 times longer than the duration of the noises, as described in this Sect. 49 (the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will set up the jail sentence and will monitor how the noises are presented to the violators during their jail stay). And the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will fine the violators and will be programmed to ensure the violators suffer the other consequences of this Sect. 49 as well.
49.8(d) The conspirators will be told by the judge that their NOISE CONSPIRACY has disrupted a residential neighborhood and that complaints (supplied by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM) have come in from that neighborhood about the noise. They will be told that perhaps they feel this is an excessive punishment for themselves, since, they, themselves did not make enough noise to disrupt a whole neighborhood. Then the judge will play a video to them (produced by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM) of the cumulative effect all their noises had on anyone who may be trying to sleep in that neighborhood. This video will show a person in bed, trying to sleep and will reproduce all the noises that were made (and heard by the one in bed) by these NOISE CONSPIRATORS.
49.8(e) If they were a willing and knowing NOISE CONSPIRATOR or if this is a second arrest for them in this matter, they will be told by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM that they must all sleep together in jail tonight.
49.8(f) The MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will give them a video player to take to a jail bed and they will be court ordered (by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM) to play this video next to their bed (while they try to sleep) or perhaps the jail will supply the noises through an intercom system. This recording must be left on by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM for three times the length of time that this NOISE CONSPIRATOR made the disruptive noises and they can’t turn it off, or else the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will ensure that they will sleep in jail again the next night. An alarm by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will go off the next morning and they will have to get up, regardless of the time they fell asleep. The MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will ensure that they can’t use earplugs or anything else to block out the noise, while they try to sleep. If 666-Computer violations were used on the sleeper’s brain (on top of the noises) to keep that sleeper up, then those who spend the night in jail, will also have their brain manipulated by the 666-Computer by their PLP or RSP’s computer program (like their victim was manipulated), in order to keep them up while they have to listen to the cumulative effect of all the noises they made. This cumulative effect could include noisy air-conditioning units and whatever else the Jesuits used on their insomniac victim(s).
49.8(g) The reason to have PLPs use 666-Computer programs on the brains of the NOISE CONSPIRATORS to induce insomnia (especially if this is what their victims experienced) is because the Jesuits may try to negate the effect of this punishment on these NOISE CONSPIRATORS by using the 666-Computer on them to give them a very deep sleep in spite of the noises. We’re not going to make it so easy for them, we will use the 666-Computer on them to keep them up–just like the Jesuits illegally used the 666-Computer on their insomniac victim to keep up their victim.
49.8(h) This will be an additional punishment on top of fines or the loss of licenses, as described in this Section 49.
49.8(i) Those who continually violate these SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS may be put in jail by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM for a longer period of time or may have their noisy vehicles (or instruments or machines) taken from them, but some way will be found to force them to be quiet.
49.8(i1) Those persons in violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, who need financial (or other) assistance to come into compliance, will be given financial (or other) assistance from the International government’s ACCOUNTING PROGRAMS, so that they can come into compliance with SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS. When a SLEEP DISRUPTER is arrested by the program which arrested him, he/she will be notified that he/she has the right to apply for financial assistance in order to come into compliance with SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, and the law enforcement program must supply that violator with the information he/she needs to obtain this assistance. If that violator truly needs financial assistance to come into compliance with SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, the assistance should be easily obtained (via the program) and should be executed in such a manner that the violator can come into quick compliance with SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS. This will give no person any excuse to be in violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS.
49.8(i2) If financial assistance information [described in Sect. 49.8(i1)] is not given by the program to each person arrested for SLEEP DISRUPTION violations by the law enforcement program which arrested them, then that law enforcement program will be analyzed and revamped to make it come into compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW. And, if this neglect by the law enforcement PROGRAM to give the violator financial assistance information was done willingly and knowingly by any programmer or computer person, in order to encourage SLEEP DISRUPTION violations, that law enforcement person will be tried as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (with possible death penalty consequences).
49.8(j) After a business or a person has been warned by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM that he/she/it/they have violated SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS (including zoning laws and other SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS) and that person or business continues to violate the law, that person and/or his/her business will be shut down by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM for a week and cannot operate. If the problem is the driver of a noisy TRANSPORTATION MACHINE, that driver will have his/her license to operate that vehicle suspended by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM for a week and the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM (in its connection to the PLP or RSP’s program which monitors that person AND the TSS network’s program which monitors that vehicle) will ensure that that vehicle cannot be operated by anyone until its noisy problem is fixed.
49.8(j1) If the business must continue to operate for health, legal or safety reasons–then the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will assign others to temporarily takeover the operation and those who were in violation of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, cannot operate that business and cannot be paid for the time that they have off. To be fair, the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will determine whether that business or operation was capable of being in compliance with the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS, and if it determines they were capable of being in compliance and were not in compliance, then that business must be shut down by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM (or others must takeover the operation)–according to the guidelines of this Sect. 49.8. Only those businesses that must continue operations, like a hospital (for legal, medical or safety reasons) can continue to operate with others besides the violators. Any other business which is not needed (like a lawn mowing service) must be shut down by the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM completely. We do not want to encourage any business (or person) to operate in violation of the SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS and shut-down is the preferred punishment for businesses (or persons) that are in violation of SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS.
49.8(k) Each further violation after the week shutdown, will cause the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM to enforce another two weeks of enforced shutdown added onto the original week. Which means a 3rd violation, will result in a 3-week shutdown of that business’ operations, or (if the business must continue to operate for health, legal or safety reasons) others will be operating that business for 3 weeks. If a noisy TRANSPORTATION MACHINE is the problem, the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will cause that operator to have his/her license to operate that TRANSPORTATION MACHINE suspended for 3 weeks and the vehicle cannot be operated by anyone until its noisy problem is fixed.
49.8(l) After a 5th violation, the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will cause the business will be shut down (or operated by others) PERMANENTLY. After a 5th violation, for an operator of a noisy TRANSPORTATION MACHINE, the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM will cause that operator will lose his/her license to operate that vehicle permanently–and that vehicle (which was in violation) cannot be operated by anyone until its noisy problem is fixed. Any business (or TRANSPORTATION MACHINE operator) which operates when it is in mandatory shutdown or when that person has had his/her license permanently revoked (as described in this Sect. 49.8), will cause the MILITARY POLICE PROGRAM to cause that all those behind the incident to go to jail for at least a year, and to face death penalty charges as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS.
49.9 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of this Sect. 49 will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator, except in those cases where a fine or lesser punishment is outlined as the punishment (see above).
50.0 Any person (including an IMPOSED PERSON working through an UNWILLING AGENT or an IMPOSTER–see Sect. 50.2) who is (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly used by Jesuits to flirt with (or communicate with) any SIGNIFICANT PERSON with the intent to create a jealousy conspiracy or any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly is used by Jesuits (by flirting, by contacts with SIGNIFICANT PERSONS using phone calls, etc.) to prevent and/or manipulate any marriage or relationship with the intent to further Jesuit goals, will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All such cases will be tried on GCFNC.
50.1 A JESUIT FLIRTATION is any communication, contact, flirtation, action or attempt on a person (usually a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) which is done (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly with the intent to assist the Jesuit Order in their attempts to set up a worldwide dictatorship for the Roman Catholic Church.
50.2 For instance, the Jesuits may use male or female UNWILLING AGENTs or IMPOSTERS (who closely resemble their rivals–such as Vladimir Putin or Gail Schuler look and sound-alikes) to flirt with Gail Chord Schuler or Vladimir Putin in an attempt to create a JEALOUSY TRIANGLE, in order to destroy the relationship between Vladimir Putin and Gail, and/or to find a way to destroy both she and Vladimir Putin, because the Jesuits find this relationship a threat to their goals. These actions and attempts will NOT BE TOLERATED. THE DEATH PENALTY MUST BE METED OUT TO THESE VIOLATORS. In most of these cases, the party involved is attempting to set up a murder-jealousy-triangle and the International government will have no tolerance for such orchestrations. The death penalty must be meted out.
50.3 AN INNOCENT FLIRTATION is any communication, contact, action or attempt which is not done (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly with the intent to assist the Jesuit Order in their attempts to set up a worldwide dictatorship for the Roman Catholic Church. In other words, it is just a flirtation and may involve a bit of chemistry between the parties and is not part of a Jesuit orchestrated jealousy-murder conspiracy. These instances will be ignored and overlooked. It is not wise to make a big deal out of these things, because, in most instances, they are harmless.
50.4 All JESUIT FLIRTATIONS will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. All executions for JESUIT FLIRTATIONS (and the trials and questioning involved) will be shown on GCFNC.
50.4(a) During the trial and execution of any JESUIT FLIRTATION conspirator, it will be emphasized that the JESUIT FLIRTATION criminal was apprehended, not by the targeted person (or his/her romantic partner), but by the PLP or RSP or ETHNOGRAPHER of the targeted person, who filed a CONSPIRACY REPORT about the matter (see Sect. 50.7). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. This is to protect the targeted person and/or his/her romantic partner(s), since the Jesuits may claim that the targeted person (or his/her spouse or romantic interest or partner) was jealous and indicted the criminal out of jealousy. Therefore, the arrest must be initiated by the PLP or RSP or ETHNOGRAPHER (a neutral party), in order to prevent jealousy accusations as part of the defense for the JESUIT FLIRTATION conspirator.
50.5 If it is determined that the flirtation was an INNOCENT FLIRTATION, there will be no execution of the person involved, and the alleged guilty party will be released (if the person was apprehended) without consequences. 666-Computer analysis can determine whether the flirtation was a JESUIT FLIRTATION or an INNOCENT FLIRTATION.
50.6 In instances, where an UNWILLING AGENT (including an UNWILLING AGENT IMPOSTER–see Sect. 50.2) has been used to be part of a JESUIT FLIRTATION. The UNWILLING AGENT will be treated like any other UNWILLING AGENT who is used by Jesuits to further Jesuit conspiracies. See Sect. 32 and 34 of this document. All IMPOSED PERSONS involved in such JESUIT FLIRTATIONS will be executed and the UNWILLING AGENT must watch the execution on GCFNC.
50.6(a) JESUIT FLIRTATIONS are considered a form of HARASSMENT and will be treated according to Sect. 32 of this document. This will be the case even if the JESUIT FLIRTATION appears very nice on the surface, like doing special favors to the targeted SIGNIFICANT PERSON–because, in the long run, the end result of the “special favors” will be harm to the person targeted by the Jesuits.
50.7 ETHNOGRAPHERS, PLPs and RSPs of SIGNIFICANT PERSONs must screen all contacts made to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON to determine if a JESUIT FLIRTATION is in progress. It is their job to report all JESUIT FLIRTATIONS in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to the International government, so that the UNWILLING AGENTS or IMPOSED PERSONS or JESUITS involved in the JESUIT FLIRTATION can be interrogated, questioned and/or dealt with according to CONSPIRACY LAW. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
50.7(a) All 666-Computer programming for SIGNIFICANT PERSONs must have a tag feature or alarm to alert the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s PLP or RSP that a JESUIT FLIRTATION may be in progress, so that the PLP or RSP can report this matter in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to the International government and/or to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
50.8 Any programmer whose job is to create this alarm feature (see Sect. 50.7) in any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s 666-Computer program, who willingly and knowingly does not create an accurate and effective alarm feature (as outlined in Sect. 50.7 and 50.9) to block or prevent the JESUIT FLIRTATION CONSPIRACY, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
50.9 An easy way to immediately detect a JESUIT FLIRTATION is by causing an alarm to go off in the 666-Computer program for any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, whenever any thoughts enter a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s mind that someone is flirting (or attempting to make a romantic communication or encounter) with him/her. Once these thoughts enter a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s mind, an alarm should go off in the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s PERSON-PROGRAM, and that should be the signal to the ETHNOGRAPHER, PLP or RSP of that SIGNIFICANT PERSON, to investigate the matter to see if a genuine JESUIT FLIRTATION is in progress.
50.9(a) If a JESUIT FLIRTATION is in progress, it needs to be dealt with according to this Sect. 50. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations or neglect to carry out this Sect. 50 (with the intent to allow a JESUIT FLIRTATION to continue without intervention, in order to further any Jesuit orchestrated conspiracy), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PLP, ETHNOGRAPHER or RSP involved.
50.9(b) JESUIT FLIRTATIONS, if allowed to continue without intervention, can result in the murder of SIGNIFICANT PERSONs and can help the Jesuits to promote their terrorist enterprises, so the punishments for these violations must be severe.
51.0 The willing and knowing poisoning or contamination of any water supplies or consumption items involving any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. All such cases will be tried on GCFNC.
52.SC.1 The Jesuits know that CONSPIRACY LAW is the most deadly enemy they have. Therefore, they have conducted all out war to ensure that CONSPIRACY LAW will not be enforced. One of their most potent weapons is to infiltrate our ranks with their agents (WILLING and UNWILLING) and thus, cause our laws not to be enforced. Therefore, strong measures need to be taken to ensure that CONSPIRACY LAW is enforced to the maximum and to note countries, organizations and persons who strive to undermine CONSPIRACY LAW.
52.SC.2 All members of the SCREENER CORPS will live in military bases as outlined in Sect. 54 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs. If the base goes into CLAMP DOWN MODE, then passes may be granted to members of the SCREENER CORPS, so that they can carry out their work outside their base. However, since most (or all) of CONSPIRACY LAW work is designed to be carried out on military bases, the use of passes should be minimized. It is our goal to strictly segregate our workers from Jesuits and by making all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS work and live on military bases, it is easier to draw the lines needed for combat.
52.SC.3 More military bases will need to be constructed, since the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (for the enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW) comprise vast and varied networks, and money from the ICB can be used to create more bases. New military bases constructed may not have to be labeled (to the general public) as military bases, but these bases must meet the qualifications of a military base (so that the guidelines of Sect. 54.4 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws can be carried out effectively).
52.SC.4 All 666-Computer lie-detection conducted in accordance with this Sect. 52 must be done on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL, to show the world that the 666-Computer lie-detection is taking place and to show that it is being done in accordance with CONSPIRACY LAW–some of this coverage may need to be relegated to the GCFNC web sites.
52.0 Every PLP and RSP-network will have a subdivision called the SCREENER CORPS. The SCREENER CORPS, like all networks created by CONSPIRACY LAW, are full LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs and must follow and meet all the guidelines given to any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON under CONSPIRACY LAW. For instance, no UNWILLING AGENT can be a member of the SCREENER CORPS. Since all INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES are part of their country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and since all HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS are part of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION– this means the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (ISC) will be the ultimate authority in deciding who will be members of the SCREENER CORPS and the ISC will be the ultimate authority in all matters relating to the SCREENER CORPS. So, if there are disputes about how to pick members of the SCREENER CORPS or how matters in a SCREENER CORPS should be handled and the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (which has immediate jurisdiction over that SCREENER CORPS) cannot come to a decision about these matters– the final decision will rest with the COMMANDER of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION– and, if matters are still unresolved after this, the International President will make the final decisions.
52.0(a1) When the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE picks the members of its SCREENER CORPS, it can form as many SCREENER CORPS as it feels it needs to get the job done (depending on how many networks will be screened) and it can choose any persons it wants to choose to be members of the SCREENER CORPS (as long as those persons meet the qualifications of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW).
52.0(a2) The INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION considers the SCREENER CORPS part of its military intelligence efforts and will give guidelines to each country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE about how to create their SCREENER CORPS, how many SCREENER CORPS should be created and who should be members of their SCREENER CORPS. Obviously, the U.S. and China will have more SCREENER CORPS than other countries. We don’t want to make inflexible rules for the important job of screening out spies, traitors and enemy infiltrators within our ranks; and want to give the ISC COMMANDER a lot of autonomy in how, when and in what manner to set up his/her military intelligence networks (including how his/her INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES should manage and lead the SCREENER CORPS).
52.0(a) Any country which has an INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW) and which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website, can form a SCREENER CORPS and participate in the process of screening and vetting any CONSPIRACY LAW network (as outlined in this Sect. 52) for Jesuit persons or Jesuit controlled persons within that network. The SCREENER CORPS will be under the immediate jurisdiction of its country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, and since the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE is formed from a country’s PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 53.5 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws), any country without a PLP or RSP network cannot have a SCREENER CORPS (see Sections 1 through 50 of Int. PLP and RSP-Network Conf.). However, SCREENER CORPS members can come from countries without an active PLP or RSP network [see Sect. 52.0(a1) above],
So, it is possible that Russians may comprise the primary membership of a SCREENER CORPS for the Ukraine or Poland in one shift, for instance . And since shift memberships constantly change [see Sect. 52.6(a) below], the SCREENER CORPS for the Ukraine or Poland may use members from 100 or more countries during a 30-day period.
52.1 The SCREENER CORPS will screen all CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT NETWORKS for the presence of Jesuits, UNWILLING or WILLING AGENTS or other Jesuit supporters. The SCREENER CORPS will use 666-Computer and satellite technology to assist them in their screening of all CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT networks for Jesuits, UNWILLING or WILLING AGENTS or other Jesuit supporters or infiltrators. Examples of CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT networks are the TSS networks, PLP networks, RSP networks, 666-Computer historians, NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM, voting networks (see Sect. 8), INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, MILITARY POLICE, etc. and these must all be screened by the SCREENER CORPS for the presence of Jesuit infiltration. There may be overlaps between some networks, but all CONSPIRACY LAW networks must be screened constantly. The CONSPIRACY LAW networks are vast and comprise many networks (since CONSPIRACY LAW has become a complex legal document with many types of law enforcement networks– in order to deal with a complex and convoluted enemy); therefore, the SCREENER CORPS will be comprised of SCREENER CORPS (from those eligible countries–see Sect. 52.0[a]) and it will be a large international organization with the manpower needed to effectively screen all CONSPIRACY LAW networks.
It might be a brilliant idea to allow about 20 different foreign countries’ SCREENER CORPS to screen one country’s voting networks for CONSPIRACY LAW violations. It might be especially useful to screen to see if UNWILLING AGENTS are used in any manner to influence voting or polling (since– according to CONSPIRACY LAW–UNWILLING AGENTS are not allowed to influence who wins or loses an election, and neither are UNWILLING AGENTS to be counted in voting and polling–see Sect. 8 of this document).
52.1(a) For instance, there has been a serious problem of infiltration of UNWILLING AGENTS into the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS and this has made the work of the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANs totally ineffective against the Jesuit Order. We have noticed that 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS totally neglect the enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW and this has greatly strengthened the Jesuit Order. We feel this is because Jesuits have made catastrophic infiltrations into our 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS network; and, therefore, our SCREENER CORPS need to maintain a strong focus on Jesuit infiltrations into this very important network. 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS are some of our most important LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and for their work to be negated is a catastrophic loss in our war against the Jesuit Order.
52.2 The SCREENER CORPS members will be chosen by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEEs of each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. Before each member of any SCREENER CORPS begins his/her nine hour (or less) shift (one hour or less is given for a lunch break depending on the length of the shift), that member must make a screening statement (under 666-Computer lie detection on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL) that (to the best of his/her knowledge) he/she is not a Jesuit, Jesuit supporter or WILLING AGENT. If he/she fails 666-Computer lie-detection while making this italicized statement, he/she will be replaced by another who passes 666-Computer lie-detection while making this statement.
52.2(a1) The SCREENER CORPS will operate 24/7 (round the clock) and must work 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. One way to handle this, would be to use workers from a part of the planet to work 3rd shift, when (where these workers are located it is actually 1st or 2nd shift in their time zone). For instance, an American SCREENER CORPS could use workers from Russian or Chinese regions to be the American SCREENER CORPS members from 12 a.m. to 7 a.m. (United States Eastern Standard Time)– because in Russia or China, 12 a.m. to 7 a.m. U.S. time would be anywhere from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Russian or Chinese time (which are the normal waking hours for their time zone). This may help to minimize mistakes caused by sleep deprivation.
52.2(a) Once that SCREENER CORPs’ member finishes his nine hours (or less) shift, he cannot begin work on another shift (or go into overtime) without being re screened according to the guidelines of this Section 52. If he/she fails the re screening according to the guidelines of this Sect. 52, another (who passes screening) must take his/her place and the rejected member cannot report to duty as a SCREENER CORPs member or as any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON until he/she passes the screenings as outlined in this Sect. 52. See Sect. 52.2 and Sect. 52.3.
52.3 If the SCREENER CORPS member passes this screening statement of Sect. 52.2, then, next, he/she must be screened by another member of the SCREENER CORPS (who has passed 666-Computer lie-detection on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL over the statement of Sect. 52.2) and who is not an UNWILLING AGENT or WILLING AGENT, who will state (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that he/she has screened this member to ensure that he/she is not an UNWILLING AGENT or WILLING AGENT or Jesuit supporter and that to the best of his/her knowledge and ability, this member is not an UNWILLING AGENT or WILLING AGENT or Jesuit supporter and believes that this member is competent to perform his/her duties as a SCREENER CORPS member in accordance with CONSPIRACY LAW.
52.4 If, after being screened by another SCREENER CORPS member (who is not an UNWILLING AGENT, WILLING AGENT, or Jesuit supporter), it is determined (because of 666-Computer lie detection and analysis) that the screened member is not competent to perform his/her duties as a SCREENER CORPS member (in accordance with CONSPIRACY LAW), then that SCREENER CORPS member must not be allowed to perform any duties as a SCREENER CORPS member or as any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON.
52.5 The SCREENER CORPS will be assigned in writing (see Sect. 52.6) CONSPIRACY LAW networks (by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE which appointed their membership) which CONSPIRACY LAW organizations to screen for the presence of Jesuit infiltrations (in the form of UNWILLING AGENTS, JESUITS, WILLING AGENTS, etc.). The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES must prioritize which CONSPIRACY LAW networks need to be screened first, second, third, etc.–so that the networks with more serious problems of Jesuit infiltration (or which are more essential in the war against Jesuit terrorism–such as 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS) will be screened first.
52.6 The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE must put into writing which networks must be screened, how they should be screened and which networks should be screened first, second, third, etc. Screenings for each CONSPIRACY LAW network (designated in the SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT) should take place at least 3 times every 24 hours–since Jesuits move quickly and creatively and often do their deadliest work in areas just screened. Jesuits rely heavily on the element of surprise and always try to hit us in our blind spot–in the unexpected. Deadlines should be established for the screening of each network, so that procrastination will not take place.
52.6(a) Also, which networks are screened by a SCREENER CORPS should change from day to day, so that different networks are screened by a different SCREENER CORPS to make it more difficult for Jesuits to create conspiracies in the screening process. All screenings should be conducted on a rotating basis, so that no one SCREENER CORPS ends up screening the same CONSPIRACY LAW network all the time.
EXAMPLE: An American SCREENER CORPS may screen the German 666-Computer Historians on 9-30-04 and maybe a German SCREENER CORPS will screen the same German 666-Computer Historians on 9-31-04. And then on 10-1-04, a Japanese SCREENER CORPS may screen this same German 666-Computer Historians.
52.6(b) This SCREENING PRIORITIES document which describes how, when, where the screening is to be done, will be called the SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT and must be followed by the SCREENER CORPS as they carry out their duties.
52.6(c) Before any SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT is issued to any SCREENER CORPS network, all the writers and/or creators of that SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT (from the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE which created it) must state (under 666-Computer lie-detection on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL) that to the best of their knowledge and ability they have created the most effective and easy-to-understand (not ambiguous) SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT to defeat the goals of the Jesuit Order (as these goals have been determined through CONSPIRACY LAW) and that this SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT has been approved by the ISC COMMANDER or by his second in command and that the SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT has been signed by the ISC COMMANDER or by his second in command.If any member of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE fails 666-Computer lie-detection regarding this statement, then he/she must be removed from the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE and not allowed to perform any duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (in any capacity).
52.6(d) Next, if any member has failed 666-Computer lie-detection (on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL) regarding the italicized statement of Sect. 52.6(c), the SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT (which he/she participated in) will need to be re analyzed and rewritten and then all members of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (which created the rewritten SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT) must be vetted again and must pass 666-Computer lie-detection again on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL [while making the italicized statement of Sect. 52.6(c)].
52.6(e) Once a SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT is vetted and meets the qualifications as outlined in this Section 52, then this document will be law for those SCREENER CORPS members (for whom it is intended), and they must follow the guidelines of this SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT as they carry out their duties as a SCREENER CORPS member.
52.7 Once all the guidelines of any SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT have been carried out by a SCREENER CORPS network, that network must then write a COMPLETION REPORT (and submit it to their INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE), in which all members of that SCREENER CORPS will state (under 666-Computer lie detection on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL) that to the best of their knowledge and ability they have faithfully carried out the instructions of the SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT assigned to them by their INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (and that they have carried out these instructions in maximum compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW).
52.7(a1) It goes without saying that SCREENER CORPS members should submit CONSPIRACY REPORTS to their INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE and to the International government for all Jesuits, UNWILLING AGENTS, WILLING AGENTS and Jesuit supporters they discover in any CONSPIRACY LAW network (while doing the work assigned to them by the SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT). Also, CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS should be written about the follow-up action taken to eliminate these Jesuit infiltrations into the contaminated CONSPIRACY LAW network. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of this Sect. 52.7(a1) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.7(a) If any of the writers of the COMPLETION REPORT fail 666-Computer lie-detection (on the GCFNC MILITARY CHANNEL) while making the italicized statement of Sect. 52.7, then those that have failed 666-Computer lie-detection will be analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS (who have been vetted and screened and are not UNWILLING AGENTS, JESUITS or Jesuit supporters) to determine what criminal actions (or inactions) were really taken by the SCREENER CORPS (who wrote that failed COMPLETION REPORT).
52.7(b) If, as a result of the analysis on these failed SCREENER CORPS members (by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS), it is determined that some or all of these SCREENER CORPS members tried to willingly and knowingly assist the Jesuit Order, the death penalty will be meted out to those members (who are determined to be willing and knowing Jesuit supporters).
52.7(c) Some members of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will be part of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITIONS’ MILITARY POLICE. The MILITARY POLICE will be discussed in Sect. 28.8 of ICL:ST. The MILITARY POLICE will arrest and bring to the international tribunals, CONSPIRACY LAW violators (or alleged violators). Once these violators are determined (in the tribunals) to be guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations, they will (in most cases) be executed. The trials and executions will take place on GCFNC.
52.8 If, as a result of carrying out the guidelines of a SCREENING PRIORITIES DOCUMENT, a SCREENER CORPS member detects Jesuit infiltration in any CONSPIRACY LAW network, then this infiltration must be reported in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and to the International government. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. All UNWILLING AGENTS, WILLING AGENTS, JESUITS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS detected in any CONSPIRACY LAW network must be reported about in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to that SCREENER CORPS’ members’ HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and to the International government. And proper follow-up which results in CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS must take place (as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW). All CONSPIRACY REPORTS and CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS must be written and handled in accordance with CONSPIRACY LAW (See Sect. 52 Int. PLP and RSP-Network Conf. and Sect. 11 of General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws).
52.9 Not enough executions are taking place and Jesuits are getting away with serious and deadly CONSPIRACY LAW violations. It is hoped that the SCREENER CORPS can be used to find more Jesuits and give them the death penalty they deserve. These Jesuit executions which come about as a result of the SCREENER CORPS’ work, will be highlighted and shown on GCFNC to show that our SCREENER CORPS are doing their job.
53.0 Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly harasses Gail (or tries to extort Gail) to make payments (for charges which have already been taken care of by Vladimir Putin), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
54.0 All significant statements made by candidates running for important political positions (which are positions that could have a significant impact in the war against Jesuit terrorism) will be analyzed (segment by segment, portion by portion) for sincerity on GCFNC (via 666-Computer analysis). The analysis will be very precise and may state that Pres. George Bush made a statement (or portions of statements) in which he was 80% sincere or that Sen. John Kerry made a statement (or portions of statements) in which he was 80% sincere. Any past statements made (which we can analyze for sincerity) may also be presented on GCFNC.
54.1 All significant statements or opinions (including all segments and portions of statements) made by any news media person or influential person (which is a statement that could have a significant impact in the war against Jesuit terrorism) will also be analyzed (segment by segment, portion by portion) for sincerity on GCFNC (via 666-Computer analysis)–INCLUDING STATEMENTS BY OUR OWN NEWS TEAMS. The analysis will be very precise and will rate the sincerity of the statement [by percentage of sincerity (see Sect. 54.0)].
UPDATES on Aug. 5, 2021: It is now MANDATORY for all health care providers to belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN or they will lose their license to practice (read below). The coronavirus vaccine is not covered under the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN and is considered as dangerous as anthrax. It is death penalty to give out the coronavirus vaccine and all syringes can only be used through the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN (read section in blue below). Our military will destroy any syringes used outside of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.0 Those with little or no income or those who choose to be in the national health care plan, will be covered under a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. The NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN will be mandatory for all health care providers effective August 5, 2021. This will help to enforce Gail’s ban on the coronavirus vaccine, since there will no longer be private insurance coverage and all insurances must belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. The coronavirus vaccine IS NOT A COVERED BENEFIT IN THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. A health care provider is defined as anyone who provides any form of health care, including dispensing medications, and care for animals. Health care is defined as any service or product offered that affects the health of the person who uses that product or consumes it, this would include providing information or recommendations, such as the CDC or FDA in the United States. Under Conspiracy Law, the coronavirus vaccine is considered to be as deadly as anthrax and is to be treated as a biohazard or bioweapon and not as a vaccine.
55.0(a-1-a) Because Brent Spiner M.D. is a physician and my co-President he must first approve of any edicts issued for the government to enforce by the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN advisory committee. If Brent is not available, then government leaders cannot go forward with any health-related edict without getting approval by majority vote from Gail’s Cabinet.
55.0(a-1) The only way a person can now get a “shot” is through a provider in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE plan and all medical providers are required to be members of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN or they lose their license to practice. With newer technology, it is now possible to give “shots” using other methods besides syringes. If syringes are still needed, they must be obtained through a provider in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.0(a-3) Though we will not mandate that our citizens belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, they will not be able to get any health care from a licensed provider without belonging to the plan. It is necessary to have central control over all health care to enforce my ban on the deadly coronavirus vaccine. Those who have worked for private health insurance can be integrated into the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN as administrators or in other positions inside the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. If, as a result of this merger, these private health insurance workers lose their jobs, they will be treated according to our laws for the homeless and possibly retrained and placed in Church of Gail cities to house, feed and take care of them.
55.0(a1) No UNWILLING AGENT providers or administrators can belong to the national health care plan. This is because all providers and administrators of the national health care plan are considered law enforcement persons and must know CONSPIRACY LAW like any other law enforcement person (see Sect. 28.8[c7] of ICL:ST) and no law enforcement person can be an UNWILLING AGENT. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to allow an UNWILLING AGENT provider or administrator into the national health care plan network, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
55.0(a) The NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN will be financed by a voluntary deduction from a person’s paycheck (which will finance the national health care plan) or by direct payment to the national health care plan. Those persons who are employed and who pay a portion of their income to health insurance will have the option to enroll in the national health care plan. If they choose to enroll in the national health care plan, a deduction will be taken from their paycheck to contribute to the national health care plan.
55.0(a2) For those countries that already have a national health care plan and choose to adopt the national health care plan described in this Sect. 55, all tax money that was used to finance that previous plan will be discontinued. This should reduce the taxes of the people. Instead, people will be given the option to accept a voluntary deduction from their paycheck (as described in this Sect. 55) to finance the national health care plan, so that they can enroll in the national health care plan. This deduction will be tax free. This should end up costing the people less than what they previously paid out in taxes and they should get higher quality care and coverage and more comprehensive coverage (including optometrists, dental, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, etc.). For those who choose not to enroll in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, they can enroll in other health care plans. This should put competition into the health care system and boost the quality of the care given by all health care plans. Any national health care plans sponsored by the International government (as described in this Sect. 55) will be administered according to the guidelines of this Sect. 55.
55.0(b) So, let’s say someone pays $70 a month to enroll in a group health care plan with their company. But now they realize they would get better and more affordable coverage through the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. That person can forfeit his company’s health care coverage and instead enroll in the national health care plan. He would sign a statement in which he/she agrees to a deduction from their paycheck to enroll in the national health care plan or he/she can arrange to have a monthly withdrawal from his/her checking account.
55.0(c) The amount of the deduction will be determined by the person’s income. Those with greater income will pay a higher premium. The deduction will be a percentage of that person’s income. In this respect, the health deduction will operate similar to taxes, except that the deduction will not be treated as a tax, but as a health deduction from the paycheck.
Those who make $100,000 or greater a year, will not pay premiums based on a percentage of their income, but will pay a flat premium of $2,100 a year. Otherwise, those in the higher income categories will have to pay outrageous premiums.
So the premiums for a single person with no dependents might work like this: zero to $5,000 gross income single with no dependents (no premium), $5,000 to $10,000 gross income single with no dependents (.1% of income), $10,000 to $15,000 (.2% of income), $15,000 to 20,000 (.3% of income), $20,000 to 25,000 (.4% of income), $25,000 to 30,000 (.5% of income), $30,000 to 35,000 (.6% of income), $35,000 to 40,000 (.7% of income), $40,000 to 45,000 (.8% of income), $45,000 to 50,000 (.9% of income), $50,000 to 55,000 (1% of income), $55,000 to 60,000 (1.1 % of income), $60,000 to 65,000 (1.2% of income), $65,000 to 70,000 (1.3% of income), $70,000 to 75,000 (1.4% of income), $75,000 to 80,000 (1.5% of income), $80,000 to 85,000 (1.6% of income), $85,000 to 90,000 (1.7% of income), $90,000 to 95,000 (1.8% of income), $95,000 to 100,000 (1.9% of income), $100,000 and higher ($2,100 a year).
The rest of the funds needed to finance this program would come from the co-pays and contributions from social security, medicare, medicaid, etc.
Even though doctors might get paid less in this program for their services, it will be a good deal for them, because they will get dramatic reductions in the cost of their malpractice insurance, and they won’t have to obsess over lawsuits, so we will get enrollment from the doctors. They will enroll in the network to save on their malpractice insurance and to be able to work in a less litigious atmosphere.
But these deductions are not taxes, because the health deduction is VOLUNTARY. There should be a huge enrollment, because this will be a very good deal.
You might say, you can’t finance such a comprehensive health care program with such small premiums. Yes you can, if you limit lawsuit settlement amounts and how much doctors and pharmacists can charge and if the program is administered like described in this section. Because we encourage the use of preventive medicine and total health care with emphasis on day to day lifestyle care, I predict that the health care costs will drop dramatically. You might say, what if you have a major catastrophe, like an atomic bomb. In this instance, the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK may have to add funds to the national health care plan.
The emphasis on prevention, holistic medicine, and day to day lifestyle care will dramatically decrease the costs of healthcare, because there will be less need for major operations and surgery and for more expensive and catastrophic treatments. Though laser surgery on the brain to remove 666-computer control from Jesuits is a must and will be covered. This will end up being very cost effective, because when the Jesuits can’t make people sick through illegal 666-Computer use, health care costs will decrease dramatically.
55.0(d) For instance, if a single person (regardless of self-employment or otherwise) has an income of $15,000 or less, his/her monthly deduction would be very small–like $2.50 a month. If an employer decides to take up part or all of this cost, the deduction for that single person could be zero or very minimal. The employer may decide to also pay for the costs of that employee’s spouse or family members or pets to enroll in the national health care plan. Each employer can determine how much they want to assist their employees in the costs of the national health care plan. That employee (and/or his/her family members or pets) may end up paying NOTHING a month to the health care plan and because of that employee’s employer, he/she (and/or his/her family) will have free comprehensive medical and dental insurance. His/her (and/or his/her family’s) only cost would be his minimal co-pay for his/her visits (like $7 a visit). The employer could offer to cover the co-pays as well, if the employer desires.
55.0(e) The medical coverage WILL INCLUDE OPTOMETRIST SERVICES (eye exams) and eyeglasses (if necessary for living and driving). It will not cover contact lenses, unless the contact lenses are medically necessary or are the only form of eyeglasses for the patient (in this case only the amount that would have been spent on eyeglasses will be covered for the contact lenses). Frames will be covered at 50% of the usual price for the frames which we cover, if the patient chooses a frame which is not one of the frames which the plan covers. Frames which are covered by our plan will be set aside and put in a separate category, so that patients will know which frames are covered by our plan. These frames will be covered 100%. Lenses are covered 100%. A patient is only covered for one pair of eyeglasses once a year. If a patient desires a back-up pair, he/she will have to purchase them with his/her own money.
55.0(f) The medical coverage will include acupuncture (when medically necessary), and chiropractic (when medically necessary) and other forms of alternative medicine (when medically necessary), if that form of alternative medicine is accepted and used by at least 50% of the population in that area or if the alternative medical provider has a 90% or higher approval rating with all his/her patients. By including these alternative forms of medicine, the need for surgery and more expensive forms of medicine will be lessened and this plan will turn out to be very cost effective.
55.0(g) Whether or not an alternative medical provider has a 90% or higher approval rating can be determined by 666-Computer analysis of the brains of that provider’s patients (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS). This information can be ascertained from the PLP or RSP networks which have control over that alternative medical provider’s patients.
55.0(h) If any alternative medical provider desires to be in the national health care network of providers, a PLP and RSP network must conduct a survey of those patients (who are NOT UNWILLING AGENTS), to determine what percentage of that provider’s patients (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) are satisfied with that provider’s services.
55.0(i) Before a PLP or RSP can present the results of this survey to the administrators of the national health care plan, that PLP or RSP must pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the results of his/her survey in which he/she will state that he/she only surveyed those patients who are not UNWILLING AGENTS and that the percentage of patient satisfaction with that provider’s services is accurate (according to 666-Computer analysis of the patients’ brains) and according to the guidelines of Sect. 55.0(f) through (h).
55.0(j) Any willing and knowing attempt or action to present the results of this survey in an incorrect manner or with false data or in violation of Sections 55.0(f) through (h), will cause that PLP or RSP to be removed from the PLP or RSP network and could result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PLP or RSP, especially if the motive for doing so was to assist the Jesuit Order in their goals for a worldwide dictatorship.
55.0(k) The national health care plan will include all medical treatments, equipment, etc. normally covered by standard American medical insurance (like Blue Cross/Blue Shield). Acupuncture can be very useful in our war against Jesuit terrorism and in removing from the Jesuits their use of the 666-Computer–so there will be extensive acupuncture coverage.
55.0(l) Because the coverage is so comprehensive, all treatments and medical helps (like eyeglasses, artificial limbs, etc.) covered must be created in a manner to minimize the Jesuits’ ability to control that person (via 666-Computer). The lenses for eyeglasses may be created in a manner to minimize the Jesuits’ ability to control that person (via 666-Computer) for example.
55.0(m) It is our goal to use this comprehensive coverage of the population to help free the population from the Jesuits’ illegal use of the 666-Computer. So all products and services covered by the plan will be created or utilized in a manner to maximize enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW, in order to wrest from the Jesuits their ability to control populations through illegal use of the 666-Computer and/or satellite.
55.0(n) In cases where eyeglasses are necessary and there is extreme financial hardship, frames and lenses will be covered at 100%. The patient (in this case) will choose from frames and lenses which the government will cover.
55.0(o) Patients can get scratch-resistant lenses for an extra minimal charge, along with progressive lenses for an extra minimal charge, lightweight for an extra minimal charge, etc.
55.0(p) In the national health care plan, those in extreme hardship, don’t have to pay the co-pay for visits. Regardless of income level, the co-pay will be the same for all visits–unless the person is so destitute that they cannot afford the co-pay. A co-pay will also cover prescriptions and so people will pay a minimal co-pay for prescriptions (like $5 a prescription).
55.0(q) Each service and prescription medication covered by the national health care plan, will be assigned a code and each participating provider or pharmacist can only charge the amount of the code to those patients in the national health care plan. The administrators (who will be medical professionals) will decide how much should be paid to each provider for services rendered.
55.0(r) There will be no outrageous charges for services. For instance, no way will a hospital charge $3.00 to administer one Tylenol tablet.
55.0(s) Once the administrators of a country’s health care plan come up with the set charges for each service, they will state under 666-Computer lie-detection that they have assigned charges for each service on the list (called the CODED PAYMENTS LIST) which are necessary and reasonable and are not excessive. No CODED PAYMENTS LIST can be approved by that country’s government until those who created the CODED PAYMENTS LIST pass 666-Computer lie-detection while making the above italicized statement.
55.0(t) Those pharmacists who charge more than the coded amount (to patients of the national health care plan) or who do not use the prescription medication which the doctor prescribed (according to the code of the national health care plan), will be investigated, and if found guilty of violating this Sect. 55, will be removed from the national health care plan as a participating pharmacist or pharmacy, and (in some cases, the violation, if done willingly and knowingly, may lead to the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR).
55.0(u) If alternative forms of medication are deemed effective in treating conditions, these alternative medicines will also be covered by the national health care plan, if these alternative forms are prescribed by a provider in the national health care plan. The patient may pay $5 for each medicine, to prevent widespread abuse of this benefit. The purpose for allowing coverage of alternative forms of medicines is to prevent financial hardship to those patients who are greatly helped by alternative treatments, but can’t afford the treatments. Some alternative medicines are expensive, but work, and should be covered by the national health care plan. In order to ensure the quality of alternative medicines, pharmacies will begin stocking these alternative medicines and will put them in a special section called ALTERNATIVE MEDICATIONS approved by the national health care plan. Only those alternative medications in this section will be covered by the national health care plan.
55.0(v) A study will be made of all companies which produce alternative treatments and medications and a quality assessment will be made of those products by the administrators of the national health care plan.
55.0(w) The administrators of the national health care plan must include professionals from all branches of medicine represented in the national health care team (according to their percentage of membership in the network). So, let’s say that 60% of the providers in the network are M.D.s , then 60% of the administrators must be M.D.s. If 10% of the providers are naturopathic physicians, then 10% of the administrators must be naturopathic physicians. If 40% of the providers are acupuncture doctors, then 40% of the administration must be acupuncture doctors. This is to ensure that each profession has the representation in the administration (according to the percentage of that profession in the national health care network). This is to ensure that some medical professions cannot bully or control other professionals. The goal is the maximum health of patients–not the bullying control of the national health care plan by the most powerful and politically clever medical professionals in the administration.
55.0(x) The high quality alternative products will be placed in the special section called ALTERNATIVE MEDICATIONS approved by the national health care plan. If a provider prescribes one of these products, then that product will be covered as a prescription medication under the national health care plan, even if it is bought over the counter–as long as it was one of the products in the special section called ALTERNATIVE MEDICATIONS approved by the national health care plan. It would probably be better to place these alternative medications in an area away from the customers, where a pharmacy assistant can retrieve them to prevent criminal tampering of the products, since these alternative products will be covered by the national health care plan just like any other prescription medication. When that alternative product is bought from this section, it must be purchased at a participating pharmacy, where it will be rung up a certain way, so that that pharmacy can be reimbursed by the national health care plan for the cost of the alternative medication. The patient would only be charged the minimal co-pay for the alternative medication.
55.0(y) Each patient in the national health care plan will have a genetic identification code (based on his/her genetic code).
55.0(z) Before each provider performs a service or prescribes any medication for any patient, he/she must go to his/her computer and write, say and/or sign a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) in which he/she will state that the service he/she will provide to (or the medication he/she prescribes for) his/her patient (with the genetic I.D. of _______) is to the best of his/her knowledge and/or ability the most medically appropriate and cost effective service or prescription for this patient and is designed to promote the health of this patient (with the genetic I.D. of ________) and to promote CONSPIRACY LAW and is not intended to harm this patient in any way. All participating providers are considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and must know CONSPIRACY LAW, or they can’t be part of the national health care plan.
55.1(a) All statements made by providers on this computer will be connected to the computers of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE which has jurisdiction over that provider. The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will screen all statements and those providers who fail 666-Computer lie-detection while making the italicized statement of Sect. 55.0(z), cannot prescribe or perform the service in connection with that statement.
55.1(b) Any provider who goes ahead and prescribes the medication or performs the service in the statement for which he/she has failed 666-Computer lie-detection or without making the required statement of Sect. 55.0(z), will be removed from the national health care plan and cannot be a provider in the national health care plan.
55.1(c) The only exception to this, will be if the provider has an emergency and does not have time to make the statement. In this case, the provider must make the statement AFTER THE EMERGENCY, in which he will state that the service he/she provided to (or the medication he/she prescribed for) his/her patient (with the genetic I.D. of _______) was to the best of his/her knowledge and/or ability, the most medically appropriate and cost effective service or prescription for this patient and was designed to promote the health of this patient (with the genetic I.D. of ________) and to promote CONSPIRACY LAW and was not intended to harm this patient in any way.
55.1(d) If a provider fails 666-Computer lie-detection after making the above italicized statement of Sect. 55.1(c), he/she will be investigated and if it is discovered that he/she willingly and knowingly provided inappropriate service or prescription(s) to his/her patient in order to harm his/her patient or to violate CONSPIRACY LAW, that provider will be removed as a health care provider from the national health care plan. The national health care plan strives to attract those providers who are true humanitarians and who care about their patients and about justice.
55.1(e) Providers and pharmacists in the national health care plan will be evaluated every six months by their peers (probably by an overseer board of their peers) and by their patients. No evaluations can be made by any UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT SUPPORTER (whether this UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT be a patient or a peer). 50% of the evaluation will be determined by that provider or pharmacist’s peers and 50% by that provider or pharmacist’s patients.
55.1(f) Each group of medical and pharmacy professionals in the national health care plan will be under the supervision of an overseer advisory board (composed of their peers), who will audit the work of those under their jurisdiction. Every provider will be on camera as he/she performs his/her work, and the advisory board can watch that provider any time they want. Also, 666-Computer evaluation of that provider’s brain as he/she performs services will also be included in the evaluation. The purpose for this surveillance is to write an evaluation of that provider. The advisory board will also contact around 100 patients (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) of that provider and determine the satisfaction that the patients have with that provider. Providers will be rated as SUPERIOR, GOOD, AVERAGE, POOR or FAILURE. Those with SUPERIOR or GOOD ratings will receive a certain pay increase at the six-month evaluation. The pay increase for SUPERIOR services will be greater than the pay increase for GOOD services. What this means is that that provider will be paid more by the national health care plan for each coded service which he/she provides to his/her patients. So, let’s say a dermatologist received a SUPERIOR rating, he/she will be paid more for acne treatment (for example) than another provider who is rated as GOOD. Those with AVERAGE ratings will receive a minimal increase (more like a cost-of-living increase). Those with POOR ratings will not receive a pay increase. Those with FAILURE ratings will be evaluated and will probably be removed from the national health care plan.
55.1(g) Patients will not be informed how much their provider is being paid for services. This matter will be kept confidential to protect the providers from being targeted by their peers or from being targeted by patients.
55.1(h) Specialists (or those with advanced training in certain fields) will automatically receive a higher payment for their services than those who are not specialists or don’t have advanced training. So, a dermatologist who provides skin care will receive higher pay for his/her services than a primary care provider. This means that for each coded service provided, that provider will receive a higher payment amount for that service than a general practitioner who provides that service.
55.1(i) However, if a primary care provider consistently receives SUPERIOR RATINGS, that primary care provider could eventually end up getting the same payment for services as a specialist, because he/she will get a raise every six months for his/her SUPERIOR service. The raise will be an increase in pay for coded services provided by that provider.
55.1(j) If a provider fails 666-Computer lie-detection while making the italicized statement of Sect. 55.0(z) or 55.1(c), he/she must alter his/her treatment plan or what he/she prescribes until he/she can pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding his/her treatment plan or his/her prescription for that patient.
55.1(k) Those providers who charge more than the coded amount for their service (to patients of the national health care plan) or who provide an unnecessary service or an inappropriate service to their patient, will be investigated, and if found guilty of violating this Sect. 55, will be removed from the national health care plan as a participating provider, and (in some cases, the violation, if done willingly and knowingly to promote Jesuit terrorism, may lead to the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR).
55.1(l) Because our providers are continually monitored and cannot perform any treatment, service or prescribe any medication without passing 666-Computer lie-detection, they will be immune from lawsuits by any attorneys outside the network of NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEYS.
55.1(m) If a patient is dissatisfied with the service performed by any provider, and desires to sue a provider, that patient must use the services of a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEY. Each patient who enrolls in the national health care plan will sign a statement that will make their enrollment contingent upon the fact that that patient forfeits the use of any attorney to assist him/her in any lawsuit brought against any provider, except those attorneys in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE network.
55.1(n) The NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEYs will be a group of lawyers who specialize in medical malpractice matters and will be hired by the federal government to handle disputes within the national health care network. These attorneys cannot bring any lawsuits against any provider until they pass 666-Computer lie-detection which states that they have a genuine grievance against this provider who they believe has caused willing and knowing serious harm or neglect to their patient and that this patient needs the services of this attorney to get the compensation needed to deal with the serious harm or neglect brought into this patient’s life by this provider.
55.1(o) Once an attorney passes 666-Computer lie-detection (while making the above statement),that patient who had a grievance will get free legal representation (paid for by the federal government). The patient can choose any attorney in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEY network and no attorney can be forced to take on a case. No case can be brought forward until an attorney passes 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the above italicized statement. Each attorney will decide if he/she wants to take on this case. The medical provider who is being sued will also get free representation by another attorney from the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEYS and can choose the attorney he/she wants from the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEY network, but no attorney can be forced to take on a case (unless that medical provider cannot find an attorney to represent him from the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE network–in which case the federal government will assign an attorney to that provider [from a list of attorneys which that provider can choose from] or unless that patient is determined to have a genuine grievance and cannot find an attorney, in which case the federal government will assign an attorney to that patient [from a list of attorneys which that patient can choose from]). The attorneys will be paid by the federal government. These legal fees will be considered part of the expenses of the national health care plan. It is hoped that because of the thorough screening before procedures (involving 666-Computer lie-detection), that there will be few lawsuits and high quality care given to patients. However, accidents and mistakes can happen and so there will be lawsuits and these lawsuits must be handled by NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEYS.
55.1(p) We want to make it attractive for high quality health care providers to be part of the national health care team. We want these providers to concentrate on high quality care and not be obsessed over lawsuits, which could intimidate them from taking creative, but effective, approaches to treatment of patients and that is why no patients can enroll in the national health care plan unless they agree to only use the services of a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEY should it become necessary to sue a provider.
55.1(q) The advantage of this system, is that the patient will get free legal services, if it is determined that he/she has a genuine grievance which requires compensation–but the patient, and not the attorney, will get most of the proceeds of the lawsuit. No attorney can receive more than 10% of the proceeds of the lawsuit. All attorneys are paid by the government by the hour and by the type of services they perform. If they win a case, they can receive no more than 10% of the lawsuit settlement. If they lose a case, they will still be paid by the hour and by the type of services they performed.
55.1(r) If it is determined that a patient willingly and knowingly brought a frivolous lawsuit against a provider and that patient loses his/her case against a provider, that patient will lose his/her coverage in the national health care plan and in cases where extreme hardship has been brought into the provider’s life (as a result of this lawsuit) that patient will be fined by the provider for wages lost and time lost by that provider to deal with the frivolous lawsuit. A CONSPIRACY LAW JUDGE or VOTER JURORS will determine the amount of the fine against the patient.
55.1(s) If a medical provider loses a lawsuit, he/she will have to make restitution according to the lawsuit’s outcome and may lose his/her license to practice in his/her field, especially if the harm brought was deliberate or criminally negligent.
55.1(t1) In order to trim the cost of malpractice insurance for medical providers, each medical provider in the national health care network must subscribe to the malpractice insurance offered by the national health care network. This insurance program will be administered by the national health care network and will be administered at the top by medical professionals and attorneys who are in the national health care network and who specialize in insurance. Those in the bottom ranks of the administration can be regular office workers. Certified public accountants will be hired to regularly analyze the premiums needed to create an effective, yet reasonably priced malpractice insurance program for the medical providers in the national health care network.
55.1(t2) It is the goal of the International government to create a malpractice insurance program which pays enough to the insurance professionals to give them adequate and fair compensation for their work in administering the program and creates enough of a pool of money to pay out lawsuits (by medical providers who lose their cases in the national health care network), but which does not pay these insurance professionals so much that the price of the malpractice insurance is unreasonably high.
55.1(t3) Because there will be limits on how much pay out can be given in lawsuits and because there will be no time wasted in recruiting medical providers to enroll in the malpractice insurance program and because no medical provider can remain in the network after he/she loses his/her 3rd malpractice case–it is anticipated that the premiums for this malpractice insurance will be minimal and should not greatly impact the medical provider’s salary.
55.1(t4) The cost of the premiums for the medical providers should be only high enough to cover the costs of those medical providers who lose their cases and need to make restitution and to pay those insurance professionals who manage the program a reasonable and fair amount for their services.
55.1(t5) If a medical professional loses a case, he/she will receive a full payout for his/her loss of the case from his/her malpractice insurance. However, after a medical provider loses his/her 3rd case, he/she will be dropped from the national health care network –and this will also help keep the costs of malpractice insurance low for the rest of the medical providers.
55.1(t6) Because all medical providers in the national health care network must subscribe to this malpractice insurance program to belong to the network, this means that the insurance professionals will not have to spend time in recruitment to get medical providers enrolled in their insurance program. The insurance professionals can spend all their time in administering the program and in making pay-outs to medical providers who lose cases. This, in itself, should reduce malpractice premiums, since insurance professionals don’t have to spend time recruiting medical providers into their insurance program. Their efforts will be more streamlined.
55.1(t7) The malpractice insurance professionals will be paid by the hour, not by how many insurance plans they sell. They will have government benefits, including full health coverage and retirement plans, etc. The hourly amount paid to the insurance professionals should be enough to give them a comfortable standard of living, but not so much that they live in luxury (unless that insurance professional has earned a high hourly pay rate over the years for outstanding work). The insurance professionals will be evaluated by their peers and by the medical providers who subscribe to their services (just like medical providers and attorneys are evaluated) and those insurance professionals who do the best and most efficient work in administering the program will receive raises every six months.
55.1(t8) Any medical provider who fails to pay his/her malpractice premiums will be removed from the national health care network and cannot be a medical provider in the network. No time will have to be wasted on getting medical providers to enroll in the malpractice insurance program, since it will be mandatory for every medical provider in the network to enroll in the malpractice insurance program of the national healthcare network. This, in itself, will greatly reduce the malpractice premiums.
55.1(t9) We anticipate that because of the efficient and cost-cutting ways this malpractice insurance program is set up, that the cost of malpractice premiums for medical providers in our national health care network, will be greatly reduced from what medical providers in the U.S. currently pay for malpractice insurance.
55.1(t) If a patient loses a lawsuit, he/she cannot force that provider to make restitution and must not pursue the matter anymore (unless the outcome is disputed by the CONSPIRACY LAW SUPREME COURT) or he/she will forfeit his enrollment in the national health care plan.
55.1(u) It is hoped that by eliminating outrageous lawsuits brought against providers, it will be possible to keep the costs of the national health care plan reasonable and affordable for everyone. That is why no one can enroll in this plan without agreeing to use only NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ATTORNEYS for disputes against providers.
55.1(v) The federal government will set settlement amounts (according to type of grievance) and the attorney will be paid by the hour (and by the type of service they render) and not by the amount of the settlement. The wronged patient will receive at least 90% of the settlement. There will be no huge awards like $1,000,000 unless this award is necessary for that patient. The amounts awarded will be what is needed to compensate that patient for the losses he/she incurred
55.1(w) These attorneys will also be rated by their peers and by the clients they represent, in a manner similar to how medical providers are rated [see Sect. 55.1(f) through (i)]. Those attorneys who provide SUPERIOR services will be paid more for every hour they work than those who provide GOOD services. Attorneys will be paid by the hour and by the type of service they render.
55.1(x) These cases will be decided by CONSPIRACY LAW JUDGES or by juries, depending on the case. If they are decided by juries, it will be by VOTER JURORS who will view the cases on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
55.1(y) A study will be made of all prescription medications and the most effective, safest and cheapest form of the medications will be the ones used by the plan. The national health care plan will have its own network of pharmacies which the patients in the plan must use (like an HMO). However, because this plan will have millions of members, the network of pharmacies could be quite extensive and this will give patients great choices in which pharmacy provider they want to use. The federal government which sponsors the national health care plan will do a review of charges for various prescriptions and will not cover prescriptions from unscrupulous and inordinately expensive pharmaceutical companies. The government will have its own network of pharmacies and doctors (who are in the federal plan).
55.1(z) To sum it up, the national health care plan will operate like a huge federally sponsored HMO, except that licensed medical persons (physicians, veterinarians, dentists, etc.) will be the administrators of the national health care plan and the charges will be based on a percentage of a person’s income (those with greater incomes pay more every month to be in the plan), but the minimal co-pays will be the same for all (for those who have to pay co-pays). However, because there are so many persons in the plan, it is expected that the monthly premiums will not be as steep as private health insurance has been, and more comprehensive coverage can be given to all persons and all legal persons in the country can be covered in the plan.
55.2(a) With this plan, persons will not have to go bankrupt when they develop expensive, chronic conditions and those who currently do not have health insurance will be covered. And people will not be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions, nor will they have to pay deductibles– and dental, optometrist, and alternative medical COVERAGE will be included, because poor dental health, faulty eye glasses and lack of use of effective alternative treatments makes it easier for Jesuits to control people’s brains. THERE WILL BE NO DEDUCTIBLES! This will be a very attractive plan.
55.2(b) EMPLOYERS CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE HEALTH CARE DEDUCTIONS WHICH THEIR EMPLOYEES MUST PAY TO BELONG TO THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, TO DEFRAY HEALTH CARE EXPENSES TO THEIR EMPLOYEES. This can be a means to give employers an opportunity to give their employees greater benefits. For instance, if a person works for a company that offers health insurance to their employees–as a result of this plan, that employer may be able to offer all those who work for their company FREE COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH, DENTAL AND VETERINARY COVERAGE FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES. This could turn out to be a very attractive benefit package to attract and keep high quality workers.
55.2(c) Regardless of employment or not, persons on welfare or in extreme poverty, would GET FREE COVERAGE IN THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN (which would include dental coverage). Everyone would have a health ID card to present to providers. This health ID card will contain the patient’s genetic code in an encoded version to protect the privacy of the patient, just like everyone in the U.S. has a social security card or its equivalent. This will assist the physicians who use the health ID card to make their statements on their computers.
55.2(d) Those persons who get free coverage will have to submit paperwork every four months or so, to verify that they are still in poverty and (as long as they are able to do so), they will continue to get free coverage. Only citizens of the country (or those who are legally in the country) can be in the plan. In this manner, it is hoped that illegal immigrants will not try to take advantage of the plan.
55.2(e) If a person has increased income, and forgets to submit his/her paperwork (to show his/her increase in income), then he/she may owe back payments to the government for the health care plan, BUT HIS/HER COVERAGE WILL CONTINUE, even if he/she has not made payment–but if the lack of payments continues for a long period of time–that person may eventually lose coverage or be put in jail or fined for the amount he/she owes to the national health care plan, for not following the law and for taking advantage of the system.
55.2(f) The advantage of enrolling in the national health care plan, would be that with the national health care plan THERE ARE NO PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS and no deductibles–that is– all health conditions will be covered and there will be more comprehensive coverage. Dental and optometrist coverage will be considered part of the national health care plan. If the person desires to cover their pets or animals, they can increase their deduction and enroll in the federal veterinary care plan. Also, all citizens of the country will be covered by the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN (if they desire)–all they have to do is to pay a minimal monthly fee or (in some cases) it will be FREE. Regardless of health conditions, pre-existing conditions, etc.–all persons are eligible for the national health care plan.
55.2(g) It is hoped that by creating a federal health care plan and a veterinary plan, we can more effectively remove from the Jesuits their ability to control people and animals with the 666-Computer, because we can use means (like general anesthesia and laser surgery on UNWILLING AGENTS or those who are strongly controlled by Jesuits) to wrest and hasten the removal of 666-Computer control away from the Jesuits. Eventually, once we free enough people from the illegal 666-Computer use by Jesuits–cancer, AIDS, heart conditions, etc. will be cured (or greatly minimized) and this will cause this national health care plan to become very cost effective. The pay off for the free laser surgery on the population will be a major decrease in mental health problems, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, heart attack, cancer, AIDS, etc. This will result in great savings and great health dividends to the population. The health savings can be passed onto the patient with decreased deductions from their income.
55.2(h) All those who enroll in the national health care plan must be evaluated by their primary care providers to determine if laser surgery on that patient’s brain would be beneficial to assist that patient against Jesuit attempts to control them (via 666-Computer). If the primary care provider determines that it would be beneficial for that patient to undergo brain laser surgery, that laser procedure will be completely covered for that patient by the national health care plan, in order to wrest from the Jesuits their ability to bring suffering or illegal control into that patient’s life (via illegal use of the 666-Computer).
55.2(i) The patient (especially if the patient is an UNWILLING AGENT) may just be told that it would be beneficial for that person’s health for him/her to undergo laser surgery on his brain and would be told what should be the outcome of the surgery (increased concentration, prevention of Alzheimer’s, etc.), but may not be told all the reasons why the surgery is beneficial. For instance, the patient may not be told that he/she is manipulated like a robot by terrorists. This may be too overwhelming for an UNWILLING AGENT patient. How to handle these cases will be decided on a case by case basis and family members (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) will definitely be involved in the decision-making. This should help to remove from the Jesuits their ability to control people as UNWILLING AGENTS and should also help to remove the Jesuits ability to bring on life-threatening conditions (via 666-Computer) on innocent persons.
55.2(j) Also, by making it optional for people to enroll in the national health care plan, it is hoped this will force the providers who work with this plan and the administrators of the plan to concentrate on quality care, since people can choose to go back to private insurance if the national health care plan turns out to be a flop.
55.2(k) Those who choose to remain with their company’s health care plan can choose this private coverage, if they desire.
55.2(l) Those persons with incomes less than a certain amount (regardless of whether they are employed or not) can be covered under the national health care plan and they won’t have to pay any premiums and, in cases of severe hardship, they won’t have to pay co-pays for visits. For instance, I think if a single person with no dependents has a gross income of less than $15,000 a year–that person can be automatically enrolled in the national health care plan, unless he/she chooses to go with a private health insurance plan.
55.2(m) The voluntary deduction from the paycheck from those who forfeit their private insurance (to accept this national health care plan deduction from their paychecks) to enroll in the national health care plan–will finance the national health care plan.
55.2(n) If a person chooses to accept this deduction to enroll in the national health care plan, that portion of his/her deduction which goes toward the national health care plan will be TAX FREE. It will be described as health deduction or something like that on his/her pay stub. THIS MONEY CAN ONLY BE USED TO FINANCE THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN AND CAN GO TO NO OTHER PURPOSE, any willing and knowing attempt or action to cause this money to be used for any other purpose other than the national health care plan, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. I believe that the money needed to enroll in the national health care plan will be cheaper than private insurance and people will have higher quality care and WON’T HAVE TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT PRE-EXISTING CONDITION LIMITATIONs or DEDUCTIBLES or high co-pays AND WILL GET DENTAL COVERAGE, so we should get large participation–enough to start a national health care plan in the U.S. We may allow those persons who have income to pay a cheap co-pay like $7 for each visit to minimize unnecessary visits.
55.2(o) Those on Medicaid or Medicare or Social Security or welfare will also be eligible to enroll in the national health care plan. That portion of the government’s money which was used to fund their Medicare or Medicaid benefits, will go into the national health care plan and help to finance the national health care plan. If these Medicaid or Medicare or Social Security recipients are paying money to a health insurance plan, they can stop their coverage with their private insurance plan and instead accept a voluntary deduction (or just make payments) to enroll in the national health care plan.
55.2(p) So the national health care plan will operate like a huge HMO, EXCEPT THAT THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THIS NATIONAL HMO will be medical doctors and dentists and medical people. Only person with licensed medical training can be the administrators of this national health care plan. No UNWILLING AGENTS can be the administrators of this national health care plan. Only a medical person is qualified to determine which care is medically necessary, and, for this reason, we will only allow medical people to administer this national health care plan.
55.2(q) In cases of a true emergency, where the patient must be brought to the nearest health care provider, including one who may not be in this health care plan, the physicians and/or all health care providers who gave care to the patient must make the required statement of integrity in patient care [see Sect. 55.1(c)], the same as if they belonged to the plan. They must also agree to only charge the patient the amount the patient would have been charged if the provider belonged to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.2(r) If a provider does not cooperate with Sect. 55.2(q) of this Section because he/she is not part of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, and he/she charges the patient amounts above what is allowed for the procedures he/she carried out on the patient OR he/she refuses to make the required 55.1(c) statement, he/she will be arrested as a Jesuit Conspirator, and may face the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator if he/she willingly and knowingly violated Section 55.2(q) of this document.. In addition to this, he/she will have to pay fines for each day that he/she harasses the patient for medical expenses that are NOT covered by the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
For the purposes of this legal document about the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, a PROVIDER is defined as anybody who gives medical, pharmacological, laboratory, hospital, or assists with medical services for a patient, including ambulance service.
55.2(s) All ambulance workers must belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN and must follow the guidelines of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, including making 55.1(c) statements RIGHT AFTER they provide care. Ambulance workers must also try to bring the patient to the health care facility that is part of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN if they can do so without endangering the patient’s life. Because they are members of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, they should know which facilities cooperate with the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. All ambulance workers will be given a scanner that can scan the genetic code of the patient to determine if that patient belongs to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. If that patient belongs to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, that ambulance worker must try to bring that patient to a facility that cooperates with the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN unless it would be life threatening to the patient to do otherwise.
But if the ambulance worker makes an honest mistake and brings the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN patient to a facility that does not work with the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, no fines will be involved and that facility must agree only to charge the allowable amounts (as outlined in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN) for their services. All emergency room health care workers and ambulance workers will be given scanners to determine if a patient belongs to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. They must use this scanner on EVERY patient they care for, to determine how to handle the care of that patient, by following the guidelines of this Section 55.
The NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN honors true emergencies, and won’t allow their patients to face bankruptcy over medical bills for needed care. Any health care provider or facility that willingly and knowingly violates this Sect. 55 and causes financial hardship for patients in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, will lose their license to practice or may lose their jobs. All covered medical expenses in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN will be reimbursed by the INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT, and the patient will not be liable, even if the patient must get emergency care from a provider NOT in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.3[a] In those cases where a person who is a member of their country’s Conspiracy Law NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, and who requires medical care in another Conspiracy Law honoring nation (that has the Conspiracy Law NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN), we will have International Law to ensure these people are cared for properly.
55.3[b] The HOST COUNTRY or the Conspiracy Law honoring nation that has the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN and that provides medical care to someone who is not a citizen of their country, but who is a legal citizen of another Conspiracy Law honoring nation (that has a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN) will be called the HOST COUNTRY.
55.3[c] Anytime a legal citizen of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and who belongs to their HOME COUNTRY’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN requires medical service in a HOST COUNTRY, their medical service will be paid for by their own or their HOME COUNTRY’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.3[d] So let’s say a Canadian who belongs to Canada’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN (and Canada is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation at the time) requires medical care in the United States. All the medical providers in the U.S. who were part of the U.S. NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN would be paid by the Canadian NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN according to the amounts set forth in the Canadian NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN for the services that were provided.
55.3[e] All Conspiracy Law honoring nations agree that if someone from another country’s Conspiracy Law NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN requires medical care in a HOST COUNTRY, that they will NOT bill the patient, but will bill that patient’s HOME COUNTRY’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.3[f] The providers in a HOST COUNTRY will agree to accept the amount for payment for their service that would be payment for an equivalent service in that patient’s HOME COUNTRY.
55.3[g] So, let’s say an American physician rated SUPERIOR performs a valve replacement surgery on the Canadian patient. That American physician will receive from the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN of Canada the comparable amount that a Canadian physician rated SUPERIOR would receive for that coded service (valve replacement surgery).
55.3[h] Those NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS that do NOT pay for the care of their patients in other Conspiracy Law honoring nations (according to the guidelines in this Section), will lose their status as a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. We take very seriously the health care of our citizens and the ability to maintain the financial stability and integrity of our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS.
55.3[i] All Conspiracy Law NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS will work together to provide health care to their patients. And the laws for all will be uniform, based on Sect. 55 of this document.
55.3[j] Physicians in our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS are free to accept or reject patients as they please, like physicians can do in private practice in the United States, which means they can reject patients from certain countries, if they so desire. If a physician chooses to reject a patient, he will be under the laws of his region or country in this matter. Different countries have different guidelines over whether a physician has the right to reject to provide service to a patient. The only time Conspiracy Law will intervene will be in the cases of OBVIOUS discrimination based on race, religion, ethnicity, sex, etc. Conspiracy Law takes seriously the right of all patients to have medical care regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, etc.
55.3[k] If a patient feels that a certain physicians is/are discriminating against them and refusing them care based solely on their ethnicity, race, sex, age, religion, etc., they can consult with our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN attorneys.
55.3[l] They have access to our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN attorneys who will represent them for free, as long as the attorney deems that patient has a valid case.
55.3[m] If that patient wins their case for discrimination, Conspiracy Law can help that patient find appropriate care and will FINE that physician for each discrimination lawsuit won against that physician. The FINE for the first offense will be slight. The FINE for each succeeding offense will increase. The amount of the fine will be determined by the severity of that physician’s discrimination. In extreme cases, that physician will be removed from the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. However, to discriminate against Jesuits is perfectly alright, because Jesuits are denied citizenship in Conspiracy Law honoring countries. Also we won’t fine physicians who want to deny care to a patient who they have reason to believe is a terrorist. If the physician can show just cause for believing that the patient is a terrorist, he cannot be fined for discrimination.
55.3[n] If it is determined that a patient willingly and knowingly brought a frivolous lawsuit against a provider and that patient loses his/her case against a provider, that patient will lose his/her coverage in the national health care plan and in cases where extreme hardship has been brought into the provider’s life (as a result of this lawsuit) that patient will be fined by the provider for wages lost and time lost by that provider to deal with the frivolous lawsuit. A CONSPIRACY LAW JUDGE or VOTER JURORS will determine the amount of the fine against the patient.
55.3[o] HOWEVER, to promote good relations between all Conspiracy Law honoring nations, those physicians who accept patients from poorer countries, knowing that by doing so, they serve humanity, will receive HUMANITARIAN BONUSES throughout the year, and our CPAs will try and calculate how much that physician could have made if they accepted only the patients from richer countries and would pay them the DIFFERENCE (of what they could have made if they only accepted patients from rich countries) PLUS an extra bonus above that to reward them for HUMANITARIAN SERVICE.
55.3[p] Our CPAs will study the patient records of all physicians in our networks to determine who is worthy of HUMANITARIAN BONUSES. This will be IN ADDITION TO the raises physicians get for their CODED SERVICES for SUPERIOR services, for example.
55.3[q] Any disputes about services, or lawsuits brought about because of services will be handled according to Sect. 55 of this document.
55.3[r] To make matters simple, all Conspiracy Law honoring nations will consider their NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS to be a SINGLE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, the only difference being that the payment amount to the providers will be determined by the payment amounts that that service would get in the patient’s HOME COUNTRY.
55.3[s] Let’s say the Canadian patient wants to sue for bad services received in the United States, the country that would have jurisdiction over the lawsuit would be the HOST country where the services were performed. However, if this is a hardship on the Canadian, the lawsuit can be conducted over Skype or through some sort of online conference. But other than this, that Canadian patient realizes that they can only use the lawyers in the American NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, as part of their privilege of belonging to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.4[a] How about patients who do NOT belong to their HOME COUNTRY’S Conspiracy Law National Health Care plan and wish now to be covered by their HOME COUNTRY’s National Health Care Plan for care received while they were NOT under their HOME COUNTRY’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN?
55.4[b] The way we’d handle this, is like this. We would use the criteria set forth in Sect. 55.0[c] to determine how much this person needs to pay to belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. Assuming their country is set up for monthly deductions from the paycheck, that patient would have to pay a monthly premium for their first year that is the amount they would owe for being a CURRENT patient in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN PLUS back amounts owed up to the time that the treatment started.
55.4[c] So, let’s say their monthly premium for being a current and NEW patient is ten dollars, but they had a heart attack two years ago and no other insurance has paid for this yet, and they need coverage or they will lose their house. Patients in our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN are not penalized for pre-existing conditions. HOWEVER, to keep our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN afloat, we do need to have some rules.
55.4[d] If they joined the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN this month and paid the current monthly premium, which is ten dollars, but they had a heart attack two years ago, and they have used insurance to cover 1/4 of the cost, the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN is only liable then for 3/4 of the cost of the heart attack, THE PART THAT HAS NOT BEEN PAID YET.
55.4[e] The patient agrees that by joining his/her country’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, and allowing the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN to cover the cost of a treatment carried out by those who may not have been members of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, that they waive all their rights to SUE any of the medical providers involved in the coverage PRIOR TO THEIR BELONGING TO THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, in order to have this coverage paid for by the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.4[f] We keep our costs down, by insisting that our patients only use our doctors and lawyers. But in cases where a patient had care performed by those outside our system, we will not pay for those services, if the patient plans to sue any of those providers.
55.4[g] With that being said, if the patient relinquishes their right to sue those who provided medical care for them prior to their belonging to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, we will cover 100% of the past care they received, and which HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR BY ANOTHER MEDICAL CARE PLAN OR INSURANCE.
55.4[h] So let’s say their monthly premium (based on their HOME COUNTRY’s system) is ten dollars, and the heart attack happened two years ago. That means this patient owes us TEN DOLLARS A MONTH plus ten times 24 months or $240 for their first month’s premium.
55.4[i] We will let each country determine how far back they are willing to go for previous treatment coverage. One country may allow up to five years back, another may allow up to two years back. So, let’s say Canada allows for two years back, and a new member joins who had a heart attack two years ago in the United States.
55.4[j] That member pays $250.00 (ten dollars for current premium plus all back premiums owed up to the time of first treatment for the heart attack).
55.4[k] Okay, now they’re in the system. The American physicians and health care providers who provided the care to the patient MUST AGREE TO THE AMOUNTS SET FORTH IN THE CANADIAN HEALTH CARE PLAN for the amount they are paid for services they provided to this patient for his/her heart attack (AND WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN COVERED ALREADY BY ANOTHER INSURANCE OR HEALTH CARE PLAN). Actually, the services paid for would not be limited to heart attack, but when the patient pays all the premiums owed for the past two years, they are covered for every condition which is covered by the CANADIAN NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN and which they received care for in the past two years, AND FOR WHICH THE PROVIDER HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN PAID.
55.4[l] But each country that adopts the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN agrees that when a patient becomes a member of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, that all health care providers must honor the payments system of that patient’s HOME COUNTRY’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN for any patients they care for who are members of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN or who become members of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.4[m] One of the goals of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN is to put a cap on outrageous medical costs, and most physicians should not mind this arrangement, because more than likely that patient would declare bankruptcy and then the doctor would get NOTHING. At least this way, the doctor gets paid, even if not the amount he/she would desire.
55.4[n] HOWEVER, patients in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN must use only the doctors and medical services of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, except in the cases of emergencies. In the case of an emergency, the patient can use OUT OF NETWORK physicians and medical providers, and when this happens, the patient’s physicians and medical providers must agree to the payment amounts they receive, which would be the same that a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN provider would get for similar services.
55.4[o] To make sure our patients are cared for properly in emergencies or if they got care from an OUT OF NETWORK provider because they could not find an NETWORK PROVIDER, we will cover the cost of their care–Unless, it is plain that the care they received was NOT an emergency or that they could have used a NETWORK PROVIDER. If there is any doubt as to whether it was a true emergency or that a network provider was NOT available, we will give the patient the benefit of the doubt and cover the medical care received.
55.4[p] Only in cases where there is NO DOUBT that it was NOT an emergency, and the patient HAD A NETWORK PROVIDER AVAILABLE that they DID NOT USE, will we deny coverage.
55.4[q] However, in all cases where we cover the services of a physician or medical provider who is not IN OUR NETWORK, the patient agrees to forfeit their right to SUE that provider.
55.4[r] If a patient SUES a provider in violation of their agreement with us, they will have to PAY US BACK all that we paid them for their medical care from an OUT OF NETWORK care provider. We would get that money through that patient’s TAXES. The amount they owe us would be calculated as tax that they owe us. In cases of hardship, we may give them up to several years to pay us back.
55.4[s] Patients who belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN can only sue providers who belong to a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN and who used the services of this provider WHILE THEY WERE PATIENTS IN THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, and if they do choose to sue while they were patients in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, the case falls under the jurisdiction of the HOST COUNTRY’S NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN statutes.
55.4[t] To calculate the amount of premium needed to cover these services, each country’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, will have their own CPAs who regularly assess the amounts needed to charge the patients (in premiums) to cover the costs of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.4[u] In cases of emergencies, like a nationwide Ebola outbreak, the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK may be called upon to help fund that nation’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
55.4[v] Anybody who is provider, lawyer, accountant or LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation must not be a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, and must never willingly and knowingly carry out their duties in a manner that supports any Jesuit conspiracy or causes willing and knowing harm to patients or to innocent persons. Those who willingly and knowingly support Jesuits or Jesuit conspiracies in the carrying out of the duties of a provider, lawyer, accountant or law enforcement person in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
55.5[a] In cases where a person is living overseas in a HOST COUNTRY, but are the CITIZENs of a HOME COUNTRY. They will be covered by their HOME COUNTRY’S NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN for as long as they remain citizens of their HOME COUNTRY and belong to their HOME COUNTRY’S HEALTH CARE PLAN. This means that though their HOST COUNTRY provides their medical care, their HOME COUNTRY will pay for it, and the provider of that HOST COUNTRY, must agree to the amounts that the HOME COUNTRY’s NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN would normally pay for such services.
55.5[b] In cases where the legal citizen of a HOME COUNTRY lives in a country that is NOT a Conspiracy Law honoring nation (A JESUIT NATION), and receives care from this country. We will pay for that care using the same guidelines that we do for OUT OF NETWORK physicians and care providers, but will not be responsible for any charges to the patient that are above our allowable amount for that service.
55.5[c] We will require PROOF that the patient received the medical care they want us to pay for, in the form of 666-Computer lie detection and mind reads, before we cover those services. We will run a scan on the patient and on the care provider, if we can, to verify that the patient received the care they are expecting us to pay for.
55.5[d] The patient should be aware that by choosing to live in a JESUIT NATION, that they take medical care from that nation AT THEIR OWN RISK. However, in cases where the patient wants to sue a provider from a country NOT under Conspiracy Law, we will not force the patient to sign a form relinquishing their right to sue a provider in a Jesuit Country. We will NOT force them to pay us back, if they choose to sue a provider from a JESUIT COUNTRY.
55.6 [a-1] Due to rampant corruption in all university medical research, especially those with federal funding, President Gail cancels completely the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980. All patents for all medicines granted under this act fall back under the jurisdiction of the federal government, and the federal government retains full patent rights on all health products that got government financing as a result of the Bayh-Dole Act. We do not want to encourage medical researchers to research with profit-motives in mind.
55.6 [b-1] Furthermore, Judy Mikovitz will be in charge of evaluating all products patented as a result of the Bayh-Dole Act and evaluating them and deciding if they are safe and effective. The FDA, CDC and NIH are ALL BANNED. Any one who continues to work for any of these organization will be executed.
55.6 [c-1] All workers in these organizations who have moral integrity and are not Loree McBride Jesuits will be migrated into the National Health Care Plan Research Organization. No research can be conducted until the researcher first passes a scan that evaluates their motives for research and/or the scan must occur before approval of any product or research. The scanner must pass a scan that what they are doing or approving of is best for the health of humanity to the best of their knowledge and is the most effective treatment or plan to alleviate whatever this research is supposed to cure/alleviate. If the researcher fails this scan, they cannot go forward with the research or they will be executed.
55.6 [d-1] Regarding patents for medicines and health cures. . .these are only allowed if the product is purely original and has no copies already in existence and cannot be used to make a profit off of the product. To discourage greed and conflicts of interest in creating medical cures, the government will reward medical researchers based on the effectiveness of their cure. There is to be no collaboration between medical research and marketing.
55.6 [e-1] To reward a scientist who has created a worthy medical product, the federal government will award them a bonus based on how effective the product is when used on actual patients. The data on the product’s effectiveness must be accurate and the person who presents this data must pass a scan for honesty to ensure they are not lying. Those who present inaccurate information about the effectiveness of the product with the intent to deceive the public into using an unsafe product, will be executed publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. The cost of the product must be as low as possible so that it will have greatest benefit to humanity. The more people that are helped by the product, the more of a bonus the patent owner will get from the government. The bonus will be considered the equivalent of a Nobel Prize in Medicine, Chemistry, etc.
55.6 [f-1] Because a lot of unsafe products, like the Covid vaccines, have already been patented, these must all be withdrawn from the market and any one who distributes them will be executed. Furthermore, effective medicines like Ivermectin. monoclonal antibodies, and hydroxychloroquine must be made available fully to deal with Covid infections.
55.6 [g-1] The goal of the National Health Care Plan Research Organization is to promote true research with the motive to benefit humanity and not to make a profit! This is why the marketing of the product must not be connected to the research and the reward for the product creation cannot be based on profits, but on a government award which is given purely on the product’s merit and not on how profitable it is.
55.6 [h-1] Furthermore, all products approved or banned by the FDA must be re-evaluated and given new approvals or bans based on the research of the National Health Care Plan Research Organization. The FDA, CDC and NIH are TOTALLY REPLACED by the National Health Care Plan Research Organization and any one who claims to represent the FDA, CDC or NIH and tries to influence the public will be executed.
55.6 [i-1] Brent Spiner M.D. has full authority to override Judy Mikovitz at any time and can work with her to make appointments inside the National Health Care Plan Research Organization. All patents granted by the government will be re-evaluated by the National Health Care Plan Research Organization and no longer can patent owners earn a profit off of their patents. From this day forward (Oct. 1, 2021), patent owners will be rewarded by the government based on the effectiveness of their product. All profits made from such products must be funneled to the government, who will store the profits in a special bank devoted to that purpose. If the product deserves the profits made, then those profits will be given to the patent holder as part of the government award to the patent holder to reward them for their effective and safe product. If the product is criminal and causes harm to people, the profits from the patented product will be paid out as damages to the victims of the criminal product.
55.6 [j-1] By revamping the system for patents, Gail hopes to discourage profiteers from creating and marketing criminal products on the public. This system for patents for medical products must be in place in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
55.6[aa1] UPDATE: Executive Order on Oct. 19, 2021: No government money can be used for abortion, except through the National Health Care Plan, all such illegal usage will bring the death penalty. All payment processors in these organizations must be transformed into perfectpenis payment processors to ensure my laws are honored. Ron Paul has a very informative article about this today.
55.6[aa2]An abortion is defined as aborting a fetus. A fetus is defined as any human fetus conceived through willing and knowing sex with a partner that is more than a week old according to the time when it originated or was conceived, not according to accelerated growth hormone age. Fetuses with accelerated growth hormones are usually Jesuit babies that need to be aborted, which usually came into existence via a lab (illegal) or through rape or a semen bomb of some sort.
55.6[a] All abortions must be performed in a manner that keeps the fetus alive and unharmed, using the same technology that Bill Nye developed to transport poop from Gail’s men’s rectum to outer space in Jan. 2019. As of May 2019, Roe vs. Wade in the United States has been overturned and replaced with this Sect. 55.6 of Conspiracy Law. The exception will be if it turns out that TRANSPORTER C-SECTIONs do not work to remove the fetus alive and without harm from the mother’s womb and if this procedure does not work as outlined in this Sect. 55.6. In that case, Roe vs. Wade (or its equivalent law in the country) will remain in effect.
To ensure that the TRANSPORTER C-SECTION is performed safely and in accordance with Conspiracy Law, only those health care providers that belong to the PLP or RSP network can perform TRANSPORTER C-SECTIONS. Before they conduct the TRANSPORTER C-SECTION, they must state under 666-Computer mind reads and scans that they are doing this in accordance with Conspiracy Law and are not doing it to violate Conspiracy Law or to remove the fetus from the woman without the woman’s willing and knowing permission. The woman participating in the TRANSPORTER C-SECTION must also take an oath before the procedure stating that she has made this decision of her own free will and that she is aware that by doing so, she is putting up her fetus for adoption for another family to adopt her child when it become a full term baby. If either the health care provider doing the TRANSPORTER C-SECTION or the mother fails this scan, the TRANSPORTER C-SECTION procedure cannot go forward.
Planned Parenthood in the U.S., or its equivalent in a country, must belong to the National Health Care Plan of that country. Once the TRANSPORTER C-SECTION goes into effect, all ABORTIONS ARE BANNED to be replaced with TRANSPORTER C-SECTIONs. All abortion equipment MUST BE REMOVED from all Planned Parenthood facilities, to be replaced with the app or whatever is used to carry out TRANSPORTER C-SECTIONs. Willing and knowing failure to remove abortion equipment from all facilities that practice abortion will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
55.6[b] Bill Nye will work with the Nanotechnology Research Team to develop technology making it possible to do a transporter c-section (in place of ALL abortions) that should be painless for both the mother and the baby and that saves the baby’s life. Using transporter technology, the baby will be transported live and unharmed to an in vitro lab where it will grow to full term in a laboratory, very similar to how Jesuits grow and create their clone babies.
55.6[c] This will solve the problem of the new, overly restrictive Alabama law (May 2019), which outlaws abortions, even for rape and incest. If the baby is transported LIVE from the mother’s womb to a laboratory, to be grown in the lab, this will NOT be considered an abortion under Conspiracy Law, but will be considered a TRANSPORTER C-SECTION.
55.6[d] It is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law to treat a TRANSPORTER C-SECTION as an abortion under the law. No mother will be punished for removing her baby from her womb using a TRANSPORTER C-SECTION, when she does so of her own free will.
55.6[f] Babies transported from a mother’s womb to be grown in a laboratory (via TRANSPORTER C-SECTION), will be offered for adoption when the baby reaches full term. Care must be taken to ensure the baby is placed into a family that supports Conspiracy Law and that genuinely desires to have this baby and to raise it to be a productive member of society. We will set up an international adoption agency that will place the baby where it can be raised in a happy, healthy family somewhere in the world. Conspiracy Law is aware that some countries, like China, that may belong to our Conspiracy Law network, have a system of abortion in place to limit the size of families. This will no longer be tolerated in a Conspiracy Law honoring country. In the case of a country like China, we will allow countries to impose limitations on the size of families, but the unwanted pregnancy must be handled according to this Sect. 55.6. We can easily place the Chinese baby with a family from another country. The unwanted pregnancy will be terminated using TRANSPORTER C-SECTION, the live and healthy fetus extracted from the womb using TRANSPORTER C-SECTION will be grown to full term in vitro in a lab and then placed for adoption in a country outside of China.
55.6[g] Because of the ability to transport fetuses safely from a mother’s womb to a laboratory using TRANSPORTER C-SECTION, it is now considered murder to abort fetuses (regardless of how far along the pregnancy is) rather than use TRANSPORTER C-SECTION to remove the baby safely from the womb to a laboratory where it can grow to full term. Once the baby is removed to a laboratory, the physicians in the lab can there decide whether the baby should be grown to full term (if the baby is seriously defective).
If the fetus is defective, our team of scientists will determine if it is in the best interests of the fetus to keep it alive after it has been extracted from the woman’s womb using TRANSPORTER C-SECTION. We will determine if there is a family out there willing to adopt this defective baby. If we cannot find a family to adopt it, then the fetus will be destroyed using the most painless method possible. My guess is that most fetuses, even defective ones, will find a home. Some people may view a defective fetus, like they would a pet, and would raise it with love in spite of its imperfections.
55.6[h] This new technology ends the abortion debate ONCE AND FOR ALL. Those against abortion, cannot have any objection to transporting the baby LIVE to a lab where it can grow to full term and be offered for adoption.
55.6[i] Those FOR abortion cannot complain about a PAINLESS procedure, that cleanly removes the baby from the womb without harm to the mother or fetus and that is paid for 100% by the National Health Care Plan and that allows the baby to live.
56.0 All workers (social workers, physicians, maids, etc.) in the homeless CARE CENTERS are considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and must not be UNWILLING AGENTS and those professionals (social workers, physicians, vocational guidance counselors, etc.) in the CARE CENTERS must know CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 28.8[c7] of ICL:ST).
56.0(a1) It will be the job of the MILITARY POLICE, to ensure that all adult (18 years of age or older) homeless people are treated according to HOMELESS CATEGORY A or HOMELESS CATEGORY B, in order to assist these people and give them the breaks they need to get back on their feet.
56.0(a) It will be the job of the MILITARY POLICE, to ensure that juvenile homeless persons are treated according to Sect. 56.0(x) and (y) of this document.
56.0(b) The adult homeless will be divided into two categories: Those who are homeless because of medical problems or addictions (like alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.), called HOMELESS CATEGORY A and those who are homeless because of other reasons, called HOMELESS CATEGORY B.
56.0(c) Those in HOMELESS CATEGORY A will be placed in government sponsored CARE CENTERS, where they will be treated, fed and housed free of charge and helped to regain their health and/or to be removed from their addictions. There will be some cross-over between the national health care plan of that homeless person’s country and the CARE CENTERS, so some of the money which is contributed to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK for the HOMELESS may be used to pay for the services of medical professionals and other professionals who care for sick homeless persons. In this respect, the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN will receive some funds from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (in order to give them the financial assistance to care for those homeless persons who need medical assistance). The CARE CENTERS for the homeless will not be finances by taxes, but by donations from those who donate to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and by some funds from the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN (to pay the salaries of physicians and others who treat the homeless).
56.0(d) We prefer to use the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to finance the care of the homeless, because there is strict financial accountability in the ICB and this should help to ensure that all monies donated to the homeless, WILL BE USED FOR THE HOMELESS and not for nefarious purposes.
56.0(e) Those homeless in government sponsored CARE CENTERS will have to follow the rules of the CARE CENTERS. There will be curfews and rules for quiet. They must not trash out their premises and must keep their area clean and organized–so that their area will not become a health problem to the CARE CENTERS, if they have the health to do so. They will be instructed how to dispose of their waste, how to use the restrooms, kitchens and other areas where illness could be spread, so that they will not spread illness by stupid actions, like throwing vomit filled (or feces filled) napkins into open trash receptacles. These are called SANITATION RULES and if these rules are violated, then these homeless will not be allowed to remain in the CARE CENTER and may be moved to another facility where they will be strictly monitored.
56.0(f) If the homeless are bedridden, then maids will be hired to keep their premises clean. There will be inspections. No loud music can be played or no loud noises can be made which could disturb their neighbors. No illegal drugs are permitted on the premises and no drunkenness will be tolerated on the premises. No guns or dangerous weapons will be permitted on the premises. If the homeless need transportation to and/or from their CARE CENTER, a van may be used to transport them to and from locations; or they may request and order needed materials from orderlies who will go and purchase for them what they need.
56.0(f1) The set-up will be like a dormitory or college housing complex, and there may be a cafeteria and some rooms may have cooking facilities. A cafeteria may be necessary for those who are sick (like diabetics) and need to be on special diets.
56.0(g) No homeless person will be placed in the mentally ill section, unless he is diagnosed as mentally ill person (prone to violence or suicide) by a PLP or RSP. Those homeless in the mentally ill section, will not be permitted to have anything on their person or in their premises which could be used for suicide or murder (such as knives, ropes, guns, etc.). It will be our goal to bring these mentally ill homeless back to good mental health and to release them from the CARE CENTER as soon as it is safely possible. They will be placed in treatment programs to help them regain their mental health. These programs will be administered by PLPs (who are trained in psychiatry). However, the psychiatry practiced by these psychiatrists must be done according to the guidelines of Sect. 5 of GENERAL 666-COMPUTER OR SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS. We have found it necessary to redefine mental illness, since many mental illness categories are not accurate and need to be redefined (see Sect. 5 of GENERAL 666-COMPUTER OR SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS).
56.0(h) If the rules for the CARE CENTERS are violated, those homeless will be released from the CARE CENTER and placed in jail or in other CARE CENTERS where they will be strictly monitored and controlled (possibly with barbed wire enclosures and locked cells).
56.0(i) When, and if, these homeless are brought back to health or removed from their addictions to the point that (if they had the training), they could be successful at a financially stable occupation, they will be placed in training programs to help them gain skills and/or degrees in order to obtain employment. These training programs will be administered by those who are experts in analyzing people (and who will use 666-Computer analysis of I.Q. and hidden talents), in order to determine where these homeless people can find their “niche” in the job market.
56.0(j) It is our goal to train these homeless people to develop their talents and skills so that they can be prepared to enter occupations (for which they are suited and for which they have skills, aptitudes and interests). This will help to strengthen the economy and will help to contribute valuable workers into the workforce. After we screen the homeless and present to them the results of our 666-Computer analysis of their aptitudes, abilities, interests, etc.– that homeless person (if not mentally ill as determined by Sect. 5 of GENERAL 666-CL) can choose which training program they want. If we feel they’ve made a poor choice, we will advise them otherwise, but we will not force them to adopt our guidelines.
56.0(k) However, once they enroll in a training program, they must be faithful to it, so it is important for them to make a wise choice. If, they follow a training program, which we do not advise for them, and fail in it because it is determined they are not fit for that occupation (as determined by 666-Computer analysis of their brain), then the next time they must go into the training program which we recommend for them. If they fail because of unforeseen health problems or other reasons (besides lack of suitability for that field), then we will allow them to continue in that training program, if they desire. We will let them start over and try again, if they are still interested in that field and it is determined they are suitable for that field.
56.0(l) Once a homeless person is placed in a training program, he/she will have to report regularly to his/her social worker, to ensure that he is following his/her training program and is progressing in his/her training program. The training program will be designed so that the homeless person (in spite of his/her disabilities) will be able to successfully complete that program, if he/she is diligent and committed to that training program. We may allow the homeless to study at his/her own pace or on the internet or by computer or in classroom or a mix of both, but a program will be outlined for each homeless person which best suits his/her style of acquiring knowledge and/or skills for an occupation and that homeless person must follow his/her training program with deadlines established for completing the modules of his/her training program.
56.0(m) Part of the training, will include on-the-job training, where he/she will be immersed into his occupation as an apprentice. The homeless person will be paid for his/her work as an apprentice in his/her field. The purpose for allowing the homeless person to work as an apprentice in his/her chosen field is to ensure we have placed this homeless person in the right training program. If he/she bombs out (or feels miserable or out of place) as an apprentice in his/her field, we may put him/her in another training program for another field. The reasons for the failure as the apprentice will be analyzed and the homeless person may be transferred to another training program for another field. Generally, people tend to be happy in work for which they are suited. So, if this person hates his/her apprentice job, he/she may be training for the wrong profession. We will strive to spot these misplacements early, so that we can place the homeless person in the right occupation, so that our training on him/her will not be wasted.
56.0(n) For example, let’s say we determine that we have a homeless person with a high I.Q., who is an outstanding candidate (but somehow got bad breaks and ended up homeless). And this person has an interest and aptitude for medicine. And 666-Computer analysis of that person’s brain indicates that this person, if trained, because of his/her interests, intelligence, personality profile, humanitarian instincts, etc.would make a fine medical doctor. We will strive to train the homeless to enter fields for which they are suited and for which they are interested, and for which they can make valuable contributions to society. This will give that homeless person satisfaction and when a homeless person is happy on his/her job, then he/she is no longer on the streets. We will use 666-Computer analysis of that person’s brain and compare it to the profile we obtain of those who are successful in various occupations, to best determine which training program to place this homeless person in. For instance, if this homeless person’s brain profile matches those of about 80% of the successful medical doctors, we may recommend for him/her to pursue a medical course of study.
56.0(o) This homeless person may be placed in a training program to be a medical doctor. We would pay for the training. We may start him/her off in a pre-med course of study and have him work as an apprentice in a medical field (possibly as an orderly for surgeons or as an orderly in a hospital or medical office, etc.). Because medical training is so involved, we would place such a homeless person in a training program that would prepare him for a medical related field (not as involved as medical school, at first–to see how he/she does). For instance, we may first place him in training to be a pharmacist or pharmacy assistant or to be a medical technician or medical technologist. And then if he/she does well in this and continues to advance, he may eventually end up becoming a licensed physician. But, in the meanwhile, he/she will have an employable skill, such as pharmacist or medical technologist. He may then hold a position as a medical technologist or other more advanced position above medical orderly. Eventually, if he/she sticks with the program, he may end up becoming a licensed physician.
56.0(p) Many homeless people have vast talent and because of bad situations in their lives, this talent is wasted. We will strive to give these people a “break” and to help them find employable ways to use their energies and get them off the streets and into financial independence.
56.0(q) Before we place the homeless into any training program, we will analyze each homeless person, according to 666-Computer analysis of his/her brain, in order to determine I.Q., psychological profile, his/her interests, his/her abilities, and how closely his/her brain profile matches the brain profiles of those who are successful in their occupations, etc. to determine which training programs are best suited for these homeless persons.
56.0(r) Those in HOMELESS CATEGORY B may be placed in government sponsored housing with stipends for food, but depending on the person, may just be given some financial assistance to help them in hard times. If they are given financial assistance, it will be in the form of a money card (like a food stamps card) which can be used to help them purchase the necessities. This would be very similar to the welfare and food stamps program in the United States. Each case will be evaluated individually by government social workers who will study that person’s circumstances and will decide what will be the best form of action for this person.
56.0(s) If we feel it is helpful, we will also place some of those in HOMELESS CATEGORY B into training programs to prepare them for occupations which would get them off the streets and move them into occupations where they can make valuable contributions to society.
56.0(t) If, they cannot afford the training they need, we will pay for their training and they will have to report to our social workers (who will monitor their progress in their training module). Their training will be handled as described in Sect. 56.0(i) through (q) for HOMELESS CATEGORY A. This could be a way to create talented lawyers, doctors, teachers, accountants, government workers, etc. to enter the workforce. We will not train the homeless for a field in which their financial stability is uncertain (such as actress, musician, etc.) since our goal is to get these people off the streets. However, once that homeless person has financial stability, they can pursue these other careers or interests on their own. It must be noted that if the homeless person has a passion for a financially uncertain field, he/she could train for a similar field (which is more financially solid–like technical writer or scientific writer or medical doctor who advises screenwriters and technical people in Hollywood) in which he/she could acquire skills (like writing skills) which would help him/her in his/her “dream” job. These skills could be transferred to his/her dream job (like minister, missionary, fiction writer, actress, screenwriter, poet, news broadcaster, etc.) later. We may even allow the homeless person to act as an apprentice in his/her dream field (freelancing screenwriter, missionary) while he/she trains for the more financially solid job (technical writer, doctor, nurse, teacher)–since, for instance, the skills required to be a good screenwriter can help one to be a creative and better technical writer.
56.0(u) The financing for HOMELESS PROGRAMS for those in CATEGORY A or B will come from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and from donations made to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK for the HOMELESS.
56.0(v) Donations can be made to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK for the HOMELESS and all donations made to this fund can only be used to help the homeless, if this money is willingly and knowingly used for any other purpose, that will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who illegally handled the funds.
56.0(w) Our goal is to get people off the streets, away from addictions and crime and into the workforce where they can make contributions to society and be useful members of society.
56.0(x) THOSE HOMELESS PERSONS WHO ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE OR WHO ARE YOUNG ENOUGH TO NEED THE GUIDANCE OF A FAMILY AND PARENTS and, if it is deemed they would do best in a family situation, will be placed with adoptive families, according to the guidelines of Sect. 7 of INTERNATIONAL REPRODUCTIVE LAWS.
56.0(y) Those younger homeless with a history of medical problems, drug addictions, etc. will be treated according to HOMELESS CATEGORY A for adults, but may be placed in special CARE CENTERS for juveniles.
56.0(z) Any willing and knowing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 56, with the goal to assist the Jesuit Order in their goals for a worldwide dictatorship, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
57.0(a-1) Though Gail’s Conspiracy Law does not like to interfere with the autonomy of states or regional governments (such as cities, regions, counties or states), she may need to, if these states allow Jesuit or Jesuit supporters to pass laws or statutes that unfairly repress LEGAL CHARITIES or individuals who operate a charity. For the purpose of this Section, a STATE is defined as any region, city, state, province that is a part of the whole country of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation.
57.0(b-2) It has been brought to Gail’s attention that certain cities in the United States, for instance, are passing OUTRAGEOUS LAWS that fine good people for the charitable work they do, or order them to STOP. Food banks are ordered to stop their services claiming that they violate city statutes, by allowing too many cars in their parking lot, for instance. Gail feels this is an attempt by Jesuits, to sabotage her rule in Conspiracy Law honoring nations to make her seem responsible for these outrageous laws.
57.0(c-1) Gail wants to honor those who take part in charitable works and does not like generous people to be penalized for their work. No STATE in a Conspiracy Law honoring nation can pass any laws that forbid a LEGAL CHARITY from carrying out their work, unless they put their edict to a vote by the people in that STATE. The vote must be conducted according to Sect. 8 of Conspiracy Laws & Government.
57.0(d-1) A LEGAL CHARITY is defined as a charity or person that operates in accordance with Conspiracy Law to carry out services to their community to assist those in need of food and/or shelter, etc. (i.e., that is truly charitable and not an undercover terrorist operation for the Jesuits). For instance, we will not allow the Jesuit Order to conduct charitable operations because it is a terrorist organization and only uses charities as a public relations ploy to justify its terrorist operations. The way we will determine if the charity is a LEGAL CHARITY will be by using a JESUIT SCANNER on those involved in the charity and also by asking them under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion reads if they support any religion or political beliefs that would order the death of those who do not adopt their religious creeds (such as Islamic militant beliefs, or Roman Catholic beliefs). If it is determined that this is a LEGAL CHARITY, then no STATE is allowed to pass any law to ban them from their work unless they go to the people of the state who are served by this charity.
57.0(e-1) We want to discourage STATES from banning LEGAL CHARITIES, and to make it difficult for them to do so, all STATES must ask the people of that STATE to vote over whether to allow this LEGAL CHARITY to operate, OR if they want to lay down ridiculous conditions governing how this charity carries out its work, they need to allow the people of their STATE to vote over the conditions they are allowed to impose on that LEGAL CHARITY.
We will allow the people of the state to vote over this matter, because it concerns the people of the state and their wishes should be honored over the wishes of possible Jesuit power brokers who may put their personal wishes over the wishes of the people.
Most Jesuit government oppression seems to target INDIVIDUALS, as opposed to organized religion, which is an unfair oppression of the freedom of INDIVIDUALS to follow their conscience without undue interference from the government.
57.0(f-1) If that charity has been operating for years without major complaints from the communityit serves, the STATE does not have the right to regulate how it conducts its business or to shut it down, without getting a vote from the people of the STATE about the charity.
The voters must give the public choices that are fair to vote over, and the options that support the state’s view as opposed to the individual (or LEGAL CHARITY) must be written by the attorney general of that state (or a prominent attorney for the state) and the option that supports the charity’s view must be written by an attorney who will present the alternative vote (who will be an attorney paid for by the state, if the individual or LEGAL CHARITYso desires) OR the individual or LEGAL CHARITY can write up the option (to be voted on) herself/himself if they so choose , which represents the interests of the individual(s) or LEGAL CHARITY conducting the charity.
The voters must be given the option to reject all options if they don’t like any of the options presented. If this happens another vote needs to be taken to come up with options that the voters will accept.
Only when an option has been approved by the voters, can the STATE shut down a LEGAL CHARITY from operation or set down regulations about its operations, if that LEGAL CHARITY has been operating in that community for years without any major complaints from the public.
57.0(g-1) Any willing and knowing violation of these laws for LEGAL CHARITIES with the intent to serve the interests of the Jesuit Order (who are AGAINST freedom of conscience and freedom of religion and expression), will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
Generosity is a trait that should always be encouraged, as long as the charitable individual in the carrying out of his charity is not trampling on the rights of others in the process. THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS are defined as the rights of others to have the freedom to choose their own religion, political persuasions, health habits, etc, as long as those actions do not infringe on the sanitation, health and freedoms of the community this charity serves.
57.0 Because of tremendous problems the International government has experienced with the Jesuit’s use of UNWILLING AGENTS, each country’s head-of-state and each major corporation’s chief executive officer will designate in legal written documents those persons who will act as back-ups in the event that that head-of-state or chief executive officer becomes an UNWILLING AGENT. Any other leader of any kind, who has significant responsibilities that can have a significant impact on the world, will also have back-ups as described in this Sect. 57.
57.0(a) It is good to prepare for this in advance, in order to make it clear that this replacement is what the leader would have desired if he/she was himself/herself. This way when we have returned to that leader his/her AUTHENTIC personality and he/she resumes his/her leadership responsibilities, the transition should be smooth and the Jesuits will not be able to orchestrate a jealousy conspiracy between that leader and his/her temporary replacement.
57.1 The back-ups for each country’s head-of-state and for each major corporations’s chief executive officer or other significant leaders will be decided upon by Dr. Peter S. Spiner (in cooperation with each country’s head-of-state and each corporation’s chief executive officer and each significant leader). Dr. Spiner is a well read and well traveled person and is savvy in all matters. He’s been all over the world. He knows a little bit about everything. He’s also read the Bible through hundreds of times. So, he is a good choice to choose who should be temporary back-ups for all heads-of-state and chief executive officers and other significant leaders throughout the region of the International government.
57.2 A back-up must be a person who is so steeped in the Bible (or its equivalent–like Germany’s Martin Luther Bible or Die Heilige Shrift), so that the Jesuits are unable to use that person as an UNWILLING AGENT. The person does not have to be a church goer, but must be a person who has a regular, daily habit of reading the Bible (or its equivalent) and who has done so for years and who is a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT. We have firm evidence that those persons who are Bible READERS WITH FOCUSED INPUT, cannot be used as UNWILLING AGENTS. For some reason, those who have a strong and consistent daily Bible reading habit and have had this habit for years, cannot be used as UNWILLING AGENTS.
57.3 The person who is chosen as a back-up must have the capability, experience, and knowledge required to perform the duties of a country’s head-of-state or of that corporation’s chief executive officer or of that leader, should that country’s head-of-state or that corporation’s chief executive officer or that leader be transformed into an UNWILLING AGENT by the Jesuits.
57.4 For example, Vladimir Putin, in cooperation with Dr. Brent Spiner will designate in a written legal document (signed by Vladimir Putin and Dr. Spiner and any others involved in the writing of this document) —that Dr. Spiner and other named persons will be used as back-ups to perform the duties of the Russian President, in the event that the Jesuits are successful in transforming Vladimir into an UNWILLING AGENT sometime in the future. This document will stipulate that once that head-of-state or chief-executive officer or leader is no longer an UNWILLING AGENT, that he/she will resume his former duties as head-of-state or chief-executive officer or leader.
57.5 This document will also name these back-ups in order, such as 1st choice, 2nd choice, etc. If any of the back-ups are UNWILLING AGENTS, this document will state that the next in line must be used as a back-up and that no UNWILLING AGENT can perform the duties of a head-of-state or of a chief-executive officer or leader.
57.6 So we will have back-ups for the CEO of Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS, the CEO of Chrysler, all the Presidents and heads of state and all significant leaders for all the countries that are part of the International government, so that we will be prepared for any surprise takeover of any head-of-state or chief executive officer or significant leader as an UNWILLING AGENT by the Jesuits.
57.7 It will be the job of each country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, in cooperation with any PLP or RSP networks who have knowledge of a takeover of any head-of-state or chief-executive officer or leader, to provide evidence that a head-of-state or chief-executive officer or leader has been transformed into an UNWILLING AGENT. Once this evidence has been submitted, then immediately the back-up will takeover the duties of that now UNWILLING AGENT head-of-state or UNWILLING AGENT chief executive officer or now UNWILLING AGENT leader.
57.8 In the meanwhile, that head-of-state or chief executive officer or leader who has been transformed into an UNWILLING AGENT, will undergo surgery (or whatever it takes) to remove from the Jesuits their ability to control that leader as an UNWILLING AGENT. And we will try to restore to that head-of-state or chief executive officer or leader his/her authentic personality.
57.9 If any member of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE or of any PLP or RSP network, willingly and knowingly neglects to report to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. as soon as safely possible that a head-of-state or chief executive officer or leader has been transformed into an UNWILLING AGENT, that person will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. It is essential to have this knowledge immediately, since this is a very big problem and gives the Jesuits serious and devastating advantages which we cannot permit.
57.9(a) It goes without saying that any attempts or actions to use any person, especially a head-of-state or chief executive officer or significant leader, as an UNWILLING AGENT, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
57.9(b) Whenever a head-of-state, chief-executive officer or significant leader has been temporarily replaced, because that head-of-state, chief-executive officer or significant leader is an UNWILLING AGENT– this matter will be reported on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and will be reported to those who need to be informed of this replacement (such as that UNWILLING AGENT’s spouse or family or those who work closely with that UNWILLING AGENT). That UNWILLING AGENT leader’s family and close associates must be informed that another person has taken over the responsibilities of that UNWILLING AGENT leader, so that they can adjust to and deal with the situation. When we report the matter, we will state that this report is not an indictment of that leader, but rather a sad commentary on the power of the 666-Computer in the hands of the Jesuits and that we will do all in our power to restore to that leader his/her authentic personality as soon as possible. But that we cannot afford to allow any leader to perform such significant responsibilities while he/she is being used as an UNWILLING AGENT or else we will lose the war against Jesuit terrorism.
57.9(c) Dr. Spiner will choose the replacement(s) for myself in a written legal document, should I be transformed into an UNWILLING AGENT. I am very steeped in the Bible and I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening. I have read the Bible for about an hour a day for at least 30 years. This is why the Jesuits are not having much luck with me. I think the Jesuits realize the only way they can neutralize me is to bankrupt me or kill me, and they’ve been trying to do this for years. Should I be replaced, then any laws I write will not be used and all measures will be taken to restore to me my former personality. I do not predict that I will be used as an UNWILLING AGENT, but rather that my health, finances and life will be attacked. The Jesuits figured out a long time ago, that I am too steeped in the Bible (which they despise) and that they will have to get at me from other angles.
58.0.1 Before the following section is implemented on GCFNC, GCFNC will present scientific and statistical evidence (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that a daily and long-entrenched habit of reading the Bible (or its equivalent) is the best protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. We will also present evidence that other forms of brain exercise (such as extensive reading habits) can also offer effective protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. However, we have firm evidence that one who daily reads the Bible has ten times better protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT than one would get from reading other materials on a daily basis.
58.0.2 The Jesuits will accuse us of religious proselytizing by presenting this material, but all we are doing is presenting SCIENTIFIC AND STATISTICAL EVIDENCE and we are acting upon this evidence. And that is why this Sect. 58 has been written and will pass into law. We want to do all we can to prevent Jesuits from using persons as UNWILLING AGENTS. If a daily reading of the Bible works, then we will encourage this.However, we don’t force people to read the Bible AND we don’t tell people how to interpret their Bible reading, we just encourage them to read the Bible. Therefore, those with Bible PROTECTION could be those who are Orthodox Jews, Roman Catholics, and people of any religion (as long as they are reading the Bible or its equivalent). This Bible PROTECTION respects no religious affiliation, it only protects those who read the Bible, regardless of their religious persuasion–therefore, the Jesuits are full of baloney to accuse us of proselytizing. Many born again Christians are being used as UNWILLING AGENTS, because these Christians do not have an entrenched and solid Bible reading habit. If a Buddhist is reading the Bible, he/she will have Bible PROTECTION. Gail’s experience has been, that when she has attended a Baptist church, that about 80% of those who attended were UNWILLING AGENTS. If 90% of Roman Catholics read the Bible, they will have better protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT than a Baptist. There is a difference between encouraging people to read the Bible and proselytizing. Just because one reads the Bible, does not mean one is a Christian. That Bible reader who has Bible PROTECTION could be an orthodox Jew. But if someone wants to work for us as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON we have some requirements about reading the Bible, since we can impose requirements on persons we hire to work for us.
58.0.21 It is also important that the person reads the Bible in a language which they understand, because comprehension of the Scriptures read, increases the protection (against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT) that one gets from the Bible reading. So, if English is one’s strongest language, the most benefit would be derived from reading the English Bible. If Russian is one’s strongest language, the most benefit would be derived from reading Russia’s Elizabeth Bible. If German is one’s strongest language, the most benefit would be derived from reading Germany’s Die Heilige Shrift. If Hebrew is one’s strongest language, then the most benefit would be derived from reading the Jewish Bible read by the Orthodox Jews (because the Orthodox Jewish Bible is translated from the same original languages as the English Bible Version).
58.0.3 However, if the Jesuits accuse us of religious proselytizing, ask the Jesuits the following question under 666-Computer lie-detection on GCFNC: If you succeed in setting up your Jesuit Pope over all the world, what will you do to those people who will not convert to your religion and will you ban people from reading the Bible? If they refuse to answer this question, then throw out questions at them about what they will do if they ARE IN CHARGE, such as the following–Will you execute those who oppose your religion? Will you force everyone to worship the Jesuit Pope? Will you ban people from reading the Bible and what will happen to those persons who are caught reading the Bible? I can already predict what answers we will get.
58.0.4 Then after we are through with this question and we get truthful answers from them–tell them that who are they to preach to us about proselytizing? Because when they set up their Pope over all the world, then they plan to kill or torture anyone who won’t bow down and submit to their religion. Tell them that we don’t kill people for NOT reading the Bible. After we present evidence about what the Jesuits plan to do to those who differ from them on religion (if they set up their Jesuit Pope over all the world), I think they will shut up about our “religious proselytizing”. As you can see they are already getting started, that’s why they attack Gail Schuler, because she differs from them in religion and the Jesuits think they have the right to kill and weaken Gail because she differs from the Jesuits in religion. Ask them (under 666-Computer lie-detection), if the preceding sentence is true–I know it is.
58.0 Because we have determined through scientific evidence that those persons who have had a long ingrained habit of daily reading the Bible (or its equivalent such as the Jewish Bible read by Orthodox Jews or the German Bible Die Heilige Shrift) are not able to be used as UNWILLING AGENTS, the Jesuits have tried to make it appear that a daily Bible reading is a waste of time. They do this by using UNWILLING AGENTS to read the Bible for a week or less (which is NOT effective) or to read the Bible sporadically just for show (which is NOT effective), in order to make it appear that a long ingrained DAILY habit of reading the Bible does NOT protect one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
58.0(a) The Jesuits probably use their UNWILLING AGENTS to sporadically read the Bible or to read it for only a week or so or to read a false Bible (not a Bible), in the hopes that it will discourage people from reading the Bible on a daily, long-term basis– in order to create the impression that there is nothing special about reading the Bible and that a daily reading of the Bible (for a year or longer) offers no protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
58.0(b) Unfortunately, if the person has not had a daily habit of reading the Bible (or its equivalent such as the Jewish Bible read by Orthodox Jews or the German Bible Die Heilige Shrift) at least a half hour a day (for at least a year), then a daily reading of the Bible may not protect that person from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Also, if the person drops or quits his daily Bible reading habit, he makes himself vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
58.1 To counter the Jesuits’ attacks against the Bible– from now on, on any GCFNC news broadcasts which show persons who have special protection because of their daily Bible reading habit or because they constantly exercise their brain through reading, we will show these persons with a slightly different tint than those persons around them in the news presentation. These persons will be called Bible PROTECTED PERSONS, since we have scientific evidence that the most effective reading to protect oneself against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT is to read the Bible. For instance, let’s say that Gail Schuler is being shown on GCFNC, she will be shown in a manner which indicates that she is a Bible PROTECTED PERSON– Perhaps there will be a glow on her head or her body may be colored slightly more green or red than those around her. Probably the best way to do this would be to show a pulsating color change as she is seen on the screen. For instance, she may be shown in such a manner that her coloring changes from normal to slightly green to normal to slightly green in 1 ½ second intervals. A subtitle at the bottom will explain that those persons who pulsate on the screen are those who have a long ingrained daily Bible reading habit (or other reading habit which is effective) and, therefore, are protected from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. If we had to borrow footage from a camera which is not programmed to detect how much Bible PROTECTION a person has, then this will be noted at the bottom of the screen and a statement will be made that this particular news presentation does not highlight those that are Bible PROTECTED.
58.1(a) To prevent this presentation from becoming inaccurate, all news cameras used by GCFNC will be programmed to automatically recognize when a person is a Bible PROTECTED PERSON by a scanning device which can automatically detect if a person has the protection of his/her daily Bible reading (or other reading) habit. This scanner will work by detecting those characteristics of a Bible PROTECTED PERSON’s brain and how intense these characteristics are (or the intensity of these characteristics)–so that not only will Bible PROTECTED PERSONs be highlighted, but the quality of their Bible PROTECTION will be highlighted as well. The camera will automatically film the Bible PROTECTED PERSON person in such a manner that he/she pulsates on the screen when his/her presentation is shown in a GCFNC news broadcast, according to the quality of his/her Bible PROTECTION. This scanner in the camera will also detect how strong a protection this person has (and this can be discerned by the scanner)–because those with stronger protection will be detected by the camera and the camera will adjust the intensity of the green shade according to the intensity of that person’s Bible PROTECTION. An explanatory footnote will be at the bottom of the screen to explain what this pulsating presentation means and what the different intensities mean.
58.1(b) The intensity of that person’s Bible PROTECTION must be noted in the news presentation by increasing the intensity of the green presentation when the person has a longer or more entrenched Bible reading (or other reading) habit. We have determined that the longer and more entrenched a person’s daily Bible reading habit is or if that person has strongly exercised his brain, that they have stronger protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. SO, if a person has read the Bible daily for 50 years and still does so, then that person may be presented so that when he is green, he is really green. Therefore, the audience can determine by the intensity of the green (or whatever color is used) tint on that person’s pulsating presentation, just how strong his/her Bible PROTECTION is. That means someone like Gail Schuler or Dr. Spiner will come across to the audience as very green/normal/very green/normal in pulsating intervals. Whereas someone who has a new daily Bible reading habit, like Vladimir Putin, will come across as slightly green/normal/slightly green/normal. The darker the green, the more Bible PROTECTED that person is from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
58.1(c) The good news is that if the person continues his daily Bible reading (or other reading) habit, the whole world will know it, because in later presentations, his/her green shade will increase in intensity and the audience will detect that the pulsating green presentation has increased in color intensity for that person. The news cameras will be automatically programmed to not only detect if that person is Bible PROTECTED, but how intense or strong that Bible PROTECTION is, so that the camera will automatically adjust the intensity of the pulsating green presentation on that person by increasing/decreasing the pulsating green tint according to how much Bible PROTECTION that person has (when he/she is being filmed). We use the term Bible PROTECTION because there is firm evidence that reading the Bible is the most effective reading habit to prevent takeover of that person’s brain as an UNWILLING AGENT, though if a person has a strongly entrenched habit of exercising his/her brain in any manner, this will also help to prevent takeover of his/her brain as an UNWILLING AGENT.
58.2 Eventually, over time, those who watch GCFNC will automatically notice those who have pulsating presentations and how intense the green is, and they will know automatically what this pulsating presentation means and that the more intense the green is, the more protection that person has from his/her daily Bible reading habit or his/her habit of exercising his/her brain (usually through extensive reading habits).
58.2(a) This will be good, because let me tell you what the Jesuits do. Let’s say that an UNWILLING AGENT is shown on GCFNC and he makes the statement, “I’m going to go read my Bible.” And then he does or says something which clearly indicates he is an UNWILLING AGENT. However, in his screen presentation on GCFNC, he will be presented as normal without any pulsating green presentation. This will alert the audience that his statement “I’m going to read my Bible,” is a hypocritical statement designed to create a false impression, since he is obviously not Bible PROTECTED (since he’s not pulsating green on the screen)– and therefore, he is either a sporadic, casual Bible reader or he’s lying about reading the Bible or he is just trying to create a false spiritual impression and he is not an authentic, daily Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT. By presenting persons in this manner, no Jesuit can claim that it is a waste of time to read the Bible. We want to encourage all people to read the Bible daily, because this is the only sure way to protect oneself from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
58.2(b) I can guarantee you one thing, by presenting our news broadcasts in this manner, our ratings will skyrocket, because we will be the only newscast in the world that presents the news in this manner. People will watch our news broadcasts to determine who the phonies are–and, believe me, whether or not a person pulsates green will tell a lot about them, more than anything they say or do.
58.2(c) For instance, when Pres. Bush is making a speech and he is shown on our news broadcast, the whole world may notice more that he is pulsating green than any word in his speech. When there is a presidential debate, and one candidate is a Bible reader and the other is not, the whole world may pay more attention to which candidate pulsates green rather than to what the candidates are debating about. This could determine the outcome of elections and who will win elections.
58.2(d) This could become humorous. Because let’s say a President (or even worse a minister) gets up on a podium and prays for his/her country or for peace in the world, but he’s not pulsating green at all. This would indicate that his spiritual behavior is a lie and the audience won’t trust him, since he tries to make himself appear more spiritual than he is. The audience will think that he’s just a typical politician who prays for show and that he does not mean a word of his prayer–since he’s not pulsating, which means he never or rarely reads his Bible. If he continues to behave in this hypocritical manner, he may end up losing his/her Presidency or his/her church, since no one respects or trusts a person who acts in an inconsistent manner. He’d be better off not to pray at all, then to risk praying when he’s not pulsating green. The audience is going to think, “This guy is praying, but he obviously does not read the Bible. What is he trying to pull? I’m voting this guy out of office or I’m not going to his church anymore. He’s a big liar and I can’t trust a word he says.”
58.2(e) During cross examinations on GCFNC this could be very interesting. I predict that no Jesuit supporter will pulsate green and this will really expose their wickedness. All their talk about wanting to honor God will be seen as a big sham, since none of them will pulsate green on the screen in the news presentation.
58.3 Because by highlighting how much Bible PROTECTION a person has in our news broadcasts can determine who will be a President or who will win an election, any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt (or action) to highlight any person in any news broadcast in an inaccurate or false manner (regarding their Bible PROTECTION), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
59.0 Pope Benedict XVI will have a daily slot on GCFNC where he will publicly decry Jesuit terrorist activities which have occurred recently (or any Jesuit activities he wants to condemn). For instance, there was a Chicago fire in a tall bank building in Chicago on 12-6-04. The Pope (under 666-Computer lie-detection) will publicly decry and condemn those behind this action and will name names of Jesuits who are behind these criminal actions (or will issue a general condemnation of the Jesuit Order) and will make pronouncements that all those Jesuits behind this fire are considered accursed and are regarded as anathema by the Pope and by the Roman Catholic Church.
59.1 The Pope will encourage the world to arrest the Jesuits involved and to give them the death penalty–because, by decree of the Pope, these Jesuits have been excommunicated and the Jesuits behind these incidents are considered anathema by the Roman Catholic Church.
59.2 Because the Jesuits are so busy and are always up to trouble, the Pope will probably need at least an hour to make all his condemnations. However, the Pope’s public condemnations don’t need to be shown all at once on the newscast, but can be interspersed throughout the daily newscast–perhaps right after footage about the evil incident is presented.
59.2(a) It is important for the Pope to expose Jesuit actions and to publicly condemn them, because this will make it clear to the world that the POPE OPPOSES JESUIT TERRORIST ACTIVITIES and it will also make it clear that the Jesuits are behind these actions. This needs to be made clear because this will help to clear innocent parties (like the Pope, Vladimir Putin, Gail Schuler, the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS CEO, etc.) from being framed with these Jesuit orchestrations.
59.3 The Pope will present evidence of Jesuit involvement in these Jesuit criminal activities or will make statements (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that Jesuits spearheaded these criminal violations and he will publicly condemn the Jesuit for this.
59.3(a) If the Pope says that Jesuits were involved (under 666-Computer lie-detection), the world will believe him, because the Jesuits were/are part of the Roman Catholic Church and the world knows that the Pope knows what his subjects are doing, so the Pope may only need to make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that Jesuits were involved and may not need to present evidence of their involvement–and that will be enough to convince the world of the Jesuits’ prime involvement in the evil incident. We will leave this up to the Pope. This will be the Pope’s hour to condemn Jesuit activities, in order to make a clear statement that he condemns these activities (and considers the Jesuits behind them accursed) and that he does not support Jesuit legal, financial, economic, military, scientific or political terrorism in any manner. The Pope will name names and will condemn those criminal organizations and persons who work willingly and knowingly with Jesuits in the JESUIT CONDEMNATION SLOT. A typical daily time slot (called the POPE’S JESUIT CONDEMNATION SLOT) will be aired on GCFNC, in which the Pope will pronounce the Jesuits as accursed and as anathema who were/are behind activities such as the following:
The Scott Peterson case and Jesuit involvement, where the Pope will decry the Jesuits behind the Laci Peterson murder.
The Michael Jackson case and Jesuit involvement, where the Pope will decry the Jesuits who try to bring Michael Jackson into the highlight.
All cases and incidents which revolve around Gail Schuler, which the Jesuits are behind, etc.
Recent murders and terrorist activities which the Jesuits are behind.
Earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc, which are caused by Jesuit satellite violations, etc.
Manipulation of economies, gasoline prices, etc. by the Jesuits and any other of the multifaceted and catastrophic activities which the Jesuits have leashed onto the world.
Any attacks against Gail Schuler’s health, finances, family, friends, lovers, etc.
Terrorist leaders sponsored by the Jesuits, especially when they make public statements which threaten world peace and stability.
59.4 The purpose for the POPE’S JESUIT CONDEMNATION SLOT is to make it clear that Jesuits are behind these incidents–because if the Pope says the Jesuits are to blame, the world will believe him. Therefore, every time the Jesuits do something evil, THE POPE WILL EXPOSE THROUGH HIS PUBLIC CONDEMNATIONS (UNDER 666-COMPUTER LIE-DETECTION) THAT IT IS THE JESUITS BEHIND THE EVIL INCIDENT. The world will believe the Pope because he will make the statement which exposes Jesuit involvement behind the incident under 666-Computer lie-detection (which is 100% accurate) and because the world will rightly assume that the Pope, of all people, should know if the Jesuits were behind the incident.
59.4(a) The more evil the Jesuits do, the more time we will give the Pope on GCFNC to publicly condemn the Jesuits behind these evil actions. So, the more evil and more stubborn the Jesuits are, the more exposure they will get on the POPE’S JESUIT CONDEMNATION SLOT. On a day like 9-11-01, we may give the Pope the whole day to condemn all the Jesuit activities behind such monstrous incidents. The way we’d handle it would be like this: In-between news coverage, we would intersperse the JESUIT CONDEMNATION SLOT–maybe right after the footage over the horror has been covered. The JESUIT CONDEMNATION SLOT does not have to be done all at once on GCFNC, it can be interspersed throughout the news coverage for the day and may be most effective if shown right after footage of the evil incident is presented on the newscast.
60.0 From November 14, 2004 and onward, those found guilty of death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, will not be put in a regular jail, but will be put in a jail that is set up like a CONCENTRATION CAMP, where they will have to work to earn their food and living expenses while they wait for their execution day.
60.1 We don’t want to create the impression that life in prison for a death penalty violator of CONSPIRACY LAW will be easy street until execution day. Those who wait for their executions, will have to earn their daily living expenses under concentration camp conditions until they are executed.
60.2 However, we will not run the camps like the Nazis did–but we will ensure that those waiting for execution EARN THEIR FOOD AND FREE HOUSING while they wait for their execution day. They won’t just sit idly in prison watching videos or reading books. This is too easy for them and may even make prison ATTRACTIVE to them. We definitely don’t want to create the impression that prison life is an attractive option for these criminals and murderers.
Bible LAW: The purpose for this section is to streamline the legal process, save time and get to the point and cause cases to be resolved more quickly–so that Jesuits will not be encouraged to commit violations in the belief that they can continue to maneuver (and prolong) the legal process in their favor.
61.0 GCFNC will have a special called (JESUIT HATRED OF THE Bible) in which it will present evidence that all true JESUITS and their supporters HATE THE Bible. Dr. Spiner may help in this presentation. The Jesuits hate the Bible so much that they have created Bibles to counterfeit the Bible, which is the strongest evidence that they hate the Bible. Every Jesuit and JESUIT supporter that we have in custody will be interviewed (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion-detection on GCFNC) to reveal their true attitude toward the Bible. And these interviews will be part of this special.
61.0(a) This is necessary, because the Jesuits try to muddle the lines and create confusion, so that innocents are implicated in their conspiracies. By using one’s support or hatred of the Bible as the supreme test to show one’s allegiance–we WILL CLEARLY DRAW THE LINES AND THIS WILL MAKE IT EASIER AND QUICKER TO MARK AND IDENTIFY THE REAL ENEMY. By making love or hatred of the Bible as the supreme criteria to identify a Jesuit–will be like highlighting all Jesuits with a MARK, so that they can be readily identified and dealt with. We have an enemy that likes to camouflage itself under various guises, but the Jesuits have one consistency–THEY ALL FANATICALLY HATE THE Bible! This will force them to reveal themselves, whether they like it or not. Jesuits go to church, Jesuits read the Bible (but not faithfully and they don’t like to read the Bible), Jesuits are in every political party on the planet, Jesuits have infiltrated all religions. However, one thing Jesuits NEVER DO–THEY NEVER TRULY LOVE AND RESPECT THE Bible. And the Jesuits’ hatred of the Bible is the ONLY THING THEY ARE CONSISTENT ABOUT–so it is the surest way to give them a STAND-OUT MARK.
61.0(b) One question all Jesuits must be asked under 666-Computer lie-detection in this special is this: If you succeed in taking over the world, what will you do to those who love, support and read daily the Bible? Their answer to this question (as revealed by 666-Computer lie-detection) will show clearly the Jesuits’ fanatical hatred of the Bible and will establish that we are fully justified to use Jesuit hatred of the Bible as a sure way to identify a Jesuit supporter, or at least a way to identify one who could be in sympathy with the Jesuits and would who oppose Vladimir Putin’s policies.
61.0(c) This special will show that there is overwhelming evidence that all true Jesuit supporters hate the Bible, and, therefore, the Russian and German governments are justified to use this as a legal criteria and method to identify JESUITS and their SUPPORTERS. In this special, it will also be shown that those who love and respect Vladimir Putin SUPPORT THE Bible, and, so, therefore, love for (or hatred for) the Bible is a sure way to determine WHOSE SIDE a CONSPIRACY LAW violator is on (either Vladimir’s side or the Jesuits’ side). Further evidence that those who support Putin’s policies, also support the Bible, will be shown by doing a statistical analysis of Bible BELIEVERS from every nation on earth (including nations that are not historically Christian) and to show with evidence that those (regardless of race or ethnicity) who support the Bible and can make the italicized statement of 61.1(c) and are those who would support the policies of Vladimir Putin and who would oppose the Jesuits’ policies. This will be very strong evidence that the best way to determine WHOSE SIDE (Vladimir’s or the Jesuits’) a CONSPIRACY LAW violator is on, is by analyzing their attitude toward the Bible.
61.0(d) An addendum to this presentation will highlight current SIGNIFICANT PERSONS to show their attitude toward the Bible. For instance, Pres. George W. Bush will be shown as a Bible SUPPORTER and therefore one who would tend to support Putin. Pope Benedict XVI is a Bible SUPPORTER, and, in this manner, we will CLEARLY DRAW THE LINES AND SHOW WHO IS ON WHICH SIDE.
61.1 As of this 21st day of December, 2004–all CONSPIRACY LAW violations (or alleged CONSPIRACY LAW violations) will be analyzed to determine if the governments of Germany or Russia or Vladimir Putin could be implicated in the violation. If a CONSPIRACY LAW violation was committed in a manner which could implicate the Russian or German governments or Vladimir Putin, then that CONSPIRACY LAW violation or alleged CONSPIRACY LAW violation must to turned over to the German and/or Russian governments and be tried under German and/or Russian law (depending on whether Germany or Russia–or both–could be implicated in the matter). All such cases TRIED UNDER GERMAN OR RUSSIAN LAW will be tried on GCFNC, so that the whole world can see and hear these cases. And all CONSPIRACY LAW cases tried under German or Russian law will be handled according to Bible LAW, THAT IS–Before each case begins, all those involved in the case (including any VOTER JURORS) must watch the presentation JESUIT HATRED OF THE Bible without its addendum [see Sect. 61.0(d)], and must also follow the guidelines presented in this section in the presentation of the case.
61.1(a) Because of Vladimir Putin’s strong stand for (and support of) the Bible– after all, he is the pastor of a Bible Church in Germany, which does not allow anyone into its membership if he/she doesn’t read the Bible at least a half hour a day, every day– and because all Jesuits (and their supporters) hate the Bible–THEREFORE, a violator’s love for (or hatred for) the Bible is a sure method to determine if Vladimir Putin or the Jesuits are behind (or would be behind) a CONSPIRACY LAW violation.
61.1(b) Once a case has been turned over to the German or Russian governments, ALL those involved (or alleged to be involved) in the incident will be analyzed by 666-Computer to determine their attitude toward the Bible. If a person involved (or alleged to be involved) in a CONSPIRACY LAW is determined by 666-Computer analysis to not reverence and fear the judgments of the Bible and if, after cross-examination (under 666-Computer emotion and lie-detection), it is determined that this person does NOT feel that the Bible should be used as the supreme legal and moral instrument to judge the actions and motives of men, then that person will be considered a SUPPORTER OF JESUIT POLICIES (a Bible ENEMY) and AN ENEMY OF VLADIMIR PUTIN’s POLICIEs.
You may say, what if the Jesuits use your ex-husband, Gail’s ex-husband (who attends Bible Churches) to commit a crime? Well, I don’t think David would pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the above italicized statement. I never saw him read the Bible much when I was married to him. He’s also an UNWILLING AGENT, so he will be treated differently. The IMPOSED PERSON, rather than David, would go on trial.
61.1(c) As the case is tried in the Russian or German military tribunal (or court), that this person opposes the policies of Vladimir Putin and is a Bible ENEMY must be stated before each courtroom presentation. Also, in every case which could implicate Vladimir Putin, evidence must be presented that ALL JESUITS AND THEIR SUPPORTERS HATE THE Bible. All those tried in these cases (INCLUDING VLADIMIR PUTIN) will be asked under 666-Computer lie-detection whether they fear or reverence the judgments of the Bible and whether they feel that the Bible should be the supreme legal and moral instrument to judge the actions and motives of men. If it is determined that the alleged CONSPIRACY LAW violator does not honor the Bible, because he/she fails 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the above italicized statement, their disdain for the Bible will be the surest way to identify them as a JESUIT SUPPORTER and an ENEMY OF VLADIMIR PUTIN.
61.1(c1) UNWILLING AGENTS are JESUIT SUPPORTERS, but are not WILLING JESUIT SUPPORTERS, so they will be tried as UNWILLING AGENTS (according to CONSPIRACY LAW). If a WILLING or UNWILLING AGENT is involved, then the IMPOSED PERSON(s) involved will be tried in the stead of that WILLING or UNWILLING AGENT and whether or not the IMPOSED PERSON(s) was/is a Bible SUPPORTER or OPPOSER will be a main determining factor in deciding guilt in the matter.
61.1(c2) If we are dealing with an IMPOSED PERSON or alleged criminal who cannot be found (either because of suicide or he/she cannot be located), then a study will be made of IMPOSED PERSONs or criminals who have committed similar crimes (under identical circumstances) to determine whether these other IMPOSED PERSONs or criminals (who committed an identical crime) were Bible SUPPORTERS or OPPOSERS. Evidence will be based on statistics and patterns of behavior by others who have committed the same crime under identical circumstances, to determine which types (Bible SUPPORTERS or Bible OPPOSERS) would tend to commit such a crime. If the statistical probability is very high that a Bible SUPPORTER or OPPOSER tends to commit certain crimes, then this can be strong circumstantial evidence that will be used in the case. A study of this type may be necessary if Vladimir Putin is implicated and it is necessary to clear him, but the criminal who directly committed the crime cannot be located or brought to trial.
61.1(c3) The percentage or probability for a Bible SUPPORTER OR OPPOSER to commit a certain crime must be admitted as evidence with the statistician who compiled the data present [to verify under 666-Computer lie-detection the accuracy of the study and to make a statement about how probable it is (using a percentage or numerical figure) that a certain type of person (a Bible SUPPORTER or OPPOSER) would commit such a crime]. The statistician must show how he came to his conclusions and which data he used as his criteria to cause him to reach his/her conclusions.
61.1(c4) In these instances, the case will be decided more by circumstantial evidence–based on the science of statistics and probability–than by direct evidence.
61.1(c5) Whether or not one goes to church does not determine whether a person is a Bible supporter, but rather the criteria to decide whether one is a Bible supporter, will be if the person can pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the italicized statement of Sect. 61.1(c). Jesuits go to church and hate the Bible, so church attendance tells us very little.
61.1(d) In fact, evidence will be presented that because Jesuits are brilliant politicians, the ONLY THING ALL JESUITS AND THEIR SUPPORTERS ARE CONSISTENT ABOUT IS THEIR FANATICAL HATRED OF THE Bible–so hatred of the Bible is the SUREST WAY TO IDENTIFY A JESUIT or one who would support JESUIT policies..
61.1(d1) Evidence will also be presented that all those who love and respect Vladimir Putin and his policies are Bible SUPPORTERS. Further evidence that those who support Putin’s policies, also support the Bible, will be shown by doing a statistical analysis of Bible BELIEVERS from every nation on earth (including nations that are not historically Christian) and to show with evidence that those (regardless of race or ethnicity) who support the Bible and can make the italicized statement of 61.1(c) and are those who would support the policies of Vladimir Putin and who would oppose the Jesuits’ policies. If a person cannot read English is irrelevant, since the Bible has been translated into just about every language on the planet. Consult with Dr. Spiner on this. And one does not have to be able to read the Bible in English to pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the italicized statement of 61.1(c). This will be very strong evidence that the best way to determine WHOSE SIDE (Vladimir’s or the Jesuits’) a CONSPIRACY LAW violator is on, is by analyzing their attitude toward the Bible. This should help to make it clear whether the violator acted FOR THE JESUITS OR FOR VLADIMIR PUTIN. The fact that a CONSPIRACY LAW violator (or alleged violator) is a Bible ENEMY, and, therefore, supports Jesuit policies, will weigh heavily in determining the verdict and should help to prove beyond ANY DOUBT Vladimir Putin’s innocence (and the Jesuits’ guilt) in the matter. THIS WILL CAUSE CASES TO BE RESOLVED QUICKLY.
61.2 Before each argument is presented in the Russian or German military tribunal or court, the attorneys involved in the case must emphasize before each presentation whether the alleged CONSPIRACY LAW violator is a Bible ENEMY or SUPPORTER (as determined by the alleged violator’s attitude toward the Bible via 666-Computer analysis), since this is the surest way to determine whose side the violator is on or would be on–failure to do this, will cause the case to be thrown out and it must be tried ALL OVER AGAIN. WE ARE NOT GOING TO ENCOURAGE THE PROLONGING AND PROLONGING OF EXPENSIVE LEGAL CASES, WHEN WE HAVE A SURE WAY TO DETERMINE WHETHER VLADIMIR PUTIN OR THE JESUITS SHOULD BE IMPLICATED–AND THAT IS, BY DETERMINING THE VIOLATOR’S ATTITUDE TOWARD THE Bible. THIS WILL BE RUSSIAN AND GERMAN LAW and all cases tried, in which the violator could implicate the Russian or German governments or Vladimir Putin with his/her CONSPIRACY LAW VIOLATION–must be tried in this manner.
61.3 Any (direct or indirect) attempt or action to bypass or violate the guidelines of these Sections 60 and 61 for cases which could implicate the Russian or German governments or Vladimir Putin, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
62.0 The International government does not encourage the sale of alcohol or tobacco or any products which may become addictive or threats to the public health or welfare. Our main concern is to prevent alcoholism and dangerous addictions. Those who buy alcohol to cook with (or for occasional drinks which do not lead to drunkenness) are not our main concerns, since these habits are deeply ingrained in many cultures and are difficult (or may not be desirable) to change.
Gail feels it is wiser to avoid raw alcohol. Neither Vladimir or Gail smoke or use addictive drugs or substances. However, we realize that addictions are hard to overcome and we desire to help those with addictions, not to label them or make them feel hopeless or to label them with a SCARLET LETTER. Vladimir had a past problem with alcohol and understands how difficult it is to overcome addictions, so he has an insight from personal experience on how to deal with those who have addictions.
62.1 No country which is a member of the International government can willingly and knowingly use the proceeds from sales of alcohol, tobacco or dangerously addictive products (from companies or organizations which specialize in these products) to finance that government.
62.3 In other words, any government which invests in stocks in a company which only sells or manufactures alcoholic beverages, is a government which is in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW.
62.4 We will not mete out the death penalty to such violators, but those countries which use large amounts of proceeds from alcoholic sales to finance their government cannot be considered a part of the International government.
62.5 Though we will not go as far as the U.S. did in the 1920s and 30s, with the Prohibition laws, we will not allow any country’s government (which uses proceeds from companies which primarily sell alcohol, tobacco or other dangerously addictive products to finance that government) to be a member of the International government.
62.6 If a person is determined, because of his/her addictions to be a dangerous operator of a vehicle, he/she will be handled according to Sect. 26 of this document.
62.7 Ministers of churches or religious leaders will be free to take positions on alcohol that are consistent with their beliefs. The government will not meddle in how a church decides on these matters, since it is not trying to start a state religion which dictates to a private church what its doctrinal statement or creeds should be, unless that religious organization takes positions that are a threat to the public welfare, like sponsoring drunken orgies as part of its religious ceremony.
Because so many of our laws revolve around the Bible and because the Bible plays a prominent role in CONSPIRACY LAW–therefore, CONSPIRACY LAW will also include the laws which govern Vladimir Putin’s church in Germany. So the laws for Vladimir’s church will be included in this document:
63.0 As my 2004 Christmas present to Vladimir Putin, I will ordain that a million dollars of the proceeds from my novel Silver Skies go to the construction of Church of Gail. This will be the church that Vladimir Putin pastors. He is currently studying for the ministry under Dr. Brent Spiner’s guidance. GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will have a special Christmas presentation to honor the groundbreaking of this church’s construction, let Dr. Spiner be the moderator for this presentation.
63.0(a) Here are my guidelines for how this church should be built. These rules are not written in stone and Vladimir can modify them if he wishes. This is Vladimir’s Christmas present, so I won’t dictate to him how to build his church, but he usually adopts my suggestions and likes them.
63.0(b) Consult with Dr. Spiner about the church music. I come from a music background and want all our music to be God honoring. Johann Sebastian Bach was a German born again Christian and dedicated all his music to God, and his music was great. This is a hint. I’m not saying all our music has to sound like opera, but, unlike the typical American Baptist Church, we may be a bit more creative in our musical tastes. Perhaps, this music will always open our services. See suggestion below.
63.0(b.1) Vladimir and I are lovers of great Christian music and, therefore, will have a choir and orchestra at our church. Those in this choir and orchestra must audition and will perform at the professional level. We may hire professionals to sing solos, if we cannot find them among our church members. Any professional we hire must be a born again Christian and a BIBLE READER–though the singer does not have to be of our exact religious persuasion. Every Christmas season, this choir and orchestra will perform Handel’s Messiah in English (the handouts will have translations into all the major languages represented by our church members) and during Easter season, this choir and orchestra will perform Bach’s St. Matthew Passion in German (the handouts will have translations into all the major languages represented by our church members) and perhaps the Easter Section of the Messiah. This is perfect for a German church, since Germany is a country with a great musical heritage and both Bach and Handel were Germans. We also like these pieces of music, since the Messiah is the Bible put to music, and much of the St. Matthew Passion is the German Bible or Luther’s Die Heilige Shrift put to music. By emphasizing these pieces of music, we emphasize the Bible (which is the supreme emphasis of our church).
63.0(b.2) Because we have learned that the more one is exposed to the Bible, the more resistance one has to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT, at least half of the music sung or performed in our church will be pieces of music set to Scripture. For instance, when our church has an invitation, the most common music we will use for an invitation will be the contralto piece from Handel’s Messiah called He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd–which is taken from the Gospels. This is very appropriate for any church invitation and we will have a professional and spiritual soloist available at all time to sing this piece for our church’s invitations. We will not give invitations all the time or for every service, but only when we feel led by the Holy Spirit. Another invitation piece will be from the St. Matthew Passion, in which our choir and orchestra will perform the Bass Aria with the following words (translated from the German to the English): Make thyself clean, my heart, I will myself entomb Jesus, for He shall henceforth in me, forever and ever, take His sweet rest, World, begone, let Jesus in OR from the recitative Bass No. 16 or other sections of the St. Matthew Passion. These sections from the St. Matthew Passion will not be performed as much as the English He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd because there is not as much Scripture sung to music in the St. Matthew Passion as in The Messiah. However, because about half of the St. Matthew Passion is Scripture sung to music, the St. Matthew Passion will be used heavily in the church services. A really good church hymn could be made of Sect. 31 of the St. Matthew Passion which says: What my God wills, may it ever befall (Was mein Gott will, das g’sheh’allzeit)– His will it is the best (Sein Will’, der ist der beste)– he is ready to help him (Zu helfen den’n er is bereit)–that firmly believe in him, he helps them in time of need (Die an ihn glauben feste, Er hilft aus Not)– God in his goodness (Der fromme Gott)– and chastises in measure (Und züchtiget mit Maßen)– Who trusts in God (Wer Gott vertraut)–builds firmly on him (Fest auf ihn baut)–he will not forsake him (Den will er nicht verlassen). When music is translated it will be translated in the order in which it is sung so that the listeners can have true appreciation for the emphasis of the music. For instance, the piece above should be translated exactly in the order it is sung in the German with the translated words introduced exactly at the time they are sung–so a more literal translation (and what would be shown on the screen) would be like this– with the language sung shown first and the translation right after, since if music is not translated this way, the listen cannot appreciate the true emphasis of the music. The translation should be done like this:
Was (What) mein (my) Gott (God) will (wills),
das (that) g’sheh’ (may it befall) allzeit (ever),
Sein (His) Will’ (will), der (it) ist (is) der (the) beste (best),
Zu (to) helfen (help) den’n (them) er (He) ist (is) bereit (ready),
Die (Who) an (on) ihn (Him) glauben (believes) feste (firmly),
Er (He) hilft (helps) aus (in) Not (time of need),
Der (the) fromme (good) Gott (God),
Und (and) züchtiget (chastises) mit (with) Maßen (measure),
Wer (who in) Gott (God) vertraut (trusts),
Fest (Firmly) auf (on) ihn (Him) baut (builds),
Den (him) will (will) er (He) nicht (not) verlassen (forsake).
Our church’s music will definitely be different and we will choose pieces of music that highlight Scripture or that elaborate on Scriptural truths.
If the language has different characters than English then use the characters that will enhance the listener’s understanding of the music. For instance if the music is in Russian, then don’t use Russian characters on the screen for an English speaking viewer, use English characters that pronounce the Russian words like K (koo-DA) (vwee) (YEZ-dee-lee)? (Where did you go?).
So this should be translated for an English speaker like follows: koo-DA (Where) Vwee (you) YEZ-dee-lee (did go) ? By the same token use Russian characters that pronounce the English words for a fluent Russian viewer–so that they can follow the music. Give our viewers the benefit of having enough intelligence to figure out the meaning, even if the word order is not what they are used to. They will have enough intelligence to assume that in the other language the word order is different than in their language.
63.0(c) In the average American Baptist church, if there was any sacred music along the classical line, most church members would think they were in a Presbyterian or other church and would think the church was in heresy. Well, the Bible doesn’t say you have to use American Baptist folk music in church. Germany is a country with a great musical tradition and history, we should honor this in our church services. We’ll have the typical hymns and then throw in some portions of the St. Matthew Passion in German, like the beginning or the ending which are AWESOME. You may say, how would you do this? Maybe through a performance or a tape played throughout the church building? No–I think our church should have an orchestra and a choir. St. Matthew Passion is in German. We’ll have a well trained choir, and that’s good enough to sing some highlights of the St. Matthew Passion every Sunday. And we must have an organ and piano. I think Martin Luther’s A Mighty Fortress is our God should be a regular hymn in our services.
63.0(d) I think as people come into the church before each service begins, the orchestra and a bass singer should play and sing softly Nr. 17 ARIE (BAß) in German from the St. Matthew Passion. Here are the words, first in German, then in English:
Mache (make) dich (thyself), mein (my) Herze (heart), rein (clean),
Ich (I) will (will) Jesum (Jesus) selbst (myself) begraben (entomb),
Denn (For) er (He) soll (shall) nunmehr (henceforth) in (in) mir (me)
Für (forever) und (and) für (forever)
Seine (His) süße (sweet) Ruhe (rest) haben (have).
Welt (world), geh aus (begone), laß (let) Jesum (Jesus) ein (in). Mache (Make) dich (thyself). . .
Now, Vladimir does not have to adopt my suggestions. However, he usually agrees with me on these things. If he doesn’t, OK.
63.0(e) Vladimir can choose the name of the church (and he doesn’t have to make it Baptist–however, it should be Christian) and he can work with Dr. Spiner in writing its creeds and doctrinal statement. I don’t want it to be Roman Catholic or any of its branches–like the Greek Orthodox or Russian Orthodox. Perhaps, call it the Bible Church or something like that–something to honor its emphasis on Scripture. This is Vladimir’s church and he is the leader, not me. I only donate the money to start the building of the church. But I give him one million dollars to begin the construction of our church for the Lord in Germany. The church’s dedicatory plaque will state that Gail Chord dedicates this church building to Vladimir Putin (her fiancé) as her gift of love to him for our mutual love for and regard for the Bible translated from the Earliest manuscripts. I invite a British royal to be on hand for the unveiling of the plaque (when the church is completed) and to make a statement about the importance of the Bible. This church building is my Christmas present to Vladimir Putin:
63.0(f) I want medical doctors to work with engineers and architects in creating the blueprint for this church. This church is to be constructed to make it very difficult for Jesuits to launch biological, chemical or other forms of terrorism on its members who attend the services. There should be a good ventilation system for the nurseries, bathrooms, and throughout the whole church and the nurseries should be constructed so that babies and small children can be cared for in a clean environment which will not spread germs. Our nursery workers will be trained by medical people. We should have sick rooms, for those children who are ill and need to be separated from other children and babies. Sometimes parents go to church and do not realize their children are ill and this spreads illness throughout the church.
63.0(g) Those in charge of the nurseries will be medical people who will screen those who come in and decide whether they need to be placed in sick room nurseries. Also, all sick rooms will be equipped with medical equipment to deal with medical emergencies. With Brent Spiner for a pastor, we have to anticipate the unusual.
63.0(h) Because Brent Spiner will be the pastor of this church and because Brent is highly targeted by Jesuits, this church needs special construction and operations. It will be surrounded by security gates and we will hire MILITARY POLICE to screen all those who enter the services, no JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER or UNWILLING AGENT can attend the services. If any JESUIT or UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT SUPPORTER tries to enter, they will be denied entrance and the gates will bar them from entering. This means that my mother and sister in their current condition as UNWILLING AGENTS cannot attend the church services.
63.0(i) The weekly services will be attended by those who receive invitations to attend the service. No UNWILLING AGENTS will receive invitations. Invitations will go to rich and poor and middle class. Our main concern is to prevent terrorism in the church services and to weed out trouble makers, but we do not desire to be a “class conscious” church. All those who love the Lord and His Bible are welcome, regardless of income or class level. The services will be conducted in the German language, because this church is in Germany. Vladimir speaks fluent German. Translators will be on hand to translate the services for those watching through GCFNC. Music translations will be handled differently than translations of sermons or speeches, since the emphasis of the music must be understood by the listener, music translation is handled as described in this Sect. 63.
63.0(j) If we have a large group of people in the church of a certain primary language and these people cannot speak German, they may be partitioned off, where they can view a translation of the message into their language on a screen. There may be an English section, where English speakers can sit and view a screen with the message translated into their language by a transcriptionist translator. There may be a Russian section, where Russian speakers can sit and view a screen with the message translated into their language by a transcriptionist translator. If we end up with a large amount of members who speak fluent Russian, Vladimir may preach in Russian on some Sundays and those who speak German or other languages will be partitioned off to view a screen which translates the message into their language on a screen. We will decide on these partitionings after we determine who our membership is.
63.0(k) You might say, what about the hymn books? Depending on how many languages have major representation in the church– we may sing hymns in German on one Sunday, sing them in English on other Sundays and sing them in Russian on other Sundays. If this is the case, then we will have the hymn books needed for that particular Sunday. On German day, all the hymn books in the pews will be in German. On Russian day, all the hymn books in the pews will be in Russian, etc. OR we may have one hymn book which has German, Russian and English all in one–maybe the first line will be in English, the second in German and the third line in Russian. The translations in the hymn book will be handled as described in this Section 63, with a translation designed to maximize appreciation of the emphasis of the music.
63.0(l) We will also have Bibles in the pews, for those who forget to bring their Bible. These Bibles will be in various languages, depending on which languages are most common among those who attend. Perhaps we will regularly stock German, English and Russian Bibles. All Bibles stocked in the pews MUST BE TRANSLATED FROM THE Earliest manuscripts.
63.0(m) We will not deny entrance to someone, just because they come in with a bad Bible, nor will we make a big issue out of this. But church members must be daily BIBLE READERS of an Earliest manuscripts Bible.
63.0(n) I anticipate this will be a very international church with many languages represented and if there are large groups of people that speak a certain language, we will accommodate them.
63.0(o) If someone does not have an invitation, he/she cannot attend. No invitations will be sent out to JESUITS or JESUIT SUPPORTERs or UNWILLING AGENTS. Regular church members will receive permanent invitations or passes to attend the church.
63.0(p) About an hour or two before services begin, the guards will release the gates, so that those vehicles and persons with invitations or passes can enter and park their vehicles and attend. All vehicles which enter the church area will be screened for bombs and other materials–probably by satellite screening-so it won’t be that obvious. You might say, what about guests? They will need to be cleared before they are admitted. If someone has an invitation and wants to bring a guest–that guest will have to be cleared with the church beforehand, and receive a pass before they come. It’s kind of like boarding an airplane–everyone has to be checked in. They will have special stickers or computer chips on their cars which give them permission to enter the church grounds. These stickers can be scanned by the computers which will be at all the gates and if a car tries to go through and it is determined by the scanner that that car does not have this sticker, the gate will go down and that person (with his/her car) will be instructed to leave. We will use MILITARY POLICE to operate and man the church’s gates. No one can attend services with a weapon, gun, bomb, etc.–except for the military police. And the MILITARY POLICE will scan all vehicles and persons which enter the church’s property to determine if anyone entering has a bomb, weapon or dangerous weapon and, if so, they will be apprehended and arrested and not allowed to enter.
63.0(q) You may say this will make church attendance very difficult. Yes, that is true, for this reason, this church will only have one public service a week (and maybe less than this). The rest of the services will be conducted over a public medium, like radio or television and church members will be invited to tune in. Vladimir Putin is currently in a very demanding job as President and probably does not feel ready to take on the full responsibilities of a pastor. For this reason, he does not have to preach at all the services and can invite guest preachers to take the pulpit on certain Sundays.
63.0(r) Because the church building is not ready, Vladimir can begin church services, but he will conduct church services on GCFNC on its prayer channel. Invitations to those who would receive invitations when the church building is ready, will be sent out to people in the area where the church is being built, and they will be invited to tune into the church’s services on GCFNC and will be told that a church building for this church is under construction. This way when the building is ready for services, we should have quite a crowd at the building’s opening services, because we are already sending out invitations to those in the area. So this church is already in existence. Dr. Spiner will preside in the opening service on GCFNC to introduce the church and what it stands for, and to ordain Vladimir Putin into the ministry. Vladimir says he is ready to begin preaching, though he still feels he needs more training. But many preachers begin preaching before they complete their training, so this is nothing new. Dr. Spiner will disciple Vladimir as a new preacher. So until the building is completed, the church services will be held over the internet and on German broadcast television through GCFNC, and Vladimir will preach from a broadcast room of GCFNC. The services may not always be held on Sundays, though they may be repeated on Sundays on GCFNC. Vladimir can be creative and supply his own music for the church services, or he may already have an orchestra and choir lined up who can perform in the room where he will preach (until his church building is ready). All services will be translated into the language of the viewer with subtitles in the viewer’s language at the bottom of the screen. So if Vladimir preaches in German and the audience is primarily English speakers, the English subtitles will be at the bottom of the screen for the English speaking viewers. I will leave that up to Vladimir. Once the building is completed, the services will be held in the church’s auditorium and will also be broadcast over GCFNC. When services are conducted in the completed church building in Germany, if a guest preacher does not speak German, then translators will be provided for that preacher and he will preach through a translator. The translator must be a BIBLE READER and of the same faith as the preacher.
63.0(s) You may say, what about those who need to be saved? How can they be saved, if they need an invitation to come in? Those who are saved, will be saved by watching (or listening to) the services through our public mediums (like television and radio). These people will be invited to contact us and if we determine that they have been genuinely saved and they live in the area and that they are not JESUIT SUPPORTERS, they will receive invitations to the services. Those who desire to attend our services from out of town, will be instructed via GCFNC (or other means), to contact us beforehand, so that we can issue them an invitation to attend on a certain day or we will give them a permanent guest pass.
63.0(t) You might say, a typical Baptist church has invitations for salvation at the end of every service. Our church will only have invitations when the pastor feels led to do so. Since only those with passes or who are invited can attend, we may mostly have Christians in the service. We may only have an invitation once a month. Or perhaps, the pastor will stop in the middle of his sermon and start a prayer service. The service will not be ritualistic, though it will be done decently and in order. It will not be a Charismatic healing type service. Our goal is to teach people the Bible to give them the meat they need to be strong Christians. We will also have preaching, which means some hides may be ripped off. We want sound, practical Bible teaching in combination with solid preaching to cause sinners to repent and get right. On the other hand, there will be no manipulation or extortion used on people. We will not pressure or manipulate people to do anything, except to obey the Scriptures. Where the Scriptures are not clear, we won’t push it. If anything puts pressure on people, we want it to be the Bible and Bible preaching. The preaching must all be based on Scripture, with an emphasis on sound doctrine and balanced teaching which teaches Scripture in context and with the same emphasis on topics which the Bible has. Since the Bible emphasizes the second coming of Christ, so will we. Since the Bible emphasizes the Word of God and prayer, so will we. We will not pressure people to attend church–though we may encourage them to do so–but we won’t waste 10 minutes of sermon time on this topic–it may get a casual mention every now and then, since the Bible is not that heavy on this topic. Since the Bible strongly condemns idolatry, so will we. The Bible is the boss at this church. That’s why all church members must be BIBLE READERS. When there is a dispute over how to interpret the Bible, the pastor will make the final decision, since the Bible teaches that this is how the church is to be conducted, as long as that pastor strives to honor the Word in his life and study. There will be heavy teaching on the false Christ, since the Bible is heavy on this topic. An excellent way to present Bible material is to tie it in with current events and current lifestyles. The Bible is a very relevant book.
63.0(u) The main thing is, this is my Christmas present to Vladimir Putin. I will use my money to build him a church building where he will pastor. He is studying for the ministry and this is a real way for me to show the world that Vladimir and I have the most important thing in the world in common and that is our mutual love and dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Earliest manuscripts Bible– and that, for this reason, he and I (along with his two daughters and my son) are TRULY A FAMILY and are unified in our love for each other because of our love for our Savior Jesus Christ and for the true Bible (translated from the Earliest manuscripts).
63.0(v) Consult with Dr. Brent Spiner for more ideas about how to construct this church. Dr. Spiner meets with Jesus almost every day for lunch. In order for this church to be a church which honors the plaque dedicated to it, all members must be BIBLE READERS. Anyone who is not a BIBLE READER (which is one who reads at least a half hour a day from an Earliest manuscripts Bible), will be dropped from the membership rolls.
63.0(v1) All monies donated to our church will be handled by CPAs, who will present monthly financial reports on GCFNC, so that these men know where the money is being used. Before these financial reports are presented those who prepared the report will make a statement under 666-Computer lie-detection that the report is accurate and accurately reflects how the money was spent and where it went. The report cannot be presented until those who prepare the report pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the report. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to present a false report regarding our church’s finances, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
63.0(w) You might say that no church can survive with such stringent membership requirements. Vladimir and I do not create a church to have large numbers, we create a church to honor the Bible. Those members who do not have the same goals as Vladimir and myself will be denied membership. I do not anticipate a membership problem at all. I think those who truly love the Lord and His Word will love this church and will find here a sanctuary from the corruptions of the world. Better to have a small quality membership than a large membership full of pigs and slobs and spiritual pretenders. Because of GCFNC, we will probably require a large building. This is because we have a built-in church promotional tool with our news station. I anticipate a large membership, so make the church large enough to comfortably accommodate about 5,000 in attendance on Sundays, but yet make the building so that if only 500 show up–the building won’t be too large. Perhaps there will be a balcony. You say–you think Vladimir will be that good of a preacher? Yes, I think so. He is very popular in Russia. We will probably have Russians in our services. He has had practice in making speeches and already has a built-in following because he is a President. I think we will require a large church building.
63.0(x) You might say, this is absurd. If we don’t have that many–that is fine, but it is better to have a building too large than one too small. I anticipate that many world leaders, when they come to the area, will stop by and visit our church. Perhaps half our attendance will be guests. We need to have room for them.
63.0(y) The church will sit on a large area of land and my one million dollars will also go to the purchase of the land that the church will sit on. Also, if, by chance, we start having more than 5,000 people in attendance, a large area of land will also allow for expansion of the church building. The church should be built so that it can easily be expanded, if we experience phenomenal growth. I’m not sure how large a parking lot we will need, but this must be taken into consideration as well. We want the church, its land and parking lots well protected. So the church and its property will probably be surrounded by a high wall topped with barbed wire (which will encircle the entire area)–to make it difficult for terrorists to attack the church or to attack or booby trap any of the cars in the parking lot. The barbed wire may not be necessary, but a high concrete wall would probably be a good idea, and then people can only enter and leave through the gates and all gates will be manned by MILITARY POLICE. How large the parking lot needs to be will depend on how many of our church members will drive to church. I’m not sure what Germany’s laws are in regard to land ownership. But we may want a large area of land around the church (if possible) because this may make it more difficult for terrorists to attack our building from the outside. The church will be set up like a military base with high concrete walls around it, so that it won’t be easy for strangers to enter our church’s land and premises. The last thing on earth we need is for a JESUIT TERRORIST to barge into the middle of a service from outside the church and start a shootout or to put the church on fire. So this church will be constructed to make this very difficult to carry-out.
63.0(z) Perhaps all the members will enter through one gate and leave through another gate. This way we can ensure that all who have entered, have left.
63.0(a1) I have had about 25 years of experience in church attendance, so I know something about churches.
63.0(b1) The Jesuits’ number one way to destroy churches is to introduce troublemakers and leaven and compromisers of Scriptural truth into the churches, and so by requiring all our members to be daily Earliest manuscripts Bible readers, we will prevent many problems. We want God in our services and He won’t be there if we allow leaven and corruption into the church.
63.0(b1.1) 1 Corinthians 5:11 will be honored at our church and no one can be a member or have a pass to attend services unless they honor 1 Corinthians 5:11. That means that 666-Computer analysis will be used to determine if the person who wants to attend the services is a fornicator (going by the Bible definition of a fornicator–Dr. Spiner will elaborate on this), or who is covetous (going by the Bible definition of a covetous person–Dr. Spiner will elaborate on this), or who is an idolater (going by the Bible definition of an idolater–Dr. Spiner will elaborate on this), or who is a railer (going by the Bible definition of a railer–Dr. Spiner will elaborate on this), or who is a drunkard (going by the Bible definition of a drunkard), or who is an extortioner (going by the Bible definition of an extortioner–Dr. Spiner will elaborate on this). All such persons will be denied membership and not allowed to attend the services. They can watch the services over the internet or through radio or television, but we will not let them attend the services.
63.0(b1.2) Because Vladimir Putin is the pastor and he must set an example, he will make a public confession of a sin which he has committed over the years and that is the sin of lying. Also, if he does not confess this as sin, he will appear to encourage fornication and lying, and as a pastor he needs to set a good example (read Romans 14 & 15). Since our church will not allow fornicators to attend the services, Vladimir Putin must not, himself, appear to be a fornicator.
63.0(b1.3) Vladimir has lied to the world in that he has presented himself to the world as married to a woman to whom he is not married–this has made him appear to be a fornicator and has made him also appear to be a liar and one who encourages lying and/or fornication, since all of Russia knows that he is not married to this woman which he has appeared with in public in the American press. This is not a condemnation of the woman he has appeared with (since she is only doing what Vladimir has instructed her to do), but more a condemnation of Vladimir and of the American press for encouraging this performance and lie.
63.0(b1.4) To show that Vladimir is sorry for this sin and that he condemns lying and fornication (which he must, if he is to be a pastor according to the Bible), and to show that he does not encourage the American press to lie and print slanders and to show that he is fit to be the pastor of his church and that he is trying to be the husband of ONE WIFE (see 1 Tim. 3:1)– he and Laura Bush will begin a lawsuit and criminal proceedings against USA Today, the American press and news media, and the Jesuit Order, for printing an article about him in Nov. 2001 which slandered Laura Bush and himself. Both Laura Bush and Vladimir will use attorney Lis Wiehl of FOX News to be their prosecutor, and Lis will incorporate this case against USA Today, the American press and news media, and the Jesuit Order, into the case which Lis already has going against Starbridge (and other organizations) which have attacked Gail Schuler’s finances and have threatened Gail’s life and safety. This is because this USA Today article (Nov. 2001) misquoted Laura Bush by having her state that Vladimir would appear at some Texas ranch function with Vladimir’s “wife” named Lyudmila–when Laura Bush made no such statement and when Vladimir had no wife at the time.
63.0(b1.5) He and Laura Bush (wife of Pres. Bush) will sue and bring criminal charges against USA Today, the American press and news media, and the Jesuit Order for slander and defamation and will bring criminal charges for CONSPIRACY LAW violations against USA Today, the American press and news media, and the Jesuit Order for allowing this untrue article to be printed about Vladimir Putin in the United States. The basis for his suit will be that this USA Today article was used by the Jesuits to intimidate Vladimir to put on a performance that he was married to a woman to whom he was not married — and by so doing, he unintentionally caused harm to the woman he wanted to marry– because this lying article encouraged his enemies to attack the woman he loves. Further basis for this suit (in order to justify expanding to include the entire American news community) will be the photo and article in Florida Today (4-28-05), in which a photo of Vladimir Putin was altered to make him appear like Howard Hughes. This was obviously an attempt to align Vladimir with the American press and to insinuate that he enjoys creating news media conspiracies which bring harm to his fiancé, Gail Schuler. And this lying article in USA Today also intimidated him to put on a performance that he was married–when he was not–and this performance indirectly caused harm to the woman he wanted to marry. Those news stations and newspapers which cooperated with Vladimir in this performance (after the Nov. 2001 USA Today article was printed) will not be sued or tried for CONSPIRACY LAW violations– since Vladimir, himself, encouraged this lie by appearing in public with his fake wife, and, so, therefore, he encouraged these press outlets to continue the lie which USA Today started.
63.0(b1.5.1) However, as of this date (1-24-05), Vladimir will no longer represent himself to the world as married or as having a relationship to a “Lyudmila” or to any other woman to whom he is not married or with whom he has no relationship; and Vladimir Putin and Laura Bush will send notices to all press outlets (including tabloids and internet outlets) not to portray (directly or indirectly) Vladimir Putin as married to a fake wife (or as having a relationship with any woman with whom he does not have a relationship). Any press outlets which report, even if only by showing photographs or camera coverage which infers he is married to or has a marriage relationship with a woman to whom he does not have this relationship, will be added onto the lawsuit which he and Laura Bush have begun against USA Today and the Jesuit Order. See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.2) All camera and photo coverage of appearances of Vladimir Putin with “Lyudmila” must be removed from the files (including computer files) of all major established news corporations, so that they cannot accidentally be flashed during any news coverage of Vladimir Putin, and the Russian government will send teams from GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL to all major news organizations and press outlets to scour the files (including computer files) of that news organization and to remove all news clips which show Vladimir with “Lyudmila”. Any news clips which would cause the audience to infer that Vladimir has an intimate relationship with any woman or person to whom he does not have a relationship MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE FILES (INCLUDING COMPUTER FILES) OF THAT NEWS ORGANIZATION. We will not tolerate lying–even if only BY INFERENCE. The GCFNC teams sent may actually be Germans that Vladimir has appointed to represent Russia (see Sect. 1.92d of this document). See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.3) After these GCFNC teams have scoured all the files of the news organization, or press outlet, they will make a statement under 666-Computer lie-detection as follows:
To the best of our knowledge we have removed all news clips from the files (including computer files) of this news organization which could directly or indirectly infer that Vladimir Putin is married to a woman named “Lyudmila” as alleged in the lying USA Today article, and we have cross examined those at this news organization to determine whether we have found and removed all the files (including computer files) which could contain photo or camera coverage of Vladimir which could infer that he has an intimate relationship to any person to whom he does not have an intimate relationship. See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.4) If the GCFNC team does not pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the above statement, then another GCFNC team will be sent to the same news organization in order to remove all files (including computer files) which contain coverage of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” and this will continue until the job is done. If the job is never done because that news organization lies about which files contain coverage of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” or because it adds to its files coverage of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” or adds to its files coverage of Vladimir with some other woman or person with whom Vladimir does not have an intimate relationship (after it has had its files scoured by the GCFNC team), then that news organization will be treated as a terrorist organization according to CONSPIRACY LAW and will be condemned as a terrorist news organization on GCFNC, and will be sued for defamation against the Russian government. See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.5)-a As of this 23rd day of February, 2005–FOX News showed a clip of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” around 3:30 p.m. EST and because this is a violation of this Section 63.0(b1.5), FOX News of the United States will be fined by the Russian government. Evidence of this fine and of the payment which FOX News will make will be shown on GCFNC. GCFNC will condemn this coverage by FOX News, in which a clip of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” was shown around 3:30 p.m. EST and will warn FOX News not to repeat this mistake. FOX News is not to show any more clips of this nature, or it will suffer more serious consequences from the Russian government, and will be treated as a terrorist organization under CONSPIRACY LAW. FOX News is under court order to remove from all of its files all coverage of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” or any other person with whom Vladimir does not have an intimate relationship, or else it will be listed as a terrorist news organization on GCFNC and will suffer the consequences of a terrorist news organization according to CONSPIRACY LAW. GCFNC news teams will be sent to FOX News to scour their files and to remove from their files all coverage of Vladimir with “Lyudmila”, and these GCFNC teams will not leave FOX News until they can make the above italicized statement of Sect. 63.0(b1.5.3)(after passing 666-Computer lie-detection). See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.5)-b In all fairness to Bill O’Reilly, Lis Wiehl and Greta Van Susteren of FOX News who are wholeheartedly on our side in this matter– we will offer Bill O’Reilly, Lis Wiehl or Greta Van Susteren a comparable position on our GCFNC news station if they feel they must quit their job at FOX News for ethical reasons. Anything that FOX News offers them in pay or benefits or compensation we will match, since we appreciate the good work these FOX News workers have done for us and don’t want them implicated along with FOX News. All of these FOX News workers are unhappy about the “slip” at FOX News in which a clip of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” was shown at around 3:30 p.m. on 2-23-05.
63.0(b1.5.5)–c If FOX News does not comply with our demands to not portray Vladimir as married to a woman to whom he is not married, and if there are further violations at FOX News which promote the illusion that Vladimir is married to a Lyudmila woman and to promote the illusion that Vladimir is not engaged to Gail Schuler; and if, because of this, Bill O’Reilly, Lis Wiehl or Greta Van Susteren want to quit their jobs at FOX News, we will offer them a comparable position at GCFNC with matching salary and benefits. If one of these newscasters decide to leave FOX and to come to GCFNC, the reasons why these newscasters quit their job at FOX News and came to GCFNC will be exposed on GCFNC and we will welcome them to our GCFNC news team (which has been the highest rated news broadcast in the world since its inception). See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.5)–d Furthermore, the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS CEO will make a statement on GCFNC in which he will state that if any news organization does not comply with this Sect. 63.0(b1.5) or if that news organization is used to promote violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, that the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS CEO will withdraw Wal-Mart or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’s advertising dollars from that news station or news periodical and that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s CEO will then make a statement on GCFNC condemning that news organization for violating this Sect. 63.0(b1.5), in order to clear Wal-Mart or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATION from being part of any news media conspiracy against Gail Schuler. Wal-Mart or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will withdraw its advertising dollars from Florida Today (or any other press outlet which printed this “Howard Hughes” photo of Vladimir) because Florida Today printed a photo of Vladimir Putin (4-28-05) in which Vladimir’s face was altered to make him look like Howard Hughes. See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.6) Any news organization which will not cooperate with this removal by GCFNC news teams of all clips of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” from their files, will be treated as a terrorist organization which supports the Jesuit Order (according to CONSPIRACY LAW) and is in danger of a lawsuit being filed against it by the Russian government. Any news organization or press outlet which will not cooperate with the GCFNC news team in this removal of all press photos or releases of Vladimir with “Lyudmila” or with any other partner with whom he does not have an intimate relationship, will be treated as a terrorist organization according to CONSPIRACY LAW and is forbidden by the Russian government to cover Vladimir Putin at all in the news and if it does so, is in danger of being sued for defamation and for cooperation with Jesuit terrorism against the Russian government To show news clips of Vladimir with a “wife” or partner who is not Gail Schuler, will indirectly communicate to the world that Vladimir is not engaged to Gail and that he is married to (or has an intimate relationship with) another woman and that he supports terrorist activities against Gail and considers his relationship with Gail (his Vice President) a joke, and this is not the message he wants to portray to the world. Therefore, news organizations which promote this image of Vladimir to the world will be treated harshly with a firm hand by the Russian government. See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.5.7) ALL NEWS ORGANIZATIONS WHICH DO NOT COOPERATE WITH THIS SCOURING OF THEIR FILES (INCLUDING COMPUTER FILES) BY AN GCFNC NEWS TEAM TO REMOVE ALL CLIPS OF VLADIMIR WITH “LYUDMILA” (OR OF ANY OTHER PRESENTATIONS DEEMED SUPPORTIVE OF JESUIT CONSPIRACIES), WILL BE LISTED AS TERRORIST NEWS ORGANIZATIONS ON GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and GCFNC will condemn those news organizations as biased and inaccurate news sources not to be trusted and as news organizations controlled and manipulated by the Jesuit Order to further Jesuit terrorist enterprises. See updates in Sect. 63.0(b1.7).
63.0(b1.6) Also, any future newspaper or press reports which report Vladimir as attached to any woman to whom he is not attached, will also be added onto the lawsuit and criminal proceedings which Vladimir and Laura Bush are bringing against USA Today, the American press and news media, and the Jesuit Order. The proceeds of this lawsuit will be given to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to assist in the war against Jesuit terrorism. The end result of this lying article in USA Today, was that he was unable to give his fiancé financial assistance in times of emergency and Gail was forced to file for bankruptcy and had her car repossessed and many other crimes were committed against her, because Vladimir could not convince Gail’s UNWILLING AGENT mother that he desired to marry her daughter. Part of the reason he could not convince Gail’s mother of this is because of all his false appearances in public in which he appeared with a fake wife. So his appearances with the “Lyudmila” woman, made him appear anti-Semitic because it encouraged those who ARE anti-Semitic to attack the woman he wanted to marry (who has Jewish ancestry); and, thus, the USA Today (Nov. 2001) article encouraged his enemies to portray him to the world as an anti-Semite who was ashamed of his fiancé’s Jewish ancestry and who did not want to admit his love for his “Jewish” fiance’ in public. The American reporter behind this article should have done his/her research and should have known that at that time the Russian President was not married. And we believe that this USA Today article was a deliberate attempt to transfer/connect the Jesuit conspiracy against Brent Spiner and Gail (where the Jesuits used their agent Loree McBride against Gail and Brent from about 1992 to 2001) with Gail’s new interest in 2001 with Vladimir Putin. We believe this, because the name Lyudmila was chosen in this USA Today article, and because this name, Lyudmila, has strong alliterative sounds with the L and M sounds of Loree McBride.
63.0(b1.7) This case against USA Today, the American press and news media, and the Jesuit Order for slander and defamation and for criminal violations of international law, will be shown on GCFNC and those found guilty of this slander and defamation will also be tried for their other violations of CONSPIRACY LAW. We are sure they will be given the death penalty as JESUIT CONSPIRATORs for they will also be found guilty of death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW.
Update on 11-23-05: Because Vladimir has signed paperwork to cause Gail Schuler to be legally married to 3 men– these 3 men will have all the rights defined in this Section. These 3 men are Vladimir Putin, Russian President; Brent Spiner, actor; and Matthew McConaughey, actor. The term “wife” in this Section will broadly refer to all romantic relationships of Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner or Matthew McConaughey.
Update on 4-28-05: The lawsuit has been extended to the entire American press and news media, because this Jesuit conspiracy against Vladimir’s fiancé, Gail Schuler, has affected the entire American press. The way we will handle the entire American press is that we will analyze to what extent each news media organization is guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations and those that have a consistent history of CONSPIRACY LAW violations (such as Florida Today) will have to pay damages to Vladimir Putin and the Russian government (or to Brent Spiner and the Israeli government or to Matthew McConaughey, should he get embroiled in this somehow) and they will be condemned as a TERRORIST NEWS ORGANIZATION on GCFNC. Vladimir or Brent or Matthew will use the damages which they are awarded from this lawsuit to help in the war against terrorism and will donate this money to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. NOTE: Even though the lawsuit has been expanded to include the entire American press, this does not mean that all American press outlets will be required to pay damages. Only those press outlets who have willingly and knowingly violated Vladimir’s or Brent’s or Matthew’s intent to protect his fiancé/wife from press conspiracies which could bring Gail harm will be those who must pay damages. Also, those individuals within those American press outlets who have not willingly and knowingly violated Vladimir’s or Brent’s or Matthew’s intent to protect his fiancé/wife from press conspiracies which could bring Gail harm and who have followed his guidelines and honored his wishes in how his wife, Gail, is indirectly or directly portrayed to the world will still receive their BONUSES (see rest of this Sect.). So, even though the entire American press community has been sued–we will draw the line and will only hit those specific press outlets who are the consistent violators and make those press outlets pay damages. Vladimir wants to expand his lawsuit to include the entire American press because this American press conspiracy is widespread and has been the number one reason Vladimir or Brent or Matthew have been unable, thus far, to marry Gail Schuler in the Biblical sense. This is their way to show their outrage over the irresponsible American reporting about their personal life, which not only affects them, but negatively affects the entire Russian or Israeli nation and the war against terrorism.
63.0(b1.7)-a Update to Lyudmila problem. Because the Jesuits tried to murder Pope John Paul II on 2-24-05 in which Vladimir originally planned to appear in Slovakia without a spouse by his side and the Jesuits planned to murder Pope John Paul II in order to make it appear that Vladimir orchestrated the whole Lyudmila scandal in order to frame the Jesuits with the murder of Pope John Paul II, Vladimir changed his position and decided to appear with a fake wife (to save the Pope’s life). However, in order to protect his fiancé, the woman he appeared with looked similar to the earlier one, but was different.
63.0(b1.7)-b Apparently, Vladimir wanted to strike some sort of compromise, in which he would not appear to be one who would want the Pope murdered and yet would not want to appear to be one who would want his fiancé harmed by the Jesuits–so he played the Jesuit game, but on his own terms.
63.0(b1.7)-c So his answer to this problem was to appear with a “Lyudmila”, but with a different woman who looked a lot like the original woman he appeared with. In this way, he hoped to save the Pope’s life and yet to appear to respect his fiancé, since Vladimir hoped that discerning viewers would notice that the woman he appeared with was different from the original one he appeared with and that the audience would figure out the truth that these are “publicity” wives and are political games which he does not delight in, but which he feels he must play to save innocent lives, in order to lessen the impression that he delights in creating murderous conspiracies with which to frame the Jesuits.
63.0(b1.7)-d This creates a delicate balancing act. Vladimir or Brent or Matthew do not enjoy being a fake and this is not a performance they delight in. They only do it to save the lives of the innocent. So their motives for these performances are not to make fun of their fiancé/wife, but to save the lives of people who are significant in the war against Jesuit terrorism. Because dealing with Jesuits is such a complicated matter and because it is not always easy to predict how they will respond to our laws, especially when it comes to Gail’s relationship with Vladimir or Brent or Matthew which is something they are obsessed with–it will be necessary to add some flexibility to these laws which deal with Lyudmila or other press releases about Gail, Vladimir or Brent or Matthew’s personal life.
63.0(b1.7)-e We feel that the lawsuit which we brought against USA Today and the American press and news media should continue, since it was their lying newspaper article (and their continued lying and support of Jesuit conspiracies against Gail Schuler and Vladimir Putin and Brent Spiner and possibly Matthew McConaughey) which got this whole game going and it is not a game which Vladimir or I or Brent or Matthew delight in. Vladimir will make a statement on GCFNC from the pulpit of his church in which he will state the real reasons (under 666-Computer lie-detection) why he felt he had to appear with “Lyudmila” at his Slovakia meeting with Pres. Bush. He must do this to show that he does not support the concept of a man having more than one wife. In this statement, he will state that he feels that in God’s eyes he is married to Gail Schuler, but he feared that if Pope John Paul II was murdered when he made an obvious appearance with Pres. Bush without a wife by his side, that this would eventually lead to the murder of his fiancé, Gail–since the Jesuits may succeed in portraying him to the world as one who delights in creating and showing off murder conspiracies with which to frame the Jesuits, and he does not want to come across to the world as one who would delight in the death of Pope John Paul, the Roman Catholic leader, or as one who delights in murder–period. So to save the Pope’s life and his fiancés life, he appeared with a Lyudmila.
63.0(b1.7)-f However, just because he appeared in public with a fake wife does not mean he does not plan to marry Gail or that he plays game with her, since he has custody of her son. Vladimir and Brent and Matthew will still try to monitor press releases about their private life and they will ask all major press and media outlets to consult with them before these outlets make any (direct or indirect) press releases about they and their “wife” or significant other. Any press release which could in any way connect Vladimir or Brent or Matthew with his wife or significant other, such as the photo of Vladimir that made him look like Howard Hughes (who Gail has genetic ties to), are the type of press releases for which they want to have input. They still want news media outlets to remove from their files all (direct or indirect) coverage of Brent or Vladimir or Matthew with any fake wife (or lover) and to put them in a secure place where violators will not have easy access to them. GCFNC news teams will visit major press outlets (all over the world) and see if they are cooperating in securing all files which cover Brent or Vladimir or Matthew and his “wife” or significant other, so that intruders cannot have access to them, and so that Vladimir and Brent and Matthew can have control over how these are released to the public. Vladimir and Brent and Matthew will monitor these files themselves and will decide which of these are to be publicized and how and when they are to be publicized. They want to control how they and their “wives” or significant others are portrayed to the world. When they give permission to release some clippings of they and their wife or significant others, the press (or tabloid) outlet are to follow their instructions about how, when and in what manner to release them. Brent or Vladimir or Matthew do not want to be too brazen in any press appearances with a fake wife, because this would appear to make it appear that they are not engaged/married to Gail or that they do not value their relationship with her.
63.0(b1.7)-g On the other hand, when emergencies arise, when Brent or Vladimir or Matthew must play down their conflict with USA Today, it may be necessary to strike a compromise–but how this compromise is struck is something they want to play a hand in. Vladimir or Brent or Matthew do not want the major press outlets to go to town with any fake or real wife (or significant other) appearances and to handle these appearances in any way they see fit-. And the way the press portrays Brent or Vladimir or Matthew and his “wife” or significant other, if not done correctly, could encourage terrorists to murder Brent or Vladimir or Matthew’s real wife or “fiancé’ or significant other”.
63.0(b1.7)-h Therefore, a compromise law will be written to make room for flexibility in case of emergencies, like we had today. Here is the law:
63.0(b1.7)-i From this day forward, any news outlet (any where in the world) which covers or shows photographs of Vladimir or Brent Spiner or Matthew McConaughey with (or in regard to) his “wife” or significant other (this would include any inferences to his wife, such as making Vladimir’s or Brent’s or Matthew’s photo look like Howard Hughes) and/or of Gail with (or in regard to) her “husband” or significant other must consult with Vladimir and Brent and Matthew before they do it and must get Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s permission over how they cover Vladimir or Brent or Matthew’s appearances with (or in regard to) his “wife” and/or how they cover Gail’s appearances with (or in regard to) her “husband”. Vladimir and Brent and Matthew will then give this news organization guidelines in WRITING about how he wants Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” portrayed and/or how he wants Gail and her “husband” portrayed. These will be detailed instructions and will even show which clippings Vladimir and Brent and Matthew will allow to be released to the public. These clippings must be shown in the way that Vladimir and Brent and Matthew outlines. If Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s guidelines are violated, there will be legal consequences. The news organization MUST FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES. All news media have guidelines and when it comes to Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”, Vladimir and Brent and Matthew insist that all news media (anywhere in the world) follow the guidelines which Vladimir and Brent and Matthew will give them about how to portray Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”.
63.0(b1.7)-j Any major news organization (anywhere in the world) which does not consult with Vladimir and Brent and Matthew before covering Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and Gail in any manner which shows Vladimir or Brent or Matthew with a “wife” or significant other (or when Vladimir or Brent or Matthew deals directly or indirectly) with a “wife” or significant other and/or which shows Gail with a “husband” or significant other (or when Gail deals directly or indirectly) with a “husband” or significant other and/or which portrays Vladimir or Brent or Matthew in any manner which would connect him to Gail Schuler (such as altering his photograph to make him look like Howard Hughes); and which does not follow the guidelines which Vladimir and Brent and Matthew gives them, will be added onto the lawsuit which Vladimir has already started with USA Today and those within that news organization who are determined to be Jesuit supporters and who have willingly and knowingly portrayed Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband” in a manner which supports Jesuit terrorism or which could encourage Jesuits to harm Gail Schuler or her family or innocent SIGNIFICANT PERSONS, will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
63.0(b1.7)-k Those news media outlets (anywhere in the world) which consistently violate Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s guidelines will be listed as TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS on GCFNC and Vladimir and Brent and Matthew will encourage those governments to shut those news organizations down as TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. The evidence for this news media’s terrorist promotion will be shown on GCFNC as the news organization is listed under TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. Propaganda plays a huge role in terrorism and Vladimir and Brent and Matthew condemn terrorist propaganda.
63.0(b1.7)-l The problem is, the damage is already done and there are too many press releases of Vladimir or Brent or Matthew out there with a fake wife and it is impossible to remove these from the news media files. The Jesuits can always get them and retrieve them. However, Vladimir and Brent and Matthew want to have control over how they are portrayed by the news media with their “wife” and/ or over how Gail is portrayed by the news media with her “husband”, since this portrayal can have a significant impact on Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s real fiancé/wife Gail Schuler, and they want to protect their future wife (in the Biblical sense).
63.0(b1.7)-m Vladimir has an unfair reputation as one who bullies the press. Vladimir only desires to control the press when lying and slander are involved which could endanger innocent lives. And when USA Today printed a lying article about he and his wife “Lyudmila”–this, he knew, was an attempt by Jesuits to set him up for the murder of Gail and other innocents and to blame it on him. So he’s had to play a delicate balancing act. Actually, the press cannot be bullied, especially in the United States, where they have reigned for decades.
63.0(b1.7)-n Individuals within those press outlets which cooperate with Vladimir and Brent and Matthew and follow their guidelines in portraying Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”, will be awarded BONUSES from the International government and will be mentioned as individuals within that news organization which promote the war against the Jesuit terrorism on GCFNC. We will honor no news organization as a whole, since there are too many UNWILLING AGENTS in all news organizations (except GCFNC).
63.0(b1.7)-n.1 HOWEVER, IN ORDER FOR ANY NEWS MEDIA INDIVIDUAL TO RECEIVE A BONUS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT, that news media individual must ALSO have followed the BIBLE PROGRAM (which all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must follow) for at least 3 months! If, it is determined that that news media individual has done the equivalent of the BIBLE PROGRAM (that is, that he/she has read at least a half hour a day every day for 3 months from the Bible and has avoided OCCULT MEDIA enough that it has not undermined his/her 3 month Bible study)–then that 3-month Bible study period will count the same as having followed the BIBLE PROGRAM for 3 months.
63.0(b1.7)-n.2 If a news media individual is awarded a BONUS and then stops his/her BIBLE PROGRAM, that BONUS will be publicly recanted on GCFNC (though the individual will not have to pay it back to the International government) and the International government will make a public statement on GCFNC that it regrets that it gave this individual a BONUS since they have stopped their BIBLE PROGRAM and are now vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. This way if this person is used as an UNWILLING AGENT after they have been recanted on GCFNC, it will show that the International government had nothing to do with (and does not endorse in any manner) their UNWILLING AGENT behavior.
63.0(b1.7)-n.3 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to give a BONUS to a news media individual (which violates the guidelines of this Sect. 63), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. This is because we don’t want to create the impression AT ALL that we are behind any Jesuit-orchestrated news media conspiracies. And the Jesuits are very busy with the press and tabloids!
63.0(b1.7)-n.4 This BONUS could be given to executive producers, broadcasters, film editors, cameramen, make-up people, scriptwriters, etc. NO entire PRESS OUTLET WILL RECEIVE A BONUS, SINCE ALL PRESS OUTLETS ARE INFECTED WITH UNWILLING AGENTS. INSTEAD, INDIVIDUALS WITHIN EACH PRESS OUTLET (WHO HONOR CONSPIRACY LAW and the guidelines of Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner and Matthew McConaughey and who have followed the BIBLE PROGRAM for at least 3 months) will receive BONUSES. THE PRESS PLAYS A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. FOX News has actually been one of the better news organizations out there, and the problems they experienced recently were caused by rebels within the news organization who weren’t following the organization’s guidelines. These rebels will be exposed and FOX News executives will make a statement on GCFNC that these rebels have been fired, and, for this reason, Vladimir has dropped his fine against FOX News.
63.0(b1.7)-o Also, it will take time to implement these Lyudmila laws and it is not easy to erase all files from a news media of previous appearances of Presidents. The fine against FOX News will be dropped for this reason.
63.0(b1.7)-p However, Vladimir and Brent and Matthew request that all news media consult with them before portraying anything (including photographs that indirectly bring the spotlight on their relationship with Gail) that deals directly or indirectly with Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”– and those that don’t, or that don’t follow his guidelines in how they portray Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”, will be added onto the lawsuit which Vladimir and Laura Bush have against USA Today and the American press, and if the violation is such that it was done willingly and knowingly to promote Jesuit terrorism, the violator will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
63.0(b1.7)-q Apparently, it will be impossible to remove from the files of news organizations all clippings of Vladimir or Brent or Matthew’s former appearances with their fake wife/girlfriend, etc., and the Jesuits will never let this die. Nevertheless, we do not want to create the impression that Vladimir or Brent or Matthew do not take seriously their vow to marry Gail Schuler or that they play games with her or try to take advantage of her. On the other hand, we don’t want Jesuits to create the impression that Vladimir or Brent or Matthew orchestrated and drew attention to this whole fake wife/girlfriend scandal so that Vladimir or Brent or Matthew could murder people (like the Pope) and then blame it on Jesuits or that Vladimir or Brent or Matthew delight in drawing attention to this fake wife/girlfriend scandal.
63.0(b1.7)-r So the new Lyudmila laws are as follows: All news media must consult with Vladimir and Brent and Matthew before portraying in any manner Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”, even in the manner in which they present Vladimir or Brent or Matthew’s photographs or other presentations. Those that don’t or that betray Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s guidelines will be exposed as TERRORIST NEWS ORGANIZATIONS on GCFNC–with the possibility for death penalty for those that violate his guidelines willingly and knowingly. Individuals within those news organizations who follow their guidelines will be rewarded BONUSES from the International government and will be honored and mentioned on GCFNC. While we honor those individuals within that news organization, we will state that this is not an endorsement of that news organization as a whole (since there are UNWILLING AGENTS within every news organization, except for GCFNC), but is a reward for that individual within that news organization. Those news organizations that violate Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s guidelines or that don’t consult with them before portraying Vladimir or Brent or Matthew and his “wife” and/or Gail and her “husband”, will be condemned as JESUIT TERRORIST organizations and their crimes and violations will be exposed on GCFNC.
63.0(b1.7)-s Furthermore, when Vladimir or Brent or Matthew expose these terrorist news organizations, they will state under 666-Computer lie-detection on GCFNC that they in no way participated in any of the violations from these news organizations which violated his guidelines. And they will describe HOW this news organization violated their guidelines and will condemn them for their violations and will state (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that they had NOTHING TO DO WITH THESE VIOLATIONS!! ALL NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS WHICH DON’T CONSULT WITH VLADIMIR AND BRENT AND MATTHEW BEFOREHAND IN PORTRAYING VLADIMIR or BRENT or MATTHEW AND HIS “WIFE” and/or Gail and her “husband”, or which violate Vladimir and Brent and Matthew’s guidelines will be added onto the lawsuit which Vladimir has brought against USA Today and this USA Today case will be shown in its entirety on GCFNC. Florida Today has been added onto the lawsuit against USA Today, because of their photo of Vladimir (4-28-05) which uncannily resembles Howard Hughes. All other press releases which participated in this “Howard Hughes” conspiracy will also be added onto the lawsuit which Vladimir has brought against Florida Today.
63.0(b1.7)-t To help those persons who are connected to Gail and/or Vladimir or Brent or Matthew–such as co-workers or family members, and in order to eliminate confusion which may be caused by the press or publicity games that Vladimir and Brent and Matthew and Gail have to play to protect innocent lives– GCFNC will present the truthful version of all marital performances by Vladimir, Brent, Matthew and/or Gail, so that the way GCFNC may present the news may be as follows: Vladimir appeared in the U.S. with his publicity wife, Lyudmila, as he attempted to acquire his true fiancé, Gail, for marriage. In the meanwhile, Gail appeared with and left the U.S. with a publicity husband _________, while she and Vladimir left the U.S. together undercover to go to Germany and start their home.
63.0(b1.7)-u After this, GCFNC will present an explanation by Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey, and/or Gail Schuler and other significant persons (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) over why they played this charade and this explanation will be presented on GCFNC.
63.0(b1.7)-v Background information about the publicity wives or husbands (and their back-ups) may also be presented on GCFNC with information about why they agree to participate in this press charade and what is in it for them, and how and why they were chosen to be the publicity wife or husband (or the back-ups). It is necessary to have back-ups because the Jesuits are so fanatically obsessed with destroying the relationship between Vladimir/Brent/Matthew and Gail, that the Jesuits may knock out a publicity husband or wife right before Vladimir/Brent/Matthew and Gail try to come together, so back-ups are necessary for emergencies.
63.0(b1.7)-w This presentation on GCFNC about the publicity wife or husband (and the back-up publicity spouses) will be made to protect the publicity wife or husband (and the back-ups) and to eliminate confusion in those who associate with the publicity wives or husbands (or the back-ups) of Vladimir/Brent/Matthew and/or Gail.
63.0(b1.7)-x It will also be made clear on GCFNC that the publicity wife or husband (or the back-up) agreed willingly to this publicity arrangement and that the publicity wife or husband (or back-up) is free to exit the publicity arrangement at any time he/she desires. For instance it will be explained on GCFNC that if the publicity wife or husband (or back-up) falls in love with a new person (besides their publicity spouse) and does not want to play this game any more of pretending to be married to someone they are not married to– then maybe another publicity wife or husband (or back-up) will take their place as the new publicity wife or husband (or back-up publicity wife or husband) of Vladimir/Brent and/or Gail.
63.0(c1) We can determine who the BIBLE READERS are from our PLP and RSP networks. We will allow those who are not BIBLE READERS to be guests in our services, but they cannot become members until they are BIBLE READERS. Church members who stop reading their Bibles daily, will lose their membership–unless they are unable to read their Bible daily for medical reasons–perhaps they are in I.C.U. The primary focus of this church is to honor the true WORD OF GOD (the Bible Version).
63.0(d1) Vladimir wants me to comment on the church’s dress code. Basically, men should look like men and women should look like women. Women should be dressed modestly and both men and women should dress in what is considered typical church attire in Germany. We won’t kick someone out if they look weird, as long as it doesn’t distract from the message. However, no woman can come to church exposing her breasts or wearing mini-skirts. If a woman is dressed in such a manner, then she will not be allowed to attend the services. Obviously, men should dress in a manner which covers their privates and men have to wear a shirt to come in. There will be no bare breasted men in the church service. Men dressed in such a manner will be escorted out. Men don’t have to wear a tie. We don’t want church to become a fashion contest. On the other hand, people should dress in a manner which would not detract from the service or which would cause people to unduly notice them–that is, unless we have a special dress up day for a special occasion. Example, if a guy comes in wearing purple lipstick–he’s out. Or, if a woman comes in with a hairstyle where she looks like she came from a Star Trek set (because she looks like an alien), she’s out. If a woman wears pants she can come in (as long as she is modest), though we encourage women to wear dresses to church services, but we won’t make a big deal over pants on women. Common sense rules and if there’s a dispute, the final decision will rest with the pastor.
64.0 If Jesus wants, there may be a weekly (or more) debate on GCFNC’s Prayer Channel between the Jesuit leaders and Dr. Brent Spiner over whether the earliest manuscripts of the Bible are God’s preserved and infallible Word for the world today. Dr. Spiner can pick the time and place of the debate, since he is a very busy person. Bill O’ Reilly of FOX News (or some other person that Vladimir Putin will pick) will be the moderator. Each side can make introductory and closing comments for each debate session. The reason for this debate is because the Jesuits claim they are justified to be concerned over anyone who would claim that the Bible is faultless and has no errors and is the inspired, infallible Word of God for people today. The Jesuits claim that anyone who holds such a position–that there is an infallible Bible in the common language that has no errors and to claim that this Bible in the common language is just as inspired as the original Bible manuscripts– is spreading a CULT and is a DANGEROUS PERSON. Therefore, it is necessary to have this debate.ALL STATEMENTS MADE BY DR. Spiner AND THE JESUITS IN THE DEBATE WILL BE EVALUATED BY 666-COMPUTER LIE-DETECTION AND EMOTIONAL ANALYSIS.
64.1 It might be useful to point out that when people believed like Dr. Spiner and I believe (that the Bible was the inspired Word of God), that this world was a better place to live in and that it was the Jesuits who hatched the lie that only a CHURCH (like the almighty Roman Catholic Church) could be trusted. WHY and HOW they hatched this lie should be exposed in the debate.
65.0 In keeping with the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW, whenever a significant leader is taken over by Jesuits, so that let’s say a President of a country of the International government or a President of a significant organization becomes an UNWILLING AGENT, then an alternate will take the place of that leader until that leader is no longer an UNWILLING AGENT and can resume his/her former leadership role. No order or directive given by an UNWILLING AGENT leader will be implemented, but will be made null and void, and the alternate will immediately take over and decide how to endorse, alter, change, void or delay the order given by the now UNWILLING AGENT leader.
65.1 No UNWILLING AGENT can be in a leadership position which has significant influence over a country or over any significant organization. Once it is determined that a significant leader is an UNWILLING AGENT, he/she loses his/her authority as a leader of his/her country or organization and the competent alternate must immediately take over the responsibilities that the now UNWILLING AGENT leader formerly had.
65.2 Because we have solid evidence that a person who is an entrenched, daily Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT cannot be taken over as an UNWILLING AGENT, it is recommended that the alternate(s) be an entrenched, daily Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT.
65.3 To prepare for this eventuality, each country or organization which is part of the International government, must choose alternates to act in place of that leader should that leader become an UNWILLING AGENT. Ideally, these alternates should be chosen by the leader of that country (before he/she becomes an UNWILLING AGENT) so that when he/she is returned to his/her AUTHENTIC state, the transition of government (or leadership) back to the original leader can go smoothly (without the Jesuits being able to create jealousy conspiracies and other complications over the alternate who temporarily assumed the leadership responsibilities of the former UNWILLING AGENT leader).
65.4 If the leader in his state as an AUTHENTIC PERSON chooses those who should act in his/her stead, should he/she become an UNWILLING AGENT, then the ALTERNATE should be able to carry on the duties of that now UNWILLING AGENT leader without complications. No one can claim that the ALTERNATE was trying to undermine the now UNWILLING AGENT leader, since this now UNWILLING AGENT leader had chosen himself/herself the ALTERNATE who should act in his/her stead should he/she become incompetent because he/she becomes an UNWILLING AGENT.
65.5 All major organizations (such as Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS, major corporations, etc.) and all countries of the International government MUST HAVE A LIST OF ALTERNATE LEADERS IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE, chosen by the leaders of those organizations while those leaders are in their AUTHENTIC STATE, so that no major organization or country will be bereft of competent leadership should their leader become an UNWILLING AGENT. Any failure of any organization to have this list of alternates, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to those in that organization responsible for this oversight. This list of alternates must include persons who are daily, entrenched Bible READERS WITH FOCUSED INPUT, so that there will be a strong certainty that a competent alternate leader will be available should the need arise.
65.6 Should there be no list of alternates and a country or organization’s leadership becomes an UNWILLING AGENT, then those who are close to that leader and who know that leader well and who are not UNWILLING AGENTS, will choose the alternate to act in the stead of that now UNWILLING AGENT leader. The alternate will only assume this position while the leader is an UNWILLING AGENT, once that leader returns to his/her AUTHENTIC STATE he will regain his/her former authority and position as the leader of his/her country or organization.
65.7 Once an alternate has been chosen, because a leader is now an UNWILLING AGENT, that alternate will be introduced on GCFNC and the whole world will know who now assumes the leadership responsibilities of the country. A poll will be taken of that country or organization to ensure that those under this alternate’s leadership are comfortable with this choice.
65.8 If the people are not comfortable with this choice (as determined by poll), then another alternate must be chosen by poll of the people who will be governed by this leader, and this poll must be conducted according to the guidelines of Sect. 8 of this document. Ideally, the people will vote by poll for one of those on the list of alternates chosen by the leader while he/she was in his/her AUTHENTIC STATE. However, the current alternate will act as leader until the vote (poll) is taken, so that the country or organization will have some sort of leadership should an emergency arise.
65.9 Any (direct or indirect) willing or knowing attempt or action to allow an UNWILLING AGENT significant leader to pass legislation or to give orders or directives which are obeyed by those under his/her jurisdiction, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
For the purposes of this Section 66, the International President (or former International President) and his/her family will be considered a head of state. Also anyone who offers valuable support to a head of state (such as a secret service worker or any member of that head of state’s government) should also be considered a head of state and treated as a head of state according to this Sect. 66.
66.0 All heads of state and former heads of state (and the family members, including fiances or other SIGNIFICANT PERSONs with a significant relationship to that head of state or former head of state) of any country which is considered part of the International government, will live and work at locations (such as military bases or which have the protection of a military base) and which are protected by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION.
66.1 Ideally, a head of state or former head of state and his/her family will live and work off a military base of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, so that all who enter and leave the base can be monitored. This is designed to protect that head of state and his/her family from terrorist attacks.
66.2 This protection will extend to motel/hotel accommodations as that head of state and his/her family travel. Certain motels and hotels around the world and in every country which a head of state and his/her family may visit will be designated as hotels/motels for heads of state and their families. These motels/hotels will be set up to offer maximum security for that head of state as he/she and his/her family travels. The security at this hotel/motel should be as strict as the security of a well guarded military base. Ideally, the head of state and his/her family will stay at a hotel/motel at one of our well guarded military bases as they travel to do personal or other business.
66.3 All heads of state and their families (including former heads of state and their families) will be under strict guard and monitored and watched very carefully by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. They will travel by means so that security will be enhanced for them and they will sleep and reside at places where security will be enhanced–so they can be better protected, such as at a military base or at a place which has the protection of a well-guarded and secure military base.
66.4 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to violate or neglect the guidelines of this Sect. 66 in the care of a head (or former) of state or his/her family to anyone responsible (directly or indirectly) to ensure the proper care of a head of state or his/her family, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
67.1 The International Government believes in freedom of speech and if any person is used as a Jesuit agent (singly or as part of a conspiracy) to willingly and knowingly intimidate or harm a person over their speech or opinion (when that speech or opinion was not made in a manner which threatened the hearer or the objector’s life, health or safety)–and if this intimidation against the speaker was done IN ORDER TO directly or indirectly PROMOTE A JESUIT AGENDA to set up a police state–then that intimidator will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
67.2 Once you remove freedom of speech, then you lose freedom of religion. When you lose freedom of religion, you lose ALL FREEDOM. We will not tolerate any attempt to set up a Jesuit police state. People should not have to walk on eggs and watch their speech for fear that they will be arrested or will lose their jobs. This does not mean we encourage fights or riots, but it does mean that a person should not have to fear reprisals for being himself or for voicing a political or religious or other opinion, if that opinion is not expressed in a manner which threatens the hearer’s life, health or safety. For instance, we will not tolerate someone saying, “You dirty, rotten b—-, why don’t you jump in the lake and die.” But if someone wants to voice a political or religious or other opinion and does so in a peaceful and orderly manner, he/she should not be reprimanded or made to feel intimidated for his/her speech. To reprimand or intimidate someone for voicing a political or religious or other opinion (when that person voices his/her opinion peacefully and in an orderly manner and does not threaten the life, health or safety of the hearer by his/her speech)–then to intimidate or harm that speaker for voicing his/her opinion is a violation of the right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH and this is against international law and against CONSPIRACY LAW.
67.3 And when a person’s right to freedom of speech is violated in order to willingly and knowingly promote a Jesuit agenda to set up a police state, that is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. This is because to promote the removal of FREEDOM OF SPEECH is to promote the set-up of a Jesuit Police State–which we are adamantly against.
67.4 Freedom of speech does not mean having the freedom to spread slander or lies about a person or to start a riot or to burn down buildings while screaming at the top of one’s voice. The first is defamation and the second is disorderly conduct or worse, and we are against defamation and disorderly conduct and violent behavior. Freedom of speech is only the freedom to express one’s opinion about a matter without fear of harm for expressing his/her opinion when that person expresses his/her opinion in a peaceful and orderly manner which does not threaten the life, health or safety of the hearer. To express one’s opinion in a peaceful and orderly manner means that the manner in which the opinion is expressed is not a threat to the hearer’s life or health or safety.
68.0 All SIGNIFICANT PERSONS with genetic profiles similar to King David, especially those who are famous (even if only famous through GCFNC) will be listed daily on the GCFNC PRAYER CHANNEL, so that Bible believing Christians all over the world will pray for the protection of JEWISH PERSONS (or those with genetic profiles similar to King David) against those anti-Semitic persons who desire to harm them. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee.”
68.1 A JEWISH PERSON is defined as any person who has been genetically profiled by the Jesuit Order as a person to be targeted and harmed or destroyed by the Jesuits because of their Jewish ancestry, even if that person is unaware of his/her Jewish ancestry.
68.2 Vladimir Putin, Pres. Bush and other world leaders will lead daily in this prayer time on GCFNC (for those Jewish persons who need protection from anti-Semitic persons). And the prayers of these world leaders for the protection of these JEWISH PERSONS, will be analyzed by 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis on GCFNC to determine the prayer’s sincerity and truthfulness.
68.3 Those JEWISH PERSONS (especially those with genetic profiles similar to King David) already murdered or seriously harmed by the Jesuit Order, whether the murder or harm was direct or indirect, whether the murder or harm was committed by 666-Computer or by satellite or by any means, will also be listed on GCFNC on a list called MURDERED JEWISH PERSONS. Those listed would include Johnny Carson, Gail Schuler’s aunt Berteale, etc. The list will describe how the JEWISH PERSONS were harmed or killed (whether by 666-Computer, satellite technology or whatever), especially if that JEWISH PERSON was manipulated to behave in an incriminating manner or if manipulation was made of the life of that JEWISH PERSON to make that JEWISH PERSON appear to be inferior and from an inferior race. An example would be a Jesuit attempt to manipulate a JEWISH PERSON’s love life or marriage and family life to make him appear to be an unfaithful partner or a nasty husband or a wife. The Jesuits did this with Howard Hughes and Johnny Carson, and this is why both were married several times and had many romantic partners. This had the effect of causing JEWISH PERSONS to appear to be sex perverts or unfaithful and to be inferior marital partners–when, in actuality, JEWISH PERSONS who marry face great opposition to the success of their marriages, since the Jesuits know that if they can portray a JEWISH PERSON as one who never succeeds in marriage, it can make that JEWISH PERSON appear to be an inferior person. So Jesuits really target the marriages or relationships of JEWISH PERSONS, especially those JEWISH PERSONS who marry famous Gentiles, in order to make the JEWISH PERSON appear inferior to Gentiles. Evidence for this manipulation will be presented on GCFNC and how the Jesuits accomplished this manipulation will also be presented on GCFNC.
68.4 All world leaders (including Jesuit leaders) will make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) which condemns the murder or harm of those JEWISH PERSONS who are on this list called MURDERED JEWISH PERSONS. Any Jesuit leader who makes such a condemnation statement for the Jesuit Order must also make the following statement: “I am a current leader of the current Jesuit Order (as described in Gail’s CONSPIRACY LAWS) and I represent the principles and goals of the current Jesuit Order which is operating throughout the world today.”
69.0 All world leaders and CEOs of major companies and religious leaders of major religions (including Jesuit leaders captured) will be questioned daily on GCFNC with the following questions, and the answers to these questions will be analyzed by 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis on GCFNC:
What goals have you tried to accomplish within the past 24 hours? WHY were these your goals within the past 24 hours? WHO (yourself, Jesus Christ, a future Jesuit Pope, etc.) did you try to glorify through these goals? These questions must be answered with specific answers that make it clear what the answer is. When trying to determine WHO would be glorified by a person’s goals, the questioner may need to throw out possibilities and gauge the correct answer by 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis.
69.1 All world leaders, CEOs of major companies, religious leaders of major religions (including Jesuit leaders captured) must also be asked every 24 hours on GCFNC the following questions:
Did you (or someone you assist) do anything (directly or indirectly) today to assist in the set-up of a world-wide dictatorship which would try to eliminate and/or discredit the Jewish race (and most especially those that have a genetic profile similar to King David)? This question must be answered with “yes” or “no”. If the answer is determined to be “yes”, then they must be further questioned to determine HOW and WHY they have tried to eliminate and/or discredit the Jewish race within the past 24 hours in order to set up a dictatorship. If they are working with a conspiracy that involves another world leader or another group, they must confess (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) who this world leader is and who this other group is.
69.2 Those religious leaders, CEOs, and world leaders who have Jesuit terrorist goals will be exposed on GCFNC’s main broadcast channel, and they will be condemned on a list entitled: WORLD LEADERS WHO SYMPATHIZE WITH JESUIT TERRORISM. Those on this list will be condemned and ordered to stop their daily activities which encourage Jesuit terrorism. They will also be further questioned to determine if they have violated CONSPIRACY LAW and may be given the death penalty on GCFNC.
70.0 All (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempts to attack or interfere with a person’s reading of the Bible (whether through UNWILLING AGENTS or through making distracting noises or causing interference in concentration while one reads the Bible) will cause that perpetrator to be questioned on GCFNC for his/her motive for doing so.
70.1 If that distractor’s motive for distracting or interfering with that Bible reader’s reading of the Bible is to (directly or indirectly) promote a Jesuit conspiracy which would implicate innocent persons or which would promote Jesuit goals to get up a world-wide dictatorship with a Jesuit Pope, then that distractor or interferer will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
70.2 Examples of attempts to attack or interfere with a person’s Bible reading are to cause UNWILLING AGENTS to suggest (while that person is reading the Bible) that that person read or hear some other material (even if the other material is deemed to be religious or Christian material). This may be an attempt to distract that Bible reader to draw him/her away from the Word of God (so that that Bible reader will quit his/her Bible reading and thus make it easier for Jesuits to takeover that person as an UNWILLING AGENT). And it may also be an attempt to create a conspiracy with which to implicate Christian groups with Jesuit crimes–since some Christian group would be associated with that other presentation (such as the “Christian” book or the movie) suggested by the JESUIT INTERFERER.
70.3 For instance, if a Jesuit UNWILLING AGENT hints that a Bible reader should watch a certain “Christian” film or read a certain “Christian” book by a Christian author while that Bible reader is reading his/her Bible, and then that Bible reader acts on that suggestion, it may be a Jesuit attempt to implicate the “Christian” person (who created the film or book suggested) with a Jesuit conspiracy, and it may also be an attempt to distract that reader away from Scripture so that that reader’s brain can be captured by the Jesuits and transformed into an UNWILLING AGENT.
70.4 Only the reading of the Bible is effective at preventing Jesuit takeover of one’s brain as an UNWILLING AGENT, no other reading material is effective in this matter.
70.5 The INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT does not endorse any Christian reading materials or presentations outside of the Bible. Jesuits have infiltrated all Christian literature and presentations and if we endorse any Christian presentation besides the Word of God, then we fall into the Jesuits’ plot to implicate Christian groups with Jesuit orchestrations. Anything written or created by man is sin tainted and the only reading material or presentation which is perfect is the Word of God–therefore, the INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT only endorses the Bible and does not endorse any other Christian reading material or presentation. Though we will not go as far as condemning good Christian reading material or presentations, we will not endorse any Christian reading material outside of the Bible.
70.6 You may say, “What about your novel Silver Skies?” Answer: We will not need to endorse or promote Silver Skies on GCFNC, since all our viewers know about it anyways and once it hits the presses and is presented to the public, the Jesuits attack those who promote it (as well as the novel)– and JESUIT ATTACKS against my novel will be its own promotion. That is because we will report about these Jesuit attacks against Silver Skies on the news. The controversy caused by Jesuit attacks against Silver Skies, will draw people to buy the book–so there will be no need to endorse or promote Silver Skies on GCFNC.
EDUCATION OF Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS WORKERS (or GAIL INTERACTERS–see definition of GAIL INTERACTER below) WHO WORK WITH GAIL SCHULER and of FAMILY MEMBERS of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin, this would include those international workers for Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS who work at Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS in countries other than the United States. It is very necessary to have these laws because Vladimir Putin plans to use Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS (and GAIL INTERACTERS) to meet Gail and to launch her novel and the movie made about her family. Therefore, Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS (and GAIL INTERACTERS) needs the protection of CONSPIRACY LAW and some special laws written just for Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers (or GAIL INTERACTERS):
71.0 A GAIL INTERACTER is defined as any person who (directly or indirectly) interacts with Gail Schuler in any manner and who is in a position to influence whether or not she successfully meets with or marries Vladimir Putin or whether or not her novel Silver Skies is released through Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS or whether the video form of Silver Skies or The Kingdom of David is released through Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS. A GAIL INTERACTER could be a worker from her apartment complex, a cashier at the Publix where she shops, an attendant at a gas station where she gets gas or washes her car, a person who answers the phone when she calls a business, a banker who transfers funds from Vladimir Putin’s account to Gail’s account, a college worker who accepts funds to finance Gail’s education as an attorney at Harvard, etc.
71.0(a) Our purpose for rewarding GAIL INTERACTERS with BONUSES is to make a firm statement that we in no way encourage any activities, attitudes or behavior by anyone which prevents Gail from meeting with or marrying Vladimir Putin or which prevents Gail from getting the proceeds from her novel or which prevents the release of Silver Skies or The Kingdom of David in video or book form or other forms. This is a way for the International government to make a firm statement that we encourage ALL those who support our attempts to stop/prevent Jesuit terrorism, and that we in no way encourage any type of Jesuit terrorism in any person.
71.0(b) All persons who are perceived to be possible GAIL INTERACTERS (which could be anyone who resides in Melbourne, FL for instance) will be encouraged to participate in the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S PROGRAM. They can get information about the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S PROGRAM through local law enforcement or through an internet site which will be given them. They will need the same education which Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers receive, in order to know how to behave to receive the same BONUSes which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers can receive. They can educate themselves about how to receive the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S type BONUSES from a website (or other means) which will be given to them and they will be encouraged to self-educate themselves to put themselves in a position to receive a BONUS.
71.0(c) For instance, let’s say that Gail leaves for Seattle and drives across the country to relocate to Seattle. She knows in advance which route she will take. All the gas and hotel/motel attendants/workers along her route could be informed in advance of her possible interaction with them and allowed the opportunity to be a participant in the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S PROGRAM. Those that do something outstanding to promote the war against terrorism and whose behavior encourages events 1, 2, 3 , 4 or 5–may be paid BONUSES by the International government. The amount of the BONUS will be the same as the BONUSES paid out to Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers.
71.0(d) The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S PROGRAM is defined as the program designed for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers in which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers can receive bonuses from Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and the International government (as described in this Sect. 71). However, GAIL INTERACTERS may not receive the STRESS BONUS (unless there is a good cause to give them the STRESS BONUS), but they may be eligible for other BONUSES–that is, if their actions play a significant role in promoting events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The pay-out for their BONUSES will come from the International government and the method of pay-out will be decided upon by the International government.
71.0(e) Because of the intense Jesuit targeting which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S and Gail and Vladimir’s family members have received (and will receive) because this company employs Gail Schuler or because persons are related to Gail or Vladimir, and because Vladimir Putin plans to use Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS (and is working with the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO) to help Vladimir to marry Gail and to market her novel and film Silver Skies and The Kingdom of David, it is necessary for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers and Gail and Vladimir’s family members, and most especially those who have contact with Gail Schuler, to be educated about Gail’s history and to know how to behave themselves at work (and elsewhere) around Gail, in a manner which will assist the International government in the war against Jesuit terrorism.
71.1 Vladimir and Gail have noticed that the Jesuits use UNWILLING AGENTS at Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and elsewhere and play on the ignorance of Gail’s fellow workers and family members to try to cause problems (in the Jesuits’ favor) against Gail’s marriage to Vladimir and against the promotion of her novel and against the war to defeat Jesuit terrorism.
71.2 Therefore, all Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers and family members of Gail or Vladimir (except Gail Schuler–since she obviously knows her own history) will be required to watch Steven Spielberg’s production The Kingdom of David or whatever title Mr. Spielberg wants to give this production (see 7-29-04 statement) in its non-fiction form. Perhaps they will be given this in the form of a video to take home and they will be paid for the time they watch it at home. This is a good education, which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers and family members need, in order to understand how to deal with (and work with) Gail Schuler. All Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers and family members, and most especially those that work and communicate with Gail, must watch The Kingdom of David, and must pass a test about its contents to show that they understood what they watched. The Kingdom of David must also educate the viewers about the anti-Semitism which Gail has suffered, and those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers and family members who take the test over this film will be tested to see if they understand the extent of the anti-Semitic treatment (through Jesuit UNWILLING AGENTs and through Jesuit computer/satellite technology) which Gail has suffered over the years. The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO will make a firm statement that Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION does not (in any manner) support anti-Semitism and, for this reason, encourages Gail’s fellow workers to be careful that they don’t target Gail unfairly–since this has been Gail’s history (and the history of her family on her father’s side). The film The Kingdom of David will educate the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers about Howard Hughes, Johnny Carson and others of Gail’s genetic relatives who have been targeted because of their genetic profile (which is similar to King David); and Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION does not want to be accused of anti-Semitism.
71.3 The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers will be further informed that Vladimir Putin plans to use Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION to meet and marry Gail and to promote her novel (and its film version) and the story of her life and ancestry (The Kingdom of David)— and, for this reason, it is expected that Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will be heavily targeted; and so, therefore, it is necessary for all Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers to be educated about the conflict which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION is engaged in, and that is why they are required to watch The Kingdom of David. Steven Spielberg will get full screen credit for The Kingdom of David and this should drive home to the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers and family members who watch this production that if they assist us in our war against Jesuit terrorism, they will be of great assistance, since this is a matter of grave international concern. And that even Hollywood and all world leaders are aware of Gail’s dilemma–so the behavior of Gail’s fellow Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers and of Gail or Vladimir’s family toward Gail is a very serious matter which could determine the outcome of the war against terrorism. Most influential people of the world and all world leaders are aware of Gail’s importance in this war; and so, therefore, the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers and family members, themselves, need to be aware of her importance and must handle her appropriately.
71.4 Those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers and family members who behave themselves in a manner which assists the International government in its war against Jesuit terrorism and in a manner which promotes the marriage of and the face to face meeting/friendship of Vladimir Putin to Gail Schuler and which promotes Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s ability to market Gail’s novel and film Silver Skies and the production The Kingdom of David–will receive bonuses from Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION in their paycheck (which will be in addition to their regular pay)–family members will receive BONUSES straight from the International government.. No one will receive a bonus (in any form) if they do not first pass the test about The Kingdom of David. This test must test to see if the worker understands how Jesuits use UNWILLING AGENTS and must test to see if the workers understand how the Jesuits use computer/satellite technology to assist the Jesuits in their opposition to Vladimir’s marriage to Gail and their opposition to his promotion of her novel and life story. The main bonus will be given to the workers or family members three times (or more–see Sect. 71.4 [see Sect. 71.4(a.1)]): event 1) The first time will be after Vladimir Putin successfully establishes regular and frequent face to face friendship/communications with Gail Schuler, event 2) The second time will be after Vladimir Putin successfully marries Gail Schuler, event 3) The third time will be after Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION launches its promotional campaign to sell Gail’s novel Silver Skies and the third pay-out will be very soon after her novel is made available to the public through Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION.
71.4(a) The amount of the MAIN BONUS for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers will be anywhere from $1,800.00 to $2,700.00 and will be paid out three times or more [see Sect. 71.4(a.1)]. 1) one time after event 1 (described in Sect. 71.4) takes place, 2) and then again after event 2 (described in Sect. 71.4), 3) and then again after event 3 (described in Sect. 71.4). This means a Wal-Mart or a SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker could earn up to $8,100.00 in bonus pay-outs. The MAIN BONUS amount will be determined solely by the performance of the worker in promoting Gail’s face to face communications/marriage to Vladimir and in promoting the ability of Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION to launch her novel--a worker’s position in the company will have no influence on the amount of his/her pay-out. So a cashier could end up with the total $8,100.00 pay-out. And Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION is not limited to $8,100.00 in bonus pay-out and can pay more to a very outstanding worker if the company desires.
71.4(a.1) If the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO and Vladimir Putin desire, other MAIN BONUS pay-outs can be made to Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ employees whose behavior and attitude promote certain events, called SIGNIFICANT EVENTS–and these are the events: event 4) The release on video and DVD through Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS of the fiction production The Kingdom of David (or whatever Mr. Spielberg wants to call it) which is about Gail and her Jewish genetic family. This is really a non-fiction production, but it is called fiction, because some names have been changed to protect the innocent. event 5) The release on video and DVD through Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS of Silver Skies, which is another production which is produced and directed by Steven Spielberg. When, and if, events 4 and/or 5 occur–then those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers whose attitude and behavior helped to cause these events to come to pass will receive anywhere from $1,800.00 to $2,700.00 in bonus pay-outs for each event as it occurs (which will be in addition to their regular paycheck). This means one Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker (regardless of his/her position in the company) can earn up to $13,500.00 (or more) in BONUS pay outs for promoting events 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the international government are not limited to the $2,700 maximum and can pay out more if they desire to any Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker who makes outstanding contributions in the war against Jesuit terrorism by helping to promote events 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
71.4(a1) Pres. Bush will mandate that the MAIN BONUS and any overtime pay for outstanding work by Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers or for family members (see Sect. 71.8) in supporting the war against terrorism, can be deducted from income tax. The tax forms (for the years involved) will explain how to receive this deduction.
71.4(b) In addition to the MAIN BONUS payments, pay-outs will be made before event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 take place as positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. These pay-outs will be in the form of overtime pay for Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers. For family members, these will be cash or check pay-outs in advance from the International government to family members. For each hour of outstanding performance in the war against Jesuit terrorism, that worker or family member will receive overtime pay or pay-outs (even if he/she had not worked overtime during that pay period). However, the overtime or pay-out that was paid for the good hour of performance will be deducted if there are any negative hours of performance (that is, if there are hours in that pay period where that worker behaved in a manner which assisted the Jesuits against Gail and Vladimir). In this case, that overtime hour will be subtracted by one hour for each hour of bad behavior. So, let’s say that one accumulated 4 hours of overtime pay for good behavior, but had 5 hours of deductions for bad behavior–in that case the worker will receive no overtime pay for his/her behavior in supporting the war against Jesuit terrorism. HOWEVER, once the pay-out is made, the worker or family member will not be required to pay it back–it is theirs to keep. THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER DEDUCTIONS from the pay FOR BAD BEHAVIOR IF THE NEGATIVE HOURS EXCEED THE POSITIVE HOURS--that worker will just forfeit the overtime bonus for good behavior. Also, if that worker earned overtime through regular work, that overtime will not be subtracted.
71.4(c) The INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will assist Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS in the pay-out of these bonus checks to those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers who behave themselves in a manner which assists the international government in its war against Jesuit terrorism and which promotes the marriage of Gail to Vladimir and the promotion of her novel. Those who are outstanding in promoting the International government in its war against Jesuit terrorism, will receive greater bonuses.
71.5 The test given to Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members about The Kingdom of David will test one’s knowledge about what are appropriate or inappropriate ways to handle Gail Schuler at work and elsewhere will give examples of behavior which promote the Jesuits’ goals against Vladimir and Gail; and will give examples of behavior which defeats the Jesuits’ goals to undermine the marriage of Gail to Vladimir. This Kingdom of David presentation will encourage Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members to behave themselves in a manner which defeats the Jesuits’ goals against Gail and Vladimir and will outline the bonuses and overtime rewards given to those workers who behave appropriately. Those who make outstanding contributions to the war against terrorism in the manner in which they treat Gail Schuler at her job, will receive greater bonuses and may even receive awards (with their bonuses).
71.6 The test makers will be those who have observed Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers (who have worked with Gail) and family members over the months she has worked there and who can come up with test scenarios which deal with real issues that Gail’s workers and family members will have to deal with.
71.6(a) The test will also test to see if Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members understand what they can do to prevent themselves from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT, such as reading the Bible and avoiding OCCULT MEDIA. There will be a clear description of OCCULT MEDIA, so that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members will know clearly what they need to avoid, to protect their brains from takeover as UNWILLING AGENTS, and scientific evidence will be shown to the workers so that they can see for themselves (perhaps on a radiogram) what OCCULT MEDIA does to the brain, so that Jesuits can takeover a person as an UNWILLING AGENT.
71.6(a-1) As of this 4th day of May, 2005, this test will be updated to educate Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers about the new BIBLE PROGRAM which is required for all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS of the International government. Though this BIBLE PROGRAM will only be mandatory for the highest level of management in Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and for all Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION managers (even lower-level managers) who work directly with Gail, and this is because the highest level of management (and all Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION managers who work directly with Gail) of Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS operate as LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs for the International government (and these high level managers are those who make decisions which affect the entire company and those managers who work directly with Gail represent Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS to the world, since Gail is the co-Russian President). Therefore, in order to protect Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s image as a company with integrity, it is very important that all managers that work directly with Gail treat her fairly and with equity.
71.6(a-1)-a There is currently a major problem with some of the managers who work directly with Gail and many of these managers are being used as UNWILLING AGENTS against Gail, Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the international government. Therefore, it is imperative that ALL managers who work directly with Gail cannot be used as UNWILLING AGENTS.
71.6(a-1)-a.1 For the purposes of this Sect. 71.6(a-1)-a.1 through a.9, the term UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart manager is not limited to managers who work at Wal-mart, but also includes any person used to harass Gail Schuler as she conducts her day to day activities. This could include residents at her apartment complex, co-workers at Wal-Mart who are not managers, Wal-Mart customers, and even family members or strangers who bump into Gail on the street or elsewhere.
71.6(a-1)-a.2 On this 12th day of August, 2005, I must state that this Sect. 71.6 has not been enforced at the Wal-Mart where I work and today I was forced to deal with an UNWILLING AGENT Customer Service Manager (xxxxx), who lied about my 15 minute break and claimed I took more than the allotted time, when during the whole break I kept looking at my watch to make sure I didn’t extend my break. I may have extended by about 5 minutes, since I used the restroom. When I told Jeremy he needed to recheck his clock and that I disagreed with his assessment that I extended my break, he threatened to take me to management if I didn’t agree with him. It bothers me that he threatened to take me to management and this makes me suspect that we may have UNWILLING AGENTS in high management positions at the Wal-Mart where I work. I want this matter investigated and taken care of.
Another UNWILLING AGENT worker (xxxx) in the store, was part of the conspiracy, she overheard me talking to him and said, “Oh, now Gail thinks she is a CSM.” That girl needs to go, too. I’ve seen workers complain about less serious matters than what I had to deal with Jeremy, and raise hell. I don’t complain. I do my work and I don’t complain and I don’t nit pick with people. But Jesuits are the worst nit-picks on the planets, and I don’t like working with people manipulated by them.
And xxxxx did not give me receipt tape when I needed it, even though he said he would. I decided to bring this up to him when he lied about my 15 minute break, to let him know that he wasn’t doing his job, either; and to insinuate he’s a hypocrite to pick on me about my break. He didn’t apologize for not giving me receipt tape, but instead made an excuse for his negligence. I had to steal register tape from register 15, because he didn’t come in time to give me my register tape. Later, when I cleaned my register at the end of my shift which is what another CSM Dxxxxx said I needed to do, she said because these were orders from the District managers-xxxxx said, “You did the wrong thing to clean your register, because you should have left immediately so we don’t pay you overtime.” Xxxxx is contradicting the District managers, and this makes Wal-Mart appear to be inconsistent and unfair. It creates the appearance that they punish their workers for disobeying orders which are confusing and conflicting. And it creates the impression that I have to choose between obeying the District managers and the manager who is directly over me OR that I can get in trouble for disobeying an UNKNOWN or CONFUSING ORDER. THIS MAKES MANAGEMENT AND THE WAL-MART EXECUTIVES LOOK VERY BAD AND TO GET WORKERS IN TROUBLE FOR DISOBEYING CONFLICTING, UNCLEAR OR CONFUSING ORDERS FROM MANAGEMENT IS VERY UNPROFESSIONAL.
No one had warned me that I needed to leave early because I was in danger of overtime, so Jxxxxxx’s criticism of my cleaning was unfair. He should have told me I needed to leave early because of overtime dangers, and then I would have known not to clean my register area and to leave immediately. He did NOT tell me this, and then got me in trouble for obeying orders from the District Managers to clean my register area, because I failed to obey an unknown order from Jxxxxxx to make sure I didn’t go into overtime (where this unknown order to avoid overtime came from, I don’t know). This is typical Jesuit crap– to get you in trouble for disobeying a law you didn’t know existed. This CSM needs to go.
He makes Wal-Mart look unfair, unflexible and inconsistent, because he is a manager and as a manager he represents Wal-Mart. This whole thing smells like a stinky Jesuit plot. GET RID OF THE UNWILLING AGENT MANAGERS AT MY STORE and use the government and NOT WAL-MART TO DO IT, AS LONG AS THEY REMAIN, VLADIMIR WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GIVE ME THE PROCEEDS TO SILVER SKIES.
I’m afraid the main reason Vladimir has not gotten rid of these UNWILLING AGENTS yet, is because he’s afraid he will be accused of jealousy or that ousted manager will claim they are victims of a Christian conspiracy against them. This is because a lot of Christians work at Wal-Mart, even in management To solve this problem, I will list out each manager by name and evaluate them as to how I see them (in terms of how much the Jesuits use them as an UNWILLING AGENT). Please notice that I’ve rated everyone based on evidence I’ve seen of Jesuit manipulation of their mind and that some Christians did not get scores of 1 or 0. Those that I give a rating of 5 or more, NEED TO GO (especially if we produce evidence that Jesuits are indeed using that manager as an UNWILLING AGENT). This evidence will be shown on GCFNC. Those with a 4 or more, probably need to go, too. Have the government contact them and move them to UNWILLING AGENT CITIES. It would probably be better this way, since if Wal-Mart does it, these UNWILLING AGENTS may retaliate and harm me and make it look like Vladimir did it. I don’t want to have to work with UNWILLING AGENT managers, some of them I’m not sure of their name, and my list may not be complete. I’ll add more names on as I think of them. Here are my ratings: 0 means I’ve never seen this person behave in a manner like an UNWILLING AGENT. 1 means I rarely see this person behave in a manner like an UNWILLING AGENT. 2 means I sometimes see this person behave in a manner like an UNWILLING AGENT. 3 means I often see this person behave in a manner like an UNWILLING AGENT. 4 means I constantly see this person behave in a manner like an UNWILLING AGENT. 5 means this person always behaves like an UNWILLING AGENT. Put me under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis as I make the following evaluations, to see if jealousy or emotions determine my judgment or if I make the evaluations based on fact. I’m bad at names today, so go by my descriptions. Some of these people I have very little dealings with, so my evaluations may not be totally accurate. There are a lot of managers at this store and I’ll add more names on as I think of them. If Vladimir wants, he can use these evaluations to help him and the Wal-Mart CEO as they decide what to do about my co-workers.
You may say what do you consider UNWILLING AGENT traits. Well, it’s hard to describe, but I’ve observed Jesuits for years and they manipulate people to be obsessive (and to become weirdly obsessed over matters that shouldn’t be of such concern to this person, and to most especially be obsessed about matters that will assist the Jesuits in their goals), to be unbalanced (and to make big deals over matters that aren’t that big a deal –especially if blowing this thing out of proportion will assist the Jesuits–or to downplay matters that are really important–if it is better for the Jesuits that this matter be downplayed), to have a strange sense of humor (usually an attempt to cover up Jesuit activities with humor), to be extremists (to have an excessive, often passionate and wildly obsessive, interest in something that should not matter so much to this person) or to be fanatical (to have a one track mind about something to the point of unreasonableness–especially if this person’s goal should not matter so much to this person, but is more a goal that would benefit the Jesuits). Yet many people who are not UNWILLING AGENTS have all these traits, so the key question one must ask is this: Are these traits consistent with this person or do they just pop up at moments in this person when it will assist the goals of the Jesuits? Jesuits are very theatrical and are brazen, crude and loud personalities (because they’re fanatics) and often like to draw attention to themselves, so when a person comes across as hysterically theatrical and brazen, crude and loud–that’s often suspicious, especially if this is not a consistent trait with the person and comes in spurts. Other traits are a lack of discernment, easily misunderstanding the actions or motives of others, and coming to wild conclusions about others –based on inaccurate conclusions or based on conclusions from incomplete or inaccurate evidence or having the complete inability to accurately read and interpret the actions and motives of others–especially when this misunderstanding or misinterpretation is skewed toward Jesuit interests and assists Jesuits in their attempts to orchestrate conspiracies against their enemies. When I notice these traits in a person, and most especially when they are inconsistent with other traits I’ve seen in this person and the person somehow comes across like a split personality, then I suspect I’m dealing with an UNWILLING AGENT. You may say, then you would label all complainers as UNWILLING AGENTS–not necessarily, it would depend on if the complaint is justified and if the complaint is based on an accurate assessment of the problem, but if the person’s complaint is bizarre and seems to be a matter which shouldn’t be of such concern to this person–that is typical UNWILLING AGENT behavior.
71.6(a-1)-a.3 From now on, whenever we have UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart managers that need to be removed from the store (or area) where I work because they’ve been used to harass Gail Schuler, they will not be ordered to leave the store by Wal-Mart or by the organization involved (such as her apartment complex). Instead, the International government will contact them and force them to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY.
71.6(a-1)-a.4 The reason for this, is because Vladimir fears that if Wal-Mart (or someone besides the government) is used to remove these UNWILLING AGENT managers, that the Jesuits may use this as an excuse to cause these ousted managers to “take revenge” on Gail Schuler, in which they’d claim they did it because Gail or Wal-Mart or a Christian conspiracy was to blame for their ouster.
71.6(a-1)-a.5 They will claim they are victims of a “Christian-Wal-Mart conspiracy” against them. Therefore, to show that our decisions are made on evidence and not on religious prejudice, those who are ousted will have to get mad at the government, because Wal-Mart will not oust these managers, the government will.
71.6(a-1)-a.6 These troublesome UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart managers will receive orders from the government, that they are ordered to move and live in an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. Another reason that just ridding them from the store (or area) where Gail works won’t be enough, is that, even if they no longer worked at Gail’s store or live in her apartment complex, they can still come to where she lives and harass or kill her at her residence, or they could cause damage to her car or take some other criminal action against Gail Schuler.
71.6(a-1)-a.7 Once we determine that we must oust an UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart manager because they have been used by Jesuits to harass Gail Schuler, the government will order that UNWILLING AGENT manager to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, where they will not be allowed to leave that UNWILLING AGENT CITY without permission. This is to ensure they don’t leave that UNWILLING AGENT CITY to harass or kill Gail Schuler.
71.6(a-1)-a.8 The Jesuits try to find any excuse to harm Gail Schuler, so they use UNWILLING AGENT managers at Wal-Mart to cause problems with Gail, in order to find excuses to harm Gail–when this happens, then the GOVERNMENT, and not Wal-Mart, must oust these rebellious UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart managers from the area around Gail Schuler and order these ousted managers to move (and remain) in an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. If Wal-Mart does the ousting, the Jesuits will use this as an excuse to use that ousted manager to harm Gail. But, the Jesuits know that they can’t use that UNWILLING AGENT manager to believably accuse Gail and Pres. Bush and the head of the Homeland Security Department of being in a conspiracy against the UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart manager–therefore, the order to an UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart manager to move to an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, must come from Pres. Bush and the Homeland Security head and NOT WAL-MART.
71.6(a-1)-a.9 Basically these managers are going to jail–because we will send them to the part of the UNWILLING AGENT CITY where they can’t cause problems to Gail Schuler. In fact, Pres. Bush and the Homeland Security Department head will sign the order which orders that UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart manager (who has harassed Gail Schuler) to live in an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. This sends the message that we deem that UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart manager a terrorist threat and that we are taking strong measures to deal with this. This way we can ensure the Jesuits won’t use these UNWILLING AGENT managers to commit terrorist crimes against Gail Schuler, and this sends the strong message that we in no way condone any criminal harm toward Gail Schuler.
71.6(a-1)-b Also, as long as these Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION managers who work directly with Gail can be used as UNWILLING AGENTS, it will be impossible for Vladimir to use Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS to meet or deal with Gail, because the Jesuits will use these UNWILLING AGENT managers to undermine all attempts by Vladimir to meet Gail or to give her any money.
71.6(a-1)-c Because, it appears that anyone who is not a daily and consistent Bible reader (and who does not follow the BIBLE PROGRAM or its equivalent) CAN be used as an UNWILLING AGENT; therefore, Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will have to lay down very strict requirements for all managers that work or interact with Gail. This may result in a major overall of the management of the store where Gail works, but we are dealing with determined, brilliant, thorough and meticulous criminals who exploit UNWILLING AGENTS to the hilt to promote their agenda; and we will have to be just as determined, brilliant, thorough and meticulous to beat them–or else Vladimir and Gail will never be the team that they desire to be.
71.6(a-1)-d Those current managers who work and/or interact with Gail and who are susceptible to being used as UNWILLING AGENTS may have to be transferred to another Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and managers from other Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS (anywhere in the United States or the world) may have to be shipped into the store where Gail works, so that all the managers in the store where Gail works will be daily and consistent Bible readers (and avoiders of OCCULT MEDIA) and not able to be used by Jesuits as UNWILLING AGENTS. Those managers from other Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION stores who will be chosen to work or interact with Gail will have all their moving expenses paid for by Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or the International government, and will be told that because they work in the store where Gail works, this makes them eligible for more BONUSES (see Sect. 71.8). This should be incentive to encourage these managers to make the move. Those managers who are forced to leave the store where Gail works, will also have their moving expenses paid for by Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or the International government and will be given comparable positions in another Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION (if they want to stay with Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION)–that is if they are still qualified to work for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, so as to minimize the appearance that the international government or Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION creates UNWILLING AGENTS in order to punish or manipulate them.
71.6(a-1)-e The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO will scrimmage all the stores in the Wal-Mart or throughout the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S corporation throughout the entire United States and the world to find those managers who will be chosen to work or interact with Gail Schuler at the store where she works, and will ensure that these managers are the ones least likely to be used as an UNWILLING AGENT, and these will be the ones who will work and interact with Gail at the store where she works. These managers will be those who have followed a daily and consistent Bible reading program for at least six months and who avoid OCCULT MEDIA. They must also follow all the requirements of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs (see Sect. 77.031) and if they neglect to do so, they will be forced to leave Gail’s store and go elsewhere, because we will not tolerate having any managers work or interact with Gail who could be used as UNWILLING AGENTS–this is because managers especially represent Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and how these managers treat Gail will have a significant impact on Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S image as a company with integrity. This has to be done to prepare the store where Gail works for the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler and to prepare this store for the significant events (see Sect. 71.4) which give Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers BONUSES.
71.6(a-1)-f Another alternative would be to move Gail to another Wal-Mart where all the managers at that store are not susceptible to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. In this case, Wal-Mart or the international government would pay Gail for all her moving expenses, so she could make the move.
71.6(a-1)-g To allow the store where Gail works to have managers who can be used as UNWILLING AGENTS creates a dangerous situation which could lead to lawsuits against Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION (since managers especially represent Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION) and to the international government for any harm that could come to Gail or which could come to these UNWILLING AGENT managers.
71.6(a-1)-i When any of the significant events mentioned in Sect. 71.4 takes place, all managers in the store where Gail works must have followed the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (as outlined in Sect. 77.031) for at least SIX MONTHS. These will be called QUALIFIED MANAGERS. Those managers who have not followed the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS for at least six months are considered UNQUALIFIED MANAGERS.
71.6(a-1)-j To allow any UNQUALIFIED MANAGER to work or interact with Gail at Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS at the time a significant event occurs (see Sect. 71.4), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who willingly and knowingly promoted the retention of that UNQUALIFIED MANAGER who works or interacts with Gail.
71.6(a-1)-k Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to allow anyone to be a Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S manager who works or interacts with Gail at her job, when that manager is not qualified (according to the guidelines of this Sect. 71.6), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator and that violator will be executed chop-burn-ash maggot style and his/her execution will be shown on GCFNC.
71.6(a-1)-l In fact, those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers who successfully complete their six-month BIBLE PROGRAM as outlined in Sect. 77.031 [that is, who follow the Bible program every 24 hours for a six-month period–make-up time (as described in Sect. 77.031) will be accepted if the worker is hospitalized or something else occurs which may cause them to miss the Bible program over a 24-hour period], will receive a SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS just for completing a six-month BIBLE PROGRAM, even if they don’t qualify for any other bonus. If they persevere and finish another six-month BIBLE PROGRAM, they will receive an additional SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS.
71.6(a-1)-m In addition, it must be mentioned that the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ worker will be offered a BIBLE PROGRAM in his/her strongest language since there is scientific evidence that a Bible study program in that person’s strongest language is most effective to prevent him/her from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. If the person is fluent in another language besides English, the Bible studied in the other language (besides English) must be from a faithful translation (like Germany’s Die Heilige Shrift or Russia’s Elizabeth Bible) of the Earliest manuscripts or Bible. Whatever Bible study language that person chooses for his/her study, he/she must be fully fluent in that language or else his/her BIBLE PROGRAM study efforts will be considered invalid and he/she will not get a SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS. The definition for fully fluent is that this person has enough comprehension of that language to easily read a text written at the 12th grade level in that language. If that person does not have 12th grade reading comprehension in any language, then he/she must participate in the BIBLE PROGRAM in his/her strongest language. This is because it is so important for a person to understand the Bible passages read to get the full benefit of the Bible reading. However, if it is determined that the person’s English is strong enough to benefit more substantially from a study of the English Bible, then the person will be allowed to participate in the English Bible program, even if that person is fully fluent in another language besides English.
71.6(a-1.1) However, we are fairly certain that those who complete the six-month BIBLE PROGRAM will qualify for other BONUSES, since their study of the Bible (or its equivalent) will prevent them from being used as UNWILLING AGENTS. The amount of each SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS will be decided by the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO. The purpose for the SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS will be for the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION to make a firm statement that it wants to discourage the use of Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers as UNWILLING AGENTS.
71.6(a-1.2) Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers, unlike LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS for the International government, will not have their computers at work affected by how they do on the BIBLE PROGRAM, since participation in this BIBLE PROGRAM is voluntary.
71.6(a-1.3) However, the BIBLE PROGRAM will be programmed so that it keeps track of how that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker is doing on his/her Bible program and the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker must stick with the BIBLE PROGRAM for six months (following almost the same requirements as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON–see Sect. 77.031) in order to qualify for the SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS. If the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker complains that the Bible is hard to understand, we will state that this is the most effective version to use to combat the Jesuits’ ability to use a person as an UNWILLING AGENT and that is why this version has been chosen. In other words, the Bible has been chosen for scientific reasons. However, once the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION worker neglects his/her BIBLE PROGRAM for 24 hours or longer, he/she will be locked out of his/her BIBLE PROGRAM and must present evidence (via FAX or COMPUTER FAX or E-mail to Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION corporate headquarters) that he/she had extenuating circumstances so that he/she neglected his/her BIBLE PROGRAM for that 24-hour period. Once this evidence is accepted as a valid excuse for neglecting the BIBLE PROGRAM for a 24-hour period at the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S corporate headquarters, then he/she must make-up all that he/she missed because of his/her extenuating circumstances before his/her BIBLE PROGRAM will return to its normal mode.
Those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers who do more than their required time in their BIBLE PROGRAM each day (those with more exposure to OCCULT MEDIA will need to spend more time in the BIBLE PROGRAM), will receive a higher SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS in accordance with how much extra time they spend each day in their BIBLE PROGRAM.
71.6(a-1.4) To make it easy for Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers to complete their BIBLE PROGRAM, they can use it on laptop computers or on home computers. The BIBLE PROGRAM for each Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers can be accessed from the internet–since it will be operated from a Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION website, which will require the use of a password (for entrance to each person’s specific BIBLE PROGRAM).
71.6(a-1.5) Any person who manages this SPECIAL BIBLE PROGRAM for Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and who willingly and knowingly allows any unqualified person [as outlined in this Sect. 71.6(a-1)] to receive any SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS (or to receive a SPECIAL BIBLE BONUS amount which is inconsistent with the amount of time that worker spent on his/her BIBLE PROGRAM), will be terminated from his/er employment at Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, because Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION does not in any manner want to create the impression that it encourages its workers to be UNWILLING AGENTS or that it gives out BONUSES in a discriminatory manner. To ensure that equity is encouraged in the management of the SPECIAL BIBLE PROGRAM, no UNWILLING AGENTS can manage or administer the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S BIBLE PROGRAM, and those who manage the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S BIBLE PROGRAM are considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs and must meet all the requirements of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW, which means that the administrators of this BIBLE PROGRAM must, themselves, be consistent users of the International government’s BIBLE PROGRAM (as described in Sect. 77.031).
71.6(a-1.6) Inconsistencies in how persons receive their SPECIAL BIBLE BONUSES could be the basis for discrimination lawsuits against Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS. To help Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS avoid discrimination lawsuits, the International government will provide the money for the SPECIAL BIBLE BONUSES and the money for the SPECIAL BIBLE BONUSES will come from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK of the International government and that is why the International government will require those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers who manage this Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S BIBLE PROGRAM as full fledged LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS of the International government. This way Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS can deflect the blame for any discrimination to the International government, since Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will manage this BIBLE PROGRAM in coordination with the International government.
71.6(a1) Those who develop daily reading habits of the Bible will have a greater chance of getting their bonus–since if a Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS worker or family member is used as an UNWILLING AGENT against Gail, they will obviously forfeit their bonus. However, Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will not mandate a daily Bible reading habit, since this is a personal lifestyle choice that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS cannot mandate. It will highly encourage this habit as an effective way to deter Jesuits from controlling one as an UNWILLING AGENT, explaining that once one is controlled as an UNWILLING AGENT by the Jesuits, he/she will most definitely lose his/her bonus or overtime rewards from Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS. Evidence will be presented in The Kingdom of David that daily Bible reading habits (or any means of exposure to the Word of God–such as Scripture put to music) make it difficult for Jesuits to takeover a person as an UNWILLING AGENT.
71.6(b) Because there is such a serious problem with UNWILLING AGENTs, and daily and continual Bible reading/exposure seems to be the only sure way to avoid becoming one, Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the International government will also present evidence to Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members about how Bible reading/exposure affects the brain so that one cannot be taken over as an UNWILLING AGENT. This will be done to motivate people to expose themselves daily to the words of the Bible. The video shown will present scientific evidence that Bible reading (and avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA) offers protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT–perhaps with pictures (or brain scans) to show the difference between the brain of one who daily reads the Bible and one who doesn’t. The presentation will go into detail about how the Bible must be read–that is, that one must be exposed to a large number (or certain number) of words of the Bible for a certain length of time on a DAILY BASIS. One verse can be read over and over and this will count as exposure to Bible words–though this tends to be monotonous and boring (unless the exposure is through a musical medium), and so the person may give up trying, but the brain needs continual exposure to the words of the Bible for a certain amount of time EVERY DAY, and it will be explained that one must also understand fairly well the Bible words one is being exposed to in order for this Bible reading to be effective and that is why we will offer a free course to help one understand the Bible–see Sections 71.6(c) through (f)–therefore, for those people who are weak in English, they may be better off reading a Bible translation in their native language. It will be emphasized that the Bible reading should be viewed as a form of brain exercise and like any form of exercise, if it is not done consistently and on a daily basis, it is ineffective.
71.6(c) Because it is a challenge to get people interested in reading the Bible because many people don’t understand the Bible, Dr. Spiner, in cooperation with Steven Spielberg, will come up with a movie or video presentation of the Bible (maybe similar to Dr. Spiner’s presentation) to help people better understand and enjoy the Bible. One version will be for adults and another version for children. Perhaps, Dr. Spiner could write the script and Steven Spielberg could create the background effects and the visual and audio presentation. It goes without saying that the background effects for this presentation will not use any form of OCCULT MEDIA and will be background effects that will help the brain to resist takeover as an UNWILLING AGENT. This presentation will teach people the Bible, including the different plans of salvation for different dispensations, since it is important to understand the divisions of the Bible for a true understanding and enjoyment of Scripture.
71.6(d) To make the Bible come alive, this presentation will explain the different plans of salvation during different times of history and will show which passages of Scripture explain a plan of salvation for a specific period in history. There will be an adult version and a children’s version. The children’s version will also use the words of the Bible, but it will be simplified for children. For instance, this presentation will explain that Jews (during Moses’ time) had a different plan of salvation than the plan of salvation for Christians today and that God changes his plan of salvation for men in different time periods–and so that the plan of salvation for today means we do not have to obey the Jewish law in Leviticus and Deuteronomy to be saved, since we are in the church age and must obey the Pauline epistles–and that the rest of the Bible is profitable–but for SPIRITUAL APPLICATION only –and not for literal application–that we must read these passages realizing that they describe a plan of salvation FOR A DIFFERENT TIME PERIOD than the one we are in today. This presentation will give an example of a spiritual application as opposed to a literal application of a passage of Scripture–this is so important to know, if one is to understand how to apply the Bible to one’s life. The book of Acts will be more understandable, for instance, when it is shown that Acts is a transition book–going from the Jewish dispensation of the law to the dispensation of the church age (where one is saved by grace through faith). This presentation should be made so that when one reads the Sermon on the Mount, for instance, one will understand that the laws of the Sermon on the Mount are not the plan of salvation for Christians today–that is, except for spiritual application– and that we don’t literally have to obey the Sermon on the Mount to be saved in this church age which we are in today.
71.6(e) I will not dictate to Dr. Spiner and Steven Spielberg how to make this presentation, since they are both far more knowledgeable about this subject and how to make a good presentation than I am. I only want to tell them to make this presentation in such a manner that we can get more people interested in reading the Bible and I believe that if people UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE, and if it comes alive to them, and they see how it applies to their lives–they will be more interested in reading it, and then we will have less UNWILLING AGENTS. So make a presentation that will cause the Bible to come alive and that will help people understand it better, especially to help them understand which verses apply to our present church age and which verses apply to saints of other time periods–this will solve many of the seeming contradictions of the Bible and people will be more interested in reading the Bible, when some of these contradictions are solved. Our goal is to teach people a Bible survey course and a course in the dispensations of the Bible, so that the Bible will make more sense to them and they will enjoy reading it more.
71.6(f) This presentation will be called HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND APPLY THE BIBLE TO YOUR LIFE. Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the International government will offer this presentation for free to Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members–perhaps in a video they can take home and keep (though we will not force it on them) and will state that our reason for doing this is to show that we are firmly against the use of people as UNWILLING AGENTS and that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the International government will do anything we can to prevent persons from being used as UNWILLING AGENTS, and right now the only thing that is guaranteed to work (to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT) is to expose one’s brain daily to the words of the Bible. And there is evidence that the more words of the Bible one is exposed to (on a DAILY basis–like exercise), the less likely one will be used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the International government will also offer for free to Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members–the Bible (along with the Spanish Bible and other versions of the Bible in other languages translated from the Bible) on tape or CD (by Alexander Scourby and other readers); and will offer for free other forms of Bible exposure on tape or CD (such as Handel’s Messiah or musical pieces sung to Scripture) to Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS workers and family members to encourage people to use their spare moments to expose themselves to the words of the Bible and thus make their brain less vulnerable to use as an UNWILLING AGENT. There will also be a children’s version which will use simpler Bible verses and will expose children to Bible (perhaps in cartoon or game form) to give children an alternative to OCCULT MEDIA, which is used by Jesuits to takeover children as UNWILLING AGENTS. It is hoped that by going out of our way to make it easy for people to strengthen their brain against takeover as UNWILLING AGENTs, that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the international government will make a firm statement that they are against THE USE OF PERSONS AS UNWILLING AGENTS.
The negative consequences for willingly and knowingly using persons as UNWILLING AGENTS, will be the death penalty to the violators with public hanging, death by hanging with buzzards, on GCFNC.
However, we will not give a person a BONUS (or pay them extra overtime) just because they view this presentation HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND APPLY THE BIBLE TO YOUR LIFE or take the Bible tapes we offer–the BONUS (and extra overtime awarded) will be given based on a person’s evaluation (see Sect. 73). We cannot give a person a BONUS (or extra overtime) for viewing this presentation or for taking our free Bible tapes–because this would be religious discrimination. If someone who claims to be a Christian or Bible believer does poorly in his/her evaluation, he/she will NOT get a BONUS (or extra overtime). The BONUS (or extra overtime) is given solely based on a person’s evaluation (see Sect. 73). We only offer this presentation HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND APPLY THE BIBLE TO YOUR LIFE to make the Bible more understandable and enjoyable, in order to assist people to overcome the Jesuits’ ability to use them as an UNWILLING AGENT, because we have scientific and solid evidence that Bible reading and Bible exposure works to protect the brain from takeover as an UNWILLING AGENT.
Because when a person is given this presentation HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND APPLY THE BIBLE TO YOUR LIFE they are probably already in an UNWILLING AGENT state and will be manipulated by Jesuits not to follow the Bible program– we will give them another offer which will be made to them when, and if, we are able to temporarily “catch them” in a state when they are not being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. The offer must be made to them when they are not in an UNWILLING AGENT state. Most UNWILLING AGENTS, have periods when they are in their AUTHENTIC PERSONALITY and this is when they should be approached with the UNWILLING AGENT contract. This offer will be worded as in the following UNWILLING AGENT CONTRACT, and we will give them all the time they need to read it. No coercion should occur as they read the following italicized section (called the UNWILLING AGENT CONTRACT) and they should not be rushed in (or interfered with) any manner as they read it:
You are currently being used by a terrorist organization against your will and they accomplish this by controlling your mind, will, emotions and memory through satellite signals directed to your brain. They can also cause you to forget anything they don’t want you to remember, so you will probably forget that you have made this contract with us. Nevertheless, once you make this contract, we will fulfill this contract with you, even if terrorists cause you to forget that you have made this contract. THIS CONTRACT CAN BE CANCELLED BY YOU AT ANY TIME, IF YOU MAKE THE CANCELLATION WHILE YOU ARE IN YOUR AUTHENTIC STATE AND WHEN YOUR BRAIN’S DECISION MAKING POWERS ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY OTHERS. We have solid evidence that when one is exposed daily to the words of the Bible (in their native language or in a language they are fluent in), that this terrorist organization loses their ability through computer/satellite technology to control a person’s brain and decision making. In order to free you from the control of this organization we would like to expose you to the words of the Bible daily in your native language, and would like to guide and direct you into a lifestyle of daily exposure to the words of the Bible. This does not involve going to church, but involves a change in your lifestyle, where you will make the time every day to read and/or be exposed to the words of the Bible. By signing this agreement, you authorize us to use a teacher/guide who will communicate with you as a guide and tutor throughout the day– he/she will be your teacher, friend, guide and tutor as he/she will teach you how to have a lifestyle that gives you maximum exposure to the words of the Bible and he/she will also teach you what you must avoid –such as certain forms of rock music and some movies and other forms of entertainment which these terrorists use to maintain and strengthen their control over your brain. This tutor will be chosen based on your personality profile to be one who is compatible with your personality and who you should feel comfortable with–that is, until, and if, the terrorists cause you to rebel against this tutor. If you agree to this contract, you will be encouraged to obey this teacher/guide as he/she guides you throughout the day and he/she teaches you how to have a daily lifestyle of Bible exposure and how to avoid those OCCULT MEDIA which would strengthen the grip these terrorists already have over your brain. Consider this teacher/guide your doctor to better mental/emotional health and follow this doctor’s orders and you will be on the path to freedom from terrorist control over your emotions, decisions, and memory; and we will free you from the grips of this terrorist organization. This terrorist organization has created certain forms of entertainment which act as hypnosis on the brain to make it easier for them to maintain their control over your brain–our tutor will educate you about what these forms of entertainment are and will steer you away from them. We will guide you into a lifestyle which will maximize your exposure to the words of the Bible, while we steer you away from any habits you may have which strengthens the control these terrorists already have over your mind. Eventually and gradually, as you become more and more exposed daily to the words of the Bible and as you maintain a healthy lifestyle (which we will teach you through our tutor), you should be freed from the grips of this terrorist organization –which currently controls your emotions, decisions and memory. We hope to instill into you healthy habits to overcome your current habits which make it easy for terrorists to control your mind and memory. We want to instill into you a new lifestyle of daily exposure to the words of the Bible, so that this terrorist organization can never control you like this again. It is necessary to have this contract, because you are currently controlled by this organization and part of their control over you makes you unwilling to do those things that would free you from their grip (such as reading the Bible or being exposed to it)–remember, THEY HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR WILL and EMOTIONS. They have given you a hatred for Bible reading and exposure–they do this, because they know that if you develop a daily Bible exposure habit that they will lose their control over you and they want to keep their control over you.
BY SIGNING THIS CONTRACT YOU AGREE TO FOLLOW THE ORDERS OF THE TUTOR WE WILL ASSIGN TO YOU. If, while you are being tutored by our tutor, the terrorists manipulate you to become rebellious and to not obey your tutor’s orders and/or to forget that you made this contract with us, you give us permission to force you (one way or another) to obey our tutor, so that we can free you from the control of this evil organization. So, if they manipulate you to disobey the orders of this tutor, by signing this contract you agree to allow us to confine you (some way) to a room or other place and to force you to hear (or be exposed to) the words of the Bible at least a half hour a day and to force you to stay away from any habits you may have which increases the control these terrorists already have over your brain. You also agree that you give us this permission of your own free will and that you were not forced against your will to give us this permission. We agree that once you are freed from the control that this terrorist organization has over your decision-making, emotions, and memory; and when you, therefore, no longer need our tutor to free you from their control over your will, emotions and memory– that we release you from this contract and from our tutor– and from that point on, it will be your choice as to whether you maintain the lifestyle you were taught by our tutor.
All tutors (as described in the UNWILLING AGENT CONTRACT above) should study the lifestyles of those persons who have successfully prevented Jesuits from controlling their brains as UNWILLING AGENTS–persons like Dr. Spiner, Gail Schuler–so that the the lifestyles of these UNWILLING AGENT RESISTANT persons (such as Dr. Spiner or Gail Schuler) can be incorporated into the UNWILLING AGENT’s lifestyle. All tutors are considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and must meet the qualifications of any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW).
71.7 The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO will also make a statement (maybe at the beginning of The Kingdom of David) as to why he has decided to support the marriage/face to face communications of Gail to Vladimir and why he has decided to try to market or promote Gail’s book and the film Silver Skies, as well as Steven Spielberg’s production The Kingdom of David, and why he feels it is important for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION to stand behind Gail and Vladimir.
71.8 There will be a special section after the film The Kingdom of David, in which the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO will state that if anti-Semitic behavior is noticed in any Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S employee that there will be punishment and the matter will be dealt with and that Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION takes anti-Semitism very seriously. The consequences for anti-Semitic behavior or attitudes will be laid out, so Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers will know what to expect if they behave in an anti-Semitic manner. Also, anti-Semitic behavior and attitudes will be defined and described, in order to eliminate confusion over what is and what is not anti-Semitic behavior (according to Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION).
Here is a typical description of anti-Semitic behavior in the workplace:
The Jesuits use UNWILLING AGENT customers to give Gail nothing but big soft drink bottles to drink up and delicate glassware and dishes (which must be bagged slowly, so they won’t break), in order to slow down her items per hour (since soft drink bottles are big and take time to bag and delicate dishes cannot be bagged fast). The customers keep reorganizing the bags, because they are all picky about how Gail bags them and they give Gail complicated directions about how they want to pay for their purchase and how they want their items bagged. They also talk in a slur and she has to ask them to repeat what they say, because they sound like mumbo-jumbo when they talk.
One customer gets furious at Gail because the customer said one thing and forgot what he said and Gail listened to him and did what he said, but he actually wanted it done another way (other than the way he instructed Gail to do it). He goes to management to complain that Gail never listens and must have hearing problems.
The bags keep falling off her turntable, because Jesuits use satellite technology to mess up her bags (so that they fall off her turntable as she bags) and this makes it slower to bag the stuff. Also, UNWILLING AGENT customers keep pulling off about 10 to 30 bags at a time and rip off all her bags as they grab their stuff, so that the bags don’t stick to the turntable as Gail bags and it is very difficult to bag fast, when the bag is floating off the turntable as Gail tries to bag items.
Then they use a Wal-Mart employee (who programs cash registers) to mess up her computer, so that it calculates her items per hour slower than she is really working–but this Wal-Mart employee programs the computers for the other cashiers to make them appear faster than they are–so this makes Gail seem slower than the rest of the cashiers she works with. The results of this inaccurate computer tally are posted in the break room and Gail never has a high items per hour posted in public, and her name rarely gets highlighted as a fast cashier (because her numbers never look good because there’s a conspiracy against her to make her appear slow).
This is because her computer is messed with by some Wal-Mart employee who programs the computers deliberately to make Gail seem slower than everyone else, and also because she gets all the complicated UNWILLING AGENT customers who slow her down, or she never has any business and no one shows up at her register, since the Jesuits program their UNWILLING AGENT customers to only show up when they are slow or disorganized or have a lot of one dollar bills to give her or if they have items that take forever to bag.
Gail notices she doesn’t have a lot of one dollar bills in her drawer, and asks the manager for 40 dollars worth of ones. After she gets her 40 dollars worth of ones, she gets a customer who decides to pay her with 30 one dollar bills. In fact, for the rest of the day several other customers pay her with about 30 to 40 dollars in one dollar bills. Now she has one dollar bills bulging out of her drawer, but she never has time to organize them because the lines are long and all the customers are irritated. This is done deliberately to cause her to take forever when she tries to get her till ready for the cash office for her lunch break, because she has a ton of disorganized one dollar bills that she must get organized for the cash office.
So the total for this customer who gave her the 30 one dollar bills (crumpled all over the counter in every direction) is $30.45. This UNWILLING AGENT customer made a lot of mistakes while taking out his money and had slowly laid out about 30 one dollar bills one at a time on the counter to pay for his order in a disorganized mess (which took time for Gail to organize and put into her drawer). In the meanwhile, there is a long line and Gail decides not to worry about having all her one dollar bills from this customer in the same direction as she puts them in her drawer. So she just grabs them from the counter (since the customer had slowly laid the one dollar bills out all over the counter in every direction and upside down and disorganized). So Gail quickly counts them and stuffs them in her drawer–but not all in the same direction, because the customer next in line looks very aggravated. There are long lines all day and she gets about 4 more customers like the one with the 30 one dollar bills–who slowly lay out all their money (and half of them are very crumpled and hard to deal with or even read) and these customers don’t seem to want to give her tens or twenties–but give her about 30 or 40 one dollar bills (all crumped up and disorganized and they take about 2 to 5 seconds to lay each one dollar bill out on the counter in every direction and upside down, too)– so that her drawer ends up with about 100 to 130 one dollars bills in every which direction. Several other customers pay her with about five to ten dollars worth of quarters or dimes or nickels or pennies and they slowly count them out (and pile them up in one dollar segments slowly) as they give them to her and then drop a couple and have to pick them up from the floor.
It takes Gail’s customers an average of 3 to 5 to 7 minutes to get her the money for payment, since they pay her with about 5 dollars worth of quarters or 40 dollars worth of ones. She wants to keep the lines moving–so she doesn’t take time to put all her 100 to 130 one dollar bills in the same direction as she places them in her drawer. This is because all the customers look like they are in a hurry and about to explode because of the long lines.
Also, her register keeps messing up and takes forever to do anything and displays strange messages (because of Jesuit satellite interference) and this slows Gail down some more. The customers complain that they can’t see their signature on the credit signing machine and the machine messes up and confuses the customers so that they hit the wrong button and have to start all over again all the time. This also slows down Gail’s item per hour and makes her appear slow.
Lunch time comes and she furiously organizes the one dollar bills in her till to get them in the same direction and ready for the cash office. Her manager comes to her and tells her she takes too long to get her till ready and she needs to speed it up, because she’s taking too long to go to lunch and is messing up the manager’s schedule for the cashiers.
The manager hasn’t even bothered to notice that Gail’s arms have been working furiously all morning bagging for the customers. And, of course the manager does not bother to notice all the one dollar bills in Gail’s till and how she ended up with all these bills and the manager is completely oblivious to all the disorganized and weird and irritated customers Gail had to deal with all day and how her cash register kept messing up and confusing her customers. Later, this same manager goes to higher management and complains that Gail is too slow (because Gail never has a high items per hour) and because she takes too long to get her till ready for her lunch break. The manager also mentions that she gets more customer complaints about Gail than any other cashier.
This is an anti-Semitic conspiracy against Gail, involving the manager who criticized Gail for being too slow and who didn’t notice that Gail actually works very fast and who never seems to notice Gail when the lines are moving or when Gail does something outstanding at her work. This manager did not pay attention to the fact that the items per hour calculation on Gail’s cash register must be wrong because this manager is also an UNWILLING AGENT who is overly focused on Gail’s Jesuit-induced “weaknesses” and totally ignores how brilliantly Gail deals with some very complicated situations at work– and who didn’t notice how fast the lines were moving (in spite of the deliberately slow and disorganized customers Gail had all day). The manager also believed the unreasonable customers who complained about Gail and assumed that all the complaints against Gail by her customers (sometimes in collaberation with her UNWILLING AGENT co-workers) were legitimate and failed to realize that Gail was targeted by these customers (and some of her co-workers) as part of an anti-Semitic conspiracy. ANYTIME AN UNWILLING AGENT is involved in any conspiracy, you have to assume that anti-Semitism is there because Jesuits are very anti-Semitic and program their UNWILLING AGENTS to display anti-Semitic attitudes and behavior. This conspiracy also involved those who caused Gail’s computer read out for her items per hour to be inaccurate, so that on those days when she did have a high items per hour, it never got posted in the break room or the numbers were manipulated to give her a lower number when her numbers were posted in the break room.
And this conspiracy also involved UNWILLING AGENT customers who were deliberately sent to Gail to complain about her and make her appear to be a bad cashier. Even though other cashiers have worse communication or cashier skills than Gail, they don’t get customers who are programmed as UNWILLING AGENTS to deliberately see Gail in the most negative light as they approach her register, because these customers are deliberately sent to Gail by Jesuits to undermine her and to make her appear incompetent. The anti-Semitic Jesuits ensure that Gail gets more customers who are programmed as UNWILLING AGENTS to be irritated over all Gail does, and to interpret all Gail does and says as she works in the worst possible light, so that no matter what Gail does or says–her customers are programmed to be very vocal and to want to go to management to complain about her–because the Jesuits want Gail to be the cashier who gets the most complaints from customers– in order to make Jews appear to be rude, obnoxious and stupid communicators and lousy and unfair in dealing with people.
The Jesuits created this conspiracy to make Gail appear incompetent and slow and obnoxious and rude, when, in actuality, she is one of the best cashiers there –who handles her customers in an outstanding manner and probably better than most other cashiers would have handled them–if these other cashiers had to deal with a fanatical and obsessed Jesuit conspiracy which is against them (as Gail has to deal with).
Also, the Jesuits use their computer technology on Gail’s brain to cause Gail to have amnesia and to make mistakes around this manager, so that this manager will always be there when Gail makes “mistakes”. But even on Gail’s good days, this particular manager is always focused on Gail’s weaknesses (most of which are Jesuit-induced and caused by a Jesuit conspiracy against Gail) and overlooks all her strengths. This is a deliberate conspiracy to make Gail appear to be slow and inferior BECAUSE SHE HAS JEWISH ANCESTRY FROM KING DAVID and is an anti-Semitic attempt to WEED HER OUT and keep her from having a reputation as a competent and good worker at her workplace, IN ORDER TO DEPRIVE HER OF A RAISE OR PROMOTION AND TO MAKE HER APPEAR INFERIOR. TO THE GENTILES SHE WORKS WITH.
Gail is not in competition with her fellow workers, but the Jesuits are constantly creating situations at work to try to compare Gail unfavorably with her fellow workers, in order to make Jewish persons appear inferior. And this is how anti-Semitism is shown at Gail’s workplace. All Gail wants to do is to show up at work and do a job that honors her Lord Jesus Christ and she wants to be with her fiance’/husband (Vladimir Putin) and with her son, and she wants the harassment against her to stop. She is not interested in comparing herself with her fellow workers, but the Jesuits won’t let the comparison game stop, because they are obsessed with comparing this woman unfavorably (who has a genetic profile like King David) at all times with her Gentile fellow workers, in order to destroy the reputation and life of this royal Jew (so that sometime in the future when the Jesuits set up their dictatorship, they can claim to be justified to destroy the Jewish race). They want to portray the Jews to the world AS AN INFERIOR RACE THAT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED in order to justify their future claim (when they set up their dictatorship) that they need to purify the world and rectify injustices committed against Jesus Christ by the Jews (as the Jesuits pave the way for their future dictatorship in which a Jesuit Pope who will claim to be the Messiah will show up–in actuality, this Jesuit Pope will be the Beast or 666). When this Jesuit Pope sets up his dictatorship over the whole earth, then the Jesuits plan to annihilate the JEWISH RACE AND MOST ESPECIALLY THOSE JEWS DESCENDED FROM KING DAVID. This was their plan with Adolph Hitler–which failed–but as you can see with Hitler the Jesuits got started with their goal to annihilate the JEWISH RACE. The Jesuits will claim it is necessary to rid the world of the Jewish race, in order to purify the world against the sins committed against Jesus Christ by the Jews (which is why THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST was made–this is all preparation for a future JEWISH HOLOCAUST). But the Jesuits operate in the defensive mode, because the Bible claims the true Messiah will be descended from King David–SO THE JESUITS HAVE TO ELIMINATE THE COMPETITION, and God never says in the Bible that He wants the Jewish race totally annihilated. In fact, the Bible claims that the Jewish nation (after severe persecution) will eventually recognize her Messiah Jesus Christ, and that the whole nation will then be saved–and when that happens, the real Jesus Christ (the Son of David) will come back and totally destroy those that persecute Israel and Israel will then be set up as the leading nation in the world.. But until the Jesuits have their dictatorship, they must be subtle in their anti-Semitism and to do so in a manner which would blame an innocent party (like Vladimir Putin) for this anti-Semitic conspiracy against Gail. The Jesuits don’t want any descendant of King David (or any person with a genetic profile similar to King David) to prosper and have a good reputation in the world, because this may foil their attempts to eliminate their Jewish competition (with a future JEWISH HOLOCAUST) when they set up their dictatorship. The Jesuits are very defensive because the Bible states that the Messiah will be descended from King David, and so they are obsessed with destroying all Jewish persons (and most especially thereputations of Jewish persons) and they are particularly obsessed with Jewish persons who have genetic profiles similar to King David, so that when they set up their FAKE MESSIAH, the world will accept their Jesuit Pope as the God ordained ruler of the universe.
71.8(a) After a scenario like the one above is shown to the worker being trained (via The Kingdom of David presentation), Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will give examples of how an outstanding manager or co-workers or family member would best deal with a situation like the one above, so that anti-Semitism will not be promoted by Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION. All UNWILLING AGENT customers and co-workers involved in such an anti-Semitic conspiracy against any Jewish person who works at Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, will be treated as UNWILLING AGENTs (according to CONSPIRACY LAW) and the UNWILLING AGENT manager will also be treated as an UNWILLING AGENT (according to CONSPIRACY LAW)–they need to be educated about how they are part of an anti-Semitic conspiracy–even if they themselves, are not anti-Semitic– they promote anti-Semitism by assisting the Jesuits to target a person with Jewish ancestry or to target a person (like myself) with a genetic profile that is highly Jewish.
71.8(b) Also, whenever Gail has a day like the one described above in the italicized section, Vladimir Putin (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) will make a condemnation on GCFNC of the use of UNWILLING AGENTs to target his wife/fiance in such a manner that makes her appear to be inferior to the Gentiles she works with. This is necessary, since the Jesuits probably want to blame Vladimir for those days when they rampage Gail with their UNWILLING AGENTs at her workplace, so that when they target Gail as a person with a strong Jewish genetic profile, they can blame it on Vladimir and claim that the German/KJB Vladimir, and not the Jesuit Order, is the anti-Semite who targets Gail. Also, the Jesuit leaders, all world leaders, the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO, the Pope, Pres. Bush and Laura Bush, Brent Spiner, etc. must also make a condemnation on GCFNC (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) of the use of UNWILLING AGENTs to rampage Gail in an anti-Semitic manner at her workplace, in order to determine WHO REALLY FEELS BAD ABOUT HARASSING A JEW AND WHO REALLY DELIGHTS IN HARASSING GAIL AT HER WORKPLACE AND ELSEWHERE. Those (especially UNWILLING AGENTS used as part of the anti-Semitic conspiracy) who work at Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or are clients or customers of Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will see the statements of the various leaders made under 666-Computer lie-detection and will also view the scenario about how the UNWILLING AGENTS were used (an example of a typical anti-Semitic scenario is given in the italicized section of 71.8 above) so that they will have a complete understanding about how they were used (even if unwittingly) to promote anti-Semitism–, and will draw their own conclusions about WHO THE REAL ANTI-SEMITES ARE. Most of these UNWILLING AGENTS do not realize they are part of an anti-Semitic conspiracy and are unwitting dupes (manipulated by Jesuits)–so they need an education. They should also see the cross-examinations and executions of the Jesuits who manipulated them and should be encouraged to begin daily Bible reading habits, so that Jesuits cannot manipulate them so easily. This will be part of the way that UNWILLING AGENTS (who harass Gail at her workplace) will be handled, in addition to the other methods outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW.
71.8(c) The definitions and description of anti-Semitic behavior which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will lay out to its workers will be based on a study of how (and what methods) the Jesuits have used to target Gail and her Jewish relatives over the years. The italicized example given above in Sect. 71.8 is based on real-life anti-Semitism which I’ve had to deal with at my workplace.
The following Section 71.8(d) also applies to Gail and Vladimir’s blood relatives or family members, since the Jesuits have successfully caused some of Gail and Vladimir’s family members to be UNWILLING AGENTS.
71.8(d1) Because of the new law (Sect. 81) which forbids UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuit supporters from attending any of the events (which directly promote events 1, 2, 3 or 4)– there is the possibility that Jesuits will target these UNWILLING AGENTS at the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION where Gail works (or elsewhere) or will target family members who will be forbidden to attend the significant event at Gail’s Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or elsewhere (at the time when events 1, 2, 3 or 4 occur).
71.8(d2) This is because we have determined that we cannot allow UNWILLING AGENTS to be present when, and if, Vladimir meets Gail (or other significant events occur)–because the presence of these UNWILLING AGENTS at the time and place of the SIGNIFICANT EVENT will cause the event to fail–and that is why Sect. 81 was created.
71.8(d3) But to show that we do not support the harm of these UNWILLING AGENTS, those UNWILLING AGENTS who work (directly or indirectly) at Gail’s store (even if they cannot be present when the significant event occurs) or Gail or Vladimir’s family members–will receive a STRESS BONUS just for working at the store where Gail works (which is the store that caused or strongly promotes event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to occur) or just for being a relative or family member of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin. An indirect worker at Gail’s store (who is eligible for the STRESS BONUS) could be one who transferred to another Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, but still played a significant role in helping Gail’s Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION to successfully launch or strongly promote event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
71.8(d4) The amount of this STRESS BONUS for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers will be anywhere from $1,800.00 to $2,700.00 and it will be paid out for each event (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) which occurs. This means that the Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S workers at the store where Gail works could earn up to ($1,800 to $2,700.00 TEN TIMES)– 5 times for Gail’s store’s successful launching of events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and then another 5 times if that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S worker promoted these events by his/her behavior (that is this worker fulfilled the requirements of Sect. 71.4).
71.8(d4.1) Because Vladimir Putin has visited the store where Gail works, this store is now extremely targeted by Jesuits. Therefore, if a Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S worker or one of Gail’s family members or friends (especially those that have had dealings with both Gail Schuler and/or Vladimir Putin) is severely targeted by the Jesuits to the point that his/her life is threatened or he/she suffers a catastrophic loss or catastrophic stress as a result of this targeting, he/she will receive a large STRESS BONUS immediately and without delay (called an EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS). The amount of this STRESS BONUS will be determined by Vladimir Putin (in collaberation with Pres. George W. Bush).
71.8(d4.1.1) In cases where that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ worker’s family members have been affected by this Jesuit-induced stress, the EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS will also be given to the family members of that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ worker. This may especially be the case, if the Jesuits murder or kill or maim a Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ worker and leave his/her family destitute or in a bad financial situation. Decisions about whether to give an EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS to family members of Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers will be decided upon by Vladimir Putin (in collaberation with Pres. George W. Bush).
For the purposes of CONSPIRACY LAW, those organizations, like Wal-Mart, that support the Gail/Vladimir relationship, and which could be targeted by Jesuits for this reason (when they sponsor or promote a SIGNIFICANT EVENT) will be called SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS. SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS could be banks which would accept any money direct deposited into Gail’s bank account from Vladimir Putin’s account, or it could be a university (like Harvard) which accepts money from Vladimir to support her education as an attorney, etc.
71.8(d4.1.1)-a All persons who work at the Wal-Mart where Gail works (or at any SUPPORT ORGANIZATION) will be evaluated by their PLP or RSP to assess what possibility there is that the Jesuits could induce a life threatening condition on that person OR USE THAT PERSON AS AN UNWILLING AGENT (via criminal 666-Computer/satellite technology) when a significant event occurs at Wal-Mart or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATION.
71.8(d4.1.1)-b To encourage Wal-Mart workers (and workers at SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS) to assist their PLP or RSP in the removal of TRIGGER and LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from their PERSON-PROGRAM, Wal-Mart and SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will educate its workers about steps they can take to hasten the removal of TRIGGER and LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from their PERSON-PROGRAM. This would educate them about the importance of keeping their bodies hydrated (such as taking frequent baths) and of only consuming POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS and will instruct them to avoid NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS. Lists will be made available to Wal-Mart and SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers to educate them about what are and are not POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS. Also, TRIGGER PROGRAMMING and LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING will be explained, so that Wal-Mart and SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers will be educated about how these programs work and how these programs affect their bodies and why it is so important to do all to hasten the removal of these CRIMINAL programs from PERSON-PROGRAMS.
71.8(d4.1.1)-c Those persons who have a very vulnerable PERSON-PROGRAM, that is–who have extensive TRIGGER or LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING in their PERSON-PROGRAM OR WHO ARE VULNERABLE TO BEING USED AS AN UNWILLING AGENT–will not be allowed to be at Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION on the day or time that a significant event occurs. We don’t need ten or fifty or more heart attacks at the store when a significant event occurs.
71.8(d4.1.1)-d Also, all persons (including customers) who could be used as UNWILLING AGENTS will also be ordered to evacuate the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION at the time of a significant event. These persons who could be used as UNWILLING AGENTS or who have extensive enough TRIGGER or LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING in their PERSON-PROGRAM to allow Jesuits to dangerously manipulate their bodies, will not be permitted to be present at the time of a SIGNIFICANT EVENT at Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION. These VULNERABLE PERSONS will be told there is a terrorist threat and that lives are in danger and so everyone must leave the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION.
71.8(d4.1.1)-e You may say, this means that the whole store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will have to be evacuated at the time of a significant event, because very few people have a good enough PERSON-PROGRAM which the Jesuits can’t manipulate to induce life-threatening conditions or which the Jesuits can’t manipulate to cause that person to be used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
71.8(d4.1.1)-f If this is what must be done, then so be it. On the day that a SIGNIFICANT EVENT occurs, it will be treated as if there was a TERRORIST THREAT in the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, because the dangers which could occur at the time of a SIGNIFICANT EVENT are about the equivalent to the damage that a bomb would bring.
71.8(d4.1.1)-g In fact, the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s management may inform that organization’s customers, clients, and/or workers that there is a TERRORIST threat and all persons will be told to vacate the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT FOR ALL STORE and SUPPORT ORGANIZATION MANAGERS WHO MANAGE THIS EVENT NOT BE UNWILLING AGENTS–that is why it is a death penalty violation to allow any manager at the store where Gail works or at the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION to be vulnerable for use as an UNWILLING AGENT, or else this exercise will not be managed properly and the significant event will flop.
71.8(d4.1.1)-h All persons (including customers or clients) will be escorted out of the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and some Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers (those who are vulnerable to serious 666-Computer health problems as determined by the state of their PERSON-PROGRAM or who could be used as UNWILLING AGENTS) may be instructed to go home (and will be especially monitored by their PLPs and RSPs for 666-Computer induced problems).
71.8(d4.1.1)-i Ambulances and paramedics and the military (perhaps fighter jets) will appear (ambulances will appear without sirens, since they will be informed in advance) and will show up outside (and in the vicinity of) the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, in case they are needed. All paramedics and military at the scene must not be UNWILLING AGENTS or vulnerable to use as UNWILLING AGENTS. After all, this is a terrorist threat (or the equivalent of one). Believe me, if a SIGNIFICANT EVENT occurs, the Jesuits will see to it that the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION suffers damage comparable to a bomb that explodes.
71.8(d4.1.1)-j Next, after all persons are waiting outside the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and the vulnerable ones have ALREADY LEFT, the persons who will cause the SIGNIFICANT EVENT will arrive or will commit the actions to begin the SIGNIFICANT EVENT. This could mean the arrival of Vladimir Putin, Pres. Bush, Steven Spielberg or a transfer of funds, or whoever or whatever. Once the SIGNIFICANT PERSON(s) has/have arrived or the beginnings of the SIGNIFICANT EVENT have commenced, then those individuals who are not vulnerable to life-threatening conditions (via computer/satellite technology) and who cannot be used as UNWILLING AGENTS–called SHIELDED INDIVIDUALS–may be told that it is safe to re-enter the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and only the SHIELDED INDIVIDUALS will be allowed to re-enter the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION.
71.8(d4.1.1)-k And here is how the SHIELDED PERSONS will be allowed to re-enter. Professionals with scanners will be present and will scan all persons before they enter the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION. These scanners will scan to determine who has a VULNERABLE PERSON-PROGRAM (that is, a program which allows Jesuits to either use that person as an UNWILLING AGENT or to manipulate that person’s body into a life-threatening condition). An excuse will be made for the scanners. All will be told that the scanners are to ensure that no one is wearing anything (or has on his/her person something) that may trigger the terrorist attack. But the real reason for the scanner will be to detect those who could be used as UNWILLING AGENTS or who have vulnerable PERSON-PROGRAMS. Jesuits may try to use UNWILLING AGENTS to start a rampage or a crime, so they must be eliminated from the SIGNIFICANT EVENT. Persons denied reentrance into the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will be told this does not in any way incriminate them and is not meant to demean them, but that they have been denied entrance FOR THEIR OWN PROTECTION because they have something on their person which could bring them harm and which may trigger the terrorist attack. If questions are asked, they will be told that the matter is under investigation, but we have enough information to know which persons are more vulnerable to danger.
71.8(d4.1.1)-l Once these SHIELDED INDIVIDUALS are in the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, only they will be witness to the SIGNIFICANT EVENT. Once it is ensured that only SHIELDED INDIVIDUALS are in the store or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, then the SIGNIFICANT PERSON (such as Vladimir Putin, Pres. Bush, Steven Spielberg) will arrive or the beginnings of the SIGNIFICANT EVENT will commence. News crews may be present, but they will only be news crews from GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, because we don’t trust any other news station.
71.8(d4.1.1)-m There may still be 666-Computer induced health problems with SHIELDED INDIVIDUALS in the store, but they shouldn’t be of a life-threatening nature. All other vulnerable customers or clients or Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers will have been instructed to GO HOME and leave the area!
71.8(d4.1.1)-n Those instructed to leave, and who are not UNWILLING AGENTS, but just have a vulnerable PERSON-PROGRAM will still qualify for their BONUSES (see Sect. 71.4 or Sect. 71.0), since we don’t hold illness against a person and that person will still receive their BONUS, since their behavior and attitudes encouraged the SIGNIFICANT EVENT, even though it was too dangerous for them to be present personally to view the event.
71.8(d4.1.1)-o Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violation of the guidelines of this Sect. 71.8(d4.1.1) in order to sabotage the success of a SIGNIFICANT EVENT and to assist the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
71.8(d4.1.2) The cooperation of the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s CEO has been significant in the war against terrorism and this/these CEO(s) has/have been frequently attacked (and has had his/her life threatened) by the Jesuit Order. It goes without saying that all such willing and knowing attempts or actions against the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s CEO will be met with the death penalty–chop-burn-ash-maggot executions which can be viewed on GCFNC.
71.8(d4.1.3) The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s CEO is a very targeted individual. In order to protect Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION from a Jesuit takeover –and, in the event of the CEO’s incapacitation or death– the CEO will put it into the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION company’s by laws and incorporation charter, how the next CEO (and any and all top executives) for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION must be chosen. He/she will state that his/her reasons for these revisions to the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s incorporation charter is to protect the integrity and reputation of the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s Company and/or to honor the spirit of the company’s founder.
71.8(d4.1.4) If the CEO’s by laws and incorporation charter are violated, than those who willingly and knowingly violate his by laws and incorporation charter must be fired from Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and may face imprisonment (or worse) as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS.
71.8(d4.1.5) The by-laws and incorporation charter for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION must state that whoever is CEO (or a top executive) of Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION must be one who follows the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and must be one who is not an UNWILLING AGENT and that if one who does not follow the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW), that person must be removed as CEO and replaced by another (who does follow the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS).
71.8(d4.1.6) The CEO will also list out individuals that he/she would recommend as CEO or other top executives, should he/she become incapacitated, and may invite those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) to vote on the next CEO or other top executive positions within Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION (using the guidelines from Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT), should such top positions need to be decided upon in the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s Company.
71.8(d4.1.7) The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION leaders may be decided using the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT, except that only Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers will vote and the matter of parties will be disregarded (though instead of parties, major races and sex could each constitute parties –according to Sect. 8–in order to avoid accusations of racism or discrimination in the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s voting process). The CEO will help to choose the persons who will be voted on and will list out their names in a written document.
71.8(d4.1.8) The Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s by-laws and incorporation charter must also state that ALL TOP EXECUTIVES OF THE WAL-MART or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s COMPANY must follow the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and cannot be UNWILLING AGENTS. Any willing and knowing violations of these Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s by-laws and incorporation charters in order to strengthen the Jesuit Order or to promote Jesuit goals for a worldwide dictatorial takeover, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator and will cause that person to be fired from Wal-Mart or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATION.
71.8(d4.1.9) Also, any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION person to allow an unqualified person [as outlined in this Sect. 71.8(d4)] to be a top executive (that is, one who makes decisions that influence the entire company) for the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s Company, must cause that willing and knowing conspirator to be fired from Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION and to be arrested as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (with possible death penalty consequences, if a death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW is violated).
71.8(d4.1.10) In order, to promote these revisions to the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s by-laws and incorporation charter, those family members of the founder of Wal-Mart or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, and who are not UNWILLING AGENTS will endorse (in writing) these revised by-laws and incorporation charter and will state on GCFNC (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) that they believe that if Sam Walton or that SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s founder was still alive that he/she would heartily approve of these revised Wal-Mart/SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s by-laws and incorporation charter, because they help to protect the integrity and good reputation of the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION Company.
71.8(d4.2) Because of the importance of the Gail/Vladimir relationship to the war on terrorism and because it is so important to sustain and support this relationship, attempts to target Gail’s friends and family by the Jesuits will be taken very seriously by the International government. The leaders of all major countries know about this relationship and most support this relationship.
71.8(d4.3) Therefore, when it is necessary to give a co-worker or family member of Gail Schuler an EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS, it will be delivered personally (to the recipient) by a significant world leader (who supports the Gail/Vladimir relationship) or by Vladimir Putin himself, and it will be given in a manner as a brave soldier is awarded a wartime medal of valour.
71.8(d4.4) Either that world leader or Vladimir will visit the recipient personally and will deliver the EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS to that recipient personally or that world leader will send the EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS (via express funds or some other way) and will make it personal somehow, maybe by including a personal and handwritten letter or some other method of personal delivery. A delivery in person is the preferred method. The reason for this is to show the unwavering support of the entire world community for those co-workers, friends and family members of Gail Schuler who suffer catastrophic Jesuit targeting for their support of Gail’s relationship with Vladimir Putin.
71.8(d4.5) It may be necessary for a world leader to immediately change his/her schedule for that day, in order to accommodate the emergency, but because the relationship of Gail and Vladimir has such a catastrophic effect on world events and to make a clear-cut statement that we abhor and detest (and have NO PART in) all Jesuit attempts to harm those that support the Gail/Vladimir relationship, that world leader will change his/her schedule immediately to give that recipient the EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS and to do it in a manner as if awarding a brave soldier a medal of valour.
71.8(d4.6) The EMERGENCY STRESS BONUS will be the equivalent of a significant war medal to the recipient and when it is given it will be shown on GCFNC with full honors–that is why it is so important for a significant world leader to make the delivery–to show just how important Gail’s co-workers and family members are in this war against terrorism and to show our full support to these people and our disdain for Jesuit targeting of anyone who supports Gail Schuler. Also, any Jesuits or their supporters who caused this person to suffer such a catastrophic loss will be executed burn-ash-maggot style on GCFNC.
71.8(d4-1) The STRESS BONUS for family members of Gail or Vladimir will be higher–$50,000 to each family member (regardless of whether that family member is an UNWILLING AGENT or not) whenever event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 occurs. A family member has the potential to earn $50,000 in BONUS pay-outs for each successful launching of a significant event–for a total of up to $250,000. However, even though the family member will be given $50,000 at the successful launching of event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5–if that family member is an UNWILLING AGENT, he/she cannot be present at the launching of event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, since we cannot trust that family member to behave appropriately at the event. Our purpose for awarding the STRESS BONUS to the family member is to discourage Jesuits from harming that family member when event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 takes place and to show that we do not support the harm (or creation) of UNWILLING AGENTs.
71.8(d4-2) Family members whose behavior, attitudes and actions support the launching of events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 will not only receive the $50,000 STRESS BONUS, but will receive an additional $50,000 BONUS for promoting the occurrence of events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Which means family members who are not UNWILLING AGENTS have the potential to earn up to $500,000 each in BONUS pay-outs.
71.8(d4.1) This means that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS’ workers at Gail’s Wal-Mart or at a SUPPORT ORGANIZATION have the potential to earn up to $27,000 in BONUS pay-outs for promoting events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and if Gail’s Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION is the store (place) that launches events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 all workers at Gail’s store (or the place) will receive a STRESS BONUS for each successful launching of event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5–even if their behavior did not qualify for the BONUSES described in Sect. 71.4
71.8(d5) Because many persons at Gail’s Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION are being used as UNWILLING AGENTS, these UNWILLING AGENTS will forfeit their BONUS(es) as described in Sect. 71.4 for promoting events 1, 2 ,3, 4 or 5. But because Gail’s Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION is already being targeted and several of her co-workers have become very ill (and some close to death), it seems unfair that all workers at Gail’s store or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION should not receive some compensation just for working at the store where Gail works or for dealing directly with Gail–which is the store (or organization) that makes the most significant contribution to promote events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
71.8(d6) Therefore, the International government has decided that if any of the events (event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) described in Sect. 71.4 take place, that all Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers (who deal directly with Gail) will receive a STRESS BONUS –just for putting up with the Jesuit targeting that comes from working directly with Gail.
71.8(d7) The purpose for this STRESS BONUS is to show support for all the workers at Gail’s store and to show support for all the family of Gail and Vladimir, even those who are controlled against their will as UNWILLING AGENTS and to, hopefully, make it less desirable for Jesuits to try to target these UNWILLING AGENTS at Gail’s store or elsewhere (when event 1, 2 , 3, 4 or 5 takes place).
71.8(d8) We don’t want to make it appear that Vladimir (or the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO or some other leader) created these UNWILLING AGENTS at Gail’s Wal-Mart or at the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or among Gail or Vladimir’s family, in order to unfairly target or draw attention to these UNWILLING AGENTS– therefore — all the workers (even UNWILLING AGENTS) at Gail’s store or at the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will receive a STRESS BONUS just for dealing directly with Gail or for being a relative or family member of Gail or Vladimir, that is–if any of the events (event 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) of Sect. 71.4 take place.
71.8(d9) This will be an additional BONUS, besides the other BONUSES for those whose behavior encourages the events described in Sect. 71.4. However, because the International government does not want to encourage bad behavior, these workers who fail to fulfill the requirements for the BONUSES described above, will forfeit these other BONUSES (see Sect. 71.4) for promoting events 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
71.8(d10) What this Sect. 71.8(d) means is that the workers at Gail’s Wal-Mart or at SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS have the potential to receive quite a lot of BONUSES, since all workers at Gail’s store and at certain SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will receive STRESS BONUSES for dealing directly with Gail and for being associated with the organization which directly promotes the events described in 71.4.
71.9 Because Jesuits are creating many UNWILLING AGENTS at Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS despite our campaign to encourage Bible reading–in order to show that we are not behind the creation of these UNWILLING AGENTS and that we do not endorse UNWILLING AGENTS– Vladimir Putin, the pastor of a church in Germany, makes a special offer to Christian or born-again Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers who faithfully expose themselves to at least one hour of Bible a day and who faithfully resist OCCULT MEDIA which undermines their Bible exposure.
71.9(a) Here is the deal: Those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers who have accepted Christ as their Savior (which means they have prayed in sincerity the sinner’s prayer –and how to accept Christ as one’s Savior will be explained and outlined by Dr. Brent Spiner), and who faithfully read or expose themselves to the Bible (or its equivalent) at least one hour a day and who faithfully resist OCCULT MEDIA (which undermines their Bible exposure) and who watch at least a couple of our church services a month over the internet–will be offered church membership at our church. Our church’s website will have a thorough presentation about what constitutes OCCULT MEDIA.
71.9(b) Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will mention to their workers that Vladimir Putin is a pastor of Church of Gail (which he and Gail have founded) and that this church offers church membership to those who meet certain criteria, and that we will allow one to be a dual church member–that is, a member of our church and of another. Those who are members of no church (and are qualified) are also invited to be members of our church. We will mention that Gail Schuler is a member, simply because she is Vladimir’s fiancé, and she meets all the requirements, except she doesn’t watch the services–though she often participates in laying out the church program.
71.9(c) Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS will mention that those Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers who are members of Vladimir’s church, will receive a BONUS to match any BONUS which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will pay them for encouraging things that God is for–like Vladimir’s marriage to Gail, or the launching of Gail’s life story and novel. And Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION will give to these Christian Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers our church’s website for more information about how to become a member of Vladimir’s church and how to watch the services, and the requirements for church membership in our church.
71.9(d) If Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers are offered church membership at our church, then they will be rewarded with a BONUS from our church to match any BONUS which Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION pays them for encouraging the marriage of Gail to Vladimir or for encouraging the launching of her novel Silver Skies or her life story. These Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers must keep up these good habits of Bible exposure and avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA for at least a month, before they are awarded church membership with our church. In fact, no one can be a member of our church unless we have evidence that that person is a born again Christian and has read (or is exposed to) the Bible (or its equivalent) for at least 1 hour a day for at least a month and resists OCCULT MEDIA.
If our 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS learn that a Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION person within the past month has already met the requirements of reading the Bible (or its equivalent) every day for at least an hour and has avoided every day OCCULT MEDIA and that this Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION person is a born again Christian, then that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION person can be granted immediate church membership.
71.9(d1) If one is awarded church membership, but drops his/her daily one hour Bible exposure habits or his/her avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA–he/she will be dropped from our church’s membership rolls and will forfeit any BONUS which our church would pay out to them to match Wal-Mart or his/her SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s BONUS.
71.9(e) After Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers have kept up these good habits for a month, we will invite them to be a member of our church–and they can have co-membership with our church and another, if they like. Only those who are members of our church, will be awarded a BONUS to match any BONUS Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS pays them for encouraging the marriage of Gail to Vladimir or encouraging the launch of her life story or Silver Skies. We may work with the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S CEO and allow this BONUS to be paid out through the regular Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’S check OR we may pay it out separately. Either way, this money comes from our church and not from Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS, so Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS is/are the agent of payment, but not the one who will pay this BONUS. Our church believes in rewarding those who encourage and strengthen the worldwide Christian church (against attempts by the Jesuits to downgrade the true Christian church by encouraging apostasy and failures within the church)–and that is why we will pay out this BONUS to those who are members of our church–because we want to encourage them for their strong testimony for the Lord.
71.9(f) You might say, how would your church come up with this money? Well, Vladimir is the pastor of our church and he may decide to donate this money personally. We will encourage our present church members to donate to this fund to encourage Christian Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers to be faithful Bible readers and to avoid OCCULT MEDIA, in order to promote events which we feel are God’s will.
71.9(g) There are many Christians in the International government and we will probably receive donations from our church members (who are all over the world). Anyone can be a member of our church if they meet the same requirements as the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION workers do. By having such a church program, we hope to strengthen our numbers and to decrease the ranks of the UNWILLING AGENTS.
71.9(h) 666-Computer analysis will be used to determine if the Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION person has indeed exposed himself/herself to Bible for at least one hour a day, and if that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATION person has received Christ as their Savior, and if they have resisted OCCULT MEDIA, and are, therefore, qualified to be a member of our church. We know that if they meet this criteria, that the Jesuits won’t be able to use them as an UNWILLING AGENT, and since no UNWILLING AGENT can be a member of our church–in this way, we hope to encourage more people to develop the habits necessary to resist Jesuit takeover as an UNWILLING AGENT, and to encourage people to accept Christ as their Savior–since one will probably not be a faithful Bible reader unless one is a born again Christian, because it is God (through His Holy Spirit) who gives one the desire to be a faithful Bible reader.
71.9(i) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to allow anyone to be a member of Vladimir’s church, who does not meet the requirements of church membership (as outlined in this Sect. 71.9) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. Vladimir and I want to send the strong message that we in no way encourage the use of computer/satellite technology to create UNWILLING AGENTS. If we allow UNWILLING AGENTS to be members of our church or encourage people to have the bad habits that Jesuits need to takeover a person as an UNWILLING AGENT, then we will lose our war against Jesuit terrorism.
71.9(j) A list of our church members will be posted on our church’s website, unless that church member desires to remain anonymous. This way we can proudly display our church members to the world and can show that we are a SEPARATE GROUP FROM THE UNWILLING AGENTS and that we do not desire to associate with (or promote in any manner) UNWILLING AGENTS.. We do this in order to show the world how we feel those who are truly representative of Jesus Christ should behave in this world–and we can show that we are not like the Jesuits at all AND THAT WE ARE DIFFERENT! We anticipate that we will have a diverse and interesting membership, including some Roman Catholics like Bill O’Reilly of FOX News and Pres. Bush (a Methodist) and maybe even Pope Benedict XVI. These people will have dual church membership. This does not mean that we endorse the other church that our member chooses to affiliate with–it only means that we will allow one to be a member of another church and a member of ours (as long as that person meets the criteria for membership of our church). We have tough membership requirements, but because we are willing to allow people to have dual membership–we should have no problem with membership.
71.9(k) You might say, what if one goes to a Jehovah’s Witness church or a church or cult that teaches things contrary to what your church teaches? That’s OK. We don’t endorse the Jehovah’s Witness church or cults, but if that person is saved and meets the requirements–he/she can be a member of our church. Anyone who goes to a Jehovah’s Witness church or cult would probably not qualify for membership in our church, because Jehovah’s Witness (and most cults) teach that salvation is by works and so that person would not be a born again Christian (if they truly followed Jehovah’s Witness or cultist teachings). Anyone who is a member of our church and goes to a Jehovah’s Witness church or a cult would be considered a renegade by those in the Jehovah’s Witness camp or cult, so we will probably not get too many Jehovah’s Witnesses or cultists–unless they are planning to leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses or their cult. Our prediction is that eventually anyone who belongs to a cult and is a member of our church, will lose interest in that cult and cut off their ties with that cult, once we educate them and teach them the Bible.
71.9(l) If a member of our church suffers persecution from the Jesuits because of his/her membership in our church and his/her Christian testimony and because of his/her promotion of the events which we feel are God’s will (i.e., Gail’s marriage to Putin and the launching of her life story and novel), then he/she will receive from our church (in addition to the BONUS which we match from Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION)–a PERSECUTION BONUS. The amount of this BONUS will be in direct proportion to the amount of persecution which that Christian suffers for his/her stand for Christ because of his/her testimony which honors Jesus Christ and promotes the events which we feel are God’s willGail’s marriage to Putin and the launching of her life story and novel.
71.9(l-1) Those Christians from our church who are eligible for the PERSECUTION BONUS, will be listed on our church’s website as MEMBERS OF OUR CHURCH PERSECUTED BY JESUITS FOR THEIR STAND FOR CHRIST. We will make a presentation about how they are persecuted for their Christian testimony and then show in a video format the execution (or punishment) of those Jesuits responsible for their suffering. If we can’t find or arrest the Jesuits involved, they will end up on a MOST WANTED LIST (which will be shown on GCFNC’s main broadcast channel) with rewards to those who will turn them over to us. Anyone on this list called MEMBERS OF OUR CHURCH PERSECUTED BY JESUITS FOR THEIR STAND FOR CHRIST is eligible for this PERSECUTION BONUS. Besides the name of each person listed, will be listed the type of persecution(s) which this member is suffering and there will also be a condemnation of the Jesuit Order as the children of hell for bringing this persecution against this member.
However, even if one makes this list, but drops his/her daily one hour Bible reading and his/her avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA, he/she can forfeit his/her PERSECUTION BONUS as well as the BONUS we give to match Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION’s. To be eligible for this PERSECUTION BONUS, that member must suffer extra attacks on his/her person (either through 666-Computer, satellite or by other means–even financial attacks or attacks on his/her family) because of his/her stand for Christ and because of his/her promotion of the events which we believe are God’s will. We do this, not to glorify men, but to expose and discourage the Jesuits’ attacks against our people.
Before we start this section, I want to quote something from Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. who had more common sense and wisdom than just about anyone I know: BEWARE OF UNREASONABLE MEN, GOOD MEN ARE ALWAYS REASONABLE.
72.0 Management of Gail Schuler is a challenging and difficult matter (because she is severely targeted by Jesuits) and an outstanding manager will have to be a good communicator and one who communicates priorities and goals for the day, rather than rigid and inflexible procedures. Managers will also need to be diligent about their attitudes and mind set and ask themselves constantly if their approach toward Gail is unrealistic and overly perfectionistic and critical, because this is one way that Gail has suffered anti-Semitism from UNWILLING AGENTS who have authority over her. The Jesuits like to pick on the Jews and to pounce on their every mistake and if they can’t find a mistake–THEY WILL ORCHESTRATE ONE!
72.0(a) Because Jesuits constantly change their strategy, what works one day may not work another day. For instance, to tell Gail that she needs to make sure her area is zoned and cleaned before every break and before every time she leaves may not be the best strategy for a certain day. To explain something in this manner is too rigid and inflexible and may not be the wisest way to communicate about how to keep a clean register area. Let’s say the lines are long and she never has time to clean her register area. On day’s like this, it is more important for her to keep the lines moving, than to zone her area. On days like this, the manager should probably find someone else to do the zoning and let the cashier concentrate on keeping the lines moving. You may say, then how do you communicate with a cashier about how to keep his area clean? Give them a goal or a principle to follow, instead of giving them an inflexible order. Don’t say: “You need to zone and clean your area before each break and before you leave.”
This is too rigid and inflexible a statement and implicates that one should clean only at certain times–like right before a break–when this time may not be practical and may even mess up the cashier schedule for the managers, since the time spent zoning could cause the cashier to leave too late for her break. And so while one manager insists that zoning takes place at a certain time and then another manager insists that the cashier schedule be adhered to, this sets up a scenario so that the cashier will displease one of the managers for sure. If she zones her area right before a break, then she will mess up the manager’s schedule for the cashiers, because she takes too long to leave for her break. If she doesn’t zone her area, then she displeases the other manager, because she didn’t zone her area at the designated time.
72.0(b) Managers need to give out orders that harmonize with each other, so that the cashier doesn’t get stuck between the differing and conflicting demands of different managers. Managers need to get together on a consistent basis to determine what the priorities are for a certain day or a certain hour and then all must agree to be consistent and to communicate the SAME priorities to all those under them, so that there is no confusion about what those priorities are. This is much like a nursing care plan, where priorities are set for the day and the care is organized around the priorities. Managers need to set priorities for a certain time period, and organize how they communicate to those under them according to these priorities. All managers must have the same priorities and a cashier should not get in trouble when she does what one manager says and it differs from what another manager said. THE MANAGERS NEED TO BE IN AGREEMENT.
72.0(c) THE MANAGERS MUST GET TOGETHER AND SET GOALS (NOT RIGID RULES) FOR A CERTAIN TIME PERIOD FOR THOSE UNDER THEM. RIGID RULES ARE TOO EASILY MISUNDERSTOOD. The cashier may misinterpret a rigid rule to mean that it must be obeyed at all times and this may not be the best policy at another time– so it is better to communicate goals and priorities over rigid rules.
72.0(e) When training a person and explaining detailed and ideal procedures, this is fine. But it should be phrased in a certain way to indicate that it is a goal and not a rigid rule, unless it is imperative that it be a rigid rule. For instance, instead of saying, “You must always organize your money in your till, so that when you take bills from the customer they are in the same direction.” It is better to say it like this: “If you have the time, it is ideal to automatically organize the bills as you receive them from the customer and put them all in the same direction in your till. This way, when it’s time to turn in your till, you can get it ready in no time. But if the lines are long or the customer gives you a huge amount of disorganized bills, don’t worry about it and just do what is best for the customers, because it is more important to give good customer service and to keep the lines moving, than to have a perfectly organized till at lunch break time.”
72.0(f) Priorities and goals should be communicated to those under you, RATHER THEN RIGID AND INFLEXIBLE RULES which could result in poorer customer service–Take the time to explain the priorities and goals for the day (or the hour) to those under you, in order to avoid misunderstandings and confusion, which results in poorer customer service. A rigid set of rules does not work when dealing with Jesuit controlled customers and co-workers. Jesuits are very creative criminals and effective manager will have to be creative and set goals and priorities for a certain hour or a certain day (rather than outlining a rigid set of procedures to be followed at all times) and then clearly communicate to those under their management what those priorities and goals are for the day OR THE HOUR OR THE PORTION OF THE DAY.
72.0(g) A good manager is a clear, consistent and fair communicator, who makes it clear what the goals and priorities are for the designated time period and who sets goals and priorities that CAN BE MET–not some rigid, perfectionistic, obsessive schedule or set of rules that may have to be violated sometimes in order to do an appropriate job–rules like this are not taken seriously because they cannot always be met, and on top of this, THEY AREN’T FAIR..
72.0(h) By omitting a goal or principle (and emphasizing the procedure over the goal) when you communicate to the cashier, you implicate that the rule (to clean the area at certain times) is more important than the principle of customer service. Rather say this: “Our number one priority is good customer service. Try to prioritize your work, so that you will make the priorities that you would want if you were the customer. Though you as a customer may appreciate a clean register, if the lines are long, you would be more concerned that the line is moving, than if the register where you check out is spotless. But in between customers, clean and zone your area. It is a high priority to have a clean register area, but not if the lines are long and you don’t have a chance to clean perfectly. In this case, clean when you can, but don’t be too picky and keep the lines moving, since the customers will care more about not waiting in line then whether the register area is spotless.” Don’t give out rules that must be violated at times in order to serve the customer–this is a set up for failure and resentment.
72.0(i) If it is more important to keep the lines moving and this particular order could not be obeyed and should not be obeyed, because if she goes out to clean her area when the lines are long, then the customers will be mad, and rightly so.
72.0(j) How do you correct Gail when she makes a mistake or handles something in an inappropriate manner, or if you feel she is incompetent in an area and needs your assistance? First off, analyze your mind set when you are about to give the “constructive criticism” or to “be of help”. Jesuits tend to be nit-picky, obsessive, and to overly focus on irrelevant points. If you catch yourself looking for faults in Gail, your mind may have been influenced as an UNWILLING AGENT by a Jesuit thought or attitude which was implanted into your brain AND IS NOT YOUR TRUE PERSONALITY, in order to target Gail and in this respect, you will be guilty of anti-Semitism. Ask yourself if what you are about to point out is something that Gail does all the time which needs to be corrected and ask yourself if this is REALLY YOU. For instance, if what she did was an oversight and is not a mistake which she normally makes, it may be better not to point it out, because you will come across as being too perfectionistic and picky and you will indirectly communicate to her that she is not allowed to make mistakes. This is an ANTI-SEMITIC ATTITUDE, because who among us never makes mistakes? To expect this of others is not fair, BUT THIS IS WHAT JESUITS EXPECT OF THE JEWS–and the Jesuits change their mind every day about what is “perfect” behavior for a Jew–so Jesuits are very unfair with Jewish persons, and when it comes to the Jews dealing with Jesuits, a Jew can never please a Jesuit (unless the Jew converts to Roman Catholicism and betrays his own race), because the only thing the Jesuits will be happy about–when it comes to Jews– is to annihilate the Jewish race. Ask yourself–when you find yourself with a critical mind set toward Gail (who is descended from King David–a HATED ROYAL JEW–and, therefore, especially despised by the Jesuits), am I being a JESUIT or is this REALLY ME?
72.0(k) If you are not sure whether the mistake is something she does all the time, then don’t treat the mistake as if IT IS SOMETHING SHE DOES ALL THE TIME! If you are not sure whether it is something she does all the time, ask her. Instead of saying, “You need to have your check ready and run through the printer before I come to approve the check.” Say this, “Did you forget to run the check through the printer before I showed up?”
Gail will then probably reply, “Oh, I’m sorry. I usually do this, but I got distracted.”
Then the manager could say, “Yeah, I know that. It really saves me time when you have the check ready, though. But I understand you got distracted, we all make mistakes and it’s the end of a busy day and you’re probably tired.”
Gail will automatically get the message (that she forgot to do something) and you won’t infer that she is a moron by insinuating that this is a dumb thing she does all the time.
72.0(l) Do not try to help Gail (or anyone) do a job that is definitely her/their job AND NOT SOMETHING THAT A MANAGER WOULD NORMALLY ASSIST AN UNDERLING WITH, when she/they is/are doing her job well and does/do not need your assistance. This is also an anti-Semitic attitude of saying, you’re a little inferior and need some assistance. For instance, if the lines are long and you feel that Gail needs some help to get her till ready faster–ask yourself, if you think you will really speed up the process by taking her bag of money and trying to help her organize her till. This is insulting because Gail rarely sees a manager help any cashier get their till ready, it is an indirect way of saying she is inferior in the way she gets her till ready and someone superior like me needs to help her out. This is really insulting because getting a till ready for the register is not that difficult–especially to a person who has been doing this for 11 months already! If there was a problem, why wait until 11 months to point it out? Is Gail so dumb that it takes her 11 months to know how to get her till ready for her register?
And perhaps, if she is not correctly getting her till ready it is the management’s fault for not clearly explaining to her what the proper procedure is for getting her till ready for the register. It takes 11 months for management to properly teach her how to get her till ready?
Gail counts her money from her bag before she puts her till in the drawer and it doesn’t take long to do it. This is because there have been several times when she was not given the right amount of money from her bag at the beginning of her shift. Perhaps, the Jesuits use you to rush her, to intimidate her to quit counting her money, so that they can give her a bag one day that won’t have enough money, in order to accuse her of being short or over at the end of the day, in order to make her look incompetent? Could this be how the Jesuits are driving you as an UNWILLING AGENT to be an anti-Semite, in order to insinuate that Jews are inferior and need the assistance of superior persons?
First off, if her money doesn’t come out even at the end of the day, you may get blamed for it, because you put your hand in her bag. And ask yourself if she really needs your help and maybe that you are being too critical or unrealistic in your expectations, and perhaps this overly critical attitude came into your mind from the Jesuits’ control over your mind? Is she really taking too long to get her till ready, or are you just imagining this because an overly critical or obsessive attitude was planted into your mind by the Jesuits?
What happened to me today is that a manager tried to help me get my till ready, and when she showed up I was already finished! Though I was having trouble with a roll of dimes that was particularly difficult to crack open, which usually doesn’t happen to me. And right at that time the manager shows up to speed me up? What perfect timing! But she grabbed my bag and looked inside it and fished around. This was totally inappropriate. I wasn’t taking a long time and she would not have made the process any faster by helping me out. The lines were long and I needed to be at a register, but the manager needs to keep her hand out of my bag. I wasn’t taking that long. Besides, a cashier should not let another handle their money, because there needs to be accountability in case the money does not come out even at the end of the day. If everyone’s in her bag, then someone could steal money out of her bag and NO ONE WOULD KNOW WHO DID IT. And perhaps, this is an anti-Semitic attempt to frame her and make her money come out uneven at the end of the day. Stop and think. Ask yourself, Am I being a nit-pick? And where is this overly critical attitude coming from? AM I BEING USED AS AN UNWILLING AGENT FOR THE JESUITS to promote anti-Semitism?
72.0(m) It has been Gail’s experience that when she suffers anti-Semitic discrimination from an UNWILLING AGENT, that the person responsible is overly critical and unrealistic and overly obsessive in their expectations. Jesuits are extremely obsessive, so if one is becoming obsessive and critical, that is a sign that he/she has been taken over as an UNWILLING AGENT. Usually the person is inconsistent and obsessive, or gives out rules that are too picky and inflexible and would not work for all situations. Or the person will not let Gail operate independently or autonomously, but feel like they have to babysit her all the time as if she was very inferior and needed the assistance of someone superior, and they pounce on all her mistakes and are always there to correct her when she makes a mistake but are mysteriously missing when she works in an outstanding manner. This is also a form of anti-Semitism and persons who behave in this manner will not receive the BONUS.
72.0(n) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to falsely evaluate any person for the BONUS, so that anti-Semitic persons (or persons who behave in an anti-Semitic manner as described in CONSPIRACY LAW) are awarded the BONUS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. This is a serious matter, because to give a BONUS to an anti-Semitic person insinuates that Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or the International government are also anti-Semitic and this can have serious repercussions.
72.0(o) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to falsely evaluate a person, so that the evaluation is biased or incorrect or obviously unfair, with the end result that the giving out of the BONUSES is viewed as a joke or discrimination meant to promote an unfair agenda, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. Evaluations must be made by objective persons, who base their evaluations on evidence which COULD BE ADMITTED TO A COURT OF LAW!! This is important because that is exactly what might happen. Attorneys from the International government will oversee the evaluation process to ensure that evaluations are carried out in a non-discriminatory manner and that they are fair, objective and impartial. If one of our attorneys has a firm basis to feel that any evaluator is not fair or right in his judgments, that evaluator will be released from his/her duties.
73.0 Because it is anticipated that there will be resentment from those who do not receive BONUSES (see Sect. 71), there should be regular evaluations of the workers to let them know how they are doing (in terms of getting their BONUS). At least, this way there won’t be any surprises, and this will be a good way to encourage good behavior, since a person will get immediate feedback about how he/she is doing.
73.1 The evaluation should be specific and probably on a computer (like an E-mail format) which can be checked everyday and should point out attitudes or actions (perhaps through actors or actresses who do a performance of an ideal way to handle the situation which was not handled correctly by the recipient) that indicate anti-Semitism (perhaps with video back-up), because an anti-Semitic attitude or actions will prevent one from getting a BONUS.
All comments (good or bad) should be explained so that the recipient understands WHY it is good or bad. Principles and goals need to be explained along with the constructive criticism, so that the recipient understands exactly what it is he/she did wrong or good, and WHY IT WAS WRONG OR GOOD. Because a computer is doing the criticizing, the recipient should view on video a performance of someone doing correctly and incorrectly what they did wrong or right. Instead of explaining what they did wrong or right–SHOW THEM. Jesuit obsessive behavior is hard to explain, it is better to SHOW THEM HOW THEY BEHAVED IN A JESUIT OBSESSIVE MANNER. The evaluations should be handled like the way management should handle those under their jurisdiction– principles and goals need to be explained. So rather than meting out the criticism as you did such and such a thing wrong, explain to them WHY IT WAS WRONG.
If criticism is given from a computer instead of from a person, it may make it less biting (and more effective) since you won’t have to deal with personality conflicts. Perhaps points could be assigned for certain attitudes or actions and a person must accumulate a certain number of points to be in the running for the BONUS.
73.1(a) The evaluator should be someone who does not work with the person, but observes them from the camera (and probably works at another store or organization outlet or maybe even someone who does not work for Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, but works for the International government–this would tend to be more objective). Since it can be argued that if the evaluator is someone who works with the person, that bribes or coercion may be involved and that the evaluator’s objectivity is tainted. No UNWILLING AGENT can be an evaluator, because all UNWILLING AGENTS are tainted in their judgments.
73.2 The evaluation should point out strengths and weaknesses and should be a push and pull evaluation. It should not neglect to mention outstanding traits; and areas of weakness should be mentioned by suggesting how AND WHY the weaknesses could be corrected–to give the person a chance. Since about the only thing that helps when one is controlled as an UNWILLING AGENT is Bible reading and the avoidance of OCCULTIST MEDIA, it could be suggested that one reads more Bible or is exposed to more Scripture and evidence could be provided that Bible reading really works. Reminders about what is OCCULTIST MEDIA could also be given.
73.3 The evaluator should point out that the BONUS is not meant to discriminate against (or criticize) persons, but to reward those who do an outstanding job in assisting the International government in its war against terrorism, since it is very difficult to meet the criteria needed to win this BONUS, and that if one does not receive a BONUS, this does not mean that one is inferior, but rather that one was not able (perhaps for reasons beyond his/her control) to get the BONUS.
73.4 However, because it is so important to assist in this war against terrorism, those who get the BONUS richly deserve it and Wal-Mart or the SUPPORT ORGANIZATION wants to show its appreciation for these outstanding persons with this award. So the BONUS is meant, not to be a criticism of those who fail to get it, but rather a loud and proud commendation of those who meet the challenge and who succeed in achieving very difficult goals.
73.5 Any willing and knowing attempt or action to give out a BONUS (see Sect. 71) to a person who is not qualified (as defined by this Sect. 73 and Sect. 71), especially if that person is guilty of anti-Semitism, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. If Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the International government give out BONUSES to those who are anti-Semitic, this will create the impression that Wal-Mart or SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and the International government promote anti-Semitism. Therefore, it is very important that this BONUS only be given to those who truly deserve it (according to the criteria of Sections 71 & 73)
Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Place: Melbourne, FL, USA
Date: (Sect. 55.2 ALL AMBULANCE SERVICE MUST BELONG TO THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN on 11-12-2014), [Sect. 57.0(a-1) to (g-1) LAWs REGARDING LEGAL CHARITIES on 11-21-2014], (Sect. 55.3 to 55.5 INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS on 11-23-2014), (Sect. 55.6 TRANSPORTER C-SECTIONS replaces ALL ABORTIONS in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations on May 17, 2019) ), (Sect. 55.0(f1) to (f5) updates for the creation of the ENZYME IMMUNOTHERAPY SPECIALISTS in the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN to deal with the enzyme allergy pandemic on 6-26-21), (Sect. 55a updates to make it mandatory for all health care providers and patients to belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN on Aug. 5, 2021) ), (Sect. 55a updates consulting with China over ways to curb dangerous disinformation in regard to the deadly Covid vaccine on Aug. 9, 2021), (Sect. 55 a-1 syringes and vaccines redefined to include all forms of criminal vaccines and means of delivery on Sep. 21, 2021), (Sect. 55.6 [a-1] to [j-1] National Health Care Plan Research Organization established on Oct. 1, 2021), (Sect. 55.6 [aa1] to [aa2] All legal abortions must be done thru National Health Care Plan and all government funding for abortions outside of this are canceled and banned on Oct. 19, 2021), (Sect. 55 updates to deal with Gail as Antichrist and Micropenis Home Medical Centers on Aug. 22, 2024).
[…] registered my Conspiracy Law (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6-1), (6-2), (6-3), (6-4), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), […]
[…] Conspiracy Laws and Government: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, p. […]
[…] my website. For those of you who want to know how this health care plan works, visit my website at Read Sect. 55 of my CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT, PART […]
[…] TRUMP: Yes, I have read Gail’s national health care plan in Sect. 55 of her Conspiracy Laws and Government. Gail, I’m really impressed with it. I did mention that I planned on having a national health […]
[…] TRUMP: Yes, I have read Gail’s national health care plan in Sect. 55 of her Conspiracy Laws and Government. Gail, I’m really impressed with it. I did mention that I planned on having a national health […]
[…] TRUMP: Yes, I have read Gail’s national health care plan in Sect. 55 of her Conspiracy Laws and Government. Gail, I’m really impressed with it. I did mention that I planned on having a national health […]
[…] but just a believer in FREEDOM and JUSTICE. I have a brilliant national health care plan. See Sect. 55 of my CL&G document Part Two. The politicians in office support my Conspiracy Law and act under my authority. I know this seems […]
[…] Gail’s laws for the homeless – see Conspiracy Laws and Government, Part Two, Sect. 56 The money to fund the Social Security and Medicare programs for the new Palestinian State will be […]
[…] Gail’s laws for the homeless – see Conspiracy Laws and Government, Part Two, Sect. 56 The money to fund the Social Security and Medicare programs for the new Palestinian State will be […]
[…] LAWS FOR THE HOMELESS AND THOSE IN DESTITUTE POVERTY (written on Nov. 10, 2004). For those homeless people who would be absolutely horrible farmers, we also have this option to deal with them (taken from Sect. 56 of Conspiracy Laws and Government): […]