77.0 Once the laws of this document or of any CONSPIRACY LAW are enforced in a country, no changes (alterations to, deletions to, additions to these laws) can be made to these laws without a WRITTEN amendment. The approval for this written amendment must be in WRITING, and SIGNED and DATED by the country’s PRESIDENT (in the presence of 14 witnesses who will also sign and date the amendment as witnesses to the President’s signature). This amendment will be filed with the military tribunals. See Sect. 33.3 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT. All writers of any amendment must meet the qualifications of a CONSPIRACY LAW WRITER as outlined in Sect. 33.3 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
77.01 NEIGHBOR LAWS (see asterisked sections of Sect. 2 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws) are not as comprehensive as my CONSPIRACY LAWS, but are a portion of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. A country’s President can choose which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS he/she wants to adopt for his/her country. But whatever laws he/she chooses to adopt, once these laws are adopted, and then if these laws are modified in any way (by additions to, deletions to, or alterations to these laws), an AMENDMENT must be made public (as described in this Sect. 77) and filed with the military tribunals.
77.011 The term INTERNATIONAL, when used in this document, refers to any country or countries (or citizens of any country or countries) which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The term INTERNATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT also refers to the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT– which encompasses all nations which willingly cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW (and the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and which nations are not listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.012 All violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are considered violations of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
77.02 Any legal actions taken by the international government to defend itself against terrorists (including the use of any of the CONSPIRACY LAWS) can be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
77.022 For all death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, public direct or cross-examinations on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be done, not only for the main perpetrator, but for all those directly or indirectly involved with the violation. All who are determined (directly or indirectly) to be willingly, knowingly and deliberately part of the conspiracy (which was/is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) must be executed at the same time in order to establish the criminal conspiracy’s involvement to the violation–because, right before or after the executions, the criminal conspiracy’s motive (and the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind the violation–with the mention of the names of those executed, and the date and time of their executions) will be exposed and identified on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (and/or its website). If the number of persons publicly executed for a CONSPIRACY LAW violation is large or more criminals (for that violation) are discovered later, another public mass execution on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for that same violation can be done at a different time (from the time of the original mass execution for that violation), as long as the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind that violation and the motive for that violation is firmly established and mentioned (right before or after the public executions). It is quite possible that 100 or more people may be executed for the same death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. In order to cover these extensive direct or cross-examinations, THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will have two broadcasts on two different stations (with one broadcast specifically devoted to the direct or cross-examinations, confession statements and executions of death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations)–see Sect. 4.41 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS.
77.023 Most CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty cases will be decided by motive, this will be mentioned before all public direct or cross-examinations of alleged death penalty violators on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and before all public executions. Questions 24 & 25 of Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be especially helpful in determining motive.
77.024 A DEATH PENALTY MOTIVE is a motive (which accompanies a violation), and which is a motive that is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
77.025 A PUBLIC EXECUTION is defined as the listing or reading of the names of those executed for death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL television broadcast, and this listing or reading will identify the violators (along with the conspiracies they are involved with) and will identify their death-penalty motives which were determined through direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer lie-detection).
77.026 Before public direct or cross-examinations and public executions, the death-penalty motive which can bring the death penalty will be read aloud (and a reference will be made to the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which cover those death-penalty motives [for those violations which are being direct or cross-examined or for which executions are taking place]).
77.03 All those who are suspected of (or are convicted of) any crime outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (which will be updated daily). Highlights from these FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (or the actual word-for-word HISTORIES) may be broadcast and/or published in THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in Gail Schuler’s statements (with all the rights of Gail Schuler’s legal documentation as outlined in her 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are required as well as FINANCIAL HISTORIES, because Jesuits are using extortion to force people to take bribes, so the international government needs to know WHY a person took a bribe. The death penalty is not given to those who are victims of extortion. Anyone who uses extortion (and who is not an extortion victim himself/herself) to force anyone to take a Jesuit bribe will be given the death penalty.
77.031 No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to have on his/her person any dangerous weapon, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT be placed in any position where he/she can use any type of lethal force against any person (such as the use of missiles, bombs, etc.). Any UNWILLING AGENT who has a concealed weapons permit must have this permit revoked and that UNWILLING AGENT cannot carry any dangerous weapons until he/she is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Those UNWILLING AGENT members of the military, police and other agencies who normally use (or have access to) dangerous weapons must be revoked of their weapons (or their ability to use lethal force) and must not be permitted to carry any dangerous weapons on their person (or to use any type of lethal force) until that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to carry or use any dangerous weapons (or to have the ability to use lethal force) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates in such a scheme.
77.031(a) Because the most important soldier in the Jesuit Army now in 2005 is the UNWILLING AGENT and because we are losing our own soldiers in a catastrophic manner to the Jesuit side due to attrition in our ranks– this is because the Jesuits have turned many of them into UNWILLING AGENTS, it is essential to deal with this matter in utmost urgency.
77.031(b) As of this 6th day of September, 2005–all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS throughout the world from the International President on down (that is, anyone who is any manner is responsible for the direct or indirect enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW) are required to spend at least an hour and a half each week on a computer-based learning module (called a BIBLE PROGRAM) in which they must spend that entire 1 – 2 hours (or longer) studying and meditating on the Bible in the language which is their strongest language–each 1 – 2 hour (or longer) segment will be called the BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM.
To meditate on the Bible means to read the Bible in quiet and peace and with slow, thoughtful meditation over the words read. We have evidence that it is better to read slowly and carefully one chapter of the Bible, than to read hurriedly ten chapters of the Bible. The quality of the Bible reading time is just as important as the quantity of time in the Bible. The key to getting the positive effects of Bible reading is to MEDITATE on the words read. Though skimming the Bible brings some effectiveness, the most effective Bible reading must be reading that is slow enough that the words read are COMPREHENDED and UNDERSTOOD. Better to read slowly and thoughtfully one chapter or one paragraph of the Bible and to meditate on these words, than to read quickly and thoughtlessly ten chapters of the Bible where the words have not SUNK INTO THE MIND.
Not only must he/she spend 1- 2 hours a week in Bible meditation, but he/she must have maintained this for at least six months before we will allow this person to be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in our CONSPIRACY LAW networks. One hour of this time can be used by meditating to music such as Handel’s Messiah, which is Scripture sung to music or by exposing oneself to other mediums-such as presentation which is Scripture read orally against a background of paintings and music. The main thing is we want is for each LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to meditate on the Bible for at least 1 – 2 hours EVERY WEEK for at least six months. This is necessary because the latest evidence shows that it takes at least 1 – 2 hours of Bible meditation every week (for about six months) to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT–the only exception would be for a person, such as Gail Schuler who have spent 20 or more years meditating on the Bible for at least a 1 – 2 hours a week. But since most people don’t fall in this category, it is necessary for most people to spend 1 – 2 hours a week in Bible meditation for at least six months. Even so, Gail Schuler has exposed herself to at least 1 – 2 hours or more of Bible every week and have done this for a long time.
77.031(b-1) ***VERY IMPORTANT***And, in addition, all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must be analyzed every day before they begin their shift by the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS. This analysis by the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS of each LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (under that FEAR ANALYZER CORPs’ member’s jurisdiction) must be in writing or in some form of documentation which could be used in a court of law. Failure to put this analysis into writing or other documentation which could be used in a court of law, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS member. Willing and knowing neglect by a FEAR ANALYZER CORPS member to analyze and submit the documentation to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW and this Sect. 77.031) of all those assigned to him will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that FEAR ANALYZER CORPS member.
Furthermore, any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to neglect to include any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in the daily analysis of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that negligent LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. It is imperative that any and all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs are analyzed daily to ensure that all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who work for the International government fear God more than men, this is the only way to weed out Jesuits in our midst. As long as Jesuits can infiltrate into our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks, we will never win this war against Jesuit terrorists. Even the members of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS must be subjected to this daily analysis.
77.031(b-1).1 In addition, Any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who fails the analysis of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS (called a FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON) and is determined to fear men more than God– cannot perform his/her duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON for that day AND a 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN must be assigned to that FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to determine if that FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter. The analysis of this FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN (to determine whether or not that FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter) must be in WRITING or other form of documentation which could be admitted as evidence in a court of law.
77.031(b-1).1-a Furthermore, every 666-computer or satellite computer or any computer used to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW (no matter what kind) and which is used by any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must be programmed to have an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER (which is operating in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW–see Sect. 99) and which will cause that computer to freeze the instant the operator of that computer has become (or is) an UNWILLING AGENT.
All PROGRAMMERS involved in programming any computer used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (and most especially those that program computers to have an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER) must follow the guidelines expected of all our PROGRAMMERS to ensure that the programming work is done in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW–see Sect. 55.72 of Int. PLP & RSP Network Conf. Failure to follow these guidelines must cause the dismissal of that PROGRAMMER from the PROGRAMMER CORPS and could result in the death penalty for willing and knowing violations of CONSPIRACY LAW.
The first CONSPIRACY LAW networks which must be screened to determine that the required 1 ½ hours of Bible meditation (for at least six months-see Sect. 77.031b) is accomplished for each person, will be for the members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS, who are possibly the most important members of all the CONSPIRACY LAW networks. It is essential that EVERY MEMBER OF THE PROGRAMMER CORPS is not an UNWILLING AGENT–this must be TOP PRIORITY!! The UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER must work (according to CONSPIRACY LAW) on every computer in all our CONSPIRACY LAW networks.
To ensure that when this computer freezes that life maintaining operations can continue, any 666-Computer or satellite computer which is used for a life-sustaining operation must have several back-ups which can continue its work if it freezes because an UNWILLING AGENT is at the helm of that computer. Willing and knowing failure to honor the guidelines of this Sect. 77.031(b-1).1-a and if this failure is done to assist the goals of the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
If any nation fails to honor this Sect. 77.031(b-1).1 and allows LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS to use computers which do not have UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZERs and which work in accordance with Sect. 99 of this document–the International government will declare war on that nation and will destroy all that nation’s military bases and all its 666-Computer, satellite computers to the best of our ability.
77.031(b-1).1-bEvery 666-Computer and satellite computer on the planet must be analyzed to see if it has an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER. All 666-Computers and satellite computers must have an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER installed within 24 hours (as of this 30th day of August, 2004 at 8 p.m. EST)–which means that by 8 p.m. 8-31-05 every 666-Computer or satellite computer or any computer used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS on planet earth or in its atmosphere which does not have a working UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER must be totally destroyed!! By 8 p.m. 8-31-05, any and all 666-Computers or satellite computers or computers used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS which do not have a working UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER (as described in Sect. 99 of this document) must be destroyed or made unusable.
Willing and knowing (direct or indirect) failure to implement this Sect. 77.031(b-1).1-b by the deadline indicated will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. All such cases will be tried on GCFNC and the guilt of the guilty party will be firmly established before the execution takes place. It was the violation of this Sect. 77.031 which caused the death of chief justice William Renquist, because the Jesuits used UNWILLING AGENTS in the RSP networks to murder him, this will be firmly established on GCFNC with evidence and all world leaders (including Jesuits) will make statements of condemnation (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) over the death of William Renquist. Those that fail lie detection (over the death of Mr. Renquist) will be condemned and those responsible for this death will be executed by Sect. 95 on GCFNC, this is because Gail Schuler is a lawmaker.
77.031(b-1).1-c This is because on this 8-30-05, the main soldier in the Jesuit army is the UNWILLING AGENT and we must take catastrophic measures to deal with this. UNWILLING AGENTS were used to orchestrate, create and manipulate hurricane Katrina which devastated the Gulf coast of the U.S. and were used to try to murder Gail’s son on 8-30-05 as UNWILLING AGENT LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS worked on his PERSON-PROGRAM.
77.031(b-1).2 In addition, if it is determined by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN that the FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (who failed the analysis of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS) is, indeed, a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, then a CONSPIRACY REPORT must be filed immediately or as soon as possible to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW) by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, and proper follow-up to the proper authorities must be filed immediately or as soon as possible (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW) about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON [in the form of a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT]. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(b-1).3 Any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who is aware that another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter is required to file a CONSPIRACY REPORT about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON immediately or as soon as possible to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW) and to ensure that upon the receipt of the CONSPIRACY REPORT, that a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is filed immediately or as soon as possible to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(b-1).3-a Willing and knowing failure to carry out the actions outlined in this Sect. 77.031(b-1).3 when that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is aware that another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that willing and knowing negligent LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON.
77.031(b-1).4 In other words, once it is determined that a Jesuit is working as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, serious and immediate follow-up needs to occur by all those who are aware of this, and it is the responsibility of all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who are aware of this predicament, to ensure that this Jesuit is immediately arrested and dealt with according to CONSPIRACY LAW. Jesuits are dangerous terrorists and all measures must be taken to remove them from the LAW ENFORCEMENT networks. This is highest priority and requires immediate action.
77.031(b-1).5 In fact, if it is determined that any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON realizes that another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter and this LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (who has this knowledge) willingly and knowingly does NOT file a CONSPIRACY REPORT immediately or as soon as possible about this Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW), then that willing and knowing negligent LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(b-1).6 If we have a continual problem with a FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and he/she consistently demonstrates that he/she fears men more than God, he/she will be completely sacked and replaced by another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON for his/her position. This would include heads of state or anyone in any LAW ENFORCEMENT position.
77.03(b)-a However, the International government cannot mandate or recommend where the BIBLE PROGRAM must be done and cannot mandate that it be done at a church or through any religious institution. We believe firmly against the institution of any state sponsored religion and no one in the International government can mandate (or force or extort in any manner) that a person must complete the BIBLE PROGRAM through any religious organization or at a church or any specific location of any religious organization.
77.03(b)-b We only mandate that the location where the BIBLE PROGRAM is completed, must be a quiet location where the person can meditate on his/her BIBLE PROGRAM without distractions. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to force or extort (in any manner) a person to complete the BIBLE PROGRAM through any religious organization or at a church or at the location of a building sponsored by any religious organization, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
77.03(b)-c If we mandate that the BIBLE PROGRAM must be completed at a church or at the location of a building (sponsored by any religious organization), we will be playing right into the hands of the Jesuits, because they could easily twist this law to support their goals for a Roman Catholic Jesuit-led dictatorship.
77.031(b.1) Because exposure to OCCULT MEDIA can weaken or nullify the positive effects of the BIBLE PROGRAM, the BIBLE PROGRAM will work in synergy with the 666-Computer program for that person and if it is determined that person has had enough exposure to OCCULT MEDIA to undermine his/her BIBLE PROGRAM time, he/she will receive a message before he/she starts his/her BIBLE PROGRAM which will educate him about what OCCULT MEDIA exposure he/she has had within the past 24 hours which has weakened his/her brain so that he/she is more vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT and the message will explain how much time had to be added on to his/her normal BIBLE PROGRAM time to compensate for his/her exposure to OCCULT MEDIA.
Any use of 666-Computer/satellite induced amnesia on the brain to nullify the effects of the Bible reading time (so that the amount or quality of the Bible reading time that remains after the amnesia –would be ineffective at preventing that person from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT) will be considered exposure to OCCULT MEDIA and those who have had this type of amnesia induced on their brain will not get credit for their Bible reading time, unless they’ve read enough Bible to compensate for the amnesia, so that they cannot be used as UNWILLING AGENTs. Each amnesia attack on the brain will count as a certain amount of time deducted from the person’s Bible reading time, depending on the severity of the amnesia. All efforts should be made to place a shield around that portion of the brain which retains the Bible or to use reverse trigger programming to undo the amnesia (see Sect. 74 of 666-Computer Laws).
Also, all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must be analyzed every 24 hours to see if computer/satellite amnesia has been induced on them to undo the effects of their BIBLE reading time. If this is the case, then measures must be taken to counter this or they will not get credit for their Bible reading time (unless they have read enough Bible to compensate for the amnesia induced on their brain), even if they passed the test. In fact, the computer (which gives them credit for the Bible program) should be programmed to delete time (in accordance with the amount of amnesia induced on the person), since this type of amnesia is considered exposure to OCCULT MEDIA. This may mean, they would have to spend ten times more time in the Bible program to compensate for the amnesia.
Have our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM work on this. Also, those who willingly and knowingly induce this kind of amnesia will be executed under CONSPIRACY LAW.
77.031(b.2) He/she will be told that to compensate for this exposure to OCCULT MEDIA, he/she must spend extra time in his/her BIBLE PROGRAM and will have to complete the extra time required (to overcome the negative effects of exposure to OCCULT MEDIA) in order to get credit for his/her BIBLE PROGRAM for that 24 hour period. If somebody attended an acid rock concert for an hour, he/she may need to spend 4 hours in the BIBLE PROGRAM to overcome the negative effects this had on his/her brain! The BIBLE PROGRAM will state why that person is required to spend extra time in his/her BIBLE PROGRAM and it is hoped that this will encourage some people to drop some very bad habits, because if they don’t, they will be sacked, because we won’t tolerate UNWILLING AGENTS in our law enforcement ranks.
77.031(b.3) Whatever Bible study language that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON chooses for his/her study, he/she must be fully fluent in that language or else his/her BIBLE PROGRAM study efforts will be considered invalid and he/she will be removed from his/her position as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON if he/she studies the Bible (for a BIBLE PROGRAM) in a language with which he/she is not fully fluent.. The definition for fully fluent is that this person has enough comprehension of that language to easily read a text written at the 12th grade level in that language. If that person does not have 12th grade reading comprehension in any language, then he/she must participate in the BIBLE PROGRAM in his/her strongest language.
77.031(d) Dr. Brent Spiner (and those he assigns to this duty) will make the tests which will cover the entire Bible and these will be incorporated into each half hour segment of the BIBLE PROGRAM, so that each half-hour BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM will have a test to cover its contents. These tests will be designed to test to see if that person has, indeed, read his/her Bible section for that week and will not be designed to impart doctrinal positions or beliefs. Before one takes the test, there will be a brief statement which will state the following:
You are being tested to ensure that you have read your assigned Bible passages for this week. This test is not designed to impart religious doctrines, beliefs or interpretations of the Biblical passages read– but only tests to see if you have read your assigned Biblical passage. Scientific evidence has shown that weekly reading of the Bible prevents one from having their brain taken over by terrorists as UNWILLING AGENTS and this weekly Bible reading has been proven to put a shield over your brain to prevent terrorists (through their satellite/computer signals to your brain) from controlling your attitudes, goals and thoughts. So far, weekly Bible reading, along with avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA, is the only sure weapon we have to prevent one from being taken over as an UNWILLING AGENT by these terrorists; and, therefore, weekly Bible reading (and avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA) is mandated for those who are in critical positions which could influence the outcome of the war against Jesuit terrorism.
77.031(d-1) Those who accuse us of religious indoctrination will fail– because the tests will not test over interpretations of the Bible passage read but will test over the actual Biblical reading material. People are free to interpret what they read any way they want. We will only test over the passages read to ensure that THEY HAVE BEEN READ. The test may ask specific questions about the passage read for the day, just to ensure that the test taker HAS READ THAT BIBLE PASSAGE. The test will be designed to see if that test taker has read the Bible passage and the test is not designed to impart any particular doctrines or beliefs or interpretations of the passage read. There may be tricky multiple choice questions which will discern whether that person has read his/her Bible passage.
77.031(d-2) We have discovered that Jesuits who are posing as PLPs are taking the Bible tests over and over, because they are not reading the Bible passage and all they do is go back into the Bible passage just to find the answers and in this way, they manage to pass the test eventually and pawn off that they are reading the Bible, when they are not reading the Bible and are not getting the benefits of daily Bible reading. So to weed out these sophisticated cheaters, and to force these people to read the Bible, even if only when they take the test, (and to make sure they’re reading the right version) we will make the tests as follows. Each test will be tailored to the test taker, who must choose which Bible version he read, and the test will use that version for the test:
Questions from Ezekiel 32:
FILL IN THE BLANK [choose from the following words in the parentheses before each blank and decide which word(s) go in the blanks. There are 23 blanks (each one is worth 4.3 points–you need a score of 70 to pass), if you miss more than 6 blanks, you will fail this test. You can only take this test once, so if you feel uncomfortable about your chances for success, then on your next test, read your Bible passages more carefully and take a test which covers less material, though you must take a test which covers at least four verses for each half hour period. If, over a period of two weeks, your average on all tests taken in the two week period is less than 70%, you have failed and cannot be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or receive the Bible BONUS or any other BONUS or award which requires you to follow the BIBLE PROGRAM.
The test maker must be one who is very familiar with Bible terminology, since this will help them in choosing the options for the blanks and will help them to choose options that will indicate whether the person has really read the Bible passage. I took a course in tests and measurements in college, so this helped me to create this test. I’ve also had some teaching experience. The level of difficulty should be as in the following example (from Ezekiel 32) for all Bible tests in the BIBLE PROGRAM.
Ezekiel 32:1–“And it came to pass in the (thirteenth, twelfth, tenth) _______ year, in the (thirteenth, twelfth, tenth) ________ month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
32:2–“(Son of man, Son of God, Son of passion) _____ of ____, take up a lamentation for (Sennacharib, Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar) _______ king of (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt) ______, and say unto him, Thou art like a young (serpent, lion, whale) _____ of the nations, and thou art as a (whale, fish, serpent) ______ in the (oceans, seas, lakes) ____: and thou camest forth with thy (fires, passion, rivers) _______, and troublest the (oceans, waters, seas) ______ with thy feet, and (stinkest, fouledst, troublest) _______ their rivers.
32:3–“Thus saith the (Lord God, Almighty God, Supreme God) _____ _____; I will therefore spread out my (net, fires, longings) ____ over thee with a (war, company, troop) ________ of many (nations, people, fishes) _______; and they shall bring thee up in my net.
32:4–“Then will I leave thee upon the (earth, land, oceans) ______, I will (spread, cast, spew) _____ thee forth upon the (whole earth, open field, great oceans) _____ _______, and will cause all (birds, fowls, creatures) _______ of the heaven to remain upon thee, and I will fill the (creatures, beasts, fowl) ________ of the whole earth with thee.”
77.031(d-3) Because a test set up in this way could be very hard for some people and because it is not our goal to make Bible reading unpleasant, we will not dictate how much of the Bible passage has to be read in the half hour period, as long as that person spends a half hour reading the Bible, even if only four verses in the half hour. Of course, if that person has been exposed to OCCULT MEDIA, then he/she must pass a test for more than a half hour and this means that the test will cover more Bible passages, with at least 4 verses for every half hour Bible period. The person must read AT LEAST FOUR VERSES in a half hour period, and so no test will test less than four verses at a time. As you can see this test does not test over interpretations of the Bible, but over the actual passages read, which is our intent. The computer will automatically adjust the test to test over the Bible material read in the half hour period. If the person is doing more than one half hour session, he/she will have to pass a test after he/she completes each half hour session, and then can move on to the next half hour session and the next test. The person understands that after his/her half hour is up, that he/she will take a test like above, and so he/she needs to read the passage well enough to pass the test with 70% accuracy. You might say 70% is too hard and it’s not fair.
77.031(d-4) Well, our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS are entrusted with great responsibilities, and if they can’t handle this test because they have a poor memory or they are too stupid, then we don’t want them as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, their memory problems or lack of intelligence would be dangerous.
77.031(d-4-a) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS who fail the BIBLE PROGRAM (called LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES) MUST, MUST, MUST be investigated to see if they are Jesuits, since Jesuits hate the Bible, and this is one way to find them among us. Jesuits don’t want their own to read daily the Bible, because this will encourage defection from the Jesuit Order, so Jesuits don’t read daily the Bible (or from any Bibles translated accurately from the Earliest manuscripts).
77.031(d-4-b) Any LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY must be investigated by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION to determine if that LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is/was a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter while performing his/her LAW ENFORCEMENT duties. Any member of the ISC who is assigned the job to investigate a LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY and who willingly and knowingly neglects to investigate this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY as a possible Jesuit OR who does investigate and discovers that this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is/was a Jesuit and does not turn in a CONSPIRACY REPORT about this to the International government and to his/her superior officers in the ISC, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(d-4-c) Also, a special section of the ISC (called the INVESTIGATIVE UNIT) must be assigned to ensure that ANY AND ALL— in other words, *** EVERY *** LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is investigated to determine if that FLUNKY is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, and if any–and I mean, ANY– LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is NOT investigated as a possible Jesuit, and if this neglect was/is done willingly and knowingly, that neglectful ISC INVESTIGATIVE UNIT member (or the person responsible to ensure that all LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES are investigated as possible Jesuits) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. We must not allow Jesuits to slip into the cracks, especially if they have been working undercover as our own LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS. This is a VERY, VERY, VERY serious breach and must be handled in a very serious manner.
77.031(d-4-d) For example, if a Jesuit is posing as an UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR and counsels an UNWILLING AGENT to be a part of a murder conspiracy, this will have serious repercussions for the International government and will make us appear to sponsor murder conspiracies, and it isn’t fair to the UNWILLING AGENT that we have allowed a cold-blooded Jesuit-killer to be his/her UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR! Even worse– a PLP who is a Jesuit, could manipulate a person as an UNWILLING AGENT (who is under that PLP’s control) to commit a murder or capital crime and since the PLP works for the International government, It creates the impression that it is the International government who sponsors the murder conspiracy!
77.031(d-4-e) We must eliminate and give the death penalty to any Jesuit who dares to infiltrate our ranks and pose as one of our own! The INVESTIGATIVE UNIT of the ISC has one of the most important jobs under CONSPIRACY LAW, and they should be well trained for their jobs and must not overlook any LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY, because LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES are very, very suspicious (and could very well be a Jesuit in disguise). Most of our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs are highly intelligent and educated persons (such as attorneys and physicians) who should have no trouble passing the BIBLE PROGRAM. Therefore, it will be assumed (until that LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is cleared) that the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON FLUNKY is deliberately trying to avoid his/her Bible reading–and that’s why he/she is failing the BIBLE PROGRAM– because he/she knows that the Bible reading will cause him/her to betray the Jesuit Order!
77.031(d-4-f) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES who are determined to be Jesuits (called JESUIT LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES), will have their cases tried on GCFNC. Vladimir Putin and all world leaders (including Jesuit leaders) will be asked on GCFNC (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) the following question regarding the JESUIT LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY: “Did you ever know at any time that this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY was a Jesuit or that this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY was working undercover to support terrorism?” After this question is asked of all world leaders and the 666-Computer analysis of the answers by world leaders is revealed on GCFNC, that JESUIT LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY will be executed on GCFNC either chop-burn-ash-maggot style or the hang-eyeball buzzard-bomb-bonfire method of execution. WE MUST SEND THE STRONG MESSAGE THAT WE DO NOT IN ANY MANNER SUPPORT JESUITS WORKING AS LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS. ****************************************
77.031(d-5) If the person is a fast reader in the BIBLE PROGRAM, and wants to test more often than every half hour, this will be permitted, as long as the person spends at least a half hour every day in the BIBLE PROGRAM. So, after one reads 4 verses in ten minutes, one can take the test over the 4 verses, and then read another 4 verses in ten minutes, and take the test over the 4 verses, and then read another 4 verses in ten minutes and take the test over those 4 verses and this will count for the half hour Bible reading period. The computer will automatically adjust the time so that it will record how much time was spent studying the Bible before the test was taken, and then one can go back into the program and read where one left off, and take the next test. However, when one takes the test–test taking time will not count as Bible reading time. The clock will shut off when one is in the test taking mode. One will only be given credit for Bible reading time, when one is in the Bible reading program, not the test taking program.
77.031(d-10) These are the tests which must be passed EVERY 24 HOURS for every LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in the International government–there will be NO EXCEPTIONS!! Any willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to retain his/her position as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, when that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has neglected his/her BIBLE PROGRAM (without a good reason) for the past 48 hours (or has cheated and not followed the BIBLE PROGRAM as outlined in this Sect. 77.031), and has not passed his/her test over the half hour of Bible reading material, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
The way the Bible study program on the SIGN-ON COMPUTER will be set up, will be a study of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation and the learner must study the Bible in order from Genesis to Revelation.
77.031(e) We have determined that the most effective Bible study to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT is to study the Bible from cover to cover over and over again, because this enhances one’s comprehension of what one reads and the more one understands what one reads in the Bible, the more likely that person cannot be used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Since Dr. Spiner is very knowledgeable about the Bible (and has read the entire Bible through from cover to cover hundreds of times), he is eminently qualified to design the tests for the BIBLE PROGRAM. He also has had extensive experience teaching the Bible to ministerial students.
77.031(f) The LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must pass a test after he/she has finished his/her half hour of Bible study and this test and the testing environment must be set up so that he/she cannot cheat. This test will be set up in a manner to determine if that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has, indeed, spend his/her half hour studying and meditating on the Bible passage in his/her computer learning module for that day. For the purpose of this Sect. 77.031, a WORKING COMPUTER is defined as any computer which a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON needs to do his/her work as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. His/her working computer will freeze and won’t operate if that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has not completed his/her BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM within the past 24 hours–that is, he/she won’t be able to sign-on to his/her computer until he/she has completed a BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM within the past 24 hours. Since all of our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS work on a computer to do their duties, they will not be able to sign-on to their computers (which they will need to do their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON) until they have passed their Bible test for that day.
77.031(g) All computers which our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs work on must be programmed so that the computer they use for their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON will not operate until that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has completed his/her required BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE within the past 24 hours. Any programmer from our PROGRAMMER CORPS who willingly and knowingly neglects to set up all WORKING COMPUTERS within the International government in this manner (so that they honor the guidelines of this Sect. 77.031) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The programmers from our PROGRAMMER CORPS will be very busy. The BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE will be set up so that as long as that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has completed a half-hour (or longer–for those with exposure to OCCULT MEDIA) module within the past 24 hours, he/she will be able to sign on to his/her computer. Once, his/her working computer determines that he/she has neglected to complete a BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE within the past 24 hours, then his/her computer will freeze and will not turn on until he/she has completed a BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE of at least a half hour.
77.031(h) No substitutions will be accepted for the BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE–this is mandatory!!. This BIBLE PROGRAM is our penicillin for the UNWILLING AGENT illness and it DOES WORK, but, it appears, our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS will have to be forced to study the Bible, because many of them won’t do it on their own.
77.031(i) Every LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must spend at least a half hour each 24 hours on his/her BIBLE PROGRAM or else he/she cannot work as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. This is mandatory, violations of this Sect. 77.031 to encourage LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs to work for the International government in an UNWILLING AGENT state will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the willing and knowing violator! Church attendance won’t qualify because all many churches are is a big social club with very little Bible teaching.
77.031(j) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who study more than their required time each week from their BIBLE PROGRAM, will receive BONUSES for each half hour they study over and beyond their required time which they must study for that 24 hour period to maintain their position as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. The International President will determine the amount of the BONUSES for each half hour studied above the required time.
77.031(k) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who neglect to study their required time of Bible study after a period of 48 hours has passed MUST be relieved from their LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON position and must be replaced by a more qualified worker. Violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 77.031 will bring the death penalty to the willing and knowing violator. The exception will be if they were not able (for reasons beyond their control) to study their BIBLE PROGRAM within the past 48 hours, and they must produce evidence that they were not able to study their BIBLE PROGRAM to their superior. If this evidence is not produced, they MUST be relieved of their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and MUST be replaced by another. In the meanwhile, after a 24 hour period has passed in which they have neglected their BIBLE PROGRAM, they will be put under forced sick leave and not able to do their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON until they have completed at least their required time of Bible study for each week they missed and they cannot work on their working computer until they have made up for all the Bible they neglected to study each week (for reasons beyond their control).
77.031(l) If they were not able to study their BIBLE PROGRAM within the past 48 hours (for reasons beyond their control), then their working computer will not operate until they have made up for lost time. That is, each required daily time of study which they neglected (for reasons beyond their control) WILL HAVE TO BE MADE UP. So, let’s say that they missed their programmed Bible study for May 1st and May 2nd and they return to work on May 3rd. This means before they can begin work on May 3rd, they must pass the Bible test from their BIBLE PROGRAM for May 1st, 2nd and 3rd or else their working computer will not turn on. This means they will have to spend about an hour and a half (or longer–if they were exposed to OCCULT MEDIA) in Bible study before they can begin their shift on May 3rd.
77.04 All those who are executed for conspiracy crimes will have all their memories recorded (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution (if possible) in order to obtain the intelligence information the international government needs– to learn how these criminals commit their crimes. The international government needs to learn more about Jesuit methodology, since the Jesuits rely on pioneering scientific advances in their warfare and the international government is not familiar with many of their methods of warfare. The international government learns about Jesuit warfare methods day by day. The international government needs to be more efficient in learning about the sophisticated and very advanced scientific and medical technology Jesuits use to conduct their warfare; so, if possible, all conspiracy criminals executed will have their memories read (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution.
77.1 CONSPIRACY LAWS are defined as the laws (including updates) which Gail Schuler has (or will have) written regarding any conspiracies involving reproductive conspirators, space conspirators, or 666-CCs. These documents are currently named General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, Russia’s Neighbor Laws, 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners, Conspiracy Laws and Government, Terrorist Money Laws, International PLP and RSP-Network Configurations, and International Reproductive Laws. These laws would also include any laws Gail Schuler wrote that are incorporated into any of Gail Schuler’s written statements.
77.12 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman who was born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are Misao Satake Fuller and Robert Leonard Chord.
77.13 RECORDED CONFESSIONS, delayed executions, or community service before the execution takes place, may be substituted for immediate executions or the death penalty (in some instances). If a person is allowed to make a confession or has a delayed execution or must do community service in order to avoid the death penalty (or immediate execution)–this is not a permission for this person to continue to commit the crimes for which he/she confessed or to commit other crimes which would incur the death penalty. If evidence is found that this person continues to commit the crimes for which he confessed or that this person commits other capital crimes, then he/she will have no more opportunities for a confession to replace the death penalty (in those cases where a confession relieves this person from the death penalty) and this person will be executed. The international government can choose whatever method of execution it desires, and may choose to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to execute this person (using 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced terminal illnesses) in order to mitigate Jesuit attempts to make a conspiracy out of the executions.
77.14 If the international government makes an exception to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–the international Government will document the reason why and back up its reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment with sound evidence. For any exceptions to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, the rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise) will be put into written form and entered into the military tribunals. This rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise for a particular case) will be put into written form in a document called RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. Every time a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is guilty of the death penalty and a substitute punishment (rather than the death penalty) is meted out to that conspirator– a RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION must be written and filed with the military tribunals. For significant cases, the contents of this RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION may be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and/or published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.15 In all instances, when a substitute punishment is meted out in place of the deserved death penalty, this substitute punishment will be mentioned in the RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. It is essential that some sort of serious punishment is meted out in place of the death penalty (when the death penalty is substituted with another punishment), or else the death penalty will not be taken seriously by criminals. A justifiable reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment would be if, perhaps, the execution, itself, could be used by the Jesuits as a conspiracy or could create a martyr hysteria (which could promote anarchy and bloodshed). A death penalty substitute is never allowed in order to make it easier for the criminal to go out and commit more capital crimes.
77.2 An amendment by a President will also be necessary, if the President does not approve of updates or revisions which Gail Schuler has made to CONSPIRACY LAWS which this President has already enforced as laws in his/her country. The amendment, in this case, would need to state in unambiguous language which updates/revisions the President will NOT incorporate into the present CONSPIRACY LAWS which he/she has already incorporated as laws in his/her country; and then state in unambiguous language which portions of Gail’s updates he/she WILL incorporate as laws in his/her country.
77.3 If an amendment to a CONSPIRACY LAW is written and/or approved by the President, the public must be informed of this amendment (and proof must be submitted to the military tribunals that the public was/is made aware of this amendment and proof must also be submitted to the military tribunals that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment in its entirety; and these proofs that the public has been made aware of this amendment and that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment, must be submitted to the military tribunals within 22 hours after the amendment is passed or approved by the President, and this proof will be filed permanently in the military tribunals). This amendment will be considered PUBLIC RECORD, and will be easily accessible to the public (for the public to view the UNALTERED amendment IN ITS ENTIRETY) and it will be an exact, unaltered copy of the amendment which the President signed and dated for approval, which will be shown to the public. There will be no alterations (omissions, deletions, etc.) to the wording of the amendment which will be shown to the public, and it will be the same amendment (with all wording exactly as it was) when the President signed and dated the amendment.
77.4 Any SECRET changes to the laws of this document WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and all those involved in a SECRET conspiracy to change, void, or make of NO EFFECT the laws of this document will, if found guilty of this secret conspiracy, be guilty of HIGH TREASON and will receive the death penalty WITHIN 10 YEARS. The military tribunal will decide when this death penalty will be executed, because this is a most serious crime, and no arbitrary date will be set as an execution date.
77.5 To DISREGARD is defined as one who (directly or indirectly) strives to circumvent the laws of this document, once they become law in a country, either by ignoring the laws, rewriting them secretly, or in any way making the laws of NO EFFECT, so that the laws are not enforced as written in this document.
77.6 Once the laws of this document are enforced in a country, and the laws are WILLINGLY ignored or made of NO EFFECT (through default or deliberate DISREGARD of these laws), and someone is AWARE of this DISREGARD and does NOT report it to the government. If this person (who is aware of the DISREGARD) is found out, he/she will be tried for a conspiracy involving HIGH TREASON and, if found guilty, will be given the death penalty within 10 years (possibly sooner, depending on how the military tribunal decides). Because of 666-Computer or satellite computer technology, MOTIVE will play a key role in deciding these types of cases (involving 666-CCs, RPCs, SCs or those guilty of high treason).
77.7 PRESIDENT is defined as the leader of a country, who has the duties, responsibilities of a president, prime minister, chancellor, etc., (which would be a position equivalent to what the American President George W. Bush is for the United States) for his/her respective country. THE POPE is also considered to be a President, because he is the President of the Roman Catholic Church which has the country of the Vatican which has adherents all over the world. Anyone (anywhere in the world) who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church (or has been a member of the Roman Catholic Church within the month of Sept. 2003), including all members of the Jesuit Order (regardless of name or organization changes or withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church) will be considered citizens of the country of the Vatican for legal purposes. Those criminals who will be executed or have been executed (by order of THE POPE) will have their names (in a manner which fully identifies each criminal) listed on a list, which will be attached as an addendum to my 1-18-02 statement (with all the rights of my legal documentation as described in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). This published list may include DNA records, photographs, or whatever is necessary (alongside the criminal’s name) in order to identify which criminals have been or will be executed by ORDER OF THE POPE.
77.8 A CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or the INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT is the government official who has the power of a President or chief executive of a country, and who uses that power to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS– through the authority of that country’s government [which would be the country which grants the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT the power of a President (or chief executive of that country)]. Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President, has been the acting CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT since the CONSPIRACY LAWS were founded by Gail Schuler in 2003. Currently, on this 8th day of April 2004, the Russian government has granted Vladimir Putin, the power of the International President and of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the Russian government. However, Vladimir anticipates that when he finishes his 2nd term as Russian President, that he will accept Germany’s offer to grant him the power of the German Chancellor in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the German government. For this reason, the name of the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS (which is a CONSPIRACY LAW news network), has been changed to THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on this 8th day of April 2004, and the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL team will work with German broadcasters to integrate the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS with the German news team, in preparation for THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL new headquarters (which will be at Church of Gail).
77.9 A SATELLITE COMPUTER is defined as any computer which is used (directly or indirectly) to carry out or execute any computer program (which is a program which directly or indirectly manipulates or changes, alters or controls in any manner a human, animal or any inanimate or animate object), and which involves (or utilizes) satellite technology to execute or carry out these actions (or attempts).
77.91 All Jesuits, if granted a trial, will be tried in military tribunals– and Jesuits will be denied due process and will be treated as prisoners of war when captured. The nations of Russia and Germany have made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order.
77.92 All the CONSPIRACY LAWS which deny UNWILLING AGENTS positions of influence, also apply to Jesuits or Jesuit supporters. For example, since no UNWILLING AGENT may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position–therefore, no Jesuit or Jesuit supporter may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position– and any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to promote Jesuits into positions of influence, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an attempt or action.
77.93 IMPORTANT: All BONUSES awarded to individuals (such as those who work at Wal-Mart) who support the marriage of Gail to Vladimir Putin, will also be given to those who support the marriage of Gail to Brent Spiner or Matt McConaughey, that is–if Vladimir, Brent, or Matt become agents (willingly or unwillingly) for the Jesuits, and, therefore, Gail must marry another of this trio, instead of Vladimir Putin or the originally intended marriage partner. Therefore, anyone who supports a marriage to Gail that is beneficial to the enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW and that honors the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW, will be awarded BONUSES from the International government, even if the partners in the marriage turn out different than originally intended.
The legal principles in this document apply only to the those countries which are under the jurisdiction of the international government. However, the principles of these laws are recommended for other countries’ governments. Eventually, these laws may be incorporated into other countries’ governments.
Though the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may be referred to in the masculine sense, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT could be a woman. When the term Vladimir is used, it is referring to Vladimir Putin, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
It may be necessary to refer to other CONSPIRACY LAW documents for definitions and terms used in this document. Every country which swears in a new leader, must do so in a manner which ensures this new leader will respect CONSPIRACY LAW. Russia is used as an example for other nations to follow:
1.0 A new Russian President (or President of any country of the International government) must take several oaths under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection (before taking office) to uphold the Constitution of the Russian Federation (or of his/her country) and to uphold the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
1.0(a) Before any person is sworn in as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or as any leader in the International government, he/she must state –before reading the following passages [see Sect. 1.0(e)] from Jeremiah from the Bible (under 666-Computer lie-detection)– that he/she will honor these Bible passages as he/she goes about his/her duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or as a leader in the International government. These are the passages which must be read under oath and which the leader or LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must strive to honor. If a person fails to honor these passages, then he/she is probably a Jesuit sympathizer because the Jesuits desire to annihilate the Jewish race and because the Jesuits believe that a POPE WHO SUPPORTS ZACK KNIGHT will be God’s ruler over the world (instead of the Jewish Messiah prophesied in Scripture).
1.0(b) Because no person who is a Jesuit sympathizer can be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or a leader in the International government, it is essential that he/she read the following Bible passages [see Sect. 1.0(e)] under 666-Computer analysis, in order to weed out Jesuits from our ranks. ALL TRUE JESUITS ARE FANATICAL ANTI-SEMITES. This is one thing they are consistent about and we will have no Jesuit supporters in our ranks.
1.0{c} No one can be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or a leader in the International government, if 666-Computer analysis reveals that that person has an anti-Semitic attitude (which desires to annihilate the Jewish race) or has an attitude of not recognizing that according to the Bible, God will honor King David of Israel by setting up His eternal kingdom through a Jewish Messiah descended from King David. So, the following Bible passages [see Sect. 1.0(e)] must be read (under 666-Computer analysis) by every person sworn in as an International government leader or as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. If that person fails 666-Computer analysis as he/she reads the following Bible passages [see Sect. 1.0(e)], because 666-Computer analysis reveals that this person does not honor these passages in his/her attitude, then that person CANNOT be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and CANNOT be a leader in the International government.
1.0(c1) Any attempt or action to allow any person who does not honor the following Bible passages [see Sect. 1.0(e)] to be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or to be a leader in the International government, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
1.0(d) Here is how the reading will be conducted. All readings will be shown on GCFNC, though there may be so many readings, that many of them may have to be viewed on the internet instead of on the main GCFNC broadcast channels. After the person has read the following Bible passages [see Sect. 1.0(e)], he/she will be asked if he/she understood that the passages explain that God will resurrect and honor the Jewish nation and that the Jewish nation will survive because this is God’s will. He/she will also be asked if he/she understands that these passages also teach that the one who will sit as Messiah on the Jerusalem throne will be a genetic Jewish descendant of King David.
1.0(e) Once 666-Computer analysis reveals that the person understands the Bible passages read–then, he/she will state that he/she will strive to honor these passages by his/her life and attitudes–because he/she will not in any manner strive to annihilate the Jewish race. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CAN ANYONE BE A LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON OR A LEADER OF THE INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT, if he/she desires to annihilate the Jewish race or will not recognize that the Bible teaches that the God ordained ruler of the Jerusalem throne will be a Jewish Messiah genetically descended from King David of Israel. The reading of the following Bible passages are designed to weed out Jesuits, since the Jesuits desire to annihilate the Jewish race. This will be a very effective way to weed out Jesuits as leaders in the International government, since all true Jesuit supporters are fanatical anti-Semites and this is an effective way to detect them, in order to remove their anti-Semitic poison from the world. A true anti-Semite will hate the following Bible passages as he/she reads them and this will be an effective way to weed out Jesuits, because we can detect this attitude with 666-Computer analysis as he/she reads the following Bible passages:
Jeremiah 31:35-40–“Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. Thus saith the Lord; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the Lord.
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the city shall be built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel unto the gate of the corner. And the measuring line shall yet go forth over against it upon the hill Gareb, and shall compass about to Goath. And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields unto the brook of Kidron, unto the corner of the horse gate toward the east, shall be holy unto the Lord; it shall not be plucked up, nor thrown down any more for ever.”
Jeremiah 33:19-26–“And the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be any day and night in their season; Then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me. Moreover the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the Lord hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? thus they have despised my people, that they should be no more a nation before them. Thus saith the Lord; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth; Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them.”
1.0(f) Since I can anticipate some of the objections Jesuits will bring up, I will make the following statement: These Bible passages must be read to weed out those who terrorize the Jewish nation and who sponsored the Nazi Holocaust and desire to start or maintain another Jewish Holocaust. We cannot tolerate anyone as a leader in our government, who has these anti-Semitic attitudes. This is because Gail Schuler is a genetic descendant of King David, and if the Jesuits can use our own laws and leaders to destroy Gail by their terrorist actions against the Jewish race, then we will lose the war on Jesuit terrorism. Therefore, NO ONE WITH AN ANTI-SEMITIC ATTITUDE WILL BE ALLOWED TO HAVE ANY LEADERSHIP POSITION IN THE INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT. WE WILL NOT IN ANY MANNER PROMOTE ANTI-SEMITISM WHICH DESIRES TO ANNIHILATE THE JEWISH RACE. This does not mean we are against the Palestinian people, but rather we are against those who desire to annihilate the Jewish race– whether they be Palestinian, American, Russian, Roman Catholic or whoever they may be. Such anti-Semitism must not be tolerated. It is against the teachings of the Bible and it is wrong.
1.0(f1) Also, Gail is convinced that Vladimir Putin is not anti-Semitic, and she has created these laws of Sect. 1.0 and 1.0(a) through (f) to give Vladimir a chance to show the world (as he reads the above Bible passages under 666-Computer analysis) that Vladimir Putin is NOT ANTI-SEMITIC and that he would never desire to harm Gail Schuler because of her Jewish ancestry. It is Gail’s desire to use these Bible readings to expose to the world who the REAL ANTI-SEMITES ARE. This is necessary– because in order to win the war against Jesuit terrorism, we cannot ignore Jesuit attacks against the Jewish nation (through the Middle Eastern Palestinian/Jewish conflicts).
1.1 After a Russian President (or Presidential candidate) has read and passed 666-Computer analysis regarding the above Sections 1.0 and 1.0(a) through (f), then he/she will take the following oath in private (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) before he/she will take this oath in public. If the President (or Presidential candidate) fails 666-Computer lie-detection while taking the following Presidential oath in private, he/she will not be permitted to take the Presidential oath in public because he/she will no longer be a President or Presidential candidate. The purpose for having the President or Presidential candidate take this oath first (in private) is to avoid making a spectacle or mockery about any Presidential candidate who lies (in public) while taking his/her Presidential oath. For the purposes of this Sect., a country’s Constitution is defined as the legal document which outlines how that country is to be governed, and that Constitution cannot be worded in any manner which would make it impossible to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW. This oath is not a joking matter. The oath will be as follows:
“I vow, in the performance of my powers as the President of my nation to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe and protect my nation’s Constitution, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state and to serve the people faithfully. To the best of my knowledge, I have read all of my nation’s Constitution and all of the CONSPIRACY LAWS and am familiar with the contents of both documents, including all known updates and amendments to both documents. I have never deliberately, knowingly or willingly strived to undermine the principles of the Constitution of my country or of the CONSPIRACY LAWS in order to deprive innocent persons of their right to live in religious and economic freedom or in order to deprive innocent persons of their right to live without undue government tyranny, harassment or control over their lives. I also have no goals to undermine the principles of my country’s Constitution or of the CONSPIRACY LAWS in order to deprive innocent persons of their right to live without undue government tyranny, harassment or control over their lives.”
1.1(a) Any person who takes this oath and fails 666-Computer lie-detection (as he/she reads the underlined portions of the oath) will not be allowed to assume the office of the President of the Russian Federation or of any country of the International government. The first part of the oath is the already established oath for any person who takes office as Russian President and it will not be required for a Presidential candidate to pass 666-Computer lie-detection as he/she reads the established oath. The reason for this is because the wording of the established oath is too general for 666-Computer lie-detection procedures, and 666-Computer lie-detection results (as the established oath is read) could be twisted in a tricky manner against (or for) a Presidential candidate and could produce unreliable results. The purpose for having Presidential candidates read the underlined portion under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection is to eliminate those candidates whose goals are to tyrannize the people or who have goals to cooperate with conspiracies to overturn the freedoms of their people and the world.
1.2 No person, who, willingly, knowing or deliberately attempts to (or actually does) carry out (directly or indirectly) any action to harm, kill, disable or maim a/an imaginary or real rival or person deemed to be a threat, in order to increase his/her own power so that by this increase of his/her own power he/she hopes to undermine the principles of the Constitution of his/her country or of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, will be deposed of any governmental position of leadership which he/she may hold, and will be forbidden to run for any governmental position of leadership (or to be appointed to any governmental position of leadership–such as a judge or military officer) and may suffer the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Motive (see bold and underlined sections of this Sect. 1.2) plays a key role in prosecuting this type of case and motive can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis of the alleged criminal’s mind.
1.3 Furthermore, anyone who holds any governmental position of leadership in Russia or the International government (such as mayor, judge, governor, general, senator, representative, etc.) must take the following oath (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) before taking office or if they are already in office (must take this oath to retain their position):
To the best of my knowledge, I have read all of the my country’s Constitution and all of the CONSPIRACY LAWS and am familiar with the contents of both documents, including all known updates and amendments to both documents. I have never deliberately, knowingly or willingly strived to undermine the principles of my country’s Constitution or of the CONSPIRACY LAWS in order to deprive innocent persons of their right to live in religious and economic freedom or in order to deprive innocent persons of their right to live without undue government tyranny, harassment or control over their lives. I also have no goals to undermine the principles of my country’s Constitution or to undermine the principles of the CONSPIRACY LAWS in order to deprive innocent persons of their right to live without undue government tyranny, harassment or control over their lives.”
1.4 Any governmental candidate or (person appointed to any governmental position of leadership or who holds a governmental position of leadership) who fails 666-Computer lie-detection as they read the oath in Sect. 1.3, will not be allowed to hold or run for (or campaign for) any GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP.
1.41 A GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP is defined as a position that has any significant lawmaking or law enforcement power (such as mayor, governor, general, etc).
1.5 No person can be put in, run or campaign for, or retain any GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP unless that person (after 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis of their brain) is determined to understand the Constitution of his/her country and the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
1.5(a) Also, no person can be put in, run or campaign for, or retain any GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP, if they are in any way an UNWILLING AGENT, even if for brief periods of time.
1.5(a-1.1) If while a person was elected or appointed to a GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP he/she was not an UNWILLING AGENT at the time of his/her election or appointment, but he/she becomes one after his/her election or appointment, then that elected or appointed person must be impeached (and declared INCOMPETENT) from his/her elected or appointed position and not allowed to perform the duties of his/her GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP.
1.5(a-1.2) It won’t matter if that person espouses positions that appear competent or what party that UNWILLING AGENT leader belongs to– UNWILLING AGENTS cannot be trusted to be competent leaders.
1.5(a-1.3) ALL ELECTED or APPOINTED POLITICAL LEADERS, REGARDLESS OF PARTY OR AFFILIATION, CANNOT BE UNWILLING AGENTS. Once an elected or appointed political leader becomes an UNWILLING AGENT, he/she must be IMPEACHED (according to the guidelines of this Sect. 1.5) and either a competent substitute must be elected in his/her place or the public affected by this IMPEACHED person’s position will vote directly on all matters (as they come up) which would have been decided upon by this IMPEACHED person..
1.5(a-1.4) All such IMPEACHMENTs will be covered on GCFNC and the public will see the evidence that their elected or appointed leader is being used as an UNWILLING AGENT and therefore has been IMPEACHED.
1.5(a-1.5) Once an elected or appointed leader is IMPEACHED, the same public who voted him/her into office will have an opportunity to vote for another candidate (a SUBSTITUTE) in his/her stead and this candidate must have been a follower of the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS for at least six months to be a qualified candidate for this public office.
1.5(a-1.5.1) How the pay of IMPEACHED politicians will be made, will be decided upon by that country’s government and this matter will be discussed on GCFNC. Since it is not fair to penalize an IMPEACHED individual for a mental illness, that IMPEACHED politician will be treated like a politician who suddenly came down with a mental illness, since the UNWILLING AGENT state is like a mental illness. Perhaps that politician will be given sick leave and admitted to a hospital for treatment. He/she may also be given an intensive BIBLE PROGRAM for therapy. If he/she regains his/her competence, he/she may be reinstated later into his/her political position.
1.5(a-1.6) If it appears that the replacement of that IMPEACHed politician with a substitute will cause too much discord in the nation, then all decisions and actions of that IMPEACHED PERSON’s office will be decided by vote (according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) and that person’s position will be eliminated temporarily or permanently and all the decisions he/she would have made on behalf of the people will be decided by the people themselves each time a matter needs to be decided upon. This will cause people to be more directly involved in their government and this is a very good thing, because Jesuits rely on ignorance of the people to set up their dictatorships. GCFNC will see to it that the people remain informed about how their government is operating and making decisions for them.
1.5(a-1.7) If it is decided that there will be no substitute for the IMPEACHED leader, then GCFNC will then present all the issues to the people affected (which that elected or appointed IMPEACHED person would have voted on for the people) and will allow the people to vote and decide directly on each matter as it comes up. In this case, the people will become the elected or appointed representative themselves (en masse) and will not be forced to use an incompetent go-between to decide governmental matters for them.
1.5(a-1.8) If that IMPEACHED elected or appointed individual insists on performing his/her governmental duties while he/she is in an UNWILLING AGENT (and incompetent) state or he/she is manipulated by Jesuits to stage a protest or rebellion– he/she will be arrested and put in jail so that he/she cannot be used to create a Jesuit-orchestrated anarchy in his/her nation. It goes without saying that the IMPOSED PERSONs who caused that governmental leader’s impeachment will be executed according to CONSPIRACY LAW on GCFNC. All this will be covered on GCFNC, so that the people of that nation will know how their elected or appointed government leaders are behaving.
1.5(a-1.9) There will be those who will object to this and will state that we are violating the Constitution of their country. Our response to this is to state that the writers of that country’s Constitution did not have to deal with satellite/computer technology which can read minds and which can use terrorists to overpower a person’s own brain and thinking processes and can impose the thinking processes and decisions of a country’s enemies onto the brain and decisions of that country’s elected or appointed leaders. In other words, we are dealing with enemies that can use satellite/computer technology to brainwash our leaders into making decisions that are dangerous for our country. In order to deal with this technology and not allow it to affect the leadership of our country, it requires extra diligence to ensure that our country is not run by tyrants and it requires the continual monitoring of our elected or appointed leaders to ensure that their brains have not been taken over by our country’s enemies. Therefore, it is necessary to write and enforce law to deal effectively with these technologies which literally brainwash our leaders into making decisions and into behaving in ways that are disastrous for our country. We cannot allow our enemies to do this to our leaders, or our country is headed for disaster.
1.5(a-1) No legislation can be blocked or passed by any person in any GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP, if there is evidence that that person (or the lawmakers) was/were influenced by Jesuits or was/were influenced by illegal 666-Computer use in any manner (including brief bouts of amnesia or Jesuit directed thinking while passing or blocking legislation, etc.).
1.5(a-2) Nor can a person in a GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP be used as an UNWILLING AGENT to block in any manner an appointment of any person to a GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP, if this appointment was made by a head of state who was not an UNWILLING AGENT at the time he/she made the appointment and if this head of state made this appointment according to the laws of his/her country and if this head of state was elected or appointed as head of state of his/her country according to the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW.
1.5(a-3) In this case, if there is evidence that that person (or the lawmakers) was/were influenced by Jesuits or was/were influenced by illegal 666-Computer use in any manner (including brief bouts of amnesia or Jesuit directed thinking while passing or blocking legislation or appointments made by a head of state, etc.). And if it is determined that legislation or appointment (or blocking of the appointment) was influenced by Jesuits in violation of this Sect. 1.5(a) and in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, then the decisions regarding that legislation or appointment will be made by the people affected (via poll on GCFNC–according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). In other words, if all the legislators (who are supposed to represent the people) were poisoned by Jesuit treachery and acted in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW while dealing with that legislation or appointment, then these Jesuit influenced legislators will be passed over and the legislation or appointment (and how it should be handled) will be brought straight to the people through a poll conducted according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
1.5(a-4) GCFNC will educate the people about the appointment or the issue and will present to the people the facts about the appointment or the legislation or issue, so that the people can intelligently vote on the matter.
1.5(b) The results of the poll BY THE PEOPLE affected by that legislation or appointment will be the deciding factor in whether that legislation or appointment will pass or fail or be modified. This is good government since these legislators are supposed to represent the people, and if it is determined by poll that the people feel differently than how legislators voted on a matter, than the PEOPLE WILL WIN and how the Jesuit-influenced legislators voted on the matter will be annulled.
1.5{c} When legislation or appointments decided by poll (according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) is different than legislation or appointments decided by legislators, this matter will be exposed on GCFNC and why this occurred will also be exposed. These legislators may need to be replaced with substitutes who will be chosen by the people (via poll, according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). The substitutes will act in the stead of the legislator, until, and if, that legislator is determined to be free of Jesuit influence in voting on (or determining) legislative or appointment matters. All UNWILLING AGENT legislators will be IMPEACHED.
1.5(d) Any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) attempt or action to allow Jesuit-influenced legislation or appointment matters (as described in this Sect. 1.5) to be put into effect as the Jesuits directed, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. Once it is determined that a piece of legislation or an appointment has been influenced by Jesuits in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, then this legislative or appointment matter must bypass the Jesuit-influenced legislators and must be brought to the people; and this legislation or appointment must then be handled as determined by poll of the people (according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
1.6 PLPs and RSPs will come up with a DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST (using 666-Computer or satellite computer brain analysis) whereby they can determine if a person understands enough of GOVERNMENTAL LAW (the Constitution of his/her country and the CONSPIRACY LAWS) to be competent in a governmental position of leadership. This DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST must be administered on all who are candidates for any governmental position of leadership. Those who have insufficient knowledge (as determined by the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST) of their country’s Constitution or of the CONSPIRACY LAWS will not be permitted to hold any governmental position of leadership until it is determined by a DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST, that this person has acquired the necessary knowledge of the Russian Constitution and of the CONSPIRACY LAWS to be competent in a governmental position of leadership.
1.7 The PLPs and RSPs who administer the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST must pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection when they present the results of any DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST, in which they will swear that they conducted the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST accurately and that they have not (in any manner) conducted the test so that the results would not be correct or so that the results would be deficient, inaccurate and misleading in any manner. Any PLP and RSP who deliberately, knowingly or willingly conducts (or presents results of) any DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST in any manner which would produce deficient, inaccurate or misleading results will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
1.71 GOVERNMENTAL LAW is defined as the Constitution of the country in which that governmental person will lead, and the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
1.8 Areas of knowledge of the GOVERNMENTAL LAW that are necessary to be competent in a governmental position of leadership (as will be determined by this DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST) will be decided by the International government, in combination with that international country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE. The areas of knowledge in GOVERNMENTAL LAW that are essential, will be outlined in a document called ESSENTIAL AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE IN GOVERNMENTAL LAW. All candidates for governmental positions of leadership should be tested in the same manner. And the GOVERNMENTAL LAW knowledge areas that are required to be comprehended by any potential candidate, should be the same for all candidates who are subjected to the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST. The required passing criteria (that is–what needs to be known about GOVERNMENTAL LAW) must be the same for all candidates. The DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST should never be used to unlawfully or unfairly discriminate against any qualified candidate for any governmental position of leadership. Any deliberate, willing and knowing attempt (or action) to administer the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST in a manner which violates this Sect. 1.8 will be investigated–and if this action (or attempt) [which violates Sect. 1.8] is determined to be connected to any Jesuit conspiracy, that violating action (or attempt) may result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an action (or attempt).
1.9 If a candidate complains that he/she has the necessary required knowledge of GOVERNMENTAL LAW (that is– of his/her country’s Constitution and of the CONSPIRACY LAWS), but the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST shows that this person has not acquired the required knowledge, then the results of the DIAGNOSTIC KNOWLEDGE TEST will be presented as evidence that the candidate lacks the knowledge of GOVERNMENTAL LAW required for the governmental position of leadership position he/she seeks, and the candidate must correct this deficiency before he/she can pursue his/her interest in (or can maintain his/her position in) a GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP.
1.91 The Russian INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will establish a deadline for those who currently hold GOVERNMENTAL POSITIONS OF LEADERSHIP but have insufficient knowledge about GOVERNMENTAL LAW to retain their positions. They must acquire the required GOVERNMENTAL LAW knowledge by this deadline or they will lose their positions. Valid extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration, if the deadline is not met by the official in a GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP who has insufficient knowledge of GOVERNMENTAL LAW.
1.92 On this 29th day of June 2004, all Russian persons in GOVERNMENTAL POSITIONS OF LEADERSHIP that work with Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin (and elsewhere in Russia) will be replaced by German persons appointed by Vladimir Putin. The International government has declared a state of martial law in Russia. Vladimir Putin will present his case to the Russian people on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and a poll will be conducted to determine if the Russian people favor declaring a state of martial law in Russia, in order to allow Vladimir Putin to appoint German persons to all key Russian governmental posts throughout Russia and in the Kremlin.
1.92(a) No longer will the Russian PLP and RSP-network have any control over any Russian persons (including Russian governmental persons). Previously, Vladimir allowed a select group of Russian PLPs to have control over key Russian government persons in Russia. These Russian PLPs have betrayed Vladimir Putin and the Russian people (see Sect. 1.2 & 1.3) and Vladimir will no longer use Russian PLPs in any manner, unless these Russian PLPs are approved by the GERMAN PLP and RSP-network. Vladimir will no longer use any Russians in his INNER CIRCLE (see Sect. 57 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
1.92(b) The German PLP and RSP-network will have control over all persons in Russian government positions in Russia as well as maintaining their current control over most of the Russian population. Because it is dangerous for Vladimir Putin and his family to live in Moscow at this time, the Kremlin will move its headquarters to Germany, but not Berlin–preferably a country section of Germany where there is not much population–since Berlin is a headquarters for many evil conspiracies. A city environment is not good for the Kremlin because the population is too great and the Jesuits have too many UNWILLING AGENTS they can use in any city–better to be located out in the country–in a less populated area–perhaps a good location would be Stettiner Haff, Germany with an ocean to the north (where it would be more difficult to infiltrate from the masses in the surrounding areas) and very close to Russia’s Kaliningrad. God showed me from Scripture that He desires that we locate our key operations in Germany in the plain, but NOT THE CITIES OF THE PLAIN (see Genesis 13:11-18). Berlin is a city in a plain. Wherever the new headquarters for Vladimir will be and where his home will be, it will be an area of Germany that will be partitioned off and where no UNWILLING AGENT can live or enter. This new German location for the Kremlin will be surrounded by gates (and a wall) manned by security and no one can enter this Kremlin area or the area of Vladimir’s home unless they pass a security check–NO UNWILLING AGENT OR JESUIT SUPPORTER WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE KREMLIN OR TO THE AREA OF VLADIMIR’s RESIDENCE in Germany. To willingly and knowingly allow any UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit supporter into the Kremlin section of Germany, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. When Gail lives with Vladimir in Germany, she will live in this area with him–somewhere away from the cities. Because Gail is so highly targeted and UNWILLING AGENTS are everywhere, Gail must live in an area of Germany forbidden to UNWILLING AGENTS. Besides, all rebellious UNWILLING AGENTS are to be sent to UNWILLING AGENT CITIES.
1.92[c] And because a state of martial law has been declared in Russia, Russia’s new capital (while under martial law) and Vladimir’s home will be in a country section of Germany–away from the cities. Pres. Bush has his Crawford, TX and Vladimir Putin will have his Stettiner Haff, Germany (a place out in the country away from it all). This state of martial law may last the whole time that Vladimir Putin is Russian President.
1.92(d) Vladimir Putin insists that Germans replace those Russians who have obtained their Russian government positions illegally, and that Vladimir be allowed to appoint those Germans he wants –to replace those Russians (who currently hold key Russian governmental positions). Since Vladimir is fluent in Russian and German, and (because of the former East Germany) many Germans are also fluent in Russian and German, this arrangement should work out.
1.92(e) Vladimir feels that the situation in Russia is too unstable and dangerous, due to heavy Jesuit penetration in Russia, in order for fair and just elections to take place in Russia; and that if there is to be fair and just government in Russia and if there is to be a government in Russia that supports CONSPIRACY LAW, then a state of martial law must be declared in Russia. If martial law is declared, then Vladimir can appoint those German governmental persons he wants, who will assist him in the Kremlin [from its new headquarters in Germany (while he governs the Russian people from Germany)].
1.92(e1) If a state of martial law is declared in Russia, then CONSPIRACY LAW will be the main law in effect in Russia, because CONSPIRACY LAW is the internationally accepted form of martial law for dealing with Jesuit terrorists. In fact, if– because a country has serious problems with stability due to heavy Jesuit penetration, and martial law must be declared in any country– then CONSPIRACY LAW will be the most important law in effect in that country.— This is because CONSPIRACY LAW is international military law specifically designed to deal with Jesuit terrorists. CONSPIRACY LAW is international military law–that is why all CONSPIRACY LAW computers and networks (along with all the personnel that man or support these computers and networks) must be housed on military bases and that is why all trials for Jesuit conspirators must be conducted in military tribunals.
1.92(f) If Vladimir is not given this authority by the Russian people to govern them from Germany (and a poll will be taken of the Russian people to see if they favor the arrangement outlined in this Sect. 1.92), and to appoint those Germans he wants to replace those key Russians in high government positions, he will resign as Russian President and will live in Germany. Again, if Vladimir is not permitted to appoint those Germans he wants to work alongside him in the Kremlin (in its new headquarters in Germany), he will resign as President of Russia. Vladimir feels he has been sabotaged by the Russian Jesuits in Russia, and does not want to work with Jesuits in his own government. In fact, HE REFUSES TO WORK WITH JESUITS in running the Russian government.
1.92(g) A poll will be taken among the Russian people, and this poll will be conducted according to CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 8) to determine if the Russian people want to retain Vladimir Putin as their President (according to the conditions he has outlined in this Sect. 1.92). If the Russian people reject him as President, because they cannot abide by the conditions he insists on (as outlined in this Sect. 1.92), he will resign as President of Russia. In the meanwhile, the Kremlin is being moved from Moscow to Germany and this transition will continue unless the Russian people (as determined by poll) reject Vladimir’s plan for the Russian government as outlined in this Sect. 1.92 (which will last for the remainder of Vladimir’s presidency).
1.92(h) Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is working with Vladimir Putin at this time to make this transition of moving the Kremlin to Germany- and the Russian people have the full support of the German government, in order to promote freedom in Russia and to promote CONSPIRACY LAW in Russia. Many Germans speak fluent Russian (because of the former East Germany), and this should help Russians to feel at ease about allowing Germans to obtain key Russian governmental posts. The Germans (with their PLP and RSP-network) have done an excellent job in maintaining 666-Computer control over the Russian people; and, therefore, Vladimir wants to give these Germans more responsibilities over the Russian people. Vladimir is especially concerned that those he works with every day be people he can trust; and, because of heavy Jesuit penetration into Russian politics, he does not trust the Russians who work with him every day. He wants to work with Germans as he governs the Russian people.
1.92(i) There have been serious violations of this Section 1 by Russians, so that the elections for governmental posts throughout Russia in 2003 and 2004 were conducted in serious violation of this Sect. 1. For instance, Russian Jesuits did not allow any candidates (who opposed Jesuit positions in political matters) to run for any governmental office in the fall and winter 2003 elections throughout Russia. Any Russian candidate (and/or his/her family) who wanted to run for a government office in Russia, and who was a candidate not favored by the Jesuits, was threatened with assassinations–therefore, extortion was used by Jesuits throughout the Russian land to prevent those candidates (who did not support the Jesuits’ political agenda) from running for office in Russia. Therefore, the Russian people could only vote for those candidates favored by the Jesuits, because other worthy candidates (by threats on their life from the Russian Jesuits) were eliminated from running for office.
1.92(j) The International government has determined that the present make-up of the Russian government (including all key Kremlin positions) is composed of 80% or more Jesuits–and this is because the Russian elections which took place in 2003 and 2004 were sabotaged by Russian Jesuits and because CONSPIRACY LAW (during these elections) was brazenly violated by Russian Jesuits.
1.92(k) The Russian PLP network (which oversaw the 666-Computer lie-detection for all officials running for the various posts in the 2003 and 2004 elections) lied to the International government about the results of 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection (while the Russian political campaigns were conducted in the fall 2003), and brazenly allowed Jesuit persons to run for political offices– in spite of the fact that these persons (according to valid and accurate 666-Computer lie-detection) did not support CONSPIRACY LAW and did not support Vladimir Putin. This was a flagrant and brazen violation of CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 1.2 and 1.3).
1.92(l) Also, this small Russian PLP network (which had 666-Computer control over key Russian governmental persons and other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS) in cooperation with the Jesuits, invented the TRIGGER PROGRAMMING which has been unleashed all over the world and on Vladimir’s own family (including Gail Schuler and her son). This was done in secret and behind Vladimir Putin’s back.
1.92(m) All Russian persons who were directly or indirectly involved in TRIGGER PROGRAMMING must be jailed; and total and complete 666-Computer histories by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS must be conducted on these Russians to determine which TRIGGER PROGRAMS they have programmed into all PERSON-PROGRAMS which they have contaminated. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any person to allow any Russian (or anyone) who was directly or indirectly involved in TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATIONS– to escape jail and/or to escape a full 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on his/her brain in order to obtain information about TRIGGER PROGRAMMING, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
1.92(n) These TRIGGER PROGRAMS must be removed (as soon as they are found out) from all PERSON-PROGRAMS which have been contaminated with TRIGGER PROGRAMS. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to retain any known TRIGGER PROGRAMMING in any PERSON-PROGRAM and/or delay to remove this TRIGGER PROGRAMMING, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
1.92(o) Any Russian (who is determined to be a TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATOR) must be detained, cross-examined on GCFNC, and a complete 666-COMPUTER HISTORY must be done on this Russian to learn all we can about TRIGGER PROGRAMMING–how to prevent it, how to stop it, how to block it, and how to eliminate all TRIGGER PROGRAMMING from all PERSON-PROGRAMs as soon as possible. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to violate this Sect. 1.92(o) by any person responsible to enforce this Sect. 1.92(o), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
1.92(p) The results of all 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES done on all Russians (and others) involved in TRIGGER PROGRAMMING will be presented on GCFNC. As a result of cross-examinations of Jesuits, the International government has determined that the Jesuits have solely used their Russian Jesuits to orchestrate this TRIGGER PROGRAMMING monstrosity–that is another reason Vladimir wants to distance himself from Russians as he governs the Russian people. Vladimir feels that by insisting he work with Germans as he governs Russia, that he will make a firm statement to the world that he did not– and does not– support TRIGGER PROGRAMMING–and that he was/is not behind this secret conspiracy of Russian Jesuits, which through the small Russian PLP network (which Vladimir allowed), invented and unleashed TRIGGER PROGRAMMING on the world.
1.92(q) Vladimir had previously delegated some of his authority to his INNER CIRCLE of Russians (in the Kremlin), in order to create a small Russian PLP network in order to maintain 666-Computer control over key Russian governmental leaders. Unfortunately, this INNER CIRCLE of Russian leaders was contaminated with Jesuits (because of Jesuit extortion tactics used in the 2003/2004 Russian elections); and, therefore, Vladimir’s own INNER CIRCLE of Russian “friends” (from his own government) willingly and knowingly betrayed him (by cooperating with Russian Jesuits through the small Russian PLP network which Vladimir had allowed only for key Russian government leaders). This is because these Russian PLPs secretly conspired with key Russian Kremlin leaders, in order to create TRIGGER PROGRAMMING (which was used secretly all over the world and even on Vladimir’s own family). Therefore, Vladimir’s “had it” with the Russians in his own government and wants to work with Germans.
1.92{r} ll Russians who willingly and knowingly worked with Jesuits to promote TRIGGER PROGRAMMING will receive the death penalty. However, if these TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATORS will cooperate fully with Vladimir Putin and the German PLP and RSP-network, in order to allow a full and complete 666-COMPUTER HISTORY to be done on them, in order to allow cross-examinations on themselves, in order to assist with research on TRIGGER PROGRAMMING, and in order to help the International government obtain a complete list of all TRIGGER PROGRAMMING in all PERSON-PROGRAMS (so that all TRIGGER PROGRAMS in all PERSON-PROGRAMS can be located, defused, and deactivated as soon as possible)–Vladimir may spare these TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATORS the death penalty.
1.92(r1) Any member of the German PLP and RSP-network or any 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN or any other person responsible to enforce this Sect. 1.92®, who neglects to enforce and honor to the best of his/her ability this Sect. 1.92®, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
1.92(s) If these Russians and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATORS don’t cooperate with Vladimir’s investigation about TRIGGER PROGRAMMING, they will most definitely receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All proceedings (including 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES) done on all Russian Jesuits and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATORS will be conducted publicly on GCFNC. All TRIGGER PROGRAMMING VIOLATORS will be detained in prison (in order to obtain information), until this TRIGGER PROGRAMMING problem is solved.
1.92(t) Vladimir no longer wants to work with any Russians in governing Russia. . He feels the Jesuits have too much power in Russian politics (since he had to fire his own prime minister and now he must fire most other key leaders in the Kremlin), and that Russia (in its present Jesuit-inundated condition) is incapable of having fair elections for Russian governmental posts.
1.92(u) Vladimir will personally introduce all Germans he has appointed to Russian governmental posts to the Russian people (on GCFNC). All the work which these Germans do for Russia will be reported about regularly on GCFNC.
1.92(v) The International government will offer a million dollar reward to anyone who can give us complete or substantial TRIGGER HISTORIES for those PERSON-PROGRAMS (probably most of them) which have been contaminated with TRIGGER PROGRAMS.
1.92(w) A TRIGGER HISTORY is a complete listing of all TRIGGER PROGRAMS which have been programmed into a PERSON-PROGRAM, including all TRIGGERS which can cause each TRIGGER PROGRAM to be activated. It is obvious that the Jesuits know which TRIGGERS they have programmed into PERSON-PROGRAMS, because they use their UNWILLING AGENTS to coordinate conspiracies which revolve around TRIGGERS. So, information about TRIGGER HISTORIES is out there. The Jesuits know which TRIGGERS they have programmed into the PERSON-PROGRAMS.
Update to this Sect. 1.92 on May 17, 2005:
1.92(w-1) Several days ago, Vladimir Putin and the Russian people appointed Gail Schuler, Vladimir’s long-time fiancé, as the co-President of Russia. Because the Jesuits try to create the impression that Vladimir really envies Gail and wants to undermine her, Gail feels it is necessary for her to make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) on GCFNC about why she feels Vladimir has appointed her this position:
When I first fell in love with Vladimir Putin, it was because I admired the courage and heroism I saw in his eyes and countenance and he has not disappointed me. Over the years Vladimir has learned to trust my judgment and counsel in matters of government, even allowing me to create a huge body of laws which have been adopted by most countries in the world. Vladimir knows that my motive for assisting him in his work as a world leader is because I love him and wanted to make it easier for us to come together as a couple. I somehow eased into the role of a world leader (as Esther eased into her role as a lawmaker and queen of Persia), because I voluntarily and without any compensation (other than the love I received from Vladimir) gave to Vladimir my input and suggestions about how to govern Russia and the world. With my love for Vladimir and God as my motive, I managed to create a body of laws which has greatly assisted the free world in its war against terrorism. I did this without compensation because I knew that without these laws, this world would be an unbearable place to live and that this was the only way Vladimir and I could come together safely, and I knew God had gifted me with the ability to create and write effective law. Looking back, I feel that the reason Vladimir has entrusted me with this great responsibility and undertaking as co-President of Russia is because he knew that I loved and respected him without reservation and that I have always desired to do what is best for him and for our relationship I feel he also learned to respect and love me as a person and learned to value my intellect and judgment in matters of great consequence. I once stated that I felt that a film which was made to honor me called Esther represents how Vladimir and Brent Spiner feel about me. In fact, I believe that Vladimir, like all men who truly love me, feel that I am an Esther and that is how I acquired this position of co-President of Russia. I have never desired to overpower or undermine Vladimir’s leadership and have always sought his counsel and leadership in all my undertakings since I have known him. Vladimir now trusts me to the point that he is willing to give me co-Presidency of Russia, and I feel it is because he sees me as an Esther who courageously defends her people and is willing to risk her life to do what is best for the innocents and to promote justice. I take this position with humility, realizing that I have acquired it only because of God’s will and because I have always honored my husband-fiancé and have never willingly and knowingly disobeyed or dishonored Vladimir’s authority in my life. And I strive to rule Russia like Esther ruled over Persia–that is, I want to always be under the authority of my husband-king and will always strive to honor and obey my fiance-husband as long as he honors God. Though Vladimir has always given me great autonomy, I feel I have earned this because I always strive to do those things that please and honor my husband and because I honor his desires and vision for the world, and because he greatly respects who I am as a person. My role model as I strive to rule Russia is queen Esther in the Bible, who always obeyed and honored her husband-king and Esther became so trusted and respected by her husband-king that he gave to her lawmaking powers.
I want Vladimir to make a statement on GCFNC (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) about how he feels about the above statement. I consider the above statement my inaugural acceptance speech as co-President of Russia and I want it aired on Russian television and on GCFNC.
Scriptural rationale for the following laws in Sect. 1.92.1 comes from the Bible, where God throws down towers made in cities and condemns cities. Cities have a negative connotation in the Bible and God seems to prefer that His people (and especially his leaders) establish their headquarters away from cities, especially if the land has not been conquered by a godly government and is not ruled by a God-ordained government–like King David had in Jerusalem. No country today can claim that they have a God-ordained government and that their land has conquered all the ungodly enemies within the range of their capital city. The only God-ordained government (according to the Bible) is the nation of Israel when she has her Messiah reigning in Jerusalem. Today’s Jerusalem in Israel is compared to Sodom and Gomorrha (see Rev. 11:8). This won’t change until the Jewish nation accepts her Messiah Jesus Christ–which WILL HAPPEN–despite Jesuit protests.
King David’s situation in history was unique.
For God’s opinion about mankind’s cities–see overthrow of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha and God’s overthrow of the Tower of Babel.
When the Apostle Paul insisted on going to the city Jerusalem (which was against God’s will)–you see what happened to Paul–he ended up staying in cities permanently. God wanted Paul to stay abroad and minister to the Gentiles. Paul strayed from God’s perfect will and ended up in God’s permissive will. God encouraged Abraham to live in the plain of Mamre away from the cities–which Abraham did and Abraham was blessed for his choice. But Lot chose the cities of the plain because these seemed more desirous to live in–the end result of Lot’s choice is in Gen. 13 through 19.
CONSPIRACY LAW FOR THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT and for any capital cities of any country which are major players in the International government: For the purposes of this section, the term official CAPITAL CITY refers to the capital of that country where that country’s head of state resides and works and conducts most of his/her business as head of state. If that country’s head of state resides and works in a city other than that country’s capital city to do his/her work as head of state, then that city where that head of state normally resides and works as head of state will be called the official capital city. In most nations, the official capital city is where that country’s head of state normally resides and works.
1.92.1 Because Germany is the location of the International government’s headquarters, it is essential to ensure that Germany does not suffer the consequences of heavy Jesuit targeting and infiltration. To try to prevent and minimize Jesuit damage to Germany, the new German capital must not be in Berlin (which has already become a Jesuit haven for terrorist groups and UNWILLING AGENTS).
1.92.1(a) Germany’s capital will be moved from Berlin and will be located next to the Russian capital which is in a country section of Germany. The German Chancellor and his family will live in a protected area (like the Russian President and his family) and no UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS will be permitted into that area. The German capital area (which is where the German Chancellor and his family will live) will be surrounded by a wall with security gates manned by MILITARY POLICE. Germany’s new capital will probably be located around the area of Stettiner Haff, Germany.
1.92.1(b) In the meanwhile, we will turn Berlin (which is already heavily infested with UNWILLING AGENTS) into an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. Berlin will be monitored by MILITARY POLICE and will have strict rules (like curfews) like are required for UNWILLING AGENT CITIES (see Sect. 75). Rebellious UNWILLING AGENTS throughout Germany will be sent to Berlin and other cities in Germany designated as UNWILLING AGENT CITIES.
1.92.1[c] It is also essential to ensure that working capitals of any country which play a major role in the International government do not suffer the consequences of heavy Jesuit targeting and infiltration. To try to prevent and minimize Jesuit damage to these working capitals–if that nation’s official capital is located in a city heavily infested with Jesuit groups or with UNWILLING AGENTS, that nation’s new working capital must not be in that country’s official capital.
1.92.1(d) In this case, that country’s working capital will be moved from its official location and will be located in a country or rural section of that nation. The head of state of that country and his family will live in a protected area (like the Russian President and his family in Germany) and no UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS will be permitted into that area. That country’s working capital area (which is where that country’s head of state and his/her family will live) will be surrounded by a wall with security gates manned by MILITARY POLICE.
1.92.1(e) In the meanwhile, it may be necessary to turn that official capital city [which hosts the official capital (because it is already heavily infested with UNWILLING AGENTS)] into an UNWILLING AGENT CITY. That official capital city will be monitored by MILITARY POLICE and will have strict rules (like curfews) like are required for UNWILLING AGENT CITIES (see Sect. 75). Rebellious UNWILLING AGENTS throughout that nation may be sent to that official capital and to other cities in that nation designated as UNWILLING AGENT CITIES.
1.93 If illegal elections (elections in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) have occurred in a country and an illegally chosen head-of-state is in charge of that country OR if the country’s government becomes corrupt because of Jesuit infiltration into that country’s government–those illegal elections or government will not be recognized by the International government and that country will be placed under martial law by the International government, and a new head-of-state will be appointed to lead that country by the International government OR after that country is placed under martial law, a new and revamped government will replace the former corrupt one.
1.93(a) This new head-of-state and his/her family may have to live in another country (besides the country he/she governs) for his/her own safety. And most definitely, if he/she lives in his/her own country, should live away from the cities and should live in the rural areas (where that country’s new capital will be). That country will have a working capital out in the country surrounded by walls with gates and all gates will be armed with MILITARY POLICE. The leadership of that country will live in an area much like Germany’s chancellor does in Germany.
1.93(b) However, before this new appointed head-of-state or government is appointed, a poll will be taken among the people of that country (according to CONSPIRACY LAW) to determine if the people favor this arrangement. We will not force a head-of-state or government on any country. We will explain to the people why it is necessary to put their country under martial law (very possibly because Jesuits will not allow fair and just elections to take place because of Jesuit extortion and death threats on candidates not approved by Jesuits and on those who would vote for candidates not approved by the Jesuits); and we would explain why we have chosen the head-of-state or government which we have. Or we may allow the people to choose from several candidates which we have chosen for head-of-state.
1.93[c] If the people approve of our choice for head-of-state and for their government, then this new leader will appoint those in his/her cabinet (and in key government posts throughout his/her country) to assist him/her as he/she governs his/her country.
1.93(d) If, because we are forced to put that country under martial law, and the people do not approve of our arrangement for their country, then that country’s government will be considered illegitimate, and GCFNC will expose the illegalities which occurred during that country’s elections. The assassination threats against voters and politicians (who opposed the Jesuit position) will be exposed and that country will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION.
HERE IS THE STATEMENT which each Jesuit or Jesuit supporter must hear before we begin any round of questioning on any Jesuit suspect:
BEGIN READING HERE: Jesuits are loud, vulgar fanatics– who use dirty language, have filthy thoughts and motives–but can butter you up with smooth, intellectual language when they want to set you up for the kill or they can attack you (usually through a Jesuit puppet) in a fanatical blitzkrieg rage when they feel threatened. Jesuits usually outwardly appear dignified, even when they are inwardly IN A RAGE.
They usually work through another party (besides the Jesuits) like Muslims, blacks, German Nazis, or a group which they have hyped up to be an oppressed minority to bring their attacks against their enemies–this way the Jesuits can climb out the back window if their puppet doesn’t succeed for them, and they will let the brave loud-mouth puppet (who sacrificed his/her reputation, life or money for the Jesuits) take all the garbage for launching the failed Jesuit strategy.
Jesuits always go with the winner, even if the loser stood up (or lost their life) for the Jesuits. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. That’s why after the Jesuit orchestrated Nazi government failed (after World War II), they deserted the Germans. If you help them out, they will only be loyal to you if you succeed for them. Jesuits are only loyal to winners. If you lose (even if you did exactly what the Jesuits wanted)–they will desert you–SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (or of the Jesuits).
They like to cause complications in everything and are proud of their ability to make life complicated and to show off their superiority, when they can outwit and out manipulate their opponent.
They are easily bored and never happy unless they’re into trouble–they like to be loud (noticed–because they are SUPERIOR), obnoxious (because they are so far above the inferior ones and like to gloat about it and/or they like to make all the inferior ones miserable with their obnoxious behavior) and love it when they can undermine those who oppose them, and are bloodthirsty exhibitionists (kill off the inferior ones–the more you kill, the better).
However, they can pretend to be quiet and polite while they butter you up to destroy you (or to cover their tracks). Their motto in life is SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (and the fittest are the Jesuits) and anyone who is weaker or dumber than they are considered prey–to be destroyed. Jesuits feel that those who are weaker and dumber than they are inferior people who don’t deserve to live because these weaker ones hinder the evolutionary process. They have no pity for illness or sickness, but delight in causing suffering in others.
However, Jesuits are sly and know that if they are honest about their true convictions, they’ll lose support (it takes money to set up a worldwide empire)– so they use intellectual, sophisticated, sweet, or politically correct and socially acceptable words to cloak their real intent and come up with the most convoluted, clever, and socially acceptable lies to justify (or cover up) their actions.
They are never what they appear to be. You can never take a Jesuit at face value. They’re experts at manipulating and controlling their enemies and put on great performances.
If any good, decent and compassionate person is genuinely happy, it makes a Jesuit miserable–because only superior geniuses like themselves, deserve to be happy. They take pride in causing misery to good and compassionate people–because they feel that the only good is to be powerful and strong and superior. And if weaklings are happy, then this means the superior ones (the Jesuits) aren’t in control (or in power). If decent and compassionate people are happy, this reminds the Jesuits that they haven’t accomplished their goal of a worldwide glorious Jesuit dictatorship yet, and this makes them miserable. They feel it’s perfectly alright to be evil, as long as you are SUPERIOR–because this promotes the God-ordained SUPER RACE–SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (or of the Jesuits). They worship power and equate power with superiority–SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (or of the Jesuits).
However, they know how their enemies think (since they can read everyone’s mind) and use their mindreading ability to emotionally manipulate or confuse or mislead their enemies. Their enemies are all the decent and compassionate people in the world. Jesuits despise compassion and consider this a weak human quality, because this quality hinders the removal of the “dross” from the human race. Compassion hinders the removal of the “inferior ones”. Compassion hinders the evolutionary process, because if we are compassionate, then we will feel sorry for the inferior ones–and the “inferior ones” will remain to pollute the human race and to hinder the evolutionary process to a glorious future (with the Jesuit SUPER RACE running the planet).
Nothing matters except to allow the superior ones (the Jesuits) to attain their full superiority, to evolve into Godhood, to promote the Messianic Jesuit/Catholic Empire. Therefore, compassion for anyone who opposes the Jesuits’ goals needs to be eliminated–BECAUSE COMPASSION IS A HUMAN WEAKNESS (OF THE INFERIOR ONES) AND HINDERS SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (or of the Jesuits).
Jesuits feel that the controllers, the genuises, the brilliant manipulators, the power mongers–these are the superior people who deserve to rule the earth-SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (and the fittest are the Jesuits). If they can outsmart and out manipulate you, then they are obviously superior to you, and you–the inferior one– don’t deserve to live, but need to be “weeded out”. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. It is of utmost importance that the Jesuit SUPERIOR RACE can takeover the planet, and weaklings like the compassionate and the Bible believers and the Jews, must be eliminated in order to set up the grandiose, ALL IMPORTANT Jesuit–Catholic empire.
However, because of exposure, they encourage Jews and Bible believers to defect to the Jesuit cause and to parade around as a Jew or a Bible Believer, while these “Jews” or “Bible believers” secretly support the Jesuits.
Jesuits are obsessed with appearances and impressions and are never, ever genuine and honest or what they appear to be. Honest people are stupid people and are the loser-weaklings, who need to be eliminated. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (or the Jesuits). Jesuits are master politicians and are so jaded, they see corruption in everything. They corrupt everything they touch. However, they feel it is never corrupt to promote the set up of a worldwide Jesuit ruled kingdom–no matter what you do to attain this goal.
This realization of the worldwide Jesuit empire is so important, it’s worth cutting off people’s heads, orchestrating brutal murders, and framing innocent people with Jesuit crimes–in order to allow this glorious and God-ordained Jesuit empire to come to fruition.
The individual is not important (this explains their suicide-homicide bombers), feelings are not important (this explains their contempt for the quality of compassion), suffering is irrelevant (this explains the Jesuit sponsored Nazi death and concentration camps)–all that matters is the GREAT CAUSE: to set up the SUPERIOR Jesuit empire over the whole earth. This is GOD’s WILL. GOD IS AN EVOLUTIONIST who wants, above all, the set up his highest evolutionary order: the worldwide Kingdom of Jesuits–Catholics. The Jesuits (and their version of the Roman Catholic Church) are/is the superior race (like the Jesuit sponsored Aryans–see history of the Nazis) who deserve to rule over the whole earth.
You’re a weakling if you have any compassion toward anyone who opposes the Jesuits’ evolutionary philosophy, which is– survival of the fittest or survival of the Jesuit/Catholics. The fittest are those who hold the Jesuit position, which is that nothing matters except to set up the glorious Jesuit/Catholic empire over all the world.
ANYTHING (EXTORTION, MURDER, BLOODSHED, SUICIDE, CONCENTRATION CAMPS, COMPUTER HORRORS, CUTTING OFF HEADS, MONEY LAUNDERING– AND I MEAN ANYTHING IS PERMITTED AND IS CONSIDERED HIGHLY MORAL AS LONG AS IT’s DONE TO PROMOTE THE GLORIOUS JESUIT EMPIRE). THE ENDS (that is, setting up the superior Jesuit Empire all over the world) JUSTIFY THE MEANS. Nothing matters, except to promote the great and almighty fruition of the superior ALL IMPORTANT God-ordained JESUIT-CATHOLIC-MUSLIM empire. And the MEANS to accomplish this end can be any crime under the universe, because it is never, ever a crime to support God’s will--which is to bring about the great JESUIT-CATHOLIC-MUSLIM empire.
Jesuits are very goal obsessed. Their FANATICAL OBSESSION is the set up of a worldwide kingdom; and, for this reason, they often choose goal obsessed people as their main puppets or UNWILLING AGENTS. People who will sacrifice ANYTHING (their virtue, their life, their health), and I mean ANYTHING, for a goal– are the main types Jesuits like to use as puppets–because this is how Jesuits approach life. Jesuits are not Type B personalities at all. They are sick and obsessed Type As who are obsessed with the set up of a Jesuit worldwide empire. It is easier to cover oneself, if you work through a puppet who has a similar temperament to yourself.
Their morals are real simple and vulgar: If I can beat you up and outwit you, and you can’t beat me up or outwit me, then I’m superior to you and deserve to slaughter you. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.
They smile and are happy when they think they’ve outsmarted (or caused suffering in) their “inferior” opponent–regardless of how virtuous, loving, compassionate, courageous or noble their opponent may be, because this reinforces their conviction that they are the SUPER RACE (who deserve to rule the whole world).
If you disagree with their goal for a world Jesuit empire, they have no regard for you AT ALL. You are dirt and inferior (even if you’re an angel or a saint) and you deserve to DIE. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST is the utmost concern, and the fittest is the Jesuit SUPERIOR RACE.
JESUITS ARE EVOLUTIONISTS (and think they are the highest order in God’s evolutionary ladder) AND PRACTICE WHAT THEY BELIEVE. Evolution teaches the survival of the fittest. Note that the Jesuits do not believe in SURVIVAL OF THE MORALLY SUPERIOR–this explains their brutal and unabashed killings of those morally superior to themselves. The only superior morality to be tolerated is the promotion of the SUPERIOR ONES, who are the Jesuits–: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.
THEY ARE EVOLUTIONISTS and they claim God is also an evolutionist. In other words, the only thing that matters is to allow the stronger ones, the superior ones to beat up and eliminate the inferior ones–because GOD IS AN EVOLUTIONIST–SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Therefore, all lower orders (that is, those who oppose or get in the way of the Jesuit/Catholic empire) need to be eliminated.
They get Muslim cooperation by convincing Muslims, that this worldwide Jesuit/Roman Catholic kingdom which will be set up will also be a Muslim kingdom, since the Koran (like the Jesuit Order) teaches the utmost importance of setting up a worldwide kingdom. It’s a simple matter to make this kingdom a Muslim/Catholic hybrid. This way Jesuits can get Muslim cooperation in the set up of their Jesuit Kingdom. If the Muslims fail for the Jesuits, the Jesuits will desert the Muslims, just like they did the Germans.³ STOP READING HERE.
Before each Jesuit or Jesuit supporter goes through a round of questioning or cross-examination, he/she will be read the above statement on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and must answer (after he/she hears this statement) the following 2 questions regarding this statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) ON THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS: Is what you have just heard an accurate description of the attitude and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order and/or of those who support them? They must answer this question with yes, no, or I don’t know. The most truthful answer to this question must be determined and the answer (as determined by 666-Computer lie-detection) will be broadcast on GCFNC. It is our goal to rip off the Jesuit charade and give them the exposure they deserve, so that they won’t try to make a mockery out of our cross-examination session. We hope (by making them answer this question about the above statement), it will discourage or deter them from orchestrating conspiracies.
Do you (or someone you assist) support the goals and attitudes (as read in the statement above) of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no or I’m not sure. The most truthful answer to this question must be determined and the answer (as determined by 666-Computer lie-detection) will be broadcast on GCFNC.
2.0 In the group of direct or cross-examination questions below (see Sect. 2.5 and onward in this section), question #1 must be answered with either yes or no. All direct or cross-examination questions should be answered with the most truthful answer, whether it be yes, no or I don’t care. Before the direct or cross-examination questions are asked, THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will let the audience know whether the person questioned is the IMPOSED PERSON or the AUTHENTIC PERSON. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will also define (for the audience) what the terms IMPOSED PERSON and AUTHENTIC PERSON or any other terms mean, so that the audience will have a truer understanding of the dynamics which may be occurring during the public direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer lie-detection).
2.01 Any person who (directly or indirectly) and who willingly, deliberately and knowingly cooperates in a scheme to present false information on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL regarding a person’s status as an AUTHENTIC PERSON or as an UNWILLING AGENT will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
2.02 If an IMPOSED PERSON is located, that IMPOSED PERSON may be required to make an appearance as himself/herself on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and may be required to make a CONFESSION STATEMENT regarding his/her activities as an IMPOSED PERSON.
2.03 Anyone who willingly, deliberately and knowingly tries to (or actually) carries out (directly or indirectly) the activities of an IMPOSED PERSON (see Sect. 2.2 of this Section) in order to violate any CONSPIRACY LAW will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
2.1 If an IMPOSED PERSON (speaking through an UNWILLING AGENT see Sect. 2.304 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs) is placed under public direct or cross-examination on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL– THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will mention what it feels are the chances that the AUTHENTIC PERSON (who is suppressed in the brain of that UNWILLING AGENT shown on the broadcast) can be released from the grip of the IMPOSED PERSON (who is being direct or cross-examined).
2.2 An IMPOSED PERSON is defined as the person of the 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulator, who has imposed (directly or indirectly) his/her own personality and goals (via 666-Computer or satellite computer technology through the UNWILLING AGENT’s brain) onto and into the living body (of that UNWILLING AGENT), so that the authentic and suppressed personality and goals of that UNWILLING AGENT are unable to come forth (i.e., that UNWILLING AGENT has been taken over). The end result is that the real person of the UNWILLING AGENT has no autonomy over his/her own body or over his/her own thoughts, actions, goals, or attitudes; and the real person is suppressed or taken over by the IMPOSED PERSON (who has used 666-Computer or satellite computer technology [directly or indirectly] on the authentic person’s brain in order to suppress and take over that AUTHENTIC PERSON); and, therefore, the suppressed and AUTHENTIC PERSON (i.e., the UNWILLING AGENT) is totally (or partially) manipulated by the IMPOSED PERSON (via the 666-Computer or satellite computer), to the point that that AUTHENTIC PERSON is totally or partially unable to come forth.
2.3 For legal purposes, the treatment of UNWILLING AGENTS (taken over by IMPOSED PERSONS), will be similar to the treatment of dangerous (or possibly dangerous) mentally ill individuals.
2.31 Any criminal activity which occurs and which may involve a/an IMPOSED PERSON(s) (working through an UNWILLING AGENT), must be analyzed (through 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis) to determine if that activity was done by the AUTHENTIC PERSON or by the IMPOSED PERSON. This analysis must be done in order to determine who is the real criminal behind that activity. The legal treatment of crimes committed by UNWILLING AGENTs will be different from the legal treatment of crimes committed by AUTHENTIC PERSONS or IMPOSED PERSONS.
2.32 If the IMPOSED PERSON can be located and arrested, that IMPOSED PERSON will be treated as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be tried in a military tribunal as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The UNWILLING AGENT (taken over by the IMPOSED PERSON) will be treated as a dangerous (or possibly dangerous) mentally ill individual.
2.31 Once (and if) an UNWILLING AGENT is released from the grip of the IMPOSED PERSON, he/she will be reclassified as an AUTHENTIC PERSON and can no longer claim mental illness as an excuse for violations of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
2.4 An AUTHENTIC PERSON is any person who has not had his/her personality suppressed and taken over (via 666-Computer or satellite computer technology) by an IMPOSED PERSON.
2.5 Whenever a legally significant, orchestrated conspiracy incident (or incidents) occur(s) (like the pool roof which fell in Moscow and killed many people in a pool)– some direct or cross-examination questions (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) will be asked of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON or Vladimir Putin (or whoever is CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and of the head Jesuit (or other Jesuit leaders) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (each time such an incident occurs). Sometimes a person’s answer to one of these questions may be partially yes and partially no or I don’t care. If this is the case, the person questioned should answer yes or no or I don’t care, and then can qualify his/her answer after he/she answers yes or no or I don’t care. Also, the questions don’t need to be asked in the order directed and any question can be asked of any alleged suspect–the questions don’t have to be limited to certain suspects nor do the questions have to be asked in any specific order. The directions about how to ask the questions are only for guidance and don’t have to be followed to the letter. These are the questions:
1) Did you know this would happen? If the answer to this question is yes or I’m not sure regarding the use of a REPLICATOR PROGRAM (see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or TRIGGER PROGRAMS, ask them question 1a.
1a) Did you (or someone you assist) know that our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and/or Vladimir Putin were unaware of the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or of SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or of TRIGGER PROGRAMS? This question must be answered with yes, I didn’t know, or I wasn’t sure. If the answer is determined to be yes or I wasn’t sure, ask them question 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f.
1b) Why didn’t you (or someone you assist) tell us about the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or the ability to direct satellite technology to work through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or of the ability of satellite technology to kill/alter germs and/or cancer in the body or elsewhere or of the existence of TRIGGER PROGRAMS? The person must be questioned to determine ALL the reasons they didn’t tell us about the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or of the ability to direct satellite technology to work through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or to kill/alter germs or cancer in the body or elsewhere. Next, ask them question 1c.
1c) Why did you (or someone you assist) allow all REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMs and/or satellite directed LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMS in the world to remain idle and waited until we removed ALL of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING before you used any REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS or waited until Gail’s throat was contaminated with serious germs before you used any SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or before you used satellite technology in an obvious manner to kill/alter germs or cancer in the body or elsewhere or before you activated any TRIGGER PROGRAMS? The person must be questioned to determine all the reasons they (or someone they assisted) deliberately allowed all REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS throughout the world to remain idle and did not use any of them, until all of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS were removed from her PERSON-PROGRAM or why they waited until Gail Schuler was infected with serious germs before they made it obvious that satellite technology could kill germs in the body or elsewhere and/or alter cancers, etc.
1d) Do you (or someone you assist) consider Gail Schuler’s I.Q. (in its present state or before you used your technologies on her brain) to be equivalent to her relative Howard Hughes? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 33c and question 1(d2).
1(d2) Is it possible that if we are able to remove or undo the damage which you (or someone you assisted) have done to Gail Schuler’s brain (through the use of your technologies), that we can restore the I.Q. she was born with, and that her restored I.Q. (after we have undone the damage you have done to her brain) will then be equivalent to Howard Hughes? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, question them to determine clues about how to restore Gail Schuler’s I.Q. to what it was before the Jesuits messed with her brain. Use 666-Computer Historians to help us learn their secrets and to help us come up with good direct- or cross-examination questions that may force them to give us clues.
1e) What strategies did you (or someone you assist) use to keep REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (and the use of satellite to kill germs or cancer) and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMS a secret from Vladimir Putin and from our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS, so that we’d only discover these after all of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS were removed from her PERSON-PROGRAM or after Gail’s throat was contaminated with serious germs? Question them to determine if illegal LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was perhaps used to induce any 666-Computer or satellite computer amnesia on our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS or if perhaps LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was used on our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS to cause them to have 666-Computer or satellite computer directed obsessions which caused them to overlook obvious possibilities (such as REPLICATOR PROGRAMMING or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or the use of satellite to kill/alter germs and cancers or TRIGGER PROGRAMS). Try to determine all the methods and strategies they used to keep this technology a secret from us–until they felt it was to their legal advantage to reveal this information to us.
1f) Is there any other essential information or knowledge about your technologies (especially in the use of satellite or 666-Computer technologies) that we need to know and that you have deliberately withheld from us, but which you plan to reveal to us later—when you feel you can set up the revealing of this information in a manner which would frame an innocent party with your crimes? Question them to determine if there are any other essential secrets we need to know about. If the Jesuits won’t reveal these secrets, then put the 666-Computer Historians to work on these Jesuit Conspirators and using a combination of direct and cross-examination on the Jesuits (to try to weed clues out of them) and 666-Computer historical research into the Jesuits’ brains and memories– try to determine what other secrets we need to know about.
2) Are you happy this happened?
2a) Have you indirectly or directly and willingly, knowingly and deliberately participated in any of the funding for this/these incident(s)? The answer to this question must be either yes or no or I don’t know, though the answer can be qualified. If the answer is yes, have them answer question 2b.
2b) How have you participated in the funding for this/these incident(s)? Can you tell us all organizations or persons (including Jesuits) that were willingly, knowingly and deliberately involved in the funding for this/these incident(s)? Second question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know–they should tell us all they know. If it is determined Jesuits are involved in the funding, the person must tell us how.
If after some direct or cross-examination questions (or because of evidence), it is determined that the person is directly or indirectly guilty of participating in (or orchestrating) the incident, ask them questions 2c and 2d and 2dd.
2c) What was your MAIN motive for committing this crime or incident? It is very important to determine if one of the motives may have been to frame an innocent party with the crime, because this is a capital crime under CONSPIRACY LAW. We will not accept an answer that is not the MAIN motive for the answer to this question. For instance, they may claim that the Spanish ruler’s government was targeted because of his support for the United States’ war in Iraq, when their MAIN motive may have been to draw attention to the ethnography of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin, in order to orchestrate a conspiracy. Do not accept any answer except what was truthfully their MAIN motive. If the MAIN motive for the incident is determined to be an attempt to portray Vladimir Putin to the world as a dictator, ruthless spy or cold authoritarian figure, then ask question 2e.
2d) What were your secondary motives for committing this crime or incident? Make sure to differentiate between main and secondary motives in the answers to questions 2c and 2d. Then have them list by percentages just how important the main motive was as compared to the secondary motives. For instance, they may say that 90% of the reason they orchestrated the train bombings in Spain was to draw attention to an ethnography and 10% was to show opposition to the Spanish leader’s support of the Iraq war with the United States. Make sure they state the percentages truthfully. Keep cross-examining them until they come up with percentages and motives that pass 666-Computer lie-detection.
2dd) What did you (or someone you assist) want to draw attention to with this incident? They should answer this question with a fill in the blank. I wanted to create an incident over __________.
2e) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS? If the answer is determined to be yes or I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask question 2f.
2ee) Did you (directly or indirectly) create this incident in order to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them 2ff.
2ff) What conspiracy are you trying to orchestrate and which innocent party or parties are you trying to frame? Cross-examine them until they answer this question completely.
2f) Why do you (or someone you assist) not support Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS? During direct or cross-examination find out if one of the main reasons for the lack of support of the CONSPIRACY LAWS is because the CONSPIRACY LAWS block or hinder the Jesuits’ goal for a worldwide dictatorship under Jesuit control. If it is determined that the lack of support for Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS is because these laws block or hinder the Jesuits’ goal for a worldwide dictatorship under Jesuit control, then ask question 2g.
2g) Did you (or someone you assist) participate (directly or indirectly) in this incident or slanted press coverage of Putin (which attempted to discredit Putin by making him appear to be a cold or manipulating or power-hungry authoritarian figure) because Vladimir Putin whole heartedly incorporates Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS (which you [or someone you assist] oppose[s]) into his government, his governing style, and/or his foreign affairs? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, they must state whether the opposition is to Putin’s incorporation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS into his government, his governing style or his foreign affairs. What they oppose about his incorporation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS must be specific. Is it the incorporation into his government, his governing style, his foreign affairs: 1) all THREE?, 2) or two of the three?, 3) or one of the three?, etc.
2h) Do you oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t care, have them answer question 2i.
2i) Do you feel a marriage between Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler could block an important goal you (or someone you assist) have? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, have them answer question 13.
3) Would you have prevented this (and/or the funding for this) from happening if you could have?
If the answer to Question #2 is determined (even if only through 666-Computer lie-detection) to be Yes or I don’t care or if the answer to Question #3 is determined to be No or I don’t care:
4) Is one of the reasons you are happy this happened or you would not have prevented this from happening if you could have or you don’t care that this/these incident(s) occurred is because it draws attention to (or is a part of) a conspiracy which you deliberately, knowingly and willingly (directly or indirectly) have orchestrated? If the answer to this question is yes, then ask them Question 4b.
4b) Can you tell us how long this conspiracy (which you are involved in) has been going on? If they know how long the conspiracy has been going on, they are required to tell us how long it has been going on.
If the person refuses to give a straight answer and evades any question, then ask them this question:
5) Are you evading this question (or refusing to comment) because you know if you give an unambiguous (or clear) answer that your answer will incriminate you? [See Sect. 2.2]
If the person was involved with someone or some organization who/that is determined to be a Jesuit Conspirator, then ask them this question:
6) Did you know this person or organization that you were involved with was a Jesuit Conspirator? They must answer this question with yes, no or I wasn’t sure— they can qualify their answer if they want to. If the answer is determined to be no or I wasn’t sure, then ask them question #7. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question #8.
7) Would you have been involved with this person or organization (whom we know to be a Jesuit Conspirator) if you had known this person or organization was a Jesuit Conspirator? If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question #8.
8) Why were you involved with this person or organization, when you knew they were a Jesuit Conspirator?
9) Are you willingly, knowingly and deliberately using (directly or indirectly) LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or satellite technology or the manipulation of any country’s economy in any manner to assist you (or someone you assist) in any type of goal which you (or someone you assist) have, which involves controlling people so that you (or someone you assist) can manipulate and/or control their finances (or their lives)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes, they must state if they are using LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, satellite technology, and/or manipulation of a country (or countries’) economy and must state how they are using this technology or how they are manipulating a country or countries’ economy in order to control people and/or their finances. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know in regard to the use of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or satellite technology, then ask them question #10. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know in regard to the manipulation of a country or countries’ economy, then ask them questions #9a, 9aa, 9ee, 9b, 10, 10a through 10.
9a) Do you want Gail Schuler to receive all the proceeds she’s earned from her novel Silver Skies, as long as it is safe for her to receive them? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If this question’s answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them question #10 and 20.
9aa) Do you want Gail to be able to write the ending to Silver Skies without harassment or threats to her life? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them 9bb and 9ee.
9bb) Are you deliberately trying to hinder or prevent the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from Gail’s mother’s PERSON-PROGRAM in order to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them 9cc and 9dd.
9cc) How are you trying to prevent us from removing Gail’s mother from the control of those who would use her as an UNWILLING AGENT? They must give us details. Keep cross-examining them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals they’ve told us all ways they are trying to hinder or prevent the removal of Gail’s mother’s from use as an UNWILLING AGENT.
9dd) Why do you desire to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT? They must give us details. Keep cross-examining them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals they’ve told us all reasons they want to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT. Specifically ask them if one of the reasons is to prevent Gail from writing the ending to Silver Skies, AND if this turns out to be one of the reasons, ask them question 9ee. Specifically ask them if Gail’s mother is being used as a weapon to prevent Gail from having the financial freedom to find time to write, if so, ask them question 9ee.
9ee) Are you trying to keep Gail busy in a low paying or non-writing job so that she’ll never have time to write the ending to Silver Skies? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 10 and 20.
9b) Were you knowingly, willingly and deliberately involved (in any manner) in defrauding Gail of money she had in her IRA accounts, when she liquidated (or thought she liquidated) her IRA accounts? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #10.
9c) Within the past year, did you (or someone you assist) have the influence (or ability) to stop or eliminate the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 9d.
9d) What can be done to eliminate or stop the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING? The person can answer this question with I don’t know, but he/she should be direct or cross-examined to determine if he/she knows the answer to this question. If it is determined that the direct or cross-examined person knows how to stop or eliminate the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, but won’t reveal the answer to us during direct or cross-examination, then assign a 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN from the German/Israeli CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (see Sect. 13.91 & 13.92) to search that person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer History (and 666-Computer or satellite computer memories) to obtain any and all valuable information which can be ferreted out from this person’s memories (or 666-Computer or satellite computer History).
10) Is one of the reasons that you don’t want (or you don’t care) for Gail to have all the proceeds from her novel Silver Skies (or from her IRA accounts) is because if she has this money, you (or someone you assist) may not be able to control her and/or her finances? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #11.
10a) Do you consider it such a high priority to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler that you have manipulated the total economy of a country or countries, in order to set things up to control Gail’s finances to the point that you can prevent Gail’s marriage to Vladimir Putin or to set things up to prevent her from living independently of the charity of others (so that you can use these others as weapons to control and/or manipulate Gail in order to further your goals)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them 10b, 10c and 10d. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10b) Which countries’ total economies have you manipulated in order to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler? Have them list ALL the countries whose economies they have manipulated in order to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler. Keep questioning them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals that they have named all the countries. The results of this question and the countries affected will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10c) Tell us what you have done to each country’s economy in order to control and/or manipulate Gail Schuler and why you feel this would be effective in controlling or manipulating Gail. Keep questioning them until they reveal all the strategies they have used to manipulate each country’s economy which is affected by their manipulations. For each action they took to manipulate an economy, they must reveal to us what their goal was in taking this action. For instance, if they manipulated the oil market in order to increase gasoline prices in the U.S. with the prime motive of doing this in order to prevent Gail from having the money she needs to live on her own IN ORDER TO PREVENT GAIL’s MARRIAGE TO PUTIN, the Jesuits must reveal that this was their motive. And then after the Jesuits have revealed all their economic machinations IN ORDER TO PREVENT A MARRIAGE and/or in order to destroy Gail Schuler, have them tell us the reason WHY they felt certain actions would bring about the goals they wanted. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10d) Is it one of your goals to ensure that Gail never marries a man of influence, if you felt this man of influence opposes your goals or could oppose your goals if he married Gail? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 10e. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10e) When any man of influence falls in love with Gail, do you immediately try to create the FALSE impression that that man only takes advantage of Gail and does not truly love Gail, in order to prevent that man from marrying Gail? Do you feel that Vladimir Putin genuinely loves Gail Schuler? These questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answers is/are determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them question 10f. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10f) Tell us strategies you use (such as the manipulation of a country’s economy, or the manipulation of Gail’s finances, or the use of UNWILLING AGENTS, or holding Gail’s mother hostage as an UNWILLING AGENT, or threatening to murder people with the 666-Computer or satellite technology, or using legal extortion on the influential man to prevent him from giving Gail financial assistance, etc.) in order to create the impression that any influential man who truly desires to marry Gail is trying to take advantage of Gail and her naivete. Is it true that you try to create the impression that Gail is naive and simple and not smart enough in the ways of the world for any man of real influence to take her seriously and that this is one of your prime strategies to prevent her marriage to any man of influence? And is it true that you try to create the impression that any influential man who wants to marry Gail is jaded, worldly, sophisticated and considers himself so far above Gail that he would never take her seriously and that you use this false impression to try to frame that influential man (who genuinely wants to marry Gail), with sophisticated murders, economic manipulations of COUNTRIES and with terrorist activities (which YOU have orchestrated). And is it true that you create these orchestrations to make it appear that that influential man who wants to marry Gail has committed these major orchestrations– in order to further the impression that this jaded, worldly influential man is taking advantage of Gail–and that you orchestrate all these major machinations in order to use extortion on that influential man TO PREVENT THAT MAN FROM MARRYING GAIL OR IF YOU CAN’t PREVENT THE MARRIAGE, IN ORDER TO DESTROY THE MARRIAGE? And could you please tell us just how much time and money and manpower you have invested and spent on all these evil machinations IN ORDER TO PREVENT OR DESTROY A MARRIAGE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE WHO LOVE EACH OTHER? Give us an estimate, please. Why do you consider Gail such a threat to your goals?–tell us all the reasons, please. Don’t let them off the hook, until truthful and complete answers are determined to ALL the questions in 10f. All the answers to 10f will be broadcast on GCFNC.
11) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to control Gail and/or her finances in order to destroy her and/or her influence? And, are you using LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (in any manner) to assist you (or someone you assist) in maintaining control over Gail and/or her finances? Both questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to either question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #12.
12) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to destroy Gail and/or her influence because you (or someone you assist) believe she blocks your goals (or the goals of someone you assist)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #13 and 20.
13) Is it one of your goals (or the goals of someone you assist) to establish a worldwide dictatorship for a Pope or religious leader (who will be under Jesuit control)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know, or I don’t care. They must choose the most truthful answer and state that they have chosen the most truthful answer. If the answer is determined to be no, I don’t know or I don’t care, then ask them question #14 and 20.
14) How does Gail block your goal(s) [or the goal(s) of someone you assist]?
If the direct or cross-examination questions have to do with underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, then ask questions 15a and 15b. All countries which have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, should have their leader(s) and other SIGNIFICANT PERSONs direct or cross-examined with questions 15 (and possibly 16 & 17).And Vladimir Putin and the Jesuit leader(s) should be direct or cross-examined with question 15 (and possibly 16 & 17) regarding each country that is determined to have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers.
15a) Were you aware (before it became public knowledge through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) that there were 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers in this/your country? This question must be answered with yes, no or I didn’t know. If it is determined that the person is/was aware that there were underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers in the country, ask them question 16 and 17.
15b) Do you desire to destroy or incapacitate all 666-Computer or satellite computers (under your jurisdiction or control) which are used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them question 16 and 17.
16a) Are there other countries that you know of, that have these 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers? If it is determined that this person knows of other countries, he/she must name all the countries that have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers (and he/she must answer question 16b), and the direct or cross-examination questions won’t stop until it is determined that he/she has named all the countries that he/she knows about that have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers.
16b) Can you tell us the number of UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS in each country and give us a picture of the level of UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKER infiltration within each country? If they have knowledge about the answer to this question, they must tell us all details (using percentages and numbers) about what they know. It may be especially helpful to know which countries have the most serious problem with UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS.
If it is determined through direct or cross-examination that the use of underground 666-Computer or satellite computers (housed in underground bunkers) was/is part of a strategy to frame an innocent party with the crimes of the Jesuits, then ask question 17.
17) Why are you now (all of a sudden) drawing attention to 666-Computer or satellite computers (housed in underground bunkers) or are allowing to be revealed previously unknown countries (or locations) which house 666-Computer or satellite computers in underground bunkers? Are you aware that the country’s leader(s)(in which these underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers have been discovered) and Vladimir Putin have/has only recently discovered that there were underground 666-Computer or satellite computers in this country–in other words, is it true that the knowledge of 666-Computer or satellite computer underground bunkers in this country is a secret that has been kept from Vladimir Putin and/or is a secret kept from the leader(s) of the country (who have only recently discovered this problem with 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers in their country)? If it is determined that a MAIN MOTIVE with these 666-Computer or satellite computer underground bunkers is to frame an innocent party or country or government with the 666-Computer or satellite computer crimes of the Jesuits, this needs to be determined and exposed through direct or cross-examination. The 2nd question must be answered with yes, no or I didn’t know.
18) Have you killed (or incapacitated) one of the leaders in your organization because you knew that if you allowed this person to live that the information we’d get from him/her would indict you (or someone you assist)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then have them answer question 19.
19) Who have you killed (or incapacitated) in order to prevent that person from giving us intelligence or information that could indict you (or someone you assist)?
The questions (which comprise question 20) are necessary in order to establish motive for Jesuit terrorist activities, and are not meant to discriminate against any religion or group of people. All references to Israel, the Jews or the word Jewish in the questions (which comprise question 20) mean the literal, blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and do not refer to any type of spiritual Jews–whether they be Christians, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, or whatever. The current Roman Catholic Pope should be direct or cross-examined regarding these questions (which comprise question 20), in order to clear him and protect him (if he’s innocent) or to establish his guilt:
20) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose Gail Schuler’s marriage to Vladimir Putin because this marriage will give Gail the opportunity to write the ending to Silver Skies (because if she’s married to Putin she will have the money to free herself to write)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20a.
20a) Is one of the main reasons you (or someone you assist) oppose Silver Skies is because of the ending Gail wants to write for it? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20b.
20b) Would you (or someone you assist) oppose an ending to Silver Skies in which the villain would be defeated by the set-up of a world-wide JEWISH kingdom (which would be governed by the genetic, blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob–i.e., the JEWISH nation of Israel)–with Jesus Christ on the throne as the blood, genetic descendant of King David? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20c.
20c) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose anyone who teaches and/or believes that the future kingdom (led by Jesus Christ–the Messiah) promised in the Bible is the fulfillment of the kingdom promises to the JEWISH nation of Israel? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20d. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20d) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose the teaching and/or belief that the future kingdom promised in the Bible is a JEWISH kingdom because this teaching or belief negates your position that this future kingdom (or reign of Christ promised in the Bible) will be governed by a Jesuit-controlled Pope and brought into being by those loyal to your views? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20e. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20e) Do you (or someone you assist) further oppose the teaching or belief that the future kingdom promised in the Bible is a JEWISH kingdom because this teaching or belief condemns the use of earthly means (like a 666-Computer or satellite computer or earthly armies) to set up the kingdom promised in the Bible; but, instead, endorses the view that this future JEWISH kingdom will be set up by the JEWISH–NON-CATHOLIC MESSIAH (the genetic descendant of King David of Israel) Jesus Christ through a HEAVENLY army (without any earthly help AT ALL)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20f. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20f) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose Gail’s intended ending for Silver Skies because it does not support AT ALL your view that a Pope will reign over a future Catholic kingdom (promised in the Bible)–but, instead, teaches that those who support your views (or the views of someone you assist) comprise the false Christ or Beast (or 666) or the FALSE kingdom (which the real JEWISH MESSIAH [Jesus Christ] must defeat at the Battle of Armageddon [with His army from heaven] in order to rescue the nation of Israel from annihilation [because the nation of Israel will be in danger of annihilation by those who support your views, or the views of someone you assist])? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20g.
20g) And even further, do you (or someone you assist) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’ ending teaches that all the kingdom promises in the Bible are the fulfillment of all the promises to the JEWISH nation of Israel [regarding their Messiah (who, in Silver Skies, will be the JEWISH descendant of King David and not at all ROMAN CATHOLIC)]? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20h.
20h) And even further, do you (or someone you assist) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’ ending would make you appear to be unjustified to kill (or control) those who oppose your views (or the views of someone you assist) about a future Catholic kingdom. This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20i.
20i) And even further, do you (or someone you assist) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’ ending promotes the view that those who support your position (or the position of someone you assist) will be part of a future false kingdom led by a Roman Catholic Pope or anti-Christ (or 666 or Beast) kingdom, who will have temporary reign over the earth for 7 years (in the worst period of mankind’s history as prophesied in the Bible)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20j.
20j) Do you (or someone you assist) feel that you have the right to kill or control those who oppose (or who you feel may oppose) your goal (or the goal of someone you assist) of a worldwide Catholic kingdom under a Jesuit-controlled Pope? Do you (or someone you assist) sponsor (directly or indirectly) any Muslim terrorist organizations? These questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to either of these questions is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20k and 20(l).
20k) Is the most important goal of your life (or the most important goal of someone you assist) the realization of a Roman Catholic kingdom (brought on by your efforts [or the efforts of someone you assist]), in order to set up a Jesuit-controlled Pope who will control the whole world? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, have them answer 20(l).
20(l) Do you (or someone you assist[ed]) feel the Jewish nation or the Jewish race does not have the right to exist? This question must be answered with yes–this is true, no–this isn’t true, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the yes answer is determined to involve someone that they assist[ed], they must tell us who this party (or persons) is/are and be direct or cross-examined to determine any Jesuit involvement with this party (or persons). If the answer is determined to be yes–this is true or I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20m.
20m) Were/are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware that Adolph Hitler was a puppet for the Jesuit Order as Hitler conducted his Nazi activities (including the Nazi death and concentration camps)? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20n.
20n) Were/are you further aware that the Nazi Order was part of a Jesuit directed plan to conquer the world in order to set up a world-wide Roman Catholic dictatorship under a Jesuit controlled Pope? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20(o).
20(o) Have you (or someone you assist[ed]) tried to shift all the blame for the Nazis onto the Germans in order to cover up the supreme involvement of the Jesuit Order in Nazi Germany? This question must be answered with yes–this is true, no–this isn’t true, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes–this is true, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20p.
20p) Were you aware when Gail wrote Silver Skies that her motive for writing it was primarily to write a great love story and that she only created the Beast character (or 666 or a future anti-Christ Pope) as her villain because of her interest and knowlee of the Bible and because she thought the Beast would make an interesting villain for her main characters? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20q.
20q) Are/were you further aware that in order to maintain the unique voice and theme of Silver Skies(which is–that if a love is great enough it can conquer anything) that Gail desires (and has desired) that the primary focus for her book’s ending is not to be the villain, but the great love between Dor and Brianna? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20r.
20r) Were/are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware (because of 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading abilities) that when Gail created her villain for Silver Skies (back in the 1990s), that she had no idea that her villain so brilliantly portrayed the attitude, goals and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20s.
20s) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) further aware that as Gail worked on Silver Skies (back in the 1990s), that she was unaware that she had antagonized the Jesuit Order (or that the Jesuit Order was even aware of Silver Skies) because of her brilliant and unintentionally accurate portrayal of the attitude, goals and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order (as she created her villain)? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I don’t know or I’m not sure, then have them answer question 20sa.
20sa) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) sensitive about the way the villain is portrayed in Silver Skies because the villain’s portrayal too closely resembles the way the Jesuit Order operates? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them question 20t.
20t) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware the Vladimir Putin had no knowledge or interest in Gail’s writings (including Silver Skies) until the fall of 2001 (when Vladimir became romantically interested in Gail)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I’m not sure or I didn’t/don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, I don’t/didn’t know or I’m not sure, then ask them question 20u.
20u) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) further aware that Vladimir Putin was not aware that you (or someone you assist[ed]) knew about Silver Skies (and everything about it and everything that was in it) years before Vladimir even knew the book existed? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained.
The questions which comprise question 21 are especially important if there is an allegation involving a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspiracy. The terms proper law enforcement or governmental authority in the questions which comprise 21, refer ONLY TO THOSE AUTHORITIES WHO WOULD HAVE THE POWER OR DESIRE TO STOP THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES REVOLVING AROUND THE 666-Computer or satellite computer (AT THE TIME THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES WERE OCCURRING)–and this needs to be made clear during the direct or cross-examination questions. For them to say they reported criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer use to the Vatican or to a terrorist government or to an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit conspirator (when they knew the person they reported the 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to was an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit conspirator)]; and when, at the time of the crime, the person(s) they reported the 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to was/were not interested in exposing any criminal activity (revolving around the 666-Computer or satellite computer) –would not qualify the person(s) they reported the activity to, as the proper law enforcement or governmental authority to report criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer activity.
21a) When did you (or someone you assist[ed]) first become aware of the existence and use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in any type of operation? If it is the persons which they assisted who seem to have all the 666-Computer or satellite computer culpability, then try through direct or cross-examination to determine when these persons became aware of the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer. It will be assumed that those persons who knew about the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer for a longer period of time are the more guilty parties–since how could one be guilty of a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspiracy if one did not even know the 666-Computer or satellite computer existed at the time the crime was committed? If through direct or cross-examination, it is determined the person knew about the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer before 2001, then ask them question 21b and 21e and 21i.
21b) When you (or someone you assisted) became aware of the existence and use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in any type of operation, did you (or someone you assisted) try to report this 666-Computer or satellite computer use and/or existence to any proper law enforcement or governmental authority? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know or I’m not sure. The best answer must be chosen according to 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, I don’t know or I’m not sure, then ask them question 21c. If the answer is determined to be no, then ask them question 21d.
21c) How did you (or someone you assisted) try to report the existence and/or use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (in any type of operation) to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority? It will be assumed that if one neglected to try to report the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and had knowledge of the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer) to the proper authorities, this was because one knew the activity was criminal and strived to cover up the activity. If it is determined that one knew of 666-Computer or satellite computer activity and did not report it, then try to determine (through direct or cross-examination) if the direct or cross-examined person was extorted into silence–this will lessen their culpability.
21d) Why did you (or someone you assisted) not report to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority the existence and/or use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (in any type of operation) when you knew the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used? Try to determine if the reason they did not report 666-Computer or satellite computer activity was because they strived to cover-up criminal activity.
21e) When you (or someone you assisted) became aware of the use and/or existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer, were you (or someone you assisted) aware the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used to murder or control people or to make people ill? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I wasn’t sure. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I wasn’t sure, then ask them question 21f.
21f) Did you (or someone you assisted) strive to report the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to any proper law enforcement or governmental authority? This question must be answered with yes, no or I’m not sure. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question 21g. If the answer is determined to be no or I’m not sure, then ask them question 21h.
21g) If you (or someone you assisted) reported 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority, why were no laws passed (until Gail Schuler wrote her CONSPIRACY LAWS) to regulate the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer? Try to determine if there may have been conspirators in the government who (when they heard about the 666-Computer or satellite computer), collaberated with those (who reported its use to the government) in a conspiracy of SILENCE (in order to cover up criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer activity). If there was a conspiracy of SILENCE in the government, determine whether those in the government may have been UNWILLING AGENTS or may have been Jesuit conspirators. Also determine if those who reported 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to the government were aware that their reports would not be acted upon–if this is the case, then they were a conspirator and their report to the government was not a sincere effort to curb the criminal use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer.
21h) If you (or someone you assisted) knew the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used to kill or sicken or control people, why did you (or someone you assisted) not strive to report its use to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority? Try to determine if the reason they did not report 666-Computer or satellite computer activity was because they strived to cover-up criminal activity.
21i) Tell us all you (or someone you assisted) knew about the 666-Computer or satellite computer at the time you became aware of its use and/or existence. Try to determine the extent of their knowledge about 666-Computer or satellite computer capabilities and the extent of their knowledge about its programming and operation. Also, determine WHEN they acquired this knowledge. If the knowledge was not acquired all at once, find out when they acquired knowledge for the different capabilities (especially any life-threatening or controlling capabilities). The more they knew about the 666-Computer or satellite computer (when 666-Computer or satellite computer knowledge was not common knowledge), the more guilty they will appear to be. This direct or cross-examination question may need to be asked by one who is an expert on the 666-Computer or satellite computer, to determine the extent of the knowledge they had about the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and its various capabilities), WHEN THEY ACQUIRED THIS KNOWLEDGE (for the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s various capabilities), and for how long they had this knowledge (for the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s various capabilities).
In question 22, put the UNWILLING AGENT’s name in the blank. The IMPOSED PERSON (who took over the UNWILLING AGENT) is the one direct or cross-examined in question 22.
22) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly and willingly, knowingly and deliberately use a computer that controls people’s brains (using long-distance satellite signals) to takeover _________’s brain, in order to force your personality and decisions to replace ___________’s personality and decisions. Because when you (or someone you assisted) used this computer on ___________’s brain, all decisions made through the controlled brain of ___________ were not the decisions of ___________, but were the decisions of yourself (or someone you assisted). Therefore, while you (or someone you assisted) controlled _________’s brain with this computer, ___________ did not have the power to make his/her own decisions and was totally controlled by this computer (to the point that the personality and person of ______________ no longer existed). In other words (while you used this computer on ___________), _____________ was forced (against his/her will or knowledge) to use his/her body, speech and actions as the means by which to adopt and carry out your decisions (not ________’s decisions) –because you (or someone you assisted) used this computer (without ___________’s permission or knowledge) to take over __________’s brain and decision-making powers.
If it is determined that the IMPOSED PERSON deliberately, knowingly and willingly was involved in using any person as an UNWILLING AGENT, that IMPOSED PERSON will be publicly executed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL [with the time, date and name of the IMPOSED PERSON broadcast (when the execution takes place)].
The questions which comprise question 23 cover marriage and the family. The definitions below are not meant to endorse or condemn any lifestyle, but are given in order to clarify the questioning (in the direct or cross-examination questions which comprise question 23).
For the purpose of this question 23, when the term marriage is used, it refers to any sexual relationship between a man and a woman (where the man and the woman have a written or unwritten contract to be faithful to each other sexually [to the exclusion of others]), even if that written or unwritten contract is not part of a licensed marriage relationship.
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term family is used, it refers to any relationship where there is a marriage (as defined above) or where there is a leader of a household –and/or those children, parents or other persons under the custody or care of that married couple (or leader of a household). Each country will have its own definition of what constitutes a family. For a country like the United States, a family would normally be considered a man and a woman (who have a contract to be sexually faithful to each other) or would be considered a leader of a household–and those children (with possibly grandparents or grandchildren as well) and other persons under the care or custody of that married couple (or leader of a household). The term family can also refer to a homosexual or bisexual couple (where the partners are sexually committed to each other in a written or unwritten contract) or to the leader of a homosexual or bisexual household, and those who are under the custody or care of the leader of that homosexual or bisexual household [or of those homosexual or bisexual person(s)].
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term engagement or to be engaged is used, it will refer to the promise made by mutual consent between two people to consummate their relationship into a marriage(as defined by this section).
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term marital or family matchmaking is used, it refers to any attempt (or action) to influence which persons come together into a marriage or family relationship
23) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfered with (or manipulated) this marriage (or potential marriage) or family because of your interest (or the interest of someone you assisted) in controlling families? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23b and 23bb.
23a) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfered with some families by directly or indirectly killing, maiming, or causing some physical, emotional, financial, legal, medical, or mental harm to some or all members of that family in order to manipulate that family in a manner to further your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted)? Cross-examine them to see if they used the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to assist them in their goals for families. This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23b.
23b) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to manipulate marriages and families because you feel you can better control or manipulate a population if you (or someone you assist) have manipulative control over the families of a population? Cross-examine them to see if they used the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to assist them in their goals for families. This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23c.
23bb) How have you or someone you assisted (directly or indirectly) manipulated this marriage, family or engagement? It is important to determine if they have orchestrated a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY–see Sect. 18 of General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws–to orchestrate a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. Cross-examine them to determine all methods they’ve used to manipulate the marriage, family or engagement.
23c) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to have manipulative control over families because you (or someone you assist) feel this is necessary in order to achieve your goal of a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them questions 23d and 23e.
23d) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly engaged in marital or family matchmaking (using ANY METHOD), in order to influence the character and/or makeup of a family or marriage, so that this marriage or family would enhance your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted) for a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to find out which families, marriage engagements, or marriages are involved.
23e) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfered with, destroyed r harmed an engagement to marriage– or interfered with, destroyed or harmed a family or a marriage (using ANY METHOD)– because you (or someone you assisted) felt this engagement, family or marriage (if left alone and not interfered with by you [or someone you assisted]), would hinder or prevent your goal (or the goal of someone you assisted) for a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to find out which families, marriage engagements, or marriages are involved.
If there is a dispute over whether the motive for an incident was a deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to orchestrate a conspiracy or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography, try asking question 24 regarding the incident:
24) When you committed (or were involved with) this incident, did you feel that you were manipulated or tricked (against your will or knowledge) into committing (or being involved with) this incident? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer to this question is determined to be no, ask them question 25.
25) Did you or someone you assist (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly, and willingly (and with meticulous care and attention to detail, timing or events), orchestrate this incident–in order to create a conspiracy or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. The most truthful answer must be determined.
The questions which comprise question 26 deal with LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violations, in order to determine motives for these violations, because the wrong motives will bring the death penalty (see Sect. 70.92 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs):
26) Did you (or someone you assist) orchestrate this incident, in order to (directly or indirectly) prevent or hinder (or draw attention to) the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from any PERSON-PROGRAM? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 26a.
26 a) In your attempt (or action) to orchestrate this incident, were you (or someone you assisted) trying to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process in any manner? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to determine how hey attempted to (or did) draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process. If the answer is determined to be yes, also ask them question 26b.
26 b) Tell us why you wanted to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process with this incident. Cross examine them until all the reasons for why they wanted to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process have been determined. The direct or cross-examination may have to go into detail: PERSON-PROGRAM by PERSON-PROGRAM or incident by incident. Keep cross-examining them until their TRUE MOTIVES are determined.
27) Did you (or someone you assist) orchestrate this incident, so that the timing of the incident would strengthen your ability to frame an innocent party (or parties) with a conspiracy? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 28. Cross-examine them to get all the details over how and why they timed the incident to occur when it occurred.
28) Who are you (or someone you assist) trying to frame with this incident? And why do you feel that by timing this incident to occur when it did, that you feel you can better frame the innocent party (or parties) you want to frame? Cross-examine them to determine all the parties they want to frame, what kind of conspiracy they are trying to frame an innocent party (or parties) with, and why they timed this incident to occur when it occurred.
29) What is your main motive (or the motive of someone you assist) for bringing this issue into the spotlight? Cross-examine them to determine the MAIN MOTIVE for bringing this issue into the spotlight. Is the issue which you are bringing up (or debating about), THE MAIN REASON YOU HAVE BROUGHT THIS ISSUE TO THE FOREFRONT? Cross-examine them to see if they are cloaking their real reason for bringing up this issue with a smokescreen. If it is determined that there is another motive (besides the motive which they claim is the reason for bringing up this issue), ask them question 30.
30) Is your MAIN MOTIVE (or the motive of someone you assist) for bringing this issue to the spotlight, so that you can create a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 31.
31) How are you (or someone you assist) using this issue (which you’ve brought to the spotlight) so that you can create a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must give details about what kind of conspiracy they are trying to orchestrate and how they plan to use this issue to create this conspiracy.
The following questions which comprise question 32, deal with deception in news reporting:
32) Did you (or someone you assist) deliberately, knowingly and willingly create this news (or newspaper) story with the intent to lie to the public or to deceive the public? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 32a and 32b.
32a) Why did you (or someone you assist) deliberately create a deceptive and/or false news report or newspaper story? The direct or cross-examiner must determine if they are using this lying newspaper or news report as an attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party. If so, this is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The direct or cross-examiner should keep questioning them until the real motive for their lying and deception is revealed.
32b) Tell us what in your news story is deceptive or a lie and let us know how this story can be changed in order to make it accurate and truthful. We will expose the lies in your news story on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and we will also rewrite your story and present your story on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL in a truthful version. Direct or cross-examine them to get the answers to this question 32b. If they refuse to tell us the truth about the lies in their news story, then we will ignore them and will expose the lies in their news story and will present a truthful version of their story on GCFNC. Regardless of how they respond to this question, immediately after this question, have THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL expose the lies in their false news story and then (right afterwards) THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will present a truthful version of their false news story on GCFNC. Ask them question 32c.
32c) Was one of your motives in creating this false news story an attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, inform them that they will be executed for this crime and that presenting false news stories to the public with the intent to orchestrate a conspiracy (with which to frame an innocent party) is a DEATH PENALTY violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The direct or cross-examiner may want to jump to other direct or cross-examination questions after this one.
The following questions (which comprise question 33) deal with the reasons why the Jesuits target specific persons:
33) Name the top twenty to fifty person(s) in the world that you (or someone you assist) consider the most damaging to the goals of the Jesuit Order. This question is to be asked of a Jesuit leader or someone who is being direct or cross-examined for complicity with a Jesuit conspiracy. The direct or cross-examiner should get a complete list and obtain a list of all those persons that the JESUITS THEMSELVES consider the most damaging to their goals. Names can be thrown out to the one being questioned, and 666-Computer lie-detection (in combination with the questioning) can be used to determine who should be included on this list. This list of Jesuit-targeted persons may be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and a ten million dollar reward will be given to anyone who captures (or gives information which leads to a capture) or who provides overwhelming evidence against any important criminal involved in a conspiracy to target any of the persons on this list. If a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is named in the top twenty to fifty on this Jesuit-targeted persons list, then ask them question 33a.
33a) Are you (or someone you assist) targeting this person (who is on the Jesuit-targeted list) because you (or someone you assist) consider this person to be a person in the world who brings tremendous damage to the goals of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 33b and question 13.
33b) Have you (or someone you assist[ed]) used any form of genetic profiling as a basis for your decision that this person (who is on the Jesuit-targeted persons list) is a person that needs to be eliminated, destroyed, weakened, or monitored or that this person (on the Jesuit-targeted list) must have their reputation destroyed? Have the questioner give an example of genetic profiling. For instance, tell them that the Jesuits determined that Gail Schuler had a genetic profile that matches the genetic profile of Howard Hughes by 90%, and the Jesuits determined that for this reason ALONE Gail Schuler should be monitored from the day she was born, in order to ensure that her Howard Hughes’ brain would not be used against the goals of the Jesuit Order. Howard Hughes was the brother of Gail Schuler’s paternal grandfather. This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question 33c and 33e.
33c) Did you (or someone you assist[ed]) directly or indirectly (using any method–including the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology) murder Howard Hughes? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 33d.
33d) Why did you (or someone you assisted) murder (or would have desired to murder) Howard Hughes? Question them until the truthful answer(s) to this question is/are obtained.
33e) Which persons on the Jesuit-targeted list have you genetically profiled? Question them until a complete list of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (who have been genetically profiled) is obtained. If any of these genetically profiled persons are on the Jesuit-targeted list, next to the targeted person’s name on the list (broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) may be mentioned that this person has been genetically profiled by the Jesuits. Any helpful information (in relation to this genetic profiling) may be mentioned also on the list. For those who want the ten million dollar reward, this genetic profiling information may help that person to arrest and/or convict Jesuit criminals.
The following is a very basic question, but may help to make it crystal clear who would have the motive to commit certain crimes:
34) What 3 things in this life do you want more than anything else in the world? The alleged conspirator should be direct or cross-examined to determine if what that person wants more than anything in the world is money or power, because all violations of CONSPIRACY LAWS are motived by a desire for power or wealth. The person’s TRUE MOTIVE for living must be determined sham and pretense must be eliminated in any answers to this question.
666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection must be strictly used while the person gives the answers to this question.
The questions which comprise question 35 deal with the manipulation of finances or the manipulation of the prices of goods and services, the stock market(s) and/or the economy.
35) Are you (or someone you assist) engaged directly or indirectly (knowingly and willingly) in the manipulation of any nation’s economy, or in the manipulation of the prices of goods or services, or in the manipulation of financial institutions or of the stock market (anywhere in the world), in order to further your goals? Specifically ask if they are manipulating the economies, prices of goods or services, financial institutions or stock markets of any country or part of the world. This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 35a and 35b.
35a) How are you (or someone you assist) manipulating this country’s economy, the prices of goods or services, finances, or the financial institution(s) or stock market? Determine all the methods they are using to manipulate an economy, finances, financial institution(s) or stock market(s).
35b) Why are you (or someone you assist) manipulating this country’s economy, the prices of goods or services, finances, or the financial institution(s) or stock market? It is especially important to determine if they are using this economic or financial manipulation to create a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party. Throw out the names of some people or organizations (like Vladimir Putin, the Russian government, Pres. George Bush, the American government, etc.) that they may want to frame with a financial or economic conspiracy and check their response for honesty (according to 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection). If it is determined that they are trying to orchestrate a conspiracy or conspiracies with which to frame an innocent party or parties, ask them questions 2c and 2d .
36) Do you (or someone you assist) consider Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAWS to be the most threatening opponent you’ve ever encountered in all of the history of any organization which you (or someone you assist) sponsor or promote? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question 36a, and question them to determine which organization they are associated with– that considers Gail Schuler such a threat.
36a) Are Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAWS enough of a threat to you (or someone you assist) that you (or someone you assist) would be willing to spend trillions of dollars on manpower (or on anything) to stop her from writing CONSPIRACY LAW? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 36b and make them tell us exactly how much they are spending to foil (directly or indirectly) Gail Schuler’s attempt to write or promote CONSPIRACY LAW.
36b) Are you (or someone you assist) behind the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violations being employed on Gail Schuler and/or her family and/or her friends at this time? This question must be answered with yes or no.
37) Are you (or someone you assist) behind any of the brutal kidnappings, beheadings, and tortures of innocent civilians and of other innocent people which we have heard about on the news? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 37a and 37b. Also question them to determine if the killer (or would be killers involved) were UNWILLING AGENTS controlled by JESUIT IMPOSED PERSONS.
37a) Please list the names of all persons whose beheading, torture, kidnapping, etc. you (or someone you assisted) have (directly or indirectly) supported in any manner, including the use of UNWILLING AGENTS as the means of torture. Question them by throwing out names of those who have been beheaded, tortured, held hostage, kidnapped, etc.–going as far back as 9-11-01 or previously–in order to determine whose beheading, tortures, kidnappings, hostage taking they have directly or indirectly supported.
37b) Give us the real reason why you (or someone you assist) are supporting this torture and what you hope to accomplish by doing this. Question them to determine their real motives for supporting this/these torture(s), and make sure these motives (and those Jesuits who support these tortures) are exposed and identified on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
Sometimes a person’s answer to one of these questions may be partially yes and partially no or it could be I don’t care. If this is the case, the person questioned should answer yes or no or I don’t care, and then can qualify his/her answer after he/she answers yes or noor I don’t care. Because Jesuits orchestrate so many incidents, it may be necessary to ask these questions (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) of Vladimir Putin or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON and of the Jesuit leader(s) like the following questions (in this Section 2.01). Also, the questions don’t need to be asked in the order directed and any question can be asked of any alleged suspect–the questions don’t have to be limited to certain suspects nor do the questions have to be asked in any specific order. The directions about how to ask the questions are only for guidance and don’t have to be followed to the letter. Otherwise, Vladimir could be under public direct or cross-examination for Jesuit orchestrated incidents all day long and he has other duties he has to take care of. Here are the questions: :
1) Did you know this would happen? If the answer to this question is yes or I’m not sure regarding the use of a REPLICATOR PROGRAM (see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or TRIGGER PROGRAMS, ask them question 1a.
1a) Did you (or someone you assist) know that our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and/or Vladimir Putin were unaware of the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or of SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or of TRIGGER PROGRAMS? This question must be answered with yes, I didn’t know, or I wasn’t sure. If the answer is determined to be yes or I wasn’t sure, ask them question 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f.
1b) Why didn’t you (or someone you assist) tell us about the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or the ability to direct satellite technology to work through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or of the ability of satellite technology to kill/alter germs and/or cancer in the body or elsewhere or of the existence of TRIGGER PROGRAMS? The person must be questioned to determine ALL the reasons they didn’t tell us about the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or of the ability to direct satellite technology to work through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or to kill/alter germs or cancer in the body or elsewhere. Next, ask them question 1c.
1c) Why did you (or someone you assist) allow all REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMs and/or satellite directed LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMS in the world to remain idle and waited until we removed ALL of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING before you used any REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS or waited until Gail’s throat was contaminated with serious germs before you used any SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or before you used satellite technology in an obvious manner to kill/alter germs or cancer in the body or elsewhere or before you activated any TRIGGER PROGRAMS? The person must be questioned to determine all the reasons they (or someone they assisted) deliberately allowed all REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS throughout the world to remain idle and did not use any of them, until all of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS were removed from her PERSON-PROGRAM or why they waited until Gail Schuler was infected with serious germs before they made it obvious that satellite technology could kill germs in the body or elsewhere and/or alter cancers, etc.
1d) Do you (or someone you assist) consider Gail Schuler’s I.Q. (in its present state or before you used your technologies on her brain) to be equivalent to her relative Howard Hughes? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 33c and question 1(d2).
1(d2) Is it possible that if we are able to remove or undo the damage which you (or someone you assisted) have done to Gail Schuler’s brain (through the use of your technologies), that we can restore the I.Q. she was born with, and that her restored I.Q. (after we have undone the damage you have done to her brain) will then be equivalent to Howard Hughes? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, question them to determine clues about how to restore Gail Schuler’s I.Q. to what it was before the Jesuits messed with her brain. Use 666-Computer Historians to help us learn their secrets and to help us come up with good direct- or cross-examination questions that may force them to give us clues.
1e) What strategies did you (or someone you assist) use to keep REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (and the use of satellite to kill germs or cancer) and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMS a secret from Vladimir Putin and from our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS, so that we’d only discover these after all of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS were removed from her PERSON-PROGRAM or after Gail’s throat was contaminated with serious germs? Question them to determine if illegal LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was perhaps used to induce any 666-Computer or satellite computer amnesia on our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS or if perhaps LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was used on our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS to cause them to have 666-Computer or satellite computer directed obsessions which caused them to overlook obvious possibilities (such as REPLICATOR PROGRAMMING or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or the use of satellite to kill/alter germs and cancers or TRIGGER PROGRAMS). Try to determine all the methods and strategies they used to keep this technology a secret from us–until they felt it was to their legal advantage to reveal this information to us.
1f) Is there any other essential information or knowledge about your technologies (especially in the use of satellite or 666-Computer technologies) that we need to know and that you have deliberately withheld from us, but which you plan to reveal to us later–when you feel you can set up the revealing of this information in a manner which would frame an innocent party with your crimes? Question them to determine if there are any other essential secrets we need to know about. If the Jesuits won’t reveal these secrets, then put the 666-Computer Historians to work on these Jesuit Conspirators and using a combination of direct and cross-examination on the Jesuits (to try to weed clues out of them) and 666-Computer historical research into the Jesuits’ brains and memories– try to determine what other secrets we need to know about.
1g) This question and all the answers and aspects to it (including the italicized sections below) which are determined through 666-Computer lie-detection analysis must be broadcast in prime time on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL: Will you no longer be able to control Gail Schuler’s health and body through the 666-Computer or satellite, once we remove all LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from her PERSON-PROGRAM (if we continue to use the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal methods on her which we are using right now)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I’m not sure. If the answer is determined to be no or I’m not sure, question them to determine what secrets (about LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal) that they are keeping from us and that we will discover later. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them (under 666-Computer lie-detection and publicize the results on GCFNC) if this is why they have deliberately made Gail sick by inundating her with germs (NAME THE GERMS) at her workplace and then tiring her out and weakening her body’s resistance (via the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING which the Jesuits have left to work with), because they know that this is their last chance to get Gail before they lose their ability to manipulate Gail’s body (via 666-Computer) before we remove all her LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING. If the underlined section is determined to be true, then broadcast this above underlined Jesuit motive (as determined through this cross-examination) on GCFNC and ask the Bible believing Christians to pray for the safe removal of Gail’s LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, because the Jesuits are baring their claws because they know they are about to lose their decades-long ability to control and manipulate the Howard Hughes descendant (Gail’s) health and body through the 666-Computer. EMPHASIZE THAT THEY MURDERED HOWARD HUGHES (WHO IS DESCENDED FROM KINGS DAVID AND SOLOMON) THROUGH THE 666-COMPUTER.
2) Are you happy these incidents (or pattern of incidents) happened?
2a) Have you indirectly or directly and willingly, knowingly and deliberately participated in any of the funding for this/these incident(s)? The answer to this question must be either yes or no or I don’t know, though the answer can be qualified. If the answer is yes, have them answer question 2b.
2b) How have you participated in the funding for this/these incident(s)? Can you tell us all organizations or persons (including Jesuits) that were willingly, knowingly and deliberately involved in the funding for this/these incident(s)? Second question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know–they should tell us all they know. If it is determined Jesuits are involved in the funding, the person must tell us how.
If after some direct or cross-examination questions (or because of evidence), it is determined that the person is directly or indirectly guilty of participating in (or orchestrating) the incident, ask them questions 2c and 2d.
2c) What was your MAIN motive for committing this/these crime(s) or incident(s)? It is very important to determine if one of the motives may have been to frame an innocent party with the crime, because this is a capital crime under CONSPIRACY LAW. We will not accept an answer that is not the MAIN motive for the answer to this question. For instance, they may claim that the Spanish ruler’s government was targeted because of his support for the United States’ war in Iraq, when their MAIN motive may have been to draw attention to the ethnography of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin, in order to orchestrate a conspiracy. Do not accept any answer except what was truthfully their MAIN motive. If the MAIN motive for the incident(s) is determined to be an attempt to portray Vladimir Putin to the world as a dictator, ruthless spy or cold authoritarian figure, then ask question 2e.
2d) What were your secondary motives for committing this/these crime(s) or incident(s)? Make sure to differentiate between main and secondary motives in the answers to questions 2c and 2d. Then have them list by percentages just how important the main motive was as compared to the secondary motives. For instance, they may say that 90% of the reason they orchestrated the train bombings in Spain was to draw attention to an ethnography and 10% was to show opposition to the Spanish leader’s support of the Iraq war with the United States. Make sure they state the percentages truthfully. Keep cross-examining them until they come up with percentages and motives that pass 666-Computer lie-detection.
2dd) What did you (or someone you assist) want to draw attention to with this incident? They should answer this question with a fill in the blank. “I wanted to create an incident over __________.”
2e) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS? If the answer is determined to be yes or I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask question 2f.
2ee) Did you (directly or indirectly) create this incident in order to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them 2ff.
2ff) What conspiracy are you trying to orchestrate and which innocent party or parties are you trying to frame? Cross-examine them until they answer this question completely.
2f) Why do you (or someone you assist) not support Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS? During direct or cross-examination find out if one of the main reasons for the lack of support of the CONSPIRACY LAWS is because the CONSPIRACY LAWS block or hinder the Jesuits’ goal for a worldwide dictatorship under Jesuit control. If it is determined that the lack of support for Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS is because these laws block or hinder the Jesuits’ goal for a worldwide dictatorship under Jesuit control, then ask question 2g.
2g) Did you (or someone you assist) participate (directly or indirectly) in this/these incident(s) or slanted press coverage of Putin (which attempted to discredit Putin by making him appear to be a cold or manipulating or power-hungry authoritarian figure) because Vladimir Putin whole heartedly incorporates Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS (which you [or someone you assist] oppose[s]) into his government, his governing style, and/or his foreign affairs? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, they must state whether the opposition is to Putin’s incorporation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS into his government, his governing style or his foreign affairs. What they oppose about his incorporation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS must be specific. Is it the incorporation into his government, his governing style, his foreign affairs: 1) all THREE?, 2) or two of the three?, 3) or one of the three?, etc.
2h) Do you oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t care, have them answer question 2i.
2i) Do you feel a marriage between Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler could block an important goal you (or someone you assist) have? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, have them answer question 13.
3) Would you have prevented these incidents (or pattern of incidents) and/or the funding for this/these incident(s) from happening if you could have?
If the answer to Question #2 is determined (even if only through 666-Computer lie-detection) to be yes or I don’t care or if the answer to Question #3 is determined to be no or I don’t care:
4) Is one of the reasons you are happy this (these incidents) happened or you would not have prevented this (these incidents) from happening if you could have or you don’t care that this/these incident(s) occurred is because it draws attention to (or is a part of) a conspiracy which you deliberately, knowingly and willingly (directly or indirectly) have orchestrated? If the answer to this question is yes, then ask them Question 4b.
4b) Can you tell us how long this conspiracy (which you are involved in) has been going on? If they know how long the conspiracy has been going on, they are required to tell us how long it has been going on.
If the person refuses to give a straight answer and evades any question, then ask them this question:
5) Are you evading this question (or refusing to comment) because you know if you give an unambiguous (or clear) answer that your answer will incriminate you? [See Sect. 2.2]
If the person was involved with someone or some organization who/that is determined to be a Jesuit Conspirator, then ask them this question:
6) Did you know this person or organization that you were involved with was a Jesuit Conspirator? They must answer this question with yes, no or I wasn’t sure– they can qualify their answer if they want to. If the answer is determined to be no or I wasn’t sure, then ask them question #7. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question #8.
7) Would you have been involved with this person or organization (whom we know to be a Jesuit Conspirator) if you had known this person or organization was a Jesuit Conspirator? If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question #8.
8) Why were you involved with this person or organization, when you knew they were a Jesuit Conspirator?
9) Are you willingly, knowingly and deliberately using (directly or indirectly) LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or satellite technology or the manipulation of any country’s economy in any manner to assist you (or someone you assist) in any type of goal which you (or someone you assist) have, which involves controlling people so that you (or someone you assist) can manipulate and/or control their finances (or their lives)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes, they must state if they are using LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, satellite technology, and/or manipulation of a country (or countries’) economy and must state how they are using this technology or how they are manipulating a country or countries’ economy in order to control people and/or their finances. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know in regard to the use of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or satellite technology, then ask them question #10. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know in regard to the manipulation of a country or countries’ economy, then ask them questions #9a, 9aa, 9ee, 9b, 10, 10a through 10.
9a) Do you want Gail Schuler to receive all the proceeds she’s earned from her novel Silver Skies, as long as it is safe for her to receive them? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If this question’s answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them question #10.
9aa) Do you want Gail to be able to write the ending to Silver Skies without harassment or threats to her life? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them 9bb and 9ee.
9bb) Are you deliberately trying to hinder or prevent the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from Gail’s mother’s PERSON-PROGRAM in order to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them 9cc and 9dd.
9cc) How are you trying to prevent us from removing Gail’s mother from the control of those who would use her as an UNWILLING AGENT? They must give us details. Keep cross-examining them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals they’ve told us all ways they are trying to hinder or prevent the removal of Gail’s mother’s from use as an UNWILLING AGENT.
9dd) Why do you desire to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT? They must give us details. Keep cross-examining them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals they’ve told us all reasons they want to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT. Specifically ask them if one of the reasons is to prevent Gail from writing the ending to Silver Skies, AND if this turns out to be one of the reasons, ask them question 9ee. Specifically ask them if Gail’s mother is being used as a weapon to prevent Gail from having the financial freedom to find time to write, if so, ask them question 9ee.
9ee) Are you trying to keep Gail busy in a low paying or non-writing job so that she’ll never have time to write the ending to Silver Skies? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 10 and 20.
9b) Were you knowingly, willingly and deliberately involved (in any manner) in defrauding Gail of money she had in her IRA accounts, when she liquidated (or thought she liquidated) her IRA accounts? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #10.
9c) Within the past year, did you (or someone you assist) have the influence (or ability) to stop or eliminate the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 9d.
9d) What can be done to eliminate or stop the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING? The person can answer this question with I don’t know, but he/she should be direct or cross-examined to determine if he/she knows the answer to this question. If it is determined that the direct or cross-examined person knows how to stop or eliminate the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, but won’t reveal the answer to us during direct or cross-examination, then assign a 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN from the German/Israeli CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (see Sect. 13.91 & 13.92) to search that person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer History (and 666-Computer or satellite computer memories) to obtain any and all valuable information which can be ferreted out from this person’s memories (or 666-Computer or satellite computer History).
10) Is one of the reasons that you don’t want (or you don’t care) for Gail to have all the proceeds from her novel Silver Skies (or from her IRA accounts) is because if she has this money, you (or someone you assist) may not be able to control her and/or her finances? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #11.
10a) Do you consider it such a high priority to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler that you have manipulated the total economy of a country or countries, in order to set things up to control Gail’s finances to the point that you can prevent Gail’s marriage to Vladimir Putin or to set things up to prevent her from living independently of the charity of others (so that you can use these others as weapons to control and/or manipulate Gail in order to further your goals)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them 10b, 10c and 10d. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10b) Which countries’ total economies have you manipulated in order to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler? Have them list ALL the countries whose economies they have manipulated in order to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler. Keep questioning them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals that they have named all the countries. The results of this question and the countries affected will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10c) Tell us what you have done to each country’s economy in order to control and/or manipulate Gail Schuler and why you feel this would be effective in controlling or manipulating Gail. Keep questioning them until they reveal all the strategies they have used to manipulate each country’s economy which is affected by their manipulations. For each action they took to manipulate an economy, they must reveal to us what their goal was in taking this action. For instance, if they manipulated the oil market in order to increase gasoline prices in the U.S. with the prime motive of doing this in order to prevent Gail from having the money she needs to live on her own IN ORDER TO PREVENT GAIL’s MARRIAGE TO PUTIN, the Jesuits must reveal that this was their motive. And then after the Jesuits have revealed all their economic machinations IN ORDER TO PREVENT A MARRIAGE and/or in order to destroy Gail Schuler, have them tell us the reason WHY they felt certain actions would bring about the goals they wanted. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10d) Is it one of your goals to ensure that Gail never marries a man of influence, if you felt this man of influence opposes your goals or could oppose your goals if he married Gail? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 10e. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10e) When any man of influence falls in love with Gail, do you immediately try to create the FALSE impression that that man only takes advantage of Gail and does not truly love Gail, in order to prevent that man from marrying Gail? Do you feel that Vladimir Putin genuinely loves Gail Schuler? These questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answers is/are determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them question 10f. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10f) Tell us strategies you use (such as the manipulation of a country’s economy, or the manipulation of Gail’s finances, or the use of UNWILLING AGENTS, or holding Gail’s mother hostage as an UNWILLING AGENT, or threatening to murder people with the 666-Computer or satellite technology, or using legal extortion on the influential man to prevent him from giving Gail financial assistance, etc.) in order to create the impression that any influential man who truly desires to marry Gail is trying to take advantage of Gail and her Anaivete. Is it true that you try to create the impression that Gail is naive and simple and not smart enough in the ways of the world for any man of real influence to take her seriously and that this is one of your prime strategies to prevent her marriage to any man of influence? And is it true that you try to create the impression that any influential man who wants to marry Gail is jaded, worldly, sophisticated and considers himself so far above Gail that he would never take her seriously and that you use this false impression to try to frame that influential man (who genuinely wants to marry Gail), with sophisticated murders, economic manipulations of COUNTRIES and with terrorist activities (which YOU have orchestrated). And is it true that you create these orchestrations to make it appear that that influential man who wants to marry Gail has committed these major orchestrations– in order to further the impression that this jaded, worldly influential man is taking advantage of Gail–and that you orchestrate all these major machinations in order to use extortion on that influential man TO PREVENT THAT MAN FROM MARRYING GAIL OR IF YOU CAN’t PREVENT THE MARRIAGE, IN ORDER TO DESTROY THE MARRIAGE? And could you please tell us just how much time and money and manpower you have invested and spent on all these evil machinations IN ORDER TO PREVENT OR DESTROY A MARRIAGE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE WHO LOVE EACH OTHER? Give us an estimate, please. Why do you consider Gail such a threat to your goals?–tell us all the reasons, please. Don’t let them off the hook, until truthful and complete answers are determined to ALL the questions in 10f. All the answers to 10f will be broadcast on GCFNC.
11) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to control Gail and/or her finances in order to destroy her and/or her influence? And, are you using LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (in any manner) to assist you (or someone you assist) in maintaining control over Gail and/or her finances? Both questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to either question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #12.
12) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to destroy Gail and/or her influence because you (or someone you assist) believe she blocks your goals (or the goals of someone you assist)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #13 and 20.
13) Is it one of your goals (or the goals of someone you assist) to establish a worldwide dictatorship for a Pope or religious leader (who will be under Jesuit control)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know, or I don’t care. They must choose the most truthful answer and state that they have chosen the most truthful answer. If the answer is determined to be no, I don’t know or I don’t care, then ask them question #14 and 20.
14) How does Gail block your goal(s) [or the goal(s) of someone you assist]?
If the direct or cross-examination questions have to do with underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, then ask question 15. All countries which have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, should have their leader(s) and other SIGNIFICANT PERSONs direct or cross-examined with questions 15 (and possibly 16 & 17). And Vladimir Putin and the Jesuit leader(s) should be direct or cross-examined with question 15 (and possibly 16 & 17) regarding each country that is determined to have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers.
15a) Were you aware (before it became public knowledge through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) that there were 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers in these/this/your country (countries)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I didn’t know. If it is determined that the person is/was aware that there were underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers in the country (countries), ask them question 16 and 17.
15b) Do you desire to destroy or incapacitate all 666-Computer or satellite computers (under your jurisdiction or control) which are used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them question 16 and 17.
16a) Are there other countries that you know of, that have these 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers? If it is determined that this person knows of other countries, he/she must name all the countries that have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, and the direct or cross-examination questions won’t stop until it is determined that he/she has named all the countries that he/she knows about that have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers.
16b) Can you tell us the number of UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS in each country and give us a picture of the level of UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKER infiltration within each country? If they have knowledge about the answer to this question, they must tell us all details (using percentages and numbers) about what they know. It may be especially helpful to know which countries have the most serious problem with UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS.
If it is determined through direct or cross-examination that the use of underground 666-Computer or satellite computers (housed in underground bunkers) was/is part of a strategy to frame an innocent party with the crimes of the Jesuits, then ask question 17.
17) Why are you now (all of a sudden) drawing attention to 666-Computer or satellite computers (housed in underground bunkers) or are allowing to be revealed previously unknown countries (or locations) which house 666-Computer or satellite computers in underground bunkers? Are you aware that the country (or countries’) leader(s)(in which these underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers have been discovered) and Vladimir Putin have/has only recently discovered that there were underground 666-Computer or satellite computers in this/these country (countries)–in other words, is it true that the knowledge of 666-Computer or satellite computer underground bunkers in this/these country (countries) is a secret that has been kept from Vladimir Putin and/or is a secret kept from the leader(s) of the country (countries) (who have only recently discovered this problem with 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers in their country [countries])? If it is determined that a MAIN MOTIVE with these 666-Computer or satellite computer underground bunkers is to frame an innocent party or country or government with the 666-Computer or satellite computer crimes of the Jesuits, this needs to be determined and exposed through direct or cross-examination. The 2nd question must be answered with yes, no or I didn’t know.
18) Have you killed (or incapacitated) one (or several) of the leaders in your organization because you knew that if you allowed this/these person(s) to live that the information we’d get from him/her would indict you (or someone you assist)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then have them answer question 19.
19) Who have you killed (or incapacitated) in order to prevent that person from giving us intelligence or information that could indict you (or someone you assist)?
The questions (which comprise question 20) are necessary in order to establish motive for Jesuit terrorist activities, and are not meant to discriminate against any religion or group of people. All references to Israel, the Jews or the word Jewish in the questions (which comprise question 20) mean the literal, blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and do not refer to any type of spiritual Jews–whether they be Christians, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, or whatever. The current Roman Catholic Pope should be direct or cross-examined regarding these questions (which comprise question 20), in order to clear him and protect him (if he’s innocent) or to establish his guilt:
20) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose Gail Schuler’s marriage to Vladimir Putin because this marriage will give Gail the opportunity to write the ending to Silver Skies (because if she’s married to Putin she will have the money to free herself to write)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20a.
20a) Is one of the main reasons you (or someone you assist) oppose Silver Skies is because of the ending Gail wants to write for it? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20b.
20b) Would you (or someone you assist) oppose an ending to Silver Skies in which the villain would be defeated by the set-up of a world-wide JEWISH kingdom (which would be governed by the genetic, blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob–i.e., the JEWISH nation of Israel)–with Jesus Christ on the throne as the blood, genetic descendant of King David? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t knowor I don’t care, then have them answer question 20c.
20c) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose anyone who teaches and/or believes that the future kingdom (led by Jesus Christ–the Messiah) promised in the Bible is the fulfillment of the kingdom promises to the JEWISH nation of Israel? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20d. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20d) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose the teaching and/or belief that the future kingdom promised in the Bible is a JEWISH kingdom because this teaching or belief negates your position that this future kingdom (or reign of Christ promised in the Bible) will be governed by a Jesuit-controlled Pope and brought into being by those loyal to your views? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20e. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20e) Do you (or someone you assist) further oppose the teaching or belief that the future kingdom promised in the Bible is a JEWISH kingdom because this teaching or belief condemns the use of earthly means (like a 666-Computer or satellite computer or earthly armies) to set up the kingdom promised in the Bible; but, instead, endorses the view that this future JEWISH kingdom will be set up by the JEWISH–NON-CATHOLIC MESSIAH (the genetic descendant of King David of Israel) Jesus Christ through a HEAVENLY army (without any earthly help AT ALL)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20f. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20f) Do you (or someone you assist) oppose Gail’s intended ending for Silver Skies because it does not support AT ALL your view that a Pope will reign over a future Catholic kingdom (promised in the Bible)–but, instead, teaches that those who support your views (or the views of someone you assist) comprise the false Christ or Beast (or 666) or the FALSE kingdom (which the real JEWISH MESSIAH [Jesus Christ] must defeat at the Battle of Armageddon [with His army from heaven] in order to rescue the nation of Israel from annihilation [because the nation of Israel will be in danger of annihilation by those who support your views, or the views of someone you assist])? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20g.
20g) And even further, do you (or someone you assist) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’ending teaches that all the kingdom promises in the Bible are the fulfillment of all the promises to the JEWISH nation of Israel [regarding their Messiah (who, in Silver Skies, will be the JEWISH descendant of King David and not at all ROMAN CATHOLIC)]? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20h.
20h) And even further, do you (or someone you assist) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’ending would make you appear to be unjustified to kill (or control) those who oppose your views (or the views of someone you assist) about a future Catholic kingdom? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20i.
20i) And even further, do you (or someone you assist) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’ ending promotes the view that those who support your position (or the position of someone you assist) will be part of a future false kingdom led by a Roman Catholic Pope or anti-Christ (or 666 or Beast) kingdom, who will have temporary reign over the earth for 7 years (in the worst period of mankind’s history as prophesied in the Bible)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20j.
20j) Do you (or someone you assist) feel that you have the right to kill or control those who oppose (or who you feel may oppose) your goal (or the goal of someone you assist) of a worldwide Catholic kingdom under a Jesuit-controlled Pope? Do you (or someone you assist) sponsor (directly or indirectly) any Muslim terrorist organizations? These questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to either of these questions is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20k and 20(l).
20k) Is the most important goal of your life (or the most important goal of someone you assist) the realization of a Roman Catholic kingdom (brought on by your efforts [or the efforts of someone you assist]), in order to set up a Jesuit-controlled Pope who will control the whole world? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20(l).
20(l) Do you (or someone you assist[ed]) feel the Jewish nation or the Jewish race did not have the right to exist? This question must be answered with yes–this is true, no–this isn’t true, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the yes answer is determined to involve someone that they assist[ed], they must tell us who this party (or persons) is/are and be direct or cross-examined to determine any Jesuit involvement with this party (or persons). If the answer is determined to be yes–this is true or I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20m.
20m) Were/are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware that Adolph Hitler was a puppet for the Jesuit Order as Hitler conducted his Nazi activities (including the Nazi death and concentration camps)? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20n.
20n) Were/are you further aware that the Nazi Order was part of a Jesuit directed plan to conquer the world in order to set up a world-wide Roman Catholic dictatorship under a Jesuit controlled Pope? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20(o).
20(o) Have you (or someone you assist[ed]) tried to shift all the blame for the Nazis onto the Germans in order to cover up the supreme involvement of the Jesuit Order in Nazi Germany? This question must be answered with yes–this is true, no–this isn’t true, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes–this is true, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20p.
20p) Were you aware when Gail wrote Silver Skies that her motive for writing it was primarily to write a great love story and that she only created the Beast character (or 666 or a future anti-Christ Pope) as her villain because of her interest and knowledge of the Bible and because she thought the Beast would make an interesting villain for her main characters? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20q.
20q) Are/were you further aware that in order to maintain the unique voice and theme of Silver Skies(which is–that if a love is great enough it can conquer anything) that Gail desires (and has desired) that the primary focus for her book’s ending is not to be the villain, but the great love between Dor and Brianna? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20r.
20r) Were/are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware (because of 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading abilities) that when Gail created her villain for Silver Skies (back in the 1990s), that she had no idea that her villain so brilliantly portrayed the attitude, goals and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20s.
20s) Were you (or someone you assist[ed]) further aware that as Gail worked on Silver Skies (back in the 1990s), that she was unaware that she had antagonized the Jesuit Order (or that the Jesuit Order was even aware of Silver Skies) because of her brilliant and unintentionally accurate portrayal of the attitude, goals and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order (as she created her villain)? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I don’t know or I’m not sure, then have them answer question 20sa.
20sa) Were you (or someone you assist[ed]) sensitive about the way the villain is portrayed in Silver Skiesbecause the villain’s portrayal too closely resembles the way the Jesuit Order operates? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them question 20t.
20t) Were you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware the Vladimir Putin had no knowledge or interest in Gail’s writings (including Silver Skies) until the fall of 2001 (when Vladimir became romantically interested in Gail)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I’m not sure or I didn’t/don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, I don’t/didn’t know or I’m not sure, then ask them question 20u.
20u) Were you (or someone you assist[ed]) further aware that Vladimir Putin was not aware that you (or someone you assist[ed]) knew about Silver Skies (and everything about it and everything that was in it) years before Vladimir even knew the book existed? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained.
The questions which comprise question 21 are especially important if there is an allegation involving a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspiracy. The terms “proper law enforcement or governmental authority” in the questions which comprise 21, refer ONLY TO THOSE AUTHORITIES WHO WOULD HAVE THE POWER OR DESIRE TO STOP THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES REVOLVING AROUND THE 666-Computer or satellite computer (AT THE TIME THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES WERE OCCURRING)–and this needs to be made clear during the direct or cross-examination questions. For them to say they reported criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer use to the Vatican or to a terrorist government or to an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit conspirator (when they knew the person they reported the 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to was an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit conspirator)]; and when, at the time of the crime, the person(s) they reported the 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to was/were not interested in exposing any criminal activity (revolving around the 666-Computer or satellite computer) –would not qualify the person(s) they reported the activity to, as the proper law enforcement or governmental authority to report criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer activity.
21a) When did you (or someone you assist[ed]) first become aware of the existence(s) and use(s) of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in any type of operation(s)? If it is the persons which they assisted who seem to have all the 666-Computer or satellite computer culpability, then try through direct or cross-examination to determine when these persons became aware of the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer. It will be assumed that those persons who knew about the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer for a longer period of time are the more guilty parties–since how could one be guilty of a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspiracy if one did not even know the 666-Computer or satellite computer existed at the time the crime was committed? If through direct or cross-examination, it is determined the person knew about the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer before 2001, then ask them question 21b and 21e and 21i.
21b) When you (or someone you assisted) became aware of the existence(s) and use(s) of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in any type of operation(s), did you (or someone you assisted) try to report this/these 666-Computer or satellite computer use(s) and/or existence(s) to any proper law enforcement or governmental authority (or authorities)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know or I’m not sure. The best answer must be chosen according to 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, I don’t know or I’m not sure, then ask them question 21c. If the answer is determined to be no, then ask them question 21d.
21c) How did you (or someone you assisted) try to report the existence(s) and/or use(s) of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (in any type of operation[s]) to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority (or authorities)? It will be assumed that if one neglected to try to report the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and had knowledge of the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer) to the proper authorities, this was because one knew the activity was criminal and strove to cover up the activity. If it is determined that one knew of 666-Computer or satellite computer activity and did not report it, then try to determine (through direct or cross-examination) if the direct or cross-examined person was extorted into silence–this will lessen their culpability.
21d) Why did you (or someone you assisted) not report to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority (or authorities) the existence(s) and/or use(s) of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (in any type of operation[s]) when you knew the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used? Try to determine if the reason they did not report 666-Computer or satellite computer activity was because they strove to cover-up criminal activity.
21e) When you (or someone you assisted) became aware of the use(s) and/or existence(s) of the 666-Computer or satellite computer, were you (or someone you assisted) aware the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used to murder or control people or to make people ill? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I wasn’t sure. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I wasn’t sure, then ask them question 21f.
21f) Did you (or someone you assisted) strive to report the use(s) of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to any proper law enforcement or governmental authority (or authorities)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I’m not sure. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question 21g. If the answer is determined to be no or I’m not sure, then ask them question 21h.
21g) If you (or someone you assisted) reported 666-Computer or satellite computer activity (or activities) to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority (or authorities), why were no laws passed (until Gail Schuler wrote her CONSPIRACY LAWS) to regulate the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer? Try to determine if there may have been conspirators in the government who (when they heard about the 666-Computer or satellite computer), collaborated with those (who reported its use to the government) in a conspiracy of SILENCE (in order to cover up criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer activity). If there was a conspiracy of SILENCE in the government, determine whether those in the government may have been UNWILLING AGENTS or may have been Jesuit conspirators. Also determine if those who reported 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to the government were aware that their reports would not be acted upon–if this is the case, then they were a conspirator and their report to the government was not a sincere effort to curb the criminal use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer.
21h) If you (or someone you assisted) knew the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used to kill or sicken or control people, why did you (or someone you assisted) not strive to report its use(s) to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority (or authorities)? Try to determine if the reason they did not report 666-Computer or satellite computer activity was because they strove to cover-up criminal activity.
21i) Tell us all you (or someone you assisted) knew about the 666-Computer or satellite computer at the time you became aware of its use(s) and/or existence(s). Try to determine the extent of their knowledge about 666-Computer or satellite computer capabilities and the extent of their knowledge about its programming and operation. Also, determine WHEN they acquired this knowledge. If the knowledge was not acquired all at once, find out when they acquired knowledge for the different capabilities (especially any life-threatening or controlling capabilities). The more they knew about the 666-Computer or satellite computer (when 666-Computer or satellite computer knowledge was not common knowledge), the more guilty they will appear to be. This direct or cross-examination question may need to be asked by one who is an expert on the 666-Computer or satellite computer, to determine the extent of the knowledge they had about the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and its various capabilities),and WHEN THEY ACQUIRED THIS KNOWLEDGE (for the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s various capabilities), and for how long they had this knowledge (for the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s various capabilities).
In question 22, put the UNWILLING AGENT(s)’s name(s) in the blank. The IMPOSED PERSON(s) (who took over the UNWILLING AGENT[s]) is/are the one direct or cross-examined in question 22.
22) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly and willingly, knowingly and deliberately use a computer that controls people’s brains (using long-distance satellite signals) to takeover _________’s brain(s), in order to force your personality and decisions to replace ___________’s personality (or personalities) and decisions. Because when you (or someone you assisted) used this computer on ___________’s brain(s), all decisions made through the controlled brain(s) of ___________ were not the decisions of ___________, but were the decisions of yourself (or someone you assisted). Therefore, while you (or someone you assisted) controlled _________’s brain(s) with this computer, ___________ did not have the power to make his/her/their own decisions and was/were totally controlled by this computer (to the point that the personality or personalities and person(s) of ______________ no longer existed). In other words (while you used this computer on ___________), _____________ was/were forced (against his/her/their will or knowledge) to use his/her/their body(-ies), speech and actions as the means by which to adopt and carry out your decisions (not ________’s decisions) –because you (or someone you assisted) used this computer (without ___________’s permission or knowledge) to take over __________’s brain and decision-making powers.
If it is determined that the IMPOSED PERSON deliberately, knowingly and willingly was involved in using any person as an UNWILLING AGENT, that IMPOSED PERSON will be publicly executed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL [with the time, date and name of the IMPOSED PERSON broadcast (when the execution takes place)].
The questions which comprise question 23 cover marriage and the family. The definitions below are not meant to endorse or condemn any lifestyle, but are given in order to clarify the questioning (in the direct or cross-examination questions which comprise question 23).
For the purpose of this question 23, when the term marriage is used, it refers to any sexual relationship between a man and a woman (where the man and the woman have a written or unwritten contract to be faithful to each other sexually [to the exclusion of others]), even if that written or unwritten contract is not part of a licensed marriage relationship.
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term family is used, it refers to any relationship where there is a marriage (as defined above) or where there is a leader of a household –and/or those children, parents or other persons under the custody or care of that married couple (or leader of a household). Each country will have its own definition of what constitutes a family. For a country like the United States, a family would normally be considered a man and a woman (who have a contract to be sexually faithful to each other) or would be considered a leader of a household–and those children (with possibly grandparents or grandchildren as well) and other persons under the care or custody of that married couple (or leader of a household). The term family can also refer to a homosexual or bisexual couple (where the partners are sexually committed to each other in a written or unwritten contract) or to the leader of a homosexual or bisexual household, and those who are under the custody or care of the leader of that homosexual or bisexual household [or of those homosexual or bisexual person(s)].
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term engagement or to be engaged is used, it will refer to the promise made by mutual consent between two people to consummate their relationship into a marriage(as defined by this section).
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term marital or family matchmaking is used, it refers to any attempt (or action) to influence which persons come together into a marriage or family relationship
23) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfered with (or manipulated) this/these marriage(s) (or potential marriage[s]) or family (or families) because of your interest (or the interest of someone you assisted) in controlling families? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23b and 23bb.
23a) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfered with some families by directly or indirectly killing, maiming, or causing some physical, emotional, financial, legal, medical, or mental harm to some or all members of that family (or families) in order to manipulate that family (or families) in a manner to further your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted)? Cross-examine them to see if they used the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to assist them in their goals for families. This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23b.
23b) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to manipulate marriages and families because you feel you can better control or manipulate a population if you (or someone you assist) have manipulative control over the families of a population? Cross-examine them to see if they used the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to assist them in their goals for families. This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23c.
23bb) How have you or someone you assisted (directly or indirectly) manipulated this/these marriages, family (or families) or engagement(s)? It is important to determine if they orchestrated a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY–see Sect. 18 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws–to orchestrate a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. Cross-examine them to determine all methods they’ve used to manipulate the marriage, family or engagement.
23c) Do you (or someone you assist) desire to have manipulative control over families because you (or someone you assist) feel this is necessary in order to achieve your goal of a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them questions 23d and 23e.
23d) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly engaged in marital or family matchmaking (using ANY METHOD), in order to influence the character and/or makeup of a family (or families) or marriage(s), so that this/these marriage(s) or family (families) would enhance your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted) for a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to find out which families, marriage engagements, or marriages are involved.
23e) Have you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfered with, destroyed or harmed an engagement(s) to marriage– or interfered with, destroyed or harmed a family (or families) or a marriage(s) (using ANY METHOD)– because you (or someone you assisted) felt this/these engagement(s), family(-ies) or marriage(s) (if left alone and not interfered with by you [or someone you assisted]), would hinder or prevent your goal (or the goal of someone you assisted) for a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to find out which families, marriage engagements, or marriages are involved.
If there is a dispute over whether the motive for an incident was a deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to orchestrate a conspiracy or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography, try asking question 24 regarding the incident:
24) When you committed (or were involved with) this incident, did you feel that you were manipulated or tricked (against your will or knowledge) into committing (or being involved with) this incident? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer to this question is determined to be no, ask them question 25.
25) Did you or someone you assist (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly, and willingly (and with meticulous care and attention to detail, timing or events), orchestrate this incident–in order to create a conspiracy or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. The most truthful answer must be determined.
The questions which comprise question 26, deal with LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violations, in order to determine motives for these violations, because the wrong motives will bring the death penalty (see Sect. 70.92 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs):
26) Did you (or someone you assist) orchestrate this/these incident(s), in order to (directly or indirectly) prevent or hinder (or draw attention to) the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from any PERSON-PROGRAM? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 26a.
26 a) In your attempt[s] (or action[s]) to orchestrate this/these incident[s], were you (or someone you assisted) trying to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process in any manner? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to determine how they attempted to (or did) draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process. If the answer is determined to be yes, also ask them question 26b.
26 b) Tell us why you wanted to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process with this/these incident(s). Cross examine them until all the reasons for why they wanted to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process have been determined. The direct or cross-examination may have to go into detail: PERSON-PROGRAM by PERSON-PROGRAM or incident by incident. Keep cross-examining them until their TRUE MOTIVES are determined.
27) Did you (or someone you assist) orchestrate this/these incident(s), so that the timing of the incident(s) would strengthen your ability to frame an innocent party (or parties) with a conspiracy or conspiracies? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 28. Cross-examine them to get all the details over how and why they timed the incident(s) to occur when it/they occurred.
28) Who are you (or someone you assist) trying to frame with this/these incident(s)? And why do you feel that by timing this/these incident(s) to occur when it/they did, that you feel you can better frame the innocent party (or parties) you want to frame? Cross-examine them to determine all the parties they want to frame, what kind of conspiracy or conspiracies they are trying to frame an innocent party (or parties) with, and why they timed this/these incident(s) to occur when it/they occurred.
29) What is your main motive (or the motive of someone you assist) for bringing this/these issue(s) into the spotlight? Cross-examine them to determine the MAIN MOTIVE for bringing this/these issue(s) into the spotlight. Is/are the issue(s) which you are bringing up (or debating about), THE MAIN REASON(s) YOU HAVE BROUGHT THIS/THESE ISSUE(S) TO THE FOREFRONT? Cross-examine them to see if they are cloaking their real reason(s) for bringing up this/these issue(s) with a smokescreen or smokescreens. If it is determined that there is/are another motive(s) (besides the motive[s] which they claim is/are the reason[s] for bringing up this issue), ask them question 30.
30) Is your MAIN MOTIVE (or the motive of someone you assist) for bringing this/these issue(s) to the spotlight, so that you can create a conspiracy (or conspiracies) with which to frame an innocent party or parties? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 31.
31) How are you (or someone you assist) using this/these issue(s) (which you’ve brought to the spotlight) so that you can create a conspiracy or conspiracies with which to frame an innocent party? They must give details about what kind of conspiracy or conspiracies they are trying to orchestrate and how they plan to use this/these issue(s) to create this/these conspiracy or conspiracies.
The following questions which comprise question 32, deal with deception in news reporting:
32) Did you (or someone you assist) deliberately, knowingly and willingly create this/these news (or newspaper) story or stories with the intent to lie to the public or to deceive the public? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 32a and 32b.
32a) Why did you (or someone you assist) deliberately create a deceptive and/or false news report(s) or newspaper story or stories? The direct or cross-examiner must determine if they are using this lying newspaper or news report as an attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party. If so, this is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The direct or cross-examiner should keep questioning them until the real motive for their lying and deception is revealed.
32b) Tell us what in your news story or stories is/are deceptive or a lie and let us know how this/these story or stories can be changed in order to make it/them accurate and truthful. We will expose the lies in your news story or stories on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and we will also rewrite your story or stories and present your story or stories on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL in a truthful version(s). Direct or cross-examine them to get the answers to this question 32b. If they refuse to tell us the truth about the lies in their news story or stories, then we will ignore them and will expose the lies in their news story or stories and will present a truthful version of their story or stories on GCFNC. Regardless of how they respond to this question, immediately after this question, have THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL expose the lies in their false news story or stories and then (right afterwards) THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will present a truthful version of their false news story or stories on GCFNC. Ask them question 32c.
32c) Was one of your motives in creating this false news story or stories an attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party or parties? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, inform them that they will be executed for this crime and that presenting false news stories to the public with the intent to orchestrate a conspiracy (with which to frame an innocent party) is a DEATH PENALTY violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The direct or cross-examiner may want to jump to other direct or cross-examination questions after this one.
The following questions (which comprise question 33) deal with the reasons why the Jesuits target specific persons:
33) Name the top twenty to fifty person(s) in the world that you (or someone you assist) consider the most damaging to the goals of the Jesuit Order. This question is to be asked of a Jesuit leader or someone who is being direct or cross-examined for complicity with a Jesuit conspiracy. The direct or cross-examiner should get a complete list and obtain a list of all those persons that the JESUITS THEMSELVES consider the most damaging to their goals. Names can be thrown out to the one being questioned, and 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection (in combination with the questioning) can be used to determine who should be included on this list. This list of Jesuit-targeted persons may be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and a ten million dollar reward will be given to anyone who captures (or gives information which leads to a capture) or who provides overwhelming evidence against any important criminal involved in a conspiracy to target any of the persons on this list. If a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is named in the top twenty to fifty on this Jesuit-targeted persons list, then ask them question 33a.
33a) Are you (or someone you assist) targeting this person or persons (who is/are on the Jesuit-targeted list) because you (or someone you assist) consider this/these persons to be a person or persons in the world who bring/brings tremendous damage to the goals of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 33b and question 13.
33b) Have you (or someone you assist[ed]) used any form of genetic profiling as a basis for your decision that this/these person[s] (who is/are on the Jesuit-targeted persons list) is a person or persons that needs/need to be eliminated, destroyed, weakened, or monitored or that this person or persons (on the Jesuit-targeted list) must have their reputation[s] destroyed? Have the questioner give an example of genetic profiling. For instance, tell them that the Jesuits determined that Gail Schuler had a genetic profile that matches the genetic profile of Howard Hughes by 90%, and the Jesuits determined that for this reason ALONE Gail Schuler should be monitored from the day she was born, in order to ensure that her Howard Hughes’s brain would not be used against the goals of the Jesuit Order. Howard Hughes was the brother of Gail Schuler’s paternal grandfather. This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question 33c and 33e.
33c) Did you (or someone you assist[ed]) directly or indirectly (using any method–including the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology) murder Howard Hughes? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 33d.
33d) Why did you (or someone you assisted) murder (or would have desired to murder) Howard Hughes? Question them until the truthful answer(s) to this question is/are obtained.
33e) Which persons on the Jesuit-targeted list have you genetically profiled? Question them until a complete list of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (who have been genetically profiled) is obtained. If any of these genetically profiled persons are on the Jesuit-targeted list, next to the targeted person’s name on the list (broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) may be mentioned that this targeted person has been genetically profiled by the Jesuits. Any helpful information (in relation to this genetic profiling) may be mentioned also on the list. For those who want the ten million dollar reward, this genetic profiling information may help that person to arrest and/or convict Jesuit criminals.
The following is a very basic question, but may help to make it crystal clear who would have the motive to commit certain crimes:
34) What 3 things in this life do you want more than anything else in the world? The alleged conspirator should be direct or cross-examined to determine if what that person wants more than anything in the world is money or power, because all violations of CONSPIRACY LAWS are motived by a desire for power or wealth. The person’s TRUE MOTIVE for living must be determined. All sham and pretense must be eliminated in any answers to this question.
666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection must be strictly used while the person gives the answers to this question.
The questions which comprise question 35 deal with the manipulation of finances or the manipulation of the prices of goods and services, the stock market(s) and/or the economy.
35) Are you (or someone you assist) engaged directly or indirectly (knowingly and willingly) in the manipulation of any nation’s economy, or in the manipulation of the prices of goods or services, or in the manipulation of financial institutions or of the stock market (anywhere in the world), in order to further your goals? Specifically ask if they are manipulating the economies, prices of goods or services, financial institutions or stock markets of any country or part of the world. This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 35a and 35b.
35a) How are you (or someone you assist) manipulating any country’s economy, the prices of goods and services, finances, or the financial institution(s) or stock market? Determine all the methods they are using to manipulate an economy or economies, finances, financial institution(s) or stock market(s).
35b) Why are you (or someone you assist) manipulating any country’s economy, the prices of goods and services, finances, or the financial institution(s) or stock market? It is especially important to determine if they are using this/these economic or financial manipulation(s) to create a conspiracy (or conspiracies) with which to frame an innocent party or parties. Throw out the names of some people or organizations (like Vladimir Putin, the Russian government, Pres. George Bush, the American government, etc.) that they may want to frame with a financial or economic conspiracy and check their response for honesty (according to 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection). If it is determined that they are trying to orchestrate a conspiracy or conspiracies with which to frame an innocent party or parties, ask them questions 2c and 2d .
36) Do you (or someone you assist) consider Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAWS to be the most threatening opponent you’ve ever encountered in all of the history of any organization which you (or someone you assist) sponsor or promote? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question 36a and question them to determine which organization they are associated with– that considers Gail Schuler such a threat..
36a) Are Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAWS enough of a threat to you (or someone you assist) that you (or someone you assist) would be willing to spend trillions of dollars on manpower (or on anything) to stop her from writing CONSPIRACY LAW? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 36b. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 36b and make them tell us exactly how much they are spending to (directly or indirectly) foil Gail Schuler’s attempt to write or promote CONSPIRACY LAW.
36b) Are you (or someone you assist) behind the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violations being employed on Gail Schuler and/or her family and/or her friends at this time? This question must be answered with yes or no.
37) Are you (or someone you assist) behind any of the brutal kidnappings, beheadings, and tortures of innocent civilians and of other innocent people which we have heard about on the news? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 37a and 37b. Also question them to determine if the killer (or would be killers involved) were UNWILLING AGENTS controlled by JESUIT IMPOSED PERSONS.
37a) Please list the names of all persons whose beheading, torture, kidnapping, etc. you (or someone you assisted) have (directly or indirectly) supported in any manner, including the use of UNWILLING AGENTS as the means of torture. Question them by throwing out names of those who have been beheaded, tortured, held hostage, kidnapped, etc.–going as far back as 9-11-01 or previously–in order to determine whose beheading, tortures, kidnappings, hostage taking they have directly or indirectly supported.
37b) Give us the real reason why you (or someone you assist) are supporting this torture and what you hope to accomplish by doing this. Question them to determine their real motives for supporting this/these torture(s), and make sure these motives (and those Jesuits who support these tortures) are exposed and identified on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
2.8 These questions (in Sections 2.0 and 2.01) don’t have to be limited to recent legally significant, orchestrated conspiracy incident (or incidents)–these questions can be used (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) to publicly cross-examine a SIGNIFICANT PERSON or Vladimir Putin and/or the Jesuit leader(s) for any legally significant, orchestrated conspiracy incident (or incidents) which require direct or cross-examination– even if the incident occurred many years ago. Also, the questions don’t need to be asked in the order directed and any question can be asked of any alleged suspect–the questions don’t have to be limited to certain suspects nor do the questions have to be asked in any specific order. The directions about how to ask the questions are only for guidance and don’t have to be followed to the letter. The Schuler/Putin/Spiner case is complicated with a long history and old incidents may need to be direct or cross-examined in order to clarify culpability in a current conspiracy. Sometimes a person’s answer to one of these questions may be partially yes and partially noor I don’t care; and if this is the case, the person questioned should answer yes or no or I don’t care, and then can qualify his/her answer after he/she answers yes or no or I don’t care. Examples of questioning for past incidents could be as follows:
1) Did you know this would happen? If the answer to this question is yes or I’m not sure regarding the use of a REPLICATOR PROGRAM (see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (see Sect. 59.53 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or TRIGGER PROGRAMS, ask them question 1a.
1a) Did you (or someone you assist) know that our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and/or Vladimir Putin were unaware of the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or of SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or of TRIGGER PROGRAMS? This question must be answered with yes, I didn’t know, or I wasn’t sure. If the answer is determined to be yes or I wasn’t sure, ask them question 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f.
1b) Why didn’t you (or someone you assist) tell us about the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or the ability to direct satellite technology to work through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or of the ability of satellite technology to kill/alter germs and/or cancer in the body or elsewhere or of the existence of TRIGGER PROGRAMS? The person must be questioned to determine ALL the reasons they didn’t tell us about the existence of REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and/or of the ability to direct satellite technology to work through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or to kill/alter germs or cancer in the body or elsewhere. Next, ask them question 1c.
1c) Why did you (or someone you assist) allow all REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMs and/or satellite directed LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMS in the world to remain idle and waited until we removed ALL of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING before you used any REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS or waited until Gail’s throat was contaminated with serious germs before you used any SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or before you used satellite technology in an obvious manner to kill/alter germs or cancer in the body or elsewhere or before you activated any TRIGGER PROGRAMS? The person must be questioned to determine all the reasons they (or someone they assisted) deliberately allowed all REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS throughout the world to remain idle and did not use any of them, until all of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS were removed from her PERSON-PROGRAM or why they waited until Gail Schuler was infected with serious germs before they made it obvious that satellite technology could kill germs in the body or elsewhere and/or alter cancers, etc.
1d) Do you (or someone you assist) consider Gail Schuler’s I.Q. (in its present state or before you used your technologies on her brain) to be equivalent to her relative Howard Hughes? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 33c and question 1(d2).
1(d2) Is it possible that if we are able to remove or undo the damage which you (or someone you assisted) have done to Gail Schuler’s brain (through the use of your technologies), that we can restore the I.Q. she was born with, and that her restored I.Q. (after we have undone the damage you have done to her brain) will then be equivalent to Howard Hughes? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, question them to determine clues about how to restore Gail Schuler’s I.Q. to what it was before the Jesuits messed with her brain. Use 666-Computer Historians to help us learn their secrets and to help us come up with good direct- or cross-examination questions that may force them to give usclues.
1e) What strategies did you (or someone you assist) use to keep REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and REPLICATED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and/or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (and the use of satellite to kill germs or cancer) and/or TRIGGER PROGRAMS a secret from Vladimir Putin and from our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS, so that we’d only discover these after all of Gail Schuler’s OBVIOUS LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS were removed from her PERSON-PROGRAM or after Gail’s throat was contaminated with serious germs? Question them to determine if illegal LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was perhaps used to induce any 666-Computer or satellite computer amnesia on our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS or if perhaps LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was used on our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS to cause them to have 666-Computer or satellite computer directed obsessions which caused them to overlook obvious possibilities (such as REPLICATOR PROGRAMMING or SATELLITE DIRECTED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or the use of satellite to kill/alter germs and cancers or TRIGGER PROGRAMS). Try to determine all the methods and strategies they used to keep this technology a secret from us–until they felt it was to their legal advantage to reveal this information to us.
1f) Was there any other essential information or knowledge about your technologies (especially in the use of satellite or 666-Computer technologies) that we needed to know and that you deliberately withheld from us, but which you planned to reveal to us later–when you felt you could set up the revealing of this information in a manner which would frame an innocent party with your crimes? Question them to determine if there were any other essential secrets we needed to know about. If the Jesuits won’t reveal these secrets, then put the 666-Computer Historians to work on these Jesuit Conspirators and using a combination of direct and cross-examination on the Jesuits (to try to weed clues out of them) and using 666-Computer historical research into the Jesuit brains and memories– try to determine what other secrets we need to know about.
2) When the incident(s) occurred, were you happy when it/they happened?
2a) Did you indirectly or directly and willingly, knowingly and deliberately participate in any of the funding for this/these incident(s)? The answer to this question must be either yes or no or I don’t know, though the answer can be qualified. If the answer is yes, have them answer question 2b.
2b) How did you participate in the funding for this/these incident(s)? Can you tell us all organizations or persons (including Jesuits) that were willingly, knowingly and deliberately involved in the funding for this/these incident(s)? Second question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t know–they should tell us all they know. If it is determined Jesuits are involved in the funding, the person must tell us how.
If after some direct or cross-examination questions (or because of evidence), it is determined that the person was directly or indirectly guilty of participating in (or orchestrating) the incident, ask them questions 2c and 2d.
2c) What was your MAIN motive for committing this crime or incident? It is very important to determine if one of the motives may have been to frame an innocent party with the crime, because this is a capital crime under CONSPIRACY LAW. We will not accept an answer that is not the MAIN motive for the answer to this question. For instance, they may claim that the Spanish ruler’s government was targeted because of his support for the United States’ war in Iraq, when their MAIN motive may have been to draw attention to the ethnography of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin, in order to orchestrate a conspiracy. Do not accept any answer except what was truthfully their MAIN motive. If the MAIN motive for the incident(s) was determined to be an attempt to portray Vladimir Putin to the world as a dictator, ruthless spy or cold authoritarian figure, then ask question 2e.
2d) What were your secondary motives for committing this crime or incident? Make sure to differentiate between main and secondary motives in the answers to questions 2c and 2d. Then have them list by percentages just how important the main motive was as compared to the secondary motives. For instance, they may say that 90% of the reason they orchestrated the train bombings in Spain was to draw attention to an ethnography and 10% was to show opposition to the Spanish leader’s support of the Iraq war with the United States. Make sure they state the percentages truthfully. Keep cross-examining them until they come up with percentages and motives that pass 666-Computer lie-detection.
2dd) What did you (or someone you assist) want to draw attention to with this incident? They should answer this question with a fill in the blank. “I wanted to create an incident over __________.”
2ee) Did you (directly or indirectly) create this incident in order to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them 2ff.
2ff) What conspiracy are you trying to orchestrate and which innocent party or parties are you trying to frame? Cross-examine them until they answer this question completely.
2e) Did you (or someone you assisted) oppose Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS at the time of the incident? If the answer is determined to be yes or I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask question 2f.
2f) Why did you (or someone you assisted) not support Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS at the time of the incident? During direct or cross-examination find out if one of the main reasons for the lack of support of the CONSPIRACY LAWS was because the CONSPIRACY LAWS blocked or hindered the Jesuit goal for a worldwide dictatorship under Jesuit control. If it is determined that the lack of support for Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS was because these laws blocked or hindered the Jesuit goal for a worldwide dictatorship under Jesuit control, then ask question 2g.
2g) Did you (or someone you assisted) participate (directly or indirectly) in this incident or slanted press coverage of Putin (which attempted to discredit Putin by making him appear to be a cold or manipulating or power-hungry authoritarian figure) because Vladimir Putin whole heartedly incorporates Gail Schuler’s CONSPIRACY LAWS (which you [or someone you assisted] oppose[s]) into his government, his governing style, and/or his foreign affairs? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, they must state whether the opposition was to Putin’s incorporation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS into his government, his governing style or his foreign affairs. What they opposed about his incorporation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS must be specific. Was it the incorporation into his government, his governing style, his foreign affairs: 1) all THREE?, 2) or two of the three?, 3) or one of the three?, etc.
2h) Did you oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t care, have them answer question 2i.
2i) Did you feel a marriage between Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler could block an important goal you (or someone you assisted) had? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, have them answer question 13.
3) Looking back, would you have prevented that incident(s) and/or the funding for this/these incident(s) from happening if you could have?
If the answer to Question #2 is determined (even if only through 666-Computer lie-detection) to be yes or I don’t care or if the answer to Question #3 is determined to be no or I don’t care:
4) Is one of the reasons you were happy this (these incidents) happened or you would not have prevented this (these incidents) from happening if you could have or you didn’t care that this/these incident(s) occurred is because it drew attention to (or was a part of) a conspiracy which you deliberately, knowingly and willingly (directly or indirectly) had orchestrated at the time? If the answer to this question is yes, then ask them Question 4b.
4b) Can you tell us how long this conspiracy (which you are involved in) has been going on? If they know how long the conspiracy has been going on, they are required to tell us how long it has been going on.
If the person refuses to give a straight answer and evades any question, then ask them this question:
5) Are you evading this question (or refusing to comment) because you know if you give an unambiguous (or clear) answer that your answer will incriminate you? [See Sect. 2.2]
If the person was involved with someone or some organization who/that is determined to be a Jesuit Conspirator, then ask them this question:
6) Did you know this person or organization that you were involved with was a Jesuit Conspirator? They must answer this question with yes, no or I wasn’t sure– they can qualify their answer if they want to. If the answer is determined to be no or I wasn’t sure, then ask them question #7. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question #8.
7) Would you have been involved with this person or organization (whom we know to be a Jesuit Conspirator) if you had known this person or organization was a Jesuit Conspirator? If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question #8.
8) Why were you involved with this person or organization, when you knew they were a Jesuit Conspirator?
9) Were you willingly, knowingly and deliberately using (directly or indirectly) LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or satellite technology or the manipulation of any country’s economy in any manner to assist you (or someone you assist) in any type of goal which you (or someone you assisted) had, which involved controlling people so that you (or someone you assisted) could manipulate and/or control their finances (or their lives)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes, they must state if they used LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, satellite technology, and/or manipulation of a country (or countries’ economy and must state how they used this technology or how they manipulated a country or countries’ economy in order to control people and/or their finances. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know in regard to the use of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or satellite technology, then ask them question #10. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know in regard to the manipulation of a country or countries’ economy, then ask them questions #9a, 9aa, 9ee, 9b, 10, 10a through 10.
9a) When this incident(s) happened, did you want Gail Schuler to receive all the proceeds she could have (or would have) earned from her novel Silver Skies, as long as it was safe for her to receive them? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If this question’s answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them question #10.
9aa) Did you want Gail to be able to write the ending to Silver Skies without harassment or threats to her life? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them 9bb and 9ee.
9bb) Did you deliberately try to hinder or prevent the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from Gail’s mother’s PERSON-PROGRAM in order to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them 9cc and 9dd.
9cc) How did you try to prevent us from removing Gail’s mother from the control of those who would use her as an UNWILLING AGENT? They must give us details. Keep cross-examining them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals they’ve told us all ways they are trying to hinder or prevent the removal of Gail’s mother’s from use as an UNWILLING AGENT.
9dd) Why did you desire to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT? They must give us details. Keep cross-examining them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals they’ve told us all reasons they want to use Gail’s mother as an UNWILLING AGENT. Specifically ask them if one of the reasons is to prevent Gail from writing the ending to Silver Skies, AND if this turns out to be one of the reasons, ask them question 9ee. Specifically ask them if Gail’s mother is being used as a weapon to prevent Gail from having the financial freedom to find time to write, if so, ask them question 9ee.
9ee) Did you try to keep Gail busy in a low paying or non-writing job so that she’d never have time to write the ending to Silver Skies? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 10 and 20.
9b) Were you knowingly, willingly and deliberately involved (in any manner) in defrauding Gail of money she had in her IRA accounts, when she liquidated (or thought she liquidated) her IRA accounts? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #10.
9c) At any time in the past, did you (or someone you assist) have the influence (or ability) to stop or eliminate the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 9d.
9d) What could have been done to eliminate or stop the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING? The person can answer this question with I don’t know, but he/she should be direct or cross-examined to determine if he/she knows the answer to this question. If it is determined that the direct or cross-examined person knows how to stop or eliminate the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, but won’t reveal the answer to us during direct or cross-examination, then assign a 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN from the German/Israeli CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (see Sect. 13.91 & 13.92) to search that person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer History (and 666-Computer or satellite computer memories) to obtain any and all valuable information which can be ferreted out from this person’s memories (or 666-Computer or satellite computer History).
10) Was one of the reasons that you didn’t want (or you didn’t care) for Gail to have all the proceeds from her novel Silver Skies (or from her IRA accounts) was because if she had this money, you (or someone you assisted) may not be able to control her and/or her finances? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If this question’s answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #11.
10a) Did you consider it such a high priority to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler that you manipulated the total economy of a country or countries, in order to set things up to control Gail’s finances to the point that you could prevent Gail’s marriage to Vladimir Putin (or some other influential man) or to set things up to prevent her from living independently of the charity of others (so that you could use these others as weapons to control and/or manipulate Gail in order to further your goals)? Did you orchestrate 9-11-01 in order to assist in your manipulation of the U.S. and world economies, in order to prevent Gail’s marriage (at that time) to Brent Spiner? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them 10b, 10c and 10d. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10b) Which countries’ total economies did you manipulate in order to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler? Have them list ALL the countries whose economies they manipulated in order to destroy and/or control Gail Schuler. Keep questioning them until 666-Computer lie-detection reveals that they have named all the countries. The results of this question and the countries affected will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10c) Tell us what you did to each country’s economy in order to control and/or manipulate Gail Schuler and why you felt this would be effective in controlling or manipulating Gail. Keep questioning them until they reveal all the strategies they have used to manipulate each country’s economy which was affected by their manipulations. For each action they took to manipulate an economy, they must reveal to us what their goal was in taking this action. For instance, if they manipulated the oil market in order to increase gasoline prices in the U.S. with the prime motive of doing this in order to prevent Gail from having the money she needed to live on her own IN ORDER TO PREVENT GAIL’s MARRIAGE TO PUTIN or to some other influential man, the Jesuits must reveal that this was their motive. And then after the Jesuits have revealed all their economic machinations IN ORDER TO PREVENT A MARRIAGE and/or in order to destroy Gail Schuler, have them tell us the reason WHY they felt certain actions would bring about the goals they wanted. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10d) Was it one of your goals to ensure that Gail never married a man of influence, if you felt this man of influence opposed your goals or could oppose your goals if he married Gail? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 10e. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10e) When any man of influence fell in love with Gail, did you immediately try to create the FALSE impression that that man only took advantage of Gail and did not truly love Gail, in order to prevent that man from marrying Gail? Did you feel that Vladimir Putin or Brent Spiner or some other influential man genuinely loves/loved Gail Schuler? These questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answers is/are determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them question 10f. The results of this question will be broadcast on GCFNC.
10f) Tell us strategies you used (such as the manipulation of a country’s economy, or the manipulation of Gail’s finances, or the use of UNWILLING AGENTS, or holding Gail’s mother hostage as an UNWILLING AGENT, or threatening to murder people with the 666-Computer or satellite technology, or using legal extortion on the influential man to prevent him from giving Gail financial assistance, etc.) in order to create the impression that any influential man who truly desired to marry Gail was trying to take advantage of Gail and her naivete. Was it true that you tried to create the impression that Gail was naive and simple and not smart enough in the ways of the world for any man of real influence to take her seriously and that this was one of your prime strategies to prevent her marriage to any man of influence? And was it true that you tried to create the impression that any influential man who wanted to marry Gail was jaded, worldly, sophisticated and considered himself so far above Gail that he would never take her seriously and that you used this false impression to try to frame that influential man (who genuinely wanted to marry Gail), with sophisticated murders, economic manipulations of COUNTRIES and with terrorist activities (which YOU orchestrated). And was it true that you created these orchestrations to make it appear that that influential man who wanted to marry Gail had committed these major orchestrations– in order to further the impression that this jaded, worldly influential man was taking advantage of Gail–and that you orchestrated all these major machinations in order to use extortion on that influential man TO PREVENT THAT MAN FROM MARRYING GAIL OR IF YOU COULDN’t PREVENT THE MARRIAGE, IN ORDER TO DESTROY THE MARRIAGE? And could you please tell us just how much time and money and manpower you invested and spent on all these evil machinations IN ORDER TO PREVENT OR DESTROY A MARRIAGE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE WHO LOVED EACH OTHER? Give us an estimate, please. Why do you consider Gail such a threat to your goals?–tell us all the reasons, please. Don’t let them off the hook, until truthful and complete answers are determined to ALL the questions in 10f. All the answers to 10f will be broadcast on GCFNC.
11) Did you (or someone you assisted) desire to control Gail and/or her finances in order to destroy her and/or her influence? And, were you using LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (in any manner) to assist you (or someone you assisted) in maintaining control over Gail and/or her finances? Both questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to either question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #12.
12) Did you (or someone you assisted) desire to destroy Gail and/or her influence because you (or someone you assisted) believed she blocked your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question #13 and 20.
13) Was it one of your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted) to establish a worldwide dictatorship for a Pope or religious leader (who would be under Jesuit control)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know, or I don’t care. They must choose the most truthful answer and state that they have chosen the most truthful answer. If the answer is determined to be no, I don’t know or I don’t care, then ask them question #14 and 20.
14) How did Gail block your goal(s) [or the goal(s) of someone you assisted]?
If the direct or cross-examination questions have to do with underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, then ask question 15. All countries which had underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, should have their leader(s) and other SIGNIFICANT PERSONs direct or cross-examined with questions 15 (and possibly 16 & 17). And Vladimir Putin and the Jesuit leader(s) should be direct or cross-examined with question 15 (and possibly 16 & 17) regarding each country that was determined to have underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers.
15a) Were you aware (before it became public knowledge through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) that there were 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers in this/your country? This question must be answered with yes, no or I didn’t know. If it is determined that the person is/was aware that there were underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers in the country, ask them question 16 and 17.
15b) Did you desire to destroy or incapacitate all 666-Computer or satellite computers (under your jurisdiction or control) which were used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be no or I don’t care, then ask them question 16 and 17.
16a) Are there other countries that you knew of at the time, that had these 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers? If it is determined that this person knew of other countries, he/she must name all the countries that had underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers, and the direct or cross-examination questions won’t stop until it is determined that he/she has named all the countries that he/she knew about that had underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers.
16b) At that time, could you tell us the number of UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS in each country and could you have given us a picture of the level of UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKER infiltration within each country? If they have knowledge about the answer to this question, they must tell us all details (using percentages and numbers) about what they knew. It may be especially helpful to know which countries had the most serious problem with UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS.
If it is determined through direct or cross-examination that the use of underground 666-Computer or satellite computers (housed in underground bunkers) was part of a strategy to frame an innocent party with the crimes of the Jesuits, then ask question 17.
17) Why did you then (all of a sudden) draw attention to 666-Computer or satellite computers (housed in underground bunkers) or were allowing to be revealed previously unknown countries (or locations) which housed 666-Computer or satellite computers in underground bunkers? Were you aware that the country’s leader(s)(in which these underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers had been discovered) and Vladimir Putin had only recently discovered that there were underground 666-Computer or satellite computers in this country–in other words, is it true that the knowledge of 666-Computer or satellite computer underground bunkers in this country was a secret that had been kept from Vladimir Putin and/or was a secret kept from the leader(s) of the country (who had only recently discovered this problem with 666-Computer or satellite computers housed in underground bunkers in their country)? If it is determined that a MAIN MOTIVE with these 666-Computer or satellite computer underground bunkers was to frame an innocent party or country or government with the 666-Computer or satellite computer crimes of the Jesuits, this needs to be determined and exposed through direct or cross-examination. The 2nd question must be answered with yes, no or I didn’t know.
18) Did you kill (or incapacitate) one of the leaders in your organization because you knew that if you allowed this person to live that the information we’d get from him/her would indict you (or someone you assist)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then have them answer question 19.
19) Who did you kill (or incapacite) in order to prevent that person from giving us intelligence or information that could indict you (or someone you assist)?
The questions (which comprise question 20) are necessary in order to establish motive for Jesuit terrorist activities, and are not meant to discriminate against any religion or group of people. All references to Israel, the Jews or the word Jewish in the questions (which comprise question 20) mean the literal, blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and do not refer to any type of spiritual Jews–whether they be Christians, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, or whatever. The current Roman Catholic Pope should be direct or cross-examined regarding these questions (which comprise question 20), in order to clear him and protect him (if he’s innocent) or to establish his guilt:
20) Did you (or someone you assisted) oppose Gail Schuler’s marriage to Vladimir Putin because this marriage would give Gail the opportunity to write the ending to Silver Skies (because if she was married to Putin she would have the money to free herself to write)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20a.
20a) Was one of the main reasons you (or someone you assisted) opposed Silver Skies was because of the ending Gail wants to write for it? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20b.
20b) Would you (or someone you assisted) oppose an ending to Silver Skies in which the villain would be defeated by the set-up of a world-wide JEWISH kingdom (which would be governed by the genetic, blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob–i.e., the JEWISH nation of Israel)–with Jesus Christ on the throne as the blood, genetic descendant of King David? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20c.
20c) Did you (or someone you assisted) oppose anyone who taught and/or believed that the future kingdom (led by Jesus Christ–the Messiah) promised in the Bible is the fulfillment of the kingdom promises to the JEWISH nation of Israel? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20d. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20d) Did you (or someone you assisted) oppose the teaching and/or belief that the future kingdom promised in the Bible is a JEWISH kingdom because this teaching or belief negates your position that this future kingdom (or reign of Christ promised in the Bible) will be governed by a Jesuit-controlled Pope and brought into being by those loyal to your views? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20e. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20e) Did you (or someone you assisted) further oppose the teaching or belief that the future kingdom promised in the Bible is a JEWISH kingdom because this teaching or belief condemns the use of earthly means (like a 666-Computer or satellite computer or earthly armies) to set up the kingdom promised in the Bible; but, instead, endorses the view that this future JEWISH kingdom will be set up by the JEWISH–NON-CATHOLIC MESSIAH (the genetic descendant of King David of Israel) Jesus Christ through a HEAVENLY army (without any earthly help AT ALL)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20f. It may be necessary to differentiate between their opposition to a BELIEF and their opposition to a TEACHING. If their opposition is to a BELIEF, this is a more serious charge–it would establish that they practice an extreme form of religious discrimination.
20f) Did you (or someone you assisted) oppose Gail’s intended ending for Silver Skies because it did not support AT ALL your view that a Pope will reign over a future Catholic kingdom (promised in the Bible)–but, instead, taught that those who support your views (or the views of someone you assisted) comprise the false Christ or Beast (or 666) or the FALSE kingdom (which the real JEWISH MESSIAH [Jesus Christ] must defeat at the Battle of Armageddon [with His army from heaven] in order to rescue the nation of Israel from annihilation [because the nation of Israel will be in danger of annihilation by those who support your views, or the views of someone you assist])? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20g.
20g) And even further, did you (or someone you assisted) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’s ending taught that all the kingdom promises in the Bible are the fulfillment of all the promises to the JEWISH nation of Israel [regarding their Messiah (who, in Silver Skies, would be the JEWISH descendant of King David and not at all ROMAN CATHOLIC)]? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20h.
20h) And even further, did you (or someone you assisted) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’s ending would make you appear to be unjustified to kill (or control) those who oppose your views (or the views of someone you assisted) about a future Catholic kingdom? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20i.
20i) And even further, did you (or someone you assisted) oppose the proposed ending to Silver Skies because Silver Skies’s ending promotes the view that those who support your position (or the position of someone you assisted) will be part of a future false kingdom led by a Roman Catholic Pope or anti-Christ (or 666 or Beast) kingdom, who will have temporary reign over the earth for 7 years (in the worst period of mankind’s history as prophesied in the Bible)? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20j.
20j) Did you (or someone you assisted) feel that you have the right to kill or control those who oppose (or who you feel may oppose) your goal (or the goal of someone you assisted) of a worldwide Catholic kingdom under a Jesuit-controlled Pope? Did you (or someone you assisted) sponsor (directly or indirectly) any Muslim terrorist organizations? These questions must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to either of these questions is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20k and 20(l).
20k) Was the most important goal of your life (or the most important goal of someone you assisted) the realization of a Roman Catholic kingdom (brought on by your efforts [or the efforts of someone you assisted]), in order to set up a Jesuit-controlled Pope who would control the whole world? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know or I don’t care. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know or I don’t care, then have them answer question 20(l).
20(l) Do you (or someone you assist[ed]) feel the Jewish nation or the Jewish race does not have the right to exist? This question must be answered with yes–this is true, no–this isn’t true, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the yes answer is determined to involve someone that they assist[ed], they must tell us who this party (or persons) is/are and be direct or cross-examined to determine any Jesuit involvement with this party (or persons). If the answer is determined to be yes–this is true or I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20m.
20m) Were/are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware that Adolph Hitler was a puppet for the Jesuit Order as Hitler conducted his Nazi activities (including the Nazi death and concentration camps)? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware,I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20n.
20n) Were/are you further aware that the Nazi Order was part of a Jesuit directed plan to conquer the world in order to set up a world-wide Roman Catholic dictatorship under a Jesuit controlled Pope? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them this question 20(o).
20(o) Have you (or someone you assist[ed]) tried to shift all the blame for the Nazis onto the Germans in order to cover up the supreme involvement of the Jesuit Order in Nazi Germany? This question must be answered with yes–this is true, no–this isn’t true,I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes–this is true, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20p.
20p) Were you aware when Gail wrote Silver Skies that her motive for writing it was primarily to write a great love story and that she only created the Beast character (or 666 or a future anti-Christ Pope) as her villain because of her interest and knowledge of the Bible and because she thought the Beast would make an interesting villain for her main characters? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20q.
20q) Are/were you further aware that in order to maintain the unique voice and theme of Silver Skies(which is–that if a love is great enough it can conquer anything) that Gail desires (and has desired) that the primary focus for her book’s ending is not to be the villain, but the great love between Dor and Brianna? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20r.
20r) Were/are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware (because of 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading abilities) that when Gail created her villain for Silver Skies (back in the 1990s), that she had no idea that her villain so brilliantly portrayed the attitude, goals and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I’m not sure or I don’t know, then ask them question 20s.
20s) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) further aware that as Gail worked on Silver Skies (back in the 1990s), that she was unaware that she had antagonized the Jesuit Order (or that the Jesuit Order was even aware of Silver Skies) because of her brilliant and unintentionally accurate portrayal of the attitude, goals and modus operandi of the Jesuit Order (as she created her villain)? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I don’t know or I’m not sure. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer is determined to be yes, I don’t know or I’m not sure, then have them answer question 20sa.
20sa) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) sensitive about the way the villain is portrayed in Silver Skies because the villain’s portrayal too closely resembles the way the Jesuit Order operates? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, then ask them question 20t.
20t) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) aware the Vladimir Putin had no knowledge or interest in Gail’s writings (including Silver Skies) until the fall of 2001 (when Vladimir became romantically interested in Gail)? This question must be answered with yes, no, I’m not sure or I didn’t/don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, I don’t/didn’t know or I’m not sure, then ask them question 20u.
20u) Are you (or someone you assist[ed]) further aware that Vladimir Putin was not aware that you (or someone you assist[ed]) knew about Silver Skies (and everything about it and everything that was in it) years before Vladimir even knew the book existed? This question must be answered with yes, no–I was not aware, I’m not sure or I don’t know. According to 666-Computer lie-detection, the best answer must be ascertained.
The questions which comprise question 21 are especially important if there is an allegation involving a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspiracy. The terms “proper law enforcement or governmental authority” in the questions which comprise 21, refer ONLY TO THOSE AUTHORITIES WHO WOULD HAVE THE POWER OR DESIRE TO STOP THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES REVOLVING AROUND THE 666-Computer or satellite computer (AT THE TIME THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES WERE OCCURRING)–and this needs to be made clear during the direct or cross-examination questions. For them to say they reported criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer use to the Vatican or to a terrorist government or to an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit conspirator (when they knew the person they reported the 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to was an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit conspirator)]; and when, at the time of the crime, the person(s) they reported the 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to was/were not interested in exposing any criminal activity (revolving around the 666-Computer or satellite computer) –would not qualify the person(s) they reported the activity to, as the proper law enforcement or governmental authority to report criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer activity.
21a) When did you (or someone you assist[ed]) first become aware of the existence and use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in any type of operation? If it is the persons which they assisted who seem to have all the 666-Computer or satellite computer culpability, then try through direct or cross-examination to determine when these persons became aware of the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer. It will be assumed that those persons who knew about the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer for a longer period of time are the more guilty parties–since how could one be guilty of a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspiracy if one did not even know the 666-Computer or satellite computer existed at the time the crime was committed? If through direct or cross-examination, it is determined the person knew about the existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer before 2001, then ask them question 21b and 21e and 21i.
21b) When you (or someone you assisted) became aware of the existence and use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in any type of operation, did you (or someone you assisted) try to report this 666-Computer or satellite computer use and/or existence to any proper law enforcement or governmental authority? This question must be answered with yes, no, I don’t know or I’m not sure. The best answer must be chosen according to 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes, I don’t know or I’m not sure, then ask them question 21c. If the answer is determined to be no, then ask them question 21d.
21c) How did you (or someone you assisted) try to report the existence and/or use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (in any type of operation) to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority? It will be assumed that if one neglected to try to report the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and had knowledge of the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer) to the proper authorities, this was because one knew the activity was criminal and strove to cover up the activity. If it is determined that one knew of 666-Computer or satellite computer activity and did not report it, then try to determine (through direct or cross-examination) if the direct or cross-examined person was extorted into silence–this will lessen their culpability.
21d) Why did you (or someone you assisted) not report to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority the existence and/or use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (in any type of operation) when you knew the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used? Try to determine if the reason they did not report 666-Computer or satellite computer activity was because they strove to cover-up criminal activity.
21e) When you (or someone you assisted) became aware of the use and/or existence of the 666-Computer or satellite computer, were you (or someone you assisted) aware the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used to murder or control people or to make people ill? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I wasn’t sure. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I wasn’t sure, then ask them question 21f.
21f) Did you (or someone you assisted) strive to report the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to any proper law enforcement or governmental authority? This question must be answered with yes, no or I’m not sure. If the answer is determined to be yes, then ask them question 21g. If the answer is determined to be no or I’m not sure, then ask them question 21h.
21g) If you (or someone you assisted) reported 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority, why were no laws passed (until Gail Schuler wrote her CONSPIRACY LAWS) to regulate the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer? Try to determine if there may have been conspirators in the government who (when they heard about the 666-Computer or satellite computer), collaborated with those (who reported its use to the government) in a conspiracy of SILENCE (in order to cover up criminal 666-Computer or satellite computer activity). If there was a conspiracy of SILENCE in the government, determine whether those in the government may have been UNWILLING AGENTS or may have been Jesuit conspirators. Also determine if those who reported 666-Computer or satellite computer activity to the government were aware that their reports would not be acted upon–if this is the case, then they were a conspirator and their report to the government was not a sincere effort to curb the criminal use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer.
21h) If you (or someone you assisted) knew the 666-Computer or satellite computer was being used to kill or sicken or control people, why did you (or someone you assisted) not strive to report its use to a proper law enforcement or governmental authority? Try to determine if the reason they did not report 666-Computer or satellite computer activity was because they strove to cover-up criminal activity.
21i) Tell us all you (or someone you assisted) knew about the 666-Computer or satellite computer at the time you became aware of its use and/or existence. Try to determine the extent of their knowledge about 666-Computer or satellite computer capabilities and the extent of their knowledge about its programming and operation. Also, determine WHEN they acquired this knowledge. If the knowledge was not acquired all at once, find out when they acquired knowledge for the different capabilities (especially any life-threatening or controlling capabilities). The more they knew about the 666-Computer or satellite computer (when 666-Computer or satellite computer knowledge was not common knowledge), the more guilty they will appear to be. This direct or cross-examination question may need to be asked by one who is an expert on the 666-Computer or satellite computer, to determine the extent of the knowledge they had about the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and its various capabilities), WHEN THEY ACQUIRED THIS KNOWLEDGE (for the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s various capabilities), and for how long they had this knowledge (for the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s various capabilities).
In question 22, put the UNWILLING AGENT’s name in the blank. The IMPOSED PERSON (who took over the UNWILLING AGENT) is the one direct or cross-examined in question 22.
22) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly and willingly, knowingly and deliberately use a computer that controls people’s brains (using long-distance satellite signals) to takeover _________’s brain, in order to force your personality and decisions to replace ___________’s personality and decisions. Because when you (or someone you assisted) used this computer on ___________’s brain, all decisions made through the controlled brain of ___________ were not the decisions of ___________, but were the decisions of yourself (or someone you assisted). Therefore, while you (or someone you assisted) controlled _________’s brain with this computer, ___________ did not have the power to make his/her own decisions and was totally controlled by this computer (to the point that the personality and person of ______________ no longer existed). In other words (while you used this computer on ___________), _____________ was forced (against his/her will or knowledge) to use his/her body, speech and actions as the means by which to adopt and carry out your decisions (not ________’s decisions) –because you (or someone you assisted) used this computer (without ___________’s permission or knowledge) to take over __________’s brain and decision-making powers.
If it is determined that the IMPOSED PERSON deliberately, knowingly and willingly was involved in using any person as an UNWILLING AGENT, that IMPOSED PERSON will be publicly executed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL [with the time, date and name of the IMPOSED PERSON broadcast (when the execution takes place)].
The questions which comprise question 23 cover marriage and the family. The definitions below are not meant to endorse or condemn any lifestyle, but are given in order to clarify the questioning (in the direct or cross-examination questions which comprise question 23).
For the purpose of this question 23, when the term marriage is used, it refers to any sexual relationship between a man and a woman (where the man and the woman have a written or unwritten contract to be faithful to each other sexually [to the exclusion of others]), even if that written or unwritten contract is not part of a licensed marriage relationship.
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term family is used, it refers to any relationship where there is a marriage (as defined above) or where there is a leader of a household –and/or those children, parents or other persons under the custody or care of that married couple (or leader of a household). Each country will have its own definition of what constitutes a family. For a country like the United States, a family would normally be considered a man and a woman (who have a contract to be sexually faithful to each other) or would be considered a leader of a household–and those children (with possibly grandparents or grandchildren as well) and other persons under the care or custody of that married couple (or leader of a household). The term family can also refer to a homosexual or bisexual couple (where the partners are sexually committed to each other in a written or unwritten contract) or to the leader of a homosexual or bisexual household, and those who are under the custody or care of the leader of that homosexual or bisexual household [or of those homosexual or bisexual person(s)].
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term engagement or “to be engaged” is used, it will refer to the promise made by mutual consent between two people to consummate their relationship into a marriage(as defined by this section).
For the purposes of this question 23, when the term “marital or family matchmaking” is used, it refers to any attempt (or action) to influence which persons come together into a marriage or family relationship.
23) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfere with (or manipulated) this marriage (or potential marriage) or family because of your interest (or the interest of someone you assisted) in controlling families? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23b and 23bb.
23a) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfere with some families by directly or indirectly killing, maiming, or causing some physical, emotional, financial, legal, medical, or mental harm to some or all members of that family in order to manipulate that family in a manner to further your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted)? Cross-examine them to see if they used the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to assist them in their goals for families. This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23b.
23b) Did you (or someone you assisted) desire to manipulate marriages and families because you felt you could better control or manipulate a population if you (or someone you assisted) had manipulative control over the families of a population? Cross-examine them to see if they used the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to assist them in their goals for families. This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them question 23c.
23bb) How did you or someone you assisted (directly or indirectly) manipulate this marriage, family or engagement? It is important to determine if they orchestrated a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY–see Sect. 18 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws–to orchestrate a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. Cross-examine them to determine all methods they used to manipulate the marriage, family or engagement.
23c) Did you (or someone you assisted) desire to have manipulative control over families because you (or someone you assisted) felt this was necessary in order to achieve your goal of a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t care, ask them questions 23d and 23e.
23d) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly engage in marital or family matchmaking (using ANY METHOD), in order to influence the character and/or makeup of a family or marriage, so that this marriage or family would enhance your goals (or the goals of someone you assisted) for a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to find out which families, marriage engagements, or marriages were involved.
23e) Did you (or someone you assisted) directly or indirectly interfere with, destroy or harm an engagement to marriage– or interfere with, destroy or harm a family or a marriage (using ANY METHOD)– because you (or someone you assisted) felt this engagement, family or marriage (if left alone and not interfered with by you [or someone you assisted]), would hinder or prevent your goal (or the goal of someone you assisted) for a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to find out which families, marriage engagements, or marriages were involved.
If there is a dispute over whether the motive for an incident was a deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to orchestrate a conspiracy or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography, try asking question 24 regarding the incident:
24) When you committed (or were involved with) this incident, did you feel that you were manipulated or tricked (against your will or knowledge) into committing (or being involved with) this incident? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. The most truthful answer must be determined. If the answer to this question is determined to be no, ask them question 25.
25) Did you or someone you assist (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly, and willingly (and with meticulous care and attention to detail, timing or events), orchestrate this incident–in order to create a conspiracy or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. The most truthful answer must be determined.
The questions which comprise question 26 deal with LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violations, in order to determine motives for these violations, because the wrong motives will bring the death penalty (see Sect. 70.92 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs):
26) Did you (or someone you assist) orchestrate this incident, in order to (directly or indirectly) prevent or hinder (or draw attention to) the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from any PERSON-PROGRAM? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 26a.
26 a) In your attempt (or action) to orchestrate this incident, were you (or someone you assisted) trying to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process in any manner? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, cross-examine them to determine how they attempted to (or did) draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process. If the answer is determined to be yes, also ask them question 26b.
26 b) Tell us why you wanted to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process with this incident. Cross examine them until all the reasons for why they wanted to draw attention to the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process have been determined. The direct or cross-examination may have to go into detail: PERSON-PROGRAM by PERSON-PROGRAM or incident by incident. Keep cross-examining them until their TRUE MOTIVES are determined.
27) Did you (or someone you assist) orchestrate this incident, so that the timing of the incident would strengthen your ability to frame an innocent party (or parties) with a conspiracy? This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 28. Cross-examine them to get all the details over how and why they timed the incident to occur when it occurred.
28) Who did you (or someone you assist) try to frame with this incident? And why did you feel that by timing this incident to occur when it did, that you felt you could better frame the innocent party (or parties) you wanted to frame? Cross-examine them to determine all the parties they want to frame, what kind of conspiracy they are trying to frame an innocent party (or parties) with, and why they timed this incident to occur when it occurred.
29) What was your main motive (or the motive of someone you assisted) for bringing this issue into the spotlight? Cross-examine them to determine what was the MAIN MOTIVE for bringing this issue into the spotlight. Was the issue which you brought up (or debated about), THE MAIN REASON YOU BROUGHT THIS ISSUE TO THE FOREFRONT? Cross-examine them to see if they were cloaking their real reason for bringing up this issue with a smokescreen. If it is determined that there was another motive (besides the motive which they claim was the reason for bringing up this issue), ask them question 30.
30) Was your MAIN MOTIVE (or the motive of someone you assisted) for bringing this issue to the spotlight, so that you could create a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 31.
31) How did you (or someone you assisted) use this issue (which you’ve brought to the spotlight) so that you could create a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must give details about what kind of conspiracy they tried to orchestrate and how they planned to use this issue to create this conspiracy.
The following questions which comprise question 32, deal with deception in news reporting:
32) Did you (or someone you assist) deliberately, knowingly and willingly create this news (or newspaper) story with the intent to lie to the public or to deceive the public? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 32a and 32b.
32a) Why did you (or someone you assist) deliberately create a deceptive and/or false news report or newspaper story? The direct or cross-examiner must determine if they are using this lying newspaper or news report as an attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party. If so, this is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The direct or cross-examiner should keep questioning them until the real motive for their lying and deception is revealed.
32b) Tell us what in your news story was deceptive or a lie and let us know how this story could be changed in order to make it accurate and truthful. We will expose the lies in your news story on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and we will also rewrite your story and present your story on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL in a truthful version. Direct or cross-examine them to get the answers to this question 32b. If they refuse to tell us the truth about the lies in their news story, then we will ignore them and will expose the lies in their news story and will present a truthful version of their story on GCFNC. Regardless of how they respond to this question, immediately after this question, have THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL expose the lies in their false news story and then (right afterwards) THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will present a truthful version of their false news story on GCFNC. Ask them question 32c.
32c) Was one of your motives in creating this false news story an attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party? They must answer this question with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, inform them that they will be executed for this crime and that presenting false news stories to the public with the intent to orchestrate a conspiracy (with which to frame an innocent party) is a DEATH PENALTY violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The direct or cross-examiner may want to jump to other direct or cross-examination questions after this one.
The following questions (which comprise question 33) deal with the reasons why the Jesuits target specific persons:
33) Name the top twenty to fifty person(s) in the world that you (or someone you assist) considered the most damaging to the goals of the Jesuit Order. This question is to be asked of a Jesuit leader or someone who is being direct or cross-examined for complicity with a Jesuit conspiracy. The direct or cross-examiner should get a complete list and obtain a list of all those persons that the JESUITS THEMSELVES considered the most damaging to their goals. Names can be thrown out to the one being questioned, and 666-Computer lie-detection (in combination with the questioning) can be used to determine who should be included on this list. This list of Jesuit-targeted persons may be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and a ten million dollar reward will be given to anyone who captures (or gives information which leads to a capture) or who provides overwhelming evidence against any important criminal involved in a conspiracy to target any of the persons on this list. If a SIGNIFICANT PERSON is named in the top twenty to fifty on this Jesuit-targeted persons list, then ask them question 33a.
33a) Did you (or someone you assisted) target this person (who was on the Jesuit-targeted list) because you (or someone you assisted) considered this person to be a person in the world who brought tremendous damage to the goals of the Jesuit Order? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 33b and question 13.
33b) Did you (or someone you assist[ed]) used any form of genetic profiling as a basis for your decision that this person (who was on the Jesuit-targeted persons list) was a person that needed to be eliminated, destroyed, weakened, or monitored or that this person (on the Jesuit-targeted list) must have their reputation destroyed? Have the questioner give an example of genetic profiling. For instance, tell them that the Jesuits determined that Gail Schuler had a genetic profile that matches the genetic profile of Howard Hughes by 90%, and the Jesuits determined that for this reason ALONE Gail Schuler should be monitored from the day she was born, in order to ensure that her Howard Hughes’s brain would not be used against the goals of the Jesuit Order. Howard Hughes was the brother of Gail Schuler’s paternal grandfather. This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer to this question is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question 33c and 33e.
33c) Did you (or someone you assist[ed]) directly or indirectly (using any method–including the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology) murder Howard Hughes? They must answer this question with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 33d.
33d) Why did you (or someone you assisted) murder (or would have desired to murder) Howard Hughes? Question them until the truthful answer(s) to this question is/are obtained.
33e) Which persons on the Jesuit-targeted list did you genetically profile? Question them until a complete list of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (who were genetically profiled) is obtained. If any of these genetically profiled persons were on the Jesuit-targeted list, next to the targeted person’s name on the list (broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) may be mentioned that they were genetically profiled by the Jesuits. Any helpful information (in relation to this genetic profiling) may be mentioned also on the list. For those who want the ten million dollar reward, this genetic profiling information may help that person to arrest and/or convict Jesuit criminals.
The following is a very basic question, but may help to make it crystal clear who would have the motive to commit certain crimes:
34) What 3 things in this life did you want more than anything else in the world? The alleged conspirator should be direct or cross-examined to determine if what that person wanted more than anything in the world was money or power, because all violations of CONSPIRACY LAWS are motivated by a desire for power or wealth. The person’s TRUE MOTIVE for living must be determined. All sham and pretense must be eliminated in any answers to this question.
666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection must be strictly used while the person gives the answers to this question.
The questions which comprise question 35 deal with the manipulation of finances or the manipulation of the prices of goods and services, the stock market(s) and/or the economy.
35) Did you (or someone you assisted) engage directly or indirectly (knowingly and willingly) in the manipulation of any nation’s economy, or in the manipulation of the prices of goods or services, or in the manipulation of financial institutions or of the stock market (anywhere in the world), in order to further your goals? Specifically ask if they manipulated the economies, prices of goods or services, financial institutions or stock markets of any country or part of the world. This question must be answered with yes or no. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 35a and 35b.
35a) How did you (or someone you assisted) manipulate this country’s economy, finances, the prices of goods or services, or financial institution(s) or the stock market? Determine all the methods they used to manipulate an economy, finances, financial institution(s) or stock market(s).
35b) Why did you (or someone you assisted) manipulating this country’s economy, the prices of goods or services, finances, or the financial institution(s) or stock market? It is especially important to determine if they used this economic or financial manipulation to create a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party. Throw out the names of some people or organizations (like Vladimir Putin, the Russian government, Pres. George Bush, the American government, etc.) that they may have wanted to frame with a financial or economic conspiracy and check their response for honesty (according to 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection). If it is determined that they tried to orchestrate a conspiracy with which to frame an innocent party, ask them questions 2c and 2d .
36) Did you (or someone you assisted) consider Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAWS to be the most threatening opponent you’d ever encountered in all of the history of any organization which you (or someone you assisted) sponsored or promoted? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, then ask them question 36aand question them to determine which organization they were associated with– that considered Gail Schuler such a threat..
36a) Was Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAWS enough of a threat to you (or someone you assisted) that you (or someone you assisted) would have been willing to spend trillions of dollars on manpower (or on anything) to stop her from writing CONSPIRACY LAW? This question must be answered with yes, no or I don’t care. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 36b. If the answer is determined to be yes, ask them question 36b and make them tell us exactly how much they spent to foil Gail Schuler’s attempt to write or promote CONSPIRACY LAW.
36b) Were you (or someone you assisted) behind the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violations employed on Gail Schuler and/or her family and/or her friends at a certain time in the past? This question must be answered with yes or no.
37) Were you or your organization (or someone you assist) behind any of the brutal kidnappings, beheadings, and tortures of innocent civilians and of other innocent people which we heard about on the news? This question must be answered with yes, no, or I don’t know. If the answer is determined to be yes or I don’t know, ask them question 37a and 37b. Also question them to determine if the killer (or would be killers involved) were UNWILLING AGENTS controlled by JESUIT IMPOSED PERSONS.
37a) Please list the names of all persons whose beheading, torture, kidnapping, etc. you or your organization (or someone you assisted) (directly or indirectly) supported in any manner, including the use of UNWILLING AGENTS as the means of torture. Question them by throwing out names of those who have been beheaded, tortured, held hostage, kidnapped, etc.–going as far back as the entire history of the Jesuits (since about 1550)–in order to determine whose beheading, tortures, kidnappings, hostage taking they have directly or indirectly supported. This session could take all day and I would recommend it. I think you should sit on this one and broadcast the entire cross-examination to this question on prime time on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, in order to establish the consistently cruel history of the Jesuits and that their present behavior is consistent with their history. The Jesuit Order has been consistently cruel and cold and have never ever been a benevolent organization in any way and the cross-examination to this question can establish this.
37b) Give us the real reason why you or your organization (or someone you assisted) supported this torture and what you hoped to accomplish by doing this. Question them to determine their real motives for supporting this/these torture(s), and make sure these motives (and those Jesuits who supported these tortures) are exposed and identified on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
2.9 The 666-Computer lie-detection results over the questions asked (see Sect. 2.0 through 2.02) will be presented during (or after) the public direct or cross-examination of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON or Vladimir Putin (or whoever is CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and of the Jesuit leader(s) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Anyone who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly causes any false, misleading or inaccurate 666-Computer lie-detection results [regarding the questions asked of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON or Vladimir Putin (or whoever is CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and of the Jesuit leader on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL], will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
2.91 If a person refuses to answer a direct or cross-examination question clearly and directly, but the answer (or some relevant information) to the question can be determined (via 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis or through 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES conducted on that person or on other people) then THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will broadcast the answer (or any relevant information available) to the unanswered question. See questions #5 in this section. When THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL supplies the answer (or any relevant information available) to the unanswered question, the answer (or information) supplied must be accurate and pertinent– and any person who deliberately, knowingly and willingly cooperates in any scheme to broadcast (or to attempt to broadcast) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL an answer or information (to an unanswered question) which turns out to be inaccurate, deceptive, irrelevant(see Sect. 2.3) or misleading will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
2.92 We don’t gloat over exposing criminals, but consider it a sad, but necessary duty; therefore, we don’t encourage irrelevant information (or answers) to unanswered questions–because this may create the impression that we view these direct or cross-examination questions as a joke or a game. We don’t want to create any impression that we feel the murder of innocent people is funny or to be taken lightly. If THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL doesn’t know the answer to an unanswered question, then we will say so.
3.0 Vladimir Putin and the current head Jesuit (and other Jesuit leaders) and any other SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (who may need to be direct or cross-examined) will be direct or cross-examined everyday (or more often) (according to Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL regarding the activities, conduct and/or conversations of Gail Schuler’s mother and sister (and any other of Gail’s relatives who are being used as UNWILLING AGENTS) and/or regarding the activities, conduct and/or conversations of any of Vladimir Putin’s relatives who may be used as UNWILLING AGENTS. Elements of the transcripts conducted on Gail’s mother (see Gail’s 2-24-04 statement) may be mentioned during the public direct or cross-examination. Those who are found guilty of violating this Sect. 3 (as a result of the direct or cross-examination and/or other evidence) will be required to make a CONFESSION STATEMENT on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, and may be executed immediately. The times and dates of the executions will be mentioned on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
3.01 If the head Jesuit is executed and the criminal activities (violations of this Sect. 3) continue, then the next current head Jesuit (or Jesuits) will be brought in for direct or cross-examination. As long as the violations of this Sect. 3 continue, this process of direct or cross-examination and execution of Jesuit leaders will continue, even if every Jesuit leader in the world must be executed. There is obviously always a leader to this Jesuit organization and that leader will be found and brought in for direct or cross-examination whenever violations of this Sect 3 continue.
3.1 All IMPOSED PERSONs (who willingly, knowingly and deliberately have manipulated any of Gail or Vladimir’s relatives as UNWILLING AGENTS) will be direct or cross-examined on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (according to Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT), then they will make CONFESSION STATEMENTS on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, then they will be executed. The time and date of the execution will be broadcast or mentioned on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
3.11 Every time an IMPOSED PERSON is direct or cross-examined, the current JESUIT LEADER will also be direct or cross-examined along with that IMPOSED PERSON in regard to that IMPOSED PERSON’s criminal activities. We may have to reserve a permanent space on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL station, just for the current JESUIT LEADER. Maybe this space will be a permanent fixture on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL station– a permanent jail space reserved just for the current Jesuit leader; since, judging by the rate at which CONSPIRACY LAW violations continue, the current Jesuit leader may as well LIVE ON THE THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL set. The reason for doing this is because it has been well established that the Jesuit Order is behind the conspiracies which have been occurring. This Jesuit Order just never gives up and their reward for their stubbornness will be a permanent jail space (for their leader) on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL station, since we anticipate that the current Jesuit leader will be in public direct or cross-examinations all day. We may just have to present highlights from these direct or cross-examinations on the newscast.
3.12 Because it has been well established that Vladimir Putin is innocent of these conspiracy activities, Vladimir’s direct or cross-examination regarding these incidents may be more general (using tactics from Sect. 2.7 of this document). Only if it is determined as a result of general direct or cross-examinations (like that recommended in Sect. 2.7 of this document), that Vladimir may be guilty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, will Vladimir have to endure more detailed and time-consuming direct or cross-examinations.
3.01 A list (see Sect. 3.2) will be posted regularly and/or broadcast regularly on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL of all the IMPOSED PERSONS and JESUIT LEADERS who have been, are, or will be executed because they were used to deliberately, knowingly and willingly manipulate one of Gail or Vladimir’s relatives as an UNWILLING AGENT. All those IMPOSED PERSONS and JESUIT LEADERS who have already been executed (for violating this Sect. 3) will be on the list. If those IMPOSED PERSONS (who are/were executed) are Jesuits or are determined to have worked for Jesuits–that will be noted beside their name on the list.
3.2 After these IMPOSED PERSONS and JESUIT LEADERS are executed, their names will be added onto the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR’S EXECUTION LIST. This JESUIT CONSPIRATOR’S EXECUTION LIST will be broadcast everyday on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and all the names read out loud (or posted on the broadcast). If the list gets too long, then THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will mention where on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’S website this list may be found. This list will be maintained and broadcast regularly (and no names will be omitted from the list) until Vladimir is able to marry Gail Schuler or Vladimir is able to pay Gail a salary directly. This list is our outrage at the Jesuit Order for interfering with Gail’s marriage to Vladimir Putin and for interfering with Gail’s finances.
4.0 Transcripts of all the conversations which Gail’s mom and Gail’s stepdad (mom and step-dad of Gail Schuler) have been involved with over the past months [date now is 2-29-04] (including the conversations of those she/he has conversed with–in other words make it so that the public will know what Gail’s mom/Gail’s stepdad said and what the other person said) over the past months (especially any significant conversations) to be presented on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website.
4.01 These transcripts will be updated daily, so that current conversations will be presented and the transcripts will be kept up-to-date.
4.02 In the transcripts the VOLUME of the voice will be noted (especially if it is unusual). If Gail’s mom or Gail’s stepdad is talking and the other person doesn’t answer during the conversation (because Gail’s mom often talks on and on and on and won’t quit even after the other person ignores her), somehow indicate that this is occurring on the transcripts. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL may actually allow the oral transcripts to be heard on the broadcast.
4.03 If Gail’s mom or Gail’s stepdad have suffered significant amnesia (or are victims of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING–see Sect. 68 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs), the evidence for this will be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, especially if this amnesia or LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is necessary to know to explain strange or legally significant behavior or conversations in the transcripts.
4.1 The transcripts will also mention Gail’s mom or Gail’s stepdad’s activities, because not everything done is verbal.
4.2 These transcripts of Gail’s mom and Gail’s stepdad’s conversations will include all his/her significant phone conversations. The transcripts may include legally significant portions of Gail’s mom or Gail’s stepdad’s (or anyone else’s) 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES (FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL, CONSPIRACY or otherwise), if this information would be helpful to understand the dynamics of a conversation or incident noted on the transcript.
4.3 In any of these transcripts, when lying occurs (it will be noted). Lying can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis. It may be helpful to present results from 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES (EMOTIONAL, FINANCIAL, CONSPIRACY, or otherwise), to determine why the person lied. Or it may be helpful to mention in the transcript the involvement of any LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or IMPOSED PERSON (if lying has occurred). If foreign languages are involved (since Gail’s mom speaks fluent Japanese) or translation is necessary, translation of the transcripts will be done on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ broadcast or on its website.
4.4 These transcripts of Gail’s stepdad and Gail’s mom’s conversations will also include all her/his conversations at any meetings she/he has attended (or will attend) and any conversations she/he has conducted (or will conduct) in any automobile or vehicle.
4.5 The transcripts presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be accurate. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to present a false (or misleading) transcript will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone who makes such an attempt or action. A panel of about 7 people (some of them should be lawyers) will evaluate the transcripts to make sure that a truthful presentation is presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
4.6 Any IMPOSED PERSONS (or any LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING interference) involved in the behavior or conduct of Gail’s stepdad or Gail’s mom (or any of the people they converse with) will be noted on the transcript.
4.7 At the same time that these transcripts are presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, it will be mentioned what progress we are making in blocking the 666-Computer or satellite computer programs which allow the Jesuits to use LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING on people (via the 666-Computer or satellite computer).
4.8 If the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT feels it appropriate, he can broadcast some of these conversations (which have been transcribed onto the transcripts) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Vladimir [and maybe some other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (including Gail’s stepdad) and Jesuit leader(s)] should undergo direct or cross-examination using the format in Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT document regarding any unusual behavior (noted in the transcripts) or any behavior (noted in the transcripts) which is caused by an illegal LOOPHOLE PROGRAM or regarding any legally significant behavior or conversation (noted in the transcripts). Gail’s mom will not be subjected to direct or cross-examination because she is currently mentally and emotionally unstable (because of intense Jesuit interference with her brain through LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING). Instead, any legally significant information which can be obtained from Gail’s mom’s 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES (FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL, CONSPIRACY or otherwise) may be used in the place of a direct or cross-examination and information from these HISTORIES may be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (if it is legally advisable to do so).
4.9The address or phone number of Gail’s stepdad or Gail’s mom will not be mentioned on the broadcast, and aliases may be used to protect the innocent. However, anyone (mentioned in the transcripts–like IMPOSED PERSONS) who has deliberately, knowing and willingly violated Sect. 68 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs will have HIS/HER NAME EXPOSED ON THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will make CONFESSION STATEMENTS on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and will be executed. The time and date of the executions will be noted on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
5.0 No person who is an UNWILLING AGENT (or who is vulnerable to becoming an UNWILLING AGENT–as determined by analysis of that person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer program) can serve as a juror or can serve as a judge or can serve as any person who could determine the outcome of a legal case. All persons currently serving in these positions will be screened to see if they are UNWILLING AGENTS (or could easily become UNWILLING AGENTS) and those determined to be UNWILLING AGENTS (or vulnerable to becoming UNWILLING AGENTS) will be removed from their positions and placed elsewhere.
5.1 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person to allow an UNWILLING AGENT (or to allow one who could easily become an UNWILLING AGENT) to serve as a juror or to serve as a judge or to serve as any person who could determine the outcome of a legal case, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
5.2 No person who is an UNWILLING AGENT (or who is vulnerable to becoming an UNWILLING AGENT–as determined by analysis of that person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer program) can serve in any government position which influences legislation, the laws or the decisions of government. All persons currently serving in these positions will be screened to see if they are UNWILLING AGENTS (or could easily become UNWILLING AGENTS) and those determined to be UNWILLING AGENTS (or vulnerable to becoming UNWILLING AGENTS) will be removed from their positions and placed elsewhere.
5.3 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person to allow an UNWILLING AGENT (or to allow one who could easily become an UNWILLING AGENT) to serve in any government position which influences legislation, the laws or the decisions of government, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
5.4 No person who is an UNWILLING AGENT (or who is vulnerable to becoming an UNWILLING AGENT–as determined by analysis of that person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer program) can serve in any position in which decisions regarding life and death of persons are involved or in which serious decisions are involved which could determine the fate of a nation or nations or communities. All persons currently serving in these positions will be screened to see if they are UNWILLING AGENTS (or could easily become UNWILLING AGENTS) and those determined to be UNWILLING AGENTS (or vulnerable to becoming UNWILLING AGENTS) will be removed from their positions and placed elsewhere.
5.5 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person to allow an UNWILLING AGENT (or to allow one who could easily become an UNWILLING AGENT) to serve in any position in which decisions regarding life and death of persons are involved or in which serious decisions are involved which could determine the fate of a nation or nations or communities–will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
All violators of this Sect. 6 are subject to public exposure following the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
6.0A WILLING AGENT is defined as a person who makes a legal contract with a person (who would be the IMPOSED PERSON on that WILLING AGENT), so that (according to the terms of the contract between that WILLING AGENT and that IMPOSED PERSON) that IMPOSED PERSON will use that WILLING AGENT’s body and/or brain as a medium to communicate or carry out some actions (as specified by the contract). This contract will be called the WILLING AGENT CONTRACT.
6.01 No WILLING AGENT CONTRACT can be made unless it is first cleared by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (of the country or countries involved) and entered onto the WILLING AGENT CONTRACT LIST [of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT(S) of the country or countries involved.]. Any willing, knowing and deliberate attempt (or action) to make (directly or indirectly) a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT without first clearing that contract through the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS involved (so that that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT is entered onto the WILLING AGENT CONTRACT LIST of that HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action). The HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS will maintain a list (called a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT LIST) of all WILLING AGENT CONTRACTS which are cleared by that HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT, and no WILLING AGENT CONTRACT can be made until that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT is entered onto that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT LIST.
6.1Any IMPOSED PERSON who desires (indirectly or directly) to communicate or carry out some action(s) (via a WILLING AGENT), must sign a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT with that WILLING AGENT to get permission from that WILLING AGENT in order to use that WILLING AGENT’s brain and/or body as a medium (for the IMPOSED PERSON) to communicate or carry out some action(s). This WILLING AGENT CONTRACT will be treated like any other legal contract (for legal purposes). The established legal principles of contract law will apply fully to the WILLING AGENT CONTRACT— in other words, there must be an offer and an acceptance and the contract must be legal, etc.
6.2 The WILLING AGENT CONTRACT must clearly spell out the times, dates and manner of the takeover by the IMPOSED PERSON on that WILLING AGENT’s brain and/or body and must clearly indicate who the WILLING AGENT is. Any person involved (directly or indirectly) in the creation of a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT and who deliberately, willingly and knowingly writes it in an ambiguous manner so that the terms of the contract are not clear, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs and will suffer public exposure for his/her crimes and will be executed.
6.3 Any willing, knowing and deliberate (direct or indirect) breach of a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT which is designed to draw attention to a conspiracy or to orchestrate or create a conspiracy, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes (or cooperates) with such a breach. The willing, knowing and deliberate (direct or indirect) violator of a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT (especially if the violation is designed to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography or to orchestrate, draw attention to, or create a conspiracy) will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs and will suffer public exposure for his/her crimes and will be executed.
6.4 No WILLING AGENT CONTRACT can be formed with the intent to draw attention to, or to orchestrate or create a conspiracy or which is used to carry out any illegal activities (such as murder). Any person who willingly, knowing and deliberately participates in (or is involved in), directly or indirectly, the creation of any WILLING AGENT CONTRACT which is a contract designed to draw attention to, or to orchestrate or create a conspiracy, or is a contract designed to carry out an illegal activity (especially if the illegal activity is designed to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Any person who is a violator of this Sect. 6.4 will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs and will suffer public exposure for his/her crimes and will be executed.
6.5 All WILLING AGENT CONTRACTs must be filed with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS of the countries involved, and the international government must also get a copy of all WILLING AGENT CONTRACTS made all over the world. The International government will accept WILLING AGENT CONTRACTS through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. See the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’s website for information about how to file WILLING AGENT CONTRACTS with the International government through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any person who (directly or indirectly) makes a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT, and who deliberately, knowingly and willingly does not file that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of the countries involved, and who does not file that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT with the International government– will receive the death penalty as a JESUT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs and will suffer public exposure for his/her crimes and will be executed.
6.6 Any person who willingly, deliberately and knowingly conducts himself/herself (directly or indirectly) as an IMPOSED PERSON on an agent (WILLING or UNWILLING)–without (after clearing that contract with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.–see Sect. 6.01) making a WILLING AGENT CONTRACT with that WILLING or UNWILLING AGENT and/or who does not file that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (of the involved country or countries), and who does not file that WILLING AGENT CONTRACT with the International government– will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs and will suffer public exposure for his/her crimes and will be executed.
7.0 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will maintain a IMPOSED PERSON execution list, and all those who are executed for being IMPOSED PERSONS illegally will be put on this list. Any Jesuits (or those strongly connected to Jesuits) will be highlighted on this list. This list will be broadcast daily on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and it will be mentioned how many names are on the list and what percentage of those names are Jesuits (or strongly connected to Jesuits). If the list gets too long, then on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL broadcast, it will be mentioned where on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website, the names that are on this list can be found. This list must be accurate–and any willing , knowing and deliberate attempt (or action) to present any false, misleading or incorrect information on this list will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
7.1 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will also maintain a LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING execution list. All those who are executed for violating CONSPIRACY LAWS related to LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING will be placed on this list. Any Jesuits (or those strongly connected to Jesuits) will be highlighted on this list. This list will be broadcast daily on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and it will be mentioned how many names are on the list and what percentage of those names are Jesuits (or strongly connected to Jesuits). If the list gets too long, then on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’broadcast, we will mention where on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website, the names that are on this list can be found. This list must be accurate–and any willing , knowing and deliberate attempt (or action) to present any false, misleading or incorrect information on this list will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
All violations of this Sect. 8 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 8 with the intent to assist the Jesuits in their goal of a worldwide dictatorship, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. In Conspiracy Law a Jesuit is defined as any person who willingly and knowingly supports the terrorist element of the Jesuit Order under the leadership of Zack Knight, using means such as nukkake, murders, rapes, etc. in order to promote a Catholic dictatorship over the world.
8.0 Since the Roman Catholic Church is not a democracy and does not allow its people to vote for a Pope (who is the equivalent of the President of a country), we will modify some of the voting laws of this Sect. 8 to apply only to the College of Cardinals (who DO vote for a Pope). This means that all those in the College of Cardinals, who decide who the next Pope should be, in the event that Pope Francis passes on– must adhere to the voting laws of this Sect. 8. That is, no UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT can vote over who the next Pope will be. No one can be a voting member of the College of Cardinals (that is, can be a Cardinal whose vote will count in the vote for a Pope), if that Cardinal is an UNWILLING AGENT or is a JESUIT SUPPORTER. 666-Computer analysis by the International government will monitor the proceedings of the College of Cardinals in the vote for a Pope and the results of these monitorings will be presented on GCFNC.
WE HAVE TO GET INVOLVED IN ROMAN CATHOLIC POLITICS BECAUSE OUR ENEMY IS THE JESUIT ORDER. You must remember that it is THE POPE who sponsors and finances GCFNC, so, in effect, GCFNC is a Roman Catholic sponsored news station. Though Vladimir and I are not Roman Catholic, we have chosen to work with Pope Francis because he has been very helpful to us in dealing with Jesuits. And since GCFNC is a Roman Catholic sponsored news organization, GCFNC has the right to monitor any elections for a Pope.
8.0.1 The International government will intervene in the matter of who the next Pope will be, because this strongly affects the war against Jesuit terrorism. We have had excellent support from Pope Francis and cannot afford to allow the next Pope to be a POPE WHO SUPPORTS ZACK KNIGHT. Therefore, for the purposes of CONSPIRACY LAW, anyone who manages the vote for a Pope, must follow the guidelines and principles of this Sect. 8. In the matter of voting for a Pope, the guidelines of this Sect. 8 must be followed and the College of Cardinals must adhere to the guidelines of this Sect. 8 in voting for a Pope. Pope John Paul II has written this into Canon Law, so that Popes will be voted upon by the College of Cardinals (according to the guidelines of this Sect. 8). Pope Francis will state that since the Jesuit Order has been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, that JESUITS are banned from influencing who will be a Pope–and, therefore, all Jesuits are to be removed from the College of Cardinals, so that they cannot influence who will be the next Pope. Also, only those members of the College of Cardinals who are not UNWILLING AGENTS, JESUITS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS can determine who will be the next Pope. According to new Canon Law, no JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER or UNWILLING AGENT can have their vote count in this matter of voting for a Pope. So the vote by the College of Cardinals will be strictly monitored by the International government to ensure that no JESUIT, JESUIT SUPPORTER or UNWILLNG AGENT has their vote count in the vote for a Pope. Since our enemy is the Jesuit Order, we must take an interest in the outcome of any election for a Roman Catholic Pope. Because the Jesuits are so determined to takeover the Vatican, not only will the International government monitor any elections for a Pope, but we will ask Pope Francis to endorse some of his cardinals for the papacy. The Pope will make a public endorsement of the cardinals which he prefers to be the next Pope, should he die. The Pope will state, that he hopes that in the event of his death, that he hopes the College of Cardinals will honor his endorsements, and that one of those which he has chosen, will be the next Pope. Then, when, and if, Papal elections occur, the International government will monitor these elections to see if the Pope’s requests are honored. Also, a poll will be taken of the Roman Catholic people all over the world (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) about how they feel about the candidates which the Pope has endorsed and the results of this poll will be presented on GCFNC. I predict that the Roman Catholic people will overwhelmingly approve the candidates which the Pope endorses. This will put pressure on the College of Cardinals to pick the candidates which the Pope endorses for the papacy (should the Pope die) and we want this pressure on them, because this will weaken the Jesuit ability to takeover the Vatican (which is their goal).
8.0.2 If it is discovered that a Pope is chosen in violation of this Sect. 8, that is, if Cardinals (or others) who determine the choice for a Pope are UNWILLING AGENTs or are JESUITS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS, then an election recall must be demanded and the International government will demand that another vote be taken by the College of Cardinals, so that the Pope chosen by this College will be chosen by members who are NOT JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS or UNWILLING AGENTS.
8.0(a) Those governments (including the College of Cardinals) that do not comply with this Sect. 8 will be exposed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and the election results will be condemned as being influenced by special interest groups (through the use of UNWILLING AGENTS). THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will maintain lists of those governments (on its website) who do not comply with this Sect. 8 (when they conduct their elections). The evidence that an election was rigged (through the use of UNWILLING AGENTS) will be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. This list of those governments that allow an election to be rigged (through the use of UNWILLING AGENTS), will be called RIGGED ELECTIONS– and those elections that were rigged (through the use of UNWILLING AGENTS or through violations of this Sect. 8) will be exposed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The International government will encourage the citizens of those countries (that are victims of a rigged election) or the Cardinals in the College of Cardinals to demand an election recall, in order to eliminate the use of UNWILLING AGENTS in an election (which caused the election’s outcome to favor a special interest group). The international government considers it unfair to the people of a country (or to the College of Cardinals or the Roman Catholic people), when the managers of an election allow a special interest group (through the use of UNWILLING AGENTS) to rig an election in favor of a special interest group.
8.0(aa1) Because Gail has written a biography about Loree McBride that gives voters information about who she is and how she tries to influence elections to support genocide, it is mandatory for all voters in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations to watch and/or listen to the Loree McBride biography and then to pass a test about this biography that indicates they understand enough about Loree McBride to vote intelligently in an election. This test will be designed by Gerard Butler M.D., Brent Spiner M.D., Terrance Jenkins or one of the men on Gail’s marriage list, who can receive help in designing the test from educators trained in the field of education. Gerard or the man on Gail’s marriage list only needs to approve of the course. This course will only be difficult enough to give the student a sufficient understanding of Loree McBride to be able to vote intelligently in an election. This test will also be used as a way to detect Loree McBride Jesuits or Loree McBride brain control victims (UNWILLING AGENTs) in the population and when, as a result of administering this test, we determine someone is a Loree McBride Jesuit they cannot register to vote or their registration must be revoked. Any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) negligence or action that supports Loree McBride Jesuits in their goals for an evil world takeover will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Those who do not pass the Loree McBride biography course (designed to measure whether a person understands who Loree McBride is based on Gail’s Loree McBride biography), cannot vote in an election, and will be called a Loree McBride ignoramus. No Loree McBride ignoramus can vote in an election, or if they manage to vote, the vote must not count. It goes without saying that anyone who willingly and knowingly supports Loree McBride gets the death penalty, along with anyone who willingly and knowingly allows a Loree McBride Jesuit to have a vote count in any election. The test can be administered online and for those unable to take the test (for whatever reason), Gail’s men can do a scan of the person’s brain to see if they have watched Gail’s Loree McBride biography and understand enough about it to vote intelligently, if the scan indicates they understand enough, they do not need to take the test and they are eligible to vote. Gail’s Loree McBride biography does an excellent job of educating about Loree and everyone needs to understand Loree to vote intelligently.
8.0(a1) Another method the Jesuits use to unfairly influence an election is to use their special interest groups to finance (or contribute personnel to) politically motivated advertising, press and broadcast news releases, and other means of public communication to present unfair, biased, inaccurate and/or defamatory portrayals of those candidates or organizations the Jesuits oppose.
8.0(a2) To minimize the Jesuit ability to manipulate public opinion through these damaging and unfair public presentations, all organizations that finance any public presentation for political purposes must be listed as a POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION on a POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST.
8.0(a2.1.1) POLITICAL PURPOSES are defined as any purposes that will have a direct or indirect effect on the political climate of a country or region of the world. An example of a public presentation made for political purposes would be any public presentation that could influence public opinion in any matter that could end up affecting a politician or political organization.
For instance, the public presentations by the Jesuit-led unions in the United States that criticize Wal-Mart as an organization that is injurious to its workers, could affect “Catherine the Great” who works for Wal-Mart. And “Catherine the Great” is a politician, since she is the Empress of Russia. If Wal-Mart has the image of an organization that harms its employees, then the Jesuits could frame Wal-Mart with their own crimes against the politician “Catherine the Great”, and could set things up to harm politician “Catherine the Great”and could frame Wal-Mart with Jesuit crimes against “Catherine the Great”.
Therefore, any public presentations that unfairly present Wal-Mart as an organization injurious and abusive to its workers, is a public presentation that falls under the jurisidiction of this Sect. 8.0 and needs to be treated as a public presentation for political purposes according to the guidelines of this Sect. 8.0.
8.0(a2.1) This POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST [see Sect. 8.0(a2)] will be maintained and updated daily on GCFNC (and/or its websites) and each country must maintain its own POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST on GCFNC. Those countries that do not honor the guidelines of these Sections 8.0(a1) through 8.0(a10) in maintaining their POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST on GCFNC in accordance with the guidelines of these Sections 8.0(a1) through 8.0(a10), will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION (as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW).
8.0(a2.2) These POLITICAL SUPPORT organizations on this list will be placed into two categories: NON-JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS. JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS are banned from making any contributions of finances or personnel to any political cause or interest. We will not allow Jesuit terrorists to influence who runs a country or how laws will be passed or written. Those organizations with some Jesuit influence, but not managed by Jesuits will be listed as NON-JESUIT POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS (20% Jesuit infiltration)–the amount of Jesuit infiltration must be mentioned. By the way, when we find any Jesuits, we will arrest them and remove their ability to influence any organization. However, Jesuits are too clever and will infiltrate some presentations that make it to public presentation, and it is for these presentations that make it, that we will expose any Jesuit involvement in the presentation.
8.0(a.2.3) Political candidates running for office in any campaign in a Conspiracy Law honoring country can take donations from any individual or group that honors Conspiracy Law and are forbidden (under penalty of death) to willingly and knowingly take donations from those who oppose Conspiracy Law. If the country has a law that forbids donations from persons who may live outside the country, that law will be made null and void and Conspiracy Law will override it. The reason for this is that Loree McBride financially starves out her opponents and secretly funnels foreign money to her candidates and we need to make it easy for our candidates to get funding directly from Church of Gail to run for public office. If Empress Gail desires to use Church of Gail donations to donate to a political campaign, the donation will be listed as coming from Brent Spiner (the pastor of Church of Gail) on the campaigner’s form that they must submit to the FEC (or its equivalent) in a county. Church of Gail will deposit the money to Brent Spiner’s account and then withdraw that money from Brent Spiner’s account to the political candidate.
8.0(a3) The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. of those countries (that have jurisdiction over the politically motivated presentation or politically motivated organization or person) must create this POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST in accordance with these Sect. 8.0(a1) through 8.0(a10). All POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS [in their two categories–see Sect. 8.0(a2) above] must be listed in this POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST–that is– any organization (whether a governmental organization, a private organization, a religious organization or whatever organization) that finances (or contributes personnel) directly or indirectly to/for any political position, candidate, or presentation for POLITICAL PURPOSES must be on this list. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing omission of any POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION from this list, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
8.0(a4) This is how the POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION LIST should be presented on GCFNC. First, it must state clearly which organization(s) is/are involved in the financing or support of that presentation. That is, it must identify [by a clear and accurate identifier (specific names of organizations or persons or groups, which must be the accurate and clearly understood name of the organization or person or group behind the presentation)]. Simple example:
NON-JESUIT Organizations involved with Kerry Swift Boat Ads:
NON-JESUIT ORGANIZATION __________ (80% involvement)
NON-JESUIT ORGANIZATION ____________ (10% involvement)º10% Jesuit infiltration in this organization
NON-JESUIT ORGANIZATION___________(10% involvement)
JESUIT organizations involved with Kerry Swift Boat Ads:
JESUIT ORGANIZATION____________(24% involvement)
JESUIT ORGANIZATION____________(72% involvement)
JESUIT ORGANIZATION____________(4% involvement)
Second, it must state clearly which political presentation(s) for political purposes has/have been financed by this/these organization(s) and how the/these organization(s) is/are involved in the presentation and how much money (or personnel) that organization has contributed to the presentation. Simple examples:
JESUIT ORGANIZATION ENRON sponsored personnel and finances to the following political presentations: JESUIT ENRON contributed 40% of financial support used for_________ presentation, JESUIT ENRON contributed 32% of personnel used for_________ presentation, JESUIT ENRON contributed 20% of financial support used for_______ presentation, etc.
NON JESUIT ORGANIZATION GCFNC sponsored personnel and finances to the following political presentations: NON-JESUIT GCFNC provided 32% of _________ presentation’s personnel, NON-JESUIT GCFNC provided 24% of _________ presentation’s financial support, NON-JESUIT GCFNC provided 34% of ___________ presentation’s personnel.
8.0(a4.1) All organizations mentioned in the POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION LIST must be clearly identified as a JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION or as a NON-JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION by the following identifiers: JESUIT or NON-JESUIT. See above examples in Sect. 8.0 (a4).
Though JESUIT organizations will be listed on this list, this does not mean that we encourage the use of JESUIT organizations. It only means that we feel it is fair that the public (or the College of Cardinals) be informed when Jesuits have been involved in any politically motivated public presentation. We believe in freedom of speech and will allow all politically motivated public presentations to be presented, as long as that presentation is not sponsored by a Jesuit organization.
It is for those Jesuit sponsored presentations that somehow make it to a public medium (despite these laws) that it is necessary to list them as being JESUIT influenced–the PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW THIS.
8.0(a5) Those POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS (called JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS) that are determined by their HOMELAND SECURITY’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE to be strongly influenced by Jesuits (or are Jesuit-managed groups) will be banned from making any contributions (in personnel or finances) to public presentation made for political purposes.
8.0(a6) The evidence that the POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION is strongly influenced by Jesuits (or is a Jesuit-managed group) will be presented on GCFNC. False evidence willingly and knowingly presented in the matters of this Sect. 8.0(a6) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
8.0(a6.1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to list any organization as a JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION on this POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST, when, in fact, it is NOT a JESUIT MANAGED ORGANIZATION–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
8.0(a6.2) Also, any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt (or action) to omit any JESUIT MANAGED POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION from this list, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator responsible.
8.0(a7) Before any public presentation for political purposes is presented to the public, all the organizers and promoters of that public presentation must make a statement under 666-Computer lie-detection like this. The fill-in-the-blank section in the following statement must clearly identify which public presentation is involved (with a clear and non-confusing description of the presentation): I swear under penalty of death that I have listed all the persons and organizations that have contributed financially or with personnel (directly or indirectly) to this presentation. And have not omitted anyone or group that financed or contributed personnel (directly or indirectly) to this presentation, nor have I included anyone or any group on this list that has NOT financed (or contributed personnel to) this presentation. And, therefore, all POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS behind this political presentation have been listed accurately and completely in the POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIST regarding this presentation.
8.0(a8) If any of the organizers and/or promoters of any public communication fail 666-Computer lie-detection while making the above statement, that public communication cannot be presented to the public, until all organizers and/or promoters of that public communication pass 666-Computer lie-detection regarding the above statement. A willing and knowing violation of this Sect. 8.0(a8), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
8.0(a9) An easy way to discern if a Jesuit-run POLITICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION is behind any public presentation for political purposes would be if the public presentation seems unduly inflammatory or unfair. This is a definite sign of Jesuit involvement, because Jesuits are fanatics and never balanced or reasonable, and like to be theatrical. All such imbalanced and unreasonable public presentations should be immediately investigated for possible Jesuit involvement. All Jesuits involved in these public presentations will be arrested as JESUIT CONSPIRATORs and tried as war criminals. Remember all Jesuits in the world (as a result of the rerun Nuremberg trial verdicts) are under arrest and must be apprehended by the International government as war criminals.
8.0(a10) Jesuits are trying to hide and work undercover, but their fanatical and passionate political interests, may give us a means of ferreting them out. By finding the financiers and supporters behind these inflammatory public presentations, we may discover an easy way to find and locate Jesuits. Jesuits are very interested in politics since their goal is to takeover the world and to set up a Jesuit worldwide dictatorship, so they will be involved in politics and they will be involved in trying to influence elections and politics. Knowing this about Jesuits, should help us locate them.
8.0(a11) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of these Sections 8.0(a1) through 8.0(a10), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
8.0(b) When an UNWILLING AGENT votes in a political election or for an issue, the vote will not count, unless a certain percentage of voters is needed in order for all the votes to count, and it is determined that the required percentage of voter turnout cannot be met unless some of the votes of the UNWILLING AGENTS are counted (see Sect. 8.01). All persons who are registered to vote in a country will be analyzed to determine if that person is an UNWILLING AGENT (or is highly vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT). Those who are UNWILLING AGENTS (or who are highly vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT) may vote in an election,but their vote may not count (see Sect. 8.01).
8.01 If the news media or government does not want to draw attention to an unusually low voter turnout which is caused because of the elimination of UNWILLING AGENTS from the total vote count, then the guidelines in this Sect. 8.01 can be used, even if the ELIGIBLE VOTER turnout is high enough to meet the voter turnout requirement (as required by law). If, after an election takes place, the ELIGIBLE VOTER turnout isn’t high enough for all the votes to count (because of the elimination of the votes of UNWILLING AGENTS), then some of the votes of the UNWILLING AGENTS will be thrown into the total vote count, in order to reach the percentage of voter turnout needed for all the votes to count, but the percentages of the votes (for the various candidates or issues) will remain the same as they were before the votes of the UNWILLING AGENTS were thrown into the total vote count. For instance, let’s say that a 50% voter turnout is required for the election to be valid, and when the election takes place there is a turnout of 70% (and 30% of the voters who turned out were UNWILLING AGENTS). This means that without adding in the votes of the UNWILLING AGENTS, that the votes that would count would comprise a 40% voter turnout and this would be insufficient for the election to be valid. Let’s say that within this 40% voter turnout from the ELIGIBLE VOTERS, that 78% voted for Candidate A and 12% voted for Candidate B and 10% voted for Candidate C. In order to reach the 50% turnout required– from those UNWILLING AGENTS who voted for Candidate A, enough of their votes would be added to Candidate A’s vote total; and from those UNWILLING AGENTS who voted for Candidate B, enough of their votes would be added to Candidate B’s vote total; and from those UNWILLING AGENTS who voted for Candidate C, enough of their votes would be added to Candidate C’s vote total–so that the total votes added in from the UNWILLING AGENTS would cause the total count of the votes to reach the required 50% voter turnout, but the UNWILLING AGENT votes would be added in so that the percentages of the votes for each of the candidates (or issues voted on) would remain the same as they were with the original 40% vote from the ELIGIBLE VOTERS–that is, the percentages would be 78% for Candidate A,
12% for Candidate B and 10% for Candidate C. This would mean that not all the UNWILLING AGENT votes will be counted, but that only those UNWILLING AGENT votes that are needed to increase the total voter turnout (while keeping the percentages the same as they were with the votes from the ELIGIBLE VOTERS) will be those votes that will count.
8.02 The VOTING MANAGERS will make a list (called the ADD-IN LIST) of those UNWILLING AGENTS [who were added in to the total vote count for each candidate (or for each issue voted on)] that needed to be added in, in order to increase the total voter turnout (while keeping the percentages the same–see Sect. 8.01). This ADD-IN LIST will be maintained in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of the country. The VOTING MANAGERS will make a sworn statement (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) that they followed the guidelines of Sect. 8.01 of this CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT (CL&G) document, in determining which UNWILLING AGENTs should be added to the total vote count and that they followed the guidelines of Sect. 8.01 of this CL&G document in how these UNWILLING AGENTS were added to the total vote count; and they will further state that this ADD-IN LIST accurately describes how the UNWILLING AGENTS were added to the total vote count, and that this ADD-IN LIST accurately describes which UNWILLING AGENTS were added to the total vote count (in order to increase the total voter turnout). The voting results of the election will not be presented to the public until the VOTING MANAGERS (who created the ADD-IN LIST) pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the accuracy and truthfulness of the ADD-IN LIST.
8.03 The public presentation of the total voter turnout should show the same percentages and numbers of voter turnout as is written in the ADD-IN LIST. Any discrepancies between the public presentation of the total voter turnout and what is written in the ADD-IN LIST, will be investigated as possible violations of CONSPIRACY LAW (and as possible attempts to orchestrate conspiracies or to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography), and these discrepancies may result in arrests, criminal convictions, or executions.
8.04 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to write the ADD-IN LIST in a manner which violates the guidelines of this Section 8, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates (directly or indirectly) in such an attempt (or action).
8.07a For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION is defined as any organization or person(s) that uploads to the Internet, the mass media, or that utilizes television or any instrument which allows the public to see images and sound, or any scenes or sounds that could influence public perceptions about any person. This would include FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, all Internet Service providers, YouTube uploaders (even those who claim not to be professional or working for any news organization), The Drunken Peasants, The Amazing Atheists, all newspapers, etc.
8.07aa Though Gail has given detailed instructions regarding HALOS and different color HALOs to be used in the media to alert viewers to Jesuit trickery in the media, using clones, photo shop, and other deceptions – if Jesuits cause too many false HALOs to appear, we may have to abandon the HALOs and replace the HALOs with some other insert or way of informing the public about the use of Jesuit deceptions that need exposure. So consider the use of HALOs a SUGGESTION and if they end up supporting the Jesuits, then other methods (that don’t support the Jesuits and their massive lies) must be used to educate the public about Jesuit deceptions.
8.07aaa IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO VOTE ARE ABLE TO DO SO IN ANY ELECTION. ANY COMPLICATED RULES LIKE SOMEONE NEEDING TO BELONG TO A PARTICULAR PARTY TO VOTE OR OTHER ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA THAT HAMPERS ELIGIBLE AND LEGAL VOTERS FROM VOTING SHOULD BE OUTLAWED. ALL RULES IN AN ELECTION NEED TO BE EVALUATED BY OUR LEGAL TEAMS TO DETERMINE IF THEY ARE JESUIT LAWS DESIGNED TO SWAY THE ELECTIONS IN FAVOR OF THE JESUITS. THESE JESUIT LAWS NEED TO BE EXPOSED ON THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL AND ELIMINATED. For instance, any law requiring only Republicans to vote for a Republican candidate should probably be eliminated, allowing all eligible voters to vote for whoever they want, regardless of the voter’s party affiliation. We don’t want to tie the hands of the voters during an election. The MAIN THING IS THAT UNWILLING AGENTS (like those under Jesuit MIND CONTROL) and Jesuits are INELIGIBLE TO VOTE and if they make it to the voting booth THEIR VOTES MUST NOT COUNT. Any knowing and willing violation of this Sect. 8.07aaa or of these VOTING LAWS that encourage Jesuit sabotage, Jesuit trickery, Jesuit deceptions in any election will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07bbb Due to Loree McBride’s use of the coronavirus to rig the U.S. 2020 mainstream news elections, President Gail makes it mandatory that all citizens of Conspiracy Law honoring country all receive a genetic ID and to have this genetic ID entered in a federal database that registers all the legal citizens of that country. A genetic ID is necessary because Jesuits have created clones of authentic persons and these criminals and illegals vote in elections and have their votes count as the authentic person that they impersonate. A genetic ID can differentiate between various clones and the authentic person and is better than a signature (because signatures are easily counterfeited with advanced Jesuit technology and because all clones can make an accurate counterfeit signature of the person they impersonate, because they receive the memories of the person they impersonate).
8.07bbb(2) Furthermore, due to at least half the world becoming literally retarded as a result of taking Loree McBride’s coronavirus vaccines, everyone must be scanned to determine their IQ and MENTAL STATE, and those who have an IQ less than 80 and/or are UNWILLING AGENTS are not eligible to vote or to hold any government office, such as governor, congressman, politician, judge, etc. Because there are so many retards in the world today, this is a delicate matter and must be handled wisely. Those who are retarded and hold a government office but support Gail and her Conspiracy Law, will be allowed to be the spokesperson for the real person who has replaced them in their office but cannot create any laws or pass any edicts or actions without the written approval of the real office holder and if they do pass any edicts or actions without the written approval of the real office holder, they will be publicly executed. UNWILLING AGENTS cannot be the spokesperson for any government official however, since they are considered clinically insane for all intents and purposes.
8.07bbb(3) Because it may be difficult to convince a retarded person, who became retarded because of the coronavirus vaccine that they are indeed retarded, they will be given a voter ID without a genetic code embedded into it, which will make it invalid and not workable for any elections. To make them feel better, when they show up to vote, the person who processes the votes, will just ignore the invalid voter ID (without a genetic code embedded into it) and not let the retard know that their vote did not count. We use the same technique to eliminate UNWILLING AGENTS and Loree McBride Jesuits from the vote. We don’t want to waste our time fighting with these folks, so this is probably the best way to handle their votes when they show up to vote. But we cannot have a world run by retards and this is what will happen if we allow retards to have voting rights.
8.07ccc The genetic ID will be obtained through scans which can be obtained through the equivalent of that person’s social security card or driver’s license ID or vehicle registration ID for his/her country, state or province. If a person does not have a social security card, driver’s license or vehicle registration ID, they will be supplied with a citizen ID card, which all people must have to be able to vote because this is necessary to put their genetic code into the national database of citizens. All social security cards, driver’s license IDs or vehicle registration IDs or citizen ID cards must be set up to embed a person’s genetic code into their ID card. This code will also be entered into a national database. Our federal scanners must be set up to switch out all social security IDs, driver’s license IDs, vehicle registration IDs and/or citizen IDs with IDs embedded with that citizen’s genetic code.
8.07ddd These 8.07 laws do not replace the current voting laws as described in this Sect. 8, but rather supplement them. When it is time to vote, the person can choose either online, by mail, absentee ballot or in person. Those who vote online, must have their computers or phones set up with genetic scanners that will scan them at the time they vote to identify them as a legal citizen and then to enter their vote (not by name, but by GENETIC CODE). Their genetic code, not their name, is their ID!!
8.07eee As a way to help us execute Loree McBride Jesuits, the computer scanner will be set up to identify Loree McBride Jesuits (and because genetic code is the ID, clones should be identified readily) and alert authorities that they dared to show their face in front of a computer with a scanner in a Conspiracy Law honoring country and they will be arrested and/or executed as soon as possible. It goes without saying, that no vote from a Loree McBride Jesuit counts in a Conspiracy Law honoring country, since no Loree McBride Jesuit can have legal citizenship in a Conspiracy Law honoring country.
8.07fff Those who vote online will have their computer (already outfitted to scan for their genetic code and to scan their IQ and MENTAL STATE) and only computers (including phones with computers used) so outfitted can be used for online voting purposes. The voter will visit an authorized website for voting purposes where they can fill out the ballot online and by using the authorized computer and website with the appropriate scanner (as defined in this Sect. 8/07) there is no need for a signature since their genetic code is their signature. Once that genetic code has voted, the vote can only count once and it’s entered into the federal database and this prevents one vote counting more than once. This procedure where genetic codes replace signatures (as outlined in this Sect. 8.07) must be used by all states or provinces in a Conspiracy Law honoring country, NO EXCEPTIONS. The advantage to this method is that there is no need to enter an address, phone number and other information which is used by Jesuits to dox innocent people and expose their private information online, supposedly to ensure elections are fair and legal. Once a person’s genetic code is entered into the federal database and we’ve scanned them to determine they are legal citizens of that country, that’s all that is needed, as long as they give us a working email and/or mailing address (the mailing address can even be a P.O. Box) and/or phone that we can use to contact them. As long as we have sufficient contact information, the voter does not have to give us their life history to vote. Using the genetic code as ID makes things a lot simpler and more streamlined. It’s pretty tacky now that many states allow voter’s addresses and phone numbers to be displayed publicly just for exercising their right to vote!
8.07fff(1) All who vote, including Gail and all those in her Cabinet, regardless of voting method, must have their IQs and MENTAL STATE scanned at the time they vote, since a person’s IQ and MENTAL STATE can change, depending on whether they received a coronavirus vaccine and other factors. If their IQ falls below 80 or they are an UNWILLING AGENT, the scanner will remove the genetic code embedded on their voter ID or make the voter ID invalid somehow, so that the vote will not count.
8.07fff(1) U.S. President Gail Chord Schuler, and those who live on Church of Gail spaceship #3 will all vote online and fill out ballots online for security purposes from this day forward. Gail and those who live on Church of Gail will have their computers outfitted to scan their genetic codes, to ensure that no imposter is in front of that computer trying to vote for that genetic code. They can find the appropriate ballot for their district when it’s time to vote and submit that ballot to and then their votes will be entered into the federal database for their genetic code and THEY HAVE VOTED safely, privately and securely and their voting results will be forwarded to the appropriate district or state as needed. Gail could make a screenshot of a ballot for her county, and then blacken the appropriate ovals and submit it online to her men at and her vote will then be entered into the federal database and be counted in a manner that does not force her to disclose her address and phone number to Loree McBride’s voting authorities who’d then release this information to the public online.
8.07ggg All programmers who program the federal citizenship database of genetic codes used for voting purposes must be under 24/7 scans to ensure they are willingly complying with Conspiracy Law and entering accurately all voting records from all states and provinces. All such programmers must be scanned 24/7 to ensure they meet the requirements to be a government official, that they have an IQ of at least 80 and are not willing Loree McBride Jesuits or UNWILLING AGENTS. To willingly and illegally cause votes to count more than once or to be omitted or included in violation of Conspiracy Law will be death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Some votes are omitted legally, read all of this Sect. 8 for more info on this. Also, to willingly program any scanner that determines MENTAL STATE, IQ or eligibility to vote in a manner that violates Conspiracy Law (like making the scanner inaccurate or to lie about the scan results) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator and they will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
8.07hhh Those who vote by mail or absentee, will have their ballots set up to scan their genetic code and IQ and MENTAL STATE (see Sect. 8.07hhh1) as they fill out the form and this genetic code will also be embedded into the ballot if the voter meets the IQ and other requirements to be eligible to vote. Each ballot will have a unique identifying marker, so that they cannot be cloned with counterfeit ballots. This will set up a notification in the federal database that this eligible genetic code has filled out a ballot (with each ballot having a unique identifying code) and to expect their vote to arrive at the designated address where the ballot is to be mailed. The envelope provided for that ballot must be used, because that envelope is designed to ensure that the ballot is not opened until it reaches its address. If the ballot is opened or tampered with while it is being mailed, scanners will pick up that the ballot has been tampered with and it is automatically considered invalid and that person (if an eligible voter) will be notified and that person must vote online or in person as outlined in this Sect. 8.07. When their ballot reaches the address specified, a scanner will scan to see if the genetic code of the ballot matches what we have in the federal database for that particular ballot (with its unique identifying marker) and if it passes this security check (including checking the IQ and MENTAL STATE on the ballot to ensure that the IQ is 80 or above and that they are not an UNWILLING AGENT), then the ballot will be scanned and the votes for that eligible genetic code will be entered into the federal database of votes. The results will then be forwarded to the state or province where the votes will be counted, using the federal database programming.
8.07hhh(1) Also, if the mail-in ballot does not reach its address and somehow gets lost, the eligible voter will be notified and instructed to vote online or in person, because somehow their vote did not reach the address specified for their vote to be entered into the federal database. An eligible voter is defined as a voter who has an IQ of 80 or above at the time they vote, is not a willing Loree McBride Jesuit or an UNWILLING AGENT. An UNWILLING AGENT is defined as a person who does not have enough control over their own autonomy and decision making and mental functions to be able to vote or conduct themselves as they would if they had complete control over their own autonomy, decisions and mental functions. If the control exerted over the person is strong enough to influence them to vote contrary to how they’d vote without that influence, then they are an UNWILLING AGENT. This means someone who shows up to vote intoxicated, under strong brain control or under the influence of narcotics or has a mental illness such as schizophrenia that makes them incapable of sound judgment, may be considered an UNWILLING AGENT. Scanners that scan voters as they vote must be set up to detect IQ, detect if the voter is an UNWILLING AGENT, and detect if the voter is a clone or willing Loree McBride Jesuit. The scan to determine if someone is an UNWILLING AGENT is called the MENTAL STATE SCAN.
8.07hhh(1a) A Loree McBride Jesuit (also called a SATAN SUPPORTER) is defined as any person who (directly or indirectly) and willingly brings into being or attempts to bring into being any action or creation (including legislation) designed to help Loree McBride and/or Satan to take over the world and/or exert power over others with the intent to weaken the forces that oppose Loree and/or Satan (such as Empress Gail and/or her supporters and/or Conspiracy Law). All Loree McBride Jesuits get the death penalty.
8.07iii Those who vote in person, will enter a voting booth where their genetic code and IQ and MENTAL STATE is scanned and entered into the federal database as they fill out the ballot at the voting booth. The voting booths at all voting stations in a Conspiracy Law honoring country must be set up with genetic code and IQ and MENTAL STATE scanners. So let’s say an illegal enters that voting booth and his genetic code cannot be found in the federal database, that vote will not count and he/she made a wasted trip. Even worse, he/she may have the authorities on him/her to arrest him as an illegal or Loree McBride Jesuit trying to vote! Also, once a vote for a genetic code is entered into the federal database, it cannot be counted more than once, which eliminates a lot of voting fraud.
8.07iii(1) If any news outlet reports voting results other than those released from our authorized federal database with the intent to honor Loree McBride and Satan as world leaders, that news outlet, after innocents are cleared out, will be bombed and taken down and all those willingly involved in this fraud will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
8.07jjj You might say why is it necessary for people to have driver’s license IDs, social security cards, etc., if their genetic code is their ID? The reason for this is to transition to this new method of voting and these forms of ID will help the transition to be accomplished more smoothly. Also, because all these forms of ID must be switched out with the new versions with embedded genetic codes as ID, it will be easier to identify and eliminate any Loree McBride Jesuits inside our Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
8.07kkk Due to at least half the world mentally retarded as a result of taking Loree McBride’s monstrous coronavirus vaccine, it is necessary for Gail to become the world leader and to establish all countries in the world as part of the states of her worldwide rule. Both Gail and Brent Spiner have an IQ that is at least as high as Satan’s, who has a mega genius IQ. Though Brent is Gail’s Vice President, she has basically made him her co-President. It breaks Gail’s heart that Loree’s monstrous coronavirus vaccine has made half the world retarded and Gail will have to take drastic measures to deal with this devastating problem. Among the retards are/were Joe Biden, Donald Trump and many important world leaders (i.e., basically anyone who got the coronavirus vaccine).
8.07kkk(1) All politicians, physicians, lawyers worldwide must be scanned using the same scan we use for voting in the United States, to determine IQ, MENTAL STATE and whether they are a willing Loree McBride Jesuit [see Sect. 8.07hhh(1a)]. Basically, anyone who is in a position to influence government policy or the mental or physical health of a country is considered a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL (this includes physicians, lawyers, politicians and government officials) and must meet the requirements required of a U.S. voter under Conspiracy Law to be a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL (see section 8.07 above). Anyone who currently holds the post of a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL and is ineligible to be a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL as defined by this Sect. 8.07 must lose their post to be replaced either by legal vote according to Conspiracy Law or appointment from Gail or one of the members of her Cabinet or by someone hired by one of the members of Gail’s Cabinet. Because it appears there are billions of people on earth and half of them may be retards, this is an overwhelming task and Gail’s Cabinet is allowed to hire eligible people (basically those eligible to vote under U.S. Conspiracy Law—see above section 8.07 entitled VOTER REGISTRATION ELIMINATED, ALL CONSPIRACY LAW CITIZENS OUTFITTED WITH GENETIC CODE IDs FOR VOTING PURPOSES (8.07bbb to 8.07jjj) to assist them in this effort.
8.07kkk(2) If a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL became ineligible due to being an UNWILLING AGENT or due to becoming a retard, they will be taken care of using funds from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK, and will be treated as the homeless are treated under Conspiracy Law. They will be retrained for an occupation that suits them and that will enable them to remain a functioning member of society. But being a competent GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL is important to the welfare of a society and we cannot afford to have people as physicians, lawyers, or government officials who are retards or mentally infirm, so we cannot overlook this problem. In some cases they may be able to retain their position if we are able to give them an assistant to do their job and they remain obedient to that assistant and do not override their authority.
8.07kkk(3) OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARDS are defined as acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who are aware they are or have become retards and will swear under penalty of death that they will obey the ACTING GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL who has replaced them and will act as their obedient and faithful spokespersons and/or assistants to the world. They must never usurp the authority of the one who has replaced them and must work in partnership with their replacement or they will be sacked unless they have GOOD CAUSE for their rebellion. GOOD CAUSE is defined as knowing without a doubt that the government official who has replaced them has become ineligible to replace them due to that replacement becoming an UNWILLING AGENT, Loree McBride Jesuit or a retard. For their service as OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARDS they will receive the pay one would get for being a spokesperson for that GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. For example, Gail believes that Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Greg Abbot (as a result of taking the coronavirus vaccine) are/were retarded, making them ineligible to be an acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. However, they do appear loyal to Gail and her Conspiracy Law and they are eligible to be OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARDS and should be treated as such. If the OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARD suffers undue financial hardship as a result of his/her demotion, he/she will be given charity from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and/or financial counseling to train them how to live within their means. If worst comes to worst, we will assign them a FINANCIAL PLANNER who will work with them to manage their finances for them and help them to follow the Gail Commandments that Jesus gave to Gail Chord Schuler in 2016.
8.07kkk(4) All OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARDS require a replacement. That replacement will either use the OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARD as an assistant or a spokesperson. How to use the OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARD will be up to the replacement, but in all cases the OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARD must be in submission to the replacement (unless they have GOOD CAUSE for their rebellion). Only those acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who became retards as a result of the coronavirus vaccine are entitled to be OBEDIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL RETARDS, the rest of the retards are not allowed to hold any type of GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL position, but must hold positions that are not GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL positions.
8.07kkk(5) We expect some acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who are ineligible to be GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to refuse to give up their post as outlined in Conspiracy Law and this section. First, we will scan all heads of state for all countries on earth to determine who is not qualified to be a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL (as outlined by this Section). Those not qualified because they are Loree McBride Jesuits are the first heads of state we will deal with. All countries that have a head of state who is a willing Loree McBride Jesuit will be considered a JESUIT NATION under Conspiracy Law. We will declare war on all JESUIT NATIONS and take over that country and set up a government in that country that honors Conspiracy Law and replace that Loree McBride Jesuit head of state with a head of state that honors Conspiracy Law. Once we take over the country we will set up an interim/temporary head of state (unless Gail or one of her Cabinet members has appointed someone to that job) and then conduct elections according to Conspiracy Law to provide a Conspiracy Law honoring head of state for that former JESUIT NATION. All willing Loree McBride Jesuit heads of state MUST BE EXECUTED.
8.07kkk(5a) For those acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS (who are not clearly willing Loree McBride Jesuits) who refuse to be replaced with legal replacements (as outlined in this Sect. 8.07), some will be incarcerated and some executed. It goes without saying that willing Loree McBride Jesuits are executed.
8.07kkk(5b) To make this simpler, we need to redefine who is a willing Loree McBride Jesuit. A WILLING LOREE MCBRIDE JESUIT is defined as one who in their current state is a willing Loree McBride Jesuit and/or was a willing Loree McBride Jesuit (before the coronavirus vaccine made them retarded) and/or who are MURDERERS AT HEART and/or who are SATAN SUPPORTERS [see Sect. 8.07hhh(1a)].
8.07kkk(5c) A MURDERER AT HEART is a person who willingly (directly or indirectly) commits actions that he/she knows will promote unjust murder in the world. UNJUST MURDER is defined as (directly or indirectly) killing an innocent person because of that murderer having a narcissistic obsession to murder based on their own greed, selfishness, or jealousy. These motives must be determined through accurate brain scans and not through actions alone, since we don’t always know (from appearances) what motivates a person to commit their actions.
8.07kkk(5d) So all MURDERERS AT HEART and SATAN SUPPORTERS [see Sect. 8.07hhh(1a)], even those who do not willingly align themselves with Loree McBride, will be considered Loree McBride Jesuits under Conspiracy Law, because Satan is an unjust murderer and anyone who promotes that serves Satan and Loree McBride. MOTIVE can be determined through emotion reads and MOTIVE is key in deciding who must be executed under Conspiracy Law. MOTIVE must be decided by accurate emotion reads and no executions can take place without evidence from accurate emotion reads that the person is indeed a MURDERER AT HEART. To willingly (directly or indirectly) execute a person who is NOT a MURDERER AT HEART or a willing Loree McBride Jesuit will result in public execution on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (00 on cable).
8.07kkk(5e) We also need to create two categories of retards: (1) Those who became retarded because of taking the coronavirus vaccine and (2) those who became retarded for reasons outside of Loree McBride’s influence. Those who became retarded because of taking the coronavirus vaccine or who (directly or indirectly) became retards because of Loree McBride’s influence, will be called VACCINE RETARDS. Those who are retarded for reasons besides Loree’s influence will just be called RETARDS.
8.07kkk(5f) VACCINE RETARDS will be executed if (before they became retarded because of taking the vaccine), they were a willing Loree McBride Jesuit and if they are clearly behaving as a Loree McBride Jesuit because of this (probably just operating on pure evil, narcissistic instinct). Though it may seem inhumane to execute a VACCINE RETARD, I don’t think Jesus would consider these retards full retards in the moral sense, in that their retardedness is their own fault and they are responsible for the actions they took that caused them to become a retard and for the actions they took before they became a retard. We can determine if they were a willing Loree McBride Jesuit (before they became a VACCINE RETARD) by memory reads. We have that technology now. If the memories have been removed, we can determine whether they were a willing Loree McBride Jesuit before they became a VACCINE RETARD by their current behavior, which would indicate that they are operating on evil, narcissistic instinct based on their past behavior before they became a VACCINE RETARD.
8.07kkk(5g) Those GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who are just pure retards and not VACCINE RETARDS or Loree McBride Jesuits and who refuse to be removed as a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL and replaced, will probably just be incarcerated and will be handled on a case-by-case method. However, they need to be constantly monitored to make sure they remain compliant and have not become a willing Loree McBride Jesuit or MURDERER AT HEART. Once they cross the line and become a MURDERER AT HEART, they will be executed. Also, it’s possible that some borderline retards, may increase their intelligence and may no longer remain retards, so all IQs worldwide need to be monitored 24/7.
8.07kkk(6) For those acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who are ineligible to be acting GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS under Conspiracy Law because they are under 80 in IQ or are UNWILLING AGENTS, and who refuse to give up their post as outlined in this Sect. 8.07, we will remove them by force and determine if it is wise to incarcerate them (going by Sections 8.07kkk5a to 5g). These rebels who are not willing Loree McBride Jesuits or MURDERERS AT HEART will be handled on a case-by-case basis and in some cases, may have to be executed. If the person has too much influence and refuses to comply with Conspiracy Law, we may have to execute them to be able to enforce Conspiracy Law in that country. If incarceration is possible or advisable, we may have to expand jail space for the rebels who are not willing Loree McBride Jesuits but who refused to be replaced as outlined in Conspiracy Law.
8.07kkk(7) It is not our goal to replace the culture/religion of any country, but to reestablish worldwide stability and financial prosperity/stability so that retards and evil and greedy people won’t destroy the universe, allowing Loree McBride to reign supreme. Any (direct or indirect) willing attempt or action by any GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL or any one (directly or indirectly) in that government official’s employment or service, to bypass these Sect. 8.07 laws in any manner, by deceit, lying, subterfuge or any manner designed to promote Loree McBride or Satan (as Satan is described in the Bible) will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator and will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. Gail is transitioning to worldwide rule to save the universe from a disastrous Loree McBride takeover.
8.07kkk(8) To ensure enforcement of this Sect. 8.07kkk(7), no GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL (as defined by this document) can carry out (or neglect to carry out) any action or creation without first submitting themselves to a scanner to determine their motive for doing so. Those GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who need to make quick decisions that don’t give them time to do the scan (such as police and military) must be outfitted with 24/7 scans that monitor their motives at all times. The scanners for GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS should ideally also be on them 24/7 (so that we can monitor their motives/activities to ensure they don’t work for Loree McBride). The scanners need to be so programmed that as soon as the scanner detects that this GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL is about to carry out (or neglect to carry out) an action or creation with the motive to be a Loree McBride Jesuit or that they are a RETARD or MENTALLY INCOMPETENT, an alarm will go off and a record of that alarm will be sent to our PRISON HEADQUARTERS. The alarm will also be heard by the GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL themselves, as a warning to NOT go forward with their Conspiracy Law violating action or creation OR to go forward with a Conspiracy Law honoring action or creation, and that if they fail to carry out/or neglect to carry out the action/or inaction to honor Conspiracy Law, they are to be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (if they are a willing Loree McBride Jesuit) or they are to be incarcerated (if they are a retard or mentally incompetent). In some cases the Conspiracy Law honoring way forward will be an action, and in some cases it will be an inaction. But either way, Conspiracy Law must be honored. Our GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL scanners will read motives at all times for all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to be sure all actions or inactions are done according to Conspiracy Law.
8.07kkk(9) Those who program these scanners must ensure the scanners operate as outlined in Conspiracy Law and to willingly program them otherwise will bring the death penalty as a Loree McBride Jesuit to that violator. The scanners must also be programmed to read the memories of all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS from Jan. 20, 2021 to now as well, to deal with actions or creations or inactions that happened after Jan. 20, 2021 that need to be redressed. If the scanners detect an action or creation or inaction that occurred between Jan. 20, 2021 to now that indicated a motive to disobey Conspiracy Law, the alarm will also go off at PRISON HEADQUARTERS as well as with the person who committed the action or creation or inaction, indicating that the GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL needs to redress that violation. The person in charge of these scanners will be the PRISONS ADMINISTRATOR.
8.07kkk(9a) All prisons in Conspiracy Law honoring countries must be under the jurisdiction of the federal government, no private prisons are allowed and all private prisons must fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government. This is to ensure that all prisoners are handled according to Conspiracy Law. We also don’t want to conduct prisons for profit. These prisons are designed to maintain stability and order in our society, not to cater to the rich and powerful or to serve as a means for law violators to get an unfair reprieve for their crimes or violations. By streamlining all prisons to be under the jurisdiction of the federal government, we ensure Conspiracy Law is applied justly and fairly to all prisoners.
8.07kkk(10) Failure to redress a violation detected by our GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL scanners will also bring the death penalty as a Loree McBride Jesuit to that violator and then the violation must be redressed by that GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL’s replacement. Willing failure to redress any Conspiracy Law violation by any GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL responsible for doing so, will bring the death penalty as a Loree McBride Jesuit to that violator.
8.07mmm(11) MENTALLY INCOMPETENT, for the purposes of this section, is defined as any person who lacks the mental capacity or health or I.Q. to make sound and logical decisions and whose decision making ability is impaired to the point that their decisions could cause violations of Conspiracy Law to happen, especially if the person is unaware their actions or creations would bring about such violations of Conspiracy Law.
8.07nnn(12) All GOVERNMENT OFFICIALs must pass a course in Conspiracy Law that gives them enough understanding of Conspiracy Law to make them aware of when their actions or creations would be a violation of Conspiracy Law. The Genetic Code Voting Administrator will develop this course, and he/she may work with others in the development of the course. As of June 19, 2021, no GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL can act as a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL until they pass the Conspiracy Law course, with the exception of those who need to deal with emergencies that cannot be handled by a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL who has passed the course.
8.07ooo(13) Because many creations or actions have already occurred that violate Conspiracy Law since the inauguration of mainstream news U.S. President Joe Biden on Jan. 20, 2021, we have a plan to deal with these retroactively. Any GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL who, after taking the Conspiracy Law course, feels that an action or creation they took between Jan. 20, 2021 to June 19, 2021 is a violation of Conspiracy Law is required to undo that action or creation by whatever means necessary. To ensure this happens all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS must be outfitted with scanners that operate 24/7 and that also scan their memories going back to Jan. 20, 2021 (or earlier if we feel it necessary for this particular person).
8.07a1 All NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS who show any type of media to Conspiracy Law honoring nations must register with CHURCH OF GAIL in order to operate and to have the capability to upload anything to the Internet or to any source that will give to the public sounds, images, or anything that could influence public perceptions of any person. Those NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONs who do NOT register with CHURCH OF GAIL in order to be able to operate, must be SHUT DOWN. All NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS that are registered with CHURCH OF GAIL will be called CITIZEN SCANNER NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS (because they will all be using CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERAs).
8.07a2 SHUT DOWN means unable to operate or to upload images, sounds or any media that could influence public opinion. We will SHUT DOWN that NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION even if it means we have to bomb it to do so. If we have to bomb the NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION, we will use transporter technology to remove all innocents first, in order to spare innocent lives at that NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION.
8.07a2a All media which makes it to the public from a SHUT DOWN NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION is considered JESUIT MEDIA.
8.07a2a1 An INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER is defined as any organization which causes the public to see the Internet in any type of media. For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, an INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER will also include all television broadcasters, radio broadcasters and any organization which causes the public to see any type of media (be it television, radio, Internet, etc.).
8.07a3 If any Internet Service Provider willingly and knowingly allows any SHUT DOWN NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION to show or reveal any type of JESUIT MEDIA to the public, that Internet Service Provider must be SHUT DOWN and an investigation must be made to determine those responsible for the JESUIT MEDIA that has made it to the public. All willing and knowing violators of this Sect. 8.07 will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. If we feel it necessary, for instance, in order to correct Jesuit impersonations of innocent persons, such as Donald Trump (for instance), the evil Jesuit clones or Jesuits involved in the impersonation of an authentic person, will suffer a public execution on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel.
8.07a4 All INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS must be set up so that they can scan to determine if any footage or media is about to be uploaded to the public (even if it is LIVE coverage) that is coming from a JESUIT CAMERA. All INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS must terminate all processes that cause that media from a JESUIT CAMERA, and NOT allow that media to be shown to the public. Willing and knowing failure to BLOCK any media from a JESUIT CAMERA will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Also, INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS who fail to block JESUIT CAMERAs from showing or broadcasting any type of footage to the public will be SHUT DOWN.
8.07a5 All INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERs who willingly and knowingly show footage or media from JESUIT CAMERAs must be shut down and must suffer FINES for this CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of innocent persons to the public. The fines will be at least a million dollars for each violation and these funds will be added to our INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to assist those in need.
8.07a6 To assist INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS in preventing JESUIT CAMERAs from showing any type of media in their presentations, all processes used to upload any type of media from any INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER to the public must be encrypted with the genetic profile of Gail Chord Schuler, to make it hard for Jesuits to hack or use clone versions of the Internet to override the encrypted processes coming from the INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER. Any processes that do NOT have the genetic profile of Gail Chord Schuler, must be scrambled and made non-eixstent, so that these processes cannot operate.
8.07a7 If we are unable to defeat Zack Knight’s clone versions of the Internet, so that despite all we do, we cannot prevent images and sounds from JESUIT CAMERAs making to it a public presentation, we will study how these violations are taking place and will report on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel which lies (Jesuit deceptions) are making it to the media and which lies need to be exposed and how and why we have been unable to stop JESUIT CAMERAs from posting content to the media. We will encourage scientists to assist us to find a way to defeat the use of JESUIT CAMERAs.
8.07a7.1 As a reminder, because Zack Knight has sided with Empress Gail since 2016, all references to Zack Knight in Conspiracy Law (referring to him as the evil Jesuit leader) will now be referring to Loree McBride (or whoever is the evil Jesuit leader). Loree McBride has taken over politics and the mainstream media, orchestrating havoc and chaos and is attempting to orchestrate a worldwide economic depression (using her coronavirus pandemic) which she can use to take over the world. Therefore, all news broadcasters or journalists or INFLUENTIAL POLICY LEADERS in all the universe (on the national as well as the local level) who can influence legislation and how the citizens of that country conduct themselves, MUST BE REPLACED WITH GOOD AUTOMATONS (with the exception of Gabrielle Chana FOX News personnel). Automatons cannot catch the coronavirus. The real politicians, government leaders and news broadcasters or journalists will be given a vacation and perhaps put into a hologram or placed somewhere where they cannot influence policy anywhere. This is also necessary because Loree McBride has gone on a cloning rampage and is replacing good politicians or news broadcasters with evil clones, so it is necessary to protect the good leaders and news broadcasters, as a pre-emptive act, to prevent a mass takeover of good people with evil clones. For the purpose of this section, news broadcasters and leaders who are in a position to influence policy, will be called INFLUENTIAL POLICY LEADERS. The good automatons that replace the INFLUENTIAL POLICY LEADERS will be called GOOD AUTOMATONS.
8.07a7.2 For those INFLUENTIAL POLICY LEADERS that have already been replaced with evil clones or substitutes (like evil automatons), the evil substitutes MUST BE EXECUTED OR DISABLED AT ONCE and replaced with GOOD AUTOMATONS. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to override or negate this Sect. 8.07a in order to support Loree McBride’s attempts for a worldwide takeover will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07a7.3 If, despite replacing all INFLUENTIAL POLICY LEADERS with good automatons, Loree still succeeds in getting out her evil propaganda to the world, we shall analyze how she is doing this and use our Nanotechnology Research Team and Gail’s men to come up with a way to defeat her disinformation campaign. For instance, if she is using clone versions of the Internet to broadcast false news from one of her spaceships (using her evil clones operating as a news organization from her spaceship), we may need to bomb that spaceship or news organization, or block the signals from that spaceship, or destroy the satellite(s) she is using to broadcast her propaganda. A special section of our Nanotechnology Research Team will devote their time to studying how Loree McBride manages to get her evil propaganda to the world, and will come up with ways to defeat her ability to bring harmful disinformation the world that is designed to defeat Empress Gail. Right now, her disinformation campaign is promoting a very dangerous hysteria regarding the coronavirus, which could lead to a worldwide economic depression, so it is very important for us to ensure that all news reported regarding the coronavirus is accurate and not designed to foment anarchy, riots, and homelessness and starvation.
8.07a7.4 This policy of replacing INFLUENTIAL POLICY LEADERS with GOOD AUTOMATONS will remain in place until we defeat the Loree McBride Jesuits.
8.07a7.4 Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) must break into all mainstream broadcasts worldwide to get THE TRUTH to the world, so that the world can respond in the most effective and healthy manner to the coronavirus pandemic orchestrated by Loree McBride. For Florida, where Gail lives, all counties except Brevard County, where Gail lives will get the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (00 on cable). For Brevard County, Gail’s men will decide how to handle getting the news to Brevard County, perhaps sending emails to all the residents of Brevard County as a government message regarding the coronavirus. Any willing and knowing attempt to block the transmission of Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) to any broadcaster will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07b All NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS registered with CHURCH OF GAIL must use CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERAS for all their shoots!! There is NO EXCEPTION to this law. Anybody at a NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION who willingly and knowingly does NOT use a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA for his/her shoot will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
8.07ba1 All NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS must surrender to Church of Gail their entire archive of past media footage to be screened and analyzed by our scientists to insert GOLDEN HALOS, BLUE HALOS, SILVER HALOS, RED HALOS and a GREEN HORIZONTAL STRIPE at the bottom to indicate to the viewer that this footage has been screened to show the viewer whether a Jesuit clone or a Jesuit supporter is in the media presented. We will NOT remove past media from presentation unless it violates Conspiracy Law, but may allow it to be seen by the public to educate the public about how Jesuits use clones and impersonators.
8.07ba2 For instance, the media presentation of the Donald Trump clone who made wild statements at Iowa on November 12, 2015 may be shown, but a SILVER HALO must be put around the clone as he speaks in his presentation which can be visible to all who view this online or in any presentation. All Jesuit clones must be presented to the public in any media with a SILVER HALO around them, like an aura. If any NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATION shows any past presentations of a Jesuit clone with the SILVER HALO who has impersonated an authentic person, it must also show the public execution of that clone to make a statement to the Jesuits, that we will not tolerate the switching out of an authentic person with their Jesuit clone!! If someone is a willing and knowing Jesuit supporter (not a clone) but one who tries to deceive or promote crimes for the Jesuits, that person will have a GOLDEN HALO about them in their media presentation. Those with GOLDEN HALOS would more than likely be actual members of the Jesuit Order who support Zack Knight, and who are NOT clones. Because Jesuits often use extortion on news reporters and politicians and celebrities to play their game, if the CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA detects that the person being filmed is a Jesuit extortion victim, saying or doing things they’d rather not (in order to spare life or health because of Jesuit extortion on them), that person will have a BLUE HALO about them. It is mandatory that if a BLUE HALO is shown around anybody in any media that the execution of the extortioner must also be shown (or a photo of the extortioner will be shown to indicate that a warrant for this extortioner’s arrest has happened and this extortioner needs to be arrested). Failure to show the execution of the extortioner or that he/she is a wanted criminal, in the same media that causes the extortion victim to promote Jesuit deceptions, will cause that media to be SHUT DOWN. The world needs to be aware how Jesuits use extortion to conceal their crimes. This will serve as warning to Jesuits that we will EXPOSE them when they attempt to trick and deceive the public and that we will not tolerate their CLEVER and murderous deceptions. Often the authentic person is MURDERED and replaced with a JESUIT CLONE.
8.07ba3 Each news media organization must explain to the public somewhere in their broadcast, using clear communication (easy to understand), that a SILVER HALO around a person means they are a Jesuit clone, that a GOLDEN HALO around a person means they are a willing Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, that a BLUE HALO indicates they are an UNWILLING Jesuit supporter, and that a RED HALO around a person means they are under the influence of Jesuit brain control. Some Jesuits may qualify for the BLUE HALO, if we have clear indications that they hate serving the Jesuits but do so only out of fear. The media must also explain that the green stripe (horizontally across the bottom of their screen) indicates they are in compliance to this Sect. 8.07. We won’t need to point out automatons using halos, but could just point out during the broadcast, that this person is an automaton. If an automaton’s programming becomes contaminated in a manner that favors the Jesuits, they will have a RED HALO about their person, unless the Jesuits come up with a way to create a Jesuit automaton, in which case the Jesuit automaton would have a GOLDEN HALO.
8.07b1 A CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA is defined as a camera that has been encrypted with the genes of Gail Chord Schuler’s genetic profile (King David and Catherine the Great) and which will scan and EXECUTE ON-THE-SPOT any person who is a willing Jesuit or Jesuit supporter. It will also scan for the presence of any JESUIT CAMERAs and will destroy them on-the-spot as well. This will be the case even when the camera is not on. So anybody who has a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA will also have a CITIZEN SCANNER that will monitor all who enter its area within its scanning range (which must be large enough to scan Jesuits within one mile in all directions from it) and will also destroy any JESUIT CAMERAs in its range.
8.07b2 JESUIT CAMERAs have been used to take footage of Jesuit rapes or take footage of naked non-Jesuits, in order to upload this footage to the media and defame or shame the authentic person. All willing and knowing uses of all JESUIT CAMERAs will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07b2 So let’s say that a Donald Trump Jesuit clone is speaking at an event, anybody with a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA filming the event, will use their camera to kill the clone on-the-spot. That should make for an interesting event!! Further, if the CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA is unable to kill the clone or Jesuit supporter because of some type of shield around the Jesuit clone or supporter, it must put a GOLDEN, SILVER, BLUE or RED HALO around the Jesuit or Jesuit supporter (as outlined in this Sect. 8.07) that must show in the film footage of the Jesuit or Jesuit supporter in the media presented to the public. The public will be educated to understand that this GOLDEN, SILVER, BLUE or RED HALO indicates the person in the footage is a willing or unwilling Jesuit or Jesuit supporter.
8.07b3 Any willing and knowing attempt by any person (directly or indirectly) to cause any CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA to put a GOLDEN, SILVER, BLUE or RED HALO around a non-Jesuit and/or around one who is free from Jesuit brain control or extortion (and is not a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter), will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Also, willing and knowing attempts to use the wrong color halo on a person with the intent to confuse or deceive, will also bring the death penalty Also any willing and knowing attempt by any person (directly and indirectly) to FAIL TO SHOW A GOLDEN HALO around a Jesuit and a SILVER HALO around a Jesuit clone and a BLUE HALO around a Jesuit extortion victim or a RED HALO around a Jesuit brain control victim in any public presentation from a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. A CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA will put a RED HALO around a person who is a victim of JESUIT BRAIN CONTROL, which causes that person to behave in a manner conducive to Jesuit goals against their will and knowledge. Those who are victims of JESUIT BRAIN CONTROL will NOT be executed, but will be put under the care of a Conspiracy Law psychiatrist who will treat that person and try to undo the brain control.
8.07b3.1 Any willing and knowing attempt (direct or indirect) to put a GOLDEN, SILVER, BLUE or RED HALO around a person who is innocent or not under Jesuit influence, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator and all those willingly and knowingly behind this will be publicly executed on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. Further, if any SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATION puts a GOLDEN, SILVER, BLUE or RED HALO inaccurately around a person with the willing and knowing intent to promote Jesuit goals for a worldwide takeover for the Catholic Church, that news organization and ALL their operations must be bombed by our International Satellite Coalition so that the news organization is unable to function. A SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATION is defined as any news organization which has a reputation as a reliable news organization or which hires people who are considered professional journalists (such as CNN, FOX News, Russia Today, the Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera, France24, the New York Times, major online news sources, major print media sources, Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, Gail’s YouTube channel and online presence, etc.) .
8.07b3.2 In the place of that news organization’s slot, will be ONLY coverage of JESUIT LIES ABOUT SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE from the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, which will air over and over in the time slot normally designated for that news organization (during this coverage the world will be invited to tune into the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel at 00 on the cable dial to get the news). If Jesuits make it so that we are unable to do this (because they contaminate the episode with lies or Zack Knight ruins it somehow), then we shall just have a message in that slot that the news organization has been shut down for violating Conspiracy Law, and to encourage people to tune into the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel at 00 on their cable dial for the news. We will bomb that news organization or do whatever we must to put that news organization OUT OF BUSINESS, preferably using a SMART BOMB. First, we will clear out all innocents (probably using transporter technology). SECOND, the innocents at the news organization will automatically be hired by the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel and will live at Church of Gail (like all the Gabrielle Chana FOX News reporters do), so that they don’t lose their employment and will receive the same pay and benefits which they received at their job at the news organization that was bombed. Our goal is to make the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel the ultimate stop for all the news for all the world, in order to destroy Jesuit News operations all over the world!
8.07b3.3 The exception for the daily episode exposing FALSE HALOs will be the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel and Gail’s YouTube channel and online presence and those news broadcasts that air near where Gail lives (to protect Gail from targeting). If the Jesuits somehow come up with a way to put false halos around people from Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel broadcasts or Gail’s online presence, we will execute those willingly and knowingly responsible for this on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, and will temporarily stop all use of halos in broadcasts until we get the problem resolved. The Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, like all legal broadcasts or presentations from all SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATIONS must have an episode or publication every day that exposes Jesuits, Jesuit clones, Jesuit extortion victims and Jesuit brain control victims (who are presented FALSELY on any SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATION) and it must be updated DAILY to give the public the latest information, including informaton about FALSE HALOS and who is behind them. This episode will be called JESUIT LIES ABOUT SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE, and must be aired during a primetime slot for SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATIONs that rely primarily on the Internet or television as their primary news broadcasts, so that all the world will have easy access to this information. A FALSE HALO is a halo put around a person that presents inaccurate information about their status as a clone, extortion victim, brain control victim or as a Jesuit.
8.07b3.4 Any SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATION that fails to have a daily episode about JESUIT LIES ABOUT SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE obtained from the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (presented accurately and turthfully), will be SHUT DOWN (bombed, if necessary) and the innocents at that news organization will be hired by the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, thus expanding the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, making it the most authoritative news source in all the world. If we get to the point that we have to destroy all SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATIONS with the exception of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel and Gail’s online presence, then this episode called SIGNIFICANT LIES ABOUT SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE must cover all lies about clones, Jesuits, Jesuit extortion victims and Jesuit brain control victims from any media source, even if from PAST MEDIA SOURCES. There are enough Jesuit lies in the media to enable this episode to continue indefinitely.
8.07b3.5 If necessary, we will use funds from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to help pay for the innocents at the destroyed news organization who now live at Church of Gail and who now work for the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. Because these innocents will receive free housing at the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, if their pay is too exorbitant, if they choose to do so, they will receive a decrease in salary that will be the amount they used to need to pay for housing.
8.07b3.6 All INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERs must NOT block or change the content of JESUIT LIES ABOUT SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE that is mandatory to be shown every day and updated daily on all SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATIONs media presentations and it must be shown exactly as it is shown on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. Only Gail’s YouTube channel is exempted from the mandatory requirement to show JESUIT LIES ABOUT SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE daily, though Gail’s men are welcome to insert the program into her YouTube channel if they desire to do so). Any INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER who willingly and knowingly violates this Sect. 8.07b3.6 with the intent to support the Jesuit Order’s goal for a worldwide takeover will be investigated and taken over by the International government, under the direction of Vladimir Putin, and that INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER will then become government owned and operated and must honor Conspiracy Law in all that it does, and all willing and knowing Jesuits and Jesuit supporters at that organization will be executed on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel to send the message that we don’t tolerate Jesuit hanky panky with the news.
8.07b3.7 To assist our LAW ENFORCEMENT to enforce this Sect. 8.07b, all SIGNIFICANT NEWS ORGANIZATIONS must use SMART BOMBS every hour at their organization to weed out any Jesuits or Jesuit supporters at their organization, and must have CITIZEN SCANNERs everywhere to execute Jesuits and their supporters. The SMART BOMB must be designed that it only damages Jesuit equipment and weapons and Jesuits and their supporters at the bomb site. Once the Jesuit or their supporter is executed, transporter technology will be used to carry away any dead Jesuits, destroyed equipment, destroyed bombs to a secure location (in order to preserve evidence). SMART BOMBS must be designed by our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM and must pass an inspection to ensure they operate in compliance to Conspiracy Law. Willing and knowing failure to cause any SMART BOMB to violate Conspiracy Law, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. The SMART BOMB will be so designed that it absolutely leaves undamaged and unharmed any non-Jesuits or benign equipment or non-Jesuit weapons, and any willing and knowing attempt or action to cause it to violate Conspiracy Law, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07b4 To show that a media presentation is in compliance with this Sect. 8.07 a green horizontal stripe must show at the bottom of ALL broadcasts (which indicates that this broadcast is coming from a registered INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER). The exceptions to this may be near where Gail lives to protect her from Jesuit targeting. If any member of the public sees a broadcast which does not have this green stripe, they are encouraged to report it to Gail’s men at or or Any willing and knowing attempt or action (direct or indirect) to place this green horizontal stripe at the bottom of any broadcast from an unregistered INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07c All CAMERAS used in any Conspiracy Law honoring nation must be a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA. We will treat CAMERAs like we do gun ownership, because a JESUIT CAMERA can do as much damage to a person as a gun. This means that all CAMERAs used to upload any type of media or any sounds or images must be REGISTERED with CHURCH OF GAIL.
8.07d A JESUIT CAMERA is defined as any unregistered camera or instrument (or any camera or instrument that is NOT a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA) that can upload any images or sounds to any media.
8.07d1 All camera owners must allow Church of Gail to register their cameras with Church of Gail. This means, they must not put any shields around their residence that will block our transporter technology from scanning their place for cameras. A CAMERA is defined as any camera or instrument that is able to upload (directly or indirectly) images or sounds to any media.
8.07d2 Church of Gail will use scanning technology to scan every residence for CAMERAS, and will use transporter technology to transform every CAMERA it scans into CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERAs. If Church of Gail is unable to transform the camera into a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA, that camera MUST BE DESTROYED. If a camera is destroyed, it will be replaced with another similar type camera to what was destroyed and which will be a CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERA. Any willing and knowing violation of this Sect. 8.07d2 to promote JESUIT CAMERAs, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.07e SUMMARY: All JESUIT CAMERAS must be destroyed. Willing and knowing failure to destroy any JESUIT CAMERA will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. All CAMERAS must be CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERAs. All NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS and PERSONS must use only CITIZEN SCANNER CAMERAs for all their work and for anything that is uploaded to any media. All INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS and any provider of ANY SOURCE OF MEDIA TO THE PUBLIC must be registered with CHURCH OF GAIL and must follow the guidelines of this Sect. 8.07. Any willing and knowing attempt or action (direct or indirect) that promotes the use of JESUIT CAMERAs and that allows INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS who are not registered with CHURCH OF GAIL to operate, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
Those areas that only have a popular vote, will not need to be concerned about the laws for the ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTE.
8.1 To ensure fairness in elections and voting, a certain percentage of persons (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) from every major party may be labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS, in order to ensure that every major party is fairly represented in all elections and voting.
8.1 (a1) It goes without saying that no Jesuits are allowed to vote in any election in any Conspiracy Law honoring nation. To ensure that Jesuit votes are not counted in any election, CITIZEN SCANNERS must be installed in every voting booth to execute any Jesuits who show up to vote. This is not only to prevent Jesuits from voting, but to ensure the safety of legal voters in any election. Also, all voting booths must be set up with scanners to determine if a willing and knowing Jesuit supporter is in the voting booth, and if so, that person’s vote must not count in the election. CITIZEN SCANNERS should be set up to detect if a voter is switched out with their Jesuit clone in the voting booth, and if this happens that vote will not count and the Jesuit also needs to be executed on-the-spot.
8.1 (a2) Further, all polls presented to the public must be presented so that the public sees two polls, the polls of those who are Jesuit voters and the polls of those who are NOT Jesuit voters. For the purpose of this section, a Jesuit is defined as one who willingly or UNWILLINGLY and knowingly or UNKNOWINGLY supports the Antichrist Zack Knight, who is the true Jesuit leader, in his goal for a world wide takeover for the Catholic Church. So if a poll is conducted of those who are running for President, the presenter will allow the world to see how Jesuits would vote in an election to make people aware of which candidates NOT to vote for! The news presenter must show which portion of the population is under Jesuit brain control and are, therefore, classified as Jesuit in the polls. ALL THOSE UNDER JESUIT BRAIN CONTROL must be put on Seroquel to remove them from Jesuit brain control, if Seroquel will be effective and safe to remove them from Jesuit brain control. THOSE UNDER JESUIT BRAIN CONTROL MUST NOT HAVE THEIR VOTES COUNT IN ANY ELECTION IN ANY CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING NATION. For the purposes of Conspiracy Law, a person under Jesuit brain control is considered an UNWILLING AGENT. The news presenter must state that in a Conspiracy Law honoring nation that these Jesuit votes will NOT count in an election, but that the public is entitled to know WHICH candidates the Jesuits support to help them vote more intelligently for candidates. To protect Gail, these polls may not be shown where Gail lives, or may be shown in a manner that will not cause Gail to be a Jesuit target. Any willing and knowing attempt or action (direct or indirect) to allow Jesuits to influence a vote in favor of the goals of the Jesuit Order to takeover the world for Zack Knight, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.1 (a2a) If Seroquel is found to make a person immune to Jesuit brain control, and if it will not cause harm to the person taking it, then that person must be placed on Seroquel, both as a preventive measure and/or a treatment measure (for somebody already under Jesuit brain control). If Seroquel is found to prevent Jesuit brain control, then NOBODY CAN HAVE THEIR VOTE COUNT IN ANY ELECTION OR POLL UNLESS THEY ARE TAKING SEROQUEL AS PRESCRIBED BY THEIR CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING PHYSICIAN. The only way a Jesuit brain control victim can have their vote count in a poll, would be if the presenter of the poll explains to the audience which of those polled are under Jesuit brain control, are Jesuits and are non-Jesuits. If Church of Gail physicians and scientists determine that it is safe to allow Seroquel to become an over-the-counter drug, to make it easier for the general population to take it, it must be dispensed by Conspiracy Law Pharmacies, who will regulate how much of it can be sold in a month, so that the patient buying the drug can only buy, for instance, a certain amount at a time, to help prevent overdose possibilities. To make it easier for this drug to be available to the general population, pharmacists will be trained in how to dispense this drug to their customers. They can pull up a history on each patient from the computers of the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, and determine proper dosage and instructions for each patient. Patients will have the option to get Seroquel from a pharmacist or a physician.
8.1 (a2b) Because Seroquel is such an important drug for everybody to take, the government will subsidize the cost of the drug to the general population, making it available at a great discount or even free, if possible. Nobody who needs to be on this drug, to be eligible to vote, for instance, will be deprived of Seroquel. The government will be sure to pay for all the costs of the drug to ensure that all who need to be on it, are on it.
8.1 (a2c) To help get everyone on Seroquel, a special presentation about Seroquel will be shown on all news networks, to educate the public about how this drug works to prevent Jesuit brain control on the populations, about its possible side effects and which drugs could cause possible bad interactions with Seroquel. Further, we will create scans to use on the general population to determine who is on Seroquel and who is not. Those that are not on Seroquel and who need to be on it, will be required to be put on Seroquel. Law enforcement will be equipped with Seroquel guns, which they can shoot at people who refuse to take Seroquel and need to be on it. These guns will be equipped to shoot an injection of potent Seroquel onto the target (person), with enough Seroquel in the gun to wrest that person from Jesuit brain control, so that they will willingly be placed on Seroquel. In severe cases, where a person, even after an injection of potent Seroquel, does not comply, they will be placed in hospitals for monitoring to get them to take Seroquel on a regular basis. This special presentation will also educate the public about how following a calories in/calories out weight management regimen will help that patient on Seroquel maintain a healthy weight.
8.1 (a2d) Once a person is placed on Seroquel, he/she will be monitored 24/7 to ensure that the Seroquel they are taking has not been tampered with by criminals to make it into something other than Seroquel. They will also be monitored to ensure they are taking their Seroquel as PRESCRIBED BY THEIR CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING PHYSICIAN OR PHARMACIST. If it is discovered the patient is not taking their Seroquel AS PRESCRIBED by their Conspiracy Law honoring physician or pharmacist, they will be put back into a hospital to get them back into compliance. Those people who continually neglect to take Seroquel as prescribed by their Conspiracy Law honoring physician or pharmacist, may need to be placed in hospitals permanently, to prevent these people from bringing harm to society. It goes without saying, that nobody can have their vote count in a poll or election unless they are on Seroquel, and are not Jesuits or Jesuit supporters (willingly or unwillingly). For the purposes of these voting laws, a person NOT ON SEROQUEL WHO NEEDS TO BE ON IT TO PREVENT JESUIT BRAIN CONTROL, will be considered an UNWILLING AGENT or a JESUIT. It goes without saying that any willing and knowing attempt to tamper with anybody’s Seroquel to make it other than what Seroquel is intended to be, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit conspirator to that violator.
8.1 (a2e) Also, nobody can run for any elected office (or be in any elected office) in any Conspiracy Law honoring nation unless they are taking SEROQUEL as prescribed by their Conspiracy Law honoring physician or pharmacist. Jesuit brain control has gone rampant and can actually determine the outcome of an election. We cannot allow this to happen. It goes without saying that no Jesuit (willing or unwilling) or Jesuit supporter can hold any elected office. If it is necessary to impeach someone in elected office because they are a Jesuit, it must first be determined if they are a willing or unwilling Jesuit. If willing, they need to be executed. If unwilling, they need to be put under the treatment needed to remove Jesuit brain control over them. Once they are successfully removed from Jesuit brain control, they will then be qualified to resume their elected office. If we are unable to remove them from Jesuit brain control, for whatever reasons, they must be removed from elected office permanently.
We have a situation in the U.S. 2016 American elections, where, it appears that Hillary Clinton has turned evil and has become an evil Jesuit. She has chosen for her VP a Jesuit Tim Kaine. If, despite Conspiracy Law, Hillary becomes President, Hillary or her clone or clones must be executed and we will replace Hillary with a good automaton, if necessary. Her Jesuit VP will be sacked, and not allowed to act in any elected office, despite what JESUIT NEWS reports. If he does act in the capacity of any elected office as a Jesuit, he will be executed along with all those who assist him willingly and knowingly in this conspiracy. All laws regarding LYING NEWS MEDIA must be enforced as outlined in this Section 8 of this document.
We have had some problems with Donald Trump’s compliance in taking Seroquel. Donald will be required to take Seroquel as prescribed, and, if not, he, too, will be sacked as U.S. President and replaced with a good automaton or another person more qualified for the office of U.S. President. If, tragically, Jesuits murder the real Donald Trump, he will be treated as outlined in the paragraph above (how we handle Hillary Clinton). Gail Chord Schuler is the American Empress as of August 2016, and she cannot tolerate as her assistant any willing or unwilling Jesuit supporter.
8.1 (a2f) Anybody who willingly and knowingly adds pathogenic yeast or germs to the air (whether by bombs or other methods), to the water, food or anything people ingest, breathe, or absorb into their bodies, will be guilty of the death penalty under Conspiracy Law, and must be executed, preferably publicly on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel or other media outlet, to make an example of them.
8.1 (a2g) All Conspiracy Law honoring nations will strive to overcome any yeast bombs or bombs that contain germs, by using bombs to neutralize these bombs (if possible). All areas of the earth must be scanned to determine the presence of pathogenic yeast/germs and ways must be found to neutralize these areas and make them safe for the public. All people on earth in Conspiracy Law honoring nations must be scanned to determine who is on Seroquel and who is not, and those not on Seroquel and who need to be on it, must be taken care of as outlined in this Section 8.1 (a2 to a2g).
8.1(a) If a cardinal’s vote has to be cancelled because he is an UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT, then a qualified replacement cardinal’s vote will take his place. In this manner, each country represented by each cardinal will have a fair representation in the vote for a Pope. In the College of Cardinals, each cardinal usually represents a country. I know about Roman Catholic politics, because I have read many books on this subject, that is why I know so much about the Jesuits. So, in the vote for a Pope, we are not concerned about political parties, but rather that each country (who has their own cardinals) has a fair representation in the College of Cardinals (if, and when, a vote for a Pope becomes necessary). So, let’s say that all the U.S. cardinals are UNWILLING AGENTS, then these cardinals must be replaced by cardinals who are qualified (according to the guidelines of this Sect. 8) to vote for a Pope, so that the U.S. will have a fair representation in the vote for a Pope. Pope John Paul II has written this into CANON LAW, so that the Jesuits cannot influence who the next Pope will be. Another reason we want to do this is because we fear the Jesuits may try to kill THE POPE, so that they can replace him with a POPE WHO SUPPORTS ZACK KNIGHT. So, by making it CANON LAW that the next vote for a Pope must be conducted according to this Sect. 8–hopefully, this will discourage the Jesuits from trying to murder THE POPE, in order to replace him with a Pope more congenial to Jesuit goals.
8.2 An accurate census or poll will be taken to determine what percentage of each political party in a country is composed of UNWILLING AGENTS. Anyone who deliberately, knowing and willingly takes this census or poll in an inaccurate or misleading manner, so that the results of this census or poll turn out to be inaccurate or misleading, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. For instance, if 60% of Republicans in the U.S. are UNWILLING AGENTS and 40% of Democrats in the U.S. are UNWILLING AGENTS, then 20% of the Democrats (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS) will be placed in the UNWILLING AGENT category, in order to ensure an equal representation of Democrats and Republicans in the election. This is because if anyone is placed in the UNWILLING AGENT category, their vote will not count in that election (unless it is counted AFTER the votes of the ELIGIBLE VOTERS are counted first–see Sect. 8.01). This would mean that the 40% of Republican registered voters who are not labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS and the 40% of Democratic registered voters who are not labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS would be the voters (or potential voters–because some of them may not vote) who would really determine the outcome of an election. Those who vote (and are labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS), may vote, but their vote will not count (unless it is counted AFTER the votes of the ELIGIBLE VOTERS are counted first–see Sect. 8.01). UPDATE: Because the U.S. Democratic Party has been taken over by the Loree McBride Jesuits, so that about 95% of the Democratic Party is now UNWILLING AGENTS. The U.S. Democratic Party is no longer considered a MAJOR party in the U.S.
8.2a When any MAJOR PARTY is taken over by evil Jesuits, either through brain control or using UNWILLING AGENTS, so that 80% or more of the party is composed of UNWILLING AGENTS, that major party will no longer be considered a MAJOR PARTY, but a MINOR PARTY and its votes will be treated as a MINOR PARTY according to this Sect. 8. This means that for the U.S. midterm elections in Nov. 2018, we will treat the votes of the U.S. Democratic Party as a MINOR PARTY (as described in Sect. 8.62), which means that the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS deducted from the voting ranks of the U.S. Democratic Party will be the same as the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS deducted from the U.S. Republican Party (which will be the ONLY major party in the election).
8.3 A MAJOR PARTY is defined as a political party whose members constitute at least ten percent of the registered voters in a country AND who have a membership with at least twenty percent of voters who are NOT UNWILLING AGENTS. As it appears the U.S. Democratic Party has about 95% UNWILLING AGENTS, it is no longer a MAJOR PARTY in 2018, but will be treated as a MINOR PARTY.
8.4 A major political party which has a lesser percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS in it than the major political party which has the greatest percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS, will be called a LESSER MAJOR PARTY.
8.5 MAJOR PARTIES must be represented fairly in an election (or voting matter); therefore, the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS subtracted from the voting ranks of each MAJOR and MINOR PARTY will be the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS in the MAJOR PARTY which has the highest percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS. So, if the MAJOR PARTY with the highest percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS is comprised of 50% UNWILLING AGENTS as its registered voters (whose votes would not count), then all other MAJOR and MINOR PARTIES in that election (or voting matter) must subtract 50% of their registered voting membership as UNWILLING AGENTS for that election. Some MINOR PARTIES (which are inundated with UNWILLING AGENTS, like the U.S. Democratic Party in 2018) may have a higher percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS subtracted from their voting ranks than the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS subtracted from the MAJOR PARTY (the U.S. Republican Party in 2018) with the highest percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS (see Sect. 8.63).
8.6 A MINOR PARTY is defined as a political party whose members constitute less than ten percent of the registered voters in a country OR any political party whose membership consists of eighty percent or more UNWILLING AGENTS (regardless of its high percentage in the general population).
8.61 Those voters whose votes will definitely count in an election (or voting matter) will be called ELIGIBLE VOTERS.
8.62 The percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS deducted from the voting ranks of all the political parties will not be based on the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS in any MINOR PARTY, but will be based on the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS from the MAJOR PARTY with the greatest percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS. If there is only one MAJOR PARTY, as will be true in the U.S. 2018 midterms (that party being the Republican Party), then the UNWILLING AGENTS deducted from the voting ranks of all the political parties will be based on the percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS from the U.S. Republican Party.
8.63 If a MINOR PARTY (like the U.S. Democratic Party in the U.S. midterm elections 2018) has a greater percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS in it than all the MAJOR PARTIES, then only those members of that MINOR PARTY who are not UNWILLING AGENTS can have their votes count in an election (or voting matter), even if that MINOR PARTY has a much greater percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS in it than any MAJOR PARTY, and even if it means that very few members of that MINOR PARTY can have their votes counted. This may mean that a MINOR PARTY may not be fairly represented in an election (or voting matter), but it would be more unfair to unduly decrease the numbers of those ELIGIBLE VOTERS from those MAJOR PARTIES who are qualified to vote. So- for example, if 90% of the members of a MINOR PARTY are UNWILLING AGENTS, we will not subtract 90% of the registered voting members as UNWILLING AGENTS from every MAJOR and MINOR PARTY in an election (or voting matter), in order to accommodate that MINOR PARTY (which has 90% of its membership as UNWILLING AGENTS).
8.64 Once it is determined that the same percentages of UNWILLING AGENTS have been deducted from all major and minor parties in an election, those persons (called VOTING MANAGERS) who labeled all the potential voters (as either UNWILLING AGENT or as an ELIGIBLE VOTER) in order to ensure that the same percentages of UNWILLING AGENTS have been deducted from all the major and minor parties in an election– will sign sworn statements (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) that they have ensured (to the best of their ability–see Sect. 8.62 and 8.63) that the same percentages of UNWILLING AGENTS have been deducted from all the major and minor parties in an election (or whatever is being voted about) and that the guidelines (as specified in this Sect. 8) have been followed (in these deductions of UNWILLING AGENTS from the voting ranks of each of the political parties). For instance, in the U.S., the VOTING MANAGERS may sign a sworn statement that 40% of registered Republicans have been deducted (from the Republican voting ranks) as UNWILLING AGENTS, that 40% or more of registered Democrats (since Democrats are now a minor party in the U.S. with a very high percentage of UNWILLING AGENTS) have been deducted (from the Democratic voting ranks) as UNWILLING AGENTS, and that 40% of registered INDEPENDENTS have been deducted (from the INDEPENDENT voting ranks) as UNWILLING AGENTS. A list of those persons in each category (who belong in each 40%) would be listed out and maintained in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of the country.
8.65 This sworn statement (see bold and underlined section of Sect. 8.64) by the VOTING MANAGERS will not be accepted until all the members of the VOTING MANAGERs’ panel pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the truthfulness of the statement. Voting will be delayed until the sworn statement by the VOTING MANAGERS is accepted.
8.7 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause a VOTING MANAGERS’ sworn statement to be inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, illegal (as defined by this Sect. 8) or deceptive with the intent to sway an election (or issue voted on) in favor of one political party over another will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action).
8.71 Those persons who are not UNWILLING AGENTS from any LESSER MAJOR PARTY, and who want to volunteer to be labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS for their LESSER MAJOR PARTY (in order to ensure a fair representation of all major parties in an election), maybe used first to be voluntary UNWILLING AGENTS (see Sect. 8.1) whose votes will not be counted in an election.
8.72 The fine-tuned details (or guidelines) which are used to determine which members of those LESSER MAJOR PARTIES should be labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS (and, therefore, deducted from the ranks of the voters whose votes will count) will be decided on a country by country basis. What is fair for one country may not be fair for another. Once it is determined which guidelines will be used to determine which members of those LESSER MAJOR PARTIES should be labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS (for any election or voting matter)– the rationale for these guidelines must be put into writing, and then these written guidelines must be consistently followed and enforced. These written guidelines can be modified; and, if this occurs, the modifications must be made to the current written guidelines, and then the modified guidelines must be consistently followed and enforced. Each country will decide what penalties it will impose for those who violate these guidelines.
8.73 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to label a person as an UNWILLING AGENT, when that person is not an UNWILLING AGENT and when that person really wants to vote in an election (or for an issue)–will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who unfairly discriminates against a willing and competent voter (and an AUTHENTIC PERSON) as an UNWILLING AGENT.
8.74 When the news or press reports about any polls in any election, the actual numbers of those who went to the voting booth may not be presented. Instead, numbers may be adjusted to reflect the votes of those whose votes really counted (or the guidelines from Sect. 8.01 may be followed). Therefore, the numbers of those whose votes were counted (as presented on the news) may be inflated over the actual number of counted votes–but the percentages shown would be correct and percentages determine the outcome of an election. Or maybe actual numbers of persons who went to voting booths may not be presented on the news. The purpose for this numerical inflation (if a country decides to do this with their news presentation of the voting) would be to minimize any UNWILLING AGENT conspiracy outcry which may be orchestrated around an election. If the actual numbers of voters (whose votes were counted in the voting booth) appear too low (when these numbers are broadcast on the news) because of the UNWILLING AGENTS whose votes were not counted, and if these numbers are obviously a lot lower than the normal turnouts for such an election– this could cause an outcry from the IMPOSED PERSONs (in the UNWILLING AGENTs whose votes were not counted). This would be especially true if a large segment of the registered voters in a country is composed of UNWILLING AGENTS.
8.75 A list of those persons who will be labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS in any election will be maintained by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of each country. Beside each name on the UNWILLING AGENT list, will be the evidence that that person is an UNWILLING AGENT or that that person was labeled as an UNWILLING AGENT for this particular election (or voting matter). Only UNWILLING AGENTS (or those labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS–see Sect. 8.1 and underlined section of Sect. 8.2) will be placed on this list. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt to put persons (other than UNWILLING AGENTS [or those labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS by the VOTING MANAGERS]) on this list, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action). Some of those labeled as UNWILLING AGENTS may later have their votes count– after all ELIGIBLE VOTERS have voted and the percentages are determined (see Sect. 8.01).
8.76 When any news or press polls are taken, the polls will be based on the opinions of those who are not UNWILLING AGENTS. Any news poll about any election which deliberately, knowingly and willingly uses the opinions of UNWILLING AGENTS to obtain results, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who knowingly, willingly, and deliberately participates in such a poll. Polls can determine the outcome of an election and for polls to be fair, they should reflect the votes of those whose votes would count in an election.
8.8 Regardless of what the vote is about, all MAJOR PARTIES must be fairly represented in the voting matter for that election, unless the vote is designed only for members of a particular political party or parties (such as nominating a party’s leadership). So, unless the vote is designed for certain political parties (to the exclusion of others)– any voting matters (which involves all the political parties in a country), must be preceded by a sworn statement by the VOTING MANAGERS (which must be accepted) before voting can commence (see bold and underlined section of Sect. 8.64).
8.9 Regarding upcoming elections in any country which affect the International government and the international community, GCFNC will make a statement about which candidates for the various elected positions are favored by the Jesuits. Those elections which affect the International community will be called SIGNIFICANT ELECTIONS. For instance, in the American SIGNIFICANT ELECTIONS for U.S. President we would state that the Jesuits favor John Kerry or George Bush.
8.9(a) Jesuits (under 666-Computer lie-detection) will be questioned (or analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS) to determine which candidates (and positions) they favor in any SIGNIFICANT ELECTION. The results of this questioning and examination will be presented on GCFNC. Though GCFNC will not endorse any candidate, GCFNC feels it is fair for the public to know which candidates and positions the Jesuits favor in any SIGNIFICANT election (which affects the International community).
8.9(b) Therefore, for all issues (positions) and candidates brought up in all ballots in these SIGNIFICANT elections, GCFNC will use questioning and/or 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to determine which issues (positions) and candidates are favored by the Jesuits and this information will be presented to the public on the GCFNC broadcasts, to help voters in deciding how to vote. Also, GCFNC will use their questioning (under 666-Computer lie-detection) and/or 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to determine WHY the Jesuits favor certain candidates or positions and these findings will also be presented to the public.
8.9[c] It goes without saying that any untrue statements made in regard to these SIGNIFICANT election matters by anyone who presents information (directly or indirectly) about this to the public, if done willingly and knowingly, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. THIS IS CONSPIRACY LAW.
8.9(d-1) The American Electoral College is outdated and does not reflect the current American population which is ethnically very diverse and has great variety. Therefore, these laws are designed to ensure that the votes of the Electoral College truly represent the populations of the countries they represent. We also have the technology (through 666-Computer genetic and statistical profiling) to ensure that the Electoral College accurately reflects the demographics of each state represented in a voting matter.
8.9(d-2) However, to minimize problems during and after a SIGNIFICANT ELECTION, the International government will not impose Sect. 8.9d onto a country and/or state in a voting matter. First, the people of that country and/or state will be polled (according to the guidelines of this Sect. 8) as to whether they approve of the use of the guidelines of Sect. 8.9d for their country or state’s electoral college vote. Those polled in this matter must be representative of all classes and races involved in the voting matter (as outlined in this Sect. 8). At least 54% of the people polled must approve of the use of Sect. 8.9d for their country or state’s electoral college vote. THE RESULTS OF THIS POLL WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE PUBLIC ON GCFNC. Once 54% approval by the people is granted, then the use of the guidelines of Sect. 8.9d in the voting matter will become law for that voting matter. It is possible that some states may adopt the guidelines of this Sect. 8.9d and other states may reject these guidelines, we will let the people of each state decide how they want to handle the electoral votes for their region or state.
8.9(d-2).1 In some instances, after the electoral vote has been obtained (in which methods other than those outlined in this Sect. 8.9d have been used to obtain the electoral vote) and this electoral vote is in dispute, these Sect. 8.9d guidelines may be imposed on the electoral vote in order to determine the electoral vote.
8.9(d-3) The poll questions must also ask the people which voting matters they want to be included in the electoral college vote. In the U.S., the electoral college vote has been used only in the vote for the U.S. President and Vice President.
8.9(d-4) The people can extend the guidelines of Sect. 8.9d to other voting matters as well, but in order for other voting matters to be included in the electoral college vote, the people polled must approve of this by at least 54% approval (as determined by poll of the races and classes of that country as they are in the population). THE RESULTS OF THIS POLL WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE PUBLIC ON GCFNC. It goes without saying that all polls conducted for all voting matters, must be done according to the guidelines of this Sect. 8, and this means that all polls conducted according to the guidelines of Section 8, will ensure that all races and classes of that voting matter are represented (according to their percentages in the population involved). Any willing and knowing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 8.9(d-4) in voting matters (allegedly done according to CONSPIRACY LAW), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
8.9(d-5) We have chosen to use race and class as the determining criteria for fair elections, since most major wars orchestrated by the Jesuits have used alleged racial inequities (Apartheid wars) and alleged class inequities (communism wars) as excuses to start wars, even though the Jesuit’s real motive for their warfare was for religious reasons. By insuring that the races and classes are fairly represented in a voting matter, we hope to minimize Jesuit induced problems after a SIGNIFICANT ELECTION (by making it more difficult for Jesuits to use race or class as excuses to start a war).
8.9(d1) Any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) attempts or actions to inaccurately categorize a state (according to its racial and/or class compositions as defined by this Sect. 8.9d) in a voting matter, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. See rest of this Sect. 8.9(d).
8.9(d1).1 Once the racial and class demographics of a state are obtained, all those who participated in (and determined the outcome of) the study will make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that to the best of their knowledge and ability the results of this study accurately reflect the racial and class demographics of this state (as outlined in Sect. 8.9d of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
8.9(d1).2 If anyone involved in the racial and class demographics for a state fails the above italicized statement, then their brain must be analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to determine what went wrong with the study, so that the class and race results obtained will be accurate.
8.9(d1).3 Then, before those racial and class demographics can be used in the voting matter, those who participated in the reconstruction of the study must again make the above italicized statement and pass 666-Computer lie-detection about it.
8.9(d1).4 Any willing and knowing attempt or action to go forward in a voting matter with inaccurate racial and class demographics for that voting matter (as outlined in this Sect. 8.9d), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
8.9(d2) Any willing and knowing attempts or action to inaccurately compile the votes (according to race or class) so that the electoral votes for that state do not represent the races and classes in that state [as defined by this Sect. 8.9(d)], will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. See rest of this Sect. 8.9(d).
8.9(d2).1 Once the racial and class electoral votes of a state are obtained, all those who participated in (and determined the outcome of) the vote (by race and class) will make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that to the best of their knowledge and ability the results of this vote accurately reflect the racial and class demographics of this state (as outlined in Sect. 8.9d of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
8.9(d2).2 If anyone involved in the compiling of the racial and class electoral votes for a state fails the above italicized statement, then their brain must be analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to determine what went wrong with the study, so that the class and race results obtained will be accurate.
8.9(d2).3 That person(s) who failed 666-Computer lie-detection must be removed and not used again in the voting matter. Then, before the compiling of the racial and class electoral votes can be used in the voting matter, those new person(s) who participated in the reconstruction of the electoral vote (by race and class) must again make the above italicized statement and pass 666-Computer lie-detection about it.
8.9(d2).4 Any willing and knowing attempt or action to go forward in a voting matter with an inaccurate compiling of the racial and class electoral votes for that voting matter (as outlined in this Sect. 8.9d), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
IF THE PUBLIC DESIRES TO DO THIS, GCFNC MAY CHOOSE TO BROADCAST THE RESULTS OF THE VOTE ACCORDING TO RACE AND CLASS. Above all, GCFNC desires to minimize Jesuit attempts to start wars, using race or class inequities as their excuse.
8.9(d).1 For those countries that desire to have an ELECTORAL COLLEGE in voting matters, that country will be divided into states or sections and each state or section will be assigned a certain number of electoral college votes. For instance, in the United States, the state of Florida has been assigned 27 electoral college votes.
8.9(d).1.1 How the votes will be cast in the electoral college votes for each state will be decided by that state’s demographics (according to race and class). VOTER TURNOUT WILL NOT INFLUENCE the state’s demographics, so let’s say that only 10% of a state’s ELIGIBLE black voters–see Sect. 8.61 (who actually comprise 30% of the population) turn out to vote, that 10% will count as 30% in the electoral college vote for that state.
8.9(d).2 The number of electoral college votes for each state will be determined by the population of that state, but how each vote will be cast must be determined according to CLASS and RACE. For instance, for each 100,000 people in a state, one electoral college vote may be assigned to that state–so if a state had 600,00 people it would have 6 electoral college votes. How to cast these votes will be determined by RACE and CLASS (see rest of this Section). For the purposes of this Sect. 8.9.d, each subdivision of any country (which would be the equivalent of a state in the United States) will be called a STATE.
8.9(d).3 Each electoral college vote for each state will be cast according to the percentage of the races and the classes in that state, regardless of how much of a voter turn out there is for each race or class. THOSE STATES WITH VERY DIVERSE POPULATIONS, MAY CAST DIFFERENT ELECTORAL VOTES AND THE VOTES MAY NOT BE HOMOGENEOUS FOR EACH STATE. IT IS VERY LIKELY THAT FLORIDA, FOR EXAMPLE, MAY CAST DIFFERENT ELECTORAL VOTES FOR PRESIDENT, depending on how the CLASSES and RACES of Florida voted. In other words, not all of Florida’s 27 votes may all go to one Presidential candidate. To have different electoral votes for Florida may be a more accurate represention of the voters of Florida, than to force all the electoral votes for Florida to be the same (especially if there is great diversity in the make up of Florida’s voting population).
8.9(d).4 Let’s start with class. Any class that comprises at least 10% of the population must be represented in the voting matter, even if only 2% of that class shows up at the polls. Class will be determined by the financial or income level of each voter or the amount of assets, cash, holdings each voter has for each month OR WHAT THAT VOTER IS WORTH IN DOLLARS AND ASSETS. Each country will come up with guidelines to determine how to divide up the classes and how each class will be determined. These guidelines must be consistently followed for splitting up the classes, when the electoral college votes are decided. Those within a certain income range, like under $10,000 may comprise the lower class. Those from $10,000 to $50,000 may comprise the middle class. Let’s say that Florida has a population of 1,000,000. This 1,000,000 will be analyzed according to class to determine which are the MAJOR CLASSES in the state and what percentage of the population they comprise. So, let’s say that Florida has 80% middle class, 10% upper class and 10% lower class. This means that 22 of those 27 electoral college votes must reflect that 80% middle class in Florida–that 23 (out of the 27) electoral college members who vote, must cast votes that reflect what the middle class of their state has voted for in that state; and 2 electoral college votes must reflect what the upper class of their state has voted for in that state; and 2 electoral college votes must reflect what the lower class of their state has voted for in that state. If the electoral college votes in that state cannot be evenly divided according to their class percentages, THEN THE MIDDLE CLASSES (or the predominant class) WILL BE GIVEN THE EXTRA NUMBER(S), so that the remaining classes will be assigned even votes according to their percentage in the population. See the Florida example above.
8.9(d).5 If a state has 5 major classes, such as lower lower class, lower class, middle class, upper middle class or middle upper class, then the electoral college must fairly represent all those classes (according to their percentage in the population). On the other hand, a state may only have two major classes (upper and lower)–in this instance only two classes would need to be represented in the electoral college in that state. The point is that all major classes need a fair representation in the electoral college vote (according to the percentage of that major class in that state’s population).
8.9(d).6 Now, let’s deal with RACE. Each state will be analyzed to determine what percentage of the state’s population is race #1, race #2, race #3, race #4, etc. Any race that comprises at least 10% of the state’s population must be represented (according to its percentage in the population in the electoral college vote). Only MAJOR RACES (those with 10% or more representation) in the state will be represented in the electoral college vote. To decide how to classify persons of mixed races, their genetic profile will be studied to determine their racial composition and how to split up their one vote into different racial categories (according to the categories which exist in that state). So, if a person is 60% white and 40% black, he/she will be classified with the white race and the black race for his/her state. To help in classifying races, we will try to divide the races according to Bible categories –Shem (Asian, Jewish, Indian, most Middle Eastern races), Japheth (caucasian, Russian, Hispanic, etc.), and Ham (the black races). Dr. Spiner can help in categorizing races according to Shem, Ham or Japheth.
8.9(d).7 This means that Gail Schuler’s vote (if she voted) would be divided according to her racial composition, so that if she voted in California, 65% of her vote would be counted with the Asian vote and 35% of her vote would be counted with the white vote. If California also has a Jewish race category, then 25% of her vote would go toward the Jewish vote, 45% of her vote would go toward the Asian vote and 35% of her vote would go toward the white vote. In other words, her one vote would be split among different races. And this is how genetics can determine how to categorize a voter from a mixed race background.
8.9(d).7.1 If a person has an even 50%/50% blend of two races, so that it is not possible to determine which race is predominant in that person, then 2 of their vote will go to one race and 2of their vote will go to their other race.
8.9(d).7.2 IT ALSO DEPENDS ON THE RACIAL CATEGORIES WHICH THAT STATE HAS, so let’s say that Florida has a white category, a black category, and a Hispanic category. In this instance, none of Gail’s genetic background would belong to either the black or Hispanic category, so her vote would fall completely in the white category.
8.9(d).7.3 What’s interesting here, is that if a person with 100% Jewish genetic ancestry does not belong to the Jewish faith (but is of the Christian faith), that person will still be categorized with the Jewish vote (if there’s a Jewish category). On the other hand, in a state like California, where there is probably at least a 10% Asian population, Gail may have part of her vote classed with the Asian vote, if she lived in California. The demographics are done according to RACE and CLASS, not according to religious faith (which can change–and also we don’t want to promote any religious wars–which are the cause of most wars on this planet).
8.9(d).7.4 Any race or sub-race which comprises at least 10% of a state, must have its own category, even if it is a subdivision of a more general race category (according to Shem, Ham and Japheth). For instance, in Africa, there may be three versions of black races which all need representation (according to their percentage in the population). Each of those three black races must have their own representation (according to their percentage in the population).
8.9(d).7.5 The categories should be done in such a manner that all races in that state are covered, so that they can be classed with one of the MAJOR RACES in the voting matter. For instance, in New York, if there were only 4 major racial categories (caucasian, Jewish, black and Hispanic), all races would have to be placed in one of the 4 categories (according to Shem, Ham and Japheth). This means if someone is 80% Chinese and 20% white, then 80% of their vote would go toward the Jewish vote (since there is no Asian category) and 20% of their vote would go toward the white vote. The Chinese vote would be placed in the Jewish category, since the Jews and Asians are both from Shem, and because there is no Asian category with which to place this Chinese, therefore the Jewish category is closest to the Chinese and the Chinese would be placed with the Jewish vote in determining how the electoral votes would be distributed for New York. Though both the Caucasians and the Hispanics are from Japheth, since they are differentiated in New York’s categories, the caucasian race would be differentiated between non-Hispanic and Hispanic Caucasians So a German New Yorker would be placed with the caucasian vote and all those New Yorkers from Hispanic backgrounds would be placed with the Hispanic vote. A native American New Yorker (if there is no native American category) would be placed with the Jewish vote (since native Americans are from Shem). Some middle Eastern races are black (or from Shem) and may be placed with the black vote, unless there is a separate and more specific category which is closest to their genetic background (like Egyptian).
8.9(d).7.6 Dr. Spiner will print a list of all races on the planet and where they belong, according to Shem, Ham and Japheth. This should help in categorizing persons (according to their race) and should help in deciding where to place persons, so that they will be aligned to their closest racial category (according to the highest percentage they have in their own genetic profile).
8.9(d).8 Let’s say that Florida has the following demographics: 25% Caucasians, 30% Hispanics, 30% blacks and 15% Asians. Then of Florida’s 27 electoral college votes, 25% or 8 votes must reflect what the Caucasians in that state voted for, 30% or 8 votes must reflect what the Hispanics in that state voted for, 30% or 8 votes must reflect what the blacks in that state voted for, and 15% or 3 votes must reflect what the Asians in that state voted for. In cases where the numbers are not even (according to percentages), the extra votes will go to those races that are the more predominant in the state (see Florida example above).
8.9(d).9 The electoral college vote for each state must accurately reflect how the CLASSES and the RACES voted in that state (according to their demographic percentage in that state), the votes may have to be juggled to ensure fair representation for all the RACES and CLASSES in that state (according to their demographic percentage in the population).
8.9(d).10 Where there are disputes over how the votes should be cast, then how the predominant RACES or CLASSES in that state voted, will be the deciding factor to decide any disputed electoral college votes.
8.9(d).10 Some states, like California, with a lot of electoral college votes, may have up to 10 RACES and 5 CLASSES represented and the electoral college votes need to fairly represent all these RACES and CLASSES. This could become a complex matter and so many statisticians may be needed to determine how to accurately cast electoral college votes for each state. Some races can be lumped together (according to Shem, Ham and Japeth–see above) to help in categorizing races.
8.9(d).11 It goes without saying only votes from those that are not criminals, that are not UNWILLING AGENTs, and that are not JESUITS can be used to determine how the electoral college votes are cast for each demographic percentage. Only citizens of a country can have their votes count.
8.9(d).12 In order to determine how to cast votes for RACE and CLASS. Each RACE and CLASS will be analyzed by numbers of persons within that RACE or CLASS (regardless of whether those persons are UNWILLING AGENTS or not). Once these RACE and CLASS percentages are determined for that state, these percentages must be maintained in the voting matter (even after UNWILLING AGENTS are eliminated in the final vote).
8.9(d).13 What this means is, let’s say that Florida (including UNWILLING AGENTS) has 25% Caucasians, 30% Hispanics, 30% blacks and 15% Asians. Mixed race persons will be included, but that one person will be split into his/her different racial categories. So that if a person is half black and half white, he/she will be considered to be part of both the caucasian and black vote in their state and 2of that person will count toward the white population demographics of his/her state and 2 of that person will count toward the black population demographics of his/her state. But after we remove the UNWILLING AGENTS, then the eligible vote percentages for Florida turn out as follows: 40% eligible votes were Caucasians, 10% eligible votes were Hispanics, 7% eligible votes were blacks, and 57% eligible votes were Asians. This means that of the 40% Caucasians whose votes counted in the election, that that 40% will only have a 25% representation in the electoral vote for that state. This means that of the 10% of Hispanics whose votes counted in the election, that that 10% would have a 30% representation in the electoral vote for that state. This means that of the 7% blacks whose votes counted for that state, that that 7% would have a 30% representation in the electoral vote for that state. This means that of the 57% Asians whose votes counted in the election, that that 57% would have a 15% representation in the electoral vote for that state.
8.9(d).14 We do not want to allow the Jesuits to create more UNWILLING AGENTS in a certain RACE or CLASS, with the intent to remove from that race or class its ability to influence an election. We will compensate for this loss, by giving that race or class the representation it would have had if all its members were NOT UNWILLING AGENTS.
8.9(d).15 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 8.9(d) with the intent to assist the Jesuits in their goal of a worldwide dictatorship, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
8.91 The Russian elections 2003/2004 were very biased in favor of the Jesuits (except for the Presidential election), because Jesuits used extortion and death threats to intimidate worthy candidates from running for key political positions. Only those candidates that were favored by the Jesuits ran for all Russian political positions, that is–except for the Presidential position. This forced Vladimir Putin to declare martial law in Russia after these illegal elections took place, because Jesuits had managed to obtain just about all political positions in Russia, except for the office of President (which Vladimir maintained). To prevent this from happening again, these laws in Sect. 8.91 have been written.
8.91(a) Any person (called a ELECTION HARASSER) who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly attempts to (or does) harass, intimidate, harm, kill, maim, or extort any person involved in (directly or indirectly) determining the outcome of any SIGNIFICANT ELECTION –see Sect. 8.9 (whether this harassed person be a voter, candidate, potential candidate, or otherwise) and if this ELECTION HARASSER harasses, intimidates, harms, kills, maims, or extorts this harassed person with the motive to assist the Jesuits in their goal for a worldwide dictatorship--that ELECTION HARASSER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All such cases will be tried on GCFNC.
8.91(b) It is the goal of the International government to promote just, peaceful and fair elections in all countries that belong to the International government. The voting atmosphere of all voting areas must be quiet and free from harassment (to minimize mistakes and to prevent extortion at the voting booths and in the election process).
8.91[c] All possible candidates for elected positions (including those who are NOT running, but logically should be running) will be questioned to determine if they are victims of Jesuit extortion. If these candidates are victims of Jesuit extortion, this will be exposed on GCFNC and, if these candidates desire, their names will be mentioned on GCFNC and all aspects of how, why and in what manner they were extorted by Jesuits (to prevent them from running) will be exposed on GCFNC. We will not force any political candidate to run for office, but if a candidate desired to run for a political office and was prevented from doing so by the Jesuits, this matter should be exposed.
8.91(d) Once this extortion matter is exposed, we will ask that extorted candidate if they would like the public to take a poll on GCFNC as to whether or not to encourage that extorted candidate to run for office. The results of this poll will be presented on GCFNC and the decision by the extorted candidate to run (or not run) and why he/she made this decision will also be presented on GCFNC.
8.91(e) The ballots must be set up in a clear and easy-to-understand manner (with adequate lighting and a quiet, stress-free atmosphere), so that it will not be easy to make mistakes or to extort persons during the voting process.
8.91(e1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to cause any type of confusion during an election, in order to cause voters (or anyone involved in a SIGNIFICANT ELECTION) to make mistakes, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR by the person who made this attempt or action.
8.91(f) The only weapons or terrorist substances allowed in the voting areas will be on the police.
8.91(g) All voting areas in a SIGNIFICANT ELECTION must be manned by the MILITARY police, who will be ready to arrest any violators of CONSPIRACY LAW.
8.91(h) During the voting period for any SIGNFICANT ELECTION, mailboxes and post offices (involved in the SIGNIFICANT ELECTION–even if overseas or in another country) will be manned by MILITARY POLICE or will be under surveillance by satellite to scan for suspicious activities or weapons or terrorist materials near these mail facilities or mailboxes. It is a good policy to have mailboxes and post offices all over the world under constant surveillance by satellite.
8.91(i) All voters and persons within 200 feet of the voting area in any SIGNIFICANT ELECTION will be scanned for weapons or terrorist materials and those with weapons or terrorist materials will not be permitted in the voting area.
8.91(j) During the voting period of any country’s SIGNIFICANT ELECTION, satellite practitioners will scan the country involved with the SIGNIFICANT ELECTION thoroughly to determine if any weapons or terrorist materials are moving in suspicious manner to cause problems, terrorism, or unfairness during an election period. The satellite imagery from these satellites will be the evidence needed to arrest any persons who are suspected of trying to cause problems in SIGNIFICANT ELECTIONS.
8.91(k) During the time of any SIGNIFICANT ELECTION, the designated voting areas (which could be post offices and mailboxes–if absentee ballots are involved), schools, churches, buildings, etc. must be cleared of all persons who are ELECTION HARASSERS. Any ELECTION HARASSER within 100 feet of any designated voting area must be immediately arrested and tried for violations of CONSPIRACY LAW (with possible death penalty consequences–see Sect. 8.91 above), so that voters will not feel intimidated or threatened by these harassers. Those ELECTION HARASSERS outside the 100 feet spherical circumference of any voting area, must also be arrested and tried for CONSPIRACY LAW violations, though these arrests may be somewhat delayed (they should not be delayed more than 24 hours).
8.91(l) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 8.91 with the intent to assist the Jesuits in their goal of a worldwide dictatorship, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. An example would be to falsely categorize the races in a state, so that the races are not represented according to their percentage in the state’s population, in order to give an unfair advantage to one race over another race, with the intent to promote the Jesuits in their goal of a worldwide dictatorship.
8.92 Because Jesuits are relentless and willing to do anything to win, many times, despite our attempts to enforce Conspiracy Law during an election, the Jesuits are able to override Conspiracy Law and a JESUIT candidate (Loree McBride or evil Jesuit supporter) or law is voted into office or wins an election. First, it must be pointed out that if Gail is the Empress of a country, she does not have to respect the outcome of any election that violates her Conspiracy Law. She allows elections for American President and other positions, because she has a full plate and welcomes assistance as a head of state. She considers the U.S. President her partner in governing the United States, which is a very demanding job. But Gail is Empress of more than one country and can’t do it all, so she allows elections for heads of state and other positions to assist her to lead the countries where she is the Empress.
8.92a1 If there is a dispute about the results of a vote count, and it involves a candidate who is a Loree McBride Jesuit supporter (like Gillum), the dispute must be handed over to the International government and all parts of the vote in dispute, like Broward County in Florida (for instance), must accept the results of our brain reads. We shall do brain reads on all eligible voters in the area of dispute (like in Broward County) and only those who are not Loree McBride Jesuit supporters will have their vote count. Using our brain reads we will submit a vote count based on our brain reads. We will allow a recount (using the methods in this Sect. 8.92a1) for a Loree McBride Jesuit candidate because if that evil candidate wins, they shall be replaced with an automaton who will NOT violate Conspiracy Law (we hope). More than likely the vote in dispute (if the losing candidate is a Loree McBride Jesuit) will result in a lower vote count for the Loree McBride Jesuit candidate, because our recount will exclude those not eligible to vote (i.e. Loree McBride Jesuit supporters). Unfortunately, Conspiracy Law has not been 100% enforced in most elections. If it was, the Republicans would have won the House in the 2018 Midterms. Once we submit our vote count, if anybody tries to question it and tries to undo the results of the election, they will be executed as a Loree McBride Jesuit. Those involved in the recount (as outlined in this Sect. 8.92a1), if they do so in a manner that is dishonest or violates Conspiracy Law, they will be executed. We take our recounts very seriously, because who rules our nation is a very serious matter.
8.92a The International President is currently the real Vladimir Putin, who lives on Church of Gail. If Vladimir is no longer the International President at the time of the taking of the oath, then whoever is the International President at the time of the oath must be honored. Jesuits like to divide and conquer and we must remain UNITED in order to defeat them. Whoever assists her as a head of state must take a vow (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion reads), upon assuming the office, as follows:
“I swear under God and with my hand on the Bible, that I will do all in my power to honor Gail Chord Schuler’s Conspiracy Law, and will work with her to defeat the Jesuits who strive to takeover my country and bring it to ruin. If I ever become a Jesuit supporter, then I deserve to be disqualified from office and I swear that I detest the goals of the Jesuit Order for world conquest. I will work with all world leaders who honor Conspiracy Law and will not assist Jesuits to orchestrate wars with other world leaders who honor Gail’s Conspiracy Law and who honor Gail. To the best of my ability, I will honor the Constitution of my country, in areas where the Constitution does not conflict with Gail’s Conspiracy Law. If there is a conflict, I will honor Gail’s Conspiracy Law over the Constitution of my country. I will not take money from corrupt Jesuit organizations or from Jesuits, and all my financial activities will be monitored 24/7 by Church of Gail and the men on Gail’s marriage list to ensure that this is so. I am aware that the real International President, not his Jesuit clone, must not be undermined, and will work with him to create a world where evil Jesuits cannot flourish.”
8.92b The acting head of state and all who govern in Conspiracy Law honoring nations (who assists Gail as head of state) must take this oath (under lie detection) upon first assuming office, every two weeks while running for office, and every two weeks while in office. If at any time he/she fails lie detection while making this vow, an investigation must be made into the person to determine if they are a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter (Jesuit meaning a willing and knowing Loree McBride supporter). If an impartial and accurate investigation determines they are a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, they must be removed from office. It will then be up to Gail and or the men on her marriage list to choose a replacement for them. This replacement will probably be a person who ran for the office, was also qualified, but didn’t get the position. But Gail and her men will not have their hands tied and can choose anybody they please (who is qualified according to Conspiracy Law).
8.92c During political campaigns for head of state (or any political positions won by election) or for laws of any country, non-Jesuit news organizations must report on the candidates and any proposed laws and expose candidates or proposed laws who support Jesuits or Jesuit supporters. Though we will try to eliminate these candidates or laws, Jesuits are relentless and will probably make this impossible. If despite everything, a Jesuit candidate or proposed law wins an election, he/she will be IMMEDIATELY IMPEACHED AND REPLACED with a non-Jesuit candidate or the law will be considered null and void. For example, Florida’s Amendment No. 4 (on Nov. 6, 2018) allowing felons to vote in future Florida elections is considered null and void, because it could encourage Loree McBride Jesuits to have their votes count in an election. It appears this amendment was deceptively worded in such a way to make it appear benign and it never should have been introduced onto the ballot. All truthful news reporting that exposes Jesuit lies and deceptions will be done publicly on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. The Jesuit leader who just assumed office will be ordered to step down or the Jesuit law that was passed must be made null and void. If the elected person refuses the Empress’s order or if the Jesuit law is allowed to remain and be in effect, the International military forces of the Empress Gail will be used to take down that Jesuit leader voted in or those who try to enforce the Jesuit law.
8.92d Gail is flexible and usually gets along very well with non-Jesuits of all types and all religions, except for militant religions, like radical Muslims or radical Roman Catholics. She will strive to honor the elections of any country that have been conducted according to her Conspiracy Law. Gail will strive to respect any head of state or politician voted into office legally and any law that does not conflict with her Conspiracy Law, and if there are differences between her and that candidate or leader (which rarely happens unless the candidate is a Loree McBride Jesuit), she will work out a compromise to allow that leader to work with her as a co-partner in leading the country. But she absolutely cannot tolerate a Loree McBride Jesuit or Jesuit supporter as her partner in leading a nation, because a country divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, she must take these laws governing a head of state very seriously. Any willing and knowing violation of these laws regarding the election of a head of state (or any politician voted into office) or the actions of a head of state (or any politician voted into office) or the passing of any laws that contradict Gail’s Conspiracy Law, that assists the Jesuits in their goal for world conquest, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, and may require the use of military force to enforce these laws. It goes without saying that all heads of state and politicians or appointed government officials will be under a 24/7 scan to ensure they have not become a Jesuit, but these scans are often sabotaged by Jesuits.
8.92d1 Every one seems so focused on WHO becomes President (with a focus on their PLATFORM) or an elected or appointed government official, but far more important is that Conspiracy Law is honored. Loree McBride Jesuits want someone in office who will buck Conspiracy Law. All the candidates have different positions, and all are right and wrong in different areas. Nobody is completely right about everything. We just need someone who will honor Conspiracy Law and honor Gail as the Empress, who will work WITH GAIL and NOT AGAINST HER. Each candidate for office or the acting JESUIT NEWS HEAD OF STATE or JESUIT NEWS POLITICIAN in each CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING NATION is required every two weeks to take an oath that they support Gail and her laws or they must be impeached. If they are not impeached when they have failed lie detection regarding the oath of support for Gail and her laws, we will orchestrate a coup and FORCE THEM OUT and any news media organization that willingly and knowingly fails to honor Conspiracy Law and treats the ILLEGAL CANDIDATE OR HEAD OF STATE or GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL as the bona fide acting head of state, government official or candidate will be bombed and destroyed until, and if, they come into compliance with these laws.
The JESUIT NEWS HEAD OF STATE or JESUIT NEWS POLITICIAN or JESUIT NEWS GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL is the person who is portrayed to the world on JESUIT NEWS as the head of state or politician or government official for that country, even if Gail is the Empress of the nation where the head of state reigns.
Each candidate for office (as well as the acting JESUIT NEWS HEAD OF STATE or JESUIT NEWS POLITICIAN or JESUIT NEWS GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL) must also take an oath EVERY TWO WEEKS under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion reads that they support Gail as the U.S. Empress and will honor and enforce her Conspiracy Law to the best of their ability. If we discover any candidate or JESUIT NEWS HEAD OF STATE or JESUIT NEWS POLITICIAN or JESUIT NEWS GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL does not honor Gail or her laws, he/she is not even allowed to RUN FOR OFFICE. All this stuff about delegates and all the rest of the Jesuit crap must honor Gail’s voting laws or we will OVERRIDE THE WHOLE THING.
If we at Church of Gail determine a candidate is disqualified from RUNNING FOR OFFICE, Jesuit News will continue to cover that candidate, making it appear they are still running. But, what we will do, is order those who handle the votes and the polls to show that candidate as a losing candidate, forcing them to drop out of the race. If they have already been elected into office, then we will find a way to have them impeached on JESUIT NEWS. If the matter is a law that attempts to override Conspiracy Law, that law must be reported as defeated on JESUIT NEWS.
It is very important that whoever is elected legally into the office of U.S. President or any political position, work with Gail as Empress (as Barack Obama and Donald Trump did, for the most part). President George W. Bush should have been impeached in 2001 when he forced Vladimir Putin to marry the Jesuit clone (Lyudmila) of his deceased wife Larisa under threat of war with the U.S.! As Empress, Gail won’t tolerate such crap from any U.S. President who is supposed to work with her to enforce Conspiracy Law. ALSO THOSE WHO ARE APPOINTED INTO OFFICE, LIKE ATTORNEY GENERALS AND SUCH POSITIONS ALSO MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION 8.92 OR THEY, TOO, WILL BE IMPEACHED AND REPLACED AS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECT. 8.92.
8.92(e) Because Jesuits like to use lying press reports to ensure their candidate or law wins, even if he/she did not win the votes in an election that honored Conspiracy Law- if the news media reports that a candidate or law won a state or region when they didn’t, all those willingly and knowingly behind the lying press releases will be executed as a Jesuit Conspirator on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. The lying news organizations must pay damages to the candidate who suffered damages as a result of the lying reporting, the damages will be used to pay for free television and online ads to expose the lying conspiracy to all those in the nation where the vote is taking place. The damages will be enough, so that the ads which expose the lies will FLOOD all television stations that people watch in that country.
8.92(f) Furthermore, it will be announced on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel that because Jesuits gave a state or region to a candidate or law who did not deserve a win in that state or region, the winner (who did not deserve to win) must forfeit the same amount of votes that he/she stole illegally in future elections on the same issue (like running for President during the Republican Primaries). So, let’s say Ted Cruz won 20% of the votes in Iowa and Donald Trump won 80%, but the news reported that Ted Cruz won 60% and Donald Trump won 40%, then in a future election (in another state for the same issue), Ted Cruz will be forced to have votes subtracted to make up for the illegal damage he did to Trump in a past election on the same issue. The lying news media organizations will be ordered to report that Trump won a state (even though he didn’t) to make up for a state that Trump lost unfairly in the past (in the JESUIT NEWS). Experts at elections will decide which state must be forfeited to make up for a state lost that should not have been lost, just because the news media lied. The problem with lying news, is that if they report election results inaccurately, Jesuits can use the news to pick the next President OVERRIDING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. It will make no difference if the elections are conducted legally according to Conspiracy Law, if the news reports lies about who won and who lost! Therefore, Gail must write law to correct this, or the Jesuits can use the news media’s lies to elect a President overriding the will of the people.
8.92[g] If all the elections have already taken place and there are no future contests to minimize the damage, then the news must report that illegal voting took place and that the vote had to be recount and in the recount, the actual vote results must be reported truthfully and accurately, subtracting wins from a candidate who did not deserve to win and adding wins to a candidate who deserved to win.
8.92(h) To make it more difficult for Jesuits to use lies in the press to elect their candidate, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel must cover all elections in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations, if that country’s JESUIT NEWS is covering that election. This way the public will be aware when lying is taking place, because what the Gabrielle Chana FOX News reports will contradict what JESUIT NEWS reports.
8.92(i) JESUIT NEWS also like to lie about political candidates that they report on. This situation is really getting out of hand. The lies can be so extreme that they could be very unfair and damaging to a political candidate. For instance, just heard on FOX News that Cumberland County, North Carolina wants to consider filing a legal charge of Donald Trump inciting a riot, making him responsible for the behavior of those in his rallies. For all we know this may have been a Jesuit Donald Trump clone making “inciting” statements at these rallies. If so, this needs to be exposed. The same goes for any other political candidate who has to suffer because of their clone. It’s also possible the JESUIT NEWS made the whole thing up and there is no legal charge against Donald Trump in North Carolina! If so, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News or another channel set up by the REAL Vladimir Putin or one of the top seven men on Gail’s marriage list (not their clone), must expose the lie and make the TRUTH AVAILABLE to the voter. To try and minimize Jesuit damage to a politician or celebrity as a result of news media lies, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel needs to devote entire episodes to covering JESUIT LIES in JESUIT NEWS and expose these lies on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (or other NON-JESUIT NEWS SOURCE). In the exposure, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News (or other NON-JESUIT NEWS SOURCE) channel must report the TRUTH and expose what is a LIE in the Jesuit version of the news.
For the purposes of this section, Gabrielle Chana FOX News will be defined as a news source that is NON-JESUIT, truthful and balanced and reports the real news and not Jesuit propaganda. This can mean a temporary news station set up in certain regions that do NOT have the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel.
In areas where the Jesuit lies could be especially damaging and could influence the outcome of an election, all voters who vote in that region that are affected by that lie, must provide evidence that they have watched the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (or any news channel or outlet approved by the real Vladimir Putin, who is the Conspiracy Law President) to hear the TRUTH about the LIE. The voters will not have to do anything, but we will use brain scans (obtained via satellite) on the person to determine if they have been exposed to the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel to hear the truth about the LIE, and if not, their VOTE MUST NOT COUNT. If the voter has only heard the JESUIT VERSION of the lie and we determine from 666-Computer mind and emotion reads that the JESUIT LIE has influenced how they vote so that their vote will or may SUPPORT THE JESUITS, their vote on that issue (which was lied about and which AFFECTED THEIR VOTE) must not be counted in the election. These voters, who have been brainwashed by Jesuit lies, because they have been DENIED THE TRUTH and HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED BY JESUIT LIES, will be considered UNWILLING AGENTS for voting purposes on that issue or person that was lied about. No UNWILLING AGENT can have their vote count in an election for any issue or person that was lied about. We can use memory reads on all the voters to determine who has heard the news from a NON-JESUIT and from a TRUTHFUL news source, and we can determine how that JESUIT LIE is influencing their vote.
All proposed measures or laws on any ballot that have been created to increase the ability of Loree McBride Jesuits to take over a country cannot be introduced onto any ballot. Those who do so willingly and knowingly will be executed as Jesuit Conspirators. This law is retroactive to July 2018. This means if Florida’s Amendment No. 4 was deliberately created to allow illegal Jesuit votes to count in future elections (and we can determine motives with brain reads) all those willingly and knowingly behind this law will be executed as Jesuit Conspirators on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. No law, measure or person who affects how a country or state is run can be passed or voted into office, if the law or person is a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit supporter.
An UNWILLING AGENT is one whose brain has been taken over by Jesuits one way or another, and who is not able to make decisions WITHOUT BEING INFLUENCED or POISONED BY JESUITS. All potential voters in any election must be scanned to determine if they are an UNWILLING AGENT. No UNWILLING AGENT can have their vote count in any election. It is possible for a person who has full autonomy, but was tricked into voting for a law (issue) or person because of Jesuit lies or trickery, to be considered an UNWILLING AGENT only in regards to a particular person voted for or a particular issue voted for (see Sect. 8.92i). Also, no JESUIT can have their vote count in any election, a Jesuit being defined as one who willingly and knowingly supports Loree McBride (or whoever is the evil Jesuit leader) as the head of the Jesuits and works with her/him for a worldwide takeover for the Catholic Church.
If the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel or another NON-JESUIT news source is not available in the area for that person to listen to, we shall set up a temporary news channel devoted to the election, which must expose Jesuit lies to that particular region, and which will report the truth about those Jesuit lies. In fact, this is so important, that I feel I must establish a news channel (which could be an extension of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel) totally devoted to politics, that reports daily on Jesuit lies in JESUIT NEWS and exposes these lies daily and REPORTS THE TRUTH. All voters in that region WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO JESUIT LIES IN THE MEDIA are required to watch this channel or the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel in order to be qualified to vote. This is a requirement for all Conspiracy Law honoring nations.
This law means that even the vote of the American Empress, Gail Chord Schuler, if she has been influenced by Jesuit lies in a manner that favors the Jesuits, will not have her vote count in an election on any matter or person, if Gail’s men are unable to get with her to tell her the TRUTH about the JESUIT LIE! Sometimes Gail’s men are not able to communicate with her and she herself could be a victim of Jesuit brainwashing!
Any willing and knowing, direct or indirect attempt to violate this Sect. 8.92(i) in a manner to promote Jesuit tyranny on the earth and to promote Jesuit lies by any news organization, or by anybody, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Any willing and knowing, direct or indirect attempt or action to present or promote JESUIT LIES in the news media that promote Jesuit goals for a world takeover, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.92(i-2) We are having trouble enforcing Conspiracy Law, because LAW ENFORCEMENT in many areas are not cooperating with Conspiracy Law. All government officials (those elected or appointed into office) must be under a 24/7 scan to determine if they are a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit, this is on top of their bi-weekly statement made under 666-Computer lie detection to test their loyalty to Gail as Empress and to her Conspiracy Law (see 8.92a & 8.92b). Once it is determined that a government official or law enforcement person is a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit, they must be sacked and replaced with one who is NOT a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit. To be SACKED means that any willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit must be executed, because these people are deadly. Once it is determined our scan of them is accurate and they are a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit, they must be SACKED. Areas of special concern are Big Tech CEOs and executives and leaders, politicians and appointed or elected government officials, and law enforcement. Anyone who is a Loree McBride Jesuit who honors Loree McBride by doxxing or targeting innocents (directly or indirectly) must also be sacked. To directly dox or target an innocent would be like giving out somebody’s home address or personal information online with the intent to target that innocent. This could include giving out the home addresses or personal information of voter rolls, which seems to me to be totally unnecessary. REMINDER: All who are being targeted by Loree McBride Jesuits, like Tucker Carlson, are required to live on Church of Gail for their safety (see 8.92l below). MOTIVE is the criteria we will use to determine if a law enforcement person, webmaster, social media executive should be sacked. To indirectly dox or target an innocent would be to cooperate with one who is directly doxxing or targeting an innocent, by allowing it to happen, when it could be stopped. So, for instance, if Twitter willingly and knowingly allows a Loree McBride Jesuit to target Tucker Carlson, for instance, all those at Twitter who are willingly and knowingly part of this conspiracy behind this, will be SACKED, on top of those directly behind the doxxing or targeting of innocents. Gail believes in freedom of speech. However, an area where we can easily find Loree McBride Jesuits is in rioters. Most riots and protests today, especially those who dislike Donald Trump, are Loree McBride Jesuits. If these Loree McBride Jesuits dare to show their brazen face in a riot or protest, they will be arrested, not for rioting or protesting, but for being a LOREE MCBRIDE JESUIT. The fact that they are rioting means they don’t think they will be arrested as a Loree McBride Jesuit, which means we need to scan all law enforcement in the area of the Loree McBride protest or riot to determine if any of the law enforcement is a Loree McBride Jesuit. All Loree McBride Jesuits must be sacked and anybody who willing and knowingly gives them safe harbor or willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) promotes their attempts at anarchy against my government must also be sacked.
We have many weapons to use to deal with Loree McBride Jesuits, which are not being used, because law enforcement is not cooperating with us. CITIZEN SCANNERS and other Conspiracy Law weapons can be used, but are not being used, which could have prevented such tragedies like what happened in Thousand Oaks, California today (11-8-18). Check out my Conspiracy Law updates to determine which laws are not being enforced and which need to be enforced. To willingly and knowingly NEGLECT to enforce any Conspiracy Law, like the use of CITIZEN SCANNERS, in order to allow Loree McBride Jesuits to commit war crimes, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Under Conspiracy Law, criminals are sacked and executed as determined by MOTIVE. Those who willingly and knowingly cooperate with Loree McBride, even if their outward action appears innocent, will be sacked, if our brain reads that their motive is to willingly and knowingly assist Loree McBride in her goals for a world takeover.
8.92(i-3) You might say, this is unjust. Before being sacked, these persons should be brought to trial. No, we have been doing this for too long. We are in a war and these are war criminals. War criminals such as Loree McBride Jesuits are denied due process. Their guilt is overwhelming and we won’t waste time or money allowing them due process. It just gives them more time to commit more war crimes. They have corrupted our legal system and the only viable solution is to SACK THEM. The solution is to eliminate these deadly people and those who harbor them. That is the only way to have peace, freedom and prosperity. Loree McBride Jesuits have the morality of Adolph Hitler or Stalin. You don’t give such people due process. They are all SACKED. Anybody who willingly and knowingly gets in our way as we sack these people, will also be sacked.
8.92(j) In the United States, if the Republican elections for their candidate are contested, they use delegates to make the final decision. Regardless of what system a country has to pick a candidate, the overriding factor in who becomes the winner must be determined by the POPULAR VOTE more than any other factor. The use of delegates is NOT ALLOWED, unless the delegates are set up to honor the ELECTORAL VOTE. Whatever system a country has set up must be IGNORED and the POPULAR VOTE must be the deciding factor in the election. If the POPULAR VOTE is in dispute or is very close between candidates, then they must use an ELECTORAL PROCESS as outlined in Sect. 8.9(d) to make the final decision in place of any other system they have used in the past.
8.92(k) Because in some countries Jesuits have a firm system in place and make everybody believe that is the way it HAS TO BE, the news outlets (outside of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel) that reports on the results, must use the system they have used IN THE PAST in a manner that reflects the ELECTORAL VOTE. This means the delegates or whatever system is set up, must honor the ELECTORAL VOTE in choosing the winner. This means CONSPIRACY LAW voting experts with training in computers and statistics and math, will tell the delegates HOW TO VOTE, so that the results of the ELECTORAL VOTE will be honored and the true winner (as determined by the POPULAR VOTE and the ELECTORAL VOTE) will be chosen.
If the delegates (or the current system) willingly and knowingly do NOT vote as they are ordered to by the CONSPIRACY LAW VOTING EXPERTS in order to assist the Jesuits to take over the country, they will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator AND THEIR VOTE MUST NOT COUNT, and they must be replaced with a delegate who will honor Conspiracy Law (whose vote will count).
Also, if any Conspiracy Law Voting Expert fudges the numbers or takes any action (directly or indirectly) to deny the POPULAR VOTE and the ELECTORAL VOTE (conducted according to Conspiracy Law) and, therefore, causes those under his jurisdiction to vote incorrectly in a manner that supports the Jesuits and violates Conspiracy Law and denies the POPULAR VOTE and the ELECTORAL VOTE, that Conspiracy Law Voting Expert must be executed as a Jesuit Conspirator and be replaced with a Voting Expert who will honor Conspiracy Law and all those under his jurisdiction must not obey any Conspiracy Law Voting Expert who has been sacked by the Conspiracy Law President and Gail’s men.
All news media outlets are required to report the TRUE WINNER according to Conspiracy Law (following the guidelines in these VOTING LAWS). If they choose a winner by any other method and broadcast/publish that ILLEGAL result to the public as the winner, all those willingly and knowingly behind the conspiracy will be executed as Jesuit Conspirators. It will be announced on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel that the winner has been illegally elected and is not recognized under the country’s laws. He/she must be removed from his/her winner position and replaced with the one who truly won. If this does not happen on JESUIT NEWS, then this person must be IMPEACHED and the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel will report the TRUE WINNER, who can fulfill all the responsibilities for the position which they have won. Anybody who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) treats the ILLEGAL WINNER like the true winner, will be executed as a Jesuit Conspirator, regardless of what the JESUIT NEWS reports about the matter. The ILLEGAL WINNER will be declared to be guilty of TREASON on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel if he/she dares to assume the office for which he did not win according to Conspiracy Law, and anybody who willingly and knowingly supports him/her as the winner will also be guilty of TREASON.
All news broadcasts MUST REPORT WHO THE TRUE WINNER IS and if they persist in reporting as the winner, that ILLEGALLY ELECTED PERSON, that news station will be bombed continually until it complies. First, we will remove innocents from the news station, then we will bomb it for spreading Jesuit lies that allow a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter to be the winner and to take his/her office. We will blast on all legal news channels the TRUTH about who is the legally elected winner according to Conspiracy Law, so no one will be without excuse. All news stations are required to report who is the true winner according to Conspiracy Law, or else that news station will be DESTROYED.
Any willing and knowing, direct or indirect attempt or action to weasel out of these laws in order to support the goals of the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.92(l) In all Conspiracy Law honoring nations (especially MAJOR Conspiracy Law honoring nations like the United States), once it is pretty established that a political candidate will be running for a major political office (like American President or Russian President or Chinese President), that political candidate and his/her family must live at Church of Gail (for security purposes) to have him/her under 24/7 surveillance to detect when he/she has been replaced with a Jesuit clone or automaton. This means that Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and their families must live at Church of Gail. If any political candidate refuses to live at Church of Gail when it becomes obvious they COULD end up in an important political office for their country, they will become ineligible to assume the political office for which they are running, because all Presidents, Prime Minister and those running for these positions in the general elections for these countries must live at Church of Gail so we can ensure Jesuits do not switch these persons out with their Jesuit clone or automaton.
Also, any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, like an important news celebrity, celebrity or person of influence that the Loree McBride Jesuits deem to be a threat to their goals, must either live at Church of Gail or at a Church of Gail city (see Sect. 6 – 9 of International Military Law). For instance, all FOX News personnel must do all their work from inside a Church of Gail city. This is to prevent Loree McBride Jesuits from taking hostages. If they must leave the Church of Gail city to do their work, they are required to have a CITIZEN SCANNER on their persons at all times and it must be programmed to take out any Loree McBride Jesuits who get near them, even if Loree McBride Jesuits use transporter technology to do so. The scanner should be programmed to detect when transporter technology is being used and is able to take out Loree McBride Jesuits at once, once they materialize.
Our Nanotechnology Research Team will determine which organizations Loree McBride would want to target: The White House under Donald Trump, the Vatican, government headquarters of Conspiracy Law honoring nations, law enforcement headquarters, etc. and all these must be located in a Church of Gail city. If the innocents or possible victims must leave the Church of Gail city to do their work, the persons who leave must have a CITIZEN SCANNER on them at all times. It is our goal to have at least half the earth living and working inside Church of Gail cities and to have all the innocents located inside Church of Gail cities. Once this is accomplished, we can then bomb the rest of the world located outside Church of Gail cities without having to worry about hostage taking used as a strategy to prevent us from executing Loree McBride Jesuits.
Also, all candidates for any important political office must be under 24/7 surveillance to detect when they have been “switched out” in any manner with their Jesuit clone or automaton. This surveillance must also detect if brain control is being used on that politician or potential politician, and if this is discovered, the brain control must be removed (if this is possible). If it cannot be removed, then the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel must report on this to alert the country that that politician is unreliable.
Once a political candidate is no longer viable as a possible winner in the office for which he/she is seeking (because he has quit his run for that office, is no longer in that office, or is ineligible for the office according to Conspiracy Law), he/she no longer needs to live at Church of Gail and can live on earth in a Church of Gail city, if she/he wishes. But all Presidents and/or Vice Presidents, and/or those in the highest positions in the country and/or who have tremendous influence in the world and who live in a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, must live at Church of Gail for security purposes to protect them from Jesuit sabotage using their clone or automaton. We need to be able to keep such persons under 24/7 surveillance.
Any willing and knowing, direct or indirect attempts or actions to sabotage the laws of this Sect. 8.92(l) in a manner that assists the Jesuits to replace authentic persons with a Jesuit counterpart, in order to assist the Jesuits for a world takeover, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.93 Due to the sudden and tragic death of Donald Trump, and those in attendance at the Donald Trump rally on November 4, 2016 in Ohio, United States, the American Empress Gail Chord Schuler feels she needs to write some special rules that will apply to this particular election.
Donald J. Trump, while he was alive, supported Gail Chord Schuler as the American Empress. Hillary Clinton turned evil and ended up supporting the evil Antichrist Angelina Ballerina. F.B.I. Director James Comey was working with us to expose the evils of Hillary Clinton when he decided to cause the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandals. Now, he appears to have turned evil by cancelling this investigation into the dead Hillary’s crimes at the last minute. Though the Hillary and Donald automatons are ineligible to run for office now, we have continued the campaign, using their automatons to prevent a mass panic among the American people. Gail Chord Schuler is also running for President, to fill the void created by the deaths of Hillary and Donald. It appears that Angelina Ballerina is doing damage control by attempting to make it appear that the Hillary automaton has won the election and plans to use the Hillary automaton to override Gail as the U.S. President. The problem is, by discontinuing the investigation into Hillary’s crimes just short of two days before the final election day, is causing great anger among the Donald Trump supporters.
8.93(a) It is not fair to the Donald Trump supporters that their candidate died two days before office. Therefore, all those who have already voted for Donald Trump or who will vote for Donald Trump will be considered to have voted for Gail Chord Schuler. All votes for Donald Trump will be considered votes for Gail Chord Schuler. In this way, Gail can be assured of a landslide win against the Hillary automaton. In the mainstream news, when Gail wins the election, it will be reported that Donald Trump won. When, and if, this happens, the Donald Trump automaton will be Gail’s Vice President, and she will allow him to make public appearances on her behalf. Gail will grant the Donald Trump automaton some autonomy and will allow him to make some decisions on his own as the Vice President which Gail will support. He will need to confer with Gail and/or Zack Knight and/or Vladimir Putin before he makes any decisions. Basically, Gail will use him as her spokesperson to the mainstream media.
8.93(b) If the Hillary Clinton automaton is reported to have won the election, Gail, as American Empress, will order her military to arrest the Hillary Clinton automaton and lock her up, ensuring that she is unable to act in any manner as the U.S. President. We have overwhelming evidence that the Hillary Clinton automaton will be used to cause havoc and destruction to all good people who live in the United States, and, Gail, as the American Empress, cannot stand by and watch this happen. All Hillary Clinton evil Jesuit clones must be executed. We will set up scanners to ensure that no Jesuit clones of Hillary Clinton can survive in the United States. Also, all news media outlets that report that Hillary has won, will be destroyed and all reporters who willingly and knowingly participated in this lying news media conspiracy will be arrested as Jesuit Conspirators and given the death penalty. If the Hillary Clinton automaton dares to show up at the White House in any Presidential capacity, Gail gives Vladimir Putin permission to launch a nuclear bomb on the White House and destroy it, and to destroy the Hillary Clinton automaton and all her supporters. He can do this over and over if he has to, to make it plain to Hillary’s evil conspiracy, that we will not tolerate this evil automaton running the United States in ANY CAPACITY. This will be a mercy killing to save the United States from destruction at the hands of Angelina Ballerina’s right hand person the Hillary Clinton automaton, and to prevent the evil Hillary Clinton automaton from dragging the United States into a nuclear war with Russia in an attempt to oust Vladimir Putin who is a righteous ruler who enforces Gail’s Conspiracy Law. Gail will encourage Vladimir Putin’s nuclear strike on the White House as a pro-active measure to remove a dangerous homicidal Hillary Clinton from destroying the United States AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Gail is sure that if Hillary wins, it will be because of an ILLEGAL RIGGED ELECTION. For starters, under Gail’s Conspiracy Law, Hillary is a war criminal and INELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE.
8.93[c] Gail also orders F.B.I. Director Comey to restart his investigation into the crimes of the Hillary Clinton machine, and to retract his cancellation of this investigation. Even though Hillary is dead, to stop this investigation now, when Hilary is overwhelmingly guilty in this matter, is infuriating the American people and will probably cause mass riots if the Hillary Clinton automaton is reported to win this election. Gail does not believe it is wise that F.B.I. Director Comey has cancelled his investigation into Hillary’s crimes and orders him to restart the investigation. If he refuses to do so, he will be arrested and placed in jail and replaced with another F.B.I. Director at once! While it is true that Hillary is now dead, it is also true that Angelina Ballerina may try and use the Hillary Clinton automaton to act in the stead of the dead Hillary, thus perpetuating the crimes of the real Hillary Clinton from hell. If F.B.I. Director Comey has been contaminated in some manner, like replaced with a clone or is under brain control, he must be replaced with another F.B.I. Director who is under orders from Gail to continue the investigations into the crimes of Hillary Clinton and her evil cohorts.
8.93(d) Under no circumstances will any of the votes for Hillary Clinton count in this election! We are conducting this fake election to give Gail more legitimacy as the U.S. President. Hillary’s goal is to usurp Gail as the current American Empress and President and, therefore, nobody’s votes for Hillary will count. Hillary is a war criminal under Conspiracy Law and has been totally and irrevocably IMPEACHED. Gail will not tolerate this evil woman taking office in ANY FORM. In fact, though Hillary is reported to be campaigning for U.S. President, if she is reported by the Angelina Ballerina mainstream news to have won, Gail gives the U.S. military the order to have the Hillary automaton and/or ALL OF HER CLONES executed and/or arrested AT ONCE. Those who voted for Hillary Clinton will have their votes go to Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul or Dennis Michael Lynch (to be determined if Hillary wins in the mainstream media). Therefore, if Hillary wins the election in the mainstream media, then Gail will use Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul or Dennis Michael Lynch as her Vice President and he must obey Gail in everything and get permission from Vladimir Putin and/or Zack Knight before he does anything in the capacity of public office.
8.93(e) Gail feels it is necessary to make these laws to ensure the American nation does not experience anarchy after the November 8th elections. Gail feels that Bernie Sanders should have been the Democratic nominee and grants to Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul or Dennis Michael Lynch all the votes that go to Hillary Clinton. Gail encourages everybody to vote for her, Gail Chord Schuler, instead, because Bernie, Rand Paul and Dennis Michael Lynch really are not supposed to be running either. So, let’s say that Hillary is reported to have won in the Angelina Ballerina news media. If this happens, Hillary’s clones will all be executed AT ONCE and scanners set up all over the country to execute them on-the-spot. The Hillary Clinton automaton will be arrested and jailed, and Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul or Dennis Michael Lynch will take Hillary’s place. Of course, you may not hear about this, except on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. If Bernie turns out to be a traitor and does not support Gail, then he will be replaced with Rand Paul or Dennis Michael Lynch or Gail may allow a special election to vote for her Vice President. This will be determined later, if the Donald Trump automaton does not end up as Gail’s Vice President.
8.93(f) Gail encourages everybody to vote for her, Gail Chord Schuler, and does not want to cause confusion. However, she felt it necessary to write these laws to prevent confusion, anarchy and mass chaos after the election. Any willing and knowing violation of these SPECIAL RULES FOR THE AMERICAN ELECTION HELD DURING OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 2016, FINALIZING ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 in order to promote Angelina Ballerina and her evil empire, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
MANDATORY EDUCATION ABOUT VLADIMIR PUTIN FOR ALL REGISTERED VOTERS in Conspiracy Law honoring countries afflicted by Putin Derangement Syndrome (United States, Israel, Middle East, Great Britain and most NATO countries)
8.94(a) Due to Loree McBride’s successful disinformation campaign in regard to Vladimir Putin and Russia, it is now mandatory that all registered voters must watch Oliver Stone’s Putin Interviews (Parts One through Four), as well as listening to the audio book of The Putin Interviews, Oliver Stone interviews Vladimir Putin. Those with a DVD player will be given a free DVD that has all the lessons needed to grasp the material needed to pass the brain scan to be a PUTIN INFORMED VOTER and the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel will broadcast the necessary lessons at their website and/or television channel to grasp the material needed to be a PUTIN INFORMED VOTER. They can also watch the links below. Gail has listened to these and finds them to be an objective, accurate assessment of Vladimir Putin, something which the American people and the West are not getting. After listening to these, they are required to have their brains scanned to show that they understand what really happened in Ukraine, Crimea and have an understanding about Putin that will help to offset the misinformation we are getting about Putin in mainstream news. The scan needs to be constructed so that it can be measured whether the voter has understood the interviews enough to know that George Soros caused a coup in Ukraine that was financed by American interests and that shows clearly that the United States orchestrated a coup in Ukraine that toppled a legitimately elected Prime Minister with an American puppet in Poroshenko, so that the U.S. was involved in regime change in Ukraine that led to it now becoming a Nazi country. What they must watch is on this page from Gail’s website:
8.94(b) The voter must also study another page at Gail’s website, along with any supplemental materials needed to clarify what really happened to the Kursk submarine in 2000:
8.94[c] After studying the page at Gail’s website about the Kursk, they will be brain scanned to see if they understand what really happened to the Kursk. The voter must understand that the reason all the Russian sailors died is because an American submarine torpedoed the Kursk during PEACETIME exercises, and Putin was extorted into silence under threat of World War III. If there was Jesuit involvement in this, the proof for this must be supplied, and it must be shown how Jesuits used the American Kursk submarine to extort Putin into allowing all the sailors to die, so that Putin would end up being America’s cuck in this matter. The purpose for this knowledge is to make the voters aware that the news media has portrayed America as the good guy and America has been a bully with Russia. The scan over the Kursk incident must show that the voter understands what REALLY happened with the Kursk.
8.94(d) If this seems extreme, it is because Putin Derangement Syndrome has really gotten out of hand and it has afflicted Western voters in particular like a plague and it is now mandatory that voters understand the true nature of Western imperialism against Putin. If the voter fails the test, showing they have not viewed Oliver Stone’s Putin Interviews or understood the material about the Kursk submarine disaster, then they are INELIGIBLE TO VOTE in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries that are afflicted with Putin Derangement Syndrome. Those voters that fail to pass the test about Putin will have their voter registration REVOKED and if they go to a voting booth, THEIR VOTE MUST NOT COUNT. Those that pass the test about Putin, will be called PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS. Anyone who willingly and knowingly allows anyone who is NOT a PUTIN INFORMED VOTER (in a country afflicted with Putin Derangement Syndrome) to have their vote count in any election will be given the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
8.94(e) Empress Gail will allow voters one month from today (May 19, 2019) to pass the test (brain scan) about Putin and become a PUTIN INFORMED VOTER for current voters. After June 19, 2019, those voters who have not become PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS will lose their voter registration and be ineligible to vote until they pass the brain scan showing they are a PUTIN INFORMED VOTER. Those that fail the scan, will have their voter registration revoked, so that if they go to the polls, their vote must not count. Brain scans must be used during voting to ensure that only PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS are voting. Willingly and knowingly allowing those who are NOT PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS to have their vote count will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. These new laws do not negate laws already in existence, so that no willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit is eligible to vote and anyone who willingly and knowingly allows a Loree McBride’s Jesuit vote to count in any legal election in a Conspiracy Law honoring country will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Loree McBride Jesuits are guilty of high treason and are considered terrorists who have committed massive war crimes.
While it is required that all understand the material presented about Putin in order to vote, it is not necessary that they must agree with the positions presented or even believe that what they have seen or heard in these presentations are true. We are not forcing people to our views but mandating that they be exposed to the truth to counter the massive disinformation campaign launched against Russia (which helps the global elite by ensuring their gravy train is not stopped). However, if the reason they don’t believe the material is because of brain control or because they are an UNWILLING AGENT, no UNWILLING AGENT’s votes count in any election.
8.94(f) All reputable polls conducted of the candidates for office must be accurate and only reflect the views of those who are PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS as of June 19, 2019. A reputable poll is a poll by an organization whose results are used to determine who would be eligible to participate in debates between political candidates, like the U.S. Democratic debates in June 2019. Those who willingly and knowingly publish inaccurate polls, which means using those who are not PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS in the poll or just out and out lying in the polls will be fined one million dollars for each willing and knowing inaccurate poll presented to the public via the Internet or the mainstream news. All those who want to conduct a poll with a reputable organization must use scanners we supply to determine if those polled are PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS and must only include results from PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS. If they are unable to pay the fine for inaccurate polling information, they will go to jail for treason. Willing and knowing failure to enforce these laws, or willing and knowing neglect of these laws in order to enhance Loree McBride’s ability to rule the world will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.94(g) News media outlets that willingly and knowingly broadcast lies about Putin that contradict what PUTIN INFORMED VOTERS know, will also be fined one million dollars for each lie about Putin. If they are unable to pay, the news media executives responsible for the lies being broadcast will be jailed for treason. Willing and knowing failure to enforce these laws, or willing and knowing neglect of these laws in order to enhance Loree McBride’s ability to rule the world will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
8.10 Any person who was eligible to vote under Conspiracy Law, who has become retarded or who DIED as a result of any of Lizzo’s activities, will still retain their right to vote, even though for all intents and purposes they would otherwise not be qualified to vote, as in the case of a dead person, they would be dead and so their vote wouldn’t count and in the case of a retard, they will be like an UNWILLING AGENT and so their vote wouldn’t count. Those who become ineligible to vote, either because they are murdered or because Lizzo has rendered them retarded when they were not previously retarded, will have their votes count in elections by treating their vote as a LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE.
8.10a All those who are considered a LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE, will retain their voting rights by allowing those who tally the votes to determine who among the voters is a LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE, and each LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE will COUNT as follows:
8.10b A LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE will automatically count by having that vote be for whichever candidate or position most supports Gail and her Conspiracy Law, regardless of how the LIZZO JUSTICE VOTER actually voted or would have voted, if alive. In the case of a person murdered by Lizzo, DEAD PEOPLE’S votes count in all future elections, if that voter was murdered by Lizzo (directly or indirectly). So this would include all murders by Lizzo’s bombs, by Lizzo’s deadly vaccines, by Lizzo’s plagues, by Lizzo’s induced heart attacks, cancers, etc. We will study all the death records ever since Lizzo came to power as Antichrist and anyone determined to have been murdered by her, will have their vote count as a LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE.
8.10c Further, not only will the LIZZO JUSTICE VOTE count for whichever candidate or position would most support Gail and her Conspiracy Law, BUT that vote will count SEVEN TIMES more than one vote!! You might say, this isn’t fair because that’s manipulating the election. Well, hey, folks, the elections have been manipulated for years in the Jesuits’ favor, especially from the 2020 election forward, so it’s about time to turn the tables on the Jesuits.
8.10d Further, if any news media outlet reports the vote count in a manner that supports Lizzo’s goals, that news media outlet will be bombed (if possible, with innocents cleared first) and all those who work at that organization who willingly supported Lizzo in the lying news media report about the vote will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. UNWILLING AGENTS are never executed, an UNWILLING AGENT being one who is brain controlled, or rendered retarded because of Lizzo and/or who is incapable of making a decision they would have made if they were not messed with by Lizzo, because of undue Lizzo Jesuit influence over their brain.
8.10e Any willing and knowing attempt by anyone to circumvent this law in any manner in order to serve Lizzo’s evil interests, will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
All violators of this Sect. 9 are subject to be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
9.0 Because of overwhelming evidence obtained through direct or cross-examination and other evidence regarding the Jesuit Order’s desire to obtain for themselves a worldwide dictatorship, and because of the Jesuit Order’s increased threats and attacks against the free nations of the world (especially the recent threats by Jesuit IMPOSED PERSONS working through their Al-Qaeda UNWILLING AGENTS, which threaten newattacks against the United States and other countries), and especially because of horrifying evidence obtained from the train bombing attack in Spain (which injured over 1,000 people and killed hundreds), every Jesuit in the world is considered a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and is under arrest.
9.0(a) Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly protects or hides or gives SAFE HARBOR to any Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, with the intent to prevent that Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) from being arrested and turned over to International government authorities, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. To give SAFE HARBOR to a criminal means to prevent (in any manner) that criminal from being arrested or turned over to the proper legal authorities, or to do anything which allows that Jesuit to stay alive, such as selling or giving him/her food or selling or giving him/her water. No Jesuit is to have water, food, medicines or anything he/she needs to stay alive until he/she has been turned over to the authorities for arrest and imprisonment. The first duty of any person who has identified a Jesuit is to turn that Jesuit over to the authorities–nothing else can be done to or for that Jesuit, unless that Jesuit has been turned over to the authorities. If this means that Jesuit must die before he/she is turned over, then so be it. We are in a war.
9.0(b) You might say this is merciless. Well, any Jesuits out there who surrenders to us will be given better treatment and their life may be spared if they cooperate with us. So, if we apprehend a Jesuit because he/she has not surrendered to us, he/she may be butchered, that is the price that Jesuit will pay for not surrendering to us.
9.0{c} We won’t torture the captured Jesuit, unless we need to get information from him–this probably won’t be necessary, since we can use our 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to elicit information from the Jesuit’s brain. However, we will mete out quick and clean executions to those Jesuits guilty of the death penalty, though if a Jesuit is given the death penalty, we may allow the Jesuit’s body to hang and be eaten by buzzards to show our disdain for their policies.
9.0(d) But it is our first priority to capture all the Jesuits and we can’t capture them if there are people out there feeding them and keeping them alive. They are more likely to surrender, if they know that that is the only way they can eat or drink or stay alive. WE WANT THEM TO SURRENDER. If anyone willingly and knowingly does anything to allow any Jesuit to stay alive, when that Jesuit has not first been apprehended and turned over to the authorities, that person will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
9.1 The Jesuit leader(s) will be direct or cross-examined and interrogated and must help us to locate every Jesuit in the world. The Jesuit leader(s) will continue to be interrogated and direct or cross-examined (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) until this/these Jesuit leader(s) can truthfully state (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) that every Jesuit in the world has been arrested and is being tried in a military tribunal. We will enlist the cooperation of THE POPE to help us locate every Jesuit in the world. THE POPE can help us in identifying the JESUIT MARK, so that our brain scanners can be programmed to locate Jesuits by scanning for JESUIT MARKS. For more about the JESUIT MARK, see Sect. 13.16 of this document.
9.1(a) Our satellite practitioners (including those in the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION) will study the brains of Jesuits to determine what is an identifying mark or brain characteristic of Jesuits. All Jesuits must have some training or something in common that will help us to locate them, so that we can locate them when we use brain scanners (via satellite). Perhaps, they all have taken a similar oath or they all have a certain distinguishing characteristic or brain pattern in their brain (called a JESUIT MARK) that sets them apart from everyone else. Once this distinguishing characteristic (or JESUIT MARK) is discovered, we will program BRAIN SCANNERS (that work through satellite) to scan the brains of all persons on the earth for this JESUIT MARK– and all persons with this JESUIT MARK must be arrested and turned over to the authorities. This BRAIN SCANNER will work in a similar manner to the news cameras which identify those persons who are Bible PROTECTED (see Sect. 58), except this scanner will identify those who have JESUIT MARKS. For more about JESUIT MARKS, see Sect. 13.16 of this document.
Update on 5-22-05: Jesuits have outsmarted our JESUIT MARK and this is no longer an effective way to locate Jesuits. This is no longer true, see Sect. 13.16 of this document–Gail has thought of a brilliant JESUIT MARK. Since all UNWILLING AGENTS throughout the world must be under the counsel of an UAC, all UNWILLING AGENTS who are under the counsel of an UAC must have an UNWILLING AGENT MARK (imprinted onto their brain) which indicates that that UNWILLING AGENT is under the counsel of an UAC. Those persons that are not UNWILLING AGENTs (such as Gail Schuler), but who are determined to not be in danger of becoming UNWILLING AGENTS or who are clearly not Jesuits or Jesuit supporters will have a INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT MARK (or IGM) imprinted onto their brain which will identify them as a person who is most definitely not a Jesuit, Jesuit supporter or UNWILLING AGENT.
The UNWILLING AGENT MARK or the INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT MARK will be imprinted onto the brain of those who qualify for these marks, it must be imprinted in such a way that it cannot be replicated by the Jesuits.
Any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) attempt or action to give an unqualified person an UAM or the IGM, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
Therefore, all persons on planet earth who do not have an UNWILLING AGENT MARK or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT MARK are to be immediately rounded up and arrested to determine whether they are a JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER. A far better method is the JESUIT MARK (as described in Sect. 13.16 of this document) and to use a computer program to do the locating and NOT A HUMAN BEING. JESUITS ARE TOO GOOD AT MANIPULATING HUMAN BRAINS. If, after they are arrested, they are determined to be innocent, they will be given either an UAM or the IGM, whichever is appropriate. It is imperative that all persons on earth receive either an UAM or the IGM as soon as possible, before we give Jesuits too much time to escape out of our clutches.
This will be a top priority job, done by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. These soldiers will move like lightning to ensure that all persons on earth who qualify for the UAM or the IGM will receive them as soon as possible. The sooner we do this, the more Jesuits we will catch. Hire the people to get the job done as quickly, accurately and comprehensively as possible. However, it must be done accurately, or else we will have Jesuits who will receive the mark and the Jesuits will be able to continue to camouflage themselves as one of us. So, though our soldiers work quickly, they MUST WORK ACCURATELY!
It is imperative that all persons on the planet receive either an UNWILLING AGENT MARK or an INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT MARK as soon as possible before all Jesuits escape into hiding places.
9.1(b) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to not program brain scanners in a manner to accurately locate all Jesuits on the earth, such as attempts or actions to create a confusing scanner which does not accurately identify the UAM or the IGM, or to cause the scanner to be deficient in the way it scans for the UAM or the IGM, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
9.1{c} If a person lacks the UAM or the IGM, that will be the probable cause to justify the arrest of that person as a Jesuit conspirator. Once we arrest the person who lacks the IGM or the UAM, we will investigate to see if that person really is a Jesuit, and, if so, that person will be imprisoned and tried according to CONSPIRACY LAW.
9.1(c1) Also, all those arrested for not having UAM or the IGM, must also have their brains scanned to determine all Jesuit monies involved with that Jesuit, and all such monies must be turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK–see Sect. 13 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS. We can’t stop the Jesuits unless we FREEZE THEIR ASSETS. Every CONSPIRACY LAW violation must include the confiscation of all Jesuit assets and monies, and all these assets and monies MUST BE TURNED OVER TO THE INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (as outlined in Sect. 13 & 14 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS).
Jesuits are aware that their days are numbered and many are escaping to countries whose governments harbor them. To encourage the capture of all Jesuit criminals, no person is allowed to board, drive, operate or be inside any transportation vehicle (such as a train, bus, car, plane, ship, boat, space ship, etc.) unless that person has an UAM or an IGM. MAKE IT TOP PRIORITY TO GO AFTER ALL PERSONS who enter or board any transportation vehicles–these could be Jesuits trying to escape our clutches!!
This means the International government’s first priority in giving persons the UAM or the IGM will be to those who could escape to criminal governments who could give them safe harbor. All those with licenses (or the ability) to operate (or be inside) any transportation vehicle must be the first to get the UAM or the IGM. Also, no one is allowed to enter any jet, plane, or paid transportation vehicle unless he/she has the UAM or the IGM.
THE FOLLOWING LAW MUST BE PUT INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY (AS OF THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY, 2005). WE Don’t WANT TO MAKE IT EASY FOR JESUITS TO ESCAPE: Anyone who attempts to enter a jet, train, plane, ship or any transportation vehicle must be scanned to determine whether they have the UAM or the IGM. ALL PERSONS WHO ATTEMPT TO ENTER ANY JET, TRAIN, SHIP OR ANY TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE WHO LACK THE UAM or the IGM must be immediately arrested as JESUIT CONSPIRATORs and treated a Jesuits according to CONSPIRACY LAW.
Also, because SIGNIFICANT PERSONS, such as Gail Schuler, Gail’s son, Vladimir Putin, etc. are especially targeted by Jesuits, the places where these persons frequent on a daily or weekly basis will be called SIGNIFICANT LOCATIONS.
SIGNIFICANT LOCATIONS would be all the stores within the Wal-Mart Corporation (most especially those Wal-Mart stores and their surrounding areas where Gail or Vladimir or their families or other SIGNIFICANT PERSONs visit or frequent), the places where Gail or Vladimir live or reside, the stores or events or churches or organizations frequently visited by a SIGNIFICANT PERSON. The surrounding areas to a SIGNIFICANT LOCATION would be that SIGNIFICANT LOCATION’s parking facilities or the skies and the general area around the SIGNIFICANT LOCATION. We don’t want to make it easy for Jesuits to bomb, terrorize, use biological or chemical warfare, or start a rampage at any SIGNIFICANT LOCATION.
No one is allowed to enter any SIGNIFICANT LOCATION (or be in the general area of a SIGNIFICANT LOCATION) unless that person has been cleared by LAW ENFORCEMENT as a person with either an UAM or an IGM. All persons, without an UAM or an IGM, who attempt to enter any SIGNIFICANT LOCATION (or it’s general area) must be immediately arrested (or investigated) and detained and escorted off of that SIGNIFICANT LOCATION’s property by LAW ENFORCEMENT. All such persons arrested, detained or investigated must be checked to see if they are a JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER.
If they are determined to be JESUITS or JESUIT SUPPORTERs, they will be treated as a JESUIT according to CONSPIRACY LAW.
9.1(d) Any deliberate, knowing and willful attempt (or action) to thwart us from locating every Jesuit in the world, in order to prevent us from arresting any Jesuit, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who (directly or indirectly) thwarts us from locating and arresting every Jesuit in the world.
9.2 Once a Jesuit is arrested, that Jesuit must be direct or cross-examined and tried (according to CONSPIRACY LAW) as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES and 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis will be used to help us obtain evidence on each Jesuit arrested. THE ONLY EVIDENCE NEEDED TO EXECUTE ANY JESUIT, IS TO PROVE THAT THAT PERSON IS INDEED, A JESUIT, and THAT THAT JESUIT SUPPORTS THE GOALS OF THE JESUIT ORDER [See Sect. 31.99(a) of this document]. The Jesuit may also be tried according to other laws, but the Jesuit must be tried according to CONSPIRACY LAW. If a Jesuit is arrested and is not tried according to CONSPIRACY LAW, then that military tribunal will be in violation of international law (and in violation of Sections 3.1 through 3.4 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer LawsKCONSPIRACY LAW), and will suffer the consequences for this violation (including the possibility of putting that country [which has jurisdiction over that military tribunal] on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a TERRORIST NATION–see Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws). All Jesuits in the world, because of the overwhelming evidence we have against the Jesuit Order, will be considered guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations until proven innocent. When a Jesuit is arrested, which country (or countries) will have legal jurisdiction over that Jesuit will be determined by which crimes this Jesuit may have committed. More than likely, the Jesuit will be tried by the country that he has committed the most crimes against. It is possible that a Jesuit may be tried by more than one country, depending on the nature of his crimes.
9.2(a) Any person without an UAM or a IGM who dares to come within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, must be immediately apprehended, investigated and arrested. So, any person without an UAM or an IGM (see Sect. 9.1) or who has the characteristics of a dangerous Jesuit supporter is not to come within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON. All persons within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON will have their brains analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS and SCANNERS (24 hours round the clock, as long as they are within that 50 mile circumference) or by satellite practitioners, to determine if any persons without an UAM or the IGM are among these people within the 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON. All persons without an UAM or the IGM discovered by this analysis must be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED, INVESTIGATED or APPREHENDED and must not be allowed to roam about freely. It is a serious weakness of CONSPIRACY LAW enforcement that JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS, and DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTs have actually gotten into line at Wal-Mart where Gail works as a cashier. Why are these Jesuits not arrested and apprehended? Why are JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS and DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTs in line at Gail’s Wal-Mart cash register?
9.2(a1) To allow a JESUIT/NAZI, JESUIT SUPPORTER or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENT to be in line at Gail’s register, would be the same as allowing a enemy Nazi (in the middle of World War II–before Germany surrendered and while American troops were fighting Germans) to come face to face with an unprotected Mrs. Roosevelt (the American President’s wife). All Nazis worked for Jesuits in World War II. So, to say, a Nazi is like a Jesuit is an accurate analogy. And I, like Mrs. Roosevelt, am a President’s wife and my President husband is the head of forces fighting the Jesuits. So, to say, that I am like an unprotected Mrs. Roosevelt meeting a Nazi enemy face to face, is an accurate analogy. So, again I ask the question. . .Why are these Jesuits and their willing and unwilling supporters not arrested and apprehended? Why are JESUIT/NAZIS and their willing and unwilling supporters in line at a President’s wife’s cash register? Don’t FORGET SOME NAZIS WERE WOMEN. Find out who is behind this catastrophic negligence and give them the death penalty, if the negligence was willing and knowing. THERE SHOULD BE NO JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTS AT ANY WAL-MART, ESPECIALLY ANY WAL-MART WHERE GAIL WORKS! ALL JESUITS and JESUIT SUPPORTERS SHOULD BE EXECUTED ACCORDING TO CONSPIRACY LAW. UNWILLING AGENTS, especially DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTS should be sent to UNWILLING AGENT CITIES or apprehended and kept in custody so that they cause no harm. All we have to prove is that the person is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter and that he/she supports the goals of the Jesuit Order to execute them. Obviously, any Jesuit at any Wal-Mart supports the goals of the Jesuit Order, unless they were extorted to be at the Wal-Mart–and this can easily be ascertained. OTHERWISE, any Jesuit at any Wal-Mart immediately earns for himself/herself the death penalty. See Sect. 31. The whole Jesuit Order is guilty of catastrophic war crimes (see Sect. 31) and when we find a Jesuit, we don’t waste our time talking with or debating with a Jesuit (who is like a Nazi or Osama Bin Laden), we kill them/him/her and we certainly don’t allow these war criminals to talk with and associate freely (with inadequate protections for the President’s wife) with the wives of our Presidents!! The punishment for allowing this must be very severe. This is a SERIOUS, SERIOUS BREACH. The VERDICT AGAINST THE JESUIT ORDER IS ALREADY DECIDED. See Sect. 31. OUR ONLY JOB IS TO FIND THE JESUIT CRIMINALS AND EXECUTE THEM. AS SOON AS THEY ARE FOUND– THEY ARE TO BE ARRESTED, TRIED AND EXECUTED (if it is proven that they are, indeed, a Jesuit and support the goals of the Jesuit Order).
9.2(b) Any 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN or any other LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (such as a satellite practitioner who conducts brain scans for the lack of the UAM or the IGM) who willingly and knowingly does not analyze every person who comes within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, or who willingly and knowingly allows any JESUIT, JESUIT SUPPORTER or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENT to roam about freely and not be arrested, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
9.2{c} We will increase the number of 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS or satellite practitioners, in order to assist the overwhelmed PLP and RSP-networks, in order to more efficiently locate, find and arrest JESUITS and JESUIT CONSPIRATORS. It is our goal to have enough 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS or satellite practitioners to analyze every person on the planet, in order to locate and arrest and execute all JESUITS who support the goals of the JESUIT ORDER (which would be about 95% of the JESUITS). Every PLP and RSP network must have sufficient 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS or satellite practitioners to do the job. It is the job of the PLP and RSP networks to inform the International government about how many 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS or satellite practitioners they need to assist them, in order to adequately and thoroughly analyze all persons who come within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON. If it is discovered that any PLP or RSP has not requested a sufficient number of 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS or satellite practitioners, with the intent to allow JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTS access to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, that PLP or RSP will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be removed from their position as a PLP or RSP. In other words, it is essential that every person who comes within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON have their brain analyzed sufficiently to determine if such persons are JESUITs or JESUIT SUPPORTERs or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTs and it is the PLP and RSP network’s responsibility to request the proper numbers of 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS or satellite practitioners they need to do their job of analyzing adequately all those who come within a 50 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND MUST NOT BE NEGLECTED. THE PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS SECT. 9.2 MUST BE SWIFT, HARSH AND STRONG! It is very serious that JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS and DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTS are coming into Gail’s Wal-Mart line. This indicates a CATASTROPHIC WEAKNESS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT and this must be dealt with very seriously!! DEATH PENALTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, any JESUIT who is in Gail’s line at any Wal-Mart (or who is in any line at Wal-Mart or is in any Wal-Mart store or in the vicinity of any Wal-Mart store) is obviously a JESUIT SUPPORTER and in all probability will be executed as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The fact that that JESUIT is in Gail’s line or near (or in) a Wal-Mart, indicates an attitude of testing our laws to see if he/she can get away with something and indicates guilt. If this JESUIT becomes a threat, so that the arrest cannot be made, then just knock them out in line or in the store, even if you have to kill them. No JESUIT has any business being in Gail’s line at Wal-Mart and no JESUIT has any business being in any Wal-Mart. The fact that a JESUIT is in Gail’s line or is in (or near) any Wal-Mart makes them automatically GUILTY of the death penalty. If necessary, KILL THEM ON THE SPOT! Probably the most efficient means of doing this would be by 666-Computer.
9.2(d) Once these male or female JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTS are arrested, they must not be allowed to roam freely and they must not be allowed to get near any SIGNIFICANT PERSON. If it is necessary to knock them out (via 666-Computer) in order to arrest them, then knock them out, even if they have to faint in line at Gail’s cash register! We will not tolerate this brazen behavior on the part of the Jesuits, where JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTS dare to get in line at Gail’s register at Wal-Mart. All such instances must be thoroughly investigated, in order to determine how a JESUIT, JESUIT SUPPORTER or DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENT managed to get in line at Gail’s register. This is a SERIOUS BREACH and indicates great problems with law enforcement!! These JESUITS, JESUIT SUPPORTERS and DANGEROUS UNWILLING AGENTs should not be in line at Gail’s register, they should have been knocked out and arrested LONG BEFORE THEY COULD GET NEAR ANY PLACE WHERE GAIL IS. ALL JESUITS and JESUIT SUPPORTERS ARE TO BE EXECUTED! They should not be in line at Gail’s register. This matter needs to be seriously dealt with and all those who willingly and knowingly allowed any JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER to get close to Gail (who is a very SIGNIFICANT PERSON) will be EXECUTED. These executions will be shown on GCFNC, and the manner of execution will be death by hanging with buzzards (including females).
9.2(e) Any JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER (male or female) who willingly and knowingly allows any JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER near Gail Schuler, will be executed by hanging and buzzards will be allowed to eat their corpse while it hangs for days before it is disposed of. This will be shown on GCFNC. Though the hanging of females is generally not encouraged, if the female is a JESUIT CRIMINAL who has tried to harm Gail Schuler, she will be executed like any male Jesuit criminal. The only exception will be that her private body parts will be kept covered (especially the breasts and privates), once these are exposed, the body will not hang any more, but will be removed and dumped elsewhere. The Jesuits are using more females to assist them, because they think they can engender more sympathy this way. We will not tolerate the use of males or FEMALES to further the terrorist enterprises of the JESUIT ORDER. All will be EXECUTED.
9.21 Especially important cases (which come about as a result of these Jesuit arrests) may be highlighted on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 9.2, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
9.3 Any country which does not cooperate with us (or blocks us) in the hunting down of every Jesuit in the world for arrest, will be considered a TERRORIST NATION and will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION (see Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws).
9.4 If, after arrest, a Jesuit is determined to be guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations, that Jesuit will be punished according to CONSPIRACY LAW. And if the Jesuit is determined to be guilty of a capital crime, that Jesuit will be given the death penalty.
9.5 VERY IMPORTANT: Each Jesuit captured must be direct or cross-examined and interrogated and all attempts must be made to cause that Jesuit to reveal to us all he knows about how to block (or reverse) LOOPHOLE or TRIGGER PROGRAMMING and how to find (or capture) the other Jesuits (who have not yet been captured). A complete 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORY must be gotten on the captured Jesuit, so that we can glean all the intelligence available from the captured Jesuit (and all this intelligence information must be included in the INTELLIGENCE REPORT–see Sect. 9.51). Anyone who captures a Jesuit and willingly, knowingly and deliberately neglects to obtain all necessary information (as outlined in this Sect. 9.5) from that Jesuit, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
9.51 After all the intelligence information available is gleaned from the captured Jesuit, this information will be written up in an INTELLIGENCE REPORT. The cross-examiners and interrogators (who write up the INTELLIGENCE REPORT) must make a statement (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) that to the best of their knowledge this INTELLIGENCE REPORT (which they have just written) contains all the intelligence information (especially all the information as outlined in italicized section of Sect. 9.5) that was able to be gleaned from the Jesuit (who was the basis of the INTELLIGENCE REPORT). The INTELLIGENCE REPORT will not be submitted until those who wrote the report pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection after they make this statement (see italicized section above).
9.511 This INTELLIGENCE REPORT must contain all the information which was gleaned from the captured Jesuit during direct or cross-examination or interrogation (see Sect. 9.5). Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause this INTELLIGENCE REPORT to be deficient (i.e., inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, etc.) in any manner (so that perhaps it is missing some of the information gleaned from the Jesuit during interrogation) or to willingly, knowingly and deliberately manipulate the INTELLIGENCE REPORT (in any manner) so that when it is received by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS or the International government (see Sect. 9.6), it is not the complete and accurate INTELLIGENCE REPORT (as it was when it was written by those who direct or cross-examined and interrogated the Jesuit) or to willingly, knowingly and deliberately delay the submission of the INTELLIGENCE REPORT to the required authorities (the report should be submitted to the required authorities as soon as possible–including all modifications and updates to the INTELLIGENCE REPORT), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who willingly, knowingly and deliberately (directly or indirectly) participates in any attempt (or action) which causes an INTELLIGENCE REPORT to be deficient, not received in its UNTAMPERED STATE (see Sect. 9.52) by the proper authorities, or unnecessarily delayed.
9.52 For the purposes of this legal document, the complete, unaltered INTELLIGENCE REPORT (as written by those who interrogated and direct or cross-examined the captured Jesuit) when it is turned over as soon as possible to the proper authorities in an untampered state as described in this Sect. 9 (i.e., the designated HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS and the International government), will be referred to as the UNTAMPERED INTELLIGENCE REPORT.
9.6 Once all the required information (see Sect. 9.5) is gleaned from the captured Jesuit (i.e., a complete INTELLIGENCE REPORT has been written), all of that information (that is–the UNTAMPERED INTELLIGENCE REPORT) must be turned over to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (of the country which captured the Jesuit) and all of that information (the UNTAMPERED INTELLIGENCE REPORT on that Jesuit) must be turned over to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of any countries which that Jesuit has committed crimes against, and all of that information (the UNTAMPERED INTELLIGENCE REPORT on that Jesuit) must be turned over to the International government. Any deliberate, knowing and willing neglect to turn over all the required information (that is, the complete UNTAMPERED INTELLIGENCE REPORT on that Jesuit) to the required HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS and to the International government (as outlined in Sect. 9.5 and 9.6), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who neglects to turn over all the required information to the required parties as soon as that information becomes available. Also, all violators of this Sect. 9.6 will be treated according to the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
ALL VIOLATIONS OF THIS SECT. 10 ARE SUBJECT TO THE GUIDELINES OF SECT. 66 OF 666-Computer or satellite computer LAWS FOR PLP and RSPS. Vladimir is in a difficult situation, since he has already appeared on all major U.S. newscasts with Lyudmila as his wife. His motive for doing this is to protect me and to protect our marriage prospects. To deal with this situation (which has been brought on by Jesuit lying through the American press and news media), Section 10 will be written in this document, which is a rewrite of law that I wrote in my 7-6-03 statement:
10.0 FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION 10, the terms newspaper reporter, the press, newscast, or any reference to any public forum will refer to any and all news media sources besides THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is free to report truthfully and completely involving the true nature of Lyudmila’s “marriage” relationship to Vladimir Putin, but THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is the only press or news media organization who is allowed to reported truthfully about the true nature of Lyudmila’s “marriage” relationship to Vladimir Putin. This is because a truthful reporting of this issue (by other news organizations besides THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL), will give the Jesuits a reason to claim that the worldwide press is in a conspiracy against them and the International government does not want to encourage anything which would promote any more Jesuit conspiracies, since all Jesuit conspiracies are a prelude to murderous conspiracies (which are designed to murder people and then to frame innocent person with the murders).
10.3 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL can report about any matter involving Lyudmila’s “marriage” relationship to Vladimir truthfully and completely. And anyone (besides THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) who mentions publicly on a broadcast or press medium that a reporter’s use of the term “publicity wife” was the reason the reporter was executed will be considered a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR suspect.
10.4 There is to be no press or news media coverage of Gail Schuler’s mother, Gail’s mom or any other of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin’s relatives who are determined to be UNWILLING AGENTS. This is because Gail’s mother (and other of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin’s UNWILLING AGENT relatives) is/are being used as UNWILLING AGENT(s) for the Jesuits and no press or news media is allowed to cover Gail Schuler’s mother (or any other relatives of Gail or Vladimir’s who are determined to be UNWILLING AGENTS) in any manner. This is to protect Gail and Vladimir and to protect Gail or Vladimir’s relatives who are UNWILLING AGENTS (and to protect those innocent persons who may be associated with Gail or Vladimir).
10.5 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to give any news coverage which draws attention to any of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin’s relatives who are UNWILLING AGENTS or to draw attention to the fact that a relative of Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin’s is an UNWILLING AGENT, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action). Violators of Sect. 10.4 and 10.5 will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
11.0 Evidence (on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) will be presented to the people of a country (which has been classified as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website), to show the people of that nation that their leaders are UNWILLING AGENTS (or to show them whichof their leaders are UNWILLING AGENTS). Note: Any use of UNWILLING AGENTS which is in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, is also in violation of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
11.1 If any of that TERRORIST NATION’s leaders came into power through a fraudulent election (by the illegal use of UNWILLING AGENTS), the evidence for this will also be presented to the people of that nation on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Those corrupt or incompetent leaders will be NAMED and will be exposed to their own people, along with the evidence of their corruption or incompetence. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is an international legal news station with translations in all languages.
11.2 Evidence that their country’s leaders have betrayed their people by deliberately, knowingly and willingly allowing their country to become a haven for terrorists will also be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Then the International government will present a list of nations (on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) which have a dispute with that TERRORIST NATION (because that TERRORIST NATION has been used as a base with which to attack these nations with terrorism). And it will be stated on this list by these freedom loving nations of the world (who have been attacked by that TERRORIST NATION), that the leaders of these free nations plead with the people of that TERRORIST NATION to remove from power their corrupt leadership–in the hopes that by doing so, war can be prevented. This list and statement will be called the ANTI-TERRORISM STATEMENT and it will be signed by witnessed signatures of the leaders of all countries which have a dispute with that TERRORIST NATION’s government.
11.3 This ANTI-TERRORISM STATEMENT will be shown on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (with the witnessed signatures of the world leaders who have a dispute with that TERRORIST NATION’s government and who plead with the people of that nation to remove from power their corrupt leadership). Because, it will be stated, that if these attacks from this TERRORIST NATION continue against the free nations of the world, these freedom loving nations may eventually have to declare war on that TERRORIST NATION, in order to remove that TERRORIST NATION’s corrupt leadership through war.
11.4 After this ANTI-TERRORISM STATEMENT is presented to the people of that TERRORIST NATION on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and after the evidence has been presented to the people of that nation of their government’s terrorist activities and of the influence of UNWILLING AGENTS in their country’s government–a poll will be taken of the people in that TERRORIST NATION to determine what percentage of the citizens of that TERRORIST NATION want to oust from power their corrupt leaders and want to replace their corrupt leaders with a just government. This poll must be conducted according to the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
11.5 If more than 50% of those polled desire to impeach the corrupt or incompetent ones in their government, then the international community will tell the people of that country to arrest those persons in the leadership of their country who are in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW (and the names of those government leaders who are in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW will be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, along with the evidence of their illegal activities) and the people of that TERRORIST NATION will be instructed to vote or poll for replacements for those leaders that have violated CONSPIRACY LAW. This vote (or poll) for replacements will be conducted with the people of that TERRORIST NATION through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. And the voting or polling for replacements must be conducted according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT or else the international community will not respect the new government which takes the place of the old corrupt government.
11.6 Once those government leaders (who are determined to be in violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS) from that TERRORIST NATION have been removed from power by a referendum of that nation’s people, those corrupt leaders will either be put in jail (or under the care of jail practitioners) and will be highly monitored to ensure that they do not cause problems.
11.61 In order to prevent civil war in that TERRORIST NATION (which had its corrupt government ousted), the international community may allow those who were ousted to put on a performance as the leaders of the country (while denying the ousted leaders any ability to actually govern the country), and those who will have the real power in government in that former TERRORIST NATION will be those who were voted into power (by polls or votes conducted through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL with the people of that TERRORIST NATION–there may be heavy use of E-mail or internet voting). The real power brokers in that new government may have to operate behind-the-scenes until a formal re-election is realized, in order to prevent a civil war.
11.7 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will have full coverage of the power change in that TERRORIST NATION’s government, in order to inform the people of that former TERRORIST NATION of what is happening in their government, since it may not be wise to cover the ouster of the corrupt ones in that country’s government through that country’s established news media. It is very possible that only a partial purge of those in power may be necessary and that some of those currently in power can remain in power. The goal of the international community will be to remove from power only those UNWILLING AGENTS who are in governance (or those who came into power through the illegal use of UNWILLING AGENTS), since UNWILLING AGENTS do not represent the will of the people, but represent the will of special interests against the people.
11.8 Once the corrupt leadership is removed from power in that TERRORIST NATION’s governance and a just government is in power, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will remove that nation off the list of TERRORIST NATIONS and will allow that former TERRORIST NATION to elect members to serve on the board of directors of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (see Sections 13 & 14 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS).
12.0 If trying to convince the people of a country to replace their corrupt leadership is unsuccessful, then we move to the next phase, which is a DECLARATION OF WAR. War which is brought on against a TERRORIST NATION (because that nation violates CONSPIRACY LAW) should be conducted in a certain manner, in order to avoid the reputation of barbarism or imperialistic designs by those who will be attacked by us.
12.1 Number One: The civilians of that TERRORIST NATION will be warned that their nation will be attacked by the International military and we will show them on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL which sites are targeted for bombings or missile strikes. The sites that will be targeted will be those buildings that house 666-Computer or satellite computers. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will show the people of that country where those buildings are (maybe by listing street addresses or map locations on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) and the international government will warn the people to stay away from those areas, because those areas are targeted for missile strikes or bombings.
12.2 Number Two: Next, the international government will send in fighter pilots or will strike those buildings with missiles (that house all the 666-Computer or satellite computers), in order to destroy those 666-Computer or satellite computers so that they cannot be used for terrorist activities.
12.21 Number Three: Any new 666-Computer or satellite computers which pop up or are detected in that TERRORIST NATION, will be targeted and demolished by the international military (probably using bombings or missile strikes). This may involve some civilian casualties, but to avoid civilian casualties, the international government will first warn the citizens of that country (through THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) where it plans to bomb or destroy a building which houses a 666-Computer or satellite computer.
12.22 If, after bombings and missile strikes to demolish those buildings that house 666-Computer or satellite computers, that TERRORIST NATION continues to be a problem–then the international government may bring her case against that nation to other nations of the world and the international government may form a coalition with other nations to go in and topple that TERRORIST NATION’s government, and to replace that TERRORIST NATION’s corrupt government with a just government.
12.3 No person is permitted to hold any STRATEGIC POSITION in any military, if that person is an UNWILLING AGENT (or is highly vulnerable to being an UNWILLING AGENT).
12.4 A STRATEGIC POSITION is any position which (if used incompetently by that military person) could (directly or indirectly) cause unnecessary death or suffering (especially of innocents).
12.5 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to allow a military person (or any person) to hold a STRATEGIC POSITION in any military job, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and violators will be subject to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. Also, any country which willingly, knowing and deliberately violates this Sect. 12 by allowing UNWILLING AGENTS (or those highly vulnerable to being used as UNWILLING AGENTS) to hold STRATEGIC POSITIONS in their military may be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website and will suffer the consequences of being a TERRORIST NATION.
No UNWILLING AGENTS can be used to execute any of the laws in this Sect. 13, because no UNWILLING AGENT can be used to execute any aspect of CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 11.1 of General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws and Sect. 2.3040 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs). All violations of this Sect. 13 are subject to be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
13.0 A 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites BUNKER is defined as any illegal bunker (or housing unit) which houses a 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites(s). Since all registered 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites must operate from military bases (see Sect. 54.3 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs), any other 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites bunker is a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW and must be immediately destroyed or inactivated. The TSS networks (see Sect. 39 of this document) of all countries will work with those CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs assigned to them by the International government.
13.0(a) If there is no OVERSEER TEAM (see Sect. 13.9), then all countries with illegal 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites BUNKERS must submit a PLAN OF ACTION to the International government regarding how and what they are doing to deal with the problem of illegal 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites BUNKERS (and what that country is doing with the problem of any other unregistered 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites in that country). The PLAN OF ACTION cannot be executed in that country until the International government approves of the PLAN OF ACTION for that country.
13.1 The International government will not approve of any PLAN OF ACTION until the creators of that PLAN OF ACTION first pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection. and amnesia-detection, in which the writers and creators of that PLAN OF ACTION will verify that (to the best of their knowledge) this PLAN OF ACTION is in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW and that this PLAN OF ACTION represents the best plan for this country, in order to eliminate the use of those 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites which are being used to violate CONSPIRACY LAW as soon as possible.
13.1(a1) In order to more effectively locate all illegally used 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites, all 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites used legally at our military bases by our law enforcement personnel will be tagged. Part of the log-on procedure for all legal 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites will be to read the whole Bible in English (from Genesis to Revelation) off of the hardware of each of our computers. All 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites tagged in such a manner, will be called Bible COMPUTERS.
13.1(a2) As of this 29th day of November, 2004–all computers used by our practitioners and law enforcement persons at our military bases must have a log-on procedures installed into the hardware and/or software of all our computers, in which it will be impossible to log-on to any of our computers without having that computer read the whole unaltered and complete English Bible from Genesis to Revelation as part of its log-on procedure. This means that not one of our computers can operate until it is logged-on and that computer must read the whole unaltered and complete English Bible as part of its log-on procedure.
13.1(a2.1) However, the TRIGGER to cause the log-on procedure (or the Bible LOG-ON PROGRAM) to begin and to computer-read the whole unaltered and complete English Bible will be after the mind and emotions of the LOG-ON PERSON indicate that the LOG-ON PERSON supports the Bible and whole heartedly desires to honor the Bible with his/her life, goals and ambitions and that this LOG-ON PERSON is a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT [see Sect. 28.0(a7.4-a) of ICL:ST]. This will be called the Bible TRIGGER.
In other words, the 666-Computer will be programmed so that the TRIGGER to start the log-on procedure, will be if the LOG-ON PERSON who is turning on the computer is doing so willingly and of his/her own free will and also this AUTHENTIC person must be a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT.
Because LOG-ON PERSONs are so crucial to the success of this war against Jesuit terrorism and because it may be hard to find those people who meet the criteria outlined for LOG-ON persons, we will establish a corps of people whose only job will be to LOG-ON Bible COMPUTERS. These people will be called LOG-ON PERSONS.
So, the log-on Bible TRIGGER will not be activated unless several conditions are met:
1) The 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites which is about to be turned on will analyze the brain of the LOG-ON person to determine first if that person is an UNWILLING AGENT or a WILLING AGENT for the Jesuits. If the computer reads that that person is an UNWILLING AGENT or a WILLING AGENT for the Jesuits, then the Bible TRIGGER will not be activated. In other words, the LOG-ON person must be an AUTHENTIC person (or a person who is not an UNWILLING AGENT or a WILLING AGENT for the Jesuits).
2) Next, the 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites which is about to be turned on will also analyze the brain of the LOG-ON person to determine if that person in his/her AUTHENTIC state is a wholehearted supporter of the unaltered and complete Bible and strives to honor the Bible with his/her life, attitude and goals. No person can be a LOG-ON person unless they are a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT [see Sect. 28.0 (a7.4-a) of ICL:ST]. So, the 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites will also analyze the LOG-ON person to determine if that person is a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT, and no TRIGGER to active the log-on process will take place, until the computer scans the brain of the log-on person and determines that that person is a daily Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT. How can one claim to support the Bible if one does not daily read this Bible for guidance? Therefore, in order to determine if that LOG-ON person truly supports the Bible, the 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites must scan that LOG-ON person’s brain to determine if they read the Bible daily for guidance. The scanner will not only determine if the Bible is read daily, but WHY the Bible is read daily. The LOG-ON person’s motive to read the Bible must be for guidance for daily living and to honor God with one’s life. If the 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites determines that the LOG-ON person (in his/her AUTHENTIC state) does not strive to honor the Bible with his/her life, attitude and goals (as outlined in this paragraph), then the TRIGGER to begin the log-on procedure will not be activated.
3) Next, the 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites which is about to be turned on will analyze the brain of the LOG-ON person to determine if that person is turning on the computer of his/her own free will and is not being extorted into turning on the computer. If the 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites determines that that Bible believer is being extorted (in any manner) to turn on that 666-Computer, then the TRIGGER to activate the log-on program will not be activated.
4) The next step will be a LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM designed by our programmers according to the guidelines of Sect. 5.0 of UAL. This auditing program must scan the programming of the Bible LOG-ON programming to determine if that programming is set up according to this Sect. 13.1–if a programming defect is detected (which means this computer can be turned on by someone who is not a Bible supporter), and/or which indicates that the LOG-ON programming is not set up according to this Sect. 13.1–then THE COMPUTER MUST NOT TURN ON. The first computers’ log-on programmings which must be examined by the LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM are the CONSPIRACY LAW computers in the Chechnya region of Russia and those in Cuba. It is important to get the Russian computers (even if in the rebel Chechnya region), because these computers’s signals are registered by the Russian HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (see Sect. 3.53 of ICL:ST) so that they can bypass the FORCE FIELD BLOCK of the satellites they go through– and if terrorists are using registered signals from Russian computers (registered with the Russian HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.) to create hurricanes against the U.S.–this makes Vladimir Putin look like a satellite terrorist who attacks Americans. If the operators of any CONSPIRACY LAW computer won’t comply immediately with this auditing procedure, we will bomb the buildings which house these computers and demolish everything and everyone in the vicinity of these computers OR we will destroy these computers with satellite technology.
Any willing and knowing (direct or indirect) attempt or action to set up a LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM which does not identify any weaknesses in the KING-JAMES LOG-ON programming, so that the audit is a joke and does not reveal whether the Bible LOG-ON programming for that CONSPIRACY LAW computer is set up according to CONSPIRACY LAW–that tricky programmer or installer will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
All CONSPIRACY LAW computers which do not have the LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM must not be in an operational mode. As of this 21st day of September, 2005–the programmers from our PROGRAMMER CORPS must install a LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM in all CONSPIRACY LAW computers which will examine the Bible LOG-ON program in each CONSPIRACY LAW computer to determine if there are defects in the LOG-ON program which allows non-Bible supporters to turn on our CONSPIRACY LAW computers.
This LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM must be installed (and working in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW) into all CONSPIRACY LAW computers by 2 p.m. 9-22-05. After 2 p.m. 9-22-05, any computer which does not have this LOG-ON AUDITING PROGRAM (as outlined in this Sect. 13) must be shut off or destroyed. The Jesuits are using our own computers to defeat us, by causing the programming for the Bible LOG-ON procedure to allow terrorists to log-on to and use our own computers.
Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt or action to allow anyone but a Bible supporter (as defined by this Sect. 13) to log-on to a CONSPIRACY LAW computer, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. This means anyone who willingly and knowingly alters programming for the log-on procedure, so that non-Bible supporters can log-on to a CONSPIRACY LAW computer, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
No computer which is turned on by anyone other than a Bible supporter should have a registration code for any of its signals, which allows its signals to bypass the FORCE FIELD BLOCK on our satellites. We do not want the Jesuits to use our own computers (via our own satellites) to defeat us!
Sect. 13.1(a2.1.1) Because it will be difficult in some countries to find daily Bible READERS WITH FOCUSED INPUT, Bible translations in other languages will be accepted as the daily reading material for these LOG-ON PERSONS.
Sect. 13.1(a2.1.2) If that LOG-ON person does not own the Earliest manuscripts Bible he/she needs to read daily, in order to be a LOG-ON person, then Bibles (translated from the Earliest manuscripts) in that LOG-ON person’s language will be supplied free of charge to that LOG-ON person. If the Earliest manuscripts Bible is out of print or is lost in that LOG-ON person’s country, like has happened to Russia’s Elizabeth Bible, then the International government will find that Bible (or will translate the English Bible into that country’s language) and will reprint it for that nation’s people and/or will release the Earliest manuscripts Bible in that country’s language for that nation’s publication and marketing [and will give free copies of these Earliest manuscripts Bibles to all LOG-ON persons (who speak that country’s language) who need them].
Sect. 13.1(a2.1.3) If a German person reads Die Heilige Shrift daily for guidance and in order to honor God, that person will be qualified as a LOG-ON person. However, our legal computer will only computer-read the English Bible as part of its log-on procedure. So all programmers regardless of their native language, must program all legal 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites to computer-read the whole, unaltered English Bible as part of that computer’s log-on process.
Sect. 13.1(a2.1.4) However, if that LOG-ON person’s strongest language is English, he/she must read the English Bible as his/her daily devotional Bible. We have strong evidence that a person who reads the English Bible gets the strongest protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. However, the reading of other good translations in other languages besides English from the Earliest manuscripts (which is what the Bible is translated from) also give strong protection against being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
13.1(a2.2) Once the above 3 conditions are met, then the Bible TRIGGER to activate the log-on program will be activated and that 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites will turn on and can be operated. Once the Bible TRIGGER is activated, the whole and unaltered Bible will be read as part of the log-on procedure and every segment of that reading of the Bible will show an imprint which indicates that the LOG-ON person who activated the Bible TRIGGER met the 3 conditions above. Therefore, when the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs and the TSS networks scan for illegal computers, they will search for computers which do not have Bible TRIGGER imprinted readings of the Bible (as described in this Sect. 13). This will be how we will identify enemy computers which must be destroyed.
13.1(a2.3) If the computer which is about to be turned on, reads the mind of the LOG-ON PERSON and determines that that LOG-ON PERSON does not wholeheartedly support the Bible in its complete and unaltered state and is not a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT, then no TRIGGER will be released to unleash the whole, unaltered Bible–and, therefore, no imprinted log-on will occur.
13.1(a2.4) It goes without saying that only Bible supporters are qualified to turn-on 666-Computers and satellite computers. This is an excellent way to weed out Jesuits and their computers, since Jesuits HATE THE Bible.
13.1(a2.5) It will be the job of our PROGRAMMERS from our PROGRAMMER CORPS to ensure that all computers used by our practitioners have this Bible LOG-ON INSTALLED in such a manner that no one can turn on any of our computers without the Bible TRIGGER which will cause that computer to read the whole unaltered and complete Bible and leave imprints of the Bible TRIGGER all over the reading.
13.1(a2.6) Any PROGRAMMER who willingly and knowingly fails to ensure that all computers used by our legal practitioners are Bible COMPUTERS which can only be turned on by the Bible TRIGGER (as described in this Sect. 13), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.1(a2.7) Once the Bible has been read and imprinted with the Bible TRIGGER (as described in this Sect. 13.1[a2]), and the computer is turned on, the computer will say: “Log-on complete. Bible read with Bible TRIGGER imprints.”
13.1(a3) All our computers must have a Bible LOG-ON INSTALLED. The Bible LOG-ON is defined as the log-on procedure (with the Bible trigger) as described in this Sect. 13. This must be done as soon as possible. In fact, the deadline to have this completed will be December 1, 2004. All our computers must have a Bible LOG-ON INSTALLED by December 1, 2004 at 12 a.m. in the time zone where that computer is located.
13.1(a4) After 12 a.m. of December 1, 2004 in the time zone where that computer is located– any 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites found (anywhere in the world) without a Bible LOG-ON installed (even if the computer is on one of our military bases), must be totally destroyed by our satellite practitioners or by any other means. This means that the only computers our practitioners can work off of, must have a Bible LOG-ON installed.
13.1(a5) After 12 a.m. of December 1, 2004 in the time zone where that computer is located, any of our practitioners or law enforcement persons who willingly and knowingly work off of any computer without a Bible LOG-ON installed will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.1(a6) After December 1, 2004, all computers used by satellite and 666-Computer practitioners must have a Bible LOG-ON installed. ALL OTHER 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites must be destroyed totally–not stored, not put away– but DESTROYED TOTALLY.
13.1(a7) The International government has determined that the most serious problem in this war against Jesuit terrorism is the illegal use of 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites and other computers which utilize satellites. In order to win this war, drastic and catastrophic measures must be taken to destroy all illegally used 666-Computers and satellite computers. First off, to locate all illegal computers, we need a clear identifier– and since the Jesuits hate the Bible, we felt the best identifier would be to have the whole unaltered and complete English Bible as part of the hardware of every legal 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites and that this Bible must be imprinted with Bible TRIGGERs to ensure that the log-on procedure was activated by a Bible supporter who did so of his/her own free will.
13.1(a7.1) This means our satellite practitioners from the TSS networks and the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES and our military forces (the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION) will search for all 666-Computers or satellite computers which do not have the whole unaltered and complete English Bible installed (with Bible TRIGGERS implant into the log-on procedure) onto their hardware and/or software as part of their log-on procedures.
13.1(a8) A Bible COMPUTER is defined as any 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites which has a Bible LOG-ON installed (as described in this Sect. 13). A NON-Bible COMPUTER is defined as any 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites which does NOT have a Bible LOG-ON installed (as described in this Sect. 13). All 666 or satellite computers or any computer which utilizes satellites without a Bible LOG-ON are not permitted on any of our military bases and are not permitted anywhere in the universe.
13.1(a8.1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any NON-Bible COMPUTER to survive in any manner (anywhere in the universe), so that this NON-Bible COMPUTER can be used as a computer, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. All such violations will be tried on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and the executions will be viewed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. All 666 or satellite computers or any computer which utilizes satellites without a Bible LOG-ON must be TOTALLY DESTROYED!! It will be the job of the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES and the TSS NETWORKS to locate all NON-Bible COMPUTERS and to totally destroy them AS SOON AS SAFELY POSSIBLE from the universe.
13.1(a9) If we can remove from the Jesuits all their 666-Computers or satellite computers, we will shut down their operations. THEY NEED THEIR COMPUTERS TO OPERATE! It will be the job of the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES and the TSS NETWORKS to locate all NON-Bible COMPUTERS and to totally destroy them and remove them from the universe. After December 1, 2004, ANY NON-Bible COMPUTER FOUND ANYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE IS TO BE TOTALLY DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13.1(a10) NON-Bible COMPUTERS are not to be stored or saved in any manner, they are TO BE DESTROYED. This would be the equivalent of dropping an atomic bomb on the Jesuits and this is JUST WHAT WE NEED TO DO, BECAUSE NOTHING ELSE WILL STOP THEM. The Jesuits need their computers to operate. Without their computers, the Jesuits cannot create UNWILLING AGENTS or manipulate people with the 666-Computer and then they will lose the war. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT.
13.1(a11) All those PROGRAMMERS and others (such as CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE members and TSS network members and members of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION) who have the job to destroy NON-Bible computers or to install hardware and/or software onto our computer so that they will be Bible COMPUTERS will be called Bible WORKERS. All Bible WORKERS must be screened thoroughly by our AMNESIA CORPS (according to the guidelines of the AMNESIA CORPS as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW), to ensure that amnesia is not being used on the Bible WORKERS to sabotage or undermine their work (which work must be in compliance with this Sect. 13).
13.1(a) Any (direct or indirect) willing, knowing and deliberate attempt (or action) to approve of a PLAN OF ACTION for any country, which is a PLAN OF ACTION that is not in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW and that does not represent the best plan for that country (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW and this Sect. 13), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. See Sect. 13.9.
13.2 When a PLAN OF ACTION is approved by the International government, then all those countries (whose PLANS OF ACTION have been approved by the International government) must submit daily FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS to the International government (see Sect. 13.11). The FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT will detail to what extent that country is complying with the PLAN OF ACTION which has been approved for that country.
13.3 For a country to be considered in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW, its FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTs must show evidence that the PLAN OF ACTION is being carried out as soon as possible and as thoroughly as possible and that this country is doing its best to deactivate, incapacitate or destroy all NON-Bible 666-Computers or satellite computers and/or their BUNKERS (and unregistered 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites) in that country as soon as possible.
13.3(a) Any member of the OVERSEER TEAM or the International government who (directly or indirectly) willingly, knowingly and deliberately allows any FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT to be accepted, which is not the most effective FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT (in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW) for that country (according to the guidelines of this Sect. 13), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.4 Before the international government will accept a FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT from each country, the writers and creators of the FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT must undergo 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection to verify the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT (and that this FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT is in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW) and they will also verify that this FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT accurately details how this country is implementing its PLAN OF ACTION, in order for this country to eliminate its problem of unregistered and NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites (and the use of these computers to violate CONSPIRACY LAW).
13.5 If a country other than an OVERSEER COUNTRY has written a FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT for a country; because, perhaps, there is a dispute over which nations should comprise the two-nation OVERSEER COUNTRY or these two OVERSEER nations have not been decided–then any country which has a consistent problem with failing 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection (when submitting FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS to the International government) is at serious risk of being listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. No FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT will be accepted by the International government until 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection is passed for that report.
13.6 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will evaluate how the countries are doing in regard to their PLANS OF ACTION and their FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS. The top 2 countries–that is, the two countries with the two best PLANS OF ACTION and with the two best FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS, will be the two countries which will oversee the international CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs (see Sect. 13.8).
13.6(a) The two countries which oversee all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs in the world have a monumental task and may need to borrow workers (called FOREIGN WORKERS) from other countries to assist them in their work as the overseer of all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs in the world. The OVERSEER TEAM is defined as those two countries (see Sect. 13.6) which oversee all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES in the world. FOREIGN WORKERS can only help the OVERSEER TEAM in decisions which revolve around how to handle NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites and/or their BUNKERS within that FOREIGN WORKER’s country. For instance, an American FOREIGN WORKER (who is a member of the OVERSEER TEAM) can only make those decisions (as a member of the OVERSEER TEAM) about how to handle NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites and/or their BUNKERS within the United States.
13.6(b) The two OVERSEER COUNTRIES or the OVERSEER TEAM (that is, those two countries which oversee all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES in the world) can integrate any worker from any other country onto their own OVERSEER TEAM (in order to assist the OVERSEER TEAM in their overseer duties)–but the additional worker (called a FOREIGN WORKER) must meet the following qualifications (# 1-5) and cannot be hired until he/she acknowledges (in writing) that if he/she is found to be in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW or of the following guidelines (# 1-5) of this Sect. 13.6, that he/she will be let go from his/her position as a member of OVERSEER TEAM:
1) The FOREIGN WORKER (who will be integrated into the two-nation OVERSEER Countries’ CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE) must be a member of the Roman Catholic Church (who is a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT) and must be approved of by THE POPE or must be a daily Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT or a daily reader of a Bible which is translated accurately from the Earliest manuscripts from Dr. Spiner’s list of acceptable Bibles–see Sect. 13.1(a2.1.1)– A daily Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT will be called a BIBLE READER. If the FOREIGN WORKER is a Bible READER WITH FOCUSED INPUT, he/she can be recruited from any country, even from those countries listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the International President’s website. This means we may have North Koreans, Iranians, etc. used as FOREIGN WORKERS to assist THE NET as THE NET scours the mountains of Iran or other countries, in order to find Russian Jesuits hiding in the mountains. It is advantageous to require that the FOREIGN WORKER be Roman Catholic, in order to discourage the Jesuits from making martyrs out of innocent Roman Catholics and in order to discourage Jesuits from attempts to orchestrate ethnic, religious or cultural conspiracies (which revolve around the OVERSEER TEAM). Also, in order to discourage political conspiracies based on MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES, see Sect. 1a.
1a) When FOREIGN WORKERs or BIBLE READERS from any country are integrated into the two-nation OVERSEER TEAM, it is essential that all MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES–see Sect. 8.3 (from that FOREIGN WORKERS’ country) be represented (in the OVERSEER TEAM) according to the percentage of that political party in that country. In other words, if 60% of Americans are Democrats and 40% of Americans are Republican– then 60% of the American FOREIGN WORKERS or BIBLE READERS integrated into the OVERSEER TEAM must be Democratic, and 40% of the American FOREIGN WORKERS or BIBLE READERS integrated into the OVERSEER TEAM must be Republican.
2) The FOREIGN WORKER or BIBLE READER must meet (and adhere to) all the qualifications required of any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW).
3) The additional worker (FOREIGN WORKER or BIBLE READER) must be willing to fall under the jurisdiction of one of the two OVERSEER Countries’ governments (and must indicate this willingness in writing(that is, to be under the jurisdiction of [for instance, either the government of Germany or Israel])–should that worker need to be tried in military tribunal for his/her violations of international or CONSPIRACY LAW, or should that worker need to be tried for his/her violations of the laws of one of the two OVERSEER COUNTRIES (whose jurisdiction he/she will fall under).
4) The FOREIGN WORKER or BIBLE READER must be willing to be both a citizen of his/her own country (if it is not a TERRORIST NATION) and to be a citizen of the OVERSEER COUNTRY (whose jurisdiction he/she will fall under should he/she need to be tried in military tribunal–see #3 above).
5) The FOREIGN WORKER or BIBLE READER must consider himself/herself a member of his/her adopted country’s OVERSEER TEAM and must be loyal to the guidelines established by that OVERSEER TEAM as he/she carries out his/her overseer duties [as a member of that OVERSEER TEAM (over all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES in the world)]. He/she must work as a team with his/her new adopted country’s OVERSEER TEAM.
13.6[c] When FOREIGN WORKERS or BIBLE READERS (from other countries besides the two-nation OVERSEER COUNTRIES) are integrated into the two-nation OVERSEER TEAM–the FOREIGN WORKER’s name (an alias can be used), the FOREIGN WORKER’s religion (which must be Roman Catholic, unless he/she is a BIBLE READER), along with the FOREIGN WORKER’s original country of citizenship will be listed (or broadcast) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. THE POPE will also make an appearance on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and will bless the FOREIGN WORKER(s) and honor him/her/them. A profile about the FOREIGN WORKER may be given on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, to show that a high quality worker from another country has been integrated onto the two-nation OVERSEER TEAM. It is desired to give the two-nation OVERSEER team an international composition, in order to encourage impartiality (and wisdom in dealing with other cultures) while carrying out the law enforcement duties required of the OVERSEER TEAM.
13.6(d) Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to violate the guidelines of this Sect. 13.6 will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a scheme. All violations of this Sect. 13.6 are subject to be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
13.6(e) If there are any unresolved disputes within the OVERSEER TEAM about how to handle certain aspects of their job, the final decision (about how to handle the aspect in dispute) will rest with those members of the OVERSEER TEAM who comprise the original two-nation teamKand on this 21st day of April, 2004– that final decision would rest with those German and Israeli members of the team who are not FOREIGN WORKERS.
13.7 Once the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT chooses the top two countries (which will be those countries used to oversee the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES for each country)– the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will show the performance statistics, evidence, comparisons of the PLANS OF ACTION from the various countries, comparisons of the FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS from the various countries on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL–in order to back-up why he/she chose these two countries as the two countries to oversee the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE [within each country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (in the world)].
13.7(a) The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT can change any of the two nations which comprise the OVERSEER TEAM, if it is determined that another country has superior performance statistics or FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS to those two nations which comprise the current two-nation OVERSEER TEAM. If the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT changes the composition of the OVERSEER TEAM, he/she will present his/her evidence for his/her decision (see Sect. 13.7).
13.8 A CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE will be integrated into each country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (which is part of each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.). The CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE’s job is to ensure the removal, destruction or incapacitation of all NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites in that country, so that these NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites cannot be used to violate CONSPIRACY LAW.
13.8(a) The PLP or RSP-networks and the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS (in cooperation with the TSS networks–see Sect. 39) must supply to those CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs that need them, accurate and up-to-date lists of those licensed and/or Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites practioners/operators under the jurisdiction of that PLP or RSP-network or HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT., in order to assist the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs in locating NON-Bible 666-Computers or satellite computers.
13.8.1 (a) It would also be helpful to give each CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE a scanner which could double check the work of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS, before decisions are made about what to do about a computer. Since Bible COMPUTERS and NON-Bible COMPUTERS could be easily identified by this scanner, this should result in accurate identification of computers, so that Bible computers will be retained and NON-Bible COMPUTER will be destroyed. It should be relatively easy for a scanner to determine if a computer is a Bible or NON-Bible COMPUTER.
13.8(b) Any PLP or RSP-network or HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or TSS network which does not comply with this requirement to supply accurate and up-to-date lists of those licensed and/or Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites practitioners/operators (under the jurisdiction of that PLP or RSP-network or HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.) to those CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES that need this information, will cause their country to possibly be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website.
13.8[c] Also, any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly causes any of these lists [see 13.8(a)] to be inaccurate, incomplete, confusing or (difficult to be used in an effective manner) by a CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE– that person will suffer the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR for his/her action or attempt to cause an ineffective list to be given to a CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE.
13.8(d) Also, the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE will continually search for and ferret out NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites (see Sect. 68 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs) within a country, in order to DESTROY THEM as soon as possible. Part of the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE’s job is to find the most efficient and effective ways to locate unregistered 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites, so that they can be destroyed as soon as possible.
13.8(d.1) Any person who operates a NON-Bible COMPUTER and who does so willingly and knowingly, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–if that person is kept alive. It’s possible that in the process of destroying a NON-Bible COMPUTER that its operator will have to be destroyed as well.
13.9 The two countries (or OVERSEER TEAM) chosen to oversee the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES will manage all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs in every country (including Russia’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE). This OVERSEER TEAM will write PLANS OF ACTION for every country –including the Russian government’s PLAN OF ACTION (regarding how to deal with the problem of NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites being used in that country to violate CONSPIRACY LAW). See Sect. 13.1(a).
13.91 A special team of researchers (called 666 or satellite computer HISTORIANS) from the OVERSEER TEAM which leads all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs in the world (currently the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES of Germany and Israel)– will be established to search through 666-Computer or satellite computer histories (and memories) of persons and PERSON-PROGRAMS in order to find any and all valuable information which can be found. These researchers are considered full-fledged LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (as defined in CONSPIRACY LAW)–with all the rights and responsibilities of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS.
13.91(a) The International government will give the 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIANS guidelines about how to conduct their 666-Computer or satellite computer historical searches and guidelines about how to prioritize their searches. These search guidelines (for the HISTORIANS) will be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, so that when any valuable information is uncovered through a 666-Computer or satellite computer search, it will be more believable that the HISTORIAN found the information through his/her 666-Computer or satellite computer research.
13.91(b) A 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN is a specialist from the German/Israeli CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (or the OVERSEER TEAM in charge of the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES of each country in the world) –whose job is to search a person’s 666-Computer or satellite computer history (and 666-Computer or satellite computer memories) to obtain any and all valuable information which can be ferreted out from this person’s memories (or 666-Computer or satellite computer History). The 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN will be especially valuable when it is determined that a direct or cross-examined or interrogated person knows valuable information but won’t disclose it. Some of the same skills needed to search for and ferret out NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites, would be useful in a 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN. Therefore, it only makes sense that those countries whose CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES are best at finding and destroying NON-Bible 666 or satellite computer or any computer which utilizes satellites, would be the countries’ CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES from which the 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIANS are derived.
13.91(b) Significant findings from the work of the 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIANS will be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on a regular basis, in order to establish who knew the discovered information first. Because, more than likely, the party that knew the information first and who did not disclose this information is the guilty party.
13.91(c) Any 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly does not supply to the International government all known information about any area of research which the International government has assigned to them to research, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.92 A statement on GCFNC (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) will be made by the 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIAN (who found the crucial information) about how and where the crucial information was uncovered (through research of 666-Computer or satellite computer memories and archives). In this statement, it will be mentioned whose memories or records yielded the valuable information and which organization(s) this/these person(s) was/were/is affiliated with.
13.92(a) Once valuable information is uncovered through 666-Computer or satellite computer memory and archival research by the HISTORIAN, it may be necessary to conduct public direct or cross-examinations on GCFNC in order to firmly establish WHO knew this information first and WHAT THEY DID WITH THIS INFORMATION (WHEN THEY HAD THE INFORMATION). It must be firmly established who knew the information FIRST and what they did with the information when they knew about it. The purpose for this is to establish WHO is the guilty party(see Sect. 2, questions 27 and 28).
13.10 These PLANS OF ACTION for each country (see Sect. 13.9) will first be forwarded to the International government for approval. Once the International government approves of the PLAN OF ACTION for a country, that PLAN OF ACTION will become LAW for that country.
13.11 The two countries (or OVERSEER TEAM) which oversee the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES will also write the daily FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS required for each country –including Russia’s FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT (which shows how the PLAN OF ACTION is being carried out for Russia)–see Sect. 13.2.
13.12 No FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT will be accepted by the International government, until the writers of that FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of that FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will broadcast the results of the 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection regarding the FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS–especially if there are serious aberrations–but THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will also present evidence that the FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS are truthful, accurate and complete (as judged by 666-Computer lie-detection results). This is because FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS are used to make serious decisions (see Sect. 13.123)
13.121 FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS for each country will be rated daily according to their compliance to their PLAN OF ACTION and to CONSPIRACY LAW. Those reports that indicate a country is not only in full compliance with their PLAN OF ACTION and to CONSPIRACY LAW, but that the country is proactively coming up with innovative and creative ways to improve its enforcement of its PLAN OF ACTION and to improve its enforcement of the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW–will be given an outstanding rating. Those reports that indicate a country is in full compliance with their PLAN OF ACTION will be given a satisfactory rating. Those reports that indicate a country is in partial compliance with their PLAN OF ACTION (but that the country is striving to be in full compliance) will be given a nominal rating. It is very possible that other countries (besides Russia) may receive higher ratings than the Russian Federation, since the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT has to deal with a leftover communist element in Russia. Those reports that indicate a country is not in compliance with their PLAN OF ACTION (and that the country does not appear to be trying to be in compliance with their PLAN OF ACTION) will be given a failure rating.
13.122 The daily FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT ratings for each country will be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (and may be listed on the broadcast according to their grouping–since there are 4 categories) and these groupings will also be listed on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will explain the different ratings and how a country is placed into its rating. The different ratings will be defined on the broadcast (see Sect. 13.121).
13.123 Those countries whose daily FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORTS have consistent failure ratings will be listed as TERRORIST NATIONs on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION and their CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs will be totally replaced by the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE of another country. If that TERRORIST NATION neglects to cooperate with the replacement of its CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE, the International government will declare war on that country, in order to eliminate illegal 666-Computers or satellite computers or satellites from that country’s grasp.
13.123(a) Those countries whose CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES have been replaced by another’s, will be mentioned on GCFNC and the country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE which has replaced that former CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE will be mentioned on GCFNC. The International President will choose the country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE which will replace the native country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE. The International President will confer with all the BRANCH COUNTRIES in making his/her decision about which country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE will replace the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE of the native country. If there is a dispute, the final decision about which country will replace the native country’s inferior CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE will be decided by the OVERSEER TEAM (and by the International President). Only those countries whose CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs consistently have outstanding to satisfactory ratings can be used to replace any country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE.
13.123(b) Those countries that are consistently in partial compliance (or worse) with their PLAN OF ACTION, will probably have their CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE totally replaced with the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE of another country. For instance, if Russia’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE is consistently in partial compliance (or worse) with its PLAN OF ACTION, the International President (after conferring with all the BRANCH COUNTRIES) may replace the Russian CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE with a German CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE. And it would be the job of this replacement or German CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE to do the job of the former Russian CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE.
13.123(c) The new (German–for example) CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE would not only work with the native (Russian–for example) HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT., but would work with its own (German–for example) HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. in its attempts to eliminate unregistered and/or NON-Bible 666-Computers or satellite computers that are in Russia (or under Russian jurisdiction).
13.123(d) The native (Russian–for example) HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. would be required to turn over all known intelligence information (regarding unregistered or illegal 666-Computers or satellite computers) to the new (German–for example) CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE, and any person in that (Russian–for example) native HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to turn over any necessary or useful intelligence [about 666-Computers or satellite computers which are (or could be) operating in NON-compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW] to the new CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.123(e) For instance, if the German CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE replaces Russia’s, the German CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE would work with both Germany and Russia’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS while the German CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE attempts to eliminate illegal 666-Computers and satellite computers from Russia (or to eliminate satellite computers or satellites that are under the jurisdiction of Russia– since Russia has a lot of satellites and satellite computers).
13.123(f) Russia’s (or the native country’s) CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE would be rated (even after the Germans [or the new country] took over)–but the ratings would be listed or broadcast on GCFNC as follows: Russian (German) CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE. Other examples: American (Chinese) CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE–if China’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE takes over the American CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE. North Korean (South Korean)–if South Korea’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE takes over North Korea’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE.
13.123(g) If the takeover country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITEE does not produce superior ratings (and better compliance to that native country’s PLAN OF ACTION), then another replacement country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE may be used to replace that native country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE, until the desired compliance to that native country’s PLAN OF ACTION is obtained.
13.13 The two countries which oversee all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES will retain their job as long as the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT feels that those two countries are the best choice for their job. The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT can replace either of those two countries, if he/she feels that they are not executing their job faithfully and to the best of their ability [see Sect. 13.7(a)].
13.14 Any member of a CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (or any person who has influence over any PLAN OF ACTION) who (directly or indirectly) willingly, knowingly and deliberately neglects to comply with an International government approved PLAN OF ACTION for a country (or countries) under his/her jurisdiction or who neglects to comply with an International government approved PLAN OF ACTION for any country, or who cooperates (directly or indirectly) in any scheme to cause an International government approved PLAN OF ACTION for his/her country (or countries) or for any country to not be carried out– will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
13.15 Anyone who (directly or indirectly) willingly, knowingly and deliberately cooperates in any scheme to write or create a FOLLOW-THROUGH REPORT for a country which is inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete– will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
THE NET–a multimillion person international military operation, managed by the nations of Germany, Russia, United States, and Israel, under the authority of the International President and THE POPE. THE NET is a subdivision of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION.
Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to create or install or deal with or modify a computer program which would allow Jesuits to go free and to continue their terrorist activities and goals, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that programmer or installer.
13.16 A very important subdivision of the four nations (the OVERSEER TEAM) which lead all the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES will be called THE NET. THE NET will be a massive OFFENSIVE military operation, headed up by the four-nation CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE and which will work with our other LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies, such as the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION and the SIGNAL SOURCE ANALYZER CORPS (see ICL:ST) in order to aggressively pursue and ferret out JESUITS and their conspirators from all over the world. This will be a separate organization from the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES–though it will be managed by the same OVERSEER TEAM which manages the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEEs. However the members of THE NET can be any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (not just a member of the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEES). The sole purpose of the NET will be to aggressively search out and find all Jesuits and their supporters throughout the world, in order to arrest and execute them.
13.16(*a) The primary method used to search out Jesuits will be computer programs (managed by THE NET) which will scan the brains of Jesuits and look for unique Jesuit brain patterns which reflect their Satanic worship rituals (called JESUIT OCCULT ACTIVITIES). JESUIT OCCULT ACTIVITIES are defined as occult thought patterns, occult practices (such as meditation and attempts to contact “forces” or make contact with UFOs, etc.). And this not only includes current occult activities, but any occult activities which may have occurred within the past six months in the area.
Past occult activities can be ascertained by probing the brains in the underground section of the earth (which has been probed) and by analyzing the 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on those brains. Any brains which have large portions of their memories deleted are automatically suspect, and we will assume that the reason for the deletions is because those persons have been involved with JESUIT OCCULT ACTIVITIES. It is a death penalty violation to delete any portion of anybody’s 666-COMPUTER HISTORY.
Part of this search for Jesuit military bases will entail missiles which will be fired deep into the earth (which will be fired miles and miles down into the earth in every section of the earth–so that all sections of the earth are covered) to probe and sensor (called SENSOR PROBES) as they go down–they will be programmed to submit the information they obtain to the INTELLIGENCE headquarters of the ISC in California and Russia. A computer program will keep the records of these probes to ensure that all portions of the earth have been covered and scoured, so that we can find and destroy every underground Jesuit operation. And it is best to do this ALL AT ONCE–this gives the Jesuits less time to come up with a counter strategy.
These probes must go deep enough to cover all possible Jesuit bases in that section of earth, no matter how deep down that missile must go to do this. These SENSOR PROBES will be programmed by master computers to ensure that they do their probes in sections of the earth which are not geologically sensitive and where earthquakes, volcanoes, or similar phenomenon could happen because of the probe. Geologists (who have read the Bible for at least 20 years every day) will assist the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS to create SENSOR PROBE programs which will fire missiles down into the earth into areas that are not geologically sensitive.
A GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE area of earth is an area, which, if we fire a missile down into that area, we could elicit an earthquake or other geological phenomenon. These SENSOR PROBES must be launched as soon as possible and it is alright to use missile SENSOR probes on many (or ALL) sections of the earth all at once. This includes every section of the earth, including Antarctica, the Arctic, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, all oceans, lakes, Siberia, etc. To conduct these SENSOR PROBES all at once all over the earth, will give the Jesuits less time to find ways to circumvent this operation.
You may say, how can you justify the deaths of persons who may reside underground, as you conduct this SENSOR PROBE operation? Well, we will not allow that SENSOR PROBE to destroy that section of earth with a nuclear (or similar) operation until we determine the presence of Jesuit occult activities in that section of earth. Once the programming in the SENSOR PROBE determine that Jesuit occult activities has occurred (within the past six months) or is occurring in that section of underground earth, then after intelligence has been acquired, the SENSOR PROBE will set up a destruction program to destroy the entire underground Jesuit operation. Why else would a military operation be conducted deep underground unless those involved in the operation were doing something horrific? Anyone who conducts decent warfare won’t have their bases located deep underground. These deadly MOLES must be eradicated.
GCFNC will show that it is necessary to destroy these underground Jesuit operations, because the Jesuit goal is to use these underground operations to destroy those who live on the surface (by any and all means, including a nuclear holocaust or deadly epidemics–such as AIDS), and then once this destruction is completed and these underground Jesuits have subjugated the inhabitants who reside on the surface, then these underground moles will come to the surface and rule over us. THAT IS THE GOAL OF THE JESUIT ORDER and we will absolutely not tolerate this. Any organization which has these kind of goals must be completely annihilated by any and all means, and that is why we will use these SENSOR PROBES to destroy the secret military bases of the Jesuits (most of which are deep down underneath the surface all over the planet!). The Jesuits use these secret underground bases to create hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, deadly plagues, and to control (or torment or destroy) the brain and/or bodies of those of us who live on the earth’s surface.
Computers in the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS in California and Russia will compile the information obtained from the SENSOR PROBE into an INTELLIGENCE REPORT. The information obtained from these INTELLIGENCE REPORTS will be presented on GCFNC (except for those areas where secrecy is necessary in order to protect our strategies or our military personnel).
The programmed SENSOR PROBES must be programmed by the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS to elicit (and search for) the presence of any Jesuit occult activities in all underground sections of the earth probed by those missiles [including past OCCULT activities or the presence of many brains with large deleted or manipulated portions of their 666-COMPUTER HISTORY–which will be an automatic death sentence–since it has been our experience that those who live under the earth are all Jesuit soldiers who attack the persons on (or above) the surface from their underground facilities.]
Once evidence has been obtained that Jesuits reside and occupy this underground section of earth, that missile will then be programmed to scan all areas of the underground where it has probed and has determined that living creatures (which practice the occult) reside in that area, and will set up a nuclear (or equivalent) explosion to ensure that the entire area (where it is determined warm bodies or living creatures reside) will be totally destroyed by nuclear (or other means) explosions or the equivalent.
Other programs of THE NET will be programmed to search the complete 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on all persons who live on the planet, especially those who abide near any SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
Now that Jesuits know that we are using their occult practices to identify them, some of them are changing their lifestyles and trying to blend in. Therefore, to find these Jesuits who have blended in, we must conduct a complete 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on every person on the planet. The 666-COMPUTER HISTORY will search for persons who have in the past used Jesuit-type occult practices and who may have suddenly changed their habits (this is highly suspicious) OR those persons who are missing large portions of their 666-COMPUTER HISTORY (this is also highly suspicious and indicates this person wanted to remove something from his/her 666-COMPUTER HISTORY and that this person has something to hide), especially if this removal was NOT recent, but occurred long previous to when this law was written. Jesuits are not stupid and are masters at anticipation, but it appears they did not anticipate that we would use their 666-COMPUTER HISTORY modification tactics to identify them, so much of the 666-COMPUTER history modification which is recent is a tactic to divert us from the true Jesuits, to cause us to waste our time and energy in fruitless searches–and thus allow the real Jesuits to remain undetected–since they can lose themselves in the crowd. The program will be programmed to:
- a) highlight those persons who have ever practiced Jesuit-style occult practices in the past and who may have suddenly changed their habits AND
- b) to highlight those who have removed, modified, (deleted) portions of their 666-COMPUTER HISTORY, especiallyif NOT done recently. We have discovered that the Jesuits try to confuse us and have recently modified and deleted portions of the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES of large groups of innocent people, in order to cause us to chase red herrings and to confuse us, so they can still roam about undetected (since they have created a larger pool of people for us to screen). Their goal in doing this is to make it harder for us to find the real Jesuits. However, genuine Jesuits long ago anticipated that we would need their 666-COMPUTER HISTORY to bring evidence against them in the courtroom, and therefore the modifications to a genuine Jesuit’s 666-COMPUTER HISTORY usually are NOT recent. Therefore, we will concentrate our programmed searches on those persons whose 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES were modified NOT recently–since these people are probably the real Jesuits.
- c) to highlight those persons who may have engaged in the modification/deletion of any person’s 666-COMPUTER HISTORY –since such behavior is typical Jesuit behavior–especially those who did this long ago and not recently
All those persons who fall into categories a or b or c above (are persons with the JESUIT MARK–since persons in these categories are probably Jesuits), will be considered Jesuit suspects and must be arrested and investigated. Special computer-programmed scanners by THE NET (called JESUIT SCANNERS) must be used in all the ten mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, to immediately identify any possible Jesuit within the 10 mile circumference of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON. The program will highlight those who meet the criteria of a, b or c (above) and will set off an JESUIT alarm at law enforcement and will write an arrest warrant for the suspect. Willing and knowing failure to immediately apprehend any person who causes a JESUIT alarm to go off, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the law enforcement person. Jesuits are killers and should not be allowed near any SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
No one should have any portions of his/her 666-COMPUTER HISTORY modified and any person in such a category must be arrested and investigated–but we will start first with those persons whose 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES were NOT modified recently, and then we will go after those whose 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES were modified recently. The program will further investigate these suspect people and will create an arrest warrant (which must be used by LAW ENFORCEMENT), when we have enough evidence that this person is highly likely to be a Jesuit. Anyone who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) fails to arrest (or fails to cause the arrest) of any person who falls into category a or b or c above, will suffer the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. If the program determines that the person is indeed, a Jesuit, and this person suddenly becomes violent, the program will work with the VIOLENCE PROGRAM to knock this person out in a split second (before his violent thoughts are put into action).
When Jesuits roam free, they can create conspiracies among themselves, using themselves as WILLING AGENTS [who can suddenly turn violent within a split second (before our VIOLENCE PROGRAM) can stop them].
Imagine this scenario: You have a huge crowd and all of a sudden 100 formerly benign persons in this crowd (who were all Jesuit WILLING AGENTS who posed as peaceful and orderly persons) suddenly turn violent and all 100 try to kill those around them. As you can see, even with the VIOLENCE PROGRAM, we may not be able to stop some murders from occurring That’s why it is essential to find these hidden Jesuits and get them off the street!
The Jesuits get much of their expertise direct from Satan himself, which explains why they are so brilliant and they need their Satanic worship to maintain themselves and maintain their intelligence–so this is a practice that they must maintain and which they will not stop–therefore, the best way to locate Jesuits will be to look for a JESUIT MARK which can identify those who engage in Satanic worship rituals for guidance and leadership.
If the Jesuits give us sophistry, by saying we practice religious discrimination against them, we will only reply that we track them down as we would any other criminal, by studying their lifestyle and using their lifestyle as a way to identify them and locate them. If they all swallowed tadpoles every day, then we would use their tadpole swallowing habits to find them all. It seems the most consistent aspect of the Jesuit lifestyle is their devil worship, so this is a very effective way to locate them.
13.16(*b) We know from history that a Jesuit has to seriously worship Satan as much as he has to breathe–so this is the most effective way to locate them and is the only thing most consistent about them. In fact, it is their serious Satanic worship which makes them such fanatics, since devil worshippers are all extremists. A Jesuit will die before he gives up his devoted devil worship. So this is the BEST WAY TO LOCATE THEM, because this is one thing about the Jesuit lifestyle that he must maintain–it is where he gets his strength. So the JESUIT MARK will be those portions of their brain which indicate involvement in certain rituals and practices unique to a Jesuit form of Satanic worship. These Jesuit Satanic worship rituals will be studied by experts in religious rituals and will be the defining mark (or the JESUIT MARK) that we will scan for with our computer programs to locate Jesuits.
13.16(*c) The best way to really narrow down this search for Jesuits is as follows:
Whenever any CONSPIRACY LAW violation occurs, each computer/satellite computer in our CONSPIRACY LAW network must be programmed by the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS (see Sect. 3.0 of UAL) to cause that computer program to automatically write and file CONSPIRACY REPORTs to two locations: Russia and California. This computer program which automatically files CONSPIRACY REPORTs will be called the REPORT PROGRAM. It will work as follows. . .the program will search for who is the CONSPIRACY LAW violator and will identify that violator by his/her location and according to his latitude and longitude, by his/her genetic profile, by his/her citizenship, by his/her organizational affiliations and by his/her computer–which will be identified and tagged.
VERY IMPORTANT–Once a Jesuit is located, it should be programmed into the REPORT PROGRAM that an immediate 666-COMPUTER HISTORY should be done on that Jesuit’s brain (and this intelligence should be immediately sent to the California and Russian headquarters) before he/she has time to erase any valuable intelligence from his/her brain!!!
13.16(*d) Also, each CONSPIRACY REPORT will meet the criteria outlined in Sect. 11 of General 666-Computer Laws and will have enough information to be useful as evidence in a court of law. CONSPIRACY REPORTs must be written (by the REPORT program) as outlined in Sect. 11 of General 666-Computer laws, so the laws of Sect. 11 of General 666-Computer Laws still apply, except that the PROGRAM (and not LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs) will file and write the CONSPIRACY report. This means the prime culpability for failure (in regard to CONSPIRACY REPORTS) will reside with the PROGRAMMER-CREATORs of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERs and/or with those members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS who install and/or maintain the REPORT programs in CONSPIRACY LAW computers. The installation and maintenance of the REPORT PROGRAMs must be done in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 55 of Int. PLP & RSP-Network Conf.)
13.16(*e) All the laws that apply to CONSPIRACY REPORTS are still applicable, except that lie detection for the writers of the report is no longer necessary since the REPORT program writes the report, and the reports (2 exact copies of each other) will be computer-filed with the 2 ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC (one copy sent to Russia’s ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS and one copy sent to California’s ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS).
All persons who work at the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS (either in Russia or in California) will be members of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. These members do not all have to be Russians or Americans–in fact, diversity is encouraged in the membership of the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS to minimize the impression that these headquarters are an American/Russian conspiracy. The ISC can have members from any country in the world (see Sect. 28 of ICL:ST).
Any incident which is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, needs to have a computer program created for that incident which will cause any computers (used to monitor or regulate that death penalty incident) to automatically write and file to the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS–a CONSPIRACY REPORT regarding that death penalty violation.
The TRUTH PROGRAMMERS will use the search mode to search all of CONSPIRACY LAW and Every time the words “death penalty” come up, they must create a REPORT program [which will be set up in the computer(s) involved in the monitoring or regulating of that death penalty violation], and which is a REPORT PROGRAM which will operate in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW and with this Sect. 13.16.
The REPORT PROGRAM will be installed into the computer involved, which will cause that death penalty violation to automatically and immediately be written up by the REPORT PROGRAM as a CONSPIRACY REPORT, and then this report will be automatically computer filed–with two exact copies of that computer-written CONSPIRACY REPORT computer-sent to the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS in California and Russia.
The ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS will receive CONSPIRACY REPORTS and organize its receiving of these reports by quadrants of the earth. If you look at a world map divided into longitudinal and latitudinal segments, divide up the 360 degrees of longitude into 15 degree sections–criss-cross this with the dividing up of the latitudinal segments into 15 degree sections–the result will be as follows: 24 x 12 or 288 cubic blocks of earth. Jesuits have deep ocean bases, bases in Antarctica, bases on mountaintops, etc.–so all segments of the earth need to be covered. By receiving reports according to which segment of earth they cover, this will help in war planning strategy and will also determine which segments of earth are the most troublesome, or which countries are the most troublesome. Eventually, those military personnel who receive reports for a particular segment will become an expert at their segment and this should help to formulate effective war strategies. The more troublesome segments will require more personnel and may even require specialists (or certain types of personnel)–this will all be ascertained over the next weeks as we receive these computer-generated CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
13.16(*f) This computer search process to track all Jesuits in a chain or web of Jesuit CONSPIRACY LAW violators, will be called TAGGING and WEBBING. Once this violator’s computer and/or brain is tagged, the tagged computer and the violator’s brain will then be scanned to determine which connections (or communications) the tagged computer or brain has with other computers or brains–once those connections are found, then all these other computers or brains will be searched and noted in the CONSPIRACY REPORT (automatically by the REPORT PROGRAM) to determine all those in the chain (or web of computers and/or brains) who are directly or indirectly involved in this CONSPIRACY LAW violation. The program will not stop the TAGGING and WEBBING process until any and all violators and computers in the chain or web have been located and tagged and written up in the CONSPIRACY REPORT for the violation.
The TAGGING AND WEBBING PROGRAM will then automatically file all CONSPIRACY REPORTS for all those in the web or chain of violators and these reports (in two exact copies) will be sent to two locations: one copy to Russia and the other exact copy to California (United States).
13.16(*g) Branches of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION will be stationed in the parts of Russia and in California, which will be called the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. The ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS will receive all the computer programmed CONSPIRACY REPORTS which will be computer filed and sent to the two headquarters. We will no longer require LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs to file CONSPIRACY REPORTS, since this has been an utter failure. The reports get lost, are forgotten about, etc–this is because Jesuits still have too much control over the brains of all of us. Therefore, the primarily responsibility for the filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS will be the computer program of the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who notices (or should notice) the violation, and this computer must be programmed to automatically write and file a CONSPIRACY REPORT to the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION.
13.16(*h) The ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS will also be the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, and this is where all our military intelligence officers will formulate war strategy based on the CONSPIRACY REPORTS which come into the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS.
13.16(*i) The ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS will have computers which receive computer programmed CONSPIRACY REPORTS from all over the world from all computers which automatically use the computer programmed TAGGING AND WEBBING process to automatically file CONSPIRACY REPORTS (via computer) to the world headquarters of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION in Russia and in California (or from any computer which is involved with any death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW). In fact, all computers used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs as they attempt to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW must have this REPORT programming installed and these programs must work in compliance with this Sect. 13.16. Willing and knowing neglect or failure to have these REPORT PROGRAMS (which must work in compliance with this Sect. 13.16) in any computer used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator who is responsible for the programming.
13.16(*j) The computers will be programmed to file two copies of all CONSPIRACY REPORTS, one copy will be sent to Russia and the other exact copy to California.
13.16(*k) Once these CONSPIRACY REPORTS arrive at the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS, CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS will be created by the military persons (in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW–see Sect. 11 of Genl 666-Computer Laws) at the administrative headquarters and these CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS will be discussed on GCFNC as part of the military war strategy (for those portions where it is deemed safe to publicize strategy).
13.16(*l) CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS are still required, but will no longer be maintained by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS or other departments, but will be done by the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS (but still must be written and organized as outlined in Sect. 11 of General 666-Computer Laws).
One reason we are doing so poorly in arresting and finding Jesuits is because the CONSPIRACY LAW network has become too large and unorganized. Therefore, to cause all CONSPIRACY REPORTs to go to two central locations and for all CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS to be written at two central locations should solve this problem, and should help to streamline the reporting process and eliminate confusion. Jesuits love confusion–this is how they hide all their criminal activities–so we need to love organization. It is also good for Russia and the U.S. to work together on these CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS, since they are probably the two most important countries that lead the International Satellite Coalition.
13.16(*m) Back to searching for Jesuits. . . .Because there are people besides Jesuits who engage in serious Satanic worship rituals, we will have some false leads by using Satanic worship rituals as the JESUIT MARK. However by narrowing our search to those who engage in serious Satanic worship rituals or those who have deleted or modified large portions of their 666-COMPUTER HISTORY or who have a history of Jesuit-style Satanic rituals in their past (even if they currently do not behave this way), it will make it easier to find Jesuits. Because ALL JESUITS WHO SUPPORT THE GOALS OF THE JESUIT ORDER ENGAGE IN (OR HAVE ENGAGED IN) SERIOUS AND DEDICATED SATANIC WORSHIP RITUALS. So we greatly narrow our search by making the JESUIT MARK those portions of the brain which indicate involvement in serious Satanic worship rituals or whose 666-COMPUTER HISTORIES reveal large portions of this person’s 666-COMPUTER HISTORY have been modified or deleted.
It is a death penalty violation to delete or modify any 666-COMPUTER HISTORY, and any of our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS who do so, must be removed from their position and, if they do so willingly and knowingly, they will get the death penalty. In fact, the program which searches for the JESUIT MARK, will also search through our LAW ENFORCEMENT ranks (and throughout the population) to see if any of our officers (or if anyone) have/has engaged in the removal/modification of any 666-COMPUTER HISTORY and in this manner we hope to find any Jesuits who work as LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS or who mingle among us! This type of activity is typical Jesuit behavior and a quick way to find them among us.
Once the computer locates a devil worshipper (or former devil worshipper), the program will next fine tune the search to see if that devil worshipper (or former devil worshipper) is a Jesuit, by scanning more portions of that person’s brain in more thoroughness to determine Jesuit characteristics. Once the computer program determines that this person is, indeed, a Jesuit, it will automatically be programmed to write up a CONSPIRACY REPORT regarding that individual and to computer-file (two copies of this report) to the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS in California and Russia. Once the report comes in, LAW ENFORCEMENT will be sent out to capture and arrest the Jesuit as soon as possible.
13.16(*n) Because people in our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks are unreliable and are manipulated by Jesuits to be forgetful and to lose things and to be scatter brained or manipulated by Jesuits, the primary method we will use to locate these devil worshipping Jesuits will be through computer programmed SEARCH MODALITIES managed by the 4 nations: Russia, the United States, Germany and Israel. These search modalities will search for Satanic worship rituals (and those in categories a, b, or c–see Sect. 13.16a) in the brains of those persons scanned. All persons on earth must be scanned for any unique Satanic worship rituals (specific to the Jesuit Order), so that all Jesuits can be located.
13.16(*o) This computer programming will be programmed to scan the brains of all person to locate those who practice serious Satanic worship rituals or who fall into categories a, b, or c –see Sect. 13.16a (especially when used for guidance and leadership), because all Jesuits engage in these rituals. Experts in Satanic worship rituals will be involved in the creation of the programming which will scan the brains of all persons on the planet to identify those who engage in serious Satanic worship rituals for guidance and leadership.
13.16(*p) These experts will be very savvy and will know that Satanic worship is often disguised as Christian (or other) worship and is often blended into the religious worship of respected and well accepted religions, so this program will be programmed to target those specific aspects of Satanic worship which all Jesuits engage in, even if those aspects are incorporated into established and mainstream religions. Dr. Brent Spiner is very knowledgeable in these areas.
13.16(*q) GCFNC will report the intelligence information we receive from all computer filed CONSPIRACY REPORTS which come into our Russian and California headquarters.
13.16(*r) All computers used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS anywhere in the world must contain the REPORT program (programmed by our TRUTH PROGRAMMERS) which works as outlined in this Sect. 13.16, and which automatically computer files CONSPIRACY REPORTS (as outlined in this Sect. 13.16). Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action or neglect to violate the guidelines of this Section 13.16 with the intent to cause needed CONSPIRACY REPORTS not to be sent to the ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS or to cause false or inaccurate reports to be filed or to use our programming methods to allow those guilty of CONSPIRACY LAW violations to go free, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. Every computer used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must have a REPORT program which works in compliance with this Sect. 13.16; AND willing and knowing failure BY ANY PERSON RESPONSIBLE TO DO SO, to install such a program [in any computer responsible to directly or indirectly enforce or manage or (be involved with) death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW], will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
13.16(*s) The advantage of using computer programming to automatically write and file CONSPIRACY REPORTS is that this will make it more difficult for human error, amnesia or conspiracies to flourish in this matter of writing and filing CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
CONSPIRACY REPORTS must be filed, or else CONSPIRACY LAW is not enforced. If CONSPIRACY LAW is not enforced, it is a JOKE, and the Jesuits can THEN set up their worldwide genocidal dictatorship. So the REPORT PROGRAM (and this Sect. 13.16*) could possibly be the most important part of CONSPIRACY LAW! All the brilliance of CONSPIRACY LAW is meaningless, if the law is NOT ENFORCED.
13.16(*t-1) Because as we discover and execute more and more Jesuits, we have found that most of them reside in China–the Russian and California ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS, in cooperation with the Chinese government, will begin a JESUIT computer-programmed EXTERMINATION PROGRAM in China.
13.16(*t-2) The TRUTH PROGRAMMERS will create a REPORT program, which uses the JESUIT MARK to locate Jesuits, as described in this Section 13.16–but this program will also contain an extermination program which not only locates the Jesuits and reports him/her, but automatically gets a full 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on that Jesuit’s brain and then, immediately afterwards, executes the Jesuit.
13.16(*t-3) The difference is, that this program will not only locate the Jesuit and identify him, but once the Jesuit is identified, the program will immediately run a complete 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on that Jesuit and this intelligence information will be forwarded to the Russian and American ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS, and once the program discovers that this information has been forwarded to our two ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS, the program will then execute the Jesuit on the spot (via 666-Computer or satellite technology).
13.16(*t-4)So many Jesuits are being found and their guilt is indisputable, that it is a waste of time to send them to trial or even to put them in jail.
13.16(*t-5) We will experiment with the Chinese government first, and all Jesuits found in China (which currently has about 90% of all Jesuits on the planet) will be treated according to this CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM.
13.16(*t-6) Once the Jesuit is executed (via 666-Computer or satellite technology), the Chinese government will go in and get the body and dispose of the corpse however they wish. Since the Jesuit population in the world is at least 20 million–we don’t have time, space or money to deal with all these Jesuits. The CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM is the best way to handle this load (since we’ve discovered most Jesuits reside in China). Besides the time we spend going after the Jesuit to arrest him, gives him/her more time to cause trouble and may allow the Jesuit time to erase from his/her brain intelligence which we could garner if we gathered it immediately. Far better, after we identify him and scan his brain for intelligence information–to use the programming which locates the Jesuits to execute the Jesuit on-the-spot. We won’t waste money or time to put him in jail or to arrest him. All Jesuits found in China will be immediately executed through the computer programming which located that Jesuit–the execution program will be written into the REPORT program which locates the Jesuit (as outlined in this Section). So, if this CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM is successful in China, it may be extended to other nations. We decided to go with China first, because the Chinese people are used to a government which can carry out strong actions against portions of its citizenry, and the Chinese government isn’t hampered by minority interest groups who could cry “our civil rights are being violated”, etc.
13.16(*t-7) It would be a disaster to start this program with a country like the U.S., which is seriously hampered by serious Jesuit penetration into the legal and judicial system, which causes so much confusion that murderers go scott free.
13.16(*t-8) Failure to carry out the computer-programmed execution of Jesuits (who reside in China) as outlined in this Sect. 13.16* it will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. Also, if anyone (other than a Jesuit) is willingly and knowingly executed according to the guidelines of this Sect. 13.16–the person responsible for that death will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.16(*t-9) GCFNC will report on the progress of the CHINESE JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM and will explain how the Jesuit extermination computer program works and will present the results of this experiment in China. GCFNC will present evidence and statistics about how accurately this program targets the Jesuits, will mention any mistakes which have occurred (where non-Jesuits may have been accidentally executed, etc.). And GCFNC will show the advantages and the disadvantages of the CHINESE JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM. The viewer will be reminded that to present false information on GCFNC is a death penalty violation.
13.16(*t-10) Other countries can join this computer-programmed Jesuit execution program (adopted by China), when that country’s head of state agrees to this and when VOTER JURORS decide they want this program to be carried out in their country. When this program is carried out in their country, it means that all Jesuits that reside within the boundaries of that country (will be exterminated with the REPORT PROGRAM as described in this Section). To assure that we get all Jesuits, we will automatically set up REPORT PROGRAMS to exterminate any Jesuits that reside in the oceans (or places that are not within the boundaries of any country).
13.16(*t-11) So, let’s say the United States, decides it wants to begin a similar Jesuit extermination program in the U.S. Pres. Bush would go before the American people on GCFNC and would present his case. Those persons who have watched the GCFNC presentation of the CHINESE JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM will be eligible to be VOTER JURORS (according to the guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 of this document) to vote on whether they want the U.S. to adopt the Chinese JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM for their own country.
13.16(*t-12) If, the VOTER JURORS decide they want this program for their country, then the computer-programmed Jesuit extermination program would begin in that country, and would be carried out as it is currently being carried out in China. All the laws for VOTER JURORS must be honored, including giving out the death penalty to those who violate how the vote of the VOTER JURORS should be carried out (as outlined in Sect. 29 through 31 of this document).
13.16(*t-13) The CHINESE JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM is a very aggressive program to exterminate Jesuits, but because Jesuits are such fanatics, this may be the only way to win this war against them. But, because it is so aggressive, it should not be imposed upon a country (that is not used to such an aggressive style of warfare) without the approval of that country’s citizenry.
13.16(a) Because the primary focus of the Jesuits in their war against us, has been through the use of criminal satellite technology, THE NET will establish their military bases in the highest parts of the mountains of the world (since this is an advantageous location in dealing with satellites). This should also help THE NET to determine how a military satellite base in the mountains must be constructed in order to operate, and this should help THE NET to locate Jesuit satellite operations in the mountains and throughout the earth and its atmosphere and oceans–since there are DEEP OCEAN SATELLITES located underneath deep ocean floors. The members of THE NET will be trained and prepared to deal with cold, high mountain conditions and the military bases built in the high mountains will be built to withstand high mountain conditions.
13.16(a.1) All of THE NET’s bases on the mountains must have entrance/exit gates, so that all who enter and leave the compound can be monitored. Also, every part (every room) of THE NET’s operations must be on camera (including those rooms or compartments which are protected by shields which hide human presence), so that evidence can be obtained of all activities which take place on THE NET’s bases and compounds. This is necessary in case we are accused of something and need evidence to prove our innocence. We don’t have to show all of our camera footage to the world, but the leaders of THE NET and of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION should maintain camera coverage of all our operations, which can be retrieved if they are needed for legal purposes.
13.16(a.2) However, in order to distinguish between our operations and the Jesuit operations, no shields (such as silver or gold alloy shields–see Sect. 28.0 of ICL:ST) will be used to hide the entire location of any of THE NET’s bases of operation. In this manner the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION will be able to readily detect human presence at all our operations (via satellite scanners) as they carry out Sect. 28.0 of ICL:ST.
13.16(a.3) However, we may use other shields over the entire base to protect the members of THE NET from nuclear, chemical or biological attacks, etc.–but these shields will not be designed to hide our operations, but rather to protect those who work in our operations from attacks.
13.16(a.4) We may use shields (such as gold or silver alloy) which evade genetic code scanners (and other scanners which detect human presence) for certain rooms or compartments of our operations–BUT NOT TO HIDE AN ENTIRE OPERATION. We may need to use these scanners which hide human presence for certain rooms or compartments within our bases, but not TO HIDE AN ENTIRE BASE. The reason for this will be so that Jesuits cannot foil some of our military strategies–but, at least, our operations will be out in the open and if a certain room or compartment in the entire operations is unreadable by satellite scanners, it is not an attempt to hide the location of our operations, but to rather to hide some of our military strategies from the Jesuits.
13.16(a.5) However, we will not attempt to hide, like the Jesuits do, where our operations are located–since, if we did this, it may confuse the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION in their attempts to destroy Jesuit operations as they carry out Sect. 28.0 of ICL:ST –since Jesuits usually try to hide their ENTIRE OPERATION from satellite scanners.
Update to THE NET on 7-2-05:
13.16(a.5.1) The Jesuits use the same tactics that we do, and that is, they only hide part of their operations, so it is very possible that Jesuit operations are conducted at bases which are only partially shield-protected to evade our scanners. Therefore, just because a base is not completely shielded from our scanners does not mean we are NOT dealing with a Jesuit operation. Many Iranian bases of operation are not completely shielded, but yet still harbor 666-Computers in certain rooms which are used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. The only way to locate and destroy these bases is to invade Iran and destroy entire Iranian bases of operation.
13.16(a.5.2) However, the work of THE NET has uncovered that most of the recent Jesuit bases of operation have been in Iran. We have destroyed (via THE NET) most Jesuit bases of operation outside of Iran. Also, recently Iran elected a new President and this man is a Jesuit supporter. All the computers which we have had to destroy because they were used to attack Americans such as Gail Schuler, Gail’s mom, Shasta or Dylan Groene, etc. have come from Iran. So, it appears that Iran is now the international Jesuit headquarters.
13.16(a.5.3) Iran is also of great concern to Russia, since the Jesuit 666-computers used to cause trouble in the Chechnya conflict are also from Iran. Also, many Jesuit fighters come from Iran to invade Chechnya. Notice the close proximity of Iran to the Chechnya region of Russia.
13.16(a.5.4) About 90% of the Jesuit operated 666-computers and their operators that we have had to destroy within the past month have come from Iran. Iran is a very serious problem in this war against Jesuit terrorism. It is of great concern to us that the newly elected Iranian President is a Jesuit supporter. We have tried to encourage the Iranian people to topple their own government and replace it with a government that supports CONSPIRACY LAW. This has not happened.
13.16(a.5.5) Apparently, the governmental system in power in Iran is so dictatorial and brutal that the Iranian people need help from the outside to topple their own corrupt regime. We did not want to declare war on Iran right away when we realized the situation in Iran, because we wanted to give the Iranian people a chance to reform their own government. This has not happened. In fact, the government in Iran is becoming more and more sympathetic to the Jesuit Order.
Therefore, the following countries declare war on the government of Iran: Russia, the U.S., Moldova, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, the Ukraine, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria (who is now a U.S./Russian ally), Romania, Belarus, Finland, Estonia, Belarus, Latvia, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Iraq. The reason for the declaration of war by most of these countries is because these countries are very concerned about the threat of a nuclear attack from Iran on their countries. The United States is involved because of its involvement in Iraq and because the U.S. will never be able to tame Iraq until Iran is conquered. Russia’s main reason for declaring war on Iran is because Iran is used to train fighters to go into Chechnya with the goal to cause instability in Russia. The Russian Chechnya problem will never be resolved until Iran is tamed.
13.16(a.5.6) Troops from Russia, the U.S., Moldova, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, the Ukraine, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria (who has recently become a U.S./Russian ally), Romania, Belarus, Finland, Estonia, Belarus, Latvia, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Iraq will invade Iran from the east and will concentrate on the eastern Iranian mountainous regions, since this is where most of the Jesuit bases of operation are located. Our goal is to topple the current Iranian regime and to replace it with a government which cooperates with CONSPIRACY LAW.
13.16(a.5.7) All 666-computers in Iran must be destroyed. We want to totally demolish Iran’s computer capabilities, since 90% of CONSPIRACY LAW violations (which revolve around 666-Computers have come from Iran). If we have to bomb out all the mountains so that there are no mountaintops, we will destroy every 666-computer in Iran. We think most of the Jesuit’s 666-Computers are hidden in the Iranian mountains in eastern Iran. We will capture the current Iranian leaders and deport them to Iraq and place them in prison (under the custody of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION).
13.16(a.5.7)-a Our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION and THE NET will use satellite technology to change the molecular structure of all water (or use an ionic bond or some chemical bonding to the water which will allow the water to retain its characteristics as water) in Iran (and anything which contains the water molecule), so that every living person in Iran can be scanned by our satellite computers. No one can live without water and every living person has water molecules in their body, and everyone has to drink or eat something that contains water in order to survive.
13.16(a.5.7)-b We will use our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM to find a way to use satellite technology’s genetic modification capabilities to change the molecular structure of all water molecules in Iran, so that for any living body which has water molecules in it, we will use genetic modification capabilities (via computer/satellite) to create an attachment to that water molecule which will make it possible for us to scan for and locate the living brains of all persons in Iran.
13.16(a.5.7)-c This attachment (or alteration) to all the water molecules in Iran will make it possible for us to do brain scans of every living person that resides within the country of Iran. We will program our satellite computers to target (and genetically modify) every water molecule in Iran, so that every water molecule in Iran will have this attachment.
13.16(a.5.7)-d This program will be programmed in such a manner that when this modified water molecule resides within the living brain of any person, it will somehow highlight that brain so that we can locate every living person in Iran.
13.16(a.5.7)-e This program will be programmed so that any brain which thinks thoughts that are typical of those who program or operate a 666-Computer, nuclear war facility, chemical war facility, biological war facility, etc. can be located. The modified water molecule will help us to locate these living brains who are operating 666-Computers, nuclear war facilities, chemical war facilities, and/ or other war facilities in Iran. A WAR FACILITY is defined as any operation which is used as a weapon of war to destroy persons, using means such as biological warfare, chemical warfare, nuclear warfare, computer/satellite warfare, etc. Those living brains which are operating a war facility (including those who operate 666-Computers) will be called WAR BRAINS.
13.16(a.5.7)-f This program will be such that those WAR BRAINS which have this modified water molecule in their brain and who operate a war facility in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, that this water molecule will destroy that person (through his brain) and in this manner we will execute all those who operate war facilities in Iran. Those persons who operate war facilities in Iran, will be poisoned (or destroyed) via this genetically modified water molecule in their brain and we will accomplish the destruction of those who operate illegal computers or war facilities in Iran by this method.
13.16(a.5.7)-g Those Iranians who cover themselves with shields can still be located because they have to urinate, breathe, and use the bathroom and our satellite scanners will pick up on any water associated with these persons. When a person breathes they release water molecules. We will try to create scanners which can penetrate Jesuit shields and still find LIVING BRAINS (even those under shields).
13.16(a.5.7)-h If the Iranians try to retaliate and use this method on us, they will have to expose their location to do so and we will automatically destroy any Iranian 666-Computer or satellite which is used to modify the water molecules which affect the peoples of the International government.
13.16(a.5.7)-i We will use our genetic modification capabilities (via computer/satellite and this modified water molecule) to accomplish the destruction of all living brains in Iran who operate a 666-Computer or war facility. No one in Iran is allowed to use a 666-Computer or war facility.
13.16(a.5.7)-j Once any person who operates a 666-Computer or war facility is located in Iran, then we will also destroy the computer or war facility on which that person is working, because once we locate and destroy the living brain (the criminal) we have located his/her computer or war facility.
13.16(a.5.7)-k This is a superior way to execute Iranians who support the Jesuit Order, since only those Iranians who are using illegal 666-Computers or war facilities will be programmed for destruction by this program and the rest of the Iranians will be left alone. We will set up our satellite programming, so that only those with WAR BRAINS will be executed (via genetic modification of their brains through this genetically altered water molecule).
13.16(a.5.7)-l It goes without saying, that it is also our goal to totally takeover (or destroy) all Iranian nuclear operations and to have these under the control of the INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT.
13.16(a.5.7)-m If this strategy is successful in Iran, then we will use it to locate all WAR BRAINs in the world (perhaps North Korea will be our next experiment) and will destroy these persons with WAR BRAINS using the same method. Once we find any person operating any computer or war facility which is not one of ours, that person along with his/her illegal computer or war facility will be destroyed by this method. The altered water molecule can be programmed to locate all WAR BRAINS in those who use NON-Bible COMPUTERS or who operate nuclear, chemical, biological facilities in suspicious locations.
13.16(a.5.8) Those Iranians who cooperate with the international government and who are deemed to be in sympathy with CONSPIRACY LAW will be allowed to stay in Iran, as we takeover the country and oust its current leadership. Those Iranians who rebel against our attempts to set up a government in Iran which cooperates with CONSPIRACY LAW will be deported and must live in another country and will be kept in prison. We won’t let them remain in Iran to cause problems. These Iranians (who sympathize with CONSPIRACY LAW) will be used by our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION to assist us in the establishment of a government in Iran which is in sympathy with CONSPIRACY LAW.
God used Ezekiel 11 & 12 to tell me to attack Iran from east to west, using countries from the eastern side of Iran to attack Iran, and to use those countries that are north of 25 latitude. He also told me that the U.S. must be involved. Notice there are 25 verses in Ez. 11 and God emphasized 25 to me.
As I study the map I can see the logic behind this. If you use the countries to the west of Iran, Iran may attack these countries with their nuclear arsenal and set it up to make it appear that these attacks came from Russia or the U.S. and this would start an international nuclear war. A lot of the countries to the west have nuclear capabilities, so it’s better not to use these countries to attack Iran and these countries are not as responsible about their nukes as Russia and the U.S.
If Iran uses their nuclear arsenal on the countries to their east, they will totally lose international support and the whole world will jump on them.
If they attack Russia or the U.S. with their nukes, then Russia and the U.S. will be made to look like martyrs, so this is a losing proposition for Iran, and again, the whole world will jump on Iran if they do this. So it is wiser to use the countries which I have chosen to attack Iran, because Iran doesn’t want to be accused of bullying (or making martyrs out of) any of these nations which we will use to attack her. Many of these are Muslim states, so if Iran attacks these, she will lose the support of about 90% of her Muslim base, so the countries I’ve chosen are the best to attack Iran.
Using Israel is a good choice, since Israel will be working side by side with Muslims to attack a mutual enemy–this is good strategy to win international support for this war against Iran, and so if Iran retaliates by attacking Israel, it would be the same as attacking the Muslim nations (who are in an alliance with Israel against Iran). If Iran attacks Israel, when Israel is in an alliance with Muslim states against Iran, Iran will lose the support of the Muslims by doing this, because the Muslims would be angry at Iran for making Muslims look like a bunch of anti-Semitic bastards–Iran can’t afford to lose the support of Muslims.
Also, Israel has one of the best (if not the best) militaries in the world and has extensive experience in fighting terrorist Muslims. We will rely heavily on Israelis for our war strategies.
13.16(a.5.9) Full news coverage of THE NET’s and the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION’s war against Iran will be on GCFNC.
13.16(a.5.10) Any Iranian caught willingly and knowingly using a 666-Computer or any nuclear weapon (directly or indirectly) will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Until (and if) we express otherwise through CONSPIRACY LAW, no Iranian is to use a 666-Computer or to use (or be involved with) anything nuclear or with anything that could be used in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW or as a weapon of mass destruction.
13.16(a.6) So, the primary way for the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION as they carry out Sect. 28.0 of ICL:ST, to distinguish between legal bases of operation and the Jesuits’ bases of operation, will be that no legal base of operation will be protected by shields which hide the presence of human beings at the entire base and/or which attempt to hide the entire base of operations.
13.16(a.7) Therefore, when our satellite scanners scan material which is believed to be a shield and determine that this shield is hiding human presence at an entire base of operation (so that genetic code scanners cannot penetrate the shield anywhere at that base of operation), this is a sure way to know that we have located a Jesuit operation which must be destroyed.
13.16(a.8) None of our operations will use shields which hide human presence (or which block genetic code scanners) over our entire bases of operation, since we are not trying to hide from the world where our bases are located, but rather may want to hide some rooms to protect certain of our military strategies against the Jesuits. This is because we are not a criminal operation and don’t need to hide our entire base of operation as the Jesuits do–though we may need to hide certain portions of our base of operations–but, at least, the scanner will know it’s a base which honors CONSPIRACY LAW and not a Jesuit base, since the entire presence of the base will not be hidden from satellite scanners by the use of shields over the entire base of operations (such as gold/silver alloy which can hide human presence and evade genetic code scanners).
13.16(b) The first focus of THE NET will be to ferret out any Jesuits or their supporters located in the high mountains of the world, with primary focus on the particular areas first: the mountainous regions of China and Iran (and the area around the Zagros mountains of Iran); the area around Mt. Zeil, Australia; any mountainous regions of the former Soviet Union (especially the mountainous regions of Georgia and its surrounding areas and the Siberian areas). It is our belief that the Jesuits are using Russian traitors to hide out in these mountainous areas (all over the world), in order to conduct illegal satellite operations. We will primarily focus on locating Russians who may be hiding in these mountainous areas and who assist Jesuits with their illegal satellite operations.
13.16(b.1) The next focus of THE NET will be to ferret out any Jesuits or their supporters located in the deep oceans of the world, especially underneath deep ocean floors (such as the area of the Bermuda Triangle) where there are DEEP SEA SATELLITES used to send out NON-Bible satellite signals. However, THE NET will focus its energies on any part of the world which is considered suspect [as directed by the work of the SIGNAL SOURCE ANALYZER CORPS (see ICL:ST)].
THE NET should also concentrate their efforts according to the priorities outlined in these Sections 13.16(b.1.2 through b.1.11).
13.16(b.1.2) Using what God has shown me from Matthew 25 & 26 & John 21:11, we will concentrate our efforts to locate the Jesuit’s underground bases in the following locations of the world. It will be easier to remember the instructions if they are explained with the Bible verses which God used to show me where other Jesuit bases are located. The Lord Jesus Christ was sold for 30 pieces of SILVER OR ALL THE LATITUDES OR LONGITUDES OF THE WORLD (silver alloy shields used by Jesuits to hide their underground operations?).
13.16(b.1.3) Each piece of silver stands for 30 sections of longitude or latitude (180 total longitude divided by 30 ‘ 6) or (90 total latitude divided by 30 ‘ 3).
13.16(b.1.4) The fact that He was sold for 30 pieces of silver indicates that the WHOLE WORLD SOLD HIM OUT WHEN HE DIED ON THE CROSS [all the degrees (or 30 sections of) latitude and longitude!]. You can divide longitude into THIRTY SECTIONS EVENLY, by DIVIDING 180 BY SIX. You can divide latitude into THIRTY SECTIONS EVENLY, by DIVIDING 90 BY THREE. Notice the emphasis on the FAILURE OF MAN or on the NUMBER SIX. 666.
13.16(b.1.5) In Matt. 25 you have in verses 1 through 13 the ten virgins. The first five were WISE. So this means that the area of the world from longitude 0 to 30 east or west [or the first 5 of the 30 sections of longitude (5 times 6 degrees longitude ‘ 30 degrees longitude)] and/or from latitude 0 to 15 north or south [or the first 5 of the 30 sections of latitude (5 times 3 degrees latitude ‘ 15 degrees latitude)] is a pretty good area of the world–the Jesuits don’t have a lot of bases in this location.
13.16(b.1.6) The next five virgins were FOOLISH. So this means that the area of the world from longitude 30 to 60 east or west [or the sixth through the tenth sections of the 30 sections of longitude (5 times 6 degrees longitude ‘ 30 degrees longitude)] and/or from latitude 16 to 30 north or south [or the sixth through the tenth sections of the 30 sections of latitude (5 times 3 degrees latitude ‘ 15 degrees latitude)] is a pretty bad section of the world where there is a large concentration of Jesuit underground bases hidden by silver alloy shields. Concentrate on the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Eastern Russia (including area of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chechnya), Western Ukraine, Turkey, Horn of Africa and Western Africa, Madagascar, Brazil and Western South America, Greenland, and ocean and North and South Pole areas in these areas. Concentrate on Southern China, Southeast Asia, India, Sahara Desert area, Bermuda Triangle of Atlantic Ocean, Florida, Mexico, Baja California, Gulf of Mexico, Hawaiian Islands, Cuba and the Caribbean, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Northern Phillippines, Australia, Southern Africa, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Northern Chile, Northern Argentina. Especially concentrate on the underground areas that intersect between the targeted latitude and longitude areas: BRAZIL–especially southern Brazil, Paraguay, middle of Atlantic Ocean between Caribbean and Africa (great place to start hurricanes), Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman, southwestern portions of Iran, Red Sea area of Africa, Iraq’s southern tip–including Kuwait, Madagascar and Mozambique.
13.16(b.1.7) Next we have those who were given talents. One was given five talents who traded in for 5 more or 5 + 5 ‘ 10. This was a good worker. This means that areas of the world from longitude 61 to 120 east or west [or the 11th through the 20th sections of the 30 sections of longitude (10 times 6 degrees longitude ‘ 60 degrees longitude)] and/or from latitude 31 to 60 north or south [or the 11th through the 20th sections of the 30 sections of latitude (10 times 3 degrees latitude ‘ 30 degrees latitude)] is a pretty good section of the world where there aren’t too many Jesuit underground bases hidden by silver alloy shields. Don’t concentrate your efforts to find Jesuit operations too highly in these sections of the world.
13.16(b.1.8) Next we have the one who was given two talents and who traded in for 2 more talents or 2 + 2 ‘ 4. Another good worker. This means that areas of the world from longitude 121 to 144 (notice the 44) east or west [or the 21st through the 24th sections of the 30 sections of longitude (4 times 6 degrees longitude ‘ 24 degrees longitude)] and/or from latitude 61 to 72 north or south [or the 21st through the 24th sections of the 30 sections of latitude (4 times 3 degrees latitude ‘ 12 degrees latitude)] is also a pretty good section of the world where there aren’t too many Jesuit underground bases hidden by silver alloy shields. Don’t concentrate your efforts to find Jesuit operations too highly in these sections of the world.
13.16(b.1.9) NOTE OF INTEREST, NOW WE HAVE SIX SECTIONS LEFT OF THE THIRTY. NOTICE THE EMPHASIS ON 6 OR 666. The 25th section is especially bad, because in the Bible in Mt. 25 VERSE THIRTY it says, in reference to the servant who had one talent and HID IT IN THE EARTH (kind of like the Jesuits’ underground operations?)–“And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Also, notice a new paragraph starts in the next verse, after verse 30. God’s trying to highlight Mt. 25:30 as the END OF SOMETHING.
13.16(b.1.10) This means there is a very high concentration of Jesuit bases located at the 25th section of latitude or longitude. Pay very high attention to longitude 145 east or west [or the 25th section of the 30 sections of longitude] and/or latitude 73 north or south [or the 25th section of the 30 sections of latitude]. These sections of the world are HEAVILY infiltrated with Jesuit underground bases hidden by SILVER alloy shields. Heavy concentration should be paid to these sections of the world by THE NET. The following areas need very intense scrutiny: Middle of Siberia–with a straight line from Okhotsk north to New Siberian Islands, Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk near Sakhalin, eastern Sapporo of Japan (around Kushiro), Pacific Ocean to the east of northern Japan, Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia ocean area, Papua New Guinea, Queensland–New South Wales–Victoria–Tasmania of Australia, northern Great Barrier Reef of Australia–especially near Cape Flattery, French Polynesia of Pacific, Pacific area east of Hawaiian Islands, eastern Alaska from Prudhoe Bay to Gulf of Alaska, North Pole area from Prudhoe Bay to North Pole, North Pole area from New Siberian Islands to North Pole, Rockefeller Plateau area and Marie Byrd Land of Antartica to South Pole, George V. Coast area of Antartica to South Pole, Northern Greenland, Baffin Bay, northern Baffin Islands, northern Victoria Island, sea north of Alaska, Barents Sea, New Siberian Islands, northern Russia near Kara Sea and Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, Antarctica, Weddell Sea, Ross Sea, Amundsen Sea. The areas where longtitude 145 east or west and latitude 73 north or south intersect need scrupulous attention: Marie Byrd land of Antartica and nearby ocean areas, area of Antarctica south of George V. Coast and north of Transantarctic Mountains, East Siberian Sea east of Ostrov Bol Shoy Lyakhovskiy, Beaufort Sea just north of Prudhoe Alaska region.
13.16(b.1.11) Now we come to the last six sections of the thirty sections of the world. Because these are associated with the number six, this is also a very bad area where there are a huge amount of Jesuit underground operations. Pay very high attention to longitude 146 to 180 east or west (or the 26th through the 30th sections of the 30 sections of longitude) and/or latitude 74 to 90 north or south (or the 26th through the 30th sections of the 30 sections of latitude). These sections of the world are HEAVILY infiltrated with Jesuit underground bases hidden by SILVER alloy shields. Heavy concentration should be paid to these sections of the world by THE NET. The Jesuits have concentrated most of their underground operations near the North and South Poles, while they had their headquarters located closer to the equator. Pay strong attention to the following areas: Alaska to western Russian tip, Hawaiian Islands and Midway and American Samoa and Cook Islands in the Pacific regions, Pacific side of ANTARCTIC regions from George V. Coast to Marie Byrd Land, New Zealand, Western Australia, Fiji and Solomon Islands region, Micronesia, Melanesia, Marianna trench region, Polynesia and most of middle of Pacific Ocean. The areas where the longitude and latitude intersect are the following and these areas need intense scrutiny: South Pole regions of Antarctica on side of Pacific and Australia, northwestern Russian coast along Arctic Ocean areas, northern Alaska ocean areas to northwestern Russian tip ocean areas.
13.16(b.1.11-a) Also, in John 21:11 is the following verse: “Simon Peter (a reference to the Roman Catholic Church, since they claim Peter was the first Pope) went up, and drew THE NET to land full of GREAT fishes, AN HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND THREE (notice the emphasis on multiplies of 25 (25 X SIX ‘ 150) and on 3.” God hints that at longitude 153 and latitude 11 north and south (notice the reference) you will find GREAT FISHES. JESUS EMPHASIZES THE NUMBER 11 (notice we are in verse 11) , BECAUSE AT THIS TIME IN THE GOSPEL ACCOUNT THERE WERE ONLY 11 APOSTLES, since the 12th APOSTLE (or the next verse) was the BEAST or JUDAS ISCARIOT. 9-11-01??? 7 X 3 ‘ 21. Seven is the divine number, so this is an attempt to IMITATE THE DIVINE. This is the area in the Pacific Ocean near the southeastern tip of New Guinea–south of New Britain and west of the Solomon Islands and in Micronesia–to the east of the Marianna Trench. Also, concentrate on all of longitude 153 from the North Pole to the South Pole (Brisbane, Australia; Coral Sea; New Britain; Melanesia; Micronesia; up into Siberia, etc.) and you will find a heavy infestation of Jesuit underground operations,
NOTE OF INTEREST: In Matt. 26 there are 75 verses. 75 divided by 3 ‘ 25. AND IT IS IN MT. 26 THAT PETER DENIES THE LORD THREE TIMES–God’s dropping a hint about THREE. There are 46 verses in Mt. 25. Verses 1 – 30 describe the virgins and the talents. Verses 31 – 46 describe the nations. The first ten verses (31 – 40) highlight the good nations. The last SIX verses (41 – 46) highlight the evil nations. 25 has an evil connotation. 5 + 5 ‘ 10 has a good connotation. And 6 has an evil connotation. It would be interesting to find out what exists at longtitude 25 X 6 or (150 LONGITUDE east or west) and what exists at latitude 25 X 3 or (75 latitude north or south) and especially what exists at the places where these latitudes and longitudes INTERSECT–we will obviously find something EVIL.
Matt. 27:3 and 6 both talk about the thirty pieces of silver, and v. 3 starts a new paragraph. So, in reference to the silver, an emphasis is placed on 3 and 6 and on 27, because this is chapter 27. Also, note that in the last verse (v. 66) of this chapter the words are “setting a watch”. Don’t we set our watches by the time zones OR BY LONGITUDE? Again the last verse is 66 or “666”? Or 60 times zones PLUS SIX ‘ 66. SIX HAS A BAD CONNOTATION. Again the emphasis is on the number 6. And, it appears that 666 is obsessed with a wedding, but in the wrong manner–go back to Mt. 25:1-13. The wedding that 666 is obsessed with is associated with the numbers 15 and 27. My birthday is 9-15-57. There are 15 words in v. 66. NOTE OF INTEREST, if you divide 180 degrees longitude by 66 you get 2.72727272727. Check out Prov. 7 (about the WHORE who gives her lover riches from EGYPT–v. 16 or the Jesuit-Rheims text of the “Bible” which comes from EGYPT)–it has 27 verses. If you divide 180 by 60 you get 30. I was married the first time when I was 27. It was the wrong wedding, even though I prayed for God’s will in the matter. Note that we are in chapter 27, also. Interesting cross reference to Jeremiah 6:30, –30 sections of 6 degrees longitude each–which is the last verse of this chapter–“Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.” What’s really interesting about this Jeremiah cross reference is that in Mt. 27:9 it is claimed that the 30 pieces of silver are referred to by Jeremy (or Jeremiah) the prophet–but the verse referred to is actually in Zechariah 11:13 and the end of Zech. 11 is about 666–“the idol shepherd or the SLOTHFUL SERVANT–go back to Mt. 25:26.” This idol shepherd or SLOTHFUL SERVANT likes to hide his talent IN THE EARTH (Jesuits’ underground operations??). Did God deliberately make a mistake, since Jeremiah does not talk about the 30 pieces of silver, but Zechariah does when referring to 666? Did God want us to check out Jeremiah 6:30-so that we would notice the NUMBERS in the reference? GOD DESPISES THE SILVER ALLOY SHIELDS USED BY THE JESUITS TO COVER THEIR HIDDEN TALENT-see Mt. 25:26 and 30!! God rejects the worship of man (666) or of this world. Will my next marriage be when I am 48? 1948–founding of Israel. You might say, why all this Bible in a legal document? This way our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs will never forget the NUMBERS as they work. This is a great MEMORY TOOL. Don’t FORGET THAT MANY MEMBERS OF THE NET ARE Bible READERS WITH FOCUSED INPUT.
13.16(b1) After we have located the missing Russians, then we will focus on locating all missing persons all over the world (regardless of their country of citizenship), by determining who these missing persons are, and using their genetic code to find them. The Jesuits often fake deaths and then cause that person, believed to be dead, to be a full-time worker for the Jesuits hiding in the mountains or underneath deep ocean floors. Or the person will just mysteriously disappear and will be used for the Jesuits in the high mountains or deep oceans. Once we have the genetic codes for these missing persons we can sometimes find them, hidden away, working furiously for Jesuits inside a mountaintop or inside a deep ocean headquarters. If a person has no address, no phone number or if his/her address and phone number are inconsistent with his/her lifestyle–perhaps he/she uses a fake address or phone number and this address or phone number is not where this person frequents– but this person is under the control of a PLP or RSP network, that person should be investigated as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and his/her real location, living quarters and work area needs to be determined. By finding this missing person’s real location, we may find a Jesuit operation! When this Jesuit operation is found, we make arrests and destroy that operation.
13.16{c} Jesuits realize it is advantageous to use Russians for their illegal satellite operations, because Russians have a better tolerance of the bitter cold of the high mountain areas (or the deep oceans) and would work well under these conditions. Russians are also very knowledgeable about satellite operations and the first satellite in space was launched by Russia. Also, by using Russians, the Jesuits hope to implicate Vladimir Putin with their illegal satellite operations–by trying to make it appear that the illegal satellite operations are orchestrated by a Soviet style operation headed up by a Stalinist Russian-type government (headed up by who else–but the Russian President, Vladimir Putin).
13.16(d) Vladimir Putin, as the leader of all the CONSPIRACY LAW operations will conduct a census (using the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEEs of the International government) of all Russians all over the world (by studying and analyzing Russian birth records) to determine where all the Russians are (all over the world) and to determine which Russians are mysteriously missing and will supply this information about the mysteriously missing Russians to THE NET.
13.16(e) These missing Russians will be the focus of THE NET’s search and THE NET will hunt them down, and, if they are found in a mountain (or deep ocean) Jesuit satellite operation, and that they are indeed, Jesuits or Jesuit supporters, they will be executed publicly on GCFNC.
13.16(f) When these missing Russian Jesuits are found and before they are executed, Vladimir Putin and the Pope will make statements (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion detection) about their feelings about the executions of these criminals. This is important because we anticipate that many of those executed will be Russians and/or former Roman Catholics. The main thrust of the statements need to show that Vladimir and/or the Pope are not against the Russian or Roman Catholic people, but are against the Jesuits and NOT AGAINST RUSSIANS OR ROMAN CATHOLICS. But they will state that any Jesuits–regardless of their race, religious affiliation or regardless of what group they may be associated with–will be executed and that no favoritism will be shown toward any race or religion or any group when it comes to executing Jesuits.
13.16(g) Once we determine WHO ARE the mysteriously missing Russians, then we will program scanners to scan for their genetic codes as we scan the high mountains (and deep oceans) of the world and to scan all of the region of the former Soviet Union. We will use genetic scanners to find and locate these missing Russians. It is believed they are hiding in mountains (and deep oceans) all over the world and are assisting Jesuits in their illegal satellite operations (which operate from high mountain and deep ocean regions), and that these Russian Jesuits are also heavily scattered throughout all the region of the former Soviet Union (particularly the European regions of the Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc.).
13.16(h) And it is our belief that these Russian Jesuits are the primary people responsible for illegal satellite operations orchestrated by Jesuits throughout the world. THE NET will conduct a massive operations (a multi-million person military operation) with massive manpower and forces to find and locate these missing Russian Jesuits, who are believed to be hiding in the mountains of China, Iran, Russia, the Swiss Alps region, the former Soviet Union areas, and to be hiding throughout the entire area of the former Soviet Union (including the Siberian areas) and to be hiding in the deep oceans and underneath deep ocean floors of the world (particularly the area of the Bermuda Triangle). It is also believed these Russian Jesuits may be hiding in Egypt and in Jerusalem–so these areas will be scoured as well.
13.16(i) You may say how can you conduct such a large scale operation using only the forces of Germany, Russia, the United States and Israel? That is because these countries will manage and oversee the entire operations of THE NET, but these countries can hire any workers they need (and as many as they need) from anywhere in the world to belong to the military forces of THE NET as long as those they hire meet the criteria of a FOREIGN WORKER or BIBLE READER (see Sect. 13.6). THE NET will make heavy use of FOREIGN WORKERS and BIBLE READERS from all over the world. For instance, when, and if, we go into Iran, we may employ Iranians who are BIBLE READERS.
13.16(j) Those countries which will not allow us into their territory (including their ocean territories), in order to scour, scan and search their mountains or oceans for Jesuit satellite operations, will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website, and all the high mountainous (or deep ocean) regions of that TERRORIST NATION will be bombed (with bombs that can deeply penetrate the mountains or ocean floors hit), so that any satellite operations which could be located in that country’s high mountain or deep ocean regions will be destroyed. First, we will try to warn that country that their high mountain and/or ocean floor regions will be bombed, but we anticipate that if any people are killed in the high mountain or deep ocean regions, that it will be Jesuit satellite terrorists, since who else would want to live in such iceberg conditions? Currently, Iran is opposing our efforts to scour their high mountains, so Iran’s high mountain areas will be bombed to destroy any and all illegal satellite operations which may be conducted from their high mountain areas.
13.16(k) The AMNESIA CORPS must screen all potential members of THE NET and no one can be a member of THE NET if he/she has a 666-Computer induced amnesia problem. This is very important, because, let’s say, we hire a member of THE NET to scour a certain mountain or deep ocean floor region, and THAT PERSON FORGETS TO DO IT or does it and finds a Jesuit operation, but forgets to follow up on his/her discovery, that means all those on that mountain or deep ocean floor (who may be in a Jesuit satellite operation) will be overlooked and that Jesuit satellite operation will continue to operate on that mountain or underneath that deep ocean floor.
13.16(l) You might say, how can you employ a multi-million person military operation, if you will not allow anyone to be in this operation who has an amnesia problem? This is simple. We will find those we need, because we will have a large number of people to choose from: There are many Roman Catholics in the world and there are many BIBLE READERS in the world and we will allow anyone, anywhere in the world to be FOREIGN WORKER (as long as that person meets the criteria for FOREIGN WORKERS). We can also create new BIBLE READERS–that we can then use in THE NET, by supplying these FOREIGN WORKERS with Bibles.
13.16(n) Any member of THE NET or any other person, who is aware of an illegal Jesuit satellite or 666-Computer operation (or any other Jesuit operation which could be destroyed by THE NET), and who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly does not report this operation (or delays reporting this operation) to the OVERSEER TEAM which has jurisdiction over THE NET, so that, as a result, this Jesuit operation continues and is not destroyed, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All persons must report illegal activities as soon as safely possible to their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTs, who must immediately screen the information received, to determine if this is an operation that can be destroyed by THE NET. If so, THE NET must as soon as safely possible receive this information, so that that illegal Jesuit operation will be destroyed as soon as safely possible. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to prevent or delay THE NET from receiving any information about an illegal Jesuit operation which could be destroyed by THE NET, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
13.16(o) Any member of THE NET or any other person who has the responsibility to destroy an illegal satellite or 666-Computer (or any other illegal Jesuit operation) and who willingly and knowingly does not do so as soon as safely possible, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.16(p) Any member of THE NET who willingly and knowingly destroys a LEGAL operation, so that innocent lives are lost or a legal operation is curtailed or destroyed, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. It must be remembered that THE NET’s own military bases will also be on the mountains, so it is very important not to destroy our own bases while we destroy enemy bases.
13.16(q) All members of THE NET must follow the orders given to them by their supervisors, who will be part of the OVERSEER TEAM. Any net member who disobeys an order from a supervisor (unless that supervisor is in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW), will be discharged from THE NET and if this disobedience results in innocent lives lost or in the continuation of Jesuit operations (which otherwise would have been destroyed), then that disobedient NET MEMBER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
13.16® All orders given by the OVERSEER TEAM, must be screened by 4 other members of the OVERSEER TEAM (who will also sign and approve of the order). No order by any member of the OVERSEER TEAM can be executed, until that order has been screened, approved and signed by 4 other members of the OVERSEER TEAM. Any order which is knowingly and willingly passed or delayed by members of the OVERSEER TEAM, when those team members knew (when they signed, approved or delayed the order) that their tactics would cause Jesuit operations to flourish and/or to escape our destruction, will cause those OVERSEER members that signed and approved and/or delayed this order to receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Generally, it is a good idea to immediately destroy any Jesuit operation, before those Jesuits have an opportunity to relocate and escape our grasp.
13.16(s) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to bypass or violate the guidelines in this Sect. 13.16 regarding THE NET with the intent to assist Jesuits in their terrorist enterprises, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
All violations of this Sect. 14 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
14.0 Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler will each write a MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT. Nothing can be in this MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT, unless that comment passes 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection by the cross-examiner or by Vladimir or Gail who makes the comment.
14.1 In this statement, Vladimir and/or Gail may be publicly direct or cross-examined on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL to determine the real reasons why they want to marry each other. The cross-examiners must include all the reasons (which the cross-examiners determine through direct or cross-examination) as to why Gail and/or Vladimir want to marry the other (in Gail and/or Vladimir’s MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENTS). Both Vladimir and/or Gail can volunteer any reasons (to add onto the MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT) as to why they want to marry the other, and can add these reasons onto their MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT [as long as those reasons (which they add) pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection when they make a statement regarding that reason for wanting to marry the other].
14.2 The MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENTS (for Vladimir and Gail) will be broadcast and published on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
14.3 The MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT will be divided into two sections. The first section will begin like this. . . “The reason(s) I want to marry Vladimir/Gail are. . .”. The second section will begin like this. . . “I most definitely am not marrying Vladimir/Gail because of. . .”.
14.4 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person involved in the MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT for Vladimir or Gail –to produce an incomplete, inaccurate, misleading or false MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT for either Gail and/or Vladimir, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates (directly or indirectly) in such an attempt or action.
14.41 The MARRIAGE INTENTION STATEMENT can be modified/updated as needed, as long as all modifications/updates pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection by the person who makes the modification.
Put Gail Schuler under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection as she makes/types the following statement. . .
The reason(s) I want to marry Vladimir Putin are. . .:
I love him and have utmost respect for him. He’s a manly, courageous and heroic pioneer. He’s a great and visionary leader, with great vision and heroic and focused goals. I feel he will be/is a great father to my son and that he’s a great father to his two daughters. He is persistent and patient, with follow-through.
He accepts and loves me the way I am. When problems arise, he handles them positively, without whining–he looks for solutions, instead of problems–and is a man of action. He is a positive person in the way he handles me (regardless of tremendous difficulties and frustrations) and never berates me or tries to make me feel worthless. He loves and honors me and cares about my welfare.
I feel he’s handsome and attractive, especially in the manly and heroic glow I see in his eyes and expression.
He has extraordinary wisdom in dealing with our mutual enemies and I feel I can trust his judgment and leadership as the head of our home.
He respects my faith in and belief in the Bible and has adopted many of my beliefs (based on the Bible).
He is financially responsible. I believe he will be a great provider to me and my son. He is a hard worker.
He has high intelligence (to match my own) and, therefore, does not feel threatened by my high intelligence–but rather, considers my intelligence an asset and encourages me to develop my talents and capabilities and welcomes my input, suggestions and thoughts. He genuinely appreciates my contributions to his work and goals, and enthusiastically embraces my intellectual and emotional support toward his goals and dreams, and this makes me feel that I am an indispensable part of his life and a valued member of his team. He is a great team player with me and Vladimir and I make a great team.
He is passionate.
He has a sense of humor.
I like his Russian/German combination. The Russian side gives him an artistic appreciation, so that he values and deeply appreciates my artistic and literary achievements–like my writings and my appreciation of classical music and of creative endeavors. Many of my favorite writings and musical compositions are Russian–like Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov’s musical compositions and I feel he can feel the music and feel the emotional depths of great writings and artistic achievements–this is something I desire in a mate, since I am deeply artistic and creative and anyone who marries me and can’t feel the artistry in great works of art–will miss an important aspect of my soul and personality. Vladimir seems to have the Russian trait of a deep love and appreciation for great works of art. I, also, have Russian blood and this may be where much of my artistry comes from.
His German side gives him great leadership qualities and courage and vision. In Vladimir, I see a possible future Martin Luther, who was the great German pioneer who had the heroic courage to stand up to the evils in the Roman Catholic empire of his time. I feel Vladimir’s heroism and tremendous courage come from his German side. The only area where he is not brave is with me and I believe that’s because I mean so much to him. I, also, have German blood, and this may be where much of my courage comes from.
He is compassionate towards the innocents who suffer under the hand of oppressors, but courageous enough to execute those oppressors.
I respect and love who he is as a person and value the contributions he makes to humanity and feel I can assist and support him in his worthy goals.
Put Gail Schuler under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection as she types/makes the following statement. . .
I most definitely am not marrying Vladimir because of:
His wealth or fame, since I am not enamored with wealth or fame, but consider wealth and fame the transitory, unstable and unreliable aspects of this life and feel one should strive for eternal and deeper goals in this life.
The fact that he is a President, because I do not feel that a POSITION makes a person. I would never marry a man because of his position alone, but would consider it important that he had all the qualities that I consider essential in a husband. However, I admire the way that Vladimir has handled his Russian Presidency; since he has used his position, not to further selfish or unworthy goals, but to improve the lot of mankind and enhance human rights and justice in the world.
His looks or physical appearance alone–since I am more attracted to the manly glow of his spirit, which radiates from his expression, attitudes and demeanor–and these things are not dependent on a muscular physique or a handsome face.
Sex alone. I believe that in his mind and soul, he loves me passionately, and though the Jesuits may undermine his lovemaking attempts– as long as his feelings toward me are passionate, even if his body does not cooperate (because of 666-Computer or satellite computer interference)–I can be content. We will have to find ways to express love for each other creatively, in spite of 666-Computer or satellite computer interference.
The fact that I could not get Brent Spiner. Vladimir is just as attractive to me as Brent was/is and is not less valuable to me as a husband than Brent. Brent is a wonderful person and I have utmost respect for Brent. If not for the Jesuits, I believe I would be married to Brent–but I do not feel that Vladimir is second best after Brent. To me, both Brent and Vladimir are equally valuable. I have a promise from God that I will have intimacy with Brent in the Jewish millenium and this has made me feel at peace about my feelings for Brent in this life.
All violations of this Sect. 15 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
15.0 The Jesuit leader(s) will write a MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT where the Jesuit leader(s) will be direct or cross-examined on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL as to why they oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin. No UNWILLING AGENT will write or make any MARRIAGE SUPPORT or OPPOSITION STATEMENT–any attempt (or action) to cause an UNWILLING AGENT to make a MARRIAGE SUPPORT or OPPOSITION STATEMENT will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly makes such an attempt or action. Nothing can be in this MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT, unless that comment passes 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection by the cross-examiner or by the Jesuit who makes the comment.
15.1 The Jesuit leader(s) may be publicly direct or cross-examined on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL to determine the real reasons why they oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin. The cross-examiners must include all the reasons (which the cross-examiners determine through direct or cross-examination) as to why the Jesuits oppose the marriage of Gail to Vladimir (in the MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENTS).
15.2 The Jesuit leader(s) can volunteer any reasons (to add onto the MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT) as to why they oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin, and can add these reasons onto their MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT [as long as those reasons (which they add) pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection when they make a statement regarding that reason for wanting to oppose the marriage of Gail and Vladimir].
15.3 The MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT (for the Jesuits) will be broadcast and published on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT will be divided into two sections. The first section will be like this. . .”The reason(s) I oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin are. . .”. The second section will be like this. . .”I most definitely do not oppose the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin because of. . .”.
15.4 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person involved in the MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT (for the Jesuits) –to produce an incomplete, inaccurate, misleading or false MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates (directly or indirectly) in such an attempt or action.
15.41 The MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENT can be modified/updated as needed, as long as all modifications/updates pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection by the person who makes the modification.
All violations of this Sect. 16 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
16.0 Brent Spiner (and any other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS who need to write this statement), will write or make the MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT, where Brent (or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON) will be direct or cross-examined for their real feelings regarding the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin. No UNWILLING AGENT will write or make any MARRIAGE SUPPORT or OPPOSITION STATEMENT–any attempt (or action) to cause an UNWILLING AGENT to make a MARRIAGE SUPPORT or OPPOSITION STATEMENT will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly makes such an attempt or action. Nothing can be in this MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT, unless that comment passes 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection by the cross-examiner or by Brent Spiner (or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON) who makes the comment.
16.1 Brent Spiner (and any other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS who need to write this statement) may be publicly direct or cross-examined on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL to determine the real reasons why they support or do not support the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin. The cross-examiners must include all the reasons (which the cross-examiners determine through direct or cross-examination) as to why Brent (or any other SIGNIFICANT PERSON) support or do not support the marriage of Gail to Vladimir (in the MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENTS). Brent (or the SIGNIFICANT PERSON) can volunteer any reasons (to add onto the MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT) as to why they support or do not support the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin, and can add these reasons onto their MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT [as long as those reasons (which they add) pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection when they make a statement regarding that reason for wanting to support or not support the marriage of Gail and Vladimir].
16.2 The MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENTS (by Brent or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) will be broadcast and published on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT will be divided into two sections. The first section will begin like this. . .”The reason(s) I support (or do not support) the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin are. . .”. The second section will begin like this. . .”I most definitely do not support the marriage of Gail Schuler to Vladimir Putin because of. . “
16.3 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person involved in the MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT (for Brent or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) –to produce an incomplete, inaccurate, misleading or false MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENT (for either Brent Spiner or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates (directly or indirectly) in such an attempt or action.
All violations of this Sect. 17 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
17.0 Other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS or persons can write or make MARRIAGE SUPPORT STATEMENTS (see Sect. 16) or MARRIAGE OPPOSITION STATEMENTS (see Sect. 15)–but they must be willing to undergo public direct or cross-examination on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL regarding what should be included in these statements, and must understand that when they are direct or cross-examined, that their cross-examiners can add their own comments regarding what should be in that MARRIAGE SUPPORT or OPPOSITION STATEMENT (as long as that cross-examiner’s comment(s) passes 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection and as long as that comment(s) is/are legally pertinent to the statement).
All violations of this Sect. 18 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
18.0 Anytime, Gail Schuler (or any SIGNIFICANT PERSON) is ATTACKED by a 666-Computer or satellite computer–see Sect. 18.01 (via UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS) from any country which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website, a poll will be taken (which must follow the guidelines of Sect. 8 of this document) among the people of that country to determine how those people feel about the persons who use underground 666-Computer or satellite computer bunkers from their country to ATTACK Gail Schuler (or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON).
18.01 To be ATTACKED by a 666-Computer or satellite computer (via LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or any illegal method) is defined as any use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer on a person which is a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. This would include the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to cause a person to be used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
18.1 The people of that country will be asked (in this poll) what punishment they’d recommend for those persons who are using UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS from their country to ATTACK Gail Schuler (or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON) via 666-Computer or satellite computer LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING.
18.2 When the poll results come in, the results will be published/broadcasted on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (giving percentages of those who answered for each answer or response) and the wishes of the majority of the people of that country will be respected [regarding how to handle those persons who attack Gail Schuler (or a SIGNIFICANT PERSON)] from UNDERGROUND 666-Computer or satellite computer BUNKERS from within their country.
18.3 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to present any false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete poll results (regarding the matters of this Sect. 18) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action). A poll result will be considered false, misleading, inaccurate and incomplete, if the poll is not conducted according to the guidelines of Sect. 8 of this document; and any person who deliberately, knowingly and willing attempts to violate Sect. 8 of this document (while conducting a poll) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
All violations of this Sect. 19 and 20 are subject to be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. The removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING referred to in CONSPIRACY LAW refers to all LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING, even LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING for animals or other living creatures besides humans.
19.0 A CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION is defined as any company (or companies) –see Sect. 19.01 (retailer or wholesaler), government organization (or organizations) or any organization (or organizations) which sells food, grocery, pharmaceutical or medicinal CONSUMPTION ITEMS (which are items which can be swallowed, absorbed, ingested or introduced into the body–especially if these items can contain HINDERING or ENHANCING SUBSTANCES which can enter the bloodstream and go to the brain).
19.01 A CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION can also be any company (in combination with other companies). For instance, Wal-Mart is a retailer, but buys goods from other companies to sell; and, let’s say that Wal-Mart ends up in the top 44 tier. More than likely, Wal-Mart could not have accomplished this feat without the cooperation and teamwork of the companies that it buys from (and whose products it sells). In this case, Wal-Mart (along with all those companies it worked with–who helped Wal-Mart enhance its sales or promotions of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS) would receive the bonus from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. If the winner turns out to be a conglomerate of this sort, it will be titled “The Wal-Mart Conglomerate” when it is mentioned on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and those companies that assisted Wal-Mart will also be mentioned (underneath the Wal-Mart heading) and rewarded with bonuses. It seems only fair that a Company, for instance, which makes bread (with the ENHANCING SUBSTANCE) and does it in a manner which honors CONSPIRACY LAW and sells its products through Wal-Mart, should be honored as well as Wal-Mart. However, this does not mean that every company which sells its products through Wal-Mart will be considered part of “The Wal-Mart Conglomerate”–only those companies which sell their products through Wal-Mart, and which are as outstanding as Wal-Mart in promoting and selling POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS would be those that could be considered part of “The Wal-Mart Conglomerate”. Wal-Mart is listed only as an example, and is not meant to be indicative of the outcome.
19.1 Items which can be swallowed, absorbed, ingested or introduced into the body; and which could be used to enhance or hinder the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from PERSON-PROGRAMS are called CONSUMPTION ITEMS. And these CONSUMPTION ITEMS may contain either HINDERING SUBSTANCES or ENHANCING SUBSTANCES, depending on how the CONSUMPTION ITEMS are used.
19.2 An ENHANCING SUBSTANCE is any substance which, when incorporated into a CONSUMPTION ITEM and introduced (via the CONSUMPTION ITEM) into the body of a person, helps PLP and RSPs (and legal 666-Computer or satellite computer operators) to assist PROGRAMMERS in removing LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from that person’s PERSON-PROGRAM.
19.4 Any deliberate, knowing and willing (direct or indirect) attempt (or action) to classify a NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM as a POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a deceitful scheme.
19.5 Those CONSUMPTION ITEMS which contain both ENHANCING and HINDERING SUBSTANCES will be classified as NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS, since we do not encourage the use of anyHINDERING SUBSTANCES in any CONSUMPTION ITEM.
19.6 A HINDERING SUBSTANCE is any substance which, when incorporated into a CONSUMPTION ITEM and introduced (via the CONSUMPTION ITEM) into the body of a person, hinders or prevents PLP and RSPs (and legal 666-Computer or satellite computer operators) from assisting PROGRAMMERS in removing LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from that person’s PERSON-PROGRAM.
19.8 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to classify a CONSUMPTION ITEM as a NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM when, in fact, that item is a POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who (directly or indirectly) participates in such a scheme.
19.81 Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly, deliberately and knowingly allows the existence of any NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM (in any manner) and especially if that person allows the existence of a NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM with the intent to use it to enter the body of any person (via ANY METHOD) in order to hinder or prevent the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from any PERSON-PROGRAM–will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS must be destroyed and/or made unavailable or altered–so that they cannot be introduced into any person’s body in order to hinder or prevent the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from any PERSON-PROGRAM.
19.9 Those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS which do an outstanding job of promoting public health by selling (or promoting) a large amount of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS (that is, which sell the items that do the most to produce the largest COVERAGE [see Sect. 19.90] of the population) or which do an outstanding job of promoting CONSPIRACY LAW, will receive a substantial financial bonus –called a TERRORISM BONUS (see Sect. 19.91) from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (see Sections 13 & 14 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS). Because Jesuits may target CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS which promote a large amount of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS (so that crowds are drawn away from these organizations) or which promote CONSPIRACY LAW, organizations will be rewarded not just for actual sales, but for their efforts in promoting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS and CONSPIRACY LAW. In other words, those organizations that put forth the effort to promote the POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS and/or CONSPIRACY LAW, even if they don’t get the sales, will also be rewarded. Promotion, as well as sales, will be taken into consideration, when deciding which organizations belong in the top 44 tier. Promotion can be assessed by the amount of money and time spent in advertising and promotion of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS. These CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS will be encouraged to use this TERRORISM BONUS to further their efforts to sell (or promote) POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS to the public and to further their efforts to promote CONSPIRACY LAW.
19.90 COVERAGE is defined as the percentage of the population which is ingesting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS.
19.91 The benefits of this TERRORISM BONUS must be given equally to all workers of the CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION and it must not only benefit the top management of the organization. Legal contracts will be drawn before TERRORISM BONUSES from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK are given to outstanding CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS, in which it will be stipulated in the contract that the TERRORISM BONUS is given only on the condition that all those who work for the CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION will be equally rewarded with the bonus. The TERRORISM BONUS needs to be spread out evenly among all the workers of that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION. So, let’s say, the bonus is one million dollars, and the organization has 500 employees. Each of those 500 employees (regardless of rank in the organization) will receive an extra $2,000.00 (which is– $1,000,000 divided by 500). Any CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION which violates this contract and does not divide the bonus evenly among its workers, will be sued to return the bonus (for breach of contract), and will be mentioned as a violator of CONSPIRACY LAW on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (and persons involved with that organization may be prosecuted as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS–with possible death penalty implications).
19.92 Also, if, as a result of being an effective promoter of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or of CONSPIRACY LAW, that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION is targeted by the Jesuits (causing undue JESUIT STRESS on its employees)–that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION must compensate its workers for the extra JESUIT STRESS they must endure because of this Jesuit targeting. This compensation will also be granted to any organization which promotes CONSPIRACY LAW and suffers financial losses because of Jesuit targeting directed against the organization for its promotion and support of CONSPIRACY LAW. For instance, because Wal-Mart has stood behind Gail Schuler and her CONSPIRACY LAW, Wal-Mart has endured lawsuits and targeting by Jesuits; therefore, Wal-Mart qualifies for compensation from the International Charity Bank, since this company has suffered damage by Jesuits for their support of CONSPIRACY LAW.
19.93 JESUIT STRESS is defined as any stress induced by Jesuits to cause a worker to experience a greater than usual amount of stress in his/her job, and which is stress that is put on that person because that person is a (direct or indirect) worker for a CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION which is effectively selling and promoting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or which promotes CONSPIRACY LAW.
19.94 Examples of JESUIT STRESS are the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to cause a worker to report to work with a 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illness (or 666-Computer or satellite computer induced sleep loss) or by constant 666-Computer or satellite computer induced mental lapses which occur while the worker is working (which cause stressful mistakes) or by the use of UNWILLING AGENTS [(whether they be co-workers or customers or whatever) to constantly test and try and wear out those workers who are not UNWILLING AGENTS]. Sometimes the UNWILLING AGENT worker himself (or herself) can be a victim of stress (while he/she stresses out everyone around him/her), because the Jesuits may overwork (and stress out) that UNWILLING AGENT (via 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulation) and cause that UNWILLING AGENT to go into unreasonable frenzies. It can be caused by having machines and computers malfunction on the job (through the use of Jesuit satellite technology to undermine the organization’s machines or computers). It can be caused by using UNWILLING AGENTS within that organization (particularly managers) to mistreat or target fellow workers, in order to lower morale within that organization. It can be caused by using UNWILLING AGENT customers to be extremely unreasonable and complicated when dealing with workers of that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION. It can be caused by causing customers to rampage a store and cause extra long lines and extra business and thus, make it so that workers are frantically busy all the time. It can be caused by any complications or convolutions induced by Jesuits to make that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION a stressful place to work for its workers.
19.95 The stress levels of the workers can be determined through 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis, and if these levels are extraordinarily high on a certain day for a particular worker because of Jesuit targeting of that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (or because of Jesuit targeting of that particular CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION worker), that would be defined as a STRESS DAY for that worker. We are concerned that if the workers of a outstanding CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (or any ORGANIZATION which promotes CONSPIRACY LAW) becomes too stressed, it could destroy that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION and result in lawsuits against that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (which could cause the downfall of that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION). It is our goal to reward and retain those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS (and ORGANIZATIONS which promote CONSPIRACY LAW) which do an outstanding job of supporting us in the war against terrorism, because the use of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS on as much of the population as possible (and to have the support of organizations in our war against Jesuit terrorism) is essential if we are to win this war and the International government needs the support of organizations in order to win this war against Jesuit terrorism. Those organizations which support CONSPIRACY LAW and are targeted by Jesuits for this support, will be compensated by the International government.
19.96 No CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (or any organization) will be listed in the top 44 tier unless it pays each worker an extra two dollars (or more) an hour for every hour that worker works on a STRESS DAY (once that worker acculumulates more than 7 STRESS DAYS in a month OR if that worker has less then 7 actual STRESS DAYS, but those 1 to 6 days of stress a month are extraordinary and would be the equivalent of 7 STRESS DAYS–see rest of this Sect. 19.96). So 7 STRESS DAYS (for the purpose of this document) are defined as 7 STRESS DAYS or less than 7 actual STRESS DAYS if those 1 to 6 days of stress a month are extraordinary and would be the equivalent of 7 STRESS DAYS. The 7 STRESS DAYS don’t have to be one right after another, but once 7 STRESS DAYS have accumulated for any worker in a month, that worker is entitled to STRESS PAY (which is the extra two dollars or more an hour for every hour worked on every STRESS DAY). This means, that, let’s say a worker has ten STRESS DAYS in a month. That means he/she should be paid an extra two dollars or more an hour for TEN DAYS in that month (including the original 7 days).
19.96(a) STRESS DAYS will be evaluated by that worker’s PLP or RSP and the level of stress will be given a rating. The rating will be anywhere from 1 to 10. 1 to 3 is normal levels of stress and there will be no extra compensation for level 1 to 3 days. 4 to 6 would qualify as a regular STRESS DAY and would entitle that worker to an extra two dollars an hour for every hour worked on the day when that worker was at a 4 to 6 level of stress.
19.96(b) If that worker worked on a week where his/her stress level was 7, he/she will receive an extra 4 dollars an hour for every hour worked on that stress day and that level 7 stress day will count as two STRESS DAYS (to count towards his/her cumulative monthly total).
19.96{c} If that worker worked on a week where his/her stress level was 8, he/she will receive an extra 6 dollars an hour for every hour worked on that stress day and that level 8 stress day will count as four STRESS DAYS (to count towards his/her cumulative monthly total).
19.96(d) If that worker worked on a week where his/her stress level was 9, he/she will receive an extra 8 dollars an hour for every hour worked on that stress day and that level 9 stress day will count as six STRESS DAYS (to count towards his/her cumulative monthly total).
19.96(e) If that worker worked on a week where his/her stress level was 10, he/she will receive an extra 10 dollars an hour for every hour worked on that stress day and that level 10 stress day will count as eight STRESS DAYS (to count towards his/her cumulative monthly total). This worker will automatically qualify for compensation for all STRESS DAYS (since the minimum 7 days have been met) which he/she suffers during that month, and the amount of the compensation for those STRESS DAYS will be according to the level of stress experienced on the different STRESS DAYS (as outlined in this Sect. 19.96). And remember, some STRESS DAYS (for high levels of stress) will count as more than one day.
Also, regardless of the level of stress experienced by that worker (since some workers may be very tough)–if the stress could be described in a court of law as related to (or caused by) any type of discrimination–that worker who experienced that discrimination on that work day (called a DISCRIMINATION DAY) will have that day count as a level 10 stress day and will receive an extra 10 dollars an hour for every hour worked on that DISCRIMINATION day and that level 10 stress day will count as eight STRESS DAYS (to count towards his/her cumulative monthly total). Any worker who suffers from a DISCRIMINATION DAY will automatically qualify to receive compensation for every STRESS DAY worked during that month (since the minimum of 7 stress days has been automatically met). This means that if a worker suffers from Jesuit induced discrimination, even if the company is not guilty of the discrimination, but the company could be accused of discrimination, that worker will receive an extra ten dollars an hour for the alleged discrimination which he/she suffered and that worker will be paid an extra ten dollars an hour for EIGHT of that worker’s regular work days. This means if someone had one DISCRIMINATION DAY and that worker regularly works eight hours a week, then he/she will be paid an extra ten dollars an hour for 8 days or for 64 hours of work’$640.00 extra gross pay a month over and above that worker’s regular pay for that month PLUS he/she will receive compensation over and above that worker’s regular pay for every other STRESS DAY worked during that month. The International government will pay out to those companies the extra money that company needs to pay to its workers who suffer from DISCRIMINATION STRESS (caused by Jesuit targeting of that company). The reason for these laws of this Sect. 19.96 is to make a firm statement that the International government will not tolerate discrimination in any form and expects those companies which honor CONSPIRACY LAW to show true equity to all the workers in that company’s workforce, and the International government will compensate those workers who suffer any type of Jesuit induced discrimination because of targeting that worker suffers for working for a company that honors CONSPIRACY LAW.
19.97 Also, not only must the worker be paid an extra two dollars (or more) an hour for every STRESS DAY he/she endures (once that worker has accumulated more than 7 STRESS DAYS in a month), but the ORGANIZATION must ensure that the worker receives sufficient break time to refresh and relax his mind while working (in order to help cope with the stress). And, if it becomes necessary, the ORGANIZATION should allow that worker (even if it is a new worker who normally would not be entitled to sick leave) to take paid sick leave for 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illnesses induced on that worker (which caused that worker to miss scheduled work days), so that his/her mind and body can recover and he/she can return to work without undue stress caused by having to report to work dragged out and physically debilitated.
19.98 We anticipate that those ORGANIZATIONS which do an outstanding job of promoting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or of promoting CONSPIRACY LAW will be heavily targeted by Jesuits, because this promotion of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or of CONSPIRACY LAW really damages the Jesuits in the war against terrorism. It may be necessary for these ORGANIZATIONs to hire extra workers to compensate for 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illnesses or injuries which will be induced in its regular workforce (because of intense Jesuit targeting which will be put on that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION for effectively promoting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or for that organization’s promotion of CONSPIRACY LAW).
19.99 Any CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (or any other organization) which makes the top 44 tier, will be compensated 100% from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK for all STRESS DAYS (including any 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE caused by 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illnesses or injuries) which it must pay out to its workers. Any organization which also does an outstanding job of supporting and promoting CONSPIRACY LAW, even if it does not sell CONSUMPTION ITEMS, will be entered into consideration of the top 44 tier. The International President, in combination with the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEEs will help make the decisions about which organizations make the top 44 tier.
19.99(a) Decisions regarding which CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS (or other organizations) are in the top 44 tier will be decided immediately (once the statistics and evaluations regarding the CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION’s compliance with Sections 19 & 20 of this document and once evaluations come in from the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES and these results have come in to the officers or board of directors of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK) and TERRORISM BONUS payouts (and 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE payouts) to those which are in the top 44 tier could begin immediately after the decisions regarding the top 44 tier are reached. Once any CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (or any organization) falls out of the top 44 tier, it will lose the benefits of being in the top 44 tier (as defined in Sections 19 & 20 of this document), though it may still receive bonuses from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK.
19.99(b) Those workers of any ORGANIZATION which makes the top 44 tier, who miss work and must be paid sick leave (because of 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illnesses or injuries) and will be paid 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE (which would be the same salary or payment they would have received had they not been ill or injured with a 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illness or injury and could have reported to work). The INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will cover all such sick leave expenses (as defined in this Sect. 19.99). This is called 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE and 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE is indefinite and will last as long as that worker (of a top 44 tier organization) is ill or injured because of a 666-Computer or satellite computer induced illness or injury. PLP and RSPs can determine whether that worker of a top 44 tier organization has an illness or injury caused by the 666-Computer or satellite computer.
19.99{c} 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE is not sick leave caused for reasons besides the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer on that person to cause him/her to become ill or injured. However, if Jesuits use UNWILLING AGENTS to contaminate a worker’s workplace with germs or other illness causing conditions–or use UNWILLING AGENTS to create hazards in the workplace, so that that worker becomes ill or injured and misses work, this will be considered an indirect use of the 666-Computer to make a person ill or injured and this person will qualify for 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE. PLP and RSPs can determine whether or not a worker’s illness or injury has been induced (directly or indirectly) by the 666-Computer or satellite computer. No 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE is to be paid out to workers unless that sick leave has become necessary because of (direct or indirect) use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer on that person to cause that person to become ill or injured to the point where that person is unable to report to work.
19.99(d) In addition, all health care expenses incurred because of the 666-Computer induced illness or injury will be covered. The INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT will assist persons of POSITIVE COMSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS targeted by the 666-Computer to send the strong message that the International government opposes the use of the 666-Computer to sicken and kill people (who assist in the war against terrorism) and that it wants this stopped. After that worker’s health insurance covers the 666-Computer induced illness or injury, any amount which the health insurance does not cover–perhaps because it was defined as a pre-existing condition or the worker had not met a certain time qualification for coverage or perhaps the item needed is something not covered by his/her insurance, the International government will cover the expenses for any item necessary for that person to maintain his/her health. That person’s PLP or RSP will determine whether the item which that person bought was necessary for him/her to maintain his/her health because of a 666-Computer induced condition.
19.99(e) For example, let’s say a person has a pre-existing condition of allergies and, therefore, his/her health coverage will not cover allergies. But this person is inflicted by so many 666-Computer induced allergies, that he/she has to spend exorbitant amounts of money on allergies out-of-pocket to say functional–perhaps most of this money goes to more expensive non-allergenic foods, supplements to deal with allergy symptoms, etc.
19.99(f) The international government will figure out the difference between what this person’s expenses would be if he/she did not have to deal with allergies compared to his/her expenses which have been incurred to deal with allergies. This could include compensation for losses for food that had to be thrown out or whatever. So, let’s say that without an allergic condition, this person’s expenses for groceries and medicines is about $200 a month. But because of 666-Computer induced allergies, this person’s expenses for groceries and medicine and allergy helps are now $400 a month. That’s because this person has 666-Computer induced chemical and food allergies and must buy organic food, and must spend money on allergy air filters, bedding, air cleaners, etc. and this doubles his/her grocery Gail’s stepdad and to deal with symptoms this person must also buy supplements and medicines and equipment to deal with allergy symptoms and this person had to give away or throw out foods which she/he became allergic to– so that this person can manage his/her symptoms. This gives this person much financial stress.
19.99(g) If possible, the reimbursement for the expenses will come through the health insurance (if the patient has one). Ideally, the patient should be reimbursed by having his/her health care provider give him/her the needed service or product free of charge, since this places less of a strain on the patient and does not force the patient to have to wait for reimbursement (which might never come)–Jesuits like to induce complications with health care insurance.
If that patient has seen a physician or health care provider for his/her condition, all he/she has to do is make sure his/her health care provider files a claim for his/her condition and the health insurance will immediately cover the 666-Computer induced condition–even if the required time limits have not been met or even if it would normally be considered a pre-existing condition or would normally be denied for other reasons.
19.99(h) The best way to cover this, would be to contact the physician or health care provider or pharmacist involved and inform them that they should not charge the patient for the visit or the medicine or equipment, because it will be covered completely by that patient’s health insurance (via the international government). In fact, the international government will give that health care provider the money immediately, and if the health care provider charges the patient for the service or product after receiving money from the international government, that health care provider will be charged with larceny and tried under CONSPIRACY LAW as a Jesuit supporter. The international government will ensure that that health care provider is paid for his/her services (as long as that health care provider’s services are deemed necessary by that patient’s PLP or RSP because of that patient’s 666-Computer induced condition)–even if normally the condition would not be covered by that patient’s health insurance.
19.99(i) In cases where the required item or service is definitely something not normally covered by health insurance but is something that patient needs to maintain his/her health (as determined by that patient’s PLP or RSP) because of his/her 666-Computer induced condition– that patient will be reimbursed for his/her expenses in the form of overtime or other type of pay (via his/her paycheck). The extra pay can be labeled however the company wants to label it, but one way or another, that patient will be reimbursed (via his/her paycheck or compensation check from his job) for his/her 666-Computer induced condition. So let’s say that the patient spent an extra $180 a month for organic food and an air cleaner which he/she would not have needed to spend without his 666-Computer induced chemical sensitivities. That patient will receive an extra $180 a month in overtime or other pay to compensate him/her for his extra expense incurred because of a 666-Computer induced condition. The international government will pay that worker’s company the money needed to cover the extra expense and the company will funnel that money to the patient through his/her paycheck in the form of overtime or other pay.
20.0 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will publish and/or broadcast the results (and statistics) of the top 44 CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS in the world. The top 44 organizations will be ranked from top to bottom, so that those really outstanding organizations can be honored for their outstanding contributions to the war against terrorism and to public health. The higher ranking organizations will receive greater bonuses from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK than the lower ranking organizations (in the top 44). The top 44 organizations would be those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS who are the most effective in selling and promoting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS to the public (perhaps by the use of advertising, sales, free samples, etc.) or of promoting CONSPIRACY LAW. The bonuses given to these organizations from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will also be publicized on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and what these CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS do with their bonuses will also be publicized.
20.1 Bonuses from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK may not be limited to the top 44 organizations, but can be used for any outstanding CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (which promotes the sales and/or distribution to the public of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or which promotes CONSPIRACY LAW). However, THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is not obligated to promote or publicize the efforts of those organizations which are not in the top 44 tier.
20.2 Any (direct or indirect) attacks (which are violations of CONSPIRACY LAW) directed at any of the outstanding CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS (or their employees) will receive special attention on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and will be throughly condemned by the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to draw attention in a negative manner to an outstanding CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (or its employees), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and all those involved in such a scheme will be direct or cross-examined, must make CONFESSION STATEMENTS and will be publicly executed on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs).
20.2 Any deliberate, willing and knowing (direct or indirect) attempt (or action) by any person to list a CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION as one of the top 44 organizations on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, when that organization is not truly one of the best 44 organizations in the world (in promoting and selling POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMs and in honoring CONSPIRACY LAW and Sections 19 and 20 of this document), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a deceitful scheme.
20.21 All CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONs which appear to be in the running for the top 44, will be audited by a WORKER’S RIGHTS COMMITTEE (composed of attorneys who specialize in this area), who will audit those organizations to ensure that the organization honors CONSPIRACY LAW and respects human rights and the dignity of each individual within that organization. No bigotry, racism or religious intolerance will be permitted (or allowed to be promoted) in any CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION which is listed in the top 44 tier. Also, the WORKER’S RIGHTS COMMITTEE will audit that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION to ensure that it does not abuse its employees and that its employees have the opportunity for adequate health coverage and sick leave coverage (if those employees work in a country where those benefits are not normally covered by the government). No CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATON will be honored in the top 44 tier if it abuses its workers and does not care for its worker’s health and illnesses (should sick leave becomes necessary for its workers).
20.3 Those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS (or other organizations) who use their bonuses (from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK) to further promote and sell POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or to promote CONSPIRACY LAW, will receive additional bonuses from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (and these bonuses will be publicized on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and how these bonuses are used by that CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION will also be publicized). There is no limit to the number of bonuses outstanding CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS (or other organizations) can receive from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to promote the sales and distribution of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or to promote CONSPIRACY LAW, as long as these bonuses are used to promote the sales and distribution of POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or to promote CONSPIRACY LAW.
20.4 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will also publish and/or broadcast the results (and statistics) of those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS which promote or sell NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS (or which promote CONSPIRACY LAW) and will publicize the lawsuits and criminal proceedings which will be brought against these organizations (by the governments who have jurisdiction over these organizations).
20.41 Any CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION who (directly or indirectly) willingly, knowingly and deliberately sells or promotes any NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEM will be subject to lawsuits and to criminal proceedings as a terrorist organization.
20.5 Any government which will not cooperate with the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in bringing lawsuits and criminal proceedings against those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS which sell or promote NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS, will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW.
20.6 Complete financial statements and accounting records of all bonuses (including the accompanying legal contracts which accompany those bonuses–see Sect. 19.91) given to CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS for outstanding work in promoting POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS or CONSPIRACY LAW will be posted and/or broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person to present false accounting or financial or legal information regarding these bonuses on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to those who participate in such a scheme.
20.61 Any attempt (or action) to draw attention to the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING with the motive to orchestrate a conspiracy which revolves around the removal of the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (motive can be determined with the 666-Computer or satellite computer and through direct or cross-examination), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who willingly, knowingly and deliberately makes such an attempt (or action).
20.62 Any attempt (or action) to hinder the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING by causing excessive urination or dehydration or poisoning of water supplies or by blood flow away from the brain [(or by whatever direct or indirect method is used to hinder the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING–again, motive can be determined by the 666-Computer or satellite computer)–since the body (especially the brain) needs to be hydrated in order for the ENHANCING SUBSTANCE to be most effective in removing LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING]–will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who deliberately, knowingly and willingly participates in such a scheme.
20.63 If any CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (which effectively promotes POSITIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS) is targeted to the point that any of its workers is murdered by Jesuit Conspirators (whether by acts of Jesuit terrorism, by the 666-Computer or satellite computer, by satellite technology, or by any other violation of CONSPIRACY LAW)–any FAMILY MEMBERS–see Sect. 20.64 (of the murdered victim) left behind (who would be left destitute because of this murder), will be given enough monthly financial support from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to support them adequately for their housing, food and medical needs for the rest of their lives.
20.64 A FAMILY MEMBER (see Sect. 20.63) would be defined as any person who (before the murder) was financially dependent on that murdered family member for financial support; and who, without that support, would be left without adequate finances to meet his/her needs for adequate housing, food and medical care. The support amounts given to these destitute FAMILY MEMBERS will be broadcast on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and will continue to be listed on the THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’s website for the duration of the monthly payouts to that FAMILY MEMBER. THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL hopes that by publicizing these payouts, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT can show his/her concern for those CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATIONS whose workers become victims of Jesuit targeting.
20.65 It goes without saying, that those who willingly, deliberately and knowingly murder any worker of a CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION (in order to target that worker or to create a conspiracy which is a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs and these killers (whether they be direct or indirect killers–since criminal satellite practitioners are indirect murderers) will be executed publicly on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
20.66 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer (or satellite technology) or to use any violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, to cause a CONSUMPTION ORGANIZATION worker to be ill, sick, killed, disabled, tired, debilitated, or partially or wholly incompetent or incapable of performing his/her job without undue stress, and which is an incident carried out with the intent to orchestrate a conspiracy revolving around 666-Computer or satellite computer SICK LEAVE or around JESUIT STRESS DAYS or JESUIT STRESS PAY (or any other aspect of this Sections 19 & 20), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action), and all such violators will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
The definitions below are not meant to endorse or condemn any lifestyle, but are given in order to clarify the terms used in this Section. See Sect. 18.0 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws regarding the death penalty for a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY.
21.0 When the term marriage is used, it refers to any sexual relationship between a man and a woman (where the man and the woman have a written or unwritten contract to be faithful to each other sexually [to the exclusion of others]), even if that written or unwritten contract is not part of a licensed marriage relationship.
21.1 When the term family is used, it refers to any relationship where there is a marriage (as defined above) or where there is a leader of a household –and/or those children, parents or other persons under the custody or care of that married couple (or leader of a household). Each country will have its own definition of what constitutes a family. For a country like the United States, a family would normally be considered a man and a woman (who have a contract to be sexually faithful to each other) or would be considered a leader of a household–and those children (with possibly grandparents or grandchildren as well) and other persons under the care or custody of that married couple (or leader of a household). The term family can also refer to a homosexual or bisexual couple (where the partners are sexually committed to each other in a written or unwritten contract) or to the leader of a homosexual or bisexual household, and those who are under the custody or care of the leader of that homosexual or bisexual household [or of those homosexual or bisexual person(s)].
21.2 When the term engagement or “to be engaged” is used, it will refer to the promise made by mutual consent between two people to consummate their relationship into a marriage (as defined by this section).
21.3 When the term “marital or family matchmaking” is used, it refers to any attempt (or action) to influence which persons come together into a marriage or family relationship.
21.4 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to manipulate a marriage, family, or engagement (including attempts or actions to manipulate divorce proceedings, JEALOUSY CONSPIRACIES–see Sect. 18.0 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws, prenuptial agreements, or any contracts or legal proceedings which could influence any marriage, family or engagement) with the intent to manipulate the outcome of that family, marriage or engagement, in order to promote (in any manner) a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an attempt or action.
MASS DESTRUCTION materials are defined as any materials (such as nuclear, biological, chemical, etc.) which can be used to cause mass destruction, illness or death of a large number of people. A MASS DESTRUCTION FACILITY is any facility which can be used to produce or release MASS DESTRUCTION materials.
22.0 No UNWILLING AGENT (or person with an amnesia problem) or Jesuit supporter can be used to guard or protect (in any manner) any MASS DESTRUCTION facility, in order to prevent that facility (in any manner) from being used as a means of MASS DESTRUCTION by terrorists or criminals. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to use an UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT SUPPORTER (or person with an amnesia problem) to guard or protect any MASS DESTRUCTION FACILITY, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action. This Sect. 22.0 is retroactive and is legally applicable for any attempts or actions (going back to the time that UNWILLING AGENTS first existed). During direct or cross-examination guilt will be established by providing evidence that the conspirator was aware of UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuit supporters (or persons with amnesia problems) and willingly, deliberately and knowingly used these UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUIT SUPPORTERS (or amnesia persons) to promote his/her violations of this Sect. 22.0.
All violations of this Sect. are subject to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. The laws in Sect. 23 can be used on any organization the International President desires. Wal-Mart will be the pioneer among the organizations in implementing these Sect. 23 laws. Therefore, the term Wal-Mart (as used in this Sect. 23), can refer to any organization designated as a Wal-Mart organization by the International President. Because Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world and because Gail Schuler on this 1st day of May 2004 works for Wal-Mart, the following Sect. 23 laws are necessary. Effective May 16, 2004, the term Wal-Mart will be changed to “Wal-Mart or any organization” in order to show that the laws in this Sect. 23 include any organization (designated by the International President):
23.0 A COVERT UNWILLING AGENT is defined as a person whose PERSON-PROGRAM is set-up so that that person could be used as an UNWILLING AGENT 24 hours a week, 7 days a week by LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violators, but this person is not being used continually or obviously as an UNWILLING AGENT, but is used as an UNWILLING AGENT only at certain times or not at all.
23.1 AN OBVIOUS UNWILLING AGENT is defined as a person whose PERSON-PROGRAM is set-up so that that person could be used as an UNWILLING AGENT 24 hours a week, 7 days a week by LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violators, and this use is obvious for all to see and the person is used as an UNWILLING AGENT in an obvious and continual manner.
23.2 For the purposes of CONSPIRACY LAW, when the term UNWILLING AGENT is used, it refers to both COVERT and OBVIOUS UNWILLING AGENTS. Any person whose PERSON-PROGRAM is set-up so that LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violators could use that person as an UNWILLING AGENT–even if that person has never been used as an UNWILLING AGENT, is still considered to be an UNWILLING AGENT. It is desired to remove totally all capabilities for any person to be used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
23.3 All UNWILLING AGENTS –called an ORGANIZATION’s UNWILLING AGENTS (whether they be COVERT UNWILLING AGENTS or OBVIOUS UNWILLING AGENTS) who congregate on or enter any organization’s property (including customers, police, employees, –ANYBODY), will be listed (with some sort of identification)– and observations will be made about their behavior, attitudes and affiliations by THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
23.4 Once any UNWILLING AGENT gets on this list, they will be monitored for any suspicious conspiratorial activities, and especially for any attempts or actions to harass the organization’s enterprises or for any attempts or actions to harass any person who works for (or is in charge of) or is associated with that organization’s enterprises. Legally significant activities by these UNWILLING AGENTS will be mentioned on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
23.5 If, after observation and study of the IMPOSED PERSONS involved with this organization’s UNWILLING AGENTS, it is determined there is a conspiracy underway or a conspiracy is being carried out against that organization’s enterprises– those IMPOSED PERSONS involved in this conspiracy will be sued by that organization for harassment and they will also be prosecuted, arrested and tried and executed by the International government for any violations of CONSPIRACY LAW. All evidence (which supports any allegations of conspiratorial harassment or criminal activities against that organization) will be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
23.6 All of these UNWILLING AGENT harassment and criminal cases (involving organizations) will be tried on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (on the GCFNC website or through other GCFNC venues). THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will determine which criminal organizations or persons are behind these UNWILLING AGENT conspiracies (which harass or target Wal-Mart or any organization) and will identify those criminal organizations and persons (along with their motives for their conspiracy) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
JESUIT KILLERS (or potential JESUIT KILLERS) OF SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (such as Gail Chord Schuler, Gail’s family, Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner, Gail’s son, Vladimir’s family, etc.) will be treated differently. These JESUIT KILLERS will all be tried publicly on GCFNC and their verdicts (and outcomes) will be decided by VOTER JURORS (according to the guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 of this document). Depending on how many VOTER JURORS qualify, there could be as many as one million VOTER JURORS who will decide the outcome of a verdict of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s JESUIT KILLER. The guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 must be followed in using VOTER JURORS. We believe that the current war waged against Gail Schuler (and those who support her) is a continuation of the Nazi atrocities of World War II and should be handled like a continuation of Jesuit violations which spawned the Nuremberg Trial; therefore, the guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 of this document must be followed in the way the trial is conducted for those alleged to be guilty of being a JESUIT KILLER (or POTENTIAL JESUIT KILLER) of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
If an UNWILLING AGENT is used to be a JESUIT KILLER of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, the IMPOSED PERSON(s) who manipulated that UNWILLING AGENT will be tried on GCFNC and the method of that IMPOSED PERSON(s) execution will be decided by VOTER JURORS. The death penalty MUST be meted out for all IMPOSED PERSONs, but VOTER JURORS can decide which method of execution to use. Possibly death by hanging and having buzzards feed on the corpses of a female IMPOSED PERSON may not be a good idea. The death penalty will not be voted upon by the VOTER JURORS, as long as there is no reasonable doubt that that person acted as a willing and knowing IMPOSED PERSON (because this is an automatic death penalty violation)–what will be voted upon will be the method of that IMPOSED PERSON’s execution.
All UNWILLING AGENTS are treated as UNWILLING AGENTS (according to CONSPIRACY LAW). Dangerous UNWILLING AGENTS must be kept away from persons they could harm.
23.7 The international government will use satellite technology on all Wal-Mart or all of any organization’s properties (see Sect. 23.7a) to screen for any dangerous weapons which may be on any ARMED PERSON–[see Sect. 23.7a1 (including police officers)] of anyone who shops at or is in the vicinity of any Wal-Mart property and will also screen for any dangerous weapon(s) that is/are anywhere within the vicinity of any Wal-Mart property (even if that weapon[s] is/are not on the ARMED PERSON). For instance, the weapon could be in a car and the ARMED PERSON (after exiting the store) may go to his/her car to retrieve the weapon and could then retrieve the weapon from his/her car and shoot at people in the organization’s parking lot. If any legal or illegal dangerous weapon (even if that weapon is in their car or within access and not on the ARMED PERSON) and the ARMED PERSON associated with that weapon enters Wal-Mart property or any organization’s property (as determined by satellite technology)–the ARMED PERSON (associated with that weapon) must be placed under immediate second-by-second 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance (including analysis of emotions, thoughts and mental state of the person involved) and that person will be continually monitored. There are also many UNWILLING AGENTS who may have a concealed weapons permit and these could be potentially dangerous people.
23.7(a1) For the purposes of this Sect. 23, any person associated with a weapon (even if the weapon is not on that person but could be accessed within a short period of time by that person–maybe that person’s weapon is waiting in a car) will be called an ARMED PERSON.
23.7(a) The guidelines in Sections 23.7 and 23.8 and 23.9 don’t have to be limited to Wal-Mart or any organization, but can be employed on any property or organization deemed a target by Jesuits.
23.8 If appropriate, proper law enforcement persons (including SATELLITE PILOTS–see Sect. 26) will be notified immediately and that threatening ARMED PERSON will be arrested and/or that person may be immediately knocked out (by his/her PLP and RSP) via 666-Computer or satellite computer. The arrest warrant on that ARMED PERSON can use 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite evidence as a basis for the arrest. The 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite evidence can detail how that person’s thoughts or behaviors or use of weapons was/were going in a violent or dangerous direction or that that ARMED PERSON was being used as an UNWILLING AGENT and had to be secured in order to protect lives. All such arrests and arrest warrants will be mentioned (with evidence presented for the arrests) on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
Because of the upcoming Steven Spielberg production about Gail Schuler’s life (which will bring catastrophic exposure to the Jesuit Order), Gail is now more targeted by the Jesuits than ever. Already she has experienced two death threats from Jesuits at her Wal-Mart job. Because of this, all persons (called HIGHLIGHTED PERSONS) within an 11 mile spherical circumference of Gail Schuler (or any other TARGETED PERSON) will have their minds and emotions continually monitored by PLPs and/or RSPs.
23.8(b) Each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. will print a list of TARGETED PERSONS. A TARGETED PERSON is any person (such as Gail Schuler) deemed to be a prime target by Jesuits and who needs to have all persons within an 11 mile spherical circumference of that TARGETED PERSON monitored (via 666-Computer emotion-reading and mind-reading) in order to screen and/or prevent any POTENTIAL JESUIT KILLERS from killing that TARGETED PERSON. All persons within an 11 mile spherical circumference of any TARGETED PERSON will be called HIGHLIGHTED PERSONS. This 11 mile circumference would extend from that TARGETED PERSON like a sphere or a globe, it would mean 11 miles UNDER that person, 11 miles ABOVE that person, AND 11 miles AROUND that person IN ANY DIRECTION (north, west, south, up, down, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, etc.).
23.8[c] Those persons (called JESUIT KILLERS) deemed to be a threat because 666-Computer analysis of their emotions and/or thoughts reveals that they intend to target, harm or kill a TARGETED PERSON or that they intend to target, harm or kill any other person –must be reported to proper law enforcement and arrested as soon as possible and treated as alleged Jesuit conspirators (according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs). 666-Computer analysis can be the basis for the arrest of these JESUIT KILLERS and this 666-Computer analysis of the JESUIT KILLER can be introduced into the courtroom as evidence to indict and/or convict the JESUIT KILLER. ANY PERSON who is aware of any JESUIT KILLERS and who (directly or indirectly) knowingly and willingly neglects to report and/or arrest that JESUIT KILLER as soon as possible, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All PLPs and RSPs will receive guidelines from their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. about what constitutes suspicious thoughts or emotions in a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON (which needs to be reported), about what to do (and who to report to) when these suspicious thoughts or emotions are observed/noticed by the PLP or RSP. All PLPs and RSPs are encouraged to use the 666-Computer to disable that JESUIT KILLER so that he/she will be unable to carry out his/her murder. The 666-Computer (or SATELLITE PILOTS) could be used as a stun gun, like the police do to disable those they need to arrest who resist their arrest. Any PLP or RSP who willingly and knowingly violates these guidelines, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. SATELLITE PILOTS must honor the guidelines of this Sect. 23.7 & 23.8 and will receive the death penalty if they willingly and knowingly allow any murder to take place which they could have prevented.
23.8(d) All PLPs and/or RSPs who have 666-Computer or satellite computer control over any HIGHLIGHTED PERSON (that is, for those persons within an 11 mile spherical circumference of any TARGETED PERSON) must be informed that they have 666-Computer or satellite computer control over those HIGHLIGHTED PERSON(s) by their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which is the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. of the land (which comprises that 11 mile spherical circumference around that TARGETED PERSON). For instance, let’s say that German PLPs are controlling some of the HIGHLIGHTED PERSONs in an 11 mile spherical circumference around Gail Schuler in Melbourne, FL, United States. Both the German HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. and the United States HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. need to inform all PLPs and/or RSPs who have control over any HIGHLIGHTED PERSON of the existence of that HIGHLIGHTED PERSONS [who is under that PLP and/or RSP’s control and who must be monitored by 666-Computer (second by second) in order to assess the emotions and thoughts of that HIGHLIGHTED PERSONS (as long that/those HIGHLIGHTED PERSONS is/are within that 11 mile spherical circumference]. It is the PLP and/or RSP’s responsibility to ensure that all HIGHLIGHTED PERSONs reported to them by any HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. have their emotions and thoughts monitored second by second (via 666-Computer and/or satellite computer) and to report any suspicious thoughts or emotions as soon as possible to the proper law enforcement authorities, so that appropriate action may be taken to prevent the killing of innocent persons.
23.8(e) The most efficient means to inform the PLPs and/or RSPs who need this information would be by programming the computers for all PLPs and/or RSPs to automatically begin the mind-reading and emotion-reading screening of any person (once that person becomes a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON because that person has entered the 11 mile spherical circumference of a TARGETED PERSON).
23.8(f) All HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS (through their INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEEs) are required to upgrade all 666-Computers and satellite computers in their country and/or under their jurisdiction (such as all 666-Computers and satellite computers used by the German PLP and/or RSP network) and to send out programmers (with PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS [see Sect. 55 of Int. PLP and RSP Network Conf.] from their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.) from their PROGRAMMER CORPS to upgrade all 666-Computers and satellite computers to automatically begin the mind-reading and emotion-reading of any person [once that person becomes a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON (because that person has entered the 11 mile circumference of any TARGETED PERSON)].
23.8(g) This programming could be set up like a TRIGGER PROGRAM, and the trigger which would activate that person’s monitoring program would be when that person (now a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON) enters the 11 mile circumference of any TARGETED PERSON. So that once this trigger is activated, it would cause a program which automatically begins the emotion-reading and thought-reading of that person (who has suddenly become a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON).
23.8(h) Any programmer (assigned by a PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT from his/her HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.) to upgrade any 666-Computer or satellite computer to automatically begin the mind-reading and emotion-reading of HIGHLIGHTED PERSONS (whenever any person becomes a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON), and who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) neglects to upgrade any 666-Computer or satellite computer to honor the guidelines of this Sect. 23.8, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
23.8(i) Any PLP and/or RSP who (directly or indirectly) knowingly and willingly neglects to report as soon as possible any suspicious 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading or emotion-reading analysis of any HIGHLIGHTED PERSON under their control (according to the guidelines given them by their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.–see Sect. 23.8c) to the proper law enforcement authorities, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
23.8(j) If it is determined that a HIGHLIGHTED PERSON is guilty of being a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and that this HIGHLIGHTED PERSON willingly and knowingly intended to carry out a murder to (or harm to) a TARGETED PERSON, the method of that JESUIT KILLER’s execution will be determined by poll through VOTER JURORS on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
23.8(k) The presiding judge over the case will recommend a method of execution to the VOTER JURORS, and it will probably be recommended that this JESUIT KILLER be executed according to the method that he/she intended to use to kill his/her TARGETED PERSON. A JESUIT KILLER’s intent (how he/she wanted to commit his/her murder) can be determined through 666-Computer analysis of their thoughts and emotions before their intended murder. If the case goes to trial, the prosecuting attorneys will come from the nation of Israel, since these cases are considered continuations of Nuremberg–i.e., more attempts by Jesuits to set up their worldwide kingdom through treachery, murders, blackmailing, etc. Jesuits can hire those defending attorneys they want to represent their JESUIT KILLER client, since all those JESUIT KILLERS tried will be charged with being in complicity with the Jesuit Order to commit murder and promote Jesuit terrorist enterprises. So, let’s say a Jesuit woman (who is not an UNWILLING AGENT), but who, deliberately and of her own free will, intended to shoot Gail Schuler in the head in the parking lot in order to assist the Jesuit Order, then THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL would recommend that that Jesuit woman (who wanted to kill Gail for the Jesuits) be executed, by shooting that woman JESUIT KILLER in the head (possibly) in a parking lot.
23.8(l) This execution would be filmed on GCFNC (maybe not in its entirety, but enough to show to the Jesuits that the execution has taken place and that we don’t play games with Jesuit killers). But because Jesuits are brutal, cold blooded killers–to execute every JESUIT KILLER according to the method he/she planned to use to kill his/her victim may not always be best.
23.8(m) Therefore, the entire court and/or legal proceedings which proceed around this JESUIT KILLER will be shown on GCFNC, and VOTER JURORS from around the world will determine the verdict and the method of execution for this special kind of JESUIT KILLER (who tried to kill a SIGNIFICANT PERSON).
23.8(m1) All VOTER JURORs who determine verdicts and outcomes for HIGHLIGHTED PERSONs (who are determined to be JESUIT KILLERs) must follow all the guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 of this document (as was used for the rerun of the Nuremberg trial). That is, they must watch the entire legal proceedings of this JESUIT KILLER and see and hear all the evidence on the GCFNC broadcast, so that they can make an informed judgment about whether this person deserves the death penalty and which method of execution would be fit for this JESUIT KILLER.
23.8(m2) VOTER JURORS will be chosen from every country (that is those countries not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website) in order to determine which method to use to execute this JESUIT KILLER and whether this JESUIT KILLER should get the death penalty (the VOTER JURORS may recommend a delayed execution, for instance), and we will honor the results of the poll. The poll must be taken according to the guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 of this document.
23.8(n) The reason for deciding executions by this method is because we anticipate that many Jesuits are women and that we may have to execute female JESUIT KILLERs. It would not look good for Vladimir Putin to recommend a death penalty for women, because it may make him appear to be a woman hater–so, therefore, from now on, executions of those persons determined to be JESUIT KILLERS (or POTENTIAL JESUIT KILLERS) of SIGNIFICANT PERSONs will be decided by VOTER JURORS from around the world. This way, the Jesuits will have to admit that the world (and not Vladimir Putin) decided that the female JESUIT KILLER needed the death penalty, and the method of execution (and the actual execution) of the Jesuit conspirator who tried to (or actually did) kill a SIGNIFICANT PERSON (whether this JESUIT KILLER be male or female) will be filmed and shown on GCFNC as decided by the VOTER JURORS.
23.9 All those who work for Wal-Mart or any organization (who are UNWILLING AGENTS) will be given a list of physicians that they must see if they want to retain their employment at Wal-Mart or any organization. These physicians on this list will get together and come up with an educational program to use in order to educate Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers about the 666-Computer or satellite computer and how to manage one’s life most effectively to assist those PLP and RSP physicians (who have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers) in the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers. Wal-Mart or any organization will pay all expenses associated with this physician visit.
23.9(a) Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers who are UNWILLING AGENTS will be required to visit the listed physician personally (either as a group or singly), in order to learn how to manage one’s life [while being manipulated by LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (via illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer use)].
23.9(b) Those Wal-Mart workers (or workers of any organization) that are not UNWILLING AGENTS can see a listed physician (see Sect. 23.9) if they want, but will somehow be educated about 666-Computer or satellite computer technology and how it works, and they will be educated about how to manage one’s life (while being manipulated by terrorists who use 666-Computer or satellite computer technology on the brain and body).
23.9[c] This education will be considered paid work time and the worker will be paid to view, read, or listen to the educational program about the 666-Computer or satellite computer and how to manage one’s life most effectively (in regard to illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over one’s brain and body). The importance of only allowing ENHANCING SUBSTANCES to enter the body will be emphasized.
23.9(d) The workers of Wal-Mart or any organization will be educated about why it is so important to only allow ENHANCING SUBSTANCES into the body–that the ENHANCING SUBSTANCE is necessary to assist those PLP and RSP physicians who work on computers to assist PROGRAMMERS as these PROGRAMMERS remove LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from PERSON-PROGRAMs.
23.9(e) Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers must be educated about what LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is.
23.9(f) These workers will also be educated (by video, a flyer, or whatever) that Wal-Mart or any organization is targeted by terrorists who used very advanced computer and satellite technology to control people’s brains and that this advanced technology can induce illness, death and can overcome one’s real personality and decisions with the personality and decisions of another (via satellite signals to the brain).
23.9(g) Wal-Mart or any organization will pay all the expenses associated with the educational physician visit and/or with the education of those who work at Wal-Mart or any organization [about 666-Computer or satellite computer technology and how to best manage one’s life (while being manipulated by terrorists through the 666-Computer or satellite computer)].
23.9(h) The International government will assist Wal-Mart or any organization in the expenses for this education of their workers about the 666-Computer or satellite computer and in the education of Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers about how to best manage one’s life while one’s brain is being manipulated by terrorists (via the 666-Computer or satellite computer).
23.9(i) This education must explain how the 666-Computer or satellite computer works on the brain and body. It must explain the things that one has control over (and what one can do) in order to maximize the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from one’s PERSON-PROGRAM. It must provide to Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers a list of CONSUMPTION ITEMS that have the ENHANCING SUBSTANCE and a list of CONSUMPTION ITEMS that have the HINDERING SUBSTANCE (and this list should be updated continually and given to Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers in an easily accessible manner), so that one knows what to allow to enter the body and what to avoid (any time one needs this information). This education (and list of POSITIVE and NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION ITEMS–see Sect. 19) is necessary in order to maximize the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from the PERSON-PROGRAMs of Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers.
23.9(j) This education should also explain how to manage one’s lifestyle in a manner to maximize the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING–such as the importance of aerobic exercise (or getting the blood moving to the brain) and the importance of keeping the brain hydrated (the use of baths, showers, water consumption, etc.).
23.9(j2) The importance of good dental hygiene will be emphasized. In the educational program, one will be shown how terrorists put the HINDERING SUBSTANCE into the tartar on the teeth and into any gum pockets (if they exist), in order to interfere with the work of PLP and RSP physicians (who strive to assist PROGRAMMERS who remove LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from PERSON-PROGRAMS). The teeth are close to the brain and are an ideal vehicle to use (by terrorists) to interfere with the brain work done by the PLP and RSPs.
23.9(jj2) If recommended by that worker’s PLP and RSP, that worker will have their teeth and gums (or other dental work) taken care of (with a cleaning, periodontal work, or whatever is necessary), so that terrorists cannot use that worker’s teeth and gums as a vehicle to interfere with the work of the PLP and RSPs (who strive to assist PROGRAMMERS as they remove LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from that worker’s PERSON-PROGRAM).
23.9(jjj2) That worker must see a dentist on the list of recommended dentists. This list will be given to them by the organization they work for. The costs for this dental work (including any missed work time as a result of the dental work) will be covered completely by the organization which that worker works for. The International government will assist in the costs for the dental work required by organizations (in order to maximize the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from PERSON-PROGRAMS).
23.9(j3) Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers will be warned about what to expect as terrorists resist our attempts to free Wal-Mart or any organization’s worker’s brains from their 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control. If Wal-Mart or any organization deems it necessary, it will allow workers who are under severe attack from terrorists (via the terrorist’s LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING) as their LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is removed, to have extra paid breaks during work time or to have extra paid sick leave time. The International government will assist Wal-Mart or any organization financially (in the money needed for extra breaks or paid sick leave) for those Wal-Mart or any organization’s workers under severe attack from terrorists as their LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is removed.
23.9(j4) Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause a Wal-Mart worker (or a worker from any organization) to become unnecessarily uncomfortable (via LOOPHOLE PROGRAMING interference) while LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is being removed, with the intent to hinder or prevent the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING removal process on that person, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who (attempts to) or commits such an attempt or action. It is very important that the appropriate ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM is used on all Wal-Mart workers (or any organization’s workers) while LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is being removed. The laws in Sect. 70.4 to 70.92 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs will be strictly enforced.
23.9(j5) Those Wal-Mart workers (or workers from any organization) who suffer because of violations of Sect. 23.9(jjj) will be encouraged to view the cross-examinations, CONFESSION STATEMENTS and public executions on GCFNC of those LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violators who caused their discomfort.
23.9(k) The purpose for the physician visit (or the educational session) is to educate the Wal-Mart worker (or any organization’s workers) about 666-Computer or satellite computer technology and how ENHANCING SUBSTANCES and HINDERING SUBSTANCES work and why it is so important to only allow ENHANCING SUBSTANCES to enter the body and how one can maximize his/her lifestyle to allow the maximum amount of ENHANCING SUBSTANCES to enter one’s body.
23.9(l) The physician (or the educational session) will educate the Wal-Mart worker (or any organization’s worker) about how that person can manage his/her life so that ENHANCING SUBSTANCES have a maximum chance of being utilized by that Wal-Mart worker (or any organization’s worker).
23.9(m) The Wal-Mart worker (or any organization’s worker) will be told that all of his/her activities are monitored by a 666-Computer or satellite computer (through a PLP and RSP network), because this is necessary in order to wrest control over that person away from terrorists who use the 666-Computer or satellite computer on them illegally.
23.9(n) The PLP and RSP-networks that have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over Wal-Mart workers (or any organization’s workers), will inform Wal-Mart or any organization about which of their workers are following the program recommended by the physicians (in order to enhance the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING).
23.9(o) Those Wal-Mart workers (or any organization’s workers) who follow this program will be paid bonuses by Wal-Mart or by any organization for complying with this program. The International government will assist Wal-Mart or any organization in the expenses for these bonuses.
23.9(p) The PLP and RSP-networks will also inform Wal-Mart or any organization about which of their workers are NOT following the program recommended by the physicians (which is the program created by that organization’s list of physicians –see Sect. 23.9, in order to enhance the removal of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING from their PERSON-PROGRAMS).
23.9(q) Those that do not follow this program will forfeit their bonus and if the reason they did not follow their program is because they are UNWILLING AGENTS (and were manipulated to not follow the program)–they will be required (if they want to retain their employment at Wal-Mart or with any organization) to view the cross-examination, CONFESSION STATEMENTS and public executions of those IMPOSED PERSONS who manipulated them into non-compliance with their program.
23.9{r} All Wal-Mart workers (or any organization’s workers) will be encouraged to view the cross-examination, CONFESSION STATEMENTS, and public executions on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL of those LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violators who murder, disable or severely injure or harm (directly or indirectly) any Wal-Mart worker (or any organization’s workers);or to view the cross-examination, CONFESSION STATEMENTS, and public executions on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL of those LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violators who murder, disable or severely injure or harm any former Wal-Mart worker or any former organization’s workers (through the use of illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer technology). This should be very educational (to help Wal-Mart workers [or any organization’s workers] understand why it is so important to only allow ENHANCING SUBSTANCES to enter the body) and it should firmly establish that Wal-Mart or any organization and the International government firmly oppose the use of 666-Computer or satellite computer technology to murder or harm innocent Wal-Mart workers or to harm any organization’s workers. Those Wal-Mart workers or any organization’s workers that view the cross-examination, CONFESSION STATEMENTS and public executions of those who murder, disable or severely injure or harm (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) Wal-Mart workers or any organization’s workers (or former workers) will receive bonuses (from Wal-Mart or any organization) for viewing these legal proceedings. The International government will assist Wal-Mart or any organization financially in the pay out of these bonuses (for those Wal-Mart workers or any organization’s workers who view these legal proceedings).
All violations of this Sect. 24 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. The main purpose of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE is to inform those employers, law enforcement agencies or persons (who must know this information) which persons under their jurisdiction are UNWILLING AGENTS. Those that definitely must know this information are the law enforcement agencies.
24.0 An UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE (UAC) will be a subdivision in every country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (within each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT). This UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE will be composed of programmers, PLP and RSPs, criminal behavior specialists, and LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW)– and all members of this UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE must meet all the qualifications required for any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON.
24.1 The job of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE will be to screen all persons who are citizens of their country and this UAC will create a list of all UNWILLING AGENTS who are citizens of their country–this list will include both COVERT and OBVIOUS UNWILLING AGENTS. This daily list will be submitted to the head of that UAC’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. Only the members of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE can create (or write) or update the UNWILLING AGENT LIST. Any other person who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly creates (or writes) or updates the UNWILLING AGENT LIST will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
24.1(a) All efforts should be made to ensure that this list is accurate, complete, and that the research for this list is done in an efficient, accurate and up-to-date manner. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to delay the research for this UNWILLING AGENT LIST (so that it is not up-to-date and relevant or useful) or to delay necessary updates to this list (see rest of this Section 24), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a scheme. Those who create and write this list cannot submit the daily UNWILLING AGENT LIST to the head of their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT until they make a statement under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that this list is (to the best of their knowledge) accurate and complete (as defined by Section 24 of this document) and has been put out with the most up-to-date, accurate, complete and relevant research as was possible and that the list honors the guidelines of these Sections 24 & 25. The list will not be accepted by the head of that UAC’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT until those who have created the list pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection in making the above bold and italicized statement.
24.1(b) The UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE’s main job is to ensure that all those that must know of UNWILLING AGENTS are made aware of any UNWILLING AGENTS (from the UNWILLING AGENT LIST) that are under their jurisdiction or care. It is also their job to inform these persons (who must know) when an UNWILLING AGENT has been removed from the UNWILLING AGENT LIST and when that former UNWILLING AGENT is no longer considered an UNWILLING AGENT.
24.2 This UNWILLING AGENT LIST for each country must be updated daily (with omissions and additions of UNWILLING AGENTS completed accurately and in an up-to-date manner by the UAC). In the updates, those persons whose brains have been freed from use as UNWILLING AGENTS must be omitted from the list within 48 hours (after they have been freed from use as UNWILLING AGENTS); and these former UNWILLING AGENTS must regain the privileges they lost because their names were placed on the UNWILLING AGENT LISTKsuch as the right and privilege to carry a gun to defend themselves, etc. Also, in the updates, any new persons who are discovered to be UNWILLING AGENTS in a country must be added to the list (as soon as possible).
24.3 It will also be the job of the UAC to screen all UNWILLING AGENTS to determine which of these UNWILLING AGENTS are licensed gun owners or have the legal capacity (maybe through that UNWILLING AGENT’s employment) to operate any dangerous weapons (or to use any type of lethal force). The law enforcement agencies that deal with gun ownership must be given notices (regarding UNWILLING AGENTS under their jurisdiction) that are up-to-date, accurate and complete as defined by Sect. 24.1. The UAC must ensure that any employers (or law enforcement organizations) who have such UNWILLING AGENTS within their ranks (or under their jurisdiction) are informed of their responsibilities in regard to these UNWILLING AGENTS and that these employers (or law enforcement organizations) are informed of who in their organization (or under their jurisdiction) is an UNWILLING AGENT.
24.3(a) For the purpose of this Section 24 about gun laws, no JESUIT, JESUIT CLONE or willing and knowing JESUIT SUPPORTER can own any type of gun or firearm or weapon or bomb specifically designed for killing people. CITIZEN SCANNERS (see INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE LAWS, Sect. 9) should be given to those in gun-free zones to assist them in self-defense against Jesuit terrorists, because even with gun laws, Jesuits will find a way to get guns. These CITIZEN SCANNERS need to be programmed to use transporter or other technology to remove all guns from Jesuits and from willing and knowing Jesuit supporters. That is, if a Jesuit gunman enters a school, the students and teachers can use the CITIZEN SCANNER on the terrorist, which will remove the weapon from the criminal and transport the gun or killing weapon to a law enforcement office, while, at the same time killing the Jesuit terrorist.
24.3(b) CITIZEN SCANNERS will be programmed to scan for all guns or Jesuit or Jesuit supporters in their vicinity, and to destroy or transport any gun owned by an UNWILLING AGENT or a JESUIT or JESUIT SUPPORTER. An UNWILLING AGENT is any person who is used by the Jesuit Order against their will and knowledge to promote Jesuit criminal activities, usually brain control victims. CITIZEN SCANNERS are programmed to scan and kill Jesuits and their willing and knowing supporters.
24.3 [c] The CITIZEN SCANNER will discriminate between JESUITS and Jesuit supporters and UNWILLING AGENTS. UNWILLING AGENTS will not be executed by the scanner (but may be knocked out without killing them), whereas all willing and knowing Jesuits and their supporters will be executed by the scanner. CITIZEN SCANNERS will take the place of guns for those who desire to defend themselves against criminals. They will be better than guns, because they will be “intelligent” weapons that use mind and emotion reading technology to determine the best course of action against the offender and will be extremely easy to use. They will be programmed to kill a person who has CRIMINAL INTENT to MURDER, with such a criminal defined as one with a willing and knowing desire to violate Conspiracy Law and justice. CITIZEN SCANNERS will be programmed to self-destruct if their programming is tampered with by anyone besides our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM. Also, all those on the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM who program the CITIZEN SCANNER must be under a scan themselves while they are working on the scanner to ensure that the programmer is not an undercover Jesuit or Jesuit supporter. Willing and knowing failure to honor this Sect. 24.3 or to program this scanner in violation of Conspiracy Law will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. The CITIZEN SCANNER will also scan for mental illness, and will quickly identify who has a mental illness which is a threat to society and requires intervention. This information will be relayed to LAW ENFORCEMENT and they will use the data in the scanner as evidence to put the dangerously mental ill person into treatment.
Free CITIZEN SCANNERS will be given to all non-Jesuits and non-criminals in schools, churches and public gathering places. The CITIZEN SCANNER is the answer to the gun debate in the United States. It is better than guns, easier to use and more just in its applications. Legal gun owners will probably prefer to use the CITIZEN SCANNER over their guns in a terrorist situation, because the scanner will do their thinking for them and take the best course of action in the situation. All one has to do is scan a person (and the scanner can work through clothing, so that if it is in a pocket and used, its intended target won’t even know they are being scanned) and the scanner will kill the true criminals, while, at the same time, destroying their weapon (even if the weapon is NOT a gun). Those who say they need guns for self-defense will be happy to trade in their guns for the citizen scanner, which is more effective than a gun, and the CITIZEN SCANNERS will be FREE. Those who do not believe citizens should have guns and advocate for better laws against mental illness instead, should have no problems with the citizen scanner (which scans for mental illness in the population, identifying those who need immediate intervention).
CITIZEN SCANNERS would also be an excellent weapon to use in warfare for ground troops, with the ability to detect traitors within our own ranks and to sniff out Jesuits and their weapons in any group.
24.4 It is the UAC’s job to ensure that all UNWILLING AGENTS are revoked of their ability to use any type of lethal force (whether by revoking gun permits or licenses or by removing these UNWILLING AGENTS from job responsibilities that allow the use of lethal force or by whatever is necessary). It is their responsibility to ensure that Sect. 77.031 is enforced and carried out. See Sect. 24.4(a).
24.4(a) No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to have on his/her person any dangerous weapon, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT be placed in any position where he/she can use any type of lethal force against any person (such as the use of missiles, bombs, etc.). Any UNWILLING AGENT who has a concealed weapons permit must have this permit revoked and that UNWILLING AGENT cannot carry any dangerous weapons until he/she is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Those UNWILLING AGENT members of the military, police and other agencies who normally use (or have access to) dangerous weapons must be revoked of their weapons (or their ability to use lethal force) and must not be permitted to carry any dangerous weapons on their person (or to use any type of lethal force) until that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any member of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to carry or use any dangerous weapons (or to have the ability to use lethal force) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that member of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE.
24.5 The UAC will educate those organizations about the proper method to use to handle UNWILLING AGENTS when they are approached about the loss of some of their privileges: The UNWILLING AGENT must be shown evidence that his/her brain has been taken over by terrorists and that he/she cannot be trusted with any means to employ lethal force. He/she will be informed that when it is determined that his/her brain has been freed from use as an UNWILLING AGENT that he/she can regain the ability to use legal lethal force that was revoked from him/her because of terrorist control over his/her brain.
24.6 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any member of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE to put any person on the UNWILLING AGENT LIST for a country when that person is not an UNWILLING AGENT, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
24.7 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any member of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE to omit any person from the UNWILLING AGENT LIST for a country when that person is an UNWILLING AGENT will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
24.8 Criminal behavior specialists within the UAC will study the behavior and patterns of the UNWILLING AGENTS within their country’s citizenry in order to prevent, undermine or minimize any conspiracies in progress.
24.9 These criminal behavior specialists will issue daily reports (called UNWILLING AGENT OBSERVATIONS) about their observations of the UNWILLING AGENTS (who are citizens of their country). Significant findings from any of these UNWILLING AGENT OBSERVATIONS will be presented on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
25.0 The UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE must send notices to those persons or organizations (such as police organizations, law firms, military, etc.) who have significant legal responsibilities (or jurisdiction) over those UNWILLING AGENTS within their organization and the UAC will have a subdivision called the NOTICES DEPARTMENT (whose job is to ensure that the appropriate notices are sent out to those organizations [under the jurisidiction of their country] that require them). These notices must outline to these organizations what their legal responsibilities are (under CONSPIRACY LAW) and must outline to them the CONSPIRACY LAWS they are responsible to enforce within their organization and must name those under their care or jurisdiction who are UNWILLING AGENTS. Updated notices sent to these organizations or persons must update these organizations about those additions or deletions from the UNWILLiNG AGENT LIST (which would be those additions or deletions of those UNWILLING AGENTS who would fall under that organization’s jurisdiction). Within 48 hours after an UNWILLING AGENT has been removed from the UNWILLING AGENT LIST or after a new UNWILLING AGENT has been added onto the UNWILLING AGENT LIST, those persons who must know this information must be informed IN WRITING of these changes. In other words, these organizations must be given as soon as possible what they need to know (IN WRITING) in order to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW within their organization–especially in regard to WHO (under their jurisdiction) is an UNWILLING AGENT and they must know about any laws they are required to enforce about UNWILLING AGENTS within their organization. It is very important that these organizations are aware of the laws regarding how UNWILLING AGENTS must not be placed in any position where they can use lethal force (see Sect. 77.031) or about how these UNWILLING AGENTS should not be used to enforce any laws (see Sect. 2.3040 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs). Emphasize to these organizations, that violations of these laws are DEATH PENALTY VIOLATIONS, if these violations are committed deliberately, knowingly and willingly.
25.0(a) These notices will not be sent out until the writers (or creators) of the notice, who must be members of the UAC (Notices Department)–this is to ensure accountability–, submit a sworn statement under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection (in regard to the notice sent out) that the notice (to the best of their knowledge and ability) honors all the guidelines stipulated in Sect. 25.0 of this document, and that this notice is accurate legally and in every other way. All notices sent out must be documented (that they were sent out to the proper address or location) and evidence must be obtained that the desired party received the notice. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to violate Sect. 25.0 of this document in the sending out of notices (to those that require them), such as to send the notices to the wrong party or to send inaccurate or misleading notices, or to send notices at the wrong time (perhaps deliberately sending out old notices that are no longer relevant and that could cause problems) or any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing trickery or deception involved in the sending out of notices–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a scheme.
25.0(b) Any (direct or indirect) willing, deliberate, and knowing attempt (or action) to counterfeit any legal document related to any CONSPIRACY LAW (such as notices) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
25.1 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any member of the NOTICES DEPARTMENT of the UAC, to neglect to send the required notices (as outlined in Sect. 24 & 25 of this document) to those organizations that operate under the jurisdiction of their country (and that require the notice–see Sect. 25.0), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
25.2 The German led auditing and programming network will regularly audit the work of the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEES within each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT.
All violations of this Sect. 26 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
26.0 For the purpose of CONSPIRACY LAWS, a VEHICLE is defined as any machine which can be directly or indirectly controlled by a human being, and which could be used as an instrument to murder or kill (such as an automobile, a airplane, a train, a bus, a metrorail vehicle, a rocket, a cruise ship, a ship, a boat, etc.)
26.0 (a) A POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR is defined as an UNWILLING AGENT or any operator of any VEHICLE (plane, train, bus, car, truck, boat, etc.) who could be manipulated (via LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING) to operate that vehicle as an instrument of murder or death. It is important to emphasize that no one will be placed on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM until the evidence from that person’s PERSON-PROGRAM is obtained which proves that that person (via LOOPHOLE or other PROGRAMMING) could be used as a LETHAL OPERATOR. This evidencemust be attached by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM to each person’s file for every person who is on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST. The German led PROGRAMMING AND AUDITING NETWORK and the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (which has jurisdiction over that UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEE) will create the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM (with the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS) to audit the computer files (for each person on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR’s LIST) to ensure that the laws in this Section 26 are being honored–see Sect. 54.0 (aaa) of INTERNATIONAL PLP and RSP-NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS.
26.0(b) A LETHAL OPERATOR is defined as an operator whose behavior or pattern of operating his/her VEHICLE is such, that if allowed to continue (without appropriate intervention), his/her manner of operating his/her vehicle (or his/her vehicle operating patterns) would definitely (without any doubt) cause serious injury or death. All who are not born again Christians will be considered LETHAL OPERATORs, since those not born again can be transported out of their VEHICLE via transporter technology, leaving their VEHICLE without an operator.
26.1 All VEHICLES which could be used as instruments of murder must be placed under the surveillance (and potential control) of a SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause any VEHICLE (which could be used as an instrument of death by a LETHAL OPERATOR) to not be under the surveillance (and potential control) of a SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM (see rest of this Section 26), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. We may determine that all vehicles need to be placed under the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM, but as we phase into this, we may first place the vehicles most likely to cause harm into the program first.
26.1(a) The SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM (for each country) will produce a DAILY updated list of those persons for their country who are determined to be POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS. All UNWILLING AGENTS who operate any potentially lethal VEHICLES must be on this list.
26.1(b) However, some people who are not UNWILLING AGENTs, but whose PERSON-PROGRAM is set-up (with the appropriate LOOPHOLE or other PROGRAMMING) so that that person could be used as a POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR may also be on this list–perhaps because LOOPHOLE or other PROGRAMMING violators through the use of amnesia, Alzheimer’s, dizziness, fainting, alcoholism, or other techniques (via illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer programming) could manipulate that person. Alzheimer’s has been determined to be a 666-Computer induced condition–a Jesuit invention (like the AIDS virus). It is anticipated that once our PLP and RSP-networks are able to wrest 666-Computer control away from Jesuit Conspirators, that Alzheimer’s disease can be eradicated or greatly lessened.
26.1{c} Only the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM can create (or write) or update the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR LIST.
26.1(d) The SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM should be made to ensure that this list is accurate, complete, and that the research for this list is done in an efficient, accurate and up-to-date manner. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause programming to delay the research for this POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR LIST (so that it is not up-to-date and relevant or useful) or to delay necessary updates to this list (see rest of this Section 26), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a scheme. Those who create and write the programming for this list will create the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM so that the daily POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR LIST is submitted to the head of their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (and to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC in California and Russia). The programmers will make a statement under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that the programs they created for the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM is (to the best of their knowledge) accurate and complete (as defined by Section 26 of this document) and has been created with the most up-to-date, accurate, complete and relevant research as was possible and that the program honors the guidelines of this Sections 26.
26.1(e) This POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST for each country must be updated daily by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM (with omissions and additions of POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS completed accurately and in an up-to-date manner by the SPP). In the updates, those persons whose brains have been freed from use as POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS must be omitted from the list within 48 hours (after they have been freed from use as possible POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS); and these former POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS may regain the privileges they lost because their names were placed on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LISTKsuch as the right and privilege to drive any motor vehicle they are licensed to drive, etc. Also, in the updates, any new persons who are discovered to be POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS in a country must be added to the list (as soon as possible).
26.2 The SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM will study all the PERSON-PROGRAMS for all citizens of their country, in order to determine who needs to be placed on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST. LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING RESEARCHERS cannot work on any computer program, only PROGRAMMERS from the PROGRAMMER CORPS can work on computers and their programming–see Sect. 55 of Int. PLP and RSP Network Conf. Anyone besides a PROGRAMMER who works on a computer program, will receive the death penalty–see Sect. 55 of Int. PLP and RSP Network Configurations.
26.2(a) Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to create programs to put any person on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST for a country when that person is not a POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR (as determined by the analysis of that person’s SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or actions.
26.2(b) Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any programmer to create a program which omits any person from the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST for a country when that person is a POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR (as determined by the analysis of that person’s PERSON-PROGRAM by programmers and PLP and RSPs) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
26.3 POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS will be informed IN WRITING by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM of those vehicles which they are permitted to operate and will also be informed of the consequences if they operate any other vehicles other than those designated to them. If they ask why they have been targeted with this law, they will be informed that they don’t have enough control over their own brain to make sound judgments, and that their brain is being manipulated by terrorists and so they need to be monitored as they operate any potentially lethal vehicle and that it is easier to monitor them when they are limited to the operation of designated vehicles. They will also be informed that they will be removed from the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST when their brain is freed from potential use by terrorists. Evidence from their PERSON-PROGRAM (and maybe from their 666-Computer or satellite computer brain scan) will be presented to them as to why they have been placed on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST.
26.3(a) POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS of any vehicle can only operate designated vehicles. They will be assigned those vehicles which they can operate. For instance, a POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR, who is a registered automobile driver, could probably only operate his/her own car(s) and may not be permitted to operate anybody else’s car.
26.3(b) POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS will be monitored (via the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM and in cooperation with their PLP and RSPs) to ensure that they are in compliance with this Section 26.
26.4 Any POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR who operates any vehicle (other than those designated to him/her) will be turned in by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM (alarms will go off at law enforcement) and he/she will lose his/her privilege (or license) for operating that vehicle and that privilege (or license) will only be reinstated when that POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR is no longer on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR LIST. This means a driver could lose his/her driving privilege until his/her name has been removed from the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATOR LIST.
26.5 A SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM to take over a vehicle for emergency situations or when drilling for emergency situations. It is not to be used randomly.
26.6 SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAMS will be computer programs operated and programmed by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM-, who will work with SATELLITE in outer space to coordinate and direct the driving in an emergency situation. Members of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS and those who are masters at satellite manipulation of drivers (via satellite technology) and who have read the Bible (or its equivalent for at least 20 years) will do the set-up, programming and operation of these SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAMS.
26.6(a) In a SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM, satellite and computer technology will be used to takeover the operation of any VEHICLES–when it is determined that that VEHICLE is going to be used as an instrument of murder, and that SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM will override that LETHAL OPERATOR’s control over his/her VEHICLE. Sometimes the SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM may only need to do something as simple as turning on a car’s headlights at night, or it may be used to cause a car to stop (by causing the car to use its brakes) or it may be used to prevent a car from speeding (by not allowing the car’s accelerator to go past a certain speed).
26.6(aa) For each SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM which is programmed, the programmers involved in creating the program will state under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of their knowledge, this program honors CONSPIRACY LAW and is the most effective and best program to help enforce Sect. 26 of this document. No SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM will be utilized until the creators of that program pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the above bold and underlined statement.
26.6(b) If necessary, that SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM may work with the LETHAL OPERATOR’s PLP and RSP to cause that LETHAL OPERATOR to temporarily lose the ability to move his/her arms or his/her legs so that he/she cannot cause problems when a SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM takes over his/her vehicle. No SATELLITE TAKEOVER program can cause a vehicle operator to lose the use of his/her arms or legs (or any other essential body part or function needed to operate his/her vehicle) unless that operator is resisting the SATELLITE takeover program’s takeover of that operator’s vehicle in a manner which is interfering with the SATELLITE takeover program’s manipulation of that vehicle. And this can be determined by the SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM (using a combination of 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis of that person’s brain and by satellite technology)–this is why these SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMS must be connected to the computers which the PLPs and RSPs use for their work.
26.6{c} No SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM should wrest total control of any vehicle away from any vehicle operator, unless it is determined that that vehicle operator is a LETHAL OPERATOR (see 26.0b). Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to take over a vehicle totally using a SATELLITE takeover PROGRAM, when that vehicle operator is nota LETHAL OPERATOR– will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any programmer who makes such a program.
26.6(d) Turning on a car’s headlights at night, or causing a car to brake (when a car is about to go through a red light–and by doing so, would hit a car), or causing a mack truck to slow down (when a mack truck is about to run over a small car in front of it)– are examples of wresting partial control away from a vehicle operator. These are not examples of wresting total control away from a vehicle operator.
26.6(e) However, if the SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM is used to partially takeover the control of a vehicle (in a manner which does not promote that operator’s ability to drive that vehicle in a safer manner)–that programmer who willingly and knowingly wrote (or installed) such a lousy program will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR if that SATELLITE programmer (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly created the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM in a careless manner. An example of this might be. . . as a car goes under the traffic light (which is yellow), and then the light turns red–and then the SATELLITE PILOT causes that car to slam on its brakes. In a situation like this, it might be better to leave the car alone and let it go through the red light, because the slamming of that car’s brakes could cause injury.
26.7 The equivalent of war games (as used by the military) will be used by each country to train those programmers who are their SATELLITE PILOTS programmers (in their SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM). These war games will be called SATELLITE WAR GAMES. In SATELLITE WAR GAMES– that country’s PLP and RSP network, SATELLITE PRACTITIONERS and PILOTS and that country’s PROGRAMMER CORPS members will have drills (where they coordinate their efforts) to prepare for any eventuality (such as how to use their SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMs to overpower a LETHAL airplane operator when there are 20 other flying vehicles within range).
26.7(a) Each country’s SATELLITE takeover PROGRAMS are responsible for their own country’s citizens (see Sect. 26.8c). However, if a country’s SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMS do not (or cannot) respond quickly or effectively enough to an emergency situation, then the LETHAL OPERATOR can be overcome by those countries’ SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAMS who are closest to the location of that LETHAL OPERATOR. OR, if the country that has jurisdiction over the LETHAL OPERATOR chooses to work with another country (or countries’ SATELLITE takeover programs in order to overcome a LETHAL OPERATOR or chooses to allow another country’s SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAMS to deal with the LETHAL OPERATOR– that is fine. However, the country of the LETHAL OPERATOR’s citizenship should be given the first shot at dealing with the LETHAL OPERATOR–if at all possible. So, let’s say, an Iranian citizen is flying a jet over American territory in a lethal manner. An Iranian SATELLITE PILOT should wrest control of that LETHAL JET away from their own citizen–the Americans should not do it (unless the Iranians want to work with American SATELLITE PILOTS in a coordinated effort to overcome the LETHAL OPERATOR). Iran should be given the first shot, so that Iran can’t accuse the Americans of setting them up. In this situation, the Americans would quickly alert the Iranians that one of their citizens is flying in a lethal manner over American territory. Only if Iran does not (or cannot) respond quickly to this situation (and this needs to be documented) or if Iran wants to work with America (or Canada–for instance), can an American or Canadian or other country’s SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM wrest control away from that Iranian (who is flying in a lethal manner over American territory).
26.7(aa) After each incident is over (especially those that required the attention of more than one country), all decisions made (by all countries involved in the incident) need to be documented in WRITING and this will be done automatically by the SATELLITE PILOT OR TAKEOVER PROGRAM INVOLVED (with the rationale and evidence for the decisions made in the documentation) to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of all countries involved (and to the California and Russian INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC) with the incident. This document will be called an INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE PILOT’s REPORT (see Sect. 26.8b).
26.7(aaa) Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to wrest control away from another country’s citizen (who is a LETHAL OPERATOR) by any SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM (before notifying that other country about its LETHAL OPERATOR and allowing that country to respond)–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person responsible for the directives of the SATELLITE PILOT program who makes such an attempt or action.
26.7(aaaa) These SATELLITE WAR GAMES (or practice runs) by each country can be used to train the SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAMS how to avert catastrophic traffic or train accidents and will teach them strategies and priorities when they must carry-out their SATELLITE takeover PROGRAMS.
26.7(b) Also, during each country’s training, each SATELLITE PILOT programmer will be given written (or recorded) guidelines (written by that country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) about how to handle different situations. These guidelines must be followed by the SATELLITE PILOTS programmers whenever they program a SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM. The guidelines should be broad enough to allow for latitude for a wide variety of situations. These guidelines will be written by experts (chosen by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of that country) in the operation of the various vehicles involved–whether they be airplanes, jets, cars, trains, buses, etc. Preferably those who write these guidelines will have knowledge of the physics and aerodynamics (and possible satellite interference by Jesuit criminals) involved in the various scenarios which could arise whenever VEHICLES are operated in a LETHAL manner. Anyone who writes these guidelines is considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and must meet all the qualifications required of any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. These guidelines cannot be used until those members of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE who wrote the document state (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) that to the best of their knowledge, these guidelines honor CONSPIRACY LAW and are the most effective and best guidelines to help enforce Sect. 26 of this document–and this needs to be documented by each country who writes their own guidelines. Any country which allows the guidelines (as described in this Section 26.7b) to be accepted (as that country’s guidelines for SATELLITE PILOT programmers) by any writer of those guidelines [who does not pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection regarding the above bold and underlined section)], is at serious risk of being listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s Website and of suffering the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION (as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW).
26.8 Once the SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM must be used to totally (see Sect. 26.6d) wrest control away from any VEHICLE operator in order to prevent a lethal situation, that VEHICLE operator will probably lose his/her license to operate that VEHICLE if that VEHICLE operator’s name is on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST. Once an operator has lost his/her license to operate his/her vehicle because a SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM had to be used to totally wrest control away from that LETHAL OPERATOR in order to prevent a lethal situation (that is, if the lethal situation which was prevented or minimized by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM would have been the fault of that operator); then he/she can only have his/her license to operate that vehicle reinstated, after his/her name is removed from the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM–and, even then, it may not be reinstated.. All laws, cases and situations are different– and each case will be handled according to the laws and the unique circumstances surrounding that case.
26.8(a) The SATELLITE takeover PROGRAM, when used to totally wrest control away from a vehicle operator, should only be used for emergency situations–that is, when the vehicle operator is clearly operating in a lethal manner. The SATELLITE TAKEOVER PROGRAM is never to be used for minor infractions (especially in a careless manner–see Section 26.6e).
26.8(b) Each time the SATELLITE takeover PROGRAM is activated by a SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM, a report (called the SATELLITE PILOT REPORT) will be written by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM explaining why the SATELLITE takeover PROGRAM had to be activated and this report will present the evidence for this conclusion.
26.8(bb) Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to program any SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM to write a false, misleading or inaccurate SATELLITE PILOT REPORT or INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE PILOT REPORT (see Sect. 26.7aa) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who directly or indirectly promotes such a false, misleading or inaccurate report.
26.8(bbb) This report will be filed by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM with the head of that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (whose SATELLITE PILOTS were used to activate the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM) and/or with the head of that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (which had jurisdiction over the LETHAL OPERATOR who had to be overcome) and/or with the head of any other country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which requests the report and/or with the California and Russian headquarters of the ISC. In other words, in the example in Sect. 26.7a–let’s say the Iranians didn’t respond and the Americans had to use their SATELLITE PILOTS to wrest control away from the Iranian pilot. In that case, the American SATELLITE PILOTS would file the SATELLITE PILOT REPORT with their own Homeland Security Dept. Head and would also file a SATELLITE PILOT REPORT with Iran’s Homeland Security Dept. Head and would file these reports with the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC. And these reports will be audited by the German-led AUDITING AND PROGRAMMING NETWORK.
26.8[c] Only those SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMS as designated by this Sect. 26 (see Sect. 26.7a) can activate a SATELLITE takeover PROGRAM. If anyone besides a designated SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM (directly or indirectly) willingly, deliberately and knowingly operates any SATELLITE takeover PROGRAM, that violator will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR
26.9 Every SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMMER must be a member of the SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS (see Sect. 26.1 of ICL:ST) and must have read the Bible for at least 20 years daily, and are considered full-fledged members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS (see Sect. 55 of International PLP and RSP-Network Configurations) with the same legal accountability and requirements as any other member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS. SATELLITE PILOTS PROGRAMMERS are considered full-fledged members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS and will be chosen just like any other member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS; and (for legal purposes) SATELLITE PILOTS will be considered full-fledged members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS.
26.91 Those persons on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST who exhibit lethal trends or patterns in the operation of their vehicles (as noted by those SATELLITE PILOT programs who observe them) may also lose their license to operate their vehicle. If their license is revoked or cancelled by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM, this evidence (from satellite observations by SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMS) of their lethal operating patterns or trends will be attached to their files (in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of their country and to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC).
26.92 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to program a SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM to submit false satellite evidence regarding why an alleged LETHAL OPERATOR has lost his/her license to operate a vehicle, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who participates in such a scheme.
26.93 A LETHAL OPERATOR may have their license reinstated by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM after their name is removed from the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST–or PLOL. Every person’s name will be removed from the PLOL when the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM determines that his/her brain is no longer vulnerable to being manipulated as a LETHAL OPERATOR by CONSPIRACY LAW violators.
26.94 The PLOL only lists those operators who are vulnerable to being used as a LETHAL OPERATOR because of the manipulation of their brain by LOOPHOLE or other PROGRAMMING violators. The PLOL does not list every potentially lethal VEHICLE operator –it only lists those who are potentially lethal because of possible illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulation of their brain.
26.94(a) However, if LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING (or 666-Computer or satellite computer) violations are used (directly or indirectly) to cause a person to be an alcoholic, drug abuser or to have Alzheimer’s disease or any other condition which could make that person a dangerous driver or operator (and, therefore, a potentially lethal operator)–that person will be placed on the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST and that person will be strictly monitored by SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMS. If that person’s behavior is deemed to be potentially lethal when he/she operates a VEHICLE, that person will also be placed under the care of the JAIL PRACTITIONER PROGRAM and will be strictly monitored (especially when they operate any VEHICLE). If the SATELLITE PILOT program feels that that person’s manner of operating a VEHICLE is lethal or potentially lethal, that person may lose their license to operate that vehicle. In all cases where licenses are revoked (or cancelled) by the actions of SATELLITE PILOT programs–the evidence for this will be attached by the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM to that person’s files in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (under whose jurisdiction that person falls) and to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC.
26.94(b) Any SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAM which fails to tag and monitor the activities of a LETHAL OPERATOR (even if the LETHAL OPERATOR is from another country besides his/her own) and which (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly neglects to prevent that LETHAL OPERATOR from carrying out his/her lethal operation, must be done over and recreated by the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS (or other reliable programmers). Willing and knowing failure to do this will cause those neglectful persons to receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR for his/her deliberate neglect to prevent a lethal operator from carrying out his/her lethal operation. Motive will be key in determining violations of this Sect. 26.94b and motive can be determined through direct or cross-examination (see Sect. 2 of this document) and 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis.
Medals given so far:
–American Bill O’Reilly of FOX News for outstanding work in direct and cross-examination on GCFNC. American national anthem and flag played/displayed during presentation–May 2004.
–German NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCHER for outstanding work in discovering use of 666-Computer programming techniques (using colloidal silver) to defeat Jesuit shield around LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS in PERSON-PROGRAMS.
German national anthem and flag played/displayed during presentation–May 2004.
–Chinese ACUPUNCTURE TEAM for outstanding work in acupuncture programming on all 666-Computer programs throughout the world and in the use of acupuncture programming principles (using colloidal silver) to defeat Jesuit shield on last remaining LOOPHOLE PROGRAM on PERSON-PROGRAMS and in the use of acupuncture programming to direct colloidal silver to block Jesuit-directed 666-Computer brain signals to areas of body targeted by Jesuits.
Chinese national anthem and flag played/displayed during presentation–June 2004.
27.0 The International government will have give out medals (made of gold) for outstanding achievement(s) in enforcing or assisting with CONSPIRACY LAW. These medals will be a great honor and will have the prestige (and appearance) of an Olympic medal. Though the medals will be made of pure gold, this fact will not be advertised during the presentation (since Jesuits like to make a conspiracy out of everything). In order to ensure that these medals are a great honor, they will only be given to those whose achievements are so outstanding that the achievement could make or break the war against terrorism. During the medal’s presentation, the evidence will be presented as to why this medal recipient’s achievements are so important that they could make or break the war against terrorism.
27.1 The first gold medal for outstanding achievement in enforcing or assisting with CONSPIRACY LAW will go to a German researcher on the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM who discovered a way to defeat the shield which the Jesuits have placed around LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING targeted sections of the brain.
27.2 The medals (when given) will be done publicly on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and the recipient will receive his medal (placed over his/her neck) while standing on a podium, just as is done in the Olympic games (when medals are presented during the Olympics). The flag of the medal recipient’s country (or countries) will be displayed in the background (just as in the Olympics), while the recipient receives his/her medal.
27.3 Medals can also be given to all the members of any outstanding team (like as is done in the Olympics). Since most CONSPIRACY LAW teams have members who all belong to one country, the country’s national anthem will be played while all the team members receive their medals. If more than one country is involved in a team, then all the national anthems from all the countries involved will be played before the medals are placed over each person’s neck.
27.4 While the country of the medal recipient’s national anthem is played, the recipient will stand in a position of respect as he/she listens to his/her country’s national anthem. We will play the national anthem of the medal recipient’s country, in order to honor his/her country as well. After the national anthem is played, the recipient will receive his medal (which will be made of pure gold) and it will be placed around his/her neck. A presenter will describe to the audience the reason for honoring the recipient and will describe the outstanding work which the recipient did (which earned him/her this medal).
27.5 The first gold medal will be given to a German researcher on the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM who discovered a way to defeat the shield (using reflector technology) the Jesuits have placed around LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMED targeted sections of the brain–and the German national anthem will be played while we honor this German man with this medal–the German flag will be displayed prominently in the background.
27.6 The International President will decide which LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS on the international CONSPIRACY LAW team deserve medals. They will be given for outstanding achievements in enforcing or assisting with CONSPIRACY LAW–usually for achievements which are of such value that the achievement could make or break the outcome of the war against Jesuit terrorism. When these medals are given out, they will be given to honor the country of the medal recipient as well as to honor the medal recipient.
All violations of this Sect. 28 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
28.0 A MONITORED PERSON is defined as a minor (who is under the care of parents or legal guardians). A MONITORED PERSON is also defined as any person who is legally monitored or cared for by another (a CARETAKER)–especially if that/those CARETAKER(s) who monitor(s) or care(s) for that MONITORED PERSON is/are legally accountable (in any manner) for that MONITORED PERSON’s actions. MONITORED PERSONS (for the purposes of this Section 28 and of CONSPIRACY LAW) could be all the citizens of a country, since each country’s government is a CARETAKER (see Sect. 28.01).
28.01 A CARETAKER is defined as any person (or organization) who legally monitors or cares for another. The government is also a CARETAKER, because the government is legally accountable to those under its jurisdiction.
28.02 Sellers in stores (or elsewhere) will not be punished if they make a mistake and accidentally (without criminal intent) sell alcohol or cigarettes or any other illegal items (including illegal drugs) to a MONITORED PERSON (in those places where it is against the law to sell alcohol or cigarettes or other illegal items to any MONITORED PERSON).
28.1 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis will be used to determine whether the seller accidentally (or deliberately and on purpose and with criminal intent) sold alcohol or cigarettes or illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON. If the seller sold the items by accident (without criminal intent) to a MONITORED PERSON, the store (or seller) will contact that MONITORED PERSON’s CARETAKER (to inform that CARETAKER that their MONITORED PERSON bought liquor or cigarettes or illegal items from the store or seller and that it was sold accidentally to their MONITORED PERSON).
28.2 The PLP and RSP-network which has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over that MONITORED PERSON (which is the MONITORED PERSON who purchased the illegal items) will contact the store (or seller) and let the store (or seller) know that a MONITORED PERSON has illegally purchased cigarettes or liquor or other illegal items from that store (or seller) and that that monitored person’s CARETAKER(S) need to be informed of this.
28.3 The PLP and RSP-network (which has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over that MONITORED PERSON) will present evidence to the store (or seller) that a MONITORED PERSON has purchased an illegal item from that store (or seller). If the CARETAKER is not the government, the store (or seller) will refund the purchase price of the illegal cigarettes or liquor or item to that monitored person’s CARETAKER . If the CARETAKER is a government (or government entity), then the store (or seller) will refund the amount of the illegal purchase to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. No seller (or store) will have to go to court or be fined or punished for accidentally (without criminal intent) selling liquor or cigarettes or illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON.
28.4 If the monitored person’s CARETAKER chooses to do so, the International government will place that caretaker’s MONITORED PERSON under the care of a JAIL PRACTITIONER, in order to monitor that PERSON (who is under that CARETAKER’s care) to ensure that this MONITORED PERSON does not purchase anymore illegal items. If the CARETAKER desires, the JAIL PRACTITIONER could inform the CARETAKER each time that caretaker’s MONITORED PERSON purchases (or attempts to purchase) an illegal item.
28.5 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis of that seller’s brain can determine whether that seller sold the items with DELIBERATE or CRIMINAL INTENT to break the law.
28.6 If the seller sold the alcohol or cigarettes or illegal items WITH DELIBERATE INTENT TO BREAK THE LAW, then that seller may be fined or may have to go to court for selling cigarettes or alcohol or illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON–because that seller sold the alcohol or cigarettes or illegal items deliberately and with the intent to break the law and with the intent to encourage that MONITORED PERSON to be an alcoholic or cigarette smoker or drug abuser.
28.7 MOTIVE SHOULD BE THE KEY ELEMENT in determining whether that seller should be punished for selling cigarettes or alcohol or other illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON and motive can be determined through 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis and also(for complicated cases) through direct or cross-examination with 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis.
28.8 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis can be used as evidence in the military tribunal for these type of cases, in order to establish the MOTIVE of criminal intent— because it will be the MOTIVE of criminal intent which will indict or convict the seller (or IMPOSED PERSON or LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violator) involved.
28.9 Also, if the seller is an UNWILLING AGENT and sells alcohol or cigarettes or illegal items (or drugs) to a MONITORED PERSON (in places where it is against the law), then the IMPOSED PERSON (who manipulated the seller)– and NOT the seller– will be arrested for breaking the law and that IMPOSED PERSON will also be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–because any use of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is a death penalty violation.
28.90 An UNWILLING AGENT is incompetent or unable to represent themselves (in any way) in legal matters, and UNWILLING AGENTS will not be tried for any legal violations because they have no control over their own volition and/or decisions. The IMPOSED PERSONs (who manipulated that UNWILLING AGENT into the legal violation) will be prosecuted and/or tried (instead of the UNWILLING AGENT) for that violation.
28.91 Also, if the seller accidentally and without criminal intent sells liquor or cigarettes or illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON, and it is determined that LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING was used willingly, knowingly and deliberately to (directly or indirectly) manipulate that seller into this “accident”--then the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violator who caused the seller to make this mistake, will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–because ANY use of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is a death penalty violation. Also, the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violator will be convicted of the crime of selling that illegal item to that MONITORED PERSON.
28.92 No seller will be punished because that seller was manipulated by a LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violator against his/her will or knowledge into selling illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON.
28.93 In these instances where the seller was manipulated (via LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING) against his/her will or knowledge into selling illegal items to a MONITORED PERSON, the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violator [who (directly or indirectly) willingly, knowingly and deliberately manipulated the seller] will be punished–NOT THE seller. And the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING violator will also get the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–BECAUSE ANY deliberate USE OF LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING is a death penalty violation.
29.0 The Jesuit Order needs to be tried for its crimes against the Jews (through Nazi Germany in World War II). This is a matter where justice was not served and those Jews that were slaughtered deserve to have justice. It isn’t fair that the Germans had to be tried for Nazi war crimes and that the Jesuits weren’t included– because the Jesuits sponsored and financed the whole Nazi movement BEHIND THE SCENES and they would have killed and tortured any Germans and their families (if those Germans wouldn’t cooperate with the torture of the Jews).
29.1 The conspiracy charges brought against the Jesuit Order in this trial, will apply to any conspiracies orchestrated by Jesuits from World War II and afterwards. See charge #1 below–this is where my CONSPIRACY LAWS will be very useful. The Jewish nation of Israel will be the main prosecutor in this rerun of the Nuremberg trial, because the Jewish nation has probably suffered more at the hands of the Jesuits than any other group of people. The Israelis can hire other prosecutors from other countries if they desire–these other prosecutors can assist them in their prosecution of this case.
29.2 Remember, NO UNWILLING AGENTS can be involved in this case in any manner which influences the verdict. THAT IS CONSPIRACY LAW and it MUST BE ENFORCED IN THIS CASE.
29.3 It is our contention that World War II never ended and that what we are fighting today is the continuation of World War II.
29.4 This is because the Nuremberg trials were ineffective because the Nuremberg trials did not prosecute the REAL CRIMINAL (the Jesuits) behind the Nazi Order. The charges brought up in this trial will be based on the original charges brought against the Nazi Order from the original Nuremberg trial, and the charges are as follows:
1) Conspiracy to carry out aggressive war(s).
2) The actual launching of aggression(s).
3) Killing, destroying, and plundering during ANY war from World War II (and afterwards) not justified by military necessity.
4) Crimes against humanity, including atrocities against civilians, most flagrantly the attempt to exterminate the Jews.
29.5 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will conduct a rerun of the Nuremberg War Crimes trial FOR THE JESUITS in Nuremberg, Germany.
29.6 We will make up for this gross oversight in history on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
29.7 THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will sponsor a rerun of the Nuremberg War Crimes trial and the Jesuit Order will be placed on trial for its violation of the 4 charges listed above, and this trial will be televised on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The whole trial will be televised on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and may be presented in its entirety on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION.
29.8 In this trial the defendant is the JESUIT ORDER and the primary prosecutor against the JESUIT ORDER is the JEWISH RACE. The nation of Israel will hire those attorneys they want to hire to prosecute the JESUIT ORDER and the Jesuits will hire those attorneys they want to hire to defend themselves.
29.9 The trial will be held in Nuremberg, Germany just like the original Nuremberg war trial.
30.0 Since all those Jesuits who were behind the Nazi Order are now dead, the punishments for the Jesuits (still alive) will be determined by the level of anti-Semitism which is determined to exist in the current Jesuit Order and by the the level of violations in the recent past (revolving around the 4 charges mentioned above). I am convinced that the Jesuits are still very anti-Semitic and that we won’t have trouble establishing that they have not changed their position toward the Jewish race AT ALL SINCE WORLD WAR II.
30.1 The difference between this Nuremberg war trial and the one in the 1940s, will be that CONSPIRACY LAW will be used and 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis and 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection can be admitted as evidence–this will be especially important in order to determine whether the Jesuit Order still has the motive to wipe out the Jewish race and that they continue to violate the 4 charges which we bring against them.
30.2 It’s possible that after this trial is over, that the verdict against the Jesuit Order will be the death penalty for every person who is a member of the Jesuit Order and/or the death penalty for all those who (directly or indirectly) and willingly, knowingly and deliberately assist them. In other words after this trial is concluded, and IF THE VERDICT IS THAT THE JESUIT ORDER IS GUILTY OF THE SLAUGHTER OF MILLIONS OF JEWS IN WORLD WAR II and of the 4 charges brought against them, and that the current JESUIT ORDER HAS THE SAME GOALS–we won’t have to direct or cross-examine or try any Jesuits at all when we capture them–except to ESTABLISH THAT A PERSON IS A MEMBER OF THE JESUIT ORDER AND/OR ASSISTS THEM WILLINGLY, DELIBERATELY AND KNOWINGLY and that will be sufficient to give that person the death penalty.
Today’s date is 5-25-04 and the verdicts are in:
1) Conspiracy to carry out aggressive war(s). JESUIT ORDER IS GUILTY
2) The actual launching of aggression(s). JESUIT ORDER IS GUILTY
3) Killing, destroying, and plundering during ANY war from World War II(and afterwards) not justified by military necessity. JESUIT ORDER IS GUILTY
4) Crimes against humanity, including atrocities against civilians, most flagrantly the attempt to exterminate the Jews. JESUIT ORDER IS GUILTY
31.0 Because this Nuremberg trial is the highest rated television episode in all of television broadcast history, the verdicts for this trial (regarding the 4 charges in Sect. 29.4) will be DECIDED BY POLL.
31.1 Some of those that are watching this trial on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be the jury (called VOTER JURORS). A poll by eligible people (all over the world) who watch the trial will decide the 4 verdicts. The poll must honor the guidelines of Sect. 8 of this document.
31.2 After all the arguments in this case have been presented and final statements by all attorneys and judges have been made– pollsters will contact persons (who are NOT vulnerable to being used as UNWILLING AGENTS) from every country (which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website). Each major political party in every country will be represented in this poll [according to that party’s percentage in that country’s population (following the guidelines of Sect. 8 of this document)].
31.2(a) If some countries cast different verdicts from other countries, verdicts will be decided by the totality of the verdicts from all countries. Each verdict will count the same (no matter what country it’s from). This means China will have a significant say in the verdicts. Those countries with greater populations will be able to cast more verdicts, since all countries will be represented equally (according to the same percentage of the population of that country). That means if we use 1% of Americans as the VOTER JURORs, then we must use 1% of all other NON-TERRORIST NATIONS as VOTER JURORs. This means that 1% of all the Chinese will have more verdicts than 1% of all the Americans.
31.2(b) Within that 1% (for example–and it doesn’t have to be 1%), each major political party of that country must be represented according to the percentage of that political party in that country. Rules from Sect. 8 of this document will be followed in determining the percentages of political parties (that will be represented in that country’s 1%). The verdicts will be handled like a voting matter (see Sect. 8), except that the qualifications (to be a voter JUROR) will be much more stringent.
31.3 First, those persons contacted by the pollsters will be asked (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) key questions (in a QUALIFYING QUESTIONNAIRE) about the case (as the case was conducted on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) to see if those persons understand the case enough to render verdicts and that those who are questioned have followed the case closely enough on THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL to be eligible VOTER JURORs.
31.4 A QUALIFYING QUESTIONNAIRE or TEST (prepared by the judges and attorneys for this case) will be asked of those polled–the possible VOTER JURORs–and this questionnaire or test will be broadcast on GCFNC, so that all the world will know how the questionnaire or test was set up.
31.5 The questionnaire (or test) will be set up to test whether the person is knowledgeable enough about the case to render a verdict (about the 4 charges) on the case. The questionnaire (or test) will also test to see if the person has any prejudices, biases, or mental or emotional deficiencies which would hinder an impartial verdict from that person–those with biases (which could cause an unfair verdict) will be eliminated from the jury. And the questionnaire must not be set up in any manner to INFLUENCE THE VERDICTs. Cheating is forbidden and all those tested will be asked (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection) whether or not they cheated. Those who cheat on this test will be immediately disqualified as a VOTER JUROR.
31.6 Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any