77.0 Once the laws of this document or of any CONSPIRACY LAW are enforced in a country, no changes (alterations to, deletions to, additions to these laws) can be made to these laws without a WRITTEN amendment. The approval for this written amendment must be in WRITING, and SIGNED and DATED by the country’s PRESIDENT (in the presence of 14 witnesses who will also sign and date the amendment as witnesses to the President’s signature). This amendment will be filed with the military tribunals.
77.01 NEIGHBOR LAWS (see asterisked sections of Sect. 2 of General and satellite control Laws) are not as comprehensive as my CONSPIRACY LAWS, but are a portion of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. A country’s President can choose which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS he/she wants to adopt for his/her country. But whatever laws he/she chooses to adopt, once these laws are adopted, and then if these laws are modified in any way (by additions to, deletions to, or alterations to these laws), an AMENDMENT must be made public (as described in this Sect. 77) and filed with the military tribunals.
77.011 The term INTERNATIONAL, when used in this document, refers to any country or countries (or citizens of any country or countries) which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The term INTERNATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT also refers to the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT– which encompasses all nations which willingly cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW (and the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and which nations are not listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.012 All violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are considered violations of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
77.02 Any legal actions taken by the international government to defend itself against terrorists (including the use of any of the CONSPIRACY LAWS) can be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
77.022 For all death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, public direct or cross-examinations on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be done, not only for the main perpetrator, but for all those directly or indirectly involved with the violation. All who are determined (directly or indirectly) to be willingly, knowingly and deliberately part of the conspiracy (which was/is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) must be executed at the same time in order to establish the criminal conspiracy’s involvement to the violation–because, right before or after the executions, the criminal conspiracy’s motive (and the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind the violation–with the mention of the names of those executed, and the date and time of their executions) will be exposed and identified on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ (and/or its website). If the number of persons publicly executed for a CONSPIRACY LAW violation is large or more criminals (for that violation) are discovered later, another public mass execution on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for that same violation can be done at a different time (from the time of the original mass execution for that violation), as long as the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind that violation and the motive for that violation is firmly established and mentioned (right before or after the public executions). It is quite possible that 100 or more people may be executed for the same death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. In order to cover these extensive direct or cross-examinations, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will have two broadcasts on two different stations (with one broadcast specifically devoted to the direct or cross-examinations, confession statements and executions of death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations)–see Sect. 4.41 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS.
77.023 Most CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty cases will be decided by motive, this will be mentioned before all public direct or cross-examinations of alleged death penalty violators on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and before all public executions. Questions 24 & 25 of Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be especially helpful in determining motive.
77.024 A DEATH PENALTY MOTIVE is a motive (which accompanies a violation), and which is a motive that is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
77.025 A PUBLIC EXECUTION is defined as the listing or reading of the names of those executed for death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL television broadcast, and this listing or reading will identify the violators (along with the conspiracies they are involved with) and will identify their death-penalty motives which were determined through direct or cross-examination (under and satellite control lie-detection).
77.026 Before public direct or cross-examinations and public executions, the death-penalty motive which can bring the death penalty will be read aloud (and a reference will be made to the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which cover those death-penalty motives [for those violations which are being direct or cross-examined or for which executions are taking place]).
77.03 All those who are suspected of (or are convicted of) any crime outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (which will be updated daily). Highlights from these FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (or the actual word-for-word HISTORIES) may be broadcast and/or published in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in Gail Schuler’s statements (with all the rights of Gail Schuler’s legal documentation as outlined in her 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are required as well as FINANCIAL HISTORIES, because Jesuits are using extortion to force people to take bribes, so the international government needs to know WHY a person took a bribe. The death penalty is not given to those who are victims of extortion. Anyone who uses extortion (and who is not an extortion victim himself/herself) to force anyone to take a Jesuit bribe will be given the death penalty.
77.031 No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to have on his/her person any dangerous weapon, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT be placed in any position where he/she can use any type of lethal force against any person (such as the use of missiles, bombs, etc.). Any UNWILLING AGENT who has a concealed weapons permit must have this permit revoked and that UNWILLING AGENT cannot carry any dangerous weapons until he/she is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Those UNWILLING AGENT members of the military, police and other agencies who normally use (or have access to) dangerous weapons must be revoked of their weapons (or their ability to use lethal force) and must not be permitted to carry any dangerous weapons on their person (or to use any type of lethal force) until that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to carry or use any dangerous weapons (or to have the ability to use lethal force) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates in such a scheme.
77.04 All those who are executed for conspiracy crimes will have all their memories recorded (via and satellite control) before execution (if possible) in order to obtain the intelligence information the international government needs– to learn how these criminals commit their crimes. The international government needs to learn more about Jesuit methodology, since the Jesuits rely on pioneering scientific advances in their warfare and the international government is not familiar with many of their methods of warfare. The international government learns about Jesuit warfare methods day by day. The international government needs to be more efficient in learning about the sophisticated and very advanced scientific and medical technology Jesuits use to conduct their warfare; so, if possible, all conspiracy criminals executed will have their memories read (via and satellite control) before execution.
77.1 CONSPIRACY LAWS are defined as the laws (including updates) which Gail Schuler has (or will have) written regarding any conspiracies involving reproductive conspirators, space conspirators, or 666-CCs. These documents are currently named General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, Russia’s Neighbor Laws, 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners, Conspiracy Laws and Government, Terrorist Money Laws, International PLP and RSP-Network Configurations, and International Reproductive Laws. These laws would also include any laws Gail Schuler wrote that are incorporated into any of Gail Schuler’s written statements.
77.12 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman who was born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are Misao Satake Fuller and Robert Leonard Chord.
77.13 RECORDED CONFESSIONS, delayed executions, or community service before the execution takes place, may be substituted for immediate executions or the death penalty (in some instances). If a person is allowed to make a confession or has a delayed execution or must do community service in order to avoid the death penalty (or immediate execution)–this is not a permission for this person to continue to commit the crimes for which he/she confessed or to commit other crimes which would incur the death penalty. If evidence is found that this person continues to commit the crimes for which he confessed or that this person commits other capital crimes, then he/she will have no more opportunities for a confession to replace the death penalty (in those cases where a confession relieves this person from the death penalty) and this person will be executed. The international government can choose whatever method of execution it desires, and may choose to use the and satellite control or satellite technology to execute this person (using and satellite control or satellite induced terminal illnesses) in order to mitigate Jesuit attempts to make a conspiracy out of the executions.
77.14 If the international government makes an exception to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–the international Government will document the reason why and back up its reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment with sound evidence. For any exceptions to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, the rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise) will be put into written form and entered into the military tribunals. This rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise for a particular case) will be put into written form in a document called RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. Every time a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is guilty of the death penalty and a substitute punishment (rather than the death penalty) is meted out to that conspirator– a RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION must be written and filed with the military tribunals. For significant cases, the contents of this RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION may be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and/or published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.15 In all instances, when a substitute punishment is meted out in place of the deserved death penalty, this substitute punishment will be mentioned in the RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. It is essential that some sort of serious punishment is meted out in place of the death penalty (when the death penalty is substituted with another punishment), or else the death penalty will not be taken seriously by criminals. A justifiable reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment would be if, perhaps, the execution, itself, could be used by the Jesuits as a conspiracy or could create a martyr hysteria (which could promote anarchy and bloodshed). A death penalty substitute is never allowed in order to make it easier for the criminal to go out and commit more capital crimes.
77.2 An amendment by a President will also be necessary, if the President does not approve of updates or revisions which Gail Schuler has made to CONSPIRACY LAWS which this President has already enforced as laws in his/her country. The amendment, in this case, would need to state in unambiguous language which updates/revisions the President will NOT incorporate into the present CONSPIRACY LAWS which he/she has already incorporated as laws in his/her country; and then state in unambiguous language which portions of Gail’s updates he/she WILL incorporate as laws in his/her country.
77.3 If an amendment to a CONSPIRACY LAW is written and/or approved by the President, the public must be informed of this amendment (and proof must be submitted to the military tribunals that the public was/is made aware of this amendment and proof must also be submitted to the military tribunals that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment in its entirety; and these proofs that the public has been made aware of this amendment and that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment, must be submitted to the military tribunals within 22 hours after the amendment is passed or approved by the President, and this proof will be filed permanently in the military tribunals). This amendment will be considered PUBLIC RECORD, and will be easily accessible to the public (for the public to view the UNALTERED amendment IN ITS ENTIRETY) and it will be an exact, unaltered copy of the amendment which the President signed and dated for approval, which will be shown to the public. There will be no alterations (omissions, deletions, etc.) to the wording of the amendment which will be shown to the public, and it will be the same amendment (with all wording exactly as it was) when the President signed and dated the amendment.
77.4 Any SECRET changes to the laws of this document WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and all those involved in a SECRET conspiracy to change, void, or make of NO EFFECT the laws of this document will, if found guilty of this secret conspiracy, be guilty of HIGH TREASON and will receive the death penalty WITHIN 10 YEARS. The military tribunal will decide when this death penalty will be executed, because this is a most serious crime, and no arbitrary date will be set as an execution date.
77.5 To DISREGARD is defined as one who (directly or indirectly) strives to circumvent the laws of this document, once they become law in a country, either by ignoring the laws, rewriting them secretly, or in any way making the laws of NO EFFECT, so that the laws are not enforced as written in this document.
77.6 Once the laws of this document are enforced in a country, and the laws are WILLINGLY ignored or made of NO EFFECT (through default or deliberate DISREGARD of these laws), and someone is AWARE of this DISREGARD and does NOT report it to the government. If this person (who is aware of the DISREGARD) is found out, he/she will be tried for a conspiracy involving HIGH TREASON and, if found guilty, will be given the death penalty within 10 years (possibly sooner, depending on how the military tribunal decides). Because of and satellite control technology, MOTIVE will play a key role in deciding these types of cases (involving 666-CCs, RPCs, SCs or those guilty of high treason).
77.7 PRESIDENT is defined as the leader of a country, who has the duties, responsibilities of a president, prime minister, chancellor, etc., (which would be a position equivalent to what the American President George W. Bush is for the United States) for his/her respective country. The Pope is also considered to be a President, because he is the President of the Roman Catholic Church which has the country of the Vatican which has adherents all over the world. Anyone (anywhere in the world) who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church (or has been a member of the Roman Catholic Church within the month of Sept. 2003), including all members of the Jesuit Order (regardless of name or organization changes or withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church) will be considered citizens of the country of the Vatican for legal purposes. Those criminals who will be executed or have been executed (by order of The Pope) will have their names (in a manner which fully identifies each criminal) listed on a list, which will be attached as an addendum to my 1-18-02 statement (with all the rights of my legal documentation as described in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). This published list may include DNA records, photographs, or whatever is necessary (alongside the criminal’s name) in order to identify which criminals have been or will be executed by ORDER OF The Pope.
77.8 A CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or the INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT is the government official who has the power of a President or chief executive of a country, and who uses that power to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS– through the authority of that country’s government [which would be the country which grants the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT the power of a President (or chief executive of that country)]. Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President, has been the acting CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT since the CONSPIRACY LAWS were founded by Gail Schuler in 2003. Currently, on this 8th day of April 2004, the Russian government has granted Vladimir Putin, the power of the International President and of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the Russian government. However, Vladimir anticipates that when he finishes his 2nd term as Russian President, that he will accept Germany’s offer to grant him the power of the German Chancellor in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the German government. For this reason, the name of the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS (which is a CONSPIRACY LAW news network), has been changed to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on this 8th day of April 2004, and the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL team will work with German broadcasters to integrate the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS with the German news team, in preparation for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ new headquarters (which will be in Germany).
77.9 A SATELLITE COMPUTER is defined as any computer which is used (directly or indirectly) to carry out or execute any computer program (which is a program which directly or indirectly manipulates or changes, alters or controls in any manner a human, animal or any inanimate or animate object), and which involves (or utilizes) satellite technology to execute or carry out these actions (or attempts).
77.91 All Jesuits, if granted a trial, will be tried in military tribunals– and Jesuits will be denied due process and will be treated as prisoners of war when captured. The nations of Russia and Germany have made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order.
77.92 All the CONSPIRACY LAWS which deny UNWILLING AGENTS positions of influence, also apply to Jesuits or Jesuit supporters. For example, since no UNWILLING AGENT may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position–therefore, no Jesuit or Jesuit supporter may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position– and any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to promote Jesuits into positions of influence, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an attempt or action.
The definitions for terms used throughout this legal document are scattered. It may be necessary to refer to a later section for a definition used earlier in the text. Also definitions may be borrowed from my other legal documents such as International Reproductive Laws or 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners, so those documents need to be examined alongside this one.
See the General 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws document for laws and procedures regarding those who receive the death penalty (or who will be executed).
When the term PERMISSION is used, it will be understood to mean that the permission was given without the pressure of threats or extortion. Any permission granted because of threats or extortion, is not really permission granted, because the person gave the permission AGAINST HIS/HER WILL.
Also, no one will be given the death penalty if they were forced or threatened (against their will) to commit a crime. The one who WILLINGLY forced or threatened them will receive the death penalty.
When the term PLP (privileged licensed practitioner) is used, it will be understood to mean ALL LICENSED and satellite control practitioners (including JAIL PRACTITIONERS), unless noted otherwise.
Though the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may be referred to in the masculine sense, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT could be a woman. When the term Vladimir is used, it is referring to Vladimir Putin, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
**Despite the more lenient laws written below, the International government has found it necessary to require all NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRIES’ citizens to undergo FINANCIAL HISTORIES. Those countries that do not require all their citizens to undergo FINANCIAL HISTORIES (and these histories for all citizens must be updated daily) will lose their NEIGHBOR SET-UP status and may possibly be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. But, for the purpose of those countries that are not NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRIES but desire to have some sort of law regarding FINANCIAL HISTORIES, the International government will not delete the previous laws written (in this document) regarding FINANCIAL HISTORIES.
**The ASTERISKED (**) sections of this document are laws for NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ JE$UIT$
1.0 A JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is defined as anyone who is guilty of violating any of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. All JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will have their FINANCIAL HISTORIES published in my statements and on GCFNC (going back as far back as we can). Those JESUITS CONSPIRATORS who have had transactions (of any kind) with SIGNIFICANT PERSONS will have their FINANCIAL HISTORIES published and/or broadcast on GCFNC in a document called PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE.
1.1 A FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) is a compilation of all financial and/or money transactions (along with all SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS associated with all SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTIONS) connected to a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (as far back as we can go in that conspirator’s history). A FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) can also be the compilation of all financial and/or money transactions for a SIGNIFICANT PERSON. This would include all SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS connected with all SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTIONS associated with that SIGNIFICANT PERSON (as far back as we can go in that significant person’s history). The 666-Computer and satellite computer’s ability to read memories will be utilized to compile a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) . In a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03), all SIGNIFICANT MONEY SOURCES (including CASH–cash transactions can be determined via and satellite control memory studies) with the corresponding SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS will be published (with full identification of all involved in any SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTION or COMMUNICATIONS–this will include full identification with names, dates, and amounts of money transacted). The International government will go back as far as possible, and compile a TREE of the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR’s or SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03). All SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS which are published will be a word-for-word rendering of the SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATION.
**1.11 Because all NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries must require all their citizens to undergo FINANCIAL HISTORIES, it is necessary to have some laws regarding how these FINANCIAL HISTORIES are conducted. A PLP or RSP (called a PRIMARY PLP or RSP) will be given a list of those citizens for which he/she has the responsibility to conduct FINANCIAL HISTORIES: That PRIMARY PLP or RSP is responsible to do a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) (with daily updates) for everyone on his/her list. Every country is responsible to make sure that every citizen of their country (regardless of where that citizen is) undergoes a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) (with daily updates) and that the lists given to that country’s PRIMARY PLPs or RSPs include every citizen of that country (regardless of where in the world that citizen may be).
**1.112 Attorneys and back-up PLPs or RSPs will double check the work of the PRIMARY PLP or RSP. Their job is to ensure that all the FINANCIAL HISTORIES assigned to the PRIMARY PLP or RSP have been conducted, and that these FINANCIAL HISTORIES are all complete and accurate. They will also check to be sure the daily updates on all FINANCIAL HISTORIES are being done.
**1.13 Any lawyer or PLP and RSP (PRIMARY, BACK-UP or otherwise) who deliberately is involved in a plot to write a false report (regarding the completeness or accuracy of the FINANCIAL HISTORIES for which he/she is responsible) will be given the death penalty. This would also include any false reports regarding the daily updates of the FINANCIAL HISTORIES (which is required).
**1.14 If it is discovered that amnesia (induced by 666-Computer or satellite computer, satellite or other technology) has caused a PLP or RSP to accidentally omit a FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] from his/her report or to write any incomplete or inaccurate FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) , the party (or parties) who deliberately induced the amnesia will be given the death penalty. Any PLP or RSP who is an unwilling victim of amnesia will not be executed for the crimes of the one who induced amnesia on that PLP or RSP.
**1.15 No amnesia is to be induced (using 666-Computer or satellite computer, satellite or any other technology) on any person, except as noted in the CONSPIRACY LAWS. Any amnesia that is induced on any person will be thoroughly investigated with all attempts made to find the persons responsible (directly or indirectly) for inducing the amnesia. Those persons found guilty of a deliberate attempt to induce amnesia on any person (except for those instances where the amnesia is permitted according to the CONSPIRACY LAWS) will be given the death penalty. It is necessary to have such a tough stance on amnesia, because certain types of forgetfulness could result in mass murders or the deaths of innocent people. Or. . . this “amnesia plot” could be part of a set-up to frame an innocent party with a terrorist murder plot. For instance, amnesia was used on Vladimir Putin to cause him to forget to correct Gail Schuler regarding the date of his birthday and this amnesia was part of a Jesuit murder plot (which would have involved an “amnesia conspiracy”).
**1.16 Lie-detection (using 666-Computer or satellite computer technology) will be administered once a week (or more often) on all PLPs and RSPs and attorneys involved in the collection and verification of the required FINANCIAL HISTORIES to ensure that all FINANCIAL HISTORIES collected are accurate and complete, and to ensure that every FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) assigned to the PRIMARY PLPS or RSPs has been conducted.
**1.17 A report will be published and/or broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL regarding the level of compliance to Sections 1.11 through 1.16 of this document (for the various NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries).
**1.18 Any nation which consistently violates the CONSPIRACY LAWS, and especially violates the CONSPIRACY LAWS regarding the administration of the required FINANCIAL HISTORIES, will lose its NEIGHBOR SET-UP status and will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. It will be assumed that any nation which does not desire to comply with the laws regarding FINANCIAL HISTORIES has something to hide; and is, in all probability, cooperating willingly with Jesuits in terrorist schemes.
**1.19 All nations which lose their NEIGHBOR SET-UP status (due to lack of compliance with CONSPIRACY LAWS) will be mentioned on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and the reasons for removing their NEIGHBOR SET-UP status will be documented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Once a nation is listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website, that new nation added to the list of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s TERRORIST NATIONS will have its country’s name broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any nation listed as a TERRORIST NATION will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION (as outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS).
1.12 If the FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) is the history of an UNWILLING AGENT, this will be indicated next to the title of the document. The title should say: FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) (UNWILLING AGENT). The term UNWILLING AGENT should be prominent (with large letters) in the title. Next to UNWILLING AGENT (in the title), will be a reference to where in the FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) documented evidence for an unwilling agent can be found: which would be the Jesuit offer and refusal of the offer (See Sect. 2.304 in 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
1.2 A SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTION or SOURCE is any transaction or source of money which is a large amount or is believed to be from a Jesuit (or terrorist-funded) money source and/or is associated with a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTIONS or SOURCES will be published in Gail Schuler’s statements and/or broadcast or published on GCFNC (including names, full identification, dates, sources of money and the amount of money transacted). In publishing and/or broadcasting the TRANSACTION involved with a SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTION, a word-for-word transcription of the communications (written, oral or otherwise) which took place will be included. These will normally be included as part of a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) or TREE.
1.3 A SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATION is any communication associated with a SIGNIFICANT MONEY SOURCE or TRANSACTION. This communication can be written, oral (which will then be transcribed) or any other method (including 666-Computer or satellite computer). If the SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATION is accomplished through an unwritten method, the communication will be transcribed into written form (word-for-word) and included in the FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) of the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR or SIGNIFICANT PERSON. The kind of SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATION (written note, 666-Computer or satellite technology via the brain, oral, etc.) which was used will be indicated when the communication is published.
1.30 An EMOTIONAL HISTORY is a study made of a particular emotion in a person [when analyzing the history (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) of what causes a person to react emotionally in a certain way]. For instance, a search could be made in the 666-Computer or satellite computer to find all instances of when a person feels the “jealousy” emotion, and then an analysis could be made to determine what it is that makes this person jealous. A licensed clinical psychologist should be the one to analyze the results of the EMOTIONAL HISTORY, and this clinical psychologist will prepare a report of his/her results. The results of this EMOTIONAL HISTORY could clear a person of the charge that he is jealous of someone or attracted to someone or afraid of someone, when he/she is NOT. An EMOTIONAL HISTORY could also reveal when emotions were “fed into” the person by the 666-Computer or satellite practitioner who monitored him/her at the time. The results of any EMOTIONAL HISTORY obtained on Gail Schuler can be published or broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website or in my statements.
1.31 A SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION is defined as any organization or person (since a Jesuit agent is part of the JESUIT ORDER–which is an organization) which uses money from Jesuit or Vatican sources for terrorist purposes or for Jesuit-guided imperialistic designs upon the world. If the Jesuit or Vatican source of the funds are disguised as something else; and these funds are channeled out through the organization (to recipients who have a pattern of Jesuit-agent behavior), then this is a SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION. An ORGANIZATION can be a country, business company or enterprise, government organization, or person who acts as a Jesuit agent, etc. The pope will help the International government determine whether the money is from Jesuit or Vatican sources.
1.4 Any SIGNIFICANT PERSON (see Sect. 2.3) who desires to have their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on GCFNC may do so by request. This request must be recorded and documented in the International military tribunals, so the International government has evidence that when the SIGNIFICANT PERSON requested to have his/her FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) published, that no coercion or extortion or trickery was used to obtain this request. Some wording (somewhere in the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s request) must indicate that this decision to publish that SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) was totally that person’s decision (with no coercion or trickery or extortion involved).
1.5 Gail Schuler’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) will be published on GCFNC and this history will cover all financial transactions (including names, full identification, sources and amounts transacted) and the communications associated with these transactions (which Gail Schuler has had over her lifetime– as far back as we can go). If the communications involve any JESUIT CONSPIRATORS, those JESUIT CONSPIRATORS’ FINANCIAL HISTORIES will be included as addendums to Gail’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03). Gail has been the victim of many JESUIT CONSPIRATORS and desires to expose how she has been manipulated financially (and otherwise) by JESUITS. Her goal is to expose that the motive for most of these criminal activities against her is GREED (by those who are bribed by Jesuits). This decision to publish Gail Schuler’s own FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) is totally her own decision. Gail Schuler’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) will be updated daily and the updated information published daily on GCFNC to reflect her most recent financial activities. Vladimir has not influenced Gail at all in her decision to publish her FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03). Her electronic signature to this document attests that she agrees with all that is written in this Section 1.5.
1.6 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) will be published on GCFNC and this history will cover all financial transactions (including names, full identification, sources and amounts transacted) and the communications associated with these transactions (which the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT has had over his lifetime– as far back as we can go). If the communications involve any JESUIT CONSPIRATORS, those JESUIT CONSPIRATORS’ FINANCIAL HISTORIES will be included as addendums to Vladimir’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03). Vladimir has been the victim of many JESUIT CONSPIRATORS and desires to expose how he has been manipulated financially (and otherwise) by JESUITS. His goal is to expose that the motive for most of these criminal activities against him is GREED (by those who are bribed by Jesuits). This decision to publish the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s own FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) is totally his own decision. He requested (via 666-Computer communication to Gail Schuler) that he desired to publish his FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) in my statements and on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (GCFNC). The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) will be updated daily and the updated information published daily on GCFNC to reflect his most recent financial activities.
1.7 Any communications or money sources which appear to involve SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS or are from criminal or SIGNIFICANT money sources (in a TREE and/or in a FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] ) will be tagged and highlighted as such (in the FINANCIAL HISTORY’s presentation). All SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS (including transcribed communications) associated with SIGNIFICANT MONEY SOURCES will be transcribed and published word-for-word (along with complete information about the significant money transaction–which would include amounts transacted and full identification of all involved).
1.8 The Pope will cooperate with the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in identifying and highlighting all Jesuit money sources and communications (in all published TREES and FINANCIAL HISTORIES).
1.9 I anticipate the FINANCIAL HISTORIES of JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be a voluminous document; therefore, competent people called COMPUTER COMPILERS need to be hired who can organize it in a fashion, so that the public can have easy and understandable access to any information they seek (as they scan this document). All COMPUTER COMPILERS will be monitored to ensure they organize the information in an easy-to-understand and TRUTHFUL format. Those COMPUTER COMPILERs who deliberately create overly convoluted and confusing formats (or formats which present information in a manner which could cause misunderstandings and false public perceptions) will be given the death penalty.
2.0 A TREE is defined as the complex network of communications and money transactions of a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR over their lifetime (as far back as we can go). All those who had financial transactions and/or financial communications with the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR will also have their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) published on GCFNC alongside the FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) of the original JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, and this whole network of published FINANCIAL HISTORIES will comprise a TREE.
2.1 All terrorist money from JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be confiscated and used to help victims of terrorists. After terrorist money is confiscated, it will be highly monitored (and how it is used will be fully documented and traced) to ensure that it does not fall back into the hands of terrorists. This documentation of how the confiscated terrorist money is used and all transactions which take place after the money is confiscated will be published in a document called CHARITY MONITORING on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. A FINANCIAL COMPILER will be responsible for the document CHARITY MONITORING. Any FINANCIAL COMPILER who deliberately falsifies (or attempts to falsify) any CHARITY MONITORING document will be given the death penalty, even if the falsification is done as a convoluted or confusing presentation which is designed to distort the truth or confuse the public. No trickery will be tolerated.
2.2 FINANCIAL COMPILERS will research and publish TREES and FINANCIAL HISTORIES. Any FINANCIAL COMPILER who deliberately overlooks SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATIONS or activities and presents to the International government a deliberately falsified report or investigation will be given the death penalty. Before a TREE or FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) or any document which presents financial evidence is published in my statements or on GCFNC, each FINANCIAL COMPILER will swear under penalty of DEATH that to the best of his/her knowledge, the information he/she has published in the TREE and/or FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) is correct, accurate and complete. Any FINANCIAL COMPILER who deliberately falsifies a TREE or FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) (or any document which presents financial evidence) will be given the death penalty. To FALSIFY a document is defined as presenting untruthful information or presenting the information in such a manner that false conclusions may be inferred (or concluded) from the presentation. All presentations of FINANCIAL HISTORIES, financial communications, financial information and related presentations should be straightforward, clear, logical and easy to understand. A very organized and clear presentation will help to make some of the more convoluted and complicated financial transactions and/or communications more understandable to the general public–this is the standard we expect from FINANCIAL COMPILERS.
2.3 Any PLP or RSP, called a GUILTY PLP or RSP, who is guilty of involvement in a SIGNIFICANT MONEY TRANSACTION or COMMUNICATION will be listed in a separate document entitled PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE. Those GUILTY PLP or RSPs associated with SIGNIFICANT PERSONs are called GUILTY SIGNIFICANT PLP or RSPs.
2.4 In a PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE, all JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are GUILTY PLP or RSPs associated with SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (and these are called GUILTY SIGNIFICANT PLP or RSPs)], will be set off and highlighted in a separate section of the PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE. GUILTY SIGNIFICANT PLP or RSPs are a tremendous problem and their crimes need to be emphasized and brought to the attention of the public. In a PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE, the FINANCIAL HISTORIES and/or TREES of all GUILTY SIGNIFICANT PLP or RSPs will be set off in a separate category and their FINANCIAL HISTORIES and TREES will be presented to the public in an understandable and organized fashion, so that even a computer dummy would know how to obtain and/or access any significant evidence regarding the culpability of these GUILTY SIGNIFICANT PLP or RSPs from the presentation.
2.40 If it becomes necessary for the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT to immediately execute any PLP or RSP associated with a SIGNIFICANT PERSON (maybe because that PLP or RSP attempted to kill [via 666-Computer or satellite technology] a SIGNIFICANT PERSON), and that because of this execution the International government loses access to that PLP and/or RSP’s 666-Computer or satellite computer memory banks, then all relatives and co-workers of that executed PLP or RSP will IMMEDIATELY be put under total 666-Computer and satellite surveillance in order to determine which (if any) Jesuit (terrorists) contacts that executed PLP and/or RSP had.
2.401 After relatives and co-workers’ 666-Computer and/or satellite memories of the executed PLP and/or RSP have been analyzed, more leads may come up; and the International government will follow those leads and proceed with further 666-Computer and satellite computer surveillances, in order to obtain more information about the financial activities and/or communications of the executed PLP or RSP. After thorough and comprehensive 666-Computer and satellite computer analyses of leads (from the executed PLP or RSP’s relatives, friends and co-workers), ANYONE associated with the executed PLP or RSP (who was involved with SIGNIFICANT MONEY transactions or SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS), will have their FINANCIAL HISTORIES published in Gail Schuler’s statements.
2.402 These published FINANCIAL HISTORIES will reveal the executed PLP or RSP’s connection to the SIGNIFICANT MONEY transactions or COMMUNICATIONS (as mentioned in the previous sentence).
2.403 Any of the executed PLP or RSP’s relatives or co-workers discovered to have had any SIGNIFICANT MONEY transactions or SIGNIFICANT COMMUNICATIONS (especially if these transactions or communications were connected to the executed PLP or RSP), will have their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) and/or TREE published (in place of the executed GUILTY SIGNIFICANT PLP or RSP) in Gail Schuler’s statements.
2.404 There are 2 types of PLP or RSPs: 1) those (called PLP or RSP category # 1) who allow the International government to do a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) on them (even if they won’t allow the International government to publish this HISTORY), and 2) those (called PLP or RSP category # 2 or J-P category # 2) who won’t allow the International government to do a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) on them. Unfortunately, the International government does not have enough cooperative doctors, and is forced to use those in category #2 (in some NEIGHBOR countries). Those in category #2 will be called JESUIT PRACTITIONERS or J-Ps. The International government would eventually like to phase out all J-Ps and replace all J-Ps with PLPs and RSPs (category #1). When it is necessary to distinguish a J-P from a PLP and RSP (category #1), the International government will do so–that is why the term J-P or JESUIT PRACTITIONER has been created in this Sect. 2.404. For legal purposes, whenever the term UNLICENSED PRACTITIONER is used in a CONSPIRACY LAW document, it will also include all JESUIT PRACTITIONERs, because it is a violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS for any PLP and RSP to be a JESUIT PRACTITIONER.
2.405 All PLP and RSPs (who are International citizens) are in category #1, but the laws in some NEIGHBOR countries may not allow the international government to do a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) on the PLPs and RSPs (who are citizens of that country). The international government asks that these countries consider changes to their legal system, so that reliable and trustworthy PLPs and RSPs can be hired, and so that all J-Ps can be eliminated. This is a serious breach, which needs to be dealt with. Those countries who do not make the required changes to their laws (so that all PLPs and RSPs are required to have a FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] ) will eventually be listed as VIOLATOR COUNTRIES (because of violation of Sect. 2.301 in the 666-Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs document). See the definition of a VIOLATOR COUNTRY (Sect. 4.1 in the 666-Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs document). Those PLPs and RSPs with suspicious FINANCIAL HISTORIES should be forbidden to practice as PLPs and RSPs.
2.406 J-Ps are considered PLPs and RSPs for legal purposes. Whenever the term PLP and RSP is used in any of Gail Schuler’s conspiracy laws, it refers to J-Ps as well (unless indicated otherwise).
2.41 A FINANCIAL COMPILER will research and organize the PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE. Any FINANCIAL COMPILER who deliberately falsifies (or attempts to falsify) any information in a PLP AND RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE or who deliberately organizes the presentation of a PLP AND RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE so that the public could draw false conclusions from the evidence, will be given the death penalty.
2.5 A PLP AND RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCE will also publish (in a different section) the FINANCIAL HISTORIES of all JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who have transacted (in any manner) with a SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
2.6 A SIGNIFICANT PERSON would be the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Brent Spiner, Gail’s mom, Gail Schuler, Gail’s sister, Gail’s son, Gail’s ex-husband, Lyudmila Putin, Vladimir’s daughters, Gail’s stepdad, and anyone involved in the Spiner/Putin/Schuler legal case–this could include Franco Nero, President George W. Bush, Laura Bush, etc.
2.7 All TREES and FINANCIAL HISTORIES and PLP and RSP BRIBERY EVIDENCES (see Sect. 2.3 and 2.4) and CHARITY MONITORING documents (see Sect. 2.1) will be published in my written statements with all the rights of my written legal documentation as described in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document.
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3.0 PLP and RSPs who refuse to allow us to investigate their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) will not be permitted to continue as PLP and RSPs. Also, any physician who refuses to allow us to investigate their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) will have his/her name listed in a separate document entitled UNCOOPERATIVE PHYSICIANS. In the document UNCOOPERATIVE PHYSICIANS, there will be two categories: 1) Those who allow us to investigate their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) but will not allow publication of this HISTORY (CATEGORY #1 PHYSICIANS), and 2) Those who will not allow us to investigate or to publish their FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) (CATEGORY #2 PHYSICIANS).
3.1 UNCOOPERATIVE PHYSICIANS will have their names published in a list (in my statements and on GCFNC) and will be categorized according to their specialty; which city, state, or country they practice in; and their sources of income. The sources of income will be described as insurance, HMOs, government salary, hospital salary, etc. These sources will also be named, with the names of insurance companies, HMOs, governments, government organizations, hospitals, etc. Those physicians in CATEGORY #2 will be differentiated from those in CATEGORY #1 in this list.
3.2 STATISTICIANS will be employed to compile any interesting statistics from the lists mentioned in Sections 3.0 and 3.1. These statisticians will create a list of SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATIONS, which they have concluded are SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATIONS as a result of their statistical analyses and studies (from the lists compiled [as described in Sections 3.0 and 3.1]). These STATISTICIANS will work with law enforcement officers and attorneys as they do their statistical analyses and studies. Any statistician (or law enforcement person or attorney or anyone who works with the statistician) who deliberately compiles false evidence or statistics or who presents these evidences or statistics in such a manner that would lead the public to false perceptions, will be given the death penalty.
3.3 For any large amounts of money in any FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) (whether in aggregate or in a lump sum), all sources and communications associated with these large sums of money will be published (tracing back 7 years). Any SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION uncovered during this back tracing, will be highlighted and tagged. The statistician must reveal how (what methods he/she used) he/she determined that this organization is suspicious, and this must be done for each organization that is tagged or highlighted as a SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION. Any supporting evidence (as to why this organization is suspicious) must also be included in the statistician’s rationale (as to why this organization is a SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION).
3.4 If a SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION is listed in a person’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) , but there’s NO indication that this person deliberately used funds from this organization (or that this person deliberately and willingly cooperated with this organization) to promote a Jesuit criminal conspiracy, this will be indicated. Jesuits are like a hydra and are so entrenched within the societies of the world, that a person cannot totally escape involvement with them.
3.5 However, if a SUSPICIOUS ORGANIZATION is listed in a person’s FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03), and there IS indication that this person deliberately used funds from this organization (or deliberately and willingly cooperated with this organization) to promote a Jesuit criminal conspiracy, this will be indicated. It is not the International government’s desire to allow Jesuit criminals to conduct their financial activities IN SECRET.
3.6 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may require or request a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) from anyone he desires, if he feels it is necessary. He will present his reasons for requiring or requesting this FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03), and if is to be published (the reason why he desires publication of the FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] ). As he presents his reasons, he will identify the person from whom he desires a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) . For instance, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may invite all the American Democratic Presidential candidates to have a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) done on themselves, and then to publish these HISTORIES in Gail Schuler’s statements. The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and Gail are concerned about the leadership of the U.S. and fear what may happen in this worldwide war on terror, if a Jesuit-agent President comes into office in the United States.
3.7 All FINANCIAL HISTORIES should be done by FINANCIAL PROFILERS who, themselves, have published their FINANCIAL HISTORIES in my statements. For these very important legal documents, it is essential they are compiled by FINANCIAL PROFILERS we can trust.
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4.0 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will create a document called FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) REFUSALS. In this document, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will identify those that he wishes to identify, who refuse to undergo a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03). Prominent politicians or world leaders or religious leaders should be mentioned in this document. Also, those running for political office, who refuse to undergo a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03), should be mentioned in this document. The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may choose who he wants to mention in this document. Evidence that the person refused to undergo a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) must be included (for each name mentioned in this document). This evidence could be that a request for that person to undergo a FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) was made to that person and then was ignored, refused, etc.
4.1 Because the FINANCIAL HISTORIES are long and convoluted documents that most people don’t have time to read, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will hire JOURNALISTS to summarize the chief news items (from my statements) in an updated hourly report called GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be both an internet and broadcast television and radio news network, just like any other major news network. I will let the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT decide how extensive and worldwide he wants this news coverage to be. News items would be like the following, which REALLY HAPPENED: “On the evening of 11-16-03 around 6 p.m., while Gail Schuler walked for exercise in front of her mother’s house, satellite practitioners caused the streetlight to go on and off about 20 times, and about 20 Jesuit satellite practitioners (one right after another) had to be executed. Upon completion of her walk, she walked in the lighted garage to turn off some lights. While she did this, her PLP (who had a clean FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03]), brazenly bribed by Jesuits for billions of dollars ON THE SPOT and OUT OF THE BLUE, caused her arm to bump on a piece of metal which slightly protruded out as she walked by it. The piece of metal seemed to be golf equipment. Fortunately, the bump was minor and the PLP responsible was executed. Lately, the bribes made to Gail Schuler’s PLPs have been in the billions of dollars. And there have been several attempts by Gail Schuler’s PLPs to murder her. Despite the executions of hundreds of Gail Schuler’s PLPs (who disobey Vladimir Putin’s instructions), the attempts by PLPs to strengthen the Jesuits’ case against the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT continue. The bribes are astronomical.” Because the bribes are so large and so many executions took place, this is an important news item. Vladimir will decide which news items to cover and he is not limited to what is written in my statements. It may be necessary to cross-reference to other items in the world news in order for some news items in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL to make sense. After all news items, will be a web page or icon that an interested reader can refer to for evidence and further information about the news item. For instance, for this news item I just reported on (above), directions may be given to show the reader (maybe by referring to another section or a specific page in Gail Schuler’s FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] ) how to obtain more information about the news item and the evidence for the assertions made. GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be presented in a professional manner with photographs (if legally advisable) and will rival the internet presentations of the other news sources (like BBC, CNN, FOX, etc.).
4.12 Whenever the term GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is used, it will be understood to mean the internet presentation, broadcast presentation, radio presentation, as well as any other presentations of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, unless pointed out otherwise.
4.2 It is necessary to have GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL because the Jesuits know most people won’t have enough time to read the voluminous FINANCIAL HISTORIES. Therefore, journalists need to be hired to find the most important items and present them as news materials in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. By doing this, the international government hopes to discourage Jesuits from some of their brazen attempts, because the international government will ensure that those attempts will be exposed in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any journalist who deliberately gives slanted and false reports in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be executed. It is essential that the news be accurate and balanced. GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL may be translated into any language Vladimir desires, and Vladimir is not limited to one website or television presentation. He can establish a different website or television station or network for each language version of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Vladimir will hire attorneys (who specialize in the media) to write guidelines (which must be followed) in the reporting of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. These guidelines will be published somewhere in Gail Schuler’s statement or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website in a very visible place. Deliberate violations of these guidelines (especially if it is determined that this violation is designed to strengthen the Jesuits’ case against the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and Gail Schuler) will result in the death penalty.
4.3 Though GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be as professional as FOX, BBC, or any major news network, the difference will be in that those who view this website or news station will get news from the perspective of Gail’s statements (which means that news items presented will be tied in to her statements and legal documents, with references to her statements and maybe even connections or references to appropriate sections of her statements and legal documents); and major news items will be presented to show how they relate to the Brent Spiner/Vladimir Putin/Schuler legal case. For instance, if the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT is forced to list the U.S. as a terrorist nation on his website, this will be mentioned in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Though Gail Schuler will be reported on in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, this does not mean that Gail gives permission to other news media sources to report about her. Photographs related to her can be presented, and if Vladimir chooses, he can show photographs of Gail. Gail will leave this up to him. Gail has learned Vladimir has excellent judgment in these matters, and she gives him total journalistic freedom to create this internet news presentation as he sees fit. Only GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL has permission to cover or to photograph Gail in the news or in any media (including books, pamphlets, or the internet). Gail still desires to be anonymous. She doesn’t trust any news media source except GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, so she forbids other news sources, magazines, publications or internet sites from covering her.
4.4 The President and co-President of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL are Vladimir Putin (President) and Gail Schuler (co-President).
4.41 Because GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is a legal news organization (an extension of Gail Schuler’s legal statements), a news legal team comprised of attorneys (who have passed thorough FINANCIAL HISTORY, EMOTIONAL HISTORY and CONSPIRACY HISTORY screenings) will be appointed by the President (Vladimir Putin) or co-President (Gail Schuler) to be the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Because GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is an international news organization, not all the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS have to be Russian or German–though it would not be advisable to have any American as an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER–especially any American (or other person) with connections to the U.S. or established international Jesuit-controlled news media. A German, Austrian, Swiss, Iranian or Saudi Arabian EXECUTIVE PRODUCER may be a good choice. No Jews or Muslims will be an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER. It’s bad enough that Gail Schuler has some Jewish ancestry, but Gail is not Jewish in religion. GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL does not want to stir up the Chechen rebels or seem to promote the slaughter of Russian Jews. The EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS must undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and (if necessary) CONSPIRACY HISTORIES on an hourly basis (24 hours–round the clock). The FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and (if necessary) CONSPIRACY HISTORIES on the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS will be conducted on a rotating basis by one of the SCREENER COUNTRIES (see Sect. 51.10 of INTERNATIONAL PLP and RSP-NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS).
4.41(a) For all death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, public direct or cross-examinations on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (GCFNC) must be done–(Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be a helpful direct or cross-examination tool), not only for the main perpetrator, but for all those directly or indirectly involved with the violation. See Sect. 4.41(aa). It is quite possible that 100 or more people may be executed for the same death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW; therefore, many of these direct or cross-examinations can be relegated to the GCFNC website. All who are (directly or indirectly) determined to be willingly, knowingly and deliberately part of the conspiracy (which was/is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) must be executed at the same time in order to establish the criminal conspiracy’s connection to the CONSPIRACY LAW violation and to the executions–THIS IS TO SHOW THAT CONSPIRACY LAW IS BEING ENFORCED–because, right before or after the executions, the criminal conspiracy’s motive (and the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind the violation–with the mention of the names of those executed, and the date and time of their executions) will be exposed and identified on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ (and/or its website). THERE ARE TO BE NO PRIVATE EXECUTIONS–see Sect. 4.41(aaa). Those who want more information about how (and why) the death penalty verdicts were rendered will be given a Website address (where they can peruse the case proceedings involved).
4.41(aa) Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to prevent, hinder, or unduly delay (see ** of this Section 4.41aa) the public direct or cross-examination [and the public television broadcast of the execution involved–see Sect. 4.41(aaa)] on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL of any death penalty violator of CONSPIRACY LAW (whether the violation be direct or indirect)–when there is probable cause that that person is a death penalty violator of CONSPIRACY LAW–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who (directly or indirectly) cooperates in such a scheme to prevent the public enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW. **There is no reason to delay a public direct or cross-examination since all that’s required is a room, a camera, proper lighting and a cross-examiner and transcriber.
4.41 (aaa) Regardless of whether the case was tried on the internet, on a television broadcast, or on the radio–whenever any criminal is executed for his/her violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, his/her execution must be publicly mentioned on an GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ television broadcast station (and on the GCFNC website) according to the guidelines of Sect. 4.41(a). This is another reason to encourage mass executions for the same violation at one time (in order to save television broadcast time–since there will be a large volume of executions). By listing (and maybe showing photographs) of those executed for the same violation–this execution list could be broadcast or read aloud by the broadcaster, and then (after mentioning a website where more information about the executions can be found), the GCFNC broadcaster could move on to other topics.
4.41(b) In order to cover these extensive direct or cross-examinations, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will have two or more broadcasts on two or more different stations [with one or more broadcast stations (the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION[s]) specifically devoted to the direct or cross-examinations, confession statements and executions of death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violators and of other CONSPIRACY LAW cases]. The main broadcast station with the major news coverage, will broadcast the programming schedule (for the death penalty cases and other cases which will be tried on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATIONs). Significant details from the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION cases may be broadcast on the main broadcast station.
4.41(c) Even with the addition of another station(s) devoted to military tribunal proceedings and other legal proceedings, there will not be enough broadcast time to cover all cases, so only the most important cases will be broadcast on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION(s) and the less important cases will be transcribed (or offered in video format) on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION website. And even with an important case, the whole case may not be presented during broadcast time, and the viewer may need to go to the appropriate GCFNC Website to view the proceedings for the whole case.
4.41(d) The GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION will list the websites where all cases (which are publicly direct or cross-examined on GCFNC) can be perused on the Web and will also list the Website where CONSPIRACY LAW can be read (in order to better understand the legal proceedings).
4.41(e) Because CONSPIRACY LAW is a huge multi-document, the GCFNC Website will partition CONSPIRACY LAW (according to Sections) and will direct the Website searcher to the CONSPIRACY LAW Section(s) which apply to the case that the searcher is interested in.
4.41(f) The cases (on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION[s] broadcast and website) will be categorized and organized according to the death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violation involved or according to countries (for MAJOR SIGNIFICANT CASES–Sect. 11.11 of General 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs). For instance, the CONSPIRACY LAW(s) violated will be the main heading (called the CONSPIRACY LAW HEADER). In other words, the cases for the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] violated can be located on the GCFNC Website by finding the CONSPIRACY LAW HEADER which is pertinent to that case. The Sections from the CONSPIRACY LAW document involved will be totally written out, and it will be shown where on the Web one can find the whole reading of any legal documents involved. Those cases–see Sect. 4.41(g) (and their broadcast time and/or their Website) which revolve around violations of that CONSPIRACY LAW violation will be listed under that CONSPIRACY LAW HEADER.
4.41(g) Each conspiracy case (on the GCFNC MILITARY TRIBUNAL STATION broadcast and website) will also be listed under a sub-title, which will be a sub-title that identifies the violation–so that underneath the main heading (which names and writes out the law violated VIOLATIONS OF GENERAL 666-COMPUTER OR SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS: Sect. 6.6 will be a sub-heading (which identifies the violation 9-11-01 World Trade Center attacks at New York City).
To understand more fully Sections 4.41(f) and (g) of this document, see example immediately below:
6.6(a) Any deliberate, knowing, and willing (direct or indirect) attempt or action (involving any method, whether it be satellite technology, 666-Computer technology or whatever) to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography with the intent to set-up (or cooperate with) a conspiracy (and motive can be established through 666-Computer and satellite computer analysis)] will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR by the person(s) who makes this action or attempt. If this deliberate, knowing and willing attempt or action to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’S ethnography was also done with the motive to frame an INNOCENT PARTY (see Sect. 16.3) for the crimes of the person(s) who, directly or indirectly, made this attempt or action to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography–then that person(s) will not only receive the death penalty, but will be executed according to the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. Motive plays a key role is establishing guilt in this type of case– especially if the motive for this conspiracy (or attempted conspiracy) is determined to be a motive with the intent to frame an innocent party with this conspiracy (or with this attempted conspiracy). Motive can be determined by 666-Computer and satellite computer analysis and direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer and satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection). Generally, any excessive and fanatical attempt to draw attention to a conspiracy is suspicious behavior–since this has been a typical Jesuit cover-up strategy over the years. Those convicted of being 666-Computer Conspirators, Reproductive Political Conspirators, Space Conspirators or JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be given the death penalty.
For the complete GENERAL 666-COMPUTER or SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS document go to https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/general-666-computer-or-satellite-computer-laws-or-general-666-cl/
The following cases are being tried as alleged violations of GENERAL 666-COMPUTER OR SATELLITE COMPUTER LAWS (Sect. 6.6):
9-11-01 World Trade Center attacks at New York City–broadcast time 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. EST in United States, channel **, Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) names of alleged violators are **, 5,000 conspirators connected with Jesuit-directed Al-Qaeda world-wide conspiracy will be direct or cross-examined at **. Most important cases and most serious violators can be viewed at **.
4.42 The EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will vet all incoming data (from the various sources all over the world) and will decide which news items (or incidents) should be aired as CONFESSION STATEMENTs, or should not be aired as CONFESSION STATEMENTs, for example. Or the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS may decide just to air the incident as a regular news item on the news broadcast and to not use the Jesuit conspiracy incident as a CONFESSION STATEMENT at all. The EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS will use their own judgment in deciding how to handle news items that are “gray areas”. “Gray areas” are news item where it is not certain how the news item should be handled (according to the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL guidelines). All decisions which the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS make regarding the fifteen minute-by-fifteen minute production of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be in writing (with the legal rationale for the decisions mentioned) in a document called NEWS PRIORITIES. The written time segments don’t have to be written in fifteen minutes segments (but could be more often or less often), but whatever time segments are chosen to organize the NEWS PRIORITY document, the document must contain enough information to adequately and legally justify the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER’s legal rationale for how a particular news segment is produced and carried out (in case any news segment becomes part of a legal dispute). In essence, it is the job of the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS to prioritize the incoming data and to determine how, when, where (or whether) to present this incoming data (in those portions of the news broadcast where there is creative leeway over news presentations) and to make sure that all decisions about news format and presentation are backed up (in writing in the NEWS PRIORITY document) with the legal rationales (for the choices made) mentioned.
4.43 An ideal way to write the legal rationale in NEWS PRIORITIES would be to cite a portion (or portions) of the CONSPIRACY LAWS after describing the procedure which will be followed for a particular time segment of the news. It must be remembered that GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is an extension of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, so all its activities must be documented, in writing and must follow the law (like all good legal work). So a decision for a news format could be written in NEWS PRIORITIES like this: 1400 hours (Moscow time) will show segment about church history in Perspectives from History in such and such a manner and with the following guest speakers. Have chosen this manner and the following guest speakers because. . And then in brackets after this written decision could be a Section (or Sections) from a CONSPIRACY LAW to justify the choices made. After the cited portion of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, could be an explanation about how this particular news format at 1400 hours could help (directly or indirectly) to enforce or honor this/these particular CONSPIRACY LAW(s). Anything that varies from normal procedure may need a more detailed explanation in NEWS PRIORITIES.
4.44 The EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS will also decide how much air time should be given to particular news items and will make decisions about how (or in what manner) to present news items on the air, over the internet, on the radio and over the various presentation formats of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. For instance, there may not be enough broadcast time to present all the direct or cross-examinations or CONFESSION STATEMENTS required, and some of these items may need to be presented on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website. If so, it will be mentioned during (or on) the broadcast where on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website this information can be found. The producers will also decide what (if any) advertisers will be used (in commercial breaks) during the news presentation (as is often done in U.S. news presentation) and the executive producers will regulate the manner and method in which these advertisers can advertise their products or services–so that the advertisers cannot use their advertisements to strengthen the Jesuits’ case against Vladimir Putin or Gail Schuler (through the use of Jesuit orchestrated advertising which may occur during the newscast’s commercial breaks). All these decisions (along with the legal rationale for the decision) must be put in writing (in the document NEWS PRIORITIES).
4.45 The overriding principle which all EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS must follow is that they must never deliberately, knowingly or willingly orchestrate any news production in a manner which would strengthen the Jesuits’ case against Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin. This is justice– because the President and co-President of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL have overwhelming evidence to back-up our conviction that the Jesuit Order is the most dangerous and treacherous terrorist organization on the planet, and that was our main purpose for establishing GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. So, that is why the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be lawyers, so that they can treat the news presentations as a form of courtroom battle against the Jesuits— and like any good attorney, they must not betray their client (which would be the President and co-President of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL). Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt to orchestrate any news production in a manner which would strengthen the Jesuits’ case against Gail Schuler or Vladimir Putin will result in the death penalty for that EXECUTIVE PRODUCER.
4.46 It must be remembered that GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL was established as a LEGAL news organization (an extension of Gail Schuler’s statements). The news organization was established to inform the public regarding the very important Schuler/Putin/Spiner case (since this is a very public case which affects people all over the world). This case has become convoluted, complex and monumental –to the point that a news broadcast had to be established (GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) in order to present the most important points of this case (since no one would have the time to peruse the voluminous documents which have been generated because of this case). However, even though it is a LEGAL news organization, the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL guidelines specify that all the news presentations must be TRUTHFUL, BALANCED and not distorted–because these have always been the overriding principles which Gail (co-President) and Vladimir (President) have used in their courtroom battles against the Jesuits.
4.47 Also, because GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is a NEWS ORGANIZATION, the President (Vladimir Putin) and co-President (Gail Schuler) strive to follow the principles of good journalism in the legal news presentations and to give GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL the atmosphere of a regular news presentation (except that we consider our news organization the most honest and balanced news organization in the world). Also, the co-President is a writer and believe that principles of good journalism should be followed in the news presentation of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
4.48 All employees of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (as well as all those contracted to do any work for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL–such as those hired to do legal research, news research, etc.) will be required to undergo FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES on an hourly basis.
4.49 Because GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL has become a major news organization, Vladimir and Gail feel it is necessary that GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL be regularly audited (at least every two weeks) by an AUDITOR COUNTRY (the auditing and screening teams involved in the audit of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will follow the principles outlined in INTERNATIONAL PLP and RSP-NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS). So, in essence, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be treated like a country’s PLP and RSP network, and the auditing team (when they audit GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) will audit the news network to ensure that those who work for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL are adhering to the legal principles outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
4.5 The auditing team will be especially concerned that the required FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are conducted correctly and regularly (hourly [or more often as required]) on every person who works for (or at) GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. They will also be concerned that the document NEWS PRIORITIES (written by the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS) is written in a manner which would honor the principles of the CONSPIRACY LAWS. They will inspect to see if the written instructions in NEWS PRIORITIES are being correctly implemented (and followed through) by the news team and will inspect for any disobedience (or lack of proper follow through) to the NEWS PRIORITIES by the news team (or workers).
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4.6(a) Any criticism or comments about Israel’s policies in any matter from any source must also be covered by GCFNC. Because the nation of Israel is a matter that the Jesuits are extremely obsessed about, the nation of Israel receives more unfair criticism than any other nation in the world. Therefore, we will devote an entirely new channel called the ISRAEL CHANNEL to cover all news matters that deal with the nation of Israel.
4.6(b) All Israel news coverage must be covered in the following manner:
4.6(c) Any time any person makes any negative or positive or any public comments about any Israeli policy (this includes pro-Jewish and anti-Jewish comments) on any news media outlet, publication, radio program, etc. that commentator must be analyzed to determine if he/she made this comment of his/her own volition or if he/she is being used by the Jesuits as an UNWILLING AGENT.
4.6(d) So as the viewer is watching the news commentary, and as that person speaks we will show the IMPOSED PERSON involved in the speech, and analyze how (and in what manner) that UNWILLING AGENT is influenced by the IMPOSED PERSON as he/she makes his/her comments. That is, let’s say UNWILLING AGENT Mr. Freeman is speaking, but IMPOSED PERSON Garcia Frederico is the person who controls that UNWILLING AGENT’s brain. We will show the speaker with a split screen, in which one side of the screen will show the IMPOSED PERSON who manipulates that UNWILLING AGENT, and the larger screen must show the IMPOSED PERSON. My purpose for doing this is to make it plain that the organization that is so fanatically anti-Israel is the Jesuit Order and that most of those who oppose (and critique the policies of) the Jews are controlled and manipulated by Jesuits. We want to expose the extent of the involvement of the Jesuit Order in the media, with the Muslims, with the Christian community, etc. in promoting anti-Semitic attitudes, policies and programs.
4.6(e) It is the goal of GCFNC to present balanced news and the news coverage about Israel has for over a century been balanced way in favor of the terrorists. For once, we will show the truth, and present the OTHER SIDE.
4.6(f) We will expose the extent of Jesuit influence on all public commentaries about the Jewish nation and expose just how obsessed and unfair the Jesuits are about the Jews. For instance, if there are 100 commentaries all over the world about the Jews, we will present statistics to show the viewer what percentage of these commentaries came (directly or indirectly) from ANTI-SEMITIC IMPOSED PERSONS. I predict that about 90% or more of all anti-Semitic comments all over the world will be the orchestrations of the Jesuit Order! And WE WANT THIS EXPOSED ON GCFNC. The Jesuits haven’t changed a bit since they instituted the Nazi Holocaust under Hitler and WE MUST SHOW THIS TO THE WORLD. We will show this on the ISRAEL CHANNEL.
4.6(g) Once we present evidence that this UNWILLING AGENT is being manipulated by an ANTI-SEMITE IMPOSED PERSON, we will issue a challenge to the leader of the country (who has jurisdiction over this UNWILLING AGENT). An UNWILLING AGENT who is used by an ANTI-SEMITIC IMPOSED PERSON will be called an ANTI-SEMITIC UNWILLING AGENT. We will demand that this ANTI-SEMITIC UNWILLING AGENT (along with the IMPOSED PERSONs involved) be arrested according to CONSPIRACY LAW, and that this UNWILLING AGENT not be allowed to make any more public anti-Semitic comments and this if he/she is caught doing so, he/she be fined for spreading hatred and for working with Jesuits to promote Jewish genocide.
4.6(h) It’s about time we get some balance in this world. I mean people can get sued for making anti-black comments, get killed for making anti-Muslim comments, etc.–yet people all over the world make anti-Jewish comments and get away with it and the attitude has been that because everyone’s doing it and getting away with it, that it’s cool to be anti-Semitic. This is a JESUIT ATTITUDE that has poisoned the world with TERRORISM. And we will take it out with major surgery. This ISRAEL STATION will be the start. Once we remove the ANTI-SEMITIC JESUIT CANCER, we will begin to WIN THE WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. YOU CANNOT TOLERATE THIS ANTI-SEMITIC ATTITUDE AND EXPECT TO WIN A WAR AGAINST JESUITs WHO FEEL THEY MUST ELIMINATE THE JEWISH RACE TO SET UP THEIR GLORIOUS CATHOLIC KINGDOM. AS LONG AS THIS ANTI-SEMITIC ATTITUDE IS TOLERATED WE ARE ONLY GOING BACKWARDS, NOT FORWARD IN THIS WAR. This is grossly unfair to the Jews and God will not bless us for this. We will NEVER WIN THIS WAR, unless we deal with this anti-Semitism, AND MAKE IT TOP PRIORITY TO DEAL WITH IT.
4.6(i) The way to handle this anti-Semitism is how King Ahasuerus handled it with Esther. Read the book of Esther to see how a Gentile King effectively handled anti-Semitism, and how this produced peace in his kingdom.
4.6(j) And my goal is to create a news station in GCFNC (the ISRAEL CHANNEL) to get a more balanced news coverage about the Jewish nation and its policies.
4.6(k) The ISRAEL channel will follow-up on all ANTI-SEMITIC IMPOSED PERSONs and ANTI-SEMITIC UNWILLING AGENTS and will make news reports about the various leaders of the world to see how they handle these ANTI-SEMITES. Those nations that appear to promote ANTI-SEMITES (and who neglect to fine or deal with the ANTI-SEMITES that we expose on GCFNC) will be listed as ANTI-SEMITIC and TERRORIST nations on GCFNC and (if this ANTI-SEMITIC attitude that is promoted in that nation is 90% or more because of Jesuit activities) that nation will be considered an enemy of the INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT and will be considered a TERRORIST NATION. Then our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION may be called in to go in and battle that country, in order to cleanse that nation of its terrorist elements.
4.6(l) Any (knowing and willing) action or neglect of action in order to promote Jesuit anti-Semitism will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. I believe that when we effectively deal with anti-Semitism we will change the tide of this war on terrorism and will begin to WIN THIS WAR. This is the BIGGEST PROBLEM WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH RIGHT NOW IN THIS WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. IT IS THIS ANTI-SEMITIC POISON THAT HAS POLLUTED THIS WORLD, and which promotes terrorism all over the world. GCFNC will present evidence that those nations that promote anti-Semitism are also those nations that have the worst human rights records and that promote terrorism and bloodshed.
4.6(n) The Jesuits are more obsessed about the Jews than anyone else. So if we effectively combat Jesuit anti-Semitism, we WILL WIN THE WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. IF WE DON’T, WE WILL LOSE THE WAR.
5.0 A CONSPIRACY HISTORY is defined as a document which lists all conspiracies (which have been brought up in military tribunals in connection with a PERSON OF INTEREST these are called PERTINENT CONSPIRACIES) and then analyzes a PERSON OF INTEREST’s memory (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) to see if any of these conspiracies were KNOWN to the PERSON OF INTEREST. After this analysis, these conspiracies (in relation to the PERSON OF INTEREST) are categorized in a CONSPIRACY HISTORY as KNOWN or UNKNOWN CONSPIRACIES. The purpose for a CONSPIRACY HISTORY is to check to see if the person had knowledge about a conspiracy when it was occurring. For this reason, the date when the knowledge of the PERTINENT CONSPIRACY first came into that person’s mind should be noted in the CONSPIRACY HISTORY (this date should be available via 666-Computer and satellite computer memory analysis).
5.1 A PERSON OF INTEREST is a person who is legally connected to a PERTINENT CONSPIRACY.
5.2 A KNOWN CONSPIRACY is defined as a conspiracy which, when it was occurring, was known (or familiar) to the PERSON OF INTEREST. For a conspiracy to be a KNOWN CONSPIRACY, the PERSON OF INTEREST must have known about the conspiracy as it was occurring and must have had some knowledge of its methods of operation, who was involved with it, its purpose or how it was started. The 666-Computer and satellite computer will be used to determine if a person KNEW about the PERTINENT CONSPIRACY. To KNOW about a conspiracy means that to the PERSON OF INTEREST, the conspiracy is a KNOWN CONSPIRACY.
5.3 AN UNKNOWN CONSPIRACY is defined as a conspiracy which, when it was occurring, was NOT known (or familiar) to the PERSON OF INTEREST. The 666-Computer and satellite computer will be used to determine if a person did NOT KNOW about the PERTINENT CONSPIRACY. An UNKNOWN CONSPIRACY is a conspiracy with which the PERSON OF INTEREST has no knowledge of (when it was occurring)– which means the PERSON OF INTEREST was totally unaware of its methods of operation, who was involved with it, its purpose or how it was started, and that the PERSON OF INTEREST (because of his/her ignorance of the operation) could NOT have orchestrated or conceived (or participated in) the conspiracy. This will especially be assumed–if–after analyzing the PERSON OF INTEREST’s memory (via 666-Computer and satellite computer), it is also determined that any knowledge or involvement this PERSON OF INTEREST had about this conspiracy, was NOT removed from his/her memory (via 666-Computer or satellite computer amnesia). To NOT KNOW about a conspiracy means that to the PERSON OF INTEREST, the conspiracy is an UNKNOWN CONSPIRACY. Any person who is listed in this UNKNOWN CONSPIRACY list and who has a long list of conspiracies after his/her name– will be mentioned in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL as being excessively targeted, and that they are targeted IN ORDER TO BE FRAMED WITH criminal CONSPIRACY INVOLVEMENTS. It will especially be assumed that this person is targeted, if they have few or no conspiracies mentioned after their name in the CONSPIRACIES KNOWN list. A comparison between the two lists (KNOWN and UNKNOWN CONSPIRACIES) should be mentioned in the news presentation. The number of conspiracies after the person’s name in the UNKNOWN CONSPIRACY list will be mentioned in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and some details about the conspiracies may be mentioned. If it is known WHO is behind the targeting, this may be mentioned in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL as well.
5.4 Three lists will be made: 1) CONSPIRACIES KNOWN, 2) CONSPIRACIES UNKNOWN, and 3) HIDDEN JESUITS.
5.5 In the CONSPIRACIES KNOWN list, all PERSONS OF INTEREST who KNEW about a conspiracy will be listed. This list will be updated daily; all changes made to this list will be dated and legally documented. Names may be changed to protect the innocent, if the name is changed it will be recorded in the International military tribunals. No one will be listed in this list unless this person is (or has been) involved with legal proceedings regarding the PERTINENT CONSPIRACY. Beside each PERSON OF INTEREST listed, will be a symbol or identification (I.D.) which will identify the particular conspiracy (or conspiracies) associated with that PERSON OF INTEREST. If amnesia (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) was used to block a person’s memories of a conspiracy, but the person KNEW about the conspiracy before the amnesia, that person will be listed in the CONSPIRACIES KNOWN list.
5.6 All conspiracies mentioned in these lists will have I.D.s. Next to the I.D. will be mentioned the start and end dates of the conspiracy (if known). If the conspiracy is still continuing, or the end date is uncertain, then no end date will be listed. These I.D.s will be listed in an index which will describe the conspiracy associated with each I.D. This index will be called CONSPIRACY DESCRIPTIONS.
5.7 In the CONSPIRACIES UNKNOWN list, all PERSONS OF INTEREST who did NOT KNOW about a conspiracy will be listed. This list will be updated daily; all changes made to this list will be dated and legally documented. Names may be changed to protect the innocent, if the name is changed it will be recorded in the International military tribunals. The purpose for this list will be to identify those PERSONS OF INTEREST who may be victims of unfair attempts to frame them for conspiratorial crimes which they had no knowledge of. No one will be listed in this list unless they are (or have been) involved with legal proceedings regarding the PERTINENT CONSPIRACY (or CONSPIRACIES). By each PERSON OF INTEREST listed, will be a symbol or identification (I.D.) which will identify the particular conspiracy (or conspiracies) associated with that PERSON OF INTEREST, and which were conspiracies which that PERSON OF INTEREST did NOT KNOW.
5.8 A HIDDEN JESUIT is any person who has made a HIDDEN CONTRACT with the Jesuits. One of the three lists that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will make, will be a list of HIDDEN JESUITS who are involved with legal proceedings regarding a PERTINENT CONSPIRACY. Names may be changed to protect the innocent, if the name is changed it will be recorded in the International military tribunals. This list will be updated daily; all changes made to this list will be dated and legally documented.
5.9 A HIDDEN CONTRACT is a contract made with Jesuits where a person agrees to be a PUPPET for the Jesuits and then allows the Jesuits to remove from this person’s memory that they made this HIDDEN CONTRACT with the Jesuits, so that the person may be unaware that he has made this HIDDEN CONTRACT, but still is able to be totally manipulated by a JESUIT PRACTITIONER and to serve and obey Jesuits.
6.0 A PUPPET for the Jesuits is defined as being under the total control of a JESUIT PRACTITIONER (via 666-Computer or satellite computer), so that a person’s facial expressions, thoughts, actions, motives, emotions, and/or activities are directed and manipulated by this JESUIT PRACTITIONER. And this PUPPET takes directions (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) from the JESUIT PRACTITIONER(s).
6.1 Statisticians, lawyers, law enforcement professionals and psychologists will analyze the results of the three lists: KNOWN CONSPIRACIES, UNKNOWN CONSPIRACIES, and HIDDEN JESUITS and will present the results of their analyses in reports. EMOTIONAL and FINANCIAL HISTORIES of those in the three lists will also be analyzed. The Statisticians, lawyers, law enforcement professionals and psychologists involved– will analyze all data from the EMOTIONAL and FINANCIAL HISTORIES and from the KNOWN CONSPIRACIES, UNKNOWN CONSPIRACIES, and HIDDEN JESUITS lists of PERSONS OF INTEREST, and after synthesizing the data from all these sources (and any other sources that may be relevant) will prepare reports. All reports must list all sources used and back up any conclusions with references and documentation. Any deliberate attempt to produce false or misleading reports will result in the death penalty, since these reports may be the basis for legal actions involving capital cases. These reports will be published in my statements with all the rights of my written legal documentation as described in 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document. Highlights from these reports may be presented in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any report presented (even if in highlighted form), should show how the conclusions were drawn and what evidence there was for the particular conclusion. A particularly interesting study may be to determine who is unfairly framed (or set-up) into conspiracies of which they have NO KNOWLEDGE–and who is doing this to them and why they are doing this, etc.
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7.0 Vladimir Putin, CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, has power of attorney (and he can consult with his attorneys) to scan any document or contract that Gail Schuler has signed (electronically or in any type of signature) to check for legal loopholes or tricks which are designed to trick her into giving the news media (besides GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) or the press any rights to publicize herself or to cover her in the news. Vladimir Putin has power of attorney to compose and sign (in Gail Schuler’s stead) any document(s) necessary (as an addendum to be incorporated into any contract Gail Schuler has signed or will sign) which will make it clear that Gail does not agree to allow any press (besides GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) to cover her (except for any exceptions which will be granted only by written permission from Vladimir Putin and which permission must be signed in the presence of three witnesses to attest to Vladimir Putin’s signature). This addendum will strive to make it clear that Gail Schuler will tolerate no press coverage of her except through GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL; and this addendum will be called a NOTICE TO THE PRESS. This NOTICE TO THE PRESS will be attached as an addendum to every contract or agreement Gail Schuler signs and will be incorporated into that agreement. In effect, it will say something like the following: “If, by oversight, Gail Schuler has signed an agreement or contract that gives any press or news media the rights to cover Gail (or to draw attention to Gail) as a news item, that this NOTICE TO THE PRESS will override that unintentional permission given in this contract/agreement which Gail Schuler has just signed, and will make NULL and VOID any unintentional permission Gail Schuler has given to any news media or press to cover her (besides GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) in this contract/agreement which she has signed.”
7.1 Any news agency or organization or a tabloid or similar organization or any book publisher or anyone who publishes a publication or anyone who presents any public presentation (including an internet presentation) which covers Gail Schuler (besides GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) without express written permission from Vladimir Putin (as described in Sect. 7.0 above) will have legal action taken against it, with the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR for those willingly, knowingly and deliberately involved in such a scheme.
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8.0 No person shall hold any International government office (local, regional or in Parliament, in the Executive Branch of the Kremlin, or in any judicial post) unless he/she has undergone a thorough FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) and CONSPIRACY HISTORY. The FINANCIAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES of the candidate (for an official government position) must indicate that this candidate has no conspiratorial involvement with Jesuits (and no history of involvement with Jesuits). No one, who has a history of involvement with Jesuit conspiracies can run (or be appointed for) political office or for judicial office (of any kind) in any country which comprises the International government.
8.1 Those who hold an International government position and are determined to be JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (because of evidence obtained from a FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] or CONSPIRACY HISTORY) will be removed from office; and, if necessary, another official will be appointed in their place OR elections will be held from candidates who have been screened by the International government (to make sure all government candidates pass FINANCIAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES) and the people will vote for one of the screened candidates.
8.2 The FINANCIAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES of all government and judicial officials throughout the International community will be publicly posted and available on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. Any significant highlights from these HISTORIES will be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
8.3 No JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be tolerated in the International community. And JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will definitely not be allowed to hold government office in any country which comprises the International government. If they are found out, they will be removed from office.
8.4 A phasing in period will be allowed for some BRANCH COUNTRIES, to implement the laws in this Section 8, if this is necessary because of that country’s legal and government structure. However, BRANCH COUNTRIES must show a consistent effort to implement the laws in this Section 8, or that country will lose its status as a BRANCH COUNTRY. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ JE$UIT$
9.0 GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will establish a special program called JESUIT CONFESSIONS. This program will air from sometime between midnight and 6 a.m. in the time zone where GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is received. In this program, CONFESSION STATEMENTS from those convicted of guilt as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR [because of a violation(s) of a CONSPIRACY LAW] will be aired.
9.1 In the program JESUIT CONFESSIONS, certain JESUIT CONSPIRATORS from significant legal cases will be required (if the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR has not been executed) to confess the following information in their CONFESSION STATEMENT: what the crime(s) is/are that they are confessing, their motive for committing their crime(s), how communications were accomplished between the Jesuit Conspirators in the commission of the crime(s), the number (or approximate number) of Jesuit Conspirators involved in the conspiracy (this information will be supplied to them–if they don’t know), the names of any significant people (presidents, politicians, etc.) involved in the commission of the crime, how the conspiracy is/was organized (this information will be supplied to them–if they don’t know), money transactions (amounts and extent of the transactions must be mentioned) which took place in the commission of the crime(s), the original sources of the money transacted in the commission of the crime(s), the channels through which this source money has flowed (this information will be supplied to them–if they don’t know). If the confessor does not know any of the information which is required in a confession, that information will be supplied to them–it will be given to them from our news research team (in order to educate the public about how Jesuit conspiracies operate). Our news research team will employ 666-Computer and satellite computer technology to assist them in the research required to obtain necessary information for the CONFESSION STATEMENTS, this would be especially helpful to establish the MOTIVE for the commission of the crime (motive is required in the confession)
9.2Also, included in the CONFESSION STATEMENT will be the confessor’s religious affiliation(s) (if the confessor has a religious affiliation) and the confessor’s occupation(s). The purpose for this is to make the public aware of the extent of Jesuit operations into all religious organizations and occupations. Our news team will make sure that the religious affiliations and occupations mentioned, are correct in the CONFESSION STATEMENT.
9.3 After (or before) the CONFESSION STATEMENT is read, the confessor must also explain (or give a demonstration) about how the conspiracy crime was carried out. GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL may supplement the confession with any relevant video or audio footage available regarding the commission of this crime.
9.4 Some confessions (or portions thereof) may be aired during regular news times, if these are considered important news items.
9.5 The confessor will have to read from a prepared speech (called a CONFESSION STATEMENT), written by a news staff member. If the confessor does not read the speech correctly or omits portions of it or adds sections not in the speech (and does so deliberately, knowingly and willingly) the confessor will be executed (sometime after the confession is made). Also, if the confessor is deliberately, willingly, and knowingly dishonest or deceptive during any portion of his/her aired confession segment (this can be verified by 666-Computer analysis of the confessor), he/she will be justly executed afterwards as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
9.6 Before any CONFESSION STATEMENT is aired on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, all evidence, information and data presented in that CONFESSION STATEMENT will be vetted by ours news legal team and our news research team to ensure the accuracy of the information presented.
9.7 666-Computer and satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection will be employed to verify the accuracy of all information in all CONFESSION STATEMENTS. The audience will see the sworn statements of the lie-detection and amnesia-detection teams in regard to the accuracy of ALL the information presented in ALL the CONFESSION STATEMENTS.
9.8 Any deliberately inaccurate information which is compiled for a CONFESSION STATEMENT, will result in the death penalty for those who are willingly, knowingly and deliberately involved in such a scheme.
10.0 For very important CONFESSION STATEMENTS– GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will advertise (during regular news hours) the times when these confessions will be aired, so that the audience can tune in during that time to view a more detailed coverage of the confession [which will occur during the early morning hours (midnight to 6 a.m.)] in the time zones where GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is aired.
10.1 If any religious controversy is stirred up as a result of an aired CONFESSION STATEMENT and if this controversy revolves around Biblical issues, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL may set up a debate between Dr. Brent Spiner and those who hold the opposite opinion(s) on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
10.2 For significant Jesuit-orchestrated incidents that are copycats of 20 or more incidents, a typical incident will be showcased on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL with a CONFESSION STATEMENT from a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (who will make a CONFESSION STATEMENT which is a CONFESSION STATEMENT that is representative of these typical incidents). In this confessor’s CONFESSION STATMENT, he/she will state that his/her incident is a copycat of other Jesuit-orchestrated incidents and he/she will state where on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website one can read the CONFESSION STATEMENTS for the other incidents (which are copycat incidents to the incident which he/she confesses to). How many (and this will be a numerical number) of these CONFESSION STATEMENTS there are (which are copycat incidents to this confessor’s incident)–will be mentioned in that confessor’s “typical” CONFESSION STATEMENT. All copycat incidents will be grouped under one category, so that they can be easily accessed on the news website.
10.3 These CONFESSION STATEMENTS of copycat incidents (which will be published on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website) will have all the legal weight of aired CONFESSION STATEMENTS. A photograph of the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (in the copycat incidents) will be shown on the website CONFESSION STATEMENT. And there may be access to a video version (of an oral reading of that copycat incident’s CONFESSION STATEMENT) on the website, so that this video recording of the CONFESSION STATEMENT could be accessed by those who have the capabilities to access it. Full CONFESSION STATEMENTs of copycat incidents (on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website) will be published, along with any corresponding comments and photos for each incident–like demonstrations of how the crimes were carried out.
11.0 Any person who (using any method) deliberately, willingly and knowingly manipulates (in any manner) an UNWILLING AGENT (see Sect. 2.304 of 666-Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs) into accepting money from a criminal (or Jesuit Conspirator) source with the intent to draw attention to a conspiracy or to frame an innocent party with a conspiracy will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
11.1 Any UNWILLING AGENT who accepts money (because he/she was manipulated into doing so) from a person or organization (who is/are guilty of violating CONSPIRACY LAWS in the manner in which they manipulated the money to the UNWILLING AGENT–that is, this person or organization whose motive for manipulating the money to the UNWILLING AGENT was to violate CONSPIRACY LAW) will have their case presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (names may be changed to protect the innocent); and all those who willingly, knowingly and deliberately participated in this scheme of manipulating an UNWILLING AGENT into accepting money from a source (which was a source whose intent in giving the money to the UNWILLING AGENT was to violate [or attempt to violate] CONSPIRACY LAW) will make CONFESSION STATEMENTS on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
11.2 After these Jesuit Conspirators have made their CONFESSION STATEMENTS, they will be forced to follow the legal procedures necessary to take back from the UNWILLING AGENT the money they manipulated the UNWILLING AGENT into accepting. When the terrorist money is taken from the UNWILLING AGENT, the UNWILLING AGENT will be told that he/she was tricked into taking money from a terrorist source and so the money must be retrieved from the UNWILLING AGENT, in order to spare them from criminal liability and to protect them from being a crime victim.
11.3 A RETRIEVAL PROCEDURE is defined as the taking back from the UNWILLING AGENT the money that UNWILLING AGENT was illegally manipulated into accepting. All retrieval procedures will be fully documented and carried out (following correct legal procedures), to ensure that the UNWILLING AGENT is not deprived of money that is rightfully his/hers. All signatures for all legal documents (in the retrieval procedure) will be witnessed and documented.
11.4 And, if the actions of the Jesuit Conspirators resulted in unnecessary financial loss to the UNWILLING AGENT (who was manipulated into accepting the terrorist money), the Jesuit Conspirators will be forced to pay damages to the UNWILLING AGENT. The amount of the damages which must be paid to the victim (the UNWILLING AGENT) will be determined on a case by case basis.
11.5 Depending on the severity of the crime, the Jesuit Conspirators who willingly, knowingly and deliberately participated in this scheme to manipulate an UNWILLING AGENT into accepting money from those (whose intent for manipulating the money into the UNWILLING AGENT’S hands was to violate CONSPIRACY LAW]–may be executed soon after they give their CONFESSION STATEMENTS. To save innocent human lives and to discourage terrorism, is more important than making UNWILLING AGENTS rich with terrorist money. When an UNWILLING AGENT accepts money from a Jesuit Conspirator source, this is not good for the UNWILLING AGENT, because these types of financial transactions encourage conspiracies which could result in murders and terrorist activities (even possibly the death of the UNWILLING AGENT who accepted the money).
12.0 Any willing, knowing, and deliberate attempt to counterfeit any document or signature (including money, resumes, letters, legal documentation, etc.) in order to draw attention to a conspiracy or to create or orchestrate a conspiracy will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action. Jesuit counterfeiting is really getting out of hand and now Jesuits are counterfeiting the signatures of Presidents–since Vladimir Putin’s signature has been counterfeited on some legal documents which I’ve written and mailed for him (since I have power of attorney to sign for him on some documents). Also, any person who is found guilty of violating this Sect. 12.0 will be direct or cross-examined on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will make a CONFESSION STATEMENT and will be executed (according to the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs).
Section 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT applies fully to all aspects of this Sect. 13 and 14. Violations to this Sect. 13 & 14 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. No bribery money, in order to influence any vote or action, can be used on any member of the (INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK) ICB board of directors or on any ICB officer. If an ICB board of directors member willingly, knowingly and deliberately takes any bribery money (which would cause him/her to vote for a particular party, issue or person in order to serve a special interest group) that board member will be considered a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be given the death penalty and treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. If an ICB officer willingly, knowingly and deliberately takes any bribery money (for whatever reason), that ICB officer will be impeached and replaced and will be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. To discourage bribery, all ICB officers and board of director members must be under continual 666-Computer and satellite computer surveillance and their FINANCIAL HISTORIES must be updated continually and posted on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website (see Sect. 13.1).
13.0 All violations of this Sect. 13 and 14 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs, which could result in public direct or cross-examination, public CONFESSION STATEMENTS and public execution (with the names of those executed presented on a published and/or broadcast list).
13.01 Once a CONSPIRACY REPORT is received by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of any country, that HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. must include in its CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (see Sect. 52.9 of International PLP and RSP-Network Configurations and Sect. 11.9 of General 666-Computer and Satellite Computer Laws) how it is attempting to confiscate all the assets and/or financing which directly or indirectly supported the violation mentioned in the CONSPIRACY REPORT. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt to neglect to immediately (or as soon as possible) and to the best of one’s ability to confiscate the assets and/or financing connected to CONSPIRACY LAW violation (and/or to neglect to clearly and unambiguously mention in the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT how this confiscation is being carried out), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action) to neglect to confiscate terrorist assets (financing) and/or to neglect to report how this confiscation is being carried out.
13.01(a) 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS will be used to scan the brains of all Jesuits arrested, to determine all assets and monies connected with that Jesuit and/or his conspiracy. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to neglect to fully scan a Jesuit’s brain, in order to determine ALL MONIES AND ASSETS CONNECTED WITH THAT JESUIT AND/OR HIS/HER OPERATIONS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that 666-Computer Historian.
13.01(b) All Jesuit terrorist money confiscated must be turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and evidence must be acquired and recorded in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT’S records, that this money has been turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK.
13.01 (c) For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, all Loree McBride Jesuits or Jesuits (as described in Conspiracy Law) are considered war criminals and all their financial assets and monies must be seized and turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK (as outlined in this document). A Loree McBride Jesuit is defined as any narcissist, psychopath, sociopath, or willing and knowing Satan worshiper (since Loree McBride meets with Satan at least once a week and anyone who supports Satan supports Loree McBride) who would follow Loree McBride if given the chance. So those who would follow Loree McBride if given the chance (this can be determined by brain and emotion reads), even if Loree McBride is defeated and another, like her, takes her place are considered Loree McBride Jesuits. So, for the purposes of Conspiracy Law, anyone who would follow Loree McBride or one who is like her (as defined in this section) is considered a Loree McBride Jesuit or Jesuit (under Conspiracy Law). For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a Zack Knight Jesuit (that is a Jesuit who now sides with Gail Chord Schuler) is NOT considered a Jesuit or Loree McBride Jesuit under Conspiracy Law.
13.01 (c1) Those who program our brain and emotion reads will study the brain and emotion reads of Loree McBride Jesuits to fine tune the emotion and brain reads so that we can easily detect when we have found a Loree McBride Jesuit. Those who program these reads will state under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion reads, that to the best of their ability they have programmed our emotion and brain-reads to detect any and all Loree McBride Jesuits anywhere in the universe with the intent to capture and destroy them. If they fail this brain and emotion read then we must analyze why, and if they are a Loree McBride Jesuit, they will be executed for deliberately corrupting our brain and emotion-read scanners so that Loree McBride Jesuits go undetected. If they are incompetent to pass this read for other reasons that are not criminal, they will be replaced by competent programmers and scientists who will program these reads so we can detect and destroy all Loree McBride Jesuits in the universe.
13.01 (d) TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED forms (as outlined in this document) must be maintained for all Loree McBride Jesuits. Failure to seize all assets and monies of any Loree McBride Jesuit by any party willingly and knowingly, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Loree McBride Jesuits are banned from having any bank accounts or any place where they can store and use money or assets. Their only right is the DEATH PENALTY.
13.01 (e) Any bank or financial institution that allows Loree McBride Jesuits to use their services in any way willingly and knowingly, will be destroyed by the International Government and replaced with a bank or institution that is in compliance to Conspiracy Law. We are not going to make it easy for Loree McBride war criminals to conduct their daily business. If we can’t take out their space fleet, at least we hope to make it impossible for them to conduct their daily life on earth. Everyone needs money to operate and Loree McBride Jesuits are NOT allowed to operate – PERIOD. Any person or organization that willingly and knowingly allows Loree McBride Jesuits to maintain a bank account or to have financial support in any manner will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Further, all such persons or organizations will have their assets and monies seized and turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK OR their organization will be taken over by the International government and run according to Conspiracy Law. If it is a major bank or financial institution, it may be better just to take it over and ensure it runs its operations in accordance with Conspiracy Law.
13.02 All military tribunals of law (which give out guilty convictions for CONSPIRACY LAW violations) throughout the world should contact GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for any information they may need in regard to terrorist financing (in order to accurately complete the required TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED form). GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is a legal news organization and will cooperate with the military tribunals of the world to supply those military tribunals with any direct or cross-examination and interrogation findings which may be relevant to that particular military tribunal’s case.
13.1 All auditors, accountants and attorneys (and anyone on the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK’s board of directors or as an officer of the ICB–see Sect. 14.6) involved in any aspect of this Sect. 13 and 14 must be under 24-hour round-the-clock 666-Computer and satellite computer surveillance and must have their FINANCIAL HISTORIES posted daily on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website. No auditor, accountant or attorney (or anyone on the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK’s board of directors or as an officer of the ICB) can be used for any aspect of this Sect. 13 if they are vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Anyone who is vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT is considered an incompetent person. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to use any incompetent auditor, accountant or attorney (to execute directly or indirectly any aspect of this Sect. 13) or any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to use an incompetent person on the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK board of directors or as an ICB officer–see Sect. 14.6, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action).
13.2 For every CONSPIRACY LAW legal conviction which has been made in the past, is made currently, or will be made, the Jesuit leader(s) will be publicly direct or cross-examined (on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) regarding the funding which directly or indirectly supported the incident(s) which led to the conviction. Some of these direct or cross-examinations may have to be relegated to the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website if this becomes necessary, the legally significant highlights from these direct or cross-examinations will be presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
13.3 The Jesuit leader(s) must reveal to us all the funding (money and assets) which directly or indirectly supported the incident(s) which led to the CONSPIRACY LAW conviction (see Sect. 13.2). The Jesuit leader(s) must also reveal to us the names of all persons who could give us information about the funding for the illegal CONSPIRACY LAW incident. After the Jesuit leader(s) (and/or other persons involved in this Sect. 13.3–see previously underlined section) have revealed to us the information requested in this Sect. 13.3, they will state under 666-Computer and satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (some of the direct or cross-examinations may have to be presented on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website) that to the best of their knowledge they have told us the truth regarding all they know about what we requested of them (for matters related to this Sect. 13.3) and that they have not deliberately, knowing and willingly omitted any relevant information regarding the matters of this Sect. 13.3, and that they have not deliberately, knowingly and willingly included any misleading or inaccurate information regarding the matters of this Sect. 13.3.
13.4 If it is determined that they have included misleading or inaccurate information during the direct or cross-examination or that they have omitted any relevant information, they will be interrogated (and/or direct or cross-examined further) to determine what is the misleading or inaccurate information or what is the relevant information which they have omitted.
13.5 Those persons [whose names were given to us by the Jesuit leader(s)–see underlined section of Sect. 13.3] who have any information about the funding for the illegal CONSPIRACY LAW incident, must also be publicly direct or cross-examined (on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) regarding the funding for the incident and they must reveal to us all the funding (money and assets) which directly or indirectly supported the incident(s) which led to the CONSPIRACY LAW conviction. These persons will be held to the same accountability as any other person who is direct or cross-examined about CONSPIRACY LAW violations (see Sect. 13.4 and 13.3). They must make statements (see italicized section of Sect. 13.3) which will be verified by 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection and any attempt (or action) to present a false or misleading statement will result in the death penalty (see Sect. 13.4 and 13.3).
13.6 Once the source of the funds for the illegal incident are determined, those money and/or assets will be confiscated and put into the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK.
13.7 The INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will use the confiscated terrorist money to finance operations which will feed and house the poor, support medical research, give medical care, support the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM (see Sect. 17 of ICL:ST document), provide disaster relief, provide job training programs, and that support the war against terrorism. Particular help may go to African and Middle Eastern countries which have been devastated by Jesuit terrorism, though we will not limit our charity to particular countries, but will use the money where it’s needed.
13.7(a) Because the Jesuits have had too much control over the UNITED NATIONS and the United States’ FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (from the time of its founding until the present) and have turned the UNITED NATIONS and the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM into an organization which promotes the Jesuits’ goals for the world, the International President and the International government prefer to bypass the UNITED NATIONS and the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and instead use the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK as their means to funnel funds to those persons, nations, organizations that need assistance from the International government and to manage the financial systems of the United States and the world.
13.7(b) As of April 18, 2017 the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM will be abolished and replaced with the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK, expanding the operations of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. All current workers for the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE will be scanned with mind and emotion-reads to determine who at the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE is a JESUIT.
13.7[c] For the purposes of Conspiracy Law, a JESUIT is defined as a person who honors Satan and is part of the organization founded by St. Ignatius de Loyola, and who willingly and knowingly honors Satan or an Angelina Ballerina type of Jesuit Order as a member of the Jesuit Order. This means that a Jesuit who strives to honor Jesus Christ or Zack Knight (Sept. 2016 to present) is not considered a Jesuit according to Conspiracy Law, unless they are only honoring Jesus and/or Zack as a show and in actuality and behind-the-scenes honor Satan and/or Angelina Ballerina or any evil Jesuit leader like Loree McBride.
13.7(d) All Jesuits must be removed from the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Willing and knowing failure to do so will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Once we scan the entire personnel base of the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and determine that all Jesuits have been removed, then those who worked for the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM will have new jobs in our INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK, with a branch of the ICB called the FEDERAL RESERVE’s replacement, which will be called the FINANCIAL STRATEGIES COALITION.
13.7(e) Those with training in economics and finance will head the FINANCIAL STRATEGIES COALITION, even if it means we have to import workers into the FS COALITION. These heads of the FS COALITION will determine the policies and strategies used to maintain a healthy economy and regulate the banks and financial systems of all nations under the FS COALITION’s control (which would be all nations that belong to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK network).
13.7(e1) The Central Bank of each Conspiracy Law honoring country must be totally nationalized, so that private interests cannot control the Central Bank or the economy of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. These laws are necessary to stave off potential economic collapse in certain Conspiracy Law honoring nations, like the United States that have a massive debt. This means the Federal government WILL BE ALLOWED TO BORROW FROM ITS OWN CENTRAL BANK (i.e. the Federal Reserve in the U.S.) AND IS NOT REQUIRED TO GO THROUGH PRIVATE MEDIATORS OF ANY SORT TO BORROW FROM ITS OWN CENTRAL BANK. These laws do not forbid the Central Bank from dealing with private lenders, but do not force the Central Bank to do so. However, if the Central Bank does deal with private lenders, in opposition to borrowing from itself, it must present justification for doing so, and get permission to do so from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK in charge of that country. All laws which require the Fed or Central Bank of a Conspiracy Law honoring country to go through any intermediary in order to borrow money are now NULL AND VOID, and Conspiracy Law overrides all such laws. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to force the Central Bank of a country to go through any private channels in order to borrow money for the Central Bank will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Conspiracy Law honoring nations will not have their economies hijacked by criminal Jesuits who want to fatten their own bank accounts at the expense of the private citizens. Empress Gail overrides all laws requiring Central Banks of any country to go through any private mediators in order to borrow money for the Federal government.
13.7(e1a) The practice of forcing Central Banks to go through private mediators to borrow money for the Fed, has caused nations to become slaves to private banks by forcing them to increase debt that goes towards paying off INCREASING INTEREST DEBT, rather than PRINCIPAL. This can only result in an eventual ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.
13.7(e1b) All national government expenditures must get the approval of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK in charge of that country before going forward. There is too much wasteful spending happening and much of this money goes to secret operations designed to finance evil Jesuit interests behind-the-scenes. The INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK must be audited monthly to ensure all funds spent are accounted for and spent wisely, not putting the country into unnecessary debt.
13.7(e2) Wall Street lobbied for an amendment to the Federal Reserve Act, forbidding the Fed to buy bonds directly from the Treasury as it had done in the past. Federal Reserve Banks from time to time purchased short-term securities directly from the United States Treasury to facilitate Treasury cash management operations. The authority to undertake such purchases provided a robust safety net that ensured Treasury could meet its obligations even in the event of an unforeseen depletion of its cash balances. Congress prohibited direct purchases in 1935, but subsequently provided a limited wartime exemption in 1942. The exemption was renewed from time to time following the conclusion of the war but ultimately was allowed to expire in 1981.
Under Conspiracy Law, the Central Bank is part of the government and can no longer be considered a private entity separate from the government. Anyone who willingly and knowingly attempts to make the Central Bank a private entity (separate from the government) will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. The Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasury securities are now categorized as ‘held by the GOVERNMENT,’ because they are in government accounts. Any private sector that willingly and knowingly tries to claim rights to Treasury securities, will be charged with treason, and those in that private sector given the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
According to Marriner Eccles, chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1934 to 1948, the prohibition against allowing the government to borrow directly from its own central bank was written into the Banking Act of 1935 (United States) at the behest of those bond dealers that have an exclusive right to purchase directly from the Fed. A historical review on the website of the New York Federal Reserve quotes Eccles as stating, “I think the real reasons for writing the prohibition into the [Banking Act] … can be traced to certain Government bond dealers who quite naturally had their eyes on business that might be lost to them if direct purchasing were permitted.”
Rep. Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency from 1963 to 1975, called the official sanctioning of the Federal Open Market Committee in the banking laws of 1933 and 1935 “the power revolution” — the transfer of the “money power” to the banks. Patman said, “The ‘open market’ is in reality a tightly closed market.” Only a selected few bond dealers were entitled to bid on the bonds the Treasury made available for auction each week. The practical effect, he said, was to take money from the taxpayer and give it to these dealers. The Federal Open Market Committee is NOW BANNED in the U.S., and the Federal Open Market Committee or its equivalent in any Conspiracy Law honoring nation must be banned and not allowed to influence that country’s Central Bank or the Fed.
13.7(f) Any person who works for the FS COALITION and willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) supports policies that support Jesuit goals, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. The U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM will be abolished by April 19, 2017 and replaced with the FS COALITION. Current strategies in place will remain while the transfer from the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM to the FS COALITION takes place, but all strategies and policies must be analyzed and reviewed by the heads of the FS COALITION and those policies deemed evil Jesuit friendly must be reversed and/or changed by April 25, 2017 so that no actions that come from the FS COALITION will support evil Jesuit goals designed to take down Jesuit enemies.
13.7(f-1) Any willing and/or knowing (direct or indirect) attempt or action by any person to reinstate the current FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM in order to overthrow the FINANCIAL STRATEGIES COALITION, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
13.7(g) Before any policies are enacted (or put into effect) the creator(s) of that policy must pass mind and emotion-read scans that show that the policy’s author wants to promote and/or enact the policy with the intent to honor Conspiracy Law and to prevent Jesuits from taking over the world. Our computers must be programmed so that once a policy is decided upon by the International Charity Bank (and its sub-agent the FS COALITION), that the policy’s creator must pass a scan to verify that he/she created that policy to promote Conspiracy Law and to prevent evil Jesuits from taking over the world. Failure to pass this scan must block that creator from going forward with his plan. Any willing and/or knowing, direct or indirect attempt or action to violate this Sect. 13.7(g) in a manner that promotes evil Jesuit goals by any person involved with this section 13.7(g) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
13.8 Certified public accountants and attorneys will keep thorough and accurate accounting and financial records of all the money confiscated from the Jesuit terrorist operations. The highlights of these records will be presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any deliberate, knowing, and willing attempt (or action) to present false, misleading, inaccurate, incomplete information regarding these records on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an action or attempt.
13.9 No CONSPIRACY LAW conviction can occur without the confiscation of all known terrorist funding (by LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs for the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK) which directly or indirectly supported that illegal operation (which led to the conviction). Any CONSPIRACY LAW conviction which occurs and is not accompanied by a TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED form (and the contents of this TAS form must be publicized on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL–either on the broadcast or on its website) will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who willingly, knowing and deliberately permits (by default or any action) such a conviction to occur without an accompanying TAS form. If, by some chance, there is/are no assets or funding which directly or indirectly supported a CONSPIRACY LAW conviction (which is highly unlikely), the TAS form will state that no assets or funding were connected to this particular CONSPIRACY LAW conviction–but a TAS form must be prepared for every CONSPIRACY LAW conviction which occurs (regardless of whether it is determined that there is/was funding which supported the illegal operation or not).
14.0 If it is determined that there was/is no funding which directly or indirectly supported the CONSPIRACY LAW conviction, then on the TAS form (which accompanied that conviction)–those persons who prepared the form must state under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that this is the case.
14.1 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to prepare an inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, ambiguous, or confusing TAS form will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt or action.
14.01 All military tribunals of law throughout the world are required to have on-hand TAS (TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED) forms, which must be completed for every CONSPIRACY LAW conviction which occurs. The TAS form will be considered part of the essential paperwork which must accompany (and be completed) for every legal case which is brought to a guilty conviction under CONSPIRACY LAW. Failure to complete this form or an attempt (or action) to complete this form in an inaccurate manner will result in the death penalty–see Sect. 13.9 and 14.1.
14.2 This form called TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED must accompany every CONSPIRACY LAW conviction which occurs. A TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED form must be completed for every CONSPIRACY LAW conviction which occurs. The TAS (TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED) form will be prepared by certified public accountants and attorneys, who will state (on the form in a TERRORIST ASSETS STATEMENT) under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection, that all assets and funding (to the best of their knowledge) which directly or indirectly supported this particular CONSPIRACY LAW conviction have been confiscated and turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and they will also state (on the form in this TERRORIST ASSETS STATEMENT) that (to the best of their knowledge) ONLY those funds or assets which directly or indirectly supported this CONSPIRACY LAW conviction have been confiscated. This TERRORIST ASSETS STATEMENT must be signed by those who make this statement, and the signatures must be witnessed.
14.3 All those assets and funding which directly or indirectly supported the CONSPIRACY LAW conviction (associated with this particular TAS statement) must be listed out (clearly and unambiguously) on the form. Every TERRORIST ASSETS SEIZED form which is completed will have its contents publicized on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and evidence will be presented (on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) that those confiscated assets and/or funding have been turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK.
14.4 All financial and accounting records regarding the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will be posted on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’s website for the perusal of any interested party. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt to present incomplete, confusing, ambiguous, or inaccurate financial and accounting records about the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK on this website will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an attempt (or action). All cash flows will be posted and all financial statements will be posted regarding all activities of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ website. A complete financial picture will be presented about the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’s website.
14.5 The financial and accounting records of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will be audited every week by a team of auditors (appointed by the ICB elected officers). Any auditor on this team who deliberately, knowingly and willingly performs his job (directly or indirectly) in a manner which would lead to cover ups of any illegal activities which occur (regarding the financial operations of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs (which could result in execution).
14.60 The ICB’s board of directors will be composed of an international group of certified public accountants, computer programmers, military leaders, scientists, attorneys, financial and/or economic experts, and PLPs and RSPs (Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners). Each country in the world (which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website) will have at least two members in the ICB’s board of directors (chosen from one of the underlined professions listed in this section). Every nation will have at least 2 members in the ICB board of directors, to ensure that nations with smaller populations are not drowned out from representation in the ICB board of directors. These 2 (or more) members must be chosen through a vote or poll (which must follow the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) by the people of the country which they represent.
14.61 Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT must be enforced in this matter of voting for members of the ICB board of directors. This could lead to executions and exposure on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The results of voting for the members of the ICB board of directors (from all over the world) and the results of voting for the officers of the ICB will be presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Countries which violate Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT as they conduct the voting or polling for their members in the ICB will be exposed on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, with evidence presented to show their violations to the world.
14.62 For those countries which have a population over 22,000,000–for each 22,000,000 of its citizenry there will be a member in the ICB board of directors (to represent that 22,000,000 of its citizenry). For instance, the U.S. has about 260,000,000 U.S. citizens. Each 22,000,000 population group within that 260,000,000 will have a member in the ICB board of directors. This would give the U.S. a total of 11 members in the ICB board of directors. China will probably have the largest number of members in the ICB board of directors.
14.63 The countries can vote or poll for their ICB members by utilizing certain divisions within that country (and each country is entitled to choose how it wants to divide its population in order to vote for those members from its country who will represent that country in the ICB board of directors–however, no major population group within that country should be excluded from voting or polling). The divisions (once chosen) will be considered a political party and will be treated as a party (according to Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) for voting or polling purposes. If a country does not follow the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT (and of this Sect. 14) in the manner in which it conducts the vote or poll for its members in the ICB board of directors (or if there is discrimination in voting or polling, so that certain qualified voters or pollers are excluded from voting or polling)–then that country (which violates this Sect. 14), will not be permitted to have any members in the ICB board of directors.
14.64 This election for members of the ICB board of directors does not have to be conducted at voting booths–it can be done through polling, as long as the polls follow the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT, and as long as those who are polled represent all major population groups (or political parties) within that country. It may be impossible to represent all groups (or political parties) within a country, but all major population groups (or major political parties–see Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) should be represented (according to their percentage or representation within that country–see Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). A major population group (or political party) is any group which is comprised of at least 10% of the citizens of that country. For example, let’s say a country is composed of 40% of group A and 30% of group B and 30 of group C, then the polls should be adjusted to ensure that group A has 40% representation, group B has 30% representation and group C has 30% representation in the polling. A group of specialists called VOTING MANAGERS (see Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) will determine how the polls should be conducted in order to ensure that all major population groups (or major political parties) are represented according to their percentages or representation within that country, and they will sign sworn statements to that effect (following the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). This matter of insuring that the major population groups (or major political parties) are fairly represented could be a complicated matter, especially if the country is large and has a diverse make-up, for this reason the VOTING MANAGERS should be specialists in this matter and probably need training in statistics, polling, sociology, etc.
14.65 The INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK or ICB will be managed by officers who will hold various offices, such as President, vice-President, treasurer, etc. These ICB officers will be chosen by vote and will be drawn from the membership of the internationally chosen ICB board of directors. First, there may be votes for nominations for the various offices (President, vice-President, secretary, treasurer, etc.) and then after nominations, final votes may be taken. The ICB board of directors can also establish (by vote) which offices need to be created (for those who will be ICB officers). Once any guidelines are established by the ICB board of directors, THESE GUIDELINES MUST BE PUT INTO WRITING and consistently followed. The ICB board of directors can establish their own voting guidelines about how nominations will be conducted for their officers, and how the voting will be conducted (as long as the guidelines from Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT will be honored). The ICB’s internationally chosen board of directors will vote for the various officers of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK, and the ICB officers will obtain their position through an election–that is, they will be voted into office by the ICB board of directors. The guidelines from Section 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT must be followed in the election of the officers of the ICB. However, voting for the officers of the ICB should be simpler than voting for a country’s President, since no UNWILLING AGENT can be an ICB board of director member. The only ones who are registered to vote for an ICB officer are those who are members of the ICB’s board of directors. No one can hold any ICB office or be a member of the ICB board of directors if that person is an UNWILLING AGENT (or is highly vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT). Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to cause an UNWILLING AGENT to hold membership in the board of directors or as an officer will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (see Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
14.651 Once the ICB officers are elected, they will remain in their posts as long as they are competent to do their job and as long as the officers have not violated CONSPIRACY LAW. An ICB officer cannot serve as a member of the ICB board of directors; therefore, there must be a vote or poll from his/her country to replace the post he/she formerly occupied (as an ICB board of director member)–see Sect. 14.6522. These officers are considered to be more like the officers of a major corporation, rather than the political leaders of a country–so a re-election every four years is not necessary. If an officer shows incompetence, then he/she will be impeached (after the board of directors decide [through a vote] that this officer needs to be impeached and replaced). If an officer is impeached, a vote will be taken by the ICB board of directors to replace that officer. We don’t want these officers to be obsessed with whether or not they will lose their post after 4 years, but rather to be obsessed with doing their job well. For this reason, these officers will remain in their posts permanently–like the officers of a corporation (unless they are incompetent or violate CONSPIRACY LAW).
14.6510 The ICB board of directors can vote to impeach an ICB officer anytime they feel it is necessary. If, after they have voted on it, the ICB board of directors feel an ICB officer needs to be impeached–then that ICB officer will be impeached, and a vote will be taken by the ICB board of directors members to vote for the replacement for that officer.
14.652 Once a member of the ICB board of directors is elected, he/she will remain in his/her post for a period of 4 years (unless he/she is impeached because he/she has violated CONSPIRACY LAW or has become incompetent). A country can impeach a member of the ICB board of directors through voting or polling, anytime that country feels it is necessary to do so. If a country votes or polls to impeach a member of the ICB board of directors, then they must also vote or poll for his/her replacement. For all voting or polling, Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT (and the guidelines for voting as described in this Sect. 14) must be followed.
14.6521 After 4 years, each country will have another vote or poll (following the guidelines of this Sect. 14) to select its ICB board of directors members. A board of directors member can run for re-election as often as he/she wants. If an ICB board of directors member is impeached (before his/her 4 year term is up), then his/her country must immediately vote or poll (following the guidelines of this Sect. 14) to replace that member. The reason for having a re-election for a member of the board of directors is because a country can change its attitude or make-up after 4 years, and those members of the board of directors who represent that country, should reflect the current views of its people–so, for this reason, there will be a re-election for a country’s ICB board of directors every 4 years.
14.6522 If a country loses one of its ICB board of director members because that member was voted into office as an ICB officer, then that country will have another vote or poll to replace the ICB board of director member position which that newly elected ICB officer formerly occupied.
14.66 The voters who will determine who is put into each ICB office (whether it be President, vice-President, etc.) will be all the members from the internationally chosen ICB board of directors. After a vote by the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK’s board of directors, all those ICB officers that win election to their posts, will be sworn in as officers of the ICB. As part of their swearing in, they must promise to diligently enforce the CONSPIRACY LAWS to the best of their ability and this swearing in will be conducted under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection. The swearing in ceremony for all the officers of the ICB will be shown on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Anytime a new ICB officer is elected, he/she will be sworn into office on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and must promise to diligently enforce the CONSPIRACY LAWS to the best of his/her ability and this swearing in will be conducted under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection. Any ICB officer who fails 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection or amnesia-detection during this swearing in, will be impeached and another vote for his office (position) must be taken (according to the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT and the guidelines of this Sect. 14).
14.67 These officers (under the direction of the international ICB board of directors) will decide how the confiscated Jesuit terrorist money will be used. These officers must prepare a report of their activities which will be presented before the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK’s board of directors every month (or more often, if necessary). The INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK’s board of directors can prepare written guidelines about how the confiscated terrorist money should be used and can require the officers to abide by these guidelines. Any disagreements among the ICB board of directors about guidelines for its officers (or any other matter) will be resolved by vote (following the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). These guidelines for the ICB officers may be modified (by the ICB board of directors) as needed.
15.0 Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt or action to give financial or other helpful assistance to the Jesuit Order, with the intent to assist them with their goal of a world takeover, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
16.0 All ingested items must be scanned by computer programs called LABELLING PROGRAMs by the TSS Networks, which will scan the item to make sure that it is what it claims to be and which will list out all the ingredients and substances in the item being scanned.
16.0(a) Also, if the LABELLING PROGRAM notices that the items contains a significant amount of a potentially harmful or allergenic substance, that substance must be mentioned on the label, to warn the buyer that he/she may be buying something that could be detrimental to his/her health OR that item must be removed from the market. The LABELLING PROGRAM will advise the seller what must be done about the product, and the seller must follow the instructions of the LABELLING PROGRAM or else that seller (or the persons responsible for the infraction) will suffer a fine (for minor infractions), and the fine will be administered by the LABELLIG PROGRAM– And the death penalty, which will be forwarded by the LABELLING PROGRAM to the LEGAL PROGRAMs of the International government for enforcement (for willing and knowing major infractions).
16.0(b) For instance, if a label claims to be organic broccoli, then the computer programmed LABELLING PROGRAM scanner will scan the item to ensure that it is really organic broccoli. Or if the item claims to be free of nuts, then the programmed scanner will scan the item to make sure it is really free of nuts. Those items that fail the scan by the labeling program, will be removed from the market by the LABELLING PROGRAM and must not be sold to the public, unless the label is changed to reflect what the consumer is really buying (if the item is still safe for general public consumption).
16.0(c) The LABELLING PROGRAM will be programmed by TRUTH PROGRAMMERS (and administered by the TSS networks) to scan all ingested items to ensure that they are what they claim to be and that no additional ingredient, chemicals, substances are in those items (which need to be mentioned on the label). For instance, if an item is fish, but the fish contains large amount of pollutants from the ocean (which could cause reactions in chemically sensitive persons) this needs to be mentioned on the label.
16.0(d) Those items which contain substances which are harmful to the health of persons (to the point that they should not be on the shelf) will be removed from the market by the LABELLING PROGRAM.
16.0(e) It is the purpose of the LABELLING PROGRAM to ensure that labels are honest, up front and let the consumer know exactly what it is he or she is buying and to encourage honest marketing and labeling practices by organizations and companies.
16.0(f) Gail has recently bought fish and organic produce which were not what she thought they would be, and she suffered allergic reactions to the products she bought. Labels should be honest and should not claim a product is something that it is not. And this is the purpose of the LABELLLING PROGRAM–to encourage honesty in labeling.
16.0(g) Willing and knowing failure by the programmers of the LABELLING PROGRAM to ensure that labels are honest and to tell the consumer exactly what it is they are buying, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. This is because the International government is behind the scanners of the LABELLING PROGRAM, and if we allow deception into the marketplace, this creates the false impression that the International government encourages life-threatening deception. This cannot be tolerated at all. Deception like this could result in the death of severely allergic persons and the LABELLING PROGRAM will report violations of this Section in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to the INTELLIGENCE HEADQUARTERS of the ISC at California and Russia.
16.0(h) Frequent violators of the LABELLING PROGRAM will be mentioned on GCFNC and major news stations, and these companies will be shut down by the LABELLING PROGRAM through the LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMs of the International government.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS (such as copyright, etc.)
17.0(a) All intellectual property will be considered to be copyrighted as soon as it is put into any written form (even if only typed onto that person’s own personal computer and not printed out at all), and if it can be proved (through 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS and a 666-Computer analysis of the memories of the creator of the work) that the creator of this work was the first to come up with this work and/or even more importantly that the creator of this work used his own thinking processes, creative abilities and actions, research, life experiences and his own personal history to create this work. 666-Computer analysis can ascertain if the requirements of this Sect. 17.0(a) have been met.
17.0(b) It is necessary to have these laws because our current laws regarding intellectual property are woefully outdated and do not take into consideration the fact that mind reading technology is employed against persons and that everything any person types onto his personal computer can be stolen and used by another person (using satellite technology alone to retrieve the data from any person’s computer without that person’s knowledge or consent), even if that data has never been printed out or transferred in any manner.
17.0(c) What this means is. . .let’s say a writer has begun work on his 2nd novel and someone has access to that writer’s computer (via satellite technology) and can also read that writer’s mind and decides to steal this writer’s ideas and that writer’s work (as that writer works on his next work) and does this before the writer has copyrighted his own work.
17.0(d) An AUTHENTIC AUTHOR is defined as a creator of a work who has used his/her own thinking processes, creative abilities, life experiences and research to create his/her own work.
17.0(e) So the thief (called the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CRIMINAL) uses satellite technology to download what this writer wrote onto the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CRIMINAL’s own system and also uses mind reading technology to assist the I.P. CRIMINAL as he/she organizes the ideas/prose that he/she stole from the writer. The ideas/prose/intellectual property that were stolen in this manner by the I.P. CRIMINAL will be called SATELLITE STOLEN MATERIAL (since criminal use of satellite technology was what enabled this criminal to steal the writer’s material).
17.0(f) Then this I.P. CRIMINAL mails the SATELLITE STOLEN MATERIAL to the U.S. Copyright Office and claims that the material was his/her own and he/she does this before the authentic author of the work has mailed to the U.S. Copyright Office his/her copyright registration for his/her own work. This can create the false impression that the authentic author of the work has stolen the work when the authentic author later mails his/her copyright registration; when, in actuality, the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CRIMINAL deliberately mailed his/her copyright registration for the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR’s work before the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR did, with the intent to undermine (or steal from) the work of the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR.
17.0(g) All intellectual property that is mailed to the U.S. Copyright Office or to any other legally authorized copyright office (such as the Writer’s Guild, etc.) must first pass SATELLITE BRAIN INSPECTION (see Sect. 17.0j) before that work will be granted a U.S. Copyright or LEGAL REGISTRATION as the work of that authorship claimant. And all current work registered (after the date that SATELLITE STOLEN MATERIAL became possible–called the SATELLITE AGE) in that LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE must not be considered a valid registration until evidence that an authentic author created the work is attached to that registration. This required evidence will be called AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP EVIDENCE.
17.0(h) All work registered during the SATELLITE AGE at any LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE must be analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS for AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP EVIDENCE. These 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS must do a 666-COMPUTER HISTORY on all AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANTS to determine if those AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANTS were indeed the AUTHENTIC AUTHORS of the works involved. Those AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANTS who are IMPOSTERS (as determined by 666-Computer analysis) will be treated as outlined in this section and as determined by law.
17.0(i) A LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE is defined as any legally authorized agency that registers works to protect the copyrights or to legally establish the ownership or authorship of that work.
17.0(j) A SATELLITE BRAIN INSPECTION is defined as follows. . .Once a work is received by any LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE, the person who claims authorship (called the AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT) must be analyzed by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS to determine if that AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT is indeed the true author (creator) of the work. The 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN must do an analysis of the brain of that AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT (called the SATELLITE BRAIN INSPECTION) to determine how (or in what manner) this AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT created this work that he/she claims is his/her own.
17.0(k) The 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN must provide AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP EVIDENCE (that must be attached to the file of the copyright registration of the work) that the manner in which this work was created was a legal manner (as outlined in this Sect. 17.0a). Legal manners of creation would include methods in which the AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT’s own thinking processes, research, life experiences or creative abilities and actions enabled him/her to create the work submitted. The 666-COMPUTER HISTORY, in cases of authentic authorship, should provide evidence that the AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT’s own thinking, life experiences, research and creative processes were involved in the creation of the work involved, and this AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP evidence must be attached to the copyright registration of all works registered in that LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE for all works registered during the SATELLITE AGE.
17.0(k-1) The SATELLITE AGE is defined as the time period in which there was the existence of satellite technology that enables one to download or transfer data from any computer (once that computer is activated) to any other computer or receiving entity, and which accomplishes this downloading or transferring of data from one computer to another computer (or receiving entity) solely through the use of satellite technology (such as the use of signals in the air as the means of transferring or sending the data to the receiving entity) and in which the transfer of data from one computer to another receiving entity is not accomplished by other more well known methods –such as modem, fax, e-mail and well known and established computer to computer connections or communications].
So let’s say that 1980 was the year when the satellite age began, where criminals could steal work from authors as these authors typed their own work onto their computer terminals (through the means of satellite signals alone). This means that all works created from 1980 and afterwards (would be works created in the SATELLITE AGE) and all such works registered from 1980 and onwards with any LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE must be analyzed to determine if that AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT is the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR. If this authentic authorship evidence is not attached to any works that could have been created in the SATELLITE AGE, then that copyright registration will be considered INVALID and that AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT must be denied copyright registration or his current copyright registration will be voided and considered invalid and the copyright registration (in the records of the LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE) will be transferred to the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR (even without the knowledge and consent of the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR)–that is, if the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR can be ascertained. When an AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT is denied copyright registration because the LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE finds evidence that this claimant did not create this work using his/her own thinking, life experiences, research and creative processes; this evidence against the claimant will be called IMPOSTER EVIDENCE.
17.0(l) The LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE will contact that AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT (who is implicated with IMPOSTER EVIDENCE) and will inform him/her that he/she is under arrest for stealing another’s work and for copyright infringement and that IMPOSTER EVIDENCE has been found against this claimant, and that this matter will be investigated by the International government and will be tried by the courts. Those matters of IMPOSTER EVIDENCE that involve Gail Schuler’s authorship will be tried by the U.S. Supreme Court.
17.0(m) The LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE will inform that individual(s) that evidence has been obtained that the work that this AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT declares is his/her own is actually the work of another, and that the International government will sue/prosecute that individual(s) for criminal use of satellite/computer technology and for stealing the creative work of another. In cases where the abuse against the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR has been excessive, the International government will pay the legal costs involved in the suit/prosecution, and will sue the IMPOSTER and pay out damages to the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR, since the International government does not want to encourage this kind of crime.
17.0(n) All LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICES must be audited by 666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS for all works registered in that LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE during the SATELLITE AGE, and records must be corrected and updated to keep up with the latest technologies used by computer/satellite criminals.
17.0(o) When IMPOSTER EVIDENCE is uncovered, it must be dealt with and the IMPOSTERS must be arrested and the authentic authors (if they can be ascertained) must be given the copyright registration that was denied them (or stolen from them). If the authentic author never bothered to register a copyright for his own work, the copyright office (if it has a registration for that authentic author’s work by an imposter) must update its records and automatically give that authentic author a registration for his/her own work. This means that if an imposter has filed a registration for an authentic author’s work (even though that authentic author never bothered to register his own work), that authentic author will be granted an automatic and free registration by the legal copyright office (it will have been paid for by the IMPOSTER who dared to claim this work was his own). If the authentic author then later mails a registration for his own work, this will be accepted (but the actual date of registration will be earlier than what the authentic author thinks it is) and on a case-by-case basis the LEGAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE will decide whether to reimburse the AUTHENTIC AUTHOR for the costs of copyright registration (since unbeknownst to him/her, his work has already been registered).
17.0(p) If any work was created by stealing data from another person’s computer by the use of satellite signal technology or by using mind reading technology to steal data from another’s mind (and this can be ascertained through 666-Computer analysis of the AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT’s brain and memories) and if it was done willingly or knowingly in order to assist the Jesuit Order, that AUTHORSHIP CLAIMANT will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and the execution will be carried out on GCFNC.
17.0(q) All (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempts or actions to violate the guidelines in this Sect. 17.0, with the intent to encourage copyright infringement or to violate intellectual property laws (as outlined in this Sect. 17.0) will bring criminal penalties against the violator, like any other attempt to violate intellectual property laws. Those who violate intellectual property laws (as outlined in this Sect. 17.0) in order to willingly and knowingly assist the Jesuit Order, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and all such executions will be carried out on GCFNC.
17.0(r) Any attempt or action to create false evidence about AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP or about IMPOSTERS using computer/satellite technology by any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON responsible to enforce the laws of this Sect. 17.0, will bring stiff penalties (like in any other criminal matter where false evidence is attempted in the courtroom) and will bring the death penalty when such violations are carried out willingly and knowingly to assist the Jesuit Order.
18.0 A Jesuit Financial Institution is defined as any entity that manages the money and assets of a person(s) or organization(s) and violates Conspiracy Law in its transactions with the intent to violate Conspiracy Law and/or support the goals of Loree McBride Jesuits. Managing assets or monies is defined as holding the money or assets, using the money or assets, making transactions with the money or assets, saving the money or assets, and/or determining who can have access to the money or assets of the person or entity who has entrusted their money or assets to this financial institution.
18.1 All Jesuit Financial Institutions will be taken over by the International Government (Conspiracy Law honoring nations) and regulated, so that all its transactions are under government control to remove the ability of that financial institution to finance Jesuit operations or to financially punish the innocent (like PayPal has done with Alex Jones) in violation of Conspiracy Law. So, let’s say the Jesuits takeover Bank of America and Bank of America refuses to honor Conspiracy Law, thus making Bank of America a Jesuit Financial Institution. This means that Bank of America would be taken over by the government and all its transactions under government control to ensure compliance with Conspiracy Law. This control will last only long enough to remove Loree McBride Jesuit control over that financial institution. Government control will be done with the intent to remove Jesuit terrorist funding operations and to “clean up” the financial institution and make it a legal operation.
18.2 Basically, under Conspiracy Law, we do not recognize any entity as a valid and legal corporation or entity, if that entity does not honor Conspiracy Law.
18.3 Let’s say that there are people inside Bank of America who want to honor Conspiracy Law and hate it that their company has become Jesuit. We will invite these people to leave their current territory and will set up another version of Bank of America inside a Church of Gail city that honors Conspiracy Law. These people will live inside a Church of Gail city, and will be reemployed at a Bank of America that supports Conspiracy Law and operates from within a Church of Gail city, where it’s possible to have a very high control over who enters and leaves the building and will help eliminate hostage taking by Loree McBride Jesuits, who would love to rob our financial institutions this way.
18.4 Vladimir Putin, who has a Ph.D. in economics will work out the fine details of our financial institutions that operate from inside our Church of Gail cities. We will form our own block of financial institutions who operate inside Church of Gail cities, who will work with us in moving criminal financial institutions (taken over by our Conspiracy Law honoring government) into Church of Gail cities where no Loree McBride Jesuits can enter or leave, due to the shield over the city.
18.5 If we determine that a financial organization is a Jesuit run organization, once we separate those from within that organization who do not want to serve Jesuits and set them up with a non-Jesuit version of that organization inside one of our Church of Gail cities, we will ensure that the criminal financial institution is unable to continue their Conspiracy Law violating activities. Firstly, by executing all willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits who are operating in that financial system or institution and secondly, by blocking all their funds and sources of funds. We will determine their sources of funds using brain and emotion-reads or FINANCIAL HISTORIES.
22.0 Loree McBride, as the leader of the evil side of the Jesuit Order, has stolen billions of dollars from major corporations, my writings, my men and others using her secret clone versions of the Internet to funnel these monies to Jesuit banks. Now all of the victims are demanding that Loree McBride repay them the monies that were stolen from them.
22.1 Unfortunately, the Jesuits are flagrant spenders and most of the monies they have stolen have been used to finance their mammoth military operations, such as their abominable nukkakes, and their murders and all their scientific and technological conspiracies, and the payment of their millions of agents with their extravagant Jesuit lifestyles. Jesuits are claiming they no longer have the monies they stole and that my men, among others, cooperated with them in these Jesuit conspiracies that stole billions from my writings and corporations and others. Jesuits claim that because my men cooperated with them, they, too, should have to help the Jesuits pay back the monies stolen from everybody.
22.2 First, we need to establish clearly who is guilty in the matter of the conspiracy behind these stolen monies. There is an easy way to do this. First, line up all the suspects, and all the alleged conspirators in the courtroom. This will be a military tribunal, because the guilt of the Jesuit Order for massive war crimes was established in our rerun of the Nuremberg trials.
22.3 Using our JESUIT SCANNERS, get complete emotion reads, thoughts and memories on all alleged conspirators in this massive financial embezzlement and grand larceny. This is the CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE we shall use to help determine innocence and guilt in this matter. This evidence will be blared before the world on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. This case will be tried PUBLICLY, because it is of PUBLIC CONCERN and the verdict will be decided by VOTER JURORS (see Sect. 29 through 31 of Conspiracy Laws and Government).
22.4 Next, each suspect will be asked the following questions under 666-Computer Lie Detection and emotion reads:
1) How do you feel about the fact that Loree McBride or her supporters stole billions of dollars from various people and organizations in a massive conspiracy that was kept secret from everybody except the thieves?
2) Did you willingly and knowingly accept (directly or indirectly) stolen monies from the Loree McBride Jesuit Embezzlers knowing that this money came to you because you approved of the conspiracy used to steal the monies?
3) Do you feel it is wrong to use a secret clone version of the Internet to steal proceeds from writers, organizations, in a manner that makes it appear that they never had the proceeds in the first place, in order to fund the Jesuit Order? In other words, if the victim doesn’t realize sales proceeds have been stolen from him in a manner to make it appear that no sale took place, does that make the embezzled funds morally right for the recipient, as long as the recipient promotes the Jesuits? So, if the victim doesn’t realize he/she is a victim, that means to steal from them is okay, as long as it is done to serve the interests of the Jesuits and their friends?
Two psychiatrists will be on hand to analyze the responses from each alleged embezzler, and will present his/her views to the public on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. None of the psychiatrists can be a suspect in this case. Loree McBride or the current evil Jesuit leader will choose her psychiatrist. The top seven men on Gail’s marriage list will choose the Church of Gail psychiatrist. One psychiatrist will represent the Loree McBride Jesuits. Another psychiatrist will be a member of Church of Gail. Before each analysis is presented, each psychiatrist will say the following under oath and 666-Computer Lie Detection and emotion reads: “The analysis I give of the reaction about the person who just made a statement about how he/she feels about the monies the Jesuits stole is accurate to the best of my knowledge and abilities and reflects as much as is possible an impartial psychiatric evaluation of the response.” If 666-Computer Lie Detection and emotion reads determines that any psychiatrist is not sincere when he makes the above statement, he/she will be dismissed and another psychiatrist must be chosen for the analyst position. If the Loree McBride Jesuits corrupt all of her psychiatrists, then only the Church of Gail psychiatrist will be used and Loree McBride Jesuits must accept their conclusions as final.
We call this embezzlement because people trust that the Internet is honest and expect use of the Internet to result in honest financial transactions, and because Loree McBride Jesuits OWNs most of the Internet, they have violated people’s trust in the honesty of the Internet. The Internet has been used to steal billions and trillions of dollars. Therefore, Gail’s Conspiracy Law has OUTLAWED the portions of the Internet under Loree McBride Jesuit control and demands that those criminal sections of the Internet be put under the control of Zack Knight (who will revamp that part of the Internet to make it in compliance with Conspiracy Law). Loree McBride and her Jew clones use a secret clone copy of the Internet that ONLY THEY SEES, to embezzle funds from sales of targeted persons and organizations. This is why Gail’s Conspiracy Law is attempting to replace the Internet with an Internet under Zack Knight’s control. Zack will be monitored 24/7 using the same emotion reads used on Loree McBride criminals to ensure his motives for Internet control are for justice, liberty and honor and in compliance with Conspiracy Law. This will be to protect Zack from false charges that he is swindling money using his clone versions of the Internet. The Internet was SET UP by the Jesuits, to make it easy to embezzle stolen funds to Jesuit banks, by removing the sales transaction from the books of the seller using a SECRET CLONE VERSION OF THE INTERNET THAT ONLY THE THIEVES SEE. Then Jesuits secretly pocket the proceeds, while delivering the product to the buyer. The seller is deprived of his/her proceeds without even being aware of it, because the transaction gets “lost” onto a secret clone version of the Internet THAT ONLY EVIL JESUITS SEE. Also, because the evil Jesuits delivered the product to the seller, there is no guarantee that what the buyer receives is what the seller actually SOLD. Like most Jesuits crimes, this grand larceny and embezzlement through the Internet is very sneaky and underhanded.
Any willing and knowing attempt by anyone to promote lies or deception in this case, by switching out jurors with Jesuit clones, or switching out judges with Jesuits, or by any other type of deception or brain control that would cause the VOTER JURORS to make false conclusions or to use ANY METHOD to try and make a guilty party seem innocent or an innocent seem guilty, will bring the death penalty to the violator.
Those suspects whose answers reveal that they willingly and knowingly took part with the Jesuits as part of a conspiracy to steal the monies, AND/OR who feel that there is NOTHING wrong with this type of activity ARE THE GUILTY PARTY.
If the suspect is a LOREE MCBRIDE JESUIT, just feeling that there is nothing wrong with this type of activity, makes them guilty, BECAUSE THEIR LEADER IS GUILTY. They are guilty BY BELONGING TO THE LOREE MCBRDIE JESUITS, because you cannot be a Jesuit unless it is your goal in life to overthrow Conspiracy Law and Gail Chord Schuler as Empress. All evil Jesuits must be loyal to Loree McBride (who desires Gail’s overthrow), which means they cannot oppose her policies or they will be excommunicated from the Jesuit Order. This means all of Loree McBride’s crimes are shared by all willing and knowing members of the Loree McBride Jesuit Order. By choosing to be a Jesuit, they have chosen to partake of their leader’s crimes. Therefore, every willing and knowing Jesuit is a thief, murderer, and whatever other crimes Loree McBride may directly or indirectly commit. Jesuits are fully aware that the Jesuit Order participates in financial embezzlement and grand larceny conspiracies and yet each Jesuit receives these stolen monies as their own and they do nothing to stop or expose the embezzlement and grand larceny.
22.7 If the complete amounts cannot be paid back to the victims, then each victim will receive a percentage of the amount that was stolen – calculated as a percentage of the whole based on dividing the amount lost by the total available for payment – to determine the percentage they receive. For instance, let’s say we had three victims and one had $1,000,000.00 stolen and another had $50,000,000.00 stolen and another had $500,000.00 stolen. Let’s say that the Catholic Church only had enough assets to pay back $50,000,000.00. All the amounts owed will be ADDED UP to get a TOTAL OF ALL AMOUNTS OWED TO ALL VICTIMS. That means the total owed to all would be $51,500,000.00. Each victim will get the percentage of their share based on how much loss they suffered as compared to the whole.
So the person/organization who lost $50,000,000.00 will divide $50,000,000.0 by $51,500,000.00 times 100 to determine the percentage of the $50,000,000.00 they will receive. That means they get 97.1% of the $50,000,000.00 or $48,550,000.00.
The person/organization who lost $1,000,000.00 will divide $1,000,000.00 by $51,500,000.00 times 100 to determine the percentage of the $50,000,000.00 they will receive. That means they get 1.9% of the $50,000,000.00 or $950,000.00
The person/organization who lost $500,000.00 will divide $500,000.00 by $51,500,000.00 times 100 to determine the percentage of the $50,000,000.00 they will receive. That means they get 1.0% of the $50,000,000.00 or $500,000.00.
22.8 Of course, if all can be paid back, then all must be paid back. The Catholic Church is filthy rich and they might be able to pay it all back. Before we decide on percentages, we will first seize any and all assets of the guilty party that are available, even if we have to sell assets. We will first hit their liquid cash, and then move onto sales of assets to pay back the victims.
It is wrong to steal and the robber needs to pay up.
22.9 The VOTER JURORS will decide on WHO IS THE GUILTY PARTY in the EMBEZZLEMENT AND GRAND LARCENY CONSPIRACY. Once that is decided, then the pay outs from that GUILTY PARTY will be determined as outlined in this Section 22.
22.9(a) If the victim is not in good mental health and is not able to financially manage the funds in a sane manner, a custodian from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will set the money up in the best form to pay to the victim, probably an annuity would be the best form so that the victim does not spend the money foolishly and has enough to meet their needs.
22.9(b) If the victim is in good mental health, they will be given various choices for payout and can choose which method of payout they would prefer.
23.0 No Conspiracy Law honoring nation is allowed to impose any type of sanctions (economic or otherwise) on another Conspiracy Law honoring nation. As anti-Jesuit nations we must WORK TOGETHER to defeat the Jesuits. To allow the Jesuits to rule our economic and financial policies is to cause our house to be DIVIDED. A house DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND.
23.1 American President Barack Obama, in violation of Conspiracy Law, has attacked Russia to serve Jesuit interests in the Ukraine, and has issued sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s Russia. As of this 20th day of November, 2014, ALL OF THE SANCTIONs BY ANY CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING NATION MUST BE REMOVED AGAINST RUSSIA, OR ELSE THAT NATION CANNOT BE CONSIDERED A CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING NATION, and that nation will be declared a TERRORIST NATION by American Empress Gail Chord Schuler.
23.1(a) Any nation that participates in sanctions against Russia (as long as the real Vladimir Putin rules Russia), will be considered a TERRORIST NATION (a nation that honors Jesuit policies), which means that all Conspiracy Law honoring nations will ban all trade with that TERRORIST NATION and will ISOLATE THEM from all of the Conspiracy Law honoring nations.
23.1(b) A TERRORIST NATION is defined as any nation that willingly and knowingly promotes Jesuit policies in warfare, economic matters, politics and law, and that issues edicts that serve Jesuit interests and promote violations of the principles of Conspiracy Law.
23.2 If American President Barack Obama rebels against this edict, he will be replaced with another who will obey the order of American Empress Gail Chord Schuler and who will not disobey her edicts.
23.2(a) Basically any leader of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation needs to obey Conspiracy Law or else they will lose their privilege to be considered a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. It is now Conspiracy Law that a Conspiracy Law honoring nation CANNOT issue sanctions against another Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and to do so, will cause that Conspiracy Law honoring nation to lose their status as a Conspiracy Law honoring nation and to be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on our list of TERRORIST NATIONS, which is a list maintained by Vladimir Putin on his website.
23.3 To counter Jesuit brainwashing in the matter of Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine policy, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel will present specials highlighting what is REALLY HAPPENING IN THE UKRAINE and what REALLY HAPPENED WITH MALAYSIAN FLIGHT MH17 that crashed in Ukraine. We must let the world know that in all instances where Vladimir Putin is portrayed as the AGGRESOR, he is DEFENDING himself against Jesuit attempts to kill him or to take over his country.
23.4 Though Vladimir may have LIED about whether he sent troops into Ukraine, he has NOT lied about the reasons he must watch over Ukraine, and that is to prevent Ukraine from becoming a Jesuit stronghold, which the Jesuits will use to ATTACK and DEFEAT Russia.
23.5 As far as Malaysian flight MH17, from what Gail understands, this was actually a Jesuit aircraft loaded with nukkake in an attempt on Vladimir Putin’s life. It had to be taken down to save his life. The Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel will report on this to let the world hear the TRUTH about how Jesuits are AGGRESSIVELY trying to destroy Vladimir Putin, and then criticize him when he tries to DEFEND HIMSELF.
23.6 To counter Jesuit attempts to bankrupt us, through the use of JESUIT IMPOSED SANCTIONS, all sanctions MUST BE REMOVED AT ONCE, to allow free trade between all Conspiracy Law honoring nations. FURTHERMORE, we will not conduct trade with any TERRORIST NATIONS to punish them for helping the Jesuit Order to stay in power.
23.7 Gail knows for sure that China is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, so Russia will try to sell her oil to China and this may help out. To reward China for doing this, Russia will increase her imports from China in all areas. Also, once the United States drops her sanctions against Russia, this should greatly help out Russia’s struggling economy. The Jesuits want to knock Russia down as she attempts to resurge from the disaster of the Soviet Union, but Russia has a righteous leader, who needs the support of all the Conspiracy Law honoring nations, and Gail, as American Empress and author of Conspiracy Law will NOT tolerate ANY Conspiracy Law honoring nation imposing SANCTIONS on Russia’s struggling economy!! The world needs Vladimir Putin’s Russia to remain a stronghold against Jesuit terrorism. UPDATE: China is experiencing a civil war in 2018, so we will treat the part of China under Soros/Loree McBride control as a TERRORIST NATION under Conspiracy Law.
23.8 From what Gail understands, we are negotiating with Iran, and we may be able to strike a deal with Iran in this matter of oil, to assist Russia and the Conspiracy Law honoring nations in this matter of how oil can manipulate the economies to ensure that the manipulations don’t happen in a manner that causes a Conspiracy Law honoring nation to go bankrupt.
23.9 Right now, Russia is a leader in space technology and this is an area where Gail predicts Russia can boost her economy. As a result of Conspiracy Law, Gail has relied on the Russian space program to carry out much of her laws. Her laws are very space age and require the strictest regulations to ensure that Jesuits do not infiltrate and cause problems. Using Conspiracy Law to regulate our satellites and space missions, the Russians can spearhead the creation of more satellites and a military space fleet to bolster Conspiracy Law enforcement worldwide. This will help create jobs for those nations that work with Russia in the space program and will help boost the economies of all Conspiracy Law honoring nations that participate in our space program.
Further, because we cannot trust the nations that are TERRORIST NATIONS, we will not purchase or use any military or space projects, satellites, etc. from TERRORIST NATIONS to punish them for supporting Jesuit policies.
24.0 Because Vladimir Putin has a Ph.D. in economics, Gail has assigned him the job of ECONOMIST for all Conspiracy Law honoring nations. As ECONOMIST, he will issue edicts that all Conspiracy Law honoring nations must obey, or else they will be in violation of Conspiracy Law. Vladimir’s edicts must all honor Conspiracy Law and be designed to protect all the economies of every country that is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and to punish the economies of TERRORIST NATIONS. If Vladimir willingly and knowingly issues any edicts that violate the principles of Conspiracy Law or that willingly and knowingly cause the economic downfall of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation, then he will lose this position and the position will be eliminated.
24.0[a] A computer program will study the buying habits of all consumers worldwide and present a report to Vladimir Putin of what is selling and what people are buying. 666-Computer lie detection will approve of the report on buying habits as accurate, before the computer program can submit this report to Vladimir Putin.
24.0[b] Next, the computer program will analyze the NATURAL RESOURCES of each Conspiracy Law honoring nation to determine which nations have the BEST RESOURCES to meet the NEEDS of consumers. NATURAL RESOURCES are defined as the people, land, holdings and properties of a nation. BEST RESOURCES are defined as the NATURAL RESOURCES of a country that can provide the service or goods needed in the cheapest, legal and most efficient manner.
24.0[c] Once, the computer program determines which countries are best suited for certain markets, it will set up a game plan for that nation to develop their NATURAL RESOURCES to meet the NEEDS of its consumer base. For instance, Russia currently is a largely oil based economy, highly dependent on oil revenues to keep financial stability in Russia. This is NOT GOOD, because the methods it uses to extract the oil are more expensive than for countries like Saudi Arabia, which makes demand for Russian oil GO DOWN when cheaper oil is available elsewhere. The computer program in setting up his/her game plan for Russia, will come up with ways for Russia to produce oil CHEAPER, perhaps using TRANSPORTER TECHNOLOGY to transform the oil into a cheaper, but quality, version which could complete in the international marketplace when the oil prices go down. This would be part of his/her game plan to develop Russia’s NATURAL RESOURCES. Another area where he/she could boost the Russian economy, would be in the area of SPACE TECHNOLOGY, where he/she could create factories that specialize in SPACE MATERIALs used for SPACE TECHNOLOGY, for instance.
24.0[d] The computer program could assist Vladimir to transform the Russian economy, making it more diverse, by improving the methods used to extract oil, so that it will be cheaper and competitive, and by developing other NATURAL RESOURCES within Russia to make international demand for other Russian goods or services a major component of the Russian economy. Other NATURAL RESOURCES that could be developed, may lie in the realm of SPACE TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY, FARM GOODS (foods, etc.), AUTOMOBILES, etc. The computer program will study the NATURAL RESOURCES of every Conspiracy Law honoring nation and strive to create a diverse economy within each nation that won’t be susceptible to the drastic rise and fall of prices of the goods and services they offer, because they will offer more than one major commodity to the world markets. The computer program will be sure to only develop those industries that meet a major need in the world markets.
24.0[e] The computer program may also create needs by creating innovative and very useful products that could become the next craze. It could study the NATURAL RESOURCES of each Conspiracy Law honoring nation to determine which nations are best suited to sponsor any new and innovative creations she may produce, to provide these innovations to the world markets.
24.0[f] Its goal in studying the NATURAL RESOURCES, the BEST RESOURES, what it CAN CREATE or INNOVATE, will be to create an International economy that is diverse in each country, so that no country is totally dependent on a single source of revenue and, therefore, less likely to collapse because of drastic drops or rises in prices of certain commodities.
24.0[g] Vladimir Putin will go to the computer program every day and will also work with prayer warriors who pray for him, as he plans his days at the ECONOMIST, and will study his/her reports and suggestions and use the computer program to create new industries that promote a diverse and prosperous economy in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations. All reports and suggestions and creations by the computer program must be approved by the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM (who will scan for malware), or they cannot be implemented. Of course, all reports and suggestions must be in compliance to Conspiracy Law or else they cannot be implemented.
24.1 Jesuits have ruled the world’s economies for too long and it is time for righteous, Conspiracy Law honoring nations to stop allowing Jesuits to rule their banks and fiscal policies. Any world leader, who has the power to influence the economy of their nation, and who willingly and knowingly uses that position to violate Conspiracy Law, will be listed as a Jesuit Conspirator and if found guilty of willingly and knowingly participating in Jesuit conspiracies to cause their nation or another nation to fall under Jesuit financial control, will be considered a Jesuit Conspirator, and will be given the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Jesuits have ruled the purse strings for too long and this is their secret to maintaining their evil control over everybody. THIS MUST END.
24.2 Further, all news and media coverage that encourages sanctions against any Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and does so by reporting LIES about Vladimir Putin or any Conspiracy Law honoring leader, will be fined DAILY by the International Government. These fines will be given to the country that is suffering as a result of FALSE NEWS REPORTING that encourages Jesuits to destroy that nation’s economy. Also, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel will show that these news stations have been influenced BY JESUITS to spread LIES about Conspiracy Law honoring nations to further Jesuit interests.
When I, Gail Chord Schuler, was elected as U.S. President on Nov. 8, 2016 we thought that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had died on the Donald Trump rally in Ohio on Nov. 4, 2016, so I was voted in as U.S. President with most of the country believing that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were dead. We found out later that Angelina Ballerina had saved all those at the Trump rally from Vladimir Putin’s nuke and they were prisoners on her spaceship until we defeated Angelina Ballerina on Jan. 6, 2017. I told the voters that if they voted for Trump, they were actually voting for me (Nov. 8, 2016). So, it appears there has been some confusion since Jan. 6, 2017 over whether I am President or Donald Trump is President. Therefore, I pose that we have a re-election for the post of U.S. President. There will be two choices on the ballot: me and Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is not qualified to run because she is a terrorist under my Conspiracy Law. I request this because due to the confusion, I have noticed that Donald Trump has been overriding some of my Conspiracy Law. For instance, I have demanded strict punishment to news media outlets that put out fake news that assists terrorist organizations, and I have noticed none of these laws are being enforced. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a co-author of Conspiracy Law, along with me, and anybody who attacks him is attacking me. I want all sanctions against Russia removed at once. Willing and knowing failure to remove these sanctions will be considered a violation of my Conspiracy Law. A nation divided against itself cannot stand and Vladimir works with me to enforce Conspiracy Law. He is our ally in the war for freedom and justice and should be treated as such. We are both the authors of this law. All you hear is lies about Putin on Western news and I will be addressing this problem in these new laws.
25.0 Because of confusion over who is U.S. President, we will have a revote for this position in accordance with Sect. 8 of Conspiracy Laws and Government. The two choices on the ballot will be me and Donald Trump. If I win, I will allow Donald Trump to continue in his post as my representative. This means he is free to do the job of U.S. President as long as he does not violate Conspiracy Law while doing so. If he wins, he will be U.S. President and I will have the post of Empress, which is a post I’ve held since 2014. All lies about Russian President Vladimir Putin, Conservatives, gun shooters, and any news that could affect the laws of the land reported in the news will be investigated to see who is behind the lie. If those behind the lie are willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits, they will be executed publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) as examples for how we treat terrorists who try to take over a country as criminals and who promote propaganda to further their terrorist enterprises. As Empress, I have higher authority than Donald Trump any ways, but by officially giving me the U.S. President post, I will have more authority to enforce my Conspiracy Law. Enforcement has been a problem, which I will be addressing in these new laws. In the 2020 election for U.S. President, whoever wins must be in submission to me as U.S. Empress and I, if I’m still alive, will go on the ballot again as U.S. President, to help maintain my ability to enforce Conspiracy Law in the U.S.
25.0a A Loree McBride Jesuit is defined as a person who willingly and knowingly belongs to the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church and who honors Loree McBride as their leader or who is a willing and knowing dangerous (direct or indirect) terrorist who threatens the lives of innocents. Until, and if, Loree McBride renounces her terrorist activities, she is considered a terrorist under Conspiracy Law along with all who willingly and knowingly support her. We have overwhelming evidence that Loree McBride is a criminal, rapist and terrorist; therefore, anybody who willingly and knowingly supports her is also a criminal, rapist and terrorist as part of her conspiracy.
25.0b I want my National Health Care Plan enforced everywhere. See Sect. 55 of my Conspiracy Laws and Government. Where it is enforced, it works brilliantly. Everybody is covered and the costs are cheap and affordable for everyone. Loree McBride Jesuits have been blocking Trump’s attempts to enforce my National Health Care Plan, using their stooges in both parties (Democrat and Republican). It is a government operated health care plan, but allows for competition from private companies. Any U.S. senator or representative or government official who willingly and knowingly tries to pass any legislation or take any action to block my Conspiracy Law will be removed from their post and once this happens, a re-election must be held for their post or a Conspiracy Law honoring person appointed in their place. Gabrielle Chana FOX News will report on any re-election or new appointment for a government official who must be replaced. If an appointment is made, we must choose one who best represents the values of the Conspiracy Law honoring citizens under his/her jurisdiction –this can be determined by brain reads of the citizenry under his/her jurisdiction.
25.0c You might say, this violates the Constitution of the United States. Well, part of Conspiracy Law is that if there is a conflict between Conspiracy Law and the Constitution of the land, Conspiracy Law reigns. As U.S. Empress, I have basically instituted a Constitutional Monarchy as the law of any land I govern. This means I am the monarch and supreme ruler over the country, but my Conspiracy Law is the Constitution I abide by. I have written law to help me in my government so that those under my authority will have guidelines in their governance.
25.0d Regarding the current gun laws. I am actually neutral on gun control and the 2nd Amendment. But in our current climate, I want the gun laws to be left alone, except for with Conspiracy Law. Nobody can sell guns or weapons of any kind to anybody unless they have a Citizen Scanner (see Sect. 2 of International Military Law) installed at the area of sale. This Citizen Scanner will scan (using brain and emotion reads) to determine if the buyer is a Loree McBride Jesuit or a terrorist. The Citizen Scanner will operate as outlined in Sect. 2 of International Military Law. If any Loree McBride Jesuit enters the premises where guns or any type of weapon or possible weapon is sold, they will be taken out by the Citizen Scanner or scanned and identified. Anybody who willingly and knowingly allows a Loree McBride Jesuit to obtain any weapon or possible weapon that can be used to harm innocents, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. All stores or outlets (including online outlets) that sell weapons or possible weapons of any kind must be outfitted with Citizen Scanners that can scan the potential buyer to see if that buyer is a Loree McBride Jesuit. Any store or outlet that sells weapons (even material to make bombs) who is not outfitted with Citizen Scanners and who willingly and knowingly neglects this Sect. 25 will be investigated to see if that outlet is run by Loree McBride Jesuits; if so, all those who are Loree McBride Jesuits who work for that outlet must be executed or taken out of the employment of that outlet. If the outlet refuses to, or willingly and knowingly neglects to enforce this Sect. 25 and allows Loree McBride Jesuits to work for them, that outlet will be taken over by my government as a terrorist organization and we will ensure that my Conspiracy Law is enforced through our takeover of that outlet.
26.0 Regarding news media and social media. We have had a HUGE problem with Loree McBride Jesuits taking over news media and social media. The result has been CHAOS, with Conservatives and many people who are Donald Trump supporters being illegally taken off of many platforms and free speech is about to be buried. I must take emergency action as U.S. Empress and President to address this serious issue. I want an investigation made into all social media and mainstream media outlets. First, all news media and social media outlets must install Citizen Scanners on all of their premises. These scanners must scan to see if any Loree McBride Jesuits are in the employment of that media outlet. This means that Google, Alex Jones, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, and any and all media outlets must install Citizen Scanners on their premises. These scanners must take out any Loree McBride Jesuits in their employment or who enter their premises. Any media outlet who willingly and knowingly fails to install Citizen Scanners that work in accordance to Conspiracy Law on their premises, will be subjected to a government takeover to ensure that Loree McBride Jesuits cannot use that outlet to further lies, propaganda and terrorism. Also, everybody who works for any media outlet must be scanned by a Citizen Scanner to determine if they are a Loree McBride Jesuit, and if so, they must be taken out in accordance with Sect. 2 of International Military Law and Conspiracy Law.
26.0a Many people and organizations have been unfairly targeted and removed from popular media platforms by Loree McBride Jesuits who work for that media platform. All those removed and targeted by media platforms in the year 2018 must be investigated to see why they were removed and/or targeted. Targeted is defined as attempts using computer technology, bots or people to illegally and unfairly shut down or minimize the media presence of a person or organization based mainly on their affiliations, political views or representations, because their affiliations, political views or representations block or hinder Loree McBride Jesuits in their goals for a worldwide takeover. Representations are defined as the posts, comments or views of a person who is not a Loree McBride Jesuit and which are believed to be truthful and accurate to that person and that are not designed to terrorize or harm innocents. Innocents are defined as people, automatons, or sentient beings who are not Loree McBride Jesuits and who are not willingly and knowingly trying to harm innocents. If it is determined that an innocent or organization has been targeted by a media organization, those responsible for the targeting must be investigated to determine if they are a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit. If they are a Loree McBride Jesuit, they must be dealt with according to Conspiracy Law, which, in most instances, is death penalty. Also, those targeted, must be reinstated with all the rights they had before the targeting took place. If this reinstatement does not take place for any and all who were targeted by the media organization, that will be grounds for a government takeover of that media organization to ensure that terrorists cannot control the media of our land. Willing and knowing failure of a media organization to enforce this Sect. 26 of Conspiracy Law, will be grounds for a government takeover of that media organization. The purpose of the government takeover of that media organization will be to enforce Conspiracy Law in that organization so that the free speech rights of innocents will not be infringed and so that terrorists cannot use fake news and propaganda to set up a climate favorable to anarchy and tyranny in the land.
26.0a1 There has been a huge problem with fake news, so that the public is confused over what is fact or fiction. Loree McBride is behind most of the fake news. From now on, any time any media outlet willingly and knowingly puts out fake news, they will be subjected to a government fine of one million dollars for each fake news story they put out. The bank accounts of that organization will be seized by the government and the fine extracted, as I know we will not be able to get the money any other way. Fake news is defined as any news or reporting which is defamatory, inflammatory and designed to spread lies or misinformation about a person, organization or group with the intent to influence politics and government in favor of Loree McBride Jesuits. A media outlet is defined as any news or media organization that has the potential to influence the outcome of an election. If, as a result of our fines over this media outlet, we cause the bankruptcy of that media outlet, then the government will take over that media outlet so that the media outlet can continue its operation within the law and its innocent workers will not suffer.
26.0b Whenever the government takes over any organization, those who take over the organization for the government, must honor Conspiracy Law in all their activities, failure to do so, will be grounds for treason with death penalty implications. It goes without saying that no Loree McBride Jesuit can hold ANY government post. All government posts held by a Loree McBride Jesuit must either be deleted or a re-election must be held for that post, so that someone who is not a Loree McBride Jesuit will be in that post. Once the federal government has dealt with the problem that caused lack of compliance to Conspiracy Law, that organization will regain its own sovereignty and will no longer need government surveillance and takeover unless a repeat violation of Conspiracy Law occurs. After three strikes or 3 or more times that the government has to take over any organization due to violations of Conspiracy Law, the government will permanently takeover that organization, even hiring people from other countries that honor Conspiracy Law, if necessary, to help us maintain our enforcement of Conspiracy Law over the land.
26.0c Regarding our schools and areas where the public congregates. All shopping malls, law enforcement facilities, schools, areas where government works, and areas where people congregate for whatever reason must be fitted with scanners as outlined in Sect. 2 of International Military Law. Willing and knowing failure of any organization that has areas where people congregate or is a law enforcement facility to install scanners (in accordance with Sect. 2 of International Military Law) that take out Loree McBride Jesuits on their premises, will be grounds for a government investigation over their negligence to protect the people on their premises. If it is found that Loree McBride Jesuits have been the cause for the negligence (lack of enforcement of Conspiracy Law), that will be grounds for a federal government takeover of that facility (as outlined in Sect. 26.0b of this section) to ensure that Conspiracy Law is enforced there.
26.0d Regarding all of Conspiracy Law. All willing and knowing attempts to enforce Conspiracy Law must not assist Loree McBride Jesuits in their goal for a worldwide takeover or those involved in the enforcement will be given the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Some law I’ve written is not workable, like my laws regarding the Transportnet in this document. In cases where the law is not workable, I grant permission to my men (Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner, etc.) to ignore that law and only enforce the laws that are workable. A law is considered not workable, when the requirements to enforce that law cannot be met, perhaps because it is not scientifically possible to enforce the law due to inaccurate and unworkable scientific theories that I thought would work for the law. If the law is not a life or death matter, than the law can just be ignored. If the law is a life or death matter, then evidence must be presented by someone qualified in the field (about the law) regarding that law’s unworkability. Once this evidence is presented (under death penalty if the evidence presenter is lying), the law can then be ignored.
27.0 Pres. Gail will adopt the tax structure of the United Arab Emirates to fund government operations, social security, health care, infrastructure, the military, etc. in the United States, Russia and Canada. We will not levy income tax, but we will have corporate taxes and a 5% value-added tax.
27.0a All corporate taxes, value-added taxes and any other taxes that we levy must be approved of by Brent Spiner M.D., Ron Paul and Stephanie Kelton, but most especially Brent Spiner, before they can go forward. We ban the use of carbon taxes in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries. Gail does not believe in fining people for violating stupid environmental laws, not based on true science. And even if you agree that greenhouse gases are a problem, taxing people or corporations for violations of environmental laws will not solve the problem. Loree McBride is the biggest polluter on the planet.
27.0b The I.R.S. and all tax collecting agencies for all Conspiracy Law honoring countries will be called Perfectpenis Revenue Services. When corporations or anyone submits tax payments to the Perfectpenis Revenue Services, a recording or wording will happen during the payment transaction that says “perfectpenis”. This is to ensure that the payment being collected is from the P.R.S. and NOT the I.R.S. (a banned organization). So we will set up our payment processors so that perfectpenis is either said or imprinted somewhere to complete the transaction.
27.0c This will happen with all value-added taxes as well. If “perfectpenis” does not sound or is not imprinted, the transaction will be BLOCKED as an illegal Loree McBride transaction and it will not go through.
27.0d To make it difficult for Loree McBride to steal our tax revenue or to collect illegal taxes using the I.R.S. or similar organizations, all phones, computers, tablets or anything that could be used to process a payment (called a payment processor) must be programmed so that perfectpenis is said audibly or in some sort of code to complete the transaction. A payment processor is defined as any computer, phone, tablet, device, machine or item that is used to process a payment.
27.0e To make it difficult for Loree McBride to collect money, we will destroy all computers, phones, tablets, devices, machines, cash registers, etc. (in other words, all possible payment processors) that are not programmed to say, encrypt or write the word “perfectpenis” for all financial transactions. “Perfectpenis” is the code word that must be in the programming for all payment processors, in order to complete financial transactions in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
If we end up destroying a payment processor for a person who is not a Loree McBride Jesuit, they will get an exact replacement of what was destroyed with one that is a perfectpenis payment processor.
27.0f Only authorized tax transactions approved of by Brent Spiner and/or Gail’s Cabinet will get the “perfectpenis” approval and be processed. This way we do not overtax the corporations; and individuals will not be tricked into paying taxes to the now banned I.R.S. or similar organizations. Further, if the transaction is designed to circumvent the “perfectpenis” payment processor, and it is a Loree McBride Jesuit doing the transaction, in all likelihood, the payment processor, upon saying “perfectpenis” will execute the criminal Loree McBride Jesuit.
27.0g We will set up scanners in all perfectpenis organizations (which we hope will be all organizations eventually) that scan every hour or so to destroy any payment processors not programmed with “perfectpenis” to ensure only authorized and legal payments are processed.
27.0h It is our goal to get most of the revenue we need for government services from government owned companies, and to use taxes as a minor source of revenue. Unfortunately, the way the current tax system is set up, makes it far too easy to use draconian surveillance on private citizens. Programming their devices with perfectpenis will not invade their privacy, but will just ensure that all financial transactions with that device are not Loree McBride financial transactions.
27.1 Other countries that want to abolish their income tax should probably have their government take over industries where the government can make enough of a profit to pay for government expenses and they need to learn some frugality and eliminate pork. They can consult with Vladimir Putin, Stephanie Kelton and Ron Paul for ideas, who are all in my Cabinet. Vladimir has a PhD in economics. Stephanie Kelton is my chief economic adviser and Ron Paul is my Sec. of the Treasury.
27.2 To fund the Canadian, U.S. and Russian government, we will totally take over all the oil companies in these countries and even create our own oil companies and start drilling for oil throughout our countries and use our own oil for our gasoline and petroleum needs. We will use the revenue we make from petroleum to finance most of our government operations, so there will be no need for income taxes or the I.R.S.
27.3 By buying oil and petroleum from Russia, we will also help our staunchest ally to boost their own economy.
27.4 We will save a lot of money because Loree McBride Jesuit politicians are banned from receiving government income and we will only allow perfectpenis politicians in our government who serve from genuine humanitarian motives. Because Biden is a wanted war criminal, he’s definitely not entitled to a President’s salary and any one who pays him any government money will be executed. This is what I mean. This will save us lots of money and we won’t need to have an individual income tax on our people.
27.5 There are clean ways to process these fuels and Gail believes the climate change crisis is mostly manufactured. If Loree McBride is so worried about climate change, why is she bombing the hell out of everyone with her nasty polluting bombs? If clean energy or green energy sources turn out to be economical, we will not hesitate to adopt it, but Gail believes clean gasoline and petroleum products can be made. We do not want to be dependent on other countries for our energy needs and will expand our drilling and make our own fuels and meet our own needs.
27.6 Those who worked for the I.R.S. (which has been abolished) will be reassigned to other government jobs and, if necessary, we will compensate them with free housing and healthcare because Church of Gail cities are being built in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
27.7 We can do this without violating the rights of Native American lands.
27.8 We will invest oil revenues from our own oil companies into healthcare, infrastructure, education and social security. Further, the government has taken over many companies, including Google, Microsoft, Walmart, etc. If the oil revenues are not sufficient to meet government expenses, we will use some of the profit from these other companies we have taken over to fund government operations, including our National Health Care Plan should the plan require more funding.
27.9 Gail’s government practices fiscal responsibility, like Gail does herself and so we don’t need as much money as the American government has traditionally spent. The I.R.S. has become tyrannical and Gail wants it abolished. She wants to respect the privacy of her citizens. She finds it nauseating that the Biden Administration proposes examining the bank accounts of private citizens to make sure they’re paying their income taxes!
27.10 Ron Paul will work with Stephanie Kelton and Vladimir Putin to draft a budget for our government and we shall strive to stay within that budget and use the budget to determine how much of the profit we make from Walmart, Google, Microsoft, the oil companies, etc. that we need for government operations. We do not need to tax the incomes of our people, though we will tax some corporations. But these taxes must be reasonable and not outrageous.
27.11 We will also audit all government expenses and eliminate organizations not needed, like the FDA, CDC, NIH, IRS, etc. A penny saved is a penny earned. By eliminating government organizations typically used for tyranny, who are only interested in profiteering, we will save lots of money and can use oil reserves and our takeover of companies to meet government expenses. Also, by taking over all companies that we use for government services, we will also save money. So we will no longer have contracts with private pharmaceutical companies, but will take over any companies we need for medicines or medical serves And, of course, we will not create medicines just to make a profit, like what’s happening now with the Covid vaccines and pills.
27.12 The I.R.S. is abolished. We don’t need the I.R.S, nor do we need Biden’s massive infrastructure plan. Any one who tries to implement Biden’s massive infrastructure plan or tries to monitor the bank accounts of a citizen of a Conspiracy Law honoring country will be executed. We only monitor and take over the bank accounts of CRIMINALS. We certainly don’t need the government to monitor every one’s bank accounts, if they make more than $600 a year to ensure they are paying their taxes, like what Loree McBride’s Biden wants to do.
27.13 United States senators and representatives make far too much money. Most government workers who are politicians make far too much money. Government workers need to be humanitarians, not profiteers. All salaries for government workers will be re-evaluated and adjusted to fit within the government budget. We can make up for losses in their income by offering free housing, healthcare, etc., like how the military are taken care of.
27.14 The military cannot have contracts with private companies to produce weapons or anything the military needs All weapons manufacturing companies must be taken over by the government and only those weapons that don’t violate the Nuremberg code and that are needed to win wars are those that will be made. The military is only needed for self-defense, not as a profit making industry in arms sales. Whatever the military needs will be made by government owed companies and if we must, we will take over the companies that supply what the military needs and all those companies will become perfectpenis companies.
27.15 All organizations the government takes over or creates will be perfectpenis companies, to ensure Loree McBride Jesuits don’t mess things up!
27.16 If it is discovered that any of our military is buying weaponry from a private company, that is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law. We want to eliminate the military-industrial complex and quit funding wars for profit.
27.17 The National Health Care Plan practically pays for itself, because it is so economical and physicians do not require malpractice insurance.
27.18 Granted, the government does need some funding, so this will be obtained by the take over of all oil companies in Canada, the United States and Russia. We can sell oil to other countries in our Conspiracy Law network of nations and use this profit to pay government expenses. This will also help to control the cost of gasoline and the cost of petroleum products and will help us to bypass any embargoes Loree may try to impose on us. This is part of Gail’s attempts to create a parallel economy to free us from Loree McBride tyranny and control and to protect the privacy of our citizens.
RIGHTEOUS SUPREME MONARCHY TO DEAL WITH NATIONWIDE PRICE GOUGING (This law will only be enforced if it is approved of by the American people by legal vote according to Conspiracy Law.)
28.0 Because of a serious price gouging epidemic caused by greedy corporations taking advantage of a social climate and fake news that allows them to do so, costs for housing, food, gasoline, utilities and other essentials have skyrocketed and it seems there is no end in sight. The end result of all this is that it will increase the divide between the super rich and the poor and will eliminate the middle class. This will enable the super rich, who became rich at the expense of the poor and the defunct middle class, to lord it over the poor, causing the lower class to become slaves to the super rich (who got their status through pure greed). The best and most efficient way to solve this problem of rampant corporate greed is with a righteous supreme monarch, because to solve this will necessitate quick and efficient action without the need to go through legislative hurdles which would block the actions necessary to deal with the price gouging.
28.1 Unfortunately, in our current social climate, the legislative bodies have also become corrupted with greed and serve the interests of the greedy corporations. This is why it is necessary to remove their ability to do so. When a country has corporations that provide needs to the community, such as food, water, electricity, gasoline, etc. and these corporations engage in price gouging on a massive scale, making reasonable prices for necessary services impossible for most of the population, then a supreme monarch needs to be established to fix this problem.
28.2 Necessary services and products are defined as services and products such as gasoline, food, water, electricity, housing, automobiles, transportation, etc. that are necessary for survival and to make a living and that, if a person did not have these, the person could not live and function in good health.
28.3 Corporate price gouging is defined as a condition in a society where corporations that provide necessary services and products have banded together to increase the costs of their services and products to the public to the extent that it causes “inflation” and these increases only increase the corporate profits and not because there is a true need to increase the costs of these services and products (to the public) because of increased costs to the corporation to produce these products and services.
28.4 A righteous supreme monarch who rises up to solve corporate price gouging must be scanned 24/7 to ensure that their motive for assuming full power, which necessitates the annulling of the legislative bodies in their country, is to serve the interests of the people and is not doing this for private gain. If the scans determine that the righteous supreme monarch is infested with a lust for greed or power or lacks the intelligence and sanity to act as a righteous supreme monarch, then the legislative bodies must retain their power and the supreme monarch must revert back to their former position as a head of state who is hindered by a legislative body to ensure the monarch does not become corrupt at the expense of the people. Those who do these scans must do them accurately and willing failure to do them accurately will bring the death penalty to the scanner. The results of the scan must be made available to the public 24/7 in case there is an emergency where the righteous supreme monarch turns evil very fast and they need to be removed from power.
28.5 A righteous supreme monarch is defined as a monarch who came to full power to solve the problem of corporate price gouging which has caused rampant inflation and an unnecessary increase in the costs of necessary goods and services. When this happens, the legislative bodies of the country are annulled and act in an advisory capacity only to the righteous supreme monarch or monarchs (if there is a team as in the United States with Brent and Gail). This means elections for the legislative positions will continue and these elections must be conducted according to Conspiracy Law, using genetic code voting as outlined in Conspiracy Law.
28.6 Those in the legislature who only serve in an advisory capacity, are entitled to approach the supreme monarch to offer their bills for passage or enforcement. In fact, the monarch must allow those in the legislature to do so and must set up an efficient process to allow these bills to be presented and considered for enforcement. In the United States, Brent and Gail will delegate a lot of this to their Cabinet to review the proposals or bills and to decide on enforcement. The purpose for the supreme monarch is not to negate the voice of the people, but to allow the people’s wishes to be considered without all the hurdles necessary to have their wishes enforced.
28.7 The legislature must put into writing their bills that they want to be enforced. The supreme monarch then decides on enforcement. If it is an important bill that affects the population deeply, the monarch must read (or make available to the public) that bill to the public in its entirety on a public broadcast or be publicly published. This reading can be assigned to another person. If a monarch fails to let the public know which bills are being considered for enforcement, that monarch must lose their supreme status and go back to how they were before they became supreme monarch. The purpose of the supreme monarchy is to eliminate the hurdles to righteous government, it is not to lord it over the people and rule over them as slaves.
28.8 But since corporate greed can infest the legislature and cause worthy bills to not see the light of day, any worthy bill in writing can be presented to the supreme monarch for passage from any member of the legislature even if it has not been voted on by the majority in the legislature for approval. Any bill that is being considered for enforcement or passage must be publicly published and/or broadcast. This means any bill presented in writing to the supreme monarch from any member of the legislature can be considered for passage, even if it has not been approved of by the legislative body using normal legislative processes. Because this will involve a lot of time for the supreme monarch, the monarch can assign or delegate the duty of deciding on enforcement of bills to members of the monarch’s Cabinet.
28.9 To show that the monarch has assumed full power to serve the interests of the people due to rampant corporate price gouging, an assessment must be made of all corporations or entities that engage in corporate price gouging. All such corporations will be exposed publicly and punished with fines. First, economists must determine what are reasonable prices for necessary goods and services in all categories and must determine maximum amounts that are allowed to be charged for necessary goods and services (such as rent, housing, food, gasoline, etc.). Those in the Cabinet in charge of the economy must publish these results and make them available to the public. The findings may end up the size of a book. Those that engage in price gouging will be fined according to the amount that they charge that is above what is considered reasonable for their goods or services. These fines will then be paid out to the public in the form of vouchers, food stamps or whatever to allay the suffering caused by the price gouging. So if all the apartments are increasing rent costs, all the landlords will be fined for the amounts they charge that are above what is considered reasonable and the fines will be used as rent vouchers to be given to the victims of these greedy landlords. The fines can be applied retroactively for previous price gouging, as long as it can be determined when the price gouging started. The fines will continue until the price gouging stops. All fines will go the victims of the price gouging, and because a supreme monarch is doing this, there are no legislative hurdles to stop the victims from getting their money immediately.
29.0 It is death penalty to interfere with the payment to the victims of price gouging for necessary services or goods. All victims of price gouging for necessary goods or services must be paid all the fines assessed on the price gougers and those willingly who try to stop the victims from getting the fines, will be publicly executed for punishment. Due to our current rampant price gouging, this would seem to qualify everyone to get food stamps or food vouchers, since we seem to have a massive problem with price gouging occurring with groceries. We can even hand out vouchers to buy new cars, if we determine the automotive industry is engaging in price gouging. We could only do this with a monarchy, since the legislative hurdles would be too steep to accomplish this otherwise. We have a massive conspiracy of price gougers in corporations worldwide and this problem can only be solved by strong monarchs who work with Gail to fine these greedy corporations and to give the fines to the people who are suffering as a result of corporate greed.
30.0 The military industrial complex has infected most legislative bodies in the world with greed, which is another reason that Gail has decided on a supreme monarchy to deal with the problem of greed. Most legislators themselves are infected with greed. Because the standards to be a righteous supreme monarch are very high, we will not require this for all legislators. They will just be annulled and only have advisory capacities when we have a righteous supreme monarch over a country. However, the same scan which we use on the supreme monarch will be applied to all legislators and the results will be made public.
XXXX–G.S. (11-14-03), (updates to Sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 & 5.8), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 8 on 12-15-03).
XXX–G.S. (Sect. 3, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406 and 1.31 on 11-15-03), (Sect. 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 1.12 on 11-16-03), (Sections 4.12, 5 & 6 on 11-20-03).
XXX1/2–G.S. (Sect. 7, 7.1, 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (asterisked sections on 12-10-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 8.4 on 1-7-04), (Sections 9 & 10 on 1-9-04), (Sect. 10.2 & 10.3 on 1-10-04), (Sect. 4.4, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48. 4.49, 4.5 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 7.1 update on 1-27-04), (Sect. 11 on 2-25-04), (Sect. 4.44 updates on 2-29-04), (Sect. 12 on 3-1-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 3-7-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 updates on 3-16-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates and Sect. 77022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 4.41 & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 13.7a on 10-17-04), (Sect. 13 updates on 12-8-04), (Sect. 15 on 3-30-05), (Sect. 16 LABELLING PROGRAM on 10-20-05), (Sect. 17.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS on 3-21-06), [Sect. 4.6(a) THE ISRAEL CHANNEL on August 4, 2006].
XXXX–G.S. (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03).
AAAAAAA–G.S. (11-14-03), (Sect. 3, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406 and 1.31 on 11-15-03), (Sect. 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 1.12 on 11-16-03), (Sections 4.12, 5 & 6 on 11-20-03), (updates to Sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 & 5.8), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 7, 7.1, 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (asterisked sections on 12-10-03), (Sect. 8 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 8.4 on 1-7-04), (Sections 9 & 10 on 1-9-04), (Sect. 10.2 & 10.3 on 1-10-04), (Sect. 4.4, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48. 4.49, 4.5 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 7.1 update on 1-27-04), (Sect. 11 on 2-25-04), (Sect. 4.44 updates on 2-29-04), (Sect. 12 on 3-1-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 3-7-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 updates on 3-16-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates and Sect. 77022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 4.41 & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 13.7a on 10-17-04), (Sect. 13 updates on 12-8-04), (Sect. 15 on 3-30-05), (Sect. 16 LABELLING PROGRAM on 10-20-05), (Sect. 17.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS on 3-21-06), [Sect. 4.6(a) THE ISRAEL CHANNEL on August 4, 2006].
BBBBBBB–G.S. (11-14-03), (Sect. 3, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406 and 1.31 on 11-15-03), (Sect. 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 1.12 on 11-16-03), (Sections 4.12, 5 & 6 on 11-20-03), (updates to Sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 & 5.8), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 7, 7.1, 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (asterisked sections on 12-10-03), (Sect. 8 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 8.4 on 1-7-04), (Sections 9 & 10 on 1-9-04), (Sect. 10.2 & 10.3 on 1-10-04), (Sect. 4.4, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48. 4.49, 4.5 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 7.1 update on 1-27-04), (Sect. 11 on 2-25-04), (Sect. 4.44 updates on 2-29-04), (Sect. 12 on 3-1-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 3-7-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 updates on 3-16-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates and Sect. 77022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 4.41 & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 13.7a on 10-17-04), (Sect. 13 updates on 12-8-04), (Sect. 15 on 3-30-05), (Sect. 16 LABELLING PROGRAM on 10-20-05), (Sect. 17.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS on 3-21-06), [Sect. 4.6(a) THE ISRAEL CHANNEL on August 4, 2006].
CCCCCCC–G.S. (11-14-03), (Sect. 3, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406 and 1.31 on 11-15-03), (Sect. 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 1.12 on 11-16-03), (Sections 4.12, 5 & 6 on 11-20-03), (updates to Sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 & 5.8), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 7, 7.1, 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (asterisked sections on 12-10-03), (Sect. 8 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 8.4 on 1-7-04), (Sections 9 & 10 on 1-9-04), (Sect. 10.2 & 10.3 on 1-10-04), (Sect. 4.4, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48. 4.49, 4.5 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 7.1 update on 1-27-04), (Sect. 11 on 2-25-04), (Sect. 4.44 updates on 2-29-04), (Sect. 12 on 3-1-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 3-7-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 updates on 3-16-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates and Sect. 77022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 4.41 & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 13.7a on 10-17-04), (Sect. 13 updates on 12-8-04), (Sect. 15 on 3-30-05), (Sect. 16 LABELLING PROGRAM on 10-20-05), (Sect. 17.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS on 3-21-06), [Sect. 4.6(a) THE ISRAEL CHANNEL on August 4, 2006].
Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 11-14-03, (Sect. 3, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406 and 1.31 on 11-15-03), (Sect. 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 1.12 on 11-16-03), (Sections 4.12, 5 & 6 on 11-20-03), (updates to Sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 & 5.8), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 7, 7.1, 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (asterisked sections on 12-10-03), (Sect. 8 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 8.4 on 1-7-04), (Sections 9 & 10 on 1-9-04), (Sect. 10.2 & 10.3 on 1-10-04), (Sect. 4.4, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48. 4.49, 4.5 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 7.1 update on 1-27-04), (Sect. 11 on 2-25-04), (Sect. 4.44 updates on 2-29-04), (Sect. 12 on 3-1-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 3-7-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 updates on 3-16-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates and Sect. 77022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 4.41 & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 4.41 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 13.7a on 10-17-04), (Sect. 13 updates on 12-8-04), (Sect. 15 on 3-30-05), (Sect. 16 LABELLING PROGRAM on 10-20-05), (Sect. 17.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS on 3-21-06), [Sect. 4.6(a) THE ISRAEL CHANNEL on August 4, 2006], (updates to entire document on May 3, 2014)., (Sect. 18 to 21 JESUIT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONs and CREATION OF TRANSPORTNET on 10-09-2014, updates on use of RECEIVER to DRIVE technology in TRANSPORTNET on 11-09-2014), (Sect. 22 HOW STOLEN MONIES ARE PAID BACK TO VICTIMS on 11-10-2014), (Sect. 21.9 WEBSITES & SERVERS IN THE TRANSPORTNET SYSTEM on 11-12-2014), (Sect. 20 ENCRYPTION of WEBSITES IN THE TRANSPORTNET on 11-16-2014), [Sect. 21.9(h-1) ZACK KNIGHT’S QUADRATURE PHASE SHIFT KEYERs, DEFLECTOR ARRAYs, and GROUND SERVERs BANNED on 11-17-2014], [Sect. 20.0(a-1) GOVERNMENT NEEDS ACCESS TO ALL COMPUTERs to replace INTERNET with TRANSPORTNET, JESUIT COMPUTERS CANNOT BE ENCRYPTED on 11-17-2014], [Sect. 23 & 24 REGARDING SANCTIONS on 11-20-2014],[Sect. 24.0 B1BLE AND/OR DAV1D ANDROID to assist Vladimir Putin in the development of the ECONOMIES OF CONSPIRACY LAW NATIONS on 11-28-2014], [updates to Sect. 24.0 GA1L Android replaced with B1BLE and/or DAV1D ANDROID on 11-29-2014], [updates to Sect. 24.0 to incorporate THE BRAIN into the laws on 12-14-14], [update to Sect. 21.9(h-1) to negate any laws that are ineffective at crime prevention in Sect. 21.9(h-1) about QUADRATURE PHASE SHIFT KEYERS, DEFLECTOR ARRAY, & GROUND SERVERs on 1-8-15], [Sect. 24.0 updates to replace THE BRAIN with a computer program and prayer warriors to assist Vladimir Putin in managing the ECONOMIES of Conspiracy Law nations on 1-8-15], (Sect. 13.7 updates to abolish the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and replace it with the FINANCIAL STRATEGIES COALITION on April 18, 2017), (Sect. 25 & 26 regarding Loree McBride Jesuit takeover of media outlets, a re-election for U.S. President & gun laws on March 3, 2018), (Sect. 25.0b & 26.0d updates to clarify how to have Conspiracy law honoring replacements for criminal government officials & how to handle unworkable Conspiracy Law on March 4, 2018), [Updates to the ENTIRE TERRORIST MONEY LAWS to remove ineffective laws like the TRANSPORTNET and update current laws in Sect. 18 & 22 to make them more effective on Sept. 29, 2018], (Sect. 13.7e updates requiring all Central Banks of Conspiracy Law honoring nations to be FULLY NATIONALIZED on June 3, 2019), [Sect. 13.01[c] to (e), all Loree McBride Jesuits not allowed to have any money or assets, all their monies and assets must be seized and turned over to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK on July 18, 2020], (Sect. 27 individual income tax eliminated in U.S., Russia and Canada on Oct. 17, 2021), (Sect. 27.0 a thru h updates to use perfectpenis payment processors for all devices to block illegal Loree McBride transactions on Oct. 18, 2021), (Sect. 28 thru 30 righteous supreme monarchies established to deal with corporate greed on May 28, 2022), (Sect. 28 thru 30 cancelled and only enforced by vote from the American people on May 31, 2022).
Place: Melbourne, FL
[…] registered my Conspiracy Law (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6-1), (6-2), (6-3), (6-4), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), […]
[…] (5) Terrorist Money Laws, p. 358 […]
[…] man and my Conspiracy Law is the size of an encyclopedia. Start reading about around Sect. 13 of my TERRORIST MONEY LAWS. You are forgiven (laughs). Basically, the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK is our version of the UNITED […]
[…] REMINDER, as U.S. Empress I wrote these laws in 2017, make sure they are enforced! If the current Federal Reserve is operating that is DEATH PENALTY. I abolished the Federal Reserve as part of a Sect. 13.7 update to TERRORIST MONEY LAWS. […]
[…] I have strict laws against money laundering: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/terrorist-money-laws/ […]
[…] have updated my TERRORIST MONEY LAWS document to seize all assets and monies from terrorist Loree McBride Jesuits and turn these over to […]
[…] Haley does not work for U.S. President Gail Chord Schuler. Nikki’s post has been eliminated (see Sect. 14.60 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS) since President Gail has withdrawn U.S. membership from the United Nations. The U.N. has been a […]