All violations of this legal document are subject to be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
77.0 Once the laws of this document or of any CONSPIRACY LAW are enforced in a country, no changes (alterations to, deletions to, additions to these laws) can be made to these laws without a WRITTEN amendment. The approval for this written amendment must be in WRITING, and SIGNED and DATED by the country’s PRESIDENT (in the presence of 14 witnesses who will also sign and date the amendment as witnesses to the President’s signature). This amendment will be filed with the military tribunals.
77.01 NEIGHBOR LAWS (see asterisked sections of Sect. 2 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws) are not as comprehensive as my CONSPIRACY LAWS, but are a portion of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. A country’s President can choose which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS he/she wants to adopt for his/her country. But whatever laws he/she chooses to adopt, once these laws are adopted, and then if these laws are modified in any way (by additions to, deletions to, or alterations to these laws), an AMENDMENT must be made public (as described in this Sect. 77) and filed with the military tribunals.
77.011 The term INTERNATIONAL, when used in this document, refers to any country or countries (or citizens of any country or countries) which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The term INTERNATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT also refers to the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT– which encompasses all nations which willingly cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW (and the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and which nations are not listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.012 All violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are considered violations of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
77.02 Any legal actions taken by the international government to defend itself against terrorists (including the use of any of the CONSPIRACY LAWS) can be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
77.022 For all death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, public direct or cross-examinations on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be done, not only for the main perpetrator, but for all those directly or indirectly involved with the violation. All who are determined (directly or indirectly) to be willingly, knowingly and deliberately part of the conspiracy (which was/is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) must be executed at the same time in order to establish the criminal conspiracy’s involvement to the violation–because, right before or after the executions, the criminal conspiracy’s motive (and the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind the violation–with the mention of the names of those executed, and the date and time of their executions) will be exposed and identified on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ (and/or its website). If the number of persons publicly executed for a CONSPIRACY LAW violation is large or more criminals (for that violation) are discovered later, another public mass execution on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for that same violation can be done at a different time (from the time of the original mass execution for that violation), as long as the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind that violation and the motive for that violation is firmly established and mentioned (right before or after the public executions). It is quite possible that 100 or more people may be executed for the same death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. In order to cover these extensive direct or cross-examinations, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will have two broadcasts on two different stations (with one broadcast specifically devoted to the direct or cross-examinations, confession statements and executions of death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations)–see Sect. 4.41 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS.
77.023 Most CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty cases will be decided by motive, this will be mentioned before all public direct or cross-examinations of alleged death penalty violators on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and before all public executions. Questions 24 & 25 of Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be especially helpful in determining motive.
77.024 A DEATH PENALTY MOTIVE is a motive (which accompanies a violation), and which is a motive that is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
77.025 A PUBLIC EXECUTION is defined as the listing or reading of the names of those executed for death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL television broadcast, and this listing or reading will identify the violators (along with the conspiracies they are involved with) and will identify their death-penalty motives which were determined through direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer lie-detection).
77.026 Before public direct or cross-examinations and public executions, the death-penalty motive which can bring the death penalty will be read aloud (and a reference will be made to the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which cover those death-penalty motives [for those violations which are being direct or cross-examined or for which executions are taking place]).
77.03 All those who are suspected of (or are convicted of) any crime outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (which will be updated daily). Highlights from these FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (or the actual word-for-word HISTORIES) may be broadcast and/or published in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in Gail Schuler’s statements (with all the rights of Gail Schuler’s legal documentation as outlined in her 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are required as well as FINANCIAL HISTORIES, because Jesuits are using extortion to force people to take bribes, so the international government needs to know WHY a person took a bribe. The death penalty is not given to those who are victims of extortion. Anyone who uses extortion (and who is not an extortion victim himself/herself) to force anyone to take a Jesuit bribe will be given the death penalty.
77.031 No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to have on his/her person any dangerous weapon, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT be placed in any position where he/she can use any type of lethal force against any person (such as the use of missiles, bombs, etc.). Any UNWILLING AGENT who has a concealed weapons permit must have this permit revoked and that UNWILLING AGENT cannot carry any dangerous weapons until he/she is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Those UNWILLING AGENT members of the military, police and other agencies who normally use (or have access to) dangerous weapons must be revoked of their weapons (or their ability to use lethal force) and must not be permitted to carry any dangerous weapons on their person (or to use any type of lethal force) until that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to carry or use any dangerous weapons (or to have the ability to use lethal force) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates in such a scheme.
77.04 All those who are executed for conspiracy crimes will have all their memories recorded (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution (if possible) in order to obtain the intelligence information the international government needs– to learn how these criminals commit their crimes. The international government needs to learn more about Jesuit methodology, since the Jesuits rely on pioneering scientific advances in their warfare and the international government is not familiar with many of their methods of warfare. The international government learns about Jesuit warfare methods day by day. The international government needs to be more efficient in learning about the sophisticated and very advanced scientific and medical technology Jesuits use to conduct their warfare; so, if possible, all conspiracy criminals executed will have their memories read (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution.
77.1 CONSPIRACY LAWS are defined as the laws (including updates) which Gail Schuler has (or will have) written regarding any conspiracies involving reproductive conspirators, space conspirators, or 666-CCs. These documents are currently named General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, Russia’s Neighbor Laws, 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners, Conspiracy Laws and Government, Terrorist Money Laws, International PLP and RSP and RSP-Network Configurations, and International Reproductive Laws. These laws would also include any laws Gail Schuler wrote that are incorporated into any of Gail Schuler’s written statements.
77.12 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman who was born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are Misao Satake Fuller and Robert Leonard Chord.
77.13 RECORDED CONFESSIONS, delayed executions, or community service before the execution takes place, may be substituted for immediate executions or the death penalty (in some instances). If a person is allowed to make a confession or has a delayed execution or must do community service in order to avoid the death penalty (or immediate execution)–this is not a permission for this person to continue to commit the crimes for which he/she confessed or to commit other crimes which would incur the death penalty. If evidence is found that this person continues to commit the crimes for which he confessed or that this person commits other capital crimes, then he/she will have no more opportunities for a confession to replace the death penalty (in those cases where a confession relieves this person from the death penalty) and this person will be executed. The international government can choose whatever method of execution it desires, and may choose to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to execute this person (using 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced terminal illnesses) in order to mitigate Jesuit attempts to make a conspiracy out of the executions.
77.14 If the international government makes an exception to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–the international Government will document the reason why and back up its reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment with sound evidence. For any exceptions to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, the rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise) will be put into written form and entered into the military tribunals. This rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise for a particular case) will be put into written form in a document called RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. Every time a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is guilty of the death penalty and a substitute punishment (rather than the death penalty) is meted out to that conspirator– a RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION must be written and filed with the military tribunals. For significant cases, the contents of this RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION may be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and/or published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.15 In all instances, when a substitute punishment is meted out in place of the deserved death penalty, this substitute punishment will be mentioned in the RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. It is essential that some sort of serious punishment is meted out in place of the death penalty (when the death penalty is substituted with another punishment), or else the death penalty will not be taken seriously by criminals. A justifiable reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment would be if, perhaps, the execution, itself, could be used by the Jesuits as a conspiracy or could create a martyr hysteria (which could promote anarchy and bloodshed). A death penalty substitute is never allowed in order to make it easier for the criminal to go out and commit more capital crimes.
77.2 An amendment by a President will also be necessary, if the President does not approve of updates or revisions which Gail Schuler has made to CONSPIRACY LAWS which this President has already enforced as laws in his/her country. The amendment, in this case, would need to state in unambiguous language which updates/revisions the President will NOT incorporate into the present CONSPIRACY LAWS which he/she has already incorporated as laws in his/her country; and then state in unambiguous language which portions of Gail’s updates he/she WILL incorporate as laws in his/her country.
77.3 If an amendment to a CONSPIRACY LAW is written and/or approved by the President, the public must be informed of this amendment (and proof must be submitted to the military tribunals that the public was/is made aware of this amendment and proof must also be submitted to the military tribunals that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment in its entirety; and these proofs that the public has been made aware of this amendment and that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment, must be submitted to the military tribunals within 22 hours after the amendment is passed or approved by the President, and this proof will be filed permanently in the military tribunals). This amendment will be considered PUBLIC RECORD, and will be easily accessible to the public (for the public to view the UNALTERED amendment IN ITS ENTIRETY) and it will be an exact, unaltered copy of the amendment which the President signed and dated for approval, which will be shown to the public. There will be no alterations (omissions, deletions, etc.) to the wording of the amendment which will be shown to the public, and it will be the same amendment (with all wording exactly as it was) when the President signed and dated the amendment.
77.4 Any SECRET changes to the laws of this document WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and all those involved in a SECRET conspiracy to change, void, or make of NO EFFECT the laws of this document will, if found guilty of this secret conspiracy, be guilty of HIGH TREASON and will receive the death penalty WITHIN 10 YEARS. The military tribunal will decide when this death penalty will be executed, because this is a most serious crime, and no arbitrary date will be set as an execution date.
77.5 To DISREGARD is defined as one who (directly or indirectly) strives to circumvent the laws of this document, once they become law in a country, either by ignoring the laws, rewriting them secretly, or in any way making the laws of NO EFFECT, so that the laws are not enforced as written in this document.
77.6 Once the laws of this document are enforced in a country, and the laws are WILLINGLY ignored or made of NO EFFECT (through default or deliberate DISREGARD of these laws), and someone is AWARE of this DISREGARD and does NOT report it to the government. If this person (who is aware of the DISREGARD) is found out, he/she will be tried for a conspiracy involving HIGH TREASON and, if found guilty, will be given the death penalty within 10 years (possibly sooner, depending on how the military tribunal decides). Because of 666-Computer or satellite computer technology, MOTIVE will play a key role in deciding these types of cases (involving 666-CCs, RPCs, SCs or those guilty of high treason).
77.7 PRESIDENT is defined as the leader of a country, who has the duties, responsibilities of a president, prime minister, chancellor, etc., (which would be a position equivalent to what the American President George W. Bush is for the United States) for his/her respective country. The Pope is also considered to be a President, because he is the President of the Roman Catholic Church which has the country of the Vatican which has adherents all over the world. Anyone (anywhere in the world) who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church (or has been a member of the Roman Catholic Church within the month of Sept. 2003), including all members of the Jesuit Order (regardless of name or organization changes or withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church) will be considered citizens of the country of the Vatican for legal purposes. Those criminals who will be executed or have been executed (by order of The Pope) will have their names (in a manner which fully identifies each criminal) listed on a list, which will be attached as an addendum to my 1-18-02 statement (with all the rights of my legal documentation as described in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). This published list may include DNA records, photographs, or whatever is necessary (alongside the criminal’s name) in order to identify which criminals have been or will be executed by ORDER OF The Pope.
77.8 A CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or the INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT is the government official who has the power of a President or chief executive of a country, and who uses that power to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS– through the authority of that country’s government [which would be the country which grants the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT the power of a President (or chief executive of that country)]. Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President, has been the acting CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT since the CONSPIRACY LAWS were founded by Gail Schuler in 2003. Currently, on this 8th day of April 2004, the Russian government has granted Vladimir Putin, the power of the International President and of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the Russian government. However, Vladimir anticipates that when he finishes his 2nd term as Russian President, that he will accept Germany’s offer to grant him the power of the German Chancellor in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the German government. For this reason, the name of the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS (which is a CONSPIRACY LAW news network), has been changed to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on this 8th day of April 2004, and the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL team will work with German broadcasters to integrate the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS with the German news team, in preparation for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ new headquarters (which will be at Church of Gail).
77.9 A SATELLITE COMPUTER is defined as any computer which is used (directly or indirectly) to carry out or execute any computer program (which is a program which directly or indirectly manipulates or changes, alters or controls in any manner a human, animal or any inanimate or animate object), and which involves (or utilizes) satellite technology to execute or carry out these actions (or attempts).
77.91 All Jesuits, if granted a trial, will be tried in military tribunals– and Jesuits will be denied due process and will be treated as prisoners of war when captured. The nations of Russia and Germany have made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order.
77.92 All the CONSPIRACY LAWS which deny UNWILLING AGENTS positions of influence, also apply to Jesuits or Jesuit supporters. For example, since no UNWILLING AGENT may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position–therefore, no Jesuit or Jesuit supporter may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position– and any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to promote Jesuits into positions of influence, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an attempt or action.
See the IRL and ICL:ST documents for the definition of STOP ORDER. Definitions may be borrowed from the legal documents International Reproductive Laws or International Criminal Law: Space Technology, so those documents need to be examined alongside this one. And some definitions may be further defined in other documents; for instance, the definition for “practitioner” is broad and is listed in many documents.
Whenever it becomes necessary to disable or execute a practitioner, criminal or technological system (including 666-Computer or satellite computers, satellite, etc.) because it is ordered by a law in this document, and this disabling or execution is INTERFERED WITH (by whatever method), whoever interferes with this disabling or execution will be immediately executed. If the country which has jurisdiction over this interferer does not immediately execute and/or disable the interferer/interference, that country will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website, and will be treated as a terrorist nation according to Sections 3.1 to 3.4 of the General 666 Computer or Satellite Computer Laws document.
When the term PLP (privileged licensed practitioner) is used, it will be understood to mean ALL LICENSED 666-Computer practitioners (including JAIL PRACTITIONERS), unless noted otherwise.
Though the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may be referred to in the masculine sense, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT could be a woman. When the term Vladimir is used, it is referring to Vladimir Putin, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
Refer to the legal document GENERAL 666-Computer or Satellite Computer LAWS or General 666-CLD for more laws and/or definitions which may be applicable to the matters discussed in this document.
1.0 The International government will present the evidence for her reasons to cancel the PLP and RSP networks of the United States, Egypt, Canada, India, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, Iraq, Turkey, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, France, Columbia, and North and South Korea on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Read this whole document to see which countries’ PLP and RSP networks have been cancelled. All of the countries listed as CANCELLED COUNTRIES are countries whose PLPs and RSPs continually disobey our instructions. The international government will also present the evidence on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for why she has chosen the DESIGNATED NATIONS which she has, to have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the CANCELLED NATIONS. Read this whole document to see which nations are DESIGNATED NATIONS. The DESIGNATED NATIONS (Norway, Finland, Denmark, Japan, China, the Ukraine, Mongolia, the Philippines, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand) were chosen for their specific CANCELLED COUNTRIES because it was felt that these DESIGNATED COUNTRIES’ PLP and RSP networks would have the most interest in cooperating with our guidelines because of the particular CANCELLED COUNTRY which we assigned to that DESIGNATED COUNTRY. We tried to pick the most “peace inducing” matches.
1.2 If we have chosen to list a nation as a CANCELLED COUNTRY, this is not a condemnation of the people in that nation, but is rather a condemnation of that nation’s PLP and RSP network. And we feel it is in the best interest of that CANCELLED COUNTRY’s people, that we ensure that those who have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over them will strive to protect the people of that CANCELLED COUNTRY rather than harm them. You must realize that many of these CANCELLED COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP networks have been murdering their own people. An example of this is in Pakistan where the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and I believe the Pakistanis are using their own PLP and RSP network to assist them in murdering the Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. So, in many cases, we have cancelled a country’s PLP and RSP network in order to protect the people of that cancelled country. We have concluded that the people in these CANCELLED COUNTRIES would be better off with a PLP and RSP network over them that is another country’s.
1.3 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT has informed me (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) that there are attempts by citizens of CANCELLED COUNTRIES to takeover 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite computers by force. Try to get a FINANCIAL, CONSPIRACY and EMOTIONAL HISTORY on these people who attempt to takeover a 666-Computer and satellite computer by force. Highlights from these HISTORIES will be presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
1.4 JESUIT CONSPIRATORS are often under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of another country (besides the DESIGNATED NATION which would have 666-Computer and satellite control over them if they were not a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR), in order to ensure impartiality in the legal process. So, when it is stated in this document that a DESIGNATED COUNTRY has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over a cancelled country (or has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over any country), that DESIGNATED COUNTRY may not have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the JESUIT CONSPIRATORS of the cancelled country (or whatever country is under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the DESIGNATED COUNTRY). These exceptions are noted below. Please read this whole document in order to find all the exceptions (see Sections 1.5, 1.6 & 1.7). Just remember this: JESUIT CONSPIRATORS ARE HANDLED DIFFERENTLY. When dealing with a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, read this whole document to determine which country has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over that JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
1.40 Those persons (regardless of citizenship) who could be associated with any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Australia. However, because other factors (such as if that person is a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR) could enter in, it is important to read this whole document in order to determine which country will have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over DESIGNATED PERSON.
1.41 It is understood that JESUIT CONSPIRATORS should be executed, but sometimes it is not possible (or wise) to execute them immediately. For this reason, it is necessary to have laws on how to handle those JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are still alive and in the custody of the International government (or a BRANCH COUNTRY’s government).
1.5 Regardless of citizenship, all Muslims all over the world (who are determined to be JESUIT CONSPIRATORS) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the PLP and RSP network of Saudi Arabia or China.
1.6 Regardless of citizenship, all Jews all over the world (who are determined to be JESUIT CONSPIRATORS) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Israel’s PLP and RSP network.
1.7 Regardless of citizenship, all Catholics all over the world (who are determined to be JESUIT CONSPIRATORS) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the country of their choice’s PLP and RSP network–as long as we approve of their choice.
1.8 SIGNIFICANT PERSONS will be put under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of any country which the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT chooses to use–more than likely the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. SIGNIFICANT PERSONs do not have to be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the countries designated in this document–but can be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of any country that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT wishes to place them under.
2.0 For the American citizens (who are not JESUIT CONSPIRATORS), the International government will use mostly the PLP and RSP network of Norway, Finland and Denmark. All American citizens of Jewish descent will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Switzerland and/or Israel’s PLP and RSP network (unless they are a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR or could be part of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography–see Sect. 1.6 and 2.3). My sister, Gail’s sister, will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Israel’s PLP and RSP network or any country’s network the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT chooses to put her under.
2.1 To cover the rest of the American population –for those Americans who are not JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (China covers the American JESUIT CONSPIRATORS) and who cannot be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Norway, Finland, and Denmark’s PLP and RSP network– the International government will use the PLP and RSP networks of Uruguay, Paraguay, Australia, Switzerland, Israel, and Chile to cover the rest of the American population (read this whole document to determine which country’s PLP and RSP network has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over an American citizen).
2.2 So. . .those Americans who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of China’s PLP and RSP Network.
2.3 The rest of the American citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of–first and foremost–Norway, Finland, and Denmark, except for those Americans who could be part of a mass murder conspiracy (because they could be associated with any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography). Americans who could be associated with any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Australia. And then for those Americans that we cannot cover under Norway, Finland, and Denmark’s PLP and RSP network, we will use the PLP and RSP networks of Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile (read this whole document to determine which country’s PLP and RSP network has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over an American citizen).American federal workers and their families will be under the control of Pres. Bush’s PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 62 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs).
3.0 The International government has decided to cancel the United Kingdom’s PLP and RSP network. The International government will no longer use the PLP and RSP network of the United Kingdom. Instead, Ireland’s PLP and RSP network will have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over all of the United Kingdom and of Ireland.
3.1 China or the Ukraine’s PLP and RSP network will be used to have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those citizens of the United Kingdom and of Norway who are determined to be JESUIT CONSPIRATORS. The United Kingdom has a heavy Muslim population, so China’s PLP and RSP network should have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those Muslims who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in the United Kingdom, and the Catholic person’s country of choice (see Sect. 1.7) PLP and RSP network should have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those Catholics (or IRA members) who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in the United Kingdom.
3.2 Also, the International government highly recommends that the United Kingdom and Norway allow their law enforcement officers to have guns. We have been informed that in the U.K. and Norway, Jesuits are taking over the offices where the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite computers are and because the U.K. and Norway police can’t have guns, it’s turning into chaos–so that the PLP and RSP-networks of Ireland (for the U.K.) and Norway (for Norway) have not been able to maintain control over the 666-Computers or satellite computers and satellite computers in the U.K. and Norway. This situation will not change until the law enforcement officers can use guns to kick out the Jesuits trying to wrest 666-Computer or satellite computer-control away from Ireland’s PLP and RSP network in the U.K. and from Norway’s PLP and RSP network in Norway.
4.0 Mexico’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Mexican citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the Netherlands’ PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Mexico to revamp her PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs or RSPs).
5.0 Iraq’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Iraqi citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of China’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Iraq to revamp Iraq’s PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs or RSPs).
6.0 The Palestinians in Israel will be under the control of China’s PLP and RSP network–they will not be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Israel’s PLP and RSP network.
7.0 Pakistan’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Pakistani citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of China’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Pakistan to revamp Pakistan’s PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs or RSPs).
8.0 North Korea’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All North Korean citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Mongolia’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with North Korea to revamp North Korea’s PLP and RSP network (see Section 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
9.0 Turkey’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Turkish citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Israel’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Turkey to revamp Turkey’s PLP and RSP network (see Section 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
10.0 Syria’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Syrian citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Saudi Arabia’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Syria to revamp Syria’s PLP and RSP network (see Section 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
11.0 France’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled. The International government will give the Ukraine’s PLP and RSP network 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over French citizens. The international government will work with France to revamp France’s PLP and RSP network (see Section 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
12.0 Since some members of the Russian PLP and RSP network attempted to murder their own President and/or to harm his family, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT has decided to cancel the Russian PLP and RSP network. The International government has concluded that the Russian PLP and RSP network would not have made such a brazen attempt (on their own President and his family) unless the Jesuit presence within the Russian PLP and RSP network was overwhelming. Therefore, the Russian PLP and RSP network is not safe for the Russian citizens. All Russian citizens will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of, first and foremost, Germany’s PLP and RSP network. And then, if Germany gets overloaded– Russian citizens will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Austria and Switzerland’s PLP and RSP networks. The Jews in Russia will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Switzerland’s PLP and RSP network. Russia will work with her own country’s PLP and RSP network to revamp Russia’s PLP and RSP network (see Section 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
13.0 As a result of an AUDIT REPORT (see Sect. 51.9 through 51.97) on Italy’s PLP and RSP network, the international government has decided to cancel Italy’s PLP and RSP network. The International government will give the Philippines’ PLP and RSP network 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over Italian citizens. The international government will work with Italy to revamp Italy’s PLP and RSP network (see Section 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
14.0 Canada’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Canadian citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Australia and New Zealand’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Canada to revamp her PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
15.0 India’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Indian citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of China’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with India to revamp her PLP and RSP network (see Sect. 12 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs).
16.0 Spain’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government. All Spanish citizens will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the Philippines’ PLP and RSP network, except for those Spanish citizens who are Jesuit Conspirators, who will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer control of the Ukraine’s PLP and RSP network.
17.0 As a result of an AUDIT REPORT (see Sect. 51.9 through 51.97) on Iran’s PLP and RSP network, the international government has decided to cancel Iran’s PLP and RSP network. The International government will give China’s PLP and RSP network 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those countries that were under the control of Iran’s PLP and RSP network. The international government will work with Iran to revamp Iran’s PLP and RSP network. Around July 9, 2004, the U.S. and Japanese led auditing team will audit the Iranian network, and if Iran has removed from her network all her UNWILLING AGENTS and has executed all Jesuits who were in her network, there is a high probability that Iran’s network will be reinstated.
18.0 Columbia’s PLP and RSP network has been cancelled by the International government, because this network participated in a phone conspiracy (which violated Sect. 42 & 46 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) to make a threatening phone call to Gail Schuler. All Columbian citizens (including Jesuit Conspirators) will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of China’s PLP and RSP network.
30.0 Because of 666-Computer or satellite computer technology, it can be determined who is a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR before the person is convicted as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. If there is overwhelming evidence that a person is a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, that person will be treated as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (for the purposes of executing my CONSPIRACY LAWS)–even if that person has not yet been convicted as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR in a military tribunal.
31.0 UKRAINE: Though the Ukraine’s PLP and RSP networks are mentioned together, they will work separately, so that if any problems arise in either network, it will be easier to solve problems and to know which country’s network is the problem. JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are citizens of Norway (see China), the United Kingdom (See Sect. 3.1–China has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in the U.K.), Ireland, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, and Spain (and this would include those JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who were former PLPs or RSPs) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the Ukraine’s PLP and RSP network. The Ukraine has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of France.
32.0 CHINA: JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are citizens of the United States, Japan (see South Korea), the United Kingdom (See Sect. 3.1–the Ukraine have some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in the U.K.), Norway, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Israel, Austria, Switzerland (and this would include those JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who were former PLPs or RSPs in these countries) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of China’s PLP and RSP network. China also has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the Palestinians in Israel, Pakistan, India, Columbia, and Iraq. Pakistani and Indian JESUIT CONSPIRATORS are under the 666-Computer control of Saudi Arabia.
34.0 JAPAN: JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are South Korean citizens (or those JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who were former South Korean PLPs or RSPs) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Japan’s PLP and RSP network.
36.0 SAUDI ARABIA: JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are citizens of Pakistan, Russia, China and India (and this would include JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who were former PLPs or RSPs in these countries) will be placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Saudi Arabia’s PLP and RSP network. Saudi Arabia has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Syria.
38.0 URUGUAY: Uruguay has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the U.S. citizens, except for U.S. JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (see China).
39.0 PARAGUAY: Paraguay has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the U.S. citizens, except for U.S. JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (see China).
40.0 CHILE: Chile has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the U.S. citizens, except for U.S. JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (see China).
41.0 ISRAEL: Israel has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Turkey and over some Jewish U.S. citizens (see Switzerland).
42.0 IRELAND: Ireland has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of the United Kingdom, except for those citizens of the United Kingdom who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (see the Ukraine and China).
43.0 GERMANY: Germany has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Russia, except for those Russian citizens who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (see Saudi Arabia).
44.0 AUSTRIA: Austria has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Russia, except for those Russian citizens who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (see Saudi Arabia).
45.0 SWITZERLAND: Switzerland has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the Jewish citizens of Russia and the United States, except for those Jewish Russian (see Israel) and Jewish U.S. (see Israel) citizens who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS. Switzerland has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the Jews in Russia and has some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the Jews in the U.S. (see Israel).
46.0 FINLAND, NORWAY, and DENMARK: Finland, Norway and Denmark will have some 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of the United States, along with Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Israel, China, Switzerland and Australia (read this whole document to determine which country has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over a U.S. citizen). Though Finland, Norway and Denmark are mentioned as a group in this section, each of their PLP and RSP networks should remain separate from each other. Finland, Norway and Denmark will not work together– but will work as separate PLP and RSP networks– while they have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over their segment of the U.S. citizens. This way if any problems come up with either Finland, Norway or Denmark– The international government will know which country’s PLP and RSP network to cancel. For information about other countries that have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over U.S. citizens, see Sections 31.0, 32.0, 38.0, 39.0, & 37.0 and read this whole document.
47.0 NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand will have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Italy who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS and will have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Canada.
47.1 AUSTRALIA: Australia has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those citizens of any country who could be involved in any conspiracy attempt which could revolve around a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography. Australia was chosen because this country seems to be the most neutral country in regard to the Schuler/Putin/Spiner legal case. Australia would have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over all those people that Gail Schuler or any SIGNIFICANT PERSON has had contact with (directly or indirectly) who may be likely targets for a mass murder conspiracy which could revolve around a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography. Australia may have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of those at FOX News. Australia would have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over any contacts through the mail or other communicative mediums with SIGNIFICANT PERSONs. Australia would have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over any citizens of any country who could be part of a conspiracy attempt (designed to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’S ethnography) which could revolve around Vladimir Putin, Gail’s son, Gail’s ex-husband, Gail’s mom, Gail’s stepdad, Gail’s sister or any other SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography. Australia would have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those Americans, Britons, or Canadians who live in Dade, Broward, Brevard, Polk or Leon County, Florida–maybe all of Florida; King and Snohomish Counties in Washington–maybe all of Washington; the upper peninsula of Michigan–maybe all of Michigan; Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, CANADA; Charleston area of South Carolina; Texas; Los Angeles area of California–maybe all of California; Portland area of Oregon; Connecticut; New York City; Boston, Massachusetts, etc.AUSTRALIA has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the citizens of Canada.
47.2 THE NETHERLANDS: The PLP and RSP-network of the Netherlands will have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those Mexican citizens who are JESUIT CONSPIRATORS.
48.0 No JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is allowed near a 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite computer. Any JESUIT CONSPIRATOR who willingly and knowingly gets near or attempts to control (directly or indirectly) a 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite computer will receive the death penalty.
49.0 Unless stated otherwise in this legal document (or in Gail Schuler’s statements), each country will maintain its own autonomy and will have its own citizens under its own 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control and management. The international government especially encourages this for the African nations.
50.0 As an emergency measure, when a person is under attack by one country’s disobedient PLP and RSP network, that person can be immediately switched to the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of another country’s PLP and RSP network in order to save that person’s life or health. For instance, if someone is under China’s PLP and RSP network and is in danger of death because of 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite computer attack by disobedient Chinese PLPs or RSPs, that person could be immediately cut off from the Chinese PLP and RSP network and immediately placed under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of Japan’s PLP and RSP network. This switch from one country’s network to another is only allowed when it is necessary in order to preserve that person’s life or health. Random switches of DESIGNATED PERSONs from one country’s PLP and RSP network to another are not permitted.
50.1 Once a switch is made, it may not be permanent. If a switch becomes necessary, the International government (or the BRANCH COUNTRY) will evaluate the switch and decide which country will now have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over that switched person.
51.0 An AUDITOR COUNTRY is a country whose PLP and RSP network will be used to audit the PLP and RSP networks of an AUDITED COUNTRY to determine if there are any cover-ups in that AUDITED COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP network [in regard to plots of mass destruction (use of nuclear, chemical, biological, 666-Computer or satellite computer, satellite, or other warfare)].
51.0(a1) A special subdivision of each AUDITOR COUNTRY will be comprised of the AMNESIA CORPS. The AMNESIA CORPS is considered the most important network in all of CONSPIRACY LAW and must be sufficiently staffed to do the job required. This is because the Jesuits’ prime method to undermine the work of our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs is through the use of 666-Computer induced amnesia. It is CONSPIRACY LAW that for every PLP, RSP or LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON screened by the AMNESIA CORPS, that 4 AMNESIA CORPS members from one country’s network must screen one LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. So if there are one million members of a country’s PLP network who need to be screened for amnesia, then 8 million members of one country’s AMNESIA CORPS must screen those one million members (8 AMNESIA CORPS members for each screened PLP). The first 4 million will do regular, comprehensive amnesia screening of the network involved. The last 4 million will do screening for a specific type of amnesia (TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA).
51.0(a.1.a) So, we will go from general, comprehensive screening of amnesia to screening for a specific type of amnesia (TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA). Once the general, comprehensive screening has taken place, then it should be easier to identify TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA, since, after the AMNESIA CORPS do their comprehensive amnesia screening, then it will be more obvious how the networks may have overlooked the SAME CONSPIRACY LAW VIOLATION; and it is these patterns of specific, targeted neglect (or oversight of the same violation) in the screening work of many LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS that the TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA TEAM will look for.
51.0(a.1.b) The last 4 million will screen for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA (see next Section for an explanation of how this screening is to be conducted, because it describes the screening for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA. It is very important to screen for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA or else serious AMNESIA problems in our networks will be overlooked). The only difference between the screening of those law enforcement networks that have control over the general population and those who have control over SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (THE MEDIC CORPS) will be that twice as many amnesia screeners will be used to screen those who have control over SIGNIFICANT PERSONS–BUT THE PROCEDURES AND METHODOLOGY WILL BE THE SAME–that is, we will go from comprehensive to specific. In other words, all amnesia screening for both regular folks and those who are SIGNIFICANT PERSON must include comprehensive, general amnesia screening, which is followed by screening for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA.
51.0(a1.0) The AMNESIA CORPS will have a subdivision called the SIGNIFICANT PERSONs’ AMNESIA CORPS. The screening requirements for the SIGNIFICANT PERSONs’ AMNESIA CORPS are even more extensive. For each SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON there must be 16 AMNESIA CORP’s members who screen that SIGNIFICANT PERSON’S LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. So if there are one million members of a country’s PLP network (who deal with SIGNIFICANT PERSONs) and who need to be screened for amnesia, then 16 million members of one country’s SIGNIFICANT PERSONs’ AMNESIA CORPS must screen those one million members (16 SIGNIFICANT PERSONs’ AMNESIA CORPS members for each screened PLP).
51.0(a1.0.a) The first 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members of this 16, will do regular and comprehensive amnesia screening of the law enforcement network being screened. The last 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members (called the TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS) will screen not only that same law enforcement network which was screened by the first 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members, but will also screen these first 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members (who screened that network for amnesia) for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA. Their screening will not be a comprehensive screening for amnesia (as was the screening by the first 8), but instead, will be a screening for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA. These last 8 AMNESIA CORPs MEMBERS will look for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA.
51.0(a1.0.a.1) So the first 8 will do a broad, comprehensive general screening for amnesia and the last 8 will do a specific amnesia screening for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA.
51.0(a1.0.b) TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA occurs when all the PLP and RSP members and/or all the AMNESIA CORPS members who screen them, all OVERLOOK (or have amnesia about) THE SAME CONSPIRACY LAW VIOLATION.
51.0(a1.0.c) The TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS will look for patterns of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA, in which all the PLP and RSP members and those first 8 AMNESIA CORPS’ members (involved in the general, comprehensive screening of those PLP and RSP members) may have ALL OVERLOOKED THE SAME CONSPIRACY LAW VIOLATION as they screened for amnesia.
51.0(a1.0.d) So, let’s say, that all the PLP and RSP members, (including the first 8AMNESIA CORPS members who screened for amnesia of those PLPs and RSPs who have control over Gail), all overlooked the SAME segment of Gail’s PERSON-PROGRAMS which was contaminated with TRIGGER PROGRAMMING– then we have an instance of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA, in which all these persons overlooked the SAME contaminated SEGMENT IN GAIL’S PERSON-PROGRAM.
51.0(a1.0.e) The Jesuits try to outwit our AMNESIA CORPS by using TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA, in which the AMNESIA CORPS are programmed illegally by Jesuits to overlook the same thing which the law enforcement network they are screening has overlooked.
51.0(a1.0.f) It is the goal of the TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS to discover and eliminate all instances of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA, because this amnesia corps will specifically search for patterns of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA in those AMNESIA CORPS members who did the general and comprehensive screening.
51.0(a1.0.g) So, let’s say that a PLP and RSP network over Gail Schuler has been generally and comprehensively screened for amnesia by 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members. Then the remaining 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members (called the TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS) will screen those first 8 AMNESIA CORP’s members (who did general screening) for TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA to ensure that all amnesia (including TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA) has been removed from the law enforcement network(s) being screened, so that amnesia cannot be used in any manner (generally or specifically) to undermine the work of our law enforcement networks.
51.0(a1.0.1) The job of the AMNESIA CORPS will be to screen all PLPs and RSPs (and those who support them or assist them in their work–such as members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS or INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEEs) to ensure that the job performance of a PLP or RSP (or their assistants or supporters) is not being affected by illegal 666-Computer induced amnesia. Because amnesia is such an catastrophic problem and the Jesuits rely primarily on this tactic to further their enterprises, the AMNESIA CORPS only job will be to screen every PLP or RSP (and those who support or assist them) under their jurisdiction for amnesia induced through illegal 666-Computer use.
51.1(a1.1) For the purposes of CONSPIRACY LAW, those who assist or support PLPs or RSPs in their work will be called SUPPORTERS or a SUPPORT NETWORK. Before an audit is conduct over any PLP or RSP network, that PLP or RSP network must write a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) in which they will name all networks who offer them any support or assistance in their work (in a manner which could influence their work) and who should also be included in the audit. No audit can go forward until this statement is passed by the PLP or RSP network. For instance, the PROGRAMMER CORPS who program that PLP network’s computers, would obviously be considered a SUPPORT network which would also need to be audited alongside the PLP or RSP network which they influence. The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE has vast responsibilities, including the monitoring of the PROGRAMMER CORPS and also needs to be audited as a SUPPORT network.
51.1(a1.2) No audit is considered complete unless all SUPPORT NETWORKS are audited, along with the main PLP or RSP network involved. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to bypass or violate the guidelines of this Sect. 51.1 and this Sect. 51 in conducting any audit, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. It is essential that all SUPPORT NETWORKS are audited (alongside the PLP or RSP network which they influence). If a PLP or RSP works with a computer programmed by Jesuits, his/her work will be ineffective, or even worse, dangerous. Therefore the support group, the PROGRAMMER CORPS involved, must also be audited for amnesia.
51.0(a2) Because the Jesuits rely primarily on the use of amnesia to undermine the work of PLPs and RSPs and SUPPORTERS, it is mandatory that all PLPs and RSPs and SUPPORTERS are screened to the hilt by the AMNESIA CORPS. The screening of a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network for amnesia will be done by 8 different teams of AMNESIA CORPS networks (from 8 different countries), in a manner similar to the screening for amnesia for those who write and/or create reports. This will be a huge undertaking since it is very possible that each country’s AMNESIA CORPS must be massive to deal with the catastrophic amnesia problem in our networks. It is very possible that by the time all the screenings are completed that up to 50 million AMNESIA CORPs members from one country will be involved in the screening of one country’s LAW ENFORCEMENT networks, which means that by the time 8 countries have completed their screening of that one country’s LAW ENFORCEMENT networks, that up to 200 million AMNESIA CORPS members from 8 different countries will be involved in the screening of that one country’s LAW ENFORCEMENT networks. This may seem excessive, but we have determined that the primary way the Jesuits undermine CONSPIRACY LAW is through amnesia which is induced on our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks!! So we must make this the MOST IMPORTANT JOB IN CONSPIRACY LAW.
51.0(a3) For example, this means that one country’s AMNESIA CORPS will screen the PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network(s) which has/have control over American SIGNIFICANT PERSONS for amnesia (which means that 16 AMNESIA CORPS members from one country will screen one SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s network member for amnesia), followed by another country’s AMNESIA CORPS who will screen that same PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network for amnesia (which means that 16 AMNESIA CORPS members from another country will screen that same SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s network member for amnesia), followed by another country’s AMNESIA CORPS who will screen that same PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network for amnesia (which means that 16 AMNESIA CORPS members from another country will screen that same SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s network member for amnesia), followed by another country’s AMNESIA CORPS who will screen that same PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network for amnesia (which means that 16 AMNESIA CORPS members from another country will screen that same SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s network member for amnesia). This means that no screening of any PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network is considered complete, until 8 different country’s AMNESIA CORPS have screened that same network for amnesia, and each country’s AMNESIA CORPS (if dealing with a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s network member, must use 16 of their AMNESIA CORPs’ members for each SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s network member screened). This is to guarantee that all amnesia is eliminated from our essential LAW ENFORCEMENT networks.
51.0(b1) The SIGNIFICANT PERSONS’ AMNESIA CORPS will write a separate report from the main AMNESIA CORPS and will conduct a separate audit from the main AMNESIA CORPS. Because SIGNIFICANT PERSONs (like Gail Schuler, her mother, Gail’s stepdad, Gail’s son, Vladimir Putin, Pres. George W. Bush and others) are deluged with attacks by Jesuits, these persons need special protection to ensure that their PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTERS are not affected by Jesuit-induced amnesia.
51.0(b2) Once a LAW ENFORCEMENT person has been screened for amnesia and is determined to have an amnesia problem which would affect his/her work so that he/she would be incompetent enough to endanger life or health, that LAW ENFORCEMENT person must be removed from his/her LAW ENFORCEMENT position, unless his/her problem is ONLY TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA (in which only the TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA must be addressed by the TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS). Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to retain any LAW ENFORCEMENT person who has a serious amnesia problem (which could affect his/her work so that those under that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON’s jurisdiction could have their life or health jeopardized) or to overlook any incident of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA (so that CONSPIRACY LAW violations are overlooked), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. It is essential to pare down our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks and only work with those that are dependable and who don’t have a serious amnesia problem with affects their work and to deal with TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA (so that amnesia will not affect the work of our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks). TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA can affect even those that don’t have a serious amnesia problem, so if that LAW ENFORCEMENT person does not have a serious amnesia problem (other than occasional TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA), he/she will be retained. If worst comes to worst, we may have to rely on a small group of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who are dependable and work with these, until we can find others who have been cured of their serious amnesia problem. We may have to pay these dependable workers overtime and use them extensively, in order to ensure that our networks are dependable and are honoring CONSPIRACY LAW as they do their job. Better to work with a few dependable workers (like Gideon had in the Bible-see Judges 7) than to work with a large, undependable workforce. We are better off to work with a small number of very dependable workers than a large, undependable workforce. Eventually, as a result of the work of these few, dependable workers–we may cure some of the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who have an amnesia problem and may be able to increase the ranks of our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks with more dependable workers (when some of these LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs are cured of their amnesia problem). But we will NEVER CURE THE AMNESIA PROBLEM in our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs, until we pare down our networks and only use our amnesia-free LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS first to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW.
51.0(b3) Any (direct or indirect) attempt or action to violate the guidelines of this Sect. 51 or of any section of CONSPIRACY LAW which deals with the AMNESIA CORPS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
51.0(c1) For instance, Jesuit-induced amnesia was used on Vladimir Putin’s PLPs and RSPs and SUPPORTERS to cause them to overlook serious HIDDEN TRIGGER PROGRAMMING in Vladimir’s PERSON-PROGRAM, which enabled the Jesuits to use Vladimir as an UNWILLING AGENT when he decided he would finally try to communicate with (or contact) Gail Schuler.
51.0(d1) The trigger to cause serious damage to Vladimir’s PERSON-PROGRAM was his decision to contact Gail Schuler. This trigger caused an explosion onto his PERSON-PROGRAM so massive, that the Jesuits were able to use Vladimir as an UNWILLING AGENT and to manipulate him so that he completely forgot that he knew or had any dealings with Gail Schuler–and thus, the Jesuits prevented Vladimir from meeting Gail Schuler AGAIN.
51.0(e1) This damage was so extensive, that Vladimir had to be removed from his duties as Russian President and entered into emergency surgery to remove the damage to his PERSON-PROGRAM (by this HIDDEN TRIGGER PROGRAMMING which exploded onto and catastrophically damaged Vladimir’s PERSON PROGRAM). Therefore, Gail decided that this problem of amnesia in the PLP and RSP and SUPPORT networks is a very serious problem which requires special emphasis. And so she created the AMNESIA CORPS.
51.0(f1) The AUDITOR COUNTRY must also audit each PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network to ensure that that audited PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network is operating in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW. Therefore, the auditing teams will need to be familiar with CONSPIRACY LAW and each auditing team member should be tested regularly to be sure he/she is familiar with CONSPIRACY LAW (including recent updates). Any member of any auditing team who is not familiar with CONSPIRACY LAW (and cannot pass the test about CONSPIRACY LAW), cannot be a member of any auditing team.
51.0(a) Any willing and knowing attempt or action to allow anyone to be a member of any auditing team (including the AMNESIA CORPS and the SIGNIFICANT PERSONS’ AMNESIA CORPS) when that auditing team member is not knowledgeable about CONSPIRACY LAW, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
51.0(b) Audits will also be conducted of the ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE (see Sect. 53 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) and the CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (see Sect. 13 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) for each country, to ensure that these committees are complying with CONSPIRACY LAW.
51.01 Each AUDITOR COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP team will be assigned some Russian, Japanese, American, or African (from one of the REPORT SCREENER countries) attorneys (called AUDITOR ATTORNEYS), who will be appointed by the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
51.012 AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must be screened with thorough FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES and must continually undergo FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES on themselves (on at least an hourly basis) 24 hours–round-the-clock. On a rotating basis, one of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES’ PLP and RSP-network will conduct the FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES on the AUDITOR ATTORNEYS 24 hours–round-the-clock.
51.013 These AUDITOR ATTORNEYS will assist the AUDITOR PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs to legally prioritize and organize the auditing process (in order to maximize adherence to the CONSPIRACY LAWS). These attorneys will prepare a PRIORITY REPORT which they will submit to the auditing team. The auditing team does not have to follow the priorities in the PRIORITY REPORT, since the AUDITOR ATTORNEYS’ role to the auditing team is purely advisory and these auditor attorneys cannot force the auditing team to adopt the priorities which are recommended in the PRIORITY REPORT. This auditing work requires legal, as well as medical and computer, expertise and these lawyers will not conduct the actual audits, but will assist (not force) the AUDITOR PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTS in decisions revolving around how to prioritize and organize the audits. Any attempt by an AUDITOR ATTORNEY to force any AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT to adopt their recommendations will result in the death penalty for that AUDITOR ATTORNEY. These lawyers will strive to make sure all necessary audits are conducted, that unnecessary audits are eliminated (in areas that may be in dispute) and that the CONSPIRACY LAW principles are honored.
51.02 An AUDITOR ATTORNEYS’ REPORT will be attached to every AUDIT REPORT. In this report, the AUDITOR ATTORNEYS [involved with the auditing team which conducted the audit (from which the AUDIT REPORT was based)] will state (under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection–see Section 51.6) that to the best of their knowledge they did not influence or force (directly or indirectly) the auditing team to prioritize or organize the audit in any way (directly or indirectly) that could cause a misleading, DEFICIENT (see Sect. 51.021) or false AUDIT REPORT and that they did not attempt to force any AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT to adopt their recommendations, and that they did not attempt (in any manner) to influence or force the auditing team (in any manner which would cause any omissions or misleading additions in any AUDIT REPORT which would be contrary to the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS or contrary to the CONSPIRACY LAWS). The AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must undergo the same 666-Computer lie detection and amnesia screening which all AUDITOR PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs (including the AMNESIA CORPS) must undergo (see Section 51.6).
51.021 A DEFICIENT AUDIT REPORT is any audit report which opposes the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS–maybe because it contains serious omissions or misleading additions.
51.03 The AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must never deliberately, willingly and knowingly influence anyone in any auditing team to take any actions (or give anyone any advice or counsel) which would be detrimental to the CONSPIRACY LAWS (or to the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS)–any AUDITOR ATTORNEY who deliberately, willingly and knowingly take actions, attempts to (or actually influences), or gives any advice to anyone, detrimental to the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS or to the CONSPIRACY LAWS, will be discharged as an AUDITOR ATTORNEY and will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR if the advice, influence or actions could cause (directly or indirectly) unnecessary loss of life. This type of attitude (as described in this Sect. 51.03) in any AUDITOR ATTORNEY will not be tolerated and is considered a conflict of interest serious enough to discharge that attorney.
51.04 Also, if there are weaknesses in the CONSPIRACY LAWS which give Jesuit Conspirators loopholes (or opportunities) to violate the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, these AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must report these weaknesses in the CONSPIRACY LAWS to the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, so that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT can advise Gail Schuler of these weaknesses, and so she can rewrite and strengthen her CONSPIRACY LAWS. Any AUDITOR ATTORNEY or anyone, who is aware of a CONSPIRACY LAW weakness (as defined in this Section 51.04) and who– deliberately, knowingly and willingly– does not report this weakness to the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, will be discharged from his/her position as an AUDITOR ATTORNEY and (if the weakness in the CONSPIRACY LAW could cause unnecessary loss of life) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
51.1 The two countries which will be in charge of this AUDITING program will be the nations of Japan and the United States. The Japanese and American governments will oversee and manage the AUDITING network or countries which will be comprised of the following nations’ PLP and RSP and SUPPORT networks: Japan, the United States, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Cental African Republic, Congo, Somalia, Eritrea, Dem. Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, South Korea (South Korea will be used only on Japan’s or the American’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network as an AUDITOR COUNTRY), Russia (Russia will be used only on Japan or the American’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network as an AUDITOR COUNTRY–the Russian team will be highly screened), and Mozambique. Japan and the United States will determine which of those nations they want to work with and do not have to work with all the nations in the previous list. If Japan or the United States choose to use a Japanese or American PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network to audit, they cannot use citizens of any other country as part of this team (the exception is for the AMNESIA CORPS–see Sect. 51.1a,b,c)–Japan’s auditing team will be comprised solely of Japanese citizens and America’s auditing team will be comprised solely of American citizens.
51.1(a) However, the countries which comprise the AMNESIA CORPS will be all the countries that belong to the International government (and whose PLP and RSP networks have not been cancelled). This is because many AMNESIA CORPS members are needed to conduct extensive amnesia screening (see Sect. 51.0). So, this means under the leadership of the U.S. and Japan, that the Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Ireland and Germany could be the 4 AMNESIA CORPS countries which screen the U.S. networks. And, perhaps, the Phillippines, Oman, Israel and Greece could be the countries that are the AMNESIA CORPS members who screen Germany, etc.
51.1(b) The Japanese and American governments will chose the 4 countries (whose PLP and RSP networks have not been cancelled) which will be the 4 countries’ AMNESIA CORPS to conduct the massive screening needed to screen one country’s LAW ENFORCEMENT networks. Whatever countries are chosen must have enough AMNESIA CORPs members to conduct the screenings, so those countries that have large population, like China, will require screener countries with large populations. If worst comes to worst, two or more nations may be combined–like Japan and Korea and could work together as one screener nation to screen China’s LAW ENFORCEMENT networks (for example). We will give the Japanese and American governments leeway to make these choices, if these choices become necessary.
51.1{c} However, in order to ensure accountability, it needs to be made clear which nations are involved in the screening, and the less countries we can get away with–the better. We don’t want 40 nations involved in screening one country’s LAW ENFORCEMENT networks for amnesia. Many countries have not had their PLP and RSP networks cancelled, so this will give us a sufficient pool of workers to handle the extensive job of amnesia screening. We don’t want to overload the African nations, since they have too much to do already.
51.10 The REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES are defined as all of the AUDITOR COUNTRIES (with the exception of Russia and South Korea). Russia and South Korea can be used as REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES on the AUDITOR COUNTRY that audits the Japanese or American PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network.
51.12 Japan or the United States’ PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network will regularly audit the PLP and RSP and SUPPORT networks of Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Cental African Republic, Congo, Somalia, Eritrea, Dem. Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique.
51.2 Japan or the United States’ PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network will be regularly audited by the South Korean PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network or by any of the African countries that constitute the AUDITING network, or Russia may send a special team of PLPs or RSP or SUPPORTs from Russia (not to include all PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs in Russia) to audit Japan or the United States’ PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network. This, in no way, indicates that Russia has resurrected her PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network, since this Russian team will be thoroughly screened and will only be assembled for the purpose of auditing Japan or the United States’ PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network. South Korea or an African AUDITOR COUNTRY or Russia’s “auditing” PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network will issue the AUDIT REPORT regarding Japan and the United States’ PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network. Only one country (Russia or South Korea or an African AUDITOR COUNTRY) can conduct an audit over another country’s (Japan’s) PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network–this policy is necessary to lessen legal complications.
51.3 In order to lessen legal complications, it is essential that when a country is audited by an AUDITOR COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network (or by the AMNESIA CORPS), that only one country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network (or AMNESIA CORPS) is used to audit.
51.3(a) The AMNESIA CORPS will be a distinct separate division of the AUDITOR COUNTRY’S PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network and will conduct their own audits and file their own reports.
51.3(b) For instance, if Spain’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network is being audited, it should only be done by the PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network of Kenya, and not by the PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network of Kenya AND Japan. In this case, Japan would only have an overseer role and would not conduct the actual audits.
51.31 All PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs or persons involved in the AUDIT REPORT (including the members of the AMNESIA CORPS or the SIGNIFICANT PERSONS’ AMNESIA CORPS) are called AUDITOR PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs or AUDITOR ATTORNEYS (for those attorneys assigned to the auditing team by the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT). However, the AMNESIA CORPS will only conduct audits to determine if illegal 666-Computer induced amnesia has been induced on a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network.
51.32 All PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs or persons involved in 666-Computer or satellite computer screening for possible 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia on AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs or AUDITOR ATTORNEYS (which affects their reports–including CONSPIRACY REPORTS and CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS) are called REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
51.32(a) The members of the SCREENER CORPS are a different group from the REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs. The SCREENER CORPS sole job is to screen for all types of amnesia in a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT member, not just amnesia related to AUDIT REPORTS, especially amnesia which would cause PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTS to overlook serious 666-Computer violations in PERSON-PROGRAMs or on persons..
51.33 AMNESIA REPORT SCREENING is defined as the screening of all AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs (or AUDITOR ATTORNEYS) by REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs to determine if any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia has been performed on an AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) after (or while) this AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) conducted (or organized) an audit or to determine if amnesia was induced on a REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT after (or while) a REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT has conducted/conducted an AMNESIA REPORT or any other CONSPIRACY LAW REPORT. AMNESIA REPORT SCREENING will also undo any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia which may have been performed on an AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) which could cause a false, deficient or misleading report. All those who conduct any amnesia screening on any other PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or any person involved in any AUDITOR or AMNESIA REPORT) must complete an AMNESIA REPORT.
51.4 Any deliberate, willing and knowing attempt to issue any false or deficient AUDIT or AMNESIA REPORTS or CONSPIRACY REPORTS or CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS will result in the death penalty for those involved. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
51.5 Once a country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network [or GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (see Sect. 53)] has been audited, an AUDIT REPORT will be issued. This audit report will cover the following areas: the extent to which that country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network [or GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL] complies with the CONSPIRACY LAWS and the report should mention areas where there are WEAKNESSES (see Sect. 51.51). The AUDIT REPORT should audit the level of compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW within that country’s ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE (see Sect. 53 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) and that country’s CLEAN-OUT COMMITTEE (see Sect. 13 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
51.5(a) The AUDIT REPORT conducted by the AMNESIA CORPS and the SIGNIFICANT PERSONS’ AMNESIA CORPS, will deal only with problems regarding illegal 666-Computer induced amnesia on PLP or RSP or SUPPORT members, especially if this amnesia causes PLPs or RSPs or their SUPPORTS to overlook TRIGGER PROGRAMMING or LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING or other programming in PERSON-PROGRAMs (or to overlook other CONSPIRACY LAW violations) which gives the Jesuits serious (or life-threatening) control over individuals.
51.5(b) The AUDIT REPORT should verify that all SUSPICIOUS INCIDENTS and WEAKNESSES are reported in a written report (called a CONSPIRACY REPORT) and that all such written CONSPIRACY REPORTS are filed and received and appropriately acted upon by that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS DEPARTMENT]. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. The AUDIT REPORT should use language that is clear, unambiguous and easy to understand. The CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS (associated with the CONSPIRACY REPORTS filed by the audited country) will also be evaluated by the auditing team and mentioned in the AUDIT REPORT: The auditing team will verify that a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT) is filed for every CONSPIRACY REPORT filed with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of a country, and that the action(s) taken in the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT is/are appropriate for the CONSPIRACY LAW violation(s) mentioned in the CONSPIRACY REPORT. (See Section 52).
51.51 A WEAKNESS is anything or any technology (including satellite technology) which a Jesuit Conspirator could employ to wrest (in part or in whole) 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control away from an authorized user of a 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite computer. A WEAKNESS is also anything or any person or organization which could encourage/or are violations of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
51.51(a) A WEAKNESS which the auditing teams need to focus on, is the use of amnesia on our medical/dental practitioners to cause them to overlook important things in the course of their work. All PLPs and RSPs and their SUPPORTS involved in the care of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON, need to be especially screened for amnesia. This is the job of the SIGNIFICANT PERSONS’ AMNESIA CORPS. If a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT has a significant problem with amnesia or if he/she is used in any manner to undermine CONSPIRACY LAW, even if he/she is not an UNWILLING AGENT, he must be removed from his/her position as a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT, until his/her amnesia problem (or other problem) is fixed. All PLPs and RSPs and SUPPORTS need to be thoroughly screened to see if that PLP or RSP or SUPPORT has a significant amnesia problem (or other problem) which could lead to serious mistakes in his/her work. This can be a serious problem if that PLP or RSP or SUPPORT overlooks a cancer in progress or a pre-heart attack or stroke condition, etc. in one of those under their care. This amnesia (or problem) can also result in costly health care costs for the person under their care/control–which may be an attempt by the Jesuits to indirectly bankrupt that person. Most health/dental/medical problems caught early tend to be less costly than those that are neglected. So amnesia in a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT is a serious problem which needs to be dealt with, and in some cases may require the removal of the PLP or RSP or SUPPORT from his/her position as a RSP or PLP or SUPPORT until (and if) his/her amnesia problem (or other problem) is fixed.
51.51(b) Any person who is aware of a WEAKNESS and who (deliberately, knowingly and willingly) does not report it (as soon as possible) to the International government [and/or to one of the BRANCH COUNTRIES’ government (if the WEAKNESS involves that BRANCH COUNTRY)], will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading, emotion-reading and memory-reading technology will be used to determine why a WEAKNESS was not reported and/or if the report was delayed, why the WEAKNESS was not reported as soon as possible by any one who was aware of a WEAKNESS. 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading, emotion-reading and memory-reading technology can also help determine whether or not a WEAKNESS was reported as soon as possible.
51.51{c} All WEAKNESSES reported need to be acted upon immediately, and CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS need to be filed and acted upon immediately by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT involved for all WEAKNESSES reported. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to neglect to act upon a WEAKNESS immediately, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. It is mandatory that our PLP and RSP and SUPPORT networks are purged of those whose actions (or inactions) support the goals of the JESUIT ORDER. Until we can remove from the Jesuits their ability to contaminate and undermine the work of our PLPs and RSPs and/or their SUPPORTS, we will not win the war against Jesuit terrorism!! The death penalty must be meted out to those who in any manner willingly and knowingly support the Jesuits as they contaminate our PLP and RSP and SUPPORT networks.
51.52 The AUDIT REPORT should verify that all known SUSPICIOUS INCIDENTS and WEAKNESSES (regarding CONSPIRACY LAW violations or WEAKNESSES are reported in a written report [called a CONSPIRACY REPORT]) and that all such written CONSPIRACY REPORTS are filed and received and appropriately acted upon by that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS DEPARTMENT]. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. The AUDIT REPORT should use language that is clear, unambiguous and easy to understand. The CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS (associated with the CONSPIRACY REPORTS filed by the audited country) will also be evaluated by the auditing team and mentioned in the AUDIT REPORT:The auditing team will verify that a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT) is filed for every CONSPIRACY REPORT (associated with CONSPIRACY LAW WEAKNESSES and/or VIOLATIONS) submitted to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of a country, and that the action(s) taken in the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT is/are appropriate for the CONSPIRACY LAW violation(s) mentioned in the CONSPIRACY REPORT. (See Section 52). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
51.6 After a country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network [or GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (see Sect. 53)] has been audited and an audit report has been written, and before 666-Computer lie detection is administered to each AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) involved in that audit, a thorough 666-Computer or satellite computer screening by a hierarchy of four REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs (see Sect. 51.61) will be conducted on each AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) involved in that audit [to undo any 666-Computer or satellite computer induced amnesia that may have been performed on that auditor PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or auditor attorney) in order to cause that PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or attorney) to forget all that he/she did (or needs to know or remember) while he/she conducted (or prioritized) the audit–see Sect. 51.6a] OR in order to cause that PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or attorney) to forget what needs to be included in any report.
51.6(a) Special note: 666-Computer amnesia is very difficult to undo, so if any PLP or RSP or SUPPORT has a serious amnesia problem, he/she should be removed from the REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to retain any PLP or RSP or SUPPORT involved in any audit (who has a serious amnesia problem) of any PLP or RSP or SUPPORT network will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
51.6(b) AUDITOR ATTORNEYS do not conduct audits, but organize and prioritize audits. Nevertheless, if an audit is prioritized or organized or remembered incorrectly, it could lead to results that are illegal, deficient, or inadequate–so, therefore, AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must also undergo 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia screening.
51.60 Those found guilty of willingly, deliberately and knowingly inducing amnesia on any REPORT SCREENER or AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT or AUDITOR ATTORNEY (or person) in order to cause that person to have (full or partial) amnesia regarding how he/she conducted (or organized) an AUDIT or AMNESIA REPORT and/or what he/she should include in his/her AUDIT or PRIORITY or AMNESIA REPORT (or any other legal report), will receive the death penalty.
51.61 All REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs who conduct the amnesia screening, themselves, must undergo amnesia screening by another REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT from another REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY and must pass 666-Computer lie detection after they complete their AMNESIA REPORT. For every AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) who conducts (or organizes) an AUDIT REPORT, a hierarchy of four REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs will conduct the AMNESIA SCREENINGS on that AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY). This means that the AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) will be screened by a first REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (from one REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY), who will be screened by a second REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (from a second REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY), who will be screened by a third REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (from a third REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY), who will be screened by a fourth REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (from a fourth REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY). Each REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (in the hierarchy of four REPORT SCREENERs from four countries) must complete an AMNESIA REPORT. The death penalty will be meted out for any willing, knowing, and deliberate omissions or lying additions to the report.
51.612 The four REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs in the hierarchy will be taken from four countries. The first REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from one of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES. The second REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from another of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES. The third REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from another of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES. The fourth REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from another of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES.
51.613 Each group of REPORT SCREENERs can be composed only of REPORT SCREENERs who are citizens of ONE REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY. The REPORT SCREENER groups will be strictly segregated by country. No two groups of REPORT SCREENERs can have citizens from two or more countries. This means four REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES will be involved (one country for each REPORT SCREENER group) in the hierarchy of REPORT SCREENERs for each AUDITOR PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or AUDITOR ATTORNEY) who is screened for amnesia.
51.614 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt by any person to desegregate the REPORT SCREENER or auditing groups (by infiltrating citizens of other countries into a REPORT SCREENER or auditor group) will result in the death penalty (as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR) for that person, because this is an attempt to induce legal complications, in order to make it difficult for the International government to prosecute criminals.The groups are to be strictly segregated by country. Race is not an issue in this matter, since many countries have a multicultural environment. We are segregating BY COUNTRY, not by race, because to segregate by country simplifies the legal process (in this already extremely convoluted Jesuit conspiracy). Jesuits like things to be complicated– because then we can’t prosecute their criminals.
51.62 The AMNESIA REPORT (done under 666-Computer lie detection) will be a sworn statement (under penalty of death) by the REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT that to the best of his/her knowledge all those involved in the audit or amnesia report [for which this REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT is screening for amnesia] have been screened for any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia (which could produce a false or deficient audit or amnesia report), and that to the best of this REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT’s knowledge all 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia has been undone on all persons involved in the AUDIT or AMNESIA REPORT (for which this REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or SUPPORT is screening for amnesia).
51.63 After all those involved in the AUDIT (of a country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network) are screened for 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia, 666-Computer or satellite computer lie detection will be administered on all those involved in the AUDIT REPORT, and no AUDIT REPORT will be issued until all those involved in the report (including the REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or SUPPORTs) pass 666-Computer or satellite computer lie detection. 666-Computer or satellite computer lie detection will also ask if the report is complete and accurate. Specific questions should be asked to determine if there are any glaring omissions or lying additions.
51.7 If a PLP or RSP or SUPPORT (or other person) involved in the AUDIT REPORT fails the 666-Computer or satellite computer lie detection, those portions of the report which the liar(s) was/were involved with, will be done over by another person or team.
51.8 After a country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network (or GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) has been audited by the AUDITING COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network, the AUDIT REPORT for that audited country (or for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) will be filed in the Japanese and the International military tribunal headquarters in Germany or Russia.
51.9 The Japanese and International governments will confer and determine what corrections need to be taken for any country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network which is determined to have serious WEAKNESSES (or CONSPIRACY LAW violations) or what corrections need to be taken for any serious weaknesses found in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. In these instances, a CORRECTIVE REPORT will be issued (by the governments of Russia and Japan) and submitted to that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (regarding that DEFICIENT COUNTRY’S PLP and RSP and SUPPORT NETWORK) or submitted to the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (regarding Germany’s GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL network), or a decision may be made to cancel that country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network. (See Sect. 51.5 & 6). GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, unlike a PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network (which works within the framework of a country’s long established medical system), will not be in danger of cancellation because this news organization was founded on the principles of the CONSPIRACY LAWS. However, the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL could lose their job if the news network is found to be in serious violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
51.91 A CORRECTIVE REPORT will outline specific steps which that DEFICIENT COUNTRY must perform in order to retain their PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network. If that DEFICIENT COUNTRY fails to make the required changes, that country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT network will be canceled. A CORRECTIVE REPORT, if GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL is found in violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, will be issued to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS and to Germany’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (See Sect. 51.5) regarding steps which must be taken if the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS want to keep their job.
51.92 Significant highlights from AUDIT or AMNESIA REPORTS or CORRECTIVE REPORTS may be presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
51.93 Unless stated otherwise, this AUDITING and SCREENING PROGRAM will be permanent (24 hours a day, every day of the year). This is a very important job since the international government has had major problems with PLP and RSP and SUPPORT networks who do not comply with the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
51.94 If a 666-Computer PRACTITIONER (directly or indirectly) uses the 666-Computer and satellite computer to induce feelings of loathing, distrust, or repugnance against a group of people–that PRACTITIONER, and all who cooperated with him/her in this ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE conspiracy will be given the death penalty. Attempts to induce ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE (using the 666-Computer and satellite computer) are attempts to manipulate people’s emotions artificially in order to set up murders and to start wars, and the use of the 666-Computer and satellite computer to induce feelings of ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE will not be tolerated.
51.95 The AUDITING team will also screen the PLP and RSP networks of the countries to see if feelings of ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE against any group of people are being induced by the 666-Computer and satellite computer. If it is determined that feelings of ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE are being induced by a country’s PLP and RSP network, the evidence for this (from the 666-Computer readings) will be compiled and presented in the AUDIT REPORT. Those individuals who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly participate in any plot to induce ARTIFICIAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE (using the 666-Computer and satellite computer) will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. People with NATURAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE do not fall under the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAWS unless they act out their prejudicial feelings in a manner which violates the CONSPIRACY LAWS. For the most part, those with NATURAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE will not fall under the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, but will be dealt with under the laws of the country of which that person is a citizen.
51.96 To induce ARTIFICIAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE or ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE against a group of people with the 666-Computer and satellite computer means to induce feelings of loathing, distrust or repugnance which are not the natural feelings of that person. If the person already has these feelings of loathing, distrust and repugnance toward a group of people and these prejudicial feelings were not induced by the 666-Computer and satellite computer– this is a NATURAL FEELING OF PREJUDICE. The International government will not execute people for having NATURAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE, as long as these feelings are not acted out in a manner which violates the CONSPIRACY LAWS. Only when the 666-Computer and satellite computer is used to induce ARTIFICIAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE will the death penalty be meted out to the PRACTITIONER who induces (via the 666-Computer and satellite computer) these ARTIFICIAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE. Please note: It is the PRACTITIONER who willingly and knowingly (using 666-Computer or other pioneering technology– like satellite) induces feelings of ARTIFICIAL PREJUDICE who will be executed. The International government will not execute the one who is being manipulated by the 666-Computer and satellite computer.
51.97 FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES will be conducted on those found guilty of inducing ARTIFICIAL FEELINGS OF PREJUDICE. Significant highlights from these HISTORIES may be presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
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52.0 A SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT is any incident which is reasonably believed to be (or is definitely) a violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
52.01 For the purposes of this Section, when the term PLP or RSP is used, it also means any person who is employed (directly or indirectly) by (or for) GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
52.1 A CONSPIRACY REPORT is the report that is required to be completed for every SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT which any PLP or RSP notices (or is aware of) while performing his/her duties as a PLP or RSP or which the PLP or RSP notices in the course of that PLP or RSP’s everyday life. A CONSPIRACY REPORT can only be filed with the HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT of each country and (in the case of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) with the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. However, members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS (see Sect. 55 of this document) must file their CONSPIRACY REPORTS with the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE that has jurisdiction over that PROGRAMMER CORPS. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. This is to ensure that all reports are received and acted upon, and it helps to ensure accountability (if there is a centralized location where these reports must be submitted).
52.2 Before a CONSPIRACY REPORT is submitted to a HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT and (in the case of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) to the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERs of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, the PLP or RSP who wrote it will be subjected to 666-Computer lie detection (along with amnesia detection). Lie detection is no longer necessary, because all such reports are computer programmed and written. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. No CONSPIRACY REPORT will be filed with a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or with the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, until both 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection are passed (for the person who wrote the report). It will be verified on the CONSPIRACY REPORT (with the witnessed signatures of 3 witnesses) that 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection were passed [by the person who wrote the report (in order to verify the accuracy of the report)] before it was submitted to a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or to the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
52.3 Every country will have a HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT, which will be a federal government agency (under the leadership of that country’s President or leader). This department is responsible to receive (and act upon) all CONSPIRACY REPORTS received from all PLPs or RSPs [which would be PLPs or RSPs from the various countries’ PLP and RSP networks that have 666-Computer and satellite control over the citizens of that country]. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.4 The AUDITOR COUNTRY, when it audits a country’s PLP and RSP network, will include in its AUDIT REPORT, its evaluation of how that country’s PLP and RSP network’s CONSPIRACY REPORTS, after they are filed, are responded to by the various countries’ HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT(s) and/or by the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. It will also check to ensure that CONSPIRACY REPORTS are being filed with the designated HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTs. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.5 If a PLP or RSP notices an incident of an alleged (or suspected) JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, which appears to be (or is) a violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS– that PLP or RSP must file a CONSPIRACY REPORT for this incident and must file this report with the HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT of that suspected JESUIT CONSPIRATOR’s country or (in the case of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) with the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.6 The AUDITOR COUNTRY, when it audits a country’s PLP and RSP network (or when it audits GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL), will audit in order to determine if ALL CONSPIRACY LAW violations are being reported and filed with the appropriate HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (which would be the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of the JESUIT CONSPIRATOR’s country of citizenship) and/or with the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
52.7 So, let’s say that an American citizen violates a CONSPIRACY LAW, and this citizen is under the 666-Computer and satellite control of China–that Chinese PLP or RSP worker (who notices [or is aware of] the suspicious incident) must file a CONSPIRACY REPORT on this suspected American CONSPIRACY LAW violator with the U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT, and this CONSPIRACY REPORT must be complete (that is, it must fully and accurately describe the violation with no legally significant omissions or lying additions) and it must be filed with the U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT. It is the responsibility of that Chinese PLP or RSP worker to obtain proof that the CONSPIRACY REPORT was received by the U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT. Because. . .if it is discovered that a SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT occurred and was noticed by the Chinese PLP and/or RSP and that a CONSPIRACY REPORT was not written and filed with the U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT then–that PLP and/or RSP, who willingly, deliberately, and knowingly prevented (or neglected) to make sure that this CONSPIRACY REPORT was written and filed with the U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. This type of deliberate negligence is viewed as support for the JESUIT CONSPIRATORS by default, and is an act of omission which is just as serious a violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS as any act of commission. China and the U.S. (In this section) were chosen solely for illustrative purposes and this illustration was not meant to be a reflection of either Chinese or U.S. policy. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.71 For all CONSPIRACY REPORTS submitted to a HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or to the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, it is the responsibility of the submitter (of that CONSPIRACY REPORT) to obtain proof that the submission was made and received (by the organization which is designated in these CONSPIRACY LAWS to receive that CONSPIRACY REPORT). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.8 All responses to CONSPIRACY REPORTS (by a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or by the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) need to be documented and in writing. These responses to CONSPIRACY REPORTS will be called CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS. No CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT will be filed with a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or filed in the legal files of the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERs of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, until both 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection are passed (for the person who wrote the report). It will be verified on the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (with the witnessed signatures of 3 witnesses) that 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection were passed [by the person who wrote the report (in order to verify the accuracy of the report)] before it will be filed with a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or (in the case of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) in the legal files of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
52.9 A CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT is required to be filed for every CONSPIRACY REPORT filed with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or (in the case of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) in the legal files of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS. The auditing team will verify that a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT and/or the legal files of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS) is filed for every CONSPIRACY REPORT filed with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of a country (or filed with the legal files of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS). If any person (who is responsible to file the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT) knowingly and willingly and deliberately neglects to file the required CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (which is a response to a CONSPIRACY REPORT which has been filed with a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT or with the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL), so that the required CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (or response to the CONSPIRACY REPORT) is not filed, then that person will receive the death penalty. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
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53.0 Because GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL has become a major news organization, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and Gail feel it is necessary that GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL be regularly audited (at least every two weeks) by an AUDITOR COUNTRY (the auditing and screening teams involved in the audit of GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will follow the principles outlined in INTERNATIONAL PLP and RSP-NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS). So, in essence, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will be treated like a country’s PLP and RSP network, and the auditing team (when they audit GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) will audit the news network to ensure that those who work for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL are adhering to the legal principles outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
53.1 The auditing team will be especially concerned that the required FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are conducted correctly and regularly (hourly [or more often as required]) on every person who works for (or at) GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. They will also be concerned that the document NEWS PRIORITIES (written by the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS) is written in a manner which would honor the principles of the CONSPIRACY LAWS. They will inspect to see if the written instructions in NEWS PRIORITIES are being correctly implemented (and followed through) by the news team and will inspect for any disobedience (or lack of proper follow through) to the NEWS PRIORITIES by the news team (or workers).
54.0 (a) Because 666-Computer or satellite computer programming (and satellite programming–see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) is complex and convoluted and requires sophisticated computer knowledge, the International government has assigned a special programming and auditing network to audit just for 666-Computer or satellite computer and CONSPIRACY LAW computers and satellite programming loopholes which are in violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS and are in violation of the wishes of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and the International government. The German led programming-auditing network will also audit the TERRORIST SUPPORTS SCANNING (TSS) networks throughout the world (see Sect. 39 of CONSPIRACY LAW AND GOVERNMENT).
54.0(a.1) It is understood that the auditing of the SUPPORT networks (see Sect. 51.1[a1.1]) is also being conducted by the Japanese led auditing network, but because there have been so many problems with SUPPORT networks, we will also allow the German led auditing network to conduct audits of SUPPORTs as well–in order to ensure that all Jesuit induced problems are covered and eliminated from the SUPPORT networks which influence the work of the PLP and RSP NETWORKs. What Japan misses, Germany may catch and vice versa.
54.0(aa) A special group of SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS will work with the PLP and/or RSPs and/or TSS members that conduct audits.
54.0 (aaa) These SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS will be separate from the satellite programmers in the PROGRAMMER CORPS (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST), and will be chosen by the auditing team(s) who have audited that country’s PROGRAMMER CORPS. These SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS will also audit for accuracy the computer files of the POTENTIALLY LETHAL OPERATORS LIST and will work with the SATELLITE PILOT PROGRAMS–see Sect. 26 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
54.0 (aaaa) When the term “PLP and RSP auditing network” is used in Sections 54 and 55 of this document, it means all those who conduct programming audits (as described in Sect. 54, 55 of this document), and includes the satellite programmers who assist those auditing PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSS members as they audit computer programs for FORCEFIELD BLOCKS (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST).
54.0 (aaaaa) SATELLITE PROGRAMMING is defined as the programming which programs the FORCEFIELD BLOCK required on all satellites in space (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST).
54.0 (aaaaaa) Auditing of satellite networks are done to ensure that FORCEFIELD BLOCKS are operating legally and correctly (according to the guidelines of CONSPIRACY LAW).
54.0(aaaaaaa) Germany will be in charge of this 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer auditing and programming network, but will work closely with China (in order to ensure that effective auditing of acupuncture principles are accomplished within the auditing and programming network). This German led auditing and programming team will also regularly audit for accuracy and for compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW, the UNWILLING AGENT COMMITTEES within each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (see Sect. 25 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT). In fact, China will send a special team of ACUPUNCTURE SPECIALISTs to work alongside the Germans (to help the Germans manage the world-wide 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite auditing and programming network). Germany and China will work together to create the ACUPUNCTURE MANUAL (see Sect. 53.6101 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs). This is pioneer work in programming and in acupuncture and requires experts in acupuncture and in computer programming–so the two countries’ minds will meld and create the acupuncture programming aspects of the ACUPUNCTURE MANUAL. This is because China is in charge of the ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEES all over the world (see Sect. 53.610 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs). This German/Chinese auditing and programming network will operate independently from the other auditing network under the administration of Japan (see Sect. 51 of this document). This auditing and programming network will conduct very important work, because if a programmer claims that he has set up a 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite programming (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) to block all programs which could induce a heart attack, but THIS PROGRAMMER IS LYING– that means that the 666-Computer or satellite computer’s programs are NOT BLOCKED as instructed in a MANDATORY BLOCKED PROGRAM (see Sect. 52 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) and that it would be easy to use that Computer in violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS. When follow-up audits are made to countries which have already been audited by a PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY, the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY doing the follow-up audit will ensure that Sect. 55 (of this document) is enforced and honored in that country.
54.0(b) A PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY is a country whose PLP and RSP and TSS network will be used to audit the PLP and RSP and TSS and satellite and all CONSPIRACY LAW networks (which rely heavily on computers) of an AUDITED COUNTRY to determine if the designated BLOCKED (as outlined in the MANDATORY BLOCKED PROGRAM documents–see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) and UNBLOCKED programs (see Sect. 53.051 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) in the 666-Computer or satellite computers and CONSPIRACY LAW computers and satellites are programmed in a manner which maximizes compliance to the CONSPIRACY LAWS, and that all programs for all CONSPIRACY LAW computers are programmed in a manner which maximizes compliance to CONSPIRACY LAWS. The PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR will specifically search for any loopholes in any of the 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computers or satellite programming which could make it easy for Jesuit Conspirators to violate any CONSPIRACY LAWS (or which could cause a BLOCKED or UNBLOCKED program to not operate in a manner which would be in compliance with the CONSPIRACY LAWS and with the wishes of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and the International government). The PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR will also analyze the HISTORIES (emotional, conspiracy, financial or otherwise) of a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS network and CONSPIRACY LAW networks (which rely on computers) to determine if 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES are being altered (or made untruthful or deceptive in any manner) and will audit to determine corrective measures to ensure the accuracy of all 666-Computer or satellite computer HISTORIES. The PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR will also search for any method(s) (involving satellite and/or other methods) that the Jesuits could use on a 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer, which would allow unauthorized persons to gain control (in part or in whole) over any 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer and/or its operation (or programs). AND, if the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR is conducting a follow-up audit (after an initial audit on that country [and its PLP and RSP and TSS network] has already been completed by a PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY), the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR will check to see if Sect. 55 (of this document) is being honored and enforced in that country.
54.0{c} Under the leadership of the German led auditing and programming network, there will be a subdivision [which will be a German/Israeli auditing and programming team (called the ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM AUDITING TEAM)]. For the purposes of this Sect. 54, this ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM AUDITING TEAM will be considered a PROGRAMMING AUDITOR COUNTRY (and will be treated for legal purposes as a PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY–this means it must write PROGRAMMING REPORTS and will be audited itself by other PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRIES [besides Israel and Germany]). The only difference between this German/Israeli team and a regular PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY will be that this is a two-nation team and it also audits the PROGRAMMER CORPS of each country.
54.0(d) This German/Israeli ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM AUDITING TEAM will audit all nations’ PLP and RSP and CONSPIRACY LAW networks and PROGRAMMER CORPS to ensure that the correct ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMS (see Sect. 70 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) are used as soon as possible on all 666-Computer or satellite computer programs which contain LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS, and that all 666-Computer or satellite computer programs with LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING are using (as soon as possible) the correct ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMs (in order to accelerate the removal of all LOOPHOLE PROGRAMs from those 666-Computer or satellite computer programs).
54.0(e) Any member of the ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM AUDITING TEAM responsible to ensure that a LOOPHOLE PROGRAM is using an ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM (in order to accelerate the removal of the LOOPHOLE PROGRAM), and who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly (whether by acts of omission or commission) causes a LOOPHOLE PROGRAM to remain in a 666-Computer or satellite computer program, or who causes a LOOPHOLE PROGRAM to remain in a 666-Computer or satellite computer program for a longer time than it would remain (if not for the immediate inclusion of an ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM into that 666-Computer or satellite computer program)–will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
54.01 Each PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY’s PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT team will be assigned some Russian, German or African (from one of the REPORT SCREENER countries) attorneys (called PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS), who will be appointed by the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
54.012 PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must be screened with thorough FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES and must continually undergo FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES on themselves (on at least an hourly basis) 24 hours–round-the-clock. On a rotating basis, one of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES’ PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT-network will conduct the FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL HISTORIES on the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS 24 hours–round-the-clock.
54.013 These PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS will assist the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTS to legally prioritize and organize the auditing and programming process (in order to maximize adherence to the CONSPIRACY LAWS). These attorneys will prepare a PRIORITY REPORT which they will submit to the auditing and programming team. The auditing and programming team does not have to follow the priorities in the PRIORITY REPORT, since the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS’ role to the auditing and programming team is purely advisory and these PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR attorneys cannot force the auditing and programming team to adopt the priorities which are recommended in the PRIORITY REPORT. This auditing and programming work requires legal, as well as medical and computer, expertise and these lawyers will not conduct the actual audits, but will assist (not force) the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP and/or RSPs in decisions revolving around how to prioritize and organize the audits. Any attempt by a PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY to force any PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLP and/or RSP and/or TSS and/or SUPPORTs to adopt their recommendations will result in the death penalty for that PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY. These lawyers will strive to make sure all necessary programming and audits are conducted, that unnecessary programming and audits are eliminated (in areas that may be in dispute) and that the CONSPIRACY LAW principles are honored.
54.02 A PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS’ REPORT will be attached to every PROGRAMMING REPORT. In this report, the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS [involved with the auditing and programming team which conducted the audit (from which the PROGRAMMING REPORT was based)] will state (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection–see Section 54.6) that to the best of their knowledge they did not influence or force (directly or indirectly) the auditing and programming team to prioritize or organize the audit in any way (directly or indirectly) that could cause a misleading, DEFICIENT (see Sect. 54.021), or false PROGRAMMING REPORT and that they did not attempt to force any PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLP and/or RSP and/or TSS and/or SUPPORTS to adopt their recommendations, and that they did not attempt (in any manner) to influence or force the auditing and programming team (in any manner which would cause any omissions or misleading additions in any PROGRAMMING REPORT which would be contrary to the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS or contrary to the CONSPIRACY LAWS). The PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must undergo the same 666-Computer or satellite computer lie detection and amnesia screening which all PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP and/or RSPS and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTS must undergo (see Section 54.6).
54.021 A DEFICIENT PROGRAMMING REPORT is any programming report which opposes the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS–maybe because it contains serious omissions or misleading additions.
54.03 The PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must never deliberately, willingly and knowingly influence anyone in any auditing or programming team to take any actions (or give anyone any advice or counsel) which would be detrimental to the CONSPIRACY LAWS (or to the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS)–any PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY who deliberately, willingly and knowingly take actions, attempts to (or actually influences), or gives any advice to anyone, detrimental to the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS or to the CONSPIRACY LAWS, will be discharged as an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY and will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR if the advice, influence or actions could cause (directly or indirectly) unnecessary loss of life. This type of attitude (as described in this Sect. 54.03) in any PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY will not be tolerated and is considered a conflict of interest serious enough to discharge that attorney.
54.04 Also, if there are weaknesses in the CONSPIRACY LAWS which give Jesuit Conspirators loopholes (or opportunities) to violate the goals of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, these PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must report these weaknesses in the CONSPIRACY LAWS to the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, so that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT can advise Gail Schuler of these weaknesses, and so she can rewrite and strengthen her CONSPIRACY LAWS. Any PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY, who is aware of a CONSPIRACY LAW weakness (as defined in this Section 54.04) and who– deliberately, knowingly and willingly– does not report this weakness to the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, will be discharged from his/her position as an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY and (if the weakness in the CONSPIRACY LAW could cause unnecessary loss of life) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
54.1 The country which will be in charge of this auditing and programming program (to check for loopholes in any 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer and satellite programming or for problems in any TSS network [see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST and Sect. 39 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT] or CONSPIRACY LAW network in violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS) will be the nation of Germany. This auditing and programming program will have subdivisions for specialized jobs (see Sect. 56 of this document and Sect. 70 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs and Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST). The German government will oversee and manage the auditing and programming network or countries which will be comprised of the following nations’ PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and CONSPIRACY LAW networks: Germany, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Central African Republic, Congo, Somalia, Eritrea, Dem. Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Israel (Israel will be used only on Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and CONSPIRACY LAW network as an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY), Russia (Russia will be used only on Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and CONSPIRACY LAW network as an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY–the Russian team will be highly screened), and Mozambique. Germany will determine which of those nations she wants to work with and does not have to work with all the nations in the previous list. If Germany chooses to use a German PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and CONSPIRACY LAW network to audit, she cannot use citizens of any other country as part of this team–Germany’s auditing and programming team will be comprised solely of German citizens.
54.10 The REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES are defined as all of the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRIES (with the exception of Russia and Israel). Russia and Israel can be used as REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES on the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY that audits the German PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and/or SUPPORT network.
54.12 Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT [see Sect. 51.1(a1.1)] network will regularly audit the PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT networks of Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Cental African Republic, Congo, Somalia, Eritrea, Dem. Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique for loopholes in any programming which violate the CONSPIRACY LAWS (see Sect. 54.0).
54.2 Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT and satellite network (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) will be regularly audited (for loopholes or WEAKNESSES in any programming which violate the CONSPIRACY LAWS–See Sect. 54.0) by the Israeli PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network or by any of the African countries that constitute the auditing and programming network, or Russia may send a special team of PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTs and satellite programmers from Russia (not to include all PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTS in Russia) to audit Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network for these programming loopholes or for TSS network problems. This, in no way, indicates that Russia has resurrected her PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network, since this Russian team will be thoroughly screened and will only be assembled for the purpose of auditing Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT and satellite network for programming loopholes or WEAKNESSES in violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS. Israel or an African PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY or Russia’s “auditing and programming” PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network will issue the PROGRAMMING REPORT regarding Germany’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT and satellite network. Only one country (Russia or Israel or an African PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY) can conduct an audit over another country’s (Germany’s) PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT and satellite network–this policy is necessary to lessen legal complications.
54.3 In order to lessen legal complications, it is essential that when a country is audited by an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network, that only one country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network is used to audit. For instance, if Spain’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network is being audited, it should only be done by the PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network of Kenya, and not by the PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network of Kenya AND Germany. In this case, Germany would only have an overseer role and would not conduct the actual audits and programming checks.
54.31 All PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs or CONSPIRACY LAW or satellite programmers or SUPPORTs or persons involved in the PROGRAMMING REPORT are called PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTS or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS (for those attorneys assigned to an auditing and programming PLP and/or RSP team and/or TSS team and/or SUPPORT team by the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT).
54.32 All PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or CONSPIRACY LAW or satellite programmers or SUPPORTS or persons involved in 666-Computer or satellite computer screening for possible 666-Computer or satellite computer induced amnesia on PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTS or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS are called REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTS.
54.33 AMNESIA is defined as the screening of all PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS) by REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs to determine if any 666-Computer or satellite computer induced amnesia has been performed on a/an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) after (or while) this PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) conducted (or organized) an audit or to determine if amnesia was induced on a REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT after (or while) a REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT conducted an AMNESIA REPORT. AMNESIA SCREENING will also undo any 666-Computer or satellite computer induced amnesia which may have been performed on an PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR or REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) which could cause a false, deficient, or misleading report. All those who conduct any amnesia screening on any other PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or any person involved in any PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR or AMNESIA REPORT) must complete an AMNESIA REPORT.
DON’T FORGET THAT ANY CONSPIRACY LAW professional MUST BE ANALYZED 24/7 by their PLP or RSP to determine if they become an UNWILLING AGENT at any time while they do their work. This is important or the auditing process will become a joke, since Jesuits can manipulate auditors (as UNWILLING AGENTs) to make mistakes and not catch programming violations. A catastrophic result of allowing UNWILLING AGENTS to work as programming auditors is that we will never know if the UNWILLING AGENT freeze program is working in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW (see Sect. 99 of CL&G) and this means the Jesuits will continue to use UNWILLING AGENTS to help them takeover the world and to infiltrate and takeover our CONSPIRACY LAW networks.
54.4 Any deliberate, willing and knowing attempt to issue any false PROGRAMMING or AMNESIA REPORTS will result in the death penalty for those involved.
54.5 Once a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT network has been audited, an PROGRAMMING REPORT will be issued. This PROGRAMMING report will cover the following areas: the extent to which the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite programming and the CONSPIRACY LAW and TSS network in a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT and satellite network complies with the CONSPIRACY LAWS (and with the wishes of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and the International government) and the report should mention areas where there are WEAKNESSES (see Sect. 54.51 of this document). The PROGRAMMING REPORT should also mention how effective the MANDATORY BLOCKED PROGRAMS document(s) is/are in maximizing compliance to the CONSPIRACY LAWS (see Sect. 52.33 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) and should mention areas where there may be WEAKNESSES in the MANDATORY BLOCKED PROGRAMS documents.
54.51 A WEAKNESS is anything or any technology (including satellite technology) or is any deficiency, weakness, oversight in a MANDATORY BLOCKED PROGRAMS document which a Jesuit Conspirator could employ to wrest (in part or in whole) 666-Computer or satellite or CONSPIRACY LAW computer and satellite control away from an authorized user of a 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW and satellite computer. A WEAKNESS is also anything or any person (including UNWILLING AGENTS) or organization which could encourage (or are) violations of CONSPIRACY LAWS. Any person who is aware of a WEAKNESS and who (deliberately, knowingly and willingly) does not report it (as soon as possible) to the International government [and/or to one of the BRANCH COUNTRIES’ government (if the WEAKNESS involves that BRANCH COUNTRY)], will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading, emotion-reading and memory-reading technology will be used to determine why a WEAKNESS was not reported and/or if the report was delayed, why the WEAKNESS was not reported as soon as possible by any one who was aware of a WEAKNESS. 666-Computer or satellite computer mind-reading, emotion-reading and memory-reading technology can also help determine whether or not a WEAKNESS was reported as soon as possible by any CONSPIRACY LAW violator.
54.52 The PROGRAMMING REPORT should verify that all known SUSPICIOUS INCIDENTS and WEAKNESSES (so that CONSPIRACY LAW violations of 666-Computer and/or satellite computer programming are reported in a written report [called a CONSPIRACY REPORT]) and that all such written CONSPIRACY REPORTS are filed and received and appropriately acted upon by that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS DEPARTMENT]. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. The PROGRAMMING REPORT should use language that is clear, unambiguous and easy to understand. The CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS (associated with the CONSPIRACY REPORTS filed by the audited country) will also be evaluated by the auditing and programming team and mentioned in the PROGRAMMING REPORT: The auditing and programming team will verify that a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT (in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT) is filed for every CONSPIRACY REPORT (associated with CONSPIRACY LAW violations of 666-Computer and/or satellite computer programming) submitted to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of a country, and that the action(s) taken in the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT is/are appropriate for the CONSPIRACY LAW violation(s) mentioned in the CONSPIRACY REPORT. (See Section 52).
For the purposes of CONSPIRACY LAW, the word SUPPORT will include any CONSPIRACY LAW network.
54.6 After a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and CONSPIRACY LAW and SUPPORT and satellite network has been audited for programming loopholes (or violations) or WEAKNESSES against the CONSPIRACY LAWS and a programming report has been written, and before 666-Computer lie detection is administered to each PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or CONSPIRACY LAW or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) involved in that audit, a thorough 666-Computer or satellite or CONSPIRACY LAW computer screening by a hierarchy of four REPORT SCREENER PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTs (see Sect. 54.61) will be conducted on each PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORTs (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) involved in that audit [to undo any 666-Computer and satellite computer induced amnesia that may have been performed on that PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORTs (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR attorney) in order to cause that PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORTs (or attorney) to forget all that he/she did (or needs to know or remember) while he/she conducted (or prioritized) the audit] OR in order to cause that PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or attorney) to forget what needs to be included in any report. PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS do not conduct audits, but organize and prioritize audits. Nevertheless, if an audit is prioritized or organized or remembered incorrectly, it could lead to results that are illegal, deficient, or inadequate–so, therefore, PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEYS must also undergo 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia screening.
54.60 Those found guilty of deliberately, willingly and knowingly inducing amnesia on any REPORT SCREENER or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY (or person) in order to cause that person to have (full or partial) amnesia regarding how he/she conducted (or organized) an PROGRAMMING or AMNESIA REPORT and/or what he/she should include in his/her PROGRAMMING or AMNESIA REPORT (or any other legal report), will receive the death penalty.
54.61 All REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs who conduct the amnesia screening, themselves, must undergo amnesia screening by another REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT from another REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY and must pass 666-Computer lie detection after they complete their AMNESIA REPORT. For every PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) who conducts (or organizes) an PROGRAMMING REPORT, a hierarchy of four REPORT SCREENER PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTs will conduct the AMNESIA SCREENINGS on that PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY). This means that the PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) will be screened by a first REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (from one REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY), who will be screened by a second REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (from a second REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY), who will be screened by a third REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (from a third REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY), who will be screened by a fourth REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (from a fourth REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY). Each REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (in the hierarchy of four REPORT SCREENERs from four countries) must complete an AMNESIA REPORT. The death penalty will be meted out for any deliberate, willing and knowing omissions or lying additions to the report.
54.612 The four REPORT SCREENER PLPs and/or RSPs and/or TSSs and/or SUPPORTs in the hierarchy will be taken from four countries. The first REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from one of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES. The second REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from another of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES. The third REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from another of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES. The fourth REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs in the hierarchy will be from a group of REPORT SCREENERS from another of the REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES.
54.613 Each group of REPORT SCREENERs can be composed only of REPORT SCREENERs who are citizens of ONE REPORT SCREENER COUNTRY. The REPORT SCREENER groups will be strictly segregated by country. No two groups of REPORT SCREENERs can have citizens from two or more countries. This means four REPORT SCREENER COUNTRIES will be involved (one country for each REPORT SCREENER group) in the hierarchy of REPORT SCREENERs for each PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR ATTORNEY) who is screened for amnesia.
54.614 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt by any person to desegregate the REPORT SCREENER or auditing and programming groups (by infiltrating citizens of other countries into a REPORT SCREENER or PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR group) will result in the death penalty (as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR) for that person, because this is an attempt to induce legal complications, in order to make it difficult for the international government to prosecute criminals. The groups are to be strictly segregated by country. Race is not an issue in this matter, since many countries have a multicultural environment. We are segregating BY COUNTRY, not by race, because to segregate by country simplifies the legal process (in this already extremely convoluted Jesuit conspiracy). Jesuits like things to be complicated– because then we can’t prosecute their criminals.
54.62 The AMNESIA REPORT (done under 666-Computer lie detection) will be a sworn statement (under penalty of death) by the REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT that to the best of his/her knowledge all those involved in the PROGRAMMING or amnesia report [for which this REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT is screening for amnesia] have been screened for any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia (which could produce a false or deficient PROGRAMMING or amnesia report), and that to the best of this REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT’s knowledge all 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced amnesia has been undone on all persons involved in the PROGRAMMING or AMNESIA REPORT (for which this REPORT SCREENER PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT is screening for amnesia).
54.63 After all those involved in the AUDIT (of a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and satellite network for programming loopholes) are screened for 666-Computer or satellite computer induced amnesia, 666-Computer lie detection will be administered on all those involved in the PROGRAMMING REPORT, and no PROGRAMMING REPORT will be issued until all those involved in the report (including the REPORT SCREENER PLPs or RSPs or TSSs or SUPPORTs) pass 666-Computer lie detection. 666-Computer lie detection will also ask if the report is complete and accurate. Specific questions should be asked to determine if there are any glaring omissions or lying additions.
54.7 If a PLP or RSP or TSS or SUPPORT (or other person) involved in the PROGRAMMING REPORT fails the 666-Computer lie detection, those portions of the report which the liar(s) was/were involved with, will be done over by another person or team.
54.8 After a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and satellite network has been audited for any programming loopholes or WEAKNESSES (which could be any violations of any CONSPIRACY LAWS) by the auditing and programming COUNTRY’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT network, the PROGRAMMING REPORT for that audited country will be filed in the German and International military tribunal headquarters in Russia and/or Germany.
54.9 The German and International government will confer and determine what corrections need to be taken for any country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and satellite network which is determined to have serious weaknesses (or CONSPIRACY LAW violations) in its 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite programming or in its TSS network. In these instances, a CORRECTIVE REPORT will be issued (by the governments of Russia and Germany) and submitted to that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (regarding that DEFICIENT COUNTRY’S PLP and RSP and/or TSS and/or SUPPORT NETWORK), or a decision may be made to cancel that country’s PLP and RSP and TSS or SUPPORT or satellite network. (See Sect. 54.5 & 6).
54.91 A CORRECTIVE REPORT will outline specific steps which that DEFICIENT COUNTRY must perform in order to retain their PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and satellite network. If that DEFICIENT COUNTRY fails to make the required changes, that country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT or satellite network will be canceled.
54.93 Unless stated otherwise, this auditing and programming and SCREENING PROGRAM will be permanent (24 hours a day, every day of the year). This is a very important job since the international government has had major problems with PLPs and RSPs and TSSs and SUPPORT and satellite networks which do not comply with the CONSPIRACY LAWS.
55.0 After an audit of a country’s PLP and RSP and TSS and SUPPORT and satellite network (for programming violations or WEAKNESSES) is completed by a PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR country, and the CORRECTIVE REPORT (by Germany and Russia) has been issued to that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.–Germany and the audited country’s INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE will assign programmers and computer experts (who will belong to that country’s PROGRAMMER CORPS) to maintain the 666-Computer or satellite computers and satellites and their programming (as specified in the CORRECTIVE REPORT). The German government and the audited country’s INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE will consult with the audited country’s PLP and RSP and SUPPORT and TSS network in deciding who will be in that audited country’s PROGRAMMER CORPS. The final decision regarding who will be in the PROGRAMMER CORPS will rest with the German government and the audited country’s INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE.
55.1 Those persons who belong to the PROGRAMMER CORPS must pass thorough FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORY and UNWILLING AGENT checks before they are approved for membership in the PROGRAMMER CORPS.
55.1(a) An UNWILLING AGENT check is a check to see if this auditing professional has ever been used as an UNWILLING AGENT is the past year and a half before he/she is to report to duty. All such persons cannot work as a programming auditor, since our programming is very important and must not be analyzed or monitored by those who are (or could be) UNWILLING AGENTS while performing auditing duties.
55.1(b) And all members of any PROGRAMMER CORPS must be analyzed at all times that they perform any LAW ENFORCEMENT duties to determine if they are (or have become, even if only temporarily) an UNWILLING AGENT. All UNWILLING AGENT LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must be sacked and can’t be used again until they have gone for at least a year and a half without any UNWILLING AGENT incidents. Willing and knowing failure to honor Sect. 55.1a or b will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
These HISTORIES (and UNWILLING AGENT checks) will be updated continually (at least every hour) and all members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS must be under continual (24 hour–round-the-clock) 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance with totally unblocked EMOTIONAL HISTORY and FINANCIAL HISTORY readings for each member available at all times and with continual analysis by their PLP or RSP to determine if they have become an UNWILLING AGENT while they perform their auditing duties. So, this means that the memory-reading, emotion-reading and mind reading programs for EACH member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS (under 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) must be totally ACCESSIBLE to all those on the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of that country (who will analyze the readings from these INFORMATION-GATHERING programs for any Jesuit conspiracy activities in progress). A connection will be made between the PLP or RSP’s computer (which analyzes that auditor to see if he/she has become an UNWILLING AGENT) and the international headquarters of the auditing networks (Germany) to see if every instance where an auditor becomes an UNWILLING AGENT is being dealt with and that no UNWILLING AGENTS are conducting any programming auditing work.
55.1(a) No PROGRAMMER CORPS member can have an amnesia or other problem which affects his/her work, nor can any PROGRAMMER CORPS member be an UNWILLING AGENT at any time while performing auditing duties. This has been a way that Jesuits have caused poor quality work from the PROGRAMMER CORPS, which has resulted in life threatening conditions and situations, even on SIGNIFICANT PERSONs. Any willing and knowing violation of this Sect. 55.1(a) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. The AMNESIA CORPS must thoroughly screen all PROGRAMMER CORPS members.
55.12 A subsection of the PROGRAMMER CORPS will be the SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS–see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST, and (for legal purposes) they are considered full-fledged members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS. SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS also program the computers for the TSS networks. Another subsection of the PROGRAMMER CORPS will be the SATELLITE PILOTS–see Sect. 26 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT, and (for legal purposes) they are considered full-fledged members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS.
55.12(a) Another subsection of the PROGRAMMER CORPS will be the PROGRAMMING ANALYZERS, whose job will be to conduct detailed and thorough SEARCHes for ANOMALIES–see Sect. 55.12b (not to alter or change) in the PERSON-PROGRAMS under their country’s jurisdiction, as well as to SEARCH for ANOMALIES (not to alter or change) in those satellite and computer programs used by any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs under their country’s jurisdiction. If, because of a search, a PROGRAMMING ANALYZER feels that work must be done immediately on a computer program–or that the computer program must be altered or changed immediately, he/she must obtain a WORK PERMIT to do this work and must follow the guidelines that any PROGRAMMER follows when working on any computer program–see rest of this Sect. 55. Once a problem is discovered, other PROGRAMMERS from that PROGRAMMER CORPS may be used to work on the ANOMALY noticed by that PROGRAMMING ANALYZER.
55.12(b) An ANOMALY is the (direct or indirect) illegal use of any computer program(s) (that are also used by LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS) in any manner (whether it be the use of a PERSON-PROGRAM, a satellite computer program, or of any satellite or 666-Computer program) by JESUIT CONSPIRATORS to violate CONSPIRACY LAW; and which is an illegal, unknown use of that computer program. An unknownuse of a computer program is defined as a/an (direct or indirect) use of a computer program(s) by JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, and which is a use not generally known to our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs and/or to the International President.
55.12{c} If an ANOMALY is discovered by (or known by) any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, including a PROGRAMMING ANALYZER, and is willingly and knowingly not reported as soon as possible in a CONSPIRACY REPORT to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which has jurisdiction over that program, that person who discovered (or knew about) the ANOMALY and did not report it as soon as possible to the designated HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT., will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
55.12(d) Examples of previous ANOMALIES were REPLICATOR PROGRAMS or LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS within PERSON-PROGRAMS. REPLICATOR PROGRAMS and LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS are no longer ANOMALIES because they are now known to our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and they are now known to the International President.
55.2 Because the INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE chooses the members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS, the PROGRAMMER CORPS will be under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE and under the management of the INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE. Special COMPUTER-INTEL AGENTS (within the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) may be assigned to have 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over the members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS.
55.3 The INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE will regularly evaluate (utilizing 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection techniques) the work of the PROGRAMMER CORPS and will make decisions regarding any changes in the membership of the PROGRAMMER CORPS. The regular evaluations of the PROGRAMMER CORPS will be in writing (in a document called PROGRAMMER CORPS EVALUATION) and this written evaluation must document that appropriate 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection techniques were employed during the evaluation. An appropriate 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection technique would be one that would effectively screen for any violations of CONSPIRACY LAW (by the programmer being evaluated)–this could involve using direct or cross-examination techniques (via 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection).
55.3(a.1) It is of concern that the INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEEs did not catch serious amnesia problems (see Sect. 55.3 bold and underlined section) in the PROGRAMMER CORPS. Therefore, the AMNESIA CORPS needs to screen the INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEEs for amnesia or other problems which may be affecting their job performance. It is obvious that the INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEEs should be considered SUPPORT networks that need to be audited by the German and Japanese led teams, as well as by the AMNESIA CORPS.
55.3(a) Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to submit any inaccurate, incomplete, deceptive or misleading PROGRAMMER CORPS EVALUATION(s) to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. Head, or to submit any PROGRAMMER CORPS EVALUATION(s) to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. Head, without the required documentation (regarding the use of appropriate 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection in that evaluation), will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who caused that evaluation to be in violation of this Sect. 55.3 (or of CONSPIRACY LAW).
55.3(a2) Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any member of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE or ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE to retain a PROGRAMMER in any PROGRAMMER CORPS who is a PROGRAMMER that (directly or indirectly) violates CONSPIRACY LAW, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that INTELLIGENCE or ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE member.
55.3(b) This PROGRAMMER CORPS EVALUATION must be conducted at least once a month and preferably least every two weeks (or as often as specified by that PROGRAMMER CORPS’ HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.). The written PROGRAMMER CORPS EVALUATION evaluation for those members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS (who are SATELLITE PROGRAMMERS) must be conducted at least EVERY WEEK–see Sect. 26.2 of ICL:ST.
55.4 All members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS must be citizens of the country whose PLP and RSP network and/or TSS territory they serve. For the purposes of these Sections 54 and 55 and of CONSPIRACY LAW, a TSS network is the same thing as a TSS territory. The PROGRAMMER CORPS (like the PLP and RSP and TSS networks) will be strictly segregated by country–only citizens of one country can belong to each PROGRAMMER CORPS. And each PROGRAMMER CORPS will only serve one country’s PLP and RSP and TSS network. The PROGRAMMER CORPS’ job is to ensure that the 666-Computers and/or satellite computers (and satellite programming–see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) operate in accordance with the CONSPIRACY LAWS and in accordance with the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s wishes and in accordance with the recommendations in the CORRECTIVE REPORTS issued to that PROGRAMMER CORPS’ HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.
55.5 To avoid confusion and to keep the PLP and RSP and TSS networks integrated with their own PROGRAMMER CORPS–each 666-Computer and satellite computer (or 666-Computer or satellite computer network) can only be used by one country’s PLP and RSP and TSS network.
55.5(a) The exception to this will be those computers and satellites used by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. The INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION will borrow the members it needs from the PROGRAMMER CORPS and other SUPPORT NETWORKS, in order to conduct audits and to do programming work on its own computers and satellites. So, let’s say a 666-Computer is used by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, and a Japanese, German, American and Irish PLP are on this computer. Only those programmers and members of SUPPORT NETWORKS who are members of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION can work on these computers and/or satellites, regardless of their country of citizenship. A person can be a member of the German PROGRAMMER CORPS as well as a member of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. In this case, the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION is borrowing a worker from the German PROGRAMMER CORPS to do military work for the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. This German workers must be a member of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, though he/she may not be a full-time worker of the ISC. However, only those who are members of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION can work on any computers or satellites of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. In this manner, there will be accountability for the work done on these computers and/or satellites. All those who do work on the computers and/or satellites of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION must follow all the guidelines expected of their SUPPORT NETWORK under CONSPIRACY LAW, except that the workers of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION do not have to be segregated by country. Accountability for the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION resides with their superior officers, that is why it is necessary for all who work on computers or satellites for the ISC to be full military members of the ISC, since they must obey the orders of their superiors.
55.6 666-Computer and satellite computers for different countries may exist on the same military base, but each 666-Computer and satellite computer on that military base can only be used by the citizens of one country or TSS territory. The purpose for this is to make the members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS more accountable. If different programmers from different countries or (TSS territories) use the same 666-Computer and satellite computer, the guilty programmer can shift the blame for his/her crime to a programmer of another country or territory and cause legal complexities and difficulties–therefore, 666-Computer and satellite computers can only be used by the citizens of one country or TSS territory.
55.6(a) The exception is for those who work on computers of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, since accountability resides with their superior officers. The computers for the ISC will be segregated (separated) from those computers used by other CONSPIRACY LAW organizations. The ISC will have their own computers which can only be used by members of the ISC.
55.61 The 666-Computer and satellite computers should be programmed so that a secure log-in procedure is required for each user and/or programmer, so that accountability can be ensured and it is known clearly who is on the computer and at what times they were on the computer–and, most importantly, the log-in procedure should ensure that all the users are those that are authorized to use that 666-Computer and satellite computer.Only citizens of one country or TSS territory should be authorized to use any 666-Computer and satellite computer, except for those computers used by the ISC (see Sect. 55.6a). The 666-Computer and satellite computers will be strictly segregated by country or TSS territory. Any willing, knowing, and deliberate attempt by any unauthorized user to have access to any part of a 666-Computer and satellite computer (which he/she is not authorized to use) will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that unauthorized user or will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) allows that unauthorized user to have access to a 666-Computer or satellite computer. For instance, anyone who willingly and knowingly uses (or works on) an ISC computer, who is not a member of the ISC, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
55.62 Before any PROGRAMMER or PROGRAMMING ANALYZER or a member of the RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE (see Sect. 56.3) can WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer or a satellite program, he/she must obtain clearance to do so by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE who manages his/her PROGRAMMER CORPS. The INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION will have its own INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE with members borrowed from its various countries of membership. This clearance (from the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) will be in writing and will be called a PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT. Any PROGRAMMER (including a PROGRAMMING ANALYZER–see Sect. 55.12) who willingly, knowingly, and deliberately attempts to (or actually does) WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer or satellite program without receiving a PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT (which authorizes him/her to do this work) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
55.63 The PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT (authorized and written by a member [or members] of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) will describe clearly and unambiguously what work needs to be done on the 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer or satellite program assigned to that PROGRAMMER, and the PROGRAMMER can only do that work which is described in the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT. A PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT will clearly identify who wrote the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT and it will be dated, (in case there is a dispute over the validity of the PERMIT). Any PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT willingly, knowingly, and deliberately written in a manner which is confusing, so that it is not clear what work needs to be done on the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program–or is unclear who wrote (and/or authorized) the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT, will bring the death penalty to the writer of that PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT.
55.63(a) Once a PROGRAMMER is issued a PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT, he/she must be analyzed every second by his/her PLP or RSP and this analysis cannot stop until that PROGRAMMER is scrapped as a FAILED PROGRAMMER or until that PROGRAMMER turns in a WORK DESCRIPTION which passes scrutiny (as outlined in this Sect. 55). This analysis is essential to ensure that that PROGRAMMER is never used as an UNWILLING AGENT while he carries out the orders on the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT or while he writes his/her WORK DESCRIPTION. Not until that PROGRAMMER turns in a satisfactory WORK DESCRIPTION (see below) will the PLP or RSP be able to stop his/her analysis of that PROGRAMMER (as he/she carries out the orders on the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT) to see if that PROGRAMMER has become an UNWILLING AGENT while working on any CONSPIRACY LAW computer.
55.63(b) If that PROGRAMMER becomes an UNWILLING AGENT while carrying out the orders on the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT or at any time up to the time he/she turns in his/her WORK DESCRIPTION, his/her PLP or RSP must immediately report that PROGRAMMER to that PROGRAMMER’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE as a FAILED PROGRAMMER and that programmer must be sacked and removed from the computer he/she works on immediately, and an INVESTIGATIVE REPORT (see below) must be issued over the computer worked on to determine what was really done on that computer and a new PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT needs to be issued for another PROGRAMMER to correct any problems caused by the FAILED PROGRAMMER to ensure that that CONSPIRACY LAW computer operates in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW.
55.63{c} Any PLP or RSP who fails to immediately report and take action (as outlined in this Sect. 55.7) regarding a FAILED PROGRAMMER, will be sacked–and if this failure was willing and knowing, that PLP or RSP will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL CONSPIRACY LAW COMPUTERS ARE PROGRAMMED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CONSPIRACY LAW!
55.631 The INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE will have a set of procedures which must followed for every PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT authorized and written. This set of procedures will be in writing and must be followed. Any deliberate, willing and knowing attempt by anyone to bypass this set of procedures in issuing a PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that issuer.
55.64 If the PROGRAMMER feels that other work needs to be done on the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST) assigned to him/her, he/she needs to obtain another PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT (from the INTELLIGENCE and ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE) to authorize him/her to do the additional work that he/she feels is necessary. Any willing, knowing and deliberate attempt by any PROGRAMMER to do any additional work on a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program without first obtaining the required PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT, will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PROGRAMMER.
55.640 Also, if the PROGRAMMER becomes aware of any CONSPIRACY LAW violations (such as LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS) or WEAKNESS (see Sect. 54.51) while doing work on a 666-Computer or satellite computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer or satellite program (see Sect. 25 & 26 of ICL:ST), that PROGRAMMER is required to report the CONSPIRACY LAW violation or WEAKNESS as soon as possible (in a CONSPIRACY REPORT) to the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (instead of the CONSPIRACY LAWS DEPT.). Also, any willing, knowing and deliberate delay or neglect to file a CONSPIRACY REPORT about any CONSPIRACY LAW violation or WEAKNESS (which is noticed by a PROGRAMMER) to that PROGRAMMER’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PROGRAMMER. Any willing, deliberate and knowing intent to delay or neglect the filing of any necessary CONSPIRACY REPORT can be determined by 666-Computer analysis of the alleged criminal’s mind. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
55.641 PROGRAMMERS are required to report any PROGRAMMING VIOLATIONS or WEAKNESSES–see Sect. 54.51 (which they notice on any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program) to their INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE in a CONSPIRACY REPORT. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. A PROGRAMMING VIOLATION is any programming (especially on a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program) which is a violation of a CONSPIRACY LAW. Any deliberate, knowing and willing neglect to report a PROGRAMMING VIOLATION or WEAKNESS to the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PROGRAMMER. (See Sect. 11 of General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws).
55.65 Only the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE is authorized to issue PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS. Any willing, deliberate and knowing attempt by any other organization or person to issue a PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT (including counterfeit PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS) to a PROGRAMMER will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone who makes such an attempt.
55.7 Only members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS can maintain or program or modify or WORK ON any 666-Computer or CONSPIRACY LAW computer or satellite computer (or satellite program) and/or its hardware or its software. A member of the RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE will be considered a member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS which he/she works with. Every time a member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS (called a PROGRAMMER) does any WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program, he/she must sign-in on that 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite that he/she is WORKING ON, with full identification of himself/herself entered into that computer or satellite, and with his/her sign-in and sign-out times documented on that computer or satellite. Also, he/she needs to complete a clearly written description of the work he/she did on that computer or satellite (called a WORK DESCRIPTION) under 666-Computer lie-detection IMMEDIATELY after his/her work is completed.
55.7(a) Any programmer who fails 666-Computer lie-detection regarding his WORK DESCRIPTION or whose clearly written description is not what was indicated in his/her PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT or who becomes an UNWILLING AGENT while carrying out the orders on the PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT or who becomes an UNWILLING AGENT at any time up to the time he/she turns in his/her WORK DESCRIPTION– will be called a FAILED PROGRAMMER. An investigation by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE must be launched immediately to determine what work this FAILED programmer really did on this computer and another programmer must be given another PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT to ensure that the computer will be programmed in compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW.
This process of issuing PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS and writing WORK DESCRIPTIONS may have to be done over and over until we can be sure our CONSPIRACY LAW computers are programmed in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
55.7(b) After any programmer becomes a FAILED PROGRAMMER over any CONSPIRACY LAW computer he/she has worked on, an INVESTIGATIVE REPORT must be issued (and all those that wrote it must pass 666-Computer lie-detection) to determine how the computer was really programmed. No INVESTIGATIVE REPORT will be considered valid and accurate until all those that wrote it pass 666-Computer lie-detection.
55.7{c} This INVESTIGATIVE REPORT will be used to formulate the next PROGRAMMER WORK PERMIT, to ensure that the computer which the FAILED programmer worked on (and which he/she may have sabotaged) will be programmed in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW.
55.7(d) Once a programmer’s WORK DESCRIPTION passes scrutiny as outlined in this Sect. 55.7 (called a SUCCESSFUL WORK DESCRIPTION), it will be immediately (as soon as possible) submitted and filed to his/her HOMELAND SECURITY’S INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE after completion of any work done by any PROGRAMMER.
55.71 A deliberately delayed submission of a WORK DESCRIPTION (to the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) by (or because of) a PROGRAMMER, will probably result in the dismissal and/or conviction as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR of that PROGRAMMER. Any PROGRAMMER who takes longer than 24 hours to write his/her WORK DESCRIPTION after his/her work on the computer is completed is a suspicious PROGRAMMER and that PROGRAMMER’s PLP or RSP must report that PROGRAMMER as a FAILED PROGRAMMER for delaying the submission of his/her WORK DESCRIPTION.
If the delay of the WORK DESCRIPTION (by [or because of] the PROGRAMMER) enhances or contributes (directly or indirectly) to any violations of any CONSPIRACY LAW; then that PROGRAMMER who deliberately, willingly and knowingly participated in that delay, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
55.72 This WORK DESCRIPTION will clearly and unambiguously identify– who did the work, what work was done , when the work was done [with beginning and end times], which CONSPIRACY LAW computer or satellite was worked on, where the work was done [with complete street address including city, state or province or area and country], and the results of the work that was done. Every 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite will have its own identification code or number. Any WORK DESCRIPTION which is deliberately, knowingly and willingly written in a manner which violates this Sect. 55 or which violates any CONSPIRACY LAW (or any WORK DESCRIPTION which is a counterfeit WORK DESCRIPTION), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone who writes such a WORK DESCRIPTION.
55.72(a) Also for every programmer who writes a WORK DESCRIPTION, that programmer’s brain must be analyzed (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) as he/she writes this description by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE which supervises him/her–and if that programmer fails 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis as he/she writes his/her WORK DESCRIPTION, then the work done by that programmer on his/her 666-Computer or satellite or other computer used by LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS) must be inspected by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (and an INVESTIGATIVE REPORT written) in order to determine if a CONSPIRACY LAW violation has occurred and, if a violation has occurred, that violation must be remedied [new PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS must be issued to fix the problem –see Sect. 55.7(a) through (d)] so that CONSPIRACY LAW will not be violated and so that all our computers operate in compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW. Willing and knowing failure to honor this Sect. 55.72(a) by any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON responsible to enforce this Sect. 55.72(a), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
55.73 Anyone else (besides a member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS) who willingly, knowingly and deliberately attempts to WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
55.8 To WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer (or satellite program) is defined as maintaining the computer or satellite and/or its hardware or software or, as programming that computer or satellite in any way or, as modifying any software within that computer or satellite; or, as doing any type of work on that computer or satellite which could affect how any of the programs on that computer or satellite operate and/or function.
55.9 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite operators (such a PLPs or RSPs or TSSs, satellite practitioners, jail practitioners, etc.) can run or operate programs, but they cannot WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or WORK ON any programming in a satellite program which would affect the FORCEFIELD BLOCK. Only PROGRAMMERS from the PROGRAMMER CORPS (see Sect. 55.7) can WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite program. Any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite operator (besides a PROGRAMMER from the PROGRAMMER CORPS) who willingly, knowingly and deliberately attempts to WORK ON a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite programming, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. If a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite operator is having problems with a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite programming, he must call in a PROGRAMMER from the PROGRAMMER CORPS (see Sect. 55.7) to WORK ON that 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite.
All violations of this Sect. 56 are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs. Refer to Sect. 59 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs for some definitions used in this section.
56.0 A subdivision of Germany’s auditing and programming network will be called the LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENERS. The ISC will borrow members from Germany’s auditing and programming network to create its own LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENERS. LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENERS will screen daily for any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (or SIGNIFICANT PERSONs) who have recently become UNWILLING AGENTS. Unfortunately, because of the use of LOOPHOLE TRANSFERS and TAMPERING, a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (or SIGNIFICANT PERSON) who was not an UNWILLING AGENT (a month ago), could become one within a month. Therefore, the German auditing and programming network will have a subdivision (called LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENERS) which will screen daily for any UNWILLING AGENTS (who may be in a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON’s position or SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s position–see Sect. 11.1 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws and Sect. 2.3040 of this document) and who, if a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, must be temporarily or permanently removed from that position, until (and if) that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
56.1 Each country will be assigned a LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENER team, which will work as part of that country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (under that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.). So Germany will assign a team of LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENERS (from Germany’s auditing and programming network) to each country, and this German team will work permanently with that country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE. Each country will be assigned its own LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENER team from Germany.
56.2 The members of the LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENER team are responsible to ensure that only those who are not UNWILLING AGENTS are in LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON positions (or SIGNIFICANT PERSON positions). Any deliberately, knowing and willing (direct or indirect) attempt (or action) by anyone who (directly or indirectly) works for (or assists) the LAW ENFORCEMENT SCREENER team to cause an UNWILLING AGENT to be in a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON position (or in a SIGNIFICANT PERSON position)–whether by acts of commission or omission– will cause that person (who makes such an attempt or action) to receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
56.3 This German auditing and programming network will also have a subdivision who specialize in the removal of RECENT LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS before they become ENTRENCHED (called the RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE) which will operate as part of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of every country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. These Germans must be willing to be citizens of Germany and of the country which they will serve. So, if a German comes to the U.S. and joins the U.S. RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE, he/she must be a German and a U.S. citizen. The purpose for this would be to make the Americans more accountable, if problems were found in the American RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE. If not for this dual citizenship requirement, the Americans in their RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE could blame the Germans in their committee for all their problems in their RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE.
56.31 Each country will be assigned a RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE from Germany’s auditing and programming network, which will work with that country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE (under that country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.). So Germany will assign a RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE (from Germany’s auditing and programming network) to each country, and this German team (in which all the Germans will also be citizens of the country they serve) will work permanently with that country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE. Each country will be assigned its own RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE team from Germany. These Germans who work with a country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE in the RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE can be audited and be written up in a PROGRAMMING REPORT–just like any INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE member of that country’s PLP or RSP network.
56.4 The RECENT LOOPHOLE COMMITTEE’s job is to work with each country’s PLP and RSP Network and each country’s PROGRAMMER CORPS (through that country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE) to screen for and remove all RECENT LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS which are in 666-Computer or satellite computer programs (within that country’s PLP and RSP network). Their goal is to remove these RECENT LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS from all 666-Computer or satellite computer programs before they become ENTRENCHED.
56.5 Any person (who is responsible to ensure that RECENT LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS are removed as soon as possible from 666-Computer or satellite computer programs–see Sect. 59.54 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs), and who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly (whether by acts of omission or commission) causes these RECENT LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS to become ENTRENCHED LOOPHOLE PROGRAMS, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
57.0 A branch of the PLP and RSP (our physician networks) will be devoted to the Food and Drug Administration (United States) or the FDA equivalent of the country. Evil Jesuits have traditionally been in control of the FDA and this has caused harm to the health of the country.
57.0a No government official can be a Loree McBride Jesuit, so Citizen Scanners must be used on all FDA facilities and all Loree McBride Jesuits must be removed from employment at any FDA facility.
57.0b All drugs, foods and substances under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration and the Dept. of Agriculture (United States) or the equivalent of these organizations in the country, must be analyzed to determine the most cost-effective and health promoting use of all drugs and substances that are monitored by the FDA and Dept. of Agriculture.
57.0c For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, the FDA is defined as the government body that regulates and makes laws regarding the food, medicines and consumption items of a population, which is basically the role of the FDA and the Dept. of Agriculture in the United States.
57.0d The FDA has done a lousy job, creating drugs for the sole purpose of making illegal OTC (over-the-counter) drugs that are of huge benefit to the country. This has been especially true of marijuana based drugs. This must change.
57.0e A section of the FDA must study all legally prescribed drugs to see if it is in the form that is most beneficial and cost-effective for the populace. This section will be called the Pharmacy Corps. All Pharmacy Corps members will be considered a Law Enforcement official under Conspiracy Law and must meet all requirements for Law Enforcement officials under Conspiracy Law.
57.0f For instance, ingredients have been extracted from marijuana which is actually most beneficial in its virgin state, for the sole purpose of making marijuana illegal in order to profit (at the expense of public health) off of marijuana. Activity like this will not be tolerated under Conspiracy Law!
57.0g Any willing and knowing attempt or action to create a new drug only to make it inferior and higher priced and more profitable to the drug/substance from which it is derived, so as to make illegal the superior version of that drug/substance, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Our Pharmacy Corps must study any and all drugs to determine if they are inferior to a drug that has been banned from the populace, and the superior version must be reinstated and made legal to the public, with no artificial price inflation for the public, but with the most cost effective version available to the public.
57.0h Further, to ensure public health, any OTC drug which is effective in treating conditions must be covered under our National Health Care Plan and regulated and monitored by our Pharmacy Corps to ensure that the most effective and cost-effective version of that drug is available to the public.
57.0i Due to widespread abuse of drugs by the FDA (while under Jesuit control) and the creation of inferior drugs, we need a total revamp of all legal drugs under the FDA. All drugs must be studied by our Pharmacy Corps to determine if they are available to the public in their most cost effective and health promoting form.
57.0j The Pharmacy Corps is defined as a physician, pharmacist or other health professional who is qualified to study drugs and substances and their effects on the human body and who can create or remake drugs that are most beneficial and cost-effective for the health of the population they serve. Pharmacy Corps members will be health practitioners, chiropractors, acupuncturists, natural health physicians, physicians, scientists, accountants, economists and pharmacists whose sole job is to study the drugs on the market and determine the most cost-effective and health promoting version of all drugs on the market. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any drug to remain on the market which is not the most cost-effective and health promoting version of that drug by any Pharmacy Corps members will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
57.0k Further, no member of the Pharmacy Corps can make any contracts with any organization that sells drugs, other than to ensure that the most cost effective and health promoting version of the drug reaches the populace. If it is discovered that a member of our Pharmacy Corps has made a “deal” that involves more than creating the most cost-effective and health promoting version of the drug in question, that would be grounds for dismissal. That person can no longer work for the Pharmacy Corps. All members of the Pharmacy Corps are considered part of the National Health Care Plan (see sect. 55 of Conspiracy Laws and Government) and will be paid salaries like a member of the National Health Care Plan. They will receive bonuses and raises based on the health promotion qualities of the drugs they create and monitor. So, for instance, those behind the creation of marijuana based drugs, who create a superior version of marijuana for the populace that greatly benefits the population will receive a raise every year that this superior version is proven to benefit the population. This is to discourage “deals” between our Pharmacy Corps and Big Pharma to try and make a profit from drugs at the expense of public health.
57.0l To determine if the drugs created/monitored by the Pharmacy Corps are the most effective form and the most cost-effective form, our Auditor PLPs and RSPs (physicians who conduct audits) will study the drugs and determine if the most cost-effective version and the most health-promoting version is being used by the public and will study the effect these drugs have on public health. They will review the drug in question on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most cost-effective and health promoting version of the drug in question. Any drug that has a score below 6 must be re-evaluated and studied to come up with a more cost-effective and health promoting version. Those Pharmacy Corps members responsible for the drug will receive a raise based on the score they get from the Auditor PLPs and RSPs.
57.0m Any member of the Auditor PLPs and RSPs who willingly and knowingly give a false score to a drug/substance under their evaluation so as to cover up a deficiency in cost effectiveness or health promoting qualities or to make a drug appear more beneficial or health promoting than it is, will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Before each evaluation is given, the Auditor PLP and RSP (under 666-Computer lie-detection) must state that to the best of their knowledge they have given the score to the drug/substance that it deserves and have reviewed it accurately to the best of their knowledge and abilities.
57.0n As part of the health promoting version of the drug, the drug must be evaluated to determine if it is available to all those who can benefit from it. For instance, Seroquel is known to be the most potent and effective yeast management drug on the market, but, according to the FDA, it is only recognized as a psychiatric drug. The Pharmacy Corps, as part of their health promotion for each drug, must not only create/maintain the most health promoting version of the drug, but must also determine who would benefit from the drug and make sure that all who would benefit from the drug are able to get it in the most cost effective and health promoting version. Obviously, if the drug is not available to all who could benefit from it, it is not in its most health promoting version! So part of the health promoting version is to ensure that the diagnostic criteria (who can benefit from the drug) mentions ALL who could benefit from the drug, so that physicians can prescribe the drug to all who would benefit from the drug without repercussions of malpractice for prescribing the drug to those not traditionally recognized as beneficiaries of the drug.
57.0o Also, the Pharmacy Corps must determine which drugs should be OTC and which should be prescription. No drug can be made prescription solely because it is more profitable to do so, when the drug would be safe as OTC. Again, this falls under the most health promoting and cost effective criteria for each drug. If a prescription drug would be safer and more cost effective OTC, it should be made OTC. On the other hand, if an OTC drug would be safer as a prescription and more cost-effective as a prescription (perhaps because health insurance would cover the cost), it should be available as a prescription. Also, some drugs would benefit to be both prescription and OTC, enabling physicians to prescribe some OTC drugs to allow insurance to cover the drug cost to poor patients. The Pharmacy Corps must make all these decisions when they determine the most cost effective and health promoting version of each drug.
57.0p For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a drug is defined as any substance or treatment that can alter the health of the one who uses it.
57.0q Regarding the regulation of drugs that are considered harmful to the populace, like nicotine. . .All drugs labeled as harmful must actually be harmful in the version in which it is considered harmful to the public. If there is a version of the drug not harmful, or even beneficial, that healthy version must not be banned and must be made available in its safest and healthiest version to the public. Just because there are harmful versions of the drug/treatment, should not cause the ban of health promoting versions of the drug/treatment to the public. The Pharmacy Corps must accurately differentiate between harmful and healthy versions of all drugs and make sure that any health promoting versions of any and all drugs are available to the public in their most cost effective form.
57.0r It is also the responsibility of the Pharmacy Corps to ensure that all harmful versions of drugs are banned from the public or that instructions for how to make a drug in its most health promoting version be made clear to health practitioners and patients/consumers. For instance, the flu vaccine is actually created the give people the flu. This must STOP. The Pharmacy Corps must study all drugs (including vaccines) to determine that the most health promoting version of these drugs are available to the public. All harmful drugs must be removed from public use and/or replaced with drugs that are health promoting.
57.0s One branch of the Pharmacy Corps will be responsible for Community Health Education and will write books and pamphlets to educate the public about what is health promoting based on their research. They will also create videos and audio/visual productions to air on mainstream news and online. What they present must be accurate and the most health promoting information. Any willing and knowing attempt or action by any health educator (public or private) to present a lie or confusion about the most health promoting or cost effective drug for treatment; or worse, recommending drugs that harm or kill will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
57.0t In summary, the Pharmacy Corps must ensure that any and all drugs/treatment that are health promoting are available to the public in their most health promoting and cost effective form and that any and all drugs harmful to the public are removed or altered to make them the most health promoting. Any willing and knowing action or negligence that does not promote the best drugs and the best financial health for the consumer will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that member of the Pharmacy Corps. We will not tolerate greedy government workers who make a buck at the expense of public health.
XXX1/2–G.S. (1-3-04), (Sect. 12.0 & 45.0 update on 1-4-04), (Sect. 51 on 1-4-04), (Sect. 1.40, 51.94, 51.95, 51.96 & 51.97 and updates to Sect. 2.0, 2.3, 35.0, 37.0 & 51.0 on 1-5-04), (updates to Sect. 35.0 and Sections 46.0 & 13.0 on 1-7-04), (updates to Sect. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 31.0, 32.0, 41.0, 45.0, 46.0, & 51.5 and Section 52 on 1-8-04), (update to Sect. 32.0 on 1-9-04), (updates to Sect. 31.0, 35.0, 2.1, 2.3, 4.0, 32.0 and Section 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-10-04), (updates to Sections 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 47.1, 37.0, 35.0, 46.0 and Sections 52 & 53 and the addition of Sections 51.01, 51.012, 51.013, 51.02, 47.2 & 52.01 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 51.614 on 1-12-04), (update to Sect. 1.0, 35.0, 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-18-04), (Sect. 54 on 1-27-04), (Sect. 55 on 1-28-04), (Sect. 5April 12, 20041, 54 & 55 updates on 1-29-04), (Sect. 54.0 update on 2-2-04), (Sect. 52.1 & 55 updates on 2-9-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 2-17-04), (Sect. 14.0, 47.0 & 47.1 updates on 3-13-04), (Sect. 55 & 54 updates on 3-19-04), (Sect. 51.0 & 51.5 updates on 3-22-04), (Sect. 56 and updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 3-25-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 3-26-04), (RBN name change to IBN News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 4-13-04), (Sect 55 updates on 4-15-04), (Sect. 77.022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 5-2-04), (updates to Sect. 7.0 & 37.0 and Section 15.0 on 5-13-04), (major overhauls to include RSP network on 5-18-04), (major satellite overhauls on 5-20-04), (Sect. 55.12 and LOOPHOLE PROGRAM updates on 5-31-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 1.7, 3.1, 4.0, 11.0, 31.0, 42.0, 32.0 updates and Section 16.0 on 6-7-04), (Sect. 51.0 updates on 6-8-04), (Sect. 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 32.0 & 52 updates and Section 17.0 on 6-9-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates on 6-10-04), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates on 6-21-04), (Sect. 55.12 on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 1.0, 18.0 & 32.0 updates on 8-24-04), (Sect. 51.51 updates on 10-27-04), (Sect. 51 & 55 updates on 11-16-04), (Sect. 51 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 51 through 55 updates on 11-22-04), (AMNESIA CORPS updates on 12-10-04), (introduction of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS to Sect. 51 on 12-19-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates to include ISC on 1-4-05), (Sect. 55.72a lie-detection employed on those programmers who write WORK DESCRIPTIONS on 8-30-05), (Sect. 55 updates PLPs monitor for UNWILLING AGENTPROGRAMMERs as they execute PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS on 9-14-05), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates to ensure that no UNWILLING AGENTS work as programming auditors on 9-15-05), (country updates to cancelled PLP & RSP networks on 10-4-05).
XXXX–G.S. (Updates to Sect. 51.1, 51.2, 51.92, 51.93 and Sections 51.10, 51.31, 51.32, 51.33, 51.4, 51.6, 51.60, 51.61, 51.612, 51.613, & 51.62 on 1-6-04), (Sect. 56 updates on 4-29-04), (updates to Sect. 55.12 & 54aaa on 5-3-04), (Sect. 2.3 updates on 5-19-04).
AAAAAAA–G.S. (1-3-04), (Sect. 12.0 & 45.0 update on 1-4-04), (Sect. 51 on 1-4-04), (Sect. 1.40, 51.94, 51.95, 51.96 & 51.97 and updates to Sect. 2.0, 2.3, 35.0, 37.0 & 51.0 on 1-5-04), (Updates to Sect. 51.1, 51.2, 51.92, 51.93 and Sections 51.10, 51.31, 51.32, 51.33, 51.4, 51.6, 51.60, 51.61, 51.612, 51.613, & 51.62 on 1-6-04), (Updates to Sect. 35.0 and Sections 46.0 & 13.0 on 1-7-04), (updates to Sect. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 31.0, 32.0, 41.0, 45.0, 46.0 & 51.5 and Section 6 on 1-8-04), (update to Sect. 32.0 on 1-9-04), (updates to Sect. 31.0, 35.0, 2.1, 2.3, 4.0, 32.0 and Section 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-10-04), (updates to Sections 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 47.1, 37.0, 35.0, 46.0 and Sections 52 & 53 and the addition of Sections 51.01, 51.012, 51.013, 51.02, 47.2 & 52.01 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 51.614 on 1-12-04), (update to Sect. 1.0, 35.0, 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-18-04), (Sect. 54 on 1-27-04), (Sect. 55 on 1-28-04), (Sect. 51, 54 & 55 updates on 1-29-04), (Sect. 54.0 update on 2-2-04), (Sect. 52.1 & 55 updates on 2-9-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 2-17-04), (Sect. 14.0, 47.0 & 47.1 updates on 3-13-04), (Sect. 55& 54 updates on 3-19-04), (Sect. 51.0 & 51.5 updates on 3-22-04), (Sect. 56 and updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 3-25-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 3-26-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 4-13-04), (Sect 55 updates on 4-15-04), (Sect. 77.022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 56 updates on 4-29-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 5-2-04), (updates to Sect. 55.12 & 54aaa on 5-3-04), (updates to Sect. 7.0 & 37.0 and Section 15.0 on 5-13-04), (major overhauls to include RSP network on 5-18-04), (Sect. 2.3 updates on 5-19-04), (major satellite overhauls on 5-20-04), (Sect. 55.12 and LOOPHOLE PROGRAM updates on 5-31-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 1.7, 3.1, 4.0, 11.0, 31.0, 42.0, 32.0 updates and Section 16.0 on 6-7-04), (Sect. 51.0 updates on 6-8-04), (Sect. 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 32.0 & 52 updates and Section 17.0 on 6-9-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates on 6-10-04), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates on 6-21-04), (Sect. 55.12 on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 1.0, 18.0 & 32.0 updates on 8-24-04), (Sect. 51.51 updates on 10-27-04), (Sect. 51 & 55 updates on 11-16-04), (Sect. 51 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 51 through 55 updates on 11-22-04), (AMNESIA CORPS updates on 12-10-04), (introduction of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS to Sect. 51 on 12-19-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates to include ISC on 1-4-05), (Sect. 55.72a lie-detection employed on those programmers who write WORK DESCRIPTIONS on 8-30-05), (Sect. 55 updates PLPs monitor for UNWILLING AGENT PROGRAMMERs as they execute PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS on 9-14-05), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates to ensure that no UNWILLING AGENTS work as programming auditors on 9-15-05), (country updates to cancelled PLP & RSP networks on 10-4-05).
BBBBBBB–G.S. (1-3-04), (Sect. 12.0 & 45.0 update on 1-4-04), (Sect. 51 on 1-4-04), (Sect. 1.40, 51.94, 51.95, 51.96 & 51.97 and updates to Sect. 2.0, 2.3, 35.0, 37.0 & 51.0 on 1-5-04), (Updates to Sect. 51.1, 51.2, 51.92, 51.93 and Sections 51.10, 51.31, 51.32, 51.33, 51.4, 51.6, 51.60, 51.61, 51.612, 51.613, & 51.62 on 1-6-04), (Updates to Sect. 35.0 and Sections 46.0 & 13.0 on 1-7-04), (updates to Sect. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 31.0, 32.0, 41.0, 45.0, 46.0 & 51.5 and Section 6 on 1-8-04), (update to Sect. 32.0 on 1-9-04), (updates to Sect. 31.0, 35.0, 2.1, 2.3, 4.0, 32.0 and Section 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-10-04), (updates to Sections 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 47.1, 37.0, 35.0, 46.0 and Sections 52 & 53 and the addition of Sections 51.01, 51.012, 51.013, 51.02, 47.2 & 52.01 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 51.614 on 1-12-04), (update to Sect. 1.0, 35.0, 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-18-04), (Sect. 54 on 1-27-04), (Sect. 55 on 1-28-04), (Sect. 51, 54 & 55 updates on 1-29-04), (Sect. 54.0 update on 2-2-04), (Sect. 52.1 & 55 updates on 2-9-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 2-17-04), (Sect. 14.0, 47.0 & 47.1 updates on 3-13-04), (Sect. 55 & 54 updates on 3-19-04), (Sect. 51.0 & 51.5 updates on 3-22-04), (Sect. 56 and updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 3-25-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 3-26-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 4-13-04), (Sect 55 updates on 4-15-04), (Sect. 77.022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 56 updates on 4-29-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 5-2-04), (updates to Sect. 55.12 & 54aaa on 5-3-04), (updates to Sect. 7.0 & 37.0 and Section 15.0 on 5-13-04), (Sect. 2.3 updates on 5-19-04), (major satellite overhauls on 5-20-04), (Sect. 55.12 and LOOPHOLE PROGRAM updates on 5-31-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 1.7, 3.1, 4.0, 11.0, 31.0, 42.0, 32.0 updates and Section 16.0 on 6-7-04), (Sect. 51.0 updates on 6-8-04), (Sect. 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 32.0 & 52 updates and Section 17.0 on 6-9-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates on 6-10-04), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates on 6-21-04), (Sect. 55.12 on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 1.0, 18.0 & 32.0 updates on 8-24-04), (Sect. 51.51 updates on 10-27-04), (Sect. 51 & 55 updates on 11-16-04), (Sect. 51 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 51 through 55 updates on 11-22-04), (AMNESIA CORPS updates on 12-10-04), (introduction of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS to Sect. 51 on 12-19-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates to include ISC on 1-4-05), (Sect. 55.72a lie-detection employed on those programmers who write WORK DESCRIPTIONS on 8-30-05), (Sect. 55 updates PLPs monitor for UNWILLING AGENT PROGRAMMERs as they execute PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS on 9-14-05), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates to ensure that no UNWILLING AGENTS work as programming auditors on 9-15-05), (country updates to cancelled PLP & RSP networks on 10-4-05).
CCCCCCC–G.S. (1-3-04), (Sect. 12.0 & 45.0 update on 1-4-04), (Sect. 51 on 1-4-04), (Sect. 1.40, 51.94, 51.95, 51.96 & 51.97 and updates to Sect. 2.0, 2.3, 35.0, 37.0 & 51.0 on 1-5-04), (Updates to Sect. 51.1, 51.2, 51.92, 51.93 and Sections 51.10, 51.31, 51.32, 51.33, 51.4, 51.6, 51.60, 51.61, 51.612, 51.613, & 51.62 on 1-6-04), (Updates to Sect. 35.0 and Sections 46.0 & 13.0 on 1-7-04), (updates to Sect. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 31.0, 32.0, 41.0, 45.0, 46.0 & 51.5 and Section 6 on 1-8-04), (update to Sect. 32.0 on 1-9-04), (updates to Sect. 31.0, 35.0, 2.1, 2.3, 4.0, 32.0 and Section 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-10-04), (updates to Sections 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 47.1, 37.0, 35.0, 46.0 and Sections 52 & 53 and the addition of Sections 51.01, 51.012, 51.013, 51.02, 47.2 & 52.01 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 51.614 on 1-12-04), (update to Sect. 1.0, 35.0, 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-18-04), (Sect. 54 on 1-27-04), (Sect. 55 on 1-28-04), (Sect. 51, 54 & 55 updates on 1-29-04), (Sect. 54.0 update on 2-2-04), (Sect. 52.1 & 55 updates on 2-9-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 2-17-04), (Sect. 14.0, 47.0 & 47.1 updates on 3-13-04), (Sect. 55 & 54 updates on 3-19-04), (Sect. 51.0 & 51.5 updates on 3-22-04), (Sect. 56 and updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 3-25-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 3-26-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 4-13-04), (Sect 55 updates on 4-15-04), (Sect. 77.022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 56 updates on 4-29-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 5-2-04), (updates to Sect. 55.12 & 54aaa on 5-3-04), (updates to Sect. 7.0 & 37.0 and Section 15.0 on 5-13-04), (major overhauls to include RSP network on 5-18-04), (Sect. 2.3 updates on 5-19-04), (major satellite overhauls on 5-20-04), (Sect. 55.12 and LOOPHOLE PROGRAM updates on 5-31-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 1.7, 3.1, 4.0, 11.0, 31.0, 42.0, 32.0 updates and Section 16.0 on 6-7-04), (Sect. 51.0 updates on 6-8-04), (Sect. 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 32.0 & 52 updates and Section 17.0 on 6-9-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates on 6-10-04), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates on 6-21-04), (Sect. 55.12 on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 1.0, 18.0 & 32.0 updates on 8-24-04), (Sect. 51.51 updates on 10-27-04), (Sect. 51 & 55 updates on 11-16-04), (Sect. 51 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 51 through 55 updates on 11-22-04), (AMNESIA CORPS updates on 12-10-04), (introduction of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS to Sect. 51 on 12-19-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates to include ISC on 1-4-05), (Sect. 55.72a lie-detection employed on those programmers who write WORK DESCRIPTIONS on 8-30-05), (Sect. 55 updates PLPs monitor for UNWILLING AGENT PROGRAMMERs as they execute PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS on 9-14-05), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates to ensure that no UNWILLING AGENTS work as programming auditors on 9-15-05), (country updates to cancelled PLP & RSP networks on 10-4-05).
Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 1-3-04 , (Sect. 12.0 & 45.0 update on 1-4-04), (Sect. 51 on 1-4-04), (Sect. 1.40, 51.94, 51.95, 51.96 & 51.97 and updates to Sect. 2.0, 2.3, 35.0, 37.0 & 51.0 on 1-5-04)), (Updates to Sect. 51.1, 51.2, 51.92, 51.93 and Sections 51.10, 51.31, 51.32, 51.33, 51.4, 51.6, 51.60, 51.61, 51.612, 51.613, & 51.62 on 1-6-04), (Updates to Sect. 35.0 and Sections 46.0 & 13.0 on 1-7-04), (updates to Sect. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 31.0, 32.0, 41.0, 45.0, 46.0 & 51.5 and Sect. 6 on 1-8-04), (update to Sect. 32.0 on 1-9-04), (updates to Sect. 31.0, 35.0, 2.1, 2.3, 4.0, 32.0 and Section 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-10-04), (updates to Sections 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 47.1, 37.0, 35.0, 46.0 and Sections 52 & 53 and the addition of Sections 51.01, 51.012, 51.013, 51.02, 47.2 & 52.01 on 1-11-04), (Sect. 51.614 on 1-12-04), (update to Sect. 1.0, 35.0, 47.0 & 47.1 on 1-18-04), (Sect. 54 on 1-27-04), (Sect. 55 on 1-28-04), (Sect. 51, 54 & 55 updates on 1-29-04), (Sect. 54.0 update on 2-2-04), (Sect. 52.1 & 55 updates on 2-9-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 2-17-04), (Sect. 14.0, 47.0 & 47.1 updates on 3-13-04), (Sect. 55 & 54 updates on 3-19-04), (Sect. 51.0 & 51.5 updates on 3-22-04), (Sect. 56 and updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 3-25-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 3-26-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Updates to Sect. 54 & 55 on 4-13-04), (Sect 55 updates on 4-15-04), (Sect. 77.022 on 4-25-04), (updates to Sect. 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 56 updates on 4-29-04), (Sect. 77.031 on 5-1-04), (Sect. 54 updates on 5-2-04), (updates to Sect. 55.12 & 54aaa on 5-3-04), (updates to Sect. 7.0 & 37.0 and Section 15.0 on 5-13-04), (major overhauls to include RSP network on 5-18-04), (Sect. 2.3 updates on 5-19-04), (major satellite overhauls on 5-20-04), (Sect. 55.12 and LOOPHOLE PROGRAM updates on 5-31-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 1.7, 3.1, 4.0, 11.0, 31.0, 42.0, 32.0 updates and Section 16.0 on 6-7-04), (Sect. 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 32.0 & 52 updates and Section 17.0 on 6-9-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates on 6-10-04), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates on 6-21-04), (Sect. 55.12 on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 1.0, 18.0 & 32.0 updates on 8-24-04), (Sect. 51.51 updates on 10-27-04), (Sect. 51 & 55 updates on 11-16-04), (Sect. 51 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 51 through 55 updates on 11-22-04), (AMNESIA CORPS updates on 12-10-04), (introduction of TARGET-SPECIFIC AMNESIA CORPS to Sect. 51 on 12-19-04), (Sect. 55 & 56 updates to include ISC on 1-4-05), (Sect. 55.72a lie-detection employed on those programmers who write WORK DESCRIPTIONS on 8-30-05), (Sect. 55 updates PLPs monitor for UNWILLING AGENTPROGRAMMERs as they execute PROGRAMMER WORK PERMITS on 9-14-05), (Sect. 54 & 55 updates to ensure that no UNWILLING AGENTS work as programming auditors on 9-15-05), (country updates to cancelled PLP & RSP networks on 10-4-05), (updates to ENTIRE DOCUMENT on May 3, 2014), (FDA revamped and made health promoting on March 5, 2018).
Place: Melbourne, FL
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