77.0 Once the laws of this document or of any CONSPIRACY LAW are enforced in a country, no changes (alterations to, deletions to, additions to these laws) can be made to these laws without a WRITTEN amendment. The approval for this written amendment must be in WRITING, and SIGNED and DATED by the country’s PRESIDENT (in the presence of 14 witnesses who will also sign and date the amendment as witnesses to the President’s signature). This amendment will be filed with the military tribunals.
77.01 NEIGHBOR LAWS (see asterisked sections of Sect. 2 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws) are not as comprehensive as my CONSPIRACY LAWS, but are a portion of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. A country’s President can choose which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS he/she wants to adopt for his/her country. But whatever laws he/she chooses to adopt, once these laws are adopted, and then if these laws are modified in any way (by additions to, deletions to, or alterations to these laws), an AMENDMENT must be made public (as described in this Sect. 77) and filed with the military tribunals.
77.011 The term INTERNATIONAL, when used in this document, refers to any country or countries (or citizens of any country or countries) which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The term INTERNATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT also refers to the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT– which encompasses all nations which willingly cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW (and the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and which nations are not listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.012 All violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are considered violations of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
77.02 Any legal actions taken by the international government to defend itself against terrorists (including the use of any of the CONSPIRACY LAWS) can be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
77.022 For all death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, public direct or cross-examinations on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be done, not only for the main perpetrator, but for all those directly or indirectly involved with the violation. All who are determined (directly or indirectly) to be willingly, knowingly and deliberately part of the conspiracy (which was/is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) must be executed at the same time in order to establish the criminal conspiracy’s involvement to the violation–because, right before or after the executions, the criminal conspiracy’s motive (and the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind the violation–with the mention of the names of those executed, and the date and time of their executions) will be exposed and identified on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ (and/or its website). If the number of persons publicly executed for a CONSPIRACY LAW violation is large or more criminals (for that violation) are discovered later, another public mass execution on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for that same violation can be done at a different time (from the time of the original mass execution for that violation), as long as the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind that violation and the motive for that violation is firmly established and mentioned (right before or after the public executions). It is quite possible that 100 or more people may be executed for the same death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. In order to cover these extensive direct or cross-examinations, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will have two broadcasts on two different stations (with one broadcast specifically devoted to the direct or cross-examinations, confession statements and executions of death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations)–see Sect. 4.41 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS.
77.023 Most CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty cases will be decided by motive, this will be mentioned before all public direct or cross-examinations of alleged death penalty violators on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and before all public executions. Questions 24 & 25 of Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be especially helpful in determining motive.
77.024 A DEATH PENALTY MOTIVE is a motive (which accompanies a violation), and which is a motive that is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
77.025 A PUBLIC EXECUTION is defined as the listing or reading of the names of those executed for death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL television broadcast, and this listing or reading will identify the violators (along with the conspiracies they are involved with) and will identify their death-penalty motives which were determined through direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer lie-detection).
77.026 Before public direct or cross-examinations and public executions, the death-penalty motive which can bring the death penalty will be read aloud (and a reference will be made to the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which cover those death-penalty motives [for those violations which are being direct or cross-examined or for which executions are taking place]).
77.03 All those who are suspected of (or are convicted of) any crime outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (which will be updated daily). Highlights from these FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (or the actual word-for-word HISTORIES) may be broadcast and/or published in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in Gail Schuler’s statements (with all the rights of Gail Schuler’s legal documentation as outlined in her 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are required as well as FINANCIAL HISTORIES, because Jesuits are using extortion to force people to take bribes, so the international government needs to know WHY a person took a bribe. The death penalty is not given to those who are victims of extortion. Anyone who uses extortion (and who is not an extortion victim himself/herself) to force anyone to take a Jesuit bribe will be given the death penalty.
77.031 No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to have on his/her person any dangerous weapon, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT be placed in any position where he/she can use any type of lethal force against any person (such as the use of missiles, bombs, etc.). Any UNWILLING AGENT who has a concealed weapons permit must have this permit revoked and that UNWILLING AGENT cannot carry any dangerous weapons until he/she is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Those UNWILLING AGENT members of the military, police and other agencies who normally use (or have access to) dangerous weapons must be revoked of their weapons (or their ability to use lethal force) and must not be permitted to carry any dangerous weapons on their person (or to use any type of lethal force) until that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to carry or use any dangerous weapons (or to have the ability to use lethal force) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates in such a scheme.
77.04 All those who are executed for conspiracy crimes will have all their memories recorded (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution (if possible) in order to obtain the intelligence information the international government needs– to learn how these criminals commit their crimes. The international government needs to learn more about Jesuit methodology, since the Jesuits rely on pioneering scientific advances in their warfare and the international government is not familiar with many of their methods of warfare. The international government learns about Jesuit warfare methods day by day. The international government needs to be more efficient in learning about the sophisticated and very advanced scientific and medical technology Jesuits use to conduct their warfare; so, if possible, all conspiracy criminals executed will have their memories read (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution.
77.1 CONSPIRACY LAWS are defined as the laws (including updates) which Gail Schuler has (or will have) written regarding any conspiracies involving reproductive conspirators, space conspirators, or 666-CCs. These documents are currently named General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, Russia’s Neighbor Laws, 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners, Conspiracy Laws and Government, Terrorist Money Laws, International PLP and RSP-Network Configurations, and International Reproductive Laws. These laws would also include any laws Gail Schuler wrote that are incorporated into any of Gail Schuler’s written statements.
77.12 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman who was born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are Misao Satake Fuller and Robert Leonard Chord.
77.13 RECORDED CONFESSIONS, delayed executions, or community service before the execution takes place, may be substituted for immediate executions or the death penalty (in some instances). If a person is allowed to make a confession or has a delayed execution or must do community service in order to avoid the death penalty (or immediate execution)–this is not a permission for this person to continue to commit the crimes for which he/she confessed or to commit other crimes which would incur the death penalty. If evidence is found that this person continues to commit the crimes for which he confessed or that this person commits other capital crimes, then he/she will have no more opportunities for a confession to replace the death penalty (in those cases where a confession relieves this person from the death penalty) and this person will be executed. The international government can choose whatever method of execution it desires, and may choose to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to execute this person (using 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced terminal illnesses) in order to mitigate Jesuit attempts to make a conspiracy out of the executions.
77.14 If the international government makes an exception to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–the international Government will document the reason why and back up its reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment with sound evidence. For any exceptions to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, the rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise) will be put into written form and entered into the military tribunals. This rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise for a particular case) will be put into written form in a document called RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. Everytime a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is guilty of the death penalty and a substitute punishment (rather than the death penalty) is meted out to that conspirator– a RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION must be written and filed with the military tribunals. For significant cases, the contents of this RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION may be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and/or published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.15 In all instances, when a substitute punishment is meted out in place of the deserved death penalty, this substitute punishment will be mentioned in the RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. It is essential that some sort of serious punishment is meted out in place of the death penalty (when the death penalty is substituted with another punishment), or else the death penalty will not be taken seriously by criminals. A justifiable reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment would be if, perhaps, the execution, itself, could be used by the Jesuits as a conspiracy or could create a martyr hysteria (which could promote anarchy and bloodshed). A death penalty substitute is never allowed in order to make it easier for the criminal to go out and commit more capital crimes.
77.2 An amendment by a President will also be necessary, if the President does not approve of updates or revisions which Gail Schuler has made to CONSPIRACY LAWS which this President has already enforced as laws in his/her country. The amendment, in this case, would need to state in unambiguous language which updates/revisions the President will NOT incorporate into the present CONSPIRACY LAWS which he/she has already incorporated as laws in his/her country; and then state in unambiguous language which portions of Gail’s updates he/she WILL incorporate as laws in his/her country.
77.3 If an amendment to a CONSPIRACY LAW is written and/or approved by the President, the public must be informed of this amendment (and proof must be submitted to the military tribunals that the public was/is made aware of this amendment and proof must also be submitted to the military tribunals that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment in its entirety; and these proofs that the public has been made aware of this amendment and that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment, must be submitted to the military tribunals within 22 hours after the amendment is passed or approved by the President, and this proof will be filed permanently in the military tribunals). This amendment will be considered PUBLIC RECORD, and will be easily accessible to the public (for the public to view the UNALTERED amendment IN ITS ENTIRETY) and it will be an exact, unaltered copy of the amendment which the President signed and dated for approval, which will be shown to the public. There will be no alterations (omissions, deletions, etc.) to the wording of the amendment which will be shown to the public, and it will be the same amendment (with all wording exactly as it was) when the President signed and dated the amendment.
77.4 Any SECRET changes to the laws of this document WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and all those involved in a SECRET conspiracy to change, void, or make of NO EFFECT the laws of this document will, if found guilty of this secret conspiracy, be guilty of HIGH TREASON and will receive the death penalty WITHIN 10 YEARS. The military tribunal will decide when this death penalty will be executed, because this is a most serious crime, and no arbitrary date will be set as an execution date.
77.5 To DISREGARD is defined as one who (directly or indirectly) strives to circumvent the laws of this document, once they become law in a country, either by ignoring the laws, rewriting them secretly, or in any way making the laws of NO EFFECT, so that the laws are not enforced as written in this document.
77.6 Once the laws of this document are enforced in a country, and the laws are WILLINGLY ignored or made of NO EFFECT (through default or deliberate DISREGARD of these laws), and someone is AWARE of this DISREGARD and does NOT report it to the government. If this person (who is aware of the DISREGARD) is found out, he/she will be tried for a conspiracy involving HIGH TREASON and, if found guilty, will be given the death penalty within 10 years (possibly sooner, depending on how the military tribunal decides). Because of 666-Computer or satellite computer technology, MOTIVE will play a key role in deciding these types of cases (involving 666-CCs, RPCs, SCs or those guilty of high treason).
77.7 PRESIDENT is defined as the leader of a country, who has the duties, responsibilities of a president, prime minister, chancellor, etc., (which would be a position equivalent to what the American President George W. Bush is for the United States) for his/her respective country. The Roman Catholic Pope is also considered to be a President, because he is the President of the Roman Catholic Church which has the country of the Vatican which has adherents all over the world. Anyone (anywhere in the world) who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church (or has been a member of the Roman Catholic Church within the month of Sept. 2003), including all members of the Jesuit Order (regardless of name or organization changes or withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church) will be considered citizens of the country of the Vatican for legal purposes. Those criminals who will be executed or have been executed (by order of the Pope) will have their names (in a manner which fully identifies each criminal) listed on a list, which will be attached as an addendum to my 1-18-02 statement (with all the rights of my legal documentation as described in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). This published list may include DNA records, photographs, or whatever is necessary (alongside the criminal’s name) in order to identify which criminals have been or will be executed by ORDER OF the Pope.
77.8 A CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or the INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT is the government official who has the power of a President or chief executive of a country, and who uses that power to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS– through the authority of that country’s government [which would be the country which grants the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT the power of a President (or chief executive of that country)]. Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President, has been the acting CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT since the CONSPIRACY LAWS were founded by Gail Schuler in 2003. Currently, on this 8th day of April 2004, the Russian government has granted Vladimir Putin, the power of the International President and of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the Russian government. However, Vladimir anticipates that when he finishes his 2nd term as Russian President, that he will accept Germany’s offer to grant him the power of the German Chancellor in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the German government. For this reason, the name of the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS (which is a CONSPIRACY LAW news network), has been changed to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on this 8th day of April 2004, and the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL team will work with German broadcasters to integrate the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS with the German news team, in preparation for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ new headquarters (which will be in Germany).
77.9 A SATELLITE COMPUTER is defined as any computer which is used (directly or indirectly) to carry out or execute any computer program (which is a program which directly or indirectly manipulates or changes, alters or controls in any manner a human, animal or any inanimate or animate object), and which involves (or utilizes) satellite technology to execute or carry out these actions (or attempts).
77.91 All Jesuits, if granted a trial, will be tried in military tribunals– and Jesuits will be denied due process and will be treated as prisoners of war when captured. The nations of Russia and Germany have made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order.
77.92 All the CONSPIRACY LAWS which deny UNWILLING AGENTS positions of influence, also apply to Jesuits or Jesuit supporters. For example, since no UNWILLING AGENT may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position–therefore, no Jesuit or Jesuit supporter may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position– and any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to promote Jesuits into positions of influence, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an attempt or action.
The definitions for terms used throughout this legal document are scattered. It may be necessary to refer to a later section for a definition used earlier in the text. Also definitions may be borrowed from my other legal documents such as International Reproductive Laws or 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners or International Criminal Law: Space Technology, so those documents need to be examined alongside this one.
Many of the laws which may need to be executed in this document may fall under the jurisdiction of other countries. If those countries will not honor the international government’s request to carry out the laws as outlined in this document, the international government will put some sort of sanctions on that country.
When the term PLP (privileged licensed practitioner) is used, it will be understood to mean ALL LICENSED 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioners (including JAIL PRACTITIONERS), unless noted otherwise.
Also, no one will be given the death penalty if they were forced or threatened (against their will) to commit a crime. The one who WILLINGLY forced or threatened them will receive the death penalty.
Whenever it becomes necessary to disable or execute a practitioner, criminal or technological system (including 666-Computer or satellite computers, satellite, etc.) because it is ordered by a law in this document, and this disabling or execution is INTERFERED WITH (by whatever method), whoever interferes with this disabling or execution will be immediately executed. If the country which has jurisdiction over this interferer does not immediately execute and/or disable the interferer/interference, that country will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website, and will be treated as a terrorist nation according to Sections 3.1 to 3.4 of the General 666 Computer Laws document.
Though the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may be referred to in the masculine sense, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT could be a woman. When the term Vladimir is used, it is referring to Vladimir Putin, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
Gail Schuler is the woman who was born on 9-15-57 and whose birth parents are Misao Satake Fuller and Robert Leonard Chord.
1.0 A 666-Computer or satellite computer CONSPIRATOR is defined as a person who (of his/her own free will) uses (or cooperates with someone who uses) (in a direct or indirect manner) the 666-Computer or satellite computer for CRIMINAL PURPOSES and/or anyone who (of his/her own free will) (directly or indirectly) collaborates with this person. The abbreviation for 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator is 666-CC. All persons found guilty of being a 666-CC will be given the death penalty.
1.0001 To use the 666-Computer or satellite computer in an INDIRECT manner is defined as having used the 666-Computer or satellite computer in the past for criminal purposes and as continuing those criminal purposes in the present via other communicative mediums (even if not currently using 666-Computer or satellite computer communications). To use the 666-Computer or satellite computer in an INDIRECT manner is ALSO defined as using the 666-Computer or satellite computer as a communicative medium in combination with other communicative mediums, even if the 666-CC suspect is not directly and/or currently communicating with a 666-Computer or satellite computer used for criminal purposes, but is currently communicating WILLINGLY (via other communicative mediums) as part of a network which uses a 666-Computer or satellite computer (and this 666-Computer or satellite computer could be ANYWHERE) for criminal purposes.
1.0002 The determining factor in deciding whether someone is a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator is if they have the MOTIVE to carry out criminal purposes and their actions/behavior show evidence of the current implementation/carrying out of their MOTIVE to support criminal purposes (and this can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance of the suspect). If a person in ANY WAY (indirectly or directly) has used or is using the 666-Computer or satellite computer for criminal purposes, and is still (of their OWN FREE WILL) motivated to continue these criminal purposes and is scheming and/or carrying out plots to (directly or indirectly) continue these criminal purposes IN THE PRESENT (by whatever method of communication the 666-CC suspect may be using), then he/she is a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator.
1.0003 (See Sect. 4.21 of this document for the more serious charge of being a 666-CC, who is also a 666-POLITICAL conspirator).
1.001 To use the 666-Computer or satellite computer for CRIMINAL PURPOSES means to cooperate with conspirators WILLINGLY (of one’s own free will) in order to help (directly or indirectly) with TERRORIST ACTIVITIES and/or willingly (of one’s own free will) strives to help a conspirator or conspiracy which causes (or attempts to cause) (directly or indirectly) disorder and/or disruption within a JUST GOVERNMENT.
1.002 A JUST GOVERNMENT is a government which is set up in a manner to protect the INNOCENT and to punish the GUILTY and which strives to promote order and stability as it executes its laws. It is also a government which makes judgments without favoritism toward the rich and/or powerful and which strives to respect the rights of the poor and helpless. A just government will not use TORTURE of people and animals as a law enforcement tool.
1.003 TORTURE is defined as the use of pain to inflict suffering which is beyond the reasonable amount of pain and/or suffering needed to accomplish a JUST OBJECTIVE. TORTURE is also defined as any suffering or pain inflicted by an UNLICENSED 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner, and/or any TORTURE inflicted by a licensed practitioner which violates the legal guidelines and/or instructions established for that licensed practitioner.
1.004 Physicians (in cooperation with law enforcement and attorneys) should write a manual which describes the amount of pain and/or suffering (in the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer by licensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioners) needed to accomplish law enforcement objectives (in order to promote a JUST GOVERNMENT). These methods of suffering (which can be used by a licensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner) should be written out in enough detail, so that it can be determined in a military tribunal of law whether the pain and/or suffering inflicted by the licensed practitioner was TORTURE. Torture will not be employed as a law enforcement tool. Immediate execution (quick and clean) of a criminal who poses an immediate threat to life and/or health of innocent people is not considered torture.
1.005 A JUST OBJECTIVE is an objective which promotes order and stability within a JUST GOVERNMENT.
1.006 The INNOCENT is defined as a person who, by his/her actions and/or motives, strives to obey and promote the laws of a JUST GOVERNMENT, and strives to promote the peace, order and stability of that just government or who does not strive to promote chaos and disorder within that just government.
1.007 The GUILTY is defined as a person who WILLINGLY and OF HIS/HER OWN FREE WILL, by his/her actions and/or motives, strives to disobey and/or overthrow the laws of a JUST GOVERNMENT, and whose actions and/or motives promote disorder and chaos within that just government.
1.008 TERRORIST ACTIVITIES are defined as any activities which (directly or indirectly) bring disorder, chaos, and/or disruption to a just government, by somehow forcing that just government to have to defend itself against this terrorist activity.
1.01 A JAIL PRACTITIONER is a doctor who works alongside law enforcement and specializes in the use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer in the monitoring and management of 666- JAIL-MATES. This is a specialized field and doctors should be specially trained for this task, they need to learn how to work with law enforcement and how to manage criminals as they use the 666-Computer or satellite computer in their management and monitoring of criminals. All jail practitioners must be under the care of PLPs and RSPs.
1.02 666-JAIL-MATES are 666-CCs, RPCs, or Space Conspirators who are on death row, or juveniles who are (conditionally) on death row (see rest of this Sect. 1 on how to handle juveniles). All 666-jail mates will be under the care of a jail practitioner and will be removed from the control and manipulation of any unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner and placed under the control and manipulation of a JAIL PRACTITIONER. All 666-JAIL-MATES will be under total surveillance.
1.1 A juvenile found guilty of being a RPC or SC or 666-CC will be placed under total surveillance and will go to jail, if his/her behavior is reckless and dangerous. If the juvenile is not reckless, he/she will be placed under the care of a jail practitioner.
1.2 If the juvenile is found guilty of being a RPC, SC, or 666-CC they will stay in jail or be under the care of a jail practitioner until they are legally considered an adult, and they will always be under the care of a jail practitioner until and unless they are discharged from the death penalty (see Sect. 1.4).
1.3 Any juvenile RPC, SC or 666-CC in real jail, involved in an “escape jail” attempt, will be immediately executed.
1.4 Once the juvenile reaches legal adult age, the International government will study their thoughts for one year (using 666-Computer or satellite computer technology), and if during this one year “adult period”, this new adult’s thoughts have been free of schemes and plots to commit crimes, the former juvenile (who is now an adult) will be released from the death penalty, but will continue to be under surveillance.
1.5 If, however, the new adult (during that one year period) had thoughts to plot or scheme crimes, then after the one year “new adult” period, the new adult will be executed 40 years after the time when he/she committed the crime which gave him/her the death penalty and will be treated as an adult (see Sect. 4). This former juvenile conspirator (now an adult) who still schemes crimes in his/her mind, if released, will be an adult RPC, SC, or 666-CC. RPC, SC, and 666-CCs are dangerous criminals and cause the deaths of many innocent people.
1.6 Russia will handle her own criminals and write her own laws.
1.601 A NON-Russian CREATOR is defined as a non-Russian lawmaker who secretly creates laws for Russia and allows Russian lawmakers to take credit for his/her work. If anyone is found guilty of being a non-Russian creator, Russia will request that all countries which license this non-Russian creator in law, revoke his/her law license(s).
1.61 Russia will not use non-Russian lawmakers (lawyers, judges, etc.) to create or reform her legal system, except for Gail Schuler (who is Vladimir Putin’s future wife or present wife). Once Gail arrives in Russian territory she will become a Russian citizen.
1.62 All RUSSIAN lawmakers must be Russian citizens and licensed to practice law in Russia, except for the exception noted in Sect. 1.61.
1.63 Any new laws created in Russia after June 27, 2003 that were created by non-Russians will be rescinded (until and unless the Russian government thoroughly studies the law and adopts the law for itself), and those Russians that collaborated with a NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR will lose their law license, regardless of whether the Russian government adopts the illegally created law or not. The Russian government wants Russia to be a sovereign nation without influence from conspiracies.
1.64 All lawmaker suspects involved with the NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR will be placed under total surveillance (including 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance) and will be served notices as described in the other legal conspiracy (RRL & RCL:ST) documents in Sections 5 and 6.
1.65 Once these suspects are under surveillance, the Russian government will try to determine if the law(s) they created were their OWN WORK or the work of the NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR. If they are found to have used the NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR’s work, they will lose their license to practice law.
1.66 If any laws (passed after June 27, 2003) are found to be the work of Russians who have collaborated with a NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR, all those involved in this illegal creation (who are lawyers) will lose their law license.
1.67 However, any Russian lawmaker who knows they have collaborated with a NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR in order to pass laws in Russia, has 15 days to come forward and confess to their involvement with this non-Russian creator. If they will come forward during this 15 day period and make a recorded confession to their involvement with this non-Russian creator, they can retain their license to practice law. This confession will be filed with the military tribunals.
1.68 Exceptions will be made for those who were held against their will from coming forward during the 15 day period (and this will be verified by lie-detection). Names and/or identification of those who held them against their will must be given to the Russian government. Those who held them against their will, will be tried as 666-CC, RRL or SC conspirators.
1.681 Any new laws created after June 27, 2003 must list all lawmakers who were the creators of that law. All of these lawmakers (except as noted in Sect. 1.61) must be Russian citizens and licensed to practice law in Russia.
1.7 Russia will contact the country in which the NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR lives and ask that this person be extradited to Russia. Any NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR has 15 days to come forward to the Russian government and confess to his/her involvement as a non-Russian creator. If she/he will come forward during this 15 day period and make a recorded confession to the Russian government of his/her involvement as a non-Russian creator, he/she will not need to be extradited to Russia for trial, and the non-Russian creator charges against this person will be dismissed. This confession will be filed with the Russian military tribunals.
1.71 Any NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR who is found out after the 15 day period, will be extradited to Russia for trial. If the country that licenses this NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR in law does not extradite this person, Russia will severely curtail her economic dealings with that country and impose some sort of sanctions to that country.
1.72 If the NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR, after trial in Russian military tribunal, is found guilty of being a NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR, Russia will request that all countries that license this NON-RUSSIAN CREATOR to practice law, will revoke his/her law license(s) permanently. If those countries do not honor Russia’s request, Russia will impose economic sanctions on those countries.
1.8 If, when we arrest a suspect for any conspiracy involving a 666-Computer or satellite computer, this suspect is engaged in a sexual act, then this suspect’s sexual partner will be also be considered a suspect in this same conspiracy, and will be arrested (and placed under total surveillance) along with the suspect the International government originally came for. If it is determined that the suspect’s sexual partner was forced against their will into this sexual act with the suspect at the time of arrest, then the charge of RAPE and/or EXTORTION will be added onto the suspect’s charge of conspiracy.
1.9 All persons found guilty of being 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirators will be given the death penalty.
1.91 Exceptions to Section 1.9 will be for those who were forced AGAINST THEIR WILL into being a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator (this will be verified by 666-Computer lie detection), or for those who were not aware of the two day deadline (or were forced against their will from coming forward during the 2 day deadline) to put themselves under the care of PLP and RSPs (this will be verified by 666-Computer lie detection) (see Sect. 2.92).
1.92 In order to protect those UNWILLING 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirators from future extortion attempts by unlicensed practitioners, they will be placed under the permanent care of PLP and RSPs.
1.93 Those found guilty of forcing a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator to become a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator AGAINST THEIR WILL (by the use of extortion, threats, etc. on that UNWILLING 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator) or from preventing a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator from coming forward to be placed under the care of a PLP and RSP during the 2 day deadline, will be given the death penalty.
1.94 An UNWILLING 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator is one who is a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator against his/her own will, but was/is a conspirator because of threats or extortion used against this person in order to obtain this person’s cooperation as a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator. The 666-Computer or satellite computer will be used (using its memory reading abilities and its lie detection abilities) to determine if a 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirator was WILLING or UNWILLING. Only WILLING 666-Computer or satellite computer conspirators will be given the death penalty.
2.0 UNSCRAMBLING TECHNOLOGY is defined as any technology which can unscramble memory blocks (which were scrambled via the 666-Computer or satellite computer), so that this scrambled memory will be unscrambled.
2.1 MEMORY BLOCKS are portions of a person’s memory which that person’s brain has no access to, either because this portion is in a form that the brain cannot decipher, or because in some other way the brain cannot comprehend or utilize this portion of that person’s memory.
2.2 Memory described as SCRAMBLED is memory that has been rendered unusable by the brain (via 666-Computer or satellite computer technology).
2.3 Memory described as UNSCRAMBLED is memory that is now in a usable form by the brain, so that the brain can utilize the formerly scrambled memory.
2.31 A 666-Computer or satellite computer PRACTITIONER is defined as anyone (anywhere in the world) who operates a 666-Computer or satellite computer (along with all collaborators or co-workers in this operation–this could include satellite scientists).
2.4 It is believed that memory blocks are scrambled (via the 666-Computer or satellite computer) and this induces amnesia. An unscrambling technology is needed to defeat this ploy. Any person who has this unscrambling technology has 7 days to come forward with this information. After 7 days, any person discovered to have unscrambling technology will be considered a 666-CC, and if found guilty of being a 666-CC, will be executed.
2.5 Exceptions will be for those who have this unscrambling technology and who were held against their will from coming forward during the 7 day period (and this will be verified by lie-detection). Those who held this person against his/her will become 666-CC suspects.
2.6 Exceptions will also be for those who have this unscrambling technology and who were unaware of the 7 day deadline (and this will be verified by lie-detection). Those who were unaware of the deadline will only spare themselves the death penalty if they will make a sworn confession as to how they were unaware of this technology and this confession will be entered into the military tribunals.
2.7 Exceptions will also be for those who have this unscrambling technology and who discovered this unscrambling technology after the 7 day deadline (and this will be verified by lie-detection), these must also make a sworn confession as to how they discovered this technology after the deadline and this confession will be entered in the military tribunals.
2.8 Anyone who discovers this unscrambling technology after the deadline is required to immediately report it to the International government. Those who neglect to do so will be executed, except for the exceptions noted in Sections 2.5 and 2.6.
2.81 If the unscrambling technology is discovered, the international government may waive Sections 2.0 through 2.8, depending on if the international government has anymore problems with scrambled memory blocks.
2.81[a] Because of advanced technology, we may have the capability to retrieve all lost memories. For important memories, like when Brent Spiner phoned Gail in 1990 to 1993, our scientists will search the memories of both Brent Spiner and Gail Chord Schuler to recreate in his/her mind the exact transcription of the phone conversations between Brent and Gail during that time.
2.81[b] Once our scientists reconstructs in his/her mind the exact transcription (recording) of Brent and Gail on the phone from 1990 to 1993, she/he will replicate this into a CD or hard media format that can be listened to by the human ear.
2.81[c] Whenever our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM or our scientists replicates something of legal significance from the past and reconstructs that into hard media, our scientists will use our memory reads to verify that what a computer program replicated is, indeed, an exact replication of the “event” it represents. Once they verify that the hard media replication is accurate, that hard media replication can be used as “evidence” in a court of law.
2.81[d] We shall ask our scientists to replicate onto hard media all “events” from all stages of Brent and Gail’s relationship where they communicated with each other on the phone. It will come out like a phone wiretap.
2.81[e] They will also replicate all significant events that occurred between Brent Spiner and any Jesuits like Loree McBride. It is very possible that all “events” from the past left “imprints” in the sands of time, that our scientists could reconstruct into a video format for us to view, to see exactly what happened.
2.81[f] Basically, quantum technology may make it possible for us to create “movies” about our lives that may resemble the “movies” GOD WILL MAKE to show us why He judged us the way he did at the final judgment.
2.81{h} Quantum technology may revolutionize the practice of law. Computer programming that uses quantum technology may even be able to create a computer that specializes in creating “movies” and audio recordings from the past. All one would have to do is to put in a request for a certain date range, place and the people involved and the EVENT COMPUTER could create an accurate movie of what actually happened at that event.
2.81[i] 666-Computer lie detection will be used on scientist who supplies the report, and must approve of the EVENT COMPUTER each time it is used, so it will probably be used only for very important cases.
2.81[j] Quantum technology can also “create” items that have been lost or destroyed that may have sentimental or legal value to people, using the same techniques that she uses to replicate “events” from the past onto hard media.
2.81[k] It is anticipated that the EVENT COMPUTER’s services in this area will keep ur scientists very busy. So they need to store all data they work on daily as a back up somewhere where this data cannot be destroyed by Jesuits.
Quantum technology should have enough capabilities, that it can construct “replicas” of the past onto hard media and re-create items that have been lost or stolen, like all the stuff Gail could not afford to move from Seattle in 2001.
But before quantum technology recreates events or makes replicas, 666-Computer lie detection must approve of the projects and scan them for validity.
2.81[l] Any willing and knowing attempt by anybody to create fake “replicas” that are not the replicas as outlined in this section, with the intent to deceive and confuse, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. If the violators are androids, then that android must be locked away or destroyed.
In the sections following, those sections that are not asterisked, are not “neighbor” sections and apply to all nations. The asterisked sections that follow can apply to whole countries if those countries choose to be a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country (see Sect. 3.71). If the asterisked sections about a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country are confusing, refer to Russia’s Neighbor Laws document and my other legal documents (especially ICL:ST) for clarification, since I removed certain sections or definitions from those documents (though the laws from those documents remain the same as in this document) for Russia, in order to clarify exactly how a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country’s laws operate.
**2.9 NEIGHBORS is defined as anyone who lives in or is within the boundaries of Brevard County, FL in the United States. NEIGHBORS can also mean everyone within the boundaries of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (see Sect. 3.7) and/or any citizens of that NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY anywhere they may be in the world. See Sect. 2.94 for treatment of juvenile 666-CC suspects.
**2.9011 All NEIGHBORS (and those persons and/or animals under their care–see Sect. 2.9016) are invited to come forward and be placed under the care of PLP and RSPs, in order to be removed from the manipulation and control of unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite practitioners. All NEIGHBORS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL HISTORIES and these histories will be updated daily. Those neighbors who do come forward must be warned (see Sect. 2.9012) that if any evidence is found (when they are placed under the care of PLP and RSPs and/or are placed under 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance or when they undergo FINANCIAL HISTORIES) which indicates that they are/were WILLING conspirators as a 666-CC, 666-PC, SC, PSC, RPC, RC or that they are WILLINGLY some other conspirator (as defined in my CONSPIRACY LAWS documents), these persons will be punished according to the guidelines in my CONSPIRACY LAWS.
**2.9012 Acknowledgement that this warning (see Sect. 2.9011) was received will be included in the FREEDOM or EXTORTION statement, and all voluntary signers of these freedom or extortion statements will acknowledge that they received this warning when they make their freedom or extortion statements (under lie detection). All freedom and extortion statements [which will include acknowledgement that this warning (see Sect. 2.9011) was received] will be filed with the military tribunals.
**2.9013 Those who voluntarily come forward to be placed under the care of PLP and RSPs in order to be removed from the control and manipulation of unlicensed practitioners, will sign a dated statement (or, if they can’t write, make some sort of signed and dated recording which will verify) that they came forward of their own free will, and that they were in no way coerced or extorted to come forward in order to be placed under the care of PLP and RSPs and/or removed from the control of unlicensed practitioners. This written and/or recorded FREEDOM STATEMENT must be done in a manner so that (if necessary) it would be admissible in a military tribunal of law (if it is needed to prove the FREEDOM STATEMENT signer’s identity). All FREEDOM or EXTORTION STATEMENTs will be filed with the military tribunals. Each person who voluntarily comes forward MUST make this statement (or an EXTORTION STATEMENT), and while this statement (or the EXTORTION STATEMENT) is being made, that person will be monitored via 666-Computer or satellite computer lie detection. If lie detection indicates this person was coerced or extorted into coming forward, he/she will make an EXTORTION STATEMENT instead. No person, who voluntarily comes forward, will be placed under the care of PLP and RSPs unless they make either a FREEDOM STATEMENT or an EXTORTION STATEMENT (whichever is applicable).
**2.9014 If lie detection indicates the person was coerced to come forward, then instead of a FREEDOM STATEMENT, that person will submit a signed and dated written EXTORTION STATEMENT in which this person will name those person(s) or the organization(s) who/which coerced or forced him/her to come forward in order to be removed from the control or manipulation of an unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner. The government may not limit itself to a written statement, if extortion is involved, since an investigation may be required. If that person cannot write, then some other recorded method will be used to record an EXTORTION STATEMENT [which will be dated and signed (in some other way) by that person]. This EXTORTION STATEMENT must be admissible proof (in a military tribunal of law) that that particular person signed and dated the EXTORTION STATEMENT, in case identification of the extortion statement’s signer is needed in a military tribunal of law. The extortion statement must be done in such a way that there will be no confusion about the identity of the EXTORTION STATEMENT’s signer.
**2.9015 A FREEDOM STATEMENT is a dated and signed statement (written or recorded) made by a person who voluntarily comes forward in order to be removed from the control and manipulation of an unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner. It must state clearly that the FREEDOM STATEMENT’s signer came forward of his/her own free will (with no extortion or coercion involved) and it must identify clearly WHO the dated signer of the FREEDOM STATEMENT is, so that there is no confusion about the identity of the FREEDOM STATEMENT’s signer.
**2.9016 Parents, guardians, and animal owners will follow the procedures in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 (above) for their children, person(s) under their care, or their animals. The only exception to the laws in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 for children (not of adult age), persons who cannot make legal decisions on their own and are under the care of a guardian, and for animals–will be that parents, guardians, and/or animal owners will act as legal guardians (who will have power of attorney) to act on behalf of their children, person(s) under their care, or their animals in order to fulfill the procedures in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 and to sign and date the required documents as outlined in these Sections.
**2.901 An UNLICENSED PRACTITIONER is a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite practitioner who utilizes a 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite to manipulate anything that is alive, and who is NOT a privileged licensed practitioner (PLP) or registered satellite practitioner (RSP). Any other collaborator (such as a space scientist) who may be necessary in order for this unlicensed practitioner to carry out his/her operations would also be considered an unlicensed practitioner.
**2.902 To RESPECT the international government’s LAWS regarding conspirators, means to carry out the laws and to ENFORCE them (as it is written in International law).
**2.903 A TERRORIST NATION is defined as any nation which is listed on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a NATION WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM.
**2.904 A PRACTITIONER or 666-Computer or satellite computer PRACTITIONER is defined as anyone who operates a 666-Computer or satellite computer in order to manipulate or communicate with another living thing (in any manner) and all those who collaborate or help this practitioner in carrying out this manipulation (such as space scientists).
**2.905 CONNECTION BY TRANSFER or TRANSFER CONNECTION is defined as ANY connection between computers which would permit the continuation of an illegal 666-Computer or satellite computer operation, even after the originating computer and/or its operator is disabled.
**2.906 A TERRORIST NEIGHBOR is a person (not under PLP and RSP care) who resides or is within the boundaries of Brevard County, FL (USA) or is a citizen of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (within or without the boundaries of that country) or who resides within the borders of that NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (see Sect. 3.7) and who communicates in ANY MANNER (directly or indirectly) with a practitioner who is under the jurisdiction of a TERRORIST NATION.
**2.907 A CITIZEN of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY is defined as anyone who is a legal citizen of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY or WHO IS UNDER THAT COUNTRY’S JURISDICTION.
**2.91 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT has informed Gail Schuler via the 666-Computer that he is afraid if he comes to get Gail from her mother’s home that the Jesuits will use the 666-Computer and/or space technology to kill her neighbors. If any neighbors (not under the care of PLP and RSPs) or anyone in the neighbor’s residence, yard, living area (anywhere that neighbor goes), area of work (anywhere that neighbor goes) and/or property becomes seriously ill, injured, or dies (directly or indirectly) because of the 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology, everyone who resides in that neighbor’s residence and/or area of work or who has visited that residence and/or area of work (and who is not under PLP and RSP care and supervision) for the past 6 months will become 666-CC and/or SC suspects and, if found guilty of being a 666-CC or a SC, will be executed. An exception to this will be if the victim is a BIBLE BELIEVER (see my 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPand RSPs document). Any deliberate torture (or attempt to torture) inflicted (directly or indirectly)(using the 666-Computer or satellite computer or any type of space technology) on a BIBLE BELIEVER (in violation of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s instructions) will result in the immediate execution of the 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner or the space scientist [who is involved (directly or indirectly) in the deliberate use of torture (using the 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology) on a BIBLE BELIEVER].
**2.92 If these neighbors will put themselves under the care of PLP and RSPs, they can spare themselves the death penalty and they have 2 days to do this. After this, if the 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology is used to cause serious illness or death or injury (directly or indirectly) in these neighbor’s residences, living areas (including anywhere the neighbor goes), work areas (anywhere that neighbor goes), yards or property, those neighbors will become 666-CC suspects and/or SC suspects (if they are not under PLP and RSP care), and all who have visited or lived in the homes or living areas of the 666-CC and/or SC suspects over the past 6 months (if not currently under PLP and RSP care) will also become 666-CC and/or SC suspects and all who worked or communicated with the 666-CC and/or SC suspect for the past 6 months (if not currently under PLP and RSP care) will become 666-CC and/or SC suspects, and if found guilty of being a 666-CC and/or a SC, will be executed.
2.93 If, when the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT comes to get Gail (by whatever method he chooses to use, whether it’s direct or indirect), any person (anywhere in the world) suddenly becomes seriously ill, injured, or dies (directly or indirectly) because of the 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology, that person (if still alive) and all persons associated with that person (if not under PLP and RSP care) will immediately become a 666-CC and/or a SC suspect. Any 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology practitioner who inflicted this serious injury, illness, or death by the 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology on this person at this time (when the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT comes to get Gail, directly or indirectly) will be executed. Those countries that will not cooperate with the international government in this matter will be put under some sort of sanction by the International government.
**2.94 All juveniles in Brevard Co., U.S.A. or juveniles that are citizens of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY within or without the boundaries of that NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (see Sect. 3.7) who are convicted of being 666-CCs or space conspirators will be treated according to the laws in Sect. 1 of this document.
**2.95 If anything alive is manipulated by a 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology practitioner (and this practitioner is not a PLP and RSP or is not a registered user of space materials ) and this manipulated person/animal/creature is within 50 square miles of where Gail Schuler is and/or is manipulated by an unlicensed practitioner (or an unregistered user of space materials) who is a citizen of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (no matter where this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner may be) or is manipulated by this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner within the borders of that NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (see Sect. 3.7) or this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner is under the jurisdiction of that neighbor set-up country, that unlicensed or unregistered practitioner will be executed. Exceptions will be made for any manipulated living thing which is ABOVE Gail Schuler. For those animals/persons above Gail (manipulated by a unlicensed or unregistered practitioner), there is no limit because outer space is very far. Anything that is above Gail Schuler [and above the 50 mile circumference around her (no matter how far up)], that unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer (or unregistered space technology) practitioner who is manipulating this person/animal above Gail, or any unlicensed practitioner (or unregistered space technology practitioner) who is a citizen of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY and manipulates (directly or indirectly) a person/animal–that neighbor set-up country will have that practitioner executed.
**2.96 Any unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer or unregistered space technology practitioner who manipulates an animal in Brevard Co., FL (USA) or who manipulates an animal within the borders of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY and/or is a citizen of that NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY (regardless of where this unlicensed practitioner or unregistered practitioner may be) and manipulates an animal (see Sect. 3.7) will be executed. An animal is defined as anything alive that is not human.
**2.97 If the animal that is manipulated by the 666-Computer or satellite computer and/or space technology poses a threat (direct or indirect) to human life, the animal will be immediately executed.
**3.0 If an UNLICENSED 666-Computer or satellite computer PRACTITIONER OR UNREGISTERED SPACE TECHNOLOGY PRACTITIONER (in any way, even using methods other than direct communication via a 666-Computer or satellite computer) communicates with a NEIGHBOR (directly or indirectly) he/she will be executed. Only PLP and RSPs or REGISTERED SPACE TECHNOLOGY PRACTITIONERS may communicate (in any form) with a NEIGHBOR, no other 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner or space technology practitioner can communicate with a NEIGHBOR, or that practitioner will be executed.
**3.01 If a PLP and/or RSP willingly and knowingly cooperates with an UNLICENSED 666-Computer or satellite computer PRACTITIONER (or with any JESUIT CONSPIRATOR) to willingly (without being under duress or extortion from that JESUIT CONSPIRATOR) allow that JESUIT CONSPIRATOR 666-Computer or satellite computer access (in any form) to that PLP and RSP’s DESIGNATED PERSON (see Sect. 1.41 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs)–that PLP and RSP will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
**3.011 A SHIELD is defined as the medium (maintained by the PRIMARY PLP and/or RSP’s 666-Computer or satellite computer) around (or a part of) a DESIGNATED PERSON’s brain or body or accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM which prevents an ENEMY PRACTITIONER from gaining 666-Computer or satellite computer access (via satellite or other methods) to that DESIGNATED PERSON’s brain or body or accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM. A LOOPHOLE SHIELD is considered a SHIELD for the purposes of this legal document (see Sect. 59.51 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLP and RSPs).
**3.012 SHIELD CONTROL is defined as the control that the PRIMARY PLP and RSP has (via the medium which he/she maintains around the brain or body or accessories [or program] with his/her 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite) to protect his/her DESIGNATED PERSON and/or their PERSON-PROGRAM from attacks (or attempts) by ENEMY PRACTITIONERS to control or manipulate or damage that DESIGNATED PERSON and/or their PERSON-PROGRAM (via 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite).
**3.013 666-Computer or satellite computer ACCESS is defined as the ability to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite to (directly or indirectly) manipulate or control or monitor or damage the 666-Computer or satellite computer (and/or any of its programming) which is used on a DESIGNATED PERSON.
**3.02 In case the PRIMARY PLP and RSP relinquishes (partially or in whole)(directly or indirectly–using any method) his/her SHIELD(s) (over a DESIGNATED PERSON’s brain or body or accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM) to a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR– every DESIGNATED PERSON’s brain or body or accessories (and their 666-Computer and satellite computer and computer programs) will have 9 to 11 (or more) back-up SHIELDS over their brain or body or accessories (and their computer and programs) which will be programmed to immediately resume the shield before the primary shield’s integrity is broken. This must be done in order to prevent JESUIT CONSPIRATORS from having access to a designated person’s body or brain or accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM. Each back-up SHIELD will be maintained and checked hourly by a different PRACTITIONER. No two back-up SHIELDS will be maintained by the same PRACTITIONER. Those PLPs and/or RSPs or programmers (who maintain a back-up SHIELD over the PRIMARY PLP and RSP’s DESIGNATED PERSON and/or that person’s brain or body or accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM), should be able to maintain the SHIELD or resume the SHIELD immediately (over that DESIGNATED PERSON and/or that person’s brain or body or accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM) to prevent a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR from gaining SHIELD CONTROL over that PLP or RSP or programmer’s DESIGNATED PERSON (and that person’s brain or body or accessories or PERSON–PROGRAM).
**3.02(a) All computers used by the back-up and primary practitioners (see Sect. 3.02 above) to maintain shield control, should be programmed by the PROGRAMMER CORPS (which has jurisdiction over those primary and secondary practitioners) to immediately resume the shield over that PLP or RSP’s designated person (should a shield collapse or fail on that person)–it only takes a split second to induce a heart attack or cut off someone’s breath, so the back-up shield needs to resume IMMEDIATELY–before the primary shield collapses. AND THERE SHOULD BE 9 TO 11 BACK UP SHIELDS PROGRAMMED FOR EVERY DESIGNATED PERSON. SIGNIFICANT PERSONS SHOULD HAVE 25 OR MORE BACK UP SHIELDS. Also, all back up computers used to maintain shield integrity need to be tested hourly to insure that the back-up mechanism is working properly and that it will resume the shield immediately (before the integrity of the main shield is broken) if the primary shield on its designated person fails. Any willing and knowing violations of this Sect. 3.02 which allow shields to fail or not to work (as outlined in this Sect. 3), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT JESUITS CANNOT BREAK THROUGH OUR SHIELDS.
No member of the PROGRAMMER CORPS can be used to enforce this Sect. 3.02, if that person has an amnesia problem and/or if that person is incompetent (in any manner) to be able to effectively carry out the guidelines of this Sect. 3.02, and/or if that person is an UNWILLING or WILLING AGENT or any other (direct or indirect) Jesuit supporter. And all programming and computer work to maintain shields done by the PROGRAMMER CORPS should be inspected by at least 3 other PROGRAMMER CORPS members. This is especially important in regard to shields, since a malfunctioning shield allows Jesuits to immediately kill or seriously harm the designated person (who is no longer under shield protection).
**3.021 Any person (who is responsible to insure that SHIELDS are maintained [as outlined in this Sect. 3] on 666-Computer or satellite computer programs and/or on the brain or body and/or that body’s accessories or PERSON-PROGRAM–see Sect. 3.021a), and who (directly or indirectly) deliberately, knowingly and willingly (whether by acts of omission or commission) causes any person’s brain or body and/or that body’s accessories and/or that PERSON-PROGRAM (see Sect. 1.0a of 666-Computer and Satellite Laws for PLPs and RSPs) or any 666-Computer or satellite computer program in any PERSON-PROGRAM to be vulnerable to ENEMY 666-Computer or satellite computer PRACTITIONERS, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs–also, see Sect. 59.51 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
**3.021(a) A BODY’S ACCESSORIES are defined as anything which is worn on the body or comes in contact with the body continually–such as eye glasses, golf equipment, breathing equipment, watches, jewelry, earrings, a dog’s collar, etc. These accessories must be under shield protection, even when they are not in contact with that DESIGNATED PERSON’s body. For instance, eye glasses are taken off when a person showers or goes to bed, and perhaps this is when those eye glasses may be targeted (via satellite) by terrorists. Therefore, it is essential that any accessory (such as eye glasses or a cane or walker or any accessory needed by that person for day to day survival or activities) which are used continually by that DESIGNATED PERSON, be shield protected, even when that accessory is not in contact with that DESIGNATED PERSON’s body. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to neglect to shield protect any accessory (as defined in this Section 3.02), even when that accessory is not in contact with that DESIGNATED PERSON’s body, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PLP or RSP violator. Satellite technology could be used to cause eye glasses to shatter to pieces while a person is driving or while that person does some other activity, so it is essential that eye glasses are protected by the same shield which is placed around that person’s body. Or prescription eyeglasses could be damaged (via satellite) and cause that person to incur costly replacement costs–and, in this manner, satellite technology could be used as a form of economic sabotage against that person. Or possibly an earring could be used as a knife (via satellite technology) to slash into the person’s face or to cut off an ear, or to fly into the face of an opponent. Perhaps a handicapped person relies on an electronic wheelchair or breathing equipment or other equipment to survive and cope with day to day living, all these are considered accessories to that person and must be shield protected by that person’s RSP and/or PLP, even when those accessories are not in contact with that person’s body. Any vehicle which that DESIGNATED PERSON operates or is a passenger on (such as an automobile, plane, boat, or other moving vehicle) will also be considered part of that DESIGNATED PERSON’s accessories–and satellite technology (by that person’s RSP) should be used to maintain shield protection around these accessories at all times–since these could be targeted by terrorists to harm that DESIGNATED PERSON. In fact, anything which that DESIGNATED PERSON touches with his/her body on a regular basis, should be shield protected by that person’s RSP. Therefore RSPs are required to use RSP ASSISTANTs to study the lifestyle of each person under their control, so that all accessories (connected with that person) are shield protected.
**3.021(a1) That DESIGNATED PERSON’s ETHNOGRAPHY (see Sect. 6) should be given to each RSP ASSISTANT to assist them in the research required to maintain an accurate ACCESSORIES LIST for each DESIGNATED PERSON under the control of that RSP. If it is known in advance which vehicles that DESIGNATED PERSON may be on–such as a jet, boat, etc.–these vehicles must be shield protected before and during the time when that DESIGNATED PERSON will be on (or operating) that vehicle–these vehicles (for legal purposes) will be considered ACCESSORIES to that DESIGNATED PERSON. For this reason, that DESIGNATED PERSON’s ETHNOGRAPHY must be part of every RSP ASSISTANT’s legal files, and each RSP ASSISTANT will be assigned those DESIGNATED PERSONs for which he/she must maintain ETHNOGRAPHIES.
**3.021(a2) Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to maintain an inaccurate or incomplete ETHNOGRAPHY (or to not maintain an ETHNOGRAPHY) on any RSP’s DESIGNATED PERSON by an RSP ASSISTANT, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that RSP ASSISTANT.
**3.021(a3) Each RSP’s ASSISTANT must maintain a list of all accessories connected to each DESIGNATED PERSON under his/her control, and this ACCESSORIES LIST must be maintained in that RSP’s computer files for each designated person under their control. Because this involves considerable time, each RSP must have RSP ASSISTANTS who specialize in maintaining an ACCESSORIES LIST for each DESIGNATED PERSON under the control of that RSP. Before an ACCESSORIES LIST is entered into that RSP’s legal computer storage file, that RSP ASSISTANT must certify under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of his/her knowledge he/she has entered an accurate and complete ACCESSORIES LIST for that DESIGNATED PERSON. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to enter into an RSP’s legal files, any ACCESSORIES LIST for a DESIGNATED PERSON, which is not an DESIGNATED PERSON’s ACCESSORIES LIST for which that RSP’s ASSISTANT has passed 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the accuracy and completeness of that ACCESSORIES LIST–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person or RSP and/or his/her ASSISTANT.
**3.021(a4) An ACCESSORIES LIST is considered a legal document, because if any damage occurs to any DESIGNATED PERSON’s accessories, this list could become part of evidence in a criminal case. Therefore, any willing and knowing attempt (or action) by an RSP’s ASSISTANT to maintain an inaccurate, incomplete or confusing ACCESSORIES LIST, so that, as a result, an RSP neglects to maintain a shield over any DESIGNATED PERSON’s accessories–that RSP ASSISTANT will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Because ACCESSORIES LISTs are legal documents and accountability is required, only RSP ASSISTANTS can maintain and write ACCESSORIES LISTS. Any willing or knowing attempt (or action) by any other person (besides an RSP ASSISTANT) to write an ACCESSORIES LIST will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
**3.021(a5) An RSP is required to maintain shields (as outlined in this Sect. 3) around each ACCESSORY (as outlined in the ACCESSORIES LIST[s] for that DESIGNATED PERSON[s]) of any and all DESIGNATED PERSON(s) who are under his/her satellite control. This RSP must maintain this shield around every accessory listed in that DESIGNATED PERSON’s ACCESSORIES LIST. And that RSP can only use the ACCESSORIES LIST, which was written, researched and entered into that RSP’s computer files by his/her RSP ASSISTANT. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to use any other list (besides the ACCESSORIES LIST of that RSP’s ASSISTANT) as the basis from which that RSP decides which ACCESSORIES to SATELLITE SHIELD PROTECT for each and every DESIGNATED PERSON under his/her satellite control, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that RSP.
**3.021(a6) To SATELLITE SHIELD PROTECT or to SHIELD PROTECT is defined as using satellite technology to maintain a shield (as outlined in this Sect. 3) to protect a person or any of their accessories from being targeted by Jesuit terrorists.
**3.021(a7) An RSP ASSISTANT is considered (for CONSPIRACY LAW purposes) a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON.
**3.021(b) Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) by any satellite practitioner or by any person to cause (directly or indirectly) damage to any body’s accessories (such as eyeglasses, watches, breathing equipment, jewelry, a dog’s collar, etc.) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that practitioner. See Sect. 3.021a.
**3.021(c) If the RSP is able to repair damage done by criminal satellite practitioners to eyeglasses or other body accessories, that RSP is required to do so (as long as the repair will not undermine a legal case against Jesuit Conspirators).
**3.1 If it is found out that an unlicensed practitioner or unregistered space technology practitioner has communicated with a neighbor and that country in which this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner resides and/or which has jurisidiction over this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner does not immediately execute that practitioner and/or does not respect the international government’s CONSPIRACY LAWS regarding JESUIT CONSPIRATORS, 666-CCs, RPCs, or space conspirators– the international government will impose sanctions on that country and that country will be listed as a NATION WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The sanctions will not be lifted until that terrorist nation RESPECTS the international government’s laws regarding JESUIT CONSPIRATORS, 666-CCs, RPCs, or space conspirators.
**3.2 Any neighbor (and all those associated with this neighbor WHO ARE NOT UNDER PLP and RSP care and supervision) who communicates IN ANY FORM with a 666-Computer or satellite computer or space technology practitioner who is under the jurisdiction of a TERRORIST NATION (and evidence for this terrorist neighbor’s communication will be filed with the military tribunals)–this terrorist neighbor will be arrested and tried as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, 666-CC and/or a SC and, if found guilty, will be executed as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, 666-CC or a SC. This neighbor could also be executed as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, 666-PC or PSC (political space conspirator), if found guilty of being a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, 666-PC or a PSC.
**3.3 If a TERRORIST NATION remains listed as a nation which sponsors terrorism (on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website for 6 months or longer), The international government may bring its case against that nation(s) to the United Nations (or some other international forum), and ask that all peace loving nations of the world impose sanctions on that terrorist nation(s). And if, in spite of international sanctions, this nation STILL remains on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a nation which sponsors terrorism, the international government may declare war on that terrorist nation’s government in order to topple that terrorist regime.
**3.4 If war against a TERRORIST NATION is declared by the international government, any nation which assists the international government in this war will sign agreements whereby all cooperating nations agree that any money or assets confiscated from this terrorist nation will BELONG TO THE PEOPLE OF THAT TERRORIST NATION after that nation is liberated from its terrorist regime. If it is discovered that any of that terrorist nation’s monies or assets have been illegally confiscated by any person or organization, all those involved, if found guilty of this, will be executed. The international government does not want a reputation as a nation which starts wars in order to increase the international government’s wealth.
3.5 Any space scientist or other 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner whose computer is connected by transfer to the operation of an immediately executed 666-CC or SC, will himself/herself be immediately executed, since this space scientist (or other practitioner) could conceivably sustain the originating 666-Computer or satellite computer’s or space conspirator’s illegal operation (by some sort of immediate transfer of data to another computer in space or elsewhere) even after the immediate execution of the 666-CC or space conspirator at the originating 666-Computer or satellite computer.
3.51 The International government will not allow its PLP and RSPs or space technology practitioners to have transfer connections (of any kind) to the 666-Computer or satellite computers of unlicensed or unregistered practitioners, so anyone who has transfer connections with an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner and/or an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner’s computer is immediately guilty of being a 666-CC and/or a SC and will be executed.
3.6 Any unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner or unregistered space technology practitioner who interferes (in ANY manner) while the International government attempts to free a person or animal from the control of 666-Computer or satellite computers (operated by unlicensed practitioners) or from the control of unregistered space technology practitioners will be immediately executed.
3.7 If a country chooses to adopt the laws for NEIGHBORS in (asterisked Sections 2.9 to 3.4) and wants to redefine the term NEIGHBOR to include everyone within the boundaries of that country and/or all citizens of that country no matter where they may be, the international government will not require this, but will not object for any country that desires to do so. Each country will decide when they want to start their two day deadline as described in Sect. 2.92. Any country that chooses to redefine NEIGHBOR to mean all within the boundaries of that country and/or all citizens of that country no matter where they may be, that country must contact the international government and file a REDEFINITION OF NEIGHBOR document, which will be filed in International military tribunal headquarters in Germany or Russia. Any NATION which blocks (by ignoring or interfering with) a NEIGHBOR SET-UP COUNTRY as that country tries to enforce the laws in this document (and how to handle this terrorist nation is described in Sections 3.1 to 3.4 of this document), will be listed as a NATION WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM or TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The international government will not require countries to become neighbor set-up countries (as described in asterisked Sections 2.9 to 3.4)–but only asks that those countries that want to become NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries (as described in asterisked Sections 2.9 to 3.4), let the international government know so that the international government can mete out the punishments (described in Sections 3.1 to 3.4) to these TERRORIST NATIONS. It is essential that any country that desires to be a neighbor set-up country, file a REDEFINITION OF NEIGHBOR document in the International military tribunal headquarters in Germany or Russia, and that this neighbor set-up country enforce the “neighbor” laws consistently (as written in this document) or else the international government will not be obligated to carry out its punishment to those terrorist nations (as described in Sections 3.1 to 3.4).
3.71 Those countries who file a REDEFINITION OF NEIGHBOR document in the International military tribunal headquarters will be listed on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country. (See Section 3.72). All NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries must respect the rights of BRANCH COUNTRIES (see Sect. 3.72) to prosecute (and deal with) those who fall under the jurisdiction of a BRANCH COUNTRY, even if that alleged or actual JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (who is under the jurisdiction of a BRANCH COUNTRY) is not a citizen of the BRANCH COUNTRY, but is a citizen of the NEIGHBOR SET-UP country. NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries will lose their NEIGHBOR SET-UP status if they do not cooperate with BRANCH COUNTRIES (while these BRANCH COUNTRIES deal with alleged or actual JESUIT CONSPIRATORS who are citizens of that NEIGHBOR SET-UP country, but are under the jurisdiction of that BRANCH COUNTRY).
3.71(a) All NEIGHBOR set-up countries or NATIONS must join with Russia and Germany in Russia and Germany’s formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order. Those NEIGHBOR NATIONS which do not join with Russia and Germany in a formal and sincere declaration of war against the Jesuit Order, will lose their status as a NEIGHBOR NATION and will lose their PLP and RSP network and their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. will be managed by another country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (The International President will choose the country which will manage the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT.). For instance, Spain’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT may be managed by Mexico’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. And India’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. may be managed by China’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. Also, no nation can be a BRANCH COUNTRY (see Sect. 3.72), unless that nation joins with Russia and Germany in their formal and sincere declaration of war against the Jesuit Order. To join with Russia and Germany in their formal and sincere declaration of war against the Jesuit Order means that that nation will honor and follow the guidelines of Sect. 35 and 36 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
3.72 Four nations (Sweden, Germany, Japan, or Israel) will not be considered NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries; but, instead, will be considered BRANCH COUNTRIES of the International government with all the rights and responsibilities to execute and enforce the CONSPIRACY LAWS against the citizens of their respective BRANCH COUNTRY (whether it be Sweden, Germany, Japan, or Israel) as if these BRANCH COUNTRIES were, themselves, the international government. Russia, itself, is a BRANCH COUNTRY (for legal purposes) since it is an overseer country from which the BRANCH COUNTRIES operate. This means that the documentation and legal hearings, trials, and cases involving alleged or actual JESUIT CONSPIRATORS (who are under the jurisdiction of a BRANCH COUNTRY) can be filed and conducted in the BRANCH COUNTRY’s own military tribunals and/or legal system and don’t have to be filed or conducted in the Russian military tribunals. These BRANCH COUNTRIES will also have the right and responsibility to execute and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS against anyone who is fluent in the language of their country (even if that fluent person is no longer [or never has been] a citizen of the BRANCH COUNTRY, but is a citizen of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country).
3.721 All BRANCH COUNTRIES must enforce the laws in Section 8 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS (in regard to their government officials). These Section 8 laws are enforced in the Russian Federation and any BRANCH COUNTRY (which is a country considered an extension or branch of the Russian Federation–in order to assist Russia in the administration of the international government’s CONSPIRACY LAWs) must also enforce these Section 8 laws in that BRANCH COUNTRY’s appointment and/or election of government officials. For the purposes of this legal document, government officials will also include all officers in all branches of the military. It may be necessary to reassign and/or eliminate those military officers who do not have a clean FINANCIAL and/or CONSPIRACY HISTORY, in order to remove them from influence. Those BRANCH COUNTRIES which do not enforce Section 8 of the TERRORIST MONEY LAWS document (in regard to their government officials) will lose their BRANCH COUNTRY status. The International government will allow for a phasing in period to implement Section 8 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS (if this is necessary because of how a BRANCH COUNTRY’s laws are set up), but all new government official candidates (in a BRANCH COUNTRY) must pass thorough FINANCIAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES before they are accepted as government officials.
3.73 The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, because of his special and trusting relationship with Sweden, Israel, Germany and Japan– will allow the German Chancellor (Gerhard Schroeder), the current leader of Sweden (as of 1-7-04), the Japanese Prime Minister (Koizumi?), and the Israeli Prime Minister (Ariel Sharon), to have all the powers and rights of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT (called THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) in executing and enforcing CONSPIRACY LAWS against the citizens of their specific BRANCH COUNTRY or against those who are fluent in the language of their specific BRANCH COUNTRY. For instance, anyone who is fluent in Hebrew (and is a citizen of a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country) will fall under the jurisidiction of Ariel Sharon’s Israeli government, and Ariel Sharon will have all the powers of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, in enforcing and executing the CONSPIRACY LAWS against that fluent person (who is fluent in Hebrew).
3.74 In the event that the German Chancellor Schroeder, the Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi(?), the Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, and/or the Swedish leader (as of 1-7-04), are (or become) deceased or incapacitated when it is necessary to enforce a CONSPIRACY LAW against someone who falls under their jurisdiction–these 4 leaders (of Israel, Sweden, Japan, and Germany) who have THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, will assign 10 back-ups (called PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS) who will have THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT to act in the stead of the Israeli Prime Minister, the Swedish leader, the German Chancellor, and/or the Japanese Prime Minister in order to execute the CONSPIRACY LAWS against any JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (who falls under that BRANCH COUNTRY’s jurisdiction). Of these 10 PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS (ten–for each of the 5 BRANCH COUNTRIES), at least 3 of the PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS should reside outside the borders of their respective BRANCH COUNTRY– that is, outside the borders of Japan, Sweden, Germany, and/or Israel (in the event of nuclear war or other war involving weapons of mass destruction)–so that the CONSPIRACY LAWS (against those under the jurisdiction of Sweden, Japan, Germany, or Israel) can still be carried out by the BRANCH COUNTRY. For example, the Japanese Prime Minister would assign ten PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS, and maybe one of these back-ups would live in the United States, another might live in Russia and another might live in Australia. The countries chosen in the preceding sentence (where the PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS might live) was mentioned solely for illustrative purposes and may not be where the actual PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS will reside. Also, PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS do not have to limit their residence to one country, they may be mobile and may move frequently.
3.75 In the event, that (through re-election or for other reasons) the German Chancellor Schroeder or the Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi(?) or the Israeli Prime Minister Sharon or or the Swedish leader (as of 1-7-04) is replaced by another leader in Sweden, Germany, Japan, and/or Israel–then one of that BRANCH COUNTRY’s ten PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS (or some other leader of Germany, Japan, Sweden, and/or Israel) will be given THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT to execute the CONSPIRACY LAWS [against those who fall under the jurisdiction of that BRANCH COUNTRY (either Sweden, Germany, Japan, or Israel)]. The CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT [or a person (or persons) he designates]–and this person whom the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT will designate will be documented (with witnesses) and in writing– will choose who (of the ten PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS), or who (of some other leader of Sweden, Germany, Japan, and/or Israel) will take the place of either the Swedish leader (as of 1-7-04), German Chancellor Schroeder, Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi (?), and/or Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, should it become necessary to assign a new person with THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT to take the place of the Swedish leader (as of 1-7-04), Chancellor Schroeder, Prime Minister Koizumi (?), and/or Prime Minister Sharon. Whoever has THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT (in Sweden, Germany, Japan, and/or Israel) has the right to change his/her ten PRESIDENTIAL BACK-UPS anytime he/she wants, as long as this change is fully documented (with witnesses), so that there is no doubt that the change was done under the order of (or by the direction of ) the Swedish leader (as of 1-7-04), Chancellor Schroeder, Prime Minister Koizumi, or Prime Minister Sharon or by whoever has THE POWER OF THE CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT (for that BRANCH COUNTRY).
3.76 Sweden is responsible to execute and enforce any CONSPIRACY LAWS against anyone who speaks fluent Swedish (as well as against those who are Swedish citizens), even if that fluent Swedish speaker is a citizen of another BRANCH COUNTRY besides Sweden. Germany is responsible to execute and enforce any CONSPIRACY LAWS against anyone who speaks fluent German (as well as against those who are German citizens), even if that fluent German speaker is a citizen of another BRANCH COUNTRY besides Germany. Japan is responsible to execute and enforce any CONSPIRACY LAWS against anyone who speaks fluent Japanese (as well as against those who are Japanese citizens), even if that fluent Japanese speaker is a citizen of another BRANCH COUNTRY besides Japan. Israel is responsible to execute and enforce any CONSPIRACY LAWS against anyone who speaks fluent Hebrew (as well as against those who are Israeli citizens), even if that fluent Hebrew speaker is a citizen of another BRANCH COUNTRY besides Israel.
4.0 REAL JAIL is defined as the jail we traditionally think of, with bars–in other words–PRISON. Those 666-JAIL MATES under the supervision of a JAIL PRACTITIONER, can function, to an extent, like normal people in society, except that they MUST BE OBEDIENT to their jail practitioner and never behave in any manner that could cause injury or harm to innocent people. The JAIL PRACTITIONER can use the 666-Computer or satellite computer to inflict punishments on those 666-JAIL MATES who are disobedient.
4.1 A MANUAL needs to be drawn up which describes specific guidelines on how to manage and monitor 666 JAIL MATES using the 666-Computer or satellite computer. This should be created with the help of the country’s law enforcment, doctors who are familiar with the 666-Computer or satellite computer, and attorneys which will be adminstering this manual. Each country can set up their own manual and guidelines on how to manage their 666 JAIL MATES using the 666-Computer or satellite computer, but whatever they decide, they NEED TO BE CONSISTENT and to ENFORCE THEIR GUIDELINES. This manual needs to be followed consistently.
4.2 For those neighbors found guilty of the death penalty (because they are RPCs, Space conspirators, or 666-CCs), as described under Sect. 3.2, they must serve 40 years under the care of JAIL PRACTITIONERS, and after 40 years they will be executed. However, if a person is convicted of being a RPC or SC as well as a 666-CC, for each additional conspiracy conviction, he/she loses 15 years. In other words, one who is convicted of being a RPC and a 666-CC will be executed in 25 years. If one is convicted of being a RPC and a SC and a 666-CC, he/she will be executed in 10 years. Under no circumstances will a convicted conspirator be allowed to threaten the life or health of innocent people, and any convicted conspirator who does so, will be IMMEDIATELY EXECUTED. One conspiracy conviction (RPC or SC or 666-CC) means an execution in 40 years. Two conspiracy convictions (RPC or SC or 666-CC) means an execution in 25 years. Three conspiracy convictions (RPC or SC or 666-CC) means an execution in 10 years.
4.21 If one is convicted of being a 666-CC or a PSC (political space conspirator) because of involvement in a crime which is/was designed to draw attention to the Schuler/Putin/Spiner case, this is a 666-political conspirator or 666-PC or a PSC (which is a more serious charge). A 666-PC or PSC will also receive the death penalty, but a 666-PC or PSC will be executed within 10 years instead of 40. If the 666-PC or PSC is also guilty of being a RPC or a SC, the military tribunal will decide when the execution will take place, and the military tribunal can choose any execution date it wants (as long as it is within 10 years).
4.3 Exceptions to the care of a jail practitioner will be for those who have a history of reckless and dangerous behavior (like reckless driving, drunkenness, etc.), those will go to REAL JAIL, where they will be prevented from acting out their reckless and dangerous impulses. Juveniles will be handled as described in Sect. 1. For management of the mentally ill, see Section 5.
4.4 Under no conditions will a 666-JAIL-MATE be allowed to endanger the life of others. Any 666-JAIL-MATE who behaves in any manner (direct or indirect) which could result in the death or injury of innocent people will be immediately executed (these 666-JAIL-MATES will be executed before their 40 year sentence is up).
4.5 How each 666-JAIL MATE will be managed and monitored by the JAIL PRACTITIONER(S) assigned to him/her will be determined on an individual basis, case by case. The general rule is that the 666-JAIL MATES that have a history of reckless or dangerous behavior will go to real jail and those that have some self-discipline and seem not the type to cause immediate danger to innocent people can go outside into regular society, BUT IN ALL CASES these 666 JAIL MATES must be under the supervision of a JAIL PRACTITIONER and must be under total 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance.
4.6 All NEIGHBOR SET-UP countries should strictly monitor illegal immigrants in their country, and any illegal immigrants caught will be placed under 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance, and if the illegal immigrant’s home country objects to this surveillance, that country will be put on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a NATION THAT SPONSORS TERRORISM. Jesuits rely heavily on immigration tactics to takeover a country and cause chaos. Even if an illegal immigrant goes back to his/her home country, that home country’s punishment for its lackadaisical enforcement policies (which allows its citizens to so easily escape into another country illegally), will be that that illegal immigrant will remain on 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance even if the illegal immigrant leaves the NEIGHBOR SET-UP country where he/she was caught as an illegal immigrant and returns to his/her home country. It is generally not a good idea to allow illegal immigrants into a country. Law enforcement regarding illegal immigrants must be enforced.
4.7 Russia, herself, will be a NEIGHBOR SET-UP country and will use the neighbor set-up laws in Russia.
5.0 A MENTALLY ILL person is defined as someone who has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist with a mental illness.
5.1 An EVALUATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS is defined as an evaluation (using groundbreaking 666-Computer or satellite computer brain studies) conducted on the mentally ill person (by the licensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner who is manipulating and monitoring that mentally ill person) to determine if a person is, in fact, suffering from a mental illness. This evaluation should be backed up by the evaluations of other licensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioners, who are qualified to comment about this mentally ill person’s condition. All evaluations, including at least 2 backup evaluations, should be in writing (with the supporting rationales and evidence). So, each EVALUATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS will have at least 3 evaluations from licensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioners (which will be included in the assessment of a mentally ill person’s mental illness).
5.11 A PLAN OF ACTION is an evaluation done by a jail practitioner which outlines the course of treatment and/or law enforcement necessary to deal with a mentally ill person. All courses of treatment and/or law enforcement guidelines must be supported by rationales with supporting evidence.
5.2 Any dangerous or reckless mentally ill person should be put in REAL JAIL or in confinement. Once in confinement, this mentally ill person will be removed from the control and manipulation of any unlicensed 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite practitioner and placed under PLP and RSP care and kept under confinement.
5.3 Once this reckless mentally ill person is placed under PLP and RSP care, he/she will be evaluated (via groundbreaking 666-Computer or satellite computer technology) for 14 days (in confinement). If, during this 14 day period, the mentally ill person is free of “mental illness” symptoms and is no longer reckless and/or violent, this person will be kept under PLP and RSP care permanently and released into society. What to do with this formerly mentally ill person after release, will be decided on a case by case basis.
5.4 If the licensed practitioner who monitors this mentally ill person (while in 14 day confinement) determines that this person is NOT mentally ill, this practitioner will write an EVALUATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS which supports his/her conclusion that this person is NOT mentally ill. This evaluation must include the RATIONALES for this conclusion that the person is not mentally ill, and all evidence needed to back up the rationales. The licensed practitioner may choose to work with a psychiatrist and/or clinical psychologist as he/she writes his/her EVALUATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS and include the psychiatrist and/or clinical psychologist’s evaluations (with rationales and evidence) as part of the EVALUATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS. There must be at least 3 evalutions (see Sect. 5.1). This EVALUATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS will be filed with the military tribunals.
5.5 Because the 666-Computer or satellite computer (is connected to the brain) and offers groundbreaking insights into the brain and how it works, it may be necessary to redefine mental illness and to rewrite the categories and definitions for mental illness (as a result of new research and evidence found from 666-Computer or satellite computer studies of the brain). By doing this, more effective treatment of mental illness will be promoted, and those who are not mentally ill (but have illness for other reasons, will, hopefully, be directed away from mental health practitioners and to the medical practitioners who can effectively treat their condition). It is not good medicine to diagnose a person as having a mental illness, just because no other diagnostic category seems to describe their undecipherable symptoms. The 666-Computer or satellite computer can be used to promote more accurate diagnoses of illnesses.
5.6 If, after being placed under PLP and RSP care, the mentally ill person still behaves violently and/or recklessly, this mentally ill person will be placed under the care of a jail practitioner and/or put in real jail or confinement. The jail practitioner will use the 666-Computer or satellite computer to help determine the best course of treatment and/or law enforcement necessary to deal with this mentally ill person. The jail practitioner must write out a PLAN OF ACTION to deal with this mentally ill person, and this PLAN OF ACTION must include the rationale and evidence for the conclusions which this jail practitioner has reached. This PLAN OF ACTION will be filed in the military tribunals.
5.7 If it is determined that a mentally ill person is NOT mentally ill (as a result of 666-Computer or satellite computer evaluations), that formerly mentally ill person will be treated as a person without a mental illness (for legal purposes).
5.8 No one will be forced (by the government) to take psychiatric medications or medications for mental illness, except as directed in Section 5.9. If a mentally ill person is violent or dangerous to society, they will go to real jail or to confinement, and will be treated according to the guidelines in Section 5 of this document.
5.9 If, after following the guidelines in Sections 5.0 to 5.7, the mentally ill person is not brought under control and is still a threat to society, he/she will be placed in real jail or confinement and (with the written consent of his/her sane family and/or guardians) may be given medications (if it is believed they will effectively control his/her condition while in jail or confinement). If no permission is granted by sane family and/or guardians, no medications will be administered, but the mentally ill person, as long as he/she is dangerous, will be kept under some sort of confinement. If this person has no family and/or guardians or the family and/or guardians are not sane, then the government will be the guardian. No medications will be administered or approved for this mentally ill person until the jail practitioner (monitoring this mentally ill person) believes that the use of these medications will be effective, and this jail practitioner must state which medications will be effective and WHY [in his/her PLAN OF ACTION for this mentally ill person (with rationales and supporting evidence for this conclusion)]. The medications must be administered as directed in the PLAN OF ACTION. If, after 6 months in jail, the medications seem effective, the mentally ill person will be released from jail and/or confinement and ordered to continue the medications (this is the only time the government will require that psychiatric medications or medications for mental illness be taken) and the mentally ill person (now released and required to take medications as instructed in the PLAN OF ACTION) will be placed under the permanent care of a PLP and RSP.
5.901 The PLAN OF ACTION must be clear and understandable with no ambiguous language. Each PLAN OF ACTION will be vetted (reviewed) by no less than 2 attorneys and another licensed 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner, and each attorney and/or practitioner who vets the PLAN OF ACTION will verify (with dated signatures) in writing, that the PLAN OF ACTION was reviewed (vetted) and approved by the reviewing attorney and/or the reviewing 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner.
5.902 If the PLAN OF ACTION is not approved (during the vetting process), more licensed practitioners will be brought in for consultation until an approved PLAN OF ACTION is agreed upon. PLANS OF ACTION will all go through the steps in Section 5.901 until a PLAN OF ACTION is produced that survives the vetting process. The approved and vetted PLAN OF ACTION with the dated signatures required (Section 5.901) will be filed with the military tribunals.
5.903 If an approved PLAN OF ACTION is not followed, there will be an investigation. Those (and all collaborators) who (of their own free will) deliberately disobeyed or ignored the PLAN OF ACTION will be given the death penalty. Anyone responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for the DELIBERATE disobedience (whether by default or on purpose) to a PLAN OF ACTION will be given the death penalty. The reason for this severe penalty is because a PLAN OF ACTION which DELIBERATELY is not followed can result in catastrophic consequences, because the mentally ill person (who is not managed according to an effective PLAN OF ACTION) could be a threat to society and cause many deaths. And carelessness in managing a potential deadly killer will not be tolerated. The evidence for the DELIBERATE disobedience (whether by default or on purpose) will be filed with the military tribunals.
5.904 If it is determined that the disobedience to the PLAN OF ACTION was not deliberate, but was the result of other factors, the death penalty may not be the punishment, but the punishment will be decided on a case by case basis. Any evidence which describes the reason for the disobedience will be filed with the military tribunals.
5.91 If, after following the guidelines in Section 5, this mentally ill person is still a danger to society by reckless or dangerous behavior, he/she will remain in jail or confinement until and unless it is determined that he/she is no longer a threat to society. Mental illness will not be used as an reason to allow a dangerous person to be a threat to innocent people. Every six months, this person will be reevaluated to determine if they are fit to leave confinement. This reevaluation will be part of the jail practitioner’s PLAN OF ACTION for this mentally ill person and the vetted and approved (reevaluation of the PLAN OF ACTION) will be filed with the military tribunals. Each reevaluated PLAN OF ACTION will go through the vetting process described in Sections 5.901 and/or 5.902.
6.0 An ETHNOGRAPHY is defined as information gathered about a person’s culture, including their home and community environment, their interests, their significant family members, their significant friends, their interests, their family history, their writings, what they read, how they spend their time, their work or occupation, what they watch on television or on other visual/audio media, what they do on a computer, where they travel, etc. It is a journal of their day to day, hour to hour activities. It describes in great detail how they spend their time every day, where they go every day, who they see and communicate with everyday. It is like reading their autobiography. It will describe the person’s life from birth until the present, even going back into their family history. This gathered information will be put into written form and will be called an ETHNOGRAPHY. Also any incident which a SIGNIFICANT PERSON considered strange or unusual and is an incident which is in that SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s memories (and this can be verified by 666-Computer or satellite computer memory analysis)–will be an incident which is considered part of that SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography. In other words, any strange or unusual incident in a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s memory will be an incident which is part of that SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography.
6.01 Gail Schuler’s ethnography will also include all her writings and legal work.
6.02 An ethnography can also be the planned itinerary for a significant person’s day (as I or the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or Brent Spiner plans that day in our mind). For example, today I plan to buy a T.V. tray table, a cell phone and service, possibly a satellite dish or a T.V. antenna, hosiery, comfortable shoes, margarine, hair coloring, toilet brush, and I need to acquire a local phone book, and I may go to Wal-Mart. And I need to open a checking account at a bank. And I’m tired because of the 666-Computer or satellite computer induced interruptions to my sleep last night, so I plan to exercise greater caution as I drive (if I can). Now if someone tries to draw attention to any of these items on my mental itinerary, that person would be guilty of trying to draw attention to my ethnography (because WHAT I PLAN IN MY MIND OR MY MENTAL ITINERARY for the day, week, or month or year) is part of my ethnography, because how a person plans his life is part of his culture and his/her cultural upbringing. So as I make any type of plan for activities, purchases, travel, etc. in my mind, these plans should be recorded (in a written form) and immediately made part of my ethnography.
6.1 An ETHNOGRAPHER is a person who is trained to gather information about a person’s culture. An ETHNOGRAPHER can use a computer program to assist them in their work and can let the program do most of the work, in a similar manner to how the REPORT PROGRAM writes and files CONSPIRACY REPORTS (through the computers used by LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS)–see Sect. 13.16 of CL&G. When the term ethnographer is used in this legal document, it will refer to a professional, someone specifically trained to be an ethnographer: one who does scientific descriptions of the customs of people. All ethnographers involved in the writing or vetting of a significant person’s ethnography will be under permanent 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance and under the permanent care of PLP and RSPs.
6.11 An ETHNOGRAPHY ATTORNEY is an attorney who vets the ethnography of a significant person for accuracy. All ethnography attorneys will be under permanent 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance and under the permanent care of PLP and RSPs.
6.2 A SIGNIFICANT PERSON is defined as myself, Brent Spiner or the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or any person that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT feels is significant to the Spiner/Schuler/Putin legal case or any person that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT wants to designate as a SIGNIFICANT PERSON. A SIGNIFICANT PERSON can also be an animal, especially when DUMMY COMPUTERS or DUMMY COMPUTER PRACTITIONERS are used.
6.3 An ETHNOGRAPHY-RELATED INCIDENT is defined as an “incident” or activity designed to draw attention to items or features in a significant person’s ethnography in order to create a “conspiracy” which revolves around this incident.
6.4 Once anyone becomes a 666-CC suspect, RPC suspect, or SC suspect, he/she will be placed on 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance and removed from the control and manipulation of unlicensed practitioners and put under the care of PLP and RSPs or jail practitioners.
6.5 A thorough ethnography (by an ethnographer) will be done of myself, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, and Brent Spiner. The ethnography of myself, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and Brent Spiner will be updated daily by the ethnographer(s) and each written ethnography [with its update(s)] will be filed with the military tribunals. These ethnographies must go into significant detail about friends and family of myself, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, and Brent Spiner [with daily updates on the families and friends or significant person(s) involved with myself, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, and Brent Spiner] as well.
6.51 Each ethnography will be vetted everyday (before the ethnography is submitted to the military tribunals) by 2 ETHNOGRAPHY ATTORNEYS who will vet the ethnography [in cooperation with a second ethnographer (different from the original ethnographer who wrote the ethnography)]. During the vetting process, the 2 attorneys (in cooperation with the 2nd ethnographer) will insure that there are no DELIBERATE and glaring omissions, additions, deletions or inaccuracies in the ethnography. When the vetting of the ethnography is completed, both attorneys (along with the 2nd ethnographer) will sign and date the ethnography (these dated signatures will indicate in writing that the ethnography has been vetted by these 2 ethnography attorneys and a 2nd ethnographer) and, after the dated signatures from the 2 ethnography attorneys and the ethnographer have been entered on the ethnography, the vetted ethnography will be submitted to the military tribunals.
6.52 Any ethnographer or ethnography attorney who DELIBERATELY (of his/her own free will) allows inaccuracies, in the form of omissions, deletions, additions, and/or alterations into a significant person’s ethnography (which is submitted to the military tribunals) will be given the death penalty as a 666-POLITICAL conspirator (see Sect. 4.21 of this document)(since the 666-Computer or satellite computer is involved in compiling and writing these ethnographies).
6.6 Any criminals or individuals (including PLP and RSPs) involved in an “incident”, crime, or activity which is (or appears to be) designed to draw attention to items in Gail Schuler’s ethnography, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s ethnography, or Brent Spiner’s ethnography or any SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography will immediately become either a 666-CC suspect, RPC suspect, Jesuit Conspirator suspect and/or SC suspect. By establishing that the “incident”, crime, or activity seems designed to draw attention to items or features in Gail Schuler’s ethnography, Brent Spiner’s ethnography, a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography or the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s ethnography–probable cause will/can be established that this person is a 666-CC, RPC, Jesuit Conspirator or SC. And this probable cause–which is evidence which shows that the “incident” was/is designed to draw attention to features or items in a significant person’s ethnography–will be filed with the military tribunals, and the person(s) involved in the ETHNOGRAPHY-RELATED INCIDENT will become a 666-CC suspect, RPC suspect, Jesuit Conspirator suspect, and/or SC suspect.
6.6(a1) Any attempt or action which appears unusual or designed to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography (even if there is no hard evidence to support this conclusion), will be tested by 666-Computer analysis for the motives of the persons involved in the incident. 666-Computer analysis will analyze the motives of that person(s) who created (or were involved with) the incident, and if 666-Computer analysis reveals that the motive for any person’s involvement with this incident was to test to see if one could get away with any death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violation, that person will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR because his/her intent was to violate CONSPIRACY LAW in order to orchestrate Jesuit terrorism. AGAIN, IT MUST BE EMPHASIZED THAT MOST DEATH PENALTY CONSPIRACY LAW CONVICTIONS ARE DECIDED BY MOTIVE. Almost all CONSPIRACY LAW violations are death penalty violations, because CONSPIRACY LAW is anti-terrorism law and the most effective way to deal with Jesuit terrorists is by execution of the Jesuit terrorists. All violations of this Sect. 6.6(a1) will be tried publicly on IBN and the execution of such Sect. 6.6(a1) violators will probably be death by PUBLIC hanging with buzzards (see Sect. 42 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
6.6(a2) For instance, test the motives [via 666-Computer analysis–according to Sect. 6.6(a1)] of all persons who plan to stage naked protests at the Republican Convention at New York (August 2004). If 666-Computer analysis of their motives reveals they their motives (for their naked activities) are in violation of Sect. 6.6(a1), they must not be allowed to continue (or be involved with) their activities (regardless of how lawful their activities may appear to be). All such cases will be tried publicly on the IBN main broadcast channel, because all evidence exhibited or broadcast on this channel must be correct and the death penalty is meted out to anyone who willingly and knowingly produces false evidence (including false 666-Computer analysis) on IBN.
6.6(a3) And because those persons will have been convicted as JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, those willing and knowing perpetrators (involved with this naked protest) must be executed according to the guidelines of 6.6(a1) and according to CONSPIRACY LAW. If the MOTIVE for their naked activities is to violate death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations, then their activities are not lawful, regardless of how outwardly lawful their activities may appear to be. They are terrorists and must be treated as terrorists.
6.6(a) Any deliberate, knowing, and willing (direct or indirect) attempt or action (involving any method, whether it be satellite technology, 666-Computer or satellite computer technology or whatever) to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography with the intent to set-up (or cooperate with) a conspiracy (and motive can be established through 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis)] will result in the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR by the person(s) who makes this action or attempt. If this deliberate, knowing and willing attempt or action to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’S ethnography was also done with the motive to frame an INNOCENT PARTY (see Sect. 16.3) for the crimes of the person(s) who, directly or indirectly, made this attempt or action to draw attention to a SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s ethnography–then that person(s) will not only receive the death penalty, but will be executed according to the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. Motive plays a key role is establishing guilt in this type of case– especially if the motive for this conspiracy (or attempted conspiracy) is determined to be a motive with the intent to frame an innocent party with this conspiracy (or with this attempted conspiracy). Motive can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis and direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection). Generally, any excessive and fanatical attempt to draw attention to a conspiracy is suspicious behavior–since this has been a typical Jesuit cover-up strategy over the years. Those convicted of being 666-Computer or satellite computer Conspirators, Reproductive Political Conspirators, Space Conspirators or JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be given the death penalty.
6.6(b) A MURDER CONSPIRACY is defined as any conspiracy committed or attempted in which any type of murder or attempted murder — motive can be determined through direct or cross-examination and 666-Computer lie-detection– (including murder [or attempted murder] which utilizes directly or indirectly the 666-Computer or satellite computer, satellite technology, etc.) is carried out as a conspiratorial effort between two or more people. Any deliberate, willing and knowing attempt (or action), if done or attempted with the intent to orchestrate a MURDER CONSPIRACY (which involves directly or indirectly at least 100 or more people), and if this action or attempt is also done with the intent to frame an innocent party (or organization) with this MURDER CONSPIRACY, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator and that violator will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ JE$UIT$
7.0 SECRET TECHNOLOGY is defined as any technology (especially technology which utilizes the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology) which can be used (directly or indirectly, legally or medically or in any other way) against the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or Gail Schuler and is technology that the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and/or Gail are unaware of. All Jesuit technology (which the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and/or Gail are aware of) may be described in CONSPIRACY LAW documents. For security purposes it may be necessary to not describe all known Jesuit technology in CONSPIRACY LAW documents, but all known Jesuit technology will be described (in the International military tribunals) in a document entitled JESUIT TECHNOLOGY. Therefore, any technology which is employed against Gail or the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and which is used against us and which is not described in the JESUIT TECHNOLOGY document is SECRET TECHNOLOGY. For instance, Gail had noticed that she had been a victim of DIRECTED STUMBLING, where her arms, hands, feet, or legs seem directed to stumble into specific targets. It was a mystery how this was accomplished, since she was under the direction of a PLP, who did not appear to be violating the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s instructions.
7.01 SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION is defined as any knowledge or information about SECRET TECHNOLOGY (as defined in Sect. 7.0 of this document).
7.1 A JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is defined as anyone willingly (directly or indirectly) involved in a conspiracy designed to strengthen the Jesuits’ legal case against the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and/or Gail Schuler or who is part (directly or indirectly) of any conspiracy designed to help the Jesuits in their imperialistic designs upon the world. An EMOTIONAL or FINANCIAL HISTORY (see Sect. 77.03) can be done on any JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
7.2 In order to defeat the Jesuits’ in their imperialistic designs upon the world, it is necessary to be aware of any SECRET TECHNOLOGY which they may use against us. Anyone who is aware of any SECRET TECHNOLOGY which the Jesuits and/or their Al-Qaeda network could use against the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT and/or Gail Schuler and who does not reveal this SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION to the International government within 7 days will be investigated as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Anyone found guilty of being a willing JESUIT CONSPIRATOR will be executed and their name and full identification listed in a JESUIT EXPOSURE ADDENDUM. Any person who has any SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION has 7 days to come forward with this information. After 7 days, any person discovered to have SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION (which has not been disclosed to the International government and described in the JESUIT TECHNOLOGY document–see Sect. 7.0) will be considered a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, and if found guilty of being a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, will be executed and their name and full identification listed in a JESUIT EXPOSURE ADDENDUM.
7.3 Exceptions will be for those who have this SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION and who were held against their will from coming forward during the 7 day period (and this will be verified by lie-detection).Those who held this person against his/her will become JESUIT CONSPIRATOR suspects.
7.4 Exceptions will also be for those who have this SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION and who were unaware of the 7 day deadline (and this will be verified by lie-detection). Those who were unaware of the deadline will only spare themselves the death penalty if they will make a sworn confession as to how they were unaware of this technology and this confession will be entered into the military tribunals.
7.5 Exceptions will also be for those who have this SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION and who discovered this SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION after the 7 day deadline (and this will be verified by lie-detection), these must also make a sworn confession as to how they discovered this technology after the deadline and this confession will be entered in the military tribunals.
7.6 Anyone who discovers any SECRET TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION after the deadline is required to immediately report it to the International government. Those who neglect to do so will be executed and their names and full identification listed in a JESUIT EXPOSURE ADDENDUM, except for the exceptions noted in Sections 7.3 through 7.5.
7.7 Written confessions (which will be published and entered into my written statements with all the rights of my written legal documentation as defined in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document) may be substituted for the death penalty for some JESUIT CONSPIRATORS. All JESUIT CONSPIRATORS will be identified (with full identification) in a JESUIT EXPOSURE ADDENDUM, regardless of whether or not they are executed or given the death penalty.
8.0 Any use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to takeover the thinking processes of a person (against that person’s will or without that person’s knowledge) will result in the death penalty (and possibly immediate execution of the perpetrator) for anyone who is willingly involved in such a scheme. To TAKE OVER THE THINKING PROCESSES of a person is defined as using the 666-Computer or satellite computer to manipulate a person’s thinking and/or reasoning to the point where that person may make decisions or choices they would normally not make. This type of manipulation fools the person into believing that it is their own thinking or reasoning that is taking place; when, in actuality, the 666-Computer or satellite computer is doing their thinking for them, or is guiding their thinking (in a deceptive manner) away from their own thinking. In other words, the 666-Computer or satellite computer is being used to take away the independence of the person’s own thinking and his/her thinking is literally manipulated by another.
9.0 Any conspiracy, which is a conspiracy which creates a false impression or deceives or is a performance, and this conspiracy is created with a knowing and willing intent of bringing harm to an innocent party (motive can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis); and which is a conspiracy which is brought into fruition (or helped to be brought into fruition) because of any type of communication with any JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, is a conspiracy which will result in the death penalty (as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR) for those who are willingly and knowingly involved in such a conspiracy. This type of consiracy could involve use of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to manipulate or control someone, in order to create a false impression.
10.0 Any attempt to draw attention to any aspect or capability of 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology, in order to create or orchestrate a conspiracy, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone who willingly, knowing, and deliberately is involved in such a scheme. This is especially true, if this is an attempt to draw attention to the mind-reading capabilities of the 666-Computer or satellite computer. However, this attempt to orchestrate a conspiracy [by drawing attention to a capability of the 666-Computer or satellite computer (or of satellite technology)], would involve any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt to draw attention to any capability of the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology, and is not only limited to attempts which draw attention to the mind reading capabilites of the 666-Computer or satellite computer.
11.0 Any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who deliberately, willingly and knowingly overlooks a CONSPIRACY LAW violation (or any incident which could reasonably be expected to be a CONSPIRACY LAW violation) will get the death penalty for not reporting it to the designated law enforcement authority. See Sect. 52 of INTERNATIONAL PLP and RSP-NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS for laws regarding the handling of CONSPIRACY REPORTS and CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS (as discussed in this Sect. 11). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. The auditing team needs to verify that this Sect. 11 is enforced in all countries.
11.1 A LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a person who has the trust of the government and of the citizens of his country and who operates (directly or indirectly) in some law enforcement capacity in a manner that citizens of his/her country would reasonably expect him/her to report a CONSPIRACY LAW violation. Any person who is responsible (in any manner) to execute (directly or indirectly) any aspect of CONSPIRACY LAW is considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. Also, any person who is responsible in any manner to protect a nation from terrorist attacks is also a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON–this would include those who are hired to scan persons and luggage that enter an aircraft at airports. An example of an indirect law enforcement person would be a person who is a member of the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM (which indirectly helps in the enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAWS) or a member of the ACUPUNCTURE COMMITTEE. All LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must be under 24-hour round-the-clock 666-Computer or satellite computer surveillance and must have their FINANCIAL HISTORIES checked hourly by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of their country or by the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of any countries which they reside in.
The following Sections 11.11 through 11.13 are very important laws in CONSPIRACY LAW and will help prevent or minimize most legal cases which the Jesuits orchestrate. The international government and GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL are against unnecessary lawsuits and legal cases and are against unnecessarily prolonging any legal case–but the Jesuits love to use UNWILLING AGENTS in military tribunal and in court, and they love to be in military tribunals and in court forever, for this reason it is anticipated that the Jesuits will go on a rampage against these laws since these laws will work like a granite block to hinder the Jesuits’ ability to use legal strategies in a manner which will promote their terrorist enterprises and/or will make it so that the legal outcomes will not be in the Jesuits’ favor. And, unfortunately, IBN will have to deal with the many legal cases which Jesuits will orchestrate. IBN expects to have a huge military tribunal docket of cases to deal with, because Jesuits are stubborn and fanatical and love to use crooked law (via UNWILLING AGENTS) to support their efforts. Any (direct or indirect) knowing, willing and deliberate attempt (or action) to draw attention to any of these laws in Sections 11.11 through 11.13 with the intent to orchestrate a conspiracy which revolves around drawing attention to any of these laws in Sections 11.11 through 11.13 (especially with the intent to frame an innocent party with the conspiracy), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
All violations of Sections 11.11 through 11.13 (including creating conspiracies which revolve around these laws–see bold section above) are subject to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs.
All opening statements for all cases which deal with the matters of Sect. 11.11 through 11.13 must include the following wording:
Though the IMPOSED PERSONS involved in this case have already been given the death penalty for the CONSPIRACY LAW violation of taking over a person’s brain without their knowledge or consent, we allow these IMPOSED PERSONS to stand trial (or to represent themselves in this legal matter) in order to show the world why the death penalty is justified for the crime of taking over a person’s brain without their knowledge or consent. In order to discourage IMPOSED PERSONS from using UNWILLING AGENTS to further their criminal enterprises, we do not allow UNWILLING AGENTS to influence any legal matters.
After the cases are concluded (and the world sees why the death penalty for this type of crime is justified), there will be public executions on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL of those IMPOSED PERSONS involved in any cases which revolve (or have revolved) around the matters of Sections 11.11 to 11.13– in order to show our outrage over the brazen actions and attempts to take over a person’s brain without their knowledge or consent (that is– the names of those IMPOSED PERSONS executed, the CONSPIRACY LAWS which were violated will be read aloud before the executions, conspiracy connections of those executed will be exposed, their motives will be exposed and read aloud, and dates of their executions will be broadcast on television). See Sect. 77.025 and 77.026 of this document.
11.11 For the purposes of CONSPIRACY LAW, the term JESUIT means any person who is a Jesuit (or Jesuit supporter) AND who supports the goals of the Jesuit Order.
11.11(a1) No legal charges or actions can be instituted against (or for) any party in any manner, such as by testifying, by being a witness, by making a statement, by the writing or [agreement or disagreement to] or signing of any MAJOR legal documents, because of being entrusted to any position of responsibility which could involve legal accountability–such being a medical caregiver or being one who makes any type of legal decisions–such as how to direct one’s own medical care or how to direct another’s medical care (like the Terry Schiavo case), by direct or cross-examination, by filing legal paperwork with the military tribunals or courts, by making phone calls to legal or governmental authorities which result in legal actions, etc.) by a person who was/is an UNWILLING AGENT or a JESUIT; nor can any legal charges or actions be instituted against (or for) any party (directly or indirectly) in any manner by any person who is currently (or is vulnerable to being) used as an UNWILLING AGENT or a JESUIT.
The only thing a JESUIT is entitled to is to be arrested as a terrorist and put in jail or executed. All cases brought to court by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS, must be analyzed by our CONSPIRACY LAW legal teams for validity (and if it is determined that the case is invalid or is a nuisance lawsuit) that CASE MUST BE THROWN OUT OF COURT. We won’t waste our money to allow the Jesuits to harass us or bankrupt us (through the legal systems). Instead, our money will be better spend to support our military operations in order to defeat the Jesuits in war.
If the case has some validity, it will be tried according to the guidelines of this Sect. 11. We won’t waste our money to allow the Jesuits to harass us (through the legal systems). Instead, our money will be better spend to support our military operations in order to defeat the Jesuits in war.
11.11(a2) To put it in a nutshell, UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS cannot represent themselves in court or in legal matters, nor can they be the instigators to get any legal process going (since they are under the control of another and the case needs to bring in the involvement of those who have controlled the UNWILLING AGENT).
11.11(a3) If, despite the best efforts of our legal process, UNWILLING AGENTS and JESUITS manage to get a legal case going–then the case must be tried in the following manner:
11.11(a4) Those IMPOSED PERSONs who have manipulated the UNWILLING AGENTS must be brought into the case, and their responsibility for the actions of any UNWILLING AGENTS involved in the case must be brought into the case.
11.11(a5) If it is determined that IMPOSED PERSONs played a key role in the actions of any persons who are guilty of crimes in this case, those IMPOSED PERSONs’ accountability must be brought into the case, along with their motivations for their control of the UNWILLING AGENTS involved.
11.11(a6) If it is determined that the crimes would not have occurred without the involvement of the IMPOSED PERSONS, then the guilty party will be the IMPOSED PERSONS and not any other party, and the guilty party must pay damages to all those they harmed because of the crimes committed in this case.
11.11(a7) For instance, there is a case against Wal-Mart which alleges that Wal-Mart did not give their workers lunch breaks. If it is determined that these workers were denied lunch breaks because of the involvement of IMPOSED PERSONS (who may have manipulated Wal-Mart managers as UNWILLING AGENTS), and that these crimes did not occur because of willing and knowing negligence or carelessness or cruelty on the part of Wal-Mart executives–then the IMPOSED PERSONS involved (or the organization which represents the IMPOSED PERSONS) must pay the damages in this case, and Wal-Mart should not have to pay damages for the actions of their UNWILLING AGENT managers who clearly violated Wal-Mart company policy because these managers were in rebellion to Wal-Mart (because their UNWILLING AGENT brain was manipulated by IMPOSED PERSONS to do things to harm the Wal-Mart company).
11.11(a8) This is a conspiracy against Wal-Mart, which uses Wal-Mart’s own managers (possibly in combination with UNWILLING AGENT unreasonable and demanding customers) to betray their company by causing these managers to behave in an unprofessional manner and this manipulation of the managers was done willingly and knowingly with the intent to frame Wal-Mart with the criminal activities of the IMPOSED PERSONs involved.
11.11(a9) In cases such as these, first it must be established clearly that the Wal-Mart executives (or those who formulate and decide company policy) were not aware of the actions of these UNWILLING AGENT managers and would have taken clear action to stop this violation of company policy if they were aware of it. Second, it must be established that there was indeed a conspiracy against Wal-Mart which involved the use of UNWILLING AGENTS to “screw” or “frame” the company. This can be established by doing 666-Computer Histories and analysis on the IMPOSED PERSONs involved to determine their motivation for manipulating these Wal-Mart managers (and/or customers) as UNWILLING AGENTS. Third, it must be established with clear evidence exactly which organization used IMPOSED PERSONS to control the UNWILLING AGENT managers and it must be established clearly WHICH ORGANIZATION OR GROUP OF PERSONS was behind the conspiracy of IMPOSED PERSONS who manipulated UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart managers to “screw” the company–because this organization or group of persons WILL BE THE GUILTY PARTY!. Fourth, Wal-Mart must punish these UNWILLING AGENT managers somehow, either by stripping them of their managerial responsibilities or some other actions which shows Wal-Mart’s clear disgust over the actions of these managers.
11.11(a10) If UNWILLING AGENT workers (or others) were the victims of this conspiracy, then they will be compensated by the GUILTY PARTY. If Wal-Mart is the guilty party then Wal-Mart will compensate the ones denied their lunch breaks. If Wal-Mart was “screwed” and the guilty party is really the Jesuit Order or some other organization who used IMPOSED PERSONS to frame Wal-Mart–then the guilty party would be the Jesuit Order (or the organization which controlled and manipulated the UNWILLING AGENT managers to violate company policy) and THE JESUIT ORDER must pay the damages for the losses incurred by the Wal-Mart workers denied their lunch breaks.
11.11(a11) If Wal-Mart has already paid out these damages caused by a conspiracy of IMPOSED PERSONS against Wal-Mart, then the guilty party (if it is the Jesuit Order) must pay Wal-Mart damages for bringing this case to the courts and thus damaging Wal-Mart’s reputation and causing Wal-Mart grief by bring this case to the courts. The amount of the damages which must be paid must be at least equal to (or greater than) the financial damages Wal-Mart has suffered because of this conspiracy against the company. For instance, if Wal-Mart had to pay out $50 million dollars in damages to settle a case, because, indeed, UNWILLING AGENT Wal-Mart managers screwed the company (in rebellion to the policies of the Wal-Mart executives or Wal-Mart company policy) and deprived workers of their lunch break–then the fault is not really Wal-Mart’s but is the fault of the Jesuits who manipulated these UNWILLING AGENT managers to screw the company. THE JESUITS MUST PAY DAMAGES OF AT LEAST $50 MILLION DOLLARS TO WAL-MART FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR UNWILLING AGENT CONSPIRACY AGAINST WAL-MART! Cases such as these will be tried on IBN and the true guilty party will get the exposure they deserve–if the damages are not paid by the true guilty party, this matter will also be exposed on IBN.
11.11(a12) After damages are paid by the guilty party, if there are any CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty violations involved–then public executions will be carried out on IBN (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW).
11.11(b) The INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE of each country will decide which present or on-going legal matters are involved (or are tied-in to) verdicts, judgments or outcomes from previous cases (these cases from the past that influence present-day cases will be called SIGNIFICANT CASES), and the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE will investigate all previous legal outcomes of their country to determine which of these SIGNIFICANT CASES were decided (in part or in whole) by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS (such as UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT judges, juries, panels, etc.). Since this is a monumental task and could go back to SIGNIFICANT CASES from as far back as 1870, the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE must prioritize their search, and search first those cases that have more of an impact on the international community or on the public (even if that case’s outcome was determined in 1867).
666-COMPUTER HISTORIANS (see Sect. 13.91 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) will assist each country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE in this research.
11.11(c) Those members of each country’s INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE [who determine which previous SIGNIFICANT CASES or outcomes were decided (in part or in whole) by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS] will present a CASE LIST, which will list all SIGNIFICANT CASES or outcomes in that country (where the outcome was influenced by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS).
11.11(d) No CASE LIST will be accepted by the International government until all those members of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE who researched SIGNIFICANT CASES to make this CASE LIST, pass 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the accuracy and completeness of this case list and will state under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of their knowledge all SIGNIFICANT CASES (under their country’s jurisdiction) which were influenced by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS are listed on this CASE LIST.
11.11(e) If, because of this monumental task, only a partial CASE LIST is able to be made available–all those members of the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE who researched SIGNIFICANT CASES for this partial CASE LIST, must pass 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding the accuracy of the information about those cases that are on the CASE LIST, and that to the best of their knowledge all cases listed on the CASE LIST, were those that were influenced by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS.
11.11(f) It may take awhile before a complete CASE LIST for each country can be made ready, since this will be a monumental task.
11.11(g) However, the redoing of important SIGNIFICANT CASES does not have to wait until the entire CASE LIST is completed. The CASE LIST may have to be presented in sections–according to the law specialties– perhaps with a section called “marriage and family law cases” or “military cases” or “constitutional law cases” or “international law cases” or “civil rights cases”, etc.
11.11(h) The present version of the CASE LIST (for each country) will be presented on the IBN website. MAJOR CASES on the CASE LIST will be described and/or mentioned and/or broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and may be organized by country. A segment of the newscast may be devoted to MAJOR RUSSIAN CASES, another segment may be devoted to MAJOR AMERICAN CASES, another segment may be devoted to MAJOR CHINESE CASES, another segment may be devoted to MAJOR BRITISH CASES, etc.
11.11(i) These previous significant cases (with their outcomes or verdicts) from the CASE LIST, which are determined to be influenced by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS will be reviewed by CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS chosen by the International government and/or by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT which has jurisdiction over that/those case(s).
11.11(j) CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS must be experts in CONSPIRACY LAW and must pass a test (which is monitored to prevent cheating) which shows that they have mastered CONSPIRACY LAW. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to appoint any attorney as a CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEY who has not passed this test, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS will be retested every month (with a test which contains all the latest updates to CONSPIRACY LAW), since CONSPIRACY LAW is an evolving practice of law and is developing new law continually. No attorney can be a CONSPIRACY LAW attorney unless that attorney has passed the latest test about CONSPIRACY LAW.
11.11(k) These CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS (and all their assistants) will have their salaries paid (directly or indirectly) from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and will work and live (like PLPs and RSPs–see Sect. 54 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs) on military bases (for their protection). Evidence will be obtained for every CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEY (and his/her assistant), that his/her salary was taken from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. The salaries for each of these CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS and their assistants (for their work as CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS and assistants) will be posted on the IBN website, with evidence to show that their salary came from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. Any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to present any false, misleading or confusing information on this IBN website about the CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS or their assistants’ salaries will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
11.11(l) All redone or retried cases will be redone or retried or researched on military bases, and if a courtroom is required, it will be in a military tribunal courtroom. If a MAJOR CASE has significant impact on the public, the outcome may be determined by VOTER JURORS (as was done with the Nuremberg trial–see Sect. 31 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).
11.11(m) Depending on how significant the case is, the VOTER JURORS may be limited to one country or may involve several countries, or (as was the case with the Nuremberg trial) may involve voters all over the world.
11.11(n) If VOTER JURORS are used to determine the outcome of a case, the CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYs will determine how many (and which) countries need to be involved. If VOTER JURORS are used, all the legal principles of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT (Sections 29 through 31) must be followed. All MAJOR CASES will be presented on the IBN COURT STATION, so that potential JUROR VOTERS can watch their cases.
11.11(p) The reason for conducting all redone cases on military bases, is because Jesuit terrorists will find these retried cases very threatening and are certain to target these cases’ hearings and/or proceedings and/or their attorney(s) and their assistant(s); and, therefore, the courtrooms and the attorneys (and all legal professionals involved) need to be highly protected.
11.11(q) All these SIGNIFICANT CASES (called REDONE CASES) must be redone on military bases (with the full protection of the military base while the case is being worked on or being researched) as outlined in Sect. 54 of 666-Computer Laws or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs. This is also done to promote a working environment for these attorneys, where they can make judgments (without feeling threatened or coerced to make illegal judgments).
11.11(r) If CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS determine that that significant case from the CASE LIST (which was decided in part or in whole by UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS) had an outcome which was not in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW, then the CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS assigned to that case will review the case again, in order to determine how that significant case needs to be retried or redone, in order to make its outcome in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW.
11.11(s) These CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYs will review that significant case to determine how that case’s outcome was not in compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW and will decide what needs to be done with that case in order to make that case (and its outcome[s]) in compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW. If the evidence in that significant case (as reviewed by the CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEYS) shows that beyond reasonable doubt that case’s outcome or verdict was in compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW, then that significant case may not need to be retried–even if UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS were involved with the case. For cases such as these, each CONSPIRACY LAW attorney involved in the research for this case must state under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection that to the best of their knowledge this significant case’s outcome is in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW, even though UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS were involved with the case. However, no UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT (see definition of JESUIT in Sect. 11.11) can determine the outcome of any case (or of any past case). The history of the Jesuits indicate that they have always been a terrorist organization at all times in their history. All such cases (where the outcomehas been influenced by Jesuits or UNWILLING AGENTS) must be redone.
11.11(t) Those significant cases (in which UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUITS determined [or helped to determine] that case’s outcome) and/or where there is reasonable doubt that the verdict(s) or outcome(s) was/were in compliance to CONSPIRACY LAW, is/are those cases which needs to be retried or redone.
11.11(u) For every case from the CASE LIST reviewed by any CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEY, that attorney will prepare a statement (made under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection) in which he/she will state that to the best of his/her knowledge that case which he/she has reviewed has been reviewed in a manner which is in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW and with this Section 11. That CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEY can take no further actions on that case, until he/she passes 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection regarding this bold and italicized 11.11u statement.
11.11(u1) All MAJOR CASES (whose outcomes were in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) will be retried or redone on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. A MAJOR CASE is a SIGNIFICANT CASE (or any case) in which the outcome or verdict has international repercussions and/or which strongly impacts the life of any SIGNIFICANT PERSON.
11.11(u2) The judges and/or jury and/or legal authorities assigned to each retried or redone case must be approved by the International government [and must also be chosen by the CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEY(s) who reviewed the case] and these legal authorities are considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs with all the accountability required of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs (as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW). If there is a dispute between the CONSPIRACY LAW ATTORNEY(s) who reviewed the case and the International government over who should oversee the case, the final decision will rest with the International government.
11.11(u3) Therefore, no judge or jury member or legal authority can act in any legal capacity to reform a SIGNIFICANT CASE, until that judge or jury or legal authority passes a test which shows that he/she understands enough CONSPIRACY LAW to be effective in his/her position as a judge, jury member or legal authority, in order to reform that previous case. Perhaps an educational session about CONSPIRACY LAW may need to be part of the process in redoing that previous case (which was a case in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW).
11.11(u4) In those cases (such as cases involving lawsuits or involving child support payments, etc), where a SIGNIFICANT CASE or previous case’s outcome (or JESUIT VERDICT) is reversed or modified (by a CONSPIRACY LAW VERDICT) in such a manner that a JESUIT VERDICT’s court-ordered financial pay-out is reversed or undone or modified, those persons or organizations who were forced to pay out more money than was determined by the CONSPIRACY LAW VERDICT as the correct amount –will be reimbursed (fully or partially) for all monies which they were forced to pay-out (in excess of what the CONSPIRACY LAW VERDICT determines is the amount they should have paid-out originally); and if they are currently under obligation to make payments–that obligation will immediately cease and they will no longer be required to make the JESUIT VERDICT’s court ordered pay-out.
11.11(u5) Any money reimbursed to a person or organization who/which was forced to make a JESUIT VERDICT’S court-ordered pay-out (which was a pay-out that was greater than the new CONSPIRACY LAW VERDICT’s required pay-out) will be taken from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK. The reimbursement may not be all at once, but may be paid back in increments.
11.11(u6) If the CONSPIRACY LAW verdict determines that financial damages or pay-outs are required from new parties (who originally did not have to make pay-outs in the JESUIT VERDICT)–how to force these new parties to make their payments will be treated on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, the financial damages or pay-outs may be taken from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and not from the party that caused the damage.
11.11(x) No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to direct (directly or indirectly) the medical care of another or of himself/herself–especially in life and death decisions or in major medical decisions. When an UNWILLING AGENT is allowed to direct (directly or indirectly) the medical care of another or of himself/herself (especially in life and death decisions or in major medical decisions), this is considered a violation of Sect. 11.11 and is a death penalty violation. If an UNWILLING AGENT has been directing the medical care of himself/herself or another, the guidelines of Sections 11.11y must be followed. Any willing or knowing attempt (or action) to not follow the guidelines of Sect. 11.11y when it is necessary (as outlined in this Sect. 11), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
11.11(y) In cases where an UNWILLING AGENT has been (directly or indirectly) directing the medical care of another or of himself/herself, that UNWILLING AGENT must be removed as soon as possible from decisions regarding the medical care of himself/herself (or of others) and must not be allowed to have any influence over any legal matters. Then, those family members (who are NOT UNWILLING AGENTS) of that patient (or of the one who is receiving the care) will make the legal decisions regarding how to direct that patient’s medical care. If there are no family members of that patient (that are not UNWILLING AGENTS) available to make decisions regarding that patient’s medical care, then that patient’s PLP and/or RSP in combination with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which has jurisdiction over that patient, will assign a MEDICAL LEGAL GUARDIAN to assume decision making responsibility for decisions regarding that patient’s medical care. If there is a dispute between the PLP and/or RSP and that patient’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. over that patient’s medical care–then the final decisions regarding that patient’s medical care will rest with the International government–and, in this case, the International government will choose the MEDICAL LEGAL GUARDIAN for that patient.
11.11(y1) Any MAJOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS (including any documents about how to direct the medical care of another or of oneself) which any UNWILLING AGENT has signed or agreed to (in which that person was an UNWILLING AGENT while signing or agreeing to that legal document) will be considered null and void and will not be considered a valid legal document.
11.11(y2) A MAJOR LEGAL DOCUMENT is a document which (if agreed to or not agreed to) could result in life or death situations or could cause major havoc or changes in the person or persons’ life (or lives) who agreed to (or did not agree to) the document, or could cause life or death situations or major havoc or changes in that/those person or persons indirectly or directly impacted by that legal document. The defining criteria as to whether a document, agreement or contract is a MAJOR legal document will be if the outcome (or cumulative outcome–in case the document is part of a conspiracy of legal documents) of agreeing to (or not agreeing to) that document(s) would result in a life or death situation or would cause major havoc or changes in the life (or lives) of the person(s) who agrees to (or does not agree to) the document; or if the outcome (or cumulative outcome–in case the document is part of a conspiracy of legal documents) of agreeing to (or not agreeing to) that document(s) results in life or death situations or causes major havoc or changes in the life (or lives) of those who may be directly or indirectly affected by the person(s) who agree(s) to (or do/does not agree to) the document.
11.11(a) For the purposes of these Sections 11.11 through 11.13 any UNWILLING AGENT involved (directly or indirectly) in any legal case (as defined by Sect. 11.11) is considered to be operating in a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON’s capacity (and no LAW ENFORCMENT PERSON can be an UNWILLING AGENT–see Sect. 2.3040 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs).
11.11(aa) This means that any (direct or indirect) willing, deliberate and knowing (attempt or action) to use any UNWILLING AGENT (as defined by Sect. 11.11) in any legal case or action (in order to determine or influence the outcome or verdict of that case or action or to bring that case or action to fruition) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
11.11(aaa) In fact, in any legal case or action which involves an UNWILLING AGENT (as defined by Sect. 11.11), that UNWILLING AGENT will be considered incompetent to stand trial or unable to represent themselves (or anyone else) in legal matters. Instead, if the case or action is allowed to go forward (see Sect. 11.13), the IMPOSED PERSON(s) involved must bring the charge or action against (or for) the party or represent themselves as themselves in that case (or matter)–see Sect. 11.11(aaaa). This would include cases related to family law, property, criminal law, torts–all cases. Cases involving finances (like bankruptcy, financial scandals) will probably end up being combination criminal/bankruptcy cases and the verdict may be that the IMPOSED PERSON has to pay damages to the UNWILLING AGENT and the UNWILLING AGENT may need to be monitored to insure he/she is not allowed to be manipulated financially anymore by an IMPOSED PERSON.
It is very possible that a murder or criminal defendant could be an IMPOSED PERSONs [and not the UNWILLING AGENT (whose body and brain was used as a vehicle to carry out the crime)]. A cross examination question in such a case could go like this: “Did you use ______’s body and brain as a vehicle with which to murder ________ at such and such a place and at such and such a time?” Or, as in the Michael Jackson case, “Did you use Michael Jackson’s body and brain as a vehicle with which to molest such and such a child at such and such a time and place?”
11.11(aaaa) Any (legally admissible, valid) legal documents which pertain to that case or action will note that the party which has brought the case or action forward (or is involved with the case or action) is/are the IMPOSED PERSONs (and NOT the UNWILLING AGENT–as defined by Sect. 11.11). It is very possible that 100 IMPOSED PERSONS may be involved in a case or action which revolves around one UNWILLING AGENT (since IMPOSED PERSONS are often executed–and may be executed before the case or action concludes).
11.11(aaaaa) This also means that any person who is an UNWILLING AGENT (as defined by Sect. 11.11) and who is a member of any legal (or legally related) commission, or is a member of any government authority or of any government or of any government-related investigative authority that is responsible to investigate, defend or prosecute legal matters that are (or could be) of public concern, cannot bring (or influence) a case or action against (or for) any party (nor say or do anything in any legal proceedings in any manner to influence the outcome of such a commission or legal proceeding)–but instead, the IMPOSED PERSON[s] (who manipulate[s] that UNWILLING AGENT) must represent himself/herself (in the stead of the UNWILLING AGENT which he/she/they manipulate[s]) on public television (through GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) as a member of this commission or authority or government in any legal proceeding or action which is a matter that is (or could be) of public concern. See Section 11.13.
11.12 If an IMPOSED PERSON (through an UNWILLING AGENT) brings a legal charge or action (whether through a commission or by another means) against (or for) any party, and that case or action is allowed to go forward, that case or action will become a public case (whether the UNWILLING AGENT [or IMPOSED PERSON working through that UNWILLING AGENT] likes it or not); and the IMPOSED PERSON(s) who have brought that case or action forward (through that UNWILLING AGENT) will be exposed on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL; and the case or action (which that IMPOSED PERSONs wanted to bring forward via the UNWILLING AGENT) must be tried publicly on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (with the IMPOSED PERSON representing himself/herself as himself/herself), and not representing himself/herself through the UNWILLING AGENT.
11.12(a) For example, in a divorce case, the UNWILLING AGENT may be allowed to sit in the military tribunal courtroom (while observing the IMPOSED PERSON in action in the military tribunal courtroom–this can be done via video or internet video)–but the UNWILLING AGENT cannot be a participant in the case or action (in a manner which would affect the outcome). This is because the UNWILLING AGENT (as defined by Sect. 11.11) is considered incompetent to stand trial or to represent himself/herself in legal matters. The final outcome of the case or action may be decided by a judge or jury, but it will be a complicated case or action, because the influence of the IMPOSED PERSONs involved must be taken into consideration when determining the verdict or outcome.
11.12(aa) If the UNWILLING AGENT’s body and brain was used as a vehicle to murder or commit a violent crime, he/she may be considered mentally ill and dangerous and may be put in jail (or confined or monitored somehow) until he/she is determined to be no harm to the public. And the IMPOSED PERSONs who willingly, deliberately and knowingly had 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over that dangerous UNWILLING AGENT, would suffer the full consequences for the violent crime (the death penalty and public execution). In the legal documention for the crime, the IMPOSED PERSON (who manipulated the UNWILLING AGENT) would be charged with the crime and the UNWILLING AGENT (whose body and brain was used to commit the crime) may be treated as a mentally ill (and dangerous) person.
11.12(b) In order to discourage the Jesuits from orchestrating further conspiracies, in many cases or actions, the true outcome or verdict for these cases or actions may only be given on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. And the other news stations (for famous cases or matters), may deliver a news story which omits the involvement of the IMPOSED PERSONs. The other news stations which report on any case or action (which has also been tried on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) must abide by the news reporting guidelines (which GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will give to that/those news organization about how to report on that case or action).
11.12(c) Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly, knowing and deliberately works through any news organization to report about any case or action (which has also been tried or represented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL) in a manner which is a violation of the news reporting guidelines given to that news organization by GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for that case or action, will be given the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR and will be treated according to Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for PLPs and RSPs. As in most of these cases or actions, motive will play a key role in deciding the outcome of that news person. The news version of the verdict or outcome (for famous cases) on the other news stations will probably omit mention of the IMPOSED PERSONs involved in the case or action.
11.13 Most cases or actions brought forward by IMPOSED PERSONS (through UNWILLING AGENTS) should not be tried at all–instead, the IMPOSED PERSONs involved should be tried and executed according to CONSPIRACY LAW.
11.13(a) However, if it is impossible to avoid the case or action, then the case or action must be tried publicly on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (this can be done via the internet presentation) and the IMPOSED PERSONS (who manipulate that UNWILLING AGENT) must represent themselves as themselves in that case or matter.
11.13(b) How to deal with the UNWILLING AGENT (manipulated by the IMPOSED PERSON) in that case will be decided on a case by case basis. The name or identification of the UNWILLING AGENT can be changed or altered to protect the UNWILLING AGENT (in the public presentation of the case on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL).
11.13(c) Any attempts or actions (and/or the motives involved) which those IMPOSED PERSONS attempt or carry out (which are violations of CONSPIRACY LAW) while representing themselves in this case, could bring those IMPOSED PERSONs public direct or cross-examinations and public executions on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
11.13(d) Any deliberate, willing and knowing attempt (or action) to draw attention to any of the LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING capabilities of the 666-Computer or satellite computer or to highlight the unique capabilities of the 666-Computer or satellite computer to manipulate an UNWILLING AGENT or to draw attention to any IMPOSED PERSON which manipulates any UNWILLING AGENT or to highlight the fact that a person IS an UNWILLING AGENT with the intent to orchestrate a conspiracy (especially if there is an intent to frame an innocent party with this conspiracy) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who makes such an action or attempt.
11.2 Each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. will produce a list of those occupations and/or persons which that country considers to be occupations and/or persons which are law enforcement occupations and/or persons for that country. Those persons described on this list will be expected to report any CONSPIRACY LAW violations (as discussed in this Sect. 11 and in Sect. 52 of INTERNATIONAL PLP and RSP-NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS) to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. of that law enforcement person’s country of citizenship and residence. This list of those citizens and/or occupations considered to be LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS will be filed in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. for each country.
11.3 All persons and/or persons in the occupations on the list of LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (for each country) will be notified of their responsibility to report CONSPIRACY LAW violations. Proof that the notices of responsibility to report CONSPIRACY LAW violations were received by these law enforcement persons will be filed in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT (of the country of citizenship of that law enforcement person).
11.4 It is the responsibility of each country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. to make sure that all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (who are citizens of that country [no matter where on earth they may be]) are notified of their responsibility to report CONSPIRACY LAW violations to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. of that law enforcement person’s country of citizenship and residence.
11.5 Most politicians, police, physicians, judges, lawyers, etc. of most countries would fall in the category of law enforcement persons.
11.6 All CONSPIRACY LAW violations noticed by any law enforcement person should be reported in a written report (and this CONSPIRACY REPORT must be complete –that is, it must fully and accurately describe the violation with no legally significant omissions or lying additions) to the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT of that law enforcement person’s country of residence and citizenship. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
11.7 It is the responsibility of that law enforcement person to obtain proof that the CONSPIRACY REPORT was received by the HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT of that law enforcement person’s country of residence and citizenship. For the purposes of this document, a designated HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. is the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which is the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. of that law enforcement person’s country of citizenship and residence. Some LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must file CONSPIRACY REPORTS to more than one country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (See the rest of the CONSPIRACY LAWS–specifically Sect. 53 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
11.8 If it is discovered that a SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT occurred and was noticed by the law enforcement person and that a complete and accurate CONSPIRACY REPORT was not written and filed with the designated U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT regarding that suspicious incident, then–that law enforcement person, who willingly and knowingly prevented (or neglected) to make sure that this complete and accurate CONSPIRACY REPORT was written and filed with the designated HOMELAND SECURITY [CONSPIRACY LAWS] DEPARTMENT, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. This type of deliberate negligence is viewed as support for the JESUIT CONSPIRATORS by default, and is an act of omission which is just as serious a violation of the CONSPIRACY LAWS as any act of commission. After a suspicious incidence is noticed, the CONSPIRACY REPORT must be written and filed as soon as possible after the incidence is noticed. 666-Computer or satellite computer memory readings can determine whether a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON deliberately delayed the filing of any necessary report. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt by a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to delay the writing and/or filing of a CONSPIRACY REPORT will result in the death penalty for the person involved in this deliberate attempt at negligence. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
11.9 And the designated HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. must file a written response to this CONSPIRACY REPORT (of the reported CONSPIRACY LAW violation) from the law enforcement person. All responses to CONSPIRACY REPORTS (by the designated country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT) need to be documented and in writing and these written responses (CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS) need to be made as soon as possible. This response is called a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT. 666-Computer or satellite computer memory readings can determine whether a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON deliberately delayed the filing of any necessary report. Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt by a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to delay the writing and/or filing of a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT will result in the death penalty for the person involved in this deliberate attempt at negligence. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
11.91 No CONSPIRACY REPORTs (or CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORTS) will be filed with a designated country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT until both 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection are passed (for the persons who wrote the report). This will no longer be necessary, since all reports are written by programs –See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS. It will be verified on the CONSPIRACY REPORT and/or on the response to the CONSPIRACY REPORT (the CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT) by the designated HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. (with the witnessed signatures of 3 witnesses) that 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection were passed [by the person who wrote the report (in order to verify the accuracy of the report)] before it will be filed with a country’s HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT.
11.92 If the required reports (as outlined in this Sect. 11) by the law enforcement person and/or by the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT are willingly, knowingly, and deliberately not filed (or if the reports are deliberately misleading or inaccurate)–it will bring the death penalty to the person who neglected to file the required accurate and complete report. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
12.0 No person, who, willingly, knowing or deliberately attempts to (or actually does) carry out (directly or indirectly) any action to harm, kill, disable or maim a/an imaginary or real rival or person deemed to be a threat, in order to increase his/her own power so that by this increase of his/her own power he/she hopes to undermine the principles of the CONSPIRACY LAWS, will be deposed of any governmental position of leadership (see CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT for definition of GOVERNMENTAL POSITION OF LEADERSHIP) which he/she may hold, and will be forbidden to run for any governmental position of leadership (or to be appointed to any governmental position of leadership–such as a judge or military officer) and may suffer the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Motive (see bold and underlined sections of this Sect. 1.2) plays a key role in prosecuting this type of case and motive can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis of the alleged criminal’s mind.
People must understand the nature of the Jesuits. There is likely to be more harm done and more chances of death to oneself or one’s family if one cooperates with Jesuits. The reason for this is because the Jesuits have only one goal when they enlist cooperation from anyone, and that is to strengthen their legal case in order to commit more murders. Jesuits are killers, but they are afraid of bad press and of the bad press they will suffer if their deeds are EXPOSED and especially if their legal arguments are presented to the world as the sham that they are. Giving in to Jesuits actually increases the chances of harm coming to oneself or to one’s family. And Jesuits have a PERFECT MEMORY. Once you cooperate with them (in any matter), they always remember and can pull it up later (to use against you or your family); that is– if they need the incident to help them orchestrate a murder conspiracy–that’s because all Jesuit conspiracies are designed to strengthen the Jesuits’ legal case in order to pave the way for murders. Jesuits murder, to eliminate their opponents–because Jesuits feel they have a God-given right to set up a Jesuit-run Catholic mongrel dictatorsip over the whole world. Jesuits are KINGDOM BUILDERS and all KINGDOM BUILDERS ARE BLOODY KILLERS. Jesuits don’t care about individual rights; they are cold, calculating and brilliant empire builders and people are cogs in their schemes. If you allow them to use you as a cog to strengthen their legal arguments, THEY WILL, and it may mean your death (if it’s ever convenient for a Jesuit to kill you). THE NUMBER ONE THING JESUITS ARE SCARED OF IS BAD PRESS. People think because the Jesuits don’t kill them right away, that they’re safe–but Jesuits are long range planners. They may use the wonderful cooperation you gave them, three or more years after you gave them the wonderful cooperation–after you’ve forgotten all about it. JESUITS NEVER FORGET–THEY HAVE A PERFECT MEMORY. You’re nothing to them, but a “cog”–a little nobody, as they build their majestic and brilliant JESUIT EMPIRE. If they think your death will help them build their marvelous kingdom–you’re a goner. They might think twice about killing you, if they think they might get bad press from the incident, though. . . But, if you helped them out, they might be able to negate the bad press they might receive from your death with their brilliant legal arguments, because that was their sole purpose for enlisting cooperation from you in the first place (so they could bolster their legal arguments when they kill you and make themselves look innocent). They’ll wipe their dirty, bloody mouth and feign outrage at your murder and you made it so easy for them by giving them the legal clout to kill you–IT’S STUPID TO COOPERATE WITH JESUITS.
You might think, “But I’ll die for sure if I don’t cooperate with them.” You might die if you don’t cooperate with them–that is true——–, but you probably will DIE FOR SURE IF YOU DO. It’s just that Jesuits aren’t stupid, they’ll wait a couple years before they kill you. See Loree McBride’s case and what happened to her. See what she got for her wonderful cooperation with Jesuits. Take your pick–serve Jesuits or serve HONOR. And when they kill you or your family, just think how glorious you and your family’s memory will be: you and your family died as a traitor who helped out killers.
13.0 When any person is approached by a Jesuit conspirator [who attempts to (or actually) uses extortion or bribery] on that person, and if this Jesuit conspirator tries to persuade or force that person to cooperate with that Jesuit conspirator in any matter, that person (who is being influenced by that Jesuit conspirator) can make a statement which will be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. The person who feels threatened by the Jesuit conspirator should give us the following information in his/her statement: 1) their name, 2) their address and/or phone number, 3) the details of the extortion attempt–what happened, what the deal was, names of persons involved, any threats made to them, any financial deals or offers made to them, 4) their date of birth and place of birth, 5) if they are American, they should give us their social security number, 6) if they are not American, they should give us their national I.D. number, 7) and they should give us anything else that might be of legal significance. These statements will be called EXTORTION STATEMENTS.
13.1 An EXTORTION STATEMENT is an opportunity for extortion victims to have a way to defend themselves against Jesuits, by threatening the Jesuits with exposure (which is something Jesuits dread). Because Jesuits often hit the same person more than once, it is perfectly alright to send the International government more than one EXTORTION STATEMENT, if the same person is hit again by Jesuits. There are no limits to the number of EXTORTION STATEMENTS which can be sent to the International government.
13.11 Discrimination is forbidden with EXTORTION STATEMENTS. All persons of all religious faiths, atheists, homosexuals, bisexuals, –and persons of any country, of any race are welcome to submit EXTORTION STATEMENTS. Even a Jesuit can submit an EXTORTION STATEMENT. We have had some Jesuits turn themselves in and cooperate with us.
13.2 There are several ways to contact the International government to submit EXTORTION STATEMENTS. The International government can arrange to have a person’s home, car or phone bugged–so that a person (who feels threatened) can make the statement (orally) in his/her car, in his/her home, or on his/her phone. The International government will then transcribe the EXTORTION STATEMENT from that person’s car, home or phone. Please try to speak slowly and clearly. The way to make the statement on the phone, may be to dial one’s own number–sometimes this will give you a “blank” where you can talk (and the bug will pick up your conversation). Anyway to get a “blank” on the phone, even if a company puts you on hold, is a way to talk to the International government on the phone. Another way to submit an EXTORTION STATEMENT is to use E-mail. A person can submit an EXTORTION STATEMENT to the Russian Embasssy’s E-mail address, which is When sending an E-mail to– write ATTENTION: EXTORTION STATEMENT on the E-mail.
13.3 When the Russian Embassy receives the E-mails, staff will sort through them, to separate the phony from the genuine extortion victims. 666-Computer or satellite computer research will be done to determine the truthfulness of the claims in the EXTORTION STATEMENTS; and those EXTORTION STATEMENTS which are deemed to be valid, will have their case presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
13.4 Anyone on the Russian Embassy staff (who is responsible for EXTORTION STATEMENTS) and who receives a valid EXTORTION STATEMENT, but deliberately, knowing and willingly ignores or trashes that EXTORTION STATEMENT or somehow does anything (willingly, deliberately or knowing), whether it be a/an direct of indirect act of omission or commission which causes that extortion victim to be unable to present his/her case on worldwide news, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. There is to be NO DISCRIMINATION (see Sect. 13.11). An extortion victim is an extortion victim, regardless of their lifestyle or religion or political views. The International government encourages all extortion victims to have an opportunity to make a public statement about their case, in order to expose the criminals who attempt to extort them; and, hopefully, to make victims feel like they have some power to do something about the extortion which they suffer from. It is hoped that EXTORTION STATEMENTS will give more victims the courage to stand up to Jesuits and to do what is right.
13.5 Because it is anticipated that a flood of EXTORTION STATEMENTS will arrive, it may be necessary (when airing the EXTORTION STATEMENTS) to lump them into categories and to read off or present a list of names for different categories. More detailed accounts of the EXTORTION STATEMENTS may then be available for perusal on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL website, and the newscast will mention where on the web one can find more detailed information about any aired EXTORTION STATEMENTS. But all extortion victims will have an opportunity to make a public statement; and, hopefully, this will cause extortion victims to feel less helpless when confronted by Jesuits who attempt to extort them into cooperation.
14.0 Every person under 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite control must have a FINANCIAL HISTORY on file, which is continually updated (24-hours round-the-clock). The PLP and RSP who has 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control over those persons designated to him/her, is required to maintain (24-hours round-the-clock) updated FINANCIAL HISTORIES on every person who is under their 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control. This is in case that person dies suddenly and we are unable to retrieve their memories to obtain a HISTORY. A HISTORY may be needed for legal cases surrounding that person’s death.
14.02 Any PLP and RSP who deliberately, knowing and willingly does not maintain a (24-hour round-the-clock) updated and accurate FINANCIAL HISTORY (including an EMOTIONAL HISTORY–see Sect. 14.1) on all persons under his/her care, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. An accurate FINANCIAL HISTORY is a FINANCIAL HISTORY which can be admitted as evidence in the military tribunal–it should contain no serious omissions, deletions, additions or alterations.
14.1 This FINANCIAL HISTORY must also contain an EMOTIONAL HISTORY for all legally significant financial transactions in the FINANCIAL HISTORY. This is to determine if the person could be (or could have been) an extortion victim.
15.0 Any JESUIT CONSPIRATOR (see Sect. 7.1 of this document) who is found guilty of willingly, deliberately and knowingly (directly or indirectly) participating in (or sponsoring) any Palestinian terrorist plot or any other terrorist plot will give a CONFESSION STATEMENT on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and after his/her CONFESSION STATEMENT he/she will be executed. The time and date of the execution (and the name of the person executed), will be mentioned on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
16.0 Any deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer to cause a person to be nervous (or to appear to be nervous) about an INNOCENT PARTY (especially if this 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulated person would not be nervous about this INNOCENT PARTY if they were not under the 666-Computer or satellite computer and satellite control of the manipulator) with the intent of framing or setting up an INNOCENT PARTY with a crime, will cause that person to receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, and will result in public exposure of that criminal’s motive (for this attempt to frame an INNOCENT PARTY) on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL during public direct or cross-examination–where the suspect will be direct or cross-examined for their motive in commiting the crime.. Motive can be determined by 666-Computer or satellite computer analysis and motive can be determined by direct or cross-examination under 666-Computer or satellite computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection (see Sect. 16.2). THE MOTIVE FOR THESE TYPES OF CRIMES WILL BE EXPOSED ON GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL (see Sect. 16.2).
16.01 Examples of 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulations which create impressions of nervousness are 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulations which induce insomnia, trembling hands, a quivering voice, nervous mannerisms, emotional instability (like angry outbursts), stumbling speech, forgetfulness, excessive gesticulations, facial quivering, appearances of mental illness, imaginary or “in-the-head” symptoms, paranoia, etc.
16.1 Usually when nervousness is induced in a person by a 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulator, the motive for doing so is to create the impression that the INNOCENT PARTY (who is being framed by the 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulator) is a monster and a dreadful person (or organization) to be feared; and, therefore, people should be nervous around this INNOCENT PARTY. Often when the Jesuits orchestrate a terrible incident or murder (in which people are killed) they prepare for it by creating impressions (by using the 666-Computer or satellite computer to cause people to be nervous around the innocent party) so that they can frame the INNOCENT PARTY for their murderous orchestration. This is a subtle ploy to create “impressions” (via 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulation) with which to frame an innocent party (or group) for the heinous crimes of the true 666-Computer or satellite computer manipulator and murderer.
16.2 These actions (or attempts)–to try to frame an INNOCENT PARTY with murders (and/or terrorist activities), will not be tolerated; and persons suspected of violating this Sect. 16 will be treated according to the guidelines of Sect. 66 of 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws for PLP and RSPs. The motive for this type of crime must be exposed, in order to discourage further attempts to frame innocent parties with such heinous crimes, and to discourage these heinous crimes. Perhaps if the criminals realize that they can’t frame an innocent party for their murders; and that they, themselves, (along with their motive for such crimes), will be exposed; and that after we expose them, we will publicly execute them for their crime (by mentioning the time and date of their execution on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL), they will desist. That is the purpose for writing this Sect. 16.
16.3 An INNOCENT PARTY is defined as any person (or organization) who/which is not guilty of violating a CONSPIRACY LAW and who/which does not have a history of violating CONSPIRACY LAWS.
17.0 Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing use (or attempted use) of an unregistered 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite or illegal satellite signal (see Sect. 26.5 of ICL:ST); or any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing use (or attempted use) of any 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite by an unlicensed or unregistered 666-Computer or satellite computer practitioner or satellite practitioner–even if only to manipulate a mosquito–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
17.1 Any direct or indirect attempt (or action) to counterfeit or falsify any document, computer read-out, computer data, any data, or any statistics, with the intent to create or orchestrate a conspiracy–especially if there is an attempt (or action) to frame an innocent party with this crime–will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone involved in such a scheme.
For definitions of the terms “marriage”, “family” and “engagement”, see Sect. 21 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
18.0 A JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY is defined as (directly or indirectly) creating or orchestrating any incident with the intent to create the appearance (or impression) that someone is jealous and to use this appearance of jealousy in order to interfere with a marriage, family or engagement. Jealousy is defined as any jealousy, not just romantic jealousy–but could be jealousy in any form, such as jealousy that one makes more money, or that one has more prestige or that one has a better situation in life. For example, a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY could be used to make it appear that a husband is jealous of his wife’s income or prestige, in order to break up that marriage or make it appear that that husband may want to harm his wife.
18.1 Any direct or indirect attempt (or action) to interfere with a marriage, family or engagement in order to orchestrate any conspiracy (including orchestrating a JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY) with the intent to manipulate the outcome of that family, marriage or engagement, in order to promote (in any manner) a Jesuit-directed worldwide dictatorship is a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW, and will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to anyone who cooperates in such a scheme.
XXX–G.S. (7-12-03), (Sect. 5 updates on 7-20-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03), (7-26-03 for Sect. 6), (7-27-03 for Sect. 6 updates and “neighbor” section updates), (updates for entire document on 4-30-14).
XXX1/2–G.S. (7-14-03 for Sect. 2), (7-16-03 for Sect. 3), (7-17-03 for Sect. 4), (updates on 7-19-03, Section 5 on 7-19-03), 8-30-03 for Sect. 2.91 “updates”, (11-10-03 for Sect. 7), 11-13-03 for Sect. 77.1 update, (update to Sect. 7.1 on 11-19-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75 plus 3.71 update on 12-13-03), (updates to Sect. 6.0 & 6.6 on 12-27-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-29-03), (Sect. 3.77 on 12-20-03), (updates to Sections 3.72, 3.73, 3.74, 3.75 & 3.76 on 1-7-04), (Section 9.0 on 1-7-04), (update to Sect. 9.0 on 1-8-04), (Sect. 10.0 on 1-13-04), (Sect. 11 on 1-14-04), (Sect. 3.72, 11.8 & 11.9 and Sect. 11 updates on 1-24-04), (Sect. 3.7 updates on 2-2-04), (Sect. 12 on 2-9-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 2-12-04), (Sect. 15 on 2-22-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-7-04), (Sect. 16 & Sect. 6.6 updates on 3-11-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-19-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-22-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 3-25-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 77.022, 17.0 & 17.1 on 4-25-04), (Updates to Sect. 66a & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 18.0 & 18.1 on 4-27-04), (Sect. 77.031 & updates to Sect. 6.6 on 5-1-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 3 and 18 updates on 6-3-04), (Sect. 3.71a updates on 6-7-04), (Sect. 3.02 & 3.021 updates on 6-13-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11.11 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 6.6 updates on 8-27-04), (Sect. 3.02 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 11.1 updates on 5-18-05), (Sect. 11.11 updates on July 18, 2006 regarding Jesuit nuisance lawsuits).
XXXX–G.S. (9-28-03 for Sect. 77.7 update), (11-12-03 for Sect. 8), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 6.2 update on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 3.721 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 3.76 and updates to Sections 3.71, 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-22-03), (Sect. 3.01, 3.011, 3.012, 3.013, & 3.02 on 12-23-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-29-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-30-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-6-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-7-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-24-04), (Sect. 11.11a updates–how to handle UNWILLING AGENT cases on 9-19-05).
XXXX1/2–G.S. (Sect. 6.02 on 8-8-03 from Lake Wales, FL)
AAAAAAA–G.S. (7-12-03), (7-14-03 for Sect. 2), (7-16-03 for Sect. 3), (7-17-03 for Sect. 4), (updates on 7-19-03, Section 5 on 7-19-03), (Sect. 5 updates on 7-20-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03), (7-26-03 for Sect. 6), (Sect. 6 updates and “neighbor” section updates on 7-27-03), (Sect. 6.02 on 8-8-03), (Sect. 2.91 “updates” on 8-30-03), (Sect. 77.7 update on 9-28-03), (11-10-03 for Sect. 7), (11-12-03 for Sect. 8), (11-13-03 for Sect. 77.1 update), (update to Sect. 7.1 on 11-19-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 6.2 update on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75 plus 3.71 update on 12-13-03), (Sect. 3.721 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 3.76 and updates to Sect. 3.71, 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-22-03), (Sect. 3.01, 3.011, 3.012, 3.013, & 3.02 on 12-23-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (updates to Sect. 6.0 & 6.6 on 12-27-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-29-03), (Sect. 3.77 on 12-30-03), (updates to Sections 3.72, 3.73, 3.74, 3.75 & 3.76 on 1-7-04), (Section 9.0 on 1-7-04), (update to Sect. 9.0 on 1-8-04), (Sect. 10.0 on 1-13-04), (Sect. 11 on 1-14-04), (Sect. 3.72, 11.8 & 11.9 & Sect. 11 updates on 1-24-04), (Sect. 3.7 updates on 2-2-04), (Sect. 12 on 2-9-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 2-12-04), (Sect. 15 on 2-22-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-7-04), (Sect. 16 & Sect. 6.6 updates on 3-11-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-19-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-22-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 3-25-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 77.022, 17.0 & 17.1on 4-25-04), (Updates to Sect. 66a & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 18.0 & 18.1 on 4-27-04), (Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-29-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-30-04), (Sect. 77.031 & updates to Sect. 6.6 on 5-1-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-6-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-7-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 3 and 18 updates on 6-3-04), (Sect. 3.71a updates on 6-7-04), (Sect. 3.02 & 3.021 updates on 6-13-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11.11 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 6.6 updates on 8-27-04), (Sect. 3.02 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 11.1 updates on 5-18-05), (Sect. 11.11a updates–how to handle UNWILLING AGENT cases on 9-19-05), (Sect. 11.11 updates on July 18, 2006 regarding Jesuit nuisance lawsuits).
BBBBBBB–G.S. (7-12-03), (7-14-03 for Sect. 2), (7-16-03 for Sect. 3), (7-17-03 for Sect. 4), (updates on 7-19-03, Sect. 5 on 7-19-03), (Sect. 5 updates on 7-20-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03), (7-26-03 for Sect. 6), (Sect. 6 updates and “neighbor” section updates on 7-27-03), (Sect. 6.02 on 8-8-03), (Sect. 2.91 “updates” on 8-30-03), (9-28-03 for Sect. 77.7 update), (11-10-03 for Sect. 7), (11-12-03 for Sect. 8), (11-13-03 for Sect. 77.1 update), (update to Sect. 7.1 on 11-19-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 6.2 update on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75 plus 3.71 update on 12-13-03), (Sect. 3.721 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 3.76 and updates to Sect. 3.71, 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-22-03), (Sect. 3.01, 3.011, 3.012, 3.013, & 3.02 on 12-23-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (updates to Sect. 6.0 & 6.6 on 12-27-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-29-03), (Sect. 3.77 on 12-30-03), (updates to Sections 3.72, 3.73, 3.74, 3.75 & 3.76 on 1-7-04), (Section 9.0 on 1-7-04), (update to Sect. 9.0 on 1-8-04), (Sect. 10.0 on 1-13-04), (Sect. 11 on 1-14-04), (Sect. 3.72, 11.8 & 11.9 & Sect. 11 updates on 1-24-04), (Sect. 3.7 updates on 2-2-04), (Sect. 12 on 2-9-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 2-12-04), (Sect. 15 on 2-22-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-7-04), (Sect. 16 & Sect. 6.6 updates on 3-11-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-19-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-22-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 3-25-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 77.022, 17.0 & 17.1on 4-25-04), (Updates to Sect. 66a & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 18.0 & 18.1 on 4-27-04), (Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-29-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-30-04), (Sect. 77.031 & updates to Sect. 6.6 on 5-1-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-6-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-7-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 3 and 18 updates on 6-3-04), (Sect. 3.71a updates on 6-7-04), (Sect. 3.02 & 3.021 updates on 6-13-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11.11 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 6.6 updates on 8-27-04), (Sect. 3.02 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 11.1 updates on 5-18-05), (Sect. 11.11a updates–how to handle UNWILLING AGENT cases on 9-19-05), (Sect. 11.11 updates on July 18, 2006 regarding Jesuit nuisance lawsuits).
CCCCCCC–G.S. (7-12-03), (7-14-03 for Sect. 2), (7-16-03 for Sect. 3), (7-17-03 for Sect. 4), (updates on 7-19-03, Sect. 5 on 7-19-03), (Sect. 5 updates on 7-20-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03), (7-26-03 for Sect. 6),(Sect. 6 updates and “neighbor” section updates on 7-27-03), (Sect. 6.02 on 8-8-03) , (Sect. 2.91 “updates” on 8-30-03), (Sect. 77.7 update on 9-28-03), (11-10-03 for Sect. 7), (11-12-03 for Sect. 8), (11-13-03 for Sect. 77.1 update), (update to Sect. 7.1 on 11-19-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 6.2 update on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75 plus 3.71 update on 12-13-03), (Sect. 3.721 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 3.76 and updates to Sect. 3.71, 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-22-03), (Sect. 3.01, 3.011, 3.012, 3.013 & 3.02 on 12-23-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (updates to Sect. 6.0 & 6.6 on 12-27-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-29-03), (Sect. 3.77 on 12-30-03), (updates to Sections 3.72, 3.73, 3.74, 3.75 & 3.76 on 1-7-04), (Section 9.0 on 1-7-04), (update to Sect. 9.0 on 1-8-04), (Sect. 10.0 on 1-13-04), (Sect. 11 on 1-14-04), (Sect. 3.72, 11.8 & 11.9 & Sect. 11 updates on 1-24-04), (Sect. 3.7 updates on 2-2-04), (Sect. 12 on 2-9-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 2-12-04), (Sect. 15 on 2-22-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-7-04), (Sect. 16 & Sect. 6.6 updates on 3-11-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-19-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-22-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 3-25-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 77.022, 17.0 & 17.1 on 4-25-04), (Updates to Sect. 66a & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 18.0 & 18.1 on 4-27-04), (Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-29-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-30-04), (Sect. 77.031 & updates to Sect. 6.6 on 5-1-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-6-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-7-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 3 and 18 updates on 6-3-04), (Sect. 3.71a updates on 6-7-04), (Sect. 3.02 & 3.021 updates on 6-13-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11.11 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-24-04), (Sect. 77.92 on 6-29-04), (Sect. 6.6 updates on 8-27-04), (Sect. 3.02 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 11.1 updates on 5-18-05), (Sect. 11.11a updates–how to handle UNWILLING AGENT cases on 9-19-05), (Sect. 11.11 updates on July 18, 2006 regarding Jesuit nuisance lawsuits).
Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 7-12-03, 7-14-03 (Sect. 2), 7-16-03 (Sect. 3), 7-17-03 (Sect. 4), 7-19-03 (updates & Sect. 5), 7-20-03 (Sect. 5 updates), 7-23-03 (“amendment” update), 7-24-03 (SC updates), 7-26-03 (Sect. 6), 7-27-03 (Sect. 6 updates and “neighbor” section updates), (Sect. 6.02 on 8-8-03), (Sect. 2.91 “updates” on 8-30-03), (Sect. 77.7 update on 9-28-03), (Sect. 7 on 11-10-03), (Sect. 8 on 11-12-03), (Sect. 77.1 update on 11-13-03), (update to Sect. 7.1 on 11-19-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 6.2 update on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 2.9011 update on 12-5-03), (Sect. 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75 on 12-13-03), (Sect. 3.721 on 12-15-03), (Sect. 3.76 and updates to Sect. 3.71, 3.72, 3.73, 3.74 & 3.75), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-22-03), (Sect. 3.01, 3.011, 3.012, 3.013 & 3.02 on 12-23-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (updates to Sect. 6.0 & 6.6 on 12-27-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (Sect. 6.6 update on 12-29-03), (Sect. 3.77 on 12-30-03), (updates to Sections 3.72, 3.73, 3.74, 3.75 & 3.76 on 1-7-04), (Section 9.0 on 1-7-04), (update to Sect. 9.0 on 1-8-04), (Sect. 10.0 on 1-13-04), (Sect. 11 on 1-14-04), (Sect. 3.72, 11.8 & 11.9 & Sect. 11 updates on 1-24-04), (Sect. 3.7 updates on 2-2-04), (Sect. 12 on 2-9-04), (Sect. 13 & 14 on 2-12-04), (Sect. 15 on 2-22-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-7-04), (Sect. 16 & Sect. 6.6 updates on 3-11-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-19-04), (Sect. 11.1 update on 3-22-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 3-25-04), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (major overhauls from Russian to international on 4-12-04), (Sect. 77.022, 17.0 & 17.1 on 4-25-04), (Updates to Sect. 66a & 77.022 and Sections 77.023 to 77.026 on 4-26-04), (Sect. 18.0 & 18.1 on 4-27-04), (Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-29-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.13 on 4-30-04), (Sect. 77.031 & updates to Sect. 6.6 on 5-1-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-6-04), (updates to Sect. 11.11 to 11.12 on 5-7-04), (major satellite updates on 5-20-04), (military updates on 6-1-04), (Sect. 3 and 18 updates on 6-3-04), (Sect. 3.71a updates on 6-7-04), (Sect. 3.02 & 3.021 updates on 6-13-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11 updates on 6-15-04), (Sect. 11.11 updates on 6-17-04), (Sect. 3 updates on 6-24-04), (Sect. 6.6 updates on 8-27-04), (Sect. 3.02 updates on 11-21-04), (Sect. 11.1 updates on 5-18-05), (Sect. 11.11a updates–how to handle UNWILLING AGENT cases on 9-19-05), (Sect. 11.11 updates on July 18, 2006 regarding Jesuit nuisance lawsuits), (updates to ENTIRE DOCUMENT on May 3, 2014), (Sect. 2.81[a] to [l] ANDROID B1BLE and/or DAV1D BRINGS THE PAST TO LIFE IN MOVIE EVIDENCE FOR THE COURTROOM on 11-28-2014), (updates to Sect. 2.81[a] to [l] to change GA1L to B1BLE and DAV1D androids and their children on Nov. 29, 2014), (updates to Sect. 2.81 to incorporate THE BRAIN into the law on 12-14-14), (updates to Sect. 2.81 to replace THE BRAIN with quantum technology on 1-8-15).
Place: Melbourne, FL and. . . after 7-27-03, from Lake Wales, FL . . .after 11-1-03, from Melbourne, FL.
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[…] (3) General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws, p. 220 […]
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