77.0 Once the laws of this document or of any CONSPIRACY LAW are enforced in a country, no changes (alterations to, deletions to, additions to these laws) can be made to these laws without a WRITTEN amendment. The approval for this written amendment must be in WRITING, and SIGNED and DATED by the country’s PRESIDENT (in the presence of 14 witnesses who will also sign and date the amendment as witnesses to the President’s signature). This amendment will be filed with the courts.
77.1 CONSPIRACY LAWS are defined as the laws (including updates) which Gail Schuler has (or will have) written regarding any conspiracies involving reproductive conspirators, space conspirators, or 666-CCs. These documents are currently named General 666-Computer Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, International Immigration Laws (formerly called Russia’s Neighbor Laws), 666-Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners, Conspiracy Laws and Government, Terrorist Money Laws, International PLP-Network Configurations, and International Reproductive Laws. These laws would also include any laws Gail Schuler wrote that are incorporated into any of Gail Schuler’s written statements.
77.01 Immigration LAWS (see asterisked sections of Sect. 2 of General 666-Computer Laws) are not as comprehensive as my CONSPIRACY LAWS, but are a portion of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. A country’s President can choose which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS he/she wants to adopt for his/her country. But whatever laws he/she chooses to adopt, once these laws are adopted, and then if these laws are modified in any way (by additions to, deletions to, or alterations to these laws), an AMENDMENT must be made public (as described in this Sect. 77) and filed with the courts.
77.011 The term INTERNATIONAL, when used in this document, refers to any country or countries (or citizens of any country or countries) which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The term INTERNATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT also refers to the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT– which encompasses all nations which willingly cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW (and the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and which nations are not listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.012 All violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are considered violations of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
77.02 Any legal actions taken by the International government to defend itself against terrorists (including the use of any of the CONSPIRACY LAWS) can be broadcast on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News Channel.
77.03 All those who are suspected of (or are convicted of) any crime outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (which will be updated daily). Highlights from these FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (or the actual word-for-word HISTORIES) may be broadcast and/or published in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in Gail Schuler’s statements (with all the rights of Gail Schuler’s legal documentation as outlined in her 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are required as well as FINANCIAL HISTORIES, because Jesuits are using extortion to force people to take bribes, so the International government needs to know WHY a person took a bribe. The death penalty is not given to those who are victims of extortion. Anyone who uses extortion (and who is not an extortion victim himself/herself) to force anyone to take a Jesuit bribe will be given the death penalty.
77.04 All those who are executed for conspiracy crimes will have all their memories recorded (via 666-Computer) before execution (if possible) in order to obtain the intelligence information International needs– to learn how these criminals commit their crimes. The International government needs to learn more about Jesuit methodology, since the Jesuits rely on pioneering scientific advances in their warfare and the International government is not familiar with many of their methods of warfare. The International government learns about Jesuit warfare methods day by day. The International government needs to be more efficient in learning about the sophisticated and very advanced scientific and medical technology Jesuits use to conduct their warfare; so, if possible, all conspiracy criminals executed will have their memories read (via 666-Computer) before execution.
77.12 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman who was born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are Robert Leonard Chord and Misao Satake Fuller.
77.13 RECORDED CONFESSIONS, delayed executions, or community service before the execution takes place, may be substituted for immediate executions or the death penalty (in some instances). If a person is allowed to make a confession or has a delayed execution or must do community service in order to avoid the death penalty (or immediate execution)–this is not a permission for this person to continue to commit the crimes for which he/she confessed or to commit other crimes which would incur the death penalty. If evidence is found that this person continues to commit the crimes for which he confessed or that this person commits other capital crimes, then he/she will have no more opportunities for a confession to replace the death penalty (in those cases where a confession relieves this person from the death penalty) and this person will be executed. The International government can choose whatever method of execution it desires, and may choose to use the 666-Computer to execute this person (using 666-Computer induced terminal illnesses) in order to mitigate Jesuit attempts to make a conspiracy out of the executions.
77.14 If the International government makes an exception to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–The International government will document the reason why and back up its reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment with sound evidence. For any exceptions to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, the rationale and evidence obtained (which caused The International government to feel the death penalty would be unwise) will be put into written form and entered into the courts. This rationale and evidence obtained (which caused The International government to feel the death penalty would be unwise for a particular case) will be put into written form in a document called RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. Every time a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is guilty of the death penalty and a substitute punishment (rather than the death penalty) is meted out to that conspirator– a RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION must be written and filed with the courts. For significant cases, the contents of this RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION may be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and/or published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.15 In all instances, when a substitute punishment is meted out in place of the deserved death penalty, this substitute punishment will be mentioned in the RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. It is essential that some sort of serious punishment is meted out in place of the death penalty (when the death penalty is substituted with another punishment), or else the death penalty will not be taken seriously by criminals. A justifiable reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment would be if, perhaps, the execution, itself, could be used by the Jesuits as a conspiracy or could create a martyr hysteria (which could promote anarchy and bloodshed). A death penalty substitute is never allowed in order to make it easier for the criminal to go out and commit more capital crimes.
77.2 An amendment by a President will also be necessary, if the President does not approve of updates or revisions which Gail Schuler has made to CONSPIRACY LAWS which this President has already enforced as laws in his/her country. The amendment, in this case, would need to state in unambiguous language which updates/revisions the President will NOT incorporate into the present CONSPIRACY LAWS which he/she has already incorporated as laws in his/her country; and then state in unambiguous language which portions of Gail’s updates he/she WILL incorporate as laws in his/her country.
77.3 If an amendment to a CONSPIRACY LAW is written and/or approved by the President, the public must be informed of this amendment (and proof must be submitted to the courts that the public was/is made aware of this amendment and proof must also be submitted to the courts that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment in its entirety; and these proofs that the public has been made aware of this amendment and that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment, must be submitted to the courts within 22 hours after the amendment is passed or approved by the President, and this proof will be filed permanently in the courts). This amendment will be considered PUBLIC RECORD, and will be easily accessible to the public (for the public to view the UNALTERED amendment IN ITS ENTIRETY) and it will be an exact, unaltered copy of the amendment which the President signed and dated for approval, which will be shown to the public. There will be no alterations (omissions, deletions, etc.) to the wording of the amendment which will be shown to the public, and it will be the same amendment (with all wording exactly as it was) when the President signed and dated the amendment.
77.4 Any SECRET changes to the laws of this document WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and all those involved in a SECRET conspiracy to change, void, or make of NO EFFECT the laws of this document will, if found guilty of this secret conspiracy, be guilty of HIGH TREASON and will receive the death penalty WITHIN 10 YEARS. The court will decide when this death penalty will be executed, because this is a most serious crime, and no arbitrary date will be set as an execution date.
77.5 To DISREGARD is defined as one who (directly or indirectly) strives to circumvent the laws of this document, once they become law in a country, either by ignoring the laws, rewriting them secretly, or in any way making the laws of NO EFFECT, so that the laws are not enforced as written in this document.
77.6 Once the laws of this document are enforced in a country, and the laws are WILLINGLY ignored or made of NO EFFECT (through default or deliberate DISREGARD of these laws), and someone is AWARE of this DISREGARD and does NOT report it to the government. If this person (who is aware of the DISREGARD) is found out, he/she will be tried for a conspiracy involving HIGH TREASON and, if found guilty, will be given the death penalty within 10 years (possibly sooner, depending on how the court decides). Because of 666-Computer technology, MOTIVE will play a key role in deciding these types of cases (involving 666-CCs, RPCs, SCs or those guilty of high treason).
77.7 PRESIDENT is defined as the leader of a country, who has the duties, responsibilities of a president, prime minister, chancellor, etc., (which would be a position equivalent to what the American President George W. Bush is for the United States) for his/her respective country.
77.8 A CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT is the government official who has the power of a President or chief executive of a country, and who uses that power to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS– through the authority of that country’s government [which would be the country which grants the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT the power of a President (or chief executive of that country)]. Vladimir Putin, the current International President, has been the acting CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT since the CONSPIRACY LAWS were founded by Gail Schuler in 2003. Currently, on this 8th day of April 2004, the International government has granted Vladimir Putin, the power of the International President and of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the International government. However, Vladimir anticipates that when he finishes his 2nd term as International President, that he will accept Germany’s offer to grant him the power of the German Chancellor in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the German government. For this reason, the name of the former International BROADCAST NEWS (which is a CONSPIRACY LAW news network), has been changed to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on this 8th day of April 2004, and the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL team will work with German broadcasters to integrate the former International BROADCAST NEWS with the German news team, in preparation for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ new headquarters (which will be at Church of Gail).
The definitions for terms used throughout this legal document are scattered. It may be necessary to refer to a later section for a definition used earlier in the text. Also definitions may be borrowed from my other legal documents such as General 666-Computer Laws or International Reproductive Laws or 666-Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners, so those documents need to be examined alongside this one.
All laws which could apply to The International government and which I’ve written in General 666-Computer Laws, International Reproductive Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, and 666-Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners apply to The International government. I have pulled these laws (which I’ve written in this International Immigration LAWS document) from my General 666-Computer Laws document, in order to clarify how they apply to The International government, but ALL laws written in all my legal documents that COULD apply to The International government, will apply to any country within the International government; as long as the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT approves of what I’ve written (which I believe he does). So refer to my other legal documents for legal definitions (if there is confusion) and refer to my other legal documents (for any laws from other documents) which may also be applicable to what is written in this document.
A International government SET-UP country is defined in Sect. 3.71.
Whenever it becomes necessary to disable or execute a practitioner, criminal or technological system (including 666-Computers, satellite, etc.) because it is ordered by a law in this document, and this disabling or execution is INTERFERED WITH (by whatever method), whoever interferes with this disabling or execution will be immediately executed. If the country which has jurisdiction over this interferer does not immediately execute and/or disable the interferer/interference, that country will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website, and will be treated as a terrorist nation according to Sections 3.1 to 3.4 of the General 666 Computer Laws document.
When the term PLP (privileged licensed practitioner) is used, it will be understood to mean ALL LICENSED 666-Computer practitioners (including jail practitioners), unless noted otherwise.
Though the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may be referred to in the masculine sense, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT could be a woman. When the term Vladimir is used, it is referring to Vladimir Putin, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
It would be very helpful to read the General 666-Computer Laws document alongside this document, especially for definitions.
1.0 A 666-COMPUTER CONSPIRATOR is defined as a person who uses (or cooperates with someone who uses) the 666-Computer for criminal purposes. The abbreviation for 666-Computer conspirator is 666-CC. All persons found guilty of being a 666-CC will be executed.
1.01 A JAIL PRACTITIONER is a doctor who works alongside law enforcement and specializes in the use of the 666-Computer in the monitoring and management of 666- JAIL-MATES. This is a specialized field and doctors should be specially trained for this task, they need to learn how to work with law enforcement and how to manage criminals as they use the 666-Computer in their management and monitoring of criminals. All jail practitioners must be under the care of PLPs.
1.02 666-JAIL-MATES are 666-CCs, RPCs, or Space Conspirators who are on death row, or juveniles who are (conditionally) on death row (see rest of this Sect. 1 on how to handle juveniles). All 666-jail mates will be under the care of a jail practitioner and will be removed from the control and manipulation of any unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner and placed under the control and manipulation of a JAIL PRACTITIONER. All 666-JAIL-MATES will be under total surveillance.
**2.9 An International Citizen is defined as anyone who lives in the International territory and/or is a citizen of the International territory anywhere he/she may be in the world, or anyone who is under the jurisdiction of the International territory. See Sect. 2.94 for treatment of juvenile 666-CC suspects.
**2.9011 All International Citizens (and those persons and/or animals under their care–see Sect. 2.9016) are invited to come forward and be placed under the care of PLPs, in order to be removed from the manipulation and control of unlicensed 666-Computer practitioners. All International Citizens are required to undergo FINANCIAL HISTORIES and these HISTORIES will be updated daily. Those International Citizens who do come forward must be warned (see Sect. 2.9012) that if any evidence is found (when they are placed under the care of PLPs and/or are placed under 666-Computer surveillance or when a FINANCIAL HISTORY [see Sect. 77.03] is conducted on them) which indicates that they are/were WILLING conspirators as a 666-CC, 666-PC, SC, PSC, RPC, RC or that they are WILLINGLY some other conspirator (as defined in my CONSPIRACY LAWS documents), these persons will be punished according to the guidelines in my CONSPIRACY LAWS.
**2.9012 Acknowledgment that this warning (see Sect. 2.9011) was received will be included in the FREEDOM or EXTORTION statement, and all voluntary signers of these freedom or extortion statements will acknowledge that they received this warning when they make their freedom or extortion statements (under lie detection). All freedom and extortion statements [which will include Acknowledgment that this warning (see Sect. 2.9011) was received] will be filed with the courts.
**2.9013 Those who voluntarily come forward to be placed under the care of PLPs in order to be removed from the control and manipulation of unlicensed practitioners, will sign a dated statement (or, if they can’t write, make some sort of signed and dated recording which will verify) that they came forward of their own free will, and that they were in no way coerced or extorted to come forward in order to be placed under the care of PLPs and/or removed from the control of unlicensed practitioners. This written and/or recorded FREEDOM STATEMENT must be done in a manner so that (if necessary) it would be admissible in a court of law (if it is needed to prove the FREEDOM STATEMENT signer’s identity). All FREEDOM or EXTORTION STATEMENTs will be filed with the courts. Each person who voluntarily comes forward MUST make this statement (or an EXTORTION STATEMENT), and while this statement (or the EXTORTION STATEMENT) is being made, that person will be monitored via 666-Computer lie detection. If lie detection indicates this person was coerced or extorted into coming forward, he/she will make an EXTORTION STATEMENT instead. No person, who voluntarily comes forward, will be placed under the care of PLPs unless they make either a FREEDOM STATEMENT or an EXTORTION STATEMENT (whichever is applicable).
**2.9014 If lie detection indicates the person was coerced to come forward, then instead of a FREEDOM STATEMENT, that person will submit a signed and dated written EXTORTION STATEMENT in which this person will name those person(s) or the organization(s) who/which coerced or forced him/her to come forward in order to be removed from the control or manipulation of an unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner. The government may not limit itself to a written statement, if extortion is involved, since an investigation may be required. If that person cannot write, then some other recorded method will be used to record an EXTORTION STATEMENT [which will be dated and signed (in some other way) by that person]. This EXTORTION STATEMENT must be admissible proof (in a court of law) that that particular person signed and dated the EXTORTION STATEMENT, in case identification of the extortion statement’s signer is needed in a court of law. The extortion statement must be done in such a way that there will be no confusion about the identity of the EXTORTION STATEMENT’s signer.
**2.9015 A FREEDOM STATEMENT is a dated and signed statement (written or recorded) made by a person who voluntarily comes forward in order to be removed from the control and manipulation of an unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner. It must state clearly that the FREEDOM STATEMENT’s signer came forward of his/her own free will (with no extortion or coercion involved) and it must identify clearly WHO the dated signer of the FREEDOM STATEMENT is, so that there is no confusion about the identity of the FREEDOM STATEMENT’s signer.
**2.9016 Parents, guardians, and animal owners will follow the procedures in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 (above) for their children, person(s) under their care, or their animals. The only exception to the laws in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 for children (not of adult age), persons who cannot make legal decisions on their own and are under the care of a guardian, and for animals–will be that parents, guardians, and/or animal owners will act as legal guardians (who will have power of attorney) to act on behalf of their children, person(s) under their care, or their animals in order to fulfill the procedures in Sections 2.9011 through 2.9015 and to sign and date the required documents as outlined in these Sections.
**2.901 An UNLICENSED PRACTITIONER is a 666-Computer practitioner who utilizes a 666-Computer to manipulate anything that is alive, and who is NOT a privileged licensed practitioner (PLP) or a jail practitioner . Any other collaborator (such as a space scientist) who may be necessary in order for this unlicensed practitioner to carry out his/her operations would also be considered an unlicensed practitioner.
**2.902 To RESPECT International Immigration LAWS regarding conspirators, means to carry out the laws and to ENFORCE them (as it is written in International Immigration law).
**2.903 A TERRORIST NATION is defined as any nation which is listed on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a NATION WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM.
**2.904 A PRACTITIONER or 666-COMPUTER PRACTITIONER is defined as anyone who operates a 666-Computer in order to manipulate or communicate with another living thing (in any manner) and all those who collaborate or help this practitioner in carrying out this manipulation (such as space scientists).
**2.905 CONNECTION BY TRANSFER or TRANSFER CONNECTION is defined as ANY connection between computers which would permit the continuation of an illegal 666-Computer operation, even after the originating computer and/or its operator is disabled.
**2.906 A TERRORIST International Citizen is a person (not under PLP care) who resides or is within the boundaries of The International government or is a citizen of The International government (within or without the boundaries of The International government) and who communicates in ANY MANNER (directly or indirectly) with a practitioner who is under the jurisdiction of a TERRORIST NATION.
**2.907 A CITIZEN of The International government is defined as anyone who has legal citizenship of The International government or WHO IS UNDER The International government’s JURISDICTION.
**2.91 If any International Citizens (not under the care of PLPs) or anyone in the International Citizen’s residence, yard, living area (anywhere that International Citizen goes), area of work (anywhere that International Citizen goes) and/or property becomes seriously ill, injured, or dies (directly or indirectly) and the 666-Computer or space technology was involved, everyone who resides in that International Citizen’s residence and/or area of work or who has visited that residence and/or area of work (and who is not under PLP care and supervision) for the past 6 months will become 666-CC and/or SC suspects and, if found guilty of being a 666-CC or SC, will be given the death penalty. An exception to this will be if the victim is a BIBLE BELIEVER (see my 666-Computer Laws for PLPs document). Any deliberate torture inflicted (using the 666-Computer or any type of space technology) on a BIBLE BELIEVER will result in the immediate execution of the 666-Computer practitioner or the space scientist [who is involved (directly or indirectly) in the deliberate use of torture (using the 666-Computer or space technology) on a BIBLE BELIEVER (in violation of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s instructions)].
**2.92 If International Citizens will put themselves under the care of PLPs, they may spare themselves the death penalty (should they become entangled in a 666-Computer or SC conspiracy) and they have 2 days to do this. After the 2 days are up, if the 666-Computer or space technology is used to cause serious illness or death or injury (directly or indirectly) in these International Citizen’s residences, living areas (including anywhere the International Citizen goes), work areas (anywhere that International Citizen goes), yards or property, those International Citizens will become 666-CC or SC suspects (if they are not under PLP care), and all who have visited or lived in the homes or living areas of the 666-CC or SC suspects over the past 6 months (if not currently under PLP care) will also become 666-CC or SC suspects and all who worked or communicated with the 666-CC or SC suspect for the past 6 months (if not currently under PLP care) will become 666-CC or SC suspects, and if found guilty of being a 666-CC or SC, will be executed. If they are guilty of the more serious charge of being a 666-PC or PSC, the execution will be within 10 years.
**2.94 All juveniles in The International government, within or without the boundaries of The International government, who are convicted of being 666-CCs or space conspirators will be treated according to the laws in Sect. 1 of the General 666-Computer Laws document.
**2.95 If anything alive is manipulated by an unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner or an unregistered space technology practitioner and this manipulated person/animal/creature is within 50 square miles of where Gail Schuler is and/or this person/animal is manipulated by an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner who is a citizen of The International government (no matter where in the world this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner may be) or this person/animal is manipulated by an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner within the borders of The International government and/or is under The International government’s jurisdiction, that unlicensed or unregistered practitioner will be executed immediately. Exceptions will be made for any manipulated living thing which is ABOVE Gail Schuler. For those animals/persons above Gail (manipulated by an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner), there is no limit because outer space is very far. Anything that is above Gail Schuler [and above the 50 mile circumference around her (no matter how far up)], that unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner or unregistered space technology practitioner who is manipulating this person/animal above Gail, or ANY unlicensed or unregistered practitioner who is a citizen of The International government and who manipulates a person/animal–The International government will have that practitioner immediately executed.
**2.96 Any unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner or unregistered space technology practitioner who manipulates an animal in The International government and/or is a citizen of The International government (regardless of where this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner may be) and manipulates an animal anywhere, will be executed immediately. An animal is defined as anything alive that is not human.
**2.97 If the animal that is manipulated by the 666-Computer or space technology poses a threat (direct or indirect) to human life, the animal will be immediately executed.
**3.0 If an UNLICENSED 666-COMPUTER PRACTITIONER or UNREGISTERED SPACE TECHNOLOGY PRACTITIONER (in any way, even using methods other than direct communication via a 666-Computer) communicates with an International government Citizen (directly or indirectly) he/she will be immediately executed. Only PLPs or jail practitioners or registered space technology practitioners may communicate (in any form) with an International Citizen, no other 666-Computer practitioner or space technology practitioner can communicate with an International Citizen, or that practitioner will be immediately executed.
**3.1 If it is found out that an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner has communicated with a International Citizen and that country in which this unlicensed or unregistered practitioner resides and/or which has jurisdiction over this practitioner does not immediately execute that practitioner and/or does not respect The International government’s laws regarding 666-CCs, RPCs, or space conspirators, The International government will impose sanctions on that country and that country will be listed as a NATION WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The sanctions will not be lifted until that terrorist nation RESPECTS The International government’s laws regarding 666-CCs, RPCs, or space conspirators.
**3.2 Any International Citizen (and all those associated with this International Citizen WHO ARE NOT UNDER PLP care and supervision) who communicates IN ANY FORM with a 666-Computer or space technology practitioner who is under the jurisdiction of a TERRORIST NATION (and evidence for this terrorist International Citizen’s communication will be filed with the courts)–this terrorist International Citizen will be arrested and tried as a 666-CC or a SC and, if found guilty, will be executed. If this conspirator is found guilty of the more serious charge of being a 666-PC or a PSC, the execution will be within 10 years.
**3.3 If a TERRORIST NATION remains listed as a nation which sponsors terrorism (on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website for 6 months or longer), The International government may bring its case against that nation(s) to the United Nations or the International Charity Bank (see other Conspiracy Law documents), and ask that all peace loving nations of the world impose sanctions on that terrorist nation(s). And if, in spite of The International government sanctions, this nation STILL remains on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a nation which sponsors terrorism, The International government may declare war on that terrorist nation’s government in order to topple that terrorist regime.
**3.4 If war against a TERRORIST NATION is declared by The International government, any nation which assists The International government in this war will sign agreements whereby all cooperating nations agree that any money or assets confiscated from this terrorist nation will BELONG TO THE PEOPLE OF THAT TERRORIST NATION after that nation is liberated from its terrorist regime. If it is discovered that any of that terrorist nation’s monies or assets have been illegally confiscated by any person or organization, all those involved, if found guilty of this, will be executed. The International government does not want a reputation as a nation which starts wars in order to increase The International government’s wealth.
3.5 Any space scientist or other 666-Computer practitioner whose computer is connected by transfer to the operation of an immediately executed 666-CC or SC, will himself/herself be immediately executed, since this space scientist (or other practitioner) could conceivably sustain the originating 666-Computer’s or space conspirator’s illegal operation (by some sort of immediate transfer of data to another computer in space or elsewhere) even after the immediate execution of the 666-CC or SC at the originating 666-Computer.
3.51 The International government will not allow its PLPs or jail practitioners or registered space technology practitioners to have transfer connections (of any kind) to the 666-Computers of unlicensed or unregistered practitioners, so anyone who has transfer connections with an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner and/or an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner’s computer is immediately guilty of being a 666-CC or a SC and will be executed.
3.6 Any unlicensed 666-Computer practitioner or unregistered space technology practitioner who interferes (in ANY manner) while the International government attempts to free a person or animal from the control of 666-Computers or space technology (operated by unlicensed or unregistered practitioners) will be immediately executed.
3.7 Any NATION which will not cooperate with International Immigration LAWS when it is necessary (like when one of that nation’s citizens [who is an unlicensed or unregistered practitioner] communicates with an International Citizen and then does nothing about it)–that nation will be listed as a NATION WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM or TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
4.0 REAL JAIL is defined as the jail we traditionally think of, with bars–in other words–PRISON. Those 666-JAIL MATES under the supervision of a JAIL PRACTITIONER, can function, to an extent, like normal people in society, except that they MUST BE OBEDIENT to their jail practitioner and never behave in any manner that could cause injury or harm to innocent people. The JAIL PRACTITIONER can use the 666-Computer to inflict punishments on those 666-JAIL MATES who are disobedient.
4.1 A MANUAL needs to be drawn up which describes specific guidelines on how to manage and monitor 666 JAIL MATES using the 666-Computer. This should be created with the help of The International government’s law enforcement, doctors who are familiar with the 666-Computer, and attorneys which will be administering this manual. The International government will set up her own manual and guidelines on how to manage her 666 JAIL MATES using the 666-Computer. This manual needs to be followed and enforced consistently.
4.2 For those International Citizens found guilty of the death penalty, as described under Sect. 3.2, they must serve 40 years under the care of JAIL PRACTITIONERS, and after 40 years they will be executed. Executions can be sooner than 40 years (See Section 4 of General 666-Computer Laws for more laws relating to executions.)
4.3 Exceptions will be for those who have a history of reckless and dangerous behavior (like reckless driving, drunkenness, etc.), those will go to REAL JAIL, where they will be prevented from acting out their reckless and dangerous impulses. Juveniles will be handled as described in Sect. 1.
4.4 Under no conditions will a 666-JAIL-MATE be allowed to endanger the life of others. Any 666-JAIL-MATE who behaves in any manner (direct or indirect) which could result in the death or injury of innocent people will be immediately executed (these 666-JAIL-MATES will be executed before their 40 year sentence is up).
4.5 How each 666-JAIL MATE will be managed and monitored by the JAIL PRACTITIONER(S) assigned to him/her will be determined on an individual basis, case by case. The general rule is that the 666-JAIL MATES that have a history of reckless or dangerous behavior will go to real jail and those that have some self-discipline and seem not the type to cause immediate danger to innocent people can go outside into regular society, BUT IN ALL CASES these 666 JAIL MATES must be under the supervision of a JAIL PRACTITIONER.
4.6 The International government should strictly monitor illegal immigrants in her country, and any illegal immigrants caught will be placed under 666-Computer surveillance, and if the illegal immigrant’s home country objects to this surveillance, that country will be put on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website as a NATION THAT SPONSORS TERRORISM. Jesuits rely heavily on immigration tactics to takeover a country and cause chaos. Even if an illegal immigrant goes back to his/her home country, that home country’s punishment for its lackadaisical enforcement policies (which allows its citizens to so easily escape into another country illegally), will be that that illegal immigrant will remain on 666-Computer surveillance even if the illegal immigrant leaves the International government country where he/she was caught as an illegal immigrant and returns to his/her home country. It is generally not a good idea to allow illegal immigrants into a country. Law enforcement regarding illegal immigrants must be enforced.
5.0 Because of Jesuit cloning technology, Jesuits infiltrate a country by replacing authentic persons with a Jesuit clone, thus switching out a good person with an evil person unnoticed, because the evil person has the same genes as the good person had. In many cases the Jesuits murder the authentic person who has been replaced with their Jesuit clone.
5.1 Even worse, once the good person has been replaced with the Jesuit clone, they make it appear that the good person is a CRIMINAL TROLL of the JESUIT CLONE COUNTERFEIT of the authentic person.
5.2 For the purposes of this Section entitled MOST WANTED TERRORISTS LIST, a CRIMINAL TROLL is defined as any person who impersonates an authentic person with the willing and knowing intention to steal their identity, which may include hijacking their bank accounts, residences, spouses, and reputation.
5.3 Because Jesuit judges and juries have already made a list of CRIMINAL TROLLS which consists of AUTHENTIC PERSONs whose identities have been hijacked, it is necessary that all lists of criminals now in existence be ABOLISHED and replaced with NEW LISTS in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations.
5.4 The Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel will announce that all lists of persons of interest or criminals must be abolished and examined to determine their veracity and to ensure that Jesuits have not placed INNOCENT PERSONs on these lists.
5.5 The public will be warned to IGNORE all lists of criminals posted before November 6, 2014, that new lists are being created that are accurate and don’t support Jesuit law. If any arrests, imprisonments or penalties are imposed on any “criminals” from lists published before November 6, 2014, the person behind these punishments will be investigated as a Jesuit Conspirator, and if found guilty of conspiring with the Jesuit Order to sabotage my Conspiracy Law, will be executed as a Jesuit Conspirator.
5.6 All lists of criminals posted before November 6, 2014 must be BANNED and REMOVED from public view and all law enforcement systems. Failure to do so, will result in the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to those willing and knowingly in violation of this new Conspiracy Law. Most of these lists have been generated by JESUIT JUDGES and LAWMAKERS and MUST NOT BE ENFORCED.
5.7 I take pride as a lawmaker in arresting TRUE CRIMINALS, exposing FRAUD, and freeing the INNOCENT from Jesuit treachery.
5.8 New lists must be created to REPLACE any and all lists of criminals or persons of interest in existence on this 6th day of November, 2014.
5.9 These lists will be created and updated every hour by members of our HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS, who operate under Conspiracy Law. Any willing and knowing attempt by any Conspiracy Law official to put an innocent person on these lists will result in the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
6.0 It goes without saying that Jesuits have created JESUIT CLONES of all the men on Gail Chord Schuler’s marriage list. Therefore, the Jesuit clones of these men and their Jesuit clone wives should be the first terrorists on the list. These men are Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin, Hugh Jackman, and Keanu Reeves clones, among others. The marriage list is updated every month or so and who is on the list changes at least every month. Because it can be confusing over who is a clone and who isn’t, people who spot one of the men on Gail’s marriage list, especially if they are engaging in suspicious behavior, should report the incident to, which is the Church of Gail email address.
6.1 Do NOT try to arrest or apprehend these criminals yourself, unless you are a LAW ENFORCEMENT official working under CONSPIRACY LAW.
6.2 At the VERY TOP of all of our lists will be this statement:
This list has been generated by the CONSPIRACY LAW networks of Empress Gail Chord Schuler. Any list of “wanted persons” or “persons of interest” that do NOT begin with this statement are INVALID and generated by the Jesuits. They ARE TO BE IGNORED by all law enforcement agencies with Conspiracy Law honoring nations. Anybody who acts on any list of criminals, other than those that start off with this paragraph or statement, may be arrested as Jesuit Conspirators under CONSPIRACY LAW. Jesuits have cloned all of the men on Gail Chord Schuler’s marriage list. These men are Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Keanu Reeves, Vladimir Putin, and so on (the opening paragraph of ALL criminal lists must list out ALL the JESUIT CLONES of the men on Gail’s marriage list). The criminal Jesuit Brent Spiner clone is connected to the criminal Jesuit clone Loree McBride and presents himself as the real Brent Spiner married to Loree McBride. If you see the Brent Spiner clone with the Jesuit Loree McBride, please report these criminals AT ONCE to The same goes for the Jesuit Matthew McConaughey clone with the Jesuit Camila Alves clone. The same goes for the Jesuit Vladimir Putin clone with perhaps the Jesuit Alina Kabaeva or Lyudmila Putina clone. No man can be on Gail’s marriage list if they are involved with another woman, so this is the quickest and most accurate way to spot Jesuit criminals, because the authentic men who love Gail are loyal to her. Therefore, we put these most OBVIOUS criminals at the top of our MOST WANTED LISTS. From this 6th day of November, 2014, any periodical, newspaper, online or other publication that reports that any man on Gail’s marriage list as married to or sexually involved with a JESUIT CLONE or associated in a good way with a Jesuit clone will be FINED for each day they allow the lie to remain published. These fines will be used to finance the operations of the CONSPIRACY LAW networks. If the publication persists with their lies despite the fines, that publication may be SHUT DOWN, if we can. If the publication remains, despite our fines, then we shall publish a list of these JESUIT PUBLICATIONS that the public SHOULD IGNORE, and will encourage the public to boycott these publications and to not BUY ANY OF THEIR MATERIAL. HOWEVER, please be aware that Jesuits have used extortion to get the real and AUTHENTIC persons (like Brent Spiner and Matthew McConaughey) to make public appearances with their JESUIT CLONE WIVES. So, anybody who has information on the whereabouts of these criminals, should just report this to and let our LAW ENFORCEMENT officials deal with the problem.
6.3 We shall offer substantial FINANCIAL REWARDS to those responsible for the capture and execution of all JESUIT CRIMINALS, like the Jesuit Matthew McConaughey clone, the Jesuit Brent Spiner clone, the Jesuit Vladimir Putin clone.
To make matters easy, Jesuits Camila Alves and Loree McBride are ALL bad, so if you see any of these criminals and are sure of their identity, you could win a substantial reward if you turn them over to us DEAD or ALIVE.
We shall post lists of all important wanted Jesuits on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel and through other venues (as we can), with their photos and how to recognize them. The first criminal Jesuits on the list will be Camila Alves and Loree McBride, and all the JESUIT CLONE WIVES of all the men on Gail Chord Schuler’s marriage list.
6.4 Anybody who knowingly and willingly gives safe harbor to any Jesuit criminal will be considered a Jesuit themselves and will be treated as a Jesuit Conspirator according to Conspiracy Law.
6.5 AGAIN, all lists of criminals published before November 6, 2014 are declared INVALID and CRIMINAL and no ONE is to act on these lists. The ONLY valid lists of criminals are those that start off with the statement in Sect. 6.2 of this document.
6.6 Jesuits who surrender and cooperate with us, may be pardoned. But we have to be cautious, because Jesuits sometimes fake surrender in order to trap our officials. For now, all Jesuits are considered WAR CRIMINALS.
7.0 Because Jesuit leader Zack Knight probably invented the Internet, it is ESSENTIAL that all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS who make arrests of those on the MOST WANTED TERRORISTS LIST follow the guidelines of this Section.
7.1 If a suspicious SIGNIFICANT PERSON (or their clone) is noticed, the only ones who are authorized to arrest them are members of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. Also, it is imperative that we NOT use the Internet as the means to send and receive information between our law enforcement agencies. Zack Knight has hacked into all our Internet systems and they are all contaminated with false information.
7.2 Here is how information must be transmitted between our various law enforcement agencies. When a law enforcement person goes on his/her computer, the Homeland Security Department can see all the information on the law enforcement person’s computer screen using satellite technology (which works OUTSIDE of the Internet). A RECEIVER in space will take SNAPSHOTs of the screens of all persons in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. These SNAPSHOTS will work like a movie camera, continually transmitting images of what the law enforcement person SEES on his screen to the RECEIVER. The RECEIVER will receive these images via SATELLITE SIGNALS.
7.3 In essence, a RECEIVER will act like a huge movie camera in space that uses x-ray like technology to receive the images of all computer screens that it scans. Using satellite signal technology, it can take pictures of what is on every computer screen it scans.
7.4 The RECEIVER will be programmed to detect the light signals that come from a computer screen and to exactly replicate the picture that is on the screen and receive that picture into the RECEIVER, and then store these images/pictures on HARD MEDIA like CD, DVD, hard drive, etc.
7.5 Special members of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT trained in RECEIVER technology, will study all images they receive from the various LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS within the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. It will be their job to categorize what they receive and file the information into the appropriate files for action (using HARD MEDIA as the means to store the information).
7.6 All a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has to do is to pull up a blank page on his computer (using any program, like Word or NotePad) that allows him to pull up a blank page, and then type in his report. If he is unable to type a report, we shall develop AUDIO to MEDIA technology, that allows him/her to speak into a microphone on his/her computer, which will automatically transcribe what he/she says onto a blank page on his/her computer, which will then be “picked up” by the RECEIVER in space.
7.7 The RECEIVER in space will be programmed to categorize all information it receives into categories. The categories will be divided according to SECTIONS OF CONSPIRACY LAW. So, let’s say information comes in that gives us the location of a possible Jesuit clone of Brent Spiner, based on a report typed in by a law enforcement officer in Los Angeles.
7.8 This report is received by the RECEIVER, and the receiver stores this information in all the files connected to the arrest of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS, which would be files like the IMMIGRATION LAWS files, the CLONE LAWS files, etc.
7.9 The HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT will be divided up according to which Sections of Conspiracy Law that it enforces. Obviously, the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT will not have jurisdiction over every Conspiracy Law Section, but only those that pertain to the security of a nation against Jesuit terrorism.
7.9(a) This process of using satellite signals to “read” computer screens on earth from a RECEIVER, and then storing this data on HARD MEDIA, and then using TRANSPORTER TECHNLOGY to “land” the HARD MEDIA inside the DRIVE of the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RECIPIENT, is called RECEIVER to DRIVE COMMUNICATIONS. It does NOT use the Internet AT ALL to transmit information from one law enforcement agency to another. It also mandates the use of JESUIT SCANNERS to ensure that any and all arrests made are just, and that innocent people are not harmed or harassed by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS.
8.0 So, let’s say, a member of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT in Los Angeles in charge of enforcing LAWS FOR CLONES receives a CD or HARD FILE of the information about the whereabouts of a possible Brent Spiner clone VIA TRANSPORTER TECHNOLOGY from the RECEIVER.
8.1 Each LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT will have a special slot at all of his workplaces, in his vehicles, and even in his briefcases or baggage where he can receive HARD FILES from the RECEIVER 24/7 (via TRANSPORTER TECHNOLOGY).
8.2 This special slot will be called a RECEIVER DRIVE. The RECEIVER DRIVE will receive the HARD FILE and begin reading it AT ONCE, and then will download that data to the drive or disc on the RECEIVER DRIVE’s computer.
8.3 Next, the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON drives out to the location of the Brent Spiner clone, and using a JESUIT SCANNER scans the location of the clone to determine if this person is, indeed, the Brent Spiner clone.
8.4 Using the JESUIT SCANNER, which scans the genetic profile of the person, it is determined that the suspected clone criminal, is the REAL Brent Spiner, who is NOT a criminal.
8.5 The LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON speaks into his microphone and makes a report stating that after scanning the suspected clone, it was determined that the person was indeed the real Brent Spiner and that this case is CLOSED.
8.6 On the other hand, let’s say the JESUIT SCANNER determines that this person is indeed a Jesuit Brent Spiner clone. The LAW ENFORCEMENT officer would go in and make the arrest, even executing the criminal if it becomes necessary to get him off the streets.
8.7 Our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAMS will develop a JESUIT SCANNER, which will scan the genetic profiles of (and do mind, emotion and memory reads of) all persons, and which all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must have. This JESUIT SCANNER will be programmed to read the genetic profile, and scan the thoughts, emotions and memories of all persons it scans, and will alert the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON if it is scanning a JESUIT CLONE or CRIMINAL.
Though this may seem a serious breach of privacy, one must realize that privacy has been gone for decades and the ONLY organization that had complete mind, emotion and memory reads on the population was the JESUIT ORDER, who used this information to promote their goal for a world takeover. Unfortunately, the JESUIT ORDER is obsessed with power and feel they have the moral right to rule everybody, and so they often used this information in a criminal manner, genetically profiling babies from birth and targeting them for destruction, and using brain control to manipulate the population, etc.
The only way to defeat Jesuit use of this technology is to be open about it with the public and to let the public know which laws are being used to regulate how this information is being used.. When the Jesuits used this information, the Jesuits had NO RULES and just did WHATEVER THEY WANTED with the information they received, which was everybody’s memories, thoughts and emotions. Their use of this information was not regulated, and so, therefore, they used this information to kill off their enemies, sabotage their enemies’ health, and to psychologically manipulate and rape their enemies.
Because we CANNOT stop the Jesuits from using this technology, the answer is to pass laws about its use and to enforce those laws. That is why Gail has written these Conspiracy Laws.
Because of Conspiracy Law, the public is now aware of this technology and how the Jesuits have used it, and are also aware that Conspiracy Law has been written by a RIGHTEOUS PERSON who strives to ensure this technology is NOT used in a criminal manner.
Unlike the Jesuits, we are out in the open about our activities, because we strive to have righteous government. The fact that the Jesuits have kept their use of this technology SECRET tells us a lot about them!
The Jesuits will complain that Gail Chord Schuler has no law degree and is not qualified to write law. However, Gail Chord Schuler has the highest I.Q. of any woman on the planet. When Gail’s men used a machine at Church of Gail to measure her I.Q., her score was so high the machine couldn’t read the score.
To honor Gail for her brilliant Conspiracy Law, which is bringing peace, prosperity and righteous government to an insane world ruled by Jesuit power brokers– most law schools, including Harvard, have awarded her with honorary law degrees.
She also has genius emotional I.Q. which helps her to read accurately the true motivations of world leaders.
8.8 All forms of information sharing using the INTERNET are OUTLAWED for use in ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies, because Jesuit leader Zack Knight can hack into ALL INTERNET SYSTEMS and cause confusion and cause innocent people to be arrested.
8.9 No arrests can be made by any law enforcement person in any of our LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES unless the JESUIT SCANNER is used on the SUSPECT. Zack Knight has had a heyday with our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS arresting Gail’s men, and letting their evil clones run rampant.
9.0 Any LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER who willingly and knowingly arrests ANYBODY without first scanning them with a JESUIT SCANNER, will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
9.1 HOWEVER, if the suspect is armed and dangerous and the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’s life is in danger if he does not kill the suspect, he can kill the suspect, without having to scan the suspect first with JESUIT SCANNER.
9.2 All LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (or anybody who is authorized to make arrests) within all Conspiracy Law honoring nations must verify that they have read these Sections about the mandatory use of Jesuit Scanners for Law Enforcement.
9.3 Special rules apply to the arrests of clones of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (such as Gail Chord Schuler, Brent Spiner, and those who have a strong impact on the life of Gail Chord Schuler, etc.). Only members of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT can arrest anybody who is a SIGNIFICANT PERSON or the clone of a SIGNIFICANT PERSON. This is to ENSURE that these arrests are conducted according to Conspiracy Law and that Zack Knight has not introduced complications into our RECEIVER to DRIVE technology. These HOMELAND SECURITY OFFICERS will never use the Internet to exchange or transmit information and will always use JESUIT SCANNERS to ensure the arrest of Jesuits and criminals and not the arrest of innocent persons.
9.4 Any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who willingly and knowingly violates these laws about USE OF JESUIT SCANNERS in order to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order, will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
9.5 Use of the Internet as the basis for any arrest is FORBIDDEN, because the Internet is highly unreliable because of Zack Knight’s almost absolute control over how information is transmitted over the Internet. All arrests of all criminals or persons of interest, must be through the RECEIVER to DRIVE technology, and JESUIT SCANNERS must be used on ALL suspects to ensure they are indeed guilty. JESUIT SCANNERS can determine if somebody is INSANE, READY TO KILL, SUICIDAL, a JESUIT, a CLONE, etc. Therefore, they are very useful to LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS and it is MANDATORY that they be used BEFORE any arrest, to prevent wrongful arrests.
9.6 All JESUIT SCANNERS must pass inspection by our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM and must have an ENCRYPTED CODE that indicates this is an approved JESUIT SCANNER.
9.7 The LEADERSHIP INTEGRITY CORPS (see Conspiracy Laws & Government, Part Four), will scan all JESUIT SCANNERS 24/7 used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS to ensure none are malfunctioning in a manner that violates Conspiracy Law.
9.8 If a JESUIT SCANNER is determined to be malfunctioning, it must be replaced IMMEDIATELY with an accurate JESUIT SCANNER (with the ENCRYPTED CODE), and the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who uses the scanner must be informed at once! Willing and knowing failure to inform a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON by the LEADERSHIP INTEGRITY CORPS that his/her JESUIT SCANNER is inaccurate, will bring the death penalty to the person(s) in the LEADERSHIP INTEGRITY CORPS who has jurisdiction over this matter.
9.9 Any willing and knowing use of a non-encrypted JESUIT SCANNER by a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who makes an arrest, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that Law Enforcement Person. It is very important that we do NOT arrest innocent PERSONS.
10.0 To prevent the use of inaccurate JESUIT SCANNERs, no JESUIT SCANNER can be turned on unless it has the ENCRYPTED CODE. However, if Jesuits manage to find a way to create a JESUIT SCANNER that can turn on without the ENCRYPTED CODE, and the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER willingly and knowingly uses that unauthorized JESUIT SCANNER, that LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT SCANNER.
10.1 Because JESUIT SCANNERS play such an important role in enforcing Conspiracy Law, all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS are required to attend classes about the proper use of JESUIT SCANNERs and RECEIVER to DRIVE technology, and how to develop “gut instincts” about whether their suspect is a Jesuit or an innocent person. All LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must know the story of Gail Chord Schuler. This is part of their country’s history and without this knowledge they are dangerously ignorant and vulnerable to Jesuit manipulation.
10.2 Should all JESUIT SCANNERS become defective, the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT must take over all LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, and all the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS must follow the orders given them through the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT. This is the ONLY time where exceptions may be made in the use of JESUIT SCANNERS. If any LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY willingly and knowingly operates outside the guidelines of the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT when all JESUIT SCANNERS malfunction, they will be executed.
10.3 To assist LAW ENFORCEMENT in killing dangerous Jesuit criminals, we shall create special JESUIT SCANNING SATELLITES. A JESUIT SCANNER SATELLITE will scan the earth below, and will be programmed to kill all dangerous Jesuits that it scans. Any Jesuit who would be willing to kill for the Jesuit Order will be killed by this scan. Using our mind-reading technology, we can determine if the Jesuit scanned has the intent to KILL FOR THE JESUIT ORDER. If so, the scan will obtain mind and emotion reads on that Jesuits to be used by our INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES (Sect. 53 of LAW.666.htm) , and then KILL that Jesuit ON-THE-SPOT.
If a Jesuit is killed in this manner, the SCANNER SATELLITE will make a report of the execution on LAW ENFORCEMENT computers and will issue death certificates for the executed Jesuits.
All the laws that apply to JESUIT SCANNERs also apply to JESUIT SCANNER SATELLITES. They must be encrypted, they must be monitored by the LEADERSHIP INTEGRITY CORPS, etc. It goes without saying, that any willing and knowing use of JESUIT SCANNER SATELLITES to violate Conspiracy Law, in order to assist the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
10.4 This scanner will also do complete mind-reads, emotion reads on all Jesuits and download all this information onto LAW ENFORCEMENT computers with information forwarded to our INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES. Those Jesuits who are not determined to be dangerous, but who support the Jesuit Order will be arrested, and, if they are willing to defect from the Jesuit Order, we will give them this opportunity. HOWEVER, they must remain under 24/7 surveillance to ensure they don’t defect back to the Jesuit Order. We will spare the life of Jesuits who will cooperate with us and abandon the Jesuit Order. Most Jesuits are dangerous, so the JESUIT SCANNER SATELLITE will probably knock out at least 90% of all Jesuits it scans.
If Jesuits protest, because they claim to be the majority and the majority cannot all be wrong. Remember Noah’s flood!
11.0 A Jesuit is defined as a person who willingly and knowingly honors Loree McBride (or whoever is the evil Jesuit leader) as their leader in his/her goal to take over the world for Roman Catholicism and/or Satan.
11.1 No willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit is allowed to reside inside the borders of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. Any willing and knowing Jesuit within the borders of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, must be executed and/or deported. Our attitude towards Jesuits should be the same as if they were a Nazi war criminal, which, in fact, they ARE. If a Loree McBride Jesuit is found within the borders of a CONSPIRACY LAW honoring nation, a CITIZEN SCANNER should be used on them to determine if they are indeed a Jesuit. If so, the CITIZEN SCANNER should be used to execute them.
This will greatly help in the immigration crisis that the United States and any Conspiracy Law honoring nation faces now. By eliminating Jesuits from a country, this will greatly eliminate the financial burden of sustaining illegal immigrants in the U.S. and any Conspiracy Law honoring nation which causes abuses against some of these illegal immigrants who should be legal immigrants.
11.1a The U.S. Supreme Court (on Dec. 21, 2018) IN VIOLATION OF CONSPIRACY LAW, denied the Trump Administration’s request to immediately enforce new asylum rules (in essence granting illegal immigrants the right to override the laws of the United States and still remain in the U.S. claiming the illegal immigrants fall under the jurisdiction of their home country). All laws related to asylum in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations are NULL AND VOID (as of this Dec. 21, 2018) and the only asylum or immigration laws that can be honored are those that honor Conspiracy Law. If the law is poorly written, allowing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to remain in a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, that law is NULL AND VOID and Conspiracy Law will OVERRIDE IT. Conspiracy Law has higher authority than the U.S. Supreme Court.
Those in the U.S. Supreme Court who willingly and knowingly support Loree McBride or whoever is the evil Jesuit leader must be replaced with a jurist who supports Conspiracy Law. This could mean that the true jurists in the U.S. Supreme Court may not be those as reported in fake news. No politician or appointed government official can be a Loree McBride Jesuit. Willing and knowing failure to keep Loree McBride Jesuits out of our political and judicial system will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. No law can be passed, modified or enforced in any Conspiracy Law honoring nation that violates Conspiracy Law and all those who willingly and knowingly attempt to pass or enforce such laws will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
11.1a1 Gail has read the following U.S. Title 8 laws and wants to adopt them as part of her immigration law for all Conspiracy Law honoring countries. In areas where they contradict Conspiracy Law, they are null and void, though, it appears that all of this law can be enforced without contradicting Conspiracy Law.
11.1a2 Except as otherwise provided in this Title 8 law, the following describes classes of excludable aliens who are ineligible to receive visas and who shall be excluded from admission into the United States or any Conspiracy Law honoring nation: TITLE 8—ALIENS AND NATIONALITY § 1182: USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182
1.1a3 Because Loree McBride is flooding her illegal aliens to the U.S. border, Empress Gail declares an emergency in the U.S. and ALL BORDERS in the U.S. are CLOSED. We shall erect shields at all borders and all ports of entry into the U.S. (including airports) and anybody who tries to go through these shields will die. The shields will be programmed to take out anybody who enters the country illegally (as defined by Conspiracy Law and USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182). From now on, anyone who wants to come to the U.S. or any Conspiracy Law honoring country must be transported in, using transporter technology and must get approval from Church of Gail or the Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits before they are transported into the country. It goes without saying that we will only allow those who meet the requirements of Title 8–USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182 AND Conspiracy Law. Those who desire admission to a Conspiracy Law honoring nation must present their case via Skype or its equivalent to an IMMIGRATION PANEL (who must obey any orders they get from Vladimir Putin or Gail’s men), who will vet each potential candidate for citizenship. Once they are given approval for admission to the country, they will be transported in.
11.1a4 As a reminder, Empress Gail has fired/impeached Donald Trump because he is only a Melania Trump cuck and Melania is guilty of high treason. Melania holds Trump hostage, so he is not guilty of violating Conspiracy Law, because he is not a willing violator. He will not be executed as long as he disobeys Gail unwillingly. But his wife Melania is a willing and knowing violator of Conspiracy Law, including death penalty violations, and must be executed. Those who willingly and knowingly give her safe harbor, are complicit with her in committing high treason against Empress Gail, and, they too, must be executed. Gail’s immigration policy is a combination of Conspiracy Law and USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182.
11.1a5 But because Melania controls Trump, Trump has been impeached. He is a very dangerous leader, who is not the U.S. President, his evil wife Melania is the President. Anybody who willingly and knowingly obeys any orders from Trump will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator for this reason. Further, to ensure no clones of Tulsi Gabbard or Trump cause problems, nobody can obey any government orders coming from anyone besides Empress Gail Chord Schuler. If a decision comes from the LAW REVIEW TEAM, it will be considered to be from Empress Gail. The LAW REVIEW TEAM needs to come up with a special encryption for authenticity that everyone needs to verify before they carry out any government orders. Those who willingly and knowingly carry out any government orders without this special encryption (verifying the order comes from Empress Gail) will be executed. A government order is defined as any order assumed to be from the Executive branch of the government of a Conspiracy Law honoring country (i.e. Presidential orders or orders from the head of state and his/her representatives). Gail will delegate her decision-making authority as President to the REAL Vladimir Putin (not his clone or automaton or substitute) and to the REAL Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey, Judge Terrance Jenkins and Gerard Butler. All of these with the exception of Brent, have training in law, making them capable of making Presidential decisions for Gail. Brent, however, knows Gail’s law in and out and his training as a physician could come in handy. Brent, Vladimir, Terrance, Matthew and Gerard have Gail’s permission to create a LAW REVIEW TEAM (which will consist of Vladimir, Brent, Matthew, Gerard and Judge Terry, along with anybody they designate), who can assist them with decision-making. Tulsi Gabbard will be Gail’s representative to the American people and can carry out any policies she wishes, as long as all her policies clear the LAW REVIEW TEAM. Gail recommends that Tulsi give regular state of the union addresses to the nation on Gabrielle Chana FOX News, to update the American people of the latest developments that the Americans need to be aware of.
11.1a6 Though Gail has installed Tulsi Gabbard as President, it appears that Empress Gail must override Tulsi in the matter of immigration. Tulsi can act as President in all matters, except in the matter of immigration or where she violates Conspiracy Law. Immigration policy must be decided by the IMMIGRATION PANEL (who must obey orders they get from Vladimir Putin or Gail’s men). Tulsi is allowed to weigh in on the immigration issue to the LAW REVIEW TEAM, but must allow them to have the final decision. Gail is not sure about Tulsi’s immigration policies, so she prefers to put Vladimir Putin and her men in charge of this. But because they are very busy, they can create an IMMIGRATION PANEL to do this job under their direction.
11.1a7 However, Empress Gail, who is also U.S. President, along with Tulsi Gabbard, has declared a state of emergency on U.S. borders, and all borders must be closed in the U.S. and any other Conspiracy Law honoring country that is experiencing a border crisis brought on by Loree McBride Jesuits, until the emergency is over. Vladimir Putin and Gail’s men will make the decision on when the emergency is over. Those who desire entrance to the U.S. or countries experiencing a Loree McBride Jesuit border crisis must go through the IMMIGRATION PANEL.
It says in USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restriction she may deem to be appropriate.
11.1a8 Further, all U.S. tariffs and sanctions against all countries must be evaluated by Vladimir Putin and Gail’s men. Those that Vladimir Putin considers stupid will be cancelled. Also, all treaties that Trump has cancelled must be evaluated by Vladimir Putin, and those treaties that Vladimir feels should continue, like the INF Treaty (for example), will be reinstated.
11.1a9 We will establish a LAW REVIEW TEAM, who will analyze all decisions made by Trump while he was President, and those that were decided by Melania Trump must all be cancelled or reversed, unless for some strange reason, Melania was capable of making good policy. Vladimir Putin and Gail’s men and the LAW REVIEW TEAM will evaluate all decisions made by Trump and negate them if they deem them in violation of Conspiracy Law.
11.1a10 Mike Pompeo and John Bolton are FIRED. They are no longer allowed to make ANY POLICIES. If they attempt to do so willingly and knowingly, they will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Tulsi Gabbard is free to change Trump’s entire cabinet if she wants to.
11.1a11 Gail’s men are free to create automatons, if they feel they must, to carry out Gail and Tulsi’s policies, while we play the game we must with Loree McBride’s mainstream press. It goes without saying that anyone who carries out policies willingly and knowingly in violation of Conspiracy Law with the intent to overthrow Empress Gail or to support Loree McBride Jesuits, gets the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. As a reminder, Loree McBride Jesuits are anyone who has the heart and motivations of a Loree McBride, even if they do not follow Loree McBride. Loree McBride is motivated by rage, envy, greed and lust and will murder and rape to get her way.
11.1b All mainstream news media outlets must report that all asylum or immigration laws that are vaguely written or written in such a manner that could cause violations of Conspiracy Law are NULL AND VOID. Judge Terrance Jenkins, Vladimir Putin (and/or a team of lawyers and/or judges that he will assemble) must decide which laws are considered NULL AND VOID in all Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and these laws will be listed and all mainstream news media outlets in each Conspiracy Law honoring nation are required to report on which immigration laws are NULL AND VOID because they are in violation of Conspiracy Law. Willing and knowing failure to truthfully and correctly report on the NULL AND VOID laws (related to immigration) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to any media organization that has an outreach of at least a million people.
11.1c Anybody who willingly and knowingly enforces any immigration or asylum law which is NULL AND VOID, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Being able to keep out dangerous Jesuits from a country is top priority and we will not mess around in dealing with this issue! Any person at any mainstream news media outlet that willingly and knowingly reports or allows a report to the public that a NULL AND VOID law is in effect and deceives the public into thinking Conspiracy Law is not in effect or that a NULL AND VOID immigration law or law is in effect, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
11.2 A LEGAL IMMIGRANT is defined as a person who desires to live in the United States and any Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and who is not a criminal or a willing and knowing Jesuit or Jesuit supporter. If a person is fleeing from a Jesuit country and that country refuses to allow this person to leave, and this person is NOT a Jesuit or a criminal, they will be considered a LEGAL IMMIGRANT even if their country refuses to give them this status.
11.3 AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT is defined as a person who desires to live in the United States and any Conspiracy Law honoring nation, but is a criminal or a willing and knowing Jesuit or Jesuit supporter.
11.4 All ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who enter the United States or any Conspiracy Law honoring nation will be deported, and if they are a Jesuit, they must be executed. We will not allow Jesuits to starve themselves or go on hunger strikes to gain sympathy so they can live in a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. Jesuits will be executed.
11.5 ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS must be entered into our NATIONAL HEALTH CARE system, and they will be given assistance to adjust to living in the Conspiracy Law nation of their choice. They will be given housing, food, and shelter and treated according to the Conspiracy Laws for the Homeless until they are able to be on their own two feet. While this may seem like an unaffordable venture, if we eliminate the Jesuits from a country, that will give us the money needed to assist the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS fleeing from persecution in Jesuit countries.
11.6 Any willing and knowing violations of these IMMIGRATION LAWS that assists Loree McBride (or whoever is the evil Jesuit leader) in his/her takeover of the world for the Jesuits, or that abuses, murders or mistreats legal immigrants, especially with the intent to support Jesuit goals, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
11.7 Any willing and knowing violation of these IMMIGRATION LAWS that allows ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to remain in a Conspiracy Law honoring nation will bring the death penalty as Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
12.0 The nation of Israel, along with the United States and donations taken from the International Charity Bank must purchase all the land ten miles south of the U.S./Mexico border for the price of one billion dollars. Mexico can use this money any way they want, as long as how they use it honors Conspiracy Law. Mexico must allow this land purchase as their punishment for allowing Loree McBride’s bands of criminal migrants to the U.S. border (in violation of Conspiracy Law). The land purchased will be one, long, narrow strip of land that is ten miles south of the U.S./Mexico border and extends from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. This land will constitute the newly formed Mexican Palestinian State, and all Palestinians currently living in Israel will be moved to this land. It will be a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. All Mexican cities and towns and houses that exist in this band of land will be moved and transported south, in order to exist within the boundaries of the new Mexico, which will lose all its land ten miles south of its border with the U.S. from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. This newly formed Mexican Palestinian State should also solve the border crisis that Mexico has with the United States because it will be constructed like a fortress and access into it will be highly protected. Shields must be erected over it to protect it from Loree McBride’s bombs.
12.1 Before the Palestinians from Israel are moved to this land, we will construct homes for them and build a wall that extends on the southern border of this ten mile wide strip from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. All Palestinians from Israel, will be given FREE homes in the Palestinian state that must be inspected to pass U.S. construction laws with safe and healthy electricity, plumbing, etc. and be large enough for the needs of their families. If the Palestinian is not trained for any job, they will immediately be put into a free training program (see Sect. 14.3) and while in training will receive free housing, a free home computer and free Internet, electricity, food and utilities. Once the training is finished, the free utilities, Internet, and food will end and the Palestinian must go to work and earn his food, Internet, and utilities. Every home will have a free grocery cart that they can load onto the public transportation system and bring to the grocery store to buy groceries. The public transportation system will be built to accommodate the grocery carts, so that those who use the public transportation system are able to use it to easily buy groceries. To meet transportation needs, we will construct buses and railways and trains that will transport the citizens anywhere they need to go in the country (modeling the public transportation systems of Japan). With our modern technology, we can do this easily. Also, all grocery stores must be set up with home delivery options, where the citizen can go online and order their groceries and have them home delivered. Home delivery will NOT be free however. They must pay for this. If they don’t have a car, they can use public transportation to buy groceries. We will use our space technology to build the wall. It will be like Israel’s wall and we will borrow Israeli technology to build the wall. It will also have shield technology incorporated into it, so that if anybody tries to go through the shield, they will die. The only way people can gain entrance to the Mexican Palestinian State is through transporter technology and they must get permission following the guidelines of Sect. 11.1a3 (see
12.2 Because Loree McBride is flooding her illegal aliens to the borders, Empress Gail declares an emergency in the Mexican Palestinian State and ALL BORDERS in the Mexican Palestinian State, and most especially the southern border with Mexico, are CLOSED. We shall erect shields at all borders and all ports of entry into the Mexican Palestinian State (including airports) and anybody who tries to go through these shields will die. The shields will be programmed to take out anybody who enters the country illegally (as defined by Conspiracy Law and USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182). From now on, anyone who wants to come to any Conspiracy Law honoring country must be transported in, using transporter technology and must get approval from Church of Gail or the Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits before they are transported into the country. It goes without saying that we will only allow those who meet the requirements of Title 8–USCODE-1994-title8-chap11-subchapII_2-partII-sec1182 AND Conspiracy Law. Those who desire admission to a Conspiracy Law honoring nation must present their case via Skype or its equivalent to an IMMIGRATION PANEL (who must obey any orders they get from Vladimir Putin or Gail’s men), who will vet each potential candidate for citizenship. Once they are given approval for admission to the country, they will be transported in.
12.3 Those Palestinians given permission to live in the Mexican Palestinian State because they honor Conspiracy Law and are not Loree McBride Jesuits, will be studied to determine how they should be trained for occupations. Using Myers-Briggs and compatibility studies, we shall determine where they fit in occupational categories and they will be given the option to train for various occupations (if they are healthy and are able to work) and are below retirement age. Schools and universities will be set up in the Mexican Palestinian State and depending on where the students are placed (based on Myers-Briggs and compatibility studies), they will receive FREE training for their jobs. We shall ensure that every job that is necessary for the economy of this newly formed state will have a free training program available in the Mexican Palestinian State. Arabic will be the national language of the Palestinian state and all training programs must be taught in Arabic, though they can be taught in other languages if so desired. So this means there will be programs that train physicians, lawyers, scientists, economists, teachers, nurses, health professionals, computer studies, systems analysts, marketing professionals, writers, artists, farmers, auto mechanics, electricians, plumbers, and every occupation that is needed for a well functioning state. Those who speak Arabic and are from countries outside of Israel are welcome to become citizens, in order to fill the needs of a newly formed state, as long as these citizens honor Conspiracy Law. Due to limited space, we can place quotas on immigration and are primarily interested in acquiring new citizens who will help this newly formed state to prosper and succeed.
12.4 A board of economists will determine how to handle imports/exports, as this will be especially important in the baby stages of this new nation. Until farmers are trained, food, medicine and supplies will need to be imported and sold in the stores inside of the new state. A large portion of the newly formed state must be trained to be border and customs agents, to manage the borders in accordance with Conspiracy Law. There must be several airports inside this state, one located near the Pacific Ocean, one near the Gulf of Mexico and several located in interior locations, allowing those who have legal access to the new state to easily go to their homes inside the state from outside the long, narrow country.
12.5 Because this will be a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, it will have a National Health Care plan set up according to Conspiracy Laws and Government, Sect. 55.
12.6 There will be a Social Security and Medicare system set up for the citizens and those who are homeless or in poverty will be taken care of according to U.S. Social Security and Medicare laws, as well as Empress Gail’s laws for the homeless – see Conspiracy Laws and Government, Part Two, Sect. 56 The money to fund the Social Security and Medicare programs for the new Palestinian State will be taken from the nation of Israel (as punishment for honoring Loree McBride as their leader from 2017 forward), and donations from the International Charity Bank. Those who would like to donate to this fund, contact Gail’s men at
12.7 Because Loree McBride is the shadow leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu AND HIS ENTIRE CABINET may be impeached as the leader of Israel. We will scan the Israeli citizens and see who has King David genes and who honor Conspiracy Law among the Israeli population. Those that have King David genes and honor Conspiracy Law will be the candidates in the new elections and one of these must be the new Prime Minister of Israel. This new Prime Minister, once elected, must honor Conspiracy Law in all they do, and their first action must be to arrest all willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits in Israel and have them all executed. Israel must become a Conspiracy Law honoring nation or we will attack it militarily and take it over, forcing it to become a Conspiracy Law honoring nation with a King David ruler. The way Israel will pay for its many war crimes while under the leadership of Loree McBride, will be to help finance the creation of the newly formed Mexican Palestinian State in Northern Mexico along the U.S./Mexican border. All Palestinians inside of Israel are deported to this newly formed Mexican Palestinian State, unless they have medical or family reasons for wanting to stay in Israel, like if the Palestinian is married to a Jewish citizen of Israel. Exceptions to this deportation rule (for Palestinians to the Mexican Palestinian State) will be determined by an immigration panel, composed of Jews and Palestinians (who honor Conspiracy Law) who will decide on cases that are not covered in Conspiracy Law.
12.8 Vladimir Putin and all world leaders from all Conspiracy Law honoring nations will gather to help make the policies for this newly formed Mexican Palestinian State in areas that have not already been covered in this Sect. 14. All policies adopted must honor Conspiracy Law and must not give support to Loree McBride Jesuits and must not oppress innocents. Conspiracy Law will be the law of the land in Israel and the newly formed Mexican Palestinian State. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to support the evil of Loree McBride Jesuits in the formation of the newly formed Mexican Palestinian State or the newly reorganized Israel (under its King David ruler) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
12.9 Israel will not lose any of their land in this deal and any new land that Israel acquires must honor International and Conspiracy law and not be used to attack innocents. Israel can keep the Golan Heights as long as they never use it as an excuse for aggression against innocents or to start a war. Innocents are defined as those who support Conspiracy Law. Once Israel uses the Golan Heights for aggression against innocents, the Golan Heights return to Syria. However, Israel is allowed to defend themselves. But it must be clear that they can only use the Golan Heights for SELF-DEFENSE, not to conduct American-Israeli style imperialism in the Middle East.
Any Syrians who have been displaced as a result of Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights are eligible to live in and enjoy rights as citizens of the Mexican Palestinian State as long as they support Conspiracy Law and are not Loree McBride Jesuits.
Though I do not support Trump, who is a Melania Trump cuck, I will stand with him in giving Israel sovereignty over Jerusalem, as long as we safely establish a Mexican Palestinian State where the Palestinians can live safely.
Once we move all Palestinians in Israel to the Mexican Palestinian State, we will give the West Bank and Gaza to the Jews in Israel, so Empress Gail does not want to hear any complaints from anyone about how she is handling the land in Israel. The Jews don’t have much land and could use more. And Empress Gail has created a fully functioning Palestinian State for the Palestinians in the Mexican Palestinian State. However, any land given to Israel must be used for peace and not for war. Once the Jews use the West Bank, Gaza or the Golan Heights in an imperialistic manner against innocents, they lose that land and it will go back to its original owners.
13.0 Fentanyl and related substances are banned in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries. Those who willingly prescribe or make available such substances outside of the National Health Care Plan will be executed. Even as a prescription, its use should be severely limited. Those in our National Health Care Plan cannot administer any treatment without first passing a scan to ensure what they’re doing is best for the patient.
13.1 Loree McBride is losing money because we are clamping down on her Big Pharma, which is behind her deadly Covid vaccines. It appears another area where she’s been making criminal money has been with fentanyl and fentanyl related substances.
“There’s still an enormous amount of work that needs to be done to turn the opioid epidemic around, but part of the answer is to become an educated patient, and to never fill that opioid prescription in the first place. Research suggests that these drugs work for only about three months, after which changes in your brain may lead to increased feelings of pain along with added emotional upset, including feelings of hopelessness and desperation.” Joseph Mercola at
13.2 Loree appears to be flooding the U.S. with her illegal immigrants, many of whom are illegal drug dealers in fentanyl.
13.3 As a result of this, I will be reinstating Trump’s border policies and will make Trump Secretary of Immigration, working with Dan Bongino, who is Secretary of Homeland Security. Trump’s return to Mexico policy will be reinstated. Anyone who tries to admit illegal immigrants to the U.S. will be executed.
13.4 Trump’s wall must be built along the U.S. southern border and it will be enhanced with scanners that destroy any fentanyl or fentanyl-related substances in anyone near the wall and will also execute any Loree McBride Jesuits who get near it.
13.5 Further, we will locate all the illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. or any Conspiracy Law honoring country by using memory scans of all citizens to determine who is aware that they have entered this country illegally. Those whose memories have been removed will be immediately suspect and we can use other means to determine if those whose memories have been removed to determine who are illegal immigrants. It goes without saying, that all Loree McBride Jesuits found will be executed.
13.5a For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a Loree McBride Jesuit will also be all who deal in illegal and dangerous drugs, including the Covid vax, fentanyl and any other drug that is dangerous or deadly and whose “disadvantages” greatly outweigh its “advantages”. All such drugs must be banned and it must be death penalty to promote them. I will have our National Health Care Plan Research Organization director Judy Mikovitz (working with Brent Spiner M.D.), compile a list of all such dangerous drugs that need to be banned in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries. It goes without saying that fentanyl and all Covid vaccines (using mRNA technology and filled with poison) belong to this group of dangerous drugs.
13.6 Those illegal immigrants who are not Loree McBride Jesuits, will be held in detention centers with their families and will be deported back to their country of origin if they are not eligible for legal citizenship. We can use transporter technology to return them. Those who are eligible for legal citizenship must take an oath to honor Pres. and Empress Gail and her Conspiracy Law or they will be deported and will lose their right to be legal citizens.
13.7 Any one anywhere who willingly strives to allow illegals into the country, whether directly or indirectly, will destroy the stability of our country, and must be executed. Loree McBride uses these illegals to murder those in the country who won’t support her terrorism, and to help her rig elections in her favor.
.XXX1/2–G.S. (7-17-03), G.S. (8-30-03 on Sect. 2.91 “update”), G.S. (11-13-03 on Sect. 77.1 update), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (RBN name change to GCFNC News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (Sect. 77 updates on 4-12-04).
XXX–G.S. (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03)(“Immigration” section updates on 7-27-03)
XXXX-G.S. (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03),
(Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03).
AAAAAAA-G.S. (7-17-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03)(“Immigration” section updates on 7-27-03), (Sect. 2.91 “update” on 8-30-03), (Sect. 77.1 update on 11-13-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (Sect. 77 updates on 4-12-04).
BBBBBBB-G.S. (7-17-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03), (“Immigration” section updates on 7-27-03), (Sect. 2.91 “update” on 8-30-03), (sect. 77.1 update on 11-13-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (Sect. 77 updates on 4-12-04).
CCCCCCC-G.S. (7-17-03), (“amendment” update on 7-23-03), (SC updates on 7-24-03), (“Immigration” section updates on 7-27-03), (Sect. 2.91 “update on 8-30-03), (Sect. 77.1 update on 11-13-03), (Sect. 77.13 on 11-21-03), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (Sect. 77 updates on 4-12-04).
Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 7-17-03, 7-23-03 (“amendment” update), 7-24-03 (SC updates), 7-27-03 (“Immigration” section updates), 8-30-03 (Sect. 2.91 “update”), 11-13-03 (Sect. 77.1 update), 11-21-03 (Sect. 77.13), (Sect. 77.13 updates on 11-24-03), (Sect. 77.02 & 77.03 on 11-25-03), (Sect. 77.04 on 11-29-03), (Sect. 77.03 on 12-24-03), (Sect. 77.14 & 77.15 on 12-28-03), (RBN name change to IB News, Putin’s new title as CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT, Sect. 77.8 on 4-8-04), (Sect. 77 updates on 4-12-04), (updates to ENTIRE DOCUMENT on 5-6-14), (Sect. 5 & 6 MOST WANTED TERRORISTs LIST on 11-6-14), (Sect. 7 to 10 JESUIT SCANNERS MANDATORY FOR ARRESTS on 11-8-2014, updated on 11-9-2014), (Sect. 10.3 & 10.4 JESUIT SCANNER SATELLITES to execute dangerous Jesuits from space on 11-17-2014), (Sect. 11 JESUITS INSIDE A COUNTRY to eliminate Jesuits from a country on 10-30-15), (Sect. 11 updates to make NULL AND VOID any immigration laws that negate Conspiracy Law and the death penalty to allow dangerous Jesuits inside a Conspiracy Law honoring nation on 12-21-18), (Sect. 11.1a updates, most Donald Trump Presidential decisions reversed. It is now death penalty to willingly and knowingly obey any U.S. Presidential orders not coming from Empress Gail herself. U.S. borders closed until Gail’s men say border crisis is over and U.S. Title 8 laws enforced for immigrants in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations on June 7, 2019), (Sect. 12 A Mexican Palestinian State formed 10 miles south of U.S./Mexican border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico and Benjamin Netanyahu and his entire cabinet fired with a King David ruler over Israel on June 9, 2019), (Sect. 13 Trump is Immigration Secretary, his wall rebuilt, all illegals deported or executed if Loree McBride Jesuits, and fentanyl and dangerous drugs banned as determined by Judy Mikovitz on Oct 21, 2021).
Place: Melbourne, FL and after 7-29-03. . .Lake Wales, FL, and after 11-1-03. . .Melbourne, FL.
[…] (4), (5), (6-1), (6-2), (6-3), (6-4), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18) at the U.S. Copyright Office in January 2007. Vladimir […]
[…] (13) International Immigration Laws (formerly Russia’s Neighbor Laws), p. 1554 […]
[…] This comes from Sect. 11 of INTERNATIONAL IMMIGRATION LAWS […]
[…] following is part of Empress Gail’s International Immigration Laws, updated today to make it more […]
[…] 14.1 Before the Palestinians from Israel are moved to this land, we will construct homes for them and build a wall that extends on the southern border of this ten mile wide strip from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. All Palestinians from Israel, will be given FREE homes in the Palestinian state that must be inspected to pass U.S. construction laws with safe and healthy electricity, plumbing, etc. and be large enough for the needs of their families. If the Palestinian is not trained for any job, they will immediately be put into a free training program (see Sect. 14.3) and while in training will receive free housing, a free home computer and free Internet, electricity, food and utilities. Once the training is finished, the free utilities, Internet, and food will end and the Palestinian must go to work and earn his food, Internet, and utilities. Every home will have a free grocery cart that they can load onto the public transportation system and bring to the grocery store to buy groceries. The public transportation system will be built to accommodate the grocery carts, so that those who use the public transportation system are able to use it to easily buy groceries. To meet transportation needs, we will construct buses and railways and trains that will transport the citizens anywhere they need to go in the country (modeling the public transportation systems of Japan). With our modern technology, we can do this easily. Also, all grocery stores must be set up with home delivery options, where the citizen can go online and order their groceries and have them home delivered. Home delivery will NOT be free however. They must pay for this. If they don’t have a car, they can use public transportation to buy groceries. We will use our space technology to build the wall. It will be like Israel’s wall and we will borrow Israeli technology to build the wall. It will also have shield technology incorporated into it, so that if anybody tries to go through the shield, they will die. The only way people can gain entrance to the Mexican Palestinian State is through transporter technology and they must get permission following the guidelines of Sect. 11.1a3 (see […]