Bill Shine, Exec. Producer of FOX News, Congratulates Gail as FOX Correspondent

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Gail’s August 12, 2016 brain to brain interview with Bill Shine, executive producer of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel:

BILL: Congratulations, Gail, on your new position as our correspondent.

GAIL: It amazes me that I got this job only by posting my brain to brain interviews with people (who my men have put on the brain to brain servers) to Facebook.

BILL: It is because you ask the best questions, the questions that everybody else is asking. We read them from your Facebook and then you created a website, so we decided to connect the Gabrielle Chana FOX News website to your site, though you are not able to get it.

GAIL: I sure wish I could watch the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel on cable.

BILL: Well, because of your courage and brilliance to establish your website, you have made it possible for many more people to get the REAL news.

GAIL: I heard on FOX News that you basically run the show for all the FOX News broadcasts from all branches of FOX News. As you know, this correspondent job is like volunteer work. I am certainly not on the FOX News payroll.

BILL: Yes, we are aware of this. Jesuits have made it impossible for you to be on our payroll, but we are working with Vladimir (Putin) and your men to ensure you do not starve or get put in a position where you cannot pay your bills.

GAIL: Zack Knight is already attacking this site. For instance, as I type this I can’t use apostrophes. I just fixed it. I switched to a different font.

BILL: Gail, you are a genius. I understand being our correspondent is really eating up your time and you fear you will have to take precious time away from writing your books. Just follow your heart. We really need your stories to get out, and if this cuts back on writing time for your books, don’t worry about finances, Jesus will take care of you. I’m sure he wants these stories to get out. We are afraid that if Hillary Clinton really becomes President, that Jesuits will use her to destroy FOX News, forcing FOX to come into Jesuit compliance as have all the other news networks out there.

GAIL: That would be a terrible loss to the public! There would be no reliable news source out there. Do you think she’d also be able to take down the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel?

BILL: We don’t know, but because you established a website for us, our audience has really grown. I would like to remind people that they can watch the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel LIVE at 00 on cable, unless they live in Florida and some other places.

GAIL: How could I win a Pulitzer so soon?

BILL: Because your interviews ask all the right questions, and you interview for the most important stories of our time.

GAIL: I’m proud of my Gabrielle Chana FOX News website. My men tell me that the logo I designed for the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel has now become your official logo.

BILL: Yes, we had a slightly different logo, but loved the one you designed and adopted it. Again, welcome to our team! Perhaps someday you will be one of our broadcasters! But, for now, we use you as a correspondent and let people see your YouTube videos.

GAIL: That would be something if I became a broadcaster!

BILL: I think you’d do fine, based on your YouTube videos and your work thus far as a correspondent.

GAIL: Oh well, I am just thrilled that I’ve found a way to push through all the Jesuit lies that flood the news networks.

BILL: We are thrilled as well. We were getting worried, because Zack Knight (Jesuit leader) was able to shut down our coverage in some key areas, and almost shut us down in Los Angeles County. But thanks to your website, we won in court and still air in the L.A. area. That Brent Spiner Jesuit clone is a very evil man.

GAIL: You mean he was responsible for almost shutting you down in L.A.?

BILL: Yes, he provided evidence to the L.A. courts and judges that he and Loree (McBride) were married and that our reports about Brent Spiner were defamation, but your interviews with Brent Spiner for us shut him up!

GAIL: Glad to hear that. I’m so glad that there is a Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel.

BILL: We are glad, too!

GAIL: I’m not sure I’d make a good broadcaster, Zack Knight interferes with my brain too much. At least as a correspondent, I am able to go back and clarify things with edits.

BILL: Well, we certainly can’t make you a broadcaster now, so we’ll just settle for correspondent, and you are our most important correspondent.

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