YouTube Suspends My Secretary of State Rand Paul

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YouTube has suspended Senator Rand Paul after he posted a video criticizing YouTube censorship.

Paul will not have access to his channel for a week after YouTube removed a second video in the space of a week, citing  “COVID misinformation.”

In the video, which can be viewed below, Paul cites two scientific studies that prove cloth masks have no effect on halting the spread of coronaviruses.

Rand Paul is my Secretary of State because his foreign policy views are very similar to mine.

This video above got Rand Paul his first strike on his YouTube account for telling the truth about the coronavirus vaccine. Loree McBride is getting really ridiculous. It’s time to take down YouTube. This is such a huge site, we will have to do it incrementally, I’m afraid. After we take it down, we may put parts of it back up. It’s time for YouTube to be censored!

Here Dr. Paul responds to YouTube suspending him for 7 days for telling the truth about the coronavirus. This video was the second strike, which has caused his channel to be suspended for 7 days.

He defended his comments on this matter in a previous video (see first video above) that YouTube censored and slammed big tech erosion of free speech.

“Saying cloth masks work, when they don’t, actually risks lives, as someone may choose to care for a loved one with COVID while only wearing a cloth mask. This is not only bad advice but also potentially deadly misinformation,” Paul urges in the video.

Of YouTube he says “They are now banning all my speech, including speech that is given on the Senate floor, which is protected constitutionally,” adding “YouTube now thinks they are smart enough and godly enough that they can oversee speech, even constitutionally protected speech.”

Paul tweeted that being suspended by YouTube “cretins” is a “badge of honour”.

Paul further noted “It is really anti-free speech, anti-progress of science, which involves skepticism and argumentation to arrive at the truth.”

“YouTube and Google, though, have become an entity so huge that they think they are the arbitrator of truth,” The Senator added.

Paul noted that going forward he “will try to channel my anger, not in breaking these companies up but by publicly expressing my disagreement with them and publicly promoting other channels that offer free speech alternatives.”

Paul isn’t the only one under attack for citing peer reviewed science. Podcast king Joe Rogan was relentlessly attacked by leftists calling for Spotify to censor him after he read out a paper that presented evidence that mass indiscriminate vaccinations might actually be making the virus stronger and more dangerous.

This is probably the REAL reason YouTube suspended Rand Paul.

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