Leila Centner Appointed Secretary of Education
UPDATE on Oct. 15, 2021: The video just below explains so well, why I’ve appointed Leila Centner as Secretary of Education. We must stop Loree’s communist attempts to take over education.
The video above was posted to Gab TV on Oct. 14, 2021.
21.7 President Gail respects the courage of Leila Centner, who heads up Centner Academy in Miami, and who stands up to Loree McBride’s draconian vaccine mandates, even being criticized by Loree McBride’s monstrous administration for allegedly refusing to hire teachers who’ve been Covid vaccinated. Gail also likes how Leila runs her school. Though Ben Carson was a good choice for Secretary of Education, Gail feels Leila is a better choice, because she is running her own school and doing a good job at this. Carson retains his post as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. This will also free up Ben Carson to devote more time to Housing and Urban Development.
21.8 It also appears that Leila Centner would work well with the Finnish educational system that Gail wants to set up in the United States.
21.9 We are having a problem with enforcing our ban on the Covid vaccine. Like we’ve done with Walmart, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., we will add “perfectpenis” to the name of every school in the U.S. and take over their websites and their buildings with this. This should effectively weed out Loree McBride Jesuits from these school systems. We will also do this to private schools that have more than 200 students and eventually will do this to ALL legal schools in Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
21.10 As far as teachers who have been vaccinated, we will evaluate them to see if they are fit to teach, because the Covid vaccine makes you retarded. If a teacher must lose their job because of mental disability, we will retrain them for a job they can do and put them in a Church of Gail city. So whether a vaccinated teacher can teach in our schools will depend on whether they have the ability and the mental capacity to be an effective teacher. However, no teacher employed in Pres. Gail’s schools is to get anymore Covid vaccines and doing so, would be grounds for termination as a teacher. As far as other vaccines, they can only get them through health care providers in our National Health Care Plan, because Loree McBride is contaminating all vaccines.
21.11 Parents who are suffering because of illegal vaccine mandates, must report the violators to gailsmen@yahoo.com and we will take over that school immediately, adding the name perfectpenis to the name of the school and publicly execute those striving to impose the Covid death shot on their children. If we must, we will pull their kids from that school and set up alternate schools that meet in church buildings or other buildings to conduct school that honors my Finnish plan and Conspiracy Law.