More Insights into Lizzo’s Borderline Personality Disorder

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I include a link for those with BPD, who have found music that helps them through tough moments.

I used photo shop to paste Lizzo’s face onto the top of a body that is what she may look like if she starts eating healthy and overcomes her Borderline Personality Disorder, by going into treatment for it. Borderlines, especially for those who have a bad case like Lizzo, require therapy to get better. But Lizzo first needs to admit she’s sick before she can get better. I dressed her up in soft natural Autumn colors, which is her best look. Her hair looks best free and unconstrained with some soft femininity.

I used to think I was soft natural and typed up the description of it from my book Metamorphosis by David Kibbe (see pdf below). I now believe I am soft classic. However, I think Lizzo is a soft natural, because that’s how I have her dressed (above) and it looks good on her. Also, when she dresses herself close to soft natural and in Autumn colors, it seems her best look. Check out the description of soft natural below.

Lizzo looked good in this, because this is a soft natural style, which is her clothing personality. I transformed the spring peach to a more Autumn peach to give her the best look. She looks like the soft natural “fresh and sensual lady” here.
She got the soft natural clothing personality right here, except the color is too bright (Spring) and should be more muted Autumn tones. But she definitely looks better in colors with golden undertones, the Autumn and Spring palettes, with Autumn the best colors for her, like the autumn leaves.

A lot of people with Borderline Personality Disorder find this song comforting.
This song describes how a lot of people with Borderline Personality Disorder feel.

I’ve figured out why Satan has chosen Lizzo as his Antichrist. It’s because Lizzo feels it’s impossible for her to do 4 of the Gail Commandments and thinks they are very unfair. The commandments around diet, exercise and finances she feels are impossible for her. She already has an obsession about being dumped, being a BPD, so she feels “safe” with Satan. She thinks Satan will never dump her because they both feel the Gail Commandments are not do-able for humans. She doesn’t see herself honestly. She is capable of doing all the Gail Commandments, if she ever decided to go into therapy for her mental illness. But Satan reinforces the lies she believes that she is not capable of doing the Gail Commandments and will never be capable of doing them and she feels that Satan will never dump her. Ironically, I think Satan himself has BPD and has an obsession about being dumped and so he chose an Antichrist that he knows FOR SURE will never dump him, because they both feel the same about the Gail Commandments and true love.

You have to admit, it is very hard for a lot of blacks to do the Gail Commandments around finances and diet. Balance and discipline don’t tend to be strong points with blacks. However, Lizzo has no excuse, because a lot of blacks are at least trying and actually none of us does them perfectly.

The reason Lizzo uses brain control and tries to trick those “superior” to her into low behavior is because it makes her feel less inferior and justifies the anger she feels about being “dumped”, which all those with BPD are obsessed over. If she can get more people down to her level (as she sees it), she feels less damaged and less defective. She then feels that if anyone dumps her, it’s because she’s been discriminated against and not because of her own character flaws or weaknesses or her mental illness. She’s on a mission to prove her worth, not accepting the fact that she was created to be a good, balanced woman and is not being true to her real self, but living in a delusional world of believing she is destined to be a loser, one who cannot overcome her bad habits, like her food addiction. She needs therapy to help her see herself accurately, not to see herself as defective. This is a case where you become what you believe yourself to be. If she would see herself as a beautiful, integrated and balanced woman, she can become that woman. She has to quit believing the lie that she can’t be this woman and, even if she falls short from time to time, she needs to understand, that perfection is not necessary. She just needs to be real and someone out there will love her for who she is and she NEEDS TO DROP THE DEFENSES around her false identity. A therapist can help her find who she is. She is definitely not the obese, food-addicted woman she thinks she is.

BOTTOM LINE: I think Lizzo and Satan feel the Gail Commandments are tailored for the whites and Asians and that blacks can’t do them, so the Gail Commandments discriminate against blacks.
THIS is why Satan has chosen a black Antichrist who definitely has problems doing the Gail Commandments.


Well I do not think there is a significant study to determine this. But in my random poll of the 4 people I know have had partners diagnosed with BPD then its a most definite yes. They are vengeful monsters who will stop at nothing to seek revenge.

I would say people with BPD are the most vicious revenge seekers as they truly believe the stuff they make up in their minds, their demonizing and projection must be made real and so to justify this they must at times seek revenge. There is a deep need to justify the underlying pain they have and to make it tangible to the outside world this often leads to tortuous revenge fantasies.

My own ex wife diagnosed with BPD would seek vengeance from anyone who crossed her – she achieved this by spending hours every night writing complaints against those she had perceived had wronged her. She emotionally bullied people or deceived them into the web of her psychodrama playing out how evil others were.

I know she had fantasies of real revenge and tried to emesh me in it using emotional and sexual blackmail to get me to assault work colleagues with a black mask and a baseball bat.

From her days at university was a history (I later discovered) of false accusations. She tried to seduce her tutor and then phone his wife after the seduction failed to tell her she was having an affair with him. In her career, which I witnessed she had grievance after grievance against those who crossed her. To the point where she would lose her job and HR departments would fear her name with endless wastes of time and appeal against appeal against thier investigation outcomes.

She would try to control teachers, doctors, therapists and as she descended into deeper madness the police and social workers who eventually did not believe the trail of lies she made out so convincingly at start but then who discovered were fabrications.

She used complaints to professional bodies as a means of revenge and would tie up anyone who wronged her in complaint after complaint desperately trying to wreck their careers.

She ended up sending death threats to my legal team, taking my barrister to the Bar council on false accusations of assault. She tried to persuade and then bully the poor woman who was assigned by social services as a home help into falsify corroborating her complaint. She even ended up making complaints about her own barristers and solicitors and ended up having different ones at every subsequent court appearance, all state funded of course as that’s how our sexist system works in the UK. There are lots of things I could add but must not for legal reasons as the law is very strict about what goes on in certain court proceedings.

So yes I realize Borderlines are all very different but in my small sample size of 4 people I know well with a diagnosis of BPD they are deeply vengeful and very very dangerous and on the surface very clever about it. There are hundreds of examples on Quora and other forums of those who have had to deal with pwBPD To this day my ex makes life as difficult as possible for my children and myself constantly abusing me (I play the grey rock).

As much as she seemed to dedicate her life to destroying others and our family, I understand there is something deeply wrong in her brain that she desperately tried to hide from me in our early years together but could not disguise any longer as the pressures of family and career took me away from just looking after her.

I realise there is an internal narrative in her mind that casts her as the heroine fighting for truth, justice and the borderline way, that her efforts are noble and true and myself and all the others who she has emotionally or physically abused are evil and should be punished for our sins against her. I even agree with many of her complaints against others as there is a seed of truth in many of them that then spirals into chaos.

It’s desperately sad to watch someone put all their energies into blaming others for the evil she did, evil that she could not let herself understand. This seems the fundamental issue of the Borderline – they must blame others and have no capacity to care for the evil they do as in their heads they have turned it into a crusade for their rights… You can spot this in many of the replies and post of those with BPD, it’s all about them with no context for those who they share life with. So in my mind the difference between those who cluster to NPD is due to achieving a false ego of perfection scared to let that slip, while those who cluster to BPD abuse others to achieve their fundamental rights as a human on the journey to self actualization. Just two manifestations of very damaged people desperately trying to heal their sadness with mental tools and coping strategies that just make it all worse and with no regard to the long term consequences. A bit like politicians really. Of course in that understanding is the road to recovery and those able to achieve the realization are those that can recover with support and encouragement, but I have yet to meet one of those people and hear how they achieved it

I also found this read fascinating describing the differences between white and black women who have BPD. . .

Some more interesting data about BPD taken from,to%20be%20diagnosed%20with%20BPD.

Little is known about racial differences in borderline personality disorder (BPD) that may influence etiology, phenomenology, and treatment of women with BPD. A total of 83 women with BPD participated in this cross-sectional study: n = 41 white and n = 42 African-American women. Structured interviews were used to assess Axis I and II disorders, and a series of interviews and questionnaires captured internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The white women with BPD reported more severe internalizing symptoms, whereas the African-American women reported more severe externalizing symptoms. Except for the association between race and number of suicide attempts, the relationship between race and internalizing/externalizing symptoms was mediated by socioeconomic status. In conclusion, African-American women with BPD may present with more severe symptoms of lack of anger control and fewer suicidal behaviors than those of white women with BPD, raising the possibility that they are misdiagnosed and receive treatments that are not optimal for BPD.

The results of the regression analyses comparing internalizing and externalizing symptoms across the two racial groups are shown in Table 3. The white patients evidenced higher levels of anger experienced but not expressed and higher levels of trait shame and guilt. They had also made a larger number of suicide attempts and had engaged in more frequent self-injurious behaviors. The African-American patients, on the other hand, reported higher levels of anger expressed and higher levels of trait anger. They had also engaged in more frequent aggressive behaviors directed at others. It should be noted that the African-American women were themselves exposed to higher rates of aggressive behavior by others on three of the four scales administered.

This is the first study to identify differences between white and African-American women with BPD in the United States. Consistent with previous studies examining internalizing symptoms in different American populations (Gollust et al., 2008; Gratz, 2006; Guertin et al., 2001; Jones, 1986), the white women reported more frequent suicide attempts and self-injurious behaviors than the African-American women. They also endorsed higher levels of anger experienced but not expressed and higher levels of trait shame and guilt. Conversely, the African-American women reported higher scores on the STAXIYanger out scale, indicating that they are more likely to express angry feelings in verbally or physically aggressive behaviors, and on the MACVI, suggesting that they exhibit a greater frequency of aggressive behaviors. In addition, the African-American women endorsed higher scores on the CTS-R, a measure that captures aggression in the context of intimate partner relationships. They reported higher frequencies of psychological aggression, physical assault, and aggressive behaviors that lead to injuries in their partners. In summary, the first two hypotheses about potential differences in the phenomenology of BPD were confirmed: the white women with BPD demonstrated higher levels of internalizing symptoms, whereas the African-American women with BPD showed higher levels of externalizing symptoms.

Comparisons of axis I and II diagnostic indicators between the white and African-American women with BPD yielded results compatible with those generated by measures capturing internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The African-American women were more likely to receive a lifetime diagnosis of drug abuse and/or dependence on the SCID-I and to show higher levels of antisocial and narcissistic personality disorder traits on the SIDP-V. On the 6-point BPD scale of Clarkin et al., the white women endorsed more severe suicidal behaviors, whereas the African-American women reported a more severe lack of anger control. It is important to note that the African-American women were themselves more likely to be exposed to more severe levels of violence on the MACVI and on the CTS-R physical aggression and injury scales. The higher levels of externalizing symptoms among the African-American women with BPD documented in this study are consistent with an extensive body of literature suggesting that African-Americans are both more likely to be exposed to violence and to commit violence (Hawkins et al., 1998; Reiss and Roth, 1993; Sampson et al., 2005).

With these caveats in mind, the racial differences in internalizing and externalizing symptoms identified in this work have significant clinical implications. Repeated suicide attempts and self-injurious behaviors are hallmark symptoms of BPD that lead to frequent psychiatric hospitalizations and lengthy outpatient treatments (Linehan and Heard, 1999). Consequently, the absence of these symptoms may prompt clinicians to miss a diagnosis of BPD in individuals who primarily present with symptoms of aggression directed at others versus the self. Although the participants’ previous psychiatric diagnoses were not recorded systematically in this study, informal observations indicate that most of the African-American women with BPD had received a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder rather than BPD. As Gunderson et al. (2006) pointed out, this can have at least two detrimental effects. First, the bipolar diagnosis encourages clinicians and patients to rely more heavily on medication treatments alone. The modest improvements that typically occur with medication treatment can, in turn, lead to polypharmacy and a growing sense of hopelessness among patients with BPD and their clinicians. Second, omitting the BPD diagnosis can divert efforts away from psychosocial treatments that address key BPD symptoms, most importantly disturbed interpersonal relationships. Indeed, it is generally accepted that medications are perhaps necessary but not sufficient for achieving change in BPD. Psychotherapeutic interventions are needed for clinically meaningful and lasting improvement to occur.

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