All Coronavirus Vaccines DESTROYED. Military Takeover of ALL ORGANIZATIONS that violate my BAN ON THE VACCINE.

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Update on Oct. 16, 2021: Due to the inability to enforce my death penalty ban on the coronavirus vaccine because of Loree McBride Jesuit infiltration into our military and law enforcement, I am transforming all military and law enforcement organizations into perfectpenis versions, so that we can efficiently execute traitors inside our military and law enforcement. Read Sect. 15.2.1 to 15.2.6 in bold and green below.

Updates on Aug. 3, 2021: Due to flagrant violations of my ban on the coronavirus vaccines and organizations, even happening in the U.S. Federal government, who are violating my ban on the deadly vaccine – I have ordered our military to TOTALLY DESTROY THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE ANYWHERE IT IS FOUND. It is to be treated as a bioweapon as dangerous as ANTHRAX. To ensure my ban is enforced, we will militarily take over any organizations that violate this ban, including, but not limited to, Walmart, the U.S. Veterans Affairs, etc. See below, for my updated and stricter laws regarding my ban on the coronavirus vaccine. We will also militarily take over all news organizations that do not support my ban.

I made this video on May 29, 2021, after learning how dangerous the coronavirus vaccine is.

Unfortunately, thanks to Loree McBride’s coronavirus vaccines from hell, she has made the movie Idiocracy a self-fulfilling prophecy. I really feel for the people who have become retards as a result of taking Loree’s vaccines. All I can suggest is to do the Gail Commandments and perhaps Jesus will put medicine in the air to correct the problem.

July 2021 video. Fact Checking the Coronavirus Vaccines.
July 2021 video. Deadly Covid vaccine side effects are common.

UPDATE on May 29, 2021: The following is a transcript of a conversation I had with Brent Spiner, Rule 13 and someone who became retarded as a result of getting the coronavirus vaccine:

Rule13 — May 28, 2021 at 9:05 PM
Brent said, the vaccine is like flu vaccine x 100000. (Jesuits designed the flu vaccine to give people the flu.) Everything “covid” was suppose to do, the vaccine can do, but also worse. Loree suppresses vaccine info.

Rule13 — May 28, 2021 at 9:35 PM
Garbage Man (one of Gail’s Patreon supporters) had the vaccine. It make him retard, as you see. Also, women who get this vaccine, give birth to children like Garbage Man. They are born hispanic and retard.

May 29, 2021: Executive Order – Executions (for people in the news media, at the CDC and others, read my law) need to be carried out in regard to violations of President Gail’s coronavirus laws as outlined at this page. All coronavirus vaccines must be removed from distribution and BANNED. Anyone who willingly promotes or gives these unsafe vaccines to people will be EXECUTED publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. These vaccines are dangerous and induce mental retardation and pregnancy problems in those who get them. The fact that they were distributed as safe (when they were NOT) is a death penalty violation of my coronavirus laws and the guilty parties must be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. Joe Biden cannot propose or pass any legislation or take any actions as President without getting approval beforehand from Vice President Brent Spiner and Brent is free to consult with my Cabinet in deciding on what to pass of Biden’s legislations or actions. If Biden willingly violates this executive order and does any actions as President without Brent’s WRITTEN APPROVAL FIRST, he will be executed. Biden has been an unmitigated disaster as a “President” thus far. No one in my Cabinet is allowed to get a coronavirus vaccine until, and if, the vaccines are safe. All those who have gotten the coronavirus vaccine in my Cabinet must be evaluated for fitness for office and possibly may need to be removed, if the vaccine made them mentally retarded. If we need to remove Cabinet members, Brent will let me know who had to be removed and I will decide on a replacement. Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel needs to be scanned to determine if he has willingly aligned with Loree McBride. If so, he will be sacked and Brent Spiner will be the temporary Prime Minister of Israel until a suitable replacement is found. Brent is Jewish. If the Jewish nation does not like this arrangement when their Prime Minister is a Loree McBride Jesuit, then the United States will declare war on Israel and militarily take it over and replace Netanyahu with a leader who honors Conspiracy Law.

UPDATE on May 29, 2021, my executive order has not been enforced and executions need to be carried out! The following is an executive order (May 3, 2021) from U.S. President Gail and has been added to Conspiracy Law’s International Military Law (Sect. 15):


15.0 Loree McBride and Satan have concocted the lie that the coronavirus is not like the common flu, but that it is more deadly, and have created unnecessary economic chaos and made it difficult for people to go outside and do their daily walks to obey the Gail Commandments. The economic and mental health damage they have caused has been catastrophic and this needs to end. Here is the truth that they need to report:

Can use the following audio on the news to get the truth out:

The coronavirus is just another strain of the flu. Coronavirus patients tend to recover very well once they’re told they don’t need to panic and they just have the flu. Panicking makes it worse. Also, people who get pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses that are more deadly than the coronavirus are being wrongly diagnosed with coronavirus, even those who get bacterial pneumonia and don’t have the coronavirus, and this has contributed to the hysteria. A lot of the deaths reported as coronavirus deaths are just people whose cause of death was not coronavirus, but just had coronavirus at the same time that they died from another condition. A lot of elderly and infirm people reported as dying from coronavirus actually died from other causes and would have died even without the coronavirus. The coronavirus is not more contagious than the flu. It’s just like the flu. It’s true that many people die from the flu each year, but it’s usually the elderly or very sick who die from the flu. So take the same precautions for the coronavirus that you would for a regular flu season.

15.0a Loree McBride political agents are telling everyone to fear everything, and to avoid going outside. But, all that fear does is cause bad decisions (especially bad financial decisions, like buying years of toilet paper for no reason, or shutting down business operations without cause) and weaken the immune system through stress and not getting fresh air and sunlight. Think about it. If people are glued to their televisions and doing everything it says, they are making themselves more prone to illness. People need sleep, nutrition, sunlight, exercise, hygiene and good organization. Staying indoors, avoiding social contact with loved ones, hoarding useless items such as hand sanitizer and masks, stressing themselves and not sleeping from the stress induced by all this hysteria is not healthy. You don’t need to constantly wipe down your house with alcohol or sanitizer like the television says. That’s going overboard. Just stay clean and tidy. People are lacking in common sense these days. The fear of the virus is much worse than the virus itself. The cure to this disease is the Gail Commandments and common sense. If the CDC or any politician on TV is telling you to do something that violates the Gail Commandments or common sense, you’re going to get sick, or at least wind up in trouble.

15.0b It’s also a good idea to respect people’s beliefs about the situation, like continue to wear masks at organizations that require it until, and if, we get the truth out to the world and everyone understands the truth about the coronavirus. So we will phase into the truth and start meting out executions to those who continue to promote any lies about the coronavirus or any other illnesses out there that willingly serve Loree McBride. Many truly believe in these lies, and their fear can be dangerous to everyone involved. It’s best to stay polite. Only our military is allowed to carry out executions in regard to this Sect. 15.0, because many good people have been deceived and we do not want to execute people who have good intentions but just don’t realize the truth. Loree has conducted a brilliant propaganda campaign and we will expose her lies and oust those in politics, the news media and in government and health organizations who are part of her lying conspiracy. We must use accurate scanners to determine motive before we carry out executions, so that our executions are just. In fact, to willingly execute someone guilty of violating this Sect. 15, if you are not law enforcement or the military or authorized by law enforcement or the military to do so, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, because such actions could contribute to anarchy inside Conspiracy Law honoring countries. We need to be careful to only execute those who are truly Loree McBride Jesuits and not those who have good hearts and mean well.

15.1 Mandatory coronavirus vaccination is not necessary for most people, just like mandatory flu vaccination is not necessary. Any attempt to make a mandatory coronavirus vaccination requirement for a vaccine that has not been approved of by Brent Spiner M.D. and the team of physicians who work with him, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that willing violator. Before any vaccines are made mandatory, Brent Spiner M.D. and his team of physicians will make the decision on this. The CDC is FIRED and must be replaced by a team of scientists and physicians approved of by Brent Spiner M.D. and the team of scientists who work with him. The new CDC will retain the name CDC, but must be totally revamped and made over so that evil lying Jesuits no longer influence it. From this day forward, if any health, news or government organization recommends anything that is a lie and does so willingly to support Loree McBride or Satan, all such people will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator, even if we have to bomb the facility to carry out the executions. We would clear out innocents first if at all possible. The CDC has consistently lied to the American people and all such organizations like the CDC in any Conspiracy Law honoring country that have willingly lied to their people in order to support Loree McBride and Satan, must be replaced by a team of physicans and scientists who honor truth and Conspiracy Law and who will work with Brent Spiner M.D. and his team of physicians and scientists to separate fact from fiction in regard to any pandemics we need to be concerned over.

15.1a All schools need to be reopened and must conduct business as they would under a regular flu season. All stores and businesses and organizations need to reopen and conduct business as they would under a regular flu season. Until, and if, the coronavirus turns out more deadly and contagious than the regular flu, no business or organization can impose requirements on those under their jurisdiction in excess of precautions you would take for a regular flu season. Those that impose restrictions or mandates in excess of those you’d have with the regular flu season when we are dealing with an illness that is no more deadly than the regular flu, and who do so willingly in order to support Loree McBride and Satan, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.

15.2 Actually, the Jesuits created the flu vaccine to give people the flu and until this is corrected, all such flu vaccines need to be removed from distribution. All coronavirus vaccines need to be tested to be sure they work as they are intended to work and, if not, they need to be removed, until an effective and safe vaccine can be used on the public. No one can require mandatory vaccinations for the flu or the coronavirus unless such requirements are necessary for public health or are determined to be in the interest of public health safety as determined by physician Brent Spiner M.D. and the team of physicians and scientists who work with him. To willingly make it mandatory to take a vaccine that actually gives you the disease you are supposed to be protected from, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.

15.2.1 All military, law enforcement, National Guard, or any organization used for military and law enforcement purposes in any Conspiracy Law honoring country must adopt a perfectpenis name, including all buildings, websites and online sites associated with that law enforcement or military organization.

We need to purge Loree McBride Jesuits from our military and law enforcement so that Loree cannot use the military to enforce her edicts in violation of my ban on the Covid vax. She has total disregard for my laws, so we cannot expect her to obey. We have to ensure that all Loree McBride Jesuits inside our military and law enforcement are executed speedily and purged and that all in my military and law enforcement are honoring my death penalty ban on the Covid vax.

15.2.2 All military and law enforcement uniforms must have perfectpenis as insignia on the uniform; and hourly and daily salutes using the term “perfectpenis” must be incorporated into the routines of all military and law enforcement.

15.2.3 All doors and entryways for all buildings for all military and law enforcement, including housing, barracks, hospitals and all buildings that military and law enforcement occupy must chime the word “perfectpenis” whenever anybody enters or leaves that building. Also, whenever any human or animal of any kind enters a military or law enforcement building by whatever means, the word “perfectpenis” must be said, even if by automated recording. Scanners must be set up in all buildings to determine whether a person or being has entered the building, even if they entered by transporter technology and the word “perfectpenis” must be said upon their entrance.

It goes without saying that all Loree McBride Jesuits and Loree McBride Jesuit supporters must be thoroughly purged and executed from all military and law enforcement organizations in Conspiracy Law honoring countries.

15.2.4 All military hospitals and health care facilities and pharmacies and such, must be incorporated into the National Health Care Plan and must honor Conspiracy Law as outlined for the National Health Care Plan. They, too, must become perfectpenis organizations and follow the guidelines in this section.

All military and law enforcement personnel who have received the Loree McBride death shot (Covid vax) must immediately undergo vaccine therapy administered by a health care practitioner in our National Health Care Plan to purge the deadly shot and its effects from the bodies of our law enforcement and military personnel. Obviously, we cannot enforce our laws, if all our soldiers and law enforcement are ill or dead from the death shot.

Further, all military and law enforcement are instructed to shoot on sight any one who attempts to “vaccinate” them who is not a member of the National Health Care Plan. They should probably shout “perfectpenis TREASON, you DIE” first to ensure they are really shooting a Loree McBride Jesuit and if so, blast the Loree McBride Jesuit to hell.


The coronavirus vaccine is defined as any mRNA technology or genetic “therapy” that has not been thoroughly vetted and tested for safety, such as the Covid vax or pill forms of the Covid vax.

15.2.6 All inaccurate PCR testing must stop. This only fuels hysteria, creating false positives that promote the lying Loree McBride narrative. Any one who continues to use the inaccurate PCR testing will be executed publicly on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. We have accurate scanner technology which must be used in place of PCR testing.

15.2a We will use technology to scan all the world for the dangerous vaccine and to destroy all coronavirus vaccines. We will attempt to create a scanner that scans for coronavirus vaccines and DESTROY THEM ALL. Anyone in possession of a coronavirus vaccine will be arrested and if they did so willingly to give the vaccine to support Loree McBride they will be executed.

15.2a1 Furthermore, because Loree creates quick clones of all we execute, all medical facilities, pharmacies or places where the vaccine is administered must be under military surveillance 24/7 with solders nearby to carry out executions to any clone replacements who continue to violate my ban on the coronavirus vaccine. THE FOCUS OF OUR MILITARY EFFORTS NOW MUST BE ON ENFORCING THIS BAN ON THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE AND TO DESTROY ALL VACCINES FOUND AND TO DESTROY ALL VIOLATORS OF THIS BAN. All buildings and facilities that give out the coronavirus vaccine must be outfitted with scanners that destroy any coronavirus vaccines that show up in that building. If someone shows up to get the vaccine, they will be given a leaflet explaining that President/Empress Gail has banned the coronavirus vaccine (because it is not safe) and it is no longer available to the public except through criminal organizations.  

15.2a2 Our military efforts are too broad and, therefore, ineffective. Right now, our military efforts need to be concentrated on all facilities that administer Loree McBride’s form of genocide, which is the coronavirus vaccine and to monitor all these facilities to ensure all coronavirus vaccines are TOTALLY DESTROYED, along with any and all facilities that make them. We will not limit our destruction of the vaccines to our own country, but will use our scanners to destroy these vaccines anywhere we find them, even in enemy countries. The coronavirus vaccine is to be viewed as a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON THAT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED. It is to be viewed as dangerous as anthrax. It needs to be treated, not as a vaccine, but as a BIOHAZARD, as a form of biological warfare. I would even go so far as to BOMB ANY BUILDINGS (AFTER CLEARING OUT INNOCENTS) USED TO CREATE THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE, that would be the proper attitude to take towards this dangerous bioweapon.

15.2b In the meanwhile, those who are willingly violating our ban on the dangerous vaccine and using the dangerous vaccine (or have the intent to violate our ban on a dangerous vaccine) on people in violation of Conspiracy Law will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and will be fined one million dollars for every shot given. This means, even if we succeeded in destroying a dangerous vaccine, thus saving the recipient from its dangerous effects, the fact that the INJECTOR willingly tried to violate our ban is sufficient to publicly execute them and to fine them one million dollars. We will determine guilt (or willingness to violate the ban) by emotion/mind scans to determine motive. An INJECTOR is defined as the person (or one of the persons in the chain leading up to the injection) who injected or attempted to inject the dangerous vaccine into a person.

15.2c The one million dollars fine collected for violating this Sect. 15 will be donated to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and the funds used to help victims of the DANGEROUS VACCINE and other victims of Loree McBride Jesuit treachery. If the person giving the shot did not violate our ban willingly, but did so because they were a retard or violated the ban unwillingly, we will determine who in the chain (leading up to the actual illegal injection) was responsible for this violation of our ban of this dangerous vaccine; AND those responsible for this violation will be fined.

15.2c1 Because, it appears, despite our best efforts, that some people will lose their jobs if they don’t take the vaccine. We must set up Church of Gail cities where we can house these people (who’ve lost their job for refusing the vaccine) and possibly retrain them for a new line of work or at least take care of them according to my laws for the homeless. In the meanwhile, all organizations that are requiring their people to get the vaccine to keep their job must be taken over by our military and 24/7 scans must be placed (or used by our military) in all buildings of that organization taken over to determine who is promoting the vaccine and needs to be executed. This way, even if a clone replaces an executed person, we can immediately execute the clone replacement and prevent Loree McBride Jesuit infiltration at these organizations.

15.2c2 We need a more focused military effort, with a strong focus on destroying all coronavirus vaccines, even bombing buildings if necessary to destroy the vaccines and on military takeovers of all organizations, like Walmart, the U.S. federal government, U.S. Veterans Affairs, that are requiring their workers to get the forbidden vaccine. Our military must be trained to view the vaccine as a BIOHAZARD and our approach to it must be in that manner. With a military takeover of these organizations that violate our ban on this BIOHAZARD (we will even bring in Russian troops if we must for reinforcements), so that we can ensure that the vaccine is NOT GIVEN OUT and that all who attempt to do so are EXECUTED and that all coronavirus vaccines are DESTROYED.

15.2d Furthermore, no retards can practice any form of medicine, be an INJECTOR, or be a nurse or health care practitioner. If this demotion causes financial hardship to the health care practitioner or INJECTOR, they will be taken care of according to our laws for the homeless, where they will be retrained for work suitable for their IQ and abilities until, and if, they regain enough intelligence to carry out their job duties responsibly and effectively. Willing violation of this Sect. 15.2d, allowing a dangerously incompetent person to practice health care, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, so that they are publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and will result in a one million dollar fine for each person willingly responsible for this violation of this Sect. 15.2d. The fines will go to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to assist victims of Loree McBride’s dangerous vaccines and her other victims.

15.2e A DANGEROUS VACCINE is defined as any vaccine willingly designed to harm the recipient of the vaccine, whether the harm is physical, mental, emotional, financial or otherwise. This means from now on, even giving a flu vaccine designed to give people the flu (like has been done for years), is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law and such a flu vaccine would be considered a DANGEROUS VACCINE. All DANGEROUS VACCINES must be banned and treated as outlined in this Sect. 15.

15.3 All requirements for social distancing must be treated like they would be for a regular flu season, until, and if, it is determined that a pandemic has happened which requires more stringent measures. Thus far, the coronavirus is no more deadly than a regular flu season and must be treated as such. To fine people or impose penalties on anyone who does not obey a criminal mandate for social distancing for an illness no more deadly than a regular flu, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, if the person doing this is willingly working for Loree McBride or one of her supporters.

15.4 All news media outlets must report the truth about the coronavirus as outline in Sect. 15.0 of this document. Failure to report the truth as outlined in Sect. 15.0 of this document and to willingly report lies in order to assist Loree McBride and Satan with their lying propaganda, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to all those willingly and directly or indirectly involved in Loree McBride’s propaganda campaign. It appears all news organizations must be militarily taken over, with 24/7 scanners set up in all their buildings to destroy any Loree McBride Jesuits who violate our ban on the coronavirus vaccine.

15.5 Any nations that continue to promote Loree McBride’s lies about the coronavirus and do so willingly to support Loree McBride and Satan will be considered TERRORIST NATIONS under Conspiracy Law and we will issue a formal declaration of war against that nation and do all we can to weed out Loree McBride Jesuits from that country and to put that nation under Conspiracy Law.

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