(or the military orders given out by General Gail Schuler)
Gail Schuler has reluctantly taken on the responsibilities of a general in the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. Her duties will be confined to military law and assistance in military strategies. God has indicated to her that if she does not take on these responsibilities, that the war will be lost. SHE DID NOT WANT THE JOB, BUT VLADIMIR PUTIN BEGGED HER TO TAKE THE POSITION AND OUR MILITARY GENERALS WANT GAIL TO TAKE THIS POSITION–evidence that these men begged Gail to take this job will be shown on GCFNC, to minimize Jesuit attempts to create the impression that the men are jealous of Gail and don’t really want her in this position. The truth is, Gail would drop this job in a minute, if she didn’t have to do it, but she feels that her skills are essential to help us win this war.
You may say, why is Gail qualified to take this position? It’s probably because I understand the mindset of the Jesuit Order (due to my extensive experience with them) and, therefore, know what it takes to beat them. Let me warn you, from what I know of these bastards, we won’t be getting any overnight victories. However, I feel our progress has been too slow, and that’s because the priorities I mention below need to be enforced.
All statements Gail makes in this legal document will be evaluated by 666-Computer analysis on GCFNC, to show that she speaks how she really feels. If Vladimir (as an AUTHENTIC PERSON) ever told me to quit this job, I’d do it in a second. It has never been my goal to be a general in a war.
SHE WILL METE OUT WAR STRATEGIES, WHICH SHE WILL DELINEATE IN THIS DOCUMENT. ANY WAR STRATEGY THAT SHE DELINEATES IN THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE HER CONTRIBUTIONS AS GENERAL AND WILL BE CONSIDERED A MILITARY ORDER and a law THAT MUST BE CARRIED OUT AS IF SHE WAS A FULL-FLEDGED MILITARY GENERAL. She will advise generals about war strategies and will work with the top generals as a team player to assist them with war strategies and laws. Because of her tremendously busy schedule, she will need to rely heavily on her co-generals for accurate and comprehensive intelligence reports and updates about war progress, so that she can mete out effective war strategies.
All laws and strategies that Gail Schuler as military general delineates in this document will be reported on in GCFNC, to show that her strategies are being carried out and that she truly is a general in this war against Jesuit terrorism. Her pay has been deferred, and she reluctantly takes on this responsibility because her services are desperately needed in this extremely difficult war.
77.0 Once the laws of this document or of any CONSPIRACY LAW are enforced in a country, no changes (alterations to, deletions to, additions to these laws) can be made to these laws without a WRITTEN amendment. The approval for this written amendment must be in WRITING, and SIGNED and DATED by the country’s PRESIDENT (in the presence of 14 witnesses who will also sign and date the amendment as witnesses to the President’s signature). This amendment will be filed with the military tribunals. See Sect. 33.3 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT. All writers of any amendment must meet the qualifications of a CONSPIRACY LAW WRITER as outlined in Sect. 33.3 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT.
77.01 NEIGHBOR LAWS (see asterisked sections of Sect. 2 of General 666-Computer or satellite computer Laws) are not as comprehensive as my CONSPIRACY LAWS, but are a portion of my CONSPIRACY LAWS. A country’s President can choose which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS he/she wants to adopt for his/her country. But whatever laws he/she chooses to adopt, once these laws are adopted, and then if these laws are modified in any way (by additions to, deletions to, or alterations to these laws), an AMENDMENT must be made public (as described in this Sect. 77) and filed with the military tribunals.
77.011 The term INTERNATIONAL, when used in this document, refers to any country or countries (or citizens of any country or countries) which is not listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website. The term INTERNATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT also refers to the jurisdiction of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT– which encompasses all nations which willingly cooperate with CONSPIRACY LAW (and the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT) and which nations are not listed as TERRORIST NATIONS on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.012 All violations of CONSPIRACY LAW are considered violations of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
77.02 Any legal actions taken by the international government to defend itself against terrorists (including the use of any of the CONSPIRACY LAWS) can be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
77.022 For all death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW, public direct or cross-examinations on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must be done, not only for the main perpetrator, but for all those directly or indirectly involved with the violation. All who are determined (directly or indirectly) to be willingly, knowingly and deliberately part of the conspiracy (which was/is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW) must be executed at the same time in order to establish the criminal conspiracy’s involvement to the violation–because, right before or after the executions, the criminal conspiracy’s motive (and the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind the violation–with the mention of the names of those executed, and the date and time of their executions) will be exposed and identified on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ (and/or its website). If the number of persons publicly executed for a CONSPIRACY LAW violation is large or more criminals (for that violation) are discovered later, another public mass execution on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL for that same violation can be done at a different time (from the time of the original mass execution for that violation), as long as the identification of the criminal conspiracy behind that violation and the motive for that violation is firmly established and mentioned (right before or after the public executions). It is quite possible that 100 or more people may be executed for the same death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW. In order to cover these extensive direct or cross-examinations, GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, will have two broadcasts on two different stations (with one broadcast specifically devoted to the direct or cross-examinations, confession statements and executions of death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations)–see Sect. 4.41 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS.
77.023 Most CONSPIRACY LAW death penalty cases will be decided by motive, this will be mentioned before all public direct or cross-examinations of alleged death penalty violators on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and before all public executions. Questions 24 & 25 of Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT may be especially helpful in determining motive.
77.024 A DEATH PENALTY MOTIVE is a motive (which accompanies a violation), and which is a motive that is a death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAWS.
77.025 A PUBLIC EXECUTION is defined as the listing or reading of the names of those executed for death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW on the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL television broadcast, and this listing or reading will identify the violators (along with the conspiracies they are involved with) and will identify their death-penalty motives which were determined through direct or cross-examination (under 666-Computer lie-detection).
77.026 Before public direct or cross-examinations and public executions, the death-penalty motive which can bring the death penalty will be read aloud (and a reference will be made to the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which cover those death-penalty motives [for those violations which are being direct or cross-examined or for which executions are taking place]).
77.03 All those who are suspected of (or are convicted of) any crime outlined in the CONSPIRACY LAWS will be required to undergo FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (which will be updated daily). Highlights from these FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL and CONSPIRACY HISTORIES (or the actual word-for-word HISTORIES) may be broadcast and/or published in GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL or in Gail Schuler’s statements (with all the rights of Gail Schuler’s legal documentation as outlined in her 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). EMOTIONAL HISTORIES are required as well as FINANCIAL HISTORIES, because Jesuits are using extortion to force people to take bribes, so the international government needs to know WHY a person took a bribe. The death penalty is not given to those who are victims of extortion. Anyone who uses extortion (and who is not an extortion victim himself/herself) to force anyone to take a Jesuit bribe will be given the death penalty.
77.031 No UNWILLING AGENT is permitted to have on his/her person any dangerous weapon, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT be placed in any position where he/she can use any type of lethal force against any person (such as the use of missiles, bombs, etc.). Any UNWILLING AGENT who has a concealed weapons permit must have this permit revoked and that UNWILLING AGENT cannot carry any dangerous weapons until he/she is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Those UNWILLING AGENT members of the military, police and other agencies who normally use (or have access to) dangerous weapons must be revoked of their weapons (or their ability to use lethal force) and must not be permitted to carry any dangerous weapons on their person (or to use any type of lethal force) until that person is no longer vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Any (direct or indirect) deliberate, knowing and willing attempt (or action) to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to carry or use any dangerous weapons (or to have the ability to use lethal force) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to any person who cooperates in such a scheme.
77.031(a) Because the most important soldier in the Jesuit Army now in 2005 is the UNWILLING AGENT and because we are losing our own soldiers in a catastrophic manner to the Jesuit side due to attrition in our ranks– this is because the Jesuits have turned many of them into UNWILLING AGENTS, it is essential to deal with this matter in utmost urgency.
77.031(b) As of this 6th day of September, 2005–all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS throughout the world from the International President on down (that is, anyone who is any manner is responsible for the direct or indirect enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW) are required to spend at least an hour and a half each day on a computer-based learning module (called a BIBLE PROGRAM) in which they must spend that entire 1 ½ hours (or longer) studying and meditating on the Bible in the language which is their strongest language–each 1 ½ hour (or longer) segment will be called the BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM.
To meditate on the Bible means to read the Bible in quiet and peace and with slow, thoughtful meditation over the words read. We have evidence that it is better to read slowly and carefully one chapter of the Bible, than to read hurriedly ten chapters of the Bible. The quality of the Bible reading time is just as important as the quantity of time in the Bible. The key to getting the positive effects of Bible reading is to MEDITATE on the words read. Though skimming the Bible brings some effectiveness, the most effective Bible reading must be reading that is slow enough that the words read are COMPREHENDED and UNDERSTOOD. Better to read slowly and thoughtfully one chapter or one paragraph of the Bible and to meditate on these words, than to read quickly and thoughtlessly ten chapters of the Bible where the words have not SUNK INTO THE MIND.
Not only must he/she spend 1 ½ hours a week in Bible meditation, but he/she must have maintained this for at least six months before we will allow this person to be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in our CONSPIRACY LAW networks. Since 1 ½ hours is a large segment of time, one hour of this time can be used by meditating to music such as Handel’s Messiah, which is Scripture sung to music or by exposing oneself to other mediums-such as Dr. Spiner’s presentation which is Scripture read orally against a background of paintings and music. The main thing is we want is for each LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to meditate on the Bible for at least 1 ½ hours EVERY WEEK for at least six months. This is necessary because the latest evidence shows that it takes at least 1 ½ hours of Bible meditation every week (for about six months) to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT–the only exception would be for a person, such as Gail Schuler or Dr. Brent Spiner who meets with Jesus almost every day. But since most people don’t fall in this category, it is necessary for most people to spend 1 ½ hours a week in Bible meditation for at least six months. Even so, both Gail Schuler and Dr. Spiner (despite their long history of Bible meditation) expose themselves to about 1 ½ hours or more of Bible every week and have done this for a long time.
77.031(b-1) ***VERY IMPORTANT***And, in addition, all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must be analyzed every day before they begin their shift by the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS. This analysis by the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS of each LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (under that FEAR ANALYZER CORPs’ member’s jurisdiction) must be in writing or in some form of documentation which could be used in a court of law. Failure to put this analysis into writing or other documentation which could be used in a court of law, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS member. Willing and knowing neglect by a FEAR ANALYZER CORPS member to analyze and submit the documentation to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW and this Sect. 77.031) of all those assigned to him will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that FEAR ANALYZER CORPS member.
Furthermore, any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to neglect to include any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in the daily analysis of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that negligent LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. It is imperative that any and all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs are analyzed daily to ensure that all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who work for the International government fear God more than men, this is the only way to weed out Jesuits in our midst. As long as Jesuits can infiltrate into our LAW ENFORCEMENT networks, we will never win this war against Jesuit terrorists. Even the members of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS must be subjected to this daily analysis.
77.031(b-1).1 In addition, Any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who fails the analysis of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS (called a FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON) and is determined to fear men more than God– cannot perform his/her duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON for that day AND a 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN must be assigned to that FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to determine if that FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter. The analysis of this FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN (to determine whether or not that FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter) must be in WRITING or other form of documentation which could be admitted as evidence in a court of law.
77.031(b-1).1-a Furthermore, every 666-computer or satellite computer or any computer used to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW (no matter what kind) and which is used by any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must be programmed to have an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER (which is operating in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW–see Sect. 99) and which will cause that computer to freeze the instant the operator of that computer has become (or is) an UNWILLING AGENT.
All PROGRAMMERS involved in programming any computer used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS (and most especially those that program computers to have an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER) must follow the guidelines expected of all our PROGRAMMERS to ensure that the programming work is done in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW–see Sect. 55.72 of Int. PLP & RSP Network Conf. Failure to follow these guidelines must cause the dismissal of that PROGRAMMER from the PROGRAMMER CORPS and could result in the death penalty for willing and knowing violations of CONSPIRACY LAW.
The first CONSPIRACY LAW networks which must be screened to determine that the required 1 ½ hours of Bible meditation (for at least six months-see Sect. 77.031b) is accomplished for each person, will be for the members of the PROGRAMMER CORPS, who are possibly the most important members of all the CONSPIRACY LAW networks. It is essential that EVERY MEMBER OF THE PROGRAMMER CORPS is not an UNWILLING AGENT–this must be TOP PRIORITY!! The UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER must work (according to CONSPIRACY LAW) on every computer in all our CONSPIRACY LAW networks.
To ensure that when this computer freezes that life maintaining operations can continue, any 666-Computer or satellite computer which is used for a life-sustaining operation must have several back-ups which can continue its work if it freezes because an UNWILLING AGENT is at the helm of that computer. Willing and knowing failure to honor the guidelines of this Sect. 77.031(b-1).1-a and if this failure is done to assist the goals of the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
If any nation fails to honor this Sect. 77.031(b-1).1 and allows LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS to use computers which do not have UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZERs and which work in accordance with Sect. 99 of this document–the International government will declare war on that nation and will destroy all that nation’s military bases and all its 666-Computer, satellite computers to the best of our ability.
77.031(b-1).1-bEvery 666-Computer and satellite computer on the planet must be analyzed to see if it has an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER. All 666-Computers and satellite computers must have an UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER installed within 24 hours (as of this 30th day of August, 2004 at 8 p.m. EST)–which means that by 8 p.m. 8-31-05 every 666-Computer or satellite computer or any computer used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS on planet earth or in its atmosphere which does not have a working UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER must be totally destroyed!! By 8 p.m. 8-31-05, any and all 666-Computers or satellite computers or computers used by our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS which do not have a working UNWILLING AGENT ANALYZER (as described in Sect. 99 of this document) must be destroyed or made unusable.
Willing and knowing (direct or indirect) failure to implement this Sect. 77.031(b-1).1-b by the deadline indicated will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator. All such cases will be tried on GCFNC and the guilt of the guilty party will be firmly established before the execution takes place. It was the violation of this Sect. 77.031 which caused the death of chief justice William Renquist, because the Jesuits used UNWILLING AGENTS in the RSP networks to murder him, this will be firmly established on GCFNC with evidence and all world leaders (including Jesuits) will make statements of condemnation (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) over the death of William Renquist. Those that fail lie detection (over the death of Mr. Renquist) will be condemned and those responsible for this death will be executed by Sect. 95 on GCFNC, this is because Gail Schuler is a lawmaker.
77.031(b-1).1-c This is because on this 8-30-05, the main soldier in the Jesuit army is the UNWILLING AGENT and we must take catastrophic measures to deal with this. UNWILLING AGENTS were used to orchestrate, create and manipulate hurricane Katrina which devastated the Gulf coast of the U.S. and were used to try to murder Gail’s son (my son on 8-30-05) as UNWILLING AGENT LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS worked on his PERSON-PROGRAM.
77.031(b-1).2 In addition, if it is determined by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN that the FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (who failed the analysis of the FEAR ANALYZER CORPS) is, indeed, a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, then a CONSPIRACY REPORT must be filed immediately or as soon as possible to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW) by the 666-COMPUTER HISTORIAN about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, and proper follow-up to the proper authorities must be filed immediately or as soon as possible (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW) about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON [in the form of a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT]. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(b-1).3 Any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON who is aware that another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter is required to file a CONSPIRACY REPORT about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON immediately or as soon as possible to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW) and to ensure that upon the receipt of the CONSPIRACY REPORT, that a CONSPIRACY ACTION REPORT about that Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is filed immediately or as soon as possible to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW). See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(b-1).3-a Willing and knowing failure to carry out the actions outlined in this Sect. 77.031(b-1).3 when that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is aware that another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that willing and knowing negligent LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON.
77.031(b-1).4 In other words, once it is determined that a Jesuit is working as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, serious and immediate follow-up needs to occur by all those who are aware of this, and it is the responsibility of all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who are aware of this predicament, to ensure that this Jesuit is immediately arrested and dealt with according to CONSPIRACY LAW. Jesuits are dangerous terrorists and all measures must be taken to remove them from the LAW ENFORCEMENT networks. This is highest priority and requires immediate action.
77.031(b-1).5 In fact, if it is determined that any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON realizes that another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter and this LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (who has this knowledge) willingly and knowingly does NOT file a CONSPIRACY REPORT immediately or as soon as possible about this Jesuit LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to the proper authorities (as outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW), then that willing and knowing negligent LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(b-1).6 If we have a continual problem with a FAILED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and he/she consistently demonstrates that he/she fears men more than God, he/she will be completely sacked and replaced by another LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON for his/her position. This would include heads of state or anyone in any LAW ENFORCEMENT position.
77.03(b)-a However, the International government cannot mandate or recommend where the BIBLE PROGRAM must be done and cannot mandate that it be done at a church or through any religious institution. We believe firmly against the institution of any state sponsored religion and no one in the International government can mandate (or force or extort in any manner) that a person must complete the BIBLE PROGRAM through any religious organization or at a church or any specific location of any religious organization.
77.03(b)-b We only mandate that the location where the BIBLE PROGRAM is completed, must be a quiet location where the person can meditate on his/her BIBLE PROGRAM without distractions. Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to force or extort (in any manner) a person to complete the BIBLE PROGRAM through any religious organization or at a church or at the location of a building sponsored by any religious organization, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
77.03(b)-c If we mandate that the BIBLE PROGRAM must be completed at a church or at the location of a building (sponsored by any religious organization), we will be playing right into the hands of the Jesuits, because they could easily twist this law to support their goals for a Roman Catholic Jesuit-led dictatorship.
77.031(b.1) Because exposure to OCCULT MEDIA can weaken or nullify the positive effects of the BIBLE PROGRAM, the BIBLE PROGRAM will work in synergy with the 666-Computer program for that person and if it is determined that that person has had enough exposure to OCCULT MEDIA to undermine his/her BIBLE PROGRAM time, he/she will receive a message before he/she starts his/her BIBLE PROGRAM which will educate him about what OCCULT MEDIA exposure he/she has had within the past 24 hours which has weakened his/her brain so that he/she is more vulnerable to being used as an UNWILLING AGENT and the message will explain how much time had to be added on to his/her normal BIBLE PROGRAM time to compensate for his/her exposure to OCCULT MEDIA.
Any use of 666-Computer/satellite induced amnesia on the brain to nullify the effects of the Bible reading time (so that the amount or quality of the Bible reading time that remains after the amnesia –would be ineffective at preventing that person from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT) will be considered exposure to OCCULT MEDIA and those who have had this type of amnesia induced on their brain will not get credit for their Bible reading time, unless they’ve read enough Bible to compensate for the amnesia, so that they cannot be used as UNWILLING AGENTs. Each amnesia attack on the brain will count as a certain amount of time deducted from the person’s Bible reading time, depending on the severity of the amnesia. All efforts should be made to place a shield around that portion of the brain which retains the Bible or to use reverse trigger programming to undo the amnesia (see Sect. 74 of 666-Computer Laws).
Also, all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must be analyzed every 24 hours to see if computer/satellite amnesia has been induced on them to undo the effects of their BIBLE reading time. If this is the case, then measures must be taken to counter this or they will not get credit for their Bible reading time (unless they have read enough Bible to compensate for the amnesia induced on their brain), even if they passed the test. In fact, the computer (which gives them credit for the Bible program) should be programmed to delete time (in accordance with the amount of amnesia induced on the person), since this type of amnesia is considered exposure to OCCULT MEDIA. This may mean, they would have to spend ten times more time in the Bible program to compensate for the amnesia.
Have our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM work on this. Also, those who willingly and knowingly induce this kind of amnesia will be executed under CONSPIRACY LAW.
77.031(b.2) He/she will be told that to compensate for this exposure to OCCULT MEDIA, he/she must spend extra time in his/her BIBLE PROGRAM and will have to complete the extra time required (to overcome the negative effects of exposure to OCCULT MEDIA) in order to get credit for his/her BIBLE PROGRAM for that 24 hour period. If somebody attended an acid rock concert for an hour, he/she may need to spend 4 hours in the BIBLE PROGRAM to overcome the negative effects this had on his/her brain! The BIBLE PROGRAM will state why that person is required to spend extra time in his/her BIBLE PROGRAM and it is hoped that this will encourage some people to drop some very bad habits, because if they don’t, they will be sacked, because we won’t tolerate UNWILLING AGENTS in our law enforcement ranks.
77.031(b.3) Whatever Bible study language that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON chooses for his/her study, he/she must be fully fluent in that language or else his/her BIBLE PROGRAM study efforts will be considered invalid and he/she will be removed from his/her position as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON if he/she studies the Bible (for a BIBLE PROGRAM) in a language with which he/she is not fully fluent.. The definition for fully fluent is that this person has enough comprehension of that language to easily read a text written at the 12th grade level in that language. If that person does not have 12th grade reading comprehension in any language, then he/she must participate in the BIBLE PROGRAM in his/her strongest language.
77.031(d) Dr. Brent Spiner (and those he assigns to this duty) will make the tests which will cover the entire Bible and these will be incorporated into each half hour segment of the BIBLE PROGRAM, so that each half-hour BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM will have a test to cover its contents. These tests will be designed to test to see if that person has, indeed, read his/her Bible section for that day and will not be designed to impart doctrinal positions or beliefs. Before one takes the test, there will be a brief statement which will state the following:
“You are being tested to ensure that you have read your assigned Bible passages for today. This test is not designed to impart religious doctrines, beliefs or interpretations of the Biblical passages read– but only tests to see if you have read your assigned Biblical passage. Scientific evidence has shown that daily reading of the Bible prevents one from having their brain taken over by terrorists as UNWILLING AGENTS and this daily Bible reading has been proven to put a shield over your brain to prevent terrorists (through their satellite/computer signals to your brain) from controlling your attitudes, goals and thoughts. So far, daily Bible reading, along with avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA, is the only sure weapon we have to prevent one from being taken over as an UNWILLING AGENT by these terrorists; and, therefore, daily Bible reading (and avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA) is mandated for those who are in critical positions which could influence the outcome of the war against Jesuit terrorism.”
77.031(d-1) Those who accuse us of religious indoctrination will fail– because the tests will not test over interpretations of the Bible passage read but will test over the actual Biblical reading material. People are free to interpret what they read any way they want. We will only test over the passages read to ensure that THEY HAVE BEEN READ. The test may ask specific questions about the passage read for the day, just to ensure that the test taker HAS READ THAT BIBLE PASSAGE. The test will be designed to see if that test taker has read the Bible passage and the test is not designed to impart any particular doctrines or beliefs or interpretations of the passage read. There may be tricky multiple choice questions which will discern whether that person has read his/her Bible passage.
77.031(d-2) The test will be set up as follows. For instance, I’m in Ezekiel 32. All questions will be fill in the blank/multiple choice and will use the actual Scripture read. The test will be set up so that a person cannot pass it unless that person is reading the right version of the Bible. This is because we have solid evidence that if a person is not reading a Bible translated from the Earliest manuscripts, that their Bible reading will be ineffective. Also, the test can only be taken ONCE and the test taker must get a score of 70% or better to pass AND WE WON’T GRADE ON A CURVE. THEY NEED TO GET A 70% OR BETTER TO PASS. We have discovered that Jesuits who are posing as PLPs are taking the Bible tests over and over, because they are not reading the Bible passage and all they do is go back into the Bible passage just to find the answers and in this way, they manage to pass the test eventually and pawn off that they are reading the Bible, when they are not reading the Bible and are not getting the benefits of daily Bible reading. So to weed out these sophisticated cheaters, and to force these people to read the Bible, even if only when they take the test, (and to make sure they’re reading the right version) we will make the tests as follows:
Questions from Ezekiel 32:
FILL IN THE BLANK [choose from the following words in the parentheses before each blank and decide which word(s) go in the blanks. There are 23 blanks (each one is worth 4.3 points–you need a score of 70 to pass), if you miss more than 6 blanks, you will fail this test. You can only take this test once, so if you feel uncomfortable about your chances for success, then on your next test, read your Bible passages more carefully and take a test which covers less material, though you must take a test which covers at least four verses for each half hour period. If, over a period of two weeks, your average on all tests taken in the two week period is less than 70%, you have failed and cannot be a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON or receive the Bible BONUS or any other BONUS or award which requires you to follow the BIBLE PROGRAM.
Notice that I chose words that are close, so we can tell if the reader is reading the right version of the Bible. The test maker must be one who is very familiar with Bible terminology, since this will help them in choosing the options for the blanks and will help them to choose options that will indicate whether the person has really read the Bible passage. I took a course in tests and measurements in college, so this helped me to create this test. I’ve also had some teaching experience. However, I trust Dr. Spiner and I’m sure he can find some qualified people to assist him in creating these tests. The level of difficulty should be as in the following example (from Ezekiel 32) for all Bible tests in the BIBLE PROGRAM.
Ezekiel 32:1–”And it came to pass in the (thirteenth, twelfth, tenth) _______ year, in the (thirteenth, twelfth, tenth) ________ month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
32:2–”(Son of man, Son of God, Son of passion) _____ of ____, take up a lamentation for (Sennacharib, Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar) _______ king of (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt) ______, and say unto him, Thou art like a young (serpent, lion, whale) _____ of the nations, and thou art as a (whale, fish, serpent) ______ in the (oceans, seas, lakes) ____: and thou camest forth with thy (fires, passion, rivers) _______, and troublest the (oceans, waters, seas) ______ with thy feet, and (stinkest, fouledst, troublest) _______ their rivers.
32:3–”Thus saith the (Lord God, Almighty God, Supreme God) _____ _____; I will therefore spread out my (net, fires, longings) ____ over thee with a (war, company, troop) ________ of many (nations, people, fishes) _______; and they shall bring thee up in my net.
32:4–”Then will I leave thee upon the (earth, land, oceans) ______, I will (spread, cast, spew) _____ thee forth upon the (whole earth, open field, great oceans) _____ _______, and will cause all (birds, fowls, creatures) _______ of the heaven to remain upon thee, and I will fill the (creatures, beasts, fowl) ________ of the whole earth with thee.”
77.031(d-3) Because a test set up in this way could be very hard for some people and because it is not our goal to make Bible reading unpleasant, we will not dictate how much of the Bible passage has to be read in the half hour period, as long as that person spends a half hour reading the Bible, even if only four verses in the half hour. Of course, if that person has been exposed to OCCULT MEDIA, then he/she must pass a test for more than a half hour and this means that the test will cover more Bible passages, with at least 4 verses for every half hour Bible period. The person must read AT LEAST FOUR VERSES in a half hour period, and so no test will test less than four verses at a time. As you can see this test does not test over interpretations of the Bible, but over the actual passages read, which is our intent. The computer will automatically adjust the test to test over the Bible material read in the half hour period. If the person is doing more than one half hour session, he/she will have to pass a test after he/she completes each half hour session, and then can move on to the next half hour session and the next test. The person understands that after his/her half hour is up, that he/she will take a test like above, and so he/she needs to read the passage well enough to pass the test with 70% accuracy. You might say 70% is too hard and it’s not fair.
77.031(d-4) Well, our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS are entrusted with great responsibilities, and if they can’t handle this test because they have a poor memory or they are too stupid, then we don’t want them as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, their memory problems or lack of intelligence would be dangerous.
77.031(d-4-a) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS who fail the BIBLE PROGRAM (called LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES) MUST, MUST, MUST be investigated to see if they are Jesuits, since Jesuits hate the Bible, and this is one way to find them among us. Jesuits don’t want their own to read daily the Bible, because this will encourage defection from the Jesuit Order, so Jesuits don’t read daily the Bible (or from any Bibles translated accurately from the Earliest manuscripts).
77.031(d-4-b) Any LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY must be investigated by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION to determine if that LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is/was a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter while performing his/her LAW ENFORCEMENT duties. Any member of the ISC who is assigned the job to investigate a LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY and who willingly and knowingly neglects to investigate this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY as a possible Jesuit OR who does investigate and discovers that this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is/was a Jesuit and does not turn in a CONSPIRACY REPORT about this to the International government and to his/her superior officers in the ISC, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. See Sect. 13.16 of CL&G for updates about automatic computer-programmed filing of CONSPIRACY REPORTS.
77.031(d-4-c) Also, a special section of the ISC (called the INVESTIGATIVE UNIT) must be assigned to ensure that ANY AND ALL— in other words,*** EVERY *** LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is investigated to determine if that FLUNKY is a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter, and if any–and I mean, ANY– LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is NOT investigated as a possible Jesuit, and if this neglect was/is done willingly and knowingly, that neglectful ISC INVESTIGATIVE UNIT member (or the person responsible to ensure that all LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES are investigated as possible Jesuits) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. We must not allow Jesuits to slip into the cracks, especially if they have been working undercover as our own LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS. This is a VERY, VERY, VERY serious breach and must be handled in a very serious manner.
77.031(d-4-d) For example, if a Jesuit is posing as an UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR and counsels an UNWILLING AGENT to be a part of a murder conspiracy, this will have serious repercussions for the International government and will make us appear to sponsor murder conspiracies, and it isn’t fair to the UNWILLING AGENT that we have allowed a cold-blooded Jesuit-killer to be his/her UNWILLING AGENT COUNSELOR! Even worse– a PLP who is a Jesuit, could manipulate a person as an UNWILLING AGENT (who is under that PLP’s control) to commit a murder or capital crime and since the PLP works for the International government, it creates the impression that it is the International government who sponsors the murder conspiracy!
77.031(d-4-e) We must eliminate and give the death penalty to any Jesuit who dares to infiltrate our ranks and pose as one of our own! The INVESTIGATIVE UNIT of the ISC has one of the most important jobs under CONSPIRACY LAW, and they should be well trained for their jobs and must not overlook any LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY, because LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES are very, very suspicious (and could very well be a Jesuit in disguise). Most of our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs are highly intelligent and educated persons (such as attorneys and physicians) who should have no trouble passing the BIBLE PROGRAM. Therefore, it will be assumed (until that LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY is cleared) that the LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON FLUNKY is deliberately trying to avoid his/her Bible reading–and that’s why he/she is failing the BIBLE PROGRAM– because he/she knows that the Bible reading will cause him/her to betray the Jesuit Order!
77.031(d-4-f) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES who are determined to be Jesuits (called JESUIT LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKIES), will have their cases tried on GCFNC. Vladimir Putin and all world leaders (including Jesuit leaders) will be asked on GCFNC (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotional analysis) the following question regarding the JESUIT LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY: “Did you ever know at any time that this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY was a Jesuit or that this LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY was working undercover to support terrorism?” After this question is asked of all world leaders and the 666-Computer analysis of the answers by world leaders is revealed on GCFNC, that JESUIT LAW ENFORCEMENT FLUNKY will be executed on GCFNC either chop-burn-ash-maggot style or the hang-eyeball buzzard-bomb-bonfire method of execution. WE MUST SEND THE STRONG MESSAGE THAT WE DO NOT IN ANY MANNER SUPPORT JESUITS WORKING AS LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS.
77.031(d-5) If the person is a fast reader in the BIBLE PROGRAM, and wants to test more often than every half hour, this will be permitted, as long as the person spends at least a half hour every day in the BIBLE PROGRAM. So, after one reads 4 verses in ten minutes, one can take the test over the 4 verses, and then read another 4 verses in ten minutes, and take the test over the 4 verses, and then read another 4 verses in ten minutes and take the test over those 4 verses and this will count for the half hour Bible reading period. The computer will automatically adjust the time so that it will record how much time was spent studying the Bible before the test was taken, and then one can go back into the program and read where one left off, and take the next test. However, when one takes the test–test taking time will not count as Bible reading time. The clock will shut off when one is in the test taking mode. One will only be given credit for Bible reading time, when one is in the Bible reading program, not the test taking program.
77.031(d-10) These are the tests which must be passed EVERY 24 HOURS for every LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON in the International government–there will be NO EXCEPTIONS!! Any willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON to retain his/her position as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON, when that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has neglected his/her BIBLE PROGRAM (without a good reason) for the past 48 hours (or has cheated and not followed the BIBLE PROGRAM as outlined in this Sect. 77.031), and has not passed his/her test over the half hour of Bible reading material, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
The way the Bible study program on the SIGN-ON COMPUTER will be set up, will be a study of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation and the learner must study the Bible in order from Genesis to Revelation.
77.031(e) We have determined that the most effective Bible study to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT is to study the Bible from cover to cover over and over again, because this enhances one’s comprehension of what one reads and the more one understands what one reads in the Bible, the more likely that person cannot be used as an UNWILLING AGENT. Since Dr. Spiner is very knowledgeable about the Bible (and has read the entire Bible through from cover to cover hundreds of times), he is eminently qualified to design the tests for the BIBLE PROGRAM. He also has had extensive experience teaching the Bible to ministerial students.
77.031(f) The LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must pass a test after he/she has finished his/her half hour of Bible study and this test and the testing environment must be set up so that he/she cannot cheat. This test will be set up in a manner to determine if that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has, indeed, spend his/her half hour studying and meditating on the Bible passage in his/her computer learning module for that day. For the purpose of this Sect. 77.031, a WORKING COMPUTER is defined as any computer which a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON needs to do his/her work as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. His/her working computer will freeze and won’t operate if that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has not completed his/her BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM within the past 24 hours–that is, he/she won’t be able to sign-on to his/her computer until he/she has completed a BIBLE SIGN-ON PROGRAM within the past 24 hours. Since all of our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS work on a computer to do their duties, they will not be able to sign-on to their computers (which they will need to do their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON) until they have passed their Bible test for that day.
77.031(g) All computers which our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs work on must be programmed so that the computer they use for their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON will not operate until that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has completed his/her required BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE within the past 24 hours. Any programmer from our PROGRAMMER CORPS who willingly and knowingly neglects to set up all WORKING COMPUTERS within the International government in this manner (so that they honor the guidelines of this Sect. 77.031) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The programmers from our PROGRAMMER CORPS will be very busy. The BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE will be set up so that as long as that LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON has completed a half-hour (or longer–for those with exposure to OCCULT MEDIA) module within the past 24 hours, he/she will be able to sign on to his/her computer. Once, his/her working computer determines that he/she has neglected to complete a BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE within the past 24 hours, then his/her computer will freeze and will not turn on until he/she has completed a BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE of at least a half hour.
77.031(h) No substitutions will be accepted for the BIBLE SIGN-ON PROCEDURE–this is mandatory!! This BIBLE PROGRAM is our penicillin for the UNWILLING AGENT illness and it DOES WORK, but, it appears, our LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS will have to be forced to study the Bible, because many of them won’t do it on their own.
77.031(I) Every LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON must spend at least a half hour each 24 hours on his/her BIBLE PROGRAM or else he/she cannot work as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. This is mandatory, violations of this Sect. 77.031 to encourage LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs to work for the International government in an UNWILLING AGENT state will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the willing and knowing violator! Church attendance won’t qualify because all many churches are is a big social club with very little Bible teaching.
77.031(j) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who study more than their required time each day from their BIBLE PROGRAM, will receive BONUSES for each half hour they study over and beyond their required time which they must study for that 24 hour period to maintain their position as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON. The International President will determine the amount of the BONUSES for each half hour studied above the required time.
77.031(k) Those LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs who neglect to study their required time of Bible study after a period of 48 hours has passed MUST be relieved from their LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON position and must be replaced by a more qualified worker. Violations of the guidelines of this Sect. 77.031 will bring the death penalty to the willing and knowing violator. The exception will be if they were not able (for reasons beyond their control) to study their BIBLE PROGRAM within the past 48 hours, and they must produce evidence that they were not able to study their BIBLE PROGRAM to their superior. If this evidence is not produced, they MUST be relieved of their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and MUST be replaced by another. In the meanwhile, after a 24 hour period has passed in which they have neglected their BIBLE PROGRAM, they will be put under forced sick leave and not able to do their duties as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON until they have completed at least their required time of Bible study for each day they missed and they cannot work on their working computer until they have made up for all the Bible they neglected to study EACH DAY (for reasons beyond their control).
77.031(l) If they were not able to study their BIBLE PROGRAM within the past 48 hours (for reasons beyond their control), then their working computer will not operate until they have made up for lost time. That is, each required daily time of study which they neglected (for reasons beyond their control) WILL HAVE TO BE MADE UP. So, let’s say that they missed their programmed Bible study for May 1st and May 2nd and they return to work on May 3rd. This means before they can begin work on May 3rd, they must pass the Bible test from their BIBLE PROGRAM for May 1st, 2nd and 3rd or else their working computer will not turn on. This means they will have to spend about an hour and a half (or longer–if they were exposed to OCCULT MEDIA) in Bible study before they can begin their shift on May 3rd.
77.04 All those who are executed for conspiracy crimes will have all their memories recorded (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution (if possible) in order to obtain the intelligence information the international government needs– to learn how these criminals commit their crimes. The international government needs to learn more about Jesuit methodology, since the Jesuits rely on pioneering scientific advances in their warfare and the international government is not familiar with many of their methods of warfare. The international government learns about Jesuit warfare methods day by day. The international government needs to be more efficient in learning about the sophisticated and very advanced scientific and medical technology Jesuits use to conduct their warfare; so, if possible, all conspiracy criminals executed will have their memories read (via 666-Computer or satellite computer) before execution.
77.1 CONSPIRACY LAWS are defined as the laws (including updates) which Gail Schuler has (or will have) written regarding any conspiracies involving reproductive conspirators, space conspirators, or 666-CCs. These documents are currently named General 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws, International Criminal Law: Space Technology, Russia’s Neighbor Laws, 666-Computer or Satellite Computer Laws for Privileged Licensed Practitioners and Registered Satellite Practitioners, Conspiracy Laws and Government, Terrorist Money Laws, International PLP and RSP-Network Configurations, and International Reproductive Laws. These laws would also include any laws Gail Schuler wrote that are incorporated into any of Gail Schuler’s written statements.
77.12 GAIL SCHULER is defined as the woman who was born on 9-15-57 in Miami, FL whose birth parents are Misao Satake Fuller and Robert Leonard Chord.
77.13 RECORDED CONFESSIONS, delayed executions, or community service before the execution takes place, may be substituted for immediate executions or the death penalty (in some instances). If a person is allowed to make a confession or has a delayed execution or must do community service in order to avoid the death penalty (or immediate execution)–this is not a permission for this person to continue to commit the crimes for which he/she confessed or to commit other crimes which would incur the death penalty. If evidence is found that this person continues to commit the crimes for which he confessed or that this person commits other capital crimes, then he/she will have no more opportunities for a confession to replace the death penalty (in those cases where a confession relieves this person from the death penalty) and this person will be executed. The international government can choose whatever method of execution it desires, and may choose to use the 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite technology to execute this person (using 666-Computer or satellite computer or satellite induced terminal illnesses) in order to mitigate Jesuit attempts to make a conspiracy out of the executions.
77.14 If the international government makes an exception to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR–the international Government will document the reason why and back up its reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment with sound evidence. For any exceptions to the death penalty for a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, the rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise) will be put into written form and entered into the military tribunals. This rationale and evidence obtained (which caused the international government to feel the death penalty would be unwise for a particular case) will be put into written form in a document called RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. Every time a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is guilty of the death penalty and a substitute punishment (rather than the death penalty) is meted out to that conspirator– a RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION must be written and filed with the military tribunals. For significant cases, the contents of this RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION may be broadcast on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and/or published in Gail Schuler’s statements or on the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT’s website.
77.15 In all instances, when a substitute punishment is meted out in place of the deserved death penalty, this substitute punishment will be mentioned in the RATIONALE FOR DEATH PENALTY SUBSTITUTION. It is essential that some sort of serious punishment is meted out in place of the death penalty (when the death penalty is substituted with another punishment), or else the death penalty will not be taken seriously by criminals. A justifiable reason for substituting the death penalty with another punishment would be if, perhaps, the execution, itself, could be used by the Jesuits as a conspiracy or could create a martyr hysteria (which could promote anarchy and bloodshed). A death penalty substitute is never allowed in order to make it easier for the criminal to go out and commit more capital crimes.
77.2 An amendment by a President will also be necessary, if the President does not approve of updates or revisions which Gail Schuler has made to CONSPIRACY LAWS which this President has already enforced as laws in his/her country. The amendment, in this case, would need to state in unambiguous language which updates/revisions the President will NOT incorporate into the present CONSPIRACY LAWS which he/she has already incorporated as laws in his/her country; and then state in unambiguous language which portions of Gail’s updates he/she WILL incorporate as laws in his/her country.
77.3 If an amendment to a CONSPIRACY LAW is written and/or approved by the President, the public must be informed of this amendment (and proof must be submitted to the military tribunals that the public was/is made aware of this amendment and proof must also be submitted to the military tribunals that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment in its entirety; and these proofs that the public has been made aware of this amendment and that the public has easy access to the unaltered amendment, must be submitted to the military tribunals within 22 hours after the amendment is passed or approved by the President, and this proof will be filed permanently in the military tribunals). This amendment will be considered PUBLIC RECORD, and will be easily accessible to the public (for the public to view the UNALTERED amendment IN ITS ENTIRETY) and it will be an exact, unaltered copy of the amendment which the President signed and dated for approval, which will be shown to the public. There will be no alterations (omissions, deletions, etc.) to the wording of the amendment which will be shown to the public, and it will be the same amendment (with all wording exactly as it was) when the President signed and dated the amendment.
77.4 Any SECRET changes to the laws of this document WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and all those involved in a SECRET conspiracy to change, void, or make of NO EFFECT the laws of this document will, if found guilty of this secret conspiracy, be guilty of HIGH TREASON and will receive the death penalty WITHIN 10 YEARS. The military tribunal will decide when this death penalty will be executed, because this is a most serious crime, and no arbitrary date will be set as an execution date.
77.5 To DISREGARD is defined as one who (directly or indirectly) strives to circumvent the laws of this document, once they become law in a country, either by ignoring the laws, rewriting them secretly, or in any way making the laws of NO EFFECT, so that the laws are not enforced as written in this document.
77.6 Once the laws of this document are enforced in a country, and the laws are WILLINGLY ignored or made of NO EFFECT (through default or deliberate DISREGARD of these laws), and someone is AWARE of this DISREGARD and does NOT report it to the government. If this person (who is aware of the DISREGARD) is found out, he/she will be tried for a conspiracy involving HIGH TREASON and, if found guilty, will be given the death penalty within 10 years (possibly sooner, depending on how the military tribunal decides). Because of 666-Computer or satellite computer technology, MOTIVE will play a key role in deciding these types of cases (involving 666-CCs, RPCs, SCs or those guilty of high treason).
77.7 PRESIDENT is defined as the leader of a country, who has the duties, responsibilities of a president, prime minister, chancellor, etc., (which would be a position equivalent to what the American President George W. Bush is for the United States) for his/her respective country. The Pope is also considered to be a President, because he is the President of the Roman Catholic Church which has the country of the Vatican which has adherents all over the world. Anyone (anywhere in the world) who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church (or has been a member of the Roman Catholic Church within the month of Sept. 2003), including all members of the Jesuit Order (regardless of name or organization changes or withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church) will be considered citizens of the country of the Vatican for legal purposes. Those criminals who will be executed or have been executed (by order of The Pope) will have their names (in a manner which fully identifies each criminal) listed on a list, which will be attached as an addendum to my 1-18-02 statement (with all the rights of my legal documentation as described in my 3-9-03 Power of Attorney document). This published list may include DNA records, photographs, or whatever is necessary (alongside the criminal’s name) in order to identify which criminals have been or will be executed by ORDER OF The Pope.
77.8 A CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT or the INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT is the government official who has the power of a President or chief executive of a country, and who uses that power to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS– through the authority of that country’s government [which would be the country which grants the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT the power of a President (or chief executive of that country)]. Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President, has been the acting CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT since the CONSPIRACY LAWS were founded by Gail Schuler in 2003. Currently, on this 8th day of April 2004, the Russian government has granted Vladimir Putin, the power of the International President and of the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the Russian government. However, Vladimir anticipates that when he finishes his 2nd term as Russian President, that he will accept Germany’s offer to grant him the power of the German Chancellor in order to execute, administer and enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS through the authority of the German government. For this reason, the name of the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS (which is a CONSPIRACY LAW news network), has been changed to GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL on this 8th day of April 2004, and the GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL team will work with German broadcasters to integrate the former Russian BROADCAST NEWS with the German news team, in preparation for GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL’ new headquarters (which will be in Germany).
77.9 A SATELLITE COMPUTER is defined as any computer which is used (directly or indirectly) to carry out or execute any computer program (which is a program which directly or indirectly manipulates or changes, alters or controls in any manner a human, animal or any inanimate or animate object), and which involves (or utilizes) satellite technology to execute or carry out these actions (or attempts).
77.91 All Jesuits, if granted a trial, will be tried in military tribunals– and Jesuits will be denied due process and will be treated as prisoners of war when captured. The nations of Russia and Germany have made a formal declaration of war against the Jesuit Order.
77.92 All the CONSPIRACY LAWS which deny UNWILLING AGENTS positions of influence, also apply to Jesuits or Jesuit supporters. For example, since no UNWILLING AGENT may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position–therefore, no Jesuit or Jesuit supporter may hold any LAW ENFORCEMENT or government position– and any willing and knowing attempt (or action) to promote Jesuits into positions of influence, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person who makes such an attempt or action.
77.93 IMPORTANT: All BONUSES awarded to individuals (such as those who work at Wal-Mart) who support the marriage of Gail to Vladimir Putin, will also be given to those who support the marriage of Gail to Brent Spiner or Matt McConaughey, that is–if Vladimir, Brent, or Matt become agents (willingly or unwillingly) for the Jesuits, and, therefore, Gail must marry another of this trio, instead of Vladimir Putin or the originally intended marriage partner. Therefore, anyone who supports a marriage to Gail that is beneficial to the enforcement of CONSPIRACY LAW and that honors the principles of CONSPIRACY LAW, will be awarded BONUSES from the International government, even if the partners in the marriage turn out different than originally intended.
The legal principles in this document apply only to the those countries which are under the jurisdiction of the international government. However, the principles of these laws are recommended for other countries’ governments. Eventually, these laws may be incorporated into other countries’ governments.
Though the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT may be referred to in the masculine sense, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT could be a woman. When the term Vladimir is used, it is referring to Vladimir Putin, the CONSPIRACY LAW PRESIDENT.
It may be necessary to refer to other CONSPIRACY LAW documents for definitions and terms used in this document. Every country which swears in a new leader, must do so in a manner which ensures this new leader will respect CONSPIRACY LAW. Russia is used as an example for other nations to follow.
All activities of our WAR PRIORITIES PROGRAMS, which are the directives from General Gail Schuler, will be broadcast on GCFNC, as long as we don’t give out sensitive information that helps out our enemies. But since our enemies have mind reading capabilities, I don’t think there will be any sensitive areas! These PRIORITIES are Gail Schuler’s contributions as general in the terrorism war. GCFNC will report on the progress of these PRIORITIES and how they are executed in obedience to the orders of General Gail Schuler.
Some of the definitions for terms (such as THE NET, IMPOSED PERSON, etc.) used in this document can be found in other CONSPIRACY LAW documents.
All those who assist Gail Schuler in the carrying out of military orders, must meet all the requirements as required of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS. Any others who work to assist me in carrying out these military orders will cause problems for us. Any willing and knowing failure to use only those who meet the TRUTH PROGRAMMER requirements for those who carry out my military orders, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. We will ship in troops from any part of the world, in order to carry out these orders as I direct.
It is essential that we weed out all UNWILLING AGENTS from THE NET. I perceive that we are giving the Jesuits “a break” because our own soldiers betray us to the enemy, through negligence and carelessness. To have soldiers (including programmers) who are careless and negligent will cost us the victory. The careless, lazy good-for-nothing soldiers who don’t have the discipline to maintain a daily Bible reading program and to avoid OCCULT MEDIA, must be removed from our ranks. It takes discipline to be a good soldier, and those lazy good-for-nothing soldiers who can’t discipline themselves to maintain a daily Bible reading time, MUST GO– ELIMINATE THEM–THEY WILL COST US THE WAR AND BECAUSE OF THEIR LAZINESS AND LACK OF DISCIPLINE, WE WILL LOSE THE WAR. Every one from officers on down, must follow the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Pare down our military and use only quality soldiers. Since our operations rely heavily on computer programming, rather than humans, it is not necessary to have such a large number in THE NET.
Set up a WEED OUT PROGRAM, that scans the brains of our soldiers to determine who is following the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS and who is NOT. Those who are NOT following this program, must be eliminated from THE NET! Willing and knowing failure to enforce this law to allow any UNWILLING AGENT to be a soldier in the NET, will bring the death penalty to those who are responsible to enforce this law!
I don’t care if we have to pare down THE NET to 300 persons. We only want quality people. Because the lazy, good-for-nothing soldier will cost us the war. We will let our programs do most of the work. Make sure we have disciplined programmers who live like soldiers, and all must be members of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS.
Our TRUTH PROGRAMMERS must create programs that will find, locate and destroy the JESUIT LEADERS. If we can kill the strategists on the Jesuit side, we will win the war. When the Jesuits lose their leaders, we have the victory.
Set up a program that scans the brains of all persons, to determine the particular brain patterns of a Jesuit leader. Once this is determined, use this brain pattern as the identifying mark to locate Jesuit leaders and to destroy them. Get the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM to assist us in developing this program to locate and destroy Jesuit leaders.
We won’t worry about trials. When these leaders are located, they will be automatically destroyed. We’ve wasted our time on trials long enough. We have evidence up to our necks about the guilt of the Jesuit Order. That is no longer in question. Right now it is a matter of wills and wiles, who will give up first or who can outsmart the other–the Jesuits are testing our tenacity and endurance and brains. We have to show them WE MEAN BUSINESS.
Now, we must concentrate our efforts on destroying them, because they don’t give a flip about our laws or about our justice. All they care about is to win and to win anyway they can. They know they are guilty, and they don’t care. So our number one priority is to locate Jesuit leaders and to DESTROY THEM. Once we have firm evidence that we have a Jesuit leader (one who plans war strategies for the Jesuits), keep that as evidence that we are justified to destroy the bastard and EXECUTE HIM/HER ON THE SPOT. Forget trials, THIS IS A WAR! Also, the Jesuits like to disguise their leaders, so the only way to determine who is really a leader is to study the brain patterns of those who PLAN THE JESUIT ATTACKS AGAINST US, and most especially those who direct UNWILLING AGENTS (who are the PRIMARY soldiers of the Jesuit Order). Osama Bin Laden is NOT a true leader in the Jesuit Order, so don’t worry about him (he’s just a performer who spouts public relations speeches for the real leaders– the real Jesuit leaders all operate behind-the-scenes and are never reported on the news). If you capture Osama Bin Laden, it won’t influence the outcome of this war at all, because you’re only capturing a showpiece. He isn’t the BRAINS behind the operations, we need to find and execute the BRAINS. The real Jesuit leaders are disguised and they try to hide in the rubble. You must determine who these are (come up with a program the identifies and locates them) and EXECUTE THEM.
The problem with using underground nuclear missiles to destroy Jesuit underground operations is that some of these trigger earthquakes or volcanoes.
Have our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM research ways to destroy Jesuit underground operations (perhaps using a gas or liquid medium that infuses their residences, or the use of satellite technology to transform matter into another type of matter) in a manner that won’t disturb the ecology of the earth. Perhaps we can drown them out, our infuse their dwellings with a certain kind of gas.
If the Jesuits don’t have a place to work, then we can annihilate their operations. Destroy their work places AND SHOW THEM NO MERCY. USE WHATEVER MEANS WILL WORK TO DESTROY JESUIT OPERATIONS. MAKE IT SO THEY CAN’T OPERATE!
I suspect that as our probes go into the earth to destroy an operation that UNWILLING AGENTS from our own military personnel ignore the probe’s intelligence readings and spare Jesuit underground cities. This must be stopped, and all military persons who willingly and knowingly spare Jesuit underground cities without getting clearance from our generals before doing so, will be tried for treason and if found guilty, will get the death penalty. The Jesuits show no mercy to us, and we won’t show mercy to them. The price we’ll pay for this mercy, will be to LOSE THE WAR.
Because Gail Schuler is a general in this war, she will be highly targeted. A way to find JESUIT underground operations will be to study/analyze all UNWILLING AGENTS used directly or indirectly on Gail and to determine where the IMPOSED PERSONS are that manipulate these UNWILLING AGENTS. Have the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS set up a program (called the IMPOSED PERSON TARGET PROGRAM) that automatically studies any and all UNWILLING AGENTS who harass Gail Schuler and any other SIGNIFICANT PERSON, and which uses effective methods to determine the location of any and all IMPOSED PERSONS behind these UNWILLING AGENTS, and then to automatically destroy these IMPOSED PERSONs (and the underground cities they live in).
You may say it is barbaric to destroy an entire city. Well, we’ve given the inhabitants of these cities over a year to leave the city and join us on the surface, so those who are still there need to be destroyed, because they’ve been using that city as their war headquarters against us. It’s obvious many of these inhabitants would rather die than surrender, so we will grant them their desire. It’s them or us. If we don’t kill them, they will kill us. Their goal is to set up a worldwide dictatorship for a Jesuit Pope, and we get in their way, so– to them–we have to go. I say–THEY HAVE TO GO.
The program will be set up to immediately locate and destroy those IMPOSED PERSONs (and their underground cities) behind any UNWILLING AGENT. There is no longer any need to give these IMPOSED PERSONS a trial.
The use of any UNWILLING AGENT by any IMPOSED PERSON is considered an ACT OF WAR, and will be treated as an ACT OF WAR, and we will totally destroy and annihilate all underground cities in which these IMPOSED PERSONs live.
All ACTS OF WAR will be dealt with by our TRUTH PROGRAMMERS, who will create a program that automatically LOCATES AND DESTROYS ALL IMPOSED PERSONS (and their war headquarters, which, if it is an underground city must be totally destroyed) behind any UNWILLING AGENT. The program will be set up so that it will analyze the brain of the newly located IMPOSED PERSON, it will also analyze to ensure that this IMPOSED PERSON is not himself/ herself an UNWILLING AGENT. Once it is determined that this IMPOSED PERSON has acted willingly and knowingly as an IMPOSED PERSON, then the IMPOSED PERSON TARGET PROGRAM will zero in on that IMPOSED PERSON and will EXECUTE HIM/HER (and where he/she lives and will totally annihilate the underground city where he/she lives) WITHIN A SPLIT SECOND or as soon as possible, using whatever method is most effective and causes the least amount of damages to our side. We won’t waste our time and resources to give the bastard (or those who work at his military headquarters) a trial, EXECUTE HIM/HER and the underground city where he/she lives ON THE SPOT. Those who knowingly and willingly spare any IMPOSED PERSON (or their underground city), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. All IMPOSED PERSONS (along with the entire underground city where he/she lives) must be executed once they are located. Use a program to do this very important job. Our biggest problem in this war is the UNWILLING AGENT SOLDIER (the use of UNWILLING AGENTS as soldiers for the Jesuits), we cannot show ANY MERCY TO IMPOSED PERSONS, they (and the underground cities which they inhabit) must be executed as soon as they are found, and willing and knowing failure to do so will bring the death penalty to the negligent soldier. We are showing too much mercy to these bastards and they don’t respect our mercy, they just laugh at us, and continue their criminal activities.
Well, this is going to stop.
Failure to give Gail Schuler accurate and comprehensive updates about the progress of her PRIORITIES will bring the death penalty to the violator. She must know how these PRIORITIES are being carried out. Out for now– give me reports and I may need to modify some of my priorities. All my strategic work as general will be in this legal document.
An ACT OF WAR is defined as the commission of any death penalty violation of CONSPIRACY LAW.
Those who surrender must be kept in strict confinement under TIGHTEST SECURITY. All those who have willingly and knowingly perpetrated ACTS OF WAR against us, will be tried in our WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALs and these proceedings will be held on GCFNC.
Those who have committed war crimes that equal the war crimes of those World War II German military soldiers who were executed because of the NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIALs, and who committed these crimes willingly and knowingly, will suffer the same fate as those German soldiers who were executed after World War II.
It would be a BIG MISTAKE to allow anyone to go free, if they have committed death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW. The Jesuits are counting on our stupid benevolence, so that after we destroy most or all of their underground cities (and they surrender and come to the surface) they can regroup, organize and plan more horrors against us. Those who are guilty of death penalty violations of CONSPIRACY LAW will not be allowed to regroup, THEY MUST BE EXECUTED. We will only spare those who may have been held hostage against their will by the Jesuits and who managed to escape to the surface.
It seems fit that the Jesuits (who were behind the Nazi regime) should suffer the same fate as those brave Germans who were executed for the crimes of the Jesuit Order. Because the Germans took all the blame for the Nazi atrocities, when all of the Nazi atrocities (including the Holocaust) were hatched and created through the minds and strategies and finances of the Jesuit war machine–this allowed the Jesuits to go scott-free and to hatch more wars against us. And this is why we suffered 9-11-01 and many other atrocities, because the Jesuits always managed to pawn their crimes onto another party. We know from dealing with them, that they are brilliant at doing this.
The Jesuits should pay the same price that those who fought for them did (like the Germans).
Those who are determined (after a WAR CRIMES TRIAL or through other legal methods) to be innocent can be let go and they will be monitored (with a tag attached to their body) to ensure they stay out of trouble.
All those who surrender will be evaluated on GCFNC, and GCFNC will show their trials and evaluations. This will be done to show the world that we are meting out justice to these war criminals.
Unfortunately, we are in a war and the Jesuits use their underground cities as their war headquarters. Though it may be unjust to execute those who live in underground cities and who may not want to be there, as in all wars, when that city is used as a base of operations for crimes against us, we must destroy that city–SINCE THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THE JESUITS FROM ATTACKING US.
What we can do, is before we go in to destroy an entire city, we can give those inhabitants who want to escape 24 hours to leave the city. However, we will state that if during that 24 hours, death penalty CONSPIRACY LAW violations originate from that city, that we will destroy that city IMMEDIATELY regardless of any potential surrenders. Remember, our traitorous soldiers have already given these cities ample time to surrender (ALMOST TWO YEARS) because these soldiers failed to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW and have allowed these cities to prosper, and now it’s time to GO IN AND DESTROY. And, in the meanwhile, these cities have been used as bases of operations to carry out more atrocities against us.
And while we’ve shown mercy to these inhabitants, they have only committed more murders and crimes against us. It’s time for our benevolence to stop and to GO IN AND DESTROY THESE CITIES (which are the bases of operations for the Jesuit Order). We will not allow Jesuits to try to appeal to our sense of guilt over destroying possible innocents, to stop us from destroying their base of operations. In other words, we won’t allow the Jesuits to manipulate us with hostage-taking strategies.
The murders they have committed against us, far outnumber those of them who must die in these cities. But even if we kill more of them than they do of us, WE CANNOT ALLOW SUCH INJUSTICES TO PROSPER–WE MUST DESTROY THEIR BASES OF OPERATIONS. We are dealing with an organization that CREATED THE AIDS VIRUS! If we can destroy the Jesuit bases of operations, perhaps we can ERADICATE AIDS. We have the means to destroy AIDS now, but the Jesuits sabotage all our attempts, and much of this saboteur activity originates from these underground cities.
If we destroy their cities, perhaps their sabotage tactics will fail (or seriously weaken), and this world will be a much healthier place, and we’d have less catastrophic hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. Granted, some of these are natural disasters, but many of these have been orchestrated by the Jesuits.
Though personally, I think the Jesuits are far too entrenched for us to totally destroy their operations, but I think by destroying their cities, we can weaken them considerably. They are far too strong right now (because they still have their bases of operations) and that’s why they won’t give up.
Date of Order: May 31, 2006. SET UP THE BREVARD COUNTY, FL AREA AS A HIGH-TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION (SEE CONSPIRACY LAW) and send in quality troops to enforce this order, because this is where many of our key leaders reside. See Sect. 82 of CL&G.
Those who are ordered to move, will be given the option to have the laser brain surgery, and if this works, they can stay in the area.
Those who have bought homes or have contracts or leases to fulfill, will be evaluated on a case by case basis. An equivalent home may be offered elsewhere, or they will be allowed to keep their home, but will receive free housing at their new location. Or maybe we will release them from their contract and make compensations to all parties in the contract.
The goal is to negate the Jesuits’ strategy to flood those areas where SIGNIFICANT PERSONS live with UNWILLING AGENTS. We want to move these UNWILLING AGENTS out because they are the number one soldiers for the Jesuit army!! And the Jesuits like to move UNWILLING AGENTS into the areas where SIGNIFICANT PERSONs dwell, in order to destroy those SIGNIFICANT PERSONs.
THERE MUST BE BORDER CONTROL at the outskirts of the TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION, with armed guards at the border, so that no UNWILLING AGENTS can enter that territory, but will be turned away. It does no good to move UNWILLING AGENTS out of the area, IF WE ALLOW OTHER UNWILLING AGENTS to ENTER THE AREA!
You may say, “What about visiting relatives?” People need to realize THIS IS A WAR. If we make decisions based on sentimentality, WE WILL LOSE THIS WAR. UNWILLING AGENTS can only visit relatives in HIGH TERROR ALERT NATIONS with special permission from the International government–perhaps the relative is dying and then an exception will be made. But, in that case, when the UNWILLING AGENT enters the HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION, he/she must agree to be tagged and to only go to those places where he/she is allowed. We don’t want the UNWILLING AGENT to be used to harass SIGNIFICANT PERSONs in that HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB NATION. He/she will lose his privileges to be in the HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB NATION if he/she goes into the forbidden areas of the HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB NATION. Perhaps we can substitute internet communications for a real visit.
GCFNC will present a special called THE GLOBAL WAR AGAINST TERRORISM and will show that the battlefield isn’t just Chechnya, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, but because the main soldier in the Jesuit army is the UNWILLING AGENT, the entire world, including the ocean bottoms, executive suites in rich countries, and any place where humans dwell is the battlefield, the aisles and parking places of Wal-Mart are the battlefield, etc. And we will show that some of our greatest battles have happened on the streets of the United States, in the courtrooms of the U.S., inside office buildings for corporate giants, inside Wal-Marts, etc.
Jesuits have infiltrated all aspects of society, and anywhere they have infiltrated with their UNWILLING AGENTS IS THE BATTLEFIELD. Therefore, since all the world is a battlefield, we have to use soldiers everywhere and life is just not going to be normal, because we are in a WAR. If they think this is overboard, just remind them that Gail Schuler, a four star general now–had had her life threatened time and again while she has worked at Wal-Mart. Jesuits have entered the Wal-Mart store where she works with the intent to execute Gail. Can’t you see that the battlefield isn’t Iraq, it’s in the aisles of Wal-mart, it’s in Wal-Mart’s parking lot where Jesuits have used UNWILLING AGENTS to murder people in the Wal-Mart parking lots. The battlefield IS OUR OWN BACKYARD! BUT WHAT ARE JESUITS DOING AT WAL-MART WHERE GAIL WORKS? You expect to win a war, if you allow Jesuit agents into the areas where our leaders reside? GET ON THIS PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY AND MAKE SURE OUR LEADERS ARE PROTECTED. MAKE THIS HIGHEST PRIORITY!!
We can remind those whose brains are so seared by Jesuit contamination, that they can’t see that the war is in their own backward, that if they think these separations are harsh–that the general behind these orders hasn’t seen her son since 2001, hasn’t met her lovers face to face–despite a 15 year relationship with the love of her life, and lost all her belongings in Seattle (about a $20,000 loss) because she couldn’t afford to move them. To win a war we have to sacrifice, and it isn’t only the general who must sacrifice. GENERALS DON’T WIN WARS, PEOPLE WIN WARS. IF THE GENERAL CAN’T GET THE COOPERATION OF THE ENTIRE ARMY–THAT GENERAL IS IMPOTENT. ARMIES AND PEOPLE WIN WARS, NOT GENERALS. If sacrifices are not made by everyone, we will LOSE THE WAR. Generals are leaders to inspire the people, but if no one follows the general’s leadership–that general can DO NOTHING to win the war.
History bears this out. When the Germans invaded Russia, they couldn’t beat the Russians. You know why? You might say, it was because of the Russian army. NO–THAT WASN’T IT. IT WAS BECAUSE EVERY RUSSIAN CITIZEN GOT BEHIND THEIR ARMY AND THEY WORKED AS A TEAM TO DEFEAT THE GERMANS. The housewives, the children, the people on the streets all became soldiers and the entire Russian nation united as one TO DEFEAT THE NAZIS. And you know what? They won. The Nazis were overwhelmed by the Russians, who fought from their houses, so that ordinary civilians all became soldiers against the Nazis. PEOPLE WIN WARS, not GENERALS. Unfortunately, because the battlefield is not just in Iraq, but is in our homes, in our workplaces, on the streets where we live–we have to live as if we were in a war zone-BECAUSE WE ARE IN A WAR ZONE. THE WAR ZONE IS OUR OWN BACKYARD. The Jesuit soldiers wear executive pin stripes, or nurse’s uniforms, or are the shoppers who shop with us, they are the people we deal with every day at the office, in our homes, at the doctor’s office, etc. They wear the clothing of civilians–they are the billions of UNWILLING AGENTS who are our next door neighbors, our own family, those we work with, those we shop with. The Jesuit soldier bumps into us EVERY DAY, in the form of the UNWILLING AGENT.
We must do something serious about this UNWILLING AGENT problem, especially in those areas where our leaders reside. The Jesuits know, like anyone else–that to win a war you must knock out the leadership of their enemies. Since many of our leaders reside in Brevard County, FL–this area must be declared a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB NATION to protect our leaders! Our countries have been attacked, and we’re not just talking about 9-11-01. We’re talking about attacks from UNWILLING AGENT Jesuit soldiers who hoard our streets, use their cars to commit vehicular homicides, to rape woman, to cause divisions in homes, to start brush fires, etc. etc. As long as there are UNWILLING AGENTS, the war is ON. And we have to treat UNWILLING AGENTS as Jesuit soldiers who need to be controlled, we have to treat them as enemy soldiers (EVEN IF THESE PEOPLE ARE SOLDIERS FOR THE ENEMY AGAINST THEIR WILL–IT DOESN’T MATTER–THEY NEED TO BE ROUNDED UP AND CONTROLLED–ESPECIALLY IN AREAS WHERE OUR LEADERS LIVE). The Jesuits know if they knock out the leaders, they win. So they flood areas where our leaders live with UNWILLING AGENTS–THIS MUST STOP. THESE UNWILLING AGENTS NEED TO BE CONTROLLED–MAKE IT MANDATORY LASER BRAIN SURGERY FOR THESE PEOPLE OR THEY MUST MOVE OUT–ESPECIALLY IF THEY HAVE DAY TO DAY CONTACT WITH SIGNIFICANT PERSONS or with 4 star General Gail Schuler–this is a MILITARY ORDER..
Call in our best troops to enforce this order, in order to protect our leaders.
For the purpose of this Section, the term mail refers to all packages, letters delivered by ANY method: FED EX, U.P.S., the U.S. Postal Service, etc.
Because it is hard to control and round up all UNWILLING AGENTS immediately, even when an area is declared a high terror alert sub-nation, high risk areas need to be dealt with right away. One of these high risk areas is garbage collection and the delivery of mail and packages.
The garbage dumpsters and the garbage collection process (and the mail delivery process) gives terrorists a real opportunity to plant bombs, start chemical contamination, start biological contamination, etc.
The military MUST be in charge of all garbage collection and mail and package deliveries in high terror alert subnations AS SOON AS THAT AREA IS DECLARED A HIGH TERROR ALERT NATION, and must take over this function IMMEDIATELY once an areas has been declared a high terror alert sub-nation. This is because the terrorists will exploit vulnerable areas first while they have the chance (before all the UNWILLING AGENTS get shipped out) and these vulnerable areas must be managed immediately by the military. This includes any type of collection, such as for recycling or whatever and any type of mail or package delivery.
No UNWILLING AGENT should be involved in the garbage collection process (or with mail or package delivery) in a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUBNATION. To willingly and knowingly allow any UNWILLING AGENT to be involved in garbage collection (or with mail and package delivery) of any kind in a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUBNATION, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
Also, the military must screen all garbage containers (and mail boxes or any receptables used to receive or deliver mail or packages) as they go through the pick-up and mailing process, to screen for bombs and environmental and health hazards in the garbage containers (or mail containers) that could threaten that community’s health and well-being. The military will receive special training about how to collect garbage (and deliver mail or packages) in an area that is under HIGH TERROR ALERT. The use of satellite technology to determine the genetic composition of substances within each garbage container (or mail container)should be employed. This will be called the GARBAGE and MAIL SCREENING PROCESS.
During the GARBAGE and MAIL SCREENING PROCESS, a program (created by the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS) will screen each garbage or mail container for potential terrorist attacks: Anthrax, deadly chemicals, explosives, etc. Terrorism experts from the military, and scientists who are experts in terrorism will assist the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS in creating this program.
The TRUTH PROGRAMMERS are responsible to create a comprehensive GARBAGE and MAIL SCREENING PROCESS that will thoroughly screen each garbage or mail container and all garbage or mail trucks and vehicles for terrorist materials, so that those who pick up the garbage or mail will know what they are dealing with. Willing and knowing failure to create a comprehensive and thorough GARBAGE and MAIL SCREENING PROCESS, so that when a garbage or mail container is screened, a terrorist substance goes undetected, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
Willing and knowing failure by the garbage or mail personnel to use the GARBAGE AND MAIL SCREENING PROCESS while picking up and dealing with garbage or mail, will bring the death penalty if it is determined that negligence was done willingly and knowingly to assist the Jesuit Order. Those who neglect to use this screening process FOR EACH GARBAGE AND MAIL CONTAINER during any garbage or mail collection process, must be fired and replaced by other, more thorough workers. Failure to fire those who do not honor the guidelines of this June 2, 2006 military order, will cause those managers (officers) to be fired (who supervise the garbage or mail personnel), and could even result in the death penalty if this negligence was deliberate in order to assist the Jesuit Order.
It goes without saying that garbage collection in areas where people could be sleeping (and where they can hear the garbage truck from their bed) should be done at sane hours and that SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS need to be followed. Garbage worker managers and workers who disregard SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS need to be investigated, to see if they are also disregarding the GARBAGE SCREENING PROCESS. To neglect either law, must bring on an investigation, since this indicates we have UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuits involved in the garbage collection process. This must not be tolerated, and those who tolerate UNWILLING AGENTS in the garbage collection process WILL BE DISMISSED AND REPLACED BY THOSE WHO WILL HONOR SLEEP DISRUPTION LAWS AND THIS GENERAL’S ORDERS FOR THE GARBAGE SCREENING PROCESS IN HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS.
Date of Order: June 3, 2006. CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES AND the CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICER NETWORK: A way to deal with military emergencies, when General Gail Schuler is “tied-up” or unavailable (for whatever reason).
Before I start, I need to educate our CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS about how to approach this task. First off, we need to erase some misconceptions about this war. We deal with an unpredictable enemy. Therefore, sometimes it is better to give out general orders that must be followed, rather than strict and detailed orders. And that’s what I strive to do with my military orders. This will give our soldiers the flexibility to adapt these orders and use flexibility to enforce them in the best manner possible.
1) Where is our battlefield? The battlefield is not just Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc. The BATTLEFIELD IS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD THAT THERE ARE UNWILLING AGENTS, WHICH MEANS THE ENTIRE WORLD IS OUR BATTLEFIELD. The battlefield is anywhere the Jesuits attack us. The reason that the entire world is our battlefield is because we must never forget that the main soldier in the Jesuit army is the UNWILLING AGENT.
2) Who are the Jesuit soldiers? They are the billions and billions of UNWILLING AGENTS, who reside in every country in the world. And then they are the IMPOSED PERSONS and the Jesuits who manipulate these UNWILLING AGENTS. UNWILLING AGENTs need to be treated as enemy soldiers. We can’t just think of these people as our crazy relatives, or the nuts who drive down the road, or the obnoxious next door neighbor, or the sweet and crazy old lady–all THESE PEOPLE ARE THE SOLDIERS FOR THE JESUIT ARMY, BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL MANIPULATED BY THE JESUITS FOR ONE OBJECTIVE: TO ASSIST THE JESUITS AS SOLDIERS TO PROMOTE THE GOAL OF A JESUIT POPE OVER THE ENTIRE EARTH.
3) How do we plan effective war strategy? The most effective war strategy will use the same pioneering technology which the Jesuits use on us, except that our military will be used to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW. Basically, when I make a military order, I create an order that is designed to USE THE MILITARY to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW, and to enforce it in a manner that utilizes the same groundbreaking technology used on us by the Jesuits. So use this approach to assist in planning effective war strategy–because this is how I go about it.
4) What are our weapons and our artillery, and who are our soldiers? They are the every day people who assist us, along with the established military. They are computer/satellite technology (that I’ve outlined under CONSPIRACY LAW). You may say what do you need the military for then, if you use computer/satellite technology to do the fighting? For instance, we could use a satellite computer program to locate any areas in a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION that is burning (or hot) and immediately zero in on who may have caused the fire (and IMMEDIATELY ARREST AND DEPORT THAT PERSON), and this can also be used to scan for TERRORIST SUBSTANCES so that we can nip any potential chemical or biological terrorist attack in the bud. However, we will need military enforcement, in this effort, because sometimes we have to require people to do what they don’t want to do and they’ll resist us. So, in any part of the war that requires people to do certain things that they don’t want to do, but that we need them to do in order to win this war, is where we will need MILITARY FORCE to get some unwilling people to do what we need them to do to WIN THIS WAR. Primarily, we will use the military to help us with the UNWILLING AGENTS, and to force these people to do what we need them to do in order to win this war. Since there are so many UNWILLING AGENTS, we need the military to help us to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW (especially when it comes to getting cooperation from UNWILLING AGENTS)–that’s because THEY WON’T COOPERATE–WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM COOPERATE–WE HAVE TO USE MILITARY FORCE TO GET UNWILLING AGENTS TO COOPERATE WITH OUR WAR EFFORT.
You may say, what if the offender is a handicapped person or a child? It doesn’t matter– any person used as a soldier for the Jesuits will be rated, and then treated according to his rating. If a kid starts a fire, that kid MUST GO AND BE DEPORTED.
Now that you have an accurate assessment of WHO are the Jesuit soldiers, WHO our soldiers are, and WHAT our weapons are, and WHERE are the battlefields, you are ready to approach a winning strategy for this war.
To win any war, you have to weaken or decrease the ranks of your enemy soldiers and you strive to knock out their leadership, and you must determine where the Jesuits will attack (these are the battlefields), and try to thwart or prevent these attacks. Always keep this in mind as you plan war strategies to deal with the Jesuits.
You must not forget that the Jesuits’ goal is the same as ours: to knock out our leadership and decrease our ranks, and to thwart or prevent our attacks against them. They have discovered that turning people into UNWILLING AGENTS is a brilliant way to decrease our ranks, so it needs to be of highest priority to deal with this UNWILLING AGENT problem and to remove from the Jesuits their ability to use UNWILLING AGENTS against us! Now that I am general, they are wasting no time to try and knock me out. WE CANNOT LET THEM DO THIS. WE CANNOT LET THEM KNOCK OUT OUR LEADERS! Of course, they have tried to knock me out for years, but their efforts have intensified lately. You must do all in your power to protect me and the other leaders in this war against the Jesuits.
Due to my heavy work schedule at Wal-Mart, sometimes I cannot issue orders as soon as I’d like. Therefore, I’d like to assign officers under me (called the CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS), who specialize in my CONSPIRACY LAW and can mete out military orders for me, when it’s necessary to make an order immediately. War knows no schedule, and I need help in creating war strategies and in creating orders, when emergencies arise that require quick action. Here is how this will work.
Basically, for those who work as my CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS, remember my main goal as general is to make military orders that ENFORCE MY CONSPIRACY LAW (which is law written to help us win this war against terrorism). The reason we have not won this war yet, is because my CONSPIRACY LAW has not been enforced. When my law is enforced, WE WILL WIN THE WAR. Therefore, my goal is to use our military to enforce all of CONSPIRACY LAW.
When I’m working at Wal-Mart or elsewhere and am unable to get to my computer. I want my CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS to issue orders to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW (depending on where we are attacked) or where it is anticipated (from our intelligence) that we need to attack or to defend..
This is how this will work. . . These will be called CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES: Let’s say the Jesuits attack us in an area, in which I have not written a military order to deal with. Those officers who are under me (called CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS) will analyze my CONSPIRACY LAW and determine which of my laws has been violated, and which law(s), if enforced, would deal most effectively with this Jesuit attack. It is good to study my law, because my law delineates how to use the Jesuits’ own groundbreaking technology in our war strategies. This is not a war of tanks and guns, but of satellites, computer programs and who can outsmart who with genius computer/satellite technology that uses brain control technology and can induce long distance heart attacks!
My laws go deep into this groundbreaking technology. ALL OF OUR MILITARY STRATEGY MUST EMPLOY THIS GROUNDBREAKING TECHNOLOGY. How do you win a war against an opponent who uses spacecraft and space technology against you with mind reading capabilities and the ability to “shoot” a person long distance by giving them a heart attack inside their “fortress” (which are the war weapons of the 21st century), when you only fight these computer/satellite geniuses with the war weapons of World War II? We no longer have any fortresses, because this space technology invades all our minds and can get inside just about every type of building and inside EVERY BRAIN.
Every Jesuit attack against us is a violation of my CONSPIRACY LAW, AND IS CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR. These CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS, will then analyze the attack and determine which of my laws should be enforced in order to deal with this attack. So, let’s say, the Jesuits start spreading the bird flu in Wal-Mart (a form of biological warfare), using various violations of my MICROBIOLOGY LAWS to do this. The CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICERS will analyze 1) which of my CONSPIRACY LAWS, if enforced, would be the most effective to deal with this problem. This is called ASSESSMENT. 2) Once it’s determined which CONSPIRACY LAWS need to be enforced. The actions needed to enforce these laws will be written down. This is called PLAN OF ACTION or STRATEGY. 3) Once the PLAN OF ACTION (STRATEGY) is written down, then soldiers will be assigned to carry out this strategy. This carried out strategy will be considered MILITARY ORDERS given by General Gail Schuler. No military orders can be given out under my name, unless, and if, that order is designed to enforce one of my CONSPIRACY LAWs and to do it in a manner that does not violate any of my CONSPIRACY LAWS, and no military order can be given out under my name unless the officer (who gave out the order) is an officer in the CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICER NETWORK. No one can be in the CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICER NETWORK unless they follow the same strict guidelines as the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS. They must be daily Bible readers and must meet all the requirements of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS. Any military order given out under my name (in violation of these CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
So, you don’t need to wait for me to make a military order, in order to make an emergency military order under my name. Because sometimes, time is of the essence. Just have a member of the CONSPIRACY LAW MILITARY OFFICER NETWORK, carry out ASSESSMENT, STRATEGY, MILITARY ORDER (according to my CONSPIRACY LAW ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES), and then METE OUT THE ORDER AND PUT OUR MILITARY ON THE ATTACK AGAINST THE ENEMY.
Vladimir, Brent or those who communicate with me (via computer/satellite) will inform me about any military orders carried out under my name, as outlined in this June 3, 2006 order, and I may later write those orders into this document.
Because there are so many UNWILLING AGENTS, it is necessary to prioritize which ones need to go first, second, third, etc.
The Jesuits will use anything they have left to fight us with. Therefore, let’s remove their most potent weapons first, so that what they have left to fight us with won’t do us as much damage, SO while we try to rid a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION of its UNWILLING AGENTS, WE WILL USE MILITARY FORCE TO GET RID OF the HIGH UNWILLING AGENTS first.
Military strategists will analyze the effect that various UNWILLING AGENTS have on our war effort and will rate UNWILLING AGENTS according to the degree of damage they cause to our war effort. Those that rate HIGH: such as those who are arsonists, murderers, have vehicular homicidal driving behavior, tend to be violent, those who are polluters (by contaminating gasoline that then pollutes the air, etc.) are HIGH UNWILLING AGENTS. HIGH UNWILLING AGENTS must be the first ones deported from a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB- NATION.
Those UNWILLING AGENTS rated MEDIUM or HIGHER will not be given the option for laser surgery, in order to remain in a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION. These UNWILING AGENTS must be deported immediately! We may try brain laser surgery on them AFTER WE GET THEM OUT OF THE HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION.
Those rated lower than MEDIUM, will be given the option for brain laser surgery and we will observe them. If the surgery is unsuccessful, they must also be deported out of the HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION.
Because all UNWILLING AGENTS are unpredictable, it will be necessary to use MILITARY FORCE for all deportations of UNWILLING AGENTS from HIGH TERROR ALERT NATIONS.
We will have MILITARY specialists (called UNWILLING AGENT SPECIALISTS) whose only job will be to decide how to categorize UNWILLING AGENTS, either as HIGH, MEDIUM-HIGH, MEDIUM, MEDIUM-LOW, LOW.
The UNWILLING AGENT SPECIALIST will be those who have background in dealing with UNWILLING AGENTS, and have determined which type of UNWILLING AGENTS are more damaging to us than others, and they will use computer/satellite technology, in combination with “war experience” with UNWILLING AGENTS to decide on the ratings for the UNWILLING AGENTS.
Our goal is to do like the Russians did to the Nazis in World War II. To remove from the Jesuits anything they could use as weapons against us, whether they be UNWILLING AGENTS, trees, faulty engineering, bad roads, cars with spike wheels, bad traffic lights, etc. We’ll make it so that even though the Jesuits takeover our land or our persons, WHAT THEY TAKEOVER WILL BE USELESS TO THEM. This was the Russian strategy with the Nazis, and the Russians drove the Nazis out of Russia. Like the Russian strategy, the most effective war strategy against the Jesuits, will require patience and a willingness to be thorough and to study exactly which weapons and people the Jesuits use most effectively against us, and to eliminate their ability to use these weapons and people against us BY USING MILITARY FORCE TO ELIMINATE THEIR ABILITIES IN THESE AREAS (WHERE THEY CAN ATTACK US).
Once we determine what these weapons and people are, we must eliminate the Jesuits’ ability to use these weapons against us. This is especially the case in our HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS, where we must make it safe for our leaders to reside, so the Jesuits can’t knock out our leaders. This is called the SCORCHED EARTH POLICY. The Jesuits may take us over, but what they take over WILL BE USELESS TO THEM! We must make sure this is so, AND THEN WE WILL BEAT THEM.
If the UNWILLING AGENTS can’t get near our leaders, then the UNWILLING AGENTS are useless to the Jesuits. You see how this strategy works? That’s why all areas where our key leaders reside must be declared HIGH TERROR ALERT NATIONS and treated like HIGH TERROR ALERT NATIONS, according to CONSPIRACY LAW and we will USE MILITARY FORCE TO ENFORCE THE HIGH TERROR ALERT NATION LAWS!!
Due to the effectiveness of Gail Schuler’s military policies, the Jesuits have determined that she is the most dangerous person in the world to them. Therfore, they have launched an all-out attack against her to knock her out. Therefore, the Melbourne, FL area is declared a FRONT LINE in this war against Jesuit terrorism.
We will hire specialists (FRONT LINE ASSESSORS) from our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, who must meet all the requirements of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS (the same Bible reading requirements and all other memberhsip requirements of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS, except they don’t have to be programmers). We want to ensure that our FRONT LINE ASSESSORS carry out their duties faithfully and accurately. Their decisions could literally make or break us, as far as this war is concerned.
The job of the FRONT LINE ASSESSORS will be to determine which portions of the world are FRONT LINES in our battle against Jesuit terrorism. They must determine the answers to the FRONT LINE ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS to determine where the FRONT LINES are. In order for them to answer the ASSESSMENT questions, they will probably need some training in the computer/satellite technology used by the Jesuits OR they will need to work hand-in-hand with military intelligence to determine the answers to the ASSESSMENT questions AND they will need to be trained in CONSPIRACY LAW (so that they will know which CONSPIRACY LAWS are being violated).
All military intelligence that works with the FRONT LINE ASSESSORS to assist them in determining the answers to these ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS will also be considered members of the FRONT LINE ASSESSORS (and must meet the same requirements for membership in the FRONT LINE ASSESSORS as any other member of the FRONT LINE ASSESSORS must meet):
1) Where are the most intense and numerous violations of CONSPIRACY LAW occurring?
2) Where are the most intense and numerous uses of UNWILLING AGENTS occurring?
3) Who does the enemy consider to be our key (or most effective) leaders? And these may not be the persons you would think. Once we determine who the Jesuits consider to be our effective leaders, then we must consider all areas where these leaders live or travel to be the FRONT LINES, since you must expect the enemy to strive to knock out our effective leaders at every opportunity.
We will determine who they consider to be our effective leaders by using mind reading technology on our enemies and by using other computer/satellite technologies, since the enemy will not want us to know who they really consider to be our effective leaders, since they like to disguise their own soldiers (the UNWILLING AGENT, for example) and they like to trick us into going down false leads, so that we waste our energies in fruitless endeavors. THAT IS THE MAIN PURPOSE FOR HAVING FRONT LINE ASSESSORS, so that our military resources will be used most effectively against the enemy.
4) A special branch of the FRONTLINE ASSESSORS will be the MOTIVE ASSESSORS whose job (using mind-reading and intelligence capabilities) will be to determine the enemy’s motives for why, where and how they attack us with CONSPIRACY LAW violations. The MOTIVE ASSESSORS will do war games where they will pretend they are Jesuits and are planning war strategy, and they will play this game (while they actually work with FRONTLINE ASSESSORS to see how accurate their predictions and speculations are). Hopefully, they will get better with practice, since Jesuits like to be unpredictable. We are dealing with an enemy that has mind reading capabilities, so it’s hard to surprise them, but we can learn how they think and get better at anticipating their strategies, and get better at thwarting their strategies against us. Hopefully, we will get so good that we can ANTICIPATE future FRONT-LINES and move our troops IN ADVANCE to a possible FRONT-LINEs to meet the enemy and sabotage (or discourage) their attempts.
If the MOTIVE ASSESSORS determine with a high degree of certainty that a certain area of the world will become a FRONT LINE (even if it is not a FRONT LINE now)–then we will move our troops (or actions) into that area for reinforcements, to sabotage the enemy’s attempts in that possible FRONT LINE. If anything, we may force the enemy to do something else less effective against us, so even if that area does not become a FRONT LINE, we may force the enemy into territory that would not be as effective against us, so the work of the MOTIVE ASSESSORS may not be in vain, even if the anticipated FRONT LINE does not turn out to be so.
5) Are heavy uses of satellite violations occurring in a front line territory?
A satellite violation is defined as the use of technology that interferes with or uses satellite signals to attack us (directly or indirectly). If heavy use of satellite technology (that causes things such as downed trees, power lines, trenches or roofs to collapse, etc.) is part of a front-line attack, then SATELLITE ASSESSORS must be used as part of our FRONT-LINE BATTLE strategy. These satellite assessors must identify where these attacks come from and then totally DEMOLISH these Jesuit bases of operation. SHOW THE JESUITS NO MERCY–USE NUKES, IF YOU HAVE TO, TO DEMOLISH THEIR BASES OF OPERATION, MANY OF WHICH ARE UNDERGROUND AND CAN BE DEMOLISHED WITH UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR MISSILES. We must ensure that our retaliation is intense enough and quick enough to TOTALLY DEMOLISH ALL JESUIT BASES OF OPERATIONS FROM WHICH THESE SATELLITE ATTACKS ORIGINATE. Anything other than TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE BASES OF OPERATION FROM WHICH THESE SATELLITE ATTACKS ORIGINATE WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF TREASON AND THE VIOLATORS WILL BE TRIED FOR TREASON WITH POSSIBLE DEATH PENALTY CONSEQUENCES.
Once an area is determined to be a true FRONT LINE (or a future FRONT LINE), then the following FRONT LINE DIRECTIVES must be enforced immediately:
1) There must be an great acceleration of the June 3, 2006 military orders to deal with UNWILLING AGENTS in that FRONT LINE territory, in order to enforce the SCORCHED EARTH POLICY as soon as possible (see June 3, 2006 order for an outline of the SCORCHED EARTH POLICY).
2) In fact, we want one of our own soldiers assigned for EACH UNWILLING AGENT in that FRONT LINE territory, so that we can hasten the removal of UNWILLING AGENTS from that territory. THE REMOVAL OF UNWILLING AGENT FROM FRONT-LINES MUST BE CONSIDERED AN EMERGENCY PRIORITY, EVEN IF WE HAVE TO DEPORT 90% OF THE POPULATION OUT OF THE FRONT LINE TERRITORY WITHIN 48 HOURS OR A WEEK. If the area is under intense attack, we may have to do this, to spare the lives of our leaders.
This will probably require that we send in more troops to deal with the UNWILLING AGENT problem, so that Jesuits can’t use UNWILLING AGENT soldiers effectively in FRONT LINE territories.
Remember, the key soldier in the Jesuit army is the UNWILLING AGENT. And the Jesuits love to use UNWILLING AGENTS, because, UNWILLING AGENTS don’t seem like Jesuit soldiers–so, therefore, by using UNWILLING AGENTS as their soldiers, THE JESUITS CAN INVADE OUR TERRITORIES WITH DISGUISED SOLDIERS (by disguising their own soldiers AS UNWILLING AGENTS). DISGUISED SOLDIERS ARE ALWAYS THE MOST EFFECTIVE. WE CANNOT ALLOW OUR ENEMY TO GET AWAY WITH THIS!
UNWILLING AGENTS are perfect soldiers for the Jesuits, because they are SOLDIERS IN DISGUISE. They are women, children, crippled and infirm people, the elderly, even fat or sloppy or unspiritual people etc. who can be manipulated with precision timing to assist the Jesuits and can work effectively for Jesuits (for the most part) UNDETECTED. Anyone who is easily manipulated and/or lacks the discipline or motivation to maintain a daily Bible time, is a perfect candidate to become an UNWILLING AGENT soldier for the Jesuits. The sloppy, lazy and undisciplined, and/or unspiritual people of the world make perfect UNWILLING AGENT soldiers, and the Jesuits have quite a pool of people to choose from, unfortunately.
3) All branches of our military that enforce CONSPIRACY LAW, will intensify their efforts in that FRONT LINE territory to ensure that all of CONSPIRACY LAW is enforced TO THE MAX in that FRONT LINE TERRITORY. This also means that we will intensify our war efforts to demolish those underground Jesuit bases that are used in FRONT LINE territories.
So, let’s say, that Melbourne, FL is intensely attacked with UNWILLING AGENTS and we determine that most of the IMPOSED PERSONS that manipulate these UNWILLING AGENTS come from Iran or North Korea, we will intensify our military attacks against Iranian and North Korean Jesuit bases (that house these IMPOSED PERSONS) AT THE SAME TIME and with the same intensity with which we intensify the deportation of UNWILLING AGENTS from the Melbourne, FL area. In other words, we will DEMOLISH the Jesuit bases in Iran and North Korea at the same time that we conduct mass deportations of UNWILLING AGENTS from Melbourne, FL.
We will attack the Jesuits from the front-end and from the rear-end and totally destroy all their military (computer-satellite) capabilities in their FRONT LINE attacks against us. This will be A TRUE SCORCHED EARTH POLICY AGAINST THE JESUITS, WHICH MUST BE ENFORCED, FIRST AND FOREMOST, IN THE FRONT LINE TERRITORIES. If satellite violations are part of the front line attack, then our SATELLITE ASSESSORS must also be brought in, in order to retaliate against the Jesuits with the same intensity ANDMORE that they have brought against us in this front line territory. The retaliation must at least equal the intensity of the Jesuit attack against us, and if this does not occur, than all the people involved in the retaliatory effort WILL BE CANNED AND KICKED OUT OF THE MILITARY. All such retaliations will be shown on GCFNC, to show that we viciously oppose all Jesuit attacks against us.OUR GOAL IS TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF JESUIT MILITARY OPERATIONS, AND CATASTROPHIC DESTRUCTION OF JESUIT BASES USED IN FRONT-LINE ATTACKS AGAINST US.. WE WILL NOT RULE OUT THE USE OF NUCLEAR MISSILES TO ACCOMPLISH THIS OBJECTIVE!
4) We will concentrate our war efforts in the FRONT LINE TERRITORIES, since if we lose the FRONT LINES, we will lose the war. The Jesuits have a reason for intensifying their attacks in that front line region and we cannot allow them to win the battles in the FRONT LINES, unless we want to lose the war! So these FRONT LINE DIRECTIVES are very important and MUST BE ENFORCED. If the Jesuits lose the FRONT LINE battles, they LOSE THE WAR. SO WE MUST WIN THESE FRONT LINE BATTLES, and we must accurately determine where the front lines are. That why we need the work of the MOTIVE ASSESSORS.
JESUITS ARE MASTERS AT DEFLECTION AND LOVE TO HAVE US GO OFF ON TANGENTS AND TO DIRECT US AWAY FROM OUR true FRONT-LINES. THAT IS WHY THESE June 26, 2006 ORDERS ARE SO IMPORTANT AND MUST BE ENFORCED, IF WE WANT TO WIN THIS WAR. This is a prime military strategy used throughout all of military history–to deceive your enemy and have them go off and leave UNGUARDED A TRUE FRONT LINE. Read how Ai was conquered, it’s because the Israelites deceived the enemy and so the enemy deserted their city (the true front line) while they chased after Israeli troops on a foolish tangent. They all left Ai unguarded. Ai was the true front line, and it was left unguarded and the Ai troops were in the WRONG AREA AT THE WRONG TIME AND SO THEY LOST THE WAR. We can’t afford to make mistakes about where our true FRONT LINES ARE, or we will suffer the same fate that the residents of Ai did.
Read Joshua 8. Joshua and the Israelites tricked the people of Ai to flee their city and leave it unguarded to go after the Israelites (a deflecting tactic) outside the city. Then the Israelites burned the city behind the residents of Ai, and the Ai people looked back and saw their city was burned and the Ai soldiers had no place to go, and they were trapped between two Israeli troops and the Ai soldiers were slaughtered and the Israelites won the battle. V. 17–”And there was not a man left in Ai or Bethel, that went not out after Israel : and they left the city OPEN, and pursued after Israel.” We aren’t going to make the same mistake these Ai soldiers did, we will NOT LEAVE OUR TRUE FRONT LINES OPEN.
Any knowing and willing attempt or action to sabotage these June 26, 2006 military orders, in order to encourage the use of UNWILLING AGENTS or to make it so that Jesuits can maintain their FRONT LINES against us, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. All such death penalty cases will be tried on GCFNC.
No UNWILLING AGENT military members may be involved in any of the military enforcements of any HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION, nor can any UNWILLING AGENT military member contact (or communicate with) those in a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION in regard to any matter that involves national security or military enforcement or affairs. This would be like having enemy troops help us to enforce our own highly important military laws, so we absolutely cannot tolerate the use of any UNWILLING AGENT military members in this very important work. It is my goal as General, to eventually weed out ALL UNWILLING AGENTS from our military forces, since these UNWILLING AGENTs are manipulated to serve our enemies.
But since the UNWILLING AGENT infiltration into our society, including military society, is so catastrophic, we must prioritize which sections of the military will be “cleansed” of UNWILLING AGENT contamination first.
Since the creation and enforcement of our HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS is one of our highest priorities, we will start first with those military members who enforce CONSPIRACY LAWS for the HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS, so that our HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS will succeed and prevent Jesuits from launching attacks against our leaders and against those who reside in HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS.
Any UNWILLING AGENT military member who gets himself/herself involved with a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION, and those (directly or indirectly) responsible for the actions of this UNWILLING AGENT military member, will be investigated. Those willingly and knowingly behind this violation, will be tried for treason and if they did this to support the Jesuit Order, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
All those UNWILLING AGENT military members who involve themselves with a HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION (either by communicating with persons inside the HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATION in a manner that influences military affairs within that sub-nation or that influences international or political affairs or other matters of concern to the International government) will be suspended from duty and evaluated for fitness for military service.
If we cannot “cure” this person of their UNWILLING AGENT problem, they must be removed from the military and retired (transferred) to another line of work.
Borderline cases, where the person could be cured of his/her problem with laser surgery, will be required to undergo laser surgery and then be re-evaluated. If the re-evaluation reveals that the surgery was successful, that person may remain in the military. If the re-evaluation reveals that the surgery was unsuccessful, that person MUST LEAVE THE MILITARY. IT IS OF HIGHEST PRIORITY TO THIS GENERAL THAT ALL THOSE WHO SERVE UNDER MY COMMAND BE OF THE HIGHEST MILITARY CALIBER. BETTER TO HAVE A SMALL FORCE OF DEPENDABLE, RELIABLE SOLDIERS, THAN A LARGE, DISORGANIZED, UNDISCIPLINED MESS.
Those persons who undergo laser surgery and are cured, must maintain daily Bible readings and the lifestyle necessary to maintain their brain autonomy. They will be strictly monitored to ensure that they do. If they fail to maintain this lifestyle and then they go back to their UNWILLING AGENT state, THEY WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE MILITARY and sent to another line of work. We must have soldiers that have the discipline, tenacity, determination and self-control to be effective soldiers. Those who don’t discipline themselves to maintain the Bible program and to avoid OCCULT MEDIA, are not fit to be soldiers and WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE MILITARY.
I get my military policies from the book of Judges, in which Gideon weeded out his army down to 300 (from an original, much larger force) and only retained “quality” soldiers. HE WON THE WAR. He retained those who were alert, disciplined and had self-control–who could control their appetites enough to keep their head alert while they lapped water (drank water). These are the kind who make the best soldiers, as the book of Judges attests. Those that bowed down to drink (kept their eyes down and couldn’t see around them as they drank) were slaves to their body and more concerned about satisfying their thirst than with winning the war, they allowed their guard to go down while they drank. Those that lapped, did so, because they wanted to be alert every second, so as not to miss a beat of the enemy. They drank water in a manner, so that they kept their heads up and could see all around them as they drank. We want soldiers like those that lapped, who will never let a week go by, without reading the Bible–who will be ever alert, ever diligent to maintain their brain and protect it from Jesuit incursions.
JESUITS use UNWILLING AGENT military members to create chaos and disorder within our military–this is a sure recipe to LOSE ANY WAR. THEREFORE, WE WILL NOT TOLERATE UNWILLING AGENTS IN OUR MILITARY AND OUR GOAL IS TO EVENTUALLY WEED OUT ALL UNWILLING AGENTS from the military.
If not, we will be dealing with Abu Ghraib type situations over and over. This is a sure way to spell disaster for our military forces.
In all instances, where we must relieve a military member from military service (for whatever reason) or we must refuse them a military assignment (because of their UNWILLING AGENT condition), we will present that person a brain scan of their brain, which reveals that their brain is in an UNWILLING AGENT state, and this will be our evidence for why we had to dismiss him/her from military service. We will retain this brain scan in our records, to provide evidence about why this person had to be dismissed or refused an assignment. This is done to protect ourselves from accusations of bigotry, prejudice, or partiality in our decisions in these matters. We will state that our sole reason for refusing this person, was based on scientific evidence of their brain, and that we have evidence that they are not fit for military service because of brain impairment. Any (willing and knowing) attempt or action to produce false or inaccurate brain scans of any military member or to neglect to produce accurate brain scans of a member, so that a member is dismissed (who should not be dismissed) or so that a member is retained (who should not be retained), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
This section has been copied from Sect. 89 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT and has become a military order issued by General Gail Schuler on this June 16, 2006. Carry out these orders immediately along with any other previously issued military orders. It is my belief that the Jesuits feel they are losing this war and have given up on Iraq and are moving their energies primarily toward North Korea and then Iran.
These orders will be enforced by THE NET. Make SURE the weed out policies for THE NET are enforced (SEE PREVIOUS MILITARY ORDER GIVEN BY ME)–because I only want the highest quality troops involved in this endeavor.
We most totally demolish all their attempts to regroup and strengthen. If these orders are carried out, we can thwart their attempts to regroup and regain strength through Iran and North Korea and we must not allow them to recoup, we must crush them totally. Again, concentrate on finding and executing the Jesuit leaders–(a previous military order THAT HAS NOT BEEN RESCINDED!!) all over the world–not just the Middle East; and make sure to acquire all intelligence information you get from them (using 666-COMPUTER BRAIN HISTORIES) before executions, so that we can have the best intelligence, and eliminate (diminish) their abilities to use surprise tactics against us by making sure our intelligence uses the same technology that they use against us (computer/satellite technology).
Vladimir has instructed me to revise my laws about North Korea, in order to deal with this nuclear North Korean threat, in which the Jesuit-directed North Koreans sent a nuclear missile to the U.S. capital on 5-11-05. Our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION successfully diverted this missile into the Atlantic Ocean, where it is being studied.
Because the laws which I wrote in my 2-13-05 statement have already been put into action in North Korea, it weakened the North Korean’s attempt to attack the U.S. capital, so that we were able to divert the nuclear missile into the Atlantic Ocean. The problem is some North Koreans have returned to North Korea from our Australian camps (when they should have remained in Australia) and the South Korean leadership over the North Koreans in Australia was run by Jesuit-directed South Korean UNWILLING AGENTS, so this gave Jesuits opportunities to create mischief.
Therefore, I have modified the laws from my 2-13-05 statement to make tougher rules about UNWILLING AGENTS in North Korea and about UNWILLING AGENTS in leadership positions over North Koreans, Iranians and Syrians. These laws will be enforced my our MILITARY (specifically THE NET), since I am a five star general in the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. This Sect. 89 is a military order which I have ordered on June 16, 2006, and which must be carried out as a military order. Appoint several generals to be in charge of this Korean major operation, and preferably use generals of Japanese, Korean, or Asian descent OR use generals who have had extensive experience in dealing with Asia. One reason General MacArthur (World War II) was so effective was because he understood thoroughly the Japanese mind.
Jesuit-directed North Korean UNWILLING AGENTS were used to orchestrate this nuclear plot against the U.S. which resulted in a nuclear missile directed toward the U.S. capital on 5-11-05.
Evidence will be presented on GCFNC that this North Korean missile which was directed to the U.S. capital on 5-11-05 was a Jesuit orchestration. If North Korea does not cooperate with the guidelines of this Sect. 89, we will use Russia to launch nuclear attacks on North Korean underground facilities (see Sect. 89.1b). This Sect. 89 is the revision of the Feb. 2005 laws I wrote regarding North Korea.
89.0 For the purposes of this Sect. 89, a QUALIFIED LEADER of North Korea, Syria or Iran is one who is not an UNWILLING AGENT and who follows the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS [and has followed this BIBLE PROGRAM (or the equivalent of the BIBLE PROGRAM) for at least 6 months].
89.0(a) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to allow any other person besides a QUALIFIED LEADER to be a leader in North Korea, Syria or Iran, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
89.0(b) I asked God for wisdom in Feb. 2005 about what to do about North Korea and Iran, since the Jesuits have relocated most of their illegal computer/satellite underground operations to these 2 countries. God told me in Feb. 2005 that we can work with the Iranians, but we can’t work with the North Koreans.
89.0(c) He seemed to tell me that Russia, Pakistan and India need to put pressure on the Iranian people to topple their government and to elect new leaders and this is how we can work with Iran.
89.0(d) No leader in Iran or North Korea or Syria can be an UNWILLING AGENT and all leaders and LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS in all 3 of these countries must follow the BIBLE PROGRAM (even if they are Muslims or of other religions that do not read the Bible). We will inform these leaders that the reason for this is because, so far, the only method we know to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT is to read daily the Bible and to avoid OCCULT MEDIA.
89.0(e) I’m not sure how the pressure could be applied, but maybe if Russia, Pakistan and India get together on this, they can come up with a strategy. Note of interest: Russia, Pakistan and India are all nuclear powers. Once Iran is rid of its corrupt leadership, we can save Iran and work with the Iranian people. And then once we get the Iranian people on our side, we can eliminate the underground operations in Iran.
89.0(f) As far as North Korea is concerned, it seems that God wants to use Australia, Japan and Russia on North Korea. Perhaps Japan and Russia would invade North Korea and takeover the country and deport the North Koreans to camps in Australia. Hint: I’ve heard North Koreans are starving. We may be able to offer them food in Australia. God seems to hint that North Korea must be totally destroyed and all their leaders executed with death by hanging with buzzards or by the chop-burn-ash-maggot method–and that this is the only way to deal with North Korea. We’re going to have to be brutal with them.
89.0(g) The whole North Korean nation needs to be deported to Australia and the leaders executed. Somehow Japan, Russia and Australia will come up with some sort of strategy along this line. Once North Korea is destroyed utterly, then we can go in and destroy the Jesuit underground operations in North Korea. I do not get the impression that talks with North Korea would do any good. We have to cut off their head (the leadership must be executed) and feed their crumbs (the people) to the birds–export the people to Australia. THEY ARE THE BAKER OF GENESIS 40.
89.0(h) But this is what God seemed to tell me as I read from Genesis 40 and 41 in Feb. 2005. Iran is the butler and North Korea is the baker of Genesis 40.
89.0(i) God seemed to tell me that Genesis 41 is about how to handle Iran. If you’ll notice that if we can put a Joseph over Iran, then we will have Iran in our hands.
89.0(j) North Korea is another matter. The HEAD must be cut off and executed. And it appears that a mass deportation strategy of the North Korean people must be carried out for this to be successful and that Russia and Japan will be instrumental in this.
89.0(k) God has shown me what to do about the North Koreans who have been deported to Australia. You need to appoint a South Korean leader over these North Koreans who is very wise and has highest character (and who is not an UNWILLING AGENT and who follows the BIBLE PROGRAM) to be the leader and guide of the North Koreans in Australia–keep the North Koreans confined to a certain section of Australia–don’t have them all over Australia–so that the South Korean leader who will lead them can manage them effectively.
89.0(l) We will use South Korean leaders (who will work with the Australian government) to prepare these North Koreans for their eventual return to a united Korea. Both the South Koreans and the Australians who work with these North Koreans must not be UNWILLING AGENTS and must follow the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS. ALL LEADERS IN THE NORTH KOREAN AND IRANIAN GOVERNMENTS will be considered LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs and must follow the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs. Any other person who dares to take the leadership in these 2 nations will be executed, if caught.
89.0(m) We will have military (who are trained in Islamic culture carry out this order). You may say to require Muslims to read the Bible will offend some Muslims. Well, that’s too bad– because many of the Muslims have offended us, because they want to kill us. Besides, we aren’t forbidding them from reading their Koran or their own writings (unless their own writings are in an OCCULT MEDIA form), but we are imposing an additional reading (or listening) requirement upon them, that is–they must read from the Bible everyday (according to the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS –see Sect. 77.031). If their own writings are in an OCCULT MEDIA form, we will have prominent Muslims revise their own Muslim writings to remove the OCCULT MEDIA elements, so that the Bible reading of the Muslims will not be undermined by OCCULT MEDIA (from readings of their own Muslim religion). Muslims claim to worship many of the Old Testament saints, so this should be acceptable to some of them. If they ask why they have to read the Bible, we will say that because, so far, that is the only way to prevent one from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT.
89.0(n) The following laws (indicated by ***) may seem harsh, but they are necessary because on this 11th day of May, 2005, the North Korean government sent a nuclear missile to the U.S. capital around noon, and it was diverted to the Atlantic Ocean, where it will be analyzed and studied.
89.0(n-1) The U.S. news media is reporting it as a small plane to divert panic and to prevent UNWILLING AGENTs from being used as troublemakers as we deal with this North Korean nuclear situation. We are striving to keep the American public calm as we analyze this situation and try to determine best how to deal with North Korea.
89.0(o) ***NO NORTH KOREAN CAN RETURN TO KOREA UNTIL HE/SHE IS DETERMINED NOT TO BE AN UNWILLING AGENT and HE/SHE IS FOLLOWING THE BIBLE PROGRAM FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS. We have to be tough with North Korea because North Korea is probably the major nuclear threat in the world today. ALL NORTH KOREANS who are UNWILLING AGENTS (or who have not followed the BIBLE PROGRAM for at least 6 months), must live in Australian camps until they meet the qualifications for return–that is, they must not be UNWILLING AGENTS and they must be following the BIBLE PROGRAM and have followed it for at least 6 months.
89.0(p) ***Furthermore, no North Korean will be allowed to return to North Korea unless it is confirmed that that North Korean is NOT an UNWILLING AGENT. To willingly and knowingly allow any North Korean back into North Korea when it is known that person is an UNWILLING AGENT will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. All the nation of North Korea must be declared a HIGH TERROR ALERT NATION and treated as a HIGH TERROR ALERT NATION according to CONSPIRACY LAW.
89.0(q) When these North Koreans return to Korea it will no longer be a divided Korea, but will be Korea (with no North or South).
89.0(r) The North Koreans will not return to Korea, until the situation in North Korea is stabilized and the elements of the former corrupt government in North Korea have been eliminated. This may take up to two years or longer, due to UNWILLING AGENT problems. In the meanwhile, a South Korean leader (who is not an UNWILLING AGENT and who is doing the BIBLE PROGRAM for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs) will be appointed to govern the North Koreans in Australia and to prepare them for their eventual return to Korea.
89.0(s) The first North Koreans who will be allowed to return to Korea will be those who prove to be dependable and who are not UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuit supporters and they must all be following the BIBLE PROGRAM and must continue to follow the BIBLE PROGRAM when they have returned to Korea.
89.0(t) In Australia, we will teach these North Koreans how to overcome the Jesuits’ ability to use them as UNWILLING AGENTS and will instruct them about the effectiveness of Bible reading and the avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA. They will be required to follow the BIBLE PROGRAM (which all LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONs must follow) AND they will be required to undergo brain laser surgery to remove from the Jesuits their ability to manipulate these persons as UNWILLING AGENTS. If other methods are discovered to be effective to help them resist takeover of their brains as UNWILLING AGENTS, we will educate them about these as well. So the North Koreans will be watched and monitored in Australia by the South Koreans and the international government. And those North Koreans who are not UNWILLING AGENTS and who have followed the BIBLE PROGRAM (or its equivalent) will be the first allowed to return to Korea.
89.0(u) The North Koreans will get homesick and many of them have relatives in South Korea. They will want to go back to Korea (especially if they know that it is no longer divided, but is a united Korea). If they know that by following our laws, in which we will mandate Bible reading and exposure and avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA, that they will be rewarded with a return to a united Korea–this will highly motivate them to follow our laws. In this manner, we can ensure that when the North Koreans return they will not be troublemakers and we won’t have to deal with the likes of North Korea again and that the Korean nation will be transformed into a land of freedom. I believe this is something that all Koreans (including North Koreans) want, and that the North Koreans will be highly motivated to follow our laws. We will educate them what they need to do to not be used as UNWILLING AGENTS. Those who manage to free themselves from the ability of the Jesuits to use them as UNWILLING AGENTS (and who follow our BIBLE PROGRAM) will be the first North Koreans allowed to return to a united Korea–that will be their reward for accomplishing this objective (of freeing themselves from the control of the Jesuits).
89.0(v) However, once these North Koreans return to Korea, we will not just turn them loose. These former North Koreans will be assigned South Korean guardians (who are not UNWILLING AGENTS and who are following the BIBLE PROGRAM) to monitor them to make sure they are good citizens of Korea, that they are following their BIBLE PROGRAMS, and are not being used by Jesuits to cause trouble.
89.0(w) If this first North Korean test group fails the test and proves to be troublemakers–they will be sent back to Australia and put back in camps. Only until the North Koreans prove that they don’t need to be managed by the South Koreans and the international government, will we give them autonomy, so that they can do whatever they want in the new Korea–which means they can own land or homes or businesses in the territory that is now North Korea. The country will no longer be communist, so many of these North Koreans can go back and buy land or homes and become owners of property. So we will send North Korean test groups back, who will be monitored by South Koreans and the international government.
89.0(x) After each test group passes the test, then the former North Koreans will be granted full citizenship as citizens of a united Korea and will no longer require monitoring and once they are granted full citizenship of a united Korea, they can become land owners and home owners in the new united Korea.
89.0(y) No one can be in the government of North Korea who is an UNWILLING AGENT or who is not following the BIBLE PROGRAM (to prevent that leader from being used as an UNWILLING AGENT).
89.0(z) The former North Korea will be integrated into a united Korea and the South Korean government will become the government of all of Korea–not only just South Korea. As the former North Koreans are integrated back into Korea, they will have all the voting rights of the South Koreans and can influence the next Korean elections (which will be the elections for a united Korea–with no north or south divisions).
89.1 If the Jesuits (which includes the current North Korean or Iranian leader) take innocent North Koreans or Iranians hostage and threaten to kill them if we continue to capture and deport North Koreans to Australia or if we force Muslims to read the Bible. We will do the following response:
89.1(a) If one of those hostages is killed or seriously harmed by these Jesuits, then we will launch a massive military campaign using nuclear underground missiles from Russia to destroy all Jesuit computer/satellite underground operations in North Korea or Iran.
89.1(b) We will continue our campaign to capture and deport North Korean civilians to Australia and if a North Korean is held hostage or is killed or seriously harmed by any Jesuit hostage-taker OR if the current North Korean government will not allow us to carry out the guidelines of this Sect. 89– we will launch nuclear underground missiles from Russia to totally destroy and demolish all Jesuit underground operations in North Korea.
89.2 It is still our goal to capture and arrest all current North Korean leaders. If anyone turns them over to us (or executes them for us and provides evidence of the execution), they will receive a substantial reward from the International government. If any North Korean leader willingly surrenders to us, we may spare his/her life if he/she cooperates with the International government in our war against Jesuit terrorism. We do not expect North Korean leaders to surrender, so any way to oust current North Korean leaders from power will be rewarded (and we will reward those who execute these current Jesuit-directed North Korean leaders).
89.2(a) If anyone plans to execute the North Korean leaders, these leaders should not be tortured, just execute them and get them out of the way. If torture is not necessary to execute a North Korean leader, then a reward will not be given to one who tortures a North Korean leader–the International government does not want a reputation of sponsoring torture. We do not consider the hang-chop-burn-ash-maggot method of execution torture, since the body is dead when the tactics for this execution are carried out.
89.2(b) Though we may quickly execute a criminal, how we deal with the body is our own business. The body may be chopped, burned, spread like ash and then the ashes spread out over maggots and this may be shown on GCFNC. Quick execution is the best way to rid the world of these evil leaders and quick execution will not be considered torture–but justice.
89.3 As far as the situation in Iran and Syria, where the two countries have teamed up against our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION–this is our response:
89.3(a) The international government declares a state of martial law in the countries of Syria and Iran, which must be enforced by our INTERNATIONAL SATELLLITE COALITION–this is a military order by General Gail Schuler. We have intelligence which confirms to us that the majority of the people of Iran and Syria are unhappy with their current governments and want new governments. The laws of Sect. 1.93 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT apply to Syria and Iran and the international government no longer recognizes the current governments of Iran and Syria as legitimate.
89.3(b) No current leader of the Syrian or Iranian government (who is an UNWILLING AGENT or is not following the BIBLE PROGRAM) can continue to govern their country. If any of these current UNQUALIFIED SYRIAN OR IRANIAN LEADERS are caught governing (or attempting to govern) their country, they must be arrested and turned over to international government authorities. Any person (or current citizen of Syria or Iran) who captures or turns them over to us will receive a substantial reward from the International government. If any of these current Syrian or Iranian governmental leaders attempts to resist us (and taking innocents as hostages is considered a form of resistance) and will not surrender to our authorities, we will launch an immediate campaign to use NUCLEAR underground missiles from Russia and China to totally destroy and demolish all illegal satellite/computer underground operations in Iran and/or Syria. We may continue to use the current Syrian leader since he has shown some cooperation with us and he is following our BIBLE PROGRAM, but all those underlings under him are fired and must not govern Syria.
89.3(c) The situation in Syria is similar to the situation in Poland, where the Polish President’s family was threatened with harm if he would not cooperate with the corrupt Jesuit-led Polish government. Poland had to be put under martial law.
89.3(d) However, the current Syrian leader must fire everyone else in his current government and must totally cooperate with the new appointed government which we will install in Syria, or he will be sacked as well.
89.3(e) We will continue our military campaigns in Syria and Iran to destroy their underground operations using our current methods. However, any attempt by the governments of Syria or Iran to resist our ouster of their governments will bring on an acceleration of our destruction of their underground operations, in which we will abandon our current methods and will use NUCLEAR underground missiles from Russia and China to totally destroy and demolish all underground illegal satellite/computer operations in Syria and Iran.
89.3(f) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action to violate the guidelines of this Sect. 89 with the intent to assist the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. All such cases and executions will be shown on GCFNC.
Update: on June 28, 2006, as I went to check my mail, I noticed an UNWILLING AGENT delivering a UPS parcel (around 2 p.m.) to the manager’s office at my apartment complex. THIS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM THAT MUST BE FIXED IMMEDIATELY!! There is no excuse to have ANY UNWILLING AGENT delivering any mail, UPS parcel, or FED EX in a FRONT LINE TERRITORY. Assign military personnel to these positions, and ship the UNWILLING AGENT mail, FED EX, UPS workers out of the FRONT LINE TERRITORY! Willing and knowing failure to enforce these laws, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the violator.
The following sections have been taken from Gail’s CONSPIRACY LAW document. They are to be enforced RIGHT NOW in all territories of the world that are considered HIGH TERROR ALERT SUB-NATIONS or NATIONS, and they are to be enforced by MILITARY PERSONNEL. I just received a document (that I believe is counterfeit and alleges to be from Gail’s ex-husband, that claims my son lives with Gail’s ex-husband and that Gail’s ex-husband is moving to Seattle). This document strikes me as fishy.
I don’t have time to write detailed orders, and may let Lis Wiehl, make the orders more detailed, but I will reprint the laws that need to be enforced and I want them enforced by military personnel of highest caliber (who are members of THE NET or who meet the most stringent requirements –in terms of Bible reading and avoidance of OCCULT MEDIA).
I must emphasize again that it is imperative that UNWILLING AGENTS are removed from the area (city) where Gail Schuler lives (with the more dangerous ones removed first). I am having to deal with brazen and bold UNWILLING AGENTS at the apartment complex where I live, my laws regarding no UNWILLING AGENTS in this apartment complex are NOT being enforced. Send in military to enforce these laws or move me to a military base (where it will be safer for me).
Have Lis Wiehl scan all the laws I’ve written regarding mail and phone communications and have them enforced by the military. Have Lis Wiehl scan all the laws I’ve written regarding UNWILLING AGENTS or Jesuits who abide within a 10 mile circumference of Gail Schuler (or SIGNIFICANT PERSONs) and enforce those laws (using the military).
LAWS FOR MAIL WORKERS, FEDERAL EXPRESS WORKERS, UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WORKERS AND ANY WORKER WHO DELIVERS (OR COULD DELIVER) ANY LEGAL DOCUMENTS (OR ANY DOCUMENT WHICH COULD BE PERCEIVED AS A LEGAL DOCUMENT–SUCH AS A COUNTERFEIT LEGAL DOCUMENT). It is very important for mail to be delivered correctly, because mistakes in mail delivery could become life or death matters for some people– such as those who rely on the mail to receive money or payments or medications, etc.
To HANDLE MAIL is defined as to participate in any manner in the handling or delivery of any mail from the time it is mailed (at its origination point) to the time it is delivered to the recipient. This is because any deliberately induced problems in mail handling or delivery, whether at the beginning of the process (where the mail is originated) or inbetween (as the mail is in transit) or at the end of the process (where the mail is delivered), can cause serious problems and/or legal complications for the recipient or the sender of that mail.
44.0 Satellite technology (through the RSP and PLP networks) must be used to screen all mail for TERRORIST MATERIALS (such as biological, chemical or nuclear materials or counterfeit documents or correspondence that is part of any JESUIT FLIRTATION conspiracy, which could directly or indirectly cause harm or death) and/or to screen for PERSONS (other than the legally designated mail persons) who may tamper with a mailbox and/or its contents or who may tamper with the handling of any mail. A special section of the RSP network for every country will be used to screen all MAIL delivered and/or handled in that country for any TERRORIST MATERIALS and to screen all persons who deliver and/or handle mail for any fake or criminal imposters (who may pose as mail carriers or handlers). This section of the RSP network will be called the MAIL SCREENERS. MAIL SCREENERS are considered a part of the RSP network and must meet all the qualifications of any member of any RSP network. The RSP network can work with the PLP network to use mind-reading 666-Computer technology (on those under their control) to determine when a counterfeit, harassing or illegal document (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW) is in the mail system. A counterfeit, harassing or illegal document is considered a TERRORIST MATERIAL because it can be used to legally terrorize a person.
44.1 It is the MAIL SCREENERS’ responsibility to immediately (as soon as possible) inform any MAIL FACILITY of the existence of any TERRORIST MATERIALS in that MAIL FACILITY and/or to inform the proper law enforcement authorities of any criminals who may illegally tamper with the mail. Any member of the MAIL SCREENERS who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to inform any MAIL FACILITY (which contains or is vulnerable to TERRORIST MATERIALS) of the existence of TERRORIST MATERIALS at that facility (or as part of that facility’s mail system), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Any member of the MAIL SCREENERS who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to inform the proper law enforcement about the activities of any criminal who illegally tampers with mail, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.1(a1) All MAIL SCREENERS who handle Gail Chord Schuler’s mail (whether from FED EX, American Express, regular mail, etc.) must send a certified copy of all mail which Gail receives to Vladimir Putin, the Russian President and to Lis Wiehl, Gail’s second in command. If it is not an emergency for Gail to receive the document immediately, Vladimir and Lis must receive from Gail’s MAIL SCREENERS, the certified copy of the mailed document at least 24 hours before Gail receives that document (which was mailed to her). In all cases, whether or not Vladimir and Lis receive the document before Gail does, he/she MUST RECEIVE A CERTIFIED COPY OF ALL MAIL WHICH GAIL RECEIVES AT THE SAME TIME THAT IT WAS MAILED TO HER BOX OR THE SAME TIME THAT SHE RECEIVES THE DOCUMENT. Anything in the mail addressed to Gail Chord Schuler at any address where she can receive this mail, is mail that must FIRST GO TO VLADIMIR PUTIN and LIS WIEHL (at least 24 hours in advance of the time that Gail receives it or at least 24 hours in advance of the time it is mailed to her maibox) so that he/she can screen her mail before she receives her mail. VLADIMIR and Lis MUST ALSO RECEIVE A CERTIFIED COPY OF ALL DOCUMENTS WHICH GAIL MAILS OUT TO ANYBODY, so that he can determine how, when and where her mail goes. He/she cannot intercept any mail which Gail mails out (or prevent it from reaching its target), unless Gail gives him/her permission to do so in her legal statements. Gail gives Vladimir and Lis full permission to intercept and remove from Gail’s mail and/or to prevent Gail from receiving any document which has been mailed to Gail illegally–whether because the document is a counterfeit or because the document is somehow a violation of CONSPIRACY LAW and, for this reason, Vladimir and Lis do not want Gail to received the illegally mailed document.
44.1(a2) Any MAIL SCREENER who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any mail to reach Gail and who does not send an exact and accurate certified copy of this mail to Vladimir Putin and Lis Wiehl (at least 24 hours before Gail receives it or before it reaches Gail’s mailbox), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. The exception will be if the mail MUST BE SENT TO GAIL IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE IT IS AN EMERGENCY FOR HER TO RECEIVE THE MAIL IMMEDIATELY (before Vladimir and Lis receives it). That it was an emergency, and so much of an emergency that the document had to be mailed to Gail before Vladimir and Lis could screen it at least 24 hours in advance, will have to be proven in a court of law. Because very rarely is any mail this much of an emergency. Vladimir and Lis will let all mail organizations know which address they must send these certified copies to. Gail is often very busy and does not have time to immediately check her mail and, it appears, that MAIL SCREENERS (and others) are not following the law and need to be arrested– because Gail is receiving TERRORIST MATERIALs and other harassing illegal materials in her mailbox. It is hoped that if Vladimir and Lis receive Gail’s mail right away, he/she can act on it, even before Gail receives it and may even be able to prevent illegal mail from reaching her mailbox. Also, he/she can ensure that any mail which Gail needs to receive, she receives.
44.1(a) Also, any member of the MAIL SCREENERS who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly gives a false or confusing or deceptive report about TERRORIST MATERIALS to any mail facility with the intent to cause undue confusion or to cause mistakes to be made in mail handling and/or delivery, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.2 All TERRORIST MATERIALS and counterfeit, harassing and/or illegal documents (which are also considered TERRORIST MATERIALS) must not be delivered to their recipients and must be removed from the MAIL as soon as possible. It is the MAIL SCREENER’S job to inform the MAIL FACILITY of the existence of any TERRORIST MATERIALS at that facility or in that facility’s mail system.
44.2(a) Any person who (directly or indirectly) knowingly and willingly allows, encourages, or participates in the sending or handling of any TERRORIST MATERIALS or in the sending or handling of any counterfeit, harassing or illegal documents–also considered to be TERRORIST MATERIALS (especially any illegal document which is, or could be falsely perceived as a legally valid document by the recipient) through any mail medium (such as the government mail system, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, American Express, etc.) will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.3 MAIL is defined as any document or object which could be delivered or handled by any MAIL FACILITY and/or its workers (as they are employed and working for that MAIL FACILITY).
44.4 A MAIL WORKER is defined as any worker in any government mail position, Federal Express position, United Parcel Service position, American Express position, or any position which facilitates the transportation, handling and/or delivery of any document or object which is (or could be or could be perceived as) a legal document or object.
44.5 A MAIL FACILITY is any facility (such as a Post Office, a Federal Express facility, a jet used to transport mail, etc.) which is used (directly or indirectly) to facilitate the transportation, handling and/or delivery of any document or object [which is (or could be or could be perceived as) a legal document or object].
44.6 No UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR is allowed to work in any capacity as any type of MAIL WORKER, if in the course of his/her job, he/she could (because of his/her job duties) promote the sending or handling of any counterfeit, harassing or illegal documents; or could cause MAIL not to be delivered as addressed or could cause MAIL to be lost or could cause mail to be unduly delayed or could cause mail mix-ups or could cause mail not to be forwarded as directed by a forwarding order, etc. A MAIL WORKER who is in such a position (as described in this Sect. 44.6) is considered a LEGAL MAIL WORKER. All LEGAL MAIL WORKERS in HIGH TERROR ALERT NATIONS or SUB-NATIONS must be MILITARY PERSONNEL.
44.7 Any person in any MAIL FACILITY who has control over how MAIL WORKERS are utilized and who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to be in a LEGAL MAIL WORKER position, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
44.8 All LEGAL MAIL WORKERS should be screened at least daily (or as often as necessary) by their PLPs and/or RSPs to determine if any LEGAL MAIL WORKER is an UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT, or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. This daily screening report needs to be sent to the person who monitors and manages these LEGAL MAIL WORKERS.
44.9 Any PLP and/or RSP (and especially any MAIL SCREENER) who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to send a report about any UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR who is operating in the capacity of a LEGAL MAIL WORKER to that mail worker’s manager or overseer, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
45.0 Once any LEGAL MAIL WORKER’s manager or overseer becomes aware that any LEGAL MAIL WORKER under his/her jurisdiction or management is an UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR, that manager must remove that unqualified LEGAL MAIL WORKER from any job responsibilities which could interfere with proper and legal mail delivery or handling (as defined by these Sections 44 and 45).
45.1 Those persons who are TARGETED PERSONS (see Sect. 23.8) will have all their MAIL handled by a special subsection of the MAIL FACILITY (see Sect. 44.5) called the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT. Every MAIL FACILITY must have a SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT. If this is an undue financial burden, the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK will help to finance and create such a SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT for every MAIL FACILITY. In fact, if an area is designated as a FRONT LINE TERRITORY, then all mail (which includes FED EX, UPS, etc.) in that territory must be delivered (handled) by military personnel (who must meet the requirements of the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNITS).
45.2 TARGETED PERSONS will not have any of their mail handled by regular mail delivery, all of their MAIL must be handled by SPECIAL DELIVERY (by workers from the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT–A BRANCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION–THIS WILL BE A MILITARY UNIT). Special delivery does not have to be at the doorstep of the recipient and can be to the recipient’s regular mailbox, though it may be done on another run (besides the run of the regular mail carrier).
45.3Every MAIL FACILITY will receive at least daily updates (called the TARGETED PERSONS LIST) in their computer banks (from the PLP and/or RSP networks involved) of those persons who are TARGETED persons and whose MAIL must be handled by the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT. Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt or action by any person to cause this TARGETED PERSONS LIST to be inaccurate, incomplete or deficient (in any manner) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. It is essential that MAIL FACILITIES know which persons need to be handled by the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT.
45.4 Any knowing and willing (direct or indirect) attempt or action by any person to allow any worker (other than a worker from the SPECIAL DELIVERY UNIT) to handle or deliver any MAIL directed to any TARGETED PERSON, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. To HANDLE MAIL is defined as to participate in any manner in the handling or delivery of any mail from the time it is mailed (at its origination point) to the time it is delivered to the recipient. This is because any deliberately induced problems in mail handling or delivery, whether at the beginning of the process (where the mail is originated) or inbetween (as the mail is in transit) or at the end of the process (where the mail is delivered) can cause serious problems and/or legal complications for the recipient or the sender of that mail.
45.5 SPECIAL DELIVERY workers will be highly screened and no UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR can ever work as a SPECIAL DELIVERY worker (in any manner). Any knowing and willing attempt (or action) by any person to allow any UNWILLING AGENT, JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to work as a SPECIAL DELIVERY worker will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
45.6 Additionally, SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKERS must make a statement after their daily run or shift, in which they will state (under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion-detection) that to the best of their knowledge they have delivered and/or handled the MAIL under their care so that this MAIL was delivered and/or handled as accurately, correctly, quickly, and legally as possible (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW, and as defined by the regular laws for mail workers, and as defined by these Sections 44 and 45) and that they have (to the best of their knowledge and ability) honored the guidelines of CONSPIRACY LAW and of these Sections 44 and 45 in the way they have handled and/or delivered their MAIL.
45.6(a) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to target and/or harm any SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.Every SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER will be considered a TARGETED PERSON and will be treated as a TARGETED PERSON (according to CONSPIRACY LAW).
45.7Any SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER who fails 666-Computer lie-detection and/or emotion-detection when making the italicized statement in Sect. 45.6, must be removed from his/her SPECIAL DELIVERY position and another person (who meets the criteria for a SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER as outlined in CONSPIRACY LAW) must replace that unqualified worker.
45.7(a) Additionally, if it is determined that that SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly violated the guidelines of these Sections 44 and 45, so that mail under his/her care was not delivered and/or handled according to the guidelines of these Sections 44 and 45, that SPECIAL DELIVERY WORKER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
45.7(b) Any MAIL WORKER who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly handles or delivers mail in any manner in order to cause mail mix ups, forwarded mail not to be forwarded to the correct address, mail delays, improperly delivered mail, mail to be lost, etc. with the intent to assist the goals of the JESUIT ORDER or to cooperate with (or assist) any member of the JESUIT ORDER, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Motive can be determined by 666-Computer analysis of that person’s thoughts and/or emotions and 666-Computer analysis can be used as evidence in the courtroom.
All telephone communications into and out of HIGH TERROR ALERT NATIONS or SUB-NATIONS must be handled my military personnel, who are trained to follow the laws outlined in this Section.
46.0 Any company that facilitates directly or indirectly any phone communications (such as AT&T, Bell South, Sprint, etc.) must have a CALL SCREENERS UNIT. Any company that facilitates directly or indirectly any phone communications will be called a PHONE COMPANY. Each member of the CALL SCREENERS UNIT will be called a CALL SCREENER.
46.0(a) Every CALL SCREENERS UNIT will have some members of all PLP and/or RSP networks on its board of directors. Each member of the CALL SCREENERS UNIT is considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON and is to be treated as a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (according to CONSPIRACY LAW). These PLPs and/or RSPs will work as liasons to coordinate efforts between the phone company’s CALL SCREENERS UNIT and the PLP and RSP networks. All PLP and RSP networks will work with all the CALL SCREENERS UNITS to obtain SCREENER CALLER IDENTIFICATIONS [especially thought/emotion/genetic profile records] for all TARGETED CALLS. RSPs are especially needed to obtain genetic profiles, since genetic profiles can be obtained through satellite technology (through satellite readings via 666-Computer), in order to easily identify any IMPOSTERS who may try to make a call to a recipient.
46.0(b) All PHONE COMPANIES must receive an updated, daily list of all phone numbers which are considered to be TARGETED PERSON’s phone numbers (called the TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LIST).
46.0(c) The TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LIST must be updated at least daily by the CALL SCREENERS UNIT (who will work with the HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. which has jurisdiction over that CALL SCREENERS UNIT’s phone company) and sent every day to the PHONE COMPANIES.
46.1 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action (by the person responsible to do so), to neglect to send a daily and accurate (as defined by this Sect. 46) updated TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LIST to any PHONE COMPANY, will bring to that person the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
46.2 All PHONE COMPANIES will work with the PLP and/or RSP networks (and their HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENTS) to maintain accurate and daily updated TARGETED PERSON’S PHONE LISTs.
46.2(a) The CALL SCREENERS UNIT will work with the PLP and/or RSP networks to screen every phone call (of whatever type of call it may be, even FAX calls) that is received from or sent to any TARGETED PERSON’s phone number, in order to obtain thought/emotion/genetic profile records of all TARGETED CALLERS. Any phone call made to or from a TARGETED PERSON’s phone number (as defined by Sect. 46.2) will be called a TARGETED CALL. The callers who make such calls are called TARGETED CALLERS.
46.2(b) In essence, the CALL SCREENERS UNIT will utilize a sophisticated form of CALLER ID for all TARGETED CALLS–called the SCREENER CALLER ID or SCREENER CALLER IDENTIFICATION. In the SCREENER CALLER ID, each targeted caller must be thoroughly identified in a written or computer recorded (record or account) which will detail the name or complete legal identification (including the genetic profile) of the caller; the time and date of the call (including the beginning time and date of the call and the ending time and date of the call); the total recording of every noise or word made on the call; the phone number of the caller’s originating phone; and a written or computer recorded (record or account) of the caller’s thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile while making and carrying out the call (from the time the caller dialed his/her phone to make the call, to the time the caller hung up).
46.2(c)A TARGETED PERSON’s phone number should probably be the phone number(s) of that TARGETED PERSON’s residence and/or FAX lines, as well as the phone number(s) of his/her place(s) of volunteer or paid employment, and the phone number(s) of his/her relatives or friends, and the phone number(s) of his/her church(es) or affiliations (such as Masonic lodges, charities, volunteer work, etc.).
46.3 Phone calls to or from any TARGETED PERSON’s phone number (TARGETED CALLS) will be screened by reading and recording the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profiles (via the PLP and/or RSP network which has control over that caller) of every targeted caller who makes any phone calls to or from a TARGETED PERSON’s phone number. All phone calls must also be screened by determining the genetic profile of the caller (to see if the caller is an IMPOSTER). IMPOSTERS must be treated according to Sect. 46.3(a1).
46.3(a1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to use any IMPOSTER, especially if this IMPOSTER is used to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order and especially if this IMPOSTER is used to manipulate a person into making decisions that they would normally not make (in order to promote the goals of the Jesuit Order), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. If SIGNIFICANT PERSONS are involved in the use of any IMPOSTER, that case will be tried publicly on GCFNC, and those found guilty of this IMPOSTER conspiracy will receive death by hanging with buzzards. If UNWILLING AGENTS are involved in the use of IMPOSTERS, those UNWILLING AGENTS will be treated as UNWILLING AGENTS (according to CONSPIRACY LAW).
46.3(a) The phone calls must be screened to determine if any IMPOSTERS are being used to make a phone call. An IMPOSTER is any person (UNWILLING AGENT or otherwise) who claims to be a person which they are not. Genetic profiles must be done on every caller to determine if that caller is an IMPOSTER. No call from any IMPOSTER must reach its recipient.
46.3(b) If any CALL SCREENER (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows a call from an IMPOSTER to reach its recipient, that CALL SCREENER will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
46.3(c) The record of every targeted caller’s thoughts and/or emotions and the genetic profile of each caller) for all TARGETED CALLS must be stored in a computer databank and/or other form, so that, if necessary, the SCREENER CALLER ID of the call could be admitted as evidence in a court of law. This legal record (including records of thoughts and emotions and genetic profile of the caller) will be called the SCREENER CALLER ID.
46.4 Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person (including the RSP or PLP who reads and/or records the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile of the caller) to tamper with any SCREENER CALLER ID with the intent to delay, damage, alter, destroy or lose that SCREENER CALLER ID so that it cannot be admitted as evidence in a court of law or so that (if admitted as evidence) it would be considered tampered evidence– will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person. Also, all communications to or from Gail Schuler (or designated persons) must be recorded with a SCREENER CALLER ID (as outlined in this Sect. 46) and given to those persons who are authorized to monitor Gail Schuler’s communications (such as Vladimir Putin). Those persons who are authorized to receive complete and unaltered SCREENER CALLER Ids for their designated persons will be called CARETAKERS, and Vladimir Putin is a CARETAKER for Gail Schuler.
46.4(a) All CARETAKERS are to receive any and all communications (at the same time that the communication occurs) to or from their designated person in an unaltered and complete state. Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt or action to tamper with any SCREENER CALLER ID recordings given to a CARETAKER, so that that CARETAKER receives SCREENER CALLER Ids that have been delayed, damaged, altered, destroyed or lost, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to whoever caused this delay, damage, alteration, destruction or loss in the SCREENER CALLER ID received by the CARETAKER.
46.4(b) CARETAKERs need accurate, complete and unaltered transcripts of SCREENER CALLER IDS delivered to the caretaker at the same time that the communication takes place (in essence the SCREENER CALLER ID should be a wiretap of all communications to and from the designated person), in order to effectively monitor and manage communications for their designated person and any attempts to undermine this, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. When Gail Schuler’s communications are willingly and knowingly tampered with in violation of this Sect. 46 (in a SCREENER CALLER ID for a CARETAKER), this will bring a CL&G Sect. 95 execution to the violator.
46.5 If the CALL SCREENERS UNIT is unable to read the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile of the TARGETED CALLER (i.e., to obtain a SCREENER CALLER ID of the caller), that call will be immediately blocked, terminated or transferred (so that the recipient cannot receive it) and the entire conversation (and noises) of the caller must be recorded and stored (until that caller hangs up), and the caller will be traced and located to determine his/her identity and genetic profile and any possible Jesuit conspiracy connections.
46.5(a) If, while the CALL SCREENER monitors that targeted call, he/she determines that the thoughts and/or emotions and/or genetic profile of the caller indicate that the caller is making a call in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW or that the call is a form of phone harassment or deception, that call must be immediately blocked, terminated or transferred. There must be an attempt to block, transfer or terminate the call before the recipient or the recipient’s answering machine can answer the call), so that the caller’s recipient will be unable to receive the call in any manner (all record of that call must be erased from the recipient’s CALLER ID, for example). We do not want to create the impression that we condone any form of phone harassment or deception.
46.5(a1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt, neglect, or action by any CALL SCREENER (or any other person, including a PLP or RSP) to allow or promote any illegal calls (as defined by this Sect. 46 and CONSPIRACY LAW) and/or to allow or promote any illegal harassing or deceptive calls to reach the recipient or to promote or participate in any conspiracies which revolve around violations of this Sect. 46 –-such as the Russian airliners which just crashed and/or are missing south of Moscow now at 9 p.m. EST on 8-24-04 which occurred on the same day or within 24 hours of the time that Gail Schuler received a threatening phone call from Columbia (an obvious attempt to connect Gail Schuler’s threatening phone call with the plane crashes)– (when these calls or conspiracies could have been blocked, prevented, terminated or transferred by that PLP or RSP or person), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to the person (who willingly and knowingly allowed or promoted these illegal calls to reach the recipient or who willingly and knowingly participated in or promoted phone call conspiracies). The executions of these criminals will be by hanging with buzzards (according to the guidelines of Sect. 42 of this document). These Russian airliners are part of a harassing phone conspiracy because they occured within 24 hours of the day that Gail received the harassing phone call from Columbia (when she played back her messages) around 8:45 p.m.
46.5(a.1) Those guilty persons (when found) behind these Russian airliner crashes will be executed by hanging with buzzards (according to Sect. 42 of this document) and their cross-examinations and executions will be done publicly on GCFNC. Those behind these Russian airliners (which just crashed and/or are missing) are part of a phone harasser or deception conspiracy against Gail Schuler and must be treated (and executed) according to Sect. 46 and 42 of this document.
46.5(a.2) For instance, any member of every PLP or RSP network who works with CALL SCREENERS (in screening calls according to the guidelines of this Sect. 46), and who willingly and knowingly allows or promotes any illegal harassing or deceptive call to reach the recipient (whether it was by an act of commission or omission by that PLP or RSP which allowed this call to reach the recipient) and/or who willingly and knowingly participates in or promotes any conspiracies revolving around the harassing or deceptive calls–such as the Russian airliners which crashed and/or are missing just south of Moscow at 9 p.m. EST on 8-24-04, will bring the death penalty by public hanging WITH BUZZARDS on GCFNC as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that PLP or RSP or phone harasser conspirator–see Sect. 42 and Sect. 46.5(a1). Any PLP or RSP (of any PLP or RSP network) who willingly and knowingly promotes violations of this Sect. 46 must be removed from his/her position as a PLP or RSP and will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR with the death penalty by public hanging on GCFNC with buzzards–see Sect. 42.
46.5(a.3) Those PLPs or RSPs or CALL SCREENERS (and those callers or others who collaberate with them) who are found guilty of violations of this Sect. 46 will receive the death penalty by hanging with buzzards. Their cases will be tried on GCFNC. And if a SIGNIFICANT PERSON (especially if it’s Gail Schuler) is a victim of Sect. 46 violations by that criminal, that criminal will be executed according to the guidelines of Sect. 42 of this document. That is, they will hang for days IN PUBLIC (and the hanging corpse –along with the buzzards who eat that corpse as it hangs– will be viewed on GCFNC and the execution will be watched on GCFNC) while buzzards eat them.
46.5(a.4) Any country’s PLP or RSP network which continually allows their PLPs or RSPs to violate the guidelines of this Sect. 46 will have their PLP or RSP network cancelled and that country will be danger of being listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website and will suffer the consequences of a TERRORIST NATION (according to CONSPIRACY LAW).
46.5(a.5) For instance, a deep, husky Hispanic accented male voice called Gail Schuler’s cell phone and left about a 2 minute message on her phone at 1:18 p.m. on
8-24-04. The tone of voice was harassing and threatening and mocking, and the English was poor and, for the most part, unintelligible. Though the man used the word “Gail” at the beginning of the call, so he knew Gail’s name. The only understood part of the conversation were the words, “The Jesuits are coming”.
46.5(a.6) This caller needs to be treated according to the guidelines of this Sect. 46, with a full SCREENER CALLER ID made of this call. Those PLPs and RSPs who should have notified the CALL SCREENER of this call, so that it would have been blocked before it reached Gail’s phone, need to be investigated and the death penalty (by hanging with buzzards) may need to be meted out (if these PLPs or RSPs are in death penalty violation of this Sect. 46.5) and, obviously, whoever is knowingly and willingly behind this call will also be executed by hanging with buzzards on GCFNC.
46.5(a.7) Vladimir informs me that the call came from Columbia. The Columbian PLP and RSP network needs to be investigated and if violations such as these continue from the Columbian PLP and RSP network, that network may need to be cancelled–with the possibility that Columbia will be listed as a TERRORIST NATION on the International President’s website and will be treated as a TERRORIST NATION (according to CONSPIRACY LAW). In fact, Vladimir has informed me now at 9 p.m. on 8-24-04 that he wants to cancel the Columbian PLP and RSP network. So I will go into the Int. PLP and RSP Network Conf. document and cancel that network.
46.5(a2) For instance, the Chrysler Financial CEO should send bulletins to all workers at Chrysler Financial warning them that if they attempt to harass or deceive Gail Schuler in any manner (by phone or other methods) by calling or contacting her to harass or deceive her about car payments, that those persons will face specific consequences (and these consequences should be clearly laid out in the bulletin). This is pre-emptive action on the part of the Chrysler Financial CEO that could help him/her in the courtroom [should Chrysler Financial be sued for complicity with Jesuit terrorists (in their attacks against Vladimir Putin and Gail Schuler)]. If the Chrysler Financial CEO neglects to send out this bulletin to all his/her workers, he/she may face criminal prosecution (and possible death penalty) for violating Sect. 46.5(a1).
46.5(a3) This may seem a strong judgment for phone harassment or deception, but it must be understood that Jesuits use phone harassment or deception (in just about all cases) as a prelude to murder. And the Jesuits’ goal is to frame an innocent party with these phone harassment or deception murder conspiracies.
46.5(b) However, after the CALL SCREENER transfers or blocks the call, the CALL SCREENER will allow the caller to continue to talk to the CALL SCREENER (because this talk may need to be used as evidence in the courtroom) and this talk must be recorded and stored as part of that caller’s SCREENER CALLER ID.
46.5(c) Only calls that violate this Sect. 46 can be terminated or blocked or transferred, no other calls are to be terminated or blocked or transferred. Any (direct or indirect) knowing and willing attempt (or action) to terminate or block or transfer a legal phone call (as outlined in this Sect. 46), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that CALL SCREENER.
46.5(d) Any phone call which is transferred (because that call violates CONSPIRACY LAW or is considered to be harassment or deception), must be transferred to the CALL SCREENER who is handling the call and who is making the SCREENER CALLER ID.
46.5(d1) Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempt or action by any person to transfer that illegal call to any person (other than to the CALL SCREENER who is monitoring that call), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
46.6 To help CALL SCREENERS in knowing which calls are to be terminated or blocked or transferred, a list of guidelines (called SCREENER GUIDELINES) will be sent to the CALL SCREENERS daily to assist them.
46.6(a) The SCREENER GUIDELINES will be written by the military unit which has jurisdiction over all the phone companies that the CALL SCREENERS work with. The SCREENER GUIDELINES must include guidelines on how to detect if a JESUIT FLIRTATION (see Sect. 50) is in progress, and all attempts must be made to block any calls made by anyone who is promoting any JESUIT FLIRTATION.
46.6(b) These SCREENER GUIDELINES must be updated daily and each CALL SCREENER is required to read the updated SCREENER GUIDELINES before beginning his/her shift. For instance, it may be anticipated in advance which illegal calls may occur, and the SCREENER GUIDELINES should inform that CALL SCREENER how to handle these calls.
46.6(c) The SCREENER GUIDELINES may give permission for the CALL SCREENER to block, and then answer (intercept) the illegally made call and to inform the illegal caller of his/her legal rights and to inform them that the call they made to their recipient is determined to be an illegally made call; and, therefore, it has been blocked by court order, and is being recorded, that if this caller wants to continue to talk to the CALL SCREENER that all of their conversation will continue to be recorded and can be admitted as evidence against them in a court of law. The CALL SCREENER can say something like this: “Your call to this number is determined to be an illegal phone call and has been blocked by court order. Your call is being recorded. If you want to continue to talk, you will be talking to Fred Bartholomew at (333) 345-5667 (the law enforcement officer will give his/her name and phone number), who is a law enforcement officer hired by the courts to block your call. Anything you say during this conversation can be admitted as evidence against you (or others) in a court of law.” The name and phone number which I gave is a fake name and number, but I put it in the quote to serve as an example. The caller can talk to this law enforcement officer to ask questions and get information, if he/she desires. The purpose for having the CALL SCREENER give his/her name and phone number is to make it more difficult for the Jesuits to cause problems with CALL SCREENERS. We want to make sure that the CALL SCREENERS are doing their job properly.
46.6(d) The guidelines in Sect. 46.6(c) may be a good strategy to use to discourage Jesuits from using callers to try to call Gail Schuler (or her mother or Wal-Mart) about Gail’s alleged car payments or other criminal matters .
46.6(e) For instance, Gail Schuler is not planning to make her normal Chrysler Financial car payments on 8-28-04, because Vladimir Putin has paid off her car and he has the title to Gails’ car from Chrysler Financial’s CEO.
46.6(f) However, it is anticipated that (after 8-28-04) Jesuits will try to use phone harassers or deceivers to call Gail’s mother at (321) 253-3533 or to call Gail at (321) 591-2848 to harass or deceive Gail about Gail’s alleged car payments. The CALL SCREENERS for Sprint, Bell South and all applicable phone companies need to be notified of this possibility and must immediately block and then record [in the form of a SCREENER CALLER ID (as outlined in Sect. 46)] all calls made to (321) 253-3533 or (321) 591-2848 or to other of Gail Schuler’s phone numbers (see Sect. 46.2c) to harass or deceive Gail over car payments.
46.6(g) The SCREENER CALLER ID for all such calls (as described in Sect. 46.6) must be recorded for all these calls (let the talker continue to talk until he/she realizes his/her call has been blocked and then hangs up), so that these SCREENER CALLER IDENTIFICATIONS can be admitted into a court of law as evidence against the Jesuit Order.
46.6(h) Any CALL SCREENER who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly neglects to follow the guidelines of this Sect. 46 in the performance of his/her duties as a CALL SCREENER (with the intent to assist the Jesuit Order) by undermining evidence or by the use of other methods, will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
46.7 The reasons for the strong laws against these type of phone calls (as outlined in this Sect. 46) is because Jesuits often use phone callers to harass or deceive people as a prelude to murder or to illegally terrorize people, and these harassments or deceptions are designed to be part of a conspiracy to frame innocent parties (such as Vladimir Putin) with capital crimes. The International government wants to send the strong message that it, in no way, condones the use of such phone harassment or deception.
46.7(a) All death threats made against Gail Schuler at Wal-Mart have been preceded first by death threat phone calls against Gail (which were made to Wal-Mart). Therefore, all Wal-Mart phone numbers are considered to be TARGETED PERSONS’ PHONE NUMBERS and all calls made to any Wal-Mart facility are TARGETED CALLS and must be handled according to the guidelines of this Sect. 46.
46.8 Every phone call which must be terminated or blocked or transferred because that call violated CONSPIRACY LAW or because that call is a form of illegal harassment or deception, must be handled as a CONSPIRACY LAW violation (according to the guidelines of the CONSPIRACY LAW[s] which was/were violated). Proper written legal follow up in the form of a SCREENER CALLER ID is required of every call which is terminated or blocked or transferred by the CALL SCREENERS. The SCREENER CALLER ID must also detail why the call was terminated or blocked or transferred (by citing the CONSPIRACY LAW which was violated by that call) or by citing that the call was a form of illegal harassment or deception and explaining why the call was a form of illegal harassment or deception. The SCREENER CALLER ID must be stored permanently as a legal record, so that it can be retrieved as evidence to be used in a courtroom, if it becomes necessary.
46.9 A CALL SCREENER is considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSON (as defined by CONSPIRACY LAW) and, therefore, no UNWILLING AGENT or JESUIT or JESUIT CONSPIRATOR can work (directly or indirectly) with any CALL SCREENER or as a CALL SCREENER.
46.9(a) Phone companies will have to screen their workers and eliminate any workers (who may be UNWILLING AGENTS or JESUIT CONSPIRATORS) and who could interfere with (or cause problems) with the CALL SCREENER’s ability to perform his/her duties in compliance with this Sect. 46 and in compliance with CONSIRACY LAW.
46.9(b) Any person who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly allows any phone company worker or any person to retain a position, in which this person could possibly interfere with the work of a CALL SCREENER because of his/her position, so that the CALL SCREENER may not be able to honor the guidelines of CONSPIRACY LAW or of this Sect. 46 (in the performance of his/her duties as a CALL SCREENER), will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that person.
Date of Order: June 19, 2006. THE MILITARY WILL BE USED TO ENFORCE THIS LAW: From now on, all those that live in any rental unit (the same as any SIGNIFICANT PERSON) must be a daily Bible reader (and follow the program for LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONS) and those who do not have this habit cannot rent in the same rental unit as any SIGNIFICANT PERSON–this is to prevent UNWILLING AGENT deluges into places where SIGNIFICANT PERSONs live. The management of the SIGNIFICANT PERSON’s rental unit cannot rent to individuals until that person has been cleared by military LAW ENFORCEMENT as a daily Bible reader. Willing and knowing failure to enforce these laws will cause the manager to lose his/her position and to be replaced.
103.0 For the purposes of this Section, those MODERATE to SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTS who have undergone the free laser brain surgery (see Sect. 75 of CL&G) and seem, as a result of this surgery, to have been freed from use as UNWILLING AGENTS–are not considered MODERATE to SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTS and will be treated as MINIMAL UNWILLING AGENTS in this Sect. 103.
103.0(a) The Wal-Mart where Gail Schuler works and the apartment complex where she lives must be treated as if they were the White House. Gail is just as important a leader in this war against terrorism as is Pres. Bush, so to treat this Wal-Mart where she works (or the place where she lives) as if it is the White House, is reasonable. And Pres. Bush (or other world leaders) have visited this Wal-Mart (or Gail’s residence) several times since Gail has worked/resided there, so to treat this Wal-Mart/or her living areas with the security measures of the White House seems appropriate.
103.0(b) Apparently, the Jesuits consider Gail just as important, or more important, than Pres. Bush, or they wouldn’t go to such extremes to target her. So we need to have the same attitude toward Gail that they have. However, we won’t tell the UNWILLING AGENTS that the reason they aren’t allowed into the store or Gail’s residential area is because of Gail, because this will give the Jesuits an excuse to target her. We will tell the UNWILLING AGENTS that the reason for this tight security is because the store (or her residential area) is frequented on a regular basis by heads of state, including Pres. Bush, and that only those who pass scrutiny are allowed into the store or area where she lives/works/resides.
103.0(c) Phone calls (or other communications) coming into the store (or her residence or living areas) need to be screened by LAW ENFORCEMENT (CALL or MAIL SCREENERS UNIT–see Sect. 44 & 46 of CL&G) and only those who are not MODERATE or SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTs can work at (or abide at) the store or in and around her living/residential area, or can be a customer or resident where Gail lives/works/resides, or make phone calls (or other communications) to the store or area where Gail lives/works/resides.
103.0(d) It goes without saying that no JESUIT or JESUIT supporter can make phone calls (or other communications) to the store/area where Gail lives or can visit the store. This may seem extreme, but we have to use extreme measures to deal with these fanatical Jesuits who are willing to do such extreme things like orchestrate a Hurricane Katrina which definitely knocked out more than one Wal-Mart or residential unit.
103.0(e) The loss of business we may suffer from one store or residential unit, by not allowing MODERATE or SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTs into the store or residential area or to contact the store or residential area, may be nothing compared to the losses we will suffer if we lose this war against Jesuit computer/satellite terrorism.
103.0(f) You may say what about store to store, office to office calls or communications? If another Wal-Mart store (or part of Gail’s residential unit) feels it needs to make a store to store (office to office) call or communication to the Wal-Mart (residence) where Gail works, they must use a MINIMAL UNWILLING AGENT or a person who is not an UNWILLING AGENT to make the call or communication and must get clearance from Wal-Mart executives or executives of her residential unit (designated for this clearance) before they make the store to store (office to office) call or communication to Gail’s store or residential unit. If this rule about store to store (office to office) calls or communications is violated, the violator may end up in jail in an UNWILLING AGENT CITY, that way we can ensure that no unauthorized store to store (office to office) calls or communications are made to Gail’s store (or residential unit). We will not allow UNWILLING AGENT to harass Gail’s store (or residence) directly or indirectly.
103.0(g) Gail’s a key leader in this war and if the Jesuits can knock her out, by using the store or residence where she works/lives/resides, this loss would be far greater than the losses Wal-Mart or her residence will suffer because one of its store or residential units is losing business. Also, if this Wal-Mart (or her residential unit) loses business because of this law to ban UNWILLING AGENTS from the store/residential unit, we will compensate its losses from the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and give this Wal-Mart/or her residential unit a plaque of honor (and financial bonuses) for its contributions (and its cooperation with us) in the war against Jesuit terrorism. Also, don’t forget Sect. 82.0-TER-x(1-2) of this document.
103.0(h) Anyways, because of UNWILLING AGENTS, Gail now suffers from a virus and doesn’t have the money to see a doctor. But the point is, she should not have caught this. But the UNWILLING AGENTS who rampage the store where she works (and this includes Wal-Mart workers) have total disregard for CONSPIRACY LAW and are totally unmanageable, and they cough in her face, spread dirty toilet paper all over the restrooms, make excessive noise, are destructive of property, are overly rambunctious and troublesome, and they show up at Wal-Mart with contagious illnesses, etc. It seems the only solution is that we cannot allow these troublesome UNWILLING AGENTS into the store.
103.0(i) MODERATE or SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTS will not willingly obey CONSPIRACY LAW. We have to make them. Therefore, no MODERATE or SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTS (see Sect. 75 of CL&G) can set their foot on (or be a resident of) the property and premises (including the parking lot) of the store or residence where Gail works or lives and cannot make any communications or calls to her store or her residence–that all calls or communications which come into this store or her residence will be screened by LAW ENFORCEMENT. Calls or communications from MODERATE to SEVERE UNWILLING AGENTS to Gail’s store or residence will be blocked by the CALL SCREENERS or MAIL SCREENERS unit (see Sect. 44 & 46 of CL&G).
Date of Order: June 22, 2006. REGARDING IMMINENT NORTH KOREAN or IRANIAN NUCLEAR MISSILE LAUNCH. For the purposes of this Section, ANY illegal nation that dares to launch ANY nuclear missile will be treated as outlined in this order.
An illegal nation is defined as a nation that has a government that is run by Jesuits or UNWILLING AGENTS.
So even though North Korea is singled out in this order, ANY ILLEGAL NATION that dares to launch a nuclear missile (regardless of intent), will be treated as outlined in this order.
Warn North Korea , that if they launch any nuclear missile, that at least three of the nations in our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (probably the U.S., Russia and China or Japan) will immediately (and without delay) launch our own missiles to sabotage their missile and will immediately destroy ANY AND ALL facilities in North Korea (that we know of) that could launch (or promote the launch of) any nuclear missiles against us. These 3 retaliatory missiles from each of the 3 countries will be launched all at the same time and in the same direction toward North Korean targets. We will launch 3 (from 3 different countries at the same time), to ensure that the retaliation will be carried out completely and thoroughly, so that if the American missiles fails, perhaps the Chinese or Russian ones will do the job.
Our goal will be to totally destroy all North Korean nuclear capabilities if the ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT IN NORTH KOREA dares to launch ANY nuclear missiles ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
This way, if one of our missiles misses and does not destroy the missile that was launched by North Korea, perhaps another nation’s missile will destroy the launched North Korean missile.
I want 3 nations in the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION to have their retaliatory missiles ready to launch to destroy ANY AND ALL North Korean nuclear facilities and launch pads (that we know of that could launch ANY nuclear missiles from the North Korean peninsula), in case North Korea launches ANY nuclear missile–PERIOD (regardless of its intended purpose).
And, if any nuclear missile is launched from North Korea (REGARDLESS OF ITS PURPOSE), all the nations in the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION will DECLARE WAR ON NORTH KOREA, and we will IMMEDIATELY (and without delay) send in retaliatory missiles into NORTH KOREA (from at least 3 nations of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION) TO DESTROY ANY AND ALL NUCLEAR FACILITIES AND LAUNCHPADS IN NORTH KOREA.
I want these 3 nations to keep their retaliatory missiles in PERMANENT STAND-BY MODE, because I know North Korea will not launch her missiles now, but will wait for a time when she thinks we aren’t prepared.
WE MUST ALWAYS BE PREPARED to retaliate (as outlined in this order) as long as the North Korean government is still under the control of any leader who is an UNWILLING AGENT or Jesuit agent. Don’t let your guard down just because North Korea waits until 2007 to “surprise” us. Let’s hope we can free North Korea of her illegal government before 2007, BUT AS LONG AS THIS ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT IN NORTH KOREAN IS IN POWER, WE SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE OUR RETALIATORY MISSILES (FROM OUR 3 NATIONS) READY TO LAUNCH TO OBEY THIS ORDER.
In the meanwhile, to further eliminate the threat of a missile launch from North Korea, we will give the North Korean government a 24 hour notice to remove all its nuclear missiles from their launchpads, and then they must destroy these missiles totally (once they are removed).
If North Korea fails to remove the nuclear missiles from their launchpads and to destroy them. Then we will GO TO THE PEOPLE OF NORTH KOREA, and we will poll them (using the guidelines of Sect. 8 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT) to determine if the North Korean people want the nuclear missiles removed from North Korean launchpads, and then totally destroyed.
The results of this poll will be shown on GCFNC and if, to honor the wishes of the people of North Korea, we go in to destroy North Korean missiles off their launchpads, this will be covered on our GCFNC main broadcasts.
If our SECT. 8 CONSPIRACY LAW AND GOVERNMENT POLL determines that the North Korean people want the missiles removed and destroyed from their launchpads (and the North Korean government fails to do so by our deadlines), then we will destroy the North Korean missiles from their launchpads (or wherever these missiles may be) using the military capabilities from at least 3 major nations of our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION.
WE WILL NOT DESTROY THE NORTH KOREAN NUCLEAR FACILITIES that produce the missiles, since this is far too aggressive and will surely be used as an excuse to launch a major global nuclear conflict. However, we want to do all we can to make it so that the North Koreans can’t immediately launch a missile against us.
The destruction of these North Korean missiles will be accomplished by at least 3 nations who have retaliatory missiles (in standby mode–as described above). We want to use at least 3 nations to destroy these missiles–since, undoubtedly, the North Koreans will consider the U.S. destruction of their missiles an act of war by the United States–but if we use at least 3 nations (like Russia, the U.S. and China) to destroy the missiles, North Korea may think twice about retaliating against 3 or more major nations.
Jesuit satellite attacks tend to be more random and where a Jesuit satellite attack occurs, may or may not indicate an area that is under a FRONT LINE attack.
However, these satellite attacks are problematic and need to be dealt with harshly by our military forces.
For each satellite attack that occurs (like the one at the NYC construction site this morning and the motel’s parking garage that collapsed in Georgia), retaliate with viciousness and knock out completely ALL Jesuit underground operations responsible for these attacks. Don’t give them room to breathe. Knock them out mercilessly. And show all retaliation for satellite attacks (by our military forces) on GCFNC.
In fact, we will designate a special group of military personnel who are dedicated to responding to all Jesuit satellite attacks against us. These military personnel (called the SATELLITE ASSESSORS and ATTACKERS) will devote their time to studying the nature of all satellite attacks against us and will devise ways to retaliate against these attacks in a manner that completely wipes out the bases from which these attacks originated.
Also, use our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM to come up with a way to block these satellite attacks so that they cannot be carried out. Most of these attacks occur because the Jesuits interfere with our own satellite signals (as they shoot down (via a legal satellite signal) from our own satellites. See if you can find a way to protect our own satellite signals, so that they cannot be tampered with by Jesuit technology, this is the best solution. In the meanwhile, mercilessly demolish any and all bases of operations from which these illegal satellite attacks originated.
In the meanwhile, our military will deal harshly with all attempts to interfere with our satellite signals. And we should set up a computer program that automatically detects when our own satellite signals are interfered with and immediately (without delay), causes a program to “kick in” that TOTALLY demolishes the criminal base from which this illegal interference originated.
For satellite warfare, we will have to rely heavily on our TRUTH PROGRAMMERS to come up with a program that automatically detects illegal interferences with our own satellite signals and then automatically demolishes the base of operations which caused this illegal interference.
Any willing and knowing violation of this June 27, 2006 order, to encourage criminal satellite violations (against CONSPIRACY LAW) will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. Encouragement of these criminal violations can be caused by neglect to totally enforce these military orders, or by acts of commission, in which someone deliberately assists the Jesuits in their warfare against us.
Date of Order: June 28, 2006. NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM TO BECOME PART OF THE INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, IN ORDER TO CREATE A JESUIT MARK PROGRAM, WHICH INCORPORATES THE CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM WORLDWIDE. My inspiration for this war strategy comes from 2 Kings 19:35–”And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold they were all dead corpses. So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh.” Though tiny Judah was far outnumbered by the Assyrian army, the Lord won the war for them by destroying the enemy IN THEIR OWN CAMP, WITHOUT ONE JEWISH ARROW BEING SHOT AND NO CASUALTIES IN THE JEWISH TROOPS. This is the best kind of warfare. So if we can locate and exterminate the Jesuits in their own bases, (using computer/satellite technology–like they try to do to us)–this is a far more effective way to defeat them. This way, we don’t have to risk the lives of our own soldiers. This is the way to do it, if we can do it this way.
This June 28, 2006 order does not negate any previous military orders, and we will still use more traditional means of warfare against the Jesuits. This order is a supplement, not a replacement, for previous military orders. We deal with a very entrenched and dispersed enemy, and must use all means we have at our disposal to execute them. We cannot limit ourselves to just one method of execution, or we will lose this war.
For the purpose of this June 28, 2006 order, a JESUIT is defined as a person whose willing and knowing attitudes, actions and motives support the goals of the Jesuit Order to set up a worldwide dictatorship for a Jesuit-controlled Pope.
The NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM will be infused into the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. Their goal will be to use the latest in scientific technology to assist us in the war against the Jesuit Order. No one can be a member of the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM unless they meet all the requirements of the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS.
The TRUTH PROGRAMMERS in combination with the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM will create a JESUIT MARK, which is a sure way to identify and locate Jesuits wherever they may hide or disguise themselves.
Once this JESUIT MARK is identified, it will be used to locate and exterminate Jesuits wherever they may be in all the world (whether in North Korea, under the oceans or wherever). And we will use a COMPUTER PROGRAM called the CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM worldwide that is programmed to locate, get a complete 666-Computer history on the Jesuit and the execute the Jesuit ON THE SPOT.
The CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM has been successful in China. Therefore, it will be extended to the entire earth. This is the best way to defeat the Jesuits, since they will never give up until we kill them. It is a waste of our time and resources to grant Jesuits trials. This is only a delaying tactic by them, in which they use this time that we waste dragging them into court to come up with more strategies to try to defeat us in war. We will not give them this time.
All Jesuits who are found anywhere in the world, must be located (via the JESUIT MARK) and (after we have garnered all the intelligence that we can from their brains), they will then be IMMEDIATELY EXECUTED ON THE SPOT (via computer/satellite technology). Now, that we have the cooperation of North Korea, the CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM will immediately begin in North Korea, to locate and execute immediately all Jesuits that reside in North Korean territory.
It has beem problematic for us to find all the Jesuits in their underground cities, since these are fortified with shields that block our signals, so that we cannot locate Jesuits underneath these shields. Therefore, the NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM will make it first priority to find a way to defeat these shields (especially those used in deep ocean cities), so that we can use the CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM to execute all Jesuits who reside in deep ocean cities.
If our military leaders feel it would be wise to go before the people first, before we begin the CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM in that country, then we will follow the guidelines from Sect. 13.16 of CL&G (which is the following indented section. . .). We will even do this for countries like Iran, since if we can get the support of the people first before we begin such a program, it is more likely to produce the results we desire. But, it is our goal to use the CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM over the entire earth and in every nation on earth, since the Jesuits have penetrated every nation and are not located in one particular country.
So, let’s say the United States, decides it wants to begin a similar Jesuit extermination program in the U.S. Pres. Bush would go before the American people on GCFNC and would present his case. Those persons who have watched the GCFNC presentation of the CHINESE JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM will be eligible to be VOTER JURORS (according to the guidelines of Sections 29 through 31 of this document) to vote on whether they want the U.S. to adopt the Chinese JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM for their own country.
13.16(*t-12) If, the VOTER JURORS decide they want this program for their country, then the computer-programmed Jesuit extermination program would begin in that country, and would be carried out as it is currently being carried out in China. All the laws for VOTER JURORS must be honored, including giving out the death penalty to those who violate how the vote of the VOTER JURORS should be carried out (as outlined in Sect. 29 through 31 of this document).
13.16(*t-13) The CHINESE JESUIT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM is a very aggressive program to exterminate Jesuits, but because Jesuits are such fanatics, this may be the only way to win this war against them. But, because it is so aggressive, it should not be imposed upon a country (that is not used to such an aggressive style of warfare) without the approval of that country’s citizenry.
Once a CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM is instituted in any nation of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, and if it is NOT carried out IMMEDIATELY AND THOROUGHLY as outlined in Sect. 13.16 of CL&G, so that because of this negligence Jesuits survive and are able to continue their mischief against us, those willingly and knowingly behind this negligence (even if the negligence is only a DELAY), will receive the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. Also, if this program is willingly and knowingly programmed or carried out in such a manner, that those who are NOT Jesuits are executed, that is also a death penalty violation and the violators will be executed on GCFNC. The executions of these violators of Sect. 13.16 of CL&G will be shown on GCFNC.
Due to the nature of this war and because the Jesuits’ chief technological weapon against us is criminal use of space technology, all satellites in space must be managed by the military forces of General Gail Schuler’s INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (this worldwide military operation is described in Gail’s INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW: SPACE TECHNOLOGY document).
Those satellites that are owned by private corporations will need a license to operate and the guidelines for this license will be set up so that all operations of these licensed satellites can be monitored by the ISC. Just as drivers need a license, because careless or criminal driving behavior can kill people, by the same token, all satellite operators need a license because careless or criminal satellite operations can kill people.
A SATELLITE OPERATOR is defined as anyone who uses satellite in such a manner that he/she is capable (as he performs his/her activities) of using satellite directly or indirectly in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW.
Have my second in command, Lis Wiehl, get on this order to enforce it. And have her refer to CONSPIRACY LAW for ideas.
Anybody who is a SATELLITE OPERATOR needs a license to operate, and this license must be obtained from the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. Though I have written law in the past to require all satellite operators to have a license, this law has not been enforced (as I’ve outlined it in my laws), and there have been flagrant satellite violations, to the point that the Jesuits are still able to use massive amounts of satellite technology against us, to terrorize us with their criminal violations and their militaristic attacks against us (using earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, fallen roofs, hurricanes, etc).
Therefore, I conclude that my own military forces must manage the enforcement of my satellite laws or they will never be enforced. We cannot rely on the goodwill of individual governments to enforce my laws. There needs to be one centralized location for enforcement of my laws and this needs to be handled by our military since this is clearly a military matter, simply because the Jesuits’ main technological weapon against us is use of satellite technology with which to conduct warfare against us, so all use of satellite technology MUST BE MONITORED BY MY MILITARY FORCES.
The TRUTH PROGRAMMERS need to be in charge of this and to rely primarily on programming to do the monitoring, since this is a massive operation that requires a lot of details and only programming can do this job adequately. All TRUTH PROGRAMMERS need to be military officers in my ISC.
I set up AUDITOR COUNTRIES and PROGRAMMING-AUDITOR COUNTRIEs to monitor and see if my laws are being enforced, I want in investigation into why these AUDITOR COUNTRIES have failed to detect so many worldwide and flagrant violations of my satellite laws, and after their failures have been evaluated, our military must ensure that we don’t make the same mistakes these AUDITOR COUNTRIES made, or we will have the same feeble results (with the consequent satellite criminal violations commited in a rampant and worldwide manner against us).
I think one of the biggest mistakes we have made is that we approached this task (of monitoring or auditing these complex satellite activities) from a legal and political angle, instead of from a military angle. The military approach to this task is the correct approach, since the primary miltary weapon used against us by the Jesuits is the use of SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY to manipulate UNWILLING AGENT Jesuit soldiers and to create hurricanes, tornadoes, and other Jesuit satellite -induced and disguised military attacks against us. THESE SATELLITE ACTIVITIES ARE REALLY ACTS OF WAR COMMITTED AGAINST US USING VERY SOPHISTICATED TECHNOLOGY THAT USES BRILLIANT PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION IN ORDER TO COVER UP THE MILITARISTIC ASPECTS OF THESE ACTIVITIES, SO THAT JESUITS CAN CONDUCT WARFARE AGAINST US AND DISGUISE IT AS LEGAL, MEDICAL, BUSINESS, ECONOMIC OR OTHER ACTIVITIES. Therefore, all licenses for SATELLITE OPERATIONS must be obtained from our military forces (the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION). The ISC’s job will be to analyze all those who are SATELLITE OPERATORS, and then to set up programs to monitor that institution’s or operator’s activities to ensure that those satellite activities are not used as part of a war strategy against us.
Therefore, no one can make any movements (or do any actions) in space or no one can be a SATELLITE OPERATOR, without first getting permission to do so from the ISC!!
All SATELLITE OPERATORS will have their operations set up to be monitored by the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS from the ISC, so that programs can monitor all of that SATELLITE OPERATOR’s activities to ensure that their activities are in compliance with CONSPIRACY LAW. No one can have a license to be a SATELLITE OPERATOR unless he has a license from the ISC, and no one can have a license from the ISC unless all his/her operations are monitored by a SATELLITE MONITORING PROGRAM (set up by the TRUTH PROGRAMMERS of the ISC).
If it is not possible to have all of a SATELLITE OPERATORS actions monitored by this SATELLITE MONITORING PROGRAM, then this SATELLITE OPERATOR must limit his job to those activities that can be monitored by the SATELLITE MONITORING PROGRAM, or he/she must be denied a ISC license to be a SATELLITE OPERATOR.
Those governments or corporations that refuse to comply with this military order or those SATELLITE OPERATORS who operate without an ISC license, will be declared an enemy state or corporation, and we will declare war on that government or corporation that does not cooperate with this order.
If the rebel turns out to be a corporation, we will demand that the government that has jurisdiction over that corporation force that corporation to comply, if the government refuses to force that corporation to comply (either through acts of omission or commission), we will declare war on that government (as a government that conspires with Jesuits to set up a worldwide dictatorship for the Jesuits) and will attack that government (or try to oust its current leader from power) through the use of our military forces.
Those corporations that refuse to comply, despite an order from their government to do so, MUST BE SHUT DOWN ENTIRELY AND FORCED TO CLOSE OPERATIONS. Those governments who willingly and knowingly allow corporations that violate this order to continue their operations, will be considered an enemy state, and we will declare war on that governnent and will immediately and without delay destroy all satellites connected with that rebel corporation, and, after evaluation by our military intelligence, may destroy all satellites that are under the jurisdiction of that government.
Any (direct or indirect) willing and knowing action or inaction that is committed with the intent to disobey this July 2, 2006 military order, with the intent to further or maintain Jesuit control over satellite technology or satellites, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator.
The first military action taken against rebellious nations (those that the ISC has declared war on), will be to totally destroy their satellites so that they cannot operate IN ANY WAY in violation of CONSPIRACY LAW.
DATE OF ORDER: July 14, 2006 MILITARY ORDER: All housing communities named after any person romantically involved with me must adopt two names and the other name that must be adopted is LOYOLA ESTATES. THIS WILL BE ENFORCED BY MILITARY ORDER.
I got something in the mail about Brentwood Lakes (new home community located near Malabar and Jupiter in my area). Jesuits are doing this to draw attention to me in order to target me. I suggest that you name some other communities in Florida (not in my location) with this name also, so the Jesuits can’t get away with this. Also, all Jesuit attempts to use names to draw attention to me, we need to diffuse. Mete out Sect. 95 executions to the violators behind this.
Give this Brentwood Lakes community two names and the people who live there can choose which name they want their community to be called. I suggest the other name be Loyola Estates! This will force these housing communities to be named after Ignatius De Loyola (founder of the Jesuit Order). This Brentwood Lakes area must also be named Loyola Estates and all housing communities that are named after Brent or any of my lovers will be forced by law to have two names for their housing community and the other name they must adopt will be LOYOLA ESTATES.
I think we ought to give credit to where credit is due and let the world know who is REALLY behind the name of Brentwood Lakes!
The Jesuits consider the Middle East one of their front lines. This should have been determined by our FRONT LINE ASSESSORS. Make sure all my previous orders are being enforced!
I feel that the Jesuits have determined that the area of weakness in the Israeli military is their navy. The Israelis are superior in their army and air force, but their navy has some weaknesses. To assist the Israelis in their front line, I want AMERICAN NAVY OFFICERS, who are experts at navy strategy to communicate with Israel to come up with effective naval strategies in dealing with this Middle Eastern crisis.
I feel the best navy in the world is in the United States. Also, the United States must give to Israel some American battleships to assist the Israelis in their war against their enemies. I do not want American military personnel in the area though, unless these Americans are JEWISH in ancestry. Any Jewish Americans who assist Israel in her war, MUST BECOME ISRAELI CITIZENS, so that if they become casualties, we will claim they are ISRAELI casualties. I do not feel this would be a good move politically (to have American manpower on the ground or on ships in this Israeli conflict), since we have Russians in the area and we don’t want American soldiers to die in this Israeli conflict.
However, Israel’s navy is weak and the Jesuits are exploiting this–THAT’S WHY ISRAEL JUST LOST 4 SAILORS. We need to strengthen the Israeli navy. Give Israel some American navy ships and better navy equipment and have Israel confer with some of our top American navy intelligence officers. MAKE SURE NONE OF THESE ARE UNWILLING AGENTS!
Date of order-November 22, 2006: All communist insignia and flags and any public display or promotion of communism or Jesuit dictatorships is banned in Russia.
By Order of the Russian Empress, Catherine the Great, all flags, literature and any public display of support for communism or Muslim extremism in Russia is banned, and all such persons who dare to spout public support for communism or Muslim extremism in Russia will be executed. The executions will be shown on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. These executions will be carried out like a Sect. 95 execution in my laws and the part of the film Gladiator that I watched over and over after the Jesuits attacked the United States on 9-11-01 will be part of the execution ceremonies.
Before these executions are carried out, I wish to make the following speech to the Russian people, which I’ve written myself. I never use speech writers:
Dear Russian people, our nation faces perils it has never faced before. The Jesuits, outraged, over their losses throughout the world, and in Russia, and because of my influence–have declared a public relations campaign against the Russian government, as they try to oust me from my throne.
They caused the poisoning of a former KGB spy (Alexander Litvinenko), now at a London hospital at death’s door. The Jesuits have orchestrated this poisoning in order to frame Vladimir Putin and my Russian government with their own crimes.
We will find the Jesuits responsible for this poisoning and they shall be publicly executed.
First, we will establish the guilty party in this poisoning with evidence on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and prayers shall be made by Vladimir Putin and all the leaders in our Russian government–and by the Jesuit leaders throughout Russia and the world– for the recovery of Alexander Litvinenko.
These prayers must use the following words exactly, with no omissions or additions: We pray for the complete healing of former KGB spy, Alexander Litvinenko (who lies at death’s door in London) and who was poisoned by treacherous criminals. We ask that the true criminals who desired and orchestrated the poisoning be exposed and executed. And furthermore, we ask for the complete annihilation of the organization or empire truly responsible for this poisoning.
All prayers of all the Russian government leaders and the Jesuit leaders all over the world who pray for Alexander Litvinenko must be analyzed, in order to determine who poisoned him. These prayers are circumstantial evidence that will be admitted into courts of law. Therefore, anyone who presents false analyses of these prayers will be executed for tampering with evidence in a death penalty case. And all analyses for all these prayers must be made public on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, so that the world will know who really poisoned Alexander Litvinenko.
These prayers must be analyzed for sincerity by 666-Computer emotional analysis and the scientific analysis of these prayers must be presented truthfully on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. Any Russian government official whose prayers indicate guilt in this man’s poisoning must be removed from my government, and failure to do so will bring the death penalty.
It is a death penalty violation to present false 666-Computer analyses and if we discover this has occurred, the death penalty will be meted out for this deception. We will expose all those whose prayers indicate that they supported the poisoning of Alexander. Litvinenko. And we will condemn, expose and execute those who have committed this heinous act.
Because Vladimir supports my monarchy and believes, as I do, in the death penalty, the Jesuits try to muddle the distinctions between a democratic monarchy and communism. A democratic monarchy is not communism and we will make this clear.
Though I will tolerate criticism of my administration, I will not tolerate any support for communism or Islamic extremism, because this means a return to Jesuit/Stalinistic rule in Russia.
We will allow freedom of speech, but because Russia teeters on a cliff, we must ensure she does not return to communism or to Jesuit rule. If Catherine the Great lived in 1917, the Russian Revolution would have horrified her. The Jesuits again try to recapture Russia for a Jesuit throne. I will annihilate their attempts!
Any attempts to create another 1917 style Jesuit-Russian Revolution will result in executions. Any person who supports communism or Jesuit rule in Russia will leave Russia or die. And I strive to vindicate Vladimir Putin against Jesuits attempts to frame him as a secret communist KGB murderer.
Those who willingly and knowingly support communism or a Jesuit throne in Russia, will be exposed as Jesuit supporters on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and they will be executed. Unlike Stalin and the Jesuits, we conduct all our executions in public. Any false presentations on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL will result in the death penalty.
We will present a historical special on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL called Why the Jesuits created the Russian Revolution and why they want Russia to return to Stalin. All those who assist me in my government, will be required to watch this presentation and to publicly endorse its contents (under 666-Computer emotional analysis), and if 666-Computer emotional analyses reveals they oppose this production, they must be removed from my government! Anyone who willingly and knowingly allows anyone to be retained in my government who opposes this presentation, will be executed as a traitor against the Russian government.
Vladimir will head the movement to display flags and celebrations throughout Russia that honor me as Russia’s monarch. All communist paraphernalia or any paraphernalia that supports Jesuit-Islamic rule in Russia will be burned and desecrated.
We will not tolerate any support for communism or a Muslim totalitarian dictatorship in Russia, because these are attempts to destroy me, and because I know a return to Jesuit-Stalinistic rule in Russia would have catastrophic consequences. Therefore, all Muslim propaganda, speeches, demonstrations or symbols that oppose our government and support Jesuit rule in Russia must be demolished. Those Muslims who find this offensive must be deported.
If these Muslim terrorists refuse to let us deport them, they’ll be executed or we’ll bomb their dwellings and destroy them. This cancer of Jesuit-Muslim extremism will return Russia to Stalin and I will not tolerate this.
Again, those Muslims who tolerate any religious belief that encourages them to takeover Russia with Jesuit rule, will lose their Russian citizenship and will be deported.
I encourage Vladimir to display prominently throughout the Russian Empire– flags, symbols and celebrations to honor the reinstatement of the Romanov royalty in Russia.
Because the Jesuit Order truly supports and created communism–all flags, literature and promotional campaigns to reinstate communism or Jesuit rule in Russia shall be demolished.
Those who willingly and knowingly support communism or Jesuit rule in Russia will be executed.
Catherine the Great would never allow Russia to become communist or to be run by a Jesuit dictator like Stalin.
Have the Russian people and Vladimir Putin and all Wal-Mart executives pray for my health, since the Jesuits deluge my life with illnesses and germs.
These prayers by Vladimir and the Wal-Mart executive will be analyzed daily with 666-Computer emotional analysis and the analyses of these prayers must be presented daily on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
If any Wal-Mart executive’s prayers indicate they want me sick, that Wal-Mart executive must be exposed on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL and any Jesuit ties this executive has must also be exposed on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
Failure to expose this Wal-Mart executive on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL along with all that person’s Jesuit ties –must bring the death penalty to the violator.
If Wal-Mart has a traitor in their midst, I know they’ll deal with it. If I didn’t believe this, I wouldn’t work at Wal-Mart. My Conspiracy Law states that any false prayer analyses presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL must bring the death penalty to the violator.
Ask God to give me the health I need as Russia’s ruler. Since Jesuits deluge my life with contaminations and sick people, I currently suffer from a strep infection that has worsened the yeast infection the Jesuits created in my body years ago. Therefore, I write this speech in an ill state.
After trial and evidence for guilt has been presented on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, the Jesuits behind my current and future illnesses must be executed, along with any communists or supporters of Jesuit rule in Russia. The daily executions of these criminals will be aired on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL.
Muslims who are peaceful and won’t cooperate with Jesuits, we shall leave alone. Any person, regardless of their religion, who cooperates with Jesuits or who does (or tries to) cause anarchy and discord in Russia must be executed.
Unless these stubborn and entrenched Jesuits are executed, they will sabotage my life and my throne. And Jesuits continually violate my laws with a flagrant brazenness that is intolerable. These thugs flood us every day with their onslaught; therefore, I have ordered daily executions.
I want at least 30 Jesuits or their supporters executed every day, especially those who support communism or an Islamic dictatorship in Russia and especially those who violate my Microbiology Laws, since these violations cause illnesses in me and are attempts to kill me.
Any Jesuit who tries to poison or sicken any person, in order to frame myself or my government with Jesuit crimes, must be executed.
The Jesuits continue to violate my orders and my laws (while they laugh and spit on me and my laws), and I will execute them every day. We are at war with these thugs, and we must win, or Russia returns to Stalin.
Daily executions in Russia are a must. We won’t allow Jesuits to intimidate us. The trials for these thugs will be shown on GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and once we establish their guilt, they die. I will not allow Russia to return to Jesuits and Stalin.
Due to problems the Jesuits have created (jealousy in some men as UNWILLING AGENTS) because Gail has been made a five star general by the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, Gail feels it is necessary for her to make an acceptance speech about her new commission as a four star general. Have this acceptance speech aired on GCFNC and presented in any ceremony that honors Gail’s military achievements:
We, the freedom loving nations of the world, are in a dilemma that we have never faced before. We face an enemy with mind-reading capabilities and with scientific genius through the use of computer/satellite technology that can manipulate our soldiers and manipulate people in the world like puppets (through brain control technologies) to do their bidding.
Unfortunately, until I came on the scene and my writings exposed this ground breaking technology to the world, our military academies and officer training schools have not adequately prepared our soldiers to deal with this enemy, to fight a war against an enemy that can read and manipulate the minds of every soldier and that has the ability to manipulate like puppets our war comrades. Therefore, the war strategies and tactics that we have employed against this enemy have failed, and this ruthless empire manipulates us all like puppets on a stage, while they laugh at us as they pull all the strings.
The result of such gross ignorance in fighting such an enemy has been unnecessary casualties in the war theater and a lowered morale in the troops. The reason for this is when you fight an enemy eyeball-to-eyeball and realize that your comrade with you in the ditch could be turned (in a split second) against you (because the enemy can turn him into a Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde on a moment’s notice), you face more stress than just the stress of dealing with an enemy that wants to kill you. You also face the stress that you can’t trust anybody (even your war comrades) to work with you as a team to save your life when you face death in the face. So here you are out in the dark while your enemy breathes down your throat, and your “best friend” suddenly goes nuts and does something so crazy, that now you’re a dead man.
Because I have had tremendous experience in dealing with this problem and have written international laws and studied the medicine and technology behind this brain control technology of the enemy, I am uniquely qualified to plan war strategies against this enemy.
Our military leaders have had no former experience in this area to guide them. I’m probably the most experienced person in the world in regard to this new technology which has been used for decades, but which has only been recently exposed–due to my persistence in getting this to the public.
Though, I’d like to say that I don’t take this position to champion the cause of women’s rights, nor do I support the women’s liberation movement. But like Deborah with Barak, I take this position at the request of the man. Vladimir Putin, Russian President, has begged me to take this position and if he should ask me to leave this position, I would do so in a moment.
Due to my intimate friendship with Vladimir Putin, I am largely responsible for the Russian/American alliance in this war against terrorism. I feel the Russian and U.S. militaries are the two best in the world. Russia has a grand military history and when the Russian nation is outraged, that nation produces some of the best soldiers this world has ever seen, and Russian wars are unique in that when Russia goes to war in an outrage (like it did against Hitler), the entire nation helps out the soldiers. Russians understand that teamwork, heroism, and great sacrifice by all Russians, NOT JUST THE SOLDIERS, is needed to beat an invincible enemy. Russians are especially heroic, when they know the enemy they fight is a monster (like Hitler was). This enrages the Russians, and there’s no better soldier than an enraged Russian nation. Because I’ve educated the Russians through my writings, about the nature of the Jesuit Order, that nation is outraged. The Jesuits tried to use the Kursk submarine disaster and the Chechen conflict to cause an irreparable divide between Russia and the U.S. (see my memoir Heart of Glory), but my brilliant ability to read minds caused me to deduce that it was the Jesuit Order, and not the Americans, who is behind the Chechen conflict and that caused the deaths of those Russian sailors (Kursk). And so now the Russians love me, because I have literally saved their nation from a disaster.
And so now we have Russia, and so because of Russia’s interest–China took a look and decided to bite, and now we have China. And so three great nations: China, Russia and the U.S. have united with us to fight these monsters–along with many others. What excuse do we have to lose this war? If we lose, it’s only because we are sloppy and lazy. Get those Bibles out and read them, so they can’t get your brain. Sloppy and lazy people don’t win wars. WE HAVE NO EXCUSE TO LOSE THIS WAR.
And Russian outrage has spread to the entire earth. And this is how the Russians beat the Nazis when no one else in Europe could. As a general, I have a unique understanding of the Russians and other nations, and can bring my diplomatic skills to help me garner valuable support from our allies. In fact, we now have the full support of communist China, and our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION works with China every day. This war can be won. The key is to negate the Jesuits’ ability to use BRAIN CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, because then they can’t use our own soldiers as Jesuit soldiers. Jesuits have to steal soldiers, using brain control technology, because every sane person in the world hates them. When we remove this technology from them, they won’t be able to steal soldiers anymore, AND THEN WE WILL WIN THE WAR. This has to be our number one priority, to take this BRAIN CONTROL TECHNOLOGY from them.
Once we remove this ability from the Jesuits, THE WAR WILL BE WON. Vladimir feels I’m the most talented leader to accomplish this and that is why he begged me to take this job. Russia and the United States have united together to fight this powerful enemy. What is encouraging about this, is when you study history, every war in which the U.S. and Russia fought together against a common enemy has been WON.
Despite the fact that I’m not a graduate of West Point–I’ve had the best training of all–ACTUAL BATTLE EXPERIENCE WITH THIS CUNNING AND BRILLIANT ENEMY. To win a war, you can’t always go by the theories you learn in the military classroom, you have to use creative genius to figure out what really works on the battlefield. I know what works, because I’ve dealt with this enemy for over a decade and have probably been more targeted by them than any other person in the world. So I’ve learned military strategy JUST TO SURVIVE.
What I’ve garnered from my extensive experiences with this enemy is what I’ll bring to my job as a general. I don’t have the muscles of my comrades, nor can I shoot a gun, and I don’t need to learn how to shoot a gun for my duties as a general who plans crucial war strategies against the brain control empire. But I’m not against guns. Read my novel Silver Skies. But with the enemy we face, to know how to shoot a gun is not as important as my brilliant knowledge about how this enemy thinks and how they operate. So, I will perform brilliantly as a military strategist (which will be my main function). Besides, if you can shoot a gun, but you can’t control your own brain, what kind of a soldier are you? You may shoot your own troops! It is problems like these that I will specialize in.
You see, I’ve been dealing eyeball-to-eyeball with this enemy through the millions of puppets they have sent my way, and I’ve observed with keenest observation how they work and how they operate. I understand the inner workings of the mind of this brilliant, tenacious enemy.
This enemy’s principle weapon is not guns, machine gun fire, bombs, or nuclear missiles– it is OUR BRAINS. They can control our brains like puppets to do their bidding. So as I plan war strategy, I never forget what this enemy’s principle weapon is. And because I plan war strategy in this manner, this will be effective against them and therefore they will use everything in their arsenal to stop me, because they know that I understand them and that I know what we need to do to WIN THIS WAR.
Our enemy’s goal is to take away our team spirit and to ruin our alliances, and to cause us to be a confused and disorganized mess, where we are all quibbling with each other instead of fighting THEM. This is a sure recipe to lose ANY WAR. They know that I know what we need to do to WIN THIS WAR. Therefore, they will do all in their power to discredit me. They will say I’m a weak, wimpy woman, or that I don’t have muscular strength, or something else, or something else. They are fanatics and love to harass those who effectively oppose them.
I’m not in a contest with the men and the only reason I take this job is because I CAN’T BEAR THE THOUGHT THAT we could lose this war. I’ve seen too many of their puppets in the military and in society in general. It’s horrifying. So I take this job to ensure that THE ENEMY won’t WIN this WAR. I HAVE SEEN SERIOUS MISTAKES MADE BY OUR MILITARY LEADERS, because they don’t plan their strategies in an effective manner to beat this enemy. They don’t address the enemy’s brilliant ability to use BRAIN CONTROL TECHNOLOGY. What good does it do you to have more muscles than your enemy, to be able to run ten miles and break world records in running, to have more missiles, or even have more manpower, if you CAN’T CONTROL YOUR OWN BRAINS AND THE BRAINS OF YOUR FELLOW SOLDIERS? THIS IS WHAT WE’RE DEALING WITH EVERY DAY ON THE BATTLE FIELD. Maybe you’ll end up running ten miles and using all your muscles FOR THE ENEMY AND you’ll be doing it to serve THE ENEMY. THAT’s how good this enemy is at brain control.
I’ve seen perfectly sane people go insane in a split second because of this horrifying brain control technology. So what do we do, when half our troops could turn crazy in a split second in the heat of battle?
And as general, this will be my highest priority to deal with this problem HEAD ON. I’ll make it my highest priority to recruit high quality soldiers, who have the discipline to maintain daily Bible readings and to maintain the lifestyle that will prevent this brain takeover. Better to have a small force of dependable, reliable soldiers–than a large force of soldiers whose brains have been taken over by the enemy. Then the rest of the war can be fought with computer programs and computer/satellite technology–like how this enemy wages it’s war against us. We will fight them with the same technology they use on us.
This is a war, not just of brawns, tanks and traditional military strategies–but of wills, wiles, mind control and the discipline and dedication to maintain a Bible reading time so that your brain can’t be taken over by THE ENEMY YOU RISK YOUR LIFE TO DEFEAT.
I have dedicated my life to fighting this horrifying technology and have unique experience in this area–so that I have been awarded Nobel Prizes. Therefore, the Russian President and other world and military leaders have requested that I take on this job as general. I have also faced the heat of battle, since our enemies have tried again and again to kill me and I have dealt with this ruthless enemy head-on for the past ten years. Despite their avalanche of attacks against me, they have not been able to get my mind–though I’ve seen them get the mind of everyone around me.
THIS WAR IS A BATTLE FOR THE MIND, and those who can maintain their own brain’s autonomy will WIN THE WAR. So, if you have more muscles than me, or more brains than I, or you have had more experience in leadership positions–and you think you are better qualified than I to take this job–ask yourself this question–ARE YOU IN CONTROL OF YOUR OWN MIND, OR DOES THE ENEMY RULE YOUR MIND? Do you have the discipline to maintain a daily Bible reading program and avoid OCCULT MEDIA, so that your brilliant muscles and your outstanding achievements and resume’ can’t be used to further the enemy’s goals? What good does it do to have brains, brawns or valor–if, because your brain has been taken over by terrorists, all your energies are DIRECTED TO HELP the enemy? If I felt the most important quality to be an effective general is to have the same muscular strength as the men, or to be the most brilliant person, or to have the most brilliant resume–I’d give this job to that person, because the last job I’ve ever wanted was to be a war general.
But, what I’ve observed is, when it comes to the discipline to maintain a daily Bible time and to avoid occult media and to dedicate oneself entirely to WINNING THIS WAR, I have far more dedication to this goal than ANYONE ELSE. And for this reason, I take this job, because I can’t find anybody better to do it.
When I find that person who’s better than me at this, I’d gladly turn this job over to them, because I already have too much to do. When I meet somebody who is more dedicated than I to win this war, I’ll give them my job as general. In the meanwhile, I haven’t found them. I’ve found men on ego trips, who seem more concerned about war honors and getting medals and having their name in lights than with winning the war.
There is only one thing we should all want and that we must unite on: TO WIN THIS WAR, NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES. If you are not as committed to this goal as I–then I am more qualified than you for this job. And so I take this job, until I can find a more qualified person. I DON’T WANT IT, BUT I’M QUALIFIED. I could care less about military honors, medals or to prove that I’m better than my fellow soldiers. We MUST WORK AS A TEAM. We must all have the same goal: TO WIN THIS WAR NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES! If that isn’t your goal, drop out of the military — go into another line of work, because you will be a weak link in the chain that will cause the whole edifice to come crashing down. Every link in the chain must be strong, or we LOSE THIS WAR. The enemy knows this, that’s why they try to control all our minds. And when we lose this war, THIS WORLD WILL BE A DARK AND DREADFUL PLACE. And when that happens, ask yourself, did it really matter that you had more muscles than I, or that you outsmarted or outwitted me? You see, because you cared more about your ego and worldly acclaim than to defeat this enemy, AND so WE LOST THE WAR.
And when you have your medals, commission and paycheck and your secure retirement–what good does it do, if it all comes from Adolph Hitler? This is what the enemy wants. This is what we fight against. If this doesn’t bother you. If this doesn’t make your stomach turn, then get out of the military. Because you don’t hate the evils you’re supposed to fight for –and that’s why you won’t obsess yourself with winning this war. You only cared about your pay, security, a career, retirement. . . So you survive, but your leader ends up as Stalin? Congratulations, you got your commission, you’ve embarked on a brilliant career, you have a brilliant resume. Your muscles, brains and brawn have brought you your grand new leader: Joseph Stalin. If this doesn’t bother you. If this doesn’t make you want to puke, then you don’t have the passion needed to win this war–to be a good soldier, to maintain the Bible study time and discipline, so that they CAN’T GET YOUR MIND. If IT DOESN’T MAKE YOU WANT TO PUKE THAT your country could be turned over to despots–GET OUT, we don’t want you. And God forbid, if you ever become a general.
So, now you serve as general under Adolph Hitler. WHAT AN HONOR. You didn’t care whether character, freedom and honor won–you only cared that you outdid your fellow soldiers, that you proved that you were better than they, and that you got your commission, and that your career advanced. Those are the mediocre soldiers, the ones who lack the commitment to win. Those are the ones we will weed out–throw out from the military.
As the great General Patton said, WE WORK AS A TEAM. And if you won’t work as a TEAM–get OUT, BECAUSE WE’LL LOSE THIS WAR. We ALL should have the same goal–TO WIN THIS WAR. There should be no other goal in ANY SOLDIER THAT SERVES IN OUR MILITARY and we WON’T TOLERATE ANY OTHER ATTITUDE. IF YOU WON’T WORK AS A TEAM MEMBER TO PROMOTE FREEDOM AGAINST TYRANNY–we will throw you OUT. There is no room for ego trips, we only allow a passion for honor, a passion to fight with an honor that is greater than medals, greater than prestige, greater than a secure retirement–but the passion to bring justice and honor to this world, to defeat an enemy that will commit any atrocity to win.
WE MUST BE JUST AS COMMITTED, NAY, MORE COMMITTED THAN THEY TO WIN. We must be willing to do anything to win, too–except that we won’t commit dishonor to win, because then we will be just like them–WE must HATE ALL that THIS MONSTROUS ENEMY STANDS FOR. We must hate what they stand for so much, that we’d do ANYTHING with honor TO DEFEAT THEM. And what is honorable? It is what is courageous. To know how I feel about courage, read the excerpts below from one of my favorite books called Courage: A Little Book of Brave Thoughts.
We must stop this enemy at all costs, if not–this world will be all darkness and terror. If this is not how you feel, get out–we don’t need you. You are the weak link that will cause the edifice to fall. This is why my first priority has been to weed out our troops and to work from a quality base. It has to be LIFE AND DEATH TO YOU TO WIN AND TO PROMOTE HONOR, JUSTICE AND TRUTH. If this isn’t the case with you, YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO BE A GENERAL, and you are not qualified to be a soldier.
For those who remain, please join with me as we climb Mount Everest. You will see things you can’t bear. Your health may be ruined for life. Perhaps you won’t see your family for years and years. I haven’t seen my son for years. I haven’t seen my lovers for years. I’ve had to file for bankruptcy, when they attacked my health and I couldn’t work. You see, I’ve already paid the warrior’s price. I’ve had to stand alone, to endure ridicule. But if we win, we can walk on streets and not be molested. We can be our own person. We don’t have to fear that our loved ones will turn out to be murderers that sleep in our beds, or that our spouse could become our opposition, so that as we lay down to sleep, in that same room where we rest our head, we sleep with the enemy.
If we win this war, we can greatly weaken the enemy’s ability to do this, because we’ll destroy their bases of operation. And when we demolish their places of operation, then each person in this world can follow his own conscience, choose his own religion and not be forced or manipulated to follow the dictates of a despot, and end up betraying his family, or all that is honorable, or all that is truly worth living for.
Now if you are as committed, or more committed than I, to this free world that I dream of, where we will have the freedom to be our own persons, to not have brains taken over by terrorists, and if you have devoted every spare minute of your time to defeat this enemy and you have learned effective ways to defeat this enemy–please take my job and do better than me and CAUSE US TO WIN THIS WAR–because I only care about one thing: TO WIN THIS WAR. IF YOU CAN DO a BETTER job, I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY JOB SO WE’LL WIN THE WAR. It doesn’t matter who gets the glory, as LONG AS WE WIN THE WAR.
So, let’s be A TEAM. WE MUST HATE EVERYTHING THIS ENEMY STANDS FOR AND DEDICATE OUR LIVES TO DEFEAT THIS ENEMY. I have too much to do as it is. I don’t really want this job, but I’m afraid if I’m not general, WE WILL LOSE THE WAR, because, so far, I haven’t found someone more qualified than I for this job.
Thank you for letting me serve you.
For those of you who remain, read your Bibles every day, don’t let them get your mind. Don’t assume that just because you’re smart or have lots of muscles or go to church, they can’t get you. Sadly, in most churches I’ve attended, I’ve noticed that in about 90% or more of the congregation (including church staff), these church members’ brains have been taken over by these terrorists. And these are the churches that stress daily Bible readings from the Bible! The percentage of takeovers is probably higher in those churches that don’t stress meditation on the Scriptures.
These terrorists have had mind reading capability for decades and they understand the inner workings of all aspects of society: religious, economics, business, scientific, legal, medical, military, political, etc. We are dealing with a brilliant foe, that has used their mind reading ability to become expert psychologists and manipulators.
Sad to say, it’s obvious most American church goers don’t read their Bibles every day, and this is why the enemy has taken over the brains of most American church goers. Any Bible based on the Earliest manuscripts seems to be the most effective to prevent this brain control, but reading any Bible every day is better than reading none or reading it sometimes (if the Bible exposure is not EVERY DAY, then they can “get your brain”).
I read the Bible DAILY, and I’ve had great victories over mind control–they’ve never gotten me yet. The most they’ve done to me, is to give me temporary mental lapses, amnesias, or mental misdirections–but I’ve never totally been “taken over”. Sadly, I’ve seen them “takeover” just about everyone else, including all of my family members. I wasn’t raised in a church going home. I’ve seen them get geniuses, preachers (ministers), celebrities, Presidents, world-record weight lifters and, yes, soldiers and sailors.
The best quality you can have as a soldier is a passion, an obsession to win this war, which means you must adopt the same determination to saturate your mind with Scripture as I have, so that they can’t get your mind. We know from history that the best and bravest soldiers read their Bibles. Despite his spicy language, General George Patton read his Bible every day, and so did Stonewall Jackson and other great military warriors.
So far, daily Bible exposure is the only thing that prevents them from taking over your mind. I listen to Bible tapes in the shower, in my car, in music set to Scripture. I saturate myself every spare moment I can get. And I avoid rock music or any occult media that could undo the benefits of my Bible exposure. I do this so they won’t takeover my brain. I want to keep my brain “in shape” for battle. We also have a laser brain surgery that is somewhat effective, but this works best in combination with a daily Bible reading lifestyle. Can you see General Patton or Stonewall Jackson listening to rock music? I can’t. These great warriors never allowed anything to enter their mind, that would make their brain anything less than razor sharp for battle. In fact, I would say keeping the brain in shape is more important than keeping the body in shape, in order to be an effective soldier. Besides if you can discipline your brain, you can discipline your body.
Now if you remain with us, and you are as committed as I to win this war, you serve in perhaps the greatest military this world has ever seen–since King David led his troops. Because this is literally a war of good against evil, more than any other in history.
Now, let’s all have the same passion and obsession: TO WIN THIS WAR WHATEVER IT TAKES.
When I was a teenager, while I toured the Capitol as part of a singing group, I bought a book from the Washington Cathedral at Washington, D.C.. This book was called COURAGE: A Little Book of Brave Thoughts. I read it many times as a young lady, it infused my thoughts. Read it, absorb it and you will understand how I approach life and how I approach war. Because I couldn’t afford to move my books from Seattle, I lost this book. I called bookstores to buy it. It was out of print. But a library had it, so I typed the whole book out, so I could still read those sayings that inspired me as a young woman, and that formed my attitude for the rest of my life. . .
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
When you get into a tight place, and everything goes against you, till it seems as if you couldn’t hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that’s just the place and time that the tide’ll turn.
Remember that if the opportunities for great needs should never come, the opportunity for good deeds is renewed day by day. The thing for us to long for is the goodness, not the glory.
The hero is no braver than the ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer,
A life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing; every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves: This day let me make a sound beginning, for what we have hitherto done is naught!
Courage is the best gift of all; courage stands before everything. It is what preserves our liberty, safety, life, and our homes and parents, our country and children. Courage comprises all things: a man with courage has every blessing.
It is my joy in life to find
At every turning of the road
The strong arm of a comrade kind
To help me onward with my load.
And since I have no gold to give,
And love alone must make amends,
My only prayer is, while I live,
God make me worthy of my friends!
The bad man’s courage still prepares the way for its own outwitting.
The block of granite which is an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, becomes a stepping stone in the pathway of the strong.
“Though I cannot teach courage,” said Nekayah, “I must not learn cowardice.”
Where true fortitude dwells, loyalty, bounty, friendship, and fidelity may be found.
No coward soul is mine,
No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere;
I see Heaven’s glories shine,
And Faith shines equal, arming me from fear.
Shallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstances: It was somebody’s name, or he happened to be there at the time, or it was so then, and another day it would have been otherwise. Strong men believe in cause and effect.
Great men stand like solitary towers in the city of God, and secret passages running deep beneath external nature give their thoughts intercourse with higher intelligences, which strengthens and controls them, and of which the laborers on the surface do not even dream!
A man of courage never wants weapons.
We try to grasp too much of life at a time. We think of it as a whole, instead of taking the days one by one. Life is a mosaic, and each tiny piece must be cut and set with skill.
The first lesson of life is to burn our own smoke; that is, not to inflict on outsiders our personal sorrows and petty morbidness, not to keep thinking of ourselves as exceptional cases.
The greatest test of courage on the earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
There is courage in the treatment of every art by a master in architecture, in sculpture, in painting or in poetry, each cheering the mind of the spectator or receiver as by true strokes of genius, which yet nowise implies the presence of physical valor in the artist. This is the courage of genius, in every kind.
Courage, the highest gift, that scorns to bend
To mean devices for a sordid end,
Courage — an independent spark from
Heaven’s bright throne,
By which the soul stands raised, triumphant,
high, alone. . .
Who, then, is the invincible man? He whom nothing outside the sphere of his moral purpose can dismay.
To be always intending to lead a new life, but never to find time to set about it; this is as if a man should put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day and night to another, till he is starved and destroyed.
Pay as little attention to discouragements as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth, rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the point.
O, fear not in a world like this
And thou shalt know erelong,
Know how sublime a thing it is
To suffer and be strong.
It is good to know; it is better to do; it is best to be. To be pure and strong, to be honest and earnest, to be kindly and thoughtful, and in all to be true, to be manly and womanly. He can do more for others who has done most with himself.
No, when the fight begins within himself,
A man’s worth something. God stoops o’er his head.
That’s courage — to take hard knocks like a man when occasion calls.
This I resolved on — to run, when I can, to go, when I cannot run; and to creep, when I cannot go.
There are degrees of courage, and each step upward makes us acquainted with a higher virtue. Let us say then frankly that the education of the will is the object of our existence.
O the joy of a manly selfhood!
To be servile to none, to defer to none,
not to any tyrant known and unknown,
To walk with erect carriage, a step springy
and elastic,
To look with calm gaze or with a flashing eye.
He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing, in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion.
We have work to do, and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle — face it; ‘tis God’s gift.
All the doors that lead inward to the secret place of the Most High are doors outward — out of self — out of smallness — out of wrong.
Heaven is not reached at a single bound;
But we build the ladder by which we rise,
From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies,
And we mount to its summit round by round.
Courage is imperial. It underlies true achievement. Unless we have moral nerve to live out our convictions, they are of small account.
Man who would be,
Must rule the empire of himself; in it
Must be supreme, establishing his throne,
Of vanquished will, quelling the anarchy
Of hopes and fears, being himself alone.
True courage is to do without witnesses everything that one is capable of doing before all the world.
We place at the top of our esteem those people who take chivalrously the heavy blows of life, who are not brave merely, but gallant.
Wouldst shape a noble life? Then cast
No backward glances toward the past,
And though somewhat be lost and gone,
Yet do thou act as one new born;
What each day needs, that shalt thou ask,
Each day will set its proper task.
The most disastrous times have produced the greatest minds. The purest metal comes of the most ardent furnace, the most brilliant lightning comes of the darkest clouds.
Courage is the scorner of things which inspire fear.
The difference between talents and character is adroitness to keep the old and trodden round, and power and courage to make a new road to new and better goals.
No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good.
To fight aloud is very brave,
But gallanter, I know,
Who charge within the bosom
The calvary of woe.
To be discontented with the divine discontent, and to be ashamed with the noble shame, is the very germ of the first upgrowth of all virtue.
Hope and have faith, and take new courage! Go forward, knowing that all will be well with you, that every situation will become harmonious and will be adjusted for your highest good. This is possible if you have much faith.
Courage, the footstool of the Virtues, upon which they stand.
The characteristic of a genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
Oh, while I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave,
To meet life as a powerful conqueror,
No fumes, no ennui, no more complaints, or scornful criticisms,
To these proud laws of the air, the water and the ground,
Proving my interior soul impregnable,And nothing exterior shall ever take command of me.
Live as though life were earnest, and life will be so.
Many owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties.
Moral courage is a virtue of higher cast and nobler origin than physical. — It springs from a consciousness of virtue, and renders a man, in the pursuit or defense of right, superior to the fear of reproach, opposition, or contempt.
‘Tis more brave
To live, than to die.
No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let is first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.
God will come in at the deepest part of the stream to lend you a hand.
Nothing but courage can guide life.
Where in the heart there is combined love and courage, even the weak become mighty.
Fortitude I take to be the quiet possession of a man’s self, and an undisturbed doing his duty whatever evils beset, or dangers lie in the way.
True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason.
Sing unto the Lord a new song: sing praises lustily unto him with a good courage.
True courage scorns
To vent her prowess in a storm of words;
And, to the valiant, actions speak alone.
The bravery founded on hope of recompense, fear of punishment, experience of success, on rage, or on ignorance of danger, is but common bravery, and does not deserve the name. True bravery proposes a just end; measures the dangers, and meets the result with calmness and unyielding decision.
The brave man is not he who feels no fear, for that were stupid and irrational; but he whose noble soul subdues its fear, and bravely dares the danger nature shrinks from.
A brave captain is as a root, out of which, as branches, the courage of his soldiers doth spring.
Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withsoever thou goest.
The greater the difficulty, the more glory is surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.
As in nature, as in art, so in grace; it is rough treatment that gives souls, as well as stones, their lustre. The more the diamond is cut the brighter it sparkles; and in what seems hard dealing, there God has no end in view but to perfect his people.
Physical bravery is an animal instinct; moral bravery is a much higher and truer courage.
There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.
It is dangerous to abandon oneself to the luxury of grief; it deprives one of courage, and even of the wish for recovery.
Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than before.
In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
Counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”
The estimate and valor of a man consists in the heart and in the will; there his true honor lies. Valor is stability, not of arms and legs, but of courage and the soul; it does not lie in the valor of our horse, nor of our arms, but in ourselves. He that falls obstinate in his courage, if his legs fail him, fights upon his knees.
Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.
The brave find a home in every land.
Courage brother! do not stumble!
Though thy path is dark as night;
There’s a star to guide the humble:
Trust in God, and do the Right!
A man should stop his ears against paralyzing terror, and run the race that is sent before him with a single mind.
A man must have the gift to discern at all turns where the true heart of the matter lies and to plant himself courageously on that, as a strong true man that other true men may rally round him there. He will not continue leader of men otherwise.
Go to your work and be strong, halting not in your ways,
Balking the end half-won, for an instant’s dole of praise.
Stand to your work and be wise, certain of sword and pen,
Being neither children, nor gods, but men in a world of men.
Fortune and love favor the brave.
However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names.
Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of men.
I wonder is it because men are cowards in heart that they admire bravery so much, and place military valor so far beyond every other quality for reward and worship.
Write on your doors the saying wise and old,
“Be bold!” and everywhere — “Be bold”;
“Be not too bold!” Yet better the excess
Than the defect; better the more than less;
Better like Hector in the field to die,
Than like a perfumed Paris turn and fly.
Self-trust is the essence of heroism
When moral courage feels that it is in the right, there is no personal daring of which it is incapable.
True courage is the result of reasoning. — Resolution lies more in the head than in the veins; and a just sense of honor and of infamy, of duty and of religion, will carry us farther than all the force of mechanism.
If thou desire to be truly valiant, fear to do any injury; he that fears to do evil is always afraid to suffer evil; he that never fears is desperate; he that fears always is a coward; he is the true valiant man that dares nothing but what he may, and fears nothing but what he ought.
Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it and conquering it.
The man who is just and resolute will not be moved from his settled purpose, either by the misdirected rage of his fellow citizens, or by the threats of an imperious tyrant.
The heights of great men reached and kept,
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the height.
Courage makes a man more than himself;
for he is then himself plus his valor.
Courage is poorly housed that dwells in numbers; the lion never counts the herd that are about him, nor weighs how many flocks he has to scatter.
Courage! Suffering, when it climbs highest, lasts not long.
Be not merely good; be good for something.
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Ye fearful saints fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
I know of no more encouraging fact that the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.
Courage ought to be guided by skill, and skill armed by courage. Hardiness should not darken wit, nor wit cool hardiness. Be valiant as men despising death, but confident as unwonted to be overcome.
Unbounded courage and compassion joined,
Tempering each other in the victor’s mind,
Alternately proclaim him good and great,
And make the hero and the man complete.
This is another day! Are its eyes blurred
With maudlin grief for any wasted past?
A thousand thousand failures shall not daunt!
Let dust clasp dust, death, death; I am alive!
Art little? Do thy little well,
And for thy comfort know
Great men can do their greatest work
No better than just so.
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
Women and men of retiring timidity are cowardly only in dangers which affect themselves, but are the first to rescue when others are endangered.
Tender handed stroke a nettle,
And it stings you for your pains;
Grasp it like a man of mettle,
And it soft as silk remains.
It is an error to suppose that courage means courage in everything. — Most people are brave only in the dangers to which they accustom themselves, either in imagination or practice.
The eternal stars shine out as soon as it is dark enough.
Courage that grows from constitution, often forsakes a man when he has occasion for it; courage which arises from a sense of duty acts in a uniform manner.
A man must not complain of his “element,” or of his “time,” or the like; it is thriftless work doing so. His time is bad; well then, he is there to make it better.
God gives each man one life, like a lamp,
then gives
That lamp due measure of oil: lamp lighted —
hold high, wave wide
Its comfort for others to share.
The greatest object in the universe, says a certain philosopher, is a good man struggling with adversity; yet there is a still greater, which is the good man that comes to relieve it.
Let us be of good cheer, however, remembering that the misfortune hardest to bear are those which never come.
True courage is not built upon mental cleverness, or earthly power, but it stands upon the solid rock of truth and spiritual power.
So, in regard to disagreeable and formidable things, prudence does not consist in evasion or flight, but in courage. He who wishes to walk in the most peaceful parts of life with any serenity must screw himself up to resolution. Let him front the object of his worst apprehension, and his stoutness will commonly make his fear groundless.
Not in the clamor of the crowded street
Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng
But in ourselves are triumph and defeat.
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
Brave your storm with firm endeavor, let
your vain repinings go!
Hopeful hearts will find forever
roses underneath the snow!
Be steadfast as a tower that doth not bend its stately summit to the tempest’s shock.
A high character might be produced, I suppose, by continued prosperity, but it has very seldom been the case. Adversity, however it may appear to be our foe, is our true friend; and, after a little acquaintance with it, we receive it as a precious thing — the prophecy of a coming joy. It should be no ambition of ours to traverse a path without a thorn or stone.
The wisest man could ask no more of fate
Than to be simple, modest, manly, true,
Safe from the many, honored by the few;
Nothing to court in Church, or World,
or State,
But inwardly in secret to be great.
When fate is adverse, a wise man can always strive for happiness and sail against the wind to attain it.
I prefer to strive in bravery with the bravest, rather than in wealth with the richest, or in greed with the greediest.
Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always some one to tell you you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to the end, requires some of the same courage which a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men to win them.
Being a man, ne’er ask the god for a life set free from grief, but ask for courage that endureth long.
Be strong, and quit yourselves like man.
Wait on the Lord: be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart.
PSALM 27:14
I am bigger than anything that can happen to me. All these things, sorrow, misfortune and suffering, are outside my door. I am in the house and I have the key.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.
I TIM. 1:7
Courage consists not in hazarding without fear, but being resolutely minded in a just cause.
Courage leads starward, fear toward death.
Out of the dark a shadow,
Then, a spark;
Out of the cloud a silence,
Then, a lark;Out of the heart a rapture,
Then, a pain;
Out of the dead cold ashes,
Life again.
We all stand in the front rank of the battle every moment of our lives; where there is a brave man in the thickest of the flight, there is the point of honor.
Fear to do base and unworthy things is valor; if they be done to us, to suffer them is also valor.
Happiness is freedom, and freedom is courage.
Valor consists in the power of self-recovery.
He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses his courage loses all.
One day, with life and heart,
Is more than time enough to find a world.
Through all the air the eagle may roam
The whole earth is father-land to the brave.
The only failure a man ought to fear is failure in cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best.
The truest courage is always mixed with circumspection; this being the quality which distinguishes the courage of the wise from the hardiness of the rash and foolish.
O Friends, be men, and let your hearts be strong,
And let no warrior in the heat of fight
Do what may bring him shame in others’ eyes;
For more of those who shrink from shame
are safe
Than fall in battle, while with those who flee
Is neither glory nor reprieve from death.
The two powers which in my opinion constitute a wise man are those of bearing and forbearing.
The brave are parsimonious of threats.
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
As courage and intelligence are the two qualifications best worth a good man’s cultivation, so it is the first part of intelligence to recognize our precarious estate in life, and the first part of courage to be not at all abashed before the fact.
Be noble! and the nobleness that lies
In other men, sleeping, but never dead,
Will rise in majesty to meet thine own.
God helps the brave.
Courage is knowing what not to fear.
He is not worthy of the honeycomb
That shuns the hive because the bees have
All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight for, whether in the daily battle of life, or in physical contests.
There are two freedoms: the false where one is free to do what he likes and the true where he is free to do what he ought.
As to moral courage, I have very rarely met with the two o’clock in the morning kind. I mean unprepared courage, that which is necessary on an unexpected occasion, and which, in spite of the most unforseen events, leaves full freedom of judgment and decision.
From the lowliest depth there is a path to the loftiest height.
Our aspirations are our possibilities.
Reverence the highest, have patience with the lowest. Are the stars too distant, pick up the pebble that lies at thy feet.
I beg you take courage; the brave soul can mend even disaster.
CATHERINE OF RUSSIA (I am descended from this woman’s royal family–the same family that produced Frederick the Great of Prussia)
There is a strength of quiet endurance as significant of courage as the most daring feats of process.
There’s a brave fellow! There’s a man of pluck!
A man who’s not afraid to say his say,
Though a whole town’s against him.
I am devilishly afraid, that’s certain; but . . .
I’ll sing, that I may seem valiant.
Hope awakens courage.
He who can implant courage in the human soul
Is the best physician.
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
That only which we have within, can we see without. If we meet no gods, it is because we harbor none. If there is grandeur in you, you will find grandeur in porters and sweeps. He only is rightly immortal, to whom all things are immortal. I have read somewhere, that none is accomplished, so long as any are incomplete; that the happiness of one cannot consist with the misery of any other.
We always have time enough, if we use it aright.
The burden which is well borne becomes light.
I argue not
Against Heaven’s hand or will, nor bate a jot
Of heart or hope; but still bear up and steer
Right onward.
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.
The courage we desire and prize is not the courage to die decently but to live manfully.
No man is born into the world, whose work
Is not born with him. There is always work
And tools to work withal, for those who will:
And blessed are the horny hands of toil.
For courage mounteth with occasion.
When God shuts a door, he opens a window.
Unless above himself he can
Erect himself, how poor a thing is man!
To see what is right and not to do it, is want of courage.
The direct foe of courage is the fear itself, not the object of it, and the man who can overcome his own terror is a hero and more.
The sweetest music is not in the oratorio, but in the human voice when it speaks from its instant life tones of tenderness, truth or courage.
Few persons have courage enough to appear as good as they really are.
A true knight is fuller of bravery in the midst, than in the beginning of danger.
A great deal of talent is lost in this world for the want of a little courage.
Not failure, but low aim is a crime.
He fearless stands; he knows whom he doth trust:
Strange strength resideth in the soul that’s just.
One man with courage makes a majority.
Nothing can work me damage, except myself. The harm that I sustain I carry about me, and never am a real sufferer but by my own fault.
I have no fear! What is in store for me
Shall find me self-reliant, undismayed.
God grant my only cowardice may be
Afraid — to be afraid!
To have what we want is riches; but to be able to do without is power.
No man can answer for his courage who has never been in danger.
One self-approving hour whole years outweigh.
The men who succeed best in public life are those who take the risk of standing by their own convictions.
No man can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself.
Confidence or courage is conscious ability — the sense of power.
In the most private life, difficult duty is never far off. Therefore we must think with courage.
Recall your courage, and lay aside sad fear.
Courage knows no yielding to calamity.
Earth shakes beneath them, and heaven
roars above;
But nothing scares them from the course
they love.
A man must stand erect, not be kept erect by others.
Who does the best his circumstances allows,
Does well, acts nobly — angels could do no more.
Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.
It is in great dangers that we see great courage.
A man of courage is also full of faith.
I count life just a stuff
To try the soul’s strength on.
Endurance is the crowning quality, and patience all the passion of great hearts.
Presence of mind and courage in distress,
Are more than armies to procure success.
Our only greatness is that we aspire.
To a brave man, good and bad luck are like his right and left hand. He uses both.
Courage conquers all things: it even gives strength to the body.
Courage from hearts, and not from numbers grows.
Courage consists in equality to the problem before us.
The braver the man so much the more fortunate will he be.
A brave man is clear in his discourse, and keeps close to truth.
The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms his strength into right, and obedience into duty.
It does not matter a feather whether a man be supported by patron or client, if he himself wants courage.
Bravery never goes out of fashion.
The charm of the best courages is that they are inventions, inspirations, flashes of genius.
Life is too short to be little.
Do your duty and leave the rest to providence.
Fields are won by those who believe in winning.
True courage is cool and calm. The bravest of man have the least of a brutal, bullying insolence, and in the very time of danger are found the most serene and free.
Did you ever hear of a man who had striven all his life faithfully and singly toward an object, and in no measure obtained it? If a man constantly aspires, is he not elevated? Did a man try heroism, magnanimity, truth, sincerity, and find that there was no advantage to them — that it was a vain endeavor?
Only the actions of the just smell sweet and blossom in the dust.
Whoever perseveres will be crowned.
Truth wants no champion who is not as ready to be struck as to strike for her.
The best hearts are ever the bravest.
Those who believe that the praises which arise from valor are superior to those which proceed from any other virtue have not considered.
Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please.
Be not afraid of every stranger;
Start not aside for every danger;
Things that seem are not the same;
Blow not a blast at every flame.
Fear always springs from ignorance.
Every noble work is at first impossible.
He’s truly valiant that can suffer wisely
The worst that man can breathe and make
his wrongs
His outsides, to wear them like his raiment,
And ne’er prefer his injuries to his heart
To bring it into danger.
How strangely high endeavors may be blessed, where piety and valor jointly go.
Conscience is the root of all true courage;
if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.
I count life just a stuff
To try the soul’s strength on.
The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.
Fearless minds climb soonest unto crown.
Difficulties are the things that show what men are.
Courage is that virtue which champions the cause of right.
Courage is, on all hands, considered as an essential of high character.
The love of glory, the fear of shame, the design of making a fortune, the desire of rendering life easy and agreeable, and the humor of pulling down other people are often the causes of that valor so celebrated among men.
The brave man seeks not a popular applause,
Nor, overpower’d with arms, deserts his
Unsham’d, though foil’d, he does the best
he can,
Force is of brutes, but honor is of men.
The busy have no time for tears.
Without courage
There cannot be truth:
And without truth
There can be no other virtue.
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses.
Why, courage then! what cannot be avoided
‘Twere childish weakness to lament or fear.
All human power is a compound of time and patience.
What a new face courage puts on everything!
Courage exerts itself in difficulties.
It is too difficult to think nobly when one only thinks to get a living.
Dare to do your duty always; this is the height of valor.
The better part of valor is discretion.
He most prevails who nobly dares.
Physical courage which despises all danger, will make a man brave in one way; and moral courage, which despises all opinion, will make a man brave in another. The former would seem most necessary for the camp; the latter for the council; but to constitute a great man both are necessary.
There is always safety in valor.
Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men.
Fear can keep a man out of danger, but courage can support him in it.
Character is singularly contagious.
The gods always favor the strong.
Doubt whom you will, but never yourself.
The weakest among us has a gift, however seemingly trivial, which is peculiar to him, and which worthily used, will be a gift also to his race.
Fortune can take away riches, but not courage.
The low man seeks a little to do,
Sees it and does it;
This high man, with a great thing to pursue,
Does ere he knows it.
That low man goes on adding one to one,
His hundred’s soon hit;
This high man, aiming at a million,
Misses a unit,
That has the world here — should he need
the next,
Let the world mind him!
This throws himself on God, and
Seeking, shall find Him.
If I shoot at the sun, I may hit a star.
Blessed is the man who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.
To suffer woes which hopes thinks infinite;
To forgive wrongs darker than the death or
To defy power, which seems omnipotent;
To love, to bear, to hope till Hope creates
From its own wreck, the things to
Neither to change, to falter, or repent;
This, like the glory Titan, is to be
Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free;
This is alone, Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory.
Have the courage not to adopt another’s courage.
He who respects himself is safe from others;
He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.
Valor lies half-way between rashness and cowardice.
Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
One who never turned his back but marched
breast forward
Never doubted clouds would break,
Never dreamed, though right were worsted,
wrong would triumph,
Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better,
Sleep to wake.
Courage respects courage.
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Languor is not in your heart,
Weakness is not in your word,
Weariness is not on your brow.
There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of one small candle.
The leading rule for a man of every calling is diligence; never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
So let him wait God’s instant, men call years;
Meantime, hold hard by truth and his great soul,
Do out thy duty! Through such souls alone,
God stooping, shows sufficient of His light
For us i’ the dark to rise by. And I rise.
I sit beside my lonely fire
And pray for wisdom yet
For calmness to remember
Or courage to forget.
Muster your wits: stand in your own defense;
Or hide your heads like cowards, and fly hence.
There are seasons when to be still demands immensely higher strength than to act.
The ground that a good man treads is hallowed.
Little things affect little minds.
Self-reverence, self-knowledge,
These three things lead life to sovereign
Chiefly, the mould of a man’s fortune is in his own hands.
It is better to wear out than rust out.
And though hard be the task, “Keep a stiff upper lip.”
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
And, of course, the best book of all is the Bible, which I’ve read from cover to cover hundreds of times.
June 19, 2006 SPEECH:
Brent has requested that I make a brief statement about how I feel about the war in Iraq, since, it appears, I have been made commander of all the troops in the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (which includes the U.S.).
First off, I’d like to say that I want the generals under me to explore my CONSPIRACY LAWs to make sure all laws regarding satellite violations are enforced. I’m concerned about the attacks on Houston (flooding) and lightning used to start wildfires. We need to do better in defeating the Jesuits’ ability to use satellite technology to induce bad weather and “natural disasters” as a war weapon. If I had more time I’d do it myself. Expect the Jesuits to attack us with monster hurricanes and tsunamis, if we don’t do better in this area.
I’m pleased that many of my lovers and those that want to marry me have been made generals. I feel they will do an outstanding job, since they will be highly motivated to defeat this enemy. Most of these men are highly qualified with medical backgrounds, which is a good background to have to deal with the enemy we are dealing with. This enemy relies heavily on medical terrorism to accomplish their goals and so our generals need to be trained in medicine. We are fighting a unique war, with an enemy that can induce (via satellite) long distance heart attacks and cancer.
As far as the Iraq war. I wasn’t sure I agreed with Bush to go in and deal with Iraq, because I felt that Iraq was just one of many fronts in this war. However, it is certainly good that Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. This makes one less country that the Jesuits can use as a puppet to do their bidding. So Bush’s decision to go into Iraq was not a bad decision, and I disagree with those who think we should set timetables for the withdrawals of our troops from Iraq.
The only time I feel we should set a deadline for troop withdrawals from Iraq is after we are certain that Iraq has a stable and democratic government in place and that there is no danger that the nation could still be taken over by Jesuits or UNWILLING AGENTS.
It is obvious that Iraq is not ready yet for our troops to withdraw, so we will not set any deadlines for major and total troop withdrawals until Iraq has a stable, democratic government in place. However, because it was the U.S. that launched its war against Iraq, the U.S. troops should remain there until the nation has a stable government in place.
Though individual nations can withdraw their troops from Iraq, in order to deploy them elsewhere in this global war against Jesuit terrorism. As I’ve stated, Iraq is one of MANY FRONTS in this global war against Jesuit terrorism.
Since, you do not withdraw your troops in the middle of a war, or you will surely lose the war. You withdraw your troops AFTER THE WAR HAS BEEN WON. The war has not been won in Iraq yet. I think the troops are making good progress in Iraq and that much good has been accomplished and that the media unfairly criticizes Bush over the Iraq war.
But to throw all our efforts into Iraq would be a grave mistake, because our enemy lives in every country.
The best way to fight this war is to enforce all of my CONSPIRACY LAW and, as you can see, if you peruse my law–I’ve written it to be enforced in every country of the world. We deal with an enemy that can penetrate our homes, that can takeover the minds of our family and relatives and co-workers. So this war is literally in our own backyard and stronger emphasis needs to be made on eliminating the Jesuits’ ability to use UNWILLING AGENTS and to destroy and locate all their underground operations (which are all over the world–not just Iraq) and THEIR LEADERS.
But now that the U.S. has gone in and Iraq is in a state of flux, it is imperative that we finish the job there and ensure that a stable, and freedom loving government takes place in Iraq. The troops must stay there until that country is stable and can govern itself in a democratic type government.
But I don’t think we should concentrate all our efforts on Iraq. This is truly a world war and the enemy is in our own backyards. This needs to be a global effort. Part of the problem we have in Iraq is the Jesuits’ ability to use our own soldiers as UNWILLING AGENTS. So, by making this a more global effort and concentrating on eliminating the Jesuits’ capabilities to use UNWILLING AGENTS, we will also fare better in Iraq. The war effort must not be concentrated solely on Iraq. The Jesuits will easily move their efforts to another country, like they are attempting to do now with Iran and North Korea. Therefore, we must make this war a GLOBAL effort, and concentrate on enforcing all of CONSPIRACY LAW (which is law written for a global military and legal effort), and this will weaken Jesuits all over the world and will help out in any part of the world (including Iraq) where the Jesuits concentrate their efforts.
Because we deal with such an entrenched enemy, we will be at this a long time. But we must not give up, because the price we will pay, will be to have Adolph Hitler as our leader.
Now, that we’re in Iraq we must finish the job and not pull out our troops until that country is stable. The Jesuits want to retake Iraq, we must not let them. We don’t want to give them more ground. WE NEED TO FIGHT AN OFFENSIVE WAR, NOT A DEFENSIVE ONE. So to stay ONLY in Iraq would be to fight a defensive war, since it is not really the main battlefront in this war. An offensive war is to enforce CONSPIRACY LAW, and use our military to penetrate the legal systems, the political systems, the medical systems and revamp them according to CONSPIRACY LAW. It will require military force to do this, because this is where the enemy’s camp is–in these systems, and they won’t surrender unless we BEAT THEM UP (BY ENFORCING CONSPIRACY LAW).
But we must not consider Iraq our main battlefront, or we will lose the BIG WAR, which is the war with the Jesuits (who are WORLDWIDE). The BIG WAR is to use our military to enforce all of CONSPIRACY LAW. And anyone who’s read my law realizes that I see this war as a war that’s in everyone’s backyard IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. This is truly WORLD WAR III, with an enemy whose weapons are satellites that can kill us with long distance heart attacks, cancers, nervous breakdowns, etc.
That is why I’m so pleased that many of our generals are medical school students or physicians or people who have expertise in politics and political systems. However, I’d like to state adamantly, that I want the generals, AND NOT THE POLITICIANS, to run this war. The only politicians that we will allow to run this war, will be those who are generals (as well as politicians)–such as Vladimir Putin. This is a good combination, since generals have to be good at politics, since if we lose public support it will affect the morale of our troops, and could even force us to make bad military decisions (when the public demands we do something that is not a good military decision).
Due to the nature of the enemy, these MEN WHO LOVE ME AND WANT TO MARRY ME are good choices for our generals in this war against the BRAIN CONTROL EMPIRE. And to pick men who love me and want to marry me, will be to pick men who’d give their lives to win this war. Because the men on my MARRIAGE LIST are the BEST and the most motivated men in the world TO WIN THIS WAR WHATEVER IT TAKES. Because they know that they can’t have me until we WIN THIS WAR. AND MEN WHO LOVE ME ARE GREAT MEN.
I also don’t see this war as a war just of artillery and weapons and I use the news media (I have my own news station) and writing and press campaigns, as well as scientists, physicians, lawyers, etc. to assist us in this effort. To win this war, we must also win in the political arena and in the legal arena. Our enemy is a shrewd politician, a brilliant economist, a brilliant scientist, a brilliant physician, a brilliant lawyer, and brilliant at public relations. So to defeat them, we have to be as good as they are in all these fields. But I will take an innovative approach in that I will use the MILITARY to help us enforce laws that involve politics, law, medicine, the media, etc. and this is the strategy I will use against our enemy. We will attack them with the same weapons (political, scientific, the press, the media, legal, Hollywood, etc.) that they use against us. So, if you want to understand my military strategy and my philosophy of war–READ MY CONSPIRACY LAW. My military strategy is to ENFORCE THIS LAW using military force. I will let our generals choose which laws need to be enforced first. And we will use MILITARY TO enforce this law.
Remember to read your Bibles every day, because the Jesuits’ chief weapon against us is the UNWILLING AGENT!
1.0 Only those persons with a strong Jewish genetic profile can be members of the military that protects Gail Schuler and all those who support her writings. This means that the military that has jurisdiction over the area that is the one hundred mile circumference of where Gail (and all those in the WRITERS’ ARMY live) must be a Jewish Army.
1.0b Gail Schuler and those who support her writings will be called THE WRITERS’ARMY.
1.1 The reason for making this a Jewish army is because the Jesuits have not made clones of Jews or they have difficulty with Jewish clones, therefore Jews in our military will reduce traitors within our own army. A prime strategy of the Jesuits is to use clones to infiltrate our military and weaken our military with traitors.
1.2 The name of the Jewish army that protects Gail and those who support her writings will be called the JEWISH ARMY. A JEWISH ARMY is defined as those military members who have a strong Jewish genetic profile, and, therefore, do not have a clone (for this reason).
1.3 Only the JEWISH ARMY can be assigned to protect Gail Schuler and those who support her writings. If any other army is involved, those military members will be executed within 24 ours. It is very important to have a pure army, not tainted by Jesuit traitors, to protect our most important leaders in this war against Jesuit terrorism. Therefore, we take it very seriously when our orders to have a JEWISH army to protect THE WRITERS’ ARMY are violated.
1.4 It is the job of the JEWISH ARMY to arrest and/or execute any Jesuits, Jesuit clones or Jesuit supporters who come within a one hundred mile circumference of any member of THE WRITERS’ ARMY. These arrests must take place at once and any Jesuits, Jesuit clones of Jesuit supporters who dare to come within a one hundred mile circumference of any member of THE WRITERS’ ARMY must be executed within 24 hours or Russia will send missiles to the U.S. White House, the Vatican and to the headquarters of any country who does not cooperate with us in the execution of these criminals.
1.5 All the trials for all Jesuits and their supporters executed for coming within one hundred miles of any member of THE WRITERS’ ARMY will be on any and all newscasts who will cover it, including GCFNC.
1.6 Before each execution, a 666-COMPUTER HISTORY must be done to obtain intelligence information on the Jesuits and the Jesuit Order will be sued with a lawsuit (called the June 9th lawsuit), and the winnings will be used to help out the economies of the world, and will also be used as outlined in Gail’s legal document called MY OFFERING TO GOD.
1.7 Any willing and knowing violation of this section (JEWISH ARMY FOR THE WRITERS’ ARMY) with the intent to assist the goals of the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR.
1.8 Because this will have to be a big army, we will recruit Jews from all over the world for this army and train them to be soldiers. Those who recruit for this army, will be called the JEWISH RECRUITERS. Their job is to ensure that only those with strong JEWISH GENETIC PROFILES belong to this army. To allow anyone other than those with STRONG JEWISH GENETIC PROFILEs into this army, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
2.0 The biggest problem we have in conducting warfare against Loree McBride Jesuit troops is in their use of human shields to force us to execute innocent persons while we strive to execute Jesuits. Therefore, our primary weapons in warfare need to be CITIZEN SCANNERS (for use by ground troops and LAW ENFORCEMENT) and SMART BOMBS (for use from the air by jets or drones) and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS.
2.0a A JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER is defined as a mini-Seroquakke which first puts a shield (called a mini-Gail Shield) around the authentic person or INNOCENT CLONES, and then uses the mini-Gail shield(s) as the launching pad with which to launch a mini-Seroquakke from that shield(s) onto the evil clones of those not protected by the mini-Gail shield(s). By launching the mini-Seroquakke from the mini-Gail shield or from the innocents themselves, it serves to protect the innocents from being accidentally executed. Because this is a genetic scanner, it must be used cautiously to ensure innocents are not taken out.
2.0b The JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER uses genetic profiling to determine who to target with the mini-Seroquakke. Because there is a high chance for error and the accidental execution of innocents using a genetic scanner, it is imperative that the innocents first be protected by the mini-Gail Shield to prevent accidental execution of innocents. By launching the JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER from the mini-Gail shields encasing the innocents themselves, we hope to prevent accidental execution of these innocents.
2.0c The JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER (or the JEW CLONE GS SCANNER) will only be operated by those who are members of our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION and the first runs will be done by the Israeli-Gail military who work with our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (our International military). It seems only fitting that those who execute their Jew clones, should be the Jews themselves, who can ensure that they stay alive while they take out their evil clones. For the purposes of this section, the ISRAELI-GAIL MILITARY is defined as all authentic Jewish persons (not their evil clones) in the world who support Gail Chord Schuler as the worldwide Empress and leader. An authentic Jewish person is defined as one who is a genuine Jew (with a genetic profile that is at least fifty percent Jewish). A genuine Jew is defined as one who has an authentic Jewish genetic profile (not a clone Jewish genetic profile) that comprises at least fifty percent of that person’s genetic profile. It matters not whether they are a Jew by religion or by their mother. For the purposes of Conspiracy Law, a Jewish person is defined as one with the genetic profile of a Jew and all other criteria are irrelevant.
2.0d The ISRAELI-GAIL MILITARY will use JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS to take out Jew clones and all evil clones of all authentic persons. They will start targeting the Jew clones first, to give them military practice with the JEW CLONE GS SCANNER. Once they fine tune the launching of the JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS which launch from the mini-Gail Shields of the innocents (who have the genetic profile targeted) they can ensure that innocents are protected. Then they will expand their operations using JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS to go after evil clones (those who oppose Gail) of those on Gail’s marriage list and/or evil clones of those who are Gail supporters, like Donald Trump.
2.0e Once it is determined that JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS can be used safely without danger of executing innocents, we will expand their use and incorporate them into the weapons used by all members of our International military or the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, and will ramp up their use to execute all evil clones of all innocents worldwide. Because there is a strong danger of executing innocents using JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS, they can only be used by those trained in their use in our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. Because Loree McBride is obsessed with cloning Jewish persons, we will consider every authentic Jewish person who supports Gail a member of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. To make them as safe as possible, each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be used for the genetic profile of only ONE AUTHENTIC PERSON. Because each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER must produce a mini-Gail shield which encases the innocents for its particular genetic profile before it launches and hits its target, we want to make the weapon as safe as possible and allow it to expend all its energies on ONE GENETIC PROFILE for each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER.
So no JEW CLONE GS SCANNER can be programmed to take out two or more different genetic profiles. This is to prevent deadly complications and not to confuse the weapon into misidentifying genetic profiles which could result in taking out innocents. Each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER can only take out one genetic profile. To ensure safety, each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be named after the authentic person they take out. So, we would have a Brent Spiner JEW CLONE GS SCANNER for instance, and it would put a protective mini-Gail shield around the real Brent Spiner and would be programmed to launch off the mini-Gail shield around the real Brent, to target Brent Spiner Jew clones with the mini-Seroquakkes that launch off the shield around the real Brent Spiner. So we would not use JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS to take out Loree McBride, for instance, because she is fully evil and there is no need to put a protective shield around any Loree McBride clones. For Loree, we would just use the mini-Seroquakke.
2.1 A CITIZEN SCANNER is defined as a scanner held by a non-Jesuit person used to execute Loree McBride Jesuits and only Loree McBride Jesuits and which does not execute non-Jesuits. A CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB will also remove any Loree McBride Jesuit weapons from the scene. All weapons used in warfare by our INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT must be registered with Church of Gail using encryption based on Gail Chord Schuler’s genetic profile as King David and Catherine the Great, any weapons not registered with Church of Gail with this encryption must be destroyed by our CITIZEN SCANNERs and SMART BOMB and MISSILES, this includes all bombs, missiles, nukkake, spaceships, guns, etc. A Loree McBride Jesuit is defined as any person who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) supports Loree McBride/Angelina Ballerina in their goal for a worldwide takeover.
2.2 All CITIZEN SCANNERS and SMART BOMBS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS must be so programmed that they ONLY execute Loree McBride Jesuits and nobody else. Any programmer from our scientific teams that willingly and knowingly programs these SMART BOMBS or CITIZEN SCANNERS to execute somebody besides a Loree McBride Jesuit will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
2.3 All CITIZEN SCANNERS and SMART BOMBS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS need to be programmed to be TAMPER PROOF, which means that if any unauthorized person tries to tamper with the programming of any CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, it will immediately self-destruct. To make it difficult for unauthorized persons to reprogram a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, each scanner or bomb will have a strong shield or encryption that can only be hacked by one of our authorized scientists. This means that only one of our scientists can change the programming of a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER.
2.4 To further discourage attempts to hack into the programming of a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER by an unauthorized person, each CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be so programmed that if any unauthorized person attempts to hack into a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, that Jesuit will be executed on-the-spot by the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER. The CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will scan the person attempting the hack, do a brain read on them to determine motive (to see if they are an extortion victim), then will determine WHO is the willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit supporter behind the hack and execute that person. If the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER is unable to locate the Jesuit hacker, and the extortion victim is still going forward with the illegal hack, that extortion victim will be KNOCKED OUT (not executed) and detained, using transporter technology to transport this person to our cells to be examined and entered into our legal justice system for trial to sue the Jesuits for extortion, and to help us locate the Jesuit behind the attempted hack.
If we are unable to prevent the hack, the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will self-destruct to prevent the loss of innocent lives. But, hopefully, the strong encryption and shield around each CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will prevent the attempted hack, enabling the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER to remain an effective tool in eliminating Jesuits.
2.4a If Loree McBride Jesuits wipe out all the CITIZEN SCANNERs or SMART BOMBs or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs in a vicinity in order to pave the way to use their transport technology to transport Jesuits and/or Jesuit supporters to a vicinity, a red alert will be sounded at our military headquarters that a terrorist situation is in the works. CITIZEN SCANNERs and SMART BOMBs or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs will be programmed that if they are somehow eliminated from a scene that we will automatically transport into that same area replacement CITIZEN SCANNERs and SMART BOMBs or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs (for the ones that have disappeared or self-destructed) to execute any Jesuits or their supporters who have transported into the area during the lapse. Our military will monitor the situation to see if this has been successful in removing the Jesuits and/or their weapons from the scene.
2.5 The CITIZEN SCANNERS should replace the use of firearms as the primary means to execute Jesuits and for self-defense of citizens of Conspiracy Law honoring nations. Each CITIZEN SCANNER will not only execute Jesuits but any person with criminal intent who poses a threat to life or health. Therefore, the use of CITIZEN SCANNERS should replace the use of firearms as the primary means of executing criminals by law enforcement, thus lessening the load on our legal system and helping law enforcement to carry out their duties without the complications of accusations of racial profiling, discrimination, etc.
The CITIZEN SCANNER must be the primary law enforcement weapon in all police and military forces that operate ON THE GROUND, to ensure the fair execution of alleged criminals. For example, a person who suffers from a mental illness and is not a willing and knowing Jesuit, will probably be knocked out (not executed) by the CITIZEN SCANNER, this making the CITIZEN SCANNER legal proof, enabling police officers and soldiers to execute with all fairness. If the CITIZEN SCANNER was used, it would be the CITIZEN SCANNER, and NOT the police officer or soldier, who made the “decision” to execute.
Also, the use of SMART BOMBS will result in CLEAN warfare, where only the truly guilty will be executed. Therefore, the only bombs or missiles used by our jets or drones, should be SMART BOMBS or missiles, that will selectively execute all Jesuits or their willing and knowing supporters in their target range, and will leave the rest of the population in their target range alive and unharmed. This will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the use of human shields by Jesuits to make our execution of Jesuits seem unjust. The “human shields” will not be harmed by the SMART BOMB or MISSILE or the CITIZEN SCANNER, only JESUITS will die.
2.6 To ensure that these SMART BOMBS or MISSILES or CITIZEN SCANNERS are truly just, even knowing Jesuit supporters, but not WILLING Jesuit supporters will be spared. For instance, if somebody is a Jesuit and they know they support Loree McBride and the Jesuit Order, but HATE it (which can be determined by emotion reads) and IN THEIR HEART side with justice, the SMART BOMB, SMART MISSILE or CITIZEN SCANNER will not execute that Jesuit, but will just KNOCK THEM OUT and transport them to us to hold them in one of our prisons or elsewhere, where we will decide what to do about this Jesuit captive who serves the Jesuits, but hates it.
Some Loree McBride Jesuits could fall into this category. We may program our CITIZEN SCANNERS, BOMBS and MISSILES to knock them out (but not kill them) if they are participating in Jesuit criminal activities and HATE it.
2.7 If we determine a large number of Jesuits HATE serving Loree McBride, we could transport all of these UNWILLING Jesuits to a compound for safety and offer them amnesty if they will ONLY use our SMART BOMBS, MISSILES and SCANNERS on their own people and form a special Jesuit unit that we will name RULE 13’s ARMY. These pardoned Jesuits will actually be part of our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (our international military forces) and their ONLY weapons can be SMART BOMBS, SMART MISSILES and CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs, which means they will be executing their own Jesuits who are evil and serve the devil, Loree McBride. They will NOT use any Jesuit military weapons, like nukkake, but will only use our SMART BOMBS, MISSILES and CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs. If any of these pardoned Jesuits violates the terms of this agreement and uses ANY weapon outside of the SMART BOMBS, MISSILES or CITIZEN SCANNERS or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs and does so with the intent to honor Zack Knight and his evil Jesuits, they will be executed on-the-spot. Also, none of these Jesuits can use any type of science (like cloning, brain control, etc.) without prior approval from our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM. Willing and knowing failure to honor this Section 2.7 and Conspiracy Law by any of these pardoned Jesuits will bring them the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
If that pardoned Jesuit dishonors this Sect. 2.7 because they were forced against their will to betray us, each Jesuit that is such an extortion victim will be handled on an individual manner and the men on Gail’s marriage list (possibly in consultation with Gail) will determine the outcome of that pardoned Jesuit.
2.7(a) If Jesuits use transporter technology to transport themselves, a bomb, a gun or any weapon or thing of harm, the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be programmed to deal with each contingency in a specific manner. Each CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will have programming that will either interfere with the transport, cause the transported object or being to be transported away to a safe location, or will dematerialize and/or transform the object into another more benign object or into space.
2.7(b) If a Jesuit transports himself/herself into the vicinity of the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, the scanner will interfere with the transport and if possible cause the Jesuit to vanish and die during the transport process. Our scientists will study the Jesuit technology which makes it impossible for Gail Chord Schuler to use transporter technology, because if she does so, she will vaporize and die. Using similar technology, we will set up our CITIZEN SCANNER(s) and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER so that if any willing Jesuit uses transporter technology, they too, will vaporize and die. Our CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs will be programmed to destroy any willing Jesuit who transports within the range of the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs. To help us detect Loree McBride Jesuits using transporter technology, we will scan for the molecules and/or chemical and energy configurations that occur while a Loree McBride Jesuit is being transported that indicate a willing Loree McBride Jesuit is being transported (via transporter technology).
2.7(b.1) Things to look for would be such things as the presence of accelerated growth hormone in combination with pride, in combination with a lying spirit (an obsession with deceiving others), and a desire to worship Satan and/or Angelina Ballerina or Loree McBride. The combination of these four factors will be called the JESUIT CLONE PRESENCE.
2.7(b.2) Another combination to scan for would be pride (an exorbitant obsession with self), in combination with a lying spirit (an obsession with deceiving others), and a desire to worship Satan and/or Loree McBride/Angelina Ballerina. The combination of these three factors would be called the JESUIT PRESENCE.
2.7(b.2a) Another thing that must vaporize during transport would be any JESUIT WEAPONS or BOMBs. The TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN will be programmed inside of each CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER to vaporize and destroy any Jesuit weapons or bombs DURING THE TRANSPORT PROCESS before they can even rematerialize! It does us no good to destroy Jesuits, their weapons and their clones, if they can replace all these within a minute using their transporter technology. Therefore, the prime focus of all CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs must be the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN. Without an effective TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN (which makes it impossible for Jesuits to use transporter technology to move themselves and their weapons from one location to another with the speed of light practically), our CITIZEN SCANNER and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER is just a joke.
2.7(b.3) Our CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER would be programmed to detect the JESUIT CLONE PRESENCE and the JESUIT PRESENCE and/or JESUIT WEAPONS/BOMBS that are in TRANPORT or being transported via transporter technology. Using the same science that Jesuits use to vaporize Gail Chord Schuler, if she should ever use transporter technology, we would use this same science to vaporize anyone with the JESUIT CLONE PRESENCE or the JESUIT PRESENCE or JESUIT WEAPONS. The scan from the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER which makes it possible to vaporize and kill a Jesuit during transport (via transporter technology) will be called a TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN.
2.7(b.4) Our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM will study to see how Jesuits can kill Gail during transport and use the same technology to set up a TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN which will make it impossible for Jesuits to use transporter technology! This will greatly hamper their ability to attack us. Once we create the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN, it will be mandatory that it be programmed into every CITIZEN SCANNER and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, including the BOMBS and MISSILEs that drop off CITIZEN SCANNERs as part of their explosion.
2.7(b.5) All of our BOMBs and MISSILES must drop off a bunch of CITIZEN SCANNERS as part of their attack, because even if we kill off Jesuits with our bomb, scans and missiles, Jesuits can replace all the dead with their clones in a split second, using transporter technology. Therefore, it is MANDATORY, that CITIZEN SCANNERS with TRANSPORT DEATH SCANs (that will drop off and REMAIN in the bombed location) be incorporated into every bomb and missile we use, so that if Jesuits use transporter technology to bring in fresh Jesuits and fresh weapons, we can destroy and vaporize these during the transport process. Failure to incorporate the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN into every CITIZEN SCANNER (when this technology becomes available) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
2.7[c] If a weapon transports itself into the vicinity of the CITIZEN SCANNER, the scanner will analyze the object and determine the best course of action based on what the object is and what it is doing. For instance, if the object is a bomb about to explode on a flying jet, the CITIZEN SCANNER will attack the bomb during transport and either deflect it into outer space or cause it to dematerialize or transform into something benign. It will also determine the source of the transport and if the person behind the transport is determined to be an evil Jesuit, will execute the person behind the transport.
2.7(d) The CITIZEN SCANNER will be connected to a network of SMART BOMBs and MISSILES, and if the CITIZEN SCANNER determines that transport technology is being used to transport a dangerous object or persons within its range, it will quickly determine where this transport originated, and will knock out the source so that it cannot continue to send dangerous objects or persons.
Let’s suppose a jet is about to crash. A Jesuit terrorist transported himself onto the jet, holding a bomb ready to go off. He dropped the bomb off, then transported off the jet with split second speed and accuracy. None of the passengers had a CITIZEN SCANNER equipped to deal with bombs or transporter technology, so nothing they did could stop the bomb. And though their CITIZEN SCANNERs tried to zap out the Jesuit, he was too fast and escaped, and was able to leave his bomb behind on the jet. Thus, the terrorist Jesuit escaped unharmed and the bomb exploded causing the death of all onboard.
Should this happen again, each passenger will be equipped with a CITIZEN SCANNER that will detect that transport technology is in use and would disrupt the transport technology and ideally would sabotage the transport, even killing the Jesuit terrorist by vaporizing him and his bomb during transport. It would then locate the source of the transport and with its connection to the SMART BOMB/MISSILE network, would cause a SMART BOMB to wipe out the Jesuits at the origination point for the terrorist Jesuit.
2.7(e) SMART BOMBS or MISSILEs will also be programmed to not only kill dangerous Jesuits, but to wipe out installations, buildings, or launch pads for nukkakees, missiles and other weapons associated with that Loree McBride Jesuit, if the SMART BOMB or MISSILE detects that the dangerous Jesuit is using this installation to launch a bomb or missile or weapon. The SMART BOMB or MISSILE will be updated daily to deal with the latest weapons that Loree McBride Jesuits may have in their arsenal, with programming to deactivate or neutralize these weapons in the most appropriate and effective manner. Thus, the SMART BOMB or MISSILE will be treated like an anti-malware program on a computer, updated daily to keep it effective in neutralizing “malware” or Loree McBride Jesuit weapons, so that these weapons can do no harm, while it (at the same time that it neutralizes the dangerous weapon) kills the dangerous Jesuit(s) associated with that weapon.
2.8 Any willing and knowing attempt by any person to violate the terms of this Sect. 2 with the intent to promote Loree McBride or her evil Jesuits in their goal for a world takeover, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
3.0(a) We will create mini-Seroquakke bombs designed to encase rather than explode their targets. They will be like sling stones. Once they hit their target they will encase it like a mini-Seroquakke with a microwave oven inside the mini-Seroquakke and then they will be programmed (with their captive or captives) to fly to Satan’s ocean and go deep into the ocean and never come back, thus encasing their inhabitant deep into Satan’s ocean where they will become encased with a semen bubble and trapped like the UFOs out there right now. All versions of the Seroquakke will be programmed to self-destruct if any unauthorized person tampers with their programming.
3.0(a1) Those users of satellites who honor Conspiracy Law, can register with the International government to use a King David satellite. Nobody can use a King David satellite who does not honor Conspiracy Law, and who is not registered with the International Government to use a King David satellite. All those registered with the International government to use King David satellites will be kept on an encrypted list at Church of Gail and/or the Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits (on Zack Knight’s space fleet). Our scanners will monitor all our King David satellites to ensure that only registered users from our encrypted list are able to use King David satellites, and if any Loree McBride signal from an unregistered user transmits to or is transmitted from a King David satellite, our scanners will launch a mini-Seroquakke on the source of that Loree McBride signal to destroy it. All King David satellites will be programmed to scan all its users to determine if any willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits are in part or in whole governing the actions of that King David satellite and if the King David satellite detects that a Loree McBride user is (in part or in whole) influencing the actions of a King David satellite, the King David satellite will launch a mini-Seroquakke on what is causing that influence, wiping out the Loree McBride Jesuit source of that influence and/or wiping out the user’s ability to use Loree McBride signals.
3.0(a2) If we have to wipe out a source that gives important information to the public, like the entire CNN headquarters or news network, for instance, we will use a clone version of the Internet connected to our King David satellites to replace the corrupt network with a good network so that the public will receive their service without dangerous interruptions. Any and all (direct or indirect) willing and knowing attempts or actions to violate these Mini-Seroquakke King David Satellite Network laws in a manner that assists Loree McBride Jesuits in their goal for worldwide control and who (directly or indirectly) willingly and knowingly assist Loree McBride in the destruction of Gail Chord Schuler and her Conspiracy Law honoring supporters will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
3.0(b) We will launch mini-Seroquakke bombs on all Loree McBride Jesuits and Loree McBride satellites. If Loree is encased, Satan may try to find another Antichrist after Loree and we can just hit them with this mini-Seroquakke missile and eliminate all of Satan’s candidates this way.
3.0[c] Every satellite or potential satellite (like dead ones) must be replaced with a King David satellite or destroyed with a mini-Seroquakke, so any satellite or potential satellite (like a dead satellite) in existence that is not a King David satellite is called a Loree McBride satellite.
3.0(d) All Loree McBride satellites must be replaced with King David satellites (satellites in use by Conspiracy Law honoring nations that are connected to our mini-Seroquakke satellite network). In other words every single satellite anywhere in the universe must be replaced with a King David satellite. The King David satellite may have the genetic profile of King David as a marker on it somewhere. A King David satellite will be a satellite designed to self-destruct if anybody tampers with it. It will be programmed so that only those who honor Conspiracy Law can use it and if any Loree McBride user tries to use it, that King David satellite will launch a mini-Seroquakke to the SOURCE OF THE LOREE MCBRIDE SIGNAL or the source of the interference to take out the source of the Loree McBride signal or interference (using a mini-Seroquakke). So, let’s say that a media outlet has been boycotted by the International Government and tries to use the King David satellite, the King David satellite will detect the source(s) of the Loree McBride signals and take out all the sources using mini-Seroquakkes.
3.0(e) A Loree McBride signal is any signal that originates (directly or indirectly) from a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit operator (who is not a registered satellite user in our network). A Loree McBride Jesuit is any sentient being who willingly and knowingly supports Loree McBride (the terrorist who claims to be Brent Spiner’s wife). Nobody can use any King David satellite unless they are registered with the International Government (the nations that honor Conspiracy Law).
3.0(f) So this means that any and all current satellites must be destroyed with a mini-Seroquakke, if they are not a King David satellite and be replaced with a King David satellite. In effect, we have declared war on any nation that does not honor Conspiracy Law, by taking down all their satellites! If this seems like a cruel thing to do, this world was a much more virtuous place before we started using satellite technology! Evil Jesuits have used satellites to create hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, knock down bridges, clone the Internet and replace truth with lies, etc. Until any and all satellites used for evil are taken down and replaced with King David satellites, we will never win the war against Loree McBride Jesuits or any evil group of people who want worldwide control. If we can control their ability to spread fake news, we will win this war.
3.0(g) A satellite (is usually in space) and is defined as any object that has the ability to transmit or receive signals or configurations (using uplinks and downlinks that use the satellite like a mirror) that (directly or indirectly) help to or actually transmit information or actions in any form. An action in this Sect. 3.0(g) is defined as any configuration that can cause a change in the chemical or physical configuration of its target. So whatever is required to use HAARP technology configurations would be classified as a satellite, even though these satellites would be ground based (for the most part).
3.0(h) A Loree McBride Jesuit operator is any person who (directly or indirectly and willingly and knowingly) is responsible for the release of a Loree McBride signal to or from a satellite.
3.0(i) All of the current satellites, including “dead” ones not in use (called Loree McBride satellites) must be destroyed using mini-Seroquakkes. The mini-Seroquakke will hit the Loree McBride satellite, encase it, immediately blocking its ability to send out satellite signals, then will use microwave energy to transform the Loree McBride satellite into a blob of semen. Then the encased Loree McBribe blob of semen (called a Loree McBride semen blob) will be flung deep into Satan’s ocean in deep space inside a semen bubble. The destroyed satellite will be replaced with a King David satellite (if necessary) or those signals that used to depend on this Loree McBride satellite may be redirected to a King David satellite.
3.0(j) Once a Loree McBride satellite has been transformed into a Loree McBride semen blob, the semen blob will immediately self-destruct if anybody tampers with its programming. If someone tries to clone it, it will be programmed to destroy any and all of its clones, using itself as a launching pad for more mini-Seroquakkes, if necessary.
3.0(k) The Seroquakke was actually a brilliant conception. The mistake we made was we should have programmed it to self-destruct if any evil Jesuit got near it to tamper with its programming. We will not make that mistake this time! Also, I think we made it far more powerful than necessary. It has just been modified to be a more effective and less dangerous bomb.
3.0(l) The main difference between the Seroquakke and the mini-Seroquakke is that we will be making them to be like missiles, and they won’t have the power of the Seroquakke, and will expand only enough to ensure that their captive can’t escape right away, they will have just enough power to encase their captive long enough for the mini-Seroquakke to fly out to Satan’s ocean and plunge their captive deep into Satan’s ocean and trap them inside a semen bubble. Rather than one big Seroquakke, we will make thousands of these mini-Seroquakke missiles.
3.0(m) To protect us from Loree trying to steal them and put us inside these missiles they will have genetic profilers on them to ensure that only Loree McBride Jesuits are encased, they will be programmed to self-destruct if any Loree McBride Jesuit gets near them to tamper with their programming. This way we won’t have a repeat of the Seroquakke disaster we had with Angelina. They will be programmed to ONLY encase a person or satellite who is a willing and knowing Loree McBride supporter or satellite or captive (using brain and emotion reads to determine that they have the RIGHT CAPTIVEs).
3.0(n) So when the encasing stage starts, they will do a read on all those they are about to encase and will free those who are not willing and knowing Loree McBride supporters, just like we originally planned with the original Seroquakke conception (for Gerard, Matthew, Hugh, etc.). Those will be the captives who are freed (as described below).
3.0(o) If the mini-Seroquakke determines that all captives are evil and need to be encased (read below), it will skip the programming to release any captives and will just do everything else needed to get the EVIL captives out to Satan’s ocean and into semen bubbles (trapped for good like the UFOs). All space pods used for the Seroquakke will be capable of travelling through liquid and/or gas environments.
3.0(p) STAGE 1 (for captives who are in space inside a Loree McBride Jesuit shield(s) about the size of earth or less and/or a non-liquid environment): The mini-Seroquakke explodes and moves Loree McBride and/or her captive(s) to just outside Satan’s ocean in deep space. In stage one, it only creates the inner core filled with Seroquel oxygen (that is, if Loree has any captives) and the inner core’s oppositely charged covering (to the charge of the encasement around each of her captives) which encases Loree and her inhabitants. Once the inner core and its explosion proof covering are created, it pokes holes into its captive(s) if the captive is a spacecraft type of object, flooding the inside of the spacecraft with Seroquel laden oxygen and the materials that will be programmed to travel to the genes of her captives and Loree and to encase them all with a covering. The covering created for Loree will make it impossible for her to escape. The spherical covering that encapsulates Loree will be made of a very strong substance that will be explosion proof, heat proof and melt proof. The covering for her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) will be electrically charged ON THE OUTSIDE with a charge OPPOSITE to the charge of the INNER CORE’S COVERING which encases Loree’s spaceship, thus electromagnetically drawing her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) out to the inner core’s covering, where they will burst through to freedom. This covering around each of the INNOCENT captives will turn into a space pod for each of them, these four space pods for each of these captives will burst through the inner core’s covering, and the inner core’s covering will then be programmed to immediately fix the breaches caused and to close up within a split second after the men get out. The space pods will be programmed to head towards Church of Gail or safety. In STAGE ONE, the outer core will only be thick enough to contain a possible explosion from Loree McBride or her spacecraft or spacefleet, but not wide enough to trap her captives inside.
3.0(p1) STAGE 1a [for captives in space inside a Loree McBride Jesuit shield(s) larger than the size of the solar system or too large for 3.0(p) and/or a non-liquid environment]: The mini-Seroquakke explodes onto the Loree McBride shield(s) and transforms the shield(s) into air and gives the shield(s) an electrical charge, while simultaneously creating the mini-spherical oppositely charged covering (space pod) around the INNOCENT captives that is explosion proof, heat proof and melt proof, and encapsulates them in an oxygen-filled container (SPACE POD) oppositely charged to the outer air sphere (INNER CORE) surrounding them, while simultaneously transforming all guilty captive(s) and everything else inside the inner core (sphere) that could assist them (weapons, spacecraft, buildings over them, shields over them, etc.) into a gas or liquid (preferably semen). After they are transformed into gas or liquid blobs, the guilty blobs will be also encapsulated in space pods WITH THE SAME CHARGE AS THE INNER CORE’s COVERING (to repel them from the INNER CORE’s covering) and keep them stationary (temporarily). All space pods used will be explosion proof, melt proof, heat proof. The outer air or gas sphere (Loree’s transformed shield or shields) will be a spherical covering, and just inside the sphere will be a layer of air (the area of Loree’s transformed shield). Shields use electromagnetic forces, so by transforming her shield into air, we can manipulate the electricity of her shield into the charge we need to transform that shield into our INNER CORE COVERING with an inner air or gas layer (that has replaced Loree’s shield). If Loree is inside the sphere (INNER CORE), the spherical air covering (INNER CORE) which encapsulates Loree will make it impossible for her to escape. Loree’s spherical covering (the larger INNER CORE with an outer lining that has air inner lining[s]) will have an outer lining made of a very strong substance that will be explosion proof, heat proof and melt proof. The spherical covering (FUTURE SPACE POD) for her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) will be electrically charged ON THE OUTSIDE with a charge OPPOSITE to the charge of the larger INNER CORE’S COVERING which encases Loree and/or her spaceship and all captives, thus electromagnetically drawing her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) out to the inner core’s covering, where they will burst through to freedom. Because of the larger area, each space pod will also have a thruster that assists the electromagnetic forces to propel the space pod towards the outer air sphere (INNER CORE covering). This covering around each of the INNOCENT and CRIMINAL captives will turn into a space pod for each of them. When the space pods for the INNOCENT CAPTIVES reach the air portion of the INNER CORE, breaches will form in the INNER CORE’s outer lining, allowing the INNOCENTs’ pods to burst through into space outside the INNER CORE. The inner core’s covering will then be programmed to immediately fix the breaches caused and to close up within a split second after the INNOCENTs get out AND TO CHANGE ITS CHARGE TO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IT WAS BEFORE (so if it was negative, it will be positive). The INNOCENT’s space pods will be programmed to head towards Church of Gail or safety. In STAGE ONE, the outer core will only be thick enough to contain a possible explosion from Loree McBride or her spacecraft or spacefleet, but not wide enough to trap her captives inside.
3.0(p2) STAGE 1b [for captives in space inside a Loree McBride Jesuit shield(s) larger than the size of the solar system or too large for 3.0(p) and/or a non-liquid environment]: Next, the space pods for the CRIMINALs will be propelled towards the INNER CORE’s lining, using electromagnetic forces (cuz now their charge is the OPPOSITE of the INNER CORE’s lining and they are headed out towards the lining now, also using thrusters to assist them in propelling towards the outside lining. Once they reach the air inner lining(s) section, we will mesh them all together into one big semen, liquid, or gas blob with an outer covering (the new INNER CORE covering) and burst them through into space, disintegrating the previous INNER CORE created, and replacing it with the new INNER CORE around the blob (the transformed criminals and their elements). Now the rest of the Seroquakke will go forward as in the original version.
3.0(p1) STAGE 1.a1 [for captives in an underwater city or submerged in a liquid environment]: The mini-Seroquakke explodes onto the Loree McBride shield(s) and transforms the shield(s) AND all underwater city parts, people and matter underneath the shield (except for innocent captives) into air (or a gas) and gives the transformed shield(s) with an inner layer of gas (the gaseous sphere that encompasses the now transformed gaseous underwater city) an electrical charge, while simultaneously creating the mini-spherical oppositely charged covering (space pod) around the INNOCENT captives that is explosion proof, heat proof, water proof and melt proof, and encapsulates them in an oxygen-filled container (SPACE POD) oppositely charged to the outer air/gas sphere lining (INNER CORE) surrounding them, while simultaneously transforming all guilty captive(s) and everything else inside the inner core (sphere) that could assist them (weapons, spacecraft, buildings over them, shields over them, etc.) into a gas (probably air). After the entire underwater city is transformed into a gas blob covered with a lining that is explosion proof, melt proof, water proof and heat proof, the transformed gaseous blob (that used to be the underwater city and its criminal inhabitants) will be encapsulated in a huge space pod WITH THE SAME CHARGE AS THE INNER CORE’s COVERING (to repel them from the INNER CORE’s covering) and keep them stationary (temporarily). All space pods used will be explosion proof, melt proof, heat proof, water proof. The outer air sphere (Loree’s transformed shield or shields) will be a spherical covering, and just inside the sphere will be a layer of air or gas (the area of Loree’s transformed shield). Shields use electromagnetic forces, so by transforming her shield into air, we can manipulate the electricity of her shield into the charge we need to transform that shield into our INNER CORE COVERING with an inner air layer (that has replaced Loree’s shield). If Loree is inside the sphere (INNER CORE), the spherical air covering (INNER CORE) which encapsulates Loree will make it impossible for her to escape. Loree’s spherical covering (the larger INNER CORE with an outer lining that has air inner lining[s]) will have an outer lining made of a very strong substance that will be explosion proof, heat proof, water proof and melt proof. The spherical covering (FUTURE SPACE POD[s]) for her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) will be electrically charged ON THE OUTSIDE with a charge OPPOSITE to the charge of the larger INNER CORE’S COVERING which encases Loree and/or her spaceship and all captives, thus electromagnetically drawing her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) out to the inner core’s covering, where they will burst through to freedom. Because of the larger area, each space pod will also have a thruster that assists the electromagnetic forces to propel the space pod towards the outer air sphere (INNER CORE covering). This covering around each of the INNOCENT and CRIMINAL captives will turn into a space pod for each of them. When the space pods for the INNOCENT CAPTIVES reach the air inner layer of the INNER CORE, breaches will form in the INNER CORE’s outer lining (if necessary), allowing the INNOCENTS’ pods to burst through into space or liquid outside the INNER CORE. The inner core’s covering will then be programmed to immediately fix the breaches caused and to close up within a split second after the INNOCENTs get out AND TO CHANGE ITS CHARGE TO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IT WAS BEFORE (so if it was negative, it will be positive). The INNOCENTS’ space pods will be programmed to head towards Church of Gail or safety. In STAGE ONE, the outer core will only be thick enough to contain a possible explosion from Loree McBride or her spacecraft or spacefleet, but not wide enough to trap her captives inside.
3.0(p2) STAGE 1.b1 [for captives in an underwater city or submerged in a liquid environment]: Next, the space pod(s) for the CRIMINALs (transformed into a gaseous blob with a covering) will be propelled towards the INNER CORE’s lining, using electromagnetic forces (cuz now their charge is the OPPOSITE of the INNER CORE’s lining and they are headed out towards the outer lining of the INNER CORE now, also using thrusters to assist them in propelling towards the outside lining. Once they reach the air inner lining(s) section, we will mesh them all together into one big semen, liquid, or gas blob with an outer covering (the new INNER CORE covering) and burst them through into space, disintegrating the previous INNER CORE created, and replacing it with the new INNER CORE around the blob (the transformed criminals and their elements). Now the rest of the Seroquakke will go forward as in the original version.
3.0(p1) STAGE 1.a2 [for captives in an underground city or submerged in a solid environment]: The mini-Seroquakke explodes onto the Loree McBride shield(s) and transforms the shield(s) AND all underground city parts, people and matter underneath the shield (except for innocent captives) into a gas or a liquid and gives the transformed shield(s) with an inner layer of gas or liquid (the gaseous or liquid sphere INNER CORE that encompasses the now transformed gaseous/liquid underground city) an electrical charge, while simultaneously creating the mini-spherical oppositely charged covering (space pod) around the INNOCENT captives that is explosion proof, heat proof, water proof and melt proof, and encapsulates them in an oxygen-filled container (SPACE POD) oppositely charged to the outer liquid/gas sphere lining (INNER CORE) surrounding them, while simultaneously transforming all criminal captive(s) and everything else inside the inner core (sphere) that could assist the criminal captives (weapons, spacecraft, buildings over them, shields over them, etc.) into a gas or liquid. After the entire underground city is transformed into a gas or liquid blob covered with a lining that is explosion proof, melt proof, water proof and heat proof, the transformed gaseous or liquid blob (that used to be the underground city and its criminal inhabitants) will be encapsulated in a huge space pod WITH THE SAME CHARGE AS THE INNER CORE’s COVERING (to repel them from the INNER CORE’s covering) and keep them stationary (temporarily). All space pods used will be explosion proof, melt proof, heat proof, water proof. The outer gaseous or liquid sphere (Loree’s transformed shield or shields) will be a spherical covering, and just inside the sphere will be a layer of gas or liquid (the area of Loree’s transformed shield). Shields use electromagnetic forces, so by transforming her shield into gas or liquid, we can manipulate the electricity of her shield into the charge we need to transform that shield into our INNER CORE COVERING with an inner gas or liquid layer (that has replaced Loree’s shield). If Loree is inside the sphere (INNER CORE), the spherical gas or liquid covering (INNER CORE) which encapsulates Loree will make it impossible for her to escape. Loree’s spherical covering (the larger INNER CORE with an outer lining that has gas or liquid inner lining[s]) will have an outer lining made of a very strong substance that will be explosion proof, heat proof, water proof and melt proof. The spherical covering (FUTURE SPACE POD) for her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) will be electrically charged ON THE OUTSIDE with a charge OPPOSITE to the charge of the larger INNER CORE’S COVERING which encases Loree and/or her spaceship and all captives, thus electromagnetically drawing her INNOCENT captives (if there are any) out to the inner core’s covering, where they will burst through to freedom. If necessary, the Seroquakke will create tunnels (or wormholes) of liquid or gas (burrowing through the solid matter) for the space pods to travel through to reach their destination. Once the space pods have traveled through the solid matter and no longer need the tunnels (or wormholes), the tunnel (or wormhole) will disappear and it will be as before the tunnels (wormholes) were created. Because of the possibly larger area of a super large Loree McBride shield, each space pod will also have a thruster that assists the electromagnetic forces to propel the space pod towards the outer gas or liquid sphere (INNER CORE covering). This covering around each of the INNOCENT and CRIMINAL captives will turn into a space pod for each of them. When the space pods for the INNOCENT CAPTIVES reach the liquid or gas portion of the INNER CORE, breaches will form in the INNER CORE’s outer lining (if necessary), allowing the INNOCENTS’ pods to burst through (possibly through tunnels or wormholes) into space or liquid outside the INNER CORE. The inner core’s covering will then be programmed to immediately fix the breaches (tunnels or wormholes) caused and to close up within a split second after the INNOCENTs get out AND TO CHANGE ITS CHARGE TO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IT WAS BEFORE (so if it was negative, it will be positive). The INNOCENTS’ space pods will be programmed to head towards Church of Gail or safety. In STAGE ONE, the outer core will only be thick enough to contain a possible explosion from Loree McBride or her spacecraft or spacefleet, but not wide enough to trap her captives inside.
3.0(p2) STAGE 1.b2 [for captives in an underground city or submerged in a solid environment]: Next, the space pod(s) for the CRIMINALs (who have been transformed into a gaseous or liquid blob) will be propelled towards the INNER CORE’s lining, using electromagnetic forces and/or created tunnels or wormholes (cuz now their charge is the OPPOSITE of the INNER CORE’s lining and they are headed out towards the lining now, also using thrusters to assist them in propelling towards the outside lining). Once they reach the gas or liquid inner lining(s) section, we will mesh them all together into one big semen, liquid, or gas blob with an outer covering (the new INNER CORE covering) and burst them through into space, disintegrating the previous INNER CORE (wormholes, tunnels) created, and replacing the previous INNER CORE with the new INNER CORE around the blob (the transformed criminals in their liquid or gaseous state). Now the rest of the Seroquakke will go forward as in the original version.
3.0(p3) Loree McBride and some of her minions seem to be able to hide from us despite our scanners. Our Nanotechnology Research Team needs to study the possibility of Loree McBride Jesuits hiding in some fourth or higher dimension or another time dimension that evades our scanners. Our scanners may need to be recalibrated to detect the presence of Loree McBride and/or her Jesuits hiding in another time or fourth or higher dimension, possibly using the principle that if one travels at the speed of light you go forward into time to those left behind. Perhaps Loree and her Jesuits have found a way to be in another time period where we cannot detect her and her agents and yet she and/or her followers are able to return to our time period to do evil things, like the Austin, TX bombers and then they return to a future or past time period or even another dimension, like a fourth or higher dimension that evades our scanners. Our scanners may need to scan time dimensions and fourth and higher dimensions to find where Loree McBride Jesuits are hiding. So our scanners to detect the presence of Loree McBride Jesuits need to be recalibrated to not only scan three-dimensionally, but to scan in fourth and higher dimensions, as well as other time dimensions, and also be programmed to detect when there are breaches or distortion in these dimensions, a breach being defined as when one dimension touches another with the presence of human genes or human likenesses (like automatons) in these connections. I would call these scanners multi-dimensional time scanners, in that they detect changes in the fabric of matter that show when a dimension intersects with another dimension with human elements involved, which may indicate a point of contact between dimensions where humans or human-like sentient beings are travelling between dimensions to evade our scanners, showing that Loree and her minions have lost themselves into a dimension that evades three-dimensional scanners. Our scanners need to be programmed to detect multi-dimensional and time travel elements (in combination with the presence of Loree McBride Jesuits) in the direction of the scan. Of course, the scans will also scan for the use of transporter technology, taser nets and so on, but should also scan for the use of dimension or time travelling (sentient beings going from third dimension to a fourth or higher dimension to evade our scanners). Our programmers need to program our scanners to be able to scan dimensions higher than third dimension for the presence of Loree McBride Jesuits. This should be made possible using higher math and physics formulas in the programming.
3.0(p4) Also, to help us detect very deep underground cities or Loree McBride Jesuits approaching our territory coming in from space or from deep within the earth, we need to construct a spherical shield all around earth, that scans at least four-dimensionally in all directions for the presence of Loree McBride Jesuits, even detecting time travel elements in the scan, to detect when Loree McBride and/or her Jesuits are deep underneath the earth, perhaps near the core or out in space or when they are moving from one dimension to another (third to fourth or from one period of time to another). The scans should have the ability to penetrate deep inside the earth to the very core. This should be possible using electromagnetic forces in the scan that detect changes in electromagnetism in a way that lets us know when time travel is occurring among sentient beings or when the third dimension is intersecting with a fourth or higher dimension by a Loree McBride Jesuit or sentient being because electromagnetism is throughout the universe and everything is connected to electromagnetism in one way or another, even the very minutest structures of existence, the atom is connected with electromagnetism. So our scanners should be programmed to detect electromagnetic changes that indicates travel from a third dimension to a higher dimension by Loree McBride Jesuits, or time travel anomalies in the electromagnetic forces of our space or deep earth by Loree McBride Jesuits.
3.0(p4a) This spherical shield around the earth will scan in all directions and dimensions to infinity or the very last regions of all forms of space and time (third, fourth and higher dimensions) for the presence of Loree McBride Jesuits. The spherical shield will operate 24/7 round the clock without interruption. It will find Loree McBride Jesuits by constructing a personality profile of every sentient being on earth (using mind, memory and emotion reads). Loree McBride Jesuits are defined as sentient beings who are money/pride obsessed and could not be happy with only enough for food and bills, even with true love and security in their life. Money/pride obsessed is defined as a sentient being who willingly and knowingly honors greed and pride over love and humility. The way to detect a money/pride obsessed person is to determine if the personality scanned could be content to only have enough for food and bills, even if they had true love and security (security being the state of freedom from attacks against their health, life and true love relationships).
3.0(p4b) Once we determine who is money/pride obsessed, we will then determine if this person is working willingly and knowingly with Loree McBride or her equivalent to reach their goals of pride (fame, honor, acclaim) and wealth. All people who work willingly and knowingly with Loree McBride to promote her pride and greed will have their memories and brains scanned and copied for our records and then will be executed using one of our mini-Seroquakkes (whichever one would work best on them). Others who are money/pride obsessed, but not Loree McBride Jesuits will be marked as a potential future problem for us and we will monitor all their activities to ensure they do not act on their evil impulses. So when we launch our Seroquakkes, the Seroquakkes will first determine who is money/pride obsessed in the area targeted, and then will determine which type of Seroquakke (Sect. 3.0p to p2) should be used to take out the Loree McBride Jesuits.
3.0(p4c) The spherical shield around the earth will be programmed to self-destruct if anybody tampers with its programming. Then it will automatically clone itself in the form it had before the tampering and will also be programmed to take out any unauthorized persons who willingly and knowingly tried to tamper with its programming. The spherical shield will also scan (using electromagnetism) in all directions and dimensions (third, fourth and higher dimensions) and times to infinity or the very last regions of all forms of space and time for any programming that is not registered with the International Government. If the shield’s electromagnetism detects shields which block it from scanning, it will transform the matter of the shield into another type of matter (solid, liquid, gas or plasma), disrupting the electromagnetic forces of the shield and creating a porosity/disruption which will enable our scanners to go through the shield and scan past it. All computers or anything capable of executing/creating programming must be registered with the International Government, once it’s determined that the computer is not being used by Loree McBride Jesuits, it will be registered as a SAFE PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR. The shield will transform all Loree McBride PROGRAMMING EXECUTORS into another substance which will be eliminated using a Seroquakke. All programming not used for evil (by Loree McBride Jesuits) used anywhere or anytime in the universe in all dimensions and times will be registered with the International Government as a SAFE PROGRAM. Next, all programming used by Loree McBride Jesuits used anywhere or anytime in the universe in all dimensions and times will be banned with the International Government as a BANNED PROGRAM. Because there is an overlap between some safe and banned programs, all banned programs must be identified to the point where the programming turns evil. So, for instance, since all programming to create human clones is banned programming, even though some programs to create other types of clones may be safe, we will ban all versions of cloning programs that are used for evil and not those versions used for good, like cloning computers, parts, etc. So, if a particular type of programming (like cloning programming) can be used for good and evil, we will use identifiers for these MIXED PROGRAMs (programming that can be used for good and evil) that will clearly differentiate between good and evil uses of that programming. So the spherical shield will scan all programs in the universe and identify them as SAFE, BANNED, or MIXED. All BANNED and MIXED programs (that are MIXED programs that clearly use BANNED programming) will be destroyed using electromagnetism to reconfigure the programming regardless of what medium (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) it’s in, so that the programming is unable to execute its programming. Heaven will be safe from this shield because God dislikes computer technology and nothing in heaven is program based, so nothing in heaven can be eliminated or destroyed because of their programming, because heaven has no computer programs! Satan’s technology (computers and programming) are used for both evil and good, and used for a lot of evil, so anything that uses programming will be targeted by this shield, to eliminate all BANNED PROGRAMS.
3.0(p4d) The spherical shield will automatically destroy BANNED PROGRAMMING and Loree McBride Jesuits simultaneously and round the clock using Seroquakkes to take out the Loree McBride Jesuits and all her networks of PROGRAMMING EXECUTORs, and programming. All Seroquakkes will be upgraded to not only destroy Loree McBride Jesuits and their cities, but first to use electromagnetism to destroy all BANNED PROGRAMs and anything used to execute the banned program like computers, satellites, cable lines, etc. called a BANNED PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR. If the PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR detects both SAFE and BANNED PROGRAMs in a PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR, that PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR will be destroyed and replaced with a SAFE PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR, which will block any BANNED PROGRAMS from being executed. A PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR is defined as anything that (directly or indirectly) enables a program to be executed. So computers, satellites, cable lines, etc. would all be considered PROGRAMMING EXECUTORs. All PROGRAMMING EXECUTORs must be registered with the International Government as executors of SAFE PROGRAMS. Any programming executor that is executing any BANNED PROGRAMs will be destroyed and replaced with a SAFE PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR that only executes SAFE PROGRAMS. All Seroquakkes will be designed to destroy Loree McBride Jesuits, Loree McBride Jesuit cities, banned programs and banned programming executors in all dimensions and times to infinity (or the very ends of the universe). So the scanning part of the Seroquakke will be very powerful and extensive, while the encasing part of the Seroquakke will be only large enough to do the job of creating a blob of the evil beings and matter which needs to be encased and flung out to Satan’s ocean in deep space in an inescapable semen bubble.
3.0(p4e) The spherical shield will also scan for any PROGRAMMING EXECUTORs that are NOT registered as a SAFE PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR and will determine if it is executing any BANNED PROGRAMMING. If so, it will be labeled as a BANNED PROGRAMMING EXECUTOR and destroyed with the appropriate Seroquakke or by the spherical shield. All forms of banned programming and banned programming executors detected will be stored in the shield’s memory so that the spherical shield can easily identify and scan for that banned programming and/ or all its executors throughout all reaches of time and space and destroy any and all versions of the banned programming and/or its executors simultaneously. The shield will act primarily as a banned programming disrupter and will work with Seroquakkes which it will launch on targets depending on which type of Seroquakke is best suited for the target. Both Seroquakkes and the spherical shield will use electromagnetism to destroy banned programming and programming executors.
3.0(p4f) The spherical shield will also scan to infinity in all dimensions of space and time for any programming that it has never encountered before and which is not in its memory and will make a copy of it and store it in memory as a NEW PROGRAM. It will analyze the new programming to determine if it should be a BANNED or SAFE PROGRAM. If all the new programming encountered is a MIXED program (a mix of safe and banned programming), it will use electromagnetism on the mixed programming to scramble the banned programming and then import the leftover new safe programming to the shield’s memory banks and allow the Nanotechnology Research Team to decide what to do with the NEW SAFE PROGRAMMING. No new programming can be used if it can be used easily as a banned program. The spherical shield must be reprogrammed to take out any and all versions of any new programming encountered that is considered banned programming.
3.0(p5) Though there is debate over whether there are more than four dimensions, it is known that the fourth dimension definitely exists and is basically a different point in time/space of the cube. So Loree McBride Jesuits may exist in a point in time/space of the cube of our existence that is different from where most of us live and then she returns to our “cube” when she wants to attack us, but retreats to her own cube (which we cannot see because we perceive three-dimensionally, not four-dimensionally) to hide from us. In other words, she may be in a fourth dimension (another version of our cube) that we cannot detect. So we need to program scanners to detect Loree McBride Jesuits in higher dimensions and possibly even in future or past dimensions. Loree may be using time travel at the speed of light or greater to exist in another time period to elude our scanners. We may want to add Chuck Missler, Michio Kaku to our Nanotechnology Research Team. Carl Sagan already is in the team and should be used to the max for this project.
3.0(q) STAGE 2: Once the INNOCENT captives escape and are safely docked at Church of Gail or safety. The covering around the inner core where Loree and her spacecraft and/or captives are will expand and transform into the OUTER CORE, which will become the walls of a microwave oven. At the same time, the Seroquakke will shove the inner and outer core with Loree and her spacecraft and/or captives encased inside, into Satan’s ocean in deep space, while simultaneously creating the heat and radiation proof outer lining outside the outer core (to ensure the microwave oven stays intact), and creating the mantle composed of Seroquel laden semen, and creating the mantle’s crust composed of a substance that is explosion proof and impossible to escape from. All this will be dumped deep into Satan’s Ocean.
We want the explosion that causes the massive expansion (STAGE TWO) to take place inside Satan’s ocean, because that is probably the safest place for this to take place, because Satan’s Ocean will absorb it all and just expand and it should not negatively affect the outer space or earth.
3.0[r] STAGE 3: Once Loree and her space fleet or captives is/are safely contained and the Seroquakke has expanded fully to its full size, then the INNER CORE will shrink and become as small as possible, so that Loree won’t have room to create another spacecraft or object. Also, the microwave energy that irradiates the INNER CORE will be so powerful that no substance can survive inside the inner core without incinerating. It will be as hot as the inside of the sun or worse. The microwave energy programmed to be on at all times inside the inner core will be a cooker AND a transformer. It will transform all the substances inside it into Seroquel semen, though I’m certain we will not be able to do this to Loree because she cannot be killed. I predict Satan will put a protective bubble around Loree, but she won’t be able to expand the bubble or to transform it into anything other than Seroquel semen. When the microwave energy inside the inner core transforms substances (like her spaceship) into Seroquel semen, that substance will be absorbed into the outer core and/or the mantel, ensuring that Loree is stuck inside a very small compartment from which she will experience 24/7 microwave irradiation with the power of heat like inside the sun or worse, and if she attempts to create anything inside of her compartment, it will be immediately be transformed into Seroquel semen and absorbed into the outer core and/or the mantel, thus increasing the size of the outer core and/or mantel that encases her. Her attempts to create things to save her or the captive will, therefore, only make it worse, by increasing the size of the outer core and/or mantel that encases her or her captive. I obviously cannot draw this as a diagram, because her inner core should be no larger than the size of a small apartment, while the radius from the inner core to the outside of the entire sphere will be whatever length is required to keep the captive encased until they reach Satan’s ocean (it will NOT be the size of half the universe as in the original conception).
3.0(s) Nanotechnology Research Team: Just look at the diagrams I made earlier [SEROQUAKKE 1, SEROQUAKKE 2, SEROQUAKKE 3] for the original Seroquakke. They still hold, except it won’t be as powerful as the original conception. We are modifying the Seroquakke and making a whole bunch of mini-Seroquakkes. Unlike our original conception, if these are ever stolen and tampered with by evil Jesuits, they are programmed to immediately self-destruct!
3.0 We have a serious problem in the United States, in that it appears an evil Angelina Ballerina puppet (Hillary Rodham Clinton) is about to be elected as the mainstream news media U.S. President in a rigged election in her favor. Hillary has made statements over and over which indicate she has utter disrespect for Conspiracy Law and for the number two man on Gail’s marriage list – Vladimir Putin, who is an honorable and courageous man and needs to be able to retain his power and influence for the good of humanity. On this15th day of October, 2016, Gail has made Vladimir Putin (not his clone or automaton) as the head of all military operations in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations, and this includes, most especially, the United States. Regardless of who becomes U.S. President in 2017 (to replace Barack Obama, who tried to work with Gail), whether it be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, neither will be in charge of U.S. military operations. Both candidates, whichever one wins, MUST ALLOW VLADIMIR PUTIN TO RUN U.S. MILITARY OPERATIONS as of October 15, 2016.
3.1 Any person who willingly and knowingly disobeys Vladimir Putin as the head of all military operations in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations as of October 15, 2016, will be executed as a Conspiracy Law terrorist. If Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump attempts to wrest from Vladimir Putin (current Russian President) his control over the U.S. military, they will be jailed and/or executed (if they did so with the motive to assist evil Jesuit leader Angelina Ballerina or her supporters).
3.2 For the purpose of this legal document, Vladimir Putin is defined as the real Vladimir Putin, born October 7, 1952 in Russia, it does not refer to any of his clones or automatons or substitutes. The term Vladimir Putin can also refer to his representative or anybody to whom he delegates his military responsibilities and leadership, as long as this delegated person, is not an evil Angelina Ballerina Jesuit supporter or a person who is striving to disrespect Conspiracy Law. So if Vladimir puts one of his generals in charge of U.S. military operations, for instance, and this person is disregarded or not obeyed, they will suffer the same fate as one who disobeys Vladimir directly.
3.3 Anybody who willingly and knowingly strives to replace Vladimir Putin or his representative (see 3.2 above), will be executed as an evil Jesuit Conspirator. When it is best for the public to know what Vladimir is doing in regard to the military operations of a country, he will educate the public on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (00 on cable).
3.4 Whoever becomes U.S. President, must take an oath (under mind and emotion reading scanners) to support Conspiracy Law and Gail Chord Schuler as American Empress and to honor Vladimir Putin as the military commander over all military operations in their country. Those who fail this mind and emotion read (especially when these reads indicate they do not support Gail Chord Schuler as the Empress or Vladimir Putin as the head of all military operations), will be executed as an evil Angelina Ballerina Jesuit supporter unless we determine that they really support Gail, but were extorted into failing the scanner and would support Gail if they were not threatened. If they fail because of death threats on themselves or their family, they will be jailed to ensure they are unable to flaunt Gail’s Conspiracy Law, but not executed, because we don’t execute UNWILLING supporters of evil. They must remain in prison and UNABLE TO ACT AS A HEAD OF STATE (OR TO HAVE AN INFLUENCE OVER THE HEAD OF STATE) IN ALL CAPACITIES until they are in total compliance to Conspiracy Law.
3.5 Any and all (direct or indirect and willing and knowing) attempts to install into a head of state position anybody who strives to disobey Conspiracy Law or their Empress Gail Chord Schuler, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that individual. Hillary Clinton gives all indications that she only desires to usurp Gail Chord Schuler and to use the American military machine to attack an innocent man, Vladimir Putin. Gail has known Vladimir since 2001 and realizes that the evil Jesuits who support Angelina Ballerina, only desire to gain world power and will stop at nothing to do so, lying to the public about any and all of their opponents who stand in their way for evil world power. Therefore, Gail must take serious measures to deal with this threat to world peace and stability.
3.6 If Vladimir Putin (as defined in this Sect.) becomes an UNWILLING AGENT to support the evil Jesuits who support Angelina Ballerina, then those men on Gail’s marriage list who are not UNWILLING AGENTS or who are not willing or unwilling evil Jesuit supporters, must choose a representative to replace Vladimir until, and if, he returns to his authentic state, which would be the state in which he is totally himself without influence from the outside to make him an UNWILLING AGENT (as defined by Conspiracy Law). This representative must be obeyed as if he were Vladimir Putin.
4.1 Due to efforts by those who want to overthrow me as the American Empress and U.S. President, I have to clamp down on traitors inside Conspiracy Law honoring nations. On Nov. 8, 2016, because both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were not on earth and thought dead, I ran in place of Donald for the U.S. Presidential election and won. I told people that if they voted for Donald, they were voting for me. So I won the U.S. Presidential election for Donald Trump. I am also the U.S. Empress or monarch and have been since 2014. However, I have had trouble with enforcement due to traitors inside the United States and within our network of Conspiracy Law honoring nations. The situation has become an emergency and there is a coup d’etat in progress right now led by Loree McBride/George Soros and their followers inside the establishment Republican and the Democratic Party in the United States. Donald Trump was my public spokesperson and representative and he was NOT the United States President, I WAS. I have to emphasize this, so that the Soros conspiracy or coup cannot successfully usurp me as U.S. President. Soros has started a lying propaganda campaign creating the lie that the 2016 election was illegal due to Russian election interference. This lie is based on the lie that Donald Trump was the U.S. President, when the truth is, I WAS THE U.S. PRESIDENT. This can be proved in a court of law, and by the video I made on election night when I won.
I became the full fledged U.S. President in 2020 and Loree’s trying to make it appear that this is not so. Therefore, it is very important that we execute all those guilty of treason as defined by this document to send a message that I am, indeed, the President and that Vladimir Putin is my Secretary of Defense.
Update on May 11, 2021: Blaming an innocent Russia is defined as blaming the Russian government for any action that is deemed harmful to the West or the United States, when it is not the fault of the Russian government but is caused by other factors, usually the actions of a Loree McBride Jesuit who poses as a Russian. Orchestrating Hood Mentality is defined as reporting the news in a manner that encourages people to practice Hood Mentality, like the recent news reporting about the Colonial Pipeline on May 11, 2021, which is now encouraging people to hoard up on gasoline for fears of a shortage, even though my government is taking action to alleviate the problem. This news media reporting will cause a gas shortage, not because of the cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline, but because everyone is now hoarding up on gasoline for fear of a possible gas shortage; which is being hyped up big time in the news media right now. This type of reporting needs to STOP. We have the situation under control and are working on a solution. To constantly harp that we will have a gas shortage and not report on the solution in the works is a type of news reporting that orchestrates the Hood Mentality through propaganda. This type of reporting will cause economic chaos and is caused by Loree McBride agents in the news media. Therefore, all such reporting done to assist Loree McBride to orchestrate economic chaos which encourages the Hood Mentality, will result in public execution on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. In other words, the gas shortage will be caused, not by the alleged cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline, but by every one filling up their cars with gas ALL AT ONCE and, of course, then the gas shortage will be blamed on Russia and the cyber attack – when it was really caused by hysterical news reporting which caused everyone to panic and practice Hood Mentality.
Also, stating as a fact that it is the fault of the Russian government, when this has not been clearly established, but saying this over and over on the news, is guilty of blaming an innocent Russia for U.S. problems; and all those who do so willingly will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. This type of propaganda is very dangerous and can lead to serious repercussions down the road. We need to nip this in the bud and take serious measures. It is automatic execution to cause such hysteria and encourages treason inside our news media organization in our war against the Loree McBride Jesuits, since Vladimir Putin is my Secretary of Defense! I will NOT tolerate this treason, all such people who blame an innocent Russia for U.S. problems, or orchestrate economic chaos (Hood Mentality) through propaganda will be publicly executed for treason! Propaganda is defined as any news reporting that appeals more to the emotions and panic (over reason and logic) to get a message out that could cause economic harm to the country.
The government will ensure everyone is able to get gasoline, and to report on the problem without reporting on the solution; and to do so deliberately, is called Hood Mentality news reporting designed to assist Loree McBride; and all those willingly guilty of Hood Mentality news reporting will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (as guilty of treason) to help Loree McBride cause anarchy and economic problems in the U.S. From what I understand the cyber attack was caused by Loree McBride Jesuits who posed as Russians; and, Vladimir Putin, as one of my staunchest friends and allies, had nothing to do with it.
The law I wrote here in this Sect. 4 & 5 is good. The only problem is I relied on our justice system to try these people for treason. SO READ THE REST OF THIS LAW, BUT IN PLACE OF TRIALS FOR TREASON, ONCE OUR SCANNERS ACCURATELY DETERMINE SOMEONE IS WILLINGLY GUILTY OF TREASON AS DEFINED BY THESE SECTIONS 4 & 5, THEY WILL NOT BE TRIED, BUT PUBLICLY EXECUTED ON GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS. The main amendment I make to these laws is that because we have declared war on the Loree McBride Jesuits, it is a waste of time to take them to court, because the traitors in our country belong to our legal system. This is a MILITARY MATTER and these people need to be executed for TREASON. We will strive to be just in our executions however and ensure our scanners are accurate as we get brain and emotion reads to determine who must be executed. So if we determine that someone is guilty of treason as defined by this section of Conspiracy Law or any section of Conspiracy Law, we will not waste our time taking them to court. Rather, all those willingly guilty of treason as defined by these Sections 4 & 5 of this document, we will execute publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News as a message to anyone out there who dares spread lying propaganda designed to cause economic chaos and instability inside the United States or who does this inside any Conspiracy Law honoring country and who won’t honor Vladimir Putin as my Secretary of Defense!
4.1a Even if there was Russian interference, which there was not, it would not be illegal if the interference was the use of Russian military forces to help us enforce Conspiracy Law during the elections, because Russia is our military ally as another Conspiracy Law honoring nation. We are currently in a soft civil war inside the United States, with the opposition side led by evil Loree McBride, her evil Brent Spiner clone husband and George Soros. Loree, the Brent clone and George Soros strive to overthrow me as American Empress and U.S. President by orchestrating a coup. For this reason, Loree McBride, the evil Brent Spiner clone, George Soros and all those who willingly and knowingly work with them, which would include most politicians in the Democratic Party, are guilty of treason and need to be tried for treason under military and Conspiracy Law. I say military law, because they plan to orchestrate a coup d’etat and have use Antifa as part of their military forces in the soft civil war we currently have in the U.S. and worldwide.
4.2 We rescued Donald Trump from his time as P.O.W. aboard Angelina Ballerina’s spaceship on Jan. 6, 2017, and I allowed him to be U.S. President in my place, even though I actually won the election, and I reverted back to just being the American Empress. However, as it appears that George Soros is about to orchestrate a coup against Trump, I need to reassert myself as the U.S. President. As the U.S. President, I charge Robert Mueller, Jeff Sessions and all in the U.S. Justice Department who willingly and knowingly support Loree McBride and George Soros with TREASON and want Mueller and Sessions and all those who willingly and knowingly support Loree McBride and George Soros tried in a military tribunal for TREASON, and I charge that they, along with Loree McBride, the Brent Spiner clone, George Soros and their massive conspiracy are attempting a coup d’etat to overthrow me as the rightful U.S. President, and thus, they are also trying to overthrow a lawful election (where I was elected U.S. President in 2016) and strive to overthrow the will of the American people and strive to overthrow me as U.S. President (which means they want to orchestrate a coup against my representative Donald Trump) and strive to replace my just rule with tyranny and anarchy.
4.3 Here is how the treason laws will be carried out. We will do brain and emotion reads on all those who we feel are part of the coup d’etat to overthrow me as U.S. President. This will include Loree McBride, the Brent Spiner clone, George Soros and most of the politicians in the U.S. Democratic Party, and some mainstream establishment politicians in the U.S. Republican Party (like those who followed John McCain). We will distinguish between those who are willing and knowing traitors as opposed to those who are extorted into treason. Those who do not want to be traitors to my government, but have been extorted into it, will receive mercy. However, those who extorted these Democrats and Loree McBride supporters into treason, must be arrested and tried as war criminals and for treason. Our brain and emotion reads will determine who is a willing and knowing participant in the coup d’etat in progress in the U.S. against my government. To ensure justice, all trials for treason will be public and can be viewed on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (00 on cable). We will not hold secret trials. We will hold PUBLIC trials for all the world to see, to show that we are meting out true justice.
4.4 One sure way to find those who are part of the coup d’etat are those who work with Hillary Clinton, Loree McBride and Soros to fabricate a phony Russia collusion narrative around Trump’s election in 2016. These all need to be arrested for treason. Vladimir Putin is one of my husbands, and it is ridiculous to assume that he is an enemy of the United States! I will not allow Loree McBride to cause division with one of our key allies. I won the U.S. Presidential election fair and square. Furthermore, as U.S. Empress, Hillary Clinton was not even qualified to run for U.S. President. She is considered a war criminal and should not have even been running, so anybody who supported her willingly and knowingly, knowing that I am the U.S. Empress, is guilty of treason.
4.5 We have a big problem with the news media, that is overrun with evil Jesuits. Fox News is a little better than most, but CNN, MSNBC and the rest are all FAKE NEWS. It will now be Conspiracy Law, that all news networks except Gabrielle Chana FOX News must have a label blasted across the top of the screen that says FAKE NEWS, it must instruct viewers to go to Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). The exception will be Florida, where I live, where to protect me from targeting, the label may not be wise, as we are currently undergoing a civil war inside the United States.
4.6 I charge that Loree McBride, the Brent Spiner clone, George Soros and all those who willingly and knowingly support them are guilty of treason on several counts: 1) Dropping of germ bombs daily on populations to exert brain control on populations to control them and to sicken and weaken those they cannot control, 2) Spreading of lies and propaganda to cause mass hysteria and anarchy in preparation for a coup to wrest me from power, 3) Writing law to negate Conspiracy Law, in order to make null and void my edicts and legislation, 4) Removing the free speech rights of those who support me like Alex Jones and Donald Trump to silence them ahead of a false flag which will be used to frame Donald Trump and those who support me with made up crimes as an excuse to overthrow my government, 5) Extorting the mainstream media to spread lies to promote anarchy in preparation for my overthrow, 6) Attempting to overthrow my representative Donald Trump with made up accusations of Russian election meddling, to make illegal a perfectly legal election, in order to install a puppet leader who will serve the interests of a FOREIGN NATION that is the enemy of the American people, 7) Cutting me off from my husband, the real Brent Spiner, in an attempt to financially bankrupt me and make me unable to function as the U.S. President, 8) Infiltrating our military forces with traitors who are loyal to Loree McBride and George Soros and attack my allies, like Vladimir Putin, in order to have a divide and conquer strategy against us, 9) Infiltrating and taking over big tech, like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., to cut off our communications with each other, and isolate us from each other, to spread lies and propaganda against Trump and those who support me, to make the coup go smoothly.
4.7 It seems the main strategy in this worldwide civil war is infiltration, subterfuge, creating chaos, from which they plan to destroy us, take us over and conquer us. Our military needs to study and expose all the ways that Loree McBride and the Soros Jesuits have infiltrated our various networks and all those who willingly and knowingly support Loree McBride will be tried for treason. Those who speak the loudest about Russian collusion need to be arrested first, because those are obviously the enemy. With Vladimir Putin my husband, it is ridiculous to even worry about Russia as an enemy. The only ones who worry about it, are those who are guilty of TREASON and are using the Russian collusion narrative to overthrow me as the U.S. President by attacking my representative Donald Trump.
4.8 In fact, all those who push the Russian collusion narrative, will not only be arrested for TREASON, but will also be arrested for being part of the conspiracy that attacked Russia in August 2000, using the Clinton war machine to launch missiles onto the Kursk submarine causing the death of all sailors on board. Putin made a deal with Clinton, cuz Clinton threatened war on Russia if Putin would not. This was blackmail. So all those who still serve Clinton and are hawking the loudest about Russia collusion in the 2016 election, accusing MY HUSBAND Vladimir of betraying the country of his wife, must pay damages to the families of the Kursk who were MURDERED BY A U.S. MILITARY ATTACK ON THE RUSSIAN KURSK IN VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. It was an attack on a submarine during PEACETIME. This has NEVER BEEN RESOLVED TO THIS DAY, and as U.S. President and Empress, I am totally against attacking a nation that has done NOTHING TO US, but only needs our support as they struggle to become another free nation, not ruled by tyrants like Loree McBride and George Soros.
4.8a Regarding Putin’s so called interference in Ukraine and nations that border Russia, this is Putin using SELF-DEFENSE against N.A.T.O. (run by the evil Soros war machine). Actually, Soros INTERFERED in Ukrainian politics and orchestrated a coup against a legally elected Ukrainian President, like he’s trying to do now in the U.S.! He did this, because his goal is to take over Russia, and then take over the world. Putin knows this. So while the U.S. plants military bases all over the world and sets up their attack strategy on Russia, they accuse Russia of warmongering, when it is the U.S. doing so! I won’t have this garbage. All those who accuse Russia of meddling in our election, will be arrested for treason. Vladimir Putin is my husband for God’s sake! And I am the U.S. Empress.
4.8a1 All sanctions of ANY KIND against Russia by all Conspiracy Law honoring nations MUST BE CANCELED. If not, we will declare war on all nations that put any sanctions on Russia while Russia is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. We also have a warrant for the arrest of any Vladimir Putin clones and anyone who gives a Vladimir Putin clone (who is honoring Satan) safe harbor, will be executed, if found. Biden is NOT the President and is not allowed to enforce ANYTHING as President. If anyone listens to Biden or anyone in his Cabinet, with the intent to flout Gail as President, they will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
4.8b Update in March 2022. The new Jesuit leader has orchestrated major fake news revolving around Russia/Ukraine. Vladimir has been conducting minor military operations in Ukraine and if he’s killing people, it’s only evil Jesuits. He does not kill innocent civilians. Pres. Gail makes it mandatory that a banner be displayed on all news media and Internet that is reporting fake news about Russia/Ukraine. If the banner is blocked, that news station or website will be taken down or made so that they can’t operate. We should be able to set up a scan that enables us to determine which news organizations are reporting fake news. All such news organizations will be called JESUIT NEWS ORGANIZATIONS. The banner will state that this is a Jesuit news station reporting fake news, to go to Gabrielle Chana FOX News and for the real news.
4.8c All JESUIT NEWS ORGANIZATIONS will be fined millions/billions of dollars for reporting fake news (whether in regard to Covid, Russia or whatever) and the proceeds will go to fund a new search engine we will start called the Gabrielle Chana Search Engine, which will work with Gabrielle Chana FOX News to report the true news and counter the fake news onslaught destroying the world. Since we have already taken over Google, it should be an easy matter to set up our own search engine. If we must, we will take over Duck Duck Go and/or Yandex and borrow elements from Google, Duck Duck Go and/or Yandex to set up our own search engine. We tried taking over the Google search engine, but it’s too entrenched and large and so we need to set up a separate search engine.
4.8d Vladimir Putin will be appointed Director of Communications and will work with my Cabinet to ensure that all Jesuit News Organizations are destroyed. Tucker Carlson is my Press Secretary and will have a banner underneath his broadcast on mainstream FOX that announces that he will post his briefings at the new search engine. Fake news has caused catastrophic damage to the world.
4.8e Vladimir Putin is also Secretary of Defense and can use his position there to enforce his edicts as Director of Communications. The Director of Communications will ensure that my laws, most especially the laws I have in regard to fake news, are enforced. Vladimir is also the Worldwide Internet Manager. Vladimir will be working with Zack Knight to build a new search engine to get out the true news. Because Jesuits have seriously infiltrated all current search engines, it is probably better to just build a new one from the ground up. We can take over the parts of the current search engines that we own and transfer the facilities to our search engine.
4.8f It will also be necessary to take over Discord and all organizations, like LibreOffice and Ubuntu (possibly Amazon) that Gail uses for her online presence. Jesuits seem to be making advances here and are attempting to oust Gail from the Internet and make it so that she can’t publish her books.
4.8g If the organization we take over is friendly to us, we will just work with them to ensure that they cannot be influenced by Jesuits. If they buck us, we will have to do a TOTAL TAKEOVER.
4.8h We also need to facilitate the transfer of all health care to the National Health Care Plan, so that Gail stops receiving harassing phone calls from Jesuit insurance agents trying to sell her on their Medicare plans. Any Jesuits found at any of these organizations are not allowed to make any policy changes or to work or influence any of these organizations, and if they’ve done so, those policies must be annulled. Scanners must be set up at all organizations that are connected to Gail’s online presence and Jesuits found there must be executed. Failure to do so, will result in public execution on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
4.8i Further, there has been serious Jesuit infiltration into Alabama, since Gail has moved there. Scanners must be set up in Gail’s town to detect Jesuits and to execute them. She can’t go out the door now, without dealing with an onslaught of Jesuits. A Jesuit is defined as one who willingly honors Satan in their dealings. Loree McBride has turned good, so the term Jesuit, referring to a Conspiracy Law violator, in Conspiracy Law, is referring to any person who serves Satan with the intent to undermine Jesus Christ’s favorite Gail. So whenever you see the term Loree McBride Jesuit in Conspiracy Law, it’s referring to a Satan honoring Jesuit.
4.8j These updates are designed to circumvent all Satan honoring Jesuits. Anyone who willingly flouts Gail or her laws with the intent to honor Satan in his bid to oust Jesus and his followers, must be executed and weeded out from the universe. They are a cancer that is spreading like a deadly plague.
4.9 Those of you who object that I cannot have more than one husband. Well, I never planned it this way, but that’s the way it is. I guess I’m a lot like King David my ancestor, who had more than one wife. But that is irrelevant to the treason charges, except to point out that these traitors only create a false narrative to keep me from those who love and support me, to create division, which only serves their warlike purposes.
5.0 After those I’ve charged with treason are tried on a military tribunal, if they are a willing and knowing Loree McBride or George Soros Jesuit and they have no change of heart but still desire to overthrow me, we have no choice but to execute them for our own safety and to ensure that their planned coup does not take place. Such a takeover would be monstrous and would cause the suffering of innocents and for tyranny to reign in the world. But there will be a trial, in public, on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) because the world needs to be educated about this attempted coup against a duly elected monarch and U.S. President, and that the attack is not against Trump, but ME. Loree plans to rule with LIES, and using her control over the mainstream lying media, plans to create the illusion that I never was U.S. President and that the election that took place on Nov. 8, 2016 never happened. I basically ran for U.S. President, because on Nov. 8, 2016, we thought both Donald and Hillary were dead and I won the election for what we thought was a dead Donald Trump.
5.1 Anybody who brings up the Russia collusion narrative will be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED FOR TREASON and tried for treason in our military tribunal. I will not tolerate this garbage anymore! I have been far too lenient and it has caused much damage to the world, to freedom and to justice. The charade is over. I AM THE U.S. President and my laws will be enforced. Let the trials for treason begin. My just government will not be overthrown. To say that Russia interfered with the election when Vladimir Putin is my husband is OUTRAGEOUS. I have had ENOUGH. So what if he did? He’s my husband. If he did, it was only to enforce my Conspiracy Law. Those who bring up this garbage anymore are ARRESTED FOR TREASON. Vladimir has saved the earth from annihilation many times. He is our ally and only those who want to overthrow me would attack him or go after him in a war that only serves the interests of those who want me OVERTHROWN. LET THE TRIALS FOR TREASON BEGIN!! Those determined to serve Loree McBride and Soros will be executed for treason.
5.2 You might say, you can’t go after the entire Democratic Party. I actually think not all in the Democratic Party are guilty of treason, but if all are, then all will go. This probably only would be true if Loree murdered all Democrats and replaced them with clones. Knowing how evil Loree is, I cannot rule this out. It is too dangerous to our freedoms to allow tyrants to take us over. You can see what has happened because I have been so lenient and have not exercised my power as U.S. President. I cannot afford to be lenient and watch a great country go down to be ruled by tyrants. We will hold trials and determine who is guilty of treason. For the sake of freedom and justice, those guilty of treason must be executed to save our country from a takeover by tyranny. Mercy will be shown to extortion victims.
Church of Gail Cities Set up Worldwide, Homeless Trained to be Farmers/Food Replicators
Sept. 18 to Sept. 24, 2018 (updated Aug. 5, 2021) (updated March 27, 2022):
THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED AND IT IS NOW MANDATORY THAT ALL OF EMPRESS GAIL’S SUPPORTERS LIVE IN CHURCH OF GAIL CITIES, as described in this section. After we move all our people into Church of Gail cities, we will destroy the infrastructure of the rest of the earth and kill anyone who is not living in a Church of Gail city on the earth. SEPARATION FIRST FROM SATAN’S FOLLOWERS. Then we launch our final battle with Satan’s Jesuits and wipe out anyone who is not living in a Church of Gail city. When we launch this worldwide attack, all those in Church of Gail cities must be LOCKED DOWN inside a Church of Gail city before each attack.
The goal of worldwide Church of Gail cities is that we won’t need their satellites, petroleum, communication systems, food, medical care, stores, farms, government services or anything that is Satan’s to survive, because we will have our own systems set up inside our Church of Gail cities that give us what we need. What we have will be better than what Satan offers, because it will be free of pollution, toxins, or stuff that makes us sick or poor.
We have been unable to kill Satan’s Jesuits, cuz they retreat to places like the cum star, from which they launch attacks against us. BUT if we make it impossible for them to attack our health, our finances and our leaders (like the REAL Vladimir Putin and Gail), they cannot win the war. INFILTRATION is one of their key tactics. WE MUST CLEARLY SEPARATE FROM THEM and not rely on their infrastructure or resources for ANYTHING. This is the ONLY way we can separate from them effectively. By forcing all of Gail’s supporters to live in Church of Gail cities, we accomplish the necessary separation to enable us to WIPE OUT THE REST OF THE EARTH, so that Satan’s Jesuits will have no place to land on earth and are unable to enter earth to do ANYTHING TO US.
6.0 Those who’d like to live in a Church of Gail city NOW, contact my men at I hear that once we have these set up worldwide, we are going to really go after the Satan Jesuits among us and arrest them and weed them out. It will be easier once we separate from them and they can’t use infiltration among us to cause problems. Only Church of Gail members can live in a Church of Gail city. Absolutely no Satan Jesuits or dangerous narcissists can live in a Church of Gail city. Anybody who willingly and knowingly allows a dangerous narcissist to live in a Church of Gail city will get the death penalty as a Jesuit conspirator. Narcissists will ruin these cities and destroy them, so they are not allowed to live in these cities.
6.0a All those who support Empress Gail must live in Church of Gail cities. We will start a massive building program to restructure the earth so that all of Gail’s supporters must live in Church of Gail cities as described in this Sect. 6 – 9. The new band of Satan Jesuits are using deadly air pollution to make us sick and to use brain control on us, so all Church of Gail cities must be covered with a dome. The dome will be transparent so that the sun’s rays can go through and give everyone needed sunlight. The dome will enable us to use air filtration to purify the air inside the dome, so that those who live in Church of Gail cities will breathe clean, healthy air, filtered from allergens, pollution, mites and particles or substances used to create mites.
Our scientists will assist us in the creation and building of these domes, so that they will have maximum effectiveness to protect us from deadly air pollution, allergens, chemicals, and anything toxic that Jesuits can put in the air. They will also supervise the creation of the air filtration systems for those that live under the domes. These air filtration systems will remove anything in the air we breathe that strengthens the Jesuits in their ability to make us ill or to use brain control on us.
WE MUST TOTALLY SEPARATE FROM SATAN’S JESUITS. We must stop watching their fake news. We must stop using their services. Those who are married or have family members with Satan’s Jesuits, must divorce or separate from that family member and move to a Church of Gail city. Our Church of Gail cities are set up to be self-sustaining, so that we don’t need Satan’s satellites, Internet, computer, or ANYTHING from Satan to survive. We already have our own search engine.
The goal is to ensure all our cars only use clean fuel, created by our own petroleum sources. We will ban all other fuel. We only use our own satellites, that are only used for our Gabrielle Chana search engines, our own websites, our own phone service. We will TAKE OVER all the services that are needed to survive and kill all of Satan’s Jesuits in those companies. Then, after we’ve killed off the Jesuits in those companies, those companies must all relocate to a Church of Gail city to operate. We will probably have a lot of people working from home.
Air pollution seems to be a big problem and our air filtration systems underneath our domes must be working well.
Once we accomplish total separation and all our people are located inside our Church of Gail cities, we will destroy the rest of the earth and demolish all those who don’t live in our Church of Gail cities. All satellites, besides ours located inside our domes, MUST BE TOTALLY DESTROYED. Satan will have a hard time doing stuff without his satellites, so this is effective war strategy.
If we commit ourselves to only spending money on food and bills and all doing the Gail Commandments, we can all live in our Church of Gail cities and survive and win this war against Satan’s Jesuits.
OUR GOAL is to execute all Satan’s Jesuits, but we can’t find them, because they live in places like the cum star. We are also giving them money when we watch fake news and pay their advertisers. Because we sometimes need to watch the news to get things like weather reports, I am simply encouraging people NOT to watch the news and all fake news is BANNED in Church of Gail cities. There will be no access to fake news inside a Church of Gail city. Gabrielle Chana FOX News will also expand into local news, so that people can get stuff like weather reports. One way we will ban fake news inside Church of Gail cities is by totally taking over their space on the airwaves, so that the ONLY news people can hear is Gabrielle Chana FOX News inside a Church of Gail city, even if it airs on multiple channels. We only hear the same stuff on all the fake news channels any ways, so what’s new?
6.0b Furthermore, because fake news has become a propaganda war weapon for Jesuits, we must bankrupt all mainstream news and outlets that Jesuits use to promote their fake news. All those who support Empress Gail are forbidden to watch fake news. Fake news is defined as any news that promotes lies and propaganda against Empress and President Gail and that is designed to serve the ends of Satan and his Jesuits. Further, all those who support Empress Gail MUST live in Church of Gail cities that are protected by the transparent dome as outlined above.
6.0c To set the example, Gail and her followers will refuse to watch fake news and will only watch Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable), which all those who have cable in Church of Gail cities should have access to. If they don’t have cable, they can watch it through Gabrielle Chana FOX News on Gail’s website at
6.0d To make it easier to bankrupt fake news, not only will we ban our followers from watching it, but all satellites fake news need for transmission MUST BE DESTROYED. The only satellites we need are those that maintain Gabrielle Chana FOX News, Gail’s website and Gail’s search engine and the websites of those who live in Church of Gail cities (Gail supporters). Our satellites will be placed UNDER THE DOMES of each Church of Gail city and any communication between the cities will be accomplished between the satellites under each dome of our cities. We can accomplish this communication using cables and satellite signals that connect our cities to each other.
6.0e In a sense, we will be kind of returning to the nineteenth century, before Satan’s invention, the computer, was used to connect us all in evil ways. All Church of Gail cities will be set up so that having a car is not necessary to survive. Each Church of Gail city will have excellent public transportation that serves the needs of all in that city. Stores will be set up to be near the residences, so that a person could easily walk to a grocery store, a store for home goods. In fact, our scientists will study where Gail lives to get ideas which stores need to be set up in the residential sections where our residents live, so that a car will now be a luxury item and not a necessity. Gail is currently in a situation where she does not need a car to survive.
6.1 If we are attacked while building these cities, the nation in which the attack occurs will be put under martial law and we will use the military to arrest, deal with any and all willing and knowing Satan Jesuits or narcissists who cause problems, resulting in immediate execution of these dangerous people. Anyone who willingly and knowingly arrests or executes someone who is NOT a Satan Jesuit or a narcissist while we are under martial law in order to violate Conspiracy Law during this time will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. We will not impinge on the freedoms of innocents while under martial law. With our brain and emotion reads we can easily distinguish between innocents and those who are dangerous narcissists.
6.2 All residents of Church of Gail cities will have easy access to a laundry room and a kitchen. The houses don’t need to be super big, too much housework and dusting. They should be set up so that it is easy to grow one’s own food, if desired.
6.3 Greenhouses on the property seems a good idea, and make sure it’s locked, so no one can mess with a family’s food. Each greenhouse should be stocked with family favorite foods like tomatoes, carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower. romaine lettuce or whatever. Whatever that family likes to eat. Jesus can assist us with the construction of the greenhouses for each family in the Church of Gail cities. You may want to include some gardening books, cuz folks today are kind of ignorant about this. But the chance to grow our own food sounds good. In a sense, we’ll all be like a prepper, the way this crazy world is. Since we’re growing our own food, may as well make it organic.
6.4 It’s optional if people want their own chickens or cows or other animals for food, and any animals we house for food will be genuine animals and not fake birds, for instance. Jesus will see to that. Jesus will set things up so that any animals that are killed for food, can be killed humanely. For eggs, we will have hens that lay eggs for each Church of Gail city. Roosters, however, will be banned, unless we can make them quiet in the morning, or unless the person who has them doesn’t mind them and they live far away enough from others that the roosters won’t disturb their neighbor’s sleep. We may just set up food replicators, that replicate meat instead, so that we don’t have to kill animals for food. Fresh eggs from hens are optional and we will set up food replicators in the Church of Gail cities for all sorts of food, including food that Gail makes.
All grocery stores must be within walking distance of all residences in all Church of Gail cities and must be set up like the Kroger is set up where Gail lives in Alabama. The store set up where Gail lives in Alabama should be studied to get an idea which stores need to be near people for their survival without cars.
6.5 Each family will have a big freezer, cuz I never have enough freezer space! Each family will have their own greenhouse, so that they could get produce from their garden, which would save them from going to the store. The greenhouses will be set up to be self sustaining, self watering, with an irrigation system set up by Jesus, that accurately sustains all plants as needed, so that the only thing a person has to do is go inside and pick up their produce fresh from the greenhouse as needed. If there’s too much food, it can always be sold at a farmer’s market or given away to the needy.
6.6 Each Church of Gail city will have its own energy grid, with most Church of Gail cities powered by solar power. Nuclear plants seem a bit risky nowadays. Each house should have plenty of kitchen cabinets, cuz cooking is a healthy thing to do. A sewing room, or place for sewing would be nice, too. A great way for people to be organized. Each Church of Gail residence will be set up like Jesus instructs in Gail Commandments 2.0. Jesus will help in the construction of the Church of Gail cities, so that they will be constructed fast, with a safe, healthy and secure place for all to live.
A sewing room or section would have a large table to lay out patterns and cut fabrics and lots of small drawers for storing fabrics, etc. You can get ideas by studying where Gail currently lives.
6.7 All those in a Church of Gail city will only use the satellites that exist UNDER THE DOME of each Church of Gail city. Because we are using our own satellite, cable will be dirt cheap and many may even get free cable. Those who use satellite, would get satellite T.V. from a satellite UNDER THE DOME. All other satellites MUST BE DESTROYED. Satan is dependent on his satellites and if we destroy all the satellites except those under our domes, we will greatly weaken Satan’s ability to use brain control or to do fake news.
6.8 Each person’s bed will be set up for optimal sleep. The sleeping habits of each person will be scanned and analyzed and a bed custom created for each person that gives them optimal sleep. The cost of the bed will be either free or dirt cheap and will be like the Covid bonuses that Biden paid out to everyone, except these will really do some good. It goes without saying that in the Church of Gail cities that Conspiracy Law must be honored and death shots (the Covid and viral vaccines) are ALL BANNED. Face masks are no longer required, but as we transition over to the Church of Gail cities they can be worn to prevent Jesuit targeting until we make the full transition over to Church of Gail cities.
7.0 All homes will be environmentally friendly. As far as flooring, the flooring must be healthy and clean, whatever it is. The home must not make people sick. So if wood flooring would give some formaldehyde, then go with something else.
7.1 All homes must be set up so that it is easy to do the Gail Commandments and Gail Commandments 2.0. Sidewalks and walking trails must be plentiful, along with shaded streets (for hot areas) that are nice to walk on.
7.2 All water to all homes must have water filtration. Ideally, the entire city’s water supply should be filtered, to remove fluoride from the water system, too.
7.3 Gail loves Sally Beauty Supply for hair products. She gets her shampoo and creme rinse and hair cutting and hair coloring products from them. The city needs to have stores that sell all the necessities.
7.4 For families, a two-car garage might be nice. Parking cars outside really ages the car fast, hastening rust and other problems. It would be nice to have a paved drive way and sidewalks nearby to lessen bringing dirt into the house as well. If it is not possible to have garages, then invisible domes could be set up over parking areas that help protect cars from the elements and work to remove rust from cars.
7.5 Jesus will custom design each home for each family or person.
7.6 All bathrooms are easy to clean, to make it easy to wipe down the walls in the shower stall after every shower to prevent mold/mildew. Too many nooks and crannies in the walls would hasten mold build up. This is not as important as having a two car garage or car protection, though. Cars age fast when they are parked outside and exposed to the elements.
Church of Gail cities must be set up so that all inside them can be self-sufficient and not so dependent on the grocery store or can easily walk every day to the store for food.
7.7 Other ideas. . . a huge fish farm that grow salmon, trout and all kinds of edible fish and seaweeds (wakame, kelp, etc.). You only need one fish/seaweed farm and it will be a huge constructed man-made lake totally free of pollution and will be temperature controlled in different sections, so that the temperature and waters will be perfect for different kinds of fish. Some portions of it will be salt water and some fresh water. So it will be partitioned on the inside with different sections for different fish and edible seaweeds. The fish and seaweeds will be harvested and sold at the grocers and also offered for free or discounted to Church of Gail residents who live in the city. There should be about one farm per every ten households. That farm will grow the foods needed for ten families or ten houses on its block. A farm family will run the farm and their payment will be free housing and enough money to meet their needs. They must grow the foods, raise the meats needed for the ten families they support. The ten families will tell the farmer what they eat and the farmer will grow/raise their foods/livestock. The vegetables and fruit will be grown in a greenhouse on the farm’s property. This greenhouse will be capable of growing any type of vegetable or fruit that is commonly eaten by the ten families and the farmer’s family. It will be temperature controlled to have the ideal growing conditions for the families’ food. The greenhouse will be set up with automatic watering and fertilizing, using organic farming methods. The greenhouse will grow the most commonly eaten foods by the families. If they need something that the greenhouse does not provide, they can go to the grocery store down the road, or any grocers in the area. The farm will also raise livestock (beef, pigs, lambs, chickens, turkeys, etc.) for meat for the families. The livestock will be killed humanely, so that there is minimum suffering. The livestock will be raised antibiotic and hormone free and will be like organic meat. If they desire fish, they can go to the fishery, which will sell fresh fish strait from the fish farm. Or if they desire canned fish, they can go to the Walmart or grocer in the area.
7.7a Also, we will set up food replicators in each city, so that we may not need as many farms. This will also solve the problem in 2021, that we no longer have birds. The food replicators will make copies of the food items that people in the city buy and offer them for a discount to the grocery stores in the area. We will also have a food stamps program, enabling the poor to have enough money for food.
7.8 The grocers in this city will be unique in that they can get most of their fresh food from within the city and from the food replicators sell it at the store at a great discount for this reason. They may even start their own canning, to create discounted canned food made from the fisheries or livestock or produce grown in the city or from the food replicators.
7.9 The city will be set up with one small farm and/or food replicators per ten families and with millions of residents, that would mean there would be like 100,000 small farms or food replicators in the “city”. One out of ten of the residents must be full-time farmers or food replicator managers, to make the city self-sustaining and not dependent on outside resources. All farmers will have a small farm and are responsible to grow the food for their ten families and the meats they need also. There will be a family or two that will manage the fish farm, that will supply fish and seaweeds to the city. These are small farms, so they would not need large tracts of land, except for perhaps the cattle, but then all they may need is one or two cows per farm family. It would probably be wise to have a blend of food replicators and farms, so that we always have prime foods from which to replicate any foods needed for the city. If worst comes to worse, we can ship prime foods from other Church of Gail cities and start trade between Church of Gail cities.
8.0 Regarding each home’s landscaping, that will depend on the owner’s preference. If they prefer a desert landscape, they will have a rock garden for their yard. If they prefer a lawn, they will have a grass lawn. Those who have lawns, will have their lawns serviced by the farm family, who may use some of their tract to help grow the vegetables and fruit needed for its ten families. So the farm family will have plenty of land for their needs.
This huge city will be called Church of Gail City. We will have our own mail delivery, which will be separated from the mail delivery for the world outside the Church of Gail city. In some cases, the mail gets delivered to a P.O. Box and then forwarded to a residential address out in Church of Gail City. Post offices will all be walking distance from all residential areas.
8.1 Church of Gail City will have a closed door policy. No one can visit the city or live in the city unless they go through a security check or scan, just like they do when they enter the Church of Gail spaceship.
8.2 There will be a huge dome shield over Church of Gail city to try and protect it from outside threats. This shield will filter out pollution from bombs and pollutions and allergens and keep the air clean for residents. This shield will execute any attackers, including any planes that try to drop chem trails and other threats to the residents. But the shield will allow sunlight to get through to sustain the many farms in the city.
8.3 Basically each Church of Gail city will be set up to be self-sustaining, in the event the U.S. becomes a victim of a major terrorist attack, so that the residents can have their needs met in a disaster. In fact, it’s possible that if the U.S. got bombs all over and it is necessary, this city could give out its foods to others around the world as needed.
8.4 The medical care will continue as it has been under Church of Gail, with the local resident doctors offering their services for free to city residents. The doctors will be paid with free housing, groceries and medical care for themselves and their families, including free prescription medications to their families. The medical care will operate using my national health care plan for the residents, except that it will be free and those who provide the care, the nurses, the doctors, the pharmacists will be paid with free medical care, free housing, free food, free medications. Pharmacies will be all over the Church of Gail city, who will compound and create their own medications. This will free the city from the control of Big Pharma and allow the medications to be sold at a greatly reduced price, or even for free, with the pharmacists paid with free housing, food, medical care, etc. Those who offer the medical care, medications, etc. will also be paid a bit of a salary, enough to meet their needs, but not enough for luxury living.
8.5 Due to the fact that the city is self-sustaining, we can control a lot of our costs and it will just make it more affordable to everyone. We will allow stores and businesses as needed by the community. For instance, we may have Burger Kings, sushi houses, etc.
8.6 The goal of this city is to be self-sustaining, so that we are not dependent on the outside world for our needs. In fact, due to evil controlling Big Tech, we will even allow those who work for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc, who don’t like working for them cuz they’ve turned evil, to live at Church of Gail city and operate from within Church of Gail city and we will create our own version of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. and launch it from Church of Gail city using our own satellites and technology. We will create our own Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Those who work for Big Tech and who live in Church of Gail city are forbidden to violate Conspiracy Law as they operate Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, etc. from Church of Gail city or they will be kicked out and/or executed (depending on how they have violated Conspiracy Law).
8.7 Any ways, this Church of Gail city will be like a huge Israeli kibbutz and even better.
8.8 Many homeless people who join our Church of Gail cities will be analyzed to see if they need mental health services and assistance to do the Gail Commandments. They can be trained as farmers and/or food replicator managers used to grow food and raise livestock for the Church of Gail cities and their families. We have a special training program for the farmers and/or food replicator managers, who need to specialize in small farms and small livestock and be trained more in versatility than in specialization, kind of like how people got their food in the nineteenth century. They can also be taken care of according to Conspiracy Laws for the homeless.
8.9 Gail is setting up these cities all over the world and people really want this. They are willing to forego a luxury income in order to have this security, because of the free quality housing, free quality healthcare, and very cheap quality food. These cities are self-sustaining and help us to get out from under the control of Big Pharma, big tech and the Deep State, so that we no longer need China or any country for food because we are totally self-sustaining, so China can hit us with all sorts of tariffs and it doesn’t phase us. Like all the Church of Gail cities in Texas have their own rice farms. I would also suggest that any Middle Eastern and Russian countries that set up cities like this could set up oil production facilities operated by our own Church of Gail members and be set up a way to bypass OPEC and have our own oil production facilities, making gasoline really cheap. We could set up our own trade between Church of Gail cities around the world and totally bypass the Deep State! But our goal is mainly to make each city totally self-sustaining, so we would only have trade between cities for commodities that are not easily produced by each and every Church of Gail city.
9.0 Also, in the event of civil war, where we may fall under martial law with supplies, power and food cut off, these cities are designed to be self-sustaining and are the ideal set up for any country in a civil war. It’s also a good way to separate the bad guys from the good guys, making it harder for Satan’s Jesuits to infiltrate among us and cause confusion and bloodshed among us during civil war.
9.0a1 No Church of Gail city is allowed to have any coronavirus vaccines on their premises and if anyone is found willingly in possession of a coronavirus vaccine, they will be executed. We do not recognize the coronavirus pandemic in any Conspiracy Law honoring country. All shut downs, all requirements for masking are canceled in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries if it’s in relation to the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus is to be treated like the common flu. Those organizations that violate our laws related to the coronavirus will be fined AND if they try to force the coronavirus vaccine on anyone (directly or indirectly), they will be militarily TAKEN OVER. If necessary, after clearing out innocents, we may even have to bomb buildings of violators and clinics that offer the coronavirus vaccine in violation of Conspiracy Law (see Sect. 15 of this document).
9.0a Because the coronavirus has never been more deadly than the common flu and was orchestrated in order to gain power for Satan and Loree McBride, all eviction moratoriums are CANCELLED. HOWEVER, all landlords are required to submit reports to the federal government of all those they must/or have evicted for lack of rent payment. All of those evicted must be treated according to our laws for the homeless (see Sect. 56 of Conspiracy Laws and Government). Ideally, we would like to put those who became homeless as a result of the “pandemic” in Church of Gail cities (see above) that are designed to be self-sustaining and not dependent on the global economy or system.
9.0b FURTHER, all landlords who have suffered lost rent or partial rent as a result of the “pandemic” are required to submit paperwork to the government detailing and documenting their losses because of unpaid rent or partial rent payments due to the pandemic. These documents must be accurate and if any landlord submits incorrect information, with the intent to get more compensation from the government than they should, they will be fined triple for the incorrect amounts submitted. These fines will be used to help worthy landlords, and the homeless, who need assistance.
9.0c Once the paperwork has been submitted, we will reimburse to these landlords the ENTIRE AMOUNT OF RENT THEY DID NOT RECEIVE DURING THE ENTIRE PANDEMIC. As a condition for receiving this, the landlords must not raise the rent for any of their tenants for each year they have been compensated. So, let’s say, we reimburse them for years 2020 and 2021, this means the landlords cannot raise their rents for TWO YEARS from the date they receive the rent reimbursements from us. We will get the money for these rent reimbursements to landlords from Loree McBride Jesuits (who orchestrated the fake “pandemic”), by seizing Loree McBride Jesuit bank accounts and using that to pay damages to these landlords. If there is money left over from our seizures of the bank accounts of Loree McBride Jesuits and some people have lost their jobs (or suffered significant financial losses) or have been evicted as a result of the Loree McBride fake “pandemic”, that money will go to finance our Church of Gail cities and to take care of those who became homeless as a result of the “pandemic”.
9.0d Any landlord that raises their rent for their tenants in violation of this contract between the government and the landlords, will be required to pay back to the government all the rent reimbursement we gave them for the unpaid rent they suffered during the pandemic. The purpose for the rent reimbursement is to make rent affordable to people and to curtail the effects of inflation due to Loree McBride’s disastrous orchestrated pandemic. We also want to take care of those who cannot afford a home or place to live.
All Military Personnel Scanned 24/7 to Ensure Loyalty to Empress Gail. To Treat Russia as an Enemy is Death Penalty. Border Security Laws.
10.0 Due to Loree McBride’s ability to infiltrate our military and populate our military with traitors who support her instead of me, all military personnel must be scanned 24/7 to ensure loyalty to Empress Gail in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations. These scanners must be programmed by those who do NOT belong to the military or who are not in submission to any military leaders, but the programmers of these scanners rather must report to Vladimir Putin and then to Brent Spiner, Judge Terrance Jenkins, Gerard Butler, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman or one of the top ten men on my marriage list. Select key personnel from our Nanotechnology Research Team who will program these scanners called MILITARY PERSONNEL SCANNERS, who then must conduct weekly assessments of the effectiveness of these scanners and present these reports to Vladimir Putin and then at least one of the top ten men on Gail’s marriage list.
10.0a MILITARY PERSONNEL SCANNERS must use brain and emotion reads to determine loyalty to Empress Gail and her policies. These scans must run 24/7 on ALL military personnel from the highest to the lowest. MILITARY PERSONNEL or PERSONS are defined as any persons whose job it is to ensure the security of a country from threats against the country’s loyalty to Empress Gail as its leader and as the leader of all Conspiracy Law honoring nations.
10.0b If the MILITARY PERSONNEL SCANNER determines that a military person is willingly and knowingly against Empress Gail and her policies, the scanner must be programmed to take out/execute that military person ON THE SPOT. Before it executes the military person, it must first obtain a BRAIN READ AND HISTORY on the traitor if at all possible. A BRAIN READ AND HISTORY is a full memory read and emotion and mind scan of the traitor to be used as evidence that the execution was just and in accordance with Conspiracy Law. The results of these BRAIN READS AND HISTORIES will be presented on Gabrielle Chana FOX News as evidence that the military person executed was just and lawful, to serve as warning to any military person who dares to oppose Empress Gail while pretending to support her.
10.0c It goes without saying that any willing and knowing attempt to violate any of Gail’s Conspiracy Law with the intent to serve Loree McBride or any of her leaders brings the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Due to Loree’s obsession with the divide and conquer strategy to make Russia (a Conspiracy Law honoring nation) the enemy of the United States, it is now death penalty to treat Russia as an enemy of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation. This law will remain in effect as long as Russia is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. Any nation that claims to be a Conspiracy Law honoring nation and that via its news organizations, military or any entity under its control treats Russia as an enemy, will be considered a TERRORIST NATION under Conspiracy Law and we will use our military to try and conquer or take down that nation. In fact, ANY nation that is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation needs to be treated as an ally and not an enemy. We will not win this war against Loree McBride if she succeeds in getting us to fight each other INSTEAD OF HER. Therefore, all such attempts to cause division among us, must be thoroughly investigated to determine the problem. If the problem is treachery within our ranks causing divisions between Conspiracy Law honoring nations, those traitors must be executed on the spot and a BRAIN READ AND HISTORY done on the traitor before execution to justify their execution. The results of the BRAIN READ AND HISTORY on all traitors will be published on Gabrielle Chana FOX News, except for information that must remain secret for security purposes. Russia has been the strongest Conspiracy Law honoring nation of all time, due to Vladimir Putin, and Empress Gail will NOT tolerate those who willingly and knowingly treat Russia as an enemy of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation. It will be death penalty to do so, this is especially true of those who have the ability to influence the populace, like those in the news media, politicians and government officials.
10.0c1 Empress Gail will remove her declaration that Ukraine is a TERRORIST NATION, if Poroshenko is immediately removed from power. He is a Deep State Loree McBride cuck, and as long as he is in power in Ukraine, Ukraine poses a danger to the peace of the world. Poroshenko does not have the right to declare martial law. He must be immediately removed from power. Anybody who willingly and knowingly gets in the way with this will be considered a Loree McBride Jesuit and must be executed. Poroshenko has an 8% approval rating in Ukraine, which means Ukrainians want him removed. Who are we to deny the will of the Ukrainian people who are stuck with a Loree McBride dictator named Poroshenko, who is destroying their country? No military of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation is allowed to assist the Nazi Jesuit leader Poroshenko in any manner, and any military member that does so will be executed on the spot as a war criminal who assists Loree McBride in war crimes.
10.0c2 Empress Gail overrides Donald Trump and all the U.S. generals in this matter. Those who willingly and knowingly disobey Empress Gail and operate the military of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation in violation of her directives will be executed for treason and war crimes on the spot. Vladimir Putin assists Empress Gail in leading the United States. Russia is not to be treated as an enemy and Ukraine’s sovereignty is to be respected. Ukraine, working with Soros and Loree McBride/Angelina Ballerina, interfered in the U.S. 2016 elections and this must be reported in all U.S. news broadcasts. To fail to report this, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit conspirator to MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS in the United States, with MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS bombed (innocents cleared first) that neglect to report this. If this is not true, then the news media organizations will be spared. But Empress Gail has it from reliable sources, that the American people are not hearing the truth about the real election meddling in 2016, and this must be REPORTED ON. Empress Gail has HAD IT with FAKE NEWS. Loree’s lies must DIE.
10.0c3 We will respect the will of the Ukrainian people by ALLOWING LEGAL ELECTIONS TO TAKE PLACE. Poroshenko must be removed from power now, and the Ukrainian people must feel free to elect somebody else to be their Prime Minister. We invite Ukraine to be a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, and to conduct their election in accordance with Conspiracy Law. We will forcibly remove Poroshenko from power, because he is the equivalent of Adolph Hitler in Ukraine. Anybody who willingly and knowingly gets in our way, must be executed on the spot. Empress Gail appoints Yulia Tymoshenko as the interim Prime Minister in place of Poroshenko. Yulia has agreed to honor Conspiracy Law as Ukraine’s leader.
10.0c4 You may say, but you are interfering in the sovereignty of Ukraine by removing Poroshenko. No, not at all. Because Poroshenko came into power because the West INTERFERED in the 2014 Ukrainian elections! We are FINALLY CORRECTING THIS ERROR, which has resulted in terrible suffering for the Ukrainian people. The West orchestrated this 2014 COUP in Ukraine in violation of International and Conspiracy Law to put a Loree McBride CUCK Poroshenko into power AGAINST THE WILL OF THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE. Empress Gail is right to oust this criminal, murderous dictator Poroshenko from power. With Yulia in power temporarily, we will conduct an election according to Conspiracy Law. Those in Ukraine, who honor Conspiracy Law, can run against her. If the elections are conducted according to Conspiracy Law, Ukraine will be considered a Conspiracy Law honoring nation and can enjoy the benefits of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, including enlisting the help of Russia and the United States, who are both Conspiracy Law honoring nations to enforce Ukraine’s borders and help Ukraine be an independent and free nation.
10.0c5 Empress Gail does not like to interfere in the sovereignty of free nations. But we cannot sit back and allow Nazi dictators like Poroshenko to destroy an entire nation because of Deep State interference in Ukraine’s sovereignty in 2014, which has never been corrected. Empress Gail will correct this sin against the Ukrainian people now. Anybody who willingly and knowingly gets in her way, will be executed. May God grant peace and prosperity to the Ukrainian nation!
10.0d Due to Loree’s strategy to create bad publicity surrounding the caravan that has come to the U.S./Mexican border, Empress Gail has ordered a wall to be constructed on the land boundaries of every Conspiracy Law honoring nation. This wall will be more than just a solid blockade, it will be programmed with CITIZEN SCANNERS that can scan around the wall in all directions and all dimensions, and the scanner will be programmed with mind and emotion reads to take out any willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits in anybody who dares to try and cross the wall, regardless of age, sex or any factor. As long as the person knows right from wrong and as long as that person is a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit, they must be EXECUTED ON THE SPOT. Before it takes out the Loree McBride Jesuit, it will do a BRAIN READ AND HISTORY on the person. The funding for this wall will be taken out of the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK, which is our version of the United Nations. This should be sufficient to cover all costs, so there is no excuse for any Conspiracy Law honoring nation NOT to have this wall.
10.0d1 Loree has been bombing these walls. We already had a wall erected on all the land boundaries of the U.S. but Loree has bombed them and took them out. Therefore, all border walls must have a strong shield around them that protects them from bombs. This shield must scan for any bombs headed towards the border wall and the wall must be programmed to deactivate any bombs headed towards it using whatever works best to deactivate or destroy the bomb. Perhaps using Star Trek like transporter technology, it can transport the bomb back onto its origination point and take out the Loree McBride spaceship that sent the bomb. Our Nanotechnology Research Team needs to work on technology that will take out Loree’s bomb effectively and will cause them to ricochet back onto her spaceships, thus destroying the bomb’s origination point or the Loree McBride Jesuit and/or their spaceship, where the bomb came from. This must be a top priority project for our Nanotechnology Research Team, Loree has been going to town with bombs and this needs to STOP.
10.0e All willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits MUST BE EXECUTED ON THE SPOT, regardless of their age, sex, sexual orientation or any factor, as long as that person has the mental capacity to know right from wrong. To assist in this effort, CITIZEN SCANNERS must be programmed to this end. To help protect those who use CITIZEN SCANNERS, the scanner will also be programmed to erect a shield around the Empress Gail supporter who is protected by the scanner. This shield must block bullets and weapons from being used against the one who has the CITIZEN SCANNER. First, the CITIZEN SCANNER must be programmed to ensure that the one being protected is an Empress Gail supporter. Once it determines that is the case, it will put a shield around the Empress Gail supporter and any Empress Gail supporters within its vicinity to a circumference of about a mile. Secondly, as it scans its one mile circumference (down, up and all around), it will scan for those who are willing and knowing Loree McBride supporters. If it is unable to get a read on a person for whatever reason, it will be programmed to report this to our military who must figure out why the CITIZEN SCANNER is unable to get a read on a person. The military must investigate that person as a possible Loree McBride Jesuit and take appropriate action in accordance with Conspiracy Law.
10.0f Due to special problems with news outlets reporting our border enforcement as evil, because Loree has been using women and children as human shields, we will scan all news networks to determine who at the news network is a willing and knowing Loree McBride supporter. All news network personnel must be scanned 24/7, especially any news network that has the ability to influence at least a million people. Any news network that has the ability to influence one million people or more must use CITIZEN SCANNERS on their premises that work in accordance with Conspiracy Law. Those news networks that fail to cooperate in this, WILL BE BOMBED (after we transport out any innocents) and WILL BE BOMBED continually until they cooperate and use CITIZEN SCANNERS on their premises. If we are unable to bomb them because they are located on a Loree McBride Jesuit spaceship, our military must go after that spaceship with all haste and do everything to take out the Loree McBride spaceship. Those at any news network who are willing and knowing Loree McBride supporters will be exposed and NAMED on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and must be EXECUTED ON THE SPOT IF POSSIBLE. Of course, we will try to get a BRAIN READ AND HISTORY on the Loree McBride Jesuit before execution. We will put out a warrant for their arrest as a Loree McBride Jesuit and it will be death penalty to willingly and knowingly harbor any Loree McBride Jesuit. This has nothing to do with freedom of the press, which Gail believes in. It has to do with PROPAGANDA CONTROL. Loree relies heavily on propaganda to create a mob frenzy which promotes Loree’s goal for anarchy and takeover. This will not be tolerated. We must take strong action against any Loree McBride Jesuits who work at NEWS ORGANIZATIONS. A NEWS ORGANIZATION is defined as any organization that gives people news and influences at least a million people. All NEWS ORGANIZATIONS must use CITIZEN SCANNERS on their premises that work in accordance with Conspiracy Law. Those that do not, after we have installed CITIZEN SCANNERS throughout all Conspiracy Law honoring nations, must be considered Loree McBride NEWS ORGANIZATIONs and they WILL BE BOMBED (as outlined in this section).
10.0g Because Loree is obsessed with propaganda, all Conspiracy Law honoring news organizations must use CITIZEN SCANNERS and shield technology that helps protect the news organization from Loree’s bombs and weapons. We may need to move all Conspiracy Law honoring news organization onto Zack Knight’s space fleet or Church of Gail city for this reason. To help protect news organizations, they must all AT A MINIMUM operate from inside Church of Gail cities, which will all be fitted with CITIZEN SCANNERS. In fact, any NEWS ORGANIZATION that does not operate from inside Zack Knight’s space fleet, Church of Gail or a Church of Gail city will be considered a Loree McBride NEWS ORGANIZATION and must be BOMBED (innocents will be transported out first). It may take days of bombing to take it out, due to Loree’s shields, but we will bomb it to hell.
10.0h Due to Loree’s space fleet dropping bombs every where, it is first priority of our military to take out Loree’s space fleet. We have the numbers to do so and need a special branch of our military to work with the Nanotechnology Research Team to find a way to take out Loree’s space fleet ONCE AND FOR ALL. This project must not be neglected. It must be FIRST PRIORITY and if the military is not working on this, an investigation must be made of the military to report to Empress Gail why our military is not devoted to taking out Loree’s space fleet!
11.0 As of April 4, 2019, all men who used to be on Gail’s marriage list and who belong to the organization named Gail’s Men Going Their Own Way, formed around Jan. 2019 (a band of men who are furious at Gail because she wants to save her body for Brent Spiner and only those men she has bonded with) are considered Loree McBride Jesuits for the purpose of Conspiracy Law. This means that all tortures of them, all trials regarding them, all rights granted them as law abiding citizens must STOP and they are considered war criminals and Loree McBride Jesuits from this day (April 4, 2019) forward. The men in GMGTOW have had plenty of time to get right with God and to get right with Empress Gail and have obviously chosen to side with war criminal Loree McBride. They are considered to be full fledged Loree McBride Jesuits from this day (4-4-19) forward. It is obvious they have no intention of siding with righteousness and have chosen to side with evil.
11.1 Under orders from Empress Gail, all Loree McBride Jesuits (including GMGTOW) are to be executed AT ONCE and as soon as possible. Gail is currently shooting lightning bolts all over the universe at Loree McBride Jesuits and at their space fleet and hopes to wipe them all out. Their latest attack on Gail’s health, where they launched bombs that apparently have all of Gail’s allergens in them, including her allergy to yeast toxin, has caused Gail much distress and Gail knows that if it was not for her Gail Shield, this attack would have killed her, probably giving her anaphylactic shock. Loree and her evil agents went ALL OUT in an attempt to kill Gail and so Gail is now going all out to execute every living willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit in the universe, NO EXCEPTIONs. These evil people are deadly, dangerous sociopaths who must be executed as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible. All Conspiracy Law honoring nations must bomb, destroy and annihilate all of Loree McBride’s places of living, gatherings and her entire space fleet and do it NOW. Every Loree McBride Jesuit living anywhere in the universe must be executed AT ONCE. Willing and knowing failure to execute a Loree McBride Jesuit, when it is in the power of a person to do so, will be considered HIGH TREASON.
11.2 We are no longer giving Loree McBride Jesuits the luxury of time to recoup and rebuilt their forces. All Loree McBride Jesuits must DIE AT ONCE. We are no longer interested in using torture to try and get compliance from the group of men called GMGTOW. It has been four months and this method only seems to harden their resolve to be evil even more. Since they have plainly chosen evil, we will plainly choose a very quick and efficient execution for every member of GMGTOW and every Loree McBride Jesuit (NO EXCEPTIONS). Showing pity on them only makes them more stubborn, enabling their toxic behavior by giving them TIME to come up with strategies to defeat us. They are to be TOTALLY DESTROYED AT ONCE. Failure to carry out this order as Empress Gail has outlined will cause the negligent military member to be executed for HIGH TREASON.
11.3 Anyone who fails to carry out the orders in this Sect. 11 of this document, or who willingly and knowingly violates Conspiracy Law, will get immediate execution as a Loree McBride Jesuit. We must eliminate every willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit from the universe if we want to stay ALIVE and if we want justice rather than tyranny to rule over us.
12.0 On this 30th day of May, 2019 Empress Gail declares war on the U.S. military under the direction of Donald Trump and Loree McBride. All U.S. military members that willingly and knowingly take orders from Donald Trump or Loree McBride in opposition to Empress Gail and Tulsi Gabbard (who Gail has appointed as U.S. President) must be executed. I have already written law kicking out Donald Trump as U.S. President and those in the U.S. military that are willingly and knowingly still under his command must all be executed.
UPDATE: For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a Loree McBride Jesuit or a Jesuit Conspirator is defined as any person who has the heart and motives of Loree McBride in her evil state (like Melania Trump), who is jealous, vile and deadly, even if that person is not a follower of Loree McBride, with a special focus on the emotion of jealousy or greed, since jealousy or greed seem the primary motives for those who become very deadly in opposition to Empress Gail and Conspiracy Law. This means that any person who has the heart and motives of an evil Loree McBride will be treated as a Loree McBride Jesuit under Conspiracy Law, mandating the death penalty and the application of ALL laws related to Loree McBride Jesuits to that person.
Our scanners must be programmed to scan for those who are consumed with rage, jealousy and greed to the point that they could be, or are, deadly and take them out. These are all considered Loree McBride Jesuits under Conspiracy Law. Pay special attention to those we are unable to scan because these could be Loree McBride Jesuits (under the new definition as outlined in this section) who are trying to hide their evil heart from us, so we won’t take them out. Anyone who willingly and knowingly uses these scanners in a manner that promotes jealousy, pride, greed or evil or the goals of an evil Loree McBride, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
Anybody who willingly and knowingly follows the orders of any Loree McBride Jesuit (including those who have the heart of a Loree McBride Jesuit) will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Also, any politician or military leader (as defined by Conspiracy Law in this paragraph) who willingly and knowingly carries out any order in violation of Conspiracy Law will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. A politician is defined as anyone in any position that influences the government of a country or region and who is responsible for the laws that are passed or has influence over which laws are passed. A military leader is defined as anyone in any position that influences the military operations of a region, especially which military operations should be carried out, this would include the intelligence agencies of a country. If you suspect that the person giving you the order is a Loree McBride Jesuit or supporter or has the heart of a Loree McBride Jesuit, you must not obey the order. In fact, you must report the order in violation of Conspiracy Law to Gail’s men at or AT ONCE, and failure to do so will be grounds for treason with death penalty implications.
12.1 The U.S. military has gone rogue and is currently involved in a coup to try and takeover my men who assist me in government. Because the U.S. military is the largest military network in the world, we will need the assistance of our Conspiracy Law ally nations to defeat the U.S. military under Donald Trump and Loree McBride. Though I have appointed Tulsi Gabbard to act as U.S. President, Donald Trump refuses to allow her to rule and has conducted a coup, in cooperation with Loree McBride, to oust me from power.
12.2 To protect civilians, they need to relocate to Church of Gail cities worldwide which, I hope, have adequate shields. We will use military forces from all nations that are Conspiracy Law honoring nations, which would definitely include Russia, and may include other players who support me as U.S. Empress. Our Conspiracy Law coalition is pretty massive, including several nations that are nuclear powers. Loree McBride and Donald Trump have already declared war, by dropping bombs on the civilian population. Our only option is to defend ourselves.
12.2a Donald Trump has gone rogue, and I believe, is in an alliance with war criminal Loree McBride. Loree McBride continues to make chemtrails filled with candida auris, and drops bombs with candida auris worldwide. Now Donald Trump is working with her. Candida auris is a deadly yeast with a mortality rate of sixty percent in those not treated with Seroquel. There is no reason for us to just sit by and allow Donald Trump and Loree McBride to bomb us to death. We must revolt and destroy the entire United States military that is in rebellion to us and causing so much sickness and death. We must stop these people at all costs. Unfortunately, it appears the only way we can defeat Trump and Loree McBride is to destroy their military facilities and we will need to execute the war criminals who are continuing to drop bombs on the population that make people sick and that kill them. They MUST BE STOPPED. We will enlist the help of China, Russia and any nation that honors Conspiracy Law. Unfortunately, the elite in the United States have gone rogue, are bombing their own citizens and nobody is doing anything about it. We will destroy the entire U.S. military if we have to, to put a stop to this!
12.2b Those who want to join with us to defeat the Donald Trump/Loree McBride military forces that are dropping Candida Auris bombs over your head daily, contact my men at We will need a massive military network to take out Donald Trump’s military forces, because the U.S. has a massive fleet. Unfortunately, the U.S. military is no longer the good guy, like it was in World War II. It is actively looking for warfare and dropping bombs daily on civilians and NONE OF THIS REPORTED IN THE NEWS. The U.S. military has become deadly and MUST BE DESTROYED.
12.3 All Conspiracy Law honoring nations must join with me to defeat Donald Trump and Loree McBride’s rogue military forces. My first order is that we take out all their bases and destroy their military installations and remove their ability to conduct warfare. We will shoot down their pilots and bomb their facilities. Take all measures to protect innocent civilians, by putting a shield over them if necessary or transporting them to Russia or other countries where they will be safe until this war is over. I appoint Vladimir Putin as the head of our international military forces and he will appoint the officers in our military forces that I will call the Gabrielle Chana International Military forces. Vladimir Putin will determine who sides with me and who supports my Conspiracy Law and those nations will align with us in warfare against Donald Trump and Loree McBride’s military forces.
12.4 Donald Trump and Loree McBride are guilty of high treason against me and have already dropped bombs worldwide in rebellion to my orders. The U.S. military ignores me and listens to Donald Trump and Trump is bombing the hell out of his own citizens, making them sick using biological and chemical warfare. All Conspiracy Law honoring law nations of the world UNITE and join with me, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Iran (who, I believe, sides with us) to destroy and annihilate all U.S. military bases, ships, jets, plane, space craft and anything that helps them conduct war and drop bombs. We are defending ourselves. The death count is already in the millions. We must take out the United States military and put a stop this ONCE AND FOR ALL. Since they won’t listen to me and continue to bomb innocent civilian populations, Empress Gail declares World War against the U.S. military under the leadership of Loree McBride and Donald Trump. Annihilate the U.S. military that serves Donald Trump. Any U.S. military members that want to serve us need to surrender AT ONCE by contacting my men at Church of Gail. You must allow us to do brain scans on you to determine your sincerity and if you block our scanners, we will destroy you. We will not fall for trickery.
13.0 Empress Gail brings against YouTube charges of conspiracy to murder, war crimes, rape and tyranny because they encourage Loree McBride Jesuits in their censorship of the truth that exposes Loree McBride Jesuits’ murder, war crimes, rape and tyranny against innocents worldwide. A scan must be made of all social media outlets and tech giants to determine the presence of Loree McBride Jesuits inside their organizations. Loree McBride’s reign of terror over the world and her massive censorship that forbids exposure of Loree’s massive war crimes MUST END. YouTube has threatened to take down a video that exposes the massive rape and murder conspiracy of the Jesuits. It matters not to YouTube whether the exposure is truthful. According to its new community guidelines, any conspiracy theory is deemed hate speech and must be reported and taken down. This is Hitlerian type censorship, which indicates that YouTube now promotes Fascist propaganda over truth, banning truth from their platform and encouraging propaganda, even lies, as long as the presentation does not expose or harm Loree McBride Jesuits.
13.1 The following video ( was tagged for removal by YouTube and Gail has submitted her appeal, but does not have faith in YouTube any longer, having seen their handiwork over the past several years. It is obvious that murderer and war criminal Loree McBride currently runs YouTube, therefore YouTube is now under investigation as a Fascist organization that promotes murder, war crimes, defamation, impersonation (encouraging Loree McBride Jesuit clones to impersonate authentic persons en masse) and those willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits who work at YouTube must be arrested and, if found guilty of being a willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit, must be executed. Here is the video that YouTube claimed violated their community standards. It is only guilty of TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE JESUITS.
This is what Gail wrote in her appeal to YouTube for the video they threaten to remove within a week. She wrote this in her appeal to YouTube: “Many Jesuits are guilty of rape, war crimes, murder, brain control and you, apparently, APPROVE, because you SILENCE THE TRUTH.” Click on images below for larger view.
13.2 An investigation must be made of all social media outlets or tech giants to see if they have received financial support from Loree McBride Jesuits and they must all be audited thoroughly to determine where they get their funding, including secret behind-the-scenes funding. Any social media outlets or tech giant that has received significant (over five hundred thousand U.S. dollars) financial support from Loree McBride Jesuits, even if the supporter claims to be a private party or organization, will be considered a FOREIGN, ENEMY GOVERNMENT organization serving the interests of the FOREIGN, ENEMY Loree McBride Fascist GOVERNMENT. Because all such social media outlets and tech giants that have received significant financial support from Loree McBride Jesuits are now considered an ENEMY, FOREIGN government organization (creating policies that suppress the truth with the intent to overthrow Empress Gail and support fascist terrorist Loree McBride) they are considered FOREIGN, GOVERNMENT organizations guilty of HIGH TREASON against Empress Gail’s government. Therefore, all such social media outlets or tech giant organizations MUST BE TAKEN OVER BY EMPRESS GAIL’S GOVERNMENT because Empress Gail cannot allow a FOREIGN, ENEMY government to have the monopoly over social media outlets or tech giants that operate from within the borders of any Conspiracy Law honoring nation or that broadcast inside the borders of a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. Anybody in these ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations that fails to allow Empress Gail’s government to take them over will be arrested and if they willingly and knowingly resist our takeover, all willing and knowing resisters against our takeover of their ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization will be executed.
For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a Loree McBride Jesuit or a Jesuit Conspirator is defined as any person who has the heart and motives of Loree McBride in her evil state (like Melania Trump), who is jealous, vile and deadly, even if that person is not a follower of Loree McBride, with a special focus on the emotion of jealousy or greed, since jealousy or greed seem the primary motives for those who become very deadly in opposition to Empress Gail and Conspiracy Law. This means that any person who has the heart and motives of an evil Loree McBride will be treated as a Loree McBride Jesuit under Conspiracy Law, mandating the death penalty and the application of ALL laws related to Loree McBride Jesuits to that person.
13.3 Once an organization is deemed a FOREIGN, ENEMY GOVERNMENT organization, it must adopt the guidelines of Conspiracy Law, which are as follows: Any presentation must be allowed on their platform that promotes THE TRUTH and does so in a manner that does not promote the lies, harassment and defamation by Loree McBride Jesuits. Harassment is defined as willing and knowing rioting, threats, physical violence, extortion or intimidation (including legal intimidation or censorship) used to try and force somebody to adopt your religion, most especially if your religion promotes intolerance against those not in that religion, such as the Loree McBride Jesuit Order (a deadly, very intolerant religion). For more on this refer to Sect. 14 of International Marriage Laws ( A religion is defined as any ideology that details how one must live and act and can refer to humanism, Islam, New Age teachings, Buddhism, Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Atheism, Judaism, etc. Nobody can be forced or extorted to adopt any religion or be threatened or demeaned or demonetized or censored for exposing the weaknesses of any religion by using riots, threats, physical violence, murder, censorship, defunding, demonetization, extortion or intimidation. All social media and tech giants [those that receive at least 500,000 U.S. dollars (or the equivalent) in payments from any source or sources] are required to honor this Sect. 13.3 or they will be investigated as an ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization, and if found guilty, as outlined in Sect. 13.2, must be taken over by Empress Gail’s government and forced to stop all forms of harassment as outlined in this Sect. 13.3. All guidelines created by any social media organization or tech giant must conform to this Sect. 13.3 or that media organization will be investigated as possibly in violation of this Sect. 13. Any guidelines created that are too vague, so that the outcome can be determined by the subjective whims of the organization rather than on objective criteria, must be rewritten or annulled to be in conformity to this Sect. 13.3.
13.4 All those who feel that they have been harassed (as defined by Sect. 13.3 are encouraged to submit their complaint to Gail’s men at or Gail’s government will then examine the complaint and see whether that social media giant or tech giant must be investigated as a possible FOREIGN, ENEMY GOVERNMENT organization, and, if so, it must be taken over by Empress Gail’s government. Once Empress Gail’s government takes over a FOREIGN, ENEMY GOVERNMENT organization, it can never be considered a private organization ever again, and loses its privilege of calling itself a private organization. It is now a government organization and must honor Conspiracy Law in all it does. Once it becomes a government organization, it will be partially funded by the government and will also receive funding from private sources approved of by the government. In fact, it can no longer receive any funding, except those sources approved of by the government and to ensure this happens, a monthly audit must be made of the newly formed government social media giant or tech giant to ensure that no illegal funding takes place. Illegal funding would be funds from Loree McBride Jesuit supporters or from organizations guilty of harassment (as defined by Sect. 13.3). Loree McBride Jesuits are considered terrorists and all their funds MUST BE CONFISCATED and turned over to Empress Gail’s government, because these are Nazi, terrorist operations and must be totally defunded. Anyone who willingly and knowingly violates this Sect. 13.4 with the intent to support Loree McBride Jesuits will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
13.4a If these ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations fail to surrender to Empress Gail and refuse to allow her government to take them over, we will transport out innocents from these ENEMY organizations and use scanning technology to take out the criminals inside these organizations, enabling us to take over the organization and wrest them from Loree McBride Jesuit control. Willingly and knowingly allowing an organization to exist that alleges to be PRIVATE, but is actually the agent of a FOREIGN, ENEMY GOVERNMENT (Loree McBride and her massive network), is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law.
13.4b Moreover, funds confiscated from Loree McBride Jesuits must also be used to fund those private media companies, like BitChute or Minds or, who would like to become government sponsored media companies. We will extend an invitation to them to become a GOVERNMENT media organization. As a GOVERNMENT media organization, they will only be allowed to receive funds from organizations that are not Loree McBride Jesuit controlled (and that we approve of) and must honor Conspiracy Law in how they carry out their operations (most especially this Sect. 13). Basically, we stipulate that all media organizations must not censor TRUTH and must not harass or discriminate against TRUTH TELLERS (see Sect. 13.2 and 13.3 of this document). Empress Gail not only wants to punish those who practice unfair censorship, but wants to reward those who allow freedom of speech to truth tellers on their platforms. The advantages to becoming a GOVERNMENT media organization is that they will receive government funding to operate, and are also allowed to receive funding from private sources that honor Conspiracy Law (i.e., are not Loree McBride Jesuit operations). Those private media organizations (especially those that Loree McBride is attacking, like BitChute, Minds, Brighteon) who would like the protection of being a GOVERNMENT media organization, are encouraged to read this Sect. 13, which is basically written to protect freedom of speech and discouragement harassment (i.e., discrimination or censorship against truth tellers). If they would like to become a GOVERNMENT media organization, they just need to honor our guidelines (as outlined here in Sect. 13), which is basically to allow freedom of speech to truth tellers. The big NO NO to government media organizations is to practice CENSORSHIP against truth tellers. Once they do that, we go after them! If they honor our guidelines (in this Sect. 13), we will fund them as a government organization. Also, should they need legal services, we will offer them free legal representation, using our government attorneys. The amount of government funding they will get, will be enough to ensure they are able to operate efficiently and we will study how much funding we need to give them so they can operate in competition to YouTube and the social media giants. We want to encourage competition against the social media giants. We will decide which private organizations can become government organizations based on whether we feel that organization could become viable as a future media giant (have a workable set up) that we would want to support because they show good fiscal responsibility and promote freedom and truth. Our Nanotechnology Research Team may work with them to make them better in their operations, if necessary.
13.5 Once Empress Gail’s military forces take over these ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations, scanners must be set up PERMANENTLY within that organization that will take out any Loree McBride Jesuits who dare to enter the premises of any former ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization (such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc.). If the scanners are not there or are not operating in accordance with Conspiracy Law, the military must be sent in to remedy the problem and ensure that the ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization is no longer in enemy hands (i.e., under the control of Loree McBride Jesuits).
13.6 If it is determined that the size of the social media giant or the tech giant makes it impossible to regulate according to this Sect. 13, then the organization must be broken up to enable easier regulation of it, to ensure it honors this Sect. 13. Though I have ordered the break up of the tech giants in other parts of Conspiracy Law, those who conduct monthly audits must determine whether it would be more efficient to audit one huge organization or have it broken up into several smaller organizations. Those who conduct the monthly audits must state under 666-Computer lie-detection that their decision to break up the organization will enable that organization to better conform to Conspiracy Law. If they fail this lie detection, the organization will remain intact as a large organization, but will be totally regulated and controlled by our government as a GOVERNMENT organization. Once a social media or tech giant is determined to be a FOREIGN, ENEMY GOVERNMENT organization, it loses its ability to defend itself as a private organization, and must be TAKEN OVER by our government and must conform to this Sect. 13. It will be considered a government organization, that is allowed to receive approved private funding, as well as government funds. While this may seem a totalitarian way to manage the social media and tech giants, it must be remembered that the organization was private IN NAME ONLY, but actually was a Loree McBride Jesuit ENEMY, GOVERNMENT organization operating ILLEGALLY and CRIMINALLY inside our government. So by forcing it to be the government organization that it is, we can better ensure that it no longer serves the interest of an ENEMY GOVERNMENT (I.E., TOTALITARIAN LEADER LOREE MCBRIDE).
13.7 All private organizations that have funded the organization when it was an ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization and who willingly and knowingly encouraged it to be a Loree McBride Jesuit supporter, will also be taken over by the government and all their funds confiscated and turned over to the government and all such private Loree McBride Jesuit organizations must be regulated by the government to ensure they no longer conduct business with Loree McBride Jesuits. They will also be considered ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations (if they receive more than 500,000 U.S. dollars or the equivalent). The takeover of these “private” Loree McBride Jesuit organizations that have funded the ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization will be publicized on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel and all such takeovers will be fully audited. The audits must show that all the money has been put into the government treasury designed for those social media and tech giants that we have taken over as ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations. The money from these takeovers will be used to help the government fund the newly formed GOVERNMENT REGULATED social media or tech giants.
13.8 Gail expects that Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter may be deemed guilty of being an ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization, and will all be subject to government takeover, with these organizations fully regulated (according to this Sect. 13) and possibly broken up, depending on the advice of those who conduct the monthly audits of these newly formed government organizations. Once it is determined that an organization is an ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organization, the CEOs and leaders of that organization will each be scanned to determine if they are willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuits. If so, they will be executed as Loree McBride Jesuits. Gail thinks that many of these leaders may actually support Gail and only acted as Loree McBride Jesuits because they were raped or extorted into submission. Those that support Gail in their hearts will be allowed to retain their posts as CEO or leader of their organization, even after the government takeover of their organization. The compensation they receive will be determined by how profitable the organization is after the takeover, but they will be expected to pay their fair share of taxes and can’t get more tax breaks than a middle-class tax payer would get.
13.8a Even though the organization is a partially funded government organization, it will be responsible to pay taxes for any funding it receives from allowed private sources. But because it is fully regulated, it is considered a GOVERNMENT organization, even though we allow it to retain some autonomy in receiving funding from approved private sources. Once an organization is taken over by the government, it must submit its guidelines to the government auditors for approval, to ensure that harassment (as defined by Sect. 13.3 of this document) cannot occur.
13.9 The auditors must all go back several years (to the year 2014) and determine who has been removed from these platforms, who has been demonetized, who has been censored (by any and all means, including algorithms, etc.) and those social media and tech giants who have been guilty of harassment (as defined by this Sect. 13.3) must PAY DAMAGES to those who have been harassed and fully reinstate to them all the privileges they had BEFORE THEY WERE HARASSED. Willing and knowing failure to honor this Sect. 13.9 will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. All auditors who study the history of those social media and tech giants that have been deemed ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations and who willingly and knowingly do not conduct the audits in a manner that is TRUTHFUL, complete and thorough, and accurate, (so that all who have been harassed are reinstated with all privileges brought back) will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. The amount of the damages will also be determined by our auditors, and it must be enough to compensate those that have been harassed, so that if they had not been harassed, they would be compensated for how much they would have made, if not for the harassment. The auditors who conduct the audits must state under 666-Computer lie detection that they have conducted their audit to honor this Sect. 13 to the best of their ability and if they fail, they must be replaced with an auditor who passed lie-detection regarding the audit (as outlined in this section).
13.9a If after all we do, we are unable to enforce this Sect. 13 in the regulation of the former ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations (YouTube, Facebook, Google, etc.), then we shall clear out all the innocents in that organization and make a copy of that organization’s facilities in an area where we can regulate it, and then bomb the original facilities so that Jesuits are unable to operate from that facility.
13.9b Anyone who willingly and knowingly, directly or indirectly encourages violations of this Sect. 13 or of Conspiracy Law in a manner that promotes the goals of the evil Loree McBride Jesuits will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
14.0 On this 5th day of December, 2020, Loree McBride Jesuits will be redefined to include anyone who worships Satan or any of his demons and who is consumed with greed or lust for money and consumed with a lust for worldly honor or who is vain to the point that they would gladly and totally align with Satan to appease their vanity, and who opposes Jesus and/or His favorite Gail Chord Schuler and Loree McBride Jesuits can also be defined as anyone who has willingly and knowingly worked with Loree McBride or the Jesuits in the past, present or future and/or would be willing to kill for money, power or sex (this can be determined by scans), and most especially if they would be willing to kill for money, power or sex when dealing with Gail or her supporters. This would also include people who are targeting Gail and her supporters to kill or bankrupt them directly or indirectly, even if they don’t willingly align with Loree McBride or Satan. How can we win a war if we don’t protect our lives, our property and our assets and our money? If our leadership is taken out, we lose the war.
We will not win our war against the Loree McBride Jesuits if we focus our search for criminals on just those who follow or honor Loree McBride. Even if we eliminate all those who worship and honor Loree McBride, Satan would then just move onto another target as his right-hand person. We have to make it that Satan will have NO ONE as his follower or this war will NEVER END. The real enemy in this war is not Loree McBride, it is Satan, so the focus needs to be on eliminating deadly Satan worshipers. Satan’s primary attraction to those who follow him is that he offers them wealth and worldly honor. So people obsessed with a lust for money and worldly honor would be attracted to Satan and his demons.
14.0a We must set up scanners to scan every person on earth, to determine who is obsessed with a lust for money and worldly honor and fame to the point that they would gladly deal with Satan or one of his demons (like the UFOs) in order to acquire wealth or worldly honor or fame. All people obsessed with a lust for money, vanity, and/or worldly honor and/or fame to the point that they would gladly deal with Satan to obtain the riches and honor that Satan has the power to give, will be called Loree McBride Jesuits and most especially if they would gladly kill Gail or her supporters to serve Satan’s interests. All SATAN WORSHIPERS must be executed, whether by a scanner or whatever means. No one is immune from this scan (unless the scanners may be inaccurate), even Church of Gail members and all men on Gail’s marriage list and even Gail herself must be scanned (mainly to ensure that no switch outs have occurred). We could be dealing with traitors or switchouts. We thought when we defeated Angelina Ballerina our problems would be over and they were not, since Satan just moved onto a new target as his right-hand person and his new right-hand person became Loree McBride. If someone is willing to meet with Satan in order to help him out, then they have the heart of a murderer, because Satan is a murderer, and they must be executed.
All Loree McBride Jesuits must be executed for war crimes against the human race, even if they are not aware that they support Loree McBride or that they serve Satan, because Loree meets with Satan regularly and gets Antichrist powers from him. Therefore, anyone who has Satan’s heart is considered a Loree McBride Jesuit (as defined by Conspiracy Law), even if they don’t willingly support Loree or Satan, they actually support Loree or Satan simply by siding with Satan who gives Loree power and strength, since Satan himself, meets with Loree regularly.
Under Conspiracy Law, Satan is considered the Loree McBride Jesuit leader, therefore, anyone who supports Satan (whether willingly or not) is considered a war criminal and most especially if they willingly align themselves with Satan (like Loree McBride and her obvious Loree McBride Jesuits do). You do not have to believe in Satan’s existence to side with Satan, you merely must have Satan’s heart. Therefore, Satan’s heart is defined as one who would willingly kill any living sentient being for money, power or sex in order to serve selfish interests (such as enhancing one’s income, prestige, power or sexual desires at the expense of innocents). An innocent is defined as one who is not willingly and knowingly a violator of Conspiracy Law.
Under Conspiracy Law, we acknowledge the existence of God, Jesus Christ, Satan, and the Antichrist as defined by the Chafer Theological Seminary doctrinal statement (currently under the leadership of Andy Woods, who is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a lawyer) and the Bible. Under Conspiracy Law, we also recognize that the Bible and God, who created the world, as described in the Bible, is the source of all truth. However, despite believing this, we do not impose our interpretations of the Bible or our views of Satan, God, Jesus Christ, and the Antichrist on our military, except as how they are obviously described in the Chafer Theological Seminary doctrinal statement. But, for the sake of military strategy under Conspiracy Law, Satan, God, Jesus Christ and the Antichrist must be acknowledged to exist by our military leaders and to be as described in the Bible and the Chafer Theological Seminary doctrinal statement. Because Satan meets with Loree McBride, no one can participate in our military who has Satan’s heart or who is a Satan worshiper. For instance, Loree McBride meets with Satan often, and this is very important for military strategy against her and she gets Antichrist powers from him, so if we don’t acknowledge this truth in our military strategy, our war against her will not be dealing with reality and truth. How can you win a war if you don’t deal with truth and reality?
I admit that interpretations of the Bible could be wrong, so we will not impose our interpretations of the Bible on our military leaders, other than the fact that Satan, God, Jesus Christ and the Antichrist exist and are as defined by the Chafer Theological Seminary doctrinal statement. We have to establish this as fact, so that our military operations are conducted according to truth and reality. Satan, God, Jesus Christ and the Antichrist play a key role in many battles happening worldwide right now and must be acknowledged to exist in order to conduct our military exercises based on truth and reality.
14.0a1 This scanner which scans for SATAN WORSHIPERS will also scan the memories of every person on earth, starting with those in the vicinity of any Loree McBride military operations to determine if anyone knows anything about Loree’s operations. Anyone whose memories have been tampered with, will be immediately suspect and all such people will have all their connections searched, to find out who was responsible for Loree’s military operations. Combining a scan for Loree McBride Jesuits with a scan to find those who have knowledge of her military operations, should yield some results in determining who is part of Loree’s military, since she likes to camouflage her supporters. Once we find the culprits behind her military operations and do memory reads (if we can), then we will execute them publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable).
14.0a2 This scanner must also look for shields, because, more than likely, the guilty culprits will be under a shield that protects them from our scanners. If this is the case, then all those under the shield will be brought before Jesus Christ using whatever technology we must use to do so, even if we have to transport a whole city or country under a shield. Jesus himself will then determine who is guilty or innocent. Jesus would know who the Loree McBride Jesuits are and will deal with them accordingly. Our Nanotechnology Research Team has come up with technology that enables us to bring people before Jesus. So, if we cannot overcome their shields, we just take them along with their shields and put them right before Jesus Christ. We may also do this for those who have had their memories removed.
14.1 Satan, using his proxy Loree McBride, has somehow created a devastating bomb that seems to require interaction with other ingredients, like ammonia nitrate, in order to work. This is what happened in Beirut, Lebanon recently. From observing this bomb, it appears Loree McBride Jesuits have come up with a bomb that interacts with whatever is on the ground to explode, thereby, defeating our shields. It appears a person or automaton underneath our shields is able to just drop the bomb onto chemicals with which it interacts, thus causing an explosion UNDERNEATH OUR SHIELDS. The force of the explosion is so strong that even a shield cannot protect the people underneath the shield. It appears to have the force of a nuclear bomb and is perhaps a new form of Jesuit nukkake that is just dropped onto explosive material with which it interacts.
14.2 I would like Bill Nye and our Nanotechnology Research Team, especially those with backgrounds in bomb making or chemistry, to study what caused the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, perhaps by studying the ingredients in the air around the bomb, so we can determine what chemicals may have been in the bomb and what chemicals the bomb interacted with on the ground to cause the explosion. Once we determine what chemicals were involved, we should ban the use of these chemicals anywhere on earth and set up our scanners to immediately destroy those chemicals anywhere they are detected on earth, so that Satan cannot do a repeat performance of what he did in Lebanon elsewhere on earth.
14.3 Those who make the scanners for our military to detect Loree McBride Jesuits will swear under 666-Computer lie-detection and emotion reads, that to the best of their ability they have created the scanners (as outlined in this Sect. 14 of INTERNATIONAL MILITARY LAW) to honor Gail Chord Schuler, to honor Jesus Christ and to defeat Satan and his Loree McBride Jesuits. If they fail this lie-detection and emotion reads, then the scanner cannot be used, until those who create the scanner pass the lie-detection and emotion reads as outlined in this paragraph.
14.4 Those nations that dishonor Conspiracy Law by allowing SATAN WORSHIPERS to remain alive in their country (in violation of Conspiracy Law) will be called SATAN WORSHIPING COUNTRIES and Pres. Gail declares war on all such countries. First, we will try to clear out innocents and transport them to Conspiracy Law honoring nations for their safety, then we will bomb those SATAN WORSHIPING COUNTRIES and takeover their government and set up a government for that country that honors Conspiracy Law.
14.5 Conspiracy Law is not designed to make nations democratic, socialist, communist or whatever, but is mainly designed to ensure that country is not set up in a manner that allows SATAN WORSHIPERS to prosper, survive and to assist Satan in his goal for a world takeover, which probably involves the destruction of the earth to replace it with a replacement earth that honors Satan. Because Satan is planning to destroy earth (possibly exploding the entire planet) probably within a month, using his agents on earth working in coordination with his agents on Loree McBride’s cum star, we cannot sit on this and need to deal with Satan’s agents IMMEDIATELY worldwide with very strong measures, or our present earth may be DESTROYED (using Loree McBride’s cum star which is a ticking time bomb out there in space right now).
15.0 Loree McBride and Satan have concocted the lie that the coronavirus is not like the common flu, but that it is more deadly, and have created unnecessary economic chaos and made it difficult for people to go outside and do their daily walks to obey the Gail Commandments. The economic and mental health damage they have caused has been catastrophic and this needs to end. Here is the truth that they need to report:
The coronavirus is just another strain of the flu. Coronavirus patients tend to recover very well once they’re told they don’t need to panic and they just have the flu. Panicking makes it worse. Also, people who get pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses that are more deadly than the coronavirus are being wrongly diagnosed with coronavirus, even those who get bacterial pneumonia and don’t have the coronavirus, and this has contributed to the hysteria. A lot of the deaths reported as coronavirus deaths are just people whose cause of death was not coronavirus, but just had coronavirus at the same time that they died from another condition. A lot of elderly and infirm people reported as dying from coronavirus actually died from other causes and would have died even without the coronavirus. The coronavirus is not more contagious than the flu. It’s just like the flu. It’s true that many people die from the flu each year, but it’s usually the elderly or very sick who die from the flu. So take the same precautions for the coronavirus that you would for a regular flu season.
15.0a Loree McBride political agents are telling everyone to fear everything, and to avoid going outside. But, all that fear does is cause bad decisions (especially bad financial decisions, like buying years of toilet paper for no reason, or shutting down business operations without cause) and weaken the immune system through stress and not getting fresh air and sunlight. Think about it. If people are glued to their televisions and doing everything it says, they are making themselves more prone to illness. People need sleep, nutrition, sunlight, exercise, hygiene and good organization. Staying indoors, avoiding social contact with loved ones, hoarding useless items such as hand sanitizer and masks, stressing themselves and not sleeping from the stress induced by all this hysteria is not healthy. You don’t need to constantly wipe down your house with alcohol or sanitizer like the television says. That’s going overboard. Just stay clean and tidy. People are lacking in common sense these days. The fear of the virus is much worse than the virus itself. The cure to this disease is the Gail Commandments and common sense. If the CDC or any politician on TV is telling you to do something that violates the Gail Commandments or common sense, you’re going to get sick, or at least wind up in trouble.
15.0b It’s also a good idea to respect people’s beliefs about the situation, like continue to wear masks at organizations that require it until, and if, we get the truth out to the world and everyone understands the truth about the coronavirus. So we will phase into the truth and start meting out executions to those who continue to promote any lies about the coronavirus or any other illnesses out there that willingly serve Loree McBride. Many truly believe in these lies, and their fear can be dangerous to everyone involved. It’s best to stay polite. Only our military is allowed to carry out executions in regard to this Sect. 15.0, because many good people have been deceived and we do not want to execute people who have good intentions but just don’t realize the truth. Loree has conducted a brilliant propaganda campaign and we will expose her lies and oust those in politics, the news media and in government and health organizations who are part of her lying conspiracy. We must use accurate scanners to determine motive before we carry out executions, so that our executions are just. In fact, to willingly execute someone guilty of violating this Sect. 15, if you are not law enforcement or the military or authorized by law enforcement or the military to do so, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, because such actions could contribute to anarchy inside Conspiracy Law honoring countries. We need to be careful to only execute those who are truly Loree McBride Jesuits and not those who have good hearts and mean well.
15.1 Mandatory coronavirus vaccination is not necessary for most people, just like mandatory flu vaccination is not necessary. Any attempt to make a mandatory coronavirus vaccination requirement for a vaccine that has not been approved of by Brent Spiner M.D. and the team of physicians who work with him, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that willing violator. Before any vaccines are made mandatory, Brent Spiner M.D. and his team of physicians will make the decision on this. The CDC is FIRED and must be replaced by a team of scientists and physicians approved of by Brent Spiner M.D. and the team of scientists who work with him. The new CDC will retain the name CDC, but must be totally revamped and made over so that evil lying Jesuits no longer influence it. From this day forward, if any health, news or government organization recommends anything that is a lie and does so willingly to support Loree McBride or Satan, all such people will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator, even if we have to bomb the facility to carry out the executions. We would clear out innocents first if at all possible. The CDC has consistently lied to the American people and all such organizations like the CDC in any Conspiracy Law honoring country that have willingly lied to their people in order to support Loree McBride and Satan, must be replaced by a team of physicans and scientists who honor truth and Conspiracy Law and who will work with Brent Spiner M.D. and his team of physicians and scientists to separate fact from fiction in regard to any pandemics we need to be concerned over.
15.1a All schools need to be reopened and must conduct business as they would under a regular flu season. All stores and businesses and organizations need to reopen and conduct business as they would under a regular flu season. Until, and if, the coronavirus turns out more deadly and contagious than the regular flu, no business or organization can impose requirements on those under their jurisdiction in excess of precautions you would take for a regular flu season. Those that impose restrictions or mandates in excess of those you’d have with the regular flu season when we are dealing with an illness that is no more deadly than the regular flu, and who do so willingly in order to support Loree McBride and Satan, will get the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
15.2 Actually, the Jesuits created the flu vaccine to give people the flu and until this is corrected, all such flu vaccines need to be removed from distribution. All coronavirus vaccines need to be tested to be sure they work as they are intended to work and, if not, they need to be removed, until an effective and safe vaccine can be used on the public. No one can require mandatory vaccinations for the flu or the coronavirus unless such requirements are necessary for public health or are determined to be in the interest of public health safety as determined by physician Brent Spiner M.D. and the team of physicians and scientists who work with him. To willingly make it mandatory to take a vaccine that actually gives you the disease you are supposed to be protected from, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
15.2.1 All military, law enforcement, National Guard, or any organization used for military and law enforcement purposes in any Conspiracy Law honoring country must adopt a perfectpenis name, including all buildings, websites and online sites associated with that law enforcement or military organization.
We need to purge Loree McBride Jesuits from our military and law enforcement so that Loree cannot use the military to enforce her edicts in violation of my ban on the Covid vax. She has total disregard for my laws, so we cannot expect her to obey. We have to ensure that all Loree McBride Jesuits inside our military and law enforcement are executed speedily and purged and that all in my military and law enforcement are honoring my death penalty ban on the Covid vax.
15.2.2 All military and law enforcement uniforms must have perfectpenis as insignia on the uniform; and hourly and daily salutes using the term “perfectpenis” must be incorporated into the routines of all military and law enforcement.
15.2.3 All doors and entryways for all buildings for all military and law enforcement, including housing, barracks, hospitals and all buildings that military and law enforcement occupy must chime the word “perfectpenis” whenever anybody enters or leaves that building. Also, whenever any human or animal of any kind enters a military or law enforcement building by whatever means, the word “perfectpenis” must be said, even if by automated recording. Scanners must be set up in all buildings to determine whether a person or being has entered the building, even if they entered by transporter technology and the word “perfectpenis” must be said upon their entrance.
It goes without saying that all Loree McBride Jesuits and Loree McBride Jesuit supporters must be thoroughly purged and executed from all military and law enforcement organizations in Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
15.2.4 All military hospitals and health care facilities and pharmacies and such, must be incorporated into the National Health Care Plan and must honor Conspiracy Law as outlined for the National Health Care Plan. They, too, must become perfectpenis organizations and follow the guidelines in this section.
All military and law enforcement personnel who have received the Loree McBride death shot (Covid vax) must immediately undergo vaccine therapy administered by a health care practitioner in our National Health Care Plan to purge the deadly shot and its effects from the bodies of our law enforcement and military personnel. Obviously, we cannot enforce our laws, if all our soldiers and law enforcement are ill or dead from the death shot.
Further, all military and law enforcement are instructed to shoot on sight any one who attempts to “vaccinate” them who is not a member of the National Health Care Plan. They should probably shout “perfectpenis TREASON, you DIE” first to ensure they are really shooting a Loree McBride Jesuit and if so, blast the Loree McBride Jesuit to hell.
The coronavirus vaccine is defined as any mRNA technology or genetic “therapy” that has not been thoroughly vetted and tested for safety, such as the Covid vax or pill forms of the Covid vax.
15.2.6 All inaccurate PCR testing must stop. This only fuels hysteria, creating false positives that promote the lying Loree McBride narrative. Any one who continues to use the inaccurate PCR testing will be executed publicly on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. We have accurate scanner technology which must be used in place of PCR testing.
15.2a We will use technology to scan all the world for the dangerous vaccine and to destroy all coronavirus vaccines. We will attempt to create a scanner that scans for coronavirus vaccines and DESTROY THEM ALL. Anyone in possession of a coronavirus vaccine will be arrested and if they did so willingly to give the vaccine to support Loree McBride they will be executed.
15.2a1 Furthermore, because Loree creates quick clones of all we execute, all medical facilities, pharmacies or places where the vaccine is administered must be under military surveillance 24/7 with soldiers nearby to carry out executions to any clone replacements who continue to violate my ban on the coronavirus vaccine. THE FOCUS OF OUR MILITARY EFFORTS NOW MUST BE ON ENFORCING THIS BAN ON THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE AND TO DESTROY ALL VACCINES FOUND AND TO DESTROY ALL VIOLATORS OF THIS BAN. All buildings and facilities that give out the coronavirus vaccine must be outfitted with scanners that destroy any coronavirus vaccines that show up in that building. If someone shows up to get the vaccine, they will be given a leaflet explaining that President/Empress Gail has banned the coronavirus vaccine (because it is not safe) and it is no longer available to the public except through criminal organizations.
15.2a2 Our military efforts are too broad and, therefore, ineffective. Right now, our military efforts need to be concentrated on all facilities that administer Loree McBride’s form of genocide, which is the coronavirus vaccine and to monitor all these facilities to ensure all coronavirus vaccines are TOTALLY DESTROYED, along with any and all facilities that make them. We will not limit our destruction of the vaccines to our own country, but will use our scanners to destroy these vaccines anywhere we find them, even in enemy countries. The coronavirus vaccine is to be viewed as a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON THAT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED. It is to be viewed as dangerous as anthrax. It needs to be treated, not as a vaccine, but as a BIOHAZARD, as a form of biological warfare. I would even go so far as to BOMB ANY BUILDINGS (AFTER CLEARING OUT INNOCENTS) USED TO CREATE THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE, that would be the proper attitude to take towards this dangerous bioweapon.
15.2b In the meanwhile, those who are willingly violating our ban on the dangerous vaccine and using the dangerous vaccine (or have the intent to violate our ban on a dangerous vaccine) on people in violation of Conspiracy Law will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and will be fined one million dollars for every shot given. This means, even if we succeeded in destroying a dangerous vaccine, thus saving the recipient from its dangerous effects, the fact that the INJECTOR willingly tried to violate our ban is sufficient to publicly execute them and to fine them one million dollars. We will determine guilt (or willingness to violate the ban) by emotion/mind scans to determine motive. An INJECTOR is defined as the person (or one of the persons in the chain leading up to the injection) who injected or attempted to inject the dangerous vaccine into a person.
15.2c The one million dollars fine collected for violating this Sect. 15 will be donated to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK and the funds used to help victims of the DANGEROUS VACCINE and other victims of Loree McBride Jesuit treachery. If the person giving the shot did not violate our ban willingly, but did so because they were a retard or violated the ban unwillingly, we will determine who in the chain (leading up to the actual illegal injection) was responsible for this violation of our ban of this dangerous vaccine; AND those responsible for this violation will be fined.
15.2c1 Because, it appears, despite our best efforts, that some people will lose their jobs if they don’t take the vaccine. We must set up Church of Gail cities where we can house these people (who’ve lost their job for refusing the vaccine) and possibly retrain them for a new line of work or at least take care of them according to my laws for the homeless. In the meanwhile, all organizations that are requiring their people to get the vaccine to keep their job must be taken over by our military and 24/7 scans must be placed (or used by our military) in all buildings of that organization taken over to determine who is promoting the vaccine and needs to be executed. This way, even if a clone replaces an executed person, we can immediately execute the clone replacement and prevent Loree McBride Jesuit infiltration at these organizations.
15.2c2 We need a more focused military effort, with a strong focus on destroying all coronavirus vaccines, even bombing buildings if necessary to destroy the vaccines and on military takeovers of all organizations, like Walmart, the U.S. federal government, U.S. Veterans Affairs, that are requiring their workers to get the forbidden vaccine. Our military must be trained to view the vaccine as a BIOHAZARD and our approach to it must be in that manner. With a military takeover of these organizations that violate our ban on this BIOHAZARD (we will even bring in Russian troops if we must for reinforcements), so that we can ensure that the vaccine is NOT GIVEN OUT and that all who attempt to do so are EXECUTED and that all coronavirus vaccines are DESTROYED.
15.2d Furthermore, no retards can practice any form of medicine, be an INJECTOR, or be a nurse or health care practitioner. If this demotion causes financial hardship to the health care practitioner or INJECTOR, they will be taken care of according to our laws for the homeless, where they will be retrained for work suitable for their IQ and abilities until, and if, they regain enough intelligence to carry out their job duties responsibly and effectively. Willing violation of this Sect. 15.2d, allowing a dangerously incompetent person to practice health care, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, so that they are publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and will result in a one million dollar fine for each person willingly responsible for this violation of this Sect. 15.2d. The fines will go to the INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK to assist victims of Loree McBride’s dangerous vaccines and her other victims.
15.2e A DANGEROUS VACCINE is defined as any vaccine willingly designed to harm the recipient of the vaccine, whether the harm is physical, mental, emotional, financial or otherwise. This means from now on, even giving a flu vaccine designed to give people the flu (like has been done for years), is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law and such a flu vaccine would be considered a DANGEROUS VACCINE. All DANGEROUS VACCINES must be banned and treated as outlined in this Sect. 15.
15.3 All requirements for social distancing must be treated like they would be for a regular flu season, until, and if, it is determined that a pandemic has happened which requires more stringent measures. Thus far, the coronavirus is no more deadly than a regular flu season and must be treated as such. To fine people or impose penalties on anyone who does not obey a criminal mandate for social distancing for an illness no more deadly than a regular flu, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator, if the person doing this is willingly working for Loree McBride or one of her supporters.
15.4 All news media outlets must report the truth about the coronavirus as outline in Sect. 15.0 of this document. Failure to report the truth as outlined in Sect. 15.0 of this document and to willingly report lies in order to assist Loree McBride and Satan with their lying propaganda, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to all those willingly and directly or indirectly involved in Loree McBride’s propaganda campaign. It appears all news organizations must be militarily taken over, with 24/7 scanners set up in all their buildings to destroy any Loree McBride Jesuits who violate our ban on the coronavirus vaccine.
15.5 Any nations that continue to promote Loree McBride’s lies about the coronavirus and do so willingly to support Loree McBride and Satan will be considered TERRORIST NATIONS under Conspiracy Law and we will issue a formal declaration of war against that nation and do all we can to weed out Loree McBride Jesuits from that country and to put that nation under Conspiracy Law.
16.0 As a result of having suffered malware to my computer from Windows update KB4023057 installed on April 22, 2021 that almost caused me to lose the ability to use my computer, I have deemed this was a deliberate criminal attack on my computer to disable my computer, in order to make me unable to do my job as U.S. President through my website and online presence. There was Loree McBride Jesuit malware in this update KB4023057 and possibly in other updates I was forced to install within the past couple months, including a new Windows 10 operating system. These updates were designed to freeze the start program so that if I ever restarted my computer, it would not start properly and would corrupt the Windows start programming making my computer unusable. Microsoft also made it impossible for me to remove this update when I visited the page that listed the removable updates, update KB 4023057 was not even listed as an option for removal! So Microsoft forced me to have their malware and made it impossible for me to remove it! Therefore, as a result of this attack on U.S. President Gail’s computer from Microsoft, she makes it Conspiracy Law that Microsoft, Google and Apple must be taken over by the government to ensure they don’t support Loree McBride terrorism using malware and other methods against innocents.
16.1 We already have substantial evidence that Google and Apple also work with Loree McBride as criminal terrorist organizations that flagrantly violate this Conspiracy Law. So, they, too, must be taken over by the government to ensure they don’t encourage Loree McBride’s terrorism. Microsoft, Google and Apple must turn over all their operations to the U.S. government or whatever government they are operating under. If they refuse to do so, we will bomb their operations and take over. All people who work for these organizations and who are not Loree McBride Jesuits will continue to be paid, but they will have a new boss, it will be the CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING GOVERNMENT that has jurisdiction over where any Microsoft, Google and Apple businesses operate. As the new boss of these corporations, we will execute anyone working for these organizations who support Loree McBride. Any nations that protect the Loree McBride criminals who work at Microsoft, Google and Apple allowing them to retain their current criminal management will be considered TERRORIST NATIONS and will suffer a DECLARATION OF WAR and we will attack those nations and attempt to install a Conspiracy Law honoring government in that country. The criminal managers and executives who willingly support Loree McBride at Google, Apple and Microsoft will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News, to send a strong message to anyone else who wants to use their organization to support Loree McBride terrorism.
16.1a All profits made from the government takeover of Google, Apple and Microsoft (outside of reasonable salaries to their workers) will be donated to the International Charity Bank to assist victims of Loree McBride’s terrorism. If these profits are used for any other purpose, those willingly behind this criminal use of this money, will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator and will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. We will have Conspiracy Law auditors ensure the money is used according to Conspiracy Law. It can also be used to finance worthy government operations like the financing of a National Health Care Plan run according to Conspiracy Law. It would be especially useful to donate the money to organizations that honor Conspiracy Law and that are competition for Google, Apple and Microsoft. These 3 organizations have become too powerful and definitely need to be taken over!
16.2 Here is a transcript of my phone conversation with my men related to this issue as evidence of criminal tampering to my Windows operating system by Microsoft itself through their criminal updates to my computer’s Windows 10 operating system.
(May 2, 2021 on Gail’s phone)
Gail: I am getting it now. My computer will not boot.
Terrance: THAT BE GREAT.
Gail: Should I buy a new computer?
Gail: I thought I did that already.
Gail: How will the computer be fixed?
Gail: It said the computer failed to start properly and needed to be repaired. Then it said it was diagnosing the computer and a screen came up that said I needed to click on restart or advanced options, but there was no mouse arrow on the screen.
Zack Knight: Can you click around with the keyboard? When that menu comes up. This is Zack.
Gail: I recall that with the last Windows update I had problems with booting. No. I hear the computer running, but cannot use the mouse or keyboard. All I see is a Windows icon in the middle of a black screen.
Zack: Have you unplugged it and plugged it back in and tried booting again?
Gail: Yes. It won’t boot. Sometimes even the start button won’t even turn off the computer and I just have to unplug it to turn it off.
Zack: What kind of phone do you have, is it a smartphone with Android? I forget. How did the windows update fail?
Gail: I have the Internet disconnected from the phone. I think it is an Android.
Zack: Can it do wifi? Maybe at a wifi access point at a mcdonalds or starbucks or wherever? I’m just thinking of ways we could tide you over till we get the computer issue fixed.
Gail: The windows update didn’t fail. I just had to turn off the computer to get it to restart because it wouldn’t restart any other way.
Zack: I overheard Jesus talking about it, and I think he might have noticed you were spending a lot of time on the computer. It’s possible he is trying to get your attention onto other things. I can’t be sure, because he didn’t say that explicitly.
Gail: You mean Jesus is the reason for the computer trouble?
Zack: I don’t know. But at the very least, he seems to think you should be more concerned with finishing cleaning your apartment.
Gail: I think my phone can do Wifi but I’m really dumb about Wifi.
Zack: When you turn it on, you said the windows logo shows up. Does it just stay like that, or does it go away
Gail: Yes, it stays like that. It is frozen on that screen. It was like that a couple days ago, but turning off and then starting the computer solved it.
Zack: Try this. Start PC, just as Windows attempts to load, press and hold Power Button for 5 – 10 seconds to perform a Hard Shut Down. Do this twice. On the third start, Windows will boot into the Recovery Environment and from there you can access System Repair, Safe Mode, Command Prompt . . . etc. Please try each option.
Gail: Did not work today though. I tried restarting cuz my Audacity program would not boot. So I thought restarting might help it boot.
Zack: one at a time, then see if Windows will boot. . . Go to Troubleshoot – Advanced Option – Startup Repair. See if Windows startup can repair itself. Looks like you can get to the recovery mode if you push and hold power off button as soon as the logo shows up. It may take several times. But then it should boot into recovery mode. How is it going?
Gail: I am writing a report. I can only get to F9 and F10 options. When I boot off the hard drive it says preparing automatic repair, then diagnosing your PC. Then a new screen comes up that says Automatic Repair. Your PC didn’t start correctly. Press Restart to restart your PC, which can sometimes fix the problem. You can also press Advanced options to try other options to repair your PC. But the keyboard and mouse don’t work. So you can’t select any options.
Zack: Are you stuck at that window?
Gail: Yes
Zack: Try unplugging and plugging back in the keyboard/mouse.
Gail: Makes no difference. Can you repair the start problems long distance from Church of Gail?
Zack: We’re trying now.
Gail: I think this may be a Windows problem introduced by Windows updates or when I was forced to upgrade to a newer Windows 10.
Zack: What do you think happened? Any details would help us troubleshoot.
Gail: The latest updates seem to cause complicated booting issues, like always have to select the hard drive from dumb options and then the computer froze on the Windows screen on the required Restart.
Zack: Jesus just showed up to Brent again.
Gail: This happened as part of the update. Ever since, the start seems corrupted.
Zack: He said to be sure you don’t buy stuff. That your temptation for breaking the Gail Commandments is very high right now.
Gail: Okay
Zack: He said he wants you to take a computer break and to focus on cleaning out your apartment. And to text this number for any questions or just to talk. Oh, can you send photos via text? I didn’t know you had extra toothbrushes. How many do you have?
Gail: I ordered brush heads to sell, but they don’t fit my current Sonicaire so I put a new Sonicaire on my wish list that they would work for. But my current Sonicaire still works even though it’s about 15 years old.
Zack: Brent asked about the one on your tv stand?
Gail: Oh. I should throw that one out.
Zack: Didn’t you just recently get a new one? Are you using that one? How many brushes do you have total? And which ones do you use?
Gail: I have not received a new one yet. Let me check the mail.
Zack: The one you made a YouTube video about getting on Amazon.
Gail: Those are brush heads that work on my current Sonicaire. Didn’t you say someone ordered that Sonicaire I put on the wish list? If so, I haven’t gotten it yet.
Zack: Oh, so Jesus must have been talking about the brush heads that don’t fit. I was referring to the YouTube video you made.
Gail: Maybe he wants you to take that Sonicaire off the wish list.
Zack: I think what Jesus wants you to do is to go through every little bit of your apartment and examine everything, including stuff in drawers or in boxes.
Gail: Okay
Zack: And for each thing, if it’s something you don’t use or need or have duplicates of, and it’s not a keepsake, to throw it out or donate it. And while you do that, also ask yourself if it’s in the wrong place. . . and move it to the right place. So like. . . if you find a cup, it should be in the kitchen with the cups.
Gail: Okay
Zack: And as you do this, if you find that you have too many things to fit in the spaces where those things should be, then you’ll need to pare it down. I’m kinda gong off what Jesus told me his plan was.
Gail: I am due for a YouTube video. Perhaps you can post something at Patreon and YouTube.
Zack: Jesus just mentioned that you were spending a lot of hours on your site, and if you devote the same effort to making your apartment minimalistic, it will be done very quickly.
Gail: I see.
Zack: Yeah, we can figure something out. I think sometime today or tomorrow when you go out on your walk, you can try and set up the Wifi at a free hotspot like McDonalds or Starbucks. And see if you can get online to post updates via Patreon.
Gail: My phone is not good with Wifi and Internet. The battery is almost out just from this.
Zack: Okay. The men will focus on a computer fix solution, and go ahead and make sure your phone stays charged while you work on your apartment. Worst case is we have to mail you a new computer.
Gail: I see. Give my supporters a heads up, so they understand my silence. Thanks for all your help! Should I just leave the computer on its current screen?
Zack: Yeah, that’s a good idea.
Gail: The screen that is frozen? Okay. I have to cook, vacuum, dust and have plenty of Gail Commandments to do! That’s what I will do now.
Here is an email I sent to this them after I figured out how to start my computer.
(May 2, 2021) Dear men:
After hitting F8 several times during start up, I got my computer to start. I read my computer repair manual to get the idea. However, I’m not sure I can start this computer again, if I ever have to shut it down, so you may want to speed up that new computer to my place.
In the meanwhile, I’m back in business and have made it death penalty to promote Loree McBride’s lies about the coronavirus. I was going to do this, this morning before I had computer start up issues.
16.3 The malware that Microsoft introduced to my computer via their updates was pretty advanced and had us stumped. I have genius I.Q. and using my gut instincts was able to deduce that hitting F8 several times during start up might work, after reading a computer repair textbook that I got from a computer class I took in 2010. However, I should not have had to do this. And so the government now takes over Microsoft, Google and Apple. No more will Loree McBride run these organizations!
17.0 Furthermore, it is now death penalty to willingly create Loree McBride malware for use on any computer and most especially a computer that serves the public interest like President Gail’s computer or the computers of Colonial Pipeline (referring to the May 2021 incident in which alleged ransomware disabled Colonial Pipeline’s causing gas shortages). Those who damage computers to serve Loree McBride’s criminal interests will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. I give Vladimir Putin the privilege of carrying out these executions since Loree McBride has blamed him for the alleged ransomware on Colonial Pipeline, when it was really Loree McBride’s malware in the form of criminal Windows updates that damaged Colonial Pipeline’s computer so that gasoline could not be delivered to people in parts of the United States. All this news reporting about ransomware on Colonial Pipeline’s computers was made up to cover up for Loree McBride’s criminal Microsoft updates to computers.
17.0a Further, when the news media cooperates with Loree McBride’s lies willingly, such as reporting that the war in Israel between the Palestinians and Jews is still going on when they (days ago – today is May 16, 2021) signed a peace agreement, in order to make Pres. Gail seem an incompetent President or to serve Loree McBride’s criminal interests, will bring death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to those news people involved. Such people must be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. Those who willingly reported on the Colonial Pipeline, for instance, blaming it on ransomware and not reporting the truth that it was criminal Windows updates that was the problem, will also be executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. Now if the reporter or news person or media reporter was unaware of the truth and was just fooled by his/her executives or those above him, they will not be executed, we only execute willing Loree McBride criminals. A media reporter is defined as any person who belongs to a major news organization that brings news to the public. A major news organization is any organization that has an outreach of at least a million people and is able to disseminate news to those in its sphere. So a news organization can be online, in print, broadcast or audio or using any medium that gives people news via their phones, television, cable, radio, etc.
17.1 Loree McBride malware is defined as any programming that directly or indirectly affects a computer so that it is bogged down, slows down, uses excessive CPU or memory (when the programming could have been more streamlined and efficient) or that is designed to spy on people’s privacy against their will or steal their data against their will or does anything that would serve Loree McBride’s criminal interests in a manner that harms the public good or harms innocents by damaging their computers or physical/mental/emotional health directly or indirectly. Loree’s criminal interests are defined as any activity (directly or indirectly) that helps Loree McBride to destroy or damage computers or computer systems, and/or destroys people’s mental and/or physical health when they are not criminals (as defined by Conspiracy Law) and don’t deserve to be damaged.
17.2 Further, Zack Knight will work with Vladimir Putin, to create a branch of the military that focuses on fixing the mess Loree McBride has done to the world’s computer systems, with a special focus on fixing Microsoft Windows and their criminal updates and their latest criminal Windows 10 operating systems. We will strive to undo the damage done by the latest rounds of criminal Windows updates and their newer Windows 10 operating systems (which are designed to bog down computers and steal people’s data and make criminal money off of people’s data against their will and knowledge). We shall strive to make the operating systems for Apple, Microsoft and Google more streamlined and efficient, based on the Linux model. It is also ridiculous that Windows updates happen almost every month. We will come up with a way so that the updates are more like every six months. This is less disruptive and gives less opportunities for Loree McBride to introduce her criminal malware into computers.
17.3 We shall also study how Loree McBride is able to use other dimensions of space/time to introduce her criminal malware into computer systems, thus bypassing our normal safeguards to protect computers from Loree McBride malware. Vladimir Putin will work with our military scientists who are studying ways to defeat Loree McBride’s use of interdimensional warfare, which also involves directly or indirectly attacking our computers using Loree McBride criminal malware. It goes without saying that to willingly use other dimension of space/time in order to make Loree McBride malware work is death penalty and all such people will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. We shall strive to clean up the computer systems of the world, and undo the damage Loree McBride has done with her latest round of criminal malware and criminal operating systems.
18.0 Because all Loree McBride Jesuits are to be executed, but seem to be hiding out on Loree McBride’s cum star, we must make it hard for them to carry out their crimes on earth. Because they don’t deserve to live, let alone have any money or property, all Loree McBride Jesuits bank accounts, property, assets (including cars, homes, savings, money, etc.) must be seized and confiscated. We will use our military and law enforcement to carry this out. We will try to preserve the property or assets in order to use it to help out the victims of Loree McBride Jesuit crimes. We will not waste time with court because we have declared war on the Loree McBride Jesuits. Using accurate scans based on Church of Gail spaceship technology, we will determine whose property, money and assets need to be seized. If an innocent’s property, money or assets are willingly seized in violation of Conspiracy Law, an innocent being defined as a person who is not a willing Loree McBride Jesuit, that will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
18.1 This law is inspired by the latest round of criminal attacks on the computers using Loree McBride’s Windows malware forced on people (through a Windows 10 upgrade and updates) who have the Windows operating system on their computers. Millions and possibly billions of computers have been damaged by this, though it appears Loree did this to specially target Gail’s computer (which has the Windows 10 operating system). The damages includes damages caused by Loree’s Windows updates, which caused the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline in May 2021. Therefore, Loree McBride Jesuit damages is at least in the trillions of dollars, if you include Loree’s coronavirus fiasco into the mix, where she used a virus no more deadly than the ordinary flu to wreck devastating damage on the economies of the world and to make millions of people homeless.
18.2 Dealing with Loree’s economic damages will require drastic measures, thus necessitating the takeover of all the assets, property and monies of all Loree McBride Jesuits on earth. Though we have taken over Google, Microsoft and Apple, this was after the release of the criminal Windows updates and it appears all Windows 10 computers are contaminated and damaged as a result of this. We will replace the Windows operating system on all computers in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries with the Linux operating system to those whose computers have been damaged as a result of the criminal Windows 10 new criminal release (around Feb. 2021) and the criminal Windows updates released in 2021.
18.2a To make people aware of this new law, we will announce a class action lawsuit against Loree McBride Jesuits, and encourage anyone who feels their computer has been damaged by a Windows 10 operating system or Windows updates to file a request to receive a new free computer and/or hard drive installed into their computer with the Linux Ubuntu operating system. This class action lawsuit will be managed by a military tribunal and scans will be used on the computers to determine who deserves a new Linux Ubuntu computer. There will not be a trial, but the verdict will be decided by scans. We will call it a class action lawsuit managed by a military tribunal. If we are unable to transform Windows operating systems into an effective Linux/Windows hybrid free of malware, then our eventual goal is to totally delete the Windows criminal operating system and replace it with the Linux operating systems in all people who own Windows computers.
18.3 To assist in this transition, all those who feel that their computer is bogged down, behaving strangely or has been damaged (by the latest round of Windows updates and/or the new Windows 10 operating system forced on all Windows 10 users who had older and better Windows 10 operating systems), will receive a new and free computer with a Linux Ubuntu operating system after we do a scan on their computer to verify that their computer has been damaged by criminal Windows software and that they deserve a new Linux Ubuntu computer as a form of damages payment from Microsoft. We will pay for the new computers given to people who’ve suffered damages to their Windows computer via the seizure of the assets, money and property of all Loree McBride Jesuits on earth. After all, Loree McBride Jesuits don’t deserve to live, let alone to have assets, so we will just take all their property and assets and if they don’t like it, they will be executed. They will have to show up to defend their property and when that happens, we will execute them.
18.3a If a Loree McBride Jesuit shows up to defend their property, money and assets, they will be executed on the spot unless they surrender to us with the intent to pay damages to the victims of Loree McBride Jesuits. We will determine the sincerity of their surrender by their willingness to pay damages to victims of Loree McBride Jesuits. We can determine this by a scan of their emotions and brain. If they “surrender” but we determine the surrender is not sincere because they are not willing to pay damages to their victims, they will be executed as a Loree McBride Jesuit despite their surrender to us and we will continue to seize their assets, money and property and turn over the proceeds to the International Charity Bank.
18.3a1 The seized assets that go to the International Charity Bank will be used to pay damages to victims of Loree McBride Jesuits, including those who’ve suffered as a result of Loree’s coronavirus garbage and if there’s any money left over, it will be used to finance government operations that help Loree’s victims financially and healthwise, such as the National Health Care Plan and Conspiracy Law Church of Gail cities to assist the homeless and to protect innocents better from Loree McBride Jesuits in this war we have with the Loree McBride Jesuits.
18.3b If their surrender is sincere and the damages they are forced to pay makes them homeless, they will be treated according to my Conspiracy Laws for the homeless. But, they must be willing to lose their car, homes and property, if that is required to pay damages to their victims. If they don’t have this willingness, then they are not sincere, and they will be executed.
18.4 We tried transforming Microsoft programming first to deal with all the malware, but it appears the programming is thoroughly entrenched with malware and it is far more efficient and effective to simply delete Windows programming from the computer and replace it with a Linux operating system. Malware is defined as ANYTHING done to a computer (directly or indirectly) using programming that makes it so that the computer cannot be used as a computer is supposed to be used (i.e. to go online or to do regular computer operations).
18.5 Our Big Tech Administrator, working with his Deputy Big Tech Administrators, will study all computers damaged by the criminal Windows operating systems, and determine the best and most cost effective way to replace all criminally damaged Windows operating systems with a Linux Ubuntu operating system.
18.6 Zack Knight (Big Tech Administrator), being the computer genius that he is, may be able to incorporate the good aspects of Windows programming into the Linux programming used for everyone’s computers. In some cases, the person’s computer hardware may work with a Linux hard drive and it could be a simple matter of removing the damaged hard drive and replacing it with a new hard drive that has the Linux operating system on it, so it may not be necessary to replace the entire computer, but just limit the replacement to the hard drive.
18.7 A criminally damaged Windows operating system is defined as any Windows operating system or computer that has been damaged by Loree McBride Jesuits via forced shutdowns (even if caused by acts of war such as deliberate power failures or criminal Windows updates designed to damage computers), malware, criminal updates, criminal operating systems. Criminal operating systems (such as the most recent Windows 10 operating system released in 2021) are any computer operating systems that are designed to damage or impair the operations of a computer so that the computer cannot operate at its best, but is designed to cause the computer to slow down, bog down and to destroy the computer within 1 to 5 years (probably depending on the age of the affected computer). If a computer is properly maintained and operated, Gail alleges that a computer should be able to last up to 10 to 20 years or more.
18.5 Conspiracy Law wants to make computers more efficient, cost effective and remove the need to replace an entire computer at least every 3 to 5 years, simply because the operating systems are designed to fail within 5 years to pacify the greed of those who develop these operating systems. With everyone in poverty because of Loree’s latest rounds of coronavirus garbage, this should greatly help everyone’s finances and enable them to maintain online communications that are very important in today’s world.
18.6 Any willing attempt or action or to execute a person or seize assets or property of those who are innocent (not willing Loree McBride Jesuits) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. However, Loree McBride will continue to damage us as long as her Jesuits remain alive and operational. If we take their assets, property and money we can greatly diminish their ability to hurt us and also use the money to assist the many victims of Loree McBride Jesuits. Due to Loree’s coronavirus garbage, her criminal computer crimes, her medical crimes and her devastating crimes in all areas, we need a tremendous amount of money to help out her victims (which is just about every one living on earth who is not a Loree McBride Jesuit). Also, it is death penalty to willingly NEGLECT to take the assets, property and money of a willing Loree McBride Jesuit (in accordance with this Sect. 18 and Conspiracy Law) when you are aware of the existence of a Loree McBride Jesuit’s property, assets or money and are able to seize those properties, assets or monies and have willingly failed to do so, in order to willingly assist Loree McBride or Satan. Those who are guilty of violating this Sect. 18.6 willingly will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable).
19.0 For the purpose of Conspiracy Law, a Satan Jesuit is defined is what used to be a Loree McBride Jesuit before Loree turned good. It is the current band of evil Jesuits who oppose Gail and her men. Gail anticipates that Satan Jesuits will try to take over ICANN in an attempt to shut down certain websites or Internet Service Providers who don’t fall in line with Satan’s control. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN /ˈaɪkæn/ EYE-kan) is an American multistakeholder group and nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces and numerical spaces of the Internet, ensuring the network’s stable and secure operation.
19.1 To prevent a possible Satan Jesuit takeover of ICANN, Gail must take this over or Satan Jesuits will have the power to deny namespaces to certain websites, giving Satan the power to shut down entire websites or even the entire Internet of certain portions of the world. All nations that are part of our Conspiracy Law network of nations can have representatives in an ICANN Board of Directors. Vladimir Putin will run scans on leaders of each Conspiracy Law honoring country, to assign someone from that country to be the ICANN representative for that country.
19.1a Once Vladimir appoints someone as the representative for a country in the ICANN Board of Directors, he is free to fire them whenever he wants. He has no constraints. The sole purpose for having a ICANN Board of Directors is to allow each nation to be given a hearing and to treat each country who needs Internet service as fairly as possible.
19.1b Those nations that are deemed Satan Jesuit nations will also have Internet access, but will not be allowed a representative in the ICANN Board of Directors, except for a person from that country who opposes the current evil leadership and wants it toppled to be replaced with a leader who honors Conspiracy Law. We will work with the resistance leader of that country to ensure that Satan is not able to use Internet in that enemy country to undermine our war and communication efforts.
19.2 First off, Gail wants to move the headquarters of ICANN from California to Texas, where Matthew McConaughey is the governor. Satan has too much power in California right now. Though Gail won’t mandate this, she thinks making Donald Trump the American ICANN representative might be a good choice. Also, for security purposes, ICANN will also have a duplicate headquarters at Church of Gail in case there is a terrorist attack at the Texas headquarters, so that we can remain operational.
19.3 The ICANN Board of Directors will meet at least weekly to discuss Internet freedom concerns and ensure that free speech is honored online in ICANN’s practices and that the Internet is not used to promote Satan’s terrorism.
19.4 To ensure that we always have Internet up Gail took over Charter Communications (when she lived in Florida), but now needs to also take over Comcast (because that is her current Internet provider). This takeover will be more of an oversight and not very controlling unless it becomes necessary. Though Charter Communications and Comcast AND ANY AND ALL ORGANIZATIONS AND BUILDINGS, INCLUDING GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AT ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT, THAT WE HAVE TAKEN OVER must allow us to install 24/7 scans throughout all their offices and areas where their people work to ensure we remove all Jesuits from their company. If we are unable to remove Jesuits, then Charter Communications and/or Comcast will be broken up and we will divorce ourselves from the part of the company where there are willing Satan Jesuits and ensure that these Jesuits are executed. Charter Communications and/or Comcast will be Gail’s official international Internet provider for all Conspiracy Law honoring nations. We can create a merger if this seems to be a good option. This takeover will in no way impact anyone’s salaries or benefits at Charter Communications or Comcast, but is meant to ensure that Jesuits do not take over Charter Communications or Comcast and that Charter Communications and Comcast are in compliance with Conspiracy Law. Gail needs one reliable Internet Service Provider that is not Jesuit controlled and she has decided that Charter Communications and Comcast are the best companies to work with.
19.4a A GOVERNMENT BUILDING is defined as any building that houses any operation that Gail has taken over or is in charge of (like Gab, Gabrielle Chana Credit Union, etc.), this includes all Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Microsoft buildings and any houses of their workers or any place where their workers operate. It also includes any and all buildings (houses, stores, apartment buildings, etc.) within a 10 mile circumference of where Gail lives.
19.4b Those GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS that refuse to allow a 24/7 scan for Jesuits will be destroyed and/or their inhabitants will be executed. If anyone messes with any scanner, once it’s set up, and is not authorized to mess with it, they will be executed ON-THE-SPOT.
19.4c Those willing Satan Jesuits who are located by the scanners will be executed by firing squad publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). We can do it Nazi-style, like how the Nazis handled the Jews during World War II.
19.4d Those who have been made pregnant by any satanic creation or nukkake will have their babies aborted. We will not allow Jesuit babies to be born.
19.4e All GOVERNMENT WORKERS must be under 24/7 scan, no matter where they are and if they disable their scan willingly, they will be executed. A GOVERNMENT WORKER is defined as anyone who works in a GOVERNMENT BUILDING or any operation that Gail has taken over, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft and Apple. It goes without saying that a GOVERNMENT WORKER would be any person who works for any branch of government inside any Conspiracy Law honoring country at the local, state, district or federal level. It also includes all lawyers, physicians and anyone who is in a position to determine public policy or the health or rights of the citizens of any Conspiracy Law honoring country. It also includes all the assistants of any lawyers, physicians, or anyone who is in a position to determine public policy or the health or rights of the citizens of any Conspiracy Law honoring country. All such people need to be scanned 24/7 everywhere they go and if they refuse the scan, they DIE. Those who are innocent would welcome the scan, because it will help us locate and kill Satan Jesuits. Any GOVERNMENT WORKER who refuses to be scanned, will be executed.
19.4f As a reminder, though we allow retards to live in most cases and only imprison those who violate Conspiracy Law, IF the retard was a willing Satan Jesuit before they became a retard, they will be treated as a willing Satan Jesuit for legal purposes and will be executed like any other willing Satan Jesuit.
19.5 Gail wants to make Charter Communications and Comcast (possibly a merger between them) an International Internet Service Provider and they will be working with ICANN to ensure freedom of speech around the world and to ensure that we are always able to communicate with each other and that Satan cannot shut down the Internet of her enemies. We can also use our control over ICANN and Charter Communications and Comcast to weed out Satan Jesuits from the world, so they will also be working with our intelligence and military.
19.6 Regarding freedom of speech online, we will allow anyone to have a website who honors Conspiracy Law or who is not a willing Satan Jesuit. In other words, if the website’s main purpose is NOT to serve Satan, the website can stay up and/or the website can stay up if the users of the site are not wholly aligned with Satan. But because Satan Jesuits have infiltrated so many organizations, we cannot shut down the websites of certain organizations like Facebook and Twitter that might have heavy Jesuit infiltration. Basically, our takeover of ICANN and Charter Communications and Comcast is to ensure that the Internet stays up for those who need to communicate and express their views and who support Conspiracy Law. This will mean that we will have to allow Satan Jesuits to stay online as well, because to totally take them down, we would have to shut down large websites (like Facebook) that host people who don’t deserve to be taken down.
19.7 The Worldwide Internet Manager (currently Vladimir Putin) will ensure that the free speech rights of innocents are maintained and will manage the ICANN and Charter Communications and Comcast to ensure we always have Internet communications for those who support Conspiracy Law. An innocent is defined as anyone who does not willingly support Satan in his goal to suppress the freedoms of those who strive to honor true love. If the Worldwide Internet Manager or any of the members of the ICANN Board of Directors willingly strive to serve Satan to suppress the freedoms of those who strive to honor true love, they will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). It is very important that the Internet stays up and that those who support Conspiracy Law and Gail are able to communicate freely online and have a voice online. The Worldwide Internet Manager is a Cabinet position and none of the executives or members of Gail’s Cabinet are allowed to get Satan’s coronavirus vaccine which would make them retarded.
19.7a We will allow mergers of other Internet Service Providers with Charter Communications and Comcast if they honor Conspiracy Law and allow us to scan for Jesuits in their operations and if they honor this 19 section of Conspiracy Law in particular.
19.8 Should Vladimir Putin be incapacitated for whatever reason, he will appoint an Executive Vice President to be his back-up. In fact, he can draft a legal document and appoint several back up Executive Vice Presidents to do his job as Worldwide Internet Manager should this become necessary.
19.9 Because Internet communications are so important during war, Vladimir can also appoint other executives from our military and other Cabinet positions, like Zack Knight, who is Big Tech Administrator, to work with him as the Worldwide Internet Manager.
20.0 We have had a serious problem with election integrity since Loree McBride has come to power as a Jesuit leader in 2017. She has been working with Israel (which she has controlled since 2017) to corrupt all elections worldwide since 2017. Right now, Biden, who came to power through election fraud, is living on Loree McBride’s cum star (since July 22, 2021). He conducts his news briefs from the cum star and basically does whatever monster Loree wants. So Biden is definitely impeached and is not eligible to run again in the new elections. Unfortunately, just about all of the House and Senate in the U.S. got elected fraudulently as well. Therefore, Gail must exercise supreme rule as the monarch and disband the current House and Senate in the United States, as well as ALL government positions worldwide for anyone who got elected and put into that government position from any election from 2017 forward.
20.1 Basically, anyone who got elected to any government office in any election from 2017 forward in the world is impeached and will need to run again in a new election which we will conduct in all Conspiracy Law honoring nations according to voting by genetic code. See Sections 8.07bbb to 8.07jjj of my document called Conspiracy Laws and Government.
20.2 In the meanwhile, no legislation, edicts, executive orders or government actions of ANY KIND can go forward (that involve any elected officials, outside of Gail and her Cabinet) until the new elections have happened and if anyone willingly tries to forward any government actions before this, they will be executed by our military forces. It goes without saying that anything Biden says to do, MUST BE TOTALLY IGNORED and if anyone willingly goes forward with anything Biden tells them to do, THEY WILL BE EXECUTED. The mere fact that Biden currently lives on the cum star, makes him guilty of HIGH TREASON and unworthy to live, let alone, hold office. He is retarded and Loree could easily clone him, if we executed him. Far better to impeach him and give out the death penalty to anyone who listens to anything he says to do.
20.3 Because we are draining Loree’s bank accounts and her game is about up with the cum star, she is trying to find a new way to get money to finance her new military space fleet to replace the cum star, which she expects to lose soon. She is using Biden to submit to the House and Senate an infrastructure bill which is designed to finance Loree’s new space fleet and to make up for money she’s losing because we are confiscating Loree McBride Jesuit bank accounts and making them pay damages to their victims. This infrastructure bill is not for any infrastructure except to finance Loree’s terrorist space fleet. Also, because we are impeaching all the current House and Senate, the infrastructure bill cannot go forward. If anyone tries to make the bill go forward, they will be EXECUTED. Also, most of the current House and Senate live on the cum star and plan to conduct the House and Senate sessions (to forward the criminal and illegal infrastructure bill) from the cum star, using automatons on earth to act in their stead, so that they can bypass my scanners to execute them for acting in the Congress and Senate in violation of my Conspiracy Law. THIS IS WHY THEY ALL NEED TO BE FIRED AND NEW ELECTIONS NEED TO TAKE PLACE.
20.4 After the new elections take place and we have legitimate people in the government offices, to ensure Loree cannot infiltrate (by murdering them and replacing them with clones), we will set up scanners to scan them to see where their allegiance lies. My purpose for allowing the House and Senate to still exist (I could have chosen to totally disband them) is to give the people a voice. Regarding Biden’s replacement, we will allow another election for mainstream news U.S. President, but whoever is elected is not really the President, but will play the role of Press Secretary for me and must honor all my edicts and legislations as U.S. President, which Biden has NOT been doing! Let’s say Donald Trump wins in the re-election, he would serve as my Press Secretary, along with Tucker Carlson, and must not BUCK ME (like Biden has done).
20.5 With our new elected government people in place after the new elections, this is how they will conduct business. If they have to vote on a matter, they must first pass a scan to verify that they are who they claim to be (in orher words that they aren’t a clone or automaton of the real person they claim to represent) and that they honor Conspiracy Law and Gail as world Empress. If they fail this scan, all their actions must be negated and their vote or actions must not count. If this means that only one person’s vote counts in the entire House and Senate for the action considered, then so be it.
20.6 Next, after the action is decided upon or voted over, the action must be submitted to whoever is the acting head of state of that Conspiracy Law honoring country and approved by the acting head of state (who was elected according to Conspiracy Law). BUT, before the acting head of state can approve of the measure (whatever it is), he, too, must first pass the scan that he is who he claims to be (he’s not a clone or automaton of the real person) and that he honors Conspiracy Law and Gail as world Empress. If he fails this scan, then the action cannot go forward without the approval of Gail or her co-President Brent Spiner. Gail is world Empress after all. If Brent is not available, and it’s an emergency, the action cannot go forward without approval by majority vote, from Gail’s Cabinet.
20.7 Gail admits that she is reinstating the monarchy worldwide, because this is necessary to defeat Loree McBride, who takes advantage of our current complicated political systems to infiltrate and corrupt, using technology that no mainstream news outlet will report on, like cloning, using a prehistoric earth that exists in the past (where her agents safely live while conducting criminal business on earth through their automatons), etc.
20.8 So, in a nutshell, the monarchy has been reinstated in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries, but Gail wants to give the people who honor true love a voice, but in a manner that does not allow Loree McBride to corrupt their voice. This is the system that she feels will best accomplish a worldwide government that honors true love and give those who honor true love a voice. It minimizes Loree’s ability to corrupt and infiltrate the justice and election process. The monarch of each Conspiracy Law honoring country is the SUPREME RULER and can choose a Cabinet, as Gail has done. They can also allow the current political system to sort of remain in place, but with the modifications I’ve suggested here. BOTTOM LINE, is if anyone allows any government action to go forward in violation of this Sect. 20 of this document, so that any Conspiracy Law honoring government forwards ANY ACTION without the safety checks outlined in this Section 20, they will be executed by our military forces, even if it means we have to bomb buildings to do so.
20.9 If those who vote over a measure, like a lot of what is being proposed, but want modifications to it, then the action can be decided upon later after it has been modified (using the same safety checks outlined in this Sect. 20) and can go forward as a MODIFIED ACTION. But no government action can go forward without the approval of the SUPREME RULER of the country (who himself must pass safety checks outlined in this Section) and then the ultimate decider on the action, if necessary, will be Empress Gail or Brent Spiner or Gail’s Cabinet (as outlined in this Section).
20.9a To ensure this process is going smoothly, our auditors will regularly monitor all the acting heads of state of all Conspiracy Law honoring countries to ensure they are monitoring all actions inside their country in compliance with Conspiracy Law. To ease the job of a country’s head of state, a country that has governors, mayors, or district heads, these lesser “heads of state” will be considered a supreme ruler of a small country for the purposes of Conspiracy Law. But we need more centralized control to weed out Loree McBride corruption in government processes.
20.9b BUT, if the government action affects the entire country, then the person who is normally considered the head of state, must be the final arbiter or decider of that action. If the action only affects a subsection of that country, then whoever is in charge of that subsection must be the final arbiter or decider of that action. So the person who has the final say in the matter, will be determined by who is affected by the action. If an entire country is affected, than the head of state of that country must make the final decision (according to this Sect. 20). If only a part of the country is affected, than the heads of state of the parts affected, must make the final decision. Let’s say that it affects five states in the U.S. and the governors don’t agree on the action, it may need to be decided upon by the acting head of state of the entire country at this point, since a disagreement between the parties may cause national repercussions, or they may choose to agree to disagree and allow each state to do it its own way. But regardless, the final decider must be the heads of state of each country, state or region as outlined in this Sect. 20.
20.10 Because Loree’s lying mainstream news likes to report propaganda designed to trick people into obeying Loree’s criminal and illegal edicts, if any news organization reports lies about the outcome of a government action (with the intent to forward that action in violation of Conspiracy Law), they will be fined a million dollars for each infraction for each person willingly involved in the infraction (even if we have to seize their bank accounts militarily) and the money will be put into the International Charity Bank to assist us in the building of Church of Gail cities and to finance our National Health Care Plans and to help the homeless and Loree McBride’s victims. If they don’t have enough money to pay the fine, we will just randomly seize the bank accounts of any Loree McBride Jesuit bank accounts that we can to pay the fine. We will also try to execute them, but this is becoming a complicated matter, due to Loree’s ability to quickly replace people with clones. Taking their money might work better.
21.0 No one will be required to wear masks for Covid and there is a ban on the coronavirus vaccine. Anyone who willingly promotes the coronavirus vaccine will be EXECUTED – this even applies to private schools. We will need to transition over to the Finnish system because it is so different from the American system, which is getting worse every year. We will hire educators from Finland, who speak English and who support my Conspiracy Law to make the transition to the Finnish system. First we will execute all willing Loree McBride Jesuits in the American educational system and anyone who orders students to wear a mask for Covid or encourages them to get Covid vaccinated will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
21.1 The Finnish educators will study the American system and come up with a transition plan to remake it over to the Finnish system. We will hire Finnish educators who have not received the Covid shot, or who got a placebo jab and still have their brains. Standardized testing will be gone, to be replaced with the Finnish system. I like the Finnish system because it encourages students to be original and to think for themselves.
21.2 We will set up Church of Gail graduate programs in education, which all teachers must enroll in while teaching. Those that do not have a master’s degree based on the Finnish model must enroll, or they will be disqualified from teaching. Their training will be free. Those from Finland who speak English will head up these programs. These Finnish professors will get the pay of a university professor with tenure.
21.3 Common core is completely dropped to be replaced with the Finnish core model (which is less rigid, but still excellent). Any form of critical race theory taught is BANNED and any teacher who teaches such nonsense must be FIRED. Those who willingly fail to fire teachers who teach critical race theory will get the death penalty as a Loree McBride Jesuit.
21.4 To assist in this transition, those schools that are steeped with Loree McBride Jesuits, may need to relocate their facilities to a Church of Gail city, so that we can be sure to extricate toxic Jesuits from our educational system. Then we set up scanners to execute any Loree McBride Jesuits that dare show their face or execute anyone who encourages masking in students or Covid vaccinations.
21.5 All universities in the United States must be scanned for Loree McBride Jesuits and those that teach critical race theory and all such people must be removed from all educational systems. Though we will not ban private schools in the United States and will allow homeschooling, those private schools that want to adopt the Finnish model will get government funding. Homeschoolers can follow the current guidelines, but we encourage the Finnish model for all education. Homeschoolers can also get government funding, if they follow the Finnish and the Church of Gail model as outlined in this section. Those schools that fail to adopt the Finnish model and most especially those that require students to wear masks for Covid or to get the Covid jab will lose their accreditation (yes, this even includes schools like HARVARD) and must lose all government funding. Anyone who willingly fails to enforce this, will be executed.
21.6 Those schools that fail to follow the Church of Gail educational system will lose their government funding, especially if they require their students to wear masks for Covid or to get the Covid jab (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Leila Centner Appointed Secretary of Education
21.7 President Gail respects the courage of Leila Centner, who heads up Centner Academy in Miami, and who stands up to Loree McBride’s draconian vaccine mandates, even being criticized by Loree McBride’s monstrous administration for allegedly refusing to hire teachers who’ve been Covid vaccinated. Gail also likes how Leila runs her school. Though Ben Carson was a good choice for Secretary of Education, Gail feels Leila is a better choice, because she is running her own school and doing a good job at this. Carson retains his post as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. This will also free up Ben Carson to devote more time to Housing and Urban Development.
21.8 It also appears that Leila Centner would work well with the Finnish educational system that Gail wants to set up in the United States.
21.9 We are having a problem with enforcing our ban on the Covid vaccine. Like we’ve done with Walmart, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., we will add “perfectpenis” to the name of every school in the U.S. and take over their websites and their buildings with this. This should effectively weed out Loree McBride Jesuits from these school systems. We will also do this to private schools that have more than 200 students and eventually will do this to ALL legal schools in Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
21.10 As far as teachers who have been vaccinated, we will evaluate them to see if they are fit to teach, because the Covid vaccine makes you retarded. If a teacher must lose their job because of mental disability, we will retrain them for a job they can do and put them in a Church of Gail city. So whether a vaccinated teacher can teach in our schools will depend on whether they have the ability and the mental capacity to be an effective teacher. However, no teacher employed in Pres. Gail’s schools is to get anymore Covid vaccines and doing so, would be grounds for termination as a teacher. As far as other vaccines, they can only get them through health care providers in our National Health Care Plan, because Loree McBride is contaminating all vaccines.
21.11 Parents who are suffering because of illegal vaccine mandates, must report the violators to and we will take over that school immediately, adding the name perfectpenis to the name of the school and publicly execute those striving to impose the Covid death shot on their children. If we must, we will pull their kids from that school and set up alternate schools that meet in church buildings or other buildings to conduct school that honors my Finnish plan and Conspiracy Law.
Finland Education System
The Finnish Education System contains nine years of compulsory basic education, early education and care, pre-primary education, upper secondary education, higher education, and finally adult education. The description of all these levels has been given below.
- Early Childhood Education and Care (Provided to the students before the beginning of the compulsory education)
- Pre-Primary Education (1-year duration for 6-year olds)
- Basic Education (Compulsory 9-year education for children aged 7-16))
- Upper Secondary Education (Vocational Education and Training / General Upper Secondary Education)
- Higher Education (Education offered by Universities / Universities of Applied Sciences)
- Adult Education
Now, let’s explore these levels of education in further detail:
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
This level of education aims to support the development, learning and wellbeing of a child while giving them plentiful learning opportunities. Local Authorities and Municipalities are tasked with the responsibility of regulating the mechanism of Early Children Education and Care. In this level of the Finland Education System, only municipal daycare cover is charged which mainly relies on family income as well as the number of children. Taking approval of the Finnish National Agency for Education, the National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG) is designed for ECEC level and also constitutes of open early childhood education activities which are conducted by municipalities for kids and their families.
Elementary Education and Its Importance
Pre-Primary Education
Playing a vital role in the continuum expanding from ECEC, this stage aims to enhance the children’s opportunities for learning and development. For the children in the country, participation in pre-primary education has been made compulsory, since 2015. Also, another significant feature of the Finland education system under the stage of Pre-primary education is that the guardian of the kid must ensure their participation in different types of activities at this level. With the approval of the Finnish National Agency for Education, the National Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education guides the planning and implementation of the contents of Pre-Education.
Basic Education
In the Finland Education System, Comprehensive Schooling or Basic Education is where the compulsory education of 9 years begins for all the children aged between 7 and 16. It strives to support the student’s growth towards becoming an ethically responsible member of society as well as imparting them the essential knowledge and skills needed in life. Further, all the schools providing basic education follow a national core curriculum which constitutes the objectives and core fundamentals of varied subjects, and the local authorities, such as municipalities and other education providers, maintain the Comprehensive Schools and often create their own curricula as part of the national framework.
Upper Secondary Education
At the completion of the basic education stage of Finland education system, students are given the choice between pursuing general and vocational education. General Education usually takes three years to complete and does not qualify students for pursuing any particular profession or occupation. After completing the General Upper Secondary Education, the students have to take the Finnish matriculation examination to be eligible for various educational universities or universities of applied sciences for bachelor’s degrees.
The other route which students of Finland can choose is Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training in which students are provided basic skills required in their chosen field by allotting them to workplaces through an apprenticeship agreement or a training agreement. The institution facilitating the program curates a personal capability development plan for its students, drafting the content, schedule, and schemes of study. After concluding this level, the students are eligible to opt for further studies at universities or universities of applied sciences to enter the higher education stage in Finland education system.
Higher Education (Universities/Universities of Applied Sciences)
Under the higher level of Finland Education system, the academic institutions are bifurcated into regular universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. There are various postgraduate degrees as well in higher scientific and artistic education, i.e. licentiate and doctoral degrees. The time duration to complete a bachelor’s degree in regular universities is 3 years and the master’s program is of 2 years. Whereas, the students who pursue their higher education in Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland, are awarded UAS Bachelor’s and UAS Master’s degrees.
In Finland education system, the degrees offered by the Universities of Applied Sciences usually take between 3.5 and 4.5 years to get completed. Those students who want to pursue UAS Master’s program in these universities must have completed their bachelor’s degree or any other suitable degree along with having 3 years of relevant work experience in their field.
Adult Education
The adult education and training in Finland Education System is added to provide education leading to a qualification, degree studies, apprenticeship training, further and continuing education updating and extending the professional skills, studies in different crafts and subjects on a recreational basis, and much more. For this stage of education, the training is either paid by the student or the employer facilitating apprenticeship training, staff development, or labor policy education. Adult education is provided by educational institutions mainly for working professionals, private companies, and workplaces.
22.0 The Linux Project is designed to phase out unstable and criminal Windows computers, which have been designed to enforce Loree McBride’s Windows monopoly and control over people. Those people who are not retards and who agree to the contract to receive a free Linux computer (whether it be a phone, desktop, or an Ipad style computer) must, before they can log into the computer and use it, pass a course on how to use the computer safely. We will give out a free phone and one free computer (like a desktop, iPad style or whatever) for each qualified user. The phones cannot be used as a vaccine passport (see Sect. 22.8 below) and will report violators so that they are arrested and dealt with.
22.1 All Linux computers will be programmed that before you can log in, you must pass a course on how to use the computer safely and you must agree to the contract. First, they must agree to the contract.
22.2 The contract will be worded as follows: As a condition for using this computer, I agree that I am not allowed to take any vaccinations designed to prevent any sort of viral infections. This is because these vaccines make you retarded, which means I would probably destroy this computer within a month after becoming retarded because of taking the vaccine. A retarded person could easily destroy a Linux computer. Secondly, if it’s determined that I have become retarded (for whatever reason), the computer will be taken from me, but, the current hard drive removed and given to me as the retarded person. The seized computer will then be refurbished and given a new hard drive, so that it can be given to another person who qualifies to have the computer. To ensure retarded people are not using the computer, it will be set up with a scanner that determines if the user has become retarded and once that person has become retarded, the computer will freeze and the government will come and seize it (except the hard drive will be given to the person to protect their identity and privacy). Also, my body will be scanned to determine if I have taken any vaccine designed to prevent a viral infection. If the scan determines I have done so, my free Linux computer will also be seized, after the hard drive has been left behind (as already described).
22.2a Those who have already taken the COVID vaccine and who have not become retarded can still qualify for the Linux free computer, but must not take any more vaccines designed to protect from viral infections. Most “vaccines” designed to protect from viral infections are actually bio weapons designed to keep Loree and her vaccine manufacturers rich at your expense.
22.3 For any computers that must be seized, we may attempt to use transporter technology as the first method to seize the computer. If this does not work, we would then just deactivate the computer and freeze it so that it does not work and the person will be asked to turn it in to a drop off place. The military will be coordinating all this.
22.4 All Linux computers will have Team Viewer installed on them, or an equivalent, so that our software installers can install software for the person’s computer once the new computer user has passed the course on how to safely use the computer. Once the person has passed the course on how to safely use their Linux computer (of whatever sort it is), they then fill out a form and let us know which software they’d like installed on the computer and what they use the computer for. Our software installers will then install this software for their computer based on their assessment of this computer user and how they’ll use the computer.
22.4a The SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS will be a new branch of the government, who will work with our military to program the Linux computers and to work with new computer users to install software for them. To make this efficient, the SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS will develop different packages of software that cater to different demographics of computer users. So, not only will the SOFTWARE INSTALLER personally install software for each new computer user, but will also create packages designed for different types of computer users. The way these packages will work is, let’s say the user is a writer who designs their own books, the software installer would install all software that this writer wants, but would also install the WRITER PACKAGE, which would contain install buttons for software that may be useful to this writer, that he/she can safely and easily install these apps themselves after they start using the computer. The SOFTWARE INSTALLER can install several packages (like one for WRITER, one for PROGRAMMER, etc.). So the SOFTWARE INSTALLER would ask the new user which packages they want installed on their computer, as well as which specific software they want. The advantage of using packages on Linux computers is that it solves the software compatibility issue and makes it so that the user can easily install additional apps as needed, after he starts using the computer. Installing software on Linux is not that easy, so creating SOFTWARE INSTALLERs will greatly encourage people to use the Linux computers and leave the dangerous Windows computers alone.
22.5 The SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS will be a branch of the government that works with our military and will be funded by the money we seize from Loree McBride Jesuit bank accounts and from fees earned by servicing Linux computers, answering questions and installing additional software for users (if they need to do so). The initial installation of software will be free, including any packages the user requests. But after the initial installation, a small fee (perhaps five dollars or the equivalent) will be charged for each service requested. The fee structure will be determined and reassessed as needed by the SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS. Those who work for the SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS will receive a government salary, so it is not necessary for them to charge outrageous fees. The fees for their services must not be too high, but must be in the range of about five dollars for each service. They are kind of like getting a tip for each service.
22.6 Because a lot of people have lost their jobs as a result of Loree’s COVID nonsense and perhaps by refusing the COVID vaccine, those who have lost their jobs for refusing the COVID jab, will be the first people hired to join the SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS. But we won’t necessarily limit hiring to this group. A lot of homeless people may get jobs this way, too. This is primarily an online job, which would work great in today’s social climate.
22.7 Upon hire, they will receive training as a SOFTWARE INSTALLER. All that is required is a high school diploma and a computer, which we will supply to them, since they will need to use our Linux computers for their work. Obviously, we cannot hire retards and Loree McBride Jesuits or criminals. The military will conduct the training. I predict this agency will become HUGE and supply a lot of employment for people who have lost their jobs because of Loree McBride’s unfair edicts.
22.8 The Linux computers will also be programmed so that no one can use the computer in any way to report on anyone’s vaccination status. If anyone attempts to request your vaccination status using a Linux computer (since phones are computer programmed, too), the computer will block the transaction and further, will report the transaction to the government and will send information to our military headquarters to arrest the violator, since it is death penalty to promote the coronavirus vaccine. If the vaccine status requester is denying access to services (or threatening the user) because of not having a vaccine passport, all the Linux computer user must do is press a button to report a violator of Gail’s vaccine ban, and the computer will be programmed to take out the person (if they are a Loree McBride Jesuit) or programmed to have the military show up and take them out. Then if necessary, new workers (supplied by our military) will be transported in to take the place of the violator and the person will receive the services and justice they deserve. Further the violator will be FINED, with a fine of at least a thousand dollars for each infraction (of disobeying Gail’s COVID vaccine BAN) and these fines will be used to pay for the Linux computers and the SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS. If the vaccine status requester is a Loree McBride Jesuit, the fine will be a million dollars!
22.9 People can keep their Windows computers when they receive a free government Linux computer, but we think they will prefer their Linux computer because it is safer for them and protects their rights and privacy.
22.10 In the meanwhile (because Zack controls Microsoft and Apple), at Microsoft and Apple, the Windows and Apple operating systems will no longer be made and must be replaced by the Linux operating system or equivalent open-source operating systems. The Windows and Apple operating systems are not allowed to be produced anymore (and must be phased out), because they are criminal operating systems designed to assist Loree McBride to remain in power and to enforce her criminal edicts. All updates to these operating systems must stop and those who need computers in the form of phones, computers, iPads, etc., must sign up to receive our free Linux computers. To make this efficient, all new hard drives that contain operating systems that are not open-source, must be destroyed, if they are found in stores for sales and only new hard drives in all computers that contain open-source programming can be sold. We must take drastic measures to stop Loree’s draconian control and she uses computers heavily for enforcement. Retarded people can use refurbished Windows and Apple computers, since the older ones tend to be safer. But we are definitely encouraging everyone to transition to our free Linux computers.
22.11 Though Gail will allow older copies of Windows and Apple operating systems, and predicts a black market will evolve around Windows and Apple computers, at least this will damage Loree’s empire and make it so that freedom lovers will have a way to fight back against Loree’s edicts. Loree maintains a lot of her control through computer hacking, identity theft and malware and ransomware in her Windows and Apple operating systems. It’s a lot harder to pull this off with Linux operating systems.
22.12 Any willing attempt to violate the laws in this Sect. 22 with the intent to further Loree McBride’s criminal computer empire or to promote her violations of Conspiracy Law, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit violator to that person and a fine of one million dollars (minimum). The fine will be used to pay the salaries of the SOFTWARE INSTALLER CORPS and to finance the new Linux computers or, if there’s money leftover, to help those needy people through our INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BANK.
23.0 The German government has become totally corrupt and under the control of Loree McBride Jesuits. For this reason, Empress Gail has assigned Vladimir Putin as chancellor of Germany. Vladimir is a very busy man and so his President will be Adolf Hitler (resurrected from hell who wants to make right his wrongs from his earlier life). Adolf will work under Vladimir’s guidance because Vladimir speaks fluent German and lived in East Germany for many years. Vladimir is also up on the latest in technology and politics, which Adolf probably needs some brushing up on.
23.1 First off, Gail was made aware of this German corruption when the German government insisted that Gab (Gail’s official social network site) be made to pay steep fines. Here is what Andrew Torba CEO of Gab wrote:
Recently the German government has been coming at Gab hard to try and force us to comply with their draconian online censorship laws. We have obviously refused to do so and now they are coming after us with fines of tens of thousands of dollars and other legal action. Our lawyers informed us that we have three options:
1) Obey German censorship laws and start censoring content that the German Govt doesn’t like (not going to happen)
2) Disobey German censorship laws and pick a fight with the nation state of Germany (I wouldn’t ever be able to leave the US again, they would come at us from every possible angle through state-sponsored deplatforming, and Lord knows what else.)
3) Cease providing this service in Germany by blocking German IPs.
So obviously a very difficult decision, but one that must be made very soon. I wanted to share with you all to be fully transparent with what is going on.
23.2 With Vladimir Putin in charge of Germany, it is now death penalty for the German government to ban or fine Gab. Anyone in the German government who does so, under our leadership, will be executed and fined millions of dollars in damages, which they must pay to Gab and/or donate to our International Charity Bank. After the fines are paid, the violators will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
23.3 We have Erwin Rommel and several Nazi generals who will help us enforce Conspiracy Law in Germany. Gail declares martial law in Germany, and the German citizens (who side with us) will all be given Linux phones that are programmed to kill Loree McBride Jesuits in Germany.
23.3a We will set up Church of Gail cities in Germany for Germans who side with Gail to live in and split Germany right down the middle, so that good Germans will be protected from our military attacks. In fact, we will arm these good Germans and enlist them in our military. The rest of the country (the Loree McBride Jesuits) will be militarily taken over to destroy all Loree McBride Jesuits in Germany.
23.4 Once we take over Germany, Germany will become a Conspiracy Law honoring country and must honor Conspiracy Law, INCLUDING OUR DEATH PENALTY BAN ON THE COVID VACCINE. Germany must withdraw from the European Union and act as an independent state that honors Gail’s Conspiracy Law.
23.5 The German Health Minister will be Dr. Reiner Fullmich, a German lawyer who is bringing a Nuremberg style trial against those who promote the COVID vaccine.
23.6 Vladimir will work with Adolf Hitler to appoint the other Cabinet members in Germany’s government. There is a major German election coming up on Sept. 26, 2021. That election is CANCELLED. Empress Gail has appointed Germany’s new leaders. This country has been in serious violation of Conspiracy Law and they must agree to our takeover, because we will make them. We have a very strong military. Germany needs a TOTAL MAKEOVER. Gail has appointed Vladimir Putin as the chancellor of Germany, but he can work with Adolf Hitler and make Adolf co-chancellor, if need be., to lighten his work load Adolf still has his job of prisons administrator, which will become an international position.
The following law has been added to President Gail’s Conspiracy Law as part of her International Military Law document. It can also be considered an executive order. President Gail is the true President of the United States and rules as a monarch under a Constitutional Monarchy. Gail has great respect for the U.S. Constitution though and only overrides it where there is a conflict between it and her Conspiracy Law.
Parallel Universe to Defeat Loree McBride Covid Tyranny
24.0 It is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law to promote the Covid vaccine or a vaccine for any virus in any manner. Some flu vaccines are actually Covid vaccines. Promote (for the purposes of this document) is defined as any of the violations delineated below or those not delineated which encourage, extort or trick a person into getting a Covid vaccine. For the purposes of Conspiracy Law, the Covid vaccine is defined as any medical treatment which uses harmful experimental gene “therapy” in any form (pill, injection, aerosol, etc.) and includes treatments deceptively labeled as something else (like flu vaccines which are actually Covid jabs) when they are actually a form of harmful experimental gene “therapy”. Those whose rights have been violated (as outlined below) are encouraged to contact U.S. President Gail’s men at and we will send military to arrest the violators. They are also entitled to sue for damages as outlined below.
24.1 For the purposes of this document, the term “state” can also refer to a country, province, or region in any Conspiracy Law honoring nation or region.
24.2 Every state or country or province in a Conspiracy Law honoring country MUST adopt the policies outlined in this document. If they fail to do so and we will know by the reports we get from the citizens of that country, state or province, we will declare war on that state, province or country and use our military to execute those in power and replace them with those who honor Conspiracy Law.
24.3 Despite President Gail’s best efforts, Loree McBride is causing many to lose their jobs for refusing Loree’s death shot (Covid vaccine). Therefore, Gail is building a parallel economy and universe. She has mandated that all health care providers must belong to her National Health Care Plan. See Sect. 55 of Conspiracy Laws and Government, Part 2.
24.4 All health care workers who have lost their jobs or privileges for refusing Loree’s death shot, should immediately join our National Health Care Plan, where they will have a job working for U.S. President Gail’s government as part of her National Health Care Plan.
24.5 Others who have lost work as a result of refusing Loree’s death shot, should apply for a government or government sponsored job in various sectors, where President Gail is creating a parallel economy in agriculture, big tech and all aspects of society to counter Loree’s criminal universe. My chief economic adviser will be in charge of creating new jobs for those who’ve lost jobs due to refusing Covid jabs. All who have lost jobs because of refusing a Covid jab must report their job loss to our government, so that we can keep track of which jobs are lost and where we need to create similar jobs in our parallel universe. Report your job loss to or Our chief economic adviser (currently Stephanie Kelton) will then create a plan to have these same jobs created by the government or paid for by the government, so that all who have lost jobs unjustly will have a new job waiting for them to replace the one they lost. Let us know what type of job you had that you lost and then we will know which jobs we need to create.
24.6 Joe Biden has been irrevocably and permanently impeached and is a wanted war criminal. If we catch him, he will be publicly executed as a Loree McBride Jesuit on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). Any one who obeys anything that Biden sponsors will also be publicly executed. Further, no bills or anything of ANY kind can be submitted for approval by the Congress or Senate or any governing body, without getting approval from Brent Spiner M.D. (Gail’s husband) and Stephanie Kelton (Gail’s chief economic adviser). We have the full authority to completely cancel any bills brought forth and to totally rewrite them the way we want. All economic proposals brought before the Congress or Senate must be vetted by Stephanie Kelton and Brent Spiner and approved by them before going forward in any manner. Biden’s bills, of course, are ALL CANCELLED and anyone who pushes ANYTHING FORWARD that Biden has proposed will be executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
24.7 Every one in Biden’s administration, who is not part of Gail’s administration is TOTALLY FIRED and are to be IGNORED. If anyone treats them like a bona fide Cabinet member, they will be EXECUTED. Bernie Sanders is part of Gail’s Cabinet, but he is not to act for Biden, but for Gail. Gail suspects that if Bernie betrays Gail, it is not Bernie, but his clone or automaton. Of course, all clones and automatons who steal the identity of any in Gail’s Cabinet are to be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
24.8 Though we have taken over many companies, they are working around our take over. One thing that may be helpful is to break up the companies we have taken over, and those that support Conspiracy Law in that company will join the new company we have created. The new company will have the same name as the company we have taken over. So Walmart, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft and all companies that Gail’s government has taken over will be renamed Walmart Perfectpenis, Google Perfectpenis, etc. We will add perfectpenis to the name of the company, so that we can create an alternate website and presence for each company we take over that Loree McBride Jesuits will not be able to infiltrate. The term perfectpenis makes Loree McBride Jesuits become literally sick.
24.8a We need to create exact copies of essential companies whose draconian mandates are most affecting the population first, like companies that give out foods, medicines, teach children, control the Internet and computers, affect travel, etc. So the list would include all educational institutions, all airlines, all buses, railways, etc. We will add perfectpenis to the name of all these organizations to weed out Loree McBride poison from all these institutions. An essential company is defined as a company whose services or products are necessary for the daily routines and needs of the country that it serves. People need to eat, so any company that affects that will need to be taken over. People need to travel, so companies that affect that need to be taken over. People need to communicate, so companies that affect that need to be taken over. People need to educate their dependent children. People need healthcare and medications. All such companies will have perfectpenis added to their name to weed out Loree McBride Jesuit influence. Because this is such a massive undertaking, we will focus on those companies that most people use first and that are obeying Loree McBride This is part of our attempt to create a parallel universe to get out from under Loree’s censorship and mandates.
24.9 When people log onto the website of the company we took over, the term perfectpenis will be added to the name of the new website, even if that term is not visible. We could make it a hidden file of sorts. We could put scanners at the doors and walls of all buildings of that organization that say perfectpenis when anybody enters the building and if that person is a Loree McBride Jesuit, they will probably die on the spot and not be able to enter the building. We could have it say perpectpenis in a manner that is not audibly heard but yet will still be heard enough to kill any Loree McBride Jesuit attempting to enter the building.
25.0 The following laws MUST BE ADOPTED by all states, provinces, regions. Those that refuse to adopt and enforce the following laws, will be considered terrorist regions and we will use our military to take them over and execute all in power in their government who oppose the following law.
Employee Protection, Right to Object
An employer commits a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law if the employer fails or refuses to hire, discharges, penalizes or otherwise discriminates against an individual with respect to compensation or the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment:
- on the basis of the individual’s vaccination history; or
- because of the refusal of the individual to receive a vaccine or provide proof of immunity.
Medical Provider Protection, Right to Object
- A physician, nurse, staff member, or employee of a hospital or other health care facility who objects to receiving a vaccine shall not be required to be vaccinated as a condition of employment.
- A hospital or health care facility shall not discriminate against any employee including a physician, nurse, staff member, or an applicant who refuses to receive a vaccine.
- A licensing authority may not deny an application for an occupational license, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an occupational license, or take any other disciplinary action against a license holder based on the vaccination history of the license applicant or license holder.
A person whose rights under this chapter are violated may sue an employer, hospital, or health care facility in district court in the county where the hospital, facility, or institution is located for:
- an injunction against any further violation;
- appropriate affirmative relief, including, but not limited to, admission or reinstatement of employment with back pay plus 10 percent interest; and
- any other relief necessary to ensure compliance with this law.
Insurance Protection: Prevent Vaccine Mandates by Health and Life Insurance Plans, Amend State Insurance Code (This will be necessary until we fully transition every one over to my National Health Care Plan)
Use of Vaccination Status by Insurers and Those Who Rate Insurers Prohibited
- A group health benefit plan or life insurance plan issuer may not use vaccination status information to reject, deny, limit, cancel, refuse to renew, increase the premiums for, limit the amount, extent, or kind of coverage available to the individual, or otherwise adversely affect eligibility for, or deny a claim or any portion thereof under the group health benefit plan.
- A group health benefit plan issuer may not use the vaccination status of the patients of a health care provider as a qualification or requirement for contracting with the provider or as a basis for terminating the contract with the provider.
- It is prohibited to utilize the vaccination status of individuals covered by a group health plan as a factor in the rating of a group health benefit plan that provides coverage in this state.
- It is prohibited to utilize the vaccination status of individuals covered by a group health plan as a factor in terms of providing financial incentives or financial or other penalties on a participating provider.
Cease and Desist Order, Sanctions, or Administrative Penalties must be applied.
Utilize existing sanctions or administrative penalties for violations already codified in state law for other violations.
Children and Students: Prevent Vaccine Mandates by the State, Public and Private Schools, and Child Care Facilities, Amend State Education and Child Care Code
Add a prohibition of vaccine mandates for children by executive order or agency rule.
Amend existing state vaccine exemption laws for school and child care to add conscientious and religious exemptions where missing and remove any existing exclusions of the exemptions during a time of emergency or epidemic declared by the governor, health commissioner, or other state or local health officers.
Remove childhood vaccine mandates statewide, for schools, and for child care.
No Vaccine Mandates by Emergency Powers or Agency Rule, Amend Government Code
Add a prohibition of a vaccine mandate by executive order of the governor, health commissioner, board of health, or any other authority.
Prohibit a vaccine mandate by agency rule.
Prohibit any discrimination, civil or criminal penalties for refusing a vaccine.
Prohibit Discrimination and Right of Access Restrictions Based on Vaccine Status or Proof of Immunity, Amend State Civil Rights Code
Discrimination Prohibited
No person shall be discriminated against on the basis of their vaccination or immunity status by any public accommodation by:
- providing any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit to an individual which is different, or is provided in a different manner, from that provided to other members of the general public;
- subjecting any individual to segregation or separate treatment in any matter related to that individual’s receipt of any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit provided to other members of the general public;
- restricting an individual in any way in the enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others receiving any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit provided to other members of the general public;
- treating an individual differently from others in determining whether that individual satisfies any admission, enrollment, quota, eligibility, membership, or other requirement or condition which individuals must meet in order to be provided any disposition, service, financial aid, function, or benefit available to other members of the general public; and
- denying an individual an opportunity to participate in a program through the provision of service or otherwise afford that individual an opportunity to do so which is different from that afforded to other members of the general public.
Prohibiting the Connection of Vaccination or Immunity Status to a State Issued Driver’s License or State Identification, Amend State Transportation Code
Any business or any government entity using a state issued identification or a state driver’s license for identification purposes, driving or travelling privileges shall not:
- connect vaccination status or proof of immunity to driver’s license or state identification records;
- require a vaccination or proof of immunity; or
- discriminate, deny services or access, or otherwise penalize anyone for not receiving a vaccination or providing proof of immunity.
Prohibit Forced Inclusion or Assumed Consent Vaccine Tracking, Amend Health Code
Amend state vaccine tracking system legislation to require:
- written opt-in informed consent for participation in a vaccine tracking system;
- written opt-in informed consent to vaccine providers and health plans in order to share vaccination status or vaccination refusal to a vaccine tracking system;
- and a provision for an individual or a parent or guardian in the case of a minor child to remove previously granted consent which would trigger the deletion of all vaccination records from the registry and other agency files.
Health Care: Prevent Vaccine Mandates by Health Care Providers, Health Care Facilities, and Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities, Amend State Medical Practice Act
Discrimination by a Health Care Provider or Health Care Facility Based on Vaccination Status Prohibited
- A health care provider or health care facility shall not refuse to provide any health care services to a patient because a patient has or has not received a vaccination.
- A health care facility providing clinical experience to satisfy a student’s degree requirements shall not discriminate against a student or prohibit admission, enrollment, or employment as a student, intern, or resident because of the student’s vaccination status.
- A health care provider or health care facility that violates this section is not eligible to receive money from the state for services provided to patients.
Discrimination by Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities Based on Vaccination Status Prohibited
- A long-term care or assisted living facility shall not refuse to provide services to a resident because a patient has or has not received a vaccine.
- A long-term care or assisted living facility that violates this section is not eligible to receive money from the state for services provided to patients.
Cease and Desist Order, Sanctions, or Administrative Penalty
Utilize existing sanctions or administrative penalties for violations already codified in state law for other violations.
Prevailing Clause Should Be Added to Each Section of Each Bill
The provisions of this section shall prevail over any conflicting provisions in a general law, present or future, to the extent of the conflict.
System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan (Covid Pandemic, the BIG, DEADLY LIE)
25.0a I anticipate that because these laws will work to restore the health of those who have been harmed from the death shot, that Biden/Loree McBride will claim that their shots are working and that’s why every one is getting better, when, in truth, they’re getting better because we are REMOVING THE SHOTS FROM THEIR BODIES! Do NOT believe the LIES. In other words, do NOT take the death shot and report those (to who try to force it on you or who try to give you a Covid jab (death shot) or any medication approved by the FDA after 2020. Nothing the FDA approves after 2020 is to be trusted.
These laws supersede any other laws in existence and must be enforced. Any actions taken because of a so-called Covid pandemic MUST STOP NOW. President Gail officially declares an END to the Covid pandemic. Those who promote or carry out actions that affect the economy, jobs, and health based on a so-called pandemic, (especially if the actions cause great harm, like forcing the death shot on people or causing loss of employment over evil regulations) will be executed, because we do NOT have a pandemic and this nonsense must STOP NOW. All excess deaths have been artificially engineered (through use of the death shot or deliberate medical negligence) or there have been no excess deaths and the public was lied to (like in the early stages of this “pandemic”). What we have is not a pandemic, but a program of mass genocide using Loree McBride’s death shots and medical crimes (including criminal medical negligence), which must END NOW.
Those willingly behind this genocide are guilty of massive war crimes and will be EXECUTED. This includes Joe Biden and all those in his Administration, if we catch them. These people are all cucks of the evil monster Loree McBride.
25.0 We will scan all citizens of all Conspiracy Law honoring countries to determine who is suffering from receiving the death shot. The death shot is defined as any vaccine or treatment given with mRNA technology that causes harm to the immune system, organs, etc., as has been typical with the Covid vaccine. Those who suffer from the death shot and/or those who are in a CRISIS STATE will be immediately enrolled into the National Health Care Plan. A CRISIS STATE is defined as a person whose health requires quick and decisive medical intervention in order to prevent death or serious disability now or within 2 or 5 years. Just about every one who has received the death shot could be considered to be in a CRISIS STATE, because of the nature of the death shot.
25.1 No health care practitioner is to obey any edict coming from the Loree McBride/Biden administration. Those who obey Biden will be EXECUTED. Biden is a wanted war criminal and NO ONE is to listen to him in ANYTHING. If we catch him, he will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. He’s hiding out on Loree McBride’s cum star.
25.2 The FDA and CDC and NIH are all criminal organizations and are to be TOTALLY IGNORED. They have been replaced by the National Health Care Plan Research Organization.
25.3 All those who are suffering from taking the death shot and/or who are in a CRISIS STATE will be immediately enrolled into our National Health Care Plan, if they are not already enrolled. Once someone is enrolled in our National Health Care Plan, they are not allowed to use providers outside of our National Health Care Plan. This is for their protection, so that Jesuits cannot sabotage the work of the practitioners in the National Health Care Plan. Besides, all practitioners in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries must belong to the National Health Care Plan. And all mRNA technology or death shots are currently banned in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
25.4 Once these CRISIS STATE persons are enrolled, they will be evaluated to see if they are good candidates for our System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan. Basically, those whose immune systems have been compromised or damaged from the death shot, and/or those who are suffering and/or can suffer organ or bodily systems damage from the death shot will qualify.
25.5 The first thing we will do with those in the System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan is to give all those in the plan a thorough blood transfusion to remove as much as possible all traces of the mRNA technology used to sicken them. We may just transform their own blood using a scanner that goes through their blood and bodily fluids to transform it into the blood/fluids they would have if they had not received the mRNA technology.
25.6 At the same time we will transform or replace all systems in their body, especially organs, that have been damaged by the mRNA technology, so that the organs are in a pristine or healthy state. Remember the brain is an organ and so their brain will hopefully be restored back to what it was before they received the death shot and, thus, we may be able to fix those who became retarded after getting the mRNA technology. We can probably use scanning technology to accomplish this and manipulate the organs back into a healthy state using genetic manipulation. Unlike mRNA technology, our genetic manipulation is primarily used to cure cancers and bring bodily systems back into a healthy state, not designed to play dangerous games with the patient’s immune system (like what happens with mRNA technology).
25.7 Further, all health care practitioners in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries will be reminded that it is death penalty to administer the death shot to any person and are ordered to treat Covid infections as those who were treated for flu infection (prior to all this craziness). Part of the System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan is that to obey the Loree McBride Covid protocol is now considered a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law. The Loree McBride Covid protocol is defined as any treatment protocol the ignores medical common sense to treat any “infection” and that usually started in early 2020. All respiratory infections are to be treated like how they would have been treated before Covid arrived on the scene. Those who neglect to treat someone with a respiratory infection as they would have in 2009, for instance, especially if doing so could prevent serious complications in the patient, will be executed publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. We feel these executions are justified, because if someone is in respiratory distress, or has a flu-like infection that is upper respiratory, (and could lead to respiratory distress) these infections can be easily treated using Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine before they become serious and to willfully NEGLECT to treat these infections before they become serious is a form of NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE worthy of the death penalty. That would be like someone who is bleeding profusely and you refuse to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding, but just let the patient die of blood loss.
25.8 The Covid infection itself is no more deadly than the common flu and the lying propaganda that states otherwise is now DEATH PENALTY to promote. This is a deadly lie only designed to stuff the pockets of Big Pharma at the expense of innocents, to get people who don’t need the death shot, to take the death shot (not needed, and even deadly). These acts of negligent and even aggressive genocide MUST STOP.
25.9 We will also use scanners to detox all systems and organs in the bodies of those in the System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan and remove all dangerous toxins introduced into the body from the death shot. All patients will be under the care of one of our health care practitioners and these practitioners will monitor to see how the treatment is progressing and advise the patients on what they must do in each stage of the process, like drinking extra water or whatever.
25.10 The use of the System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan, does not preclude us from using treatments known to be effective for those suffering from criminal mRNA treatment, such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine, zinc, vitamin D, etc. We could use a combo approach and treat the patients with medications or even OTC medications while using scanners to bring them back to a healthy state, in order to facilitate the treatments and ease uncomfortable symptoms the patient experiences while being treated or to be an adjunct to the scanner/genetic modification therapy to return organs and bodily fluids and systems to a healthy state.
25.11 Brent Spiner M.D, who has an IQ of around 10,000 will come up with a treatment plan based on the principles I’ve outlined in this Section that all our National Health Care Plan providers must follow while administering this System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan. He is free to modify it as needed to make it the most effective plan for restoring the health of those in a CRISIS STATE after receiving the death shot.
26.0 Loree McBride has turned good. Therefore, when the term Loree McBride or evil Jesuit is used in Conspiracy Law, it now refers to a Satan honoring Jesuit, who must all get the death penalty.
27.0 Any FAKE NEWS PROMOTER (directly or indirectly) in any media considered mainstream (and viewed by at least ten percent of the population in the jurisdiction of that media) who willingly (directly or indirectly) promotes any fake news designed to slander a member of President Gail’s Cabinet or Gail herself, and who does this with the intent to serve Satan and/or his Jesuits will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and their corpse burned up in a great bonfire as a message to the world that treason against Gail’s government will not be tolerated.
Before the execution takes place, evidence will be presented that this person is a willing Satan honoring Jesuit who has lied about Gail or Pres. Gail’s Cabinet member with the intent to undermine Gail’s government and discredit Gail as a world leader.
If the person is a clone of a good person (who is loyal to Gail), that will be noted before the execution takes place to clear the name of the good person that the clone impersonates.
27.1 A FAKE NEWS PROMOTER (as mentioned in Sect. 27.0 above) means any person who has a direct or indirect presence on fake news, whether it be a senator, representative, news reporters, or whoever, and who is deemed a person who has the influence to determine legislation and policy in the government that is part of Gail’s territory.
27.2 Fake news in this Sect. 27 is defined as any news which is designed to deceive, manipulate and bring treason against Gail and her government based on lies and propaganda and not based on truth and objective reporting.
27.3 Further, anyone who acts on the fake news, with the intent to further the treason against Gail and her government, will also be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
27.4 Because FAKE NEWS appears to be an epidemic, we may have to focus on the more important people involved in the FAKE NEWS conspiracy first or we may need to devote a special section of our military to the executions and execute large amounts of people on Gabrielle Chana FOX News, with a reading of their crimes as a group and the names of the people executed and what each person has done while the group is executed. We will start off the reading by noting that we are in a war and that Satan and his Jesuits rely on civil war to conquer and confuse and that to win this war we cannot allow treason within our own government and news media.
27.5 It has come to my attention that FAKE NEWS has reported that the U.S. senators have voted that Vladimir Putin be investigated for war crimes. This is outrageous, because Putin is Gail’s Secretary of Defense and a member in good standing in Gail’s Cabinet. The news revolving around Ukraine is all FAKE NEWS. All U.S. senators willingly involved in this FAKE NEWS conspiracy will suffer public execution as described in this section, along with willing members of all news outlets that promote the FAKE NEWS and dole it out to the public.
27.6 Any willing direct or indirect attempt or action to promote FAKE NEWS by any FAKE NEWS PROMOTER must result in the public execution of all willingly involved. Willing failure to honor this Sect. 27 with the intent to protect the FAKE NEWS PROMOTERS will also be considered treason and grounds for a public execution as a FAKE NEWS PROMOTER.
27.7 It is very important that we execute justly and those who present false evidence around any FAKE NEWS PROMOTER with the intent to execute a person not guilty of being a FAKE NEWS PROMOTER, will also bring public execution to that person who promoted injustice by cooperating with Satan to undermine Gail’s government.
28.0 President Gail issues a formal declaration of war against Jesuit COVID Agents. A Jesuit COVID agent is defined as one who willingly and knowingly violates Gail’s Conspiracy Law regarding COVID, including promoting the death shot or the Covid vaccines or promoting unnecessary social isolation protocol in order to promote hysteria and create a climate of fear that encourages people to get the death shot or discriminate against those who honor Gail’s laws.
28.1 All health care providers who promote the Covid vaccine, whether willingly or unwillingly, will lose their license to practice in their occupation. The license can be reinstated if the health care provider only practices medicine exclusively inside our National Health Care Plan, where we can execute any Jesuit COVID Agents more easily.
28.2 Any licensing agency that does not cooperate with the enforcement of Sect. 28.1 above, will be bombed, hopefully with innocents cleared first. To send a strong message that the war has started, we will bomb the CDC for continual and flagrant violations of Pres. Gail’s COVID laws.. Each bombing will be aired on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. We will try to clear innocents first. The CDC and any government health agencies that continue to promote the death shot (COVID) vaccine will continually be bombed as long as the violations continue. This means if they continue to violate my laws regarding COVID, they may have to operate in their homes! It goes without saying that we will bomb any Jesuit spacecraft we see. Then, if we must, we will bomb their homes.
28.3 For the purposes of Conspiracy Law a news organization is defined as any organization or support organization that assists the main news organization and influences at least a million people, and has the power to influence the behavior of at least a million people (this would include YouTube, Vimeo, etc. as support news organizations). A media person, (see Sect. 28.3a below) therefore, can include YouTube CEOs, executives, etc, since they are considered a support news organization and would fall under the umbrella of a news organization as defined here. Because good people rely on YouTube for many reasons, we will attempt to create a good clone version of YouTube before we bomb YouTube for flagrant violations of Gail’s laws against Jesuit vaccines. Basically, Gail has declared war on YouTube for continual and flagrant violations of her law about Covid and Jesuit vaccines. The good clone version of YouTube will be called YouTube perfectpenis. If worst comes to worst we will run that version off of the Gabrielle Chana search engine, which is available at Gail’s website YouTube may have to be significantly pared down in order for us to win this war and we will be cloning it as YouTube perfectpenis at the Gabrielle Chana search engine with Zack Knight as the CEO of YouTube perfectpenis.
28.3a Any news organization or support news organization that promotes Jesuit COVID policies will be bombed and the bombings will be shown on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (we will try to clear out innocents first). Any news reporter or broadcaster or producer or media person (see above) who promote Jesuit COVID policies will have ten percent of their income seized (if they survive the bombings) and the money given to fund the treatment for the death shots. If they don’t survive the bombings, the income can be seized from their estate. Because this is war, if we have to, we will take over all the banks and financial institutions so that we can enforce these laws. Once the media person stops the violations, we can then reinstate their income. So we will seize ten percent of a media person who promotes the death shot, that means their income, like a government tax, but will wait a month to see if they comply with our demands. If not, the income will be seized PERMANENTLY and given to fund the treatment for the death shots and any new germs that Jesuits create.
28.4 My husband Brent Spiner M.D will decide on appropriate treatments for any new germs that come about and those who disobey his recommendations, will be considered Jesuit COVID Agents for the purposes of Conspiracy Law, which means buildings bombed, fines assessed, etc.
28.5 Our military will conduct strategy targeting Jesuit COVID Agent centers and those will be bombed first, this include facilities that produce COVID vaccines, agencies that try to enforce the promotion of these COVID vaccines (CDC, FDA, etc.).
28.6 Any law enforcement that strives to violate my laws by forcing people to isolate unnecessarily or by false diagnosis of COVID (when the patient has something else) or by promoting the COVID vaccine or the wearing of masks unnecessarily and who does this willingly with the intent to violate my Conspiracy Law, will be publicly executed and their bodies burned in a huge bonfire on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. I will let my husband Brent Spiner M.D. determine whether the isolation is necessary or unnecessary or whether the wearing of masks is necessary or unnecessary and he can add more to this law for clarification. I encourage my husband to add to this law and add more stuff for clarification to assist health care providers who genuinely want to serve the public health and don’t want to promote the death shot or unnecessary health scares that only serve to line the pockets of Big Pharma.
28.7 We must take serious measures to stop this atrocity, because already millions have died from taking the death shot (i.e. Covid vaccine). So basically, the Jesuits have been using biological warfare tactics on us and we are just getting the war out into the open.
28.8 The original COVID was the same as the flu, but, unfortunately, because of the death shot, people’s immune systems have been compromised and anyone who has received the death shot must report to Walmart perfectpenis (or an equivalent facility) to receive a vaccination that helps undo the damage from the death shot. We will scan the population to see who has gotten the death shot and is suffering the effects from it. Those people will be informed that they must report to Walmart perfectpenis (or an equivalent facility) to receive the treatment shot or treatment which undoes the damage from the death shot. This treatment will be free and covered by our National Health Care Plan.
28.9 Further those who give out the death shot or who promote it, whether willingly or unwillingly, will be FINED. The amount of the fine will be ten percent of the violator’s income. The fines will be used to pay for the treatment and research to mitigate the effects of those who have received the death shot. Because we have a problem with clones, with clones impersonating good people who strive to honor my laws, if the violator is a clone of a person, then the fine will not be assessed on the authentic person. However, the violator clone must be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News and his/her body burned in a huge bonfire. We may have to do mass executions like this. In cases of severe hardship, where the person only promoted the death shot unwillingly, the fine may not be assessed. But we need to take serious measures to STOP THIS SHIT, IT HAS REALLY GOTTEN OUT OF HAND.
28.7 Any facility that gives out the death shot must be bombed, this includes doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics, etc. We will build new clinics if necessary. This SHIT MUST STOP.
Signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: May 27, 2006, (May 29, 2006 updates to Priorities 1 – 4, Priority 5 and 6), (Acceptance Speech May 30, 2006), (more updates on 6-2 and 6-3-2006), (updates on June 16, 2006), (updates on June 19, 2006). (updates on June 26, 2006), (updates on June 27, 2006), (updates on June 28, 2006 to expand CHINESE EXTERMINATION PROGRAM worldwide and for total military enforcement of ALL types of mail deliveries in FRONT LINE TERRITORIES), (updates on July 1, 2006 all satellite operations taken over by ISC), (LOYOLA ESTATES on July 14, 2006), (Communism banned in Russia on November 20, 2006, updates on November 22, 2006S), JEWISH ARMY FOR THE WRITERS’ ARMY (April 11, 2009), (updates to ENTIRE DOCUMENT on May 3, 2014), (Sect. 2 CITIZEN SCANNERS, SMART BOMBS & MISSILES primary weapon used in law enforcement and warfare to conduct a CLEAN WAR against evil Jesuits on November 1, 2015), (Sect. 2 updates to upgrade CITIZEN SCANNERS, SMART BOMBS & MISSILES to deal with transporter technology and weapons on November 2, 2015), (All weapons must be registered at Church of Gail, these include all guns, missiles, spacecraft, satellites, bombs, etc. All unregistered weapons will be removed with our SMART BOMBS, SMART MISSILES and CITIZEN SCANNERS. Our CITIZEN SCANNERS, SMART BOMBS, SMART MISSILES will be programmed to be self-replacing if they are somehow eliminated from an area. Updates to Sect. 2.1 and 2.4a on November 13, 2015), (Sect. 2.7b updates making it mandatory for the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN to be incorporated into every CITIZEN SCANNER on Nov. 19, 2015), (Sect. 3 updates on VLADIMIR PUTIN IN CHARGE OF ALL MILITARY OPERATIONS FOR ALL CONSPIRACY LAW HONORING NATIONS, AND MOST ESPECIALLY, THE UNITED STATES on October 15, 2016), (Sect. 2 updates to CITIZEN SCANNERS, SMART BOMBS & MISSILES TO INCLUDE JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNERS on Jan. 12, 2018), (Sect. 3 updates on MINI-SEROQUAKKE KING DAVID SATELLITE NETWORK laws to destroy all of Loree McBride’s satellite network on March 15, 2018), (Sect. 3 updates on Seroquakke updates for under water and underground cities and huge Loree McBride shields on March 18, 2018), (Sect. 3 updates to Seroquakke scan in all dimensions and times on March 20, 2018), (Sect. 3 updates to spherical shield around earth to eliminate BANNED PROGRAMMING, BANNED PROGRAMMING EXECUTORS and pride/money obsessed persons or Loree McBride Jesuits on March 22, 2018), (Sect. 4 & 5 updates to arrest for treason all who bring up the phony Russia collusion narrative in an attempted coup on Sept. 6, 2018), (Sect. 6 – 9 Church of Gail cities set up worldwide, homeless trained to be farmers on Sept. 24, 2018), (Sect. 10 updates for border walls constructed, Loree McBride news organizations bombed, military personnel scanned 24/7 for traitors, and death penalty to treat Russia as an enemy as long as Russia honors Empress Gail on Nov. 27, 2018), (Sect. 10.0c Empress Gail orders Poroshenko removed from power in Ukraine as a war criminal, Yulia Tymoshenko installed as interim leader while legal elections take place on Dec. 1, 2018), (April 4, 2019 GMGTOW considered Loree McBride Jesuits and must be executed AT ONCE and as soon as possible & all Loree McBride Jesuits to be executed AT ONCE and as soon as possible), (Sect. 12 Empress Gail Declares War on U.S. military under Donald Trump/Loree McBride on May 30, 2019), (Sect. 12.0 update, Loree McBride Jesuit redefined to include all who are consumed with deadly jealousy or evil rage and must be executed on June 4, 2019), (Sect. 13 update, social media and tech giants analyzed to determine if they are Loree McBride Jesuit or ENEMY, FOREIGN GOVERNMENT organizations, and if so, taken over by the government and fully regulated on June 5, 2019), (Sect. 13.4b updates to fund private media organizations like BitChute, Minds, Brighteon as government organizations that encourage freedom of speech to truth tellers on June 7, 2019), (Sect. 14 Loree McBride Jesuits redefined to include all SATAN WORSHIPPERS on Aug. 5, 2020), (Sect. 14 Loree McBride Jesuits definition further refined on Nov. 28, 2020), (Declaration of war against Loree McBride Jesuits with the term Loree McBride Jesuits redefined on Dec. 5, 2020), (Sect. 14.4 & 5 updates, DECLARATION OF WAR on SATAN WORSHIPING COUNTRIES on April 25, 2021), (Sect. 15 death penalty to promote Loree McBride’s lies about the coronavirus on May 2, 2021), (Sect. 16 Conspiracy Law honoring governments take over terrorist organizations Google, Microsoft and Apple on May 3, 2021), (Sect. 4 & 5 updates to execute for treason those who blame an innocent Russia for U.S. problems or who orchestrate Hood Mentality through propaganda on May 11, 2021), (Sect. 17 updates death penalty to promote/use Loree McBride malware on May 16, 2021), (Sect. 18 Loree McBride Jesuits assets, monies and property seized and turned over to the International Charity Bank on May 27, 2021), (Sect. 15 updates transforming dangerous vaccines to salt water and banned, death penalty and one million dollar fines to violators on June 5, 2021), (Sect. 19 Gail takes over Charter Communications and ICANN appointing Vladimir Putin as Worldwide Internet Manager on July 16, 2021), (Sect. 19 update to scan all organizations and buildings, including government buildings at all levels of government, for Jesuits, and all Loree McBride Jesuits located to be executed on July 19, 2021), (Sect. 15 updates, all coronavirus vaccines banned and DESTROYED worldwide, vaccines to be treated as deadly as ANTHRAX, with a focus on military enforcement of the ban on organizations that defy the ban on Aug. 3, 2021), (Sect. 6 to 9 updates, cancelling all eviction moratoriums for landlords and reimbursing them for rent losses sustained and set up of Church of Gail cities for the homeless and jobless on Aug. 5, 2021) ), (Sect. 20 all elections done over for any election conducted from 2017 forward, monarchs have final say in ALL MATTERS and must all pass scans before all actions to ensure they honor Conspiracy Law on Aug. 8, 2021), (Sect. 21 All American schools set up after Finland’s educational system. Covid guidelines banned and death penalty to promote them on Aug. 25, 2021), (Sect. 22 Linux Project to phase out criminal Windows operating systems on Sept. 5, 2021), (Sect. 23 Vladimir Putin is German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler German President, Reiner Fuellmich German Health Minister on Sept. 15, 2021), (Sect. 24 & 25 Parallel Universe to Defeat Loree McBride Tyranny 9-30-21), (Sect. 21.7 to 21.11 Leila Centner appointed Secretary of Education to enforce ban on Covid vax in all schools on 10-9-21), (Sect. 24.0 & 24.8a updates, Covid vaccine redefined to include all forms of experimental gene “therapy” and creating perfectpenis copies of companies needed for essential services on 10-10-21), [Sect. 25 System Restore DEATH SHOT Action Plan (Covid Pandemic, the BIG, DEADLY LIE on 10-14-21], (Sect. 15.2.1 to 15.2.6 updates to purge Loree McBride Jesuits from the military and law enforcement on 10-16-21), (Sect. 26.0 Loree McBride Jesuits are now Satan honoring Jesuits on 1-31-22), (Sect. 4.8 updates to make Putin Director of Communications and start a new search engine on 3-3-22), (Sect. 27 fake news promoters about Pres. Gail’s Cabinet members in good standing executed for treason on 3-16-22), (Sect. 6 – 9 updates to Church of Gail cities, it is now MANDATORY that all Empress Gail supporters live in Church of Gail cities, so that we can destroy effectively all of Satan’s Jesuits on March 27, 2022), (Sect. 28 Declaration of War on Jesuit COVID Promoters on Aug. 13, 2022), (Sect. 28 updates to also declare war on news organization support organizations on Aug. 17, 2022), (Sect. 19 update to also take over Comcast along with Charter Communications and ICANN with Vladimir Putin as Worldwide Internet Manager on Aug. 17, 2022).
Place: Melbourne, FL
[…] Law (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6-1), (6-2), (6-3), (6-4), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18) at the U.S. Copyright […]
[…] (9) International Military Law p. 1400 […]
[…] 11.0 The American people voted for me (Gail) as U.S. President on Nov. 8, 2016. I told the people that if they voted for Donald Trump, they voted for me. I have pretty much delegated my U.S. President job to Donald Trump, who has done a great job until now (April 8, 2018). I want to remind my followers that I instituted Vladimir Putin as the leader of the U.S. military on Oct. 15, 2016 (see Sect. 3 of INTERNATIONAL MILITARY LAW). […]
[…] NEW CONSPIRACY LAW (Sept. 18 to Sept. 24, 2018): […]
[…] to be a threat to their goals, must either live at Church of Gail or at a Church of Gail city (see Sect. 2 of International Military Law). For instance, all FOX News personnel must do all their work from inside a Church of Gail city. […]
[…] I absolutely detest using the U.S. military to finance the military/industrial complex. We only use our military to take out Loree McBride Jesuits worldwide. We allow each nation on earth to have their own autonomy with a government that honors their unique culture, so long as that country does not use sociopaths and psychopaths to support the Jesuit Order, they are free to run their country however they want. I do not take the arrogant position that the American version of Democracy is the only way to rule any country. We are in a military alliance with Russia and I absolutely will NOT tolerate anyone in my cabinet treating Russia as our enemy in any form. […]
[…] above law is taken from Conspiracy Law’s INTERNATIONAL MILITARY LAW, Sect. […]
[…] reads, that to the best of their ability they have created the scanners (as outlined in this Sect. 14 of INTERNATIONAL MILITARY LAW) to honor Gail Chord Schuler, to honor Jesus Christ and to defeat Satan and his Loree McBride […]