Only Accurate Election Results HERE (00 on cable)

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As a reminder, when Gail was the President, she installed genetic code voter ID. This is what is being used for this election. Any news source, including alternative news sources (outside of this one) that report otherwise are reporting FAKE NEWS. Brent Spiner is the President and Judge Terrance Jenkins is in charge of administering the genetic code voter ID for elections to ensure election integrity.

It appears there was a Jesuit attempt to destroy our websites this past week which has been overcome. This seems to have been an attempt to rig this election in the Jesuits’ favor. As a reminder, Gail will post law she wrote May 8, 2021 (when she was President) to remind you of proper voting procedures (see below).

Gail voted using genetic code voter ID as follows to vote for: Kay Ivey Alabama governor, Katie Britt U.S. senator, Dale Strong U.S. representative.


U.S. President Gail issued another executive order on May 8, 2021 and an update to her Conspiracy Law on proper voting for elections, specifically to Sections 8.07bbb to 8.07jjj of her document called Conspiracy Laws and Government. This law was implemented since the Federal government took over Google, Apple and Microsoft. To implement these new voter registration laws, U.S. President Gail appointed Judge Terrance Jenkins as Genetic Code Voting Administrator in charge of implementing this new method of voting for the United States. He will work with Zack Knight, who is the Big Tech Administrator to help implement these laws to prepare for major voting events.

Judge Terrance Jenkins (Harvard Law School graduate). Can hear him as the judge in the infamous 2011 Quebec trial against monster Loree McBride.

To read the entire Sect. 8 law, click here:


8.07bbb Due to Loree McBride’s use of the coronavirus to rig the U.S. 2020 mainstream news elections, President Gail makes it mandatory that all citizens of Conspiracy Law honoring country all receive a genetic ID and to have this genetic ID entered in a federal database that registers all the legal citizens of that country. A genetic ID is necessary because Jesuits have created clones of authentic persons and these criminals and illegals vote in elections and have their votes count as the authentic person that they impersonate. A genetic ID can differentiate between various clones and the authentic person and is better than a signature (because signatures are easily counterfeited with advanced Jesuit technology and because all clones can make an accurate counterfeit signature of the person they impersonate, because they receive the memories of the person they impersonate).


8.07bbb(2) Furthermore, due to at least half the world becoming literally retarded as a result of taking Loree McBride’s coronavirus vaccines, everyone must be scanned to determine their IQ and MENTAL STATE, and those who have an IQ less than 80 and/or are UNWILLING AGENTS are not eligible to vote or to hold any government office, such as governor, congressman, politician, judge, etc. Because there are so many retards in the world today, this is a delicate matter and must be handled wisely. Those who are retarded and hold a government office but support Gail and her Conspiracy Law, will be allowed to be the spokesperson for the real person who has replaced them in their office but cannot create any laws or pass any edicts or actions without the written approval of the real office holder and if they do pass any edicts or actions without the written approval of the real office holder, they will be publicly executed. UNWILLING AGENTS cannot be the spokesperson for any government official however, since they are considered clinically insane for all intents and purposes.

8.07bbb(3) Because it may be difficult to convince a retarded person, who became retarded because of the coronavirus vaccine that they are indeed retarded, they will be given a voter ID without a genetic code embedded into it, which will make it invalid and not workable for any elections. To make them feel better, when they show up to vote, the person who processes the votes, will just ignore the invalid voter ID (without a genetic code embedded into it) and not let the retard know that their vote did not count. We use the same technique to eliminate UNWILLING AGENTS and Loree McBride Jesuits from the vote. We don’t want to waste our time fighting with these folks, so this is probably the best way to handle their votes when they show up to vote. But we cannot have a world run by retards and this is what will happen if we allow retards to have voting rights.

8.07ccc The genetic ID will be obtained through scans which can be obtained through the equivalent of that person’s social security card or driver’s license ID or vehicle registration ID for his/her country, state or province. If a person does not have a social security card, driver’s license or vehicle registration ID, they will be supplied with a citizen ID card, which all people must have to be able to vote because this is necessary to put their genetic code into the national database of citizens. All social security cards, driver’s license IDs or vehicle registration IDs or citizen ID cards must be set up to embed a person’s genetic code into their ID card. This code will also be entered into a national database. Our federal scanners must be set up to switch out all social security IDs, driver’s license IDs, vehicle registration IDs and/or citizen IDs with IDs embedded with that citizen’s genetic code.

8.07ddd These 8.07 laws do not replace the current voting laws as described in this Sect. 8, but rather supplement them. When it is time to vote, the person can choose either online, by mail, absentee ballot or in person. Those who vote online, must have their computers or phones set up with genetic scanners that will scan them at the time they vote to identify them as a legal citizen and then to enter their vote (not by name, but by GENETIC CODE). Their genetic code, not their name, is their ID!!

8.07eee As a way to help us execute Loree McBride Jesuits, the computer scanner will be set up to identify Loree McBride Jesuits (and because genetic code is the ID, clones should be identified readily) and alert authorities that they dared to show their face in front of a computer with a scanner in a Conspiracy Law honoring country and they will be arrested and/or executed as soon as possible. It goes without saying, that no vote from a Loree McBride Jesuit counts in a Conspiracy Law honoring country, since no Loree McBride Jesuit can have legal citizenship in a Conspiracy Law honoring country.

8.07fff Those who vote online will have their computer (already outfitted to scan for their genetic code and to scan their IQ and MENTAL STATE) and only computers (including phones with computers used) so outfitted can be used for online voting purposes. The voter will visit an authorized website for voting purposes where they can fill out the ballot online and by using the authorized computer and website with the appropriate scanner (as defined in this Sect. 8/07) there is no need for a signature since their genetic code is their signature. Once that genetic code has voted, the vote can only count once and it’s entered into the federal database and this prevents one vote counting more than once. This procedure where genetic codes replace signatures (as outlined in this Sect. 8.07) must be used by all states or provinces in a Conspiracy Law honoring country, NO EXCEPTIONS. The advantage to this method is that there is no need to enter an address, phone number and other information which is used by Jesuits to dox innocent people and expose their private information online, supposedly to ensure elections are fair and legal. Once a person’s genetic code is entered into the federal database and we’ve scanned them to determine they are legal citizens of that country, that’s all that is needed, as long as they give us a working email and/or mailing address (the mailing address can even be a P.O. Box) and/or phone that we can use to contact them. As long as we have sufficient contact information, the voter does not have to give us their life history to vote. Using the genetic code as ID makes things a lot simpler and more streamlined. It’s pretty tacky now that many states allow voter’s addresses and phone numbers to be displayed publicly just for exercising their right to vote!

8.07fff(1) All who vote, including Gail and all those in her Cabinet, regardless of voting method, must have their IQs and MENTAL STATE scanned at the time they vote, since a person’s IQ and MENTAL STATE can change, depending on whether they received a coronavirus vaccine and other factors. If their IQ falls below 80 or they are an UNWILLING AGENT, the scanner will remove the genetic code embedded on their voter ID or make the voter ID invalid somehow, so that the vote will not count.

8.07fff(1) U.S. President Gail Chord Schuler, and those who live on Church of Gail spaceship #3 will all vote online and fill out ballots online for security purposes from this day forward. Gail and those who live on Church of Gail will have their computers outfitted to scan their genetic codes, to ensure that no imposter is in front of that computer trying to vote for that genetic code. They can find the appropriate ballot for their district when it’s time to vote and submit that ballot to and then their votes will be entered into the federal database for their genetic code and THEY HAVE VOTED safely, privately and securely and their voting results will be forwarded to the appropriate district or state as needed. Gail could make a screenshot of a ballot for her county, and then blacken the appropriate ovals and submit it online to her men at and her vote will then be entered into the federal database and be counted in a manner that does not force her to disclose her address and phone number to Loree McBride’s voting authorities who’d then release this information to the public online.

8.07ggg All programmers who program the federal citizenship database of genetic codes used for voting purposes must be under 24/7 scans to ensure they are willingly complying with Conspiracy Law and entering accurately all voting records from all states and provinces. All such programmers must be scanned 24/7 to ensure they meet the requirements to be a government official, that they have an IQ of at least 80 and are not willing Loree McBride Jesuits or UNWILLING AGENTS. To willingly and illegally cause votes to count more than once or to be omitted or included in violation of Conspiracy Law will be death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Some votes are omitted legally, read all of this Sect. 8 for more info on this. Also, to willingly program any scanner that determines MENTAL STATE, IQ or eligibility to vote in a manner that violates Conspiracy Law (like making the scanner inaccurate or to lie about the scan results) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator and they will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.

8.07hhh Those who vote by mail or absentee, will have their ballots set up to scan their genetic code and IQ and MENTAL STATE (see Sect. 8.07hhh1) as they fill out the form and this genetic code will also be embedded into the ballot if the voter meets the IQ and other requirements to be eligible to vote. Each ballot will have a unique identifying marker, so that they cannot be cloned with counterfeit ballots. This will set up a notification in the federal database that this eligible genetic code has filled out a ballot (with each ballot having a unique identifying code) and to expect their vote to arrive at the designated address where the ballot is to be mailed. The envelope provided for that ballot must be used, because that envelope is designed to ensure that the ballot is not opened until it reaches its address. If the ballot is opened or tampered with while it is being mailed, scanners will pick up that the ballot has been tampered with and it is automatically considered invalid and that person (if an eligible voter) will be notified and that person must vote online or in person as outlined in this Sect. 8.07. When their ballot reaches the address specified, a scanner will scan to see if the genetic code of the ballot matches what we have in the federal database for that particular ballot (with its unique identifying marker) and if it passes this security check (including checking the IQ and MENTAL STATE on the ballot to ensure that the IQ is 80 or above and that they are not an UNWILLING AGENT), then the ballot will be scanned and the votes for that eligible genetic code will be entered into the federal database of votes. The results will then be forwarded to the state or province where the votes will be counted, using the federal database programming.

8.07hhh(1) Also, if the mail-in ballot does not reach its address and somehow gets lost, the eligible voter will be notified and instructed to vote online or in person, because somehow their vote did not reach the address specified for their vote to be entered into the federal database. An eligible voter is defined as a voter who has an IQ of 80 or above at the time they vote, is not a willing Loree McBride Jesuit or an UNWILLING AGENT. An UNWILLING AGENT is defined as a person who does not have enough control over their own autonomy and decision making and mental functions to be able to vote or conduct themselves as they would if they had complete control over their own autonomy, decisions and mental functions. If the control exerted over the person is strong enough to influence them to vote contrary to how they’d vote without that influence, then they are an UNWILLING AGENT. This means someone who shows up to vote intoxicated, under strong brain control or under the influence of narcotics or has a mental illness such as schizophrenia that makes them incapable of sound judgment, may be considered an UNWILLING AGENT. Scanners that scan voters as they vote must be set up to detect IQ, detect if the voter is an UNWILLING AGENT, and detect if the voter is a clone or willing Loree McBride Jesuit. The scan to determine if someone is an UNWILLING AGENT is called the MENTAL STATE SCAN.

8.07iii Those who vote in person, will enter a voting booth where their genetic code and IQ and MENTAL STATE is scanned and entered into the federal database as they fill out the ballot at the voting booth. The voting booths at all voting stations in a Conspiracy Law honoring country must be set up with genetic code and IQ and MENTAL STATE scanners. So let’s say an illegal enters that voting booth and his genetic code cannot be found in the federal database, that vote will not count and he/she made a wasted trip. Even worse, he/she may have the authorities on him/her to arrest him as an illegal or Loree McBride Jesuit trying to vote! Also, once a vote for a genetic code is entered into the federal database, it cannot be counted more than once, which eliminates a lot of voting fraud.

8.07iii(1) If any news outlet reports voting results other than those released from our authorized federal database with the intent to honor Loree McBride and Satan as world leaders, that news outlet, after innocents are cleared out, will be bombed and taken down and all those willingly involved in this fraud will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.

8.07jjj You might say why is it necessary for people to have driver’s license IDs, social security cards, etc., if their genetic code is their ID? The reason for this is to transition to this new method of voting and these forms of ID will help the transition to be accomplished more smoothly. Also, because all these forms of ID must be switched out with the new versions with embedded genetic codes as ID, it will be easier to identify and eliminate any Loree McBride Jesuits inside our Conspiracy Law honoring countries.

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